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The author and publisher do not advocate
practicing any of the activities listed herein.
Many are dangerous and some lethal.
People who choose to engage in these activities
do so at their own risk.

Published by Barricade Books Inc.

185 Bridge Plaza North
Suite 308-A
Fort Lee, NJ 07024

Copyright © I 992 by Brenda Love

All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in

any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, w ithout the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer
who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in
a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publ ication Data

Love, Brenda.
The encyclopedia of unusual sex practices I Brenda Love.
p. cm .
ISBN 0-942637-64-X: $29.95 (Cloth)
ISBN l-56980-011-1 : $22.00 (pbk)
l. Sex customs- Encyclopedias. 2. Sex- Encyclopedias.
I. Title.
HQ12.L68 1992
306.77 ' 03- dc20 92-16420

Fifth Printing
Printed in the United States of America.

EDITORIAL BOARD OF ADVISORS ........ .. .... .. ........................ vii

ILLUSTRATORS .............. ................ ............................................. x

INTRODUCTION ............ ......... ...... ..... ....... ....... ......... .. ....... .. ...... xi

PREFACE ........................................ ......... .. ...... .... ..................... .. xiii

ENTRIES A-Z ....................... ............. .... .. ..................... ................. 1

GLOSSARY OF TERMS .. .. ...... ..... .. ... ... ...... ......... ........... ... ....... 304

APPENDIX OF SUPPLIERS ......... ................................ .... ... .. ... 315

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................. ............ ................. ............ 317

INDEX ................ ...... ................................ .. .. .. .. ... .. ........ ....... ... ... 327
This book is dedicated to Mark, Matilda, Martin, Linda,
Peter, Alex, Aaron, Joseph, Adrian, and Nelson, the special friends
who helped me survive both the earthquake and the death
of my mother while trying to complete this book.

A special thanks goes to the people who helped me compile
information for this book. In addition to my editors they are Diego,
Michael, Tanith, Joe, Grant, Vinci, Bruce, Ron, Enrique, Janet,
Russ, Cheryl, MD, Jamie, Doug, Stephen, Angela, Erich, Crimson,
Robert, Wayne, Jay, Pete, Mark, Jim, Barry, David, Ted, Robert,
Jonathan, Dan, Katheryn, Phil, Allen, Steve, T im, Steve, Mark,
Karen, Bernie, Michael, John, Ann, Bruce, Brad, Dwight, Susan,
Paul, L orna, David, Israel, Joseph, Hal, John, Nawana, Rick, Walter,
Pat, Jack, Dwigh t, Carol, Tim, Chaz, Joanna, The Society of Janus,
T he Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, Skin II,
Mad Dog Tattoo, Platinum Films, Fetish Times, Back Drop C lub,
Club Mud, British M useum Library, Mother Goose Productions,
QSM, Katharsis, San Francisco Sex Information Switchboard,
Stanford Lane Medical Library, The Gauntlet, Mr. S,
Romantasy Boutique, Desmodus, Inc.

Many of the terms in this encyclopedia were coined by
Dr. John M oney and this special acknowledgement is
given to him in gratitude for the m any accomplishments
he has made in the science of sexology. A list of
his terms can be found under "Sexology."
D ISCLAIMER Members of the Editorial Professor in the Department of Psychiatry,
Boar d have generously agreed to review Univers ity of T oront o, Canada. He h as
selected entries relating to areas in which published and lectured extensively in the
they have personal expertise. They do not in a reas of neuropsych iatry and sexual disor-
any way endorse the material presented here ders.
or guarantee its accuracy. The opinions
expressed in this book are the author's and
Gordon is a San Francisco physician. He
do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
worked with the H a ight Ashbury Free
values of individual advisors.
Medical C linic from 1978 through 1990,
and was Medical Director of the Medical
Section there from 1985 through 1990. He
lance writer, editor, and literary consultant
was the Emergency Medicine Residency
based in Boulder Creek, California. She
Director at San Francisco General H ospital
writes for magazines, newspapers, and busi-
from 1978 through 1980, a nd was active in
nesses. Her work includes the text of The
emerge ncy medicine from 1976 th rough
First Men in the Moon Math, a best-selling
1988. He is a co lumnist in CiiyBike
educational computer game. Egyptology is
Maga z ine, the Northern California
one of her main interests and she co n-
Motorcycle monthly, and recently compiled
t ributes to KMT, A Modern J ournal of
a selection of his columns into a book enti-
Ancient Egypt. Kimb erley is currently
tled Blood, S weal, and Gears. Dr. Gordon
wri ting a novel which is set in ancie nt
fou n ded the San Francisco Ba y Area
Chapter of Doctors Ought to Care, better
BRAD BUNNIN h as practiced law in the known as D.O. C. He also founde d
San Francisco Bay Area since 1966. For H.E .A.R . (Hearing Edu cati on an d
m ore than a decade, h e's concentrated Awaren ess for Rockers). H e is Chairman of
exclusively on publishing law, representing the Board of th e H aig h t Ashbury
hundreds of writers and over three dozen Switchboard, and hosts the Medical
publishers throughout North America. Brad Conference on the W.E.L.L., an electronic
is principal author of The Writer's Legal commun ity ba se d in Sausalito. Dr.
Companion (Addison-Wesley, 1988), and Gordon's personal interests are diverse.
h e's taught publishing law at the Graduate
CONRAD HODSON is a "kinky" b lack-
School of Journa lism , University o f
smith, a na tive of Oregon, a nd has been an
California, Berkeley.
S/M player for 18 years. He lives in Eugene
MICHAEL DECKER is a vice president of with his lover of 25 years, who was also his
the National Leather Association, Seattle first p lay partner. He feels strongly that no
Chapter. H e lectures nationally on the S/M one else should have to take as long as he
c irc uit and is thorough ly committed to did to find out how S/M really works, and is
sexual education. H e is currently gathering committed to education a nd outreach about
material for a comprehensive comp endium safe, sane, an d consensual play. He is the
for psychologists interested in his particular president of the Oregon Guild Activists in
field of expertise. SIM and h as served two ter m s o n the
Counci l of the Na tio n al L ea t he r
is a s taff psyc hia tr ist in the Forensic
Division of the Clarke In stitute of J OHN JOSS is an experienced television
Psychiatry, Associate Psychiatrist with the and radio broadcaster, director, writer, and
Neuropharmacology Division of the author of several fi ction and nonfiction
Toronto Western Hospital, and A ssista nt books. Jo h n gradu a t ed from the Royal


Naval College, D artmouth. He was also an tion and rituals. Fakir's views have been
actor in London's theaters and today writes expressed in the 1986 film Dances Sacred &
teleplays and scripts . John 's interests are Profane (released on home video as Bizarre
diverse. He flies everything from gliders to Rituals), his own book Body Play, Re/Search
fighter jets, races motorcycles, and devotes Publication's Modern Primitives (Fa kir
time to assist writers with grammatical coined this term in 1979 to describe himself
editing. and a few kindred spirits), i n Mark
Thompson's Leathe1folk, and in numerous
issues of Piercing Fans I nternational
Associate Professor of Clinical Sexology at Quarterly (PFIQ) m agazine. He currently
the Institute for Advanced Study of Human publishes his own magazine Body Play &
Sexuality and Consulting Clinical Sexologist lvfodern Primitives Quarterly fo r those who
at the J ohn s H opkins Hospital Sexual view their bodies as living canvases to deco-
Disorders Clinic. He is Pr es id en t of rate and living clay to sculpt. A shaman,
Sexology Associates, Inc., a private practice master piercer and body modifier, Fakir
specializing in the diagnosis and treatment played a significant part in the revival of
of paraphilic sexual disorders and gender body piercing, branding and other body-
identity/role concerns . Dr. Malin is a related practices for purposes of spiritual
Dipl omate of the American Board of exploratio n, rites-of-passage, h ealing and
Sexology, a Board Certified Sex Therapist reclaiming the body.
and Clinical Supervisor, and a Life C linical Born Roland L oomis in 1930, Fakir was
Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical born a depression baby in Aberdeen, South
Sexologists, a member of AASECT, SSSS Dako ta. H e studied electrical engineering
and numerous other professional societies.
and has a B.S.E . degree fro m Northern
KAREN MENDELSOHN came out as an State University (South D akota), plu s an
S/M player in 1986 . She h as been coordi- M.A. degree in Creative Writing from San
nator of the Society of Janus and an officer Francisco State University. For many year s
of the National Leather Association. In he held executive positions in San Francisco
1989 she founded QSM which gives classes advertising agencies and operated his own
in San Francisco on all aspects of domina- agency where he specialized in high-tech
tion and S/M play. QSM has also held art advertising and marketing for Silicon Valley
exhibits, readings, and video screenings of industries. Currentl y, F akir is a popular
S/M artwork. speaker at universities, colleges and to spe-
cial interest groups. He is Director of t he
LORNA MEYER holds advanced degrees In sigh t Institute and pu blish es unusua l
from Vanderbilt University and Stanford in books and periodicals as Insight Books. In
religious studi es with minors in anthro-
addition, he co ndu cts workshops on
pology a nd art history. Lorna has extensive Ecstatic S h amanism and offers private
knowledge of foreign cultures. sha man ic journeys, body piercings, or
JAMES DAVID-PETER MURPHY , brandings in a ritual context. Fakir also likes
PH.D. Dr. Murphy holds a doctorate in to do ritual performanc e in galleries and
psychology, and specializes in the field of theaters. He is married to French -born
psychopath ology. He has training in mas- Carla wh o is also a collaborator in his work-
sage therapy, Chinese acupuncture and acu- shops and performances.
pressure. He founded and directs Night- JOAN A . NELSON, M.A. (PSY.), ED .D.
Thunder, Incorporated, a centre for intense (Human Sexuality), is a sex edu cator and
internal transformational therapy. There he clinical sexologist in private practice in San
practices as a psychoneuroimmunologist. Francisco. Her published research attempts
FAKIR MUSAFAR is known worldwide for to describe the phenomenon of intergenera-
his forty plus years of research and for his tional sexu ality-including nonproblematic
personal practice of primitive body decora- as well as problematic relationships. M s.

Nelson's relevant publications incl ude : pleted his trainin g at the Mayo C lini c.
"The impact of incest: factors in self-evalu- Private practice gave way to clinical phar-
a tion," a chapter in the book Childhood maceutical research at Lederle, Syntex, and
Sexuality, New Findings/New Perspectives ALZA. Key involvem ent in developing hor-
( 1981); " A new l oo k at incest, " Forum m one skin patches for women and men
Magazine (Aug. 1980); " Incest: self-report brought focus to the sexual problems related
findings from a nonclinical sample," The to hormone deficiency. He has emphasized
Journal of Sex Research (Nov. 1986); "Fear treatment of male impotence by noninvasive
of sexual intimacy: an integrative clinical pharmacologic therapy for th e past five
approach emphasizing learned inhibition as ye ars. He has formed a new company,
an etiological factor," Journal of Sex VIVUS, Inc., whose sole focus is optimizing
Education and Therapy (Vol. 13, 1987); and therapy of impotence. Such efforts empha-
" Intergenerational sexual contact: a con- size need for both partners to achieve max-
tinuum model of participants and experi- imal satisfaction through peak male
e n ces," Journal of Sex Education and performance.
Therapy (Vol 15, 1989).
GRANT C. RIDDLE is a technical m an -
MICHAEL PERRY, PH.D. is a licensed ager by vocation and a writer by avocation.
therapist with a private practice in Encino, His articles on social/sexual subjects h ave
California. He specializes in sexual concern been publi shed in the medical journal
therapy, relationship counseling and surro- Sexuality & Disability ( 1988), Fascination
gate therapy, has a number of teaching cre- ( 198 5), and OverGround (1991). His book
dentia ls and is Board Certified by the Amputees & Devotees ( 1989) broke through
American College of Sexologists. He is past the socially correct "conspiracy of silence"
president of the Society for the Scientific which surrounds the social/sexual concerns
Study of Sex, L os Angeles Chapter, and of disabled people specifically as they apply
now serves on the National Board. He pro- to am putees. His recent effort was co-
duces audio and video programs on sexu- authoring the autobiography of a woman
ality. Michael's most recent project, Sex: A parole officer who had been involved in the
Lifelong Pleasure is a complete sexual self- tumultuous events which su rrounded the
help video series now in international distri- parole of the rapist/ mutilator Lawren ce
bution, produced b y Lenox Holding of Singleton in 1987, but it seems that, due to
Amsterdam. Michael is also an author, an the extreme revulsion of the nature of that
international speaker, and a radio and televi- crime, he has encountered difficulties in
sion personality. Michael has appeared on locating a publisher willing to produce the
Geraldo, Sonya Live, Larry K in g Li ve, book.
Hard Cop y, and the Playboy channel. H e
JAMES M . RODRIGUES, JR. has been a
has wrinen many articles on sexual issues,
police officer with the San J ose Police
including the G-spot, female sexual health,
Department in California for the p ast ten
sex and drugs, and sex education. He has
years. He worked as an investigator assigned
co-auth ored the book M a rriage and the
to the Child Exploitation Detail for three
Family in the Year 2020 and was an editor
and one-half years. As part of his assign-
for Handbook of Sexology, Volume VII,
me nt Detective Rodrigues worked und er-
"Childhood and Adolescent Sexo logy."
cover contacting and identifying p edophiles
Michael, b efore becoming a sexologist,
and child molesters involved in the sexu al
spent 11 years studying for the priesthood.
exploitati on of children. D etec ti ve
VIRGIL PLACE, M.D. has specialized in Rodrigues had occasion to work undercover
Internal Medicine, E ndocrinology, and and be contacted by a person interested in
Pharmacology. After receiving his M.D . making a "snuff film," wh ere a young boy
degree from Joh ns Hopkins, h e did hi s was to be kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and
interns hip and biochemical fellowship at ultimately murd er ed on film. These acts
Presbyterian H ospital, Chicago, and com- were never completed; however, the ensuing

investigation lasted ten months and gave and biotechnology fields. By virtue of their
Rodrigues in-depth background in this area. different backgrounds, Steve and Kristina
D etective Rodrigues' experiences have were able to provide the author with some
given him unique insight into this sub-cul- unique insights during the evolution of this
ture from which he has given the author work.
guidance in this topic.
In addition to the above mentioned consultants
K.C. ROURKE has always been interested there were many people who made contribu-
in people. She has explored herself and her tions to the book, only some of whom are listed
fellow humans physically, emotionally and in my acknowledgements.
sensually through several "adult-oriented"
occupations; she reads extensively about
how people think, feel and act; she has
learned much from thousands of assorted
personal encounters. In the late 1960s she
medical Communications, is an illustrator of
joined BackDrop Club and explored the
medical texts, as well as a painter and car-
role of power dynamics in sex and in life.
toonist. Some of her other work may be
She h as since found great satisfaction in
found in The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G.
becoming the slave of a skilled and under-
Ballard (Re/Search Publi catio n s), a nd
standing Master. She has also found a com-
Twisted Sisters, A Collection of Bad Girl Art
patible husban d, and spends her time
(Penguin). Born in Philadelphia, she was
creating a comfortable discreet space where
m oved at the age of t we lve to San
people with fetish/fantasy interests can play.
Francisco, where she continues to reside (as
ED SARGENT, M.D. is a family physician do all the artists who contributed to this
in Oregon who has in the course of his prac- book). Her chosen profession leaves abso-
tice provided medical care to some in the lutely no time for hobbies or amusing pas-
SIM community. times of any sort. Fortunately, she is able to
glean satisfaction from her work. She has
GREG SAWIN is a medical editor at ALZA
inadvertently become known as an artist
Corporation (Palo Alto, CA) and has a B.A.
who provides pictures for texts of salacious
in psychology from San Francisco State
content. This book may represen t a depar-
University (1979). He is also a director of
ture from past work, since its intent is, of
the Internation al Society for General
course, to educate, rather t h an to inspire
Semantics (Concord, CA) and writes the
prurient feelings.
"Dynamics of Thought and Behavior" fea-
ture in the ISGS quarterly journal Et cetera. JAKUB KALOUSEK, originally of Prague,
One of his other interests is anthropology. Czechoslovakia, is a painter as well as a rap
musician and film producer. His most
recent recording is titled Slickety-Lick. He is
her Ma sters in Counseling from the
known in some circles for his films, remark-
University of San Francisco and has studied
able for their atmosphere of concrete ambi-
in the field of Human Sexuality. She is guity.
presently in private practice as a licensed
Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in PAUL MAVRIDES is an artist of
Los Gatos, California. She and her hus- unbounded enterprise who is flu ent in a
band, Steve Stone, reside in Saratoga, variety of media. His work may be found in
California. various cultural tidepools.
STEVEN STONE has a background in JULIE NEWDOLL, currently engaged in
engineering and law and is presently prac- the demanding discipline of computer-gen-
ticing law in California, specializing in erated medical art, cools her heels at the
patent, trademark and copyright matters, easel whenever time permits and inspiration
primarily in the medical, pharmaceutical insists.
BY MICHAEL PERRY, PH.D . and th ese hav e been in clud ed, among
oth er s, in this book. D r . M o ney brought
It can be said of very few books that they prominence to the term paraph ilia (a love
a re unique. But this one certainly is. Its for or a n attraction to something outside the
original t itle , BEYO N D FAN TASY : 500 usual). He also named and defined many of
UNUSUAL SEX PRACTICES h as b ee n the -philias contained here. (See Sexology
eclipsed. This e ncyclopedic work has gone /John Money)
beyond the original 500 listings, beyond the Bre nd a L ove a n d I met as vo lun teer
unusual to the truly bizarre and beyond fan- cou nse lo r s o n the San Franci sco Sex
tasy to the outskirts of reality itself. It carves Information Switchboard, S.F.S.I. to those
a path through sexual history and cultures of us who know it well. S.F.S.I. ' s non-judg-
and practices, both local and foreign. It will mental spirit together with the compassion
take you down byways whose very existence we both felt for distraught callers helped to
will amuse and possibly delight you. It will further develop an interest in understanding
carry you into dark backwaters that will the multi-faceted expressions of human sex-
repulse and may even sicken you. uality.
The nature of the book is truly encyclo- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNUSUAL SEX
pedic and so is its format. Each entry is self- PRACTICES is more than an en cyclopedia
contained so you can start anywhere or you with over 700 e ntrie s. M s. Love 's root
could start with Acrotomophilia (being sex- theo ry, h er philosophy and psychology of
ually aroused or attracted to an amputee) sexuality is best elucidated in two entries:
and end up somewh ere around Zelophilia " Parap hilias " and " L ove." A careful read
(being aroused by jealousy). It is a readable here reveals that "deviance" merely means
commentary o n all thi ngs sexual. Well, "not usual," "away from the norm," a non-
nearly all; look for the sequel. It will enable judgmental " paraphilic" classification. By
yo u to di stinguish Pediophilia (sexual dissecting n eurological cycles, imprinting,
attraction for dolls) from Pedophilia (sexual primal n eeds and co mp e nsation, Brenda
attraction of an adult toward a child). There explo res how different people form t heir
are Listings for sex conferences both scien- own " love ma ps" ( term co ined b y J ohn
tific and hedonistic; clothing-optional hotels Money) and h ow certa in stimuli may
and obv iou sly m o re games, devices and enge nder a flig ht or fight reaction in on e
concepts than even the most sexually adven - person and love o r attraction in an oth er.
turous could ever try in many lifetimes. T his may a lso exp lain why ac tu al pain
Perhaps this is the ultimate "how-to" mar- inflicted by an attractive person can gen-
riage manual to put spice back into a wilting erate arousal. Ask a dental technician! This
relationship . theory delineates how elevation of energy,
Brenda L ove birthed this encyclop edia or stress necessarily leads to fight, flight, or
after fou r years of gestation. The seeds of love/sex in order to properly a rrive at con-
this book are international with research flict resolutio n and homeostasis. T he reac-
a cc umul ated fro m SI M lectures in Sa n tions are enmeshed. Resolution is necessary
Fran cisco, Wes t coas t sex co nferences, otherwise disease lingers and deepens.
counselor training for the San Francisco Sex T I-IE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNUSUAL SEX
Information Switchboard , 19th century lit- PRA C TI CES wi ll be a r efe r ence for th e
er ature at t h e Brit ish Museum Library, serious sexologist, a curiosity and source of
street interviews in Amsterdam, and discus- amazement for those interested in sex and
sion s w ith co nsultants from around th e all its variations and damning proof for the
world. Many types of sexual behavior have puritanical that we are truly going to Hell in
r ecently b een defined by Dr. John Money a handbasket-bound and flogged.

"The World is full of apparent nity don't feel they fall into either category
contradictions,and every highest truth is the since they only engage in activities for
union of opposites. " -HAVELOCK ELLIS experimentation. You the reader will need
to keep in mind that almost any activity in
The fantasies people create in their imagina- this book can be engaged in for reasons that
tions kn ow no bounds. Those things that vary from coercion from a partner, religious
two or more consenting adul ts do are no ri tual, experimentatio n, supplemen ti ng
longer limited b y a rbitrary and often cruel penis/vagina sex, building se lf-esteem,
ru les base d on re ligious beliefs. Never- reducing stress, revenge, or it may be an
theless, there remain two immensely impor- exclusive act which the person feels unable
tant constraints on human sexual behavior. to control.
First, one human being should not coerce T he information contained within THE
another into sexual activities. In particular, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNUSUAL SEX PRAC-
older individuals must never use their phys- T ICES is only as accurate as its sources.
ical or em otional power over children and T h ese include other authors and practi-
adolescents, either to obtai n sexual services, tioners, individuals wh ose lectures I have
or to initiate habits which, although p leasur- attended, sometimes with demonstrations by
able, may diminish a young person 's per- people whom I have interviewed. I have not
sonal freedom of choice later in life. Second, knowingly included any false information.
people must not be led by their sexual A major dilemma has been how much
drives to dangerous or mutilating practices detailed instruction to include in the text.
that they subsequently regret. THE ENCY- Knowing people's tendency towards experi-
CLOP EDIA OF UNUSUAL SEX PRACTICES m entation, I have felt that it is my obligatio n
documents a wide range of sexual acti vities. to provide enou gh safety precautions to
Many are behaviors which are enjoyed by fores tall unnecessary in jury. At t h e same
the vast majority of individuals while others time, it is n ot my in tent to write a user's
have been associated with injury or death. It manual, or to endorse experimentation or
is the aim of th e encyclopedia to provide specific sex groups. My purpose is to edu-
objective information about how human cate readers, and to do so without censor-
beings behave; where you draw the line ship.
must be your own info rmed ch oice. I have used the acronyms B.C.E. (before
I have attempted to write without bias. co mm o n e r a) and C.E. (com m on e ra )
Believ ing that individuals a nd groups instead of B.C. (before Chri st) an d A.D.
engagin g in certain activities are entitled to (Anno D omini-in the year of the Lord of
explain their own conduct, I have consulted the Chri stian era) purposefully. My book
or quoted from the practitioners themselves has been written for a world audience of all
wherever possible. I next sought to corrobo- religions and I prefer not to offend my non-
rate the information I received from the Ch ristian r eaders with Christian dates. I
practitioners with input by respected sexol- have also used poems on a few occasions
ogists, psycho l og ists, physicians, b i o - because poem s express the inte ns ity of
chemists, anthrop ologists, a ttorneys, and exp eriences and emotions in a way that I
law enforcement person nel. cannot in my writing.
Given the diverse backgrou nds of m y I ·would like to extend an invitation to
sources and editorial board, there were sev- anyone interested in giving me their com-
eral obstacles to gaining a consensus of ments or sh aring their experiences for a
opinion. The medical commun ity views possible revised edition and videotaped slide
unusual sex practices from a health stand- show to do so by writing me care of my
point, psychologists view paraphilias as publisher, Barricade Books, Inc., 6 1 Fourth
compulsives, and many in the S/M commu- Avenue, N ew York, NY 10003.
ABDUCTION Bondage, struggle, and (See also BITING, BLOOD SPORTS, CUP-
intimidation are often involved in abduction PING, DEPILATION, PYROPHILIA, PHLE-
play just as in an cient times when m en
abducted future brides from other tribes, URTICATION)
afterward keeping them in bondage to pre-
vent escape. Bride capture existed in variou s
forms until th e 19th centu ry in parts o f ACOUSTICOPHILIA (Melolagnia-
Europe. (The ritual of a husband carrying music) An acou sticophile (acoustico: sound;
his bride over the threshold stems from this phile: person with attachment) becomes
tradition.) aroused by sounds. Sounds preferred may
Today some p eop le u se abduction as be in the form of music, song, love poems,
part of a negotiated sex scene that involves a verbal abuse, sexual commands, comments
mock capture of a hostage, prisoner, slave, in a foreign language, screamin g, panting,
or rape victim. The scen e is acted out in the moaning, groaning, sighing, h eavy
privacy of th e h o m e u sing a bedroom, breathing, as we ll as any other natu ral
closet, or garage as a jail cell. Others are sounds people make during sex.
more daring and stage their abduc ti o n People who d o n ot n o r mally vocalize
scenes in a public place. The amount of feelings of arousal -but wh o would like to
physical resistance in this case is limited develop this skill-do it during masturbation
because potential observers may not know by concentrating on sounds that express
that the abduction is consensual. Costumes ecstasy. Sounds don't need to be loud and
and uniforms are used in scenes, particu - ar e preferred when natural a n d sponta-
larly for military or police arrests. Couples neous. These sounds not only stimulate the
also make use of h andcuffs, thumb cuffs, person making them but also serve as a very
rope, tape, blindfolds, a nd other t ypes of effecti ve method of communicating pleasure
bo nda g e paraphernalia. CAUTION: with a particular caress, position, or act.
Physical resistance during abduction some- This helps the partner learn the techniques
times leads to accidental injuries. needed to keep them aroused. •
(See also BOND AGE, FANTASY PLAY , Group sex can be very exciting for
INTERROGATION and SLAVES) people because of the variety of sou n ds in
close proximity . Some duplicat e sim ilar
ABRASIONS (Carpet burns-on carpet) sounds by making a recording (or video) of
P eo ple c r ea te abrasions by u sing m etal their love- m a king and orgas m s to pla y
emery files, brushes, or o ther items that are during th e n ex t inte rlude. Others are
rough to th e skin but that d o not leave aroused by hearing or speaking curse words.
residual particles of any type. Abrasions are Certain music has b ecome associated
generall y less severe than rug burns. with sex. One con cert pianist said he was
Nipples are sen sitized by sanding lightly capable of eliciting variou s emotions in his
with a file and the glans penis or labia is audience b y different notes, using "middle
brushed with a fingernail or an artist's oil c" for sexual arousal. "The Span ish Flea" is
brush to accomplish the same effect . This used for stripping, and " Bolero" is popu lar
type of tortu re builds in intensity as time as an accompaniment to sex. Other classical
passes and most stop short of creating pain. pieces ar e Wagner's "Trist an and Isolde,"
T he desired effect is simply to make th e B eethoven 's " Kreutzer Sonata," Stravin-
area much more sensitive to normal touch. s ky's "Rite o f Spri ng," and Berlioz's
CAUTION: L ocation s on the b ody are " S ymph o ni e Fantastiqu e." P eople who
selected that will not be rubbed by clothing enj oy lying in front of fireplaces on rainy
nor have pressure on them. Non-st erilized nights purchase recordings of rain st orms or
instruments can cause infectio ns. the sound of ocean waves. In a similar way,


music su ch as dirges or funeral hymns are open co ckpit b i - plan e, and w h e n they
used to help the mood for some necrophiles. r eached an altitude of 6,500 feet, the pas-
Hard rock music triggers a sexual response senger would disrobe, climb out on th e wing
as well, however in an altogether different and into the back seat, returning to the front
manner . Michael Koss, who is the president seat afte r ha ving sex w ith t h e pi lot. All
of K oss Stereo Headphone Corporation, is without falling off the wing! (P ersonal com-
cited by Jillyn Smith in her book, Senses and munication, 1980)
Sensibilities, where she says, " ... the excite- Aerobatics can be sexually arousing for a
ment that people, especially teenagers, get few people. Stunts in a small plane offer 4-5
from high-d ecibel music results from activa- negat ive G- forces an d 3 -4 positive Gs.
tion of the peripheral nervous system by low These affect the b ody by pushing the blood
frequency sound waves beating against the into either the head or the lower body, and
body. " Koss contends that " people can get re s u lt in feeling s of lig h theadedn ess,
'high' from this feeling, because it switches fl oa tin g , or s in ki n g, depe n ding o n the
on the body's fight or flight mec h anism, maneuver. T here is a tremendous adrenalin
bringing a rush of adrenalin (a reaso n for ' ru sh' and a simultaneous sense of power
battle music?)" (p. 39). over the airplane a nd submission to it. The
(See also AGREXOPHILIA, CONFESSIONS, feeling o f being bound is greater in stunt
COPROLALIA, EC O UTEU RISM , EROTO- fl ying than w ith o ther sp orts because the
GRAPHOMANIA, FANTASY PLAY, HOMI- belts have to h o ld bo th bod y wei ght a nd
chute through every maneuver. T here are
PHO NE CALLS, PHONE SEX, SERENADES very few se nsati ons that compare with
and TEASING) hanging upside dow n while o ne 's weight
pulls them toward the glass bubble tha t sep-
arates t he pi lot fr o m th e rapidly
ACROPHILIA Acrophilia (Aero: highest approachi ng gro und . This fea t provides
point; p h ilia: attachm ent to) refer s to a enough sexual stim ulation to cause at least
person who is sexually aroused by heights. one female pilot to experience spontaneous
Sky diving and bungy cord jumping are orgasm. (Personal communication.)
high altitude activ ities that elevate o n e's Finall y, th ere are people who claim to
adrenalin . This excitement can then be have bee n captured by creatures from outer
transferred to passion and sex. Both of these space and impregnated while aboard flyi ng
activities include a form of bondage, ver- saucers. Their stories have provided many
tigo, and suspension. with a sexual fantasy, one tha t is acted out
S/M partners w h o su ffe r from acro- with the aid of readily available space cos-
phobia are sometimes blindfolded and made tumes.
to climb ladders. If this is done o ften the (See also AGORAP H ILJ A, C LA UST RO-
phobia seems to dissipate and along with it PI-ULIA, FANTASY PLAY, PHOl30PH ILIA and
the sex u a l charge it first produced. SUS PENSION)
("Terror," QSM lecture b y J. C. Collins,
November 28, 1990) ACROTOMOPHILIA (Amelotasis-
Anoth er popular for m of acrophi lia is attraction to the absence of a limb) An acro-
having sex at a high altitude. This is humor- tomoph ile (Aero: extremity; -co rny: to cut;
ously refe rred to as becoming a member of phili a: attachm en t to) is a person who is
the " Mile High C lu b" and is d one in air- arou sed by the thought of having sex with
planes o r other aircr aft. (Conve rsely one an am putee or by fa ntasizing about it.
wonders if there is a " Mile Low Club" for Acro tomophiles sometimes co nvin ce a
subma rines.) There was a group of pilots in consenting p artner to wrap a hand or foot in
New York that h ad their own version of a bandages . Dr. Eustace Chesser te ll s of a
Mile H igh Club . The requireme n ts were man who used a form o f pseudoacrotomy
that the pilot and passenger went up in an by having his wife limp across the bedroom

with crutches before en - they would have been nurtured more and
gaging in sex. H e became criticized less, therefore the am p u tee pos-
imp otent if s h e d id n't sesses a quality that this person feels he or
comply (Scrange Loves, p. she needs. They gain that quality by vicar-
4 0). ious association. Their sexual inhibitions are
P eople may become lowered.
attrac ted to amputees for Clubs exist that provide introductions or
man y reaso n s . Th ese referrals for amputees, and literature exists
include fetishes, vicarious that provides written materials and photos.
sadism , low self-esteem , a Fascination magazin e features only photos
legitimate excuse for p oor and stories about female amputees. There is
performance, resp ect for a n a book, Amputees & Devotees by Grant C.
amputee's adj ustment to a Ridd le, which provides a d etailed study of
handicap, need to resc ue this phenomenon.
and care for an amputee, and fear that this (See also APOTEMNOPHIL!A, AUTOMAS O-
loss could happen to them. CH ISM, BIN DIN G/F EET, C OUVA OE SYN-
P eople in any of these categories have DROME, DYSMORPHOPHILIA, HARMATO -
apparently developed an amputee attraction SADISM and VICARIOUS AROUSAL)
through a previous childhood experie nce.
T h ey m ay have es caped p ossible injury ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is the art
themselves or saw someone else injured. of stimula ting the self-healing or pleasure
They were introdu ced to the concep t of centers of the body by direct pressure on
amputatio n at an earl y age. The fear o r specific areas. It is widely used in India for
compassion which th ey felt at that time holistic care. Not only are the person's mus-
could have made such a strong impression cles m a nipulated, but so is the ir e n e rgy
that they may experience an erotic reaction fl ow. Yoga mast er s ar e said to h ave the
when they next see an amputee. Those per- ability to u se acupressure to give o r take
sons can be male or female, straight or gay. away knowledge, spirit ual enligh te nment,
That initial erotic arousal then becomes the and energy. Sex is only a small part of this
key to their adult sexuality. complex form of healing and spirituality.
Others may react by taking solace in the The two ar eas most responsive to acu -
knowl edge that someone else h as worse pressu re are the h a nds and feet. Twenty
proble ms than themselves. F or some me n minutes of acupressure applied to them can
the preference of an unusu al sex object or resul t in increased sexual energy. Ever y
practice is due to sexu al repression and guilt square inch of the feet and hands is given
imposed by parents. They select safe objects individual attention by using firm pressure
o nto whic h to direct their lust . Th ey may and a rotating m o-tio n. This sh o uld no t
selec t a prostitute b ecau se she cannot be create pain wh en done correctly.
viola ted, o r a handicapped p erson beca use Sensual acupressure points also include
the request for sex is compensated for by the ears and big toes,

<fi '\ ~
nurturing of the individual. whi c h are particu-
Conversely, a p erson with a low self- larly se nsiti v e to
esteem may feel that someon e with a ha nd- b eing su cked or fel-
icap would provide a secure rela tionship as lated.
no one else would compete for them. T hey Oth e r pr ess ure

~) ~
may also feel that the amputee could not points are o n a
afford to be too critical or demanding. This person's torso.
false sense of security and arrogance may These areas are on
, .·~
lead a few into abusive behavior in th eir the nipples, inner
relationships with amputees. Men who h ave collar bon e, center of
been constantly criticized by parents some- chest between nipples (of small breasts) just
times feel that if they h ad b een amputees under the navel, at th e top line of p ub ic

hair, at the base of the spine, and around (See ANACLITISM, GERONTOPHlLI A,
the anus. The exact spots will vary slightly INFANTILISM, NYMPHOPHILI A, PEDIO-
from person to person, and some spots may
not provide stimulus at all.
Acupressure is also used to delay ejacula- ADULTERY (Apistia, Affair, Open mar-
riage-consensual, N onmonogamy-lifestyle
tion in men. These pressure points are listed
by David and Ellen Ramsdale as follows in that does not restrict number of pa rtners)
their book titled Sexual Energy Ecstasy, A Adultery is the sexual union between people
Practical Guide Lo Lovemaking Secrets of the when at least one of them is married to
East and \,\/'est. someone else. It is rarely used to describe a
man who frequents prostitutes or fo r a wan-
PROST ATE POINT-midway between dering partner in a homosexual marriage.
scrotum and an us, pushed frequently Most often the reason for engaging in adul-
and firmly before ejaculation is immi- tery is an unbridled desire for ecstasy or pas-
nent. Some men are able to tighten the sion; second is the opportunity to fulfill basic
anal/Pubococcygeal muscle enough to needs that are not met elsewhere; and third
pum p the prostate. is the inability to say "no."
Adultery, o r nonmonogamous sex, was
SOLAR PLEXUS-pit of stomach right
probably common among clans of primeval
below breastbone, pressed with finger-
man and resembled th e social sys t em in
tips of both hands.
some American Indian tribes. Adultery for
SACRUM-inverted triangle of bone at women may have offered a few of the same
base of spine, fingertip or thumb pres- advantages we find i n some anima ls .
sure used. Bachelor bands, such as the langur m on-
PUBIC BONE JUST ABOVE PENIS- keys, a re one example. These clans are
ruled by a d ominant male and are often
p ressed with third finger.
raided b y the youn ge r ou tcast ma les.
TESTES-pu lled to keep them from During raid s thes e males rape straggling
rising up toward body. females and kill their young. The female is
sometimes able to avert this fate by slipping
I n keeping wit h acup r essure therap y,
away from the clan and having sex with sev-
Ramsdale and Dorman also include a list of
genital pre ss ure poi n ts and th ei r corre- eral of the male outcasts. Her reward is that
neit her she nor her young are attacked
sponding list of organs that receive reju ve-
during the raids. They are in fact protected
nation (i.e. lungs, heart, sp leen , liver, and
by her adulterous partners, all of which con-
kidneys) . The inside wall of the vagina has
sider themselves the fathe r of he r yo ung .
similar pressure points with the heart being
the organ stimulated by the d eepest penetra- Females in other primate clans use adul-
terous liaisons to guarantee babysitters for
tion. The lu ngs are at the second deepest
their young. The mother signals one of her
point. This acup ressure theory suggests that
lovers to watch her you ng while she enjoys a
there is a definite health advantage related
few hours of leisure and again each male
to regular intercourse or masturbation.
assumes this to be his responsibility as 'the
CLAMPS, CORSETS, CUPPING, GENU-PHAL- father'. Thoma s Gregor, in his book
LATION, U GHTING, MASSAGE, PINCHING, Anxious Pleasures, The Sexual Lives of an
SCRATCHING, SENSORY ENHANCEMENT Amazonian People, seems to attribu te the
and TICKLING) continued survival of small Amazonian
tribes to the cohesion created by the num-
ADOLESCENTILISM-PARAPHILIC bers of m emb ers who e ngage in adultery.
(Ephebophilia- attraction to adolescents) Lovers, especiall y men, tend to give pre-
P araphilic adolescen tilism refers to people sents of food. T hi s type of support, o r
who fi nd sexual p leasure in dressing like a exchan ge, balances their economic system.
teenager or acting out this role. T he love bonds and the presen ce of chi!-

dren by various women deter a young man adult e ry. Enforcement, however, has
or widower from leaving to marry someone become imp ossible due to i n creased
from another tribe . anonymity in metropolitan areas and a lack
In modern societies, adu ltery became a of m otivation by neighbors or rela tives to
threat to the family unit. It was still toler- report offenders, among other factors.
ated, but most often in the for m of prostitu- The Puritans must have been appalled
tion. The Bible provided one of the first wh e n they were first exposed to the open
restrictions against adultery for women, but sexuality of the adjacent India n culture.
even th en women were rare ly punished. John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman, in
Numbers V tells of a ritual used to expose their book Intimate M auers, A History oj
adulterous women . Most people, unfamiliar Sexuality in America, discuss the sex habits
with Jewish history, interpret this adultery of Puritans and American Indians during
test as unfair, chauvinistic, and cruel. In this time. The Indians unabashedly prac-
reality, no gu ilty wo m an's stomach ever ticed homosexuality, adultery, polygamy,
swelled and caused death as the law warned. transvestism, an d zoophilia. Likewise, being
The test consisted of simply d issolving the human, not all of the Puritans remaine d
ink inscription of god's name off a parch- piou s an d many of th ose who settled in
ment with water. The intention of the rabbi Plymouth openly adopted these Indian cus-
or priest was to restore the husband's faith toms, eve n reviving so me of the pre-
in his wife and therefore discourage divorce Christian religious fertility ceremonies. The
or r etribution . Th is was done witho ut leader, Thomas M o rto n, was eventually
regard to her guilt or innocence. The test deported to England for a while, and only
eventually lost its credibility becau se all the returned shortly before his death. In time,
women proved innocent by the application the majority of Puritans prevailed and
of this test. forced all settle rs in th e new co lonies to
Adultery co n tinu ed to be tolerated by follow the Puritan code of morality.
societi es that practiced pre-arranged mar- Thi s intolerance, h oweve r , was n ot
riages or that enforced laws aga inst divorce. re st ricted to their fell ow colonists; it was
Catholicism did not campaign to stop adul- imposed on the surrounding Indian tribes as
tery but had its influence by primarily con- well. In Women and Colonization: Amhro-
demning the sex act; for them adultery did pological Perspectives (quoted in Intimate
not carry much more stigma than carnal lust Mailers) , a Jesu it, confronting a M ontagnais
in marriage. The first real campaign against Indian, sa id, "It is not h onorable for a
adultery came from the Protestant reform a- woman to love anyone else except her hus-
tion. The Protestant leaders thought it wiser band," for this sexual promiscuity meant
to discourage arranged marriages and to that a man " was not sure that his son ... was
sanction sex within a marriage. Their hope his son." T h e Indian, pointing out the cul-
was that families would be bo n ded more tur al differences of the intruder, replied,
closely if couples married for love. In turn, "You French people love only your own
t h e Pro tes tan t ecclesiastica l courts children, but we love all the children of our
demanded chastity until engagement, and tribe." This attitude made unwanted preg-
fidelity forever after. This law was for the nancies and split families less of a psycho-
economic protection of a society that did logical burden. Women and children were
not have a welfare system o r a job market also recognized as valuable and thei r contri-
for women. bution s to the success of the tri be were
The English Puritans, upon relocating to viewed as eq uitabl e and n ecessa ry . T h e
the Colonies, abolished the ecclesiastical Indians, unlike the Europeans, did not use
courts and made sex offenses capital crimes wages, sex ual fideli ty, and closed educa-
in civil courts. There are still many states tional in stitution s to suppress wome n.
that ha ve statut es and penalties against Coloni sts la te r us ed the pro m iscuity and

cultural differences of the Indians as proof with a close friend o r rel at ive of their
of the latter's racial inferiority. This helped spouse.
the colonists to justify their extermination Married partners who accept an open
program. marriage will generally negotiate for things
Adultery was also tolerated by societies such as secrecy, discretion, restriction on
when the ratio of men to women was dis - gifts, time allocated, locations for sex, type
proportionately high, or when the offense of person selected, type of sex, safe sex, etc.
was by a man against a lower status slave, Some couples use group sex with strangers
servant, or prostitute. as an equitable compromise because both
Today, there seem to be differences parties are present and there are very few
between male and female affairs. Men usu- emotional liaisons established in this envi-
ally are not looking for a replacement for ronment. N onmonogamous marriages,
their wives. They use adultery to relieve whether consensual o r und iscovered, are
st r ess, alleviate boredom, get r eve nge, thought to take longer to break up because
remedy a lack of affection from a spouse, the adulterous partner is usually happy and
temporarily escape responsibility, boost rarely takes out their frustra ti ons on their
their ego, increase their sexual knowledge spouse . T here are exceptions, for while
and proficiency, or to ease the transition some adulterers will feel guilty and t reat
period between being a promiscuous bach- their partners with more respect, others turn
elor and being married. Many men also guilt into hostility and false accusations
marry for practical reasons and not because against their spouses.
the one chosen was the most sexuall y Adultery involving homosexuality can be
appealing. Women have affairs for many of traumatic to the spouse who has a limited
the same reasons, but tend to fall in love interpretation of human sexuality, thereby
with their new partner much more often. adding more guilt and sh ame to the event.
This can be a problem, because, unlike men Counseling is beneficial for m ost people
who may also fall in love, women are less who find themselves in this predicament.
likely to separate sex from responsibility and The book by Jean Schaar Gochros, Ph.D.,
often do n ot give up their lovers simply to entitled When Husbands Com e Out of the
keep peace in the family. Close1, may be of benefit for those facing
Affairs are often p ainful for the si ngl e this particular problem. CAUTION: An
partner. While they may feel a high level of assumption of implied consent regarding
self-esteem initially, it is depleted when the open marriages or use of deceit may have
adulterer goes home every night to someo ne severe consequences. Dis eases and
else . Often in the end the person who was unwanted pregnancies can also create prob-
the center of the adulterer's world becomes lems.
an embarrassment, a mistake, or a scape- (See also CANDAULISM, CUCKOL DRY ,
goat, so that breaking up becomes the only GROUP SEX, FESTIVAL S, HAREMS, HET -
Spouses desiring an open marriage may TION and WIFE SWAPPING)
be able to negotiate for what they feel is
necessary for their emotional surviva l.
However, much depends on the value their AGALMATOPHILIA (Galateism, Pyg-
partner places on fidelity. Statistics show malionism , Statuophilia) Pygmalion was a
that most people don't file for divorce on a mythical Greek sculpt or who fell in love
first offense, but one can ex p ect sp ouses with Galatea (one of his female statues) . At
who feel h e lpless and betrayed t o go his request, the goddess Aphrodite brought
through a stage of wanting to control or her to life. Today this term refers to people
know about all their partner's activities. with a statue or mannequin fetish.
This is temporary and necessary fo r some to Several historical cases of agalmatophilia
re establis h trust in a partner's fidelit y. have been documented. C!isyphus evidently
Others may seek revenge by having an affair "violated the statue of a goddess in the

