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Theme I-About education

Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use
their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of
education. Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and
obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. However, the process
of education does not only start when a child first attends school. Education begins at
home. One does not only acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and
receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even an acquaintance. In
almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital
and necessary if one wants to achieve success.

However, unfortunately we have places in the world, where not everyone has
an opportunity to receive this formal type of education. The opportunities that are
offered are greatly limited. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide
schooling.This is the case of many countries like those from the African continent or
India.Poverty in the 1st place plays a very important role,maybe the most important.

Due to financial problems many children that are living in Africa or India can't
afford to go to a school even for the primary grades.In consequence a large percent of
the populations from those countries is illiterate.This is the most sad aspect.In
contrast,other countries have a free-of-tax school-system which allows children to go
to school without paying an annual tax or tuition.Other countries have a general good
financial situation that allows parents to send their children to school.
And,the top ranked education systems are the elite ones which charges the
parents or the student(depending on who is paying) with sums that start from 30.000
$,CHF,GBP and other currencies.As an example,the Glion School of Hospitality from
Switzerland charges the payers of the taxes with around 36.000 CHF per year.Of
course,with this amount of money the students receive the finest education in classes
that variate from simple economics to wine tasting,cooking,cleaning,driving and
finally,how to be in charge of a hotel.
Education is not a process that starts from the moment you sit in the bench of
the school and ends in the moment you walk-out.Education is perpetual process that
starts from your early years of life.You receive education from your parents,you learn
thing by yourself(a glimpse of early auto-education) and by the time you become
aware of who you are,what you like,what you would like to do in life it starts,or it
should be starting the auto-education process.This process implies only you with your
interests,desires,questions and desire to learn.It may be for example a curiosity for
literature.In consequence you start reading by yourself the genres that you like.It may
be history,not the one you were taught in school,in consequence you start to
search,find and learn history from diverse sources such as books,internet,etc.
Even though,as mentioned in the early paragraphs,education presumes the
financial aspect if by anyway this aspect is overcame education is the most beautiful
thing because once you overcame the financial problem is free.The only thing that
you are paying with is your time and to be honest,when you're young,you have plenty
of it.You never use your time at a maximum potential.
Education with its tools its a bigger tool.It allows you to become what you
want.It allows to fulfill you dreams,to become who you want to be.You want to be an
advocate,you start to learn from point 0 to the point where you already became a very
good advocate.You want to be a doctor,the same.You start learning and you never
stop.This is the other beautiful thing about education.It starts but it never ends.It's
The question that is put over and over again is this:why is that so few people
achieve success in life and become what they dreamed in their childhood to be?The
tools they need have already been given to them:their mind,their body,their eyes,the
opportunity.I guess it will remain and unanswered question.
Theme II-Nobody is above the law

Different states and different times have seen widely varying views on the
power of the executive, and the rights of the people. Most ancient nations subscribed
to the opinion that the ruler was largely above the law. The concept varied somewhat,
for example, in Egypt, the Pharaoh's every word constituted a new legal
pronouncement, while in Mesopotamia, the King typically issued law codes that were
seen as being the will of the gods. Thus, in the lands along the Tigris and Euphrates,
there were some limits to royal authority in so far as both king and subject were
ultimately bound by the same commandments, but still, interpretation of the divine
will lay in the hands of the King, for it was he who was normally high priest of the
gods. Later, in certain Greek city states, such as Athens, the entire population of free
men was held to constitute the government.
Later,things evolved and the many different opinions appeared.For
example,Charles de Secondat,baron de Montesquieu mentioned regularly as
Montesquieu issued this phrase:”The people have the power to elect but they don't
have the power to rule themselves.”
If you analyze it you will you will understand that it's true.However,this doesn't
mean that people should elect their leaders and in consequence the leaders should
whatever they want with the power which have been given to them.Leaders should
permanently be aware of the fact that they are elected by people to pursue the nations
Of course that,in theory this sounds beautiful and of course that is a utopic
desire.People aren't the way they were supposed to be and pure power when is given
into the hands of the few is a very dangerous tool.The power,especially the political
power has the “gift” of blinding the people that have it.
There are hundreds,thousands of book written about the political power and in
contrast the same amount of books written about the danger of people having to much
Very often,and history taught us this fact,people make about of their
power.This is the case of totalitarianism systems such as Germany ruled by
Hitler,Italy with Mussolini,China with Mao,Cuba with Fidel Castro and so on.
This people abused not only the power that they had but millions of people and
lives.They have broken the law,the human rights,the human being and many other
aspects of existence only because they had too much power.The famous
quote:”Nobody is above the law” applied for them only in theory.
In consequence,we as people,we must learn,and we must learn for good
that,nobody is above the law and if a situation like those mentioned above will
happen or tend to happen we,as people we must take action to avoid such unfortunate
events to happen again.
History only repeats itself because people don't learn from it.

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