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Thursday, March 8th, 2018

Dars-e-Quran (Week 1)
Teacher: Imam Asim Hussain

• Skype proves Hazir & Nazir which is manmade.

• What is the maqam of Rohaaniyaat (in comparison to man-made
Hazir & Nazir)?
• What does the word Quran mean?
o Some Ulema says Quran is Mazdar, which comes from the
root Qara’a & Yaqra’ao
o Sayings (stories) of the past which are gathered together,
called the Quran.
o The Quran is a complete and unique book
o Other Ulema say the word quran is Ismu Alam (Specific
Unique Proper Noun).

o Technically the Quran is Kalaam-ul-Allah which was sent

to the Prophet SAW. Whether it was through Angel Gibreel
or Directly.
• The Quran is Mass-Transmitted (Al Mankool Bit-Tawattur)
• So many people have memorized it in different parts of the
world that is undeniable that is the Divine Revelation
• Kalaam is a Sifat of Allah
o Allah is Qadeem (Eternal)
o Quran is the divine attribute which is also eternal
o The Quran has been with Allah and revealed at the proper
o Not created (Ghayr Makhlooq)
o Imam Ahmed fought against the Mu’tazilites who believed
that the Quran is created.
Thursday, March 8th, 2018

o The speech of Allah is not created; however, it is Divine

and Eternal.
o Allah is independent and thus are his attributes.
• The Quran starts with Surah Al-Fatiha and ends with Surah An-
• The Quran is divided into 30 sections (Juz)
o Each section is divided into quarters
o There are 114 Surahs in the Quran
o 6236 verses in the Quran
o The Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years
o It was revealed in portions and not as a whole.
o The Quran is the greatest living miracle of the Prophet
SAW. (Mu’jizah)
o The merciful Himself taught the quran to our Nabi SAW
(reference: Surah Rahman)
▪ Syedina Gibreel only delivered the message however,
Nabi SAW was the first recipient.
▪ Syedina Gibreel did not know the meaning of the
Huroof e Muqatta’aat (Alif Laam Meem etc..); Allah
and His messenger know the meaning
▪ Nabi AS was taught the Quran which was then taught
to the Sahaba amongst the whom the top students were
Khulafaa Ar-Rashidoon.
▪ The first Verses revealed were Iqra (Read!), In the
name of your Lord.
▪ The mount of Hira is where the first verses were
revealed. (Nabi SAW was 40 years old)
▪ Nabi SAW replied I am not a reader; which does
NOT imply that he didn’t know how to read, yet he
chose not to read.
Thursday, March 8th, 2018

▪ Nabi SAW only Read after he was told to Read in the

Name of His Lord.
▪ Nabi SAW said Cover me, Cover me once he reached
his home because was in awe.
▪ This is when the Mission of our Beloved SAW began,
to call people towards the Quran.
▪ Reading is a form of education
▪ Through reading a person’s knowledge expands.

End of Dars 1

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