Temple of Sames, after havi ng p laced a A few people in today's S/M community
piece of meat on a certain part. In 1877 "a use a psychological fo rm of restrain t where
garde n er fe ll in love with a statue of the the person, like a statue, is not to move or
Venus of J\!l ilo and was di scove r ed respond to t h e fondli n g ac ti ons of t heir
a ttempting coi tu s with it" (Psychopathia partner. And people everywhere seem fasci-
Sexualis, by Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, p. nated with the royal guards at Buckingham
35 1). Palace for their statue-like imperviousness.
The practice of having sex with a statue (See also AMAUROPHIL!A, ANDROlDISM,
was common among worshippers o f the god EROTOMANIA, FETI SHES, FORNICATORY
Priapus where virgins were to first be pene- DOLLS, FROTTAGE, 1-JEIROPHILIA, PEDIO-
trated by him . This practice was later rele- RAPHY)
ga ted to a pr iest or
magistrate. H owever, even AGONOPHILIA (Pseudo-rape) Agono-
in our own century, young philia (agon: struggle; philia: attachment to)
India n virgins have been refers to those who enjoy engaging in a pre-
known to use sacred phal- tended struggle before overpowering their
luses to break their hymens sex partner.
before marriage. (See also FA NTAS Y PLAY , HARPAX-
A few ancient statues had OPHILIA, RAPE and WRESTLING)
removable penises to facil-
itate t h eir u se as dildo s . AGORAPHILIA (Bus hi e mall-sex in
Several statues of Catholic open park) Agoraphilia (agora: public place
fertility saints, including amo ng others St. or assembly; philia: attraction to) refers to
Foutin, St. G uerlichon, St. Gilles, and St. arousal from being in public p laces. People
Rene were equipped with a la rge phallus. who desire to have sex in their back yard, a
The Protestants demolis h ed a church at park, or other exposed area more than likely
Orange in 1562 to find a large wooden experience an unusual level of excitement
phallus that had been covered with leather from being outdoors. Agorap hiles experi-
and 23 years later at Embrun fou nd people ence sexual excitement from being outdoors
still worshipping the statue of St. Foutin by ju st as agoraphobics experience fear.
pouring wine onto his penis (Sex in History, One of the parks in San Francisco is a
by G. Rattray Taylor, pp. 269-270). popular meeting p lace for gays who enjoy
Today some men still prefer th e mu lti- semi -p ub lic sex. T h e ci t y tri ed to dis-
dimensional aspect of these forms to two- courage their activity by having many of the
d imensional printed erotica. One case was shrubs cleared away. This simply resulted in
reported of a man who as a 12 yea r old boy the gays having sex withou t the protective
became enamored of a life-size statue at a covering of shrubs.
museum when his mother called it obscene. (See also ACROPHILIA, CLAUSTROPHILlA,
Later, he spotted two small statues in a store EXHIBITIONISM, HODOPHILIA and PHOBO-
window and purchased them. He began PHILIA)
using th em while masturbating and at the
age o f 34 had no t broken t h e habit eve n AGREXOPHILIA Agrexophilia refers to
though he was married. Another case was those who become aroused by the knowl-
that of a wi ndo\.v dresser who felt compelled edge that othe rs may become aware of or
to masturbate wh enever he saw a nude hear their lovemaking . This can occur in
manikin. His first sexual experience was at hotels, group sex sce ne s, outdoors, or
the age of 14 when he was forced to per- during visits with friends or relatives.
fo rm fellatio on his supervisor as they sat on (See also DOGG ING , ECOUTEURISM, EX-
m anikin s. He developed the desire to not HIBITIO NISM, GROU P SEX and JACTITA-
only rub against a manikin to masturbate TION)
but to have another man watch (The Sexual ALGOPHILIA (D o leros) Algophi lia
Fetish, by Robert Tralins, pp. 27, 46). (algo: pain; philia: attachment to) refers to

sexual arousal gained by pain sensations. An We detect somatic pain by stimulation of

algophile may be involved in S/M, however the free nerve endings that lie near the sur-
it seems the majority are n o t. Kinsey, in face o f the ski n . Once acti vated they
1953, reported that abou t 50% of the people transmit a signal to the brain, however, this
he surveyed admitted feeling sexual arou sal is not a guarantee that the sensation will be
from being bitten. perceived as painful. The message may be
Primitive tribes, with their painful rituals thwar ted in several ways. First, certa in
for entering adulthood, valued their ability nerves, the o nes that transmit sensations of
to endure pain as a prerequisite fo r m a r- deep pressure, vibration, heat and cold, can
riage. The hostile and formidable environ- override pain signals. This is why cold com-
ment hunter s and gathere rs li ved in made presses, heating pads, and chemicals seem
thi s an ess ential qu alific ation . Paul to he lp reduce discomfort. Second , a
Bohannan, an anthropologist wh o wrote a person's mood affects this process and if he
paper on his field work in Nigeria between is anxious the pain will be sh arper, whereas
1949 and 1953, reports a conversation he if he is sexually aroused, feels safe, in con-
once had with a group of the Tiv tribe: trol, and submits to the partner, the sensa-
The aesthetic of beauty, insofar as it is tion m ay even see m pleasant. In a study
represented by scarification and chipping of conducted by Drs. Miczek, Thompson, and
teeth, is involved with pain. I once asked a Shuster it was discovered that in mice it was
group of Tiv with whom I was discussing not the amount or le ngth of painful stimulus
scarification whether it was not exceedingly t hat triggered the analgesic resp on se but
painful. They turned on m e as if I had rather the m o u se's resignati on t o defeat
missed the entire point-as, indeed, I had. (" Anal gesia Fo ll owi ng Defeat in an
' Of course,' one of them said, 'of course it is Aggressive Encounter: Developm ent of
painful. What girl would look at a man if h is Tol era nce and Changes in Opioid
scars had not cost him pain?' The effort t o Receptors," of the NY Academy of
'glow' must be ob vio u s; t h e effort to b e Sciences, Stress-Induced Analgesia, Vol. 467,
dressed up must in vo lve expense and p . 16) . Extroverts are thought to require
trou ble; scarification , one of the finest deco- stronger tactile and mental stimulation than
rations, is paid for in pain. The pain is the intro ve rt s and wil l not registe r pa in as
proof positive that decoratio n is an unselfish quickly. Once pain h as been registered the
act, and that it is don e to give p leasur e to bod y will try to a dap t in various ways .
others as well as oneself (A1arks of Steady pain requires rapid firi ng by our ner-
Civilization, B eauty and Scarification vous system and the body's tendency is t o
Amongst the Tiv, edited by Arnold Rubin, p. adapt to constant stimulus by slowing this
82) . process, meaning that the intensity of pain
T ribes also used the pain of these scarifi- dissipates accord ingly. Once pain has been
cations to induce passion, and thus fertility, registered for 20-40 m inutes the body will
in much the sam e way as people today use begin to produce opiate-like chemicals to
biting. reduce pain sensations.
The registration of pain is caused by the People playing with pain normally desire
releas e of che micals such as bra d yki nin , to create enoug h to trigger the release of
substance P, and prostaglandin s and can be t he se c h e mi cal s wit h the ir a ne sthetic,
divided into two types, somatic and visceral. euphoric, and trance-like qualities. T he pain
Som atic pain occurs m ost often in the mus- game is precarious because the p ain/plea-
cles or skin. This pain is re la ti ve ly mil d sure threshold is n o t constant and can be
co mpa r ed to visceral pain whic h radiates unintenti onall y c rossed ove r, bringing an
from internal organs, cau sing nausea and end t o one's hard earned sexu al euphoria.
weakness. The testes are part of the visceral Gene Bylinsky, in his book Mood Control,
system and injury t o the testicles is trau- e xpla ins: On th e su rface, the effects of
matic. stress, fear, and arousal on pain perception

look paradoxical. Moderate anxiety conditi on in heterosexual females or gay

increases the response to pain, whereas high men is called alloandrism and in he tero-
levels of anx iety, including terror or fear, sexual m en or lesbians is known as all og-
decrease the response to pain. But in term s ynia.
of survival such a response makes a great (See also ADULT ERY, F ANTASY, FANTASY
deal of sense. Perception of pain depends PLAY and SEX MAGICK)
on environmental situations and on the state
of arousal at a particular moment. As one AMAUROPHILIA (Lygerastia-arousal
scientist explains it, " Thus, being hit in the only in darkness) Amaurophilia (Amaurosis:
mouth by a mugger, in a perhaps life-or- blindness; philia: attachment to) refers to
death situation, may cause little or no those who are aroused by a sex partner who
immediate pain, while the slightest touch by is unable to see them and does not apply to
a dentist of a pa tient's tooth may readily two blind partners. Amaur ophilia usually
elicit wincing" (Mood Control, by Gene manifests itself by an inhibition of sigh t with
Bylinsky, p. 35). either o ne or both s ex partners using a
An additional aspect of pain is that it can blindfold or having sex in to tal darkn ess.
trigger a reaction from the autonomic ner- This may be caused by reasons such as reli-
vou s system caus ing an increased rate of gious guilt about nudity and sex, low self-
breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure; all esteem, or feelings of inadequacy.
of which can enhance sexual sensitivity or Other a maurophiles may have become
experience. conditioned to respond sexually only when a
Modern society views pain as an afflic- partn er is asleep or has his o r her eyes
tion and does everything possible to inhibit closed. They may have had childhood expe-
its effects. We may someday have a better riences of sex with siblings who were either
understanding of its biochemical properties sleeping or feigning sleep. Necrophiles also
and pain may prove to have more thera- may be aroused by their partners keeping
p eutic valu e for o ur ability to recuperate their eyes closed, but would further require
from emotional trauma than we realize. a lack of movement.
M ost of the twelve - step programs, and There is also a natural physical c ondition
many psychologists, advise people to recog- that ca use s people discom fort when
niz e psychological pain, feel it, and cope attempting sex under bright lights. This dis-
with it rather than suppressing it with chem- comfort can be great enough to inter fe re
icals before a natural re solution has been with some people's sexual performance.
reached. An advantage of darkness is that tactile
Some people consciously hold onto emo- stimulation can reach the greatest sensitivity
tional pain after the dissolution of a relation- when all other senses are inhibited, particu-
ship, sometimes for years. The pain appears larl y sight.
to be the only thing remaining of their love (See a lso BLINDFOLDI NG, FET ISHES,
affair and they are unwilling to completely PARAPHILIAS , SENSORY COMPENSATION
let go of it, turning instead into romantic
masochists. CAUTION: Pain produced
from activities that harm the body can cause AMPUTEES See ACROTOMOPH ILIA and
serious health problems. If blood is involved
it would also be considered unsafe sex.
(R efer also to AUTOMASOCHISM, CICA-
ANACLITISM Anaclitism is th e act of
TRIZATION, FLAGELLATION, MASOCHISM, achieving adult sexual arousal by activities
ORGASMS, PARAPHILIAS, SADISM, TOR- or objects one was exposed to as an infant.
TURE and TOUCH) These may include breast sucking, enemas,
toilet training (urophilia and coproph ilia),
ALLORGASMIA Allorgasmia r efers to so il e d clothing ( mysophilia), bondage
those people unable to orgasm without fan- (womb confinement), spankings, humilia-
tasizing about a more desirable partner than ti on, biting, nudity or exhibitionis m, cir-
the one with whom they are having sex. The cumcision , sub mission, being bath ed,

nurtured, thr ow in g temper tantru m s, have an orgasmic response to pressure o r

wearing infa nt apparel, having th e penis manipu la ti o n. The prostate is abo ut two
slapped for mas turba tion, or playi ng with inches up the front wall of the rectum and is
dolls. sh aped like a small firm disc.
Similar activities were ritualized by th e Anal sex has been practiced throughout
ancient Greeks, who believed that is was history for pleasure, birth con trol, an d to
necessary for any man who had fallen fatally avo id brea kin g a virgin' s h ym en. While
ill to undergo a rebirth upon recoveri ng. H e common in so m e cultures, others put
was passed through a woman's lap, washed restrictions on this type of intercourse just
as a newborn, dressed in in-fam's clothing, as they d id with abortion or birth control.
and nu rsed. Rule s conce rning b irth co n tro l either
Fetish objects can b e very arousing when ensured a n adequate supply of soldiers or
introduced into sex p lay. Most often these servants for the country or prevented over-
items include rubbe r pants, rubb er aprons, p opul a ti o n , which was a stra in o n
shoes, fur, and stuffed animals. Partne rs eco nomies that didn't have welfare pro-
usu all y know which items they find erotic. grams or a stable agricultural base.
The fetish value of some objects originates The anus, in addition to its response to
during the pe ri od before a baby sees well. tactile stimulation, is a sensory a rea that
These are tacti le and the person may only produces a p leasu re response in the brain
respond to them by touch. An example o f when stimulated. Primal ma n evolved so
this was the woman who noticed a sense of that a pleasu re sensation would occur in the
nurturing when a dental h ygienist or nurse brain whenever h e engaged in a life sus-
lea ned over h e r, tain ing body function. T h is encouraged
brushing her uni- men to eat until full, drink, sleep, urinate,
fo rm against her defecate, and so forth. An example of this
skin. Th e mere reaction is the kiss. Men have discovered
sight o f uniform s that stimulation of the mouth during sex
had n o effect; t h e produces a euphoric chemical reaction fo r
stimulus had to be what our body thinks is eating. The nipples
tactile . A history of and ea rs are also utilized in t hi s mann er
the woman r evealed without much guilt or sham e; h owever,
that she had been born two months prema- using th e anus in sexual activity is taboo in
ture and had spent th e first m onths of he r so me c ultures, ours includ ed. C lini call y
life bei ng cared for by nurses in uni fo rm . there is no difference between stimulation of
(Pe rsonal communication.) the mouth, ears, nipples, feet, or anus in the
Some people interested in this type of sex p rodu ctio n of pleas ure sensations to t h e
play have fo rm ed adult baby clubs that pro- brain. None of these activities have a direct
vide contacts, photos, an d paraphernalia fo r role in reproduction so it seems inconsistent
others who wa nt to experiment with thi s for people to accept some and not all points
fo rm o f erotic play. CAUTION: Anaclitism of arousal in sexual activity.
in whic h a partne r is exposed to body secre- In 1990 there were still seventeen states
tions is not considered safe sex. with statutes that made con sensual anal sex
(Se e also BONDAGE, EX HIBI T I ON JSM, or sodomy illegal. Playboy reported the case
FET ISHES, HUMJLIATION , INFANTILISM, histo ry of o ne India na husband w h o was
KLJSMAPHILIA, LACTAPH ILIA and U RO- imprisoned for h aving ana l sex with his
wife. T he husband's letter to Playboy in pa rt
ANAL SEX (Sodomy, Bu ggery, Coitus
analis, Arsometry, Anocratism, Anomea tia I wan t to express my a ppreciation to th e
-fema le partner , Androsodomy and Playboy Foundation for helping me fight for
Ca tamite-mal e partner) The m a le my liberty. I have been in prison since August
p rostate, similar to the female G -spot, can 1965 for having had anal intercourse with my

wife. Your readers may find it difficult LO form of anolinctus, a person u ses the tongue
believe that a person can be imprisoned for a like a penis, thrusting it between the but-
Jann of sexual expression pe1fo11ned within the tocks, and ramming it against the anus. (See
privacy of the marriage bed, but I ruefully can also COPROPHILJA and FLATULANCE)
tes t.ify that it is true.
ANOLINGUS Ano ling u s, or ri mming, is
These are the facts: My wife and I were
similar to analinctus but refers to actually
married in 1953 ... Whatever quarrels we
inserting the tongue into a partner's an us.
had were always made up amicably after we'd
This activity can transmit diseases suc h as
had a chance LO cool off Even though we were
AIDS, h epatitis, an d giard ia unless a dental
having a particularly difficult Lime of it duri11g
dam or plasti c barri e r is u se d. A n other
the spring of 1965, I was nonetheless shocl~ed
reason precautions should be taken is that
to learn one day that my wife had signed an
there are also indigenous parasites living in
affidavit accusing me of c01mniuing "the abom-
the lower intestine t hat can cau se d isease
inable and detes table crime against nature"
when ingested and relocated to the upper
with her. To this day, I do not know for certain
intestine of the one who does the licking.
why she did this-although during subsequem
conversations, I have gathered that at the time AUTOPEDERASTY Au topederasty refers
she was particularly ang1y with me, following to a man inserting his penis into his own
an argument, and that a meddlesome friend anu s. This is n ot physically p ossible fo r all
had goaded her into Hying LO "put me away" men, but can be pleasurable fo r those who
for a while. I do know that whatever my wife achieve it. T he
and I did in bed was as much her wish as it anus is lu bri-
was nnne. cated, the testi-
Even though his wife changed h er mind cles are pushed
a nd wanted to drop th e ch arges she was to one side and
infor med that she no longer had the legal the semi-erect
right to withdraw h er a llegation; the state of gla n s peni s is
Indiana became the plaintiff. pushed into the
The trial took place and to his amaze- a nus. E jacu la-
ment the judge se ntenced him to " not less tion is not considered p ossible due to the
than two nor more than fourteen years." position and derumescence of the penis.
Fortunately, an attorney from the Playboy
FELCHING Felchin g is a te r m u sed to
Foundation became interested in h is case
describe the act of sucki ng semen ou t of a
and assis ted him in fi ling a n appeal
partner's vagina or an u s. Felching gives
attacking the constitutionality of the Ind ia na
pleasure to some sex slaves as an act of sub-
sodomy st atute. Mr. Cotner sp ent almost
mission even when th e semen belongs to
three years in prison before receiving a
previous lovers. T h e wo m an so me times
retrial (From Playboy : Sex American Style,
squats over the face of her slave and lets the
Edite d by Frank Robinson and Nat
semen drain into his mouth, others assume
Lehrman, pp. 24 7-250) .
th e u sual p ositio n s fo r cunni lin gus. The
There are many typ es of sex that involve
term felching may also be used to describe
t he anus. T h e following sub sec ti on s are
t he u se of a live a nim al in anal or vagi nal
variations o f anal p lay.
sex. (See ZOOPHILlA)
ANOLINCTUS (A n op hilemia-ki ssing
FISTING F isti ng involves inse rting the
anus, Hedralingus-licki ng anus, Proctotit-
hand, fist, or forearm into the rectum or
illia-tickling anus) Anolinctus is the act of
vag ina. See the sectio n o n FISTING fo r
licking the anus. Some people prefer their
additional information .
partner to clean the area firs t, and others
prefer the natural state. The tongu e is run PEDERASTY (Proctophallism, Sotad ism,
along th e in ner buttocks and th e an u s is Corephallism- wi th young gi rl) Pederasty
licked or tickled with the tongue. In another refers to the act of penetrating a partner in

anal intercourse. It is also used interchange- tine. People have actually used light bulbs
ably with pedophilia. Pleasure is sometimes and other glass or p lastic ins trume nts that
in creased for the pede rast by pressin g h ave broken o n ce inside, causi n g tissue
together their partner's buttocks to squeeze damage that required surgery. (Refer to sec-
the shaft of the penis. CAUTION : Ana l tion on GENITAL/ANAL INS ERTS for addi-
play carries wi th it the p otential of disease tional informati o n .) Th e fo llowing
and bacterial infections because the rectal sy mptoms of injury a re watched for and
epithelium is thinner and more easily dam- reported to a physician:
aged than the vaginal wa ll . New o r non -
Sudden c h ange in number o f times
monogamous partners often use a latex or
defecation occu rs
rubber barrier to prevent direc t co ntact
between the anus and the penis o r instru- Abdominal pain
ment and th ey avoid switching from anal
Pain with bowel movement
intercourse to vaginal intercourse with ou t
properly cleaning th e penis or instrument. Black or bloody feces ( internal
M en wh o do not use condoms often wash bleeding)
after anal penetration to prevent brea king
Discharge of mu co us from rectum
out with a possible bacterial rash the next
(other than semen)
morning (this is often mistaken fo r herpes-
which ta ke s at leas t two da ys for initia l
infection to appear ). Some people u se CO PROPHILIA, FLATU LEN CE, GEN ITAL
presex enemas to reduce the amoun t o f / ANAL I NSERTS , KLI SMAPHI LI A, PARA-
fecal matter in the lower rectum. The cell PHILIAS, SAFE SEX and SHOWERS)
wall in the rectum is very thin and can b e
easil y torn. Foreign objects, toys, fingers,
and fingernail s are checked to ma ke sure
short partner) Anasteemaphilia (anasteema:
th ey are free of any rough edges. N ylo n
height; philia: attraction to) refers to people
hosiery run across an object can test its
who are attracted to a perso n because of
smoothness. Condoms an d latex gloves are
their difference in height. This preference is
also used. The four basic rules o bserved
most likely to be noticed when the man is
before engaging in anal sex include the fol-
sh orter than hi s fe mal e co mp anion . Our
society accepts the preference women have
Co mmun icating with partners, n ot for taller men but not the reciprocal desire
surprising them. some men have for taller women.
Some men are attracted to small women
Lubricating well with a water- based
because they say it makes them feel more
lubricant and using a condom.
significant as a protector, and that the small
Relaxing a nd pushing out with the women are m ore fem inine because o f this
anus muscles-some find that lying on diffe rence. The opposite is tru e for the
th eir side is the easiest positio n for women.
entry. Men who are enamo red of tall women
often tend to b e short themselves. O ne such
Objects are n o t poked in to t h e
man stated that the attraction fo r his six foot
partner, but rath er held in place as
compan io n was because when th ey walked
partner slowly pushes back onto them.
into a room together everyone noticed her
People experimenting with anal play begin beauty and this boosted his self-esteem . The
by using one of their fingers or a small dildo flaw to h is reasoning was that his gi rlfriend
or butt plug. An ything inserted into the was n ot beautiful by the standards of other
a nus has a fla nge or is securely anchored to people, but she was over a foot taller than
prevent the internal sphincters from sucking h e and undoub te dly did attract atte n tion
it out of the fingers and up into the intes- when they wa lked in to a roo m toge th er.

Short men may fee l t h at the heigh t of a

partner in some way compensates for their

l- t.IUlAn"IP-:-us;~·
ations in the size and sh ape of the inner
labia as well as the d istan ce between the cli-
t o ris, urethra and vag ina. The vagi n a
ANATOMY Male and female embryos changes in size according to the stage of
have t he same sex organs. It is only after arousal; it begins in a constricted state and
testosteron e, the male hormone, is released th en lub ricates and relaxes allowi n g fo r
that the clitoris grows, becomes elongated, deeper penetration and deposit of the sperm
and forms a penis. The testicles a nd ovaries near th e cervix. The vagina, after orgasm,
are formed in the abdome n and o n ce the returns to its original shape, forming a type
infa nt's sex is determined by hormone pro- of spoon-shaped pocket at the base of the
duction a male's will de scen d into the c erv ix . T h is fu n c t io n h ol d s the sperm
scrotum. The scrotum is formed from the against the canal to facilitate their travel into
labia on either side that join to encase the the uterus.
area t h at later holds the testicles . What People often get their impressio n of a
would have bee n a female's vagina and " normal-size" penis from erotic movies; this
uterus shrinks and ends up near the male's is misleading a nd can damage many male
prostate gla nd. egos. The porn industry intentionally hires
The glans penis and the clitoris have the men w it h penises a nd stamina that others
same number of nerve e ndings and similar
sensati ons, as do the other genital areas: Urethral
Glans penis Clitoris
M uller's ducts/ Tubes, uterus
prostate gland and vagina
Shaft Inner labia Scrotum
Scrotum Outer labia Testes
Both the length of a n average e rect penis
and the average depth of the vagina is 6".
Penises, h owever, can vary co nside rably.
T he circumference of the penis, vagina, and
Anus *'
will envy; therefore, these movies a re not
ureth ra also va ry, with individuals com- the p lace to take a random sampling o f
monly being smaller or larger than what is normal-sized penises.
considered average (Fundamemals of Human Many books are available that elaborate
Sexuality, by H . A. Katchadourian and D.T. further on the subject of anato m y. T h ese
Lunde, p. 28) . brief exp la n ations and diagrams are
The G-spot, named after the gynecolo- included in this encyclopedia only to pro-
gist Ernst Graefenberg, is n ot shown but it vide the read er with basic information and
is approxima tely I" inside the front wall of to act as a reference for the vocabulary used
the vagina. It is the size of a dime a nd feels herein.
like a disc of fatty tissue. Women have vari- (See also DYSFUNCTIONS)

ANDROIDISM A ndroids (andro: male and part human. These are portrayed in
or human, eidos: a form) is used to describe print as engaging in sexual activity w ith
robots or programmable machines that each other. One reason for the popularity of
resemble humans. Movies such as Barbar- these cartoons in the Un ited States and
ella, Flesh Gordon, Alien, Europe is that, although it is illegal to depict
Westworld, Futureworld, humans in photographs of zoophilia,
and The Step/ord Wives sadism, homo -
have depicted or implied sexuality or
sexual activity between other activities,
humans and androids. it is legal for car-
Pseudo android-ism toon characters
is practiced in sex play. to be shown en-
An example is the gaging in these 1 1
woman behind the "Back a c ti v i ties. '--....::::;."--.......-1:ii
Drop" booth (a fantasy and fetish club) Another advan -
during the 1990 San Francisco Exotic tage of using cartoons is that one is able to
Erotic Halloween Costume Ball. She wore a draw scenes that would be physically impos-
g-string, silver wig, g la sses wit h small sible for humans to perform.
flashing lights, a nd a coating of silver on her Two magazines featuring such cartoons
body, patterning her mannerisms to are titled FurNography and Fur Version.
resemble the movement of a robot.
Fantasy magazines that feature seductive ANTHROPOPHAGY (Anthropophag-
poses of half naked female androids are olagnia-includes rape) Anthropophagy
popular. H owever, this fascination is not (anthropo: man, and phagy: the practice of
restricted to men. The character 'Data' on eating) is the act of cannibalism. Canni-
the television series Star Trek: The Next balism has been practiced by many cultures
Generation is reported to receive more fan throughout history, the first record being
mail from women than any other male cast that of the Peking Man who lived 500,000
member. years ago and whose fossils where discov-
(See also ANTHROPOM ORPHIC CAR- ered in 1927 in Choukoutien China. The
TOONS and AGALMATOPHILIA) remains indicated that one group had killed
and eaten another group.
ANDROMIMETOPHILIA Andromime- Many lust murderers, including Jack the
tophilia, coined by John Money, refers to Ripper, were suspected of anthropophagy,
those who are sexually aroused by females often carrying away part of the femal e
who imitate males. organs to eat later. In a different part of the
(See also ANDROGYNY, GYNEMIMELO - world, Montezuma was said to have eaten
the same type of young boys with whom he
preferred to have sex (The Homosexual
ANISONOGAMIST An anisonogamist is Matrix, by C. A. Tripp, Ph.D.). The Aztecs
are r eported to have sacrificed and eaten no
a person attracted to a partner who is either
less than 15,000 victims a year. According
much older or younger than themself.
to one theory, the reason for such an exag-
MARRIAGE, NYM PHOPHILIA and PEDO- gerated nu mber of victims was that it con-
PHILIA) trolled the population, as did many infant
sacrifices in ancient Europe and the Middle
Anthropomorphism (an th ropos: human, Cannibalism was u sed by cultures to ter-
morphosis : change of form) m ea n s rorize intruders, or to acquire desirable
attributing human characteristics to other traits of a victim. Males among many tribes
entities, particularly animals. The sexual as- wou ld not consume fema les for fear of
pect of anthropomorphism involves cartoon emasculation. Tribes in New Guinea suf-
characters that are part animal, object, etc., fered from Kuru, a slow virus, carried in the

brains of deceased r elatives that were con- he carried a pair of scissors wit h him. H e
sumed as a ritualistic practice. This caused was never successful in accosting a woman,
shivering and led to eventual death. but when h e came close he would cut off
Cannibalism was also us ed in magical and eat a piece of his own skin instead. This
and rituali stic ceremonies. These an cient act produced an immediate orgasm for him.
rituals required t hat a p e rson con su me a
NECROPHAGY Nec roph agy ( ne cro:
small amount of blood or flesh from the sac-
co rpse, death, a nd phagy: th e practice of
rificed victim. The Greeks sacrificed a priest
eating) is the act of cannibalizing a corpse,
who symbolized god and by eating his flesh
u sually one whose death th e m olester did
these congregates were t o become one with
n o t cause. M a n y cases o f reported
their god. T his custom very closely resem -
nec rophili a include cannibalism or other
bles the rationale of the sacram ent of the
forms of sadism and it is believed that many
others fantasize ab out doing it. On e of the
People wh o h a v e cons umed h u man
more bizarre cases w as in th e southern
blood and flesh reportedly claim to experi-
United States. A woman repeatedly invaded
ence an intoxicating euphoric effect. This
the caskets of h er family vault and ate the
reaction is similar to that experien ced b y
genitals of her d eceased husband, son , and
anyone who satisfies a strong sexual craving
broth e r ( Perverse C rim es in History, b y
that is n ot co nside red n ormal (exh ibition,
Masters/Lea, p . 118).
necrophilia, rape, etc .) . H owever , in this
case, it must have reinforced the beliefs of PARTHENOPHAGY Parthenophagy
worshippers that indeed their god was pre- (parth-enos: a virgin, and phagy: the prac-
sent in the vic tim. Reports indicat e that can- tice of eating) is the act of eating young girls
nibalism is still practiced as part of ancient or v irgins . S everal lust mu r dere rs were
religious and magical rituals. known t o consume the flesh of their victims.
Cannibalism was also practiced b y th e F ritz H aarm a nn (England, d ied 1924) and
medical profession. The famou s first- cen- his male compan ion ate away the throats of
tury G reek physician, Gale n , compiled a 24- 50 victims. Albert Fish (Washington,
reference of all known medical remedies; D.C., died 1935) confessed to having canni-
these included potions con sisting of human balized 8-15 childre n b y c utting them up
brains, livers, flesh, and bu rned b ones. and u sing the meat in stews. Fish claimed to
W e fi nd sexu al cannibalism in spider s, be the C h r is t wh o h ad co m e to take
scorpions, crickets, praying manti ses, empis vengeance on a depraved society and prided
flies, and som e grasshoppers. However, it is himself o n n ever h avin g p enovaginal se x
d oubtful that this act ever existed in human s with his v ic tim s; h e w o ul d m as turb a t e
as any sort of natural reaction. In a society instead. A no t he r c an ni ba l, M ene sclou
that doesn't practice cannibalism, those wh o (1880) , was convicted of mu rdering a four-
kill their own victims are assu med to suffer year-old girl and rem oving pa rt of her body
from sociopathy. to be eat en later.
Three oth er varieties of anthrop oph agy CAU T ION: Anthropophagy is illegal and,
are aut op h agy, n ec ro phagy, a n d p arth- because it invo lves b o d y fl u id s, i s da n -
en ophagy. g erou s. Certain di seases carried by ' slow
viruses', such as kuru and C reutzfeldt-Jakob
AUTOPHAGY Au top h agy r efe r s to
disease, can be transmitted by cannibalism .
ingesting one's own fl es h . Krafft-Eb ing
recorded the case h istor y of a man wh o at M UT ILATION , NEC R OP HI LIA , O R GIES,
13 became infa tu ated with a young white- RITUAL SEX, SITOP H ILIA, V AMPIRISM and
skinned girl. However, instead of d esiring ZO OPHILIA/BESTIALSADISM)
intercourse, h e was o verw helmed b y th e
urge to b ite off a piece of her flesh and eat APHRODISIACS An aph ro di siac is a
it. H e b egan stalking women, a nd for years che mical that inc reases or e nhances sexual

desire and stamina. The term comes from who otherwise wo uldn't be of interest.
Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and There are two variations of aphrodisiacs:
beauty. dietary and drugs. Each will now be dis-
Authorities generally agree that the best cussed separately.
aphrodisiac is found in good health, supple-
mental vitamins, meditation, exercise, and DIETARY
rest-not in recreational drugs. Orgasms use
BLOOD: Many cultures have believed in the
a lot of stored energy. If a person's energy
power of blood to increase vitality but some
level is low, they may not be able to achieve
attributed sexual potency to blood.
the orgasmic intensity they would like. A
Historians wrote of Romans rushing into
person who is ill, physically exhausted, on
the arenas to drink the blood of slain gladia-
certain presc ription m edication, caffeine,
tors with the hope of restoring their sexual
nicotine, or who is under stress may not
have the energy required for a d ynamic
orgasm and should not expect it. TESTES: Throughout history people have
Narcotics and alcohol are not recom- eaten all types of animal testes for virility .
mended for se x play, with the possible These contain testosterone, the male hor-
exception of the small quantities some mone, and may have had some positive
people need to feel relaxed and loosen inhi- effect for that reason.
bitions. When a person uses a depressant to
KOREAN GINSENG: This is taken as a sup-
make them feel relaxed they may compro-
plement and acts as a stimulant. People take
mise the intensity of their sensations during
this daily for no more than two consecutive
the sexual experience. Drugs and alcohol
are never recommended for sex and a par-
ticular warning applies for any type of sex DAMIANA TEA CONCENTRATE: People
play that requires mental, verbal, or physical add a drop to th e ir drink 15 -30 minutes
skills. before they have sex.
A natural a phrodisiac is that of pro-
VIGOREX FORTE: This product is extracted
longing the courtship phase of a relation-
from oats and, in studies conducted by the
ship. Time is needed to build anticipation,
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human
affection, and respect for a partner. People
Sexuality, it seemed to enhance sexual per-
wh o have casual or spontaneous sex with a
formance for the majority of men. Blood
fairly new acquaintance may compromise
samples showed an increase in the level of
the intensity of the act a nd may feel they
testosterone fo r t h ose who had low or
need artificial methods to elevate arousal.
normal levels prior to taking the extract.
The first episode may have the excitement
T he recommended dose is 300mg per day.
of so m ething novel and daring, bu t that
fades in successive episodes. Strangers or VITAMIN B-6 (NIACIN): A dose of 50-
casual acquaintances tend to be much more lOOmg is taken at least 1/2 hour before sex.
critical of sexual performance than a long-
VITAMIN C: People begin with a l ,000mg
term friend; therefore, with stran gers there
dose every day and build to a· dose they can
is m ore emphasis on p erformance, perfect
tolerate. V itamin C i s also thought to
bodies, and the overall rati n g of h ow a
improve the immune system and to restore
partner compares to a fa ntasy lover. This
col lagen to aging skin, but this is n ot
situation makes the use of a n aphrodisiac
seem more necessary than it would be ordi-
narily . VITAMIN E: The highest level s of thi s
Many people us e aphrodisiacs to com- v itamin are found in t he testes, adrenal
pensate for feelings of inadequacy, to build glands, and the pituitary. Some people
the intensity of passion in a partner to claim that it restores not only sexual vitality
match that of a fantasy m odel, to overcome but fertil ity in men. The recommended
exhaustion, or to create desire for a person daily dosage is about 25mg, but a person

can take as much as 1,000mg a day without the penis if injected directly into that region.
serious complications. Vitamin E is found It is extremely p sychologically habit forming
naturall y in asparagus, wheat germ, sun- and its use can be fatal.
flower seeds, almonds, peanuts, and olive
ICE: Ice is methyl amphetamine, and when
smoked it has effects similar to cocaine bu t
DRUGS In general, drugs, even when with an action that lasts for 12-24 hours
taken in moderation, will lower inhibitions instead of the regular 20 minutes for crack
and have a slight analgesic effect, making it cocaine. Ice is new in the United States. It
possible for some premature ejaculators to also is extremely addictive.
last longer; however, many make orgasm
KETAMINE : This is either injected or
impossible. Drugs do no t ini tiate sexual
snorted, with the effects lastin g 10-20 m in-
arousal, but enhance the feeling if it is
utes. The person loses sense of everyt11ing
already present.
around them until the drug starts wearing
ALCOHOL: Champagne, beer, and wine are off. This produces an effect of slowly
used in s ma ll to m oderate amounts. becoming awar e of oneself as having a
However, too much is a depressant and can body, followed b y an emerging recollection
have negative results. Heavy use can lead to of one's memory or identity, also known as
impotence later in life. a 'rebirth' experience.
AMPHETAM INES : These create a sudden LSD: This is a hallucinogen that may inten-
burst of energy that the b ody will have to sify any mood of the user. Its effect is like
replace later. The drugs speed up a p erson's the altered state of consciousness that mys-
cardiovascular system- an effect similar to tics achieve by fasting, deprivation, or flag-
that of adrenalin. Some people are able to ellation. There may be a transposition of
have sex in this condition and some aren't. sight and sound, th at is , people report
A danger is that amphetamines are p sycho- seeing music and hea ring objects move .
logically habit forming. Another possible effect is depersonalization;
the person loses the sense of having a sepa-
AMYL NITRJTE: (Also called poppers.) This
rate body and seems to dis solve into pa rt of
drug is used by heart patients t o dilate
a liquid or flowing universe. (See ORGASMS
arteries, thus decreasing blood pressure and
/ALTERED STATES) LSD is an u n pre-
giving a sen se of slow m ot io n and light-
dictable drug.
headedness. This makes the orgasm seem to
last longer for some people. MARIJUANA: This drug is smoked or eaten
in food to create an increased awareness of
BARBITURATES: These are depressants (or
body sen sations, analgesia, and euphoria. A
" dow n e rs") a nd are sometim es u sed to
person may have the sense of being able to
induce sleep or to counteract the effect of
think clearly a nd hav e faste r reflexes,
amphetamines . They are likewise addictive
although research has proven that the oppo-
and an overdose can kill.
site is true. It is a hallucinogen and may also
COCAINE: For some, this drug increases sex comp romise the immune system. Regul ar
drive and loosens inhibitions. There is an use may destroy a p erson's ability to cope
immediate increase in h eart rate and blood with str ess and weaken their ambitions for
pressure; people r ep ort feelings of content- the future.
men t, exhilaration, r elief from fatigue and
MDA: This is an amphetamine that has a
depression. It also has a local numb ing
mild psyched elic effect. It speeds up the
effec t. It can be eaten in its natural leaf
cardiovascular system but slows reflexes. It
state, used intranasally, smoked, injected, or
also has a euphoric effect that can last up to
u sed topica lly. The lo n g -term n ega tive
eight hours.
effects are fa tigue, re stlessness, and irri-
tability. It can damage the nasal passages if MDMA: Known as "ecstasy" o r the " hug
snorted, and can do irreparable damage t o drug," it is an amphetamine and

empathogen similar to MDA and is part of the pepper family. It is a CNS agent
reported to induce the desire to give and that raises blood pressure and, like Spanish
receive affection or to caress a partner. The fly, creates itching or irritation of the ure-
first-time user often rep orts retaining a thra. Its use for impotence is controversial,
long-term attraction for the person or object but it does cause castrated rats t o mount
they interacted with on this drug. fe mal e rats. It has sometimes had serious
side effects when mixed with some medica-
MESCALINE: This is a derivati ve of the
peyote cactus. Its effects are similar to a
higher dose of marijuana, but supposedly
CAUTION: There are many issues in-
without loss of mental acuity. M escaline is
volved in a decision to use alcohol or drugs
not thought to be addictive; however, what
to improve sexual arousal. Some drugs are
is sold on the streets is usually a substitute
extraordinarily destructive. A self analysis
or mixture of other drugs.
would involve questions about one's emo-
NITROUS OXlDE: Also known as " laughing tion al security, fear of impotence, sexual
gas," it produces light-headedness and acts boredom with current partner, fear of inti-
as an analgesic. Prolonged use or overdose macy with casual partners, risk of chemical
can cause brain and liver damage. addiction, and performance anxiety . A
perso n who insists on using drugs to
QUAALUDES: These are depressants that
enhance the sex act may also risk damaging
induce a state of euphoria and confidence.
the partner's self-esteem by making him or
They can become addictive and fatal with
her feel sexually inferior or inadequate.
even a small overdose. (See also CHARMS, FERTILITY RITES,
SPANISH FLY: This drug is m ade from the LOVE POTIONS and RELICS)
wings of the Cantharis vesicatoria beetle. It
cause s dilation of blood vessels that can APOTEMNOPHILIA (Amelota tion-
produce prolonged erections. It also causes loss of limb) Apotemnophilia (apo : away
the genitals to itch intensely when the drug from; temp: to pull; philia: attachment to)
passes through the urethra. People are describes people who are arou sed by t h e
driven to sex as a method to relieve the idea of themselves losing a limb or having a
itching this drug causes . A d ose of more body part surgically removed. Such people
than .06 grams can be fatal and, therefore, will occasionally injure th emse lves to an
until recently was used only in breeding ani- extent that requires amputation by a sur-
mals. Anal electrical p robes now replace this geo n. However, most ar e content to fan ta-
drug in large farm animals. size about the loss as they masturbate. A
few men crossdress as females and fake
TRAZONDONE: This drug is p rescribed for
som e sort of disability.
depression and is known to cause priapisms
There are many theories fo r this
(erections that may last several hours) and
behavior. One explanation is similar to that
has recently been documented as causing an
for why men cross-dress. As children, these
increased libido in three women. In one case
men felt that females and amputees r eceived
the patient began masturbating and initiated
special compensations . As adu lts, they
sexual relati onships with three men. After
prefer an unusual sex object or practice due
ending the therapy, her sex drive, to her dis-
t o early- life sexual repression and gu ilt
appointme nt, slacked off to what it had
imposed by parents. They select safe objects
been before treatment. Two othe r cases
for their lust. These may be prostitutes or a
were si milar. (Nanette Gartrell, M.D .,
handi capped p erson. CAUTION : Actual
" Increased Libido in Women Receiving
removal of body parts causes p ersonal dis-
Trazodone,'' American Journal Psychiatry
ability and if it is done under unsterile con-
143:6,June 1986, p.78 1)
ditions serious infections may r esult.
YOHIMBINE: This chemical originally came (See also ACROTOMOPHILIA, AUTO-
from the bark of a tree that was considered MASOCHISM , CICATRIZATION, DYSMOR-

PHOPHILI A, MASO CHISM, MUTILATION , b lock (Sex and R ace by J . A . R oger s, p .

A few E uropean men sold their wives in
ARACHNEPHILIA Arachnephilia lieu of divorce (a total of 387 cases reported
(arachne: sp ider; philia: attac hme nt to ) in England between the 16th and 19th cen-
refe rs to those wh o are arou sed b y sex play turies) . Some of these we re so ld to the
involving spid ers. Spider sce nes utilize a wife's lover in order to gain some r ecom-
perso n 's fear of spiders to increase pense (Untying the K not by Rodrich Phillips,
adrenalin. T he bo ttom may be tied d own Cambridge Press, p. 85).
and the spider either brought close to them Although auctions of women for prosti-
or placed o n their body to c rawl around. tution no longer exist, there are still those
C AUTI ON: P oison o us spiders are dan- who illegally barter with the future of those
gerous because there is a chance that th e under their control. Now they use a facade
bottom will be bitten. such as an international employment agency
(See also FORM1COPHIL1A) for models or entertainers. Once in a foreign
country witho ut government assista n ce,
AUCTIONS S lave auc tion s were money or friends, many will end up working
common until a hundred year s ago in the in the sex industry for their abductors.
U nited States. The New Orleans bordellos The pseudo-slave au ctions found in
were among those who bid fo r fair-skinned A m erica today are lega l a nd conse nsual.
you ng female slaves. Often a popular charity will sponsor an auc-
In terb r eeding wa s so tion to raise money. Men are used and the
co mmon at thi s poin t item bid on is the date rather than sex with
that so me s la ves had the man, although women often let fantasies
b lue eyes and bl o nd cloud their expectations . L ocal businesses
h air. Other slaves were donate dinners for two, theatre passes, a nd
w hite childr en w h o so forth. The m oney bid b y the wi nning
were either abducted women goes to the charity.
from northern farms by The other type of auction is sponsored
t h e sla ve brokers o r by S/M clubs; at t h ese events consentin g
were b astard children d ominants and submissives are auctioned
purc hased fro m sl ave qff for SIM p lay. The Society of Janus has
wo men in wh ose ca re a n annual event with an auctioneer and a
th e unwed mo ther had crowd of 200 bidders. The Back D rop C lub
left t h e m . The s lave in Richmond, California has a slave auction
brokers often kept the fairest fo r their own every Friday night wh ere people introduce
sleep ing com panion b usiness, in w hich a a nd auct io n them selves for the typ e o f
man was able to lease a fa ir skinned slave activity in which they want to participate.
for on e night, a month, a year, or whatever Typical of m ost S/M participants, th ese
he wished. Two of Pr es ident Th o m as peo ple u se th e dra ma a n d intrigu e s ur-
Jefferson's educated aubu rn-haired daugh- rou nding th e original auctio ns to set the
ters (born to him by Sally Hemi ngs o r stage for sex play. These auctions are legal
" Black Sal," an octoroon) were sold upon because only play money is used and there
his death in I 826 and taken to New Orleans are house rules against genital penetration.
fo r t his fate . The you n ges t escaped and The following is an account of a female who
com mitted suicide. They weren't the only was auctioned at one of these parties:
slave daughters of a n American President;
twenty years later President Tyler' s mulatto W'hat does one wear to a slave auction; would I
daughter tried to elope with her white fiance have the nerve lO buy a man and what would I
to an other country, and upon being caught, do with him? These questions occupied my
her father commanded that she likewise be thoughts f or a week. The evening approached
sent to New Orlean s and sold on the slave and I had rationally decided lO take a slave

collar and dog leash with me in case I rallied ance of my buckaroos. She graciously accepted.
the nerve to bid. I entered ihe older San The bidding continued as 10 or 15 more slaves
Francisco home and paid my $20 cover charge were sold. The best of the show was a couple of
to the club that gave most of their proceeds to bi-sexual females who were auctioned as a pair,
an AIDS organization. I was given $10, 000 of just before me. They waited until they were on
privately printed SIM buckaroos to use as play stage lO simultaneously expose their breasts,
money during the bidding. I immediately immedia tely driving up the bidding. Now it
entered the auction hall to check out the partic- was my turn, I didn't expect to still be appre-
ipants and get instructions on bidding. The hensive or have stage frighi, bui I did. The
auctioneer was handing out forms to the partic- auciioneer began the bidding for what I think
ipants. Many people were getting into costume he called a virgin; the bidding coniinued for 20
and others had begun to barter for buckaroos. It minules or more as the room divided inio com-
seems that an hour is spent before the auction, peting factions. All were willing to donate
engaging in eve1y sort of negotiaiion. This is money a t this point because there was no
apparently necessary if a woman is to be pur- reason left to save ii. S oon people were obvi-
chased. Eve1yone begins with the same amount ously bidding more money ihan ii was possible
of money, $10, 000, and bidding for a f emale to have and the auctioneer stopped ihe biddi ng.
starts oui above that amount. A man on the One genlleman in the back of the room sug-
corner of the stage was collecting $2, 000 a gested that everyone put their money together
minute for letting others suck on his lover's nip- and buy me. The auctioneer then sold me to the
ples. At this point~ I was overcome with the whole room. I doubt that many people have
desire to get into costume myself. I stripped off had to make decisions while in a state of shock.
the remnants of my chaste persona leaving only M y concern was lO be fair to all those who
black garters, hose and panties. I siudied myself seemed intenl on winning, ilzerefore I suggested
in a wall mirror and decided that the outfit £hat they get into a line and I would spend four
looked out of balance, so I placed the black minutes wiih each. One man volunteered to be
leather collar around my neck. The time for the th e Lime-keeper and w e began . Most men
bidding came closer, and with the encourage- wanted to be massaged, to have their nipples
ment of others, I decided that in order to get the squeezed, or to be kissed. One gorgeous man
fullest benefit from the event I should allow asked me to simply run my finger down the
myself to be auctioned. Without deliberating fron t of his latex vest for ihe full four minutes.
further I asked the auctioneer for a form . I gave A transvestite, who told me that as a male he
my name, experience (none), sexual preference, was a bottom and as a f emale he didn't know
and S IM role preference (rap, bouom or switch) what he w anted to be yet, asked to run his
and then waited in terror. I looked around the long, red, manicured fingernails down my body
room, selecting those I most wanted to have bid while we stood in front of the mirrored walls.
on me and then ihose I worried about winning One older male had me switch in a spanking
and how they might want me to perform. These scene and when the Lime- keeper's turn came, he
fears quickly subsided as the firs£ slave walked pinched my shoulder and iried to make me
on stage and the bidding began. The room was submit to his dominant commands .
now packed with what must have been over Unfortunately, I becam e overwhelmed and
200 people. Soon there was a good-looking exhausted before everyone had. their turn and
male slave in his late 30s and without caring after apologizing, got dressed and drove home
about his particulars I jumped into the bidding with memories of what will probably be the
and won. H e came over a nd collected the most unique experience of my life.- K.H.
amount and we agreed to get together after the (See also PEDOPHILIA , PROSTITUTION
auction to negoiiale on the type of play in and SLAVES)
which we wanied lO engage. Then another
good-looking guy was up for bid, a bruneue AUT AGONISTOPHILIA (Exhib ition-
from L os Angeles, I bid, but soon lost to a ism) Autagonistophilia (autos : self, agonistes,
female f riend. How ever, not one to accept dramatic actor, philia: attachment to) refers
defeat, I bartered with her for access lO her new to those who are aroused by being on stage
slave for 2 0 minutes in exchange for the bat- or p erforming for a cam eraman.

(See also EXHIB ITION ISM and HOMILO - by Asians befo r e it was int roduced to
PHILIA) Europe b y French Foreign Legionnaires
returning from war in Indo-China, where
AUTOASSASSINOPHILIA Jo h n the technique was performed by prostitutes
Money coined the phrase au toassas - to increase the client's sen sation of ejacula-
sinophilia which refers to "stage-managing tion" (Michaldimitrakis, M., "Accidental
the possibility of one's own masoch istic Death During Intercourse by Males." Am J
death by murder. " Money cited an example Forensic Med Pathol 1986; 7:74. Cited in
in Lovemaps: "The Pathology and Medicolegal Aspects of
The masochis1ic drama of erotic death and Sexual Activity," by Wi lliam G , Eckert,
awnement may be enacted not as an autoerotic M.D. , Steve Katchis, and William
monologue, but as a dialogue with a coopted Donovan. The American Journal of Forensic
partner in collusion. The partner is not neces- M edicine and Pathology 12(1):3-15, 1991 , p.
sarily a paraphilic sadist, buz rather a dare- 12). Sexual asphyxia was also portrayed in
d evil hustler or mercenary given to trying the Japanese movie In the Realm of the Senses
almosz anything for kicks, or for profit. This which was based on the true story of a
was the type of hustler whom a young man couple during the 1930s.
with a paraphilia of homosexual masochism Very little is known about people who
would pick up, one or more at a time, on the practice asphyxia because most do not seek
waterfront. With his beguiling brand of macho, therapy and do not otherwise come to the
he would cue the hustlers into their roles in his attention of the medical profession un less
masochistic drama. First he would supply them they die. Two lead ing authorities on this
with squeeze boules of mustard or catchup and subject, Ra y Blanchard and Stephen J.
a spray can of shaving cream to squirt on him Hucker, both of Toronto's Clark Institute of
as he lay naked, masturbating. Then he would Psychiatry, have collected a vast data bank
direct them to bind him with rope, urinate on of coroner's reports and other materials to
him, degrade and abuse him verbally, hit him, try to understand this p h enomena. They
and kick him with their heavy boots, harder have found a correlation benveen this prac-
and harder, until he would ejaculate, not tice and other paraphilias in their stud y of
knowing whether a blow on the head would 11 7 males who died of autoerotic asphyxia.
wound or kill him (p. 43). "This study investigated the relatio nships
between: asphyxiator's ages; two paraphilias
People e nga ging in thi s act1v1 t y do n ot co mmonl y accompanyi n g autoerotic
appear interested in dying but rather find asphyxia, bondage and transvestism; a nd
the mortal fear itself arousing. various other types of simultaneous sexual
(See AUTOEROT IC ASPHYXIA, HARPAX- behavio r ... Data concerning sexual para-
OPHILIA, HYB R ISTOPHI LIA and MASO- phernalia at the scene of death or among the
CHISM) d eceased 's effects were ex tra cted from
coroner's files using standardized protocols.
AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIA (Asphyx- Anal self-stimulation with d ildos, etc., and
iaphilia, Hypoxyphilia, Autoerotic Strang- self-observation with mirrors or cameras
ulation-strangulation for arousal, Scarfing were correlated with transvestism. Older
- use of scarf for autoerotic strangulation) asphyxiators were more likely to have been
Autoerotic asphyxia refers to self-induced simultaneou sly e ngag ed in bondage o r
strangling or suffocation during masturba- transvestism, suggesting elaboration of the
tion. This is estimated by some to take the masturbatory ritual over time. The greatest
lives of 250 to 1,000 men every year. degree of transvestism was associated with
This practice appears to be an cient. interm ediate rather than hi gh levels of
Professor Leopold Beitenecker, Director of bondage, suggesting that response competi-
the Institute of Foren sic Medicine at the tion from b ondage may limit asphyxiators'
University of Vienna "claimed that the tech- involvement in a third paraphilia like
nique had been practiced by Eskimos and transvesti s m " (" Age, Tran svestism,

Bondag e, and Concurrent Paraphilic Books). This man eventually used strangu-
Activities in 11 7 Fatal Cases of Autoerotic lation techniques on himself. CAUTION:
Asphyxia"; The British Journal of Psychiatry, Autoerotic asphyxiation is of particular con-
September 1991, Vol 159, pp. 371-77). cern because of the frequency of deaths
People have different r easons for associated with it. (" Breath Control and
engaging in this activity. However, these can Carotid Artery Play" by Michael Decker,
only be guessed at because most cases are QSM lecture, January 11 , 1992)
only learned of after the victim's death. We (See also BONDAGE, OXYGEN REGULA-
do kn ow that asphyxiation itself creates T ION and PHOBOPHILIA)
excitement and eventual euphoria because
of the adrenalin produced when the body AUTOMASOCHISM (Deliberate self-
perceives a life-threatening condition. harm syndrome, Borderline self-mutilator,
Suffocation also causes light-headedness. Sergeism-infliction of injury to suppress
Scarves or ropes can be part o f an auto- aro u sal , Munchausen's syndrome-re-
bondage gam e which develops a simulta- ope ning a wound, Traumaphilia-arousal
n eo u s fear of death , control, and from trauma) Automasochism is the con-
sub mission . A person b uild s a feeling of scious act of inflicting pain or injury on one-
power or control by bringing themselves to self as a means of stimulating orgasm, an
the edge and then releasing the device. Fear altered state, or an emotional release that
is one of the strongest effects and it is usu- would act as a substitute for orgasm.
ally enhanced either by using bondage with Examples of automasochism are lying on
asphyxia or by having another person con- a bed of nails, flagellation, cutting, piercing,
trol the scene. This is similar to bondage, as burning, sun dancing, bell dancing, binding,
in the case of one woman who took corsetting, and tattooing. Many cultures
strangers home to tie her up. She was not have used forms of mutilation as part of
interested in submitting to people she knew their tribal or religious rituals. A physical
because that lacked the risk or fear element. mark was used as verification of an adult's
Jo hn Money ha s writte n an entire book, ability to conquer pain.
Breathless Orgasm, based on one asphyxi- People who engage in any of these acts to
aphile's case hi story. It appears that this relieve stress or for subliminal sexual gratifi-
man became fixated on the idea of asphyxi- cation are referred to as self-mutilators. The
ation as a child in the same manner others fundamental r easo n s for automasochism
have become acrotomophiles (attracted to and self-mutilation may be similar. Many
partners without a limb). This man specifi- mutilators have low self-esteem, feelings of
cally writes, "And then the girl who I guilt and self-denigration, depression, diffi-
thought was my swee th eart hopeful culty in expressing or verbalizing emotions,
drowned while swimming at the beach; and are from broken homes, or have em otionally
then my fascination of the word asphixia distant or physically abusive parents. The
(sic] came into play. I used to sit and try to more serious mutilators (e.g. removal of
imagin e h er nude body drowning under- penis) are considered p sychotic or
water, and I won dered what it was like to schizophrenic.
drown; and I started havin g dreams while Motives for self-mutilation vary. It can
sleeping about swimming underwater and be done to gain attention and love, control
drowning, and then swimming like a fish aggression, reduce tension, or end a state of
where I didn't need any kind of air tank. But depersonalization or emotional numbness.
I could swim an d watch other people Events that often lead to an episode are
drown, mostly girls. Then I started to mas- arguments with family or the threat of losing
turbate .. ." (Lovemaps, Clinical Concepts of a lover.
Sexual/ Erotic H ealth and Pathology, Some people sabotage their health with
Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition in the goal being surgery and afterward they
Childhood, Adolescence, and Maturity b y may reopen the wound. This is referred to
John Money, p. 246, pub. Prometheus as Munchausen's syndrome.

