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TP3: Characteristics of an asyhronous motor (induction motor).

1)Definition :
An asynchronous motor is an AC electric motor in which the electric
current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by
electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator
winding. An induction motor can therefore be made without
electrical connections to the rotor.[a] An induction motor's rotor
can be either wound type or squirrel-cage type.

Fig1-Exploded view of an induction motor

(1) motor case (frame), (6) connection box,

(2) ball bearings, (7) stator core,

(3) bearing holders, (8) stator winding (not visible),

(4) cooling fan, (9) rotor,

(5) fan housing, (10) rotor shaft,

2) Purpose of the TP:
The purpose of this lab is the study of the three-phase asynchronous
motor. The nameplate of the motor is studied, then a vacuum test is
carried out and finally a load test to obtain the curve Tu = f(n).

3)Presentation of the session

-The asynchronous motor used is a wound rotor motor

-how many terminals in total (stator + rotor) are needed for this

-We use the asynchronous machine as a motor or generator: then

specify the nature on power input and output (electrical or

-We want to measure the useful torque delivered by the

asynchronous motor ; for this we place on the same shaft as the
asynchronous motor a DC motor with separate excitation as the two
machines are connected, the torque of the asynchronous motor and
the torque absorbed by the MCC will be equal. By varying the torque
of the generator, and that of the asynchronous motor will vary

3)Reading the name plates

a)the stator winding comprises three identical coils connected to the
terminal board according to the diagram below:
b) The rotor is constituted by three windings of which three ends are
connected to each other, the other three ends being connected to
three conductive rings wedged on the shaft. Three brushes rub on
these rings establishing the connection between the three terminal
of the terminal board and the three windings on the rotor
Fig2-name plates of an asyhronous motor

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