Definitions of Prophet Proposed by Mirza Jhelumi Are Not Applicable On Holy Prophet.

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Definitions Of Prophet by
Mirza Jhelumi are not
applicable on Holy
Greatest Conspiracy of Mirza Jhelumi against
Holy Prophet [PBUH] exposed

Mirza:Jhelumi1: has mentioned some definitions of a Prophet , but some of them are not applicable
on Holy Prophet S:allallahu ‘:Alaihi Va Sallama. A Critique of the definitions of Prophet as according to
Mirza: Jhelumi.
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Does Mirza: Jhelumi: really believe that Holy Prophet is a Prophet.


It has long been suspected that Mirza: Jhelumi agrees with Shaikh: ‘Ah:mad secretly that Holy Prpphet is
not a historical figure [‘Astagh:farullah Va Na’:u:dh:ubillah].

How ever as per his claim , he appears to be a believer and he seems to believe in the Prophethood of
Holy Prophet.

His case is quite similar if not exactly similar to the case of Shaikh: ‘Ah:mad who claims to believe in
Sacred Qur’a:n yet actually disbelieve in It.

Similarly Mr Jhelumi seems to believe in Sacred Qur’a:n and Holy ‘Ah:adith: but he disbelieves in the

Mirza: Jhelumi: openly claims to believe in the prophethood of Holy Prophet [PBUH] but is also creating
doubts in the mind of his students, followers and regular listeners about the Holy Prophethood of Holy

So we request all the readers to read our research about the doubts created by Mirza: Jhelumi: about
the Prophethood of Holy Prophet and then decide themselves , whether we have provided sufficient
proves and convincing argumentations on the claim that Mirza: Jhelumi: does not believe in the
Prophethood of Holy Prophet according to his own sentences uttered by himself through his own

This is discussed in several preliminaries.

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First Preliminary

According to the Axioms of ‘Isla:m [ Necessities of ‘Isla:m] Muh:ammad [PBUH] is a Prophet /Nabi: .

According to the Axioms of ‘Isla:m Muh:ammad [PBUH] is a Rasu:l /Apostle/Messenger.

So any one who says that Heis a Prophet but not an Apostle/Messenger is a Ka:fir.

Similarly if it is supposed that some one says that He is an Apostle/ a Messenger but not a Prophet is
also a Ka:fir, and in addition speaks some thing self contradictory if he used the ‘Isla:mic definitions of
there terms. But this self contradiction cannot save the person from Kufr.

Second Preliminary
According to ;Isla:mic nomenclature Rasu:l is a Particlular type of Nabi: .

So Every Rasu:l [Apostle/Messenger] is a Nabi: [Prophet] but not every Nabi: is a Rasu:l.

With this principle the following sentence is logically false and rationally untrue:-

Some Rusul [Apostles/Messengers] are not ;Anbia:’[Sing: Nabi:,Prophets].

So All Apostles/Messengers are Prophets , but Not all Prophets are Apostles/Messengers.

This proves with certainly and certitude that a messenger / an Apostle is a particular case of a Prophet.

So Prophet is the general case and Apostle/Messenger is the particular case .

If a person is A Prophet then he is either a Rasu:l or not a Rasu:l.

If a person is a Rasu:l then he is necessarily a Prophet.

Third preliminary
As Holy Prophet [PBUH] is a Rasu:l/Messenger /an Apostle then the definition of the Rasu:l must be true
on him. Any definition suggested by any one who so ever he may be , if not true on him then it is wrong
and incorrect.

Similarly Holy Prophet is a Prophet, so any definition of Prophet must necessarily be true on him.

Holy prophet is called a Nabi: in Verse 66:1

O Prophet (Nabi:), why do you prohibit [yourself from] what Allah has made lawful for you,
seeking the approval of your wives? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

If a definition of the term Prophet is not true on Holy prophet then the definition is wrong and incorrect.

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It is beyond the scope of this research to provide definition of these terms, But the scope of this
research is to shew that Mirza: jhelumi: has coined such definitions of the term Prophet, that Holy
Prophet cannot be a Prophet , if these definitions are true.

