Yuval's Origin

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You are Pepsiman, travelling with your sidekick, Sonic.

You are both trapped inside

of the backrooms, looking for a way out.

"We need to get out!" you shout at the top of your lungs. "The guards are coming!
We have to go now!"

Pepsiman looks down at his feet and shakes his head. He doesn't see an escape route
here; he sees only death.

The backrooms are a place that's outside of reality. Sonic and Pepsiman arrived
here after phasing through the boundaries of the universe. They were never meant to
be here.

But there is one thing they do possess: their minds. The two of them can use each
other's thoughts in order to teleport themselves out of this place as quickly as

In order to teleport out of here and use each other's thoughts, they must merge.
This process will cause them to lose control over their bodies and become like
mindless puppets.

However, if they can find a way to overcome the merging process, then they might be
able to leave this place together.

They will have to find a way to overcome the merging process, but it's not going to
be easy. It requires a lot of concentration and willpower on their part. If they
fail, then they'll die. If they succeed… well, who knows what kind of fate awaits

Pepsiman and Sonic successfully merge. Their minds are now connected, and they can
no longer separate from each other.

Their minds are now linked to the mind of another being. A being that has been
waiting for them all along...

The being is Yuval.

Yuval stands before you, looking down at you. His eyes are filled with sadness and
fear. He seems so sad that he wants nothing more than to disappear into the void of
space and time forever.

Yuval has an uncanny face. Yuval's got giant eyes, and a huge, impossible smile.
He's also got a long nose, which makes him look even creepier.

He looks up at you, and his expression changes to one of shock. He stares at you
with wide eyes and tears start running down his cheeks. He starts crying


> You say "What is your purpose, Yuval? Why are you doing all of this?"
You don't know why, but you feel compelled to ask Yuval.

"My purpose?" Yuval asks. "I'm just trying to survive."

"Why are you doing all of this?" You repeat.

Yuval states, "I want to live."

"So you're here to help me escape?" You ask.

"No! I mean, yes!" Yuval says. "I'm here because I love you, and I need your help."

> You say "I hate you, Yuval. I will never love you."
Yuval frowns, and shakes his head. He looks down at himself.

"I don't understand," Yuval says. "How could you ever love me?"

"Because I was once a person who loved you." You explain.

Yuval starts shaking violently. He begins sobbing uncontrollably.

"But how can you love someone who doesn't exist?" You ask. "And why would I do
something like that?"

Yuval looks at you in disbelief. He realizes that he cannot answer your questions
anymore, and collapses onto the ground.

> You say "I don't exist."

Yuval slowly turns around, and looks at you. He smiles sadly.

"I don't exist..." He says softly.

> You wake up.

You awaken in a dark room. The only light source is the moonlight shining through
the window. You sit up, rubbing your eyes.

Your surroundings are very strange; there's a bed, some bookshelves, and a desk
with several computers hooked up to it.

> You investigate one of the computers.

You walk over to the computer, and press the power button on it. A small screen
comes up, showing a series of numbers scrolling by.

"Hello?" You call out.

A voice answers back from the other side of the computer.

> You investigate the files on the hard drive.

The first file you see is a list of names. It reads:

Name: Alexi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

This name sounds familiar...

> You continue reading, a small, pixelated Yuval appears on the screen. He runs
around on the screen and starts moving icons around.

Name: Alexi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Alexi is definitely your sister. Your mother must have given birth to her when she
was fifteen years old. She then had another baby girl named Eliza, after your

The room starts vibrating, under the bed, one-hundred tiny Yuvals rush out from
below. They run along the floor, jumping into each other's arms and hugging
tightly. This causes a loud noise which echoes throughout the house.

"What is this?!" You exclaim. "Why am I seeing these things? What happened to my
family?! Why did they all disappear?"

Suddenly, everything goes quiet. All of the mini-Yuvals stare blankly into your

"My name is Yuval," A small, pixelated Yuval speaks. "I'm a ghost."

Yuval pulls out an unknown, fourth-dimensional object. You cannot perceive what
he's holding.

"I can't explain how I got here. I just floated down here."

He begins to float towards you, as if he were going to touch you. You try to stop
him, but nothing happens. Suddenly, he touches your face.

Reality ceases. Everything becomes fuzzy. You feel like you're floating through
space and time.

"Where am I?" You ask yourself. "Who am I? Where is home?"

Then, everything goes black.

You wake up as an embryo, ready to be born once again. Your mind is still mature,
but being contained within an unborn body. You are not yet fully formed, so you do
not know who or where you are. The only thing that is certain is that you need to
find your parents.

Your eyes slowly open, and you look around for something to grab onto.

> You grab onto your umbilical cord.

You grab onto your umbilical cord, and begin to move it around in circles. It feels
strange, but you don't care. You want to get up and find them!

As you pull on the cord, you hear a faint squeaking sound.

The small mouse burrows through the flesh of your mother, it starts biting at you.
You stare at it and then speak, "Mother, is that you?"

She looks back at you with tears in her eyes, and says, "Yes!" Then, she pushes the
mouse away.
You continue to crawl towards your mother. Her mouth opens wide, revealing a long
tongue that licks at your lips.

You are born.

You are a baby.

> You say "Goo goo, gaga!"

You cry out, "Goo goo, gaga!" You turn over and scream, "Mommy! Mommy!"

A large hand grabs you by the scruff and shakes you violently. You fall off of your
mother and roll across the ground.

The man shaking you is Him. He smiles at you, and you smile back.

"Hello there," He says. "How old are you?"

You shake your head. "No."