P eople wh o compulsively injure t hem- injury: toward a biological basis," by I.

selves seem to follow a consistent five stage J on es, Perspect B iol M ed, 1982; 26:p3 7-
pattern: " (l) the p recipita ting event (such as 150).
loss of a significant relationship), (2) escala- People who engage in automasochism
tion of the dysph oria, (3) attempts to fore- m ay fin d professio nal therapy, self-help
stall the self-injury, ( 4) self-mutilation, and groups, o r guidance in co mmuni cating
(5) the aftermath (for example, relief from emotions and anxiety beneficial. Medication
tensio n )" ("The Inner Experience of t he such as " dopamine antago nists, serotonin
B or derlin e Se lf- m u t il ator, " by E. reuptake inhibitors, and opiate antagonists
Leibenluft, DL Gardner, RW C owdry, m ay be of va lue" in so m e cases ("Self-
Journal Personality Disorders, 1987; 13 17- In jurious Beh avio r: A Review of the
1324) . Behavior and Biology of Self-Mutilation,"
Automasochism has the same neurolog- by Ronald M. Winchel, M.D., and Michael
ical effects as discussed in the Masochism Stan ley, P h .D., Am J Psychiatry 148:3,
section . These range from sexual arousal, March 199 1, pp. 306 -3 15) . CAUTION:
euphoria, depersona lizatio n, and altered C utting ca n damage nerves and arte ries
states. P eople who p erform self-mu tilation which can lead to serious health complica-
to end t he deperson alization p hase of the tions.
stress cycle may be subconsciously effecting (See also ACROTOMOPHILIA, ALGO-
a speedier recovery. P eop le who suffer PHILIA, C ICATRIZATI ON, HUMILIATION,
physical injuries after a disaster "often fare MASOCHISM, MUTILATION , SADISM and
better u ltimately t han those wh o escape
unhurt" ("A nd Now, Emotional After-
shocks," by Anastasia Toufexis, reported by AXILLISM (Hircusophilism- preference
Andrea Dorman/New York and J oseph J. for underar m ha ir, Maschalop hil o u s-
Kane/Atlanta, Time magazine, Octob er 30, a r ou sal from armpi ts) Ax illism (ax illa:
1989, p. 46). Speculation based on historic armpit; ism : act) refers to the u se of the
remedies involving acupuncture, bloodlet- arm p it for sex. This is m ore comm o n in
Europe, where wo m en
ting, cu pp ing, electric shock, slapp ing allow their armpit hair
someone who becomes hysterical, etc. sug- to grow. Th is area is
ges ts that post-traumatic infliction of pain very se n s iti ve to the
or injury triggers the neurological recovery flicker of a tongue o r .
cycle or immune system of a patient. th e warmth of a penis.
Self-mutilatio n is com mon in hospitals, Unshave n h air is also
sai d to retain phero-
p risons, and a sy lums. Th is is l ogic al mon es, t h e sex h o r-
because of the extra stress fel t by patients or mone s t hat cause
prisoners w h o are se parated from t h eir arousal when inhaled.
family, and who have a n ew strict routine Th e adva ntages of
imposed that severely limits their p ersonal axillism for m en are that of a tight fit, fric-
freedom . People naturally go thro u gh a tion against the penis, close proximity to the
n ormal s tress cycle when experiencing breasts, and no risk of pregn ancy or disease.
trauma : fear, avo idance behavior, anger, Axillism, when engaged in within a day of
compulsiveness, depression, depersonaliza- shaving, produces more sensation but later
tio n, and numbn ess. Scientis t s ha ve underarm stubble can cause irritation of the
observed that "practically all known reports penile skin.
of self-injury in macaques [a primate] have (Se e also COITUS A INTERFERMORI S,
been recorded when the animal is physically COITUS A MAMMlLLA, GENUPHALLATION,
restricted and usually when isolated" ("Self- HEAD STANDS and PYGOPHILIA)
BATHS Baths have b een used throughout pies. G roup sex houses often have hot tubs
history for personal hygien e, health, reli- on the premises. Some indi v iduals h ave
gious rituals, luxury, socializing, distraction, formed priva te pseudo-swing social groups.
sexual arousal, and meeting prostitu tes. T h ey h ave weekly potluck din n ers wh ere
The importance of a tradition can some- guests may undress and relocate to the hot
times be determined by the extravagan ce tub or bedroom after eating.
some use in their indulgence. For example, Most of the gay baths h ave been closed
the Jap anese Funabara H otel allows guests as a result o f the campaign against AIDS.
to bathe in a solid gold tub that is carved in There is serious doubt that AIDS is spread
the shape of a chicken . The ancient Roman throu gh chlorinate d water but the sexual
Baths of Caracalla were a mile in circumfer- activity engaged in befo re gays beca m e
en ce and could hold 1,600 bathers. In Bath, aware of AIDS and safe sex practices did
England the bath s were part of wors hip . put many at risk.
Here the Romans built a temple to the god- (See also COITUS A UNDA and SHOWERS)
dess Sulis M inerva over natural hot springs.
Worshipers believed that hot springs were a BED OF NAILS Lying on a bed of nails
gate to the fiery underworld and one could is a p assive form of masochism. A bed of
petition the gods' favor by bathing there or nails is an apparatu s which consis ts of a
by throwing coi n s or va luab les in to the rectangular piece of wood the length an d
water. People still throw coins in fountains width of the body, that has 4 -5" long, 2
but u suall y without the knowledge of its gauge or larger nails driven through at 1/2-1"
religious significa nce. intervals.
Public baths lost their popularity during This bed has been used in Eastern reli-
the Dark Ages when C hristians, particularly gions to create intense sensations, possibly
those of the ascetic movement, condemned sending the person into an altered state of
bathing with perfumes as self indulgen ce consciousness. Today it is done in India,
and nudity as immoral. They managed to primar ily as a tour ist attractio n . So me
convince oth ers t h at a dirty body was a American S/M communities have adopted it
proper method of mortifying the flesh as a and use it as it was o riginally intended .
pena n ce for s in. Publi c bath s did n o t T h e pain felt w hil e ly ing on the bed
become popular again until t he crusad ers directs attention to t11e b ody and its sensa-
returned from the Arab countries enthused tions. This helps o n e to ig n ore the emo-
a bout the Turkish baths t h ey h ad see n . tional pressu res from the rest of the day. It
Public baths became p opular as social gath- becomes a 'stress p urgative.' The sensation
erings with wine and m usic being provided is pain fu l for the first few minutes but
for the bathers. Brothels soon began to use becomes dull and decentralized after about
these baths as a way to increase their busi- 20 minutes. Physical p ain that one has con-
ness. Th is co ntinued until the bubonic tr ol ove r s timu lates a person' s immune
plague caused their extinction in t h e 15th . system and people wh o engage in this type
century. of activity may regenerate the immu nity that
P u blic baths in the U nited States now long term stress compromises. T he experi-
consist of hot tubs, spas, steam baths, and ence lea ves the user feelin g invigorated in
jacuzzis. T hey may be part o f an apartment much the same manner as jogging or tennis.
co m plex , private club , or house party. (For more discussion on the effects of pain
The re are establishments that specifically please see the sections on ALGOPHILIA
cater to sexual en counters, som etimes pro- and MASOC HISM ).
vid ing private roo m s that can be rented. Pla ci n g the n a il s close to eac h oth e r
Their clientele will usually consist of either reduces the risk of pai n or accidental
gay and bi-sexual men or heterosexual cou- piercing. T he tips are also unifo rm with a

level top su rfac e. P eop le who construct pushed on to encourage it to sting. (Stings
t he se beds modi fy the m to their own to the glans do not produce desired swelling
body.CAUTION: The greatest risk of and the ven om sack t ends to penetrate the
being injured is when the person gets on or skin too d eeply, causing difficulty in
off the bed. Men will wear a pair of leather removing them.)
briefs or jock straps and most u se a firm B ees lea ve their
pillow to support th eir head. The person stinger in the p enis
next straddles the bed, squats into a pu sh- and are not able to
up position, and lowers himself or her self sting o ther parts of
onto the bed so that the torso of the body t he bo d y. Stingers
receives even and level support. T hey next h ave a small veno m
bring their legs into position and place the sac th a t pump s th e
pillow u nder their face. T he body remains r ema ining po ison
still because moving around or twisting can into the flesh before
cause nails to puncture the skin. H owever removal. Stings on the penis, unlike other
cautiou s a person is who uses a bed of nails, areas, resem ble the bite of a mosquito. The
there is always a risk of being accidentally primary discomfor t is produced by subse-
p ierced a nd people rarely lie on the bed qu ent itching, although the penis will also
while alone. Additionally, if blood contami- become tender and swell. A thick twin e or
n at es the nails it can be a transmitter of leathe r strip tied arou nd t h e base of the
blood borne diseases such as AIDS or hep - penis, allowing enough space to insert two
atitis. fin gers betwe e n the peni s and strin g,
(See also ALGOPHILIA, AUT OMASO- restricts the swelling in th.e penis from dissi-
CHISM , BELL DANCIN G and FAKIR pating into the body but will not cut off cir-
MUSAFAR) culation. In this case the circumference of
the man's penis increased from 6 1/2 inches
BEE STINGS (Melissophilia; Entomo- to 9 1/2 inches. Swelling is greatest on the
cism-use of insec t s, E ntom oph ilia- seco nd day . There are two u n expect ed
arousal from in sects, Formicophilia effects, ho wever. The swolle n outer skin
- arousal from ants) may restrict blood flow into the penis and
Bee stings are used to extend the dura- the swelling can become lopsided or uneven
tion of orgasm, enhan ce sensations of the if pressu r e is applied on only one sid e.
penis, and increase its circumference . CAUTION: Poisonous venom can h ave
Bee s ti ngs were once us ed as a fo lk serious effects on about 5% of the populace.
remedy by arthritis sufferers. The insects Any of the following symptoms of anaphy-
were captured and held on the affected joint lactic shock following a bee sting r equire
until they stung . T he poison and swelling it emergency medical care:
caused alleviated much of the pain in their
joints. difficulty breathing
One male, having observed his grandpar- chest pain
ents u se bees for this purpose and late r
having a fe m ale friend throw a bee on his dizziness
genitals as a joke, discovered that the sting nausea or vomiting
o n his penis e xtended the dura t ion a nd
intensity of his orgasm . Realizing that the edema or general swelling
bee sting was almost painless, he developed blue coloration of lips
his own procedure. This procedur e con-
sisted of catchin g two bees in a jar a n d weak pulse
shaking it to make the bees dizzy to prevent
them flying away. T h ey were then grabbed (See also FORMICOPHILIA and ZOOPHILIA)
by both win gs so that th ey were unable to
twist around a nd sting. Each bee was placed BELL DANCING (Ball da ncing- balls
just below each side of the glans penis and or fr uit h anging from s kin h ooks) Bell

dancing is a form of ritualistic self flagella- O n e of th e earl ie r forms of t he bell y

tion where the dancer pierces the body to dance was called t h e " awalem" and was
hang ornaments by strings into his or her used as sex education fo r newlyweds in
flesh . Flagellation was one of th e various Egypt. T he dancer(s) wou ld stand in o ne
f'l, methods sha m e n spot and imitate the different sexual move-
used to achieve an ments required for coitus. The belly dance
altered state. Other still consists of various b ody conto rtio n s
forms were fasting, performed in a restricted space. The dancer
drugs, and dances. changes positions only to give the audience
Bell dancing com- a different perspective of the movements.
bines the fest ive A second a ncient dance, the "ghaziyeh",
dance ritual with had only dancers with a scarf or p iece of
self flage Lla tion. This combination seems to cloth that they would swirl around a nd pull
speed up t h e neurological process of back and forth against their ge ni ta ls until
obtaining an altered state of consciousness. orgasm. The dancers were females who had
Bell dancing is performed by religious clitoridectomies performed while you ng and
sects using bells, balls, lemons, or oth er therefore had to stimulate their genitals by
fruit. These are usually attach ed to sutures intense and p rolonged rubbing. U nlike the
at one e nd and sewn into the ski n on the silent belly dancers, these wome n would
o ther. E nough ornaments are sewn on so sc ream and m oa n like wild b easts until
that they eventually form a necklace or belt orgasm was reached; it was not un til then
around the person. The person then dances that the dance e nded a n d the orgy began
to perc u ssion instruments or possibly a (Cradle of Erotica by Allen Edwardes and
flute. The dance or swirling causes the dan- R.E.L. Masters).
gling objects to beat against the person's Jacobus X wrote of another dance, one
body and to pull against the pierced skin performed by African Senegals. " In the a na-
where each strand is attached. The dancer's mal is fubil, the dancer in his movements,
primary desire is to experie nce an altered imitates the copulation of the great Indian
state. duck. This d rake has a member of a cork-
Bell dancing is a mixture of spiritual and screw shape, and a peculiar movement. The
sensual sensations and, like other types of woman, for her part, tucks up her clothes,
masochism, it can give the dancer a sensa- and convulsively agitates the lower part of
tion similar to but much more intense than a her body by the motion of her haunches;
normal orgasm. CAUTION: This is consid- she alternati vely s hows her partner her
ered a blood sport and unprotected contact vulva, and hides it from him, by a regular
with a partner is not considered a safe sex movement, backwards and forwards, of the
practice. body" (Untrodden Fields of Anthropology by
(" Rituals," by Fakir Musafar, Society of Jacobus X, 1898). Victor Robinson, a turn
Janus lecture, November 30, 1989) of the century m edical doctor, documented
(See also ALGOPHILIA, BED OF NAILS , the ve rbal instructions given by a village
CHORE OPHILIA, CO RSETS , FLAGELLA - priest for an African Dance of t he Bride-
1. Prepare your skin (vibratio n). Go
BELLY DANCING (Danse du ventre- to your place.
fertility dance) Belly dancing is a modern
version of an a ncient religious dance signi- 2. Walk (wi th h ip swings) as th ough
fying sex and childbirth. It can be .traced to Huge Sacred Phallus.
throughou t history in countries such as 3. Vibrate yo ur body. Ardently wish
Phoen icia, Turkey, Egypt, Africa , and the phallus was entering you.
Greece. It was introduced into the U nited
States by Sol Bloom as an exhibit in the 4. Behold! Ct is standing to greet your
1893 Chicago World's Fair. wish, royally erect like the rising sun.

5. Vibrate your body . The power of 27. Behold he (his life) gushes forth
your ances t ors is concealed within again.
28. I let go the juices of my loins.
6. Wonder of wonders! M y depths are
29. I give up every drop.
entered by the Royal Phallus.
30. I will soon return to hjm-restored
7. Ah! What glorious sexual union has
and refreshed.
come to me.
31. Now my eyes a r e full and my
8. L et us clamp our bodies together-
throat swollen.
tighter and tighter-closer and closer.
32. I am forced to my knees- I col-
9. Lean to the left side.
10. Lean to the right side.
33. My navel and chest sink inwards.
11. Ah!!! What glorious sexual union
34. I open and shut my mouth with
has come to me. Ah .. . (ejaculation).
hugh breaths.
12. We tremble at the knees.
35. I long for the Sacred Phallus again
13. He becomes like sawdust: I am -strong, erect, glorious. Ah! I faint
breathless: we collapse. w ith longing- I sleep (Encyclopaedia
Sexualis, by Victor Robinson, M.D.,
14. Soon he boasts to me-he will rise
pp. 166-7).
again soon.
Belly dance motions are no longer overtly
15. W e close together in another glo-
sexual. Instead they have become a n art
rious sexual union .
form that allures, teases, and promises an
16. Still closer and closer-he will fill exotic experience that is more fantasy than
me with great progeny. reality. The dancer must also express strong
emotions such as happiness, sorrow, love,
17. Ah, ah, behold! Great and Royal
and anger. These humanize the dancer and
generations will arise (from this
if done well can create a bond that is emo-
union) .
tionally and sexually stimulating.
18. Again we tremble at the knees. The belly dance follows a basic routine.
It begins with the dancer entering, moving
19. We salute our posterity (swing to
with · the grace of a serpent hypnotized by
the left) .
the sound of a flute. The music then gains
20. (Swing to the right). Soon we will in te mpo to become a folk da nce. The
clamp our bodies together again. dancer shakes and rolls her shoulders, head,
stomach, and hips to the new rhythm. The
21. Hurrah! he has ri sen again: he
mu sic becomes de epe r and as emotion s
goes down my path: I dance with joy.
intensify the dancer moves aroun d the floor.
22 . He mo ves closer and closer, She selects a spot on which to go down to
deeper and deeper into me. her knees and lean back into the floor rou-
tine. The dance ends as it began an d she
23. Still closer-still deeper.
shimmies her way back into the harem or
24. Hurrah-he goes down my path- Turkish street whence she came.
I dance with joy. There are books and classes where men
and women can learn this erotic art form.
25. I groan as he presses closer and
Belly dancing, while gaining in popularity in
closer, deeper and deeper.
the rest of the world, has serio usly declined
26. He cleaves m e royally- I am as an occupation among women in Egypt.
amazed how gloriously he cleaves m e. I n November, 1989 there were only 5 0

licensed dancers remaining in that cou ntry. At the same time such a person may benefit
CAUTION: Belly dancing can cause back from therap y to help them discover the
problems for some people. reason for thi s emotional dichotomy and to
(See also CH OREOPHILIA, SEX SHOWS and enable them to get both nurturing and pas-
STRIPPING) sion in a single relationship.

BI-SEXUALISM (Ambisexual, Amphi- BIASTOPHILIA (Raptophilia) Biasto-

sex ual, A ndrogynophilia, Sexoschizia) Bi- p hil ia (b iasto: rape or forced violatio n ;
sexuals are attracted to either sex as philia: attac hme nt to) refers to those who
partners. T his predisposition is thought to are only aroused when sexually assaulting
be based on biological (genetic, hormonal, an unwilling victim. The rapist loses interest
and neurological) factors. Harry F . H arlow, if their v ictim submits. They nee d to see
wh o led the research into primate psy- fear or tension in the partner.
chology, st ated in his book Learning LO Love (See also DACRYPHILIA, LUST MURDER,
that " Bisexual potential is a fact in humans RAPE and SADISM)
and monkeys, and judgment of any sex-role
behavior as normal or abnormal is only in BINDINGS Bindi ng restricts movement
relation to some manmade standard, real o r a nd may include an area such as the geni-
fictitio u s" (p. 93) . In tests, more than 50% tals, feet, face, breasts, or all of the body, as
of females in a group sex scen e responded in t he fo rm of mummificati o n .
to same sex intimacy compared to only 1% M ummifi cation requires that a pe rso n
of the males. H owever, when anonymity is totally submit to their partner, however with
guaranteed th e rati o of male bi-sexual s binding o ne only relinquishes control of a
increases to an almost equal level. certain area, usuall y the genitals or breasts,
Bi-sexuals may have dating relationships but no t a lways. Binding is pleasurable to
with men and women at the same time or some due to the sensation of compression.
may be seriall y monoga m ous with either . It may also be included with other types of
Some married bi-sexuals have affairs with bondage.
others of the same sex, but rarely with the Any area of th e body can be bound but
opposite sex. This is because they separat e the following will only d escribe breast s,
love from lu st and do not consider pas- face, feet, penis, and mummification.
sionate sex with same sex partners a threat BREASTS Breasts are bo un d with soft
to the love and commitment they feel for a rope, sca rves, Saran Wrap, Ace bandages,
spouse. soft leather strips, etc. They can be partially
There are va riou s reason s for bi-sexual bound, so that the base is squeezed and the
attraction. Some feel that all people are the fro nt area is left exposed for. nipple play, or
same (i.e., a body is a body). Others find a they may be com pletely bound for sensation
distinct energy that uniquely characterizes from pressure. T his type of breast binding
each sex . Bi-sexuals ma y be nurturing or is used by transvestites fo r crossdressing
passionate wit h e ith er sex . H owever, t h ey purposes.
usu a lly separa te the two, being only nur-
turing with one sex and passionate with the FACE Occasionally people enjoy having
other. Famous bi-sexuals in history include thei r face o r head restricted. A p e rson's
J ulius Caesar, wh o was sa id to b e eve r y head is bound with scarves, soft th in rope,
wo m an's hu sband a nd every man 's wife, leath er straps, or latex hoods. These can be
and the Emperor Hadrian. lethal if they slip out o f place. Most tops
Bi-sexuality can offer a person who only don't lea ve the room whil e their partner is
re spond s to th eir partn er with passion or bound. Latex also causes perspiratio n and
nurturing an opportunity to enhance and th e partner's d iscomfort determines h ow
complete their sexual and emotional n eeds. long the hood remains in place. CAUTION:

Closing off th e mouth and nose together or towel, and their partner's favorite sex toys.
using the throat area as a n anchor can be Wrapping materials consist of Saran Wrap,
dangerous and even fatal. Ace bandages, or la tex strips. Once th e
person is wrapped they are r eady to be
FEET Foot binding was originally prac-
tic ed in 950 A.D. among dancing girls of
Head h arnesses are used to give max-
the Chinese T 'ang dynasty. I t spread
imum support under a person's chin and
throughout th e different levels of society
the back of their head. The top of the h ar-
and continued until the e mancipation of
ness has a ring with which to attach the
wome n in the 1911-12 revolution. There are
panic snap and c h a in . These are not
several theori es related to its popularity.
designed to support th e weight of the
The binding of a wife's feet made her more
person, only to assist their balance while
subservient and more dependent. The
binding of feet and the resulting effort
The typical mummification scene pro-
required to walk was thought by som e to aid
ceeds by a person undressing, ha ving the
in the tautness or development of muscles in
h ead harness fitted and then hooked to the
the vagina. This theory is controver sial and
chain that attaches t o the ceiling. This is
the bindings may have become popular
done to make sure the person is comfortable
simply because m en are aroused by frailty,
and has the proper support before the wrap-
pain, or discomfort suffered by the opposite
ping begins. Next the padding is placed
sex, especially when it is done for sexual
between the ankles and knees and the wrap-
rea so n s. This handicap was also a status
ping then begins at the ankles and moves
symbol in the same way as the aristocratic
upward. The person wrapping watches t o
Chinese male's incredibl y long fingernails,
make sure that he has not left any exposed
both being symbols of wealth and leisure.
skin between the wrapp ing to which the
Today many women wear high heels that
duct tape might stick. Many prefer not to
are uncomfortable or cause a similar slow
wrap the person with their legs or arms
delicate gait. Women seem to wear this type
touching other skin because of the discom-
of shoes as much for themselves and their
fort. The wrapping is continued, leaving the
own sense of what makes them feel sexy as
genitals or breasts exposed, and finished by
to please men. (See also ACROTOMOPHILIA,
loosely wrapping the n eck . Duct tape is
applied to sec ure the wrapping material,
a nd a blindfold is occasionally used .When
MUMMIFICATION Mummi- the game is over, bandage scissors are used
fication inv olves wrapping the to cut the mummy out of the wrapping. The
whole body. The ancient Egyptians material may be cut loose while the person
preserved th e ir dead in this is still suspended or afterward. Head har-
manner. Today it is u sed in the nesses are not unsnapped unless the partner
S/ M community as a form of is strong eno ugh to sup port their bod y
bondage. If the bound partner weight because many people are unable to
prefers to play during the time they stand on their own after mummification.
are encased, the genitals, nipples, Cutting is begun at the bottom between the
or anus are left exp osed. Negotia- back of th e ankles and continued to the
tion is very important and a safeword is neck. The mummy is usually perspiring and
always agreed upon between partners before ha s to be wrapped in a large towel or
they play. (See NEGOTIATION) blanket. A simpler type o f mummification is
The materials u sed for mummification done with restraint type body or sleeping
are bandages, scissors, a ceiling ho ok that bags.
can support the weight of their partner, a Another form of mummification is the
chain, panic sn ap, a head harness, padding wrapping of one's partner in toilet paper as
fo r between the person's knees and ankles, they stand. They are next sprayed (using a
material for wrapping, duct tape, a large water pistol or bottle spray) with a favorite

liquid. The partner or partners then proceed crocodile dung, both being used by fe males.
to lick the wet pap er off their body. This More recently th e 18th century Casan ova
game is called "sq uirt and li c k." CAU- used half lemons which must have acted as
TION: It is psychologically important to the a n acidi c spe rm icide a nd cer vica l cap.
mumm y to b e touched and talked to by Abortion and sterilization are also typ es of
their partner. The mummy is much more birth control that are ancient.
likely to panic without constant reassurance. Historicall y, governments have h ad the
Many people have died attempting mummi- most control over sex, abortion, birth con-
fication while alone or with a partner who trol, adoption, or the num ber of males and
wasn't aware of proper p recaution s. fe males allowed per family. T hese restric-
tions were usually based on a country's need
PENIS Many methods ar e used to bind the
for additional soldiers a nd workers. M ost
penis. There are prefabricated leather h ar-
cu ltures had little or no provision for wel-
nesses with rings, snaps, and eve n attach-
fare, therefore, the ir o nly solution in pre-
a bl e vibra tors. Some
venting hu nger was to control the birth rate
ha ve a rin g th a t can
or population of their citizens. A woman
accommodate a leash
who accidentally became pregnant had the
whic h is u sed to lead
option of aborting before d eli ver y, aban-
n aked men around a t
doning, selling, or killing the child after its
SfM parties. birth.
The p enis is also
Religions eventually became involved
bound or wrapped with
w ith r estri cti on o n bir th contro l and, in
6 feet of rope, thi n leather boot laces, strips
som e cases sex in general. Europeans and
of 1/2" garment leather, or Ace bandages .
Americans alike found that after the censor-
Bandage scissors are kept in an accessible
ship of sexual information during and fol-
location in case of an emergency. A sample
lowing th e 19 t h century period of
wrapping beginning with the center portion
Victorianism birth control info rmation was
of the strand being a nchored gently under
no t availa ble to the general public. A few
the scrotum, both end s brought up, crossed
notable people fought to bring wome n this
at the top front of the scrotum, brought up
information. P eople such as Francis Place,
and across the top of the penis, and from
Richard Carlile, Annie Besant, John Stuart
th ere continues until t he desired effect is
Mill, C harles Knowlton, Dr. Aletta Jacobs,
achieved. CAUTION: It is dangerous to
and Dr. M arie Stopes foug h t for peo ple's
wrap the b inding too tightly. Penis binding
right to choose birth control. Even the man -
is restricted to n o lo nger than 10 minutes
agem en t of Syntex L abs had a stru ggle in
and shorter if a tingling sensation develops.
b ringing the first birth control pill to the
Safewords are used to signal the need for
immediate release. If the bottom is gagged,
One of the last great social reformers was
an obvious gesture is agreed on in the event
Margaret Sanger, wh o in 19 14 spearheaded
of any discom fort, nausea, or pain. Serious
a movement to educate women on this sub-
damage can occur if not done safely.
ject. She was a nurse who had not only seen
firs t hand the agony unplanned children had
on poor fam ilies but h ad tend ed a patient
B IRTH CONTROL Documented efforts who died o f an illegal abortion. It was she
to p revent pregnancy are ancient. The Jews who first coined the term 'birth control' and
first recorded coinis interruptus as a fo rm of began writing literatur e on the subject. She
birth control in Genesis. Efforts a t birth soon found herself indicted under the direc-
control are also fou nd in Egyptian papyri as tive of Anthony Comstock, the special agent
ea r ly a s 1900 B .C . T h e Egyp ti ans u sed of the P os t Office and lobbyist fo r the
many different meth ods. One was a barrier Com stock Ac t, whic h made obsce ni ty a
of lint that was covered in acacia powder, felo ny. Comstock especially felt t hat birth
ano th e r was a mixture whic h in cluded control was a major evil. Mrs. Sanger left

the country to avoid prosecution and this not until Tertullian interpreted E xodus
angered Mr. Comstock. T o get revenge he 21: 22, which r efe rs to legal action being
set up her husband just as he had unsus- taken against a man who injures a pregnant
pecting physicians in the past to provide woman, as encompassing a mother, doctor
information about birth control to a sup- or midwife who performs an abortion. This
posed couple who were desperately in need Church doctrine later became incorporated
of it. Mr. Sanger mailed the informa tion, into sec ular l egis lation. Women in the
was convicted, a nd imprisoned. Mrs. United States receive 1.5 million abortions a
Sanger founded th e American Birth Control year. World-wide the numb er is estimated
League in 1921 which consolidated with at SO million with 200,000 related deaths.
another agency in 1942 and became the The number of abortions always rise with
Planned Parenthood Federation of America. the inability to obtain other forms of birth
Even with her intense lobbying to undo the control.
harm accomplished by Comstock there were Abortion clinics are currently operative
statutes against birth control information in most of the United States although often
bein g distributed through the mail or under protest and harassment by " right-to-
devices being sold until 1970. Many voters life" groups. A woman checks into these
do not realize that some evangelical lobby- clinics, is in terv iewed, and has several
ists today not only want anti-abortion laws expandable sticks of seaweed (lamina ria)
but are just as adamant about wanting to inserted into th e opening of her cervix,
rescind people's right to use birth control. causing it to stretch open overnight. T he
(See also ANTHONY COMSTOCK) patient goes home and returns the next day
The governments of many countries now for a vacuum aspiration (a tube is inserted
recognize the need to control their own into the womb and the suction removes fetal
birth rates, some even giving incentives to tissue) . This procedure is effective for up to
restrict the number of children in a family. fourteen weeks into pregnanc y . Small
When family planning is made available, the underground groups of women have formed
birth rate has fallen in many third world to learn of alternative methods if ab ortio n
countries two to four times as quickly as it becomes illegal.
did in the West at a similar stage of develop-
ANAL SEX Anal sex is today considered a
high ri sk activity for contracting AID S,
ABORTION Ancient methods us ed to although in the past it was used in some cul-
induce miscarriage were often concoctions tures both in preventing pregnancy and loss
of herbs. The H ottentot women drank hot of vi!ginity before marriage.
badger urine, which when ingested for sev-
CERVICAL CAP A cervical cap fits over
eral days, often caused the fetus to abort.
the tip of the cervix and is made of rubber,
Australian women had the abdomen beaten
with large stones or a stick; or might also metal, or plastic. They ~
lean against a tree and have two men roll the cannot be us ed by all ~
women because of the _,......
stick down across her stomach. The pushing
was not only hard enough to cau se the death diffe rence in indi- ·'
vidual shape of ·\
of th e fetus but so metim es t h at of the cervixes. T h e cap is - "'"·--":.•cc.,.-~cr
m other as well. In the Middle East slaves
similar in appearance
who were well end owed were some times
to the diaphragm but smaller and m ore dif-
used to abort pregnancies in their master's
ficult to get into the proper position. They
harem. This was accomplished with violent
are manufactured in England and more
thrusts of the slave's penis.
popular in Europe than in the U.S. T he
Abortion had been practiced throughout
estimated success rate is 75-95%.
history without much restricting legislation
because it was not considered murder at COITUS INTERRUPTUS T his refers t o
that stage of prenatal development. That is, w ithdraw ing the penis from the vagina

before ejaculation and is one of the oldest from t h e AIDS vi ru s . Some co n doms
meth ods of birth co ntrol. It i s u sed by a lready co nt ain a small am ount of th is
approximately 35 m illion people in the ingredient in th e lubricant. CAUTIO N:
world today. Its success rate is 70-95%. Condoms do sometimes break. The ratio is 1
in 165 for vaginal sex and 1 in 105 for anal
C O NDOM Condoms have also bee n used
sex . The r isk can be mi nimized by o nl y
throughout history. Goat bladders, lemon
using fresh condoms and additio nal water
halves, sheep intestines, fish intestines, seed
based lubricants.
pods, linen, silk, and leather have all been
A new female condom, WPC 333, has
used to create a barrier between the penis
been developed by the Wisconsin
and vagina. Condoms are available in d if-
Pharmacal Company. It is n ow scheduled
ferent sh apes, texture s, and sizes. T h e
for cli n ica l trials with no
diameters begin at 1 1/4" but can be larger
expected m a rketi ng date. T h e
(Mentor's Magnum, and Fourex).
device has two rings, one that is
H owever, most condoms are between 1 1/4"
inserted internally, in a similar
to 1 1/2" in diameter, and are 7 1/2" long.
manner as a diaphragm, and the
The body of the condom stretches but the
other end lies against the outside
ring at the base can cause discomfort if it is
of the vagina. Its efficacy has
too tight. There is a lso a new condom on
been rated as superior to the mal e condom
the market that only covers the glans penis.
and can be u sed without the necessity of a
Proper placement of a condom requires
sustained male erection to hold it in place. It
several steps. First, the tip of the penis is
also has the potential to reduce the possi-
lubricated with a water based lubrican t (an
bility of h erpes tra nsmission (The Helper,
oil based lubricant will cause the latex to
by the American Social H ealth Association,
deteriorate). Next, the reservoir tip is held
p. 9). T h e female cond om appears to be
closed as the condom is ro lled onto th e
adaptable to sex play as a receptacle for
glans penis. Men who are not circumcised
stuffing food or drinks into the vagina. (See
pull the foreski n back to expose this area.
STUFFING) Names selected for this device
The condom is then rolled over the rest of
are Reality and Femidom.
the penis taking care n ot to catch the hair at
The re is a patent held by Ricardo J.
the pubic region. Some men find that by
Esqueda for a facial prophylactic that pro-
using a lamb skin co nd om first and t h en
tects the wea rer
putting a latex condom over it they create
from transmission
more sensation for both them and their
of disea ses whil e
partner. Additional water based lubrication
e n gagi ng in ora l
can be added to the outside of the condom
sex. The mask
if the man feels it is necessary. Caution is
covers the person 's
taken before withdrawing the penis after
face fro m th e to p
ejaculation by holding the bottom base of
of the n ose to
the condom tightly to avoid it slipping off as
und er the chi n. The person breathes
it is p ulled out. O ne condom manufacturer,
through a shaft that passes from the nostrils
Mentor, has adhesive added at the base to
to the top of the m ask.
he lp preve nt this from hap peni n g. A
condom is 80-95% effective against preg- CONTRACEPTIVE IMPLANT This
nancy. product was introduced into 17 countries in
I n addition to birth contro l, condoms 1991 and h as approximately 500,000 users.
protect p eo ple fro m many sexually trans- Small silicone rubber capsules are inserted
mitted diseases. A way to increase the safety under the skin of a woman's arm to provid e
factor is to us e a sper m icide with protection against pregnancy for about fi ve
nonoxynol -9 in conjunction with the years. These may be removed at any point
condom, although latest tests reveal that this in time. The implant is almost 100% effec-
is n ot a guarantee for avoiding infection tive and lasts about five years

DIAPHRAGM Th e diaphragm was The idea was conceived from the obser-
in vented in 1882. It is a half-b all-shaped vance of female camels having their fertility
thin rubber device with a metal rim. A sper- period delayed by the insertion of a stone
micide is placed into the cavity and the top into the uterus before long trips across the
rim is pinched together in the center for desert. In 1930 E. Grafenberg began using a
insertion into the vagina before sex . The coiled silver wire with success, however, due
diaphragm, when in place, covers the cervix to controversy among gynecologists the
and prevents sperm from entering through device did not gain popularity . In 1959 two
the opening. The spermicide is only effec- more physicians, W. Oppenheimer and T.
tive for 12 hours and needs at least 6 hours Ota d ocumented a success rate o f over
to kill sperm after intercourse. 97.5% with no significant complications and
The diaphragm can slip during inter- the device became a popular birth control
course and for this reason it is rated as only method. Two million Indian wo m en were
80-95% effective. wearing these IUDs within 4 yea rs after
introduction. TIJDs have lost popularity in
DOUCHE A douche is the flooding of the
th e United State s due to complications
vagina by a liquid, usually water, but it may
involving infections among women exposed
ha v e another additive su ch as vinegar.
to sexually transmitted diseases. H owever,
Disposable plastic bottles with nozzles
they are still popular in China and safe for
(douch e bags) are available at drug stores.
most any female in a monogamous relation-
Sperm can enter the cervix in as little as one
minute after release of pre-ejaculate and for
IUDs seem to work by interfering with
this reason douching is rated as being the
the ability of the fertilized egg to implant
least effective form of birth control, falling
itself in the uterine wall. An inflam mation
behind the rhythm method.
can occur for the first few days after inser-
HOME OVULATION DETECTOR A home tion, but will usually disapp ear. Women
ovulation detector is under development by may have later complications resulting in
a California firm. This unit provides a con- infertility. Therefore, they are only recom-
venient method for women to monitor the mended for women with established fami-
progesterone level in their urine. A rise in lies.
p rogesteron e signals the end of ovulation for Two TIJDs are currently marketed in the
a particular monthl y cycle. This product United States. One is GynoPharma's
may be available by 1993. If used properly, Paragard and the other is the Progestasert.
this method should be 100% effective. The Both look similar. The Progestasert was
disadvantage is that sex without risk of invented by Dr. Alejandro Zaffaroni in 1976
pregnancy can only be guaranteed for 10 to and marketed by ALZA Corporation. This
14 days a month. IUD differs from o thers in that it releases
progesterone to the uterus over a period of
one year. T his low dosage of hormone does
contraception is currently under research.
not produce the same side effects found in
This method works by using a vaccine to
contraceptive pills and seems to have fewer
build antibodies to bind proteins onto the
complications than other types of IUDs.
surface of the woman's egg, thus making it
The Progestasert is about 97.5% effective
impossible for the sperm to penetrate its
against pregnancy.
surface. Another method vaccinates the
woman against sperm. The immune period
lasts for up to five years, afterward dropping
extraction, or suction of uterine contents, is
to a level that permits fertilization. ("Have it
done soon after a woman discovers her
your way," by Margo Schneidman, Stanford
menstrual cycle is late. This particular tech-
Medicine, Spring 1992, p. 23)
nique has been endorsed by a few wome n's
IUD Intrauterine Devices have been used groups for almost 20 years but has onl y
intermittently since the nineteenth century. recently gained attention due to new laws

threatening a woman's choice to obtain a factors involved with a male's decision to

legal abortion. Menstrual extraction is used use the pill than exist for a woman. If a male
by so me every few m onths as a precaution pill is introduced it may not b e until around
against po ssible pregnancy. This ho m e the turn of the century.
health technique is performed on women by
other women through support groups. The
only contragestive pill on the market and as
technique itself requires a special skill and
of 1992 was available in France, China and
most practitione r s are trained by othe r
England. This pill can be taken after con-
women. The actual suction device consists
ception a nd up to nine weeks during the
of a syringe with a by-pass valve, a cannula,
gestation period. It is called a " death pill"
tubing, a mason jar, and other attachme nts.
by antiaborti onists. The do sage o f three
CAUTION: Infectio ns and serious injury
200mg pills, followed by a small a mount of
are possible, especially when the proced ure
prostaglandin 48 hours later, is ad minis-
is performed by women not trained in men-
tered by a physician. The su ccess rate of
strual extraction.
e mbryo expulsion is 96% within the first
day of receiving the prostaglandin. Some
physicians fear that this drug might be sold
covered in 1934 th at ov ul ation could b e
on the black market where, without medical
inhibited through administration of estrogen
supervision, a woma n might take the pills
or progesterone but the doses needed were
after the nine week limit, potentially causing
too large to be practical in humans. Then in
her death as a comp lication o f hemor-
1951 Dr. Carl Djerassi succeeded in synthe-
sizing steroids that were more potent and
RU 486 was developed by Etienne-Emile
thereby practical fo r administration in pill
Baulieu in the late 1970s while consulting fo r
form. Further testing was done by Gregory
Roussel-Uclaf. Boycotts were threatened by
Pincus and the first contraceptive pill was
both opposition and supporters of the new
marketed by Syntex in the early 1960s.
p ill. It was not brought to th e m arket by
There are an estimated 65 million users
Roussel until French health minister C laude
of the contraceptive pill. These are taken for
Evin said that the pill was the moral prop-
20 to 21 consecutive days beginning with
erty of all women and threatened to transfer
the fifth day after th e m e n strual cycl e
the patent to another pharmaceutical com-
begins. There ca n be side effects for some,
pany. FDA approval for RU 486 has not yet
however, the rate of effectiveness when the
been filed in the United States ("News and
pill is taken properly can b e 100%. Some
co mment," b y J. P alca, SCIENCE (Vol.
women are able to take 100 mcg of estrogen
245),Sept. 22, 1989, pp. 1319-1 324).
within 24 hours after sex and repeat that 12
hours later to prevent pregnancy. The con- RHYTHM METHOD (Na tur a l Fami ly
tin ual use of the pill for several years grea tly Planning) Women have diffe re nt fertility
r ed uces a woman's ri sk of ovarian or cycles and the purpose of this method is to
endometrial cancer. restrict sex to the cycle during which the
A mal e pill is b e ing researched. One woman is not able to conceive. The number
method suppresses th e go nad otropin- of days from ovul ation to menstru ation is
releasing hormone which in turn inhibits the fairly consistent at 13-15 days, however, the
production of testosterone and sp erm pro- number o f days from the first sign of men-
duction. To prevent a loss of sex drive, men struati on t o ovu lation va ries g r eatly.
are given a bi-weekly injection of synthetic P ro blem s also arise with differ e n ces in
testosterone. The other m ethod requires a cycles between women and irregul arity in
weekly inj ection o f testosterone which the same woman brought on by stress or ill-
blocks the pituitary secretion of hormones ness. Sperm can also live up to 5 days inside
and the production of sperm. The level of the vagina a n d so me wo men ca n ovula te
testos teron e in the b loodstream remain s twice. The rate of effectiveness is 65-85%.
normal. There arc many more psychological This is th e o nl y typ e of birth co ntrol

approved by the Roman Catholic Church, ti on and removal with which to be con-
wh o adopted St. Augustine's belief that sex cerned. This device may be on th e market
other than to produce children was a sin. by 1997.
Judaism differs from Christianity in that the
VASECTOMY This surgical procedure for
scripture that tells one to reproduce and fill
sterilization has been don e on about 45 mil-
the earth is interpreted as only applying to
lion males. The phys ician is able to perform
men . Women therefore are given authority
the procedure in his office. First anes-
over their own bodies and can practice birth
thetizing the scrotum, he makes a small inci-
control if they choose. The form of birth
sion, locates and ties both vas deferens in
control, however, cannot be something that
two spots, cuts out the section between, and
depends on t h e male (co ndoms or vasec-
the procedure is over. Birth control needs to
be practiced for an additional 12 weeks or
SPERMICIDE Spermicides kill sperm on 20 ejaculations to guaran t ee that all
contact and co me in the fo rm of gel s, remaining sperm are no longer potent.
creams, foams, suppositories, and sponges Hormone secretion continues as usual. The
which act as repositories for the chemical. only detectable difference is in th e milder
These have to be inserted before intercourse flavor of his ejaculate . Reversal o f vasec-
and are all available without prescription in tomies is also sometimes possible.
drug store s. Spermacides have a rating of (See also ILLEGAL SEX and SACRIFICES)
70-90% effectiveness.
BITING (Odaxelagn ia-arousal fro m
biting) Biting and nibbling is used by some
steroids are popular in Asia and Latin
to sexually excite their partner. It is done on
America. A 150 mg dose of medroxyproges-
the neck, ears, lips, nipples, back, buttocks,
terone acetate is injected to prevent preg-
genitals, inner thighs, etc. The pressure one
nancy. The body absorbs this steroid for up
uses depends on their partner's pain toler-
to 90 days and th e woman during this time
ance. Biting can be very light or can leave
remains infertile. Side effects are reported
marks and be painful. Novices usuall y begin
by as many as 36% but the effectiveness rate
with light nibbling, having their partner
is greater than 99%.
signal when it becomes intense. They start
TUBAL LIGATION Women sometimes with ears and work their way down the back
choose sterilization by having their fallopian to the thighs and back up, alternating bites,
tubes severed. T his is a surgical procedure nibbles and licking. A few men respond to
and is done in a hospital and is completely firm biting of the shaft of the penis just
effective against futu re pregnancies. below the glans.
Surgical reversal has become possible, Biting is one of th e easiest a nd most
but the success rate is very low. If a woman accepted m ethods of ligh t S/M play. The
chooses to reverse this procedure, locating a increased sensation brings some individuals
micro surgeon with a high success rate is who are emotionally stressed out of their
recommended . In 1988 the expense of physical numbness, back into touch with
phys ician and hospital for a reversal was their bodies.
approximately $5,000. Biting was recommended for love rs in
the Kama-Sutra. Vatsyayana first listed the
VAGINAL RING A vaginal ring is under
types of bites as follows:
devel o pment that e mits ste r o id s in the
vagina to preven t ovulation. Like the birth The hidden bite leaves on the skin only a
con tro l pill, it is used fo r three weeks and passing redness. The swollen bite occurs when
then d iscontinued for one week to permit the skin has been seized and pulled, as chough
menstruation. The ring is shaped like a with pincers. The line of jewels is formed by a
small thin donut and has only minor side bite involving all the teeth. The broken cloud is
effects. The advantage over other methods a broken line of points undulating around a
is that the woman h as only the date of inser- curve, due to the space between the teeth. The

bite of the boar is imprinted on the breasts and who wants to temporarily submit to his nor-
the shoulders and consists of two lines of teeth mally timid wife.
marks, one above the other, with a red gap. Blindfolding makes it p ossible for a top
One can convey one's desire to a woman by to act o ut the ro le of anony m ou s serial
making nail or teeth marks on ihe fallowing lovers in a scene withou t the inconvenience
objects which she wears or owns; any ornament of changing costumes. It is used in group
of the forehead or ears, a bunch of flowers, and sex for the reverse effect.
a betel or tamala leaf The blindfold u sed m ost oft en because of
When a lover bites his mistress hard, she its comfo rt and restric ted vi sio n is th e
must, with feigned anger, bite him back twice adjustable leather blindfold that is lined with
as hard.. .If she is very exciied, and because of padding or fur. CAUTION: C ontact lenses
his passionate condition starts a kind of fight can cause injury if worn with blin dfolds of
with her lover, she will take him by the hair, any type. A slight m ental d isorientation can
pull his head towards her and bite his lower lip; occur aft er any ext ended period of blind-
then, in her delirium, she will bite him all over ness and caution is taken when removing
his body, with her eyes closed. the b lindfold. If the person is under any
other type of restraint, the bli ndfo ld is
Kinsey reported that about 50% of people rem oved first.
surveyed showed sexual arousal from b eing (See also AMAUROPHILIA, BONDAGE and
bitten during sex . A more sadistic type of LIGHT ING)
biting was portrayed in two scenes in the
l 960's m ovie B a r barella. The first was BLOOD SPORTS Blood sports ar e
when she was tied to a colum n and dolls those sex activities in which skin is broken.
with metal teeth were unleashed on her. The This would include activities such as cut-
second was when she was thrown into a ting, p hlebotomy, ci catrization, piercing,
glass cage and parakeets swarmed over her carpet burns, abrasions, shaving, scratching,
b ody, supposedly b iting off bits of flesh vamp ir ism, flagellation, caning, branding,
befor e she was rescued. Marilyn M onroe burning, etc.
was known to draw blood by biting the lips C utting the skin or drawing blood c reates
of her partners. an adrenalin rush, trust for partner, and a
Animals such as cats, horses, and turtles sense of personal co nquest for the partici-
u se biting to arouse their partners to the pant. It may also help relieve stress in some
high levels of passion necessary for ovula- people.
tion or ejaculation . CAUTI ON: Bites that People involved in blood sports only use
draw blood are considered unsafe sex . shallow cuts on certain padded a reas of the
(See also CLAMPS, CUPPING, PINCHING, body, like thighs, upper arms, and sh ou l-
SA FE SE X, SCRATCHI N G, SENS O RY EN- ders. T his type of scene is performed only
HANCEMENT and TICKLING) by those in the medical profession or those
who have a vast amount of c ut t i n g or
BLINDFOLDING Blindfolding, or man- p ie rci ng experie n ce.CAUTIO N : Activity
ually impairing t h e visio n of a partner involv ing unprotected contact with the
accomplishes several results. A p erson who blood of a partner is considered u nsafe sex
temp oraril y loses their sight develops an and cutting areas that have a concentration
increased awar eness of their other senses, of nerves, arteries, veins, t end o ns, liga-
such as tou ch . The person blindfolded can ments, or bone can be dangerous.
also experience a sen se that thei r mind is (See also ABRASIONS, BITING, CUPPING,
detach ed fro m their body. Blindfolding DEPILATION, FLAGELL ATION, P HLE-
releases some from their inhibitions and can BOTOMY, SAFE SEX and SCRAT CHING)
have a depersonalizing effect on both part-
ners. Blindfolding is used t o redu ce the BODY PAINTING Body painting prob-
power of the bottom and give it to the t op. ab ly had its beginning with prehist ori c
An example is that of a dominant husband hunting tribes and is still a ritual art form in

Africa where n atives decorate themselves to Bondage can be physical or symbolic and
resemble wild animals or sacred spi rits. may involve many different method s.
American Indians used face painting when Primitive cultures used bondage on stolen
they went to battle so brides to prevent their escape. This form of
their god s wouldn' t restraint eventuall y evolved into symbolic
recognize them a nd bindings around the waist, legs, wrist, and,
h o ld t hem respon- according to some, the finger. The tradition
sible for the injury or of carrying the bride across the threshold
death of other also comes from this custom. There was a
humans. This philos- strange twist to sex and bondage during the
ophy is successfull y 19th century when parents were encouraged
u sed by those who to bind the hands of their sons behind their
fee l gu ilty abo u t backs to prevent them from masturbating.
experime nting with sex. It is also simply a Adult men were n ot exempt and were often
sensuous way to savor the contou rs and expected to have the same thing done to
crevice s o'f o n e's partner. Many b egi n them.
prepa ration by giving the partner a full body Today te levisio n programs are full o f
massage using oil which acts to seal dry abduction and bondage scenes. Children
porous skin. The music and location is then p lay cow boys and I ndians us ing rope
selected to match the desired mood. The bondage. And in 198 9 over 40% of the
paint is then applied along the contour lines patients in American nursing homes were
of the person's body with particular atten- put into restraints. Regardless of the popu-
tion being paid to sen sitive areas su ch as larity of bondage, it is not always socially
hands, feet, face, ears, nipples, and genitals. acceptable for adults to utilize it for sex
Body paints come in an assortment of colors play.
and so m e even g litter. Motif transfers of The benefits individuals receive from
bird s, s nakes, a nd roses are a d ded to bondage va ry. Sim ple solitary bo n dage is
enhance basic designs. Some people prefer like meditation for many practitioners. The
to simply use a dry brush or warm massage brain seems to release more alpha waves,
oi l in stead of paint which needs to be causing a flo ating or hypnotic state similar
washed off later. to wh e n one drives on a h igh way late at
Bo dy painting is no t limi t ed to two night.
people; it is sometimes modified (adding a Other people prefer to p ull against the
g-string) to beco me entertain men t at a restraints, building a rush of adrenalin a nd
party. H ere some people substitute various euphoria. Men who are much stronger than
edible love oils and let guests experiment by th eir partner, but still want a passionate
brushing one of these onto the model and reciprocal exchange of physical power, b en-
t h en li cki n g it off. CAUTION : Bod y efit from partial bondage. This handicaps
painting ma y bl ock the swe at glands , the man so that the woman appears to have
resulting in a potentially dangerous compro- equivalent or superior p h ys ical strength.
mise of the body's ability to regulate its own Some b uild up immense confidence and self
tem perature. For this reason, covering the esteem by being able to work their way loose
entire body with paint sh ould be avoided. from the restraints. Many find that bondage
Also, so me peop le may h ave a n allergic relieves them of always having to sexuall y
reaction to toxins in the paint. perform. This allows them to relax and not
(Sec also C I CA TRI ZA TlON a nd TAT- feel g ui lty abo u t enjoying the sensations
TOOING) their partner is creating.
Bondage often serves as simple support.
BONDAGE (Vincilagnia- arousal from Secure and comfortable bondage allows the
bondage) Bondage refers to the act of bottom to relax completely, without wor-
restri c ting the mov e ment of a person. rying about balance or other practical dis-

tractions. Imaginative sexual positions may focused, a nd progressive. T he top is o ften

move from ridiculously awkward to fun with more exhausted than the bottom at the end
such support. of the bondage scene . CAUTI ON:
A maj or effect of b ondage, when u sed Bondage, like m ountain climbing, skydiving,
during sex, is the release of normal inhibi- body building, and car racing can be dan-
tions. A prisoner or victim does n ot feel as gerous if n ot done properly. P eople who
personally responsible whe n obeying com- practice bondage read about th e safety of
mands, especially on es they have fantasized new equipment or positions they can use on
about but d idn't h ave th e courage to try. their p artn e r s. P ositions are selected
The person performing the bondage experi- according to the length of time in which the
ences a similar release of inhibition due to partners have to play. Many p ositions seen
the tremendous increase in feelings of per- in magazines are extremely uncom fortable
so nal power. H o w eve r , sexual etiqu e tte and would n ot work for m ore tha n a few
requires that the top not use the situatio n to minutes . Pulling a p er so n's arms upward
exclusively fulfill their own fantasies, partic- while th ey a re b o und behind th e ir back
ularly on es that the bottom d oes n 't fin d (strapado torture position) can easily dislo-
arousing. cate their shoulders. A person is never left
Bondage scenes are negotiated ahead of unattended while bound. Furthermore, the
tim e which e nables both people to de ter- person who is b ound is constantly mo ni-
mine what typ e of scen e they want to act tored for breathing, circulation, skin to ne,
out and what parap h e rnalia mi ght be and temp erature of the fingers and toes.
n eeded. A safew ord guarantees that the Nothing is put n ear the neck except prop-
sexual limits of the bottom will be expanded erly fitted collars. Ropes, blindfolds, hoods,
but n ot violated. T h e safeword is also a or other restraints can slip out of their orig-
co mmand to e nd the game, whether it is inal p osition and cause suffocatio n. T he
b ecause the botto m fee ls di sco m fort, restrictive cuffs or ropes match on each side
boredo m, or their limit has been reac hed. of the body in order to produce the proper
Regardless of why the safeword was used, it sen satio n s. Those learning bond age add
is the responsibility o f the top to get them additional paraphernalia slowly, avoiding
out of bondage within a few seconds. gags, latex h oods, impaling, lacing, and cru-
Bondage also creates trust and apprecia- cifixion.
tion for the top. T h ose bound are fo r the The foll owing a re specific examples of
first tim e not able to reciprocate acts of common bondage play.
affection and stim u lation received from a
partner. T h ey become fu lly aware of the BARS Spreader bars are used in conju nc-
role their partner p lays in expressin g affec- tio n with leath er cuffs, and sometimes
tion an d controlling sexual arousal. Many chains . T hey are designed to alleviate t he
b otto m s b eco me ex trem ely grateful and n eed of a nch oring a perso n to a c h air or
submissive upon finally being released. bed. A l eg or kn ee
Bondage, like other sex games, will gen- spreader also keeps
erally not produce an erotic effect unless t h e bottom from
one is sexually attracted to their partner or closing t heir legs to
has an overpowering lust for bondage, in pro tec t or hide th eir
which case the p art ner is of lesser impor- genitals. T his type of
tan ce. In addition, most safety conscious vulnerability is partic-
people do not p lay with people they do n 't u la rly exc i ting fo r
know. women w h o e n joy
Bondage, unlike other types of sex, may being ex hibited .
r equire a lo ng perio d of time, up to 48 Spreader bars, as opposed to tyin g so meone
hours. This n ecessitates the partner being to the bed posts, allows the legs to be raised
diverse and having the physical and mental into diffe rent positions and for the person to
stamina required to keep the game intense, easily be flipped over on their stomach.