An other approach to the criticism is that Mirza: jhelumi has mischievously imposed such conditions ,in
the definitions of the ‘Isla:mic term Prophet, which are not satisfied by Holy Prophet
[Na’:u:dh:ubillah/’Astagh:farullah]. This proves with certainty that Mirza: Jhelumi: is trying to create
doubts about the prophethood of our Holy Prophet.

Fifth preliminary

In this preliminary we shall discuss the definitions of Nabi: [pl:’Anbia:’/Prophet] given by Mirza: Jhelumi
and then attempt to apply it on Holy Prophet Muh:ammad [PBUH, 571 CE-632 CE].

Please see his definitions and expressions on the following links:-

0:02 to 1:37

{The True Muslim Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza}

A Short Video Clip from 08-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali
Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 13-May-2018)

Complete lecture :

0:02 to 1:37

{The True Muslim Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza}

A Short Video Clip from 08-ILMI-o-Tahqeeqi MAJLIS (Open Q & A Session) with Engineer Muhammad Ali
Mirza Bhai (Recorded on 13-May-2018)

Complete lecture :

First Definition.

Nabi: jo ho:ta: hae , ‘us ka: ‘Inka:r kerne: me:n: ‘:Adh:a:b e ‘Isti:s:a:l Dunya: me:n: nahi:n: , ‘Ata:,
‘A:kh:rat me:n: ‘A:ta: hae.------ Sentence A1 [SA1]

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‘Anbia:’ [Sing Nabi: , Prophets] are those who invite only, they do not say , if [you] do not believe in us
then [you] shall perish, like Yusuf ‘:Alaihis Salam.,,,, --------------------------SA2


If Holy Prophet is a Prophet according to this definition then Holy Prophet only invited people, and if this
definition is correct then Holy Prophet did not say to people . if you do not believe in me , you would

The opposite sense [‘Al mafhu:m ‘Al Mukh:a:lif] is that a Rasu:l [Apostle/Messenger] is one who not only
inviteth but saith :”If ye do not believe in me then you shall perish, (a warning).

This opposite sense is confirmed by Mirza: Jhelumi: himself when he says:-

“Rasu:l who hota he jis ke: sa:th ‘ALL-H Va’:i:d bhi Na:zil kerta: hae”.----- SA3Translation “Rasu:l
is he with whom God [‘-LL-H/’ALL-h] {also} Maketh to descend a warning [ Va’:id].”----SA4
This means that according to the definitions of Mirza: Jhelumi: , if Holy Prophet [PBUH] is
a Prophet then He is not a Rasu:l and if Holy Prophet is a Rasu:l then He is not a
Prophet /Nabi:.
But as Holy Prophet is both a Nabi: and a Rasu:l then both of definitions proposed by
Mirza: Jhelumi: implies a Logical Contradiction.
This does mean that Mirza: Jhelumi: is trying to make doubts about the Prophethood of
Holy Prophet for some reasons. Any how if the definitions proposed by Mirza: Jhelumi: are
not applicable to Holy Prophet and if Holy Prophet is not a Prophet according to Jhelumi:
Definition then this means that Mirza: Jhelumi: is making a tendency in the minds of his
students to disbelieve in the Prophethood of Holy Prophet. There is no other possibility,
which can be accepted by a Muslim , for this evil act of Mirza: Jhelumi: .
Second Jhelumi: Definition

Nabi: jo hae Already Shari:’:at wa:le: Nabi: ka Mujaddid Ban ker ‘A:ta: hae.


“Nabi: [Prophet] is he who comes , by becoming a Reformer of an already Law Bearing

Prophet”-------------------------------------------------------- SA6


As Holy Prophet is a Prophet then according to this definition it is implied that Holy Prophet is a
Mujaddid of some one other than him , who is a Bearer of law.[ Astagh:farullah and

If Holy Prophet is not a Mujaddid /Reformer of any other law Bearer Prophet , and this is the case
with certainty then the definition of Mirza: Jhelumi: is wrong and incorrect..

