Assignment #9 What Were The Causes of The Russian Revolution?

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Marking Period 3 

Assignment #9 - What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? 
EQ: ​How do unresolved conflicts affect future events? 
FQ: ​What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? 
Due:April 30,2020 11:59 pm 
Today’s Learning Target​: I can describe the causes of the Russian Revolution 
Today’s Vocabulary​: 
Czar​: synonym for king  Bloody Sunday​: 1/22/1905  Emancipation Manifesto​: a 
workers were protesting at the  document that freed all of the 
czar’s palace. They were  23 million serfs in Russia 
attacked (300 were wounded) 
and many were killed by the 
police and Russian soldiers 

Task​: ​Read the letter below and complete the questions that follow.​  

1. Who wrote this letter? 2. Who was the audience  3. When was this letter 
  for this letter?   written? What was 
happening in the world 
at that time? 
The soldiers.  The audience is the war  The letter was written in 
Minister and head  1917,during WWI 
4. Why do you think this  5. Based on this letter, what problems existed in Russia 
letter was written?  in 191 
I think this letter was  Based on this letter Russia was facing economic problems. 
written because there 
was a lot of damage and 
plenty of people were 
Task​: Watch the video here and complete the questions below.  
The Russian Revolution 
1. What are the THREE major reasons for unrest in Russia during World War I? 
Answer​:The Three major reasons for unrest in Russia during World War I is that factories cannot 
produce goods,the transportation system broke down,soldiers ran out of supplies. 
2. What does Czar Nicholas II do to improve morale with the troops? 
Answer​:Czar Nicholas II took commands of the troops at the front. 
3. Why do workers in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) go on strike? 
Answer​:workers in St.Petersburg go on strike because Alexandra was running the country and 
people perceive her as German. 
4. What is a duma? 
Answer​:The Russian set a temporary government. 
5. Who are the Bolsheviks? 
Answer​:The Boosheviks are a revolutionary party made up of radical socialists. 
6. What THREE things does Lenin promise the people of Russia? 
Answer​:The Three things Lenin promise the Russians are peace,bread and land. 
7. What are the two sides fighting against each other in the Russian Civil War? 
Answer​:The Two sides fighting against each other are the Bolshevik and the white army. 
8. Who is victorious in the Russian Civil War? 
Answer​:Linen and Bolshevisk were victorious. 
Task​: Read the historical context about the Russian Revolution and complete the questions that 
The Russian Revolution of 1917, was actually two revolutions, one in February, and one in October 
of 1917. At the time, Russia used a different calendar than we use today, so they call these 
revolutions the March Revolution and November Revolution because their calendar was thirteen 
days ahead of what is commonly used today. The November Revolution is also referred to as the 
Bolshevik Revolution. 
Before the Russian Revolution, the country was ruled by a king, called a ​czar​ (sometimes spelled 
tsar), named Nicholas II. There was discontent [dissatisfaction] in Russia because the government 
was corrupt and ineffective, there was widespread poverty in the country, there was a scarcity of 
food, and the Russians suffered massive losses in World War I.  
As a result, in February of 1917 (The March Revolution), Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate 
[give up the throne] and power was given to a group of elected officials called the Duma. The Duma 
ruled until October, when it was replaced by the events of the November Revolution.  
Led by a man named Vladimir Lenin, a group of Communists named the Bolsheviks took control of 
the Russian government in a bloodless coup [a forced overthrow of the government in which no one 
was killed] called the November (or Bolshevik) Revolution. The Bolsheviks gained support from the 
peasants, urban workers, and soldiers by promising “peace, land, and bread.”  
The Bolsheviks signed a peace agreement with Germany, taking Russia out of WWI. After winning a 
civil war that lasted from 1917 to 1922, the Bolsheviks set about transforming Russia into the 
world’s first ​Communist​ nation. They renamed Russia the ​Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 
(USSR)​, also known as the Soviet Union. A soviet was a local ruling council elected by workers.  
1. Where and when did the Russian Revolution take place?  
The Russian Revolution began in 1917 and took place in Russia. 
2. What caused the Russian Revolution? 
The Russian Revolution occurred because there was dissatisfaction in Russia. 
3. What were the effects of the Russian Revolution? 
The effects of the Russian Revolution was 
Task:​ Read the ​quote​ below and answer the questions that follow by typing the LETTER of your 
answer choice in the box below the question.  
1. This quotation is associated with the principles of  
a. Imperialism 
b. Capitalism 
c. Communism 
d. Militarism 
Answer​: Militarism 
2. This quotation was most likely written during which historical period? 
a. 1900-1930 
b. 1945-1990 
c. 1800-1870 
d. 1789-1799 
3. The ideas in this quotation inspired 
a. The Industrial Revolution 
b. The Cuban Revolution 
c. The Haitian Revolution 
d. The Russian Revolution 
Answer​:Russian Revolution  

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