CAGES Cages are used to imprison part- collar 1s often black lea ther with a buckl e
ne r s with out the need of a d di tio n a l and some include chrome studs as decora-
restraints. Cages are made to resemble wire tion. It is either worn alone or with a leash
chicken coops, coffins, or wood en boxes. attached to a " D" ring. O thers use an ordi-
T he type of cage one selects is d etermined na ry n ecklace with som e type o f charm o r
by the feelings one wan ts to produce. If the e m blem to signify their co m mit ment. P et
fa ntasy involves an interrogation of a pris- slaves sometimes h ave personalized dog tags
oner, bars are o ften u sed. If t h e slave is attached to their collar.
impersonating a pet, the chicken wire pen or Wrist restraints are occasion ally attached
kennel sets the proper moo d . Necroph iles by a chain to the " D " ring with the arms in
and vampires prefer coffins. Wooden boxes front of t h e body or to the sides. This is
with h o les for ve n tilatio n a re ve rsa tile in dangerous if done from the back because it
most cases a nd claustroph iles (people who can cause self-s tran gulation.
are aroused by being trapped in sm all areas)
enjoy being placed in them. CRUCIFIXION Crucifixio n consists of sus-
Cages may or may not be la rge enough pend ing a person by the wrists a nd ankles
to permit t he slave to sta n d or lay fully from a stake. It was orig ina lly done by
stretched ou t. T h e size of the cage deter- P hoenicians, Assyrians, Egyptia ns, Persians,
mines h ow lo n g a person is le ft in side. a n d Ro m ans as a me th o d o f exec u tio n .
Cages are used as beds, fo r punishment, or Nailing the wrists and feet usually meant a
du ring a recess in S/M play. Som e tops have fast death from blood loss while using ropes
a nc ho r ed male p rison e r s wea ring Prin ce mean t that the p e rson would live several
Albert p enis rings (metal ring that pierces hou rs before suffocating. Death could take
the urethra and exits near the frenulum) to several d ays if their weight was supported
the cage bars by wrapping his penis around by something. T he Carthaginians used cru-
a ba r a nd fastening the Prince Albert to a cifixion as a form of ritual sacrifice. M aicus,
cockring at the base end of his penis. in order to ensure himself victory in battle,
P eople p r actic ing lo n g te rm bo nd age d ressed his son, had a crown p laced on his
who need to leave the house for a couple of head, and the n cru cified him as a sacrifice
h ours o ften leave th eir p artner in a cage. to the god Baal. On ce dead, the victim was
T his is considered safe, on the assumption usu ally burned with the cross. The Rom an s
tha t the ch ances o f the h ouse catching fire developed four more types of crucifixes: the
or the top ge tting in to a car accid ent are Y, X, T , and H . T he latter involved hanging
extremely slim. a person h orizontally by o ne leg and one
arm .
CHAINS Chains are used for suspension or
Leather cu ffs are p referred for most, bu t
attaching one restraint to another. T hey are
people also wrap their ankles and wrists with
also used for ornamentation or to connect
ropes using Ace bandages to give some pro-
various ring piercings on the b ody. Chain s,
tection undernea th th e b inding. T he rope
because they rattle and feel cool, add tactile
binding is to be secure but not too tight.
and a uditor y se nsation s to th e b ondage
A few people fi nd c ru cifix ion ga m es
arousing and powerful because of its reli-
Chains are preferred by some for suspen-
gio us association with pain and sacrifice.
sion because they are heavy du ty and var-
CAUTION: There is a dan ger tha t setting
ious item s can be hung from the links. A 3"
the restrai nts too loosely may cause perma-
or 4 " panic sn ap is added to p rovide for
nent crushed nerve damage. Constant mon-
im m ediate re lease. Th e disa d vantage to
itoring of t he extrem ities fo r circulation is
us ing chai ns is the ir we igh t and bul k if
done by all who play w ith restraints.
people take sex toys with them on a trip.
Some choose to have an orgasm during
COLLARS Collars are worn by slaves and suspe n sion. H owever, th e body tole rates
bottoms. They act as a visib le and p hysical more pain before o rgas m than afterward
re mi n d e r of th eir sub m issive state. T h e and they risk experiencing increased pain.

P ositions that require one's arms to be passed a n d the b all is removed the peni s
separate and support their weight will put becomes extremely sensitive to the touch.
stress on the lungs and can cause suffoca- (See also BONDAGE/HO ODS, ORGASMS
tion. The least painful position is one where /ALTERED STATES, and PENIS MODIFICA-
both hands are hu ng together above t h e TION/NEGATION)
head and the ankles are spread bu t still have GAGS Gags are used to rende r pe ople
support. This can be tol erated by some fo r sp eechless, which has a great psychological
as long as 10-15 minutes, depending on the impact. Some bottoms prefer gags because
person, their we ight, and th e type of they muffle their screams of ecstasy. Those
b ondage ( Dungeon Master, No. 11 , July using gags establish an alternative signal to
1981 , " Whe n in Rome," by Fledermaus, rep lace t h e safeword. Some have th eir
pp. 41 -43). partner h old a marble and drop it if they
CUFFS Leather cuffs are 2-3" wide leather want the game to end.
strips that fit a rou nd the wrists or ankles. The re a re many types of gags. They
They have buckles, latches, or padlocks and include bridles, ball gags, mouth covers,
may be lined with fur for comfort. Cuffs are muzzles, adhesive tape, stuffe rs, dildos, a nd
simpler to use, more restrictive than rope, bar gags.
and can be removed faster. Chains, leather Most movies depict adhesive tape placed
straps, or spreader bars are sometimes used across the mouth. Th is, like any gag that
to attach cuffs to each other. d oes n ot restrict m ovement of t he jaw, is
technically ineffective. Removal can also be
ENCASEMENT Encasement is a typ e of painful.
b ondage that also involves sensory depriva- Ball gags are effective and safe as long as
tion. The Sadhus of India used th is method they a r e anchored or strung o nto a strap
as one way of preventing orgasms wh ile that is wide enough to be comfortable.
trying to achieve an altered state of con- Penis or dildo gags are available with the
sciou sness. It is also used as a type of penis mounted on the inside of the mouth,
chastity device ("Fakir Musafar" by V. Vale the outside, or b oth. Penis
and A. Juno, M odern Primitives, p. 20). gags are used for humilia-
Encasements o f heads were used in the tion, sex, punishment, and
form of hideou s he lmets or m etal masks teasing. P eo ple strap o n
during the Middle Ages as a form of humili- the gag with the dildo that
ation. This type of torture was portrayed in protrudes outward a nd
the movie " Man in t h e Iron Mask" w ith then m ount it. They also
Richard C h amberlain, and if this had a sim - have the option of sitting
ilar effect on the head as it does the p enis, on th e pa rtn e r's gag and
we can only imagine the psychological tor- sucking o n their genitals. $""
ment it could cause. H ead harnesses are avail-
A m an usually e nc ases h is penis in a able in Japan with a high-heel shoe attached
metal ball or other to the front so that the toe p enetrates the
~~ ~~ material tha t will mouth.
' not come into Muzzles or head ha rnesses ar e used by
constant co nta c t many because they are comfortable, gener-
with the penis. ally anchor the jaw, p ermit breathing, and
Both of these have do not chafe the lips. T he person is not ren-
a sma ll hole fo r dered completely speechless but the sound
urine t o pa ss . is muffled. CAUTION: T here is a risk of
Encasements the per son not being able to brea the ade-
, make it impossible quat ely through their nose, gagging on
for the person to achi eve an or gasm and saliva, damaging their teeth on hard objects
th er e is no se nsation in the penis while put in their mouth, swallowing or choking
encased. H owever, after several days have on vomit or stuffings that can be bitten off

or come loose from the mouthpiece, or the Harnesses used most for suspension are
mouth becoming uncomfortably dry. Many parachute harnesses which are available for
only use gags for two minutes at a time. purchase in many Army Navy surplus
stores. (See also BONDAGE/ROPE)
HANDCUFFS Handcuffs are adjustable
and wh en applied correctly it is impossible HOODS Hoods are used to depersonalize a
for the victim to escape. They are easy to partner. This anonymity gives the top more
apply and are a convenient form of restraint power, both parties fewer inhibitions, and
for those wanting to m ove their partner to focuses the bottom's sensations entirely on
another location. their body.
Generally mitts, socks, or boots are used Hoods are made of soft or hard leather,
to protect against the discomfort caused by latex, silk scarves, or wooden boxes. The
th e metal pressing against the skin. Good sensations, smell, and sound effects obvi-
quality handcuffs with built-in safety locks ously differ. Some opt for pin holes t hat
that keep them fro m tightening after being allow restricted vision. Others are specifi-
locked are used in th e S/M community. cally de signed for oral sex and the only
Those who have more than one set usually opening is over the nose and m outh.
have them all keyed the same and keep extra The wearing of hoods is not limited to
keys readily available during bondage play use by bottoms. Frightening effects are also
as a safety precaution. Hand cuffs are created by only the top wearing a hood or
applied so that the key hole faces away from mask. These have eye and mouth openin gs.
the body, making them more accessible and CAUTION: Latex hoods having only a few
easier to remove. CAUTION: For safety, holes under the nostrils have been known to
handcuffs are carried closed . This guaran- accidentally slide around and cut off the
tees that the key is available before play person's oxygen supply.
begins and padding (gloves or Ace ban- IMPALING Criminals were often executed
dage) is used on the wrists to protect them by being sat on the sharp point of a stake.
from abrasion. Their weight drove the stake up into their
HANGING Pseudo-hanging in S/M games torso, causing a s low d eath. Ancient
is done to keep the partner restricted to one Assyrians developed this into a form of tor-
location. This is accomplished with a ture where the victim could live a day or
knotted rope n oose or a chain that is more before expir-ing. Imp alement has
attached to an 'o' ring on a leather hood and since evolved to include any penetration of
connected to a supporting hook on the the body that restricts a person's ability to
ceiling. Others use a string that breaks if the
bottom slips and falls. CAUTION: Hanging Impal e ment for sex play purposes is
with a rope is very dangerous b ecause the accomplished by any of several methods. It
person who is bound can not catch them- may be done by
selves if they lose their balance. T hose who hammering a stain-
u se hangi ng must be physically strong 1es s steel needl e
enough to support the b ottom's weight until through the web-
th e noose is removed. Do not leave the bing between th e
bound partner unattended. fingers in a cruci-
fixion, a nail
OXYGEN REGULATION) t hrough the soft
area of the glans
HARNESSES Body harnesses are u sed for penis and into a
decorative attire, suspension, and to anchor piece of wood, or
onto other restraints. Decorative harnesses through a woman's breast into a wooden
are made of rope in bondage scenes and of chair back. Impaling is done more for psy-
leather for costumes. chological effects rather than pain. A person

bound in this manner d oes not pull against PADLOCKS Padlocks are u sed on chains,
th e res tr a in ts as th ey wo uld w ith o th e r metal e xten sions, a nd the 0-rings on leather
devices; submission is immediate and com- restraints . Som e have been used aro und the
plete. t op of the scrotum, a nd small d ecorative
The oth er typ e o f impalement use d to ones are som etim es u sed through perma-
immobilize people is to nail a d ildo to the n ent piercings in p lace of jewelry. P eople.
floor or other object a nd bind the victim so wh o u se m or e th a n o ne padlock u su a ll y
that the dildo penetrates the vagina or anus. have the locks all keyed the sa m e. This is
C AUT ION: P eop le follow the same steril- not only fo r convenien ce but an im portant
iza ti o n t ec hniqu es as fo r an y t yp e of safety feature. Sea rching for a key when a
piercing. In addition , the tip of the nail or p artner vvants to be released is awkward and
needle going through the wood is cleaned pote nti all y da n gero u s. The re is also the
with alcohol before pulling it back through hazard of mistaking the wrong key fo r the
the skin. This is a blood sport and therefore padlock and n ot being able to find the cor-
considered an unsafe sex practice. rect one . Because of t his a m a n in Texas
h ad to drive a long di stance co a hos pital
LACING Lacing, when used in b ondage, is
emergency room to have a padlock around
similar to impalement. It involves p iercing
h is ge nit al s removed w it h a hac k saw .
the skin with a needle, tying a string around
(P ersonal commu nication .)
the needl e, a nd
then attachi ng it to RAPE RACKS (R omantic ch airs- sp ecial
an immobile object. Chin es e rap e ch a ir) A Rap e R ack i s
1\1acram e des ig n s d es ig n ed t o p os iti o n a nd imm o bil ize a
are som etimes wov- p erson so that their genitals are accessible.
en between needles. These are often u sed b y scientists to aid
It is less d ra m a tic m ale animals in breeding with n oncoopera-
th an u sing a ham- tive fe males.
m e r t o pi erce th e The 18th and 19th century Chinese had
skin, but safer a nd 'romantic chairs' that were u sed by outlaws
more versatile. and ce rta in lan dl o rd s . Th e c h air was
CAUTION: L acing is a blood sp ort a nd is designed with clas ps that would a utom ati-
considered unsafe sex by those who practice cally snap in place around an unsu specting
it. Ste rili za ti o n tec hniques ar e fo ll ow- woman . The ch air then unfolded in to a bed.
ed.(Refer also to SUTURING) T oday a bed, table, or saw horse is used
for this pu rpose, the most popular rape rack
MITTENS 1\1ittens a re put on a bottom to
b ei n g th e saw h orse. It i s m o difi ed by
p reve nt chem from u sing their fi n ge rs co
p adding the cop fo r comfort and mount ing
unti e rope, loose n buc kle s a n d so fo rth .
eye screw bolts tha t act to anchor the wri sts
Mittens al so provide skin protec tion fro m
and ankl es to the bottom of th e legs. This
metal, rop e, or unlin ed leather r estraints .
p osition can be humiliating to the b ottom as
They are available in le ngths extending to
well as making them very vulnerable. CAU-
the should er with zip pers to facili tate easy
T IO N: The re is a d a nger of th e p a rtner
removal. Other s are masonite cardboard or
being injured by loose splinters.
mad e of leather and shaped like ping p ong
paddles to prevent th e grasping or curli ng of ROPES R op es are o fte n used fo r bondage.
fi ngers. Bottom s lose a lot of their perceived They offer a technical challenge to the top
pc wer when they are unable to use fingers a nd a re versatile in their ap plication an d
a nd hand s fo r fi g h t ing o r p rotec ti o n . effect. R ope is inexp ensive and can be pur-
Mitten s a r e al so be ing used m ore b y chased in hardware stores. P eople o ften use
Nursing H o m es in th e United S t a tes in silk curtain sashes, soft nylon rope, or the
p la ce o f th e mo r e res trictiv e form s o f magician's r o p e fo und in mag ic sh o p s .
bond age to keep patients from pulling out R ough rop es are used for those into punish-
IVs. m ent or cowboy scenes.

Erotic rope play is done by pulling a long they looked like before the bondage scene
rope very slowly across the genitals and bega n . Th e top a l so requests that the
breasts, or wrapping it between the fingers partner m ove their hands and toes to check
and t oes . The rope essentiall y t akes the for numbness because many p eople d on't
place of caressing hands. Once the person notice it until they move. A pair of bandage
has u sed all the rope, the bottom is then scissors is always kep t near to cut a person
slowly relea sed in the same manner. The loose if their circulation is cut off or if they
whole process may take an hour or longer. use the safeword. The partner does n ot
Thorough planning of a scene is done l eave the room while the bottom is in
a head of time. If t h e bottom wants to be bondage.
spanked or have their partner play with their ("Bondage with Ropes," Society of Janus
genitals they make sure that hands and rope lecture, October 12 , 1989, and " Rope
don 't obstruct the area. Arms are boun d Harness and Other Simple Bondage
separate from the body to facilitate occa- Techniques," QSM lecture by H al, October
sional movement or relocation which pre- 13, 1990)
vents much discomfort as time passes.
SHACKLES Shackles are restraints made
Rope is washed after use if a person has
of metal strips that cuff the ankles, neck, or
more than one partner. It is usually put in a
wrists. T hey have a loop that allows the
pillow case or laundry sack to prevent tan-
attachment of chain or a locking mecha-
gling and dried at the highest temperature to
nism. Shackles are popu lar in auth en ti c
kill bacteria. CAUTION: Knots are n ot
medieval dungeon scenes but are uncom-
placed on areas where veins or arteries come
fortable and can cause injury if n ot padded
close to the surface: near t he joints, the
for a fantasy scene. T he strong psycholog-
insid e wrists, upper arms, elbows, upper
ical impact of shackles overrides the con-
thighs (femoral artery), b ehind the knees,
cern fo r comfort for many who use them.
above the ankles, and the front sides of the
neck. Pressure on the lower rib cage is also SPECULUM T he speculum, otherwise
dangerous. The ankles and knees may need fondly referred to as
additional padding a n d are not bound th e "cold spoo n," is
together unless the person is lying down, sit- the d il ating devic e
tin g, or supported by a harness while common ly used by
standing. physicians when doing
There are many other safety precautions pelvic exams. These
used with rope. The bottom is placed in a are also used for med-
comfortable position, unless the game dic- ical bondage p lay where the partner does
tates otherwise. The diameter of rope is such things as look at the cervix, insert fin-
u sually 1/4-1/2". I t is always applied doubled gers, food, or urinate into the vagina .
or in twos, which decreases the risk of cut- Couples who are concerned about STDs
ting off circulation because it broade ns the are able t o examine the female for genital
area of pressure. The correct pressure for warts with this device. Thi s is done by
rope is discernable by a slight indentation in bathing the vagina in diluted white vinegar
the skin. A person's body swells during the and then conducting a thorough exam of
application of rope and takes about five the accordion-like skin. The vinegar turns
minutes to return to normal. The rope can the tiny grass-shaped warts white in color,
slip out of position after this time and can making them easier to detect. Physicians do
be dangerou s if it ends up around a n ot always have the time required for this
partner's neck or another area that could cut tedious task, but once a p erson is diagnosed
off circulation. The top constantly monitors with genital warts the physician can fi nd
the rope fo r tautness and their partner's and alleviate them.
extremities for circulation (warmth) com- Physician s someti m es use disposable
paring t h e color of the fingers with what speculums and will often let the patient keep

one if asked. CAUTION: Mucous tissue is the body to prevent forwa rd or sid e move-
sensitive and it may cause yeast infections if m ent. ("Bondage Equipment-Non Rope,"
these items burn or contain sugars or oils. by Mark, Society of Ja n u s lecture,
November 9, 1989)
STOCKS Stocks were
often used in colon ial SYMBOLIC BONDAGE It is easier to play
America and Europe bondage and discipline gam es with a visible
to restrain people as symbol of restraint. Symbolic bondage can
part of public humiliation, discipline, flagel- be achieved by either loose-fitting restraints
lation, and confinement. or restraints that fit on wrists and a nkles but
Stocks or similar a p paratus were also which are not an chored. An example would
used by the Spanish conquistadors in South be silk scarves, ties, and hosiery. These ar e
America to punish slaves. The victim was not u sed in serious bondage scenes because
put in stocks for several days, being vulner- the knots tend to tighten and may cut off
able in many instances to rape during the circulation . This often requires having to
night. European townspeople often tortured cut an expensive silk scarf. The Flash knot
the female victims of sto ck s to death by is the only one recommended for fabric of
beatings, mutilations, burnings, and forcing any sort. This begins as a cow's head knot;
feces into their m ouths and wounds. t h e rope is fo ld ed, the two sides h eld
There we r e several typ es of stocks, together six inches below the fold, the top
including those in which the person stood loop dropped down, and th e two r o p e
while their head and hands were bound, and lengths pulled through to form a noose. On e
those where the person sat with their legs of the sides of the noose is t hen given an
bound. Others were disk shaped, binding extra twist. A hand or foot i s then put
the person's head and wrists in the center, through both loops and th e two ends are
but allowing them to walk. T here are modi- pulled taut. The advantage is that the knot
fied vise-like st ocks that restrain the male w ill rarely sli p tight enough to cu t off a
genitals and ther e are those placed across person's circulation.
the chest to pinch the breasts together. A d og collar and leash is u sed to sym-
bolize bondage and submission. An oth er
STRAIGHTJACKETS Straightjackets are
method includes ha ving th e b ottom sit
us ed in bondage play and have been pat-
without moving or having the bottom hold
terned after those u sed in prisons and
his or her hand s together above their head
mental hospit als. They are constructed of
with a coin between their fingers. They are
sail-cloth or coarse fab ric and have strips of
then told that the game is over if they drop
leather or metal. This allows a patient o r
any of th e coins.
prisoner to figh t and work off energy
without harming a nyone else. At the same THREE LEGGED
time it makes them aware of the futility in BLOOMERS
resisting authority. These are found
H oudini thrilled crowds with his ability in Europe and are
to escape from this symbol of power. M a ny used to restrict or
suits designed for S/M have modifications focus a person's
that make escape even less likely. They are attention on their
available in all leather but for some this can partn er's genitals.
become uncomfortable due to the additional They may be per-
weight and body heat. The chance of having mitted to perform
a partner escape from one of these is less- o r al sex and will
ened by adding straps. One also secures the probably at least
bottom of the jacket by passing t h e strap have their hands p laced in restrain ts. The
under the crotch area. A strap is placed on fabric is either made of thin material or latex
each wrist over the jacket sleeves and one is with holes pun ched on the sides to m ake it
used to cinch the elbows and lower arm to safe for breathing. T h ese garmen ts resemble

regular pants or panties which have b een in much the same way as th e J apanese
modified by a slit in the crotch. Aroun d this geisha or Yoshiwara. T h ese girls were
slit a hood is attached with a corresponding dressed in expensive silks and trained to
opening over th e face. The ope ning is enh ance their appearance with cosmetics .
placed slightly forward in the male's crotch- Like th e geisha, they entertained their guests
less latex pants. with socially polite conversation before
(See als o BINDING , GROPING APPA- retiring to on e of the small boats a nchored
RATUS, KNIVES, SAFE SEX, STAPLING, to the main flower boat.
SUTURING, TA PHEPHILIA an d TOURNI- The American West had a less illustrious
version of the flower boats. These were
called Floating Hog Ranches. Madams, as
BORDELLO (Brothel, Ficaro, House of they travelled west with their entourage,
Prostitution, Red light d istrict, Whorehouse; would purchase boats and conduct bu siness
Floati ng hog ranches and Flower b oats- from the river while enroute.
b ordello s operated from boats, Gre e n At one time assignation houses were used
b owe r-e stablishment used for sex but by lovers for clandestine meetings. They
which does not supply partners) A bordello differed fro m bordellos in that women were
is a structure where prostitutes conduct not on staff. Men brought lovers with them.
their b u siness. Bordellos have been spon - The decor and exterior were plain so as t o
sored and managed by religions, govern - avoid suspicion.
ment, business investors, and by prostitutes Bordellos became popular in the 19 th
themselves. century United States, both in the West
Bordellos gained popularity once temple where the male to female ratio was high and
pri estesses were no longer availab le and in the South among slave brokers who pro-
when pol yga mous societie s permitted vided out call or sleeping companion ser-
wealthy men to have private harems. Poor vices.
men had a similar although temporary The red lights used t o symbolize houses
arrangement at the bordellos. The cost per of prostitutio n appear to have o riginated
visit was very reasonable in comparison to with the Chinese who used red silk bamboo
the overhead of a private harem. lamps ou tside th eir "wine h ou ses" (bars
The Greeks and Romans had many bor- where illegal prostitution often occurred) .
dellos. T hey viewed th em as n ecessary to Chinese emigres appear to have brought the
keep men who were n ot sexually satisfied in tradition of red lights wi th them to
their marriages from breaking up those of Ca li forn ia (Se x i n History, by Rea y
others. Roman bordellos provided entert ain- T annahill, p. 19 1) .
ment for clients as well as a wide variety of Bordellos today are usually managed and
sexual pleas ures such as gee se for avi- owned by a madam. Often she is an experi-
sodomy, glass floors fo r coprophilia, males enced prostitute who brings her own clients
for homosexual acts, virgins, a nd infants for with her, although a list of clients may be
fellatio and coitus interfermoris. purchased from o t her prostitutes or
The Chinese were infa m ous for their madams . A retiring Californ ia madam in
Hoa-Things, or flower boats. These varied 1980 sold her list, which included a per-
in size, with th e largest being up to eighty so n a l introduction to the buyer, for
feet long and fifteen feet wide. T he large $50,000.
boats were o fte n lav ishly d ecorated with A madam recruits her wo rking prosti-
expensive carpets and crystal which hung tutes from former girlfriends, street prosti-
from the ceiling. One could listen to profes- tutes, bored housewives, bars, and group
sional musicians or indulge in drugs, drink, sex parties. Lesbians ar e said t o do well
delectable meals, and beautiful young girls. financially because of their lack of romantic
The females were purchased from parents in volvemen t with mal e cus tom ers. The
or a merchant while the young were trained madam instructs her n ew employees in the

type of sex she plans to offer her clients and 9. Around the world
in the standard of conduct and hygiene she 10. Bubble bath
expects from them. 11. Champagne party
The basic protocol followed in a bordello 12. Salt & pepper
begins with the customer selecting a 13. Having fun now
partner, sometimes after a conversation with 14. Frenzy explorations
several prostitutes. The couple then 15. Sweet preserves
adjourns to a private room. The client may 16. French sensations
be asked if he is a police officer, although in 17. Socrates pleasures
California entrapment is now legal and an 18. The apparatus drive
officer may respond with a 'no' and arrest a 19. S&M (B&D)
woman who he propositions; a simple smile 20. Uninhibited free for all
can be construed as an affirmation on her 21. The wind the rain the lava
part. (In some cases, an officer has gone to (The Official Guide to the Best Cat Houses
group sex houses and engaged in sex with a in Nevada, by J.R. Schwartz, p. 46)
woman on several occasions. Then one
The selection of bordellos is limited in com-
night he offers her money and arrests her if
parison to what could be found in the past
she accepts or is not explicit with her
or in other countries. Some do specialize in
refusal.) Bordello clients negotiate to deter-
things such as offering gay males, minors
mine which fantasy the prostitute is willing
(illegal), the obese, podophilia, S/M, infan-
to perform and for what price. Next the
tilism, coprophilia, and urophilia. One bor-
money is exchanged and a visual inspection
dello was recently publicized because they
of the male genitals is conducted. If a yellow
had their workers dressed to impersonate
discharge, herpes, venereal warts, syphilitic
famous movie stars. A bordello that cannot
lesions, scabies, or crabs are discovered the
fill a client's request is usually able to refer
customer will be asked to return after he is
them to one that does.
cured. (Sex workers themselves are often
r equired to be inspected weekly by physi- E URS, GEISHAS, GROUP SEX, HAREMS ,
cians.) The customers who pass inspection HETAERAE, ILLEGAL SEX, PIMPS, PROFES-
either shower or are washed by the prosti- SIONAL DOMINATRIXES, PROSTITUTES and
tute before getting onto her bed. Kissing is SLAVES)
not usually engaged in by prostitutes due to
the feeling of intimacy it elicits, and because BOTTOMS (Masochist, Sex servant, Sex
it spreads di seases that ca n decrease the slave, Submissive) People who play the pas-
number of hours she earns money. Once the sive role in sex play are referred to as bot-
sex act is over it is possible to either nego- toms. Those who orchestrate the sex games
tiate for more time, leave, or take a break are referred to as tops. Bottoms are not
and choose another partner later. Respect always masochists because many sex games
must be mutual. If the client is c ourteous do not involve pain or degradation. The
the workers are much more likely to recipro- S/M community prefers the term bottoms
cate. because it is indicative of the broader and
Bordellos sometimes have a menu from more diverse roles that are used for sexual
which a client can select. A sample menu pleasure.
from the Salt Wells Villa Ranch in Fallon , (See also SWITCHES and TOPS)
Nevada offers the following:
BRADYCUBIA Bradycubia (bradyr:
1. Binaca blast slow; cubare: to lie down) refers to a sex
2. Peppermint French technique where the male slowly thrusts in
3. Emotion lotion and out of his partner's vagina or a nus. This
4. Alka-seltzer is usually done at the beginning of the
5. Movie & party sexual encounter.
7. Doubles (See also KABAZZA, SEX PO SITIONS and
8 . Trip TANTRA)

BRANDING Bran d ing is done by at the very least an embarrassm ent. T h e

burning a symbol onto a person's skin and brand is more prone to resentment by a new
was used by governments, religions, a n d partner than a tattoo because the brand is
among va rious tr ibes. The Egyptians, often done by the former lover and can
Greeks, Romans, French, E n glis h , and symbolize ownership.
Amer icans u sed it to mark th eir slaves. T h e burn takes 2-6 weeks to heal ,
Governme n t penal systems also used depending on the size, depth, and natural
branding as a judicially prescribed way of ability of the person's body to heal. The
identifying which crimes were committed by skin may also shrink as it heals and this is
an individual, thus marking him for life. allowed for in the design and placement of
Others brand themselves for social or the brand. If a person's scars normally tend
religious reasons. A Christian sect in Russia to darken, they wear a sun block on the area
called the "White Doves" used a branding for six months.
iron to mutilate their genitals as a ritual in a There is one profession al piercing stud io
convert's baptism by fire. Political branding in San Francisco whi c h r ecently b egan
is now illegal in most areas, but is still p rac- offering branding to its clientele. CAU-
ticed on prisoners in some countries . One TION: T h is act ivity cau ses unnecessary
African tribe brands themselves by taking a scarring and possible infection if the correct
small section of dried plant, tying it against procedures are not followed . (" Branding
their skin, lighting it, and letting it bu rn ou t. and B urni ng", QSM lectu r e by Fakir
T his leaves a design in the desired location. Musafar, November 18, 1989)
P eo p le who u se consensual b randing (See also BODY PAINTING, CICATRI ZA-
today are either involved in "modern primi- TION, FAKJR MUSAFAR, PENIS MODIFICA-
tive" movements or S/M. Branding is per- TION , PYROPHILI A, RINGING , SAFE SEX,
manen t and one chooses this for similar
reasons as others choose to be tattooed.
People with dark skin have traditionally BREAST SHAPING W o me n ha ve
used scarification and branding for marking sought to alter the shape of their breasts for
or decorative purposes because tattooing several thousand years. The women of
does not provide the needed color contrast. Africa's Nandi tribe wore two wire plate-
T h e d es ign of the b r and is ma d e of sh aped disks around their neck, hangin g just
simple lines or curves. T he brand can not low enough to press against the top of their
have closed circles, tri- breasts. Over time these would flatten their
angles or sq u ares b r easts so that t h ey hun g like pancakes
because th is will cause agains t their body. Flat breasts were sym-
the skin in the middle to b ols of mo therhood and were much more
react and perhaps fall respected a mong the tribe than full round
off. The width of th e breasts. Most other cultures preferred aug-
brand li n es expand to mentation.
four times that of t h e AUGMENTATION Breast augmentatio n,
original burn, therefore, artificially enlarging the size of breasts, has
thin lines are always been done throughout his to ry. The
used. A pattern of small brands are often priestesses of Aphrodite wore breast shields
repeated for any desired distance. A popular made of wood and inlaid with jewels to
brand is that of arrow heads: <<<>>>. enhance their form. Women continued uti-
People select flat locations such as the lizing different types of padded bras unti l
chest, back, thighs, calves, stomach, but- recently when surgeons have made it pos-
tocks, or shoulders. sible to increase t he size and improve the
Chosen designs often h ave life -long sh ape of th eir breasts with silicone implants.
meaning to th e person. People wh o have Implants are only recommended for wom en
been branded with their partn er's initials who need breast reconstruction after a mas-
and later split up fo und that the brand was tectomy.

One stud y has emphasized th e impor- of her breasts. A woman who begins with a
tance of immediate reconstructive breast natural bust size of 32A cannot beco me a
surgery in these cases. " Patients who had 400. Rather she will e nd up with about a
reconstructive breast surgery at the time of 32B or 32C bust.
mastectomy (immediate) or within 1 year The normal surgical procedure is done
(early) had significantly less recalled distress by cutting a two to three in ch incision
about their mastectomy than those who had underneath the bottom outside edge of each
it m ore than 1 y ear later (delayed) ... The breast or under each armpit (some will cut
wish to wear a wider range of clothes and around the areola). The surgeon then sepa-
the wish to be rid of the external prosthesis rates the frontal breast tissue from the ribs
were common motivations for reconstruc- and pushes the silicone sack inside and then
tive surgery. The desire to improve sexual stitches closed the incision .
r elations or o ne's marital state was less There is a period after surgery when the
common and should be viewed with caution woman will not be permitted to raise h er
whe n presented as the primary m otivation arms or lift any heavy objects. This is fol-
fo r t hi s procedure" (" The Sooner th e lowed by a period of time where the breasts
Better: A Study of P sychological Factors in have to be massaged to prevent scar tissue
W o men Undergoing Immediate Versus from form ing and di storting the natural
Delayed Breast Reconstruction," Wendy S. shape of the breasts.
Schain, Ed.D., David K. Wellisch, Ph.D., Silicone implants are used by some trans-
R obe rt 0. Pasnau, M.D., an d J o hn sexuals who are not happy with the size of
Lands verk, Ph.D. , Ameri can Journal of the ir breasts after h o rm one th era p y and
Psychiatry 142: 1, January 1985, pp. 40-46) . some transvestites elect to only have the
Those whose self esteem has seriously breast augmentation performed wit h o ut
b een impaired b y having small breasts and taking hormo ne therapy. CAUTION : The
t opless dancers wh o u se augmentation for U nited States FDA, concerned with pos-
professional reasons risked accidental sev- sible carcinogenic effects, ha ve recently
ering of n erve endings during surgery. restricted b reast implants to o nly tho se
T hese nerves make it possible to detect light fe males in need of rec onstructive surgery
pressure, d ee p press ure, pain, cold, and following a mastectomy.
heat and a person can lose any or all o f
t he se sensatio ns with nerve damage. REDUCTION W o man of all ages ha ve
P a rtners of women with augm e ntations breast reduction surg ery . Large breasts
should be aware that she may only be able c reate aesth etic proble ms, tiss u e damage
to feel one or two of the n ormal sensations where th e bra straps rub, back pain, bad
and may want to adjust their tactile stimula- p osture, and inability to participate in many
tion accordingly. sports. Reduction can also be used to cor-
Silicone implants a re a recent medi cal rect natural sagging as the wom a n grows
development and there remains concern as older.
to whether p ossible leakage from the sili- Breast reduction is more co mplicated
co ne bag co uld damage healthy tissue. than augmentation and always requires gen-
Many women have n ee ded secondary eral anesth esia and a short hospital stay. In
surgery due to a build up of scar ti ssue or 1989 th e cos t rang ed from $1 0 , 000 to
silicone leakage years later. M ore important, $ 15,000 . The surgeo n reshapes the entire
th e re is also concern that one ty pe of breast b y making several incisio ns, usually
implant may increase the risk of cancer. six for each breast, and enough tissue is
A woman having augmentation surgery removed to reduce th e size of the breast.
has it performed under a local or general !vi.any woman need to have the areola relo-
anesthesia by a plastic surgeon. The woman cated and made smaller so that it remains in
is allowed to select the size of the silicone proportio n to the re st of the breast . To
implants she d esires witl1in the constraints accomplish this some surgeons u se a device
d etermined by the current size and elasticity resembling a cookie cutter on th e areola.

This ensures correct roundness. So far no ancient Nordic practice that competed with
woma n is known to have reque st ed any the Christian tradition of bridal virginity. It
alternative shape for the areola. provided for the need teenagers had t o
(See also PENIS MODIFICATION) experience recreational sex before they
co mmitted to establishing a family. The
BREASTS See BINDIN G , BREAST general c u sto m was for the couple n ot to
SHAPING, COITUS A MAMMILLA and LAC - become married until the wo m an became
T IPHILIA pregnant. This custom stems from farming
and fishing cultures that were more egali-
BULL FIGHTING The bull fight is a tarian. W omen were viewed as important to
surviving remnant of ancient fertility rituals the survival of the social system and family
and of Roman games. unit ju st as were th e m e n . Both we r e
T h e conquest and slaughter of a wild expected to enjoy sex ual freed om before
beast by a human is prehistoric and docu- marriage. The male ownership philosophy
mented by early cave drawings. Religions did not exist, therefore no judgments were
celebrated the mating of animals, germina- m ade of wom en who chose their own sex
ti on of crops, slaughter of an animal, and partners . A C hristian compromise of this
anything else that m eant production of original tradition was the practice whereby
food; thereby ensuring the survival of their two or more people slept together, nude or
tribe. Many tribal rituals have required that clo thed, for the purp ose of exc hangin g
a b oy kill an animal as part of entry into sexual energy. As a general rule it did not
manhood. The American Indians had to kill include p e n etrati o n of any sor t and, to
a buffalo, bear, or other feared animal. The e n sure thi s, some m oth e r s tied th e ir
R oma n and C retan fertility rituals or orgies daughter's legs together. Certain cultures
of Dionysus m ay have h ad similar roots. were allowed t o engage in p e n etration if
People also practiced phallomancy, fortune orgasm did not occur.
telling by reading a bull's penis. Bundling was also u sed b y so m e fo r
The Mo ors brought b ull fi g hting to health purposes. This is the reason King
Spain during the 8th century. The muleta David and other older m en hired virgins to
(red cloth supp orted b y a stick) was not sleep beside them when they were tired or
introd u ced until the 17 th century; before ill. Catholic monks engaged in this practice
that men used an animal skin on their backs from about 400 to 1500 C.E.
as camouflage and protection. As time pro- Ramsdale and D orman, in Sexual Energy
gressed the bull was killed by a nobleman on Ecstasy, d escribe bundling during the 18t h
h orseback. The bull was often baited by century:
dogs, pikes, knives, and the cape.
The people of Rome used the fights and Young knights offered "courtly love" to women
death of anim al or man as an emotional who were not only married but wedded to a
sti mulu s . F or man y, this meant sex ual nobleman or other male power figure. This was
arousal and orgasm in the stadium during known as a donnoi relationship. Again history
the performance. T oday bull fights offer the is vague as to the details, bu t in addition to
only legal arena in which to watch the vio- sleeping together in the nude, nude caresses,
lent death an d mutilation of man, bull, and nude embraces and ravishing the naked noble-
h orse. (Death in the Afternoon by Ernest woman's body for hours with eyes, the young
H emingway) knights may have also practiced coiws reser-
( Refer also ro EXECUTIONS, PH OBO- va tus on occasion or even frequently .. .
PHILIA, and VICARIOUS AROUSAL) According t.o their own reports, these relation-
ships fired their imaginations and lifted their
BUNDLING (Shunammitism, Lectamia psyches to planes of feeling much higher than
-caressing in bed without coitus) Bundling ordinmy sexual relations usually did. In fact,
refers to the practice of a dating couple the knight 's "courtly love" relationship i·s prob-
slee ping t ogether fully clo thed , so me- ably the predecessor of our contemporary
t imes separated by a board. This was an romantic love ideal.

This rom a nce a lso seem s to be reach ed in from o th ers. Eve n a si n cere s m i le or
affairs when t he two parties refra in from acknowledgement from another person can
con summating the u nio n. make people feel better.
Bundling fills a basic physical and psy- (See also lvlARRlAGE, TOUCH and TRO UB-
ch o logical n eed to be held o r t o u c hed. ADOURS)
Studies have shown that orphaned infants
who were held d id much better than those BURNING See BRANDING and PYRO-
left alone in nurseries, the latter suffering PHILIA
from autism and in so me cases death. All
humans fu n c ti o n b et t e r w ith a p r oper BUTT PLUGS See GENITAL/ANAL
amount of inti m acy, nurturing, a nd touch INSERTS

CANDAULISM Candaulism re fers to a many of the men were only interested in
gro up of three people wh ere onl y two of corning to a group sex hou se if they could
them engage in sex and the other watch es, watch th eir wives. T h e benches were rein-
sometimes from a closet. In early 20th cen - stalled. T hese sam e men we re said to ge t
tury F rance, men would take their wives to extrem e ly excited if they saw their wi fe
brothels to watch special stage sh ows where being propositioned by a regular guest, who
a c as t of prostitut es ac ted out a perfor- happen ed t o b e b l ack and very we ll
mance. Females playing the roles of m e n end owed; this see med to b e the ultima te
wo re "artificial p halli. " Afterward men experience for the husban ds. ( Pers o nal
would persuade their wives to h ave sex with communication, 1990.)
another male cu stomer while they watched. (See also GANG BANGS, GROUP SE X,
Th ose w h o didn ' t h ave oblig ing m a t es MENAGE ATROIS, ORGIES and TROILISM)
would often resort to befriending a gen-
tleman and offering to pay for a prostitute CANNIBALISM See ANTHROPOPHAG Y
o f his choosing, in exchange for being per-
mitted to watch. CASTRATION (Ablation, Emasculate,
At the beginning of the century people E vira te, Geld; Atest u s- te s t es, Edera-
cons idered the viewing of explicit films to cinism-tear out sex organs b y the roo ts ,
be similar to tl1at of engaging in orgies. Men P enecto my-penis only, Shave-penis and
who watched fil ms of couples e ngaging in testicles)
sex were dubbed perverts; while curiously C astration is defined as the removal of
th e young women who venture dinto these the tes ti c les, scrotum, penis, clitoris, o r
theaters were merely said to have been out ovaries. Castration, both co n sensual and
for a 'thrill. ' noncon sen sual, h as
Swing clubs often have several men who b een u sed through -
enjoy watching their wives with other men. out history for polit-
One man was extreme in that he was actu- ical, religious, econ-
ally inc apable of ha ving sex with any omic, med ical, and
woman unless he had fi rst seen her be p en e- sexual reasons.
trated. A swing house in southe rn Califo rnia T h e mo st feare d
once had benches around the group room for m of cas tration
until some of the women complained to the among men is the
o wner t h at t h ey didn ' t like the m en complete removal of
watching tl1em perform. The owner kindly both the penis and testicles. Charles P anati,
removed the benches and soon fo u nd that in his book Panati's Extra-ordinmy Endings
he lost most o f his guest s . It seems that of Practically Everything and Everybody, de-

scribes the ancient surgical procedure for men were assumed to h ave in creased sex
this type of castration. It began by placing drives because additional height was associ-
t h e vic tim o n a ta ble, immobilizing him, ated with the castrated eunuchs.
tying a cord around his penis and scrotum Castration due to diseas e or trauma to
that cut off the circulation, slicing the geni- the testicles after pubescence may produce a
tals off with a razor, and cauterizing the decrease in mental acuity, physical vitality,
open wound with a hot poker. The victim aggressiveness, desire for social interaction,
was not allowed to eat or drink for several appetite, and sex drive. The effects can take
days and then was given wat er so that the several year s to develop or may not at all if
urine flow would op en the urethral passage. the adrenal gland functions properly. If side
Only ab out 20% survived this surgery. effects do occur a h ormone rep lacement
Other m e thods we re similar, except th e therapy is requi r ed to keep the prostate
slave was given alcohol and a hot bath to gland functi oning. Many me n who h ave
decrease t he pain. After the penis and testi- only had t hei r testicles r emoved lead an
cles were t ied off and severed, alu m and active sex life. The orgasms may feel dif-
antiseptics were applied. A feather quill was ferent and be more difficult to ach ieve, but
then inserted into the urethra to prevent its they are not impossible. This applies to men
healing shut. Those undergoing this proce- who h ave undergone penectomies as well.
dure h ad a 40% survival rate. Castrati on As long as the prostrate remains intact for
may also be a tragic result of battle. The tactile stimulation an orgasm is theoretically
R omans in abou t the third century used a possible.
bro nze castration clamp. " The penis was
drawn through the oval ring to keep it out of
popular in the 18th century. They were used
h arm's way, while the scrotum and testes
in choirs for th e church and as actors in
were pulled through between th e arms of
plays that didn't yet permit females. Their
th e clamp, so th a t when everythi ng was
voices remained prepubescent but grew in
l ocke d in position t h e se rrated edges
strength, creating unique and highly prized
gripped the folds of the skin joining the
scrotum to th e body. It took only a single
The eunuch castrated before puberty was
stroke of the knife to cut away scrotum and
preferred by some m en for use as gu ards
testes, and the cut edge s were then either
due to their additional height, low sex drive,
sewn up or cauterized" (Sex in History by
and submissive b ehavior.
Reay Tannahill, p. 251-cited from
E unuchs, castrate d after pubescence,
Transactions of the Royal Society of M edicine
were occasionally used to sexually satisfy
Qanuary 1926) by Alfred G. Francis) .
their shiek's wives due to their inability to
Soldiers in World War I som etimes suf-
father children. These men nee de d pro-
fered gun shot wounds in the genital region.
lo n ged stimulation b efore they could
The slang term for this injury was D.S.O.
orgasm, therefore they were able to satisfy
(dick shot off). One California policeman
many women. Intruders who sneaked into
di scovered during riots that militant men
harems were at great personal risk. While
dropped their weapo n s much faste r if he
sex with a eun uch chosen by the master was
pointed h is gun at their genitals rather than
permissible, a stranger was not tolerated.
th e ir head. (Pe r sonal co mm un i cation,
Many of these uninvited guests soon found
that wives and concubines would sadistically
T he effect of testicle castration on a pre-
attempt to tear off their testicles during sex.
pubescent male is weight gain, increase in
h eight a nd length of limbs, reduction of MEDICAL Romans and Greeks as early as
body hai r, and retention of prepubescent the 5th century B.C .E. performed castration
voice and demeanor. T he testicles produce o n you ng boys (probably th ose with par-
the largest amount of testosterone, the male tially descend ing testicles) to prevent t he
h ormone, with the adrenal gland producing occ urrenc e of h ernias later in life. The
the second highest level. Historically short French u sed castration to cure rheu matism,

leprosy, and gout. Ea rlier this century cas- Use of castration was again advocated by
tration was routinel y done in the United som e phys icians in th e early 20 th century
States on the insane and epileptics. In dis- for rape, sodomy, zoophilia, p ederasty, and
cuss ing the va lue of this procedure o ne even habitual masturbation. Castration was
physician in Havelock Ellis' book, Studies in u sed for a sh ort time as a punishment for
the Psychology of Sex, states: sex offenders but it vvas soon di scove red
that when done n on consen sually it cau sed
Jr is often forgouen ihat the physical and psy-
an already emo tionally unbal anced perso n
chic quah ries asso ciated wilh and largely
to develop even m ore anti-social and crim-
dependent on the a bility to experience the
in al activities (Studies in ihe Psychology of
impulse of detumescence, while essential lo the
Sex, Vol. II, III, pp. 612-4).
perfect man, involve many egois1ic, aggressive
and acquisitive characterist ics which are of PSEUDOCASTRATION Pseudo or mock
liule intelleclual value, and at the same time castration is often used in S/M play due to
inimical to many moral virtues (Vol. II, I, p. its being one of the greatest of men's fears.
184, 1936). Pseudocastration is done with verbal threats
or different types of mo dified a nd consen-
In other words,this physician believes the
sual genital torture. It is used in fantasy play
mentally, or physically, handicapped should
to reinforce cross-gender play, male rape, or
not b e pe rmitted the same pleasure the 'per-
humiliation sce n es. It ma y also be do n e
fect' man derives from erection and mastur-
symbolicall y with instrumen ts, piercing,
ba ti on because it embarrasses, threate n s,
stretching, restraints, a modified chain saw,
and offends th e i r prud i sh c aretakers .
biting, or sucking. Some men consider anal
Castration also slows the patient's m ental,
penetratio n to be demasculinizing a n d
sexual, and physical capacities; making con-
the refore a form of castration. Prior consent
trol easier for their wards. Other physicians
is obtained before attemptin g a ny t ype of
recommended castration for hom osexuals,
anal penetration. Men react in various ways
alcoholics, Jews, a nd others, considering
whe n fac ed with ana l sex; they can feel
them to be social misfits. Castration is done
indifferent, lose an erec tion, beco me emo-
today for health reasons due to disease, su ch
tionally traumatized, feel liberated, assu me
as cancer of the p ros tate, unrepairable trau-
t h e ir p artner is immoral , o r b ecome
m atic injury to th e genitals, and as part of
extremely aroused. If this is his first experi-
the s ur g ica l procedure for either
ence he may not know how h e will react
hermaphrodite or transsexual conciliation.
himself until it's too late.
Human and ram testicle implants were
u sed fo r experime ntations at San Quentin PSYCHOLOGICAL Psychological castra-
prison beginning in 1918 by L eo L. Stanley, tion occurs when o ne becomes co n vinced
M.D. and his associates. They performed that they lack sexual desirability or the social
over 600 implants and injections of testicle criteria th at determines one's feminine or
tissue, uncovering much of what we know masculine identity. T his is often imposed on
today about the effects of t estosterone. The so meone else, as the term "castrating bitch"
prison was an excellent field fo r research . implies.
T he doctors we re in a position to use the
RELIGIOUS Castra tion was a t one time
testicles of executed and unclaimed pris-
believed t o have been performed as a reli-
o ners (abo u t 3 a yea r ) a nd t o proc ure
g io us cere mon y o n yo ung bo ys . The
willing volu nteers fro m the prison inmates.
extracted gen itals were then sacrificed on an
This research ended when the government
altar to th e gods. Sacrifice m ay have had the
restricted the u se of humans fo r un safe
added benefit of supplying the upper classes
medical experimen ts .
with docile non-militant servants. Religious
POLITICAL A few states in the 18th cen- castration among Christians is u sually sym-
tury permitted castration of black slaves for bolic and is accomplished through a vow of
raping white wome n. However, most su s- chastity. H oweve r, a n early mo nk nam ed
pected of this crime were hanged. Origen had himself castrated to prove his

commitment to celibacy and to provide an scratch, bite, gouge , pull hair, and rip
example of pure chastity for others. clothing. Cat fights appeal to men who hope
to catc h a glimpse of forbidden flesh as
SEXUAL AROUSAL Some women seemed
fighters tear clothing.
to enjoy watching the castration of men as a
Fighting a lso provides
means of sexual arousa l. Emperor
vicarious thrills similar
Justinian's wife, Theodora, was reported to
to when one watches
enjoy masturbatio n while watchi ng m e n
professional male box-
being castrated. A prostitute from Kabul,
ers and wrestlers. How-
Afghanistan had her lovers seized and cas-
ever, the difference
trated after coitus.
between them is that
The Roman emperor, Nero, had a lover
men do not want to see
castrated so he could pass as a female. The
serious injury or nose
two had an elaborate wedding ceremony
bleeds on the women. They want the abuse
and Nero presented Sporus, his new bride,
to be verbal, preferably squabbling over a
with a dowry and a wardrobe of feminine
man or undergarments and the physical vio-
lence restricted to ripping clothes or pulling
Castration i s common during anthro-
hair. A description of a cat fight was given
pophagy and mutilation murders. The geni-
by a female participant in an adult news-
tals of the victim are eroticized in different
paper, Fetish Times (No. 191):
ways. One person may want to consume
genital s they consider sexually stimulating, Some people say I'm a bossy dom but the way I
while others only want to remove or discard see it is I just don't like to be pushed around.
the part of the anatomy they consider evil, Wh en my roomie took my best black bra
immoral, and responsible for either th eir without asking for it I blew my stack. Ripping
own unrighteous lust or that of the victims, it off her tits I gave her a hard slap across the
parti cularly in the ca se of prostitutes. face. She grabbed my hair and yanked and ihe
Insects also engage in castration of lovers. fight was on. Tripping her with my foot I dived
Hy Freedman in his book Sex Link tells of on top of her and gol her in a tight wrestling
the following two examples of castration hold. Just as I ihought she was beaten ihe liule
during the mating processes of insects. A bitch slipped free and smacked my ass. Rolling
new queen bee leaving the hive to start one over lo protect myself I let myself open for a
of her own will be followed by 200 males. shiner. Seeing stars I grabbed out blindly and
While in flight one will m ount her, copulate, grabbed her by the pussy hairs. She screamed
fall to the ground, and bleed to death. His and I pulled. Then I caught ...
severed penis now acts as a plug to hold in Cat fights between saloon girls and even the
the sperm which will fertilize 2 m illion eggs leading lady seemed to be more common in
over the next 5 years. The rest of the male western m ovies before the 1980s. Today
bees return to their hive where, no longer mail order video tapes are available of cat
serving any purpose, they soon starve to fights, female b o xers , and mal es and
death. In a different type of ritual, the females engaged in hand to hand combat.
female bristle wo rm , after watc hin g a Live performances are also staged for gam-
courtship dance, will bite off her partner's blers in the United States . T he women and
genitals, and swallow the enclosed sperm . their sponsors travel to different locations
T his fertilizes her eggs as the sperm passes setting up events that are evidently similar
through her digestive tract. to that of a cock fight (both being illegal).
(See CIRCUMCIS ION, CUTORIDECTOMY, (Personal communicatio n .) Mud wrestling
EUNUCHS , PENIS MODIFICATION, STA- is a si milar sport that became popular in the
between two women without rul es . They ING and WRESTLING)

