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UNIT 7: Will for predictions

In 2050, the world population will be around We use will to make predictions about the
10 billion. future.
This will definitely affect the environment. • There will be a greater demand for beef.
We will probably need to rethink the way we
We can use definitely or probably after will to
produce food.
make a prediction more or less certain.
It definitely won’t be easy.
• People will probably / definitely eat less wild
There probably won’t be enough space to
grow all the crops we need.
In a negative sentence, probably or definitely
Will the population continue to grow after
comes before won’t.
• I probably / definitely won’t change my
eating habits.

UNIT 8: Phrasal verbs

Look out! Phrasal verbs are usually two-part verbs. The

second word gives a new meaning.
Can you look after my plants?
• Let’s take in a movie. (take in = see)
I really look up to him.
With separable verbs, a noun can go between
I’ll pick the children up from school.
or after the two words. A pronoun must go
I’ll pick up the children from school.
between them.
I’ll pick them up.
I’ll pick up them. • Check this map out. / Check out this map.
Check it out. / Check out it.
I don’t care for this restaurant.
I don’t care for it. With non-separable phrasal verbs, any noun or
pronoun must go at the end.
• I’m looking forward to the movie / it.

UNIT 9: Will for offers and conditions

I’ll help with the fundraiser. We can use will (’ll) to offer to do something.
I’ll ask my friends to help.
• Is that the phone? I’ll get it.
Will you ask your brother to help?
We can also use will in describing real
If they come, we’ll have enough people.
conditions. The if clause is in the present tense
If they don’t come, we won’t have enough.
and the main clause uses will.
• If I give $20, how much will you give?
• How much will you give if I give $20?


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