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Mirza: Jhelumi: must repend from this mischief , and should proof his faith by accepting his conspiracy
against the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet. He must accept that it is a Cufr, to preach a definition of
Nabi: that is not applicable to the Holy Prophet Himself.

Sixth Preliminary
It must be noted once for all times that if Mirza: jhelumi: was a believer in the Prophethood of Holy
Prophet then he would have stated the difinitions of Nabi: and Rasu:l in such a way that both definitions
would have been correct on Holy Prophet.

He would have explained to his blind students that the definitions of Nabi: he provided can applied to
Holy Prophet since Holy Prophet is a Nabi: as well as a Rasu:l.

Mirza: Jhelumi: does use the word Nabi: for our Holy Prophet , but mischievously provides a definition of
Nabi: , which is not applicable to Holy Prophet.

It may be the case that Mirza: Jhelumi: is of the view that Muh:ammad [PBUH ] is a Rasu:l but not a
Nabi: [Na’:udh:ubillah ]. So this heresy and apostasy is unique and we accuse him for this heresy.

It is the case that Mirza Jhelumi: makes confusion in the minds of his listeners. By Providing deinitions of
Nabi: which are incorrect and wrong Mirza Jhelumi: compel the minds of his followers to conceive
doubts and suspicions in the Prophethood of Holy Prophet. Mirza Jhelumi: uses the word Nabi: for Holy
Prophet only to make a false defence [Addifa:’: ‘Al Ba:t:il], if some one detects this mischievous
conspiracy in his definitions and expressions.

Any apology of Mirza: jhelumi: is unacceptable and we demand that he must declare a Taubah
immediately and prove his ‘Ima:n/faith.

No false defense of his mischievousness in regard to wrong definitions and incorrect expressions of
Prophet and Rasu:l is acceptable.

Otherwise we shall consider him as a not - Muslim.

Seventh Preliminary
Actually Mirza: jhelumi: is playing a game.

As Rasu:l is a special case of Nabi:, then it means that there are to types of Nabi: .

Nabi:[‘Anbia:’] who are Rasu:l and ‘Anbiah:’ who are not Rasu:l.

Mirza: jhelumi: is trying to use the definitions of Nabi: Gha:ir Rasu:l for the definition of Nabi: . This is
very dangerous thing.

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Eighth Preliminary
Mathematically if a is a Set of all Prophets and B is a Set of all
Apostles/Messengers then
B is a proper subset of A.
A-B is a set of all Prophets who are Not Rasu:l
As B is a Set of all Rusul then it is a set of All Prophets who are
also Apostles/Messengers.
Any definition of Prophet should be applicable to all Rusul as
well. Additional conditions may be imposed to define Rasu:l
but these additional conditions must not contradict the
definition of prophet so that A Rasu:l is a prophet by

Ninth Preliminary
It is beyond the scope of this research , to define the terms Nabi: [Pl: ‘Anbia:’, Prophet] and Rasu:l [Pl: Rusul,

But it is provided to shew that the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi: may understand these concepts.

Nabi: [Pl: ‘Anbia:’, Prophet]

A Nabi: is a man upon whom G-d revealed his Verbal Speech .

Rasu:l [Pl:Rusul. Apostle/Messenger]

A Rasu:l is a Nabi: who received something like a Book of Divine Speech or a Divine Law [Shari’:ah] or a Warning or A
revelation of Divine Speech with the word ‘Send, ‘Arsalna:’ is descended upon the Nabi: .

There is no Prophet After Holy Prophet that is Holy Prophet is the Last and Final Prophet.

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Hence there is no Rasu:l after Him as well.

This means that a Rasu:l is a Nabi: with some especial tasks or orders. But these tasks are not necessary so for a Nabi: that is
why A Rasu:l is a Nabi: .

It must be noted that this discussion is on the terminological meanings , so the word Rasu:l /Rusul if used in the literal
meaning is not considered.

Tenth Preliminary

In some definitions provided by some scholars , they have said some expressions , which may
make a fallacy , that both the terms are not applicable simultaneously on Holy prophet.