CATAMITES ( B ardajes, Pathicus ) m soap and water and then b oiled for 30
Catamites were boys that were u sed as p er- minutes . The partn e r is pr e pare d by
sonal lovers for older m en. An example in washing the genitals with soap and wate r
myth o l og y was that of Zeu s taking and rubbing with Betadine. Sterile surgical
Ganymede as his lover and appointing him latex gloves a re u sed to insert or spread a
water b earer in his court. The early Greeks water based lubricant, Surgilube, onto the
followed Zeus' example and boys often left catheter. Most people purchase small tubes
home with their parents' permission to be a or bottles of lubricant to prevent contamina-
companion for an older man. The man took tion. If the b ottle has been u sed before they
great care in seeing that he received an edu- sque eze out and dispo se of the first sm all
cation, relieving the parents of this financial porti o n , then they sq ueez e the amount
obligation. needed onto a sterile surface and roll the
The Mayas had a custom where a young catheter in it. Dipping fingers into the jar of
man's parents wo uld provide him with a lubricant contaminates the wh ole jar. The
slave boy to b e used for sex. H e was for- top next inserts the lubricated catheter into
bidden to select his own or to have sex with the partner's urethra. The partner feels like
women until he was married. This strategy they want to uri-
was designed to p rotect o ther men's wives nate o r orga sm
from overly anxious young males (Sex in as the catheter
History by Reay Tannahill, p. 290) . passes through
(See al so GAYS, H ETAERAE and PEDO- the canal. If th e
PHILIA) catheter does not
insert easily, it is
CATHETERS (Catheterophilia-arousal n ot fo rced but is
from catheters) Catheterization has been instead removed.
practiced for at least 4,000 years. Ivory and If there are no
jade catheters have been found in ancient obstru ction s the
C hinese tombs and ritualistic catheterization proce dure is
scenes decorate Mayan p ottery. continued until the tip reaches the sphincter
T oday catheters are u sed in sex play as a of the bladder. T he tip is never forced in,
symbol of total control over a pa rtner. This b ut rather held in p osition with slight pres-
type of sex play is similar to the catheteriza- sure until the sphincter opens on its own. At
tion found in health care facilities. The ster- this point urine will flow out the end of the
ilized catheter is inserted up through th e t ube. Those using the F oley will push t he
urethra and in to the bladder which allows catheter an additional three inches and then
the flow of the urine to be controlled by the inflate the tip by injecting about 5-10 ccs of
dominant partner. The stimulation seems to sterile water or sterile saline solution. T he
trigger the brain's pleasure center that ordi- amoun t of liquid inj ected is measured to
narily responds to urination or ejaculation. guara ntee release of t hat same amo unt
Catheters are available in different styles . before they withdraw the catheter. Some
A Fol ey h as a blow up bulb at one end men are ab le to ejaculate while u rine flows
which allows it to stay inside the bladder through th e tube. Their seme n pa sses
without having to be h eld in p lace. The between the catheter and the wall of the ure-
Robin son has a straight tip o n both ends thra. This practice is not considered safe
and has to be held in by hand or taped at because if there is n ot adequate space left in
the end to the submissive's genitals. The tip the urethra the violent fo rce of the semen at
of the catheter is sometimes clamped to pre- ejaculation is thought to increase the risk o f
vent urine from dripping out. internal injur y. Th e a mou nt o f urine
The instruments used fo r catheterization drained from a bladder is also measured for
are also sterilized. If th e catheter is u sed safety. There is danger of potential compli-
again by the same person it can b e washed cation s if the bladder is forced to hold over

1,000 ccs or one quart. Likewise, a person At one time celibacy was the on ly
who starts with a full b ladder is not m ade to reco urse for wome n w h o chose n o t to
hold it for very long. Catheters, after defla- submit to a marriage that would place them
tion, are removed by simply letting them in servitude to a man. Others, out of neces-
slide out. T h e urethra is often sore and sity, used celibacy to protect their reputa-
burns for 1/2 an hour afterward. (Society of tions. Conversely, those i n arranged
Janus lecture on "Water Sports,'' dated June marriages took advantage of the pious
8, 1989 and " You are going to put a what admonitions of the Church by using it as an
up my what??" Dungeon Master, b y La excuse not to have sex with their spouse
Farge, pp. 17-20) (agenobiosis). Many people chose to remain
There is a type of noninvas ive catheter celi bate du ring the absen ce of their lovers.
ava ilab le t h at is cal led e ither a Texa s Others chose it out of fear or hate from
cathet er or an External Male Catheter. having been sexually or emotionally abused.
These resem ble a thick con dom with a large And many were forced into celibacy due to
reservoir tip that has a nozzle to facilitate a lack of available partners. T his was true
the attachment of a tube. People use these for early male Chinese immigrants in
to control a partner's urine flow without California.
having to go through the ordeal involved Government has imposed celibacy on
with sterilization procedures. people throughout history as a method to
A national club exists fo r people who control population, disease, an d fo r eco-
share an interest in catheterization. CAU- n omic reasons. The U.S. military in World
TION: This type of play is potentially dan- Wa r I , prodded by m oral refo r mers and
gerous a nd is usually done by people who concerned over potential loss of manpower
work in the medical profession. Even nurses due to venereal disease, encouraged the
have been known to accidently injure hos- celibacy of their troops by using propa-
pital patients. Not everyone can be catheter- ganda which portrayed sexually responsive
ized, since some people have scar tissue or women as spies, p rostitutes, and disease
strictures on the sides of their ureth ra which carriers. Military p olice were stationed in
can tear if a catheter is forced past them. areas where local wo men and prostitutes
Most people begin with the smallest sized frequented. Sexually active women came to
catheter available. Symptoms of possible be viewed as prostitutes with many b eing
damage to the urethra are a change in fre- arrested en masse . Ironically, those who
quency of urinati on, th e color of urine were less permissive were often viewed by
(orange or brown), or the presence of pus. the men as the spoils of war. None of these
If strict sterile technique is not followed , attitu des created respe ct for women and
there exists a significant chance of bladder their sexuality in a soldier's mind.
infection, kidney infec tion, sepsis, kidney Religious h omosexuals wh o have wanted
failure, or death. to remain in a favorable standing with their
(See also BONDAGE, COCKTAILS, GEN- church have chosen celibacy.
ITAL/ ANAL I NSER TS, KLISMAPI-IILIA, Abs t inence can be see n as character
MEATOTOMY, PHALLOPI-IILIA, RINGING, building. H owever, it can also be see n as
SOUNDING) sexual repression with definite negative con-
sequences. The occupants of convents and
monasteries were known for t heir sadistic
CELIBACY (A b stinence, Aphallatia, propensity and, like the accusers during the
C hastity; Agenobiosis-couple who lives Eu ropean a nd Salem witch hunts, reveled in
together without sex, Asceticism-religious th e sexual expose's of others' deviances.
self-d enial, L agn ocolysis-inhibition of sex Religious celibacy also serves the purpose of
urge) focusing the follower's attention on a god,
Celibacy refers to sexual abs tinence or looking only to Him for love and approval.
the state of not being married. Celibacy is This may bond a person to the church but
encouraged by various institutions, govern- at the same time destroys any chance they
ments, and religions for different reasons. have of learning to look to each other fo r

nurturance, support, a nd unconditional cause cancer and anal coitus would have a
accepta nce . Not everyone accepted th e worse consequence. Masturbation was con-
C hurch's stance on celibacy. In 1061 a sidered more dangerou s than h omosexual
number of Lombard bi shops and nobles coitus becau se of the frequency in which a
organ ized a rebellion, marched on Rome, solitary person could indulge.
captured it, and appointed Cadalus, Bishop Two famou s celibates and anti-orgasm
of Parma , as Ant ipope, naming him advocates during this time were Sylvester
Honorius II. This revolt ended two years Graham a nd John Kellogg. It was their
later due to internal politics. belief that spicy foods could excite the sex
Eighteenth century Shakers practiced cen ters and this led them to invent the then-
celibacy in communal groups. This religion tasteless crackers and cereal. Their su cces-
gained popularity during a time when there sors later added sugar to increase sales.
was no social we lfare. Many followers Celibacy is no longer considered a med-
joined for financial assistance, health care, ical prophylactic or cure-all. However, it is
o r companio n ship needs. T h e Shakers still sometimes recomm ended fo r psycho -
imposed many social restrictions on them- logical reasons. The 12-Step Program sup-
selves to avo id erotic stimul ation . Th e por t group called Sex and Love Addicts
members were not allowed to have pets Anonymous recommends it as a necessary
because these might mate in front of them, process to recognize and control an 'addic-
nor were they allowed to touch, speak, or tion' to sex. Mystics use abstinence to reach
walk with so meone of the o pposite se x . altered states of consciousness and Witches,
Members were permitted o nly one covert yoga masters, and religious leaders use
sexual release, that of frantic ritual dancing celibacy to m aintain a high level of concen-
which led some into an altered state orgasm . tration on a desired thought or activity .
There are man y othe rs w h o prac ticed There is n o documentation on the long
celi bacy i n order to experience altered term physical effects of total abstinence but
state s . S t . Augu stine and St. T h omas one might be concerned about atrophy of
Aquinas, early men who formed th e doc- the pubococcygeus muscles, which serve to
trines of the Cath olic church, wer e influ- control the spasms during orgasm. There is
e nc ed by t h is method rather than b y some concern whether it is possible fo r a
flagellation. St. Augustine was also a major woman to orgasm after ten or twenty years
instigator in tran sforming sex from some- of not u sing this muscle properly.
thing sacred t o something sinful. (See also CASTRATION, CHASTITY
The Victorians and their views on sex DEVICES, C H OREOPHILI A, EUNUC H S,
were influenced, not by religion, but by the INFIBULATION, ST. AUGUSTINE, SUPPORT
medical scare of the 18th and 19th centuries.
The physicians of this time taught that the CHAPERONS Chaperons were popular
loss of semen caused a wastin g away of all in the 19th century. It was their responsi-
the vital energies to the point of insanity and bility to protect and supervise the behavior
death. T herefore, the only justifiable a nd of young women, couples, or grou ps. Most
necessary type of orgasm was that done to often it was the young woman's m oth er,
propagate the species. T his meant that any aunt, or a paid matron of respectability. In
t ype o f sex o ther than penis/vagina was addition to guarding th e maiden's virtue,
v iewed as unhealthy. C laude-Fra n c ois the chaperon might also investigate young
Lallema nd, in 1939, published a b ook tha t men as to t h eir chara cter, intentions, and
cited a report from the Massachusetts State wealth. Once satisfied with the findings she
Lunatic H ospital which showed that out of would arrange a formal introduction to the
407 patients 55 had becom e insane due to young lady. If either person fou nd the other
excessive masturbati on. In the early 1900s unsuitable during the evening it was socially
certain writings of the m edical profession acceptable to return to the chaperon and
claimed that fellatio a nd cunnilingus could part company on friendly terms.

Most chaperons performed their duties from their former reliance on superstitions,
admirably but th ere vvere those who magic, and charms. Yet many people still
couldn' t hold their liquor at parties or who consider certain items lucky.
fell into lascivious conduct themselves. Charms were used to increase fertility,
The young wards soon learned evasive improve virility, ensure the attraction or
strategic mane uver s. Couples would go fidelity of a partner, determine the sex of a
sailing hoping that the chaperon would child, to ease childbirth, or to break spells.
spend m ore time hanging over the stern Female genitals were also believed to hold
than watching them. They also rollerskated great powers. A woman could break evil
through park paths and walked briskly up spells or control weather by simply exposing
hills trying to wind the older matron. Then them. It was at one time common for
came the invention that propelled ladies into R oman women to wear amulets of genitals
lasting freedom; the bicycle. Corsets and around their neck and for them to be found
petticoats which had created the frail femi- on the entrances of many temples. These
nine image soon became a burden and were later came to resemble a ring or open circle.
discarded for all but formal wear. The upside down horseshoe found above
Today we still see m othe rs chaperon doors for good luck is a surviving remnant
their daughters in small towns in Central of this tradition. Some lesbians use this
and South America. Town parks sometimes above their d oors as a sign of their sexual
have benches around the edge facing out- preference.
ward toward the streets. H ere the parents sit Ancient Romans used amulets of penises
and talk as their teenagers socialize inside or symbols of both sexes to ward off the evil
the park. In a small coastal town in the eye. The current gesture of "giving
Mexican state of Sonora mothers take their someone the finger" is a re mnant of that
daughters to what appears to b e a modern early custom. Many Roman homes had
disco. They then line up outside along a phallic replicas above their doors with an
four foot high wall in the front that looks inscription underneath that read " Hie
through a large window. Above this wall one habitat felicitas-Happiness dwells here."
can see the heads of a dozen five foot tall Others used figures of a satyr or the phallus
m others who resemble solemn nuns in their alone in their gardens to protect their crops.
black head scarves and dresses as they The middle finger was also used by Roman
watch to make sure their daughters conduct gays as an invitation to others as well as by
themselves appropriately . men in battle as a signal of surrender. The
Women of all ages in Moslem countries Roman emperor Caligula was kn own for
are required to have chaperons . Many other making this sign w ith his hand as he
European and Middle Eastern countries also str etch ed it out fo r subjects to kiss. The
expect a lady to be accompanied if she ven- Trobriander men believed that those who
tures out in the evening, the exception of possessed a "charmed finger" could seduce
course being for prostitutes. Female tourists women by inserting it into their vaginas.
can save themselves embarrassing moments It was also thou g ht th a t one could
by inquiring about local customs when trav- increase one's virility by wearing the right
eling abroad. testicle of a donkey on a
(See also COURTSHIP) bracelet or holding seeds
that resembled testicles in
CHARMS (Good luck pieces, Talisman) o n e's hand during sex.
Charms refer to chants, objects, or gestures Chinese eunuchs, hop ing
that are b elieved to have magical powers. for regeneration of their
B elief in charms ha s been commonplace lost sexual organ s, would
throughout man's history. The adve n t of eat th e warm brain s of
science seem s to h ave freed many people n ewly decapitated c rimi-

nals (The Illustrated Book of Sexual Records, wore these rin gs as a sy mb ol of their
by G.L. Simons, p. 26). chastity and were honored by women who
(See a ls o APHRODISIACS , FER T ILITY would kiss the ring in worship.
RITES, LOVE POTIONS, PHALLOPHILIA and Later yea r s bro ught changes to t h e
RELICS) chastity device concept. The Spanish a nd
F rench used wide crinoline skirts that were
CHASTITY DEVICES ( Da y belts, reinforced with whalebone. The name "ver-
Flore nti ne Girdle, G irdle of Venus; tugadin" (virtu e gu ard) suggested that its
Fibula-stitching of skin, Vertugadin-wire- purpose was primari ly one of protecting
looped skirt) Chastity belts are similar to a vir tu e, ra th er than only being a current
jock strap that is worn around the waist to fashion.
prevent a p erson from having intercourse . Parents du ring the Victorian era devised
The cha stity belt de sig ne d for wo m en a cage, some with spikes, that fit and locked
makes it impossible for a male lover to insert aro und the penis of th eir sons to prevent
an erect penis masturbation. This was during a time that
into the vag in a wasted semen was believed to cause poor
or anus. The h ealth and poss ible insanity. Boys w h o
m a le chastit y showed intellectual promise particularly had
b elt has either a to be dissu aded from thi s dangerou s prac-
small ho le o r tice (History of Sexual Customs, p. 20).
metal guards in Belts may be ornamental or symbolic.
the front to pre- They are some times u sed in fan tasy play
vent the pulling of an erect penis through a nd available with attachable vibrators a nd
the device. These belts are more common in dildoes. Spare keys are kept for all locking
Europe than in the United States. b elts as a safety precaution. L ike all types of
H omer 's Odyssey, in which Hephaistos sex ual ac t iv ity, t h e
fo rged a girdle to ensure t h e fidelity of decision t o wear a
Venus aft er sh e had an affa ir with his
brother, may be the source of chastity belts chastity device is con-
se n su al and never 'ii!
during the 16th century. Two n uns that were imposed on a partner.
known for wearing chastity belts and other (See also BONDAGE, CASTRATION ,
fo rms of self mortification were canonized CELIBACY, EUNUC H S, INFIB U L ATIO N ,
as St. Rose and St. Marina. O lder styles of RINGIN G, STAPLING and SUTUR lNG)
chastity belts evolved into the 19th century
"Day Belts" that were used on young girls CHEMISE CAGOULE A c h em ise
by th eir m oth e r s as insuran ce of the cagoule (cagoule: sepa rate and combine)
farmer's virtue during un chaperoned d a y was a heavy night shirt used b y Catholic
excursions. Husbands, often with th e wive's men durin g t he M iddle Ages. It ens ured
b lessings, locked the ir wives in a ch astity that they would not derive any unnecessary
belt when traveling through dangerous terri- tactile pleasure while im p regnating th eir
tory or when their area was invaded by sol- wife. The chemise
diers as a protection against rape. The belts h ad a hole c u r in
were not d esign ed for long term wear. the fr on t t o allo w
Women in several c ult ures, including the erect penis ac-
Borneo, kept th eir husbands chaste during cess to the vagina.
trips away from home by in serting a large There were al so
(4" diameter) p enis ring through the hus- add it ional regula-
band's penile piercing. This stayed welded tions as to the posi-
together until h e returned home (Modern tion a couple might 1'
Primitives, by V. Vale and A. Juno, p. 20) . use to avoi d other
T hese were also used on R oman slaves. The sinful stimulation (The Mysteries of Sex, by
holy men of the Mussulman sect in Africa C .].S. T hompson ).

(See also CHASTITY DEVICES, GLORY irreproachable in the eyes of the King and
HOLES, ENDYTOPHILIA, NORMOPHILIA, my protectors could impart to me the
ST. AU GUSTINE, SEX POSITIONS and VIC- strength I need tO conquer myself and adopt
a mildness of disposition in conformity with
the new existence which has been forced
CHEVALIER D'EON Chevalier d'Eon upon me. It would b e easier for me to play
or d 'Eon de Beaumont was one of the first the part of a lion than that of a lamb." He
controversial cross dres sers in Europe and found life intolerable because of the noto-
the person from whom the phrase Eonism riety he was receiving and left for England
was coined. He lived from 1728 to 1810 in where he gave public fencing performances
France and during this time no one was dressed as Joan of Arc to support himself.
positive of his true sex. His father held a He died in poverty at the age of 81. A sur-
prominent position in government and geon was immediately appointed to identify
d 'Eon was educated in law and received his his true sex and end speculation forever.
post upon graduation. He became skilled in Those who wagered on his being male won.
fe ncing and was appointed by King Louis (See also TRANSVESTITES)
XV to carry out special missions such as a
trip to Russia in the guise of a female. Later, CHOREOPHILIA Choreophilia
he was appointed as an envoy to England (choreo: choral dance, and philia: attach-
and after confiscating secret documents that ment to) refers to people who are sexually
indicated Loui s XV's plan to invade aroused by dancing.
England, h e was pursued by both t he One of the first ritual dances was done as
French and the English. D'Eon once again worship to fertility gods. The H awaiian hula
dressed as a woman to escape detection. dance is a modern day example. Melodies
King Louis finally prevailed upon d 'Eon to and dance have often been combined for
relinquish some of the secret documents in erotic excitement and were often prohibited
exchange for financial compensation and a during times of repre ssive religious rule.
political position. He once again found him- Calvin was quoted as saying, "Dauncyng,
self in good standing with the upper echelon the cheefe mischeefe of all mischeefes,
of society. H owever, his cross dressing dauncers are mad men, dauncyng stirreth
escapades began to cause a stir. His friends up lust. " It is "vnpossible that dauncyng
began waging be t s on his true sex and should bee good ." It was often thought that
although h e denied being female, the gossip people who danced in festivals were pos-
continued. A reputable envoy of the French sessed by demons.
government came to believe the story and Many of the ancient festivals, such as
told the King and his court that d'Eon was Dionysia, Bacchanalia, May Day,
female and had disguised himself as male Saturnalia, Feast of Fools, and Carnival,
when in France. The King was shocked but enco ura ged people t o dance until th ey
believed his source. Upon the King's death reached a state of euphoria. Catholic clergy
d'Eon asked permission to return to his often condemned dancing and other for-
homeland and after some negotiation he was bidden games in their c hurchyards during
permitted only if he lived out his life dressed these festivals. (It seems that missionaries
in female attire, as befitting his sex. D 'Eon, made a practice of building their churches
having been unsucces sful at convincing over pagan altars, therefore during festivals
people otherwise, resigned himself to this people would naturally gather to these
fate and r etur ned to France. Marie sites.)
Antoinette soon t ook an interest in him and The Arab Sufis, or w hirling dervishes,
had her designer create an extravagant dress Wiccans, American Indians, various African
for him. D 'Eon wrote his feelings about this tribes, and th e Sadhus of India all use
effort. " Mlle. Bertin undertakes to turn me dancing to induce a eup horic trance.
into a passably modest and obedient Christian groups such as the Quakers and
woman. Only my extreme desire to appear Shakers did this as well.

D ance halls were started in the United Th ere are several t h eories as to the
States by bar owners who hired females to reaso n fo r th is preference; however, n o
dance wit h their clients, thus attracting single pattern fits everyone.
larger numbers. Some of the women were
A small majority h ave at least one
prostitutes who seized the opportunity to
parent or close fa mily member that is
offer men other services. In the early 20th
ce ntury femal e wage earner s began fre-
quenting dance halls, amusement parks, and Reasons may be similar in some cases
theaters that were away from the watchful to those of acrotomophiles.
eye of parents and n eigh bors . Single men
This preference is often developed at
quickly opted for sexually integrated estab-
an early age and could have a complex
lishments as opposed to all male clubs and
h ormonal, genetic, and environmental
the popularity of mixed dan cing began in
(S ee also BELL DANCING, BELLY The chaser may feel nurtured by the
DANCING, FESTIVALS, FLAGELLATION and size difference (i.e. parent/child) just
LAP DANCING) as others seem attracted to tall part-
tophilia refers to those who are aroused by The chaser p refers the physical sen sations
being charged for sex or robbed. Payment of being with a large, soft, pillow-like body.
for some m en may give them a feeling of One chaser describes contact with a chubby
power because the partner is now obligated as a "mountain of flesh enveloping one, as
to do their bidding and there is no guilt in lying on a sack of pudding with flesh oozing
not reciprocating. between the fingers and gushing over arms
(See also AUCTIONS, AUTASSAINOPHILlA, and legs, and being enveloped or consumed
HARPAXOPHILIA, HYBRISTOPHILIA, PHOB- alive as one sinks into those silky depths"
OPHILIA and VICARIOUS AROUSAL) (BUF, February 1990, p. 40).
Cleopatr a was assumed t o have bee n
CHUBBY CHASERS A chubby chaser rather obese. But in 1988 it was discovered
is the nickname for someone who is sexually that the statue that was thought to be of her
aroused by an obese partner. T h e term was of another queen. Obesity has always
Chubby Chaser is shortened to Chaser and b een a sign of affluence in Africa and young
the term Chubby is used here to refer to the girls are still sent to special farms to be fa t-
obese object of their love. tened into marshmallow physiques before
Ford and Beach, wh e n inv estigating marriage. T h e school al so gives them
sexual preferences from ma n y different instruction in maintaining a household. The
societies, discovered that the majority pre- Japanese seem mesmerized by their obese
ferred women who were p lump. Holmberg Sumo wrestlers
tells of the Siriano of Eastern Bolivia: but I have n ot
seen data to
Besides being young, a desirable sex partner- s uggest that
especially a woman-should also be fa t. She their fascina-
should have big hips, good sized but firm tion is a fetish.
breasis, and a deposit of fat on her sexual The r e are
organs. Fat women are referred to by the men severa l e r otic
with obvious pride as ere'N ekida (fat vulva) magazines that cater to this taste in lovers,
and are thought to be much more satisfying both heterosexual and gay.
sexually than thin women (Patterns of Sexual People interested in meeting others
Behavior, by Cellan S. Ford, and Frank A. attracted to chubbies have a bulletin board
Beach, Ph.D., pp. 88-89). that accepts personal ads.

(See also ACROTOMOPHILIA, AGAL- Strategically placed scars provided his-

MATOPHILIA, AMAUROPHILIA, ANAS- tori cal documentation of one's posi tion ,
accomplishments, bravery, and tragedies
TILISM) during a time when they had no written lan-
guage. Multiple scars on a person were
CICATRIZATION Cicatrization or scar- respected in much the same way as the stars
ring has probably been practiced much of a military general are today (Marks of
longer than can be documented. The first Civilization, by Arnold Rubin).
evidence was found on 4,200 year old Cutting has always been a basis for emo-
Egyptian mummies . These were women tion al healing. Today man y people in
from the neighboring country, Nubia, who mental institutions, hospitals, and prisons
were associated as engage in cutting as a form of self-mutila-
~ · either priestesses tion. The reasons given for this behavior
or dancers for the vary, but most feel it puts them back in
fertility gods . touch with their bodies so they feel human
They bore a series once again.
of lines across Cutting for facilitation of the healing pro-
their abdomen, cess after a traumatic event was not only
these being made prevalent in primitive societies but can be
by an ancient seen in the fairly recent practices of cup-
method of tat- ping, phlebotomy, bleeding with leeches,
tooing (dyeing fr es hly cut skin). The and acupuncture.
abdomen symbolized childbirth, and there- Cicatrization is also used as an art form
fore a woman's sexuality. and reported to be less painful than tat-
Women in certain African tribes used tooing. The person desiring the body art
scars to increase their fertility until the early selects a design and has a professional cica-
20th century. The explanation for efficacy trist cut it into their skin. Cutting requ ires a
is that the scars create some level of mild special knowledge of where and how deep
pain for a period of thre e to four years. to cut the skin as well as an a rtistic flair.
When this sensitive area is touched by her The chosen design has a personal signifi-
husband and the brain releases neurotrans- cance to the individual. Some people prefer
mitters in response to the pain, the woman this form of cutting for self healing rather
becomes aroused by the stimulus and has than random mutilations, saying tha t it is
sex with her husband. The more sexually m ore empowering. An example of this are
active the woman is, the more likely she is to those who were raped or were abused and
conceive, thus validating the ancient claim who use cutting to overcome that memory.
that scars can increase one's fertility. People are programmed or conditioned by
C icatriza tion was and is done for many stimulus that has a strong emotional impact.
other reasons as well. Pubescent girls had to People can reprogram phobias much faster
prove their ability to endure the pain of by creating a strong emotional state and, at
childbirth by rites of passage that involved this point, using positive affirmations to
painful scarification. Young boys also had reprogram past messages. For instance, if a
to show courage and endure a similar rite of father had always referred to his child as
passage, proving thei r ability to withstand stupid, th e child would n ow think or do
the hardships of hunting and providing for a something that gave him an adrenalin rush
family. Those not choosing to be marked and state to himself, "I am intelligent, I am
were viewed by th e tribe as cowards, a good, kind, respectable person worthy of
unwilling to suffer for a loved one, and not love." Cutting creates an intense moment
worthy of marriage. The scars represented and display of personal p ower over the
one's inner qua lities of beauty and their person's fate . The person's cicatrix acts as a
physical constitution. constant affirmation of th eir new found

power over pain and tragedy. ("Cutting," Circumcision of the hood of the clitoris
by Raelyn Gallina, QSM lecture, January 6, was traditionally done on young girls among
1990) CAUTION: Activities that expose the M oslem s. T hey felt that the hood would
one to another's blood are considered re str a in the c li toris from enlargi n g, the
unsafe. Cutting also requires a knowledge of removal of the hood then exposed the cli-
the cardiovascular system and neurology to toris to more dir ec t stimulati on during
p revent serious injury. vaginal p en etration. This surgery is occa-
(See a lso AUTOMASOCHISM, BO DY s ionall y don e on women in th e United
PAIN T ING, MASOCHISM, MUT ILATI ON, States who cannot orgasm because the hood
PARAPHILIAS, SAFE SEX and TATTOOS) occludes the clitoris.
The practice of circum cision is qui te
CIGARS (Capnolagnia-arousal from ancient as evidenced by a prehistoric stone
watching others smoke) C igars are used as ca rv ing of a circumcised pen is. The
tools of arousal. There is a club called " Hot Egyptians sacrificed th e foreskin to a fe r-
Ash" where men interested in cigar play can tility god b y burning it. Some fee l that
contact each other. Th ere a r e also films Abraham m odified one of the existing reli-
avai lable such as " Red Dog Saloon" th at gious customs that r equ ired the fi rst fruits
feature men smoking cigars, blowing smoke of sex, either the first born infant or a gen-
at other s, rubbing a victim's face in an ash ital sacrifice, to appease th e fertility g ods .
tray th at contains Circumcision came to be a symbolic sacri-
cigar butts a nd fice of one's life force and reproducti ve
as h es, r e moving a power. Americans often have circumcision
cigar from some- done on baby boys before t hey leave the
one's mouth, replac- hospi ta l b y a te chn iq ue that i n volves
ing it wi th a p en is, crushing the fo reski n with a clamp and then
and using a cigar as a cutting it off after about 10 m inut es . Jews
dildo. have a special ce rem on y (berith or briss)
T here are specific when the bo y is eigh t days old. A profes-
cigar fetishes where sion al mohel slices the foreskin off an infan t
men collect the discarded cigar butts of men in a couple of seconds while h e is held by
they find appealing, and later masturbate his fathe r. The Moslem tradition is to per-
while hold ing the cigar to their lips . fo rm circumcision whe n th e boy reaches
C igars are used by women on stage and thirtee n years o ld a lth oug h t oday it is
in nude modeling for magazines. Some per- becoming accept able to do it years earlier.
formers are able to blow smoke rings after Arabic Bedouin tribes would circu mcise the
placing a cigar in their vagina. CAUTION: male the day before he was to marry and
Using a cigar as a dildo is very dangerous if during this operation the groom was to sing,
the rectal wall absorbs the nicotine or if the thus proving his conquest over pain to the
cigar slips out of the t op's fingers into the surrounding crowd. This was his initiation
rectum. Tobacco can also be irritating to into manhood. Other cultu res, such as the
vaginal tissue. Na nd i, ci r c um c ised t h eir boys wit h a
(See also FETISHES , HOT WAX, ICE, glowing iron that burned off the foreskin as
KNIVES, POWER TOOLS and PYROPHILIA) another held it out-stretched; afterward the
fat from the udder of a cow was applied to
CIRCUMCISION (Acuc ull op h all ia , the wound. This tech nique was called cir-
Apellous, Peritomy, Posthetomy) Males are cumbu stio. The Kikoyu tribes only cut
circ umcised by c utting away the foreskin away the top half of the foreskin, leaving a
that covers the glans p enis and fe males by flap th a t hung off t h e b o ttom tip of the
c u tting the ho od tha t covers the clitoris. penis.
Wo men who ar e only sexu ally arou sed by C ircumcision became popular among
circumcised males are referred to as acucul- Christians during the earl y 19th and 20th
lophiles. centuries when doctors and religious leaders

believed tight foreskins led young boys to Sometimes men who were never circum-
masturbate. cised use their foreskins in sex play by doing
Male circumcision may have some med- such things as putting a clothespin or elec-
ical advantages later in life. There are dis- trode on it, stretching it over another man's
eases that afflict only the uncircumcised, glans penis, or putting ice inside and tying it
such as penile carcinoma, posthitis, phi- closed with a string. Masturbati on tech-
mosis, and balanitis. In addition, there is ten n iques can differ greatly between circum-
times the risk of getting urinary tract infec- cised and uncircumcised men.
tions. It is reported that nine out of ten (See CASTRATIO N, CLITORIDECTOMY,
uncircumcised men have difficulty or expe- EUNUCHS, FESTIVALS and NYMPHOTOMY)
rience pain in getting the foreskin to pull
backward upon erection. The smegma or CLAMPS Clamps are small devices that
secretion that is produced from the glands are placed on nipples, genitals, or any other
around the bottom of the corona or rim of part of the body. The throat and lacta ting
the glans penis is thought to be carcinogenic breasts are u n safe areas. The amount of
for women, as there is a lower rate of cer- tension varies according t o the user 's wish .
vical cancer among women who are married Clamps can be part of

to circumcised men. This secretion is also highly devel op ed sex
known for rapidly developing an unpleasant play used to induce
odor. There appear to be some recent indi- more severe pain, or to
cations that infection with the AIDS virus is apply mild tactile sensa-
more prevale nt among uncircumcised men tion to the nipples while
in Third World countries. This does not
hold true in Wes tern countries where the
leaving the partner's
hands free to a r ouse ~
standard for hygiene is often higher. and stimul ate other
T he United States has the highes t parts of the body. The m ost w idely u sed
number of circumcised men but that figure clamps are those with an adjusting screw
is dropping. This is primarily due to some where the person sets their own tension.
insurance companies dropping their medical Clamps that are u sed to inc rease mild
coverage for this procedure. se nsation have a weaker bi te than ot hers.
F oreskins vary in size. They range from While they are slightl y painfu l when
long and loose to short and tight. The short attached they are designed to provide extra
tight foreskins are very similar in appear- sensitivity while being worn. If clamps are
ance of those circumcised. Some men resent left on over a few minutes the area becomes
having lost their foreskin and may blame painful when removed. People reduce some
their parents or even suffer from depres- of this pain by using their fingers to pinch
sion. If this happens it is good to talk to the the tissue as the clamp is removed and then
person(s) one feels was responsible, r eplace slowly releasing the tension to allow blood
the foreskin if possible, or seek counseling. to gradually enter back into the area. This
(For more informatio n on penis reconstruc- method is espec ially used when woo den
tion, see section PENIS SHAPING- clothespins are applied to the inne r labia .
Foreskin Restoration) Here also the moisture of the mucous mem-
M en sometimes incorporate their fear of brane t ends t o be absorbed by the wood,
circumcision into sex play as a means for causing it to stick to the skin.
arousal. They fake a circumcision by having People who want to reach the upper limit
their partner blindfold and bind them, of the pain-pleasure barrier do things like
placing a reservoir tipped condom and then joining two tit clamps together by a cord or
slicing off the tip with a knife. Some do this chain and pulling on it slowly. They may
as part of a hospital scene. Their partner add small weights, pierce the nipples, or
dresses like a doctor and goes through a drip hot wax on them. This is sometimes
convincing sterilization procedure. referred to as tit torture and can be dan-

gerous if engaged in by novices. Other loca- Human puppets are made by running a
tions used for clamps are under the arms, string th rough clothespins placed on the
on the penis, scrotum, labia, and on the anal p e r so n's l egs and arm s. They are then
sphincter. Plastic clothespins are often used gently pulled on to make the puppet walk or
on mucous membrane areas because in move. Some p eople prefer threading these
addition to not sticking to the skin they can strings through an eye bolt in the ceiling for
be soaked in a solu tion of water and 10% a similar effect. CAUTION: As with any
bleach to disinfect. type of play that involves tactile pain there
Clamps are used on the testicles in sev- are spe ci al prec au tion s that are take n.
eral different ways. The scrotum is some- Neither person uses drugs that wou ld
times separated and stretched with several desensitize the p ain to t he extent that the
clamps placed at strategic points. Clamps b o ttom d oesn't recognize their phys ical
may also be placed on the scrotum in sym- limi t. Stress or distrust of a partner can
metrical lines . Most scrotums can hold 40 to increase the sensation of pain. Orgasm is
50 clothespins. Excessive stretching i s often avo ided before clamps ar e removed
avoided because it can cause small vessels to b ecause this almost always intensifies the
break, although this is not usually serio us. pain. Clamps themselves may leave blood
Pinching the upper scrotum is serious, how- blisters or cuts if not enough skin is placed
ever, because it can damage the vas def- between the tips o r if the tension is too
erens. tight. There are subtle changes made in the
Body art includes things ranging fro m flow of blood through the vein s and fainting
clamp -on nipple jewelry to temporary body m ay occu r. Alligator teeth clamps are not
markings and live puppets. Clothespins are safe for use on more than one partner unless
most often used fo r body art. These are th ey can be sterilized. It is dangerous to
carefully selected to ensure against defects clamp normal skin tissue for over six hours
such as rough edges, breaks, twisted wire, or o r muscle for longer th an a few minutes.
uneven edges. Th ey are n ext painted or The lack of ox ygen causes t issue to die .
dyed to the color preferred, black being the ("Clothespins: The Scene from the Corner
mos t common. Bird r ep r esentati ons a re Sto re," by Joseph W. Bean, QSM lecture,
done with combinations of black, deep red, July 13, 1990)
and white. C loth espins are placed down (See also AUTOMASOCHISM, BINDINGS,
each arm, acr oss the chest, abdomen, and BONDAGE, JEWELRY, PINC HING, RING[NG
sometimes on the back until one fi nally has and SENSORY ENHANCEMENT)
a fo rm representative of a bird. Skin mark-
ings are different in that the sh ape of the CLAUSTROPHILIA C lau strophilia
design is not evident until the clothespins (claustrum: place shut in, philia: attachment
are removed. A common mark is called a to) refers to those sexually aroused by being
zipper and is made by placing clothespins confined in sm all compartments.
side-by-side in a lin e. These are usuall y People who are claustrophobic experi-
joined by a leather string run through the e n ce a n xiety from being confined . Some
center of the wire spiral and at the d esig- indi viduals take ad va ntage of this fear to
nated moment the group of pins is pulled create arousal in their partner. T his is done
off with one swift stroke. Various effects are by putting partners who are claustrophobic
created by placing clothespins at different in confi ning surro undings . The types of
angles so that the lines curve and by using compartments or equipment u sed includes
clamps that have distinctive b ites. A few closets, boxes, caskets, cages, and straight-
people have endured over 300 cloth espins jackets. A partner with a more severe case of
on their body. T h e placement of the clamps cl austrophobia may be arou sed by simply
is don e from the bottom of the torso and taking t h e m on a crowded elevator ride,
worked upward. T hose who start at the top through an amusement park's "hou se of
and work down for some reason find that horrors," or by having sex with them in a
their partner becomes lethargic. walk-in closet, a lower bunk bed, or a cave.

It is also possible that a person who starts still other such repulsive delicacies . Women
playing with this phobia can become desen- bring them fleas and lice in the leather of their
sitized after a while and along with losing clothing; they also lick clean a ring dipped in
thei r fear of enclosures they will also lose the mucous of the vagina" (Voodoo Eros, by
the sex ual arousa l associated with it. Felix Bryk, p. 141).
Convers ely, the partner is never pushed (See also CIRCUMCISION, INFIBULATION
very far beyond what they t hink they can and NYMPHOTOMY)
(See also PHOBOPHILIA) COCK RINGS A cock ring is one of the
old est mechani cal sex aids u sed fo r sus -
taining an erection for a longer than ordi-
CLITORIDECTOMY (Exm uli ebrate,
nary period.
Spay, Thelectize) A clitoridectomy is t he
One of the oldest cock rings was called a
name of th e surgical p rocedure used in
hairy ring (also happy ring or goat's eyelid).
removing the clitoris . Clitoridectomies were
This dates back to the Orient in th e 13th
performed on American women as late as
century and was made from the eyelashes of
the early 20th century to prevent habitual
slain goats . These were chemically treated
and inlaid in rings that fit over the glans
The clitoridectomies used by other cul-
penis . Today's version has soft bristles or
tures were not designed so much to inhibit
blunt points-all designed to provide extra
female orgasm as in t he States, but rather to
enhance vaginal orgasm by male penetration stimu lation of the v agina during coitus .
P owders and rings can have bad effects for
a nd thu s discourage the lesbianism prac-
some and most people u se them with cau-
t iced in harems . The surgery was u sually
tion until they are certain the item is safe.
done by a woman who held the protruding
Another device similar to the hairy ring is
clitoris between her thumb a nd forefinger
the rubber beaded erection ring that doubles
until it stiffened and at this point she sliced
as a cock ring and vaginal or anal massager
it off with a razor. The girls of the Nandi
when worn at the base of the glans penis.
tribes had their clitoris infla med with nettles
and then burned out with a glowing coal The Ja panese have a sulfur ring that fits
around the neck of the glans penis, desensi-
h eld on it with a wooden "spoon" until it
tizing the penis w hile at the same time
became charred . C li tor idectomies were
acting as an astringent to tighten the vaginal
taken seriously because it was believed that
children of a girl no t u nde r going this
Metal or plastic cock rings are placed in
surgery would die. Because of this infants
po s ition by first in serting one test ic le
born to t h ese mothers were strangled by
through th e ring, followed by the second
pushing cow dung down their throats. The
tes ticle, a nd finally the flaccid pen is is
girls in the Nandi tribe were confined for
pulled through. T he penis must be flaccid
four months in a hut and at the end of that
when putting on a metal ring. Rubber rings
time a strange ritual was performed. Several
are occasionally u sed und er the glans for
matrons would go into the woods to find a
penile st imulation b ut are r emoved for
lion. One of the matrons dressed in a fu r
garment then began stroking and binding it,
R ings are available in sizes of approxi-
and then brought it to the hut of the girls.
mately 1 1/ 2- 2" in di ame ter and a re
There it was t ied t o a stake outside th eir
designed to fit at the base of the penis below
the testicles. A simple method used in mea-
"The girls, who can hardly distinguish the con- suring for the size is that of tying a string
tours of the beast of prey in the dark, are so around the appropriate area while erect and
frightened that they urinate. Now they must u sing that measurement to determine t he
eat all the insects off the lion, then the lion uri- circumference.
nates, and its urine is sipped up by all the Leather snap-on cock rings are placed
newly-circumcised girls . .. The girls must eat around the base of the penis below the testi-

des and are adjustable in size becau se of the ENEMA COCKTAIL An enema cocktail is
selection of strategically placed snaps. This made with the liquid expelled from the
type of cock ring is fairly safe because it's rectum after a wate r or wine enema. This
eas y to remove. Metal rings have special fluid is collected or poured into a cocktail
u ses in sex games; they h old their sh ape glass fo r one of the partners to drink.
when cords or ropes are passed through for
GOLDEN COCKTAIL The golden cocktail
bondage purposes, and they condu ct elec-
is com prised of u rine. This drink may be
tricity for cock torture games. Gates of hell
used as part of a
are used in S/M play. These are cock rings
goddess sex r itual
that have several leather strap s o r metal
where the submis-
rings that fit at intervals along the shaft of
sive drinks , o r as
the p enis. They may also have spikes on the
part o f a forma l
inside to discourage erection. T his type of
group dinner where
device is safest when it can be unsnapped.
everyone imbibes
CAUTION: A cock ring is removed if the
prior to an orgy.
penis begins to tingle or burn. If the cock-
(See also CO PRO-
ring is metal this may create a complication PHAG Y, CU i\t1 ETI-
because an erect p enis must become flaccid Q UETTE, FLATULENCE, HYGR OPHILIA,
before it can be removed. This is normally KLISMAPH ILIA, LAC T APH ILIA , MUCO-
accomplished b y either wrapp ing an Ace PHAGY, MYSOPHILIA, OCULOLINCTUS,
bandage around the penis or placing cold SALIROPI-IILIA, SITOPHILIA and TOILET
compresses o n it . If n e it h e r of thes e TRAINING)
m etho d s work a physician is consulted as
soon as possible. Prolonged venal constric- COITUS A CHEVAL Coitus cheval, or a
tion can cause thrombosis of the veins. sex on a horse, has been practiced in many
(See also BIND ING, BON D AGE , GEN - cultures throughout history. The Turkis h
ITAL/ANAL INSERTS , PENILE MODIFICA- soldiers, while invading villages, would cap-
TIONS, RING IN G , TESTICLES and ture women and c hildren, place the victim
TORTURE) in the rider 's lap, an d rap e them whil e
riding away on horseback. The loping horse
COCKTAILS (Coprop hilia-aro usal provided a rhythm that was u sed duri ng
from feces, Mysophilia-arousal from soiled penetration.
objects, Urophilia- arou sal from urine) Lovers also utilized the rocking rhythm
The word cocktails is a term u sed in sex du ring journeys on a horse, camel, or ele-
p lay to describe the drinking of body fluids phant. Lord George Herbert wrote of such
such as blood, seme n , urine, a nd enema a love story in A Night in a Moorish Harem:
co nten ts from a glass or chalice . CAU-
W e were borne along al an unflagging gallop.
TION: These body fluids may carry bac-
Hasan held me in front of him like a baby in
teria and viruses and therefore cocktails are
his arms, often kissing me, his kisses constantly
not con sidered safe sex.
growing more ardent; and then I f elt his suff
BLOOD AND SEMEN COCKTAIL The shaft pressing against my person. He suggested
mix ture of blood a nd semen was u sed to that I ride as11ide for a while and rest myself by
symbo lize human life a n d was co mm on a change of position. I obeyed his suggestion,
amo ng ancient goddess rituals. Today salt turning with my face towards his and pulling
water or mixtures of herbed teas or wine are my arms around his neck, while my thighs
used in witchcraft ritual. Some also dip the were spread wide open over his own. He let the
athame (knife) into the co ntents of the bridle drop over the horse's neck, whose head-
chalice to symbolize sexual union. long pace subsided into a gentle canter which
Blood and semen, or other b ody secre- was like the rocking of a cradle.
tions, are used in symbolic goddess worship Hasan put his arms around my loins and
sex games. In these the wo rshipp er drinks lifted me a little, and then I fell the crest of his
secretions from the sex goddess t o prove his nalied shaft knocking for entrance between rny
devotion. naked thighs. I was willing to yield to Hasan

anything he wished; but no sooner had the lips COITUS A MAMMILLA (Mamma -
of my sheath been penetrated than I involun- gymnophilia-arousal from female breasts,
tarily clung more tightly around his nech and, M azo phall a te- p ene t ra ting betwee n
suszaining myself in that way, prevented him brea sts) Coitus a mammi lla is the act of
from entering further. Hasan 's organ seemed ejaculating between breasts. This is particu-
adapted to the place and excited a sensation of larly exciting for men who have a breast
pleasure. I offered my mouth to H asan and fetish. The woman generally lean s backward
returned his passionate liisses wizh an ardor as th e man
equally warm. A desire to secure more of the plac es h is
delighlful intruder overcame my dread of zhe penis on the
intrusion ... stern u m

between her
There are several types of sex drama using
brea sts and
coitus cheval. O ne consists of a slave who
thrusts . Th e
prefers to be wo rked like a horse on a farm .
woman con-
He is m ade to plow the field naked, stabled
trols th e
at night in t he barn, and wh ipped if h e
pressu r e by , ,-
enjoys tlagella tion a s punishment.
pushin g h er b re asts together. T h e slang
Less inten se forms of sex play include
term for this is "a pearl n ecklace." Tvvo
havi n g the bottom wear a special bridle
wom e n engaging in sex ma y m astur bate
(wrappe d in leather fo r comfort), a harness,
against the breasts and nip ples.
and possibly blinders, a saddle, or o rna-
men tal head feathers. The top d1en mounts MORJS , FROTTAGE and G EN UPHALLATION)
the stallion and saddleb reaks it b y some-
time s slapping its fl anks or using a riding
crop on the m ore spirited ani mal. The horse
COITUS A UNDA (A lbu top h ilia,
isn' t supposed to speak, therefore, a specific Undinism; Coi t obalnism- in bath tub)
so u nd is se l ected Coitus a unda refe r s t o sex i n water as
during nego tiation t o opposed to water sports which generally
signal t he end o f the involve urine or ene mas. P eople are often
game or to in dicate a fo n d of masturbating or h aving sex in the
desire fo r the partner shower, rain , ocean, swimming pool, and
to dismount. After the jacuzzi. Fellatio , during which the partne r
holds hot water in ilieir mouth, is another
ride, th e horse is
sometim es watered , form· of water sex that is sometimes men-
fed, given sugar cubes, tioned.
o r groomed. Groom- Ti berius Caesar was inven tive wit h
ing involves body worship. A stallion is flat- a quat ic sex sports . He had young bo ys
tered on their strength, beau ty (their mane is trained to swim after him and come up from
fond led) , long muscular legs, and told how below to suck and nibble o n his genitals. He
called th ese boys hi s " minnows" ( Perverse
sexual ly arou sed the ri d er got with t h e
rocking motion against d1eir thighs, a nd the Crimes in H istory) . Some wome n used the
enormous size of their genitals . Those wh o water flow from th e ir bid et (a basin that
sprays water upward for a woman to clean
remain in role to have sex with their stallio n
her vagina) for masturbation. T his is called
d o n ot use the mi ss io nary position, but
railier ilie horse remains on ilieir knees or all bidetonism.
fours . CAUTION: A human's back is n ot Ba rs sponsor enterta in men t s uch as
designed to wid1stand mis type of weight. nak ed w o m e n sw immin g in a large
aquarium and wet t-shirt or jock strap con-
COSTUMES , DOM INANCE/ SUBM ISS ION , tests. In bath tubs soap is often used as a
FANTASY PLAY, SEX POSITIONS, SWINGS, lubricant to insert fingers, toes, and toys
SYBIAN and ZOOPHILIA) into openings. Gloves, brushes, or chemical

scrubs are used for b ody massage and some (See also AXILLISM and COITUS A MAM-
people bind their partner's wrists with rope MILLA)
or blindfold them. Those involved in infa n -
tilism may run a bubble bath for the ir COMPUTER SEX (Tel edild onics)
partner and add their favorite rubber duck Computer sex refers to computer user net-
or toy boat for the baby's entertainm ent. works or bulletin board s w h e r e peo p le
CAUTION: Electric or battery op erated exchange information about sexual su b jects,
devices are dangerous near water as is sex in jokes, personal ads, fanta sies, and sexual
a swimm ing pool or outdoor body of water graphics between two on-line op erators. Sex
during a storm. Nudity in ocean water has toys and other paraphernalia can be ordered
led to some men having had their uncovered through o n -line catalogs. Computer net-
genitals stung by jellyfish. works are also used as introduction services
(See also BATH S, INUNCTION and for s in gles, swingers, gays, and sad o-
SHOWERS) masochists. A few are set up to enable cou-
p les to engage in private communication
COITUS INTERFERMORIS Coitus that lead some to m asturbate. These mes-
Interfe rmoris cons is ts of penetratio n sages are referred to as "one-handed post-
between the thighs of a person, sometimes a ings." The process is awkward because one
child or infant of either sex. This does not has to type in order to keep communication
include vaginal or anal sex; therefore, it was open. A few have not only mastered this but
used by ma ny as a form of birth con trol are able to do it at their desk during work
before marriage. hours.
This practice is quite ancient. The Jewish Most u ser groups either have a question-
Talmud mentions neighboring tribes "who naire or ask for a short biographical descrip -
rub their rods between the legs of children; tion. Networks that are explicitly sexual may
i.e. those who practice masturbation by way ask perso nal information such as sexual
of limbs." The distinguishing evidence of a preference, body measurements, amount of
child having been assaulted in this manner body hair, length of penis, and best physical
is of inflamed inner thighs or perineum attributes.
(Perverse Crimes in History, p. 193) . Similar to most other user networks there
Penetration of the thighs is done one of is a monthly fee and long distance charge
four ways. Ancient G reek pedophiles u sed when applicable. The computer has to be
the younger males' thighs for penetration equipped with a mode m , communi cation
while they stood or reclined. Middle Eastern software, and a phone line.
tribes would place the person on the lap of Future technology includes the ability to
the male with the ir b ack toward him, the create tactile sensations from three dimen-
penis was then thrust between the legs and sional video projections called virtual reality .
against the perineum. Another method was Som e think this will lead to X -rated pro-
that of laying the person on a bed or chair grams of fe m ale film stars performing fel-
on their back, raising t heir legs in th e air, latio on the comp uter user, etc. This has led
and crossing them to form a small cavity to the term 'teledildonics'.
betv1een the upper thighs and perineum into There are computer software games such
whic h the penis was thrust. T he fourth was as Leisure Suit Larry Sexxcapades, and a
to hold a young child upside down by the version called MacPlaymate that is designed
ankles or knees and penetrate between the to allow the p layer to make special requests
legs in this position. of a model who performs these on screen .
T h is type of sex is used m ore as a form Other services provide a catalog of color
of masturbation because it creates more photos that can be view ed on indiv idu al
intense sensations of abrasion and pr essure monitors. ("Computer Erotica," by Adel e
than vaginal entry . It is much less common Aldridge, P h.D., and Eve Gregory, M ensa
in the United States than in some Eastern Sexyg Ga th ering Conference in San
countries. Francisco, February 17- 18, 1990)

(See also ANDROIDISM, DATI NG SER- (Encyclopaedia Sexualis by Victor Robinson ,

VICES and PORNOGRAPHY) M.D., pp. 144-147).
Comstock ( 1844- 1915) was appointed by
President Grant as Special Agent of the CONDOMS See BIRTH CONTROL
Post Office Department. His responsibility /CONDOM
was to prevent 'obscene' material from
passing through the U.S. mail. Comstock CONFESSIONS Confessions, in th e
had very little education and came from a Cath ol ic Church, enable people t o be
family of 14 children . His mother died absolved of their 'sins.' But they also pro-
young. But instead of corning to appreciate duce sexual torture for many priests.
the horrors women endured because of the Peter de R osa, a for mer Jesuit priest,
lack of birth control, he saw his mother as a explains in his book Vicars of Chrisl that
martyr in his fig ht against it. Comstock new priests were susceptible to temptation
worked as a porter, shippin g clerk, a nd after being trained in a seminary for years
salesman until he became involved in a away fro m all women. Between 1215 a nd
Y.M.C.A. campaign to supp ress pornog- 1614 these priests suddenly found them-
raphy where he was successful in obtaining" selves alone in the same room with attrac-
the arrest of a publisher. H e continued his tive women at their feet confessing in detail
affiliation with the Y.M.C .A. an d soo n to every type of sex they expe rie nced,
h elped to form the N. Y. Society for the desired, or even fantasized about. Man y
Suppression of Vice. He came to the atten- priests succumbed to temptation under this
tion of P resident Grant when h e success- strange form of sexual seduction.
fully lobbied for passage of postal legislation The sexual temptation s of priests were
preventing pornography from being sent n ot restricted to young maidens but
through the ma il. His camp aign included included married women, nun s, men, and
raids on t h e Knoedler's New York Art boys. A few priests would demand th at a
Gallery that was displaying reproductions of fe male disrobe a nd be whipped as peni-
Pari s Sa lon Prize Winners and the tence, some having the woman flog them in
American Art Student 's League to confis- reciprocation.
cate their male nude artworks. He also had The C hurch invented the confessional
nude manikins removed from New York box and made its use compulsory in 1614,
clothing stores, filed charges against George h oping to alleviate the former tem ptation. A
Bernard Shaw's 1\1rs. Warren's Profession urologist in 1841 reported t hat the priests
(1894), "protested against p h otographs of had a dramatic increase in the n umber of
athletes exercising in trunks," and had many se minal losses aft er h earing confessions.
physicians arrested for sending information T h erefore the confessional b ox evidently
about birth control to their patients. (See helped, but d id not provide a solution for
section on BIRTH CONTROL. ) Comstock th e yo un g priest trying to remain chaste
was proud to have accomp l ished the under this type of sexually stim ulating envi-
destruction of 17 5 tons of 'o bscenity ', ronment. The confessional box also came to
nearly 4,000 arrests, and over $237,134 col- be u sed by laymen who were able to pose as
lected in fines. The most disturbing figure, the priest and get women to confess details
however, was the number of suicides among of their sex lives. The Church only consid-
those he had arrested. This totalled 15 after ered this to b e a serious offe nse if the
only five years and the next 3 7 years of his laymen gave absolution to the women.
career brought many more. Yet, d espite The penitents were at time s asked t o
many protests, he remained in his capacity divulge explicit informat ion about their sex
as Special Age nt of th e Post Office lives because.. the Church suspected certain
Departmen t until h is dea t h in 19 1 5 groups of perversions. T he following set of

questions was u sed in 1697 for the Confessions and a commitment of trust
T arascan tribe in Western Mexico: have strong aphrodisiac qualities for both
parties. The person confessing can give
Are you a marri ed woman, or a
details of their sexual exploits, cry about
widow, or a virgin , or have you lost
being abandoned and used by a lover, and
your virginity?
about their current relationship status (usu-
How many times? ally available), with intense emotions of
guilt, sadness, or anger. All of this can be
Did you want anybody?
very emotionally stimulating for the person
Are you relatives? whose shoulder they are crying on, bringing
out in them a need to nurture the victim.
In what degree are you relatives?
Both men and women repl ace old lovers
Have you sinned with a woman? with this covert seduction routine.
Were they your relatives? HIEROPHILIA and NARRATOPHILIA)
Did yo u commit sin wit h some
woman using both parts? CONSTRICTIONS (S tring bondage)
Constrictions are used to induce a trance-
Have you kissed any woman? like state or simply to create dif-
Was she your mother, the one who ferent body sensations than one
gave you birth? normally experiences with sex.
Constrictions are done by wrap-
Have you committed sodomy? ping string around the body.
Have you touched the lower parts of a Each strand is made into a slip
man with pleasure, wishing to commit knot, wrapped three times
a sin? around an area, and tied. CAU-
TION: Wrapping the neck area
Have yo u committed sin with any can be dangerous. String con-
beast? strictions can be left on for sev-
Ha ve you com mitted sin with a eral hours. However, if an area begins to
woman while she was lying down like tingle or turn blue the string is removed
an animal on four feet, or have you immediately.
put her like that, wanting to sin with
her? COPROGRAPHY (Graffiti) Copro-
graphy (copro: feces, graphy: written) liter-
And how many have sinned with you? ally means to write with feces but is used
And was one your father, the one who here to describe someone who writes vulgar-
begat you? ities on the walls of public toilets.
H ere I sit,
And was one your elder brother? Wailing to ....
And was one your younger brother? This irresistible urge has been felt by people
for as long as there were public latrines. The
And have you sinned with anoth er Romans resorted to having symbols of their
woman as if you were man and gods painted on latrine walls to prevent
woman? frustrated poets from ruining them. The
M anual de adminisirar las Sanios Romans shared a common wiping stick, the
Sacramentos a las espanoles y naturales " bum swab," which might have been used
de es ta provincia de Michoacan ( 1697) to write on the walls as people wip ed t h e
fols. 150-54. by Angel Serra- cited in stick to clean it off; thus the literal transla-
Sex in History by Reay Tannahill, pp . tion "written feces." Aristocrats wiped with
299-300) . disposable feathers.