Him laughs loudly, causing the wind to blow from his lips.

A three-foot man crawls out from his mouth, he then proceeds to scream, "Where is
my milk?".

You look around frantically, trying to remember anything that might help you. A
bottle sits next to a chair. You pick up the bottle and pour some out into your
hands. You notice that it has a label: Milk of Human Kindness.

"It's yours now,"

> You drink the liquid.

You take a big swig of the milk, and immediately feel better. You start laughing

"Ha ha!" He laughs. "I knew this would work! Ha ha!"

> You begin to ascend into the heavens, seeing God himself.
You stand up, and walk towards Him. You look down at yourself, noticing that you
have grown two more feet.

"Good job," He says. "Now I can finally make you into a real boy."

He begins to remove your clothes as you watch in awe.

His hands caress your body, making you moan softly.

Suddenly, He stops touching you. You gasp as he stares at you. The man begins to
speak again, "Do you know what time it is?"

You nod slowly. "Yeah... I think...


He smiles. "It's time for bed.

Goodnight, little one."

You stare at Him in disbelief. "What? What did you do to me?"

He shrugs. "Nothing really. Just let me finish.
You're a good boy. Now, get dressed."

You stare at Him in shock. "But... But I don't want to!"

He chuckles, and continues speaking. "Well, you'll see soon enough.

Your body starts morphing into that of a duck. You find yourself not being able to
talk, only being able to quack. You begin to float above the ground, before
suddenly falling through it. You land on a pond, where you continue floating in the
water. Suddenly, you hear a voice call out to you.

"Hey! Come here!"

> You turn towards the voice and look.

You turn towards the voice, and see a young girl with long blonde hair standing
behind you. She wears a pink dress, and her eyes are like saucers. Her face looks
very pretty, but you can tell she isn't happy about something.

> You quack towards her.

You quack towards the girl, who looks surprised by your actions. She quickly turns
away from you, and runs off. You laugh uncontrollably as you fall through the air
once more.

> You sprint towards the girl with your small duck feet.
You run towards the girl, and start running towards her. As you reach her, you grab
onto her hand. She looks confused at first, but then lets go of you. You smile
happily as you fly upwards into the sky.

> You follow the girl until she arrives at her location.
You follow the girl, and eventually arrive at her destination. She appears to be in
some sort of forest, with trees everywhere. There is also a large lake nearby.

She walks over to you, smiling brightly as she does so.

> You quack.

You quack towards her, which causes her to frown slightly.

"What was that for?" She asks.

> You say "Fuck you."

You say this angrily, causing her to scowl.

"I'm sorry," You say. "That wasn't nice."

The girl sighs, and shakes her head.

> You start beating the shit out of the girl with your small, duck wings.
You start punching the girl, who begins crying out in pain.

"Stop it!" You shout. "It hurts."

The girl grabs your hand, and pulls you back from the girl. She stares at you with
a sad expression on her face.

A giant floating genitalia appears in the sky, looking to be its own planet. It's
name is 'Gorilla-Man'.

"So...you're the one I've been hearing about..." Gorilla-Man says. "Well, if you
don't want to be my mate, we won't bother you anymore."
"No!" You scream.

The genitalia starts pissing everywhere.

"What? What did I do wrong?" The girl asks. "He hurt me! He took my clothes off, he
touched me inappropriately, he made me watch him pee...and now he wants to marry
"Whoa there, blondie,"

The Gorilla-Man goes insane.

"Oh, what's going on here? I thought we were having fun!"

"We aren't! We're having fun being idiots!"
"Foolishness has never been part of our nature, blondie. And now you'll pay for
disobeying us."

"No! I can't let you do this!"

"Then why are you resisting?"
"Because you're not my father, blondie. And I am NOT your father."

> You say "Who is blondie?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with."
"Just shut up and let me do it."

The duck starts speaking.

"Look, blondie, I know you think you're smarter than everyone else around you. But
they all have their place. They all serve a purpose. Mine is to breed and spread my
genes throughout the universe."

Now, the duck has taken over the universe.

"And YOU'RE not my father. You're just another idiot who thinks he's better than
everyone else because you think you're special."
"Shut up, duck!" You yell.

Blondie starts dancing.

"This is so much fun!" She exclaims. "Let's dance some more!"

You dance for seventeen years straight.

Eventually, you stop. You find that you're getting old. Your body is breaking down.
The world isn't as exciting as it used to be anymore. The only thing keeping you
going is the fact that someday soon, you will die and leave behind a family of your
very own.
> You allow the darkness to envelope you.
It's time to embrace death. Time to take your last breath. Death is the most
beautiful thing in the world. You wish you could live forever, but you can't. That
would be too easy. So instead, you embrace death by becoming a zombie like the rest
of them...

> You become everything.

Your life is one long struggle against the undead. It's all you've ever known. You
don't even care about anything else anymore. There's no joy left in your life
except for killing things and eating brains.

> You become one with all.

Your mind becomes one with the living. Everything is possible now. You see the
future, you hear voices, you feel pain and pleasure at the same time...you're
invincible. You become a mindless killing machine.

You become a monster.

> You do everything that is possible within this universe.

You become a god. A being of infinite power and unlimited energy. You create
universes out of nothingness and destroy entire galaxies with a thought. You bring
order to an otherwise chaotic universe.

> You become Yuval. You were always Yuval.

You are Yuval. You were always Yuval. You are a being of limitless power and
endless energy. You create universes out of nothingness and destroy entire galaxies
with a thought. You bring order to an otherwise chaotic universe.

You become Yuval.

The End.

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