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no Task Completed remark

1 Take Full catalog backup

2 Stop Ops center

3 Deactivate all SLPs.

Deactivate all policies.
Deactivate all disk staging storage units.
nbdevconfig -changestate -stype BasicDisk -state DOWN -dp <DSSU_Name>
4 Determine the number of images on your system that need their image meta data
migrated by running the following command
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimagelist -idonly -d "01/01/1970
00:00:00" | %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\find.exe /C " ID: "
Unix:-/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -idonly -d "01/01/1970
00:00:00" | wc -l
5 Stop Netbackup

6 Check consistency of Netbackup and EMM database
7 Upgrade NBU to 7.5
Start the installation with the downloaded setup file.
Important note:- During the upgrade, make sure that you take the following
action toprevent job-related NetBackup services from starting immediately after
you finish the upgrade.

On the Symantec NetBackup Installation Type screen, select Custom.

On the NetBackup Services screen, remove the check mark next to the option
Start job-related NetBackup services following installation.
8 Apply the patch from the downloaded file.

9 Restart the Netbackup

install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpup –f

After Netbackup is restarted, phase 1 of the image metadata migration

Start the NetBackup Administration Console and open the ActivityMonitor.

11 To start phase 2 of the image metadata migration, run the following clean-up
command and wait for the image clean-up job to complete
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimage -cleanup
Use the Activity Monitor to view the progress. If the clean-up job completes with
a status of zero, proceed to the next step.
If the job status is not zero, do the following:
■ On Windows systems:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings
-brief -machinename masterservername

If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = "0", phase 2 has completed.

You can proceed to the next step.

If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = "1" or if no result appears,

phase 2 has not completed.

You must re-run bpimage -cleanup -allclients and wait for it to complete.
Then, re-run nbemmcmd -listsettings -brief -machinename

If the result still shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = "1" or if no result appears,

contact Symantec Technical Support.
On Windows systems:
Examine all files in the directory and if necessary, contact Symantec Technical
Support for assistance.

12 Wait for both phase 1 and phase 2 migrations to complete.

■ On Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -listsettings
-brief -machinename masterservername

If the result shows SLP_DSSU_MIGRATION_STATE="1", phase 1 has completed.

If the result shows SLP_DSSU_MIGRATION_STATE="0", phase 1 has not completed.
If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = "0", phase 2 has completed.
If the result shows LIST_FS_IMAGE_HEADERS = "1" or if no result appears,
phase 2 has not completed.
13 Upgrade the Media servers

14 Reactivate the following in the order as shown:

All disk staging storage units.
All NetBackup policies.
Start Ops center.
15 Monitor Netbackup for 24 hours make sure there is no abnormal activities..

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