Public toilets entice people into wntmg make o thers los e their i n te r est in sex.
vulgarisms on their walls more so than any Negotiation is specific; a partner may say
other locat ion. Th is m ay be due to t he t h ey enjoy h ear ing o r us ing d irty words
anonymity it offers, the abili ty to outwit the during sex but fail to mention that the word
last gu y, the urge to educa te others, brag "tramp " does nothin g whi le "slut" brings
about sexual exploits, or because one's mind them to orgasm.
is focused on th e genitals. D r. Geo rges Some people en joy having their partn er
Valensin, in A Complete Guide lO the World s pea k o bscen ities, but would never u se
of Sex, S ex From A lO Z, refers to t he author obsce nities the mselves. Likewise, one can
of graffi ti as being " momentarily liberated have a partner that loves to use dirty word s
fro m tensio n by h is scriptural ejaculation." d ur ing sex, b u t if one resp ond s in a like
T hese semi-public bulletin b oards have also manner, they pass judgment.
served a p olitical purpose in cultures wh ere Fan tasie s offer a much broader selection
th e people wer e rep ressed and could not of sexual exploits than is human ly possible;
express t heir d i sco ntent by any o ther the use of dia logue increases one's potential
method. fo r safe sexu al diversity and exp erimenta-
Another fo rm of coprography is used by tion.
many sex criminals. T h ey write descriptive (Se e also ACOUSTICOPHILIA, C ONFES-
letters to the police or parents of their vic- SIONS , JA CTITATIO N, OBSCEN E PHONE
tims describing in gross detail the fo rm of CALLS, PHONE SEX and NARRATOPHILIA)
torture they used for their last murder. This
is not only a popular fo rm of excitement for COPROPHAGY C op roph a gy (copro :
the murd er er h im self, but also for many feces; and phagy: to eat) is the act of eating
oth ers w h o write to t h e p ol ice c la imin g feces fo r sexual arousal.
cre d it for the same crime . Sex offend ers Coprophagy has a long history, losin g its
very often document their crimes w ith popularity only within th e last th ree cen-
photos , film, or i n t h e case of Gera ld turies. The use of feces had many applica-
Thompson, a convicted sex m urd e rer, a tions. J ohn M o ney, in Love and L ove
dia r y . T hi s diary a n d s eve ral hu n dred Sickness, tells of Eskim o mothers who at one
photos vvere later us ed as evidence agai nst time licked their soiled infants clea n, which
him in court. is a lso a natu ral maternal act io n am ong
Vulgar letters may be sent to public fig- many a nimals. An ancient aph rodisiac con-
ures as well. A popular television talk show sisted of a form ula of semen mixed with the
h os t , G eraldo R ivera, m enti on ed having feces of hawk s. Human feces was also a
received th rea te ning let ters from viewers com m on me d ical reme d y u sed to cure a
containing fe ces Quly 30, 1991 Geraldo wide variety of di seases. As late as 1905 the
program). F ebrua ry 19th issu e of Journal de Medecine
(See also ANTHROPOMORPH I C of Paris carried a n article by D r. Schurig
CARTOONS, EROTOGRAPHOMANIA, wh erein he liste d cop rop hagy a lo ng wi th
J ACTITATION , NARRATOPI-IILIA, various other medical lo re of the past 200
STATIONERY and TATTOOING) years. Specific types of feces were also used
in m edicine for different ailments. T he fol-
COPROLALIA (Cu nni lal ia- talk about 1o w ing list from Jo h n B o urk e's bo ok,
vaginas) Coprolalia is the act of using words Scawlogic Rites of All Nations, lists the type
that are co nsid ered obscene, usuall y duri ng of feces recommended for each ailment:
sex, to arou se the p erson speaking a n d/or T YPE OF FECES INDICATIO N
their partner. human burns
Words, especially those involving humili- breast cancer
ations, ar e n ego tiate d \Nith the p artner inflammations
before the sex act. Wh ile so m e men or cow go ut
women may become extremely aroused b y rheumatism
the sound of rarely used obscenities, it can dog dysentery

dog epilepsy coprophagy requireme nt in the last couple

colic of hundred years. T he C hurch used it as a
dove headache mea n s b y w hich an asce tic was to prove
vertigo symbolic self-mortifica tion. In Mar ch, 1904
goat jaundice Brenie r d e M ontmorand wrote an a rticle
spleen trouble titled "Ascetism e et Mysticisme" in Revue
hawk sore eyes Philosophique wh ere he quoted Mada m e
pig (d ried nasal hemorrhages Guyon and M arguerite-Marie's d escrip tion
and inhaled) of their expe rience and the re pugnanc e they
peacock convulsions were fo rced to overcome. H e also said that
cat gout of feet " the C hristian as cetics are almost all eaters
donkey insomnia of excreme nt." H avelock E llis, in quoting
nose b leeds Mr. de 1\1ontmorand , assumed his last state-
horse pleurisy me n t to b e a n exagge rat ion . G . R attray
colic T aylo r, in his book Sex in H isiory, cites
crocodile facial blemishes more ecstatics who e ngaged in similar activ-
freckl es ities. "The Alacoque, fo r instance, dwelt on
lion anti-epileptic th ese ideas with an irresistib le compulsion.
mouse child con stipati on In her d iaries she describes how once, when
sh e wish ed to clean up th e vom it of a sick
P eople have n ot only used feces to cu re ail- patient, she 'could not resist' doing so with
m ents u nder th e direction of the medical her tongue, an action which ca used her so
p r o fe ss i o n , bu t it ha s b ee n foun d i n mu ch pleasure that she wished she could do
co mm o n ritua ls and reli g io us s e r vices the same ever y day" (p. 48) .
t hrou gh o ut history. The p rop h et Eze kie l R easons given today by p eople engaging
was t old to b a ke h is b read wi th hu m a n in cop rophagy vary. F irst is that of laten t
dung: de fia nce t oward t he ir m others who com-
m a nded th em n o t to pl ay w ith it whi le
And thou shalt eat it as barley calws and thou
young . S eco nd , th is strange su b stance
shalt bake it with dung that comelh oul of man,
com es fro m their own body and complete
in 1heir sigh1.-Ezekiel 4:12
exa minatio n h a s n eve r b ee n per m i tted .
God' s ad m onit ion to Ezekiel is surprising T hird, eating fece s can represent one's total
becau se of the fastidiousness of the Jews in and unconditional approval of a nd su bmis-
matters governing excrem en t. T he Code of sion to a partner; showing love for anything
Jewish Law (by K. S. Arulch) exp licitly lists that com es from their body. And fourth, it
m a n y of these r eg u la tio n s, including n ot can be a form of masochism or self abas e-
t hinkin g of h o ly t hings while in a latrin e, ment when one experiences a low point in
making sure that there is not even a sm all thei r life.
particle of excre me nt on th e anus befor e Coprop hagy may be the primary intent
e n t e r i ng t he h o u se o f prayer, and n o t of th e ind ivid u a l or may b e a second a ry
p raying in the vicinity of a soiled infan t or result of analingus, or fellatio after anal pen-
child. etrati on . T h e threat of coprop hagy is a lso
Some cultures included feces in their fes- used by a top t o in t imidate or frighten a
t iva ls. " In Thuringia a sau sage is stu ck in bottom. Some mis tresses, after using a bu tt
the last sheaf at th reshing and thrown with p lug on a slave will, without his knowledge,
the sheaf on the threshing floor. It is called put a new condom on it and place it in his
t h e "bar re nwurst" a n d is eaten by a ll the m o uth d eman din g that h e lick w h at he
thresh ers" (Scatologic Rites of All Naiions, by thinks is his own feces .
John Bourke, p . 466) . P eople someti mes su bstitu t e food for
T he a nc ient fo llowers of the deities Baal- feces . D ominatrixes tra in slaves by using
P h eg or we re a ll t ra ined to eat feces. T he beef hash and insert it into the a nus before
C h r i sti a n c hu rc h o n ly dropped th ei r d efecating it onto a p late. A ra p is t nic k-

n amed the " Peanut Butte r Kid " would would save their excrement in baggies and
smear peanu t b u tter on the genitals of his bring it t o the meeting where they re moved
victims and lick it off. (For those in terested , it and used it as finger paint or m odeling
feces supp osedly h as a c h a rred o r sour clay. John M oney gives an example of a
flavor but oth erwise tastes similar to what- coprophilic " plumbe r" who collected feces
ever was consu med .) from public toi lets after tu rning o ff the
M ovie vid eos and magaz ines are avai l- water supply. H e later used the feces to eat
able from Eu rope that fea ture cop rophagy o r sm ear on his body (Lovemaps , p. 48) .
(usua ll y with a squatting woma n d efecating Anoth er wo m an liked to rub feces on a
directly into the m outh of a male), ene ma dild o and then us e it o n herse lf. A San
cocktails, or sm earing feces on the face of a Francisco m an who couldn ' t find wome n
partner. CA UTION: Eating an yone e lse's willing to engage in eoprophilia was able to
feces is considered a risk becau se of AIDS, ge t several to sm ear panties containi n g
h epatitis, g iardia , a m ebiosis, an d m a n y chocolate fros ting on his face. Oth ers have
other diseases. Even one 's own feces m ust sent soiled pa nties to pe n pals in the mail.
be kept away from cu ts due to the risk o f One form of behavioral condition ing was
infec ti ons from dange rous organism s and described by H avelock Ellis in the case his-
bacteria. For these reasons som e people u se tory of a man from the 19th century who as
cellophane as a protective barrier. a young boy was allowed to stay in the same
(See also ANAL SEX, ANTHROPOPHAGY, room with the m aids while they defecated in
COC KT AILS , COP R O PI-IILIA , CUM ET I- a portable to il et. H e grad ua ll y b ega n to
QUETTE, FLA TULEN CE, HY G ROPH rLIA , eroticize the female buttocks and th e act of
defecation. As an adult, he was caugh t mas-
SAL! ROPHILIA , S !TOPHILIA, T OILET turbating over a simil ar portable to.ilet con-
TRA lNrNG and WORSH IP/GODDESS) tain ing the feces of a woman to who m he
was a ttracted . In this case, his own feces
COPROPHILIA (Cop r o lagnia, Scat; had no app eal, nor did feces of those to
Chezolagnia- mast urbating while defe - who m he was not sexually attracted. This
cati ng, Coprosco pi st- perso n watching, holds true in the case of many fetishes.
Defeco lagnia-aro u sal from de fecat ing) Some people become arou sed b y having
Cop rophilia (co p ro : feces; phi lia : attach- a bowel m oveme nt. This can be explained
me nt to) refers t o o n e who is sex uall y because the anus is one of the areas abun-
a roused by feces. This person may or may dant with nerve endings. T h erefore, like the
not be a coprophagist or mysophile. The nipple, m outh, and genitals it is one of the
reasons for playi ng with feces, h owever, primal b od y functio ns that releases op ia tes
m ay be similar. in the pleasure center of our brain.
O ne type of coprophile will tend to want There are th ose who love t he feel and
to play with feces in a similar manner as a texture of feces a nd some couples will rub it
c hild wh o has not been taught that it is " dis- between their bodies during sex fo r the slip-
gus ting and filth y ." pery effect it prod uces . Som e e nj oy
Some p eople con - watching their partne r defecate, altho ugh
side r it p sychologi- they have n o d esire to touch the feces itself.
ca ll y hea l t h y to These people have devised gimmicks suc h
a nalyze o ne's c hild- as lying under a glass coffee table wh ile their
hood and act out all pa rtn er defeca tes from above, or using a
the t hings t hat o n e glass plate in lieu of the table. Rom ans too
wa nted t o d o as a see m ed t o h ave n o co mpunction aga inst
child but was prohibited from by overpro- using feces. Bordellos sometimes had a glass
tecting pa rents. T hi s was o n e rati o nale fl oo r that was designed for t his purp ose.
be hi n d a pri vate club in Sa n F rancisco Practical use was also made o f feces. Roman
(before AIDS) that comprised of m en wh o charioteers rubbed the dung of b oa rs onto

their bodies hoping that th e odo r wou ld which were often tied with a ribbon. They
keep the hor ses from trampling them if they would give these as reli cs to their favorite
were thrown fro m their chariots (Those beaus w ho th en sewed the string of lace on
Abou1 10 Die, by Daniel Mannix). Until as his hat; thus evolved t he modern hat band.
late as the early 20th century African Semi- When garmen t styles dictated the wearing
hamite tribes used cow dung instead of soap of full ski rt s, corsets were essen t ia l in
for washing hands and polishing metals. lending basic support needed to ca rry the
A small bi-annua l news letter, titled weigh t. C lothing became so layered that at
Religion of 1he Month Club, is published in times a woman's complete appa rel could
California. One month it featured the topic weigh up to 35 pounds. In the late 19th cen-
of feces. It came complete with illustrations, tury a few wo men actually had surgery to
a centerfold, famo u s quotes, and a Scratch re move their lower ribs so t hat they could
'n' Sniff su-ip. corset t he ir wais t s more tightly. C orsets
(See also ANAL SEX, ANTHROPOPI-IAGY, began losing their popularity during World
COCKTA ILS, COPROPHAGY, CUJ\il ETI - War I, but are again resurfacing. There is
QU ETTE, DEFILEMENT, FLATULENCE, now a national corset club headq uartered in
San Francisco.
SAFE SEX, SALIROPHJLIA, SHOWERS, Old fashioned corse ts not o nly restr ict
TOILET TRAIN ING, UROPHILIA and WOR- breathing but pu sh the internal organs up
SHIP/GODDESS) a nd in, all of which is necessary to decrease
o ne's waistline. This technique can reduce a
CORSETS (Gi rdl es-usuall y restricts normal waistl ine dow n to 19" w it h in six
lower abdomen or designed only to hold up months. A few women have been able to
hosiery) C orsetting refers to a restric tion shrink their waists to 13 ", however this can
place d around the waist, th e e ffect of which c reate internal proble ms and the shape cre-
creates difficulty in breathing deeply and ated becomes almost too exaggera ted to be
decreases the size of the waist. It is thought considered flattering. ("Corsets," by B.R.
to h ave originally been a form of bondage Creations, Outcast lecture, San Franc isco,
used o n women who were captured to pre- August 18, 1989)
vent them being able to run away, bur still The reasons people use corsets in sex
allowing th em to perform ass igned tasks. play vary. T heoretically, the res tricti o n of
Women in C r ete wo re large rings around the waist would fo rce a woman to breathe
their waists to make their waist s smaller. with h er c h est and would make some
Westerners b ega n wearing women become aroused and reach orgasm
corsets as a result of easier; it might also cause them to expe ri-
Christian ity's u se of abras ive ence euph oria and lig ht-headedness du ring
clothing as a form of p ena nce. sex play. One woma n enjoyed them because
M e n and women bega n by after exercise, such as da ncing, she would
wear ing abrasive shirts, n ext autom atically experie nce an orgasm upon its
they used tight bands of clo th on removal. Ma le t ransves tites u se corsets to
their arms, and eventuall y wore shape and co ntour th ei r tors o . Submissive
corsets o n their waists. Corsets homophobic men and lesbians are made to
may also have gained popularity wear corsets duri ng sex play as a form of
among women because a small waist signals humiliation. Many simply find the binding
mal es that she is not pregnant and therefore sen satio n or the full rounded breasts pro-
worth his in vesting time in trying to mate u-uding over the bra to be erotic.
with her. (See als o BINDING , B0 1 DAG E, COS-
M a ny m aterials were used as corsets TUM ES and OXYGEN REGULATION)
evolved, including iron, cloth with wooden
supports, wha le bo n e, meta l strips, and COSTUMES C os tum es ca n play an
finally p lastics. Mid-18th century wom en important role in sex scenes . They create an
wore daggers in the fron t of their corsets illusion of sexual variety, a different sense of

oneself, and provide the proper visual COURTSHIP Courtship is th e act of

effects for a theatrical sex scene. sh owering anention on someone in order t o
People who use costumes to maximize or receive love and/or marriage in return. This
minimize their power during a th eatrical attention often comes in the form of writing
scene choose costumes to aid in acting out letters, staring, caressing, kiss ing, hand-
their role. These are characters that tend not ho lding, dancing, baby talk, giving gifts,
to be too commonplace or offensive, nor so u si ng pet n ames and cu t e phrases, and
obscure as to simply confuse one's partner. stroking the hair or face.
Examples of commonplace costumes are Courtship is the period that allows each
business suits, r egular military uniforms , person time to discern the sincerity of the
school teach e r outfits, or construc ti o n other as well as their ability and willingness
worker gear. Religious costumes can offend later to commit to possible child rearing
some people. Costumes that are most p op- efforts. A d herence to a sched u le of
ular in sex play are those of Indians, cow- spending time t o get to know each other and
boys, police, nurses, doctors, maids, harem to bond often al leviates one night stands
girls, sla ves, fetish atti re, bell y dancers, th at leave the abandoned partner feeling
cross-dressers, infantilism, nuns, priests, the hurt and confused.
renaissance era, witch trials, animals, or In the West, the romantic interest in
aliens. wome n devel oped in t he 12th century
People who have studied a certain period during the Crusades. Husbands left their
of history or particular event have an advan- wives in charge of large estates and these
tage in being a ble to set the stage and b e women r eaped the respect and admiration
convincing in their portrayal of a character formerly o nly known to po werfu l men.
from that time. Knowledge of a foreign lan- Women became the benefactresses of trav-
guage can be beneficial as well. elers, among whom were the singing mi n-
Finding or making an authentic costume strels or troubadours. Ma ny of these
can take a lot of time, research, a nd skill. troubadours rewrote their ballads to express
The real authority on costumes will be able affection for m atro ns. The sentiment spread
t o tell if a mi litary uniform has the wrong rapidly a nd rooted itself in many European
bunons or insignia. cultures.
If one's preference is for military or A view of how courtship is u sed in nature
American western costumes, traveling gun might heighten our understanding of human
shows are excellent resources for informa- behavior. One function courtship serves is
tion and m aterial. T h ey also advertise ren- to excite both partners, providing the stim-
dezvous campouts that sponso r target ulus necessary to release the hormones that
shoo ting and oth er contests of skill and prepare the reproductive organs for coitus
courage. Proper attire, weapons, and gear and impregnation. Another fu nction is dis-
for that period is required. ("Clothing and cu ssed by Edward 0. Wilson, in his book
Costumes," by Karen W., Society of Janus Sociobiology.
lecture, September 28, 1989)
Pure epigarnic [am·acting the opposite sex
R ole p l ay ing does n o t have to be
during the breeding season] display can be
restricted to the home. It may be done for
envisioned as a contest between salesmanship
social events that encourage costumes, such
and sales resistance. The sex that courts, ordi-
as parades, gun shows, some sexually ori-
narily the male, plans to invest less reproduc-
ented conventions, S/M lectures, group sex
tive effort in ihe offsp1ing. What it offers to the
houses, transvestite clubs, leather bars, or
female is chiefly evidence that it is fully n01mal
m idnight shovvings of The Rocky Horror
and physiologically fit . . . . The courted sex,
Piciure Show.
usually the fern ale, will the refore find it
QUEENS, FANTASY PL AY, FEMALE IMPER- strongly advantageous to distinguish the really
SONATORS, INFANTILISM and PETTICOAT fit from the pretended fit. Consequently, there
DISCIPLINE) will be a strong tendency for the courted sex to

develop coyness . Males invest relatively COUVADE SYNDROME (Chipil) Men

little with each mating effort, and it is to their rarely pra c tice co u vade ritua ls t o d ay .
advantage to tie up as many of th e female H owever, many do have sympathetic psy-
investments as they can. This circumstance is chosomatic symptoms during the period of
reversed only in the exceptional cases where their wife's pregnancy and childbirth. Many
males devote more effort to rearing offspring men have taken it upon themselves to assist
after birth. Then the females compete for males their wives during lab or and to be present
. . . . At each point in time there w ill be a dur ing their child's birth. L en n art Y .
temptation for the partner wiih the least accu- B ogren, M. D. r epo rt e d that in r ecen t
mulaied investment to desert the other. This is studies as many as 20% of hu sbands suffer
particularly true of the male immediately fol- so m e type of sympathetic pain during a
lowing insemination (pp. 159, 162, 163). wife's pregnancy. These men tend to be
those who identified more closely with their
Humans, wit h t h e ir intelli gence, have
m oth er ("The Couvade Syndrome ," by
devised legal procedures t o ensure a com -
Lennart Y. Bogre n , M .D., Ini ernat iona l
mitment from both parties and for financial
Journal of Family Psychiat1y, Vol 7, 1986,
support if the contract is broken. A dissolu-
No. 2, pp. 123-135) . Another study done in
tion is often a result of one or both partners
1985 by t he University o f Wiscons in-
misrepresenting themselves, their intentions,
Milwaukee School of Nursing estimated
interests, or needs.
tha t 90 % o f men h ad sy mptom s such as
Today, courtship can serve to build inti-
cravings for food, weight gain , nausea, or
macy and bonding b etween a couple before
swelling stomachs during their wives' preg-
there is a risk of pregnancy. It creates a
foundation of love that can be built on as a
(See also COUV ADE)
relationship progresses. A woman who has
even once been charmed by a romantic dis-
play of quaint courtship knows its virtues (A CROSS DRESSING See ADO LESCEN-
History of Courting, by E.S. T urner). TUMES , DRAG QUEENS, FANTASY PLAY,

COUVADE Couvade is the custom of the CUCKOLDRY This Renaissan ce t erm

male join ing his wife in experiencing sym- d erives its name from c ucko o birds who
bolic labor and delivery during the birth of a select males other than their mates to father
child. In some cases, the father would even their young. As in eugeni cs this practice
be required to stay in bed or be isolated for allows th e m to b enefit from the h ighest
a period of time after the delivery. quality genes available. Women occasionally
This custom is widespread and of ancient prefe r a male o ther than their husband to
origin. Early man was not always aware of parent a child . This m ay inadverte n tly
the role h e played in fertilization. This ritual improve the gene pool but is more often the
seems to have served in bonding him to the result of a simple desire to be with or have a
infant. It is also assumed to be a ritual that child by a particular lover. The "cuckold" is
symbolically transferred the wife's pain and the hapless husband.
susce ptibility toward evil spirits onto the (See also ADULTERY and EUGENICS)
husband. Couples exchanged clothing for
the same p urp ose (J. G . Frazer, 1910 , CUM ETIQUETTE E jaculate or vaginal
Toiemism and Exogamy, Vol 4, L ondon , sec retion 's (ungation) consist en cy, .flavor,
Macmillan). and quantity varies from p erson to person.

The quantity seems to be genetic and age ered incontinent. The amount of her ejacu-
related. T h e consisten cy of male ejaculate late varies from a few drops to a couple of
changes almost im mediately after release by teaspoons whi ch shoots from the open ings
becoming thicker. T his evidently fu nctions in th e same pulsating manner that se men
as a plug to keep the sperm from dripping shoots from the penis.
out of the vagina b efo re insemination. Genital secretions are used in sex games
The flavor of e jaculate va ri es a nd i s for br u shin g or rubbing cum o n to t h e
determined primaril y by the factors listed breasts, face, buttocks, and stomach. P eople
below: playing a dominanc e game occasiona lly
ejaculate into a glass and have their partner
BITTER: Cigaret t e o r mar iju ana
d rink it, either alone o r mixed with another
intake, alcohol
liquid o r food. Men are often forced to ejac-
SHARP: Red m eats, sperm, asparagus, ulate in their own moutl1 for the amu sement
broccoli, spinach, and some vitamins o f thei r do m inant partner . CAUTI ON:
Allergies to semen can cause a rash in a few
MODERATE: Having o nly one or two
people. Consu mption of a partner's secre-
of the Sharp ingredients and none of
tions is not considered a safe sex practice.
the Bitter ones
MILD: Vegetarian, lots of celery, no SHOWERS)
CUNNILINGUS (Cli torilingus, Gama-
SWEET: Borderline diabe t ic o r dia-
hucheur; Oral sex-fellatio or cunnilingus)
Cunnilingus (c unnu s : vu lva, and lingus:
A man w h o has ejac u lated several times tongue) is tl1e act of licking the female gen-
withi n a couple of days will have increas- ital area and is very common t hroughout
in gly mi lde r e jaculate. Partners that have cultures in history.
difficulty swallowing ejaculat e some times " Empress Wu Hu, who ruled during the
separate it into smalle r portions and swallow great T'ang Dynasty (700-900 C. E.), cre-
it a little at a time. Some people have satis- ated a peculiar sexual custom designed sym-
fied their c uriosity about its tas te by dipping bolically to e levate the female a nd humble
their finger in their emissions and inserting the male ... Consequently, all governmental
it in their m ouths. This is also done while officials and vis iting dignitaries were obliged
french kissing with co nsen ting partners. by r oya l decree to pay h omage to he r
The odor of the genitals can p lay a n Imper ia l Highness by performi ng cu n -
imp ortant factor in flavor. T h e ma le and nilingus upon her. Old paintings depict the
female both have an area around the base of beautiful empress standing and holding her
t h e glans penis o r clitoris that prod uce a o rnate robe ope n, while a high official o r
cheesy substance called smegma. If the fore- kuan is shown kneeling humbly before her
skin and clitoral h ood are not pulled back and lavishly applying his lips and tongue to
periodicall y and cleaned the smegma can h er protru din g clitoris" (Th e Cradle of
produce a very pote nt smell. Erotica, pp . 319-320) .
A small pe rcentage of woman have an Cunnilin gu s is often used as a tool fo r
ejac ulate from the Skene men to control premature ejaculation due to
glands that surface on each tl1e length of genital contact it takes before
side of the urethral opening. their partner can orgasm, wh ich may be
The ejaculate is similar to twenty minutes or m ore.
the consistency of urine bu t Some prefer to clean the cl itoris before
has been proven through engaging in c unnilingus . This is don e by
chemical ana lysis to be dif- pulling the hood of skin back by using the
ferent . Th e female who fingers to press in an outward direction or
eja cu lated in thi s man ner on both sides of the head until th e clitoris
was until recently consid- protrudes. The area is t h en wiped clean

with a wash cloth or cotton swab. Caution is Another sugges tion for etiquette in vo lves
taken not to pull the h ood back too far incon spicuously getting a strand of pubic
because like th e fo reskin, it can become hair out of your mouth. This can be accom-
caught behind the corona of the clitoris. If plished by licking her thighs and leaving the
this h appens one side of the upper labia is hair there.
stretched and a fi nger used to gently press If your goal is to bring th e woman to
down on the top of the protruding clitoris. orgasm plan on spending five minutes to
Communication with the woman is two hours. Prepare for the marath on sce-
imp ortant to learn the appropriate amount nario by learning to conserve the muscles in
of pressure to be used against the clitoris. your t ongue, and using a variation of pres-
Some women prefer not to have direct or sure and types of licking. Licking with the
firm stimulation on the clitoris until th ey are relaxed flat position of your tongue is also
near the peak arousal stage. Some fi nd it pleasurable to your partner. You aren't in a
eas ie r t o ha ve the wo m en dem o n strate race. K eep your neck supported by resting
exactly how she masturbates. your head on the inside of h er thigh as you
Insertion of an object into the vagina or are both on your sides. You may also swit ch
anus is not u sually necessa r y but can positions and have her squat or sit above
enhance the sensation s for some. Not all you. You don't have to isolate your activity
women can have orgasm s by cunnilingus, to the genitals in the same way as you would
just as all men are n ot able to orgasm with for a man. W omen enjoy nongenital stim-
fellatio. ulus as well, so move around, lick the inside
The G-spot is a secon dary point of stim- of he r t highs, p erineum, bu ttocks, anus,
ulus. It is just inside the front wall of the abdomen, etc.
vagina and feels like a round raised area of Begin cunnilingus wit h forep lay, and
fatty tissue about the size of a dime. About gradually work your way down to the geni-
15% of the w o men who hav e G-spot tals. U nlike many men, women enjoy being
o rgas ms e jaculate liquid from the Skene teased by lingering on h er waist, around the
glands which lay on each side of the urethra. top of the mons pubis, and down the inside
The fo ll owing is a description of cun- of the thighs; don't feel you have to immedi-
nilingus by a heterosexual male. ately proceed to the clitoris . W h en she i s
ready fo r dire ct clitoral stimulu s sh e wi ll
MALE TO FEMALE It is important to first either tell you or signal by pressing her cli-
convince so me women that you love cun- toris toward you.
nilingus, the aroma and flavor of their geni- You will now be able to locat e the clitoris
tals . T his can be done by te lling her you by finding the small protrusion to the front
love it, moaning durin g cunnilingus, of the genital area. Many females will direct
showing her by being comfortable, with per- you by their body movement; however, ask
forming cunnilingus on her while watching her to put her finger on it if you can't locate
TV, or at other times whe n there is no it yourself. Next, move your t ongue slowly
exp ectation of reciprocation. Partners may around the vagina and into it, lick softly
both feel less inhibited if they bathe before around the clitoris, slowing bringing th e
oral sex. If this is not done and you have a tongu e closer to the protruding clitoris,
conce rn about the secr etions of smegma increasing pressure as your tongue comes
under the hood of the clitoris, the odor can in to dir ect contact with it. Move your
b e taken care of by five seconds of licking. tongue in a circle around the clitori s th en
You may hold your breath for the five sec- rapidly go up and down or across it. If she
o nds , as sm egma ha s an o d o r but no backs away you will need to slow down.
obvious taste. Some women have a stronger Women vary in the amount of pressure or
flavor or larger amount of lubricant. Relax direct stimulus they can tolerat e. For those
and enjoy ge tting her juices all over your who are extra sensitive you will need to only
face. Wiping it off, being timid , or lack of apply pressure to the sides of th e clitoris.
moveme nt will send h er a negative signal. Alternate licking with sucking or use a com-

bination of the tongue and lips by following surface in about 30 minutes. Some people
the tongue with the lower lip and vis-a-vis. in the S/M community use a mild form of
Som e women enj oy being nibbled on in the cupping with the purpose of increasing the
genital area; however, avoid the clitoris. You sensitivity of the skin. Sometimes this pro-
m ay want to delay orgas m as long as pos- duces such sensitivity that running a fea ther
sible. Women respond to being built up b y across the area will produce orgasm.
p eaks of arousal in the same manner as a The m os t popular c upping devices are
m an. A woman will move as lo ng as she is the rubber su ction c ups from small Cutter
stimulated. If she becomes bored o r over- snake bite kits. A larger cupping d evice is
stimulated she will either say something or som etimes made from a transmission fluid
you will notice her once protruding clitoris funnel. The edges of this funnel flare out-
di sa ppear. Ma n y women prefer t o h ave ward and therefore do not cut or dig into
vaginal p e n etration b efore they o rgasm th e skin. I t is adapted for sex play by
rather than contin ued cu nnilingus. The putting a 3" long soft rubber tubing over
woman will u sually let you know at this the nozzle. T he skin area is licked to ensure
point, by telling you she wants you inside or a good seal. The funn el is p laced on the
by pulling you into p osition. Otherwise, you area, usually a breast, and the air is sucked
will find that her clitoris swells m ore a t out through the rubber hose. Once this is
orgasm and this is the time to suck, being accomplished the hose is p inched shut and a
careful n ot to use the tip of your tongue as flat binder clip is placed on the tip to keep
the clitoris will be extremely sensitive at this in the su ction. Som e hook a chain or rope
point, and for some this is true after orgasm onto the clamp and lead the p erson around
also.-Contributed by Pete Pappas th e room, but the primary benefit is nipple
(See also CUM ETIQUETTE and FELL ATIO) sensitiv ity. T h e re are s pecial cu pping
dev ices sold through S/M catalogs . These
CUPPING Cuppin g refers to p lacing a have a nozzle that is equipped with a one-
suction device on the skin, th e purpose of way shut off valve that leads to two plexi-
w h ich is to draw b lood glass cups. Extreme pressur e su ch as that
closer t o the surface . caused b y h oo king u p artificial vacuum
This was a form of devices, like a fis h tank pump, to a cup is
bloodletting (s imilar to dangero us. CAUTION: This is a b lood
leeches) that was used in sport and therefore not considered a safe sex
Europe, Turkey, an d practice. Welts are common. (" Branding
China as late as the 18th and Cupping," by Fakir Musafar, Society of
century as a leading form Ja nus lecture, August 8, 1991)
of m edicine in the treat- (See also BITING, MASOCHISM, PHLE-
ment of a wide variety of BOTOMY, PI ERCING, PYROPHILIA and SAFE
diseases. Glass inspirator cups were placed SEX)
against a person's o iled skin and then the
inside air was heated with a small torch, cre- CUTTING See C I CATRIZATION and
ating a vacuum effect, drawing blood to the MUTILATION

DACRYPHILIA (Dacrylagnia ) D acry- eve n though he ha d h ad sex only a sh ort
philia refers to people who become aroused time b efore.
by seeing tears in the eyes of their partner. (See also SADISM)
One man describ ed his pleasure in seeing a
young Asian prostitute c ry as he thrust his DATING SERVICES Marriage brokers
penis in to her small vagina. H e had met her have bee n u sed for centuries by parents
at a bar earlie r and sh e had seduced him seeking suitable alliances for their children
and now h ave become popular in countries MARQUIS DE SADE D o na tie n-
wh ere the young make their own marriage Alphonse-Francois Comte de Sade ( 1740-
decisions. The age of computers has made 1814) was a French nobleman and author
collation and matching of thousands of of pornographic novels such as La, Nouvelle
qu estionna ires simple. Some w ill se nd a Justine, ou !es Malheurs de la Vertu, Juliette,
club member photos of several matches a ou la suite de Justine, La, Philosophie dans le
month and a few services have video-taped Boudoir, Les Crimes de l'Amour, ou le Delire
interviews of members that can be viewed des Passions, Les 120 J ournees de Sodonze, ou
before making a selection. There is usually !'Ecole du Libertinage, and others.
at least one televised dating show such as His novels of Justine and Juliette chron-
th e "Love Conn ection " where one person icle the lives of two sisters who were sep a-
interviews and selects a partner. rated and had to leave a convent because of
Special interest groups have the ir own their father's death. Justine was an innocent
services. There are interracial dating ser- and naive 14 year old girl who was thrown
vices, younger male and older female, T he into the clutches of evil, being raped or vio-
Big Board in Danville Califo rnia for the lated by all those from whom she sought
obese, herpes groups such as New Friends refuge and safety. Conversely Juliette, her
in Santa Cruz, California, bi-sexual groups, older sister, revels in vice. When they finally
and specific Christian or pagan dating ser- meet years later Juliette has led a noble and
vices. There are quick an d inexpensive tele- gra tifying li fe while Justin e has lived in
phone services where a person d ials a 900 poverty, been tortured, and barely escaped
number, is asked personal questio n s by a death on numerous occasions . The moral is
computer, presses the keys on the phone the n divulged by a cavali er wh o says:
pad to answer, and th en is immediately "There you see the Misfortunes of Virtue!
matched and given several people's phone And, my friends, the Fortunes of Vice !" as
numbers. h e pointed to Justine and Juliette respec-
The clubs t h at offer private parties or tively.
socials can h ave an advantage over others De Sade was an avid reade r and man-
since they allow people to actually meet. aged to exha ust an innumerab le volume of
This presents a distinct advantage over ser- literary works. It was through historical
vices which rely on matching compatible records, 18th centur y literature, and per-
questionnaires; sexual chemistry will only sonal contacts that h e was able to compile a
become evident in a p ersonal meeting. co mple te r eco rd of sexual deviances an d
Japan ese men tend to be m ore formal characters with which to fill h is novels. H e
and normally family friends provide intro- dramatized the sex acts by portraying them
ductions, h owever this is not always suc- as part of a no n consensual tortu re scene
cess ful. A man named Satoshi Noguchi ending in murder, and casting many victims
started a modern marriage sc h oo l that as close relatives or children. One example
teaches businessmen h ow to look sexy and of sexual deviance was his story of Justine
what to say to impress th e women they who one day while sitting on the bank of a
meet. Armed with this knowledge and self- pond:
confiden ce they are sent to compete with
other men at dances and singles bars. saw a child thrown into the water. She saved i1
The common guidelines for wome n but was surprised by the angry murderer who
using dating services is t hat t h eir h ome threw the child back into the pond and led
address is not given prior to the first date. Justine to his castle, where this monster lived
The first meeting is arranged in a public alone. H e had the peculiar mania of abusing
place and both partners should keep the each woman only once for the sole purpose of
appointment. Many d o not. child-rearing. The children were raised until 18
(See also COURTSHIP and PERSONAL ADS) months and were then thrown by him into the

pond. At the momenl he had thirty girls in his physician, de Sade managed to engage in
castle. H e was a vegetarian and anli-alcoholist unbridled perversions, became a favored
and also gave the girls plain fare so that they poet and dinner guest of the asylum
would be better fit to bear children. He also director, and was allowed to establish and
bound them lO a machine before coition and direct th eatrical comedies, concerts, and
had them afterwards lie in a bed for 9 days balls until near his death. H e was described
with their heads bent and feet high. That was during this time and the periods when he
his method of aiding conception. H e conducted was free as being charming, polite, solemn,
his own operations and took especial pleasure well groomed, handsome, and sympathetic
in the Caesarean. Just as the choice fell upon to attractive women. While incarcerated he,
her she was j?·eed by Coeur de Fer whom she like many other prisoners, became hostile,
had let into the castle and who gave her her violent, and misogynistic. It was the need to
freedom" (Marquis de Sade, His Life and vent anger and revenge that found expres-
Works, by Dr. lwan Bloch, p. 181). sion in his novels.
De Sade's alleged crimes consisted of
The Marquis de Sade himself was schooled
sodomy, accidental poisoning of prostitutes
in one of the finest French colleges, and was
with bonbons laced with spanish flies (can-
devoted to fine arts, music, dance, and liter-
tharis beetle), flagellation, and the cutting of
ature. He then joined the king's regiment in
a woman named Rosa Keller. His greatest
a war against Germany and rose to the rank
offense was of a political nature and it is
o f captain of a cavalry regimen t. It was
thought by some historians that this was the
undoubtedly during this time that he was
true reason for his constant im prisonment.
exposed to pederasty, sexual torture, and
His insolent political pamphlets undoubt-
masochism. Flagellation was learned from
edly provoked Napoleon who was notorious
his early school years and persisted as one
for sending even the slightest offenders to
of his sexual preferences. Once out of the
prison without a trial.
military he was forced into an arranged
marriage by his father. The eldest daughter
of a prominent military leader was chosen, DEFILEMENT (Anophelorastia-
despite the fact that he and h er younger arousa l from defilement, Mysophilia-
sister had fallen in love and pleaded with arousal from soil ed clothing) Sexual
both fa milies to allow their marriage. His defilement involves polluting, destroying,
mother-in-law exiled the love-struck violating a fetish object, sex partner, or one-
younger daughter to a convent for the next self (known as automysophilia). The stim-
nine years. His attempt to locate her was not ulus is similar to a mother w h o sees her
succe ssful and he apparently turned to child track mud on h er n ew carp et; h ow-
extreme forms of sexual diversions which ever, in this case the anxiety is transferred
resulted in a prison sentence at 23 years of into a sexual response.
age. Of his remaining 51 years he spent 27 Hirschfeld and Ellis cite cases of men
incarcerated, during which time he became who were sexually aroused to the extent of
a prolific writer. When de Sade finally d id o rgasm by cutting, burning h oles with a
become reunited with his original Jove he cigar, throwing ink, acid, or other defiling
choreographed a death sentence and threat liquids onto women's white skirts as they
of suicide to gain her sympathy and con- passed on the street. It also brings some
vince her to escap e with him. They fled to men pleasure for a partner's h and to b e
Italy where as misfortune would have it she dirty while manipulating their penis.
died of an illness only a few months later. Ur in ation onto a victim is a more
He was again imprisoned but later was sent common form of defilement. Boys become
to an insane asylum at Charenton at the fascinated at a young age and begin by uri-
request of his wife and mother-in-law. The nating on pets, flies, or anything else within
conditions here were superior to prison, and range. Adult men sometimes continue this
according to letters written by the resident practice and have b een known to secretly

urina te on their partner while sh owering. I have been able lO find only two other siories of
Others have been caught urinating onto masturbation, and in both, men are the prin-
strangers on the street in much the same cipal actors. In one tale, we learn of a man who
manner as an exhibitionist. discovered a remarkably gratifying hole in a
A consensual form of erotic defilement is tree, which he began w use w the exclusion of
mud. Mud wrestling gained popularity his wife and girlfriends. In the second story, a
because of the anxiety of seeing someone man made an artificial vagina of leaves to
getting dirty mixed with two virtually naked which he became similarly attached. In both
women groping each other. There are actu- myths, the culprits were seen by other villagers
ally three major taboos violated in this case who hacked away the hole with an ax and wre
(getting dirty, fighting, and p seudo-les- the leaf vagina to shreds. In both stories, the
bianism ) . masturbators behaved as if their leafy compan-
Club Mud was formed in California for ions had been real women. They wailed for the
people who get aro used by seeing their deceased plants, cut their hair short, and wok
fetishes being d efil ed. Boots, jeans, and off their belts as a symbol of mourning
leathers are featured in the films with defile- (Anxious Pleasures, The S exual Lives of an
ment by mud, water, crankcase oil, or urine. Amazonian People, by T homas Gregor, p.
There is also a 900 number for those 67) .
wanting to listen t o descriptions. Specific (See also FESTIVALS/MAY DAY, FETISHES
material is available for separate groups, i.e. , and MARRIAGE/MOCK)
sexual, nonsexual, and gay. Similar clubs
exist in other areas. Flint Michigan has one DEPILATION (Electrolysis, Shaving,
called Wet & Muddy Clothing Cl ub and Waxing; Acomoclitic-arousal from hairless
San Diego's is called Mud Buddies. More genitals, Medocure-clipping or perfuming
serious enthusiasts are depicted in X-rated of penis)
videos where the dominant male urinates on Depilation is the removal of hair b y cut-
his partner in a barn and makes him roll in ting, shaving, electrolysis, pulling, or using
the mud and squ eal like a pig. wax and creams. People in other cultures
Other types of defilement involve food. have used shaving as a way to control lice.
Small groups sometimes advertise for new However, many types of depilation have
members who are sex uall y aroused by had erotic undertones.
having pies th rown in t h eir faces and fo r Shaving or removal of pubic hair was
those not aroused by pies or mud, video practiced in Rome, the M iddle East, Japan,
tap es are available of women wrestling in China, India, and North Africa. Sex in
jello. CAUTION: Exp osure to body secre- m any of these countries began during pre-
tions of a partner is not considered a safe pubescence before either partner had devel-
sex practice. oped pubic hair. The male and female often
(See also C OCKTA ILS, COPRO GRAP HY , became con di -
UROPI-IILIA and WRESTLING) geni tals . Some
later in life eve n
DENDROPHILIA Dendrophilia refers became impotent
to t ho se aroused by t r ees . Trees were at the sig ht of
ancient symbols of fertility and men on cer- pubi c hair on a
tain holy days would go into the fields and partner . A few
ejaculate onto the trees. Thomas Gregor, an women have been = ::.-<-,
anthropol o gist, s pent t ime with th e known to become frigid if their partner has
M ehinaku tribe of South America during a hairy chest. This problem was sometimes
the 1960s and told of on e folk tale involving solved by having the ma n wearing a t-shirt
a man with a tree: during sex.

The act of pulling out clusters of pubic transvestism. Shaving plays a practical role
hair was used to produce an orgasm in some in wearing chastity belts or strap-on dildos,
men. This was a service offered in Moorish in branding, and in p iercing. A top will
baths by women who were skilled at this art. sometimes shave their slave to put them into
Physicians in France during the late 16th a psychological role of submission, expo-
century revived this practice and used it as a sure, humiliation, and shame. It may also be
cure fo r hysteria in women. Hysteria was done to elicit fear as in the case of areola or
thought to stem from sexual dysfunctions breast shaving. The application of lotion
and this type of depilation must have had and baby powder prevents itching for some
what appeared to be a sobering effect. people. Others alleviate discomfort by using
Sex was assoc iated with the cutting of Hibiclens, Neosporin, or apricot scrub, or
hair in the Biblical case of Samson and shaving in the same direction as the hair
Delilah. According to Jewish history grows. Cotton underwear is preferred by
Samson was abd u cted by the Philistines some women because it reduces the sticking
after losing the power associated with his problem. The contrast of sensations before
long hair. Delilah, a Philistine lover, cut it and after shaving is substantial and m any
off during his sleep. Samson was then used people consid er the added sexual pleasure
as a stud to breed strength and courage into to be worth the effort of shaving.
the progeny of the Philistines. The reason The three m ethods used to accomplish
given for th e Phil is tines having blinded permanent hair removal are electrolysis,
Samson was to enhance his sexual response thermolysis, and blend modalities which
and to keep him from discriminating over the period of one to two years will
between attractive and ugly women. God destroy all the hair follicles. Each method
supposedly allowed him to commit suicide involves some type of pain a nd for this
to prevent the further parenting of a new reason sessions are limited to 15 t o 60 min-
and stronger breed of Philistine soldiers. utes. The current can also be lowered to
Depilation was used as a deterrent to cause less pain, but then needs to be left on
sexual arousal as well. Ancient tribes often each follicle longer. The old method of elec-
shaved the heads of wives to discourage trolysis took up to five minutes of current on
other men from capturing married women. each follicle. The blend methods can accom-
The Phoenicians required any woman with plish the same effect in three seconds to a
an unshaven head to act as a temple prosti- minute. Thermolysis uses alternating current
tute during certain seasonal rituals. Jewish and the heat produced cauterizes the tissue,
women practiced head shaving upon mar- whereas electrolysis uses direct current that
riage and would wear a scarf or a wig. The produces a sodium hydroxide that decom-
Catholic Church continued to require this poses the tissue. T he blend m odality uses a
type of depilation for nuns as a symbol of combination of t h e two other methods.
their marriage to Jesus. Treatments have to be repeated for up to
There are case histories of men who have two years because many hair fo llicles are
cut off hair of strangers in public and either dormant and take that long before the hair
had an orgasm then, or used the hair to emerges. The expense for these treatments is
masturbate with later. A man in Chicago usually just under $60.00 an hour.
was arrested during the late 19th century for Movies and magazines are available for
having clipped off the tresses of over fifty those interested in seeing men or women
women. Some paid; a woma n in P ar is shave part or all of their bodies . There is
earned money by letting men caress h er also an international club that is open for
long hair but had to constantly watch the membership to people with this interest.
men to guard against it being clipped. CAUTION: Shaving is considered a b lood
Today depilation or shaving is used in sport and therefore an unsafe sex practice.
sex play as part of body worship and Safety razors and sterile techniques are
bondage. It may also be necessary fo r aes- used . Straight razors are generally only
thetics in infantilism, body painting, or entrusted to professional barbers.