In such cases we interpret such expressions with an understood condition of “Not Necessary”
to solve the problem generated by such expressions. It is possible that Mirza: Jhelumi: may
use this thing to defend himself from the accusations stated above.

But this defense is a lame excuse in case of Mirza: Jhelumi: .

1) Mirza: Jhelumi: has clear inclinations towards denouncers of the Finality of Holy
2) Mirza: Jhelumi: has even said about the denouncers of the Finality of Holy Prophet
that they believe in Him as the last Prophet yet claim an ‘Ummati: Nabi: [a communal
Prophet]. For this absolutely wrong sentence, he cannot be given any benefit of
3) He has used the word paigh:ambar to confuse the meaning of Nabi: .
4) He did not said for a single time that “All prophets are Apostles/Messengers” .If he
would have said it in the lecture stated above he might have been given a benefit of
It is Possible that Mirza: jhelumi: may refer to his some other lecture , that in that
lecture he has said that “All Apostles/Messengers are Prophet” , has he is accustomed
and habitual to make a defense , when his apostasy is determined and identified.
It is reported by several scholars that Mirza: jhelumi: used this trick to make a false
defense of his apostate views and ideas, when he was questioned.
But this is his conspiracy. The question is if he is successful to point at such
expressions in some different lecture, then why he did not mentioned such an
important thing at its proper place. Is he so nescient that he did not know , what
concepts would be generated by his innocent negligence.
5] It is possible that Mirza: jhelumi: is of the view in heart that All Prophets are
Apostles /Messengers but not all Messengers/Apostles are Prophet.
In this case he might be making grounds toexpress his this apostate belief.
See the work :The Difference Between Nabi and Rasul by Khurshid Imam.

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(PDF) Difference between Nabi and Rasul | khurshid imam ... › Difference_between_Nabi_and_Rasul
In this work the above stated author try to prove that all Messengers/Apostles are
Prophets but not all Prophets are Messengers/Apostles.
This is something against all Ahlussunnah.
Khurshid Imam has confused between the literal and terminological use of the the
word Rasu:l.
How ever Mirza: Jhelumi: is cleaver enough to deny aur suggestion that he is inclined
towards Khurshid Imam.
But as his lectures and definitions are extremely problematic and and Mirza: Jhelumi:
is found guilty of strange types of excuses , like “I have explained this thing at some
other place etc.” and as he is a habitual maker of lame excuses , such excuses are
6] Mirza: Jhelumi: is not a researcher but please allow me to say that he deceives his
students and audience , speaking false sentences , misguiding and misinforming them
deliberately , any fear of G-d.
An example of it is in the following link:-

The author is “Ahlussunnah and cannot say any thing against
the fundamental Axioms of ‘Ahlussunnah. How ever Author is
not responsible for any distort of Meaning due to errors by
the typist.
A simple request to the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi:.
He is playing with the Axioms and fundamentals of “Isla:m.
How many proofs do you require to make you realise that
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apostate and heretic of of Jhelum is just an other deceiver ,

who deceives in the name of Sectless ‘Isla:m . Please listen to
his lectures and analyse your selves .
He is playing with the Axioms and fundamentals of “Isla:m.
How many proofs do you require to make you realise that
apostate and heretic of of Jhelum is just an other deceiver ,
who deceives in the name of Sectless ‘Isla:m . Please listen to
his lectures and analyse your selves .
A simple request to the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi:
The author is “Ahlussunnah and cannot say any thing against
the fundamental Axioms of ‘Ahlussunnah. How ever Author is
not responsible for any distort of Meaning due to errors by
the typist.
A simple request to the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi:.
He is playing with the Axioms and fundamentals of “Isla:m.
How many proofs do you require to make you realise that
apostate and heretic of of Jhelum is just an other deceiver ,
who deceives in the name of Sectless ‘Isla:m . Please listen to
his lectures and analyse your selves .
He is playing with the Axioms and fundamentals of “Isla:m.
How many proofs do you require to make you realise that

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apostate and heretic of of Jhelum is just an other deceiver ,

who deceives in the name of Sectless ‘Isla:m . Please listen to
his lectures and analyse your selves .
A simple request to the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi:

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