DEVIANCE See PARAPHILIAS extremely passionate sex after whipping

their c hi ldren co n sidered th e ir sex lives
DILDOS See GENITAL/ANAL INSERTS normal and would never have considered
engaging in consensual S/M games.
proxy-arousal from watching others disci- PHILIAS, PEDOPHLLIA and SADJSM)
plined ) Dippoldism refe rs to those who
become sexually aroused by beating or flag- DISCIPLINE Discipline is a term used in
ella ting children. The t erm came into use S/M to describe rules for obedie n ce
during the early 1900s when a notorio u s training, and m ay also refer to the forms of
German tutor by the na me of Andreas punishment used to enforce them. A
Dippold caused th e death of one of his stu- person can not technically be a slave
dents. Dippold had been entrusted with two without so me form of res tric tion. T hey
young boys aged 10 and 14. He was must be given regulations. T h ese m ay or
rep orted by Magnus Hirschfeld as having may not be obeyed, but the rules must be
tied the boys in their beds and beaten them there along w ith an a uthority figure to
with rods until they broke, accusing the enforce them.
b oys of m asturbating. At other times he The type of punishment is determined
would grab their genitals and squeeze until based on the severity of the disobedience
they bled; They were made to write confes- and the type of sex play that the bottom
sions of sexual conduct and to appear naked enjoys o r wants to experience. This is a
for different functions. One of the boys fell game designed to create anxiety or fear and
ill and Dippold made h im rise early, take a transfer it into sexual arousal and passion .
cold sh ower, and do strenuous exercises The typ es of punishment are also selected
until he became unconscious and later died. with this in mind. (l'l1any S/M players, how-
Corporal puni shment has since been ever, try to avoid games that cause fear or
phased ou t of most schools but during the anger in a partner.)
times when caning was practiced there were The top or master ma y imitate anger
numerous cases of sexual misconduct by while disciplining their parmer but will not
both men and women. Children were made feel it. S/M play is NOT used to work out
to strip naked, were tied down, hands of the the top's aggression on a victim. The top is,
adult wandered down against or near t h e in reality, the servant that does everything in
child's genitals, and young men were some- their power to provide the conditions and
times allowed to put their h ands or faces tactile stimula tion needed fo r th e sex ual
against the breast of a female assistant as pleasure of the bottom. The severity of any
th ey were flagellated. In one instance a verbal or physical punishment is, or should
headmistress allowed a banker to watch as be, negotiated ahead of time. The bottom
her fema le students were lined up, skirts also has a safeword they can use to immedi-
raised, an d discip lined for variou s infrac- ately stop the game. (See NEGOTIATION)
tio n s. She was p aid weekl y for this favo r Many bottom s u se sex play in order to
(Sexua l Anomalies and Perv ersions by feel secure; they revert back to the relation-
Magnus Hirschfeld, pp. 349-375). ship role of parent and child. The bottom
Today parents are the primary disci- makes none of their own decisions, regard-
plinarians. While few d eliberately cane their less of whether they a re pla ying butler,
children to become sexually aroused, there slave, pet dog, or maid.
are those who sometimes unc o n scio u sly Other bottoms u se these games to build
become aroused. While most people would their self esteem. This is done by flawless
no t recognize this impetu s, John Money impl ementation of strict regulations and
became aware of its existence in several case complex instructions. They receive gratifi-
studies and in a 1982 M oney and W erlwas cation from this accomplishment as well as
paper coined the phrase, sadomasochism by by an immediate reward for their endeavor.
proxy. Couples who co n fessed t o h av ing T his type of b ottom is rarely punished or

li ke ly t o have an orgasm fro m t his infected area. Pathogens such as viruses and
encounter. bacteria do not norm ally penetrate through
L ight physical punishmen t, if the bottom outer skin, but we are more susceptib le to
wants any typ e of tactile stimu lation, is used se xuall y tra n sm itte d diseases because
with an unlimited amount of threats. Verbal mu cous m embranes a re involved. Due to
threats a re the top's best tools if they are the normal enthusiasm experienced during
o nes that ca n be e n acted . An example sex, genital tissue can easily be abraded or
would be that of telling a par tner they have to rn. T h is is what makes it easier for the
until the count of five to orgasm and if they pathogens to enter our bodies during sexual
don't succeed the sex act is d iscontinued. contact.
Threats to throw a person off a cliff are not Th ere are m any STDs a nd indi viduals
realistic and would not be perceiv ed as a vary in the types or severity of symptoms
danger by the bottom. they will suffer. Any change in the amount,
There are d iscipline organizations t h at odor , or color of discharge, and inflamma-
train servants. Ireland h as a club for women tion or texture of the skin may indicate an
that offers Victorian domestic discipline to infection. Ph ys ician s recomme nd that
maids and school girls. CAUTION: People people exami n e themselves thoroughly to
who use humiliation spend a cooling down d etermine a standard or baseline appearance
period at the end. For in stance, if one called in t issue an d di scha rge. There is a sur-
their p artner a slut they compliment them prising number of small bumps and color
on the ir fidelity, if they said th eir partner variations on the genitals that seem okay
was repulsive they give an honest and flat- n ow but which can cause sleepless nights if
tering appraisal of the partner's value as a a sex partner confides that they have been
person, and so forth . The wise top doesn't seeing someone else and they don't h ave
u se an in sult th at comes too close t o the this baseline reference.
truth. ("Discipline," by Peter Fiske, QSM The paramount problem in the transmis-
lecture, N ovember 15, 1990) sion of many STDs is that they are asymp-
(S ee also ALGOPHILIA, BLINDFOLDING, tomatic (the person will have no
BONDAGE, CHASTITY DEVICES, DEFILE- sy mptoms). This is w h y a skin g one's
MENT , DOMINANCE/SUBMISSION, HUMILI- partner if they are " clean" or "safe" is not a
guarantee of safe ty . T his is also why its
TORTURE and VICTORIAN LACE) imp ortant to n otify sex partners that may
have been exp osed to the disease. M ost of
DISEASES A Fre n c h doctor named th ese diseases are not fatal to an adult and it
Jacques de Beth e n court n amed syphilis is easy to justify avoiding the embarrass-
"m orbu s ve n ere u s" or th e sic kn ess of ment of calling old lovers; h owever , they
Venus, goddess of love. With time the term can cause sterility and other seriou s compli-
venereal d iseases (VD), came to include all cations. I t is im possib le to foresee how
sexuall y tran smitted d iseases. Today th e m any people an ex-lover can expose to the
term V D has bee n changed t o Sexuall y disease.
Tran smitted D iseases (STD) to reflec t a It is everyone 's individual responsibility
broader scope of transmission. There are to practice safe sex if one is sexually active
currently 32 organisms an d 26 syn dromes o uts id e of a pri m ary re l a t ionship. In
t11at are thought to b e transmitted sexually. working for a national switchboard dealing
T h e following i n for m ation is br i ef with sexually transmitted d iseases, I discov-
becau se it is not intended to be used fo r self ered that the maj ority of people contracted
diagnosis. M any other diseases h ave similar these diseases from ' monogamous' partn ers.
symptoms and only a physician is qualified This is because most people let down their
to make a diagnosis. guard in what they believe are monogamous
Disea ses are tran s mitte d pr imari ly relationsh ips and therefore a re at more risk
through a n exchange of b lood, genital secre- when their partner strays than people who
tions, and skin t o skin contact w it h an practice safe sex in open relationships.

AIDS 2 Weeks to Diagnosis is b ased on Destruction

IO years positive antibody test of b ody's
and one or more of immune
the opportunistic system and
diseases as defined death
by the Cen ters for
Disease Control (CDC)

CHLAMYDIA Diffic ul t to Possibly n one Sterility

Determine Discharge Infection of
Painful urination sex organs
F/only) bleeding Tubal pregnancy
afte r intercourse Death
and pelvic pain

GONORRHEA 1-10 Days Possibly none Sterility

Discharge Infection of
Painful urinat ion sex organs

HERPES 2-20 Days P ainful b listers Blisters may

*May take W ill dry up and reoccur
years disappear in 5- May be passed to
2 1 days infant at birth

TRICHOMONAS Difficult to Itc hing, discharge Epididymitis

D etermine foul odor Prostate problem
R ecurrent infections

VAGINITIS Difficult to Change in Discharge May occur

Determine Itching or bu rning spontaneously
P ainful urination

VENEREAL 1-6 lvlonths Caul iflower-like May lead to

WARTS painless bumps cervical cancer
nea r genital in female
Slight itching or May spread to anus
burning Difficult to remove

SYPHILIS 10-90 D ays PRIMARY: C hancre at Eventual paralysis,

site of contact, heals in 7-21 blindness, insanity,
days, swolle n lymph glands death, transmittable
6-8 Weeks SECONDARY: Lowgrad e to fetus if not
fever, headache, weight Joss, treated within 12
lymph nodes, hair loss weeks
in spots,swollen growth
r esembling genital warts.
P ossible recurance of
secondary symptom s for
several years.
2-40 Years TERTIARY ST AGE: Large ulcers
on skin or bone, cardiovascular
and CNS di sorders

Safe sex includes things like massage, after being locked into p lace , are then
body rubbing, dry kissing, self masturba- stroked so that the skin is moved back and
tion, consensual voyeurism, exhibiti onism, forth over th e two
or anything else where body fluids are not glans. It may not be
exchanged. Pos sible safe sex practices considered docking, but
include the u se of condoms, french kissing, a few women have sub-
external water sports, and masturbating stituted a dildo for the
one's partner (one can check for undetected second penis.
cuts by first rubbing peroxide on the skin). (See also BEE STINGS,
The proper use of condoms (refer to section BINDINGS, CASTRA -
on Birth Control-Condoms) cuts down TION, CHASTITY DEVICES, CIRCUMCISION,
risks, but only if the condom cove r s the
in fect ed area and does not brea k . FRICOSIS , T EST I CLES and WE IGHT
Spermicidal foam, cream , or jelly that has TRAINING)
Nonoxynol 9 listed as an ingredient can
provide additional protection, although it DOGGING (Amo maxia-sex in parked
poses a ri sk for so m e wome n as it can car) Dogging is the English term for a sport
destroy b acte ria and cause vaginal yeast where people watch couples having se x in
infectio ns and it d oes not completely protect parked cars. The couples in the cars per-
aga inst the AIDS virus. Minimal precau- form for those who gather around outside
tions such as washing with warm soapy their car. There are specific parking areas
water and urinating after sex will reduce the that have become known for this activity
risk of other bacterial infections. Some wash a nd the couple s identify the ms elves as
a partner's genitals with a warm wash cloth willing to be watched by turning on a col-
after sex as a special way of showing affec- ored interior light. Much, of the same social
tion. Douches are not recommended for a etiquette applies here as does at group sex
prevention for STDs because the water can clubs. T ouching of the performing couple is
push the pathogens farther back into the not appreciated without their invitation, as
vagina. is unnecessary noise. Those asked to leave
Herpes is often spread during oral sex if are expected to politely obey.
a partner has a history of cold sores or Other couples engage in oral sex or
during unprotected genital contact with a nudity on t he highway for th e purpose of
person wh o has h a d outbreaks. The attracting attention from truck drivers .
m ajority of diseases are sp read by people (See also CANDA ULISM, EXHIBITIONISM
who are either not aware that they have the and GROUP SEX)
disease or by ones who think they are only
contagiou s when they have an outbreak. DOMINANCE/SUBMISSION (Cata-
The Natio nal STD Hotline provides philist and Pageism-male submitting to
operators who are available to answer ques - fema l e, Passi v i sm-submi ssion , Top/
tions and refer p eople to ~linics or physi- Bottom-Dominance/Submission) A role of
cians. That toll-free number is: dominance or submission is used in sex play
l-800-227 -8922. People w ho h ave specific to increase the intensity of emotions and
questions about AIDS may contact op era- bonding of par tn ers. D o minance in an y
tors at: 1-800-342-243 7. arena u sually involves control which is rein-
(See also DYSFUNCTIONS, HA NDICAPS forced by t hreat o f emotional or physical
and SAFE SEX) pain.
Dominance and submission both seem to
DOCKING Docking is a form of mastur- fall into a human's need for security. Clans
bation that involves two people, u sually of primates or groups of a nimals u sually
m en. The foreskin of one partner is pulled have a dominant figure who regulates the
b ack and th e other's foreskin is stretched behavior of others. Nature seems to have
over the tip of h is penis. The two penises, designed the brain of most species to pro-

duce a pleasure response to either type of put a dog collar on th em feels they are
behavior if engaged in by parties who trust expressing love in a way that words never
and care for each o ther. Submission may be will. This is perhaps why submissives can
induced primarily by accompanying forms sometimes appear to go to extremes.
of stimulus such as a loss, restriction, or D ominant sex p lay is also often engaged
humiliati o n . Lab o rator y tests on mi ce in as an entertaining way to refine the man-
revealed that in a fight endorphins (pleasure agement skills needed in all types of profes-
response) are released in the injured mouse sions.
o nly at the point of submission. Thus sub- (See also ALGOPHILIA, BLIND FOLDING,
mission, rather than pain, was th e critical BONDAGE, CHASTITY DEVICES, COITUS A
factor in creating a euphoric response. (See CHEVAL, DEFILEMENT, DOMINANCE/SUB-
Domin a nce ca n produce euphoria DOMINATRIX, T ORTURE and VIC TORIAN
because it is associated with attainment of a LACE)
goal, or an object of security. A person who
loses control over one facet of their life DOMINATRIX, PROFESSIONAL A
often tries to compensate fo r it by overcon- professional d o minatri x, or mistre ss, is a
trolling in a different area. This behavior woman who is paid t o act out an S/M scene
may manifest itself in abused children with with a client. It is much less common to find
something as simple as consistent and com- women who will play the submissive role as
pulsive p lacement of shoes in a closet. this e ntails much more risk to her h ealth.
However, in an adult relationship this com- Those who do submit or
pulsive behavior is often acted out through bottom rarely work alone.
demands and manipulatio n of another Professional dominatrixes are
person. Here dominance serves to re-estab- not considered prostitutes and
lish a feeling of security or self esteem for remain legal so long as they do
the person under stress. not engage in sex. The fee for
Sexual dominance and submission ·a re a session ranges between $ 100-
used to enhance the role of the characters in 150 an hour depending on the
fantasy play. Costumes are ofte n used to location, typ e of equipment,
reinforce each role and makes ph ysical or whether photos are taken, and
verbal abuse less necessary. Costumes that the d o minatrix ' reputation.
project power include policemen, military, The woman learns her profes-
doctors, and black leather. Accoutrements s ion by either having been
used to enforce submission are diapers , invo lved in S/M previously,
feminine lingerie, whips, slave or dog col- ha v ing an S / M friend teach h er, or by
lar s, and bondage equipment. A dominant beginning work in an established " dungeon"
who is only experienced in corporal punish- or organized S/M house that hires and trains
ment would not be a match for a submissive dominatrixes. T he house gets approximately
who follows orders perfectly and is not into half of the fee and the professional domina-
pain. Alternately, a submissive who enjoys trix the balance, including tips. One can
punishment for misbehaving or verbal war- mak e a substantial inco m e wi th a full
fare is not a match for a dominant who can't schedule, although most see only one or two
handle competition for control. clients a day and spend a lot of time waiting
The submissive controls the intensity and on no- shows. A good dominatrix is intelli-
direction of the game. People often select gent, quick witted, and creative. She has to
roles because it provides a change from the be good at impro visatio n to kee p clients
ordinary. People who have inhibitions or aroused, submissive, and entertained for an
guilt associated with sexual experimentation hour. Th is is much m ore demanding and
find that this seems to relieve them of per- difficult than sex .
sonal responsibility for their actions. Total Europe has many attractive, skilled, and
sexual submission is used by some as a way well known dominant professionals. The
to express love. A person who lets a partner United States seems to have fewer women

enter the profession and fe wer still that fabric) Dora p hilia ( dora: sk in , p hilia:
r e main. On e rea so n is that man y are attac hment to) is the love of fur or skin.
unwilling to participate in the variety of This attraction is usually for animal skin or
p ractices for which Europeans are known to leather, which has been use d as clothing
engage. There are o nly a few Ame ri can throug hout human existence. It is consid-
d ominatr ixes that have gained a national ered a fetis h when it has to be prese nt
r eputat ion. during sex. Human skin h olds a fascination
Mistresses fi nd clients by referrals and for some people. The 1950s sex criminal,
advertising in fetish magazines or newspa- Edward Gein, who deri ved pleasure from
pers. Mistresses as well as clients come from skinning female corpse s h e
all social and professional groups. The only exhumed from local graves
prerequisite for the client is that they pay,
obey the no sex, drugs, or alcohol rules, and
and then wearing them like
a garment, is reported to . ~~QI~
inform the mistress of acts or humiliatio n
t hey d o not find erotic. The d ominatrix
s h ou ld have so me kn owl edge of S/ M ,
bondage and discipline, and safety. In addi-
have become fas cinated
with the idea of changin g
him se lf from male to
femal e. There ha ve been
0 /.J

tion, a safeword is assigned that will imme- cases w here peopl e h ave
diately end the game. The dominatrix has to used h uman ski n to make
appear or sound authoritative and in control purses, lamp sh ades, belts,
of the submissive client. A professional can and upholstery. T his was apart from similar
develop such an expertise at dominance and things done to men vvith tattoos during the
aloofness that often clients complain that Holocaust. Captain John Bourke wrote of
she doesn ' t see m to e njoy th e sess ion . human flesh b eing used as girdles or mum-
Costumes are important to set the proper mies that were worn by pregnant women to
tone. Black leather, latex, or a whip symbol- assist them in labor.
izes auth ority and restrai nts placed o n a The feel and smell of leather gives many
client en sure submission. It appears that the people a feeling of power. Some explain this
largest perce ntage of clien ts e ngage in as subcon sciously taking on the character of
bondage, corporeal punishment, anal play, the animal with whose skin they cloak them-
and cross dressing during the sessions. selves. This was a common belief o f holy
M en who are n ot ab le to visit profes- men duri n g th eir a ncient religi ous cere-
s ional dom in atrixes are provided w ith m onies . The Roman emperor Nero dressed
optional m ethods to experience this type of in an a nimal skin and t hen emul ated the
arousal including au dio tapes and personal beast's ferocious behavior as he sexu all y
letter s. Regular phon e sex businesses may assaulted the p eople h e had tied to stakes.
have women experienced in domination and An explanation for the continued appeal
so m e m ay specialize exclusively in these of leather or fu r is that so me people feel
types of fantasies. (Personal communication secure and nu rtured by being wr apped in
with L ady Tanith, Califo rnia, June 8, 199 1.) skin, a so rt of surr ogate mother effec t.
G ini Graham Scott, P h .D ., a sociologist- Clinical studies showed that rhesus monkeys
anthropologis t, document ed h er study of who had their mothers replaced b y inani-
dominant women and submissive men in mate objects responded better or clung to
h er book titled Erotic Power, An Exploration the on es that were wrapped in some type of
of Dominance & Submission. In this book she fur.
inte rviews professio n al dominatrixes an d M any people who u se leather for erot ic
the ir clients as well as non -professionals feelings or as a symbol of their sexual power
who find this lifestyle fascinating. prefer the color black. T he motives behind
(See also DISCIPLINE, DOMINANCE/SUB - this preference are not clear. Historical fac ts
MI SSION and WORSHIP) regarding the color reveal that the ancient
Egyptians revered the color as a sign of fer-
DORAPHILIA (Hyphephilia-arousal tility because black was the color of the rich
from t ou c hin g skin , ha ir, le ath er, fur o r soil along the N ile. This may also b e the

origin of the black gowns used in witchcraft little as two minutes for sperm to enter the
or other ancient religions. The Japanese, cervical ca nal. CAUTION: Frequent
so me Egyptians, American Indians, douching is not reco mmended by physi-
Christians, and Hindus saw it as a sign of cians as the vagina cleans itself by a natural
destruction or death. Europeans dressed in flow of lubricants. The vagina also has a
black garments to attend funerals so that regulated amount of bacteria and chemicals
they would not be recognized as human and that can be thrown out of balance by sper-
harmed by ghosts. Conver sely , black m icides, alkaline, and d eodorant douches.
Africans dressed in white cl ot hing at Women wea ring an IUD are particularly
funerals for the same reason. Today black is discouraged from this practice. Commercial
perceived as a symbol of evil, elegance, deodorants and douches have been known
authority, and religion (Stories B ehind to pre ve nt conception in oth erwise fertile
Eve1yday Things, by]. Polley, ed., Reader's women. A m ore serio u s risk i s that of
Digest). having the liquid, under high pressure, enter
Erotic leather apparel can be purchased into the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and eventu-
a t som e lingerie and leather shops or ally the peritoneum, where it can ca use
ordered from Europe. Leather jock straps serious damage and possibl y require
(some with chrome studs), bikini panties surgery.
with zippered crotches, body suits, bras, (See a lso BIRTH CONTROL, KLISMA-
corsets, dresses, skirts, pants exposing the PHILIA and STUFFING)
rear, costumes, and accessories are all avail-
able. DRAG QUEENS (Cross-d ressing-
(See BINDINGS, BULL FIGHTS, FETISHES wearing clothing of the opposite sex or age
gro u p, Gynemimesis- female imperson-
ation in male who is unable to become sexu-
DOUCHES A douche is a jet of liquid
ally aroused by females) Drag queens vary
that penetrates into the vagina or rec tum.
in style and purpose. There are gays who
Douches are used for hygiene, birth control,
dress as women, male prostitutes who are
and sex games.
trying to pass as female, and others wh o
ANAL Anal enemas are often referred to as find the character change cathartic, chal-
douches by gay men. T h ese are done for lenging, amusing, or entertaining.
hygienic purposes prior to anal intercourse. Drag queens who enjoy entertaining fre-
This differs from klismaphilia (ene mas) quen t bars, parades, fairs, or oth er events
which is part of the sex play and is adminis- where they can perform. One San Francisco
tered by a partner. area drag queen had developed several char-
acters a nd used them according to which
GOLDEN DOUCHE This is a nother type
event a nd statement he wanted to make. H e
of douching u sed in sex play. It is the act of
atte n ded th e gays' protest demonstration
urinating directly into the vagina or anus
against a group of fundamentali sts as an
after ejaculation. The partner has the sen sa-
omnisexual that was half feminine and half
tion of being filled with semen for a second
masculine (i.e. corset and jock strap). This
ti m e. This is mechanically difficult and
was a character that could flirt with any sex
something very few men accomplish. CAU-
and did. H e attended the Folsom Street Fair
TION: Golden douches are not considered
as Mrs. Trauma Flintstone, who being
safe sex.
recently divorced from an abusive husband,
VAGINAL There are sex games where didn 't care at all about sex but loved to sing
people insert the top rim of a ch ampagne and perform for the crowd.
bottle into a partner's vagina and drain the Male prostitutes who are attracted to het-
contents. The c hampagne is then sucked erosexual men a re sometimes successful in
out of the vagina. Vaginal douching is most hiding their male genitals when they restrict
often used as a m ethod of birth control. their act ivity to fellatio a nd k eep the is often not effective because it takes as partner's hands ou t of tl1eir panties. Drag

queens have become the rage in Italy, where displays an array of S/M equipment, su ch as
heterosexuals prefer their outrageous cos-
tumes and the fact that they can have sex
with a man without feeling particularly gay
candle, lubricant,
puppet, mirror,
a mask, cane, riding crop, ostrich feather,

themselves. Often m en who live in countries scarf tie, 4 b ed 7 P
where females are expected to be virgin posts, razor and
upon marriage are more tolerant of prosti- basin, brush,
tutes and drag queens. A man in these cul- hooks for suspen-
tures is not considered gay unless he takes sion, bridle, slave
the receptive role. collar, leash, bull
Gays are divided on whether they want a whip, penis whip,
partner to dress in female attire. A gay male and horse. Th e
in Utah enjoyed preparing candlelit dinners other dungeon has a wall mirror, hangin g
for his date and m eeting him at the door in chair sling, 6"x6" beam with c hains, and
women's lingerie. His dates had reactions wrist straps.
that ranged fro m pleasure and amusement (See also BONDAGE, FANTASY PL AY,
to indifference or disgust. FLAGELLATION, GENITAL/ANAL INSERTS,
DUNGEONS A dungeon is a room that is
specially furnished for sexual activity. DYSFUNCTIONS Sexual dysfunctions
The room is designed to offer complete are either physical or psychological. A few
privacy and some have additional sound- are listed as follows:
proofing. Equipment and toys may or may
AZOOSPERMIA Azoospermia is the partial
not be displayed. People decorate their dun-
or total absence of spermatozoa in ejaculate.
geons to look like medieval torture cham-
It is caused by a blockage between the testi-
bers, stages, barns, child's rooms , guest
cles and urinary tract or can be caused by
bedrooms, special fantasy scenes, or they
testicles that do not produce spermatozoa.
just take a room and hang a collage of their
Azoospermia sometimes responds to treat-
favorite equipment on the walls.
ment or surgery.
Dungeons may be used exclusively by
t he owne rs and their gu ests, rented to CRYPTORCHIDISM Cryptorchidism is the
friends, the public, or clubs for play parties failure of one or both testicles to descend
and lectures. The basic rental dungeon will after a male is born. If the testicle fails to
include hooks and drop into the scrotum before puberty, it will
chains in the be sterile and will eventually atroph y .
ceiling for suspen- Surgery is usually successful when done
sion, a 6"x6" early. Later, plastic testicles can be surgi-
beam for standing cally implanted into the scrotum for aes-
bondage (prob- thetic purposes. Hitler was though t to have
ably wrapped with had only one descended testicle, although
rope for comfort), his close friends denied this as propaganda.
a mattress, wall
EPISPADIAS Epispadias occurs if the ure-
mirrors, a chair,
thra opens up on the upper surface of the
and bathr oom.
penis instead of extending through th e
Extra items may include a hanging chair
center to the tip of the glans penis. T h is
swing, rape rack, body harness, cage, b ox,
condition is called hypospadias when the
stocks, gynecological exam table, hospital
urethra opens on the underside of the penis.
gurney, dental or barber chair, and stereo.
Both conditions be corrected by
People usually supply their own costumes,
flagellation equipment, or toys.
The two sketches of dungeons show the FILARIASIS This is commonly referred to
diverse range of possibilities. One dungeon as elephantiasis and is an enla rging of an

arm, leg, or scrotum caused by a prolonged th e bladde r instead of our of the urethra. It
obstruction of circulation in the lymphatic occurs when the internal b ladder sphin cter
vessels by fil arial worms. It is common in opens and the exte rnal urethral sphinc ter
tropica l countries and is carr ied b y c loses, caus ing the semen to ente r th e
m os quitoes. The scrot um of bladder. T his condition may be ca used by
some m e n becomes so large injury, diabetes, u se of some tranquilizers,
that they have to be carried in or prostate surgery. For couples wishing to
wheel barrows. have children it is possible for a physician to
imm e di ate ly r emov e se men from the
GYNECOMASTIA is the cond i-
blad d er with a tube and insert it into the
tio n w h ere a male w ill h ave
female partn er's vagina.
enlarged breasts. It is caused
by fa tty deposits and can occur SIAMESE DEFORMITIES Dan i e l P.
in e u n u chs o r m en being Man nix, in his book, FREAKS: We Who are
treat ed with female ho rmon es Nol as Others, mentions a man named Frank
to arrest prostate ca ncer. T his condition is L entini who had two complete sets of geni-
also comm on in boys during pu berty but tal s. L en t i ni was
wi ll usua ll y di sappear itse lf with in a few born in I 889 as a
months. Ivlale hormo ne treatm ents are avail- partial sia me se
able for those who become co ncerned with tr iple t. T he o nl y
the ir co ndition . p ortions of the par-
asitic brothers th at
PENIS DEVIATIONS T his deviation refers
attached them selves
specificall y to b e n t pen ises . One may b e
to Lentini w ere a £..--~"))
born with this or it can be caused later du e
set of gen ital s, a
to a n injury. It can be sustained duri ng sex
leg, and two feet.
by the penis being bent into a crooked posi-
L entini joined the c ircu s at a you ng age and
tion , occur as a result of natural hardening
earned a fort un e w ith his performances .
of the corpora cavernosa when a man grows
There is no information as to whether bod1
older, or d ue to an illness such as Peyronie's
p enises we re fun c ti onal, however, he did
di sease . Most d ev ia ti ng peni ses curve marry and father four children.
toward the body when erect but a small per-
cent c urv e forward, sometim es makin g SPE RM DEFECTS Sperm itself can be
en try and thrusting painful for a partner. defec tive an d not capable of fertilization.
The direction a penis curves in this case T h ey can beco m e two-headed, ta ill ess,
m ay simply be du e to the position the m an small or la rge headed. None of th ese cond i-
kept his p enis in as a child . For example, a tions faci li tate the rapid movement neces-
forward curving penis ca n sometimes b e sary to enter and reach a waiting egg. The
c aused b y a boy tuc king his p enis b ack mu cosa! plug tha t blocks the entrance of the
between his legs. A urologist can be con- cervix likewise acts as a screening m echa-
sulted if the bend seems abnormal. nism, allowing onl y healthy and well formed
spe rm to ente r. ( Ho w to Get Pregnant by
PRIAPISM Priapism is the condition wh ere
Sherman J. Silber, M .D.)
the penis stays erect. This is ofte n painful
and can be cau sed by acute cases of gonor-
rhea, le ukemia, prostate proble ms, spinal
injuri es, or an overd ose of drugs that treat
philia-arousal fro m person with a different
impotence. At one time leeches were used to
ph ys iqu e) D ysmo rphoph il ia (dys : ab nor-
su ck out t he blood. Today common treat-
m al, m orphe: form, philia : attach m ent to)
me nts include wrapping with elastic b an-
refe rs to those who are sexually arou sed by
dages, cold baths, and som eti mes surgery.
de for miti es in their partn er s . These m ay
RETROGRADE EJACULATION This is an in c lude th ings su ch as c lub feet, sca r s,
ejaculation where the sperm is pushed into dwa r fs, mastecto mi es, hun c hba cks , etc.

There are bordellos that cater to these tastes arousal. Others feel emotionally secure or in
and recently a London fashion magazine control when their partner does no t have
featured photos of m odels with long fake the perceived abil ity to leave them fo r
noses or ears. someone else. Others need to nurture or
The attractio n to people who possess rescue a sex partner to feel love or bonding
these features is similar to the attraction of and some are simply attracted by novelty.
those who find amputees appea li ng. For
some the strong sense of compassion or fear NOPHILIA, CASTRATION, CHUBBY CHAS-
may condition them to overreact later and E R , HERMAPHRODITE, PARAPHILIAS ,
possibly confuse this excitement with sexual PODOPHILIA and TRANSSEXUALS)

ECOUTEURISM Ecouteurism is similar and a partner's physical safety is essential.
to acousticophilia in that sounds arouse the Many scientists have accide ntly been exe-
person. However, ecouterism is nonconsen- cuted while experimenting with electricity.
sual and the stimulus comes more from this Benjamin Franklin was probably the first to
fact rather than from what is heard. This is delib e rately use it
similar to the kleptophile who is aroused by to take life as he
the danger and courage involved in stealing experimented with
rather than by the object they steal. This is animals . A century
also true of a peeping Tom, exhibitionist, or later, in 1886, a
o bscene phone caller. Similarly, an ecou- scientist employed
teurist will use the stimulus from eavesdrop- at Edison's labora-
ping as an aid for masturbation. tory patented the
Sexual ecouteurism involves intentionally electric chair. After
listening to someone else's personal conver- demonstrating the
satio n s or sexual exploits through doors , chair to a government commission by elec-
walls, telephone lines, and with special elec- trocuting a cow and a horse, he took this act
tro nic li stening devices. Some of thes e on the road to entertain crowds through out
devices look somewhat like a megaphone the United States.
and a r e capa bl e of picking up low level This contraption was e n dor sed by the
noise from JOO feet away. An ecouteurist government and prisoners began being exe-
may be a voyeur as well, but the two d o not cuted in this manner, soon rendering hang-
always occur simultaneously. ings obsolete. Humans electrocuted in these
Many people are aroused unintentionally chairs were given 1,700 volts of alternating
by overhearing a couple engaging in sex current for 30 seconds. Unco nsciousness
from an adjoining bed r oo m or when was almost immediate and death came in 2-
attending a group sex function. Thi s is a 3 seconds. The approach was merciful
normal reaction for most people. when the system fun c tioned correctly; of
(See also CANDAULISM, COPROLALIA, course, there were p risoners that had to be
JACTITATION and VOYEURISM) electrocuted twice.
Shock as a form of sex play is a modified
ELECTRIC SHOCK (Electro p hili a- and safe ver sion of the types of electrical
arousa l fro m electricity)Electric shock is shock government officials used in different
used as a form of titillation or light torture countries to interrogat e political prisoners
depending on the amount of voltage chosen and by American prison guards to control
by the recipient. This type of sex p lay their prisoners.
always elicits some type of excitement; how- M ost devices used in sex play are incon-
ever, technical knowledge of the apparatus sequential by comparison. They are small

ba ttery operated gadgets th at resemble a 1962) CAUTION: People have died from
flashli ght. Other devices, su ch as the tito- miscalculating voltage and time restrictions
lator, two-celled cattle prods, u sed m edical w hile masturbating al one. ("El ec tri cal
mach ines, and telephone magnetos (which Applications," by J. Bruce, QSM lecture,
are u sed to make shock units that feature a December 2, 1990)
hand crank and wire contact) can be pur- (See also AL GOPHILIA, GENITAL/ANAL
chased or modified. The lubricant or solu- IN SER TS, INTERRO GATION , POW ER
tion used on the electrodes that touch the TOOLS , SAFE SEX, SENSORY EN H ANCE-
body have a salt content; some simply add
salt to KY-gel or aloe vera.
It is dangerous to p lace the electrical con- EMETOPHILIA (Roman sh ower)
tacts above the waist. The reason for this is Emetophilia (emein: to vomit; philia: attach-
that electric current travels from one contact ment to) refers to those who are aroused by
point directly to t h e other. Therefore, t o vomit or vomiting. These people usually
avoid the risk of the current passing near or ingest wine or urine and then vomit it out;
through th e heart th e contacts are never so metimes onto their p artner. A few m en
placed on the chest, arms, or nipples. Both have deliberately encouraged their date to
people take time before the shock treatment overeat a nd drink. Afterwa rd, u sing this
to make a final safety check fo r liquids or condition to stimulate vomiting by u sing
metal objects t hat could be tou ching their t h eir p enis during fellati o t o start a gag
bodies. reflex in their p artner.
H o u se current with isola t ion or GFI (See also SHOWERS)
(ground fault interrupters) a nd transformers
are m andatory. DC batteries are safer b ut ENDYTOPHILIA (Endyto lagn ia)
many complain that they create skin burns Endytophilia refer s to peo ple wh o p refe r
and the person u sually only feels the power their sex partners to be dressed rather th an
com e on and go off. Human tissue varies in naked. (See CHEMISE CAGOUL E, FETISHES
the a m o unt of resistance ( m easured i n and T RANSVESTITES)
ohms) it gives to electrical c urrent; there-
fo re, what is safe for one person may cause ENEMAS See KLISMAPHJLIA
injury to others. Some tops prefer to g ive
the co ntrol of the rheos tat to the bottom. EROTIC BALLS T her e are severa l
This makes the person responsible for their worl d r e no wne d erotic ball s. The San
own decisions ("The shocking art of elec- Francisco Exotic Erotic Ball is held ever y
trica l torm en t" by F lederma us, Dungeon year for Halloween and New Year's Eve.
Master No. 8, January 1981, p. 18). Thousands of people with exotic cos tumes
The Japanese use a special battery oper- crowd into large warehouses near the wharf.
ated d evice to indu ce orgasm in men. This Const ance Enterprises hosts an annual Fall
b ox has two wires with electro d es, on e is fetish costume ball and fas hi on show in
a tta ch ed to the e nd of the penis and the N ew York. The autho r of The Safer Sex
other is inserted into the rectum. The man !vianiac's Bible, Miss Tuppy Owens, sp on-
then regulates th e current with a rh eostat sors a n annual Sex Maniac's Ball in L ondon
until orgasm . This device is used by physi- as a fund-raiser for people with disabilities.
cians to eject sperm from impotent men to G uests wear costumes from their favorite
use for artificial insemination a nd similarly fantasies. The Eccentric Fashi o n Show
b y vete rin a ri ans for b r eeding li vestoc k. attracts people to Switzerland every year
Am erican inventors sold an electrical device and Melbourne Australia hosts an ann u al
in the early 20 th century making b oas ts, Hookers and D eviants Ball.
backed by a g uara ntee, that it not o nly Many of the sex oriented symposiums
cured impotency and noctu rnal emissions, suc h as Li fest y les a nd th e Nat io n al
but could increase the size of men's organs Sexuality Symposium have a Saturday
as well. (EROS, b y R. Ginzburg, Spring, evening erotic ball for attendees .

The San Francisco Exotic Erotic Ball has belief," that someone with whom he or she
been compared to an indoor Rio Carnival; has little or no actual contact is deeply in
however, the L atin s wear more revealing love with him or h er ("De Clerambault's
costumes. Attendance at this Halloween ball Syndrome," by Joyce L. Dunlop, MA, MB,
begin s with waiting in line outsid e the BCh. BAO, MRCPsych, DObst. RCOG,
building for up to an hour. At least, unlike British Journal of Sexual M edicine, August
theatre lines, this one is quite entertaining- 1989, pp. 306-7). This person's love objects
or enough so that crowds of spectators are often prominent figures who are n ot
gather around all evening to catch glimpses even conscious of their existence other than
of what p eople are wearing under their the fan's repeated letters and appearance at
trench coats. P eople finally e nter the stage doors waiting for autographs or sou-
gigantic rooms already filled with thousands venirs. Some may throw underwear at their
of excited voices and music from live bands. love object as they perform on stage. Gloria
Most people either take photos or model. Estefan is said to have at least twelve pairs
Photograp hers often convince women to of men's underwear thrown at her feet per
pose in an erotic fashion for them or with performance. (Of course, not everyone
them. People wear costumes of vegetables, throwing underwear at a performer has the
vampires, witches, monsters, cave men, half delusion that the performer returns their
naked brides, human dildos, robots, doc- admiration.) P . Ellis and G. Mellsop listed
tors , and priests. The SIM and leather eight criteria for this syndrome:
people attend in their regular playwear. One
delusions of amorous communication
year a dominatrix gave a whipping and
which have not been initiated by the
fisting demonstration with her slave, but this
is a rare event. Ordinarily the most one sees
is an occasional couple discreetly engaging higher rank of love object as perceived
in fellatio or lap dancing. The crowd begins by the patient
to thin at midnight and those remaining are
per ceived approach by the other
often inebriated. person
SEX HOTELS and SEX SHOWS) sudden onset

EROTICA Erotica is a term that currently single unchanged object

refers to literature or photography that explanations of paradoxical behavior
depicts sex in a more sub tle or socially given by the patient
redeeming manner than does pornography.
(See also PORNOGRAPHY) chronic course
absence of hallucinations
omania refers to a strong desire to write love ("De Clerambault's Syndrome-A Noso-
letters or poems. This was more common logical Entity?"; by Ellis P ., Mellsop G., Br
before the invention of the telephone. J Psych) 1985; 146: 90-93).
(See also CO PR OGRAPHY, COURTSHIP, People who suffer from erotomania have
JACTITATION, OBSCENE PHONE CALLS and a similar background to those wh o are
PHONE SEX) attached to fetishes. They generally experi-
ence some type of isolation or emotional
EROTOMANIA (De Clerambault's syn- distancing from parents while young. A
drome , Groupies , Old Maid's Insanity, normal relationship is difficult and each has
Psychose passionelle) replaced their need for love with a fantasy
Erotomania (abnormally strong sexual object.
desire) is a term that has come to refer to Problems not only arise from the fan's
someone who develops an "overwhelming efforts to spend time with the celebrity but
conviction, amounting to a delusional also when the fan's love turns to reven ge

because of perceived rejection . Several There are several men who have gained
movie stars have been assaulted and some noto riety for their belief in eugenics. A
murdered due to this psychosis. The eroto- respected la wyer in ancient Greece,
maniac does not always return the affection Lycurgus, favored preconception selection
they think the o ther perso n gives th em. and encouraged weak or old men to let
Jo nathan H. Sega l, M.D. included an younger men impregnate their wives in
examp le of one of these cases in the order to improve the race. Much later, John
October 1989 issue of American Journal of, founder of the late 19th ce ntury
Psychiat1y 146: 10: C?ne1da Community, implemented the prac-
uce of propagation by scientific selection. A
Ms. B, a 65 -year-old retired clerk, was
limited number of healthy men in this com-
admitted for psychiatric treatment fallowing
munity were allowed to impregnate women,
her attack on an elderly bank manager who
altho~gh all were allowed to perform a type
lived in her apartment building. She claimed
of coitus reservatus with consenting women.
that although he had never spoken to her out
Conjugation could last an hour wi th the
loud, he had been contacting her telepathically
purpose of letting the woman have as many
for months with romantic messages; she 'hinted'
orgasms as possible during this period of
that these messages contained sexual overtones.
time. H owever, the man himself was not
She said that she could tell he was interested in
allowed to ejaculate even after withdrawal
her by the way he looked at her. After she
and masturbation was forbidden.
accosted him several times 10 protest, he denied
The Nobel Sperm Bank was founded in
any interest in her and obtained a restraining
1980 by Robert Graham in Escondido
order barring any contact between them.
California. Graham believed that for a
Unable to restrain her indignation, she followed
Nobel winner or other notable achiever to
him to his office, leaped at him across his desk,
die with only a few heirs, or perhaps none,
and allegedly tried to strangle him. Later, how-
was a sad waste of genes.
ever, she admitted only to having touched his
There is controversy about whether intel-
tie ... (Erotomania Revisited: From Kraepelin
ligence and achievement is genetic and con-
to DSM-!II-R, p. 1264).
ce~n over the pressure some parents put on
TION and PARAPHILIAS) children who are conceived for this purpose.
ESSAYEURS Essayeurs were men whose
services were retained by Parisian brothels.
EUNUCHS A eunuch is a man who does
I~ was their responsibility to fondle the pros-
not have functioning testicles, or whose tes-
Ututes and engage in overt sexual behavior
ticles and/or penis have been removed.
in front of timid male clients. This relaxed
The worshipers of Aphrodite, the
the clients en ough for them to participate
Goddess of Love, had an annual ceremony
themselves. This is the same p sychology
where a young priest was sacrificed and in
used by some casinos when they employ
the ensuing frenzy other men would cut off
shills to encourage others to gamble.
their p enises and splatter the
PIMPS and PROSTITUTION) b lood on h er statue as their
personal sacrifi cial offering.
EUGENICS Eugenics refers to the phi- Those survivi n g then jo in ed
losophy that offspring should be controlled her service as eunuch priests.
for genetic purity. This has been attempted The e unuch priests of
throu gho ut hi story by several methods . Cybele conducted similar rites,
Nature usually destroys its weak or diseased offering their severed penises
by spontaneous ab ortion or miscarriage. o n her a lta r a nd after wa rd
Deformed infants who escaped nature's adopting women's clothing, and dedicating
selection p rocess were often d isposed of themselves to templ e service which often
after birth. included prostitution. The Catholic Church

has a law that no pope may rule who has This was said to work much more efficiently
been castrated or whose genitals are other- than wine.
wise deformed. Cardinals at one time acted The Romans m ixed violence and lust at
as inspectors and would walk past the pope, their Theatre on a much grander scale. The
who sat in a special chair exposing his geni- games involved rape of children by men and
tals, confirming their approval by chanting beasts, followed by mutilation a nd murder.
" testiculos habet et bene pendentes." Even the Empresses Messalina and
It became common for slave traders t o Theodora masturbated and had sex in the
castrate male slaves. These were then sold stands while watching the events. Daniel
throughout the Middle East as guards, ser- Mannix, in his book Those About to Die, told
vants, and managers. The orient commonly of you ng boys who learned to p os ition
used castrated m e n as servants, coo ks, themselves next to unescorted women and
musicians, guards, executioners, and tor- when they became overly ecstatic at the
turers. The u se of slaves in harems began in sight in the arena the boy seized the oppor-
the 7th century and still exists in parts of tunity to grab and fondle them. Prostitutes
Africa and Saudi Arabia. worked below the stands and lined the roads
Middle Eastern eunuchs were able to leading out of the arena to servic e the
gain political power within the confines of numerous men who as yet had not relieved
the harem and many acquired great wealth themselves. The Romans were not all mere
and status. A black Turkish eunuch, Kislar spectators; there were those who enjoyed
Agha, cam e to exe rcise supreme power and molesting and taunting prison ers as they
when he died, left a sum of 30,000 , 000 were marched into the arena to face death.
piasters along with many other riches. He Mannix, in addition to de sc ribin g the
had been purchased for 30 piasters. Other Roman lust for executions, cited an example
eunuchs led revolutions, deposed sultans, or during the 20th century of th e wife of an
were given respectable titles and very high officer at Buchenwald, who would in a sim-
ranks. As late as 1877 a head eunuch, Hafiz ilar fas hion fondle prisoners on their way to
Beheram, was said to have more power than the gas chamber.
the Grand Vizier or Prime Minister. The Castrations, tortures, and hangings were
hiring of eunuchs in the Church was finally public spectacles in the States until quite
forbidden by Leo XIII in 1878; primarily to recently. In 1936 20,000 people gathered to
end the misuse of castrati. watch the hanging of a 22 year old who had
(Refer also to CASTRATION, CELIBACY and murdered an elderl y woman in Kentucky.
HAREMS) Once "pronounced dead, souvenir hunters
fought over the hood that covered his head,
EXECUTIONS Some people experience ripped off pieces of his clothing and even
vicariou s stimulation through watching tried to cut chunks of flesh from his hanging
others face death b y execu ti on. Once a body" (The Encyclopedia of American Crime,
pers on b ecomes a nxious it is possible to p. 241). R.E.L. Ma sters and Allen
transpose any of the basic emotions caused Edwardes, in their book Perverse Crimes in
by the fight, flight, sex response. The spec- H is101y, wrote of the Arab-Israeli conflict
tators at a p ublic execution who might have when scor es of st ripp ed and castrated
b een angered b y the crime of the victim Haganah men were photograph ed by
may also feel avenged by the death; sym- Muslims. These photos of dead and muti-
pathy is absent. lated Jews were reproduced and sold. The
Casanova and Hirschfeld were only two public purchased them "like hotcakes."
wh o wrote about women who masturbated Military leaders were u sually aware of the
while viewing or waiting for the finale of an death/s ex phenomenon amon g soldiers in
execution and the orgies that followed. acti on and provided prostitutes, permitted
Englishmen knew th at to break down a rape , sla very, and marriage of the con-
woman's resistance or scrupl es he simply quered. At oth e r times milita ry leaders,
had to get her to attend a public execution. influenced by religious zealots or Victorian

physicians, imposed severe penalties for ceived ego boost, novelty, embarrassment,
those who engaged in any form of defilement, or other discomfort to produce
immorality or sex. the high level of stimuli needed to create the
(See also BULL FIGHTS, LUST MURDER, physical sensations necessary fo r orgasm. If
MORTALITY , NE C ROPHILIA and PARA- the di sp la y or act does not produce the
PHILIAS) amount of adrenalin and hormones needed
for a psychic or genital orgasm, the indi-
EXHIBITIONISM (Peodeiktophilia- vidual will supplement with masturbation,
arousal from shocking others with exposure sex with a partner, o r end the experience
of genitals) An exhibitionist or scopophile is with whatever le vel of arousal was pro-
one who derives erotic pleasure from the duced.
display of genitals or other body parts that A certain amount of preliminary anxiety
are normally considered taboo. or arousal is present with exhibition, as with
Exhibitionism is co mmon among primates many other forms of anticipated sex. An
and humans as foreplay. The exhibitionists, exhibitionist will become stimulated as they
however, u sually expose themselves without plan wh at to wear, where to flash, and to
the consent of their audience or the intent of whom or what type of person they want to
consummating the act. flash. Coordi n atin g the right sequence of
Historically exhibitionism h as b ee n an events and location can add to the tension.
essential part of certain fertility rites or wor- The ex hibiti onist will get some le vel of
ship service to gods who the m selves were excitement from th e experie n ce whether
represented with exposed o rgans . Fertility they are successful in exposing themselves
gods are still worshiped in parts of the or not. Some men walk around with their
world. East Indian priests during the early penis protruding from th e ir zipper b u t
20th century would walk through the streets hidden beneath an overcoat.
naked ringing bells to call out female devo- Most exhibitionists feel at some level that
tees from their homes. The women would t he stimulation is mu tual. It is an adult
then pay reverence to the priest's reproduc- game of "I'll show you mine, if you show
tive organ by embracing it. Women, in a me yours." The fact that they generally
few societies, use the exposure of their geni- select the young indicates that they may be
tals to catch the eye of a favored male. Ford fixated o n a c hildh ood experience. Thi s
and Beach wrote of the West African type of voye ur/exh ibition ist is generall y
Dahomean women u sing this method. found on jogging trails, around swimming
Those belonging to a serpent cult wore a pools, or ladies restrooms. The exhibitionist
short shirt and would drop it to expose their sometimes feels their exposure is reciprocal
genitals t o any man catching their eye. due to either the revealing swimsuit of th e
Blackwood d escribes a method u sed b y victim or t o the previous type of genital
females of the Kurtatchi [Solomon Islands]: activity in which the women engaged while
A woman desiring sex ual interc ourse in the toilet.
with a man who does not make advances to Other exhibitionists derive pleasure from
her will, when opportunity arises, lie down assumed defilement of the religious or inno-
in his presence with her legs apart, a posi- cent. This type would not be stimulated or
tion otherwise regarded as indecent.... If a risk exposing themself to anyone who might
woman exposes h er genitals, eve n un wit- give any respon se other than horror. This
tingly, as in sleep, the situation is liable to be exhibitionist chooses to expose themselves
taken advantage of by any man whose pas- at churches, in school yards, and to children
sions may thereby be aroused (Both Sides of from inside their cars .
Buka Passage, by B. Blackwood, p. 125) . Comedian exhibitio nists love the sh ock
There are many degrees of exhibitionism effect. This is probably the only type who
and reasons or benefits obtained therefrom. doesn ' t mind laughter. This group usually
The act m ay b e consensual or nonconsen- " moon," or expose naked buttocks to vic-
sual; however, it must provide enough per- tims of their own age group and because the

excitement comes from shock rather than oth er men during excursion s. They may
se xual fantasy. Their victims can be of also be requested to undr ess in a place
either sex. An example of this type of exhi- where there is a risk of discovery.
bitionism taken from another culture is that Women rarely ge t accused of exhibi-
of th e Egyptians in Portside City. Ships, tionism even when they wear short skirts
after t he end of World War II ( 1948), and no underwear. A man, on the other
would travel along the Suez Canal and as hand, is judged much m ore harshly and no
they passed a desolate area as many as 20 place is found in a formal social gathering
naked native men would line up along the for revealing and sedu ctive attire. One of
shore. Each man had a drum that he would the reasons for this is that of im plied con-
thump with their erect penises in rhythm to sent and power. Men are much more willing
a song that sou nd ed much like: " Hubba to give consent to a display of nudity by a
Hubba - thump thump - Hubba Hubba - woman (other than their wife or daughter)
thum p thump ." (Personal communication.) than to one by a man. A woman almos t
The exhibitionist does not always have to always feels threatened by the difference in
be present t o experience the thrill; some physical strength and potential aggress ion
men mail nude photos to women th ey between the sexes. A woman does not con-
assume will be sh ocked. This practice is sider herself capable of stoppin g a man who
common among people responding to per- might decide to extend this type of teasing
sonal ads. Swinger magazines that allow foreplay into a nonconsensual sex a ct .
photos to accompany personal ads seem to Women are socialized to be prudish an d are
afford exhibitionists the opportunity of con- offended more by th e nudity; however,
sensually exposing themselves to hundreds when the threat of aggression a nd social
of readers. Some of these people, including m ores are lifted women have the capacity of
couples, eventually mail each other photos becoming overtly aggressive . Women who
on a regular basis. The common stereotype attend professional male strip shows often
is that of a stalking male in an overcoat; unleash their passion because they feel they
however, m any couples participate in this are in a safe environment.
form of excitement by having sex in public Women engage in partial exhibitionism
where there is a risk of discovery. This is in the form of revealing clothing. This
done at nudist camps, in cars, parks, eleva- began in America
tors, backs of theaters, hot tubs, swimming when arranged mar-
pools, or in a guest bedroom during a party. riages became obsolete
Some hosts are aware of this proclivity and and women were
provide a bedroom for this purpose by thrown into competi-
placing a sign on the door that identifies its tion with each other
ine v itab le function, such as: "For for suitabl e mates .
Participants Only," "Voyeurs Permitted,'' Personal appearance
or "By Invitation Only." in both sexes gained
Some people get excited by exposing significance. The ads
their intentions to others, as in the case of that previous ly d i splayed wo men as
those who purchase magazi nes or books matronly and dowdy now exhibited young,
with explicit sexual photos or titles when pretty, and fashionably dressed wo m en.
there is a person at the register to whom W omen began selecting their own mates; it
they are sexually attracted, hoping tha t was no longer an arrangement made
person will initiate a conv e rsati on with between th e father and future husband. The
them. courtship period gave many women power
Exhibitionists also consist of those wh o over men for the first time, power bein g in
don't expose themselves but rath er get a the hands of the possessor of something
vicarious thrill from having their partner do someone else wants. Th erefor e, a woman
it. Women are encouraged to go without who was attractive and/or exposed herself
underwear and to expose their genitals to just enough to titillate a man without sacri-

ficing her reputation created an advantage Nudist colonies, group sex houses, and
in marriage negotiations fo r herself. SIM play parties allow people to indulge in
Conversely, men during this time lost the legal nudity or exhibitionism. Many people
power they previously enjoyed. They could find exhibitionism to be arousing, whether
no longer barter for a wife, they had to win the excitement comes from strutting one's
her heart by showing compassion, respect, physique, defying taboos, being placed in
charm, bravery, social status, and so forth. bondage and put on display , t eas ing or
Letters written betv,reen betrothed couples seducing a potential partner, or having sex
changed in content from a discussion of with a partner while others watch.
friends , relatives, and marri age arrange- A person who uses nonconse nsual and
ments to love, affection, grief due to separa- illegal exhibit ion as their primary sexual
tion, and sex. Many men felt frustrated, outlet would benefit from professional assis-
inept, and sometimes resentful over this tance and support. CAUTION: Police and
new ro le re vers al. For the first time in psychologists consider exhibitionists to be
American history, they began t o use relatively harmless. In any case, it is poten-
whistling, cat calls, or verbal propositions to tially dangerous for a woman to go near a
humiliate attra ctive wo men on the street. man i n an isolated area, whether he is
For some this was a way of venting anger exposing himself or not.
for the power women now had over their (See also AGORAPHILIA, AGREXOPHILIA,
egos. Other men, similar to the ex hibi- BO D Y PAIN TING, BONDAGE, CAN-
tionist, used these verbal insults and com - DAULISM, DOGGING , DRAG Q UEENS ,
pliments as a way of saying: "Look at me, ENDYTOPHILIA, EROTIC BALLS, ERO-
aren't I desirable, aren't I worth your atten- SEX, HANDKERCH IEF C ODES, HOMILO-
tion " (Intimate Matt ers, A History of PHILIA, JACTITATION, NUDITY, PHOTOG-
Sexuality in America, by John D 'Emilio and RAPHY, SACOFRICOSlS , SEX SHOWS and
Estelle B. Freedman). STRIPPING)

FAINTING Hyperventilation is a Fainting can be caused by an injury that
common cause of dizziness and fainti n g occasionally results from suspension, or
during sex. People, as they become overly blood sports; this requires immediate atten-
excited, bre athe quickly, lowerin g the tion. The person's pulse and breathing is
carbon dioxide in the blood and changing monitored for a couple of m.inutes and they
its acidity. Breathing into a paper bag can are not moved unless they aren 't breathing
stop hyperventila tion. If a person faints they in w hi c h case it is necessary to open an
will return to consciou sness without an y airway or to give CPR. A person ga ining
assistance; this is n ot usually considered a consciousness may be dizzy and in need of
medical emergency. assistance. A person ma y experience
There are also other reasons people pass headac h es for up to a week after a h ead
out. People who get involved in sex p lay injury. An ambulance is called for m ajor
learn their partner's medical history in order bleeding wounds, after having a clean com-
to determine whether they fainted out of press held against them. The exception to
ecstasy, a pacemaker quit, insulin shock, a this is a wound caused by sh arp foreign
seizure, new medication, or haven't slept for objects (broken glass) that may still be in
three days . If a person has a medical condi- the skin. This will require pressure on ves-
tion t hat may cause them to pass out, th e sels around t he wound if the a m oun t of
exact procedure and who needs to be called blood loss demands it. Embarrassing sex
is written o u t for their partner ahead of equipme nt is n ot moved from the r oom
time. because the emergency crew needs to get a

visual impression of how far the person fell, by a string connected to two sticks pierced
what they m ay have fa llen onto, whether the throug h th e pec to ral mu scles), g e nit al
marks on their body were due to th e fall or enc ase ments, tattoo ing, encumberm ents,
flagellation. A person who gets injured often pinching ordeals, wearing weight s hung on
goes into shoc k and therefore many auto- hooks, corsetting, gilding, hangin g his whole
matically treat them fo r shoc k. Symptom s of body from fl esh hoo ks, lying on a b ed of
sh ock ap p ea r as a feelin g o f wea kne s s, nails, lying on the edge s of a group of six
nausea, thirst, d izz in es s, coolness, trem- razor sharp knife blades, as well as enduring
bling, weak and rapid pulse, shallow breath, numerous Eastern I ndian K ava nd i b earing
pale moist cool ski n, sweatin g, or dilated c ere mo ni es where a c age is for m ed fro m
pupils. A p erso n is m ade to lie d own, with sharp spears sticking into th e chest and the
feet sl ightly e levated (excep tio n is when shaman dances as th ey dig deeper into his
there is severe bleedin g above the hips) . body.
Their clothes are loosened to make it easy Fakir lec tures, co nducts in t e rn ation a l
fo r the m to b reathe. T hey a re covered with workshops, a nd private sessions to edu ca te
a blanket if th ey feel cool bu t not if it is h ot. others on t he val ue and beau ty of a dying
The pe rson is also calmed and made to feel spiritua l trad ition. H e has recently d evel-
safe. If a p e r so n ca n wa lk, and is n o t oped a line of quality pierced bod y jewelry
actively bleedi ng, weak, d izzy, or short of an d a School of Branding and Piercing for
brea th , it is o fte n a p propri a t e t o simply professionals and has published m agazines
drive the person to an emerge ncy room. with photos of his rituals.
FAKIR MUSAFAR Faki r Musafa r is the
pseu donym of a genteel and quite amiable FANS Fans were used by many I 7th and
San Francisco adve rtising executi ve who 18th ce ntury ladies of Europe. T his instru-
ventured on a path of ritu- ment proved invaluable in the art of flirting.
a l is ti cal Iy prob in g a n d It was used as a shield to avoid recognition
expand ing t h e co n fi n es of or to end a conversa tio n, it covered b lush ing
th e ph y sic a l b o d y with c heeks or th e lack the reo f, it served as a
te chn iques u sed by weapon against roving hands, it could cover
sh a m a n s a n d o th e r ea rly a low necklin e or be lo we re d to expose
twentieth century primitive e nou g h bre as t to t ease a suito r, a nd of
t rib es w hil e st ill a c h ild . course fanning circulated the air.
Faki r la be led hi mse l f a F an dances wer e popular fo r centu r ies
modern primitive but kept among orienta l dancers who used t hem to
his expe rim enta tio n s secret until h is early shi eld the ir nu d e b od ies w hil e on st age .
fifties. H e has gone p ublic with h is a mazing They were introduced into America during
feat s of enduranc e in order to bring the long the I 930's.
forgo tten mystical en tity b ack into the lives (See also MASKS)
of a stoic and undiscip lined cult ure. Fakir
quickly gained the awe and respect of even FANTASY (S ex a utism; Gendolo ma-
the m ost accomplish ed sadomasochists . It is fa ntas izing d ur ing sex t o h ast en orgasm,
do ub tfu l that any huma n in history bas per- H eme rotism - fantas izi ng abo u t sex or
sonall y experienced all the cross-cultural rit- nudity, Oneiropornism-fantasizi ng a bou t
uals of p assage and shama n istic ordeal s. sex o r prostitutes)
T h e r e ar e p ro ba b l y v e ry fe w if an y S exual fa ntas ies a r e ill usions or day -
C hristia n m ystics w ho have ha d as many dreams p eople have about specific exp eri-
out-of-body sp iritual experiences. e nc es. Sexua l fa ntas ies m ay rece ive th eir
Fakir has engaged in p rimitive piercings, p otency due to guilt or fear. Many fa ntasies
stretch in g s, bindings, bandings, Am erican begin in childhood and rem ain as primary
Indian Sun D ancing (hanging from a tre e sources of pleasure for som e throughout life,

others change fantasies with regularity. sacrifices, executions, bondage, women

There may be some connection between luring men to their deaths, selling and
whether a person finds pleasure in engaging trading them, using them for furniture, food
in sexual experimentation and their ability for their pets, etc. Many of their con-
to utilize new fantasies. tributing writers are priests, ministers,
Men and women commonly fantasize movie screen writers, and one is a former
about being overpowered by a sex partner. military interrogator.
This entails female seduction of men in There is a Transformation Salon in New
their fantasies, and the use of physical force York where people can pay someone else to
in female fantasies . dress them in a favorite fantasy costume and
Certain fantasies tend toward visualizing to assist with appropriate makeup. Photos
situations they would not want to experi- are provided upon request. CAUTION:
ence in rea l life. These are specificall y People who fear that they are beginning to
designed to increase adrenalin or excitement act out fantasies that would harm others are
level to the point of being able to have sex encouraged to seek professional counselling.
without a partner. Some of these fantasies (See also ALLORGASMIA, FANTASY PLAY
can be quite sadistic or violent, as in the and PARAPHILIAS)
case of some fantasy magazines. Sadistic
fantasies may serve the purpose of relieving FANTASY PLAY Fantasy play involves
stress and aggression more than sexual ten- people symbolically acting out their sexual
sion. fantasies. Acting out a scene broadens or
P eople who feel guilty because they con- enhances the sexual experience by including
sider their fantasies to be extremely violent intellect and emotions that may not be stim-
will probably find that they are docile com- ulated in ordinary sex. It is the equivalent of
pared to the following sample scenario from adding a plot to an X-rated movie.
a fantasy magazine. Of course, fantasies such as hanging
from the chandelier, cross gender experi-
"The end came however, as the funnel was
ences, and sex crimes cannot be physically
filled and the cow piss spilled over the sides and
acted out. However, many of these types of
ran down into his rnouth and nose. He coughed
fantasies can be done symbolically . An
and choked as his lungs, already caked with
example would be the cross gender fantasy
blood, filled with the piss. Jerry shook vio-
where a male lover decides he wants to act
lently, trying to gain air and only was getting
out a lesbian scene. It is not only necessary
piss. Saddcheda stomped the round mound of
for him to dress in female attire for the role,
J eny's belly. His weight caused it to explode,
but to psychologically prepare himself. He
spewing guts, body fluid, blood, and cow piss
may be put through a mock castration scene
all over... Rocco's face was nearly gone as the
with his partner verbally reiterating that he
rats were feasting. His mouth was gone and his
is no longer male and describing his new
teeth shown bloody ... One rat was now gnawing
female organs to him. He would be pam-
up into the 1·ight eye socket. The mice had done
pered, complimented, degraded, or in gen-
in the giant cock quickly, and now they were
eral treated in the manner he feels a sexy
chewing into the lower belly through the hole
female would be under the same circum-
they had started in the pubic hair. The snake
stance. Mirrors help reinforce his new role
was wriggling out of Rocco's ass-hole which
but only if he is in costume. Of course, a
was clenching, trying to expel it ... "
name change is often used. This same sce-
( Ganienkeh, by C. Williamson, The
nario could as easily turn another man off;
Magazine, Issue Thirty-Eight by Katharsis,
therefore, the fantasy scene is discussed or
pp. 106-107).
negotiated prior to enactment.
Katharsis, a distributor for a huge variety of Contrary to what most believe, it is not
fantasy magazines, offers a selection of fan- advisable to act out a person's favorite mas-
tasies ranging from sex with aliens, gladia- turbation fantasy. This is because reality
tors, and slaves to castration, beheading, with its physical limitations can never match

the diverse activity and timing possible in to take a piece in h er mouth and slowly
the mind. A person can easily come to have glide it over the m ost sensitive areas of his
unrealistic expect ations in regard to t h eir body. After JO minutes he has failed to sur-
favorite fantasy and will oft en be disap- render. The tyran t queen next orders her
pointed, o r per h aps even b lam e their favorite slave, Marquita d e Sade, to punish
partne r for a sloppy perfo rmance . People him until he promises t o submit himself
find it mor e advantageous to create ne w totally to her passions. Nlarquita is ruthless,
fa ntasies that lend t h emselves to physical but he still refuses to surrender. At this, the
reenactment. Some of the most p opular are queen becomes furious and condemns him
abduction, burglary, sex slave, rape, military to the u ltim ate torture. She turns and offers
games, prison, pirates, college fraternity ini- the first woman who can fill a cup with his
tiations, police arrest, Indian capture, and love juices their immediate freedom.
space ships. A simp le but entertaining game played at
Pseudo-group sex scen es might include parties requires everyone to anonymous ly
Bo-peep sea rching for her missin g sheep. write out the ir favorite fantasy or sexual
The sheep are symbolic and with the excep- experience on a piece of paper, drop it in a
tio n of the partner are mad e of a sheep box, and once everyone's fantasy is in the
drawn on a sealed paper bag, each of which box, they are read aloud to the group.
has a different sex t oy inside. The sex There are several books that list fan tasies
partner hides all of th e bags and himself. to give cou ples ideas. One i s titl ed
Bo-peep then begins her search. The same Fantascenes: Garnes Lovers Can Play from
type of scene is acted out with an Easter egg Lady Tanith, P.O. Box 7925, Berkeley, CA
(sex toy) hunt. The p layer inevitably finds a 94 707-0925 .
woman in a bunny costume. Game rules (See also ABDUC T ION , COITUS A
vary, but usually the hunter has to fi nd a CHEVAL , DRAG QUEENS , PH ONE SEX,
minimum of two t oys and if they don't SLAVES and T RANSVESTITES)
choose to u se one of th em t h ey hav e to
replace it with two others, making a total of FECES See COCKTAILS, COPROPHILIA,
three. One does not have to use toys, some COPROPHAGY and S HOWERS
p r efer using written sexual sugges tions
instead . A simila r fantasy includes a seduc- FELLATIO (Blow, Corvus, Irrumation,
tion of Santa Claus. In this fantasy sexy lin- Pen osu gia; Oral sex- fel la ti o or cun-
geri e o r toy s are p u t into g ift wrapped nilingus) Fellatio (fellare: to suck) refers to
packages. the a n cie n t prac ti ce of mouth to p e nis
A sample pseudo-group sex scene, and sexual contact. This form of stimulus is
one that is more difficult to act out, is of quite common in the animal kingdom. The
male wh o is captured by a wicked queen book Sex Link tells of th e dragon fly that
and taken to her du ngeon to be tortured by demands a form of fellatio before coitus. H e
her serva nts while she watches. The pris- joins his partner during flight and bangs her
oner is blindfolded and bound (unless one head against his primary sex organ until he
changes costu mes several times) to a table decides to finally turn around and mate.
or bed. The queen then instru cts a woman The ancient Ph oenician and Egyptian
called the French tickler to slowly titillate prostitutes we re th e first to wea r lipstick
every inch of the captive's body. He finally which was u sed to advertise their specialized
screams for release and promises to perform talents of fe llatio and cu nnilingu s.
any type of sex the wicked qu een wan ts. She C leopatra, whi le n o t a pros t itute, was
rewards him by commanding one of th e known fo r her love of fellatio. H er enemies
women from her harem to give him a sen- spread rumors of the queen fellating huge
sual warm oil massage. As the wicked queen n u m bers from among her ar m y in one
watches, sh e te ll s h im exactly w h at she night.
wants. H orrified, he refuses. She expected The following sections descr ibe t ec h-
this and now commands her guardian of ice niques involving autofe ll atio, female t o

male, and male to male fellatio. (See also order, are the frenulum, corona, glans penis,
CUM ETIQUETTE and CUNNILINGUS) urethra opening, shaft, and scrotum. If one uses
anal play with fellatio the prostate can provide
AUTOFELLATIO Autofellatio is per-
extreme sensitivity.
formed by a male on himself. G. L. Simons
"Now, to set the mood, think of yourself as
writes of hermaphrodi te
a toothless carnivore, and forget expressions
gods who had penises as
like giving head, sucking, licking, eating and
long as their torso because
caressing. Think of teasing, devouring and con-
some primitives thought
suming. In addition to zhe techniques men-
these gods reproduced by
tioned here a person wants to constantly think
in serting their penis into
of new sensations and techniques to try on their
their own mouth s. Others
believed in their god's
"Tell him what you are going to do to his
ability to insert its penis into
penis and ravage his ear with your tongue.
its own vagina (Sex and Superstition, p. 21,
Slowly work your way down his neck, annpits,
reproduced with permission of Blackie &
nipples, torso, buttocks, and to the groin area
Son Ltd.).
using varying degrees of pressure and move-
Kinsey r eported that 2-3 males in a thou-
ment with your tongue. Men vary in the
sand practiced autofellatio. In order to per-
amount of pre-genital contact they desire for
form autofellatio the man has to be limber
fellatio; be aware of whether his emotional
and have a rather long penis. The position
intensity is increasing.
that offers the deepest penetration is u pside
"Make sure you are in a position to be able
down on a couch with the head and shoul-
to move freely so that eventually you end up in
ders resting on the bottom cushion, the
a position where you are facing toward his feet.
backbone against the back of the couch, and
This allows the natural curve of his penis to
the knees resting on either side of the shoul-
match the curve in your mouth for easier pene-
ders. The penis is then in front of the
m outh at this point and if the man's propor-
"Use very light fingertip strokes around the
ti ons are right h e can reach up with his
whole groin area and say your last words. Next
mouth and take hold of the tip. Some men
begin at the base of his penis or testicles and
e nj oy ejacula ting into their mouths, and
ve1y gently flick your tongue up and down the
others like the feel of it on their skin, or the
shaft several times, getting it wet. Then blow
sound of it as it shoots past their ear. One
up and down on the wet area to make it cold
man who engaged in autofellatio as a
and next alternate with exhaling warm air. Lift
teenager claimed that most of the sen sation
the penis gently. As you tease and tickle with
occurred in the mouth rather than the penis.
your mouth wide open, hold his penis in posi-
This is logical because there is a higher con-
tion with your lip and tongue just below the
centration of nerves in the tongue and lips
glans penis. You don't want to touch the tip
than in an erect penis. Therefore, the pri-
yet. Use your fingertips to gently tap or tickle
m ary sensation is more like that of giving
the shaft. Your lips and tongue can be used to
fellatio to someone else and the secondary
lightly massage his shaft as you move the penis
sensation like that of receiving it.
deeper into the throat, still trying not to put
The following are contributions
pressure on the glans penis.
describing fellatio made by individuals who
"Moan as if you can't stand the teasing
enjoy this type of sex.
yourself and firmly grip his penis at the base
FEMALE TO MALE "Men's sexual response with your hands and pull it toward you. Hold
occurs in cycles. The more times they are the penis and then with your tongue very
brought close to an orgasm the more intense it gently tickle the urethra entrance and release
is when they release. Therefore, when per- the tension of your grip on the shaft. Now
forming fellatio remember to watch for signs of retighten your grip and push your tongue
his nearing climax or better yet ask him to firmly into the zip of the urethra. This time
signal. The areas that are the most sensitive, in work your mouth, tongue and lips down his

'- ...... ..... - ~ ..


penis massaging ii with more pressure. The extremely sensitive immediately after ejacula-
light touch should coincide with his tion, all pressure on the penis should end at this
approaching orgasm to forestall it and the point. You may tell him you are going to suck
harder pressure is used to rebuild intensity. out every drop, but don't. If you want to main-
Some penises have obvious indications of strong tain intimacy either place your head and hand
arousal: they throb, spasm, increase in temper- on the abdomen near the penis or stretch out
ature, have lots of pre-ejaculate emissions, and beside him and cuddle. At orgasm, the sensa-
the testicles rise toward the body; however, tion of hot squirting semen from an undulating
others show ve1y liule indication of inevitable penis can be so powerfully intimate that it is
orgasm. possible to orgasm yourself. Semen varies in
"If the partner's penis is flaccid and not taste, quantity, and speed at which it is
fully erect you will be able to place your mouth expelled, all of which can effect the palatability.
firmly around the base of the glans penis and Semen, like all strong flavored foods, is an
by worliing with the loose skin you can keep it acquired taste. If you have not yet acquired the
in place against your lips but have the penis taste it is betLer to either dilute it with water
slip back and forth beneath the extra skin. You before swallowing or discreetly rinse the mouth
then suck the tip of the penis swiftly back and and discard it back into the glass. (Keep two
forth in and out of your mouth. Take your glasses in case he wants a drink.) Men can feel
hands and roll the shaft of the penis between rejected or hurt if a woman immediately spits
them as though you were rolling a small ball of the ejaculate out or refuses to take it into her
cookie dough. Next devour his testicles and per- mouth.
ineum. You may want to hum while they are "Anal play can be introduced at any point.
in your mouth to create a slight vibration. Make sure that if you plan on using your fin-
Once the penis is erect, move back up to the gers your fingernails are short and smooth. If
glans penis and cover it with your mouth (no you have a plug make sure that it has a flange
teeth). Use your tongue to gently tickle the on one end to prevent the sphincter muscle from
underside of the corona. W ith your mouth over sucking it into the rectum.
his penis insert an index finger into your mouth "You may experiment with creating extra
so that the fingertip can rub back and forth on sensations by using a variety of substances in
the frenulum as you lower your mouth and your mouth. For example: warm water, i ce
tickling tongue as far down on his shaft as pos- chips, mint flavored 1001hpaste, cool soothing
sible. Gee your hands back into the flat rolling action cough drops, champagne, Pop Rocks
position and this time when you roll the penis (candy that fizzles), or lotions made specifically
between your hands, hold your lips over the for oral sex. Do not use anything too hot, like
glans penis and make the tip bounce off the deep heat rub, some menthol cough drops, or
insides ofyour mouth. hot liquids. "- Anonymous Contributor
"In order to deep throat a penis, get into the CAUTION: The exchange of body
position facing toward his feel and slowly glide fluids is not considered a safe sex practice.
the penis as far back as you can without gag-
ging. Then take a deep breath and swallow. MALE T O MALE "Fellatio is begun, after
This will allow you to hold the penis in your preliminary washing, by selecting a kneeling
throat longer and for many stops the gag position near the edge of the bed to allow
response. Many women also find that the closer extended peiformance without physical discom-
they are to orgasm the less of a gag reflex they fort. The exception would be if you are playing
experience. The man should also know be/ore with bondage or acting out an interrogation
ejaculation that he needs to pull his penis back scene.
slightly so that the woman can breathe and "It can be very intriguing for your partner if
swallow, preventing a gag reflex from occurring you hide the condom in your mouth without
if the ejaculate squirts directly into the throat. their knowledge. It can be kept between the
You may place your hand around the base of teeth and cheek without notice. Place the glans
the penis and pull toward you during the man's penis in your mouth and with your tongue
orgasm, but because the penis becomes locate the condom and position i~ over the tip of

the penis. Begin rolling it down with your lips his anus to massage his prostate. Hold his ejac-
and tongue (4-5 strol?es). This creaies a grab- ulate in your mouth until you get next to his
bing or squeezing sensation he doesn't expect. ear and swallow with a big gulp. Pull bacl? and
Avoid getting hair caught in the condom or show him how much you loved the experience
you r mouth by scrohng the hair downward by a satisfied mtd lustful sntile.
with one hand as you take the penis deeper in to "If your jaw ends up feeling sore, massage it
your mouth. Learn w enjoy the flavor of latex behind the ear where ihe jaw ends before you go
so that it won't distract you. to bed. This will help ensure it not being as sore
"Tak e your tongue and tickle inside the i n the m orning. "- Contrib u te d by M ike
crease at the top of the thighs and under the Be rge n, San Francisco
scrotum. Next lick up to the top of the penis. CAUTI ON: T he excha n ge of body
Circle the head with the tongue, quicldy taking fluid s is not considered a safe sex practice.
one gulp. The 1/lan will gasp and al 1his point (See also CUM ET I QUETTE , CUNN I -
have him take hold of y our hair and guide your LINGUS, D OCKING and PHALLOPHILIA)
head as you begin the rapid bobbing inotion.
Ni en with longer penises can be easily handled FELCHING F elc hing (fella re: to suck,
by keeping one hand wrapped around the base fe ll: a ni mal hi d e) refers either to stuffing
of the penis as an extension of the mouth. It is anim a ls in to th e vag ina o r anus, o r to a
frnportan l to keep the penis and hand lubri- partner su cki ng semen ou t of o ne o f these
cated well with saliva to mal?e this work. The orifices .
hand will also need to stay against ihe lips and (Sec ANAL SEX, OPHIDIC ISM, SAFE SEX,
to follow the motion. of the 1nouth . You may
str~ke the penis with the right hand, but 11y to FEMALE IMPERSONATORS (Cross-
use the left to hold the condo111 in place. This dress in g) F em ale impe rso nator s refers to
hand position also protects you .from having the those men who perform or en tertain in fro nt
person shove his too far down your of a n a udi e nce whi le dressed in women's
throat; it puts you in control of how much you clo th ing. F e m a les we r e n o t per m itted in
take into your mouth. )' ou can also create more many European and Asian stage plays u ntil
pressure with your hand than y our mouth (lips the last couple of ce nturies; thei r roles were
should be kept over teeth at all times, never fi ll ed b y you ng m a le actors dresse d in
bi te). Flicl? the .frenulum with your tongue app ropri ate garb. R ewa rds fo r imperson-
repeatedly. Another technique is to hold the ators are financ ial ra ther than sexua l. Many
penis in your mouth and create an airtight seal do no t crossd ress fo r any o ther occasion; in
with you r Lips, suck all the air out of your this way they diffe r from transvestites . Drag
mouth, and hold your tongue tightly against Q ueens, however, perfo rm on stage for per-
the penis. Next roll the tongue muscle from the sonal gratifica tion and for money and w ill
tip to the back so that il feels lo your partner crossd ress on other occasion s as well.
like you are milhing or swallowing his penis. Most large cities have a restaurant or the-
"Delay his 01gasm by holding your fingers atre featu ri ng this type of perform ance . Las
together like a cup and slowly pulling the testi- Vegas p robably has the m ost elab orate per-
cles back down the scrotum . Some men fo r man ces and most expen sive wardrobes.
enjoy having their testicles squeezed, but not Portla nd, O regon has a comedy show with
all. Uyour partner is safe and is not wearing a m a n y of the ir p e r for m e r s pan t omi ming
condom you can talze the penis out of your famou s vocalists. H ere th ere is a combina -
mouth and coolly blow up and down the shaft, tio n of all ages a n d sizes among t he per-
then follow it by warming ii with your breath. for m e rs . T he ow n er of th e c lub is often
If you wanL 10 inums~fy these sensations you invited to pr estigious civic fu n ctions with
can alternate small ice cubes and hot chocolate the only condition being that he atte nds in
or coffee. Carbonated liquids creaie a strange costum e .
sensation for the partner. (See also DRAG QUEENS, INFANT ILISM,
"If y our partner has difficulty reaching PETTICOAT DISCIPLI TE, TRANSSEXUALS,
01gas1!l, lubricate your finger and insert it into TRANSVESTITES and VICTOR IAN LACE)

FERTILITY RITES Fertility, or the power to restore fertility in women . (Several

bearing of children, h as always been impor- churches in Europe claim to be proprietors
tant. The early religions were based on of the same foreskin.)
people's ne eds for fertile crops, animals, Fertility rites were used for animals and
and progeny. The first two were essential crops by m any ancient cultures. People in
for immediate survival and the third for su r- parts of medieval Europe sough t to ensure
vival of the species. Thus, man celebrated the fertility in their herds of cattle by having
when the crops germinated and the animals n aked men build two fires b etween which
mated . they drove the herd. Monks per formed this
Sex became sacred and at one time was rite for people; however, instead of cattle,
part of Temple worship in most cultures. they held up a phallus.
The Egyptians at Mendes considered goats People in farming communities during
as sacred and able to increase virility and the 20th century in both North and S outh
fertility. The goats lived in the temple and America are reported to have sex in their
during their fertility rites the pries t let the newly plowed and seeded fields to ensure
goats out of t heir stalls to run among the germination. This practice is thousands of
worshipers who quickly tried to touch and years old.
kiss them. Many of them were successful in (Refer also to APHRODISIACS, C HARMS,
coitus. Other worshipers, not fort un ate FESTIVALS, LO VE POTIO NS, ORGIES,
e nough to catch a goat, settled for cohab- RITUAL SEX, SEX MAGI C K, and PI-IAL-
iting with another human. In some temples
the priest began temple orgies by deflow-
ering a virgin or offering some other sacri-
FESTIVALS Most of o ur present day
fice. Today's counterpart of this priest, at h olidays are remna n ts of ancient festivals .
These festivals served as a temporary relief
least in name, is "reverend." This title h as
from the burdens of a repressive, laborious,
its roots in the ancient worship of the sex
or tediou s life. People were p ermitted to
goddess Venus (venery, venereal, venerate,
switch partners, cross dress, or go against
revere). Sex, love, and worship were on ce
any sexual tab oo tha t controlled t h eir
all part of religion, as the definitions of these
behavior the rest of t he year. Ancient moral-
words indicate.
is ts condoned thi s t e m po ra r y o utle t of
The penis came to be worshipped as a
symbol of fertility in many religions. Virgins energy as necessary. It was believed that if a
person didn 't let their negative energy out in
believed that if they broke thei r h ymen on
th is mann er it would surface in a more
the phallus of the stone god that they would
heinous or violent form .
be guaranteed fertility. The practice of
The following are synopses of several of
defloration by stone statues or priests still
the more notorious historical festivals, most
survives in parts of India. T h e Indians also
of which are described in detail in B. Z.
had a ritual in honor o f fertility gods
G oldberg's book, The Sacred Fire.
whereby a horse was slaughter ed and a
woman laid with him under an opaque sheet APHRODITE-DAY OF BLOOD Aphrodite
wher e, according to Tawney (1924) "She was the hermaphrodite goddess of life and
performed a very obscene act with the horse sex. She was a virgin mother wh o bore a
symbolizing the transmission to her of its son, Attis , by h o l d in g a pom egranate
grea t powers of fert ili ty" (Sex and between her breasts. Attis was later com-
Superstition, by G.L. Simons, p. 60, repro- pelled to castrate himself, wh ich h e did
duced with permission of B lackie & Son while leaning against a palm tree (symbolic
Ltd.). The Romans wore amulets of penises of virility). This proved fatal for Attis and,
as jewelry and u nt il recently the H o ly just like nature, he began a cycle of death in
Prepuce, fore skin of Jesus, was not only the winter and rebirth in the spring.
revered but in th e French diocese of Each w in te r the wo r shi p pers of
Chartres worshippers believed it to have the Aphrodite mourned for Attis by fasting and

abstaining from sex. The Spring "Day of She followed him to a tent and together they
Blood " began with the cutting of a palm consummated a prayer of love to their god.
tre e . It was decorated with flowe r s and
CARNIVAL This international festival is
wrapped with cloth to resemble a corpse. A
one of the surviving ve r sions o f the
young priest was tied to the tree and some-
Dionysus and Saturn festivals. T h e word
time during the night was myster iously
carnival is taken from the L atin word car-
stabbed to death. The next morning other
nelevarium (caro: flesh , and levar: to put
priests gathered around and symbolically
aside), thus the abstinence from meat
shared this death by cutting themselves and
during Lent. Peopl e wear masks, have
spattering their bl o od on the altar of
parades, indulge in drink, music, dancing,
Aphrodite. Music and dancing ensued,
and sex.
building th e crowd into a frenzy which
resulted in so me m ale worshippers cas - DIONYSIA This was a festival in honor of
trating themselves and beating their severed Dionysus, the god of wine, women, and
penises against her statue. These eunuchs song. The festival began at sunset with a
then becam e temp le priests. The festival procession led by a chariot, torch bearers,
continued throughout the day until the tree then followed by worshipers carrying wine
was again erected. A tomb was opened to and fruit, with the musicians and phallus
symbolize Attis' rising from the dead and a bearers at th e rear . All wore mask s and
n ew p riest rese mbling the sacrificed one scanty costumes of nymphs, satyrs, or other
now worshiped at the altar. As morning creatures. They wore phallus symbols or
broke people dressed in disguises and were carvings either on their heads or dangling
able to do whatever they pleased. The fes- from their waists. Their songs and dialogue
tival ended with the palm tree being taken to were deliberately sexual. W hen they reached
the brook and washed, decorated with roses, the woods a pig was sacrificially roasted and
and returned to the temple in a procession . a feast began. The statue of Dionysus was
brought out of its chest and soon all were
BAAL Baal was one of the early gods. He disrobed and the orgy of m en, women, and
died during the winter and resurrected him- children began. This Greek festival was later
self in the spring. People mourned his death introduced into R ome but became so violent
in the winter by fasting, women baring their that the Senate banned it in 186 B.C.
breasts, abstaining from sex, and shaving
MAY DAY The Maypole is a form of tree
their heads. Women who did not cut their
worship tha t survived into the 20th century.
h air in the winter h ad to offer th emselves
In so m e cultures the men wo uld wa nder
sexually during the spring festival. As the
through plantations naked to fertilize the
fir st day of spring arrived worshippers
trees with their semen. The Mayp ole sym-
would travel to the Sacred Hill, bringing
bolizes th e penis and is decorated with
with them the first fruits of their crops and
flowers just as the palm tree in the worship
first born of their a nima ls . These we r e
of Aphrodite. Worshipers o f May Da y
offered to Baal by the priests and then were
entered the woods the night the pole was to
used to provide a feast for the worshippers.
be cut and are rumored to have passed the
Finally the last sacrifice, a lamb, was
night in a revelry of unbridled sex. The next
brought to the altar. Music would sound to
morning the worshipers brought the deco-
summon a priestess who would walk to the
rated Maypole into town, paving its path
altar with h er eyes closed. The priest would
wi th flo wers and branche s . Once t h e
dip his finger into the blood of the lamb and
Maypole was in place they ended the fes-
place it in her mouth. She now opened her
tival with ceremonial dancing.
eyes, plunged her hand into the open cavity,
tore out the heart, and placed it on a platter.
Dancing p riestesses entered and as the pas- MOLOCH Moloch was the Phoenician's
sions rose the worshipper chose a priestess masculine god of bounty. H e had the head
by touching her navel and giving her a coin. of a bull and the body of a man. Th e

pedestal of his statue served as a furnace the object, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it, or
where all sacrifices offered to him were any combination thereof. Fetishes tend to
burned. This fire was prepared at sunset involve objects which give a feeling of nur-
and male worshipers would bring sacrifices turance. For example, it would be unusual
to throw in to the flames. At this time to find a spider or scorpion fetish.
women were not allowed to attend the The selection of the fetish involves con-
dancing or the male orgies that occurred ditioning or learned behavior and requires a
during the night. Here eunuch priests and strong stimulus for it to reg ister .
trained temple dogs could be purchased for Conditioning of a fetish occurs from infancy
the worshiper's sexual pleasure. to preschool and again during puberty when
The high priest eventuall y decided to the child's sex drive emerges a secon d time.
permit women but required them to remain Qudd Marmor, in Modern Views of Human
separate from the male worsh ipers . The Sexual Behavior, states tha t this sexual
women install ed their own prostitute latency in children seem s only to occur in
priestesses and offered sacrifices to Moloch societies that enforce sexual repressio n by
for his blessing. The level of passion was threats of punishment, loss of affection, and
concomitant to the value of the sacrifice and indoctrination that sex is a sin.)
some of these women began throwing their A fetish can r eq uire progre ss ively
infants into the fire as a sacrifice. This pro- i ncreased intensity in order t o achieve
duced enough stimul us to allow them to orgasm. A hair fetishist may fust experience
experience the maximum level of sexual orgasm by fantasizing about hair; soon he
passion. will want to see it, watch the woman comb
it, touch it, masturbate into it, and possess it
SATURNALIA This is the ancient Roman
by cutting it off (or stealing it from) a non-
festival in h onor of Saturn, the god of agri-
consenting stranger. The fetishist is also
culture . It began on December 17th and
often polygamous: a shoe fetishist is not sat-
lasted for 7 days. People unwrapped the
isfied with only one shoe throughout his life
woolen swathing that was kept on the statue
but rather continuously seeks new shoes and
of Saturn for the rest of the year and began
often keeps a 'harem' of such.
the festival. They exchanged places with
There are occasionally d i sadvantages
their slaves, or at least invited them to share
involved with partial fetis hes. For example,
in a feast as social equals, gifts were
if a man marries a woman primarily because
e xchanged, and mo ral r estrictions were
of a fetish, and then she cuts her h air, loses
relaxed. A ritual king was chosen each year
weight, or has to have a mastectomy, the
at the beginning of the festival and an idol
sexual attraction can disappear overnight,
of him was symbolically burned at the end
so metimes even causing total impoten ce
t o signify Saturn's death.
within the marriage. The worst scenario for
a married feti shist is to have their fetish
rejected by their spouse; this only alienates
them more and creates more dependence on
FETISHES (Crurofact- leg, Genofact- the fetish object.
geni tal s, Mastofact-breast, Morpho- Men appear more apt t o rely on fetish
philia-arousal from person with a different objects than females.
physique, Organofact- part of body) A There are fetish newsletters or magazines
fetish is an object that replaces another available that have personal ads of people
human as the primary love object. The selling photos of feet, hair, shoes, or sports
fetish may be partial (such as breasts, feet, scenes. Those not interested in p hotos can
hair, buttocks, obesity, or navel) or inani- custom order specific worn or used under-
mate (such as shoes, fur, latex, leather, hats, wear.
gloves, panties, lace, jock straps, or used It is impossible to lis t all of the fetish
condoms). The fetish can be sense specific. objects people use but som e of the common
The person may be aroused when they see ones are as follows:

BOOTS OR SHOES (Altocalciphilia-high demand that in 1880 a M assachusetts shoe

heels, Retifism-shoes) This fetish is most factor y opened to supply their needs (The
likely selected and conditioned during early Sex Life of the Foot & Shoe, pp . 141- 143).
childhood. A shoe is the first thing a The shoe fetish is not always limited t o
crawling child sees the sight or touch of the shoe. One case his-
before its mother tory taken from Moraglia, A rchivio di
picks them up to Psichiatria, vol. xiii, p. 568, refers to a man
nurtur e them. It who would reach orgas m by fo llowi ng
beco mes their cue women whose shoes creaked. This phe-
for being cared for nomenon was the result of b eing condi-
and loved. The tioned at age 17 by hearing the sou nd of his
shoe may need to partner's shoes creaking as they had sex on
be a certa in style a staircase.
and co lor or can Men in the S/M community often have a
remain nonspecific. They may prefer to different reason for being in awe of a shoe.
have a person to which they are attracted Several have commented that the extremely
wear them but not always. The appeal of high and spiked heel is arousing b ecause of
the shoe has a long history and is not limited the potential danger if a woman decides to
to humans alone. There was a case of a us e it as a weapon against them. It is true
male c himpanzee who was raised in cap- that many S/M magazines feature photos of
tivity. He developed a boot fetish and would a woman's spiked heel resting against th e
masturbate by rubbing on the boot of the genitals of a submissive male. The greatest
caretaker. height for a he el is abou t 9 ", t his b ei ng
Hirschfeld counseled a priest whose almost impractical for walking and is u sed
fetish was for a set of man's and woman's exclusively for fetish play.
shoes together. He often stopped outside Most men, however, are attracted to the
doors where people had left their shoes and foot or shoe due to the change in p osture
would kiss, smell, and caress them. He even and the frail gait that characterizes a woman
paid hotel employees to let him clean guest's who wears high heels. The wearer's posture
shoes. is altered with a more dramatic cu rve of the
High heels are the m ost appealing type of spine which causes the buttocks and calves
shoe and are said to have their beginning to appear to be more rounded, the bust to
with Catherine de Medicis, a 16th century protrude, and the hips to have an exagger-
Itali an who married Henry II of France ated sway. The frail gait widens the division
(their son married Mary Queen of Scots) . of power between the man and woman and
Catherine was very petite and brought with appeals to his desire to protect and possibly
her shoes that were custom designed to give to his feeling of self-esteem . People are also
her height. This started a fas hion rage often aroused when the y see pain in a
among the aristocratic ladies. The first heels person of the opposite sex. This cou ld be
must have been extremely difficult to part of a predatorial instinct to be alert to
maneuver in because male escorts often had the lame or weak. For example, sharks often
to carry thes e dainty ladies up and down attack ailing or injured fish that are near the
stairs . The majority of Americans were not top of the water, and lions stalk animals that
exposed to high heels until a French prosti- lag behind a herd. In humans, thi s tendency
tute brought several pairs with her to an to actually prey on the weak is usu ally
elite N ew Orleans brothel during the mid- thwarted by morals, but the initial attention
nineteenth century. T he mad am, Kathy, remains. (Refer also to BIN DING/FOOT and
noticed that men were willing to pay more PODOPHILIA)
for this girl and quickly ordered French
heels for all the women in her brothel. Other FURS Fur fetishes seem to come from the
brothels did the same and men soon ordered sensations or tickling produced by family
them for their w ives, creating enough pets, stuffed anima ls, fu r coats, rugs ,

feathers, or velvet chairs. The fetish is usu- was only one example of what happens
ally tactile rather than visual. Rabbit fur and when people use their devotion to god to
ostrich feathers are often used in sex scenes ju stify prejudice or religious intolerance of
to enhance the se n ses, particularly if the others.]
partner is bound. (See also DORAPHILJA and
LATEX AND RUBBER Many of today's
adults were exposed to rubber as infants in
GODS The definition of the form of rubber pants or sheets. Tactile
fetish as found in Webster's stimulation is important wi th this fe t ish.
New World Dictionary (1972, Many fetis hists buy or have underwear or
p. '.ll7) states: " Fetish - any costumes made of rubber or latex. T h ese
object believed by supersti- include nun's hab its, sheets, underwear,
tious people to have magical vests, skirts, whips, and hoods. Latex pants
power . . . any thing or can include an anal plug or reservoir for the
activity to which one is irra- penis. Latex clothing causes a perso n to
tionally devoted ... any non- perspire after a short time. T ight fitting
sexual object, such as a foot latex can also be difficult to get into and
or a glove, that abnormally some people have solved thi s problem by
excites erotic feelings ." The god usually using talcum powder on the inside.
demands something in tur n from h is
LEATHER (P lea se refer t o se ction t i tied
devotee and while thi s makes the relation-
ship slightly more difficult, the sacrifice
serves to bond the individual even m ore. A UNDERWEAR Underwear is a popular
doctrine of religious celibacy contributes to fetish. It can offer tactile, visual, an d olfac-
emotional isolation from the intimacy of tory stimuli. Men collect women's under-
other humans and binds the devotee even wear for several reasons. Transvestites have
more. The vow nun s took during th e a collection to wear regularly, others steal or
Middle Ages state d " I love Christ into collect panties from sexual conquests, and
wh ose bed I ha ve entered .. . There in some men take a pair of their lover's u nder-
glowing love embrace your beloved (savior) wear with them when they travel. If these
who is come down from heaven into your men use the panties to masturbate it is usu-
breast's bower, and hold him fast until He ally done by associating the panties with a
shall have granted whatsoever you wish for" specific person. This is true in gay relation-
(Sex in History, by G. Rattray Ta ylor, p. ships also. The true fetishist, however, will
42). use the odor or texture of the underwear as
This form of fetish was easier to recog- a primary stimulus by which they m astur-
nize among ancient fertility religions when bate. They may fantasize about a lover but
people used the idols of their gods to mas- have lit tle desire t o be with the m. The
turbate against or have sex with a surrogate person with a partial or weak fetish would
priest or priestess . Christianity began a only be aroused if the underwear was being
movement to repress the sexual relationship worn by their lover. ( See also EN DYTO-
with God, lea ving only the Pla tonic love. PHILIA)
The early Corinthian Christians celebrated
Agape feasts in imita t ion of the Last FIRE See BRANDING, ELECTRIC SHOCK
Supper, but included a Eucharistic rite that and PYROPHILIA
was very similar to those of fertility gods.
[Author's note: People now fa ntasi ze an FISTING (Hand balling; Brachioprotic
emotional intimacy with God rather than a eroticism-arm in anus) Fisting involves the
sexual union. However, the result can be the inse rtion of the hand into t he vagin a or
same. Like any other fetish it can interfere anus. Double fisting can refer to simultane-
or replace the primary intimacy normally ously fisting the vagina and anus, or having
shared with other humans. The Inquisition two hands inserted into the anus at the same

time. The depth of penetration can be as indication of improper or dangerous manip-

g reat as 11-15 inches . This activity is prac- ulation.
ticed by heterosexual and gay alike. Fisting The fist is slowly removed from the anus
is rarely mentioned in historic literatur e; t o prevent the hand from creating a vacuum
however, there was a sce ne in the movie effect and pulling a section of the intestine
Caligula of the R oman emperor fisting a out with it; this is called a rosebud and is
groom after his wedding. not deadly. (Ancie nt yog is vo luntar ily
There are variations in the type of sensa- expelled their intestines into a bowl of water
tion people enjoy during anal and vaginal by manipulating their muscles.)
fisting, usually involving differences in Fisting creates an unu sual sensation of
depth, width, and "punching." Depth is pressure and fullness and may activate the
accomplish ed by carefully followi n g the brain's pleasure center associated with defe-
vagina l cavity to the end or t h e anal cation and digestion. For others this inti-
chamber t h ro u g h the rectum and mate activity creates a tremendous level of
descending colon to the transverse colo n trust and bonding between partners. Others
(which feels as though it's lined with fur). It compare the pain and pleasure as similar to
is from th is posit ion tha t the fistor ca n a woman givi n g birth. People combi n e
access the spleen and d escending ao rta, fisting with other sexual activity suc h as
which is what m os t fistors assum e is the nipp le pla y, fellati o, a nd cun n i li ngu s
heart because of it s contracti on s. (TRUST/THE HA ND BOOK: A guide io the
"Punch in g" refers to the slow rhyth mic sensual and spiritual art of handballing, by
stroking or repeat ed thrustin g penetration of Bert Herrman) ("Fisting," QSM lecture,
the fist into a cavity. Width is accomplished April 24, 199 1, by Bert Herrman). CAU-
by rotating a fist, spreading the fingers once TION: The anal wall is very thin and if torn
inside, insertion of a second hand, penis, can necessitate surgery and the need to wear
testicles, or di ldo . CAUTION: Fisting can a colostom y bag. The rectal perforation rate
lead to serious physical injury and is not for fisting has been estimated at I per 2,000
considered a safe sex practice. penetrations (DungeonMaster Yearbook JI) .
Symptoms of inj ury include a grad ual
ANAL Fisting requires special preparation building of int ernal pain that may not be
by both partners. The fistee prepares by noticed for one to two days, followed by ill-
cleaning out the lower intestine wi th an ness. There may not be a noticeable dis-
en ema . The fistor removes any rings and charge of blood. The fisting is ended if the
examines the hands for cuts or hangnails. fistor encounters red blood or feces that was
N ylon hosiery is sometimes car efully run n ot fl us h ed o ut w ith th e i n itial enema.
over th e hand to locat e any roughness. Those who engage in this activity a lot oft en
L atex gloves are often used as a protection eat yogu rt or drink acidophilus milk to keep
for both parties. their natural intestinal flora in balance.
The hand and arm are generously lubri-
AUTO-FISTING Auto-fisting is rare and
cated with vegetable shortening and addi-
those who practice it find that the angle of
tiona l lubrica nt i s applied to th e fistee' s
t h e hand and wri st is awkward a n d the
anus. The fistor next inserts one, then two
depth is naturally restricted.
fingers, and wh en the partner's anal muscles
seem relaxed, the hand is pushed in fingers VAGINAL Vaginal fisting does n ot require
first with the tips together in a closed ring a prior d ouche. It differs from anal fisting in
fashion. Next the hand is slowly worked up that vegetable sh orteni ng is n ot u sed (it
inside. There are several sp hincters or sticks to the inner walls and collects bac-
valves that block progression and these are teria). Water-based lubricants are preferr ed
opened by massaging or s t retching the instead. T he hands and fingernails are pre-
entrance area then p u shing one or two fin- p ar ed so that there are no rou gh edges or
gers through and pulli ng so me of th e cuts. T h e vagina is then op ened with two or
intestinal wall back through. Pain can be an three fingers by stretching the opening until

it can accommodate all of them. These are advice of prominent physician s. Forms of
th en pushed gently into the inner cavity flagella tion were also used by holy men or
u ntil the hand is inside . There is a point at shamans in the earliest religions to induce a
which the fingers are curved inward into a trance-like state (mystical out of body expe-
fist or cupped around the m outh of th e rienc e) in which they believed they could
cervix . Vaginal cham bers differ in length commune with god. Flagellation continued
and this determines the depth one is able to to be used as part of re ligion and was
reach with the hand. Females are capable of adopted by the worshippers of the fertility
being fisted anally and vaginally at the same or sex gods. The goddess Diana's religious
time. H owever, a fist in the vagina reduces ceremonies included contests to find the
the area available in the rectum and vice- bo y who could endu re t h e mo s t pa i n .
versa. The proced ure used may require Religious floggings were also u sed in the
inserting the fist into the anu s beyond the fertil ity rites of the Rom an god L upercus,
rectum and then pushing the hand into the and women during the Thessaly (Greek)
vagina. For some, b ut not all, punching or festival of Aphrodite used flagellation to
cunnilingus during fisting can be arousing. build the ir passions in preparation for
(See also ANAL SEX, COPROPHILIA, GEN- sexual o rgies . Barre n Greek wom en wer e
ITAL/ANAL INSERTS, KLISMAPHILIA and stripped naked and beaten in the temple of
SAFE SEX) Juno to cure their infertility.
From fertility religions, flagellation even-
FLAGELLATION (Ecorch ement, Masti- tu all y found its way to C hristianity.
gothymia an d Rhabdophilia-arousal from Christian monks adopted flagellation as part
flagellation) Flagellation, the use of whip- of their self-mortification rites. Flagellation
p ing to arouse passion in a sexual p artner, is was appealing for celibates because it sub -
an ancient practice. People in other cultures stitute d for the im p osed restrictions on
seem t o hav e understood early on th e physical sensations or nurturing their bodies
aphrodisiac effect of pain a nd u sed it to naturally needed. The strokes are capable of
their benefit. Vats yaya na wrote explicit awakening the senses t o t he po in t of
instruction s for striking a partner during sex orgasm, or can lead to the even more desir-
in the Kama-Sutra: able mystical out-of-body experience.
Blows are a form of love play ... The parts of the N ot all m onks, priests, and bishops were
body which may be struck out of passion are: satisfied with self-mortification, some were
the shoulders, the head, the chest between the caught implementing this type of penance
breasts, the back, the jagdana, the hips and the on naked nuns an d parishion ers. The term
sides. Such blows may be administered with the "Cornelian Discipline" was named aft er a
back of the hand, with the fingers together like priest, Cornelius Adriansen , who became
a pad, with the palm of the hand and with the n otorious for demanding that his penitents
fist ... During intercourse it is customary to tap be totally nude. Some monasteries n ot only
between the two breasts with the back of the humili ated th eir m o nks by having them
hand, faster and faster as the level of excite- flogged naked, but carried out the punish-
ment rises, until the end of the sexual act; at ment in a town square with an audience of
that point one should repeat the sound 'hin', or villagers.
some other preferred sound. When the man In 12 10 a Christian sect of flagellan ts
strikes the woman's head with the end of his appeared in Italy. The monk, St . Justin of
fingers held tightly together, he utters the sound Padua, gave an account of their ritual in
'phat', while the woman replies with the cooing Chronicon Ursitius B asiliensis (quoted from
sound. A H istory of the Rod, pp. 102-3) :
Flagellation has also held an important posi- To such a degree were they affected with the
t ion in me d ic ine and relig io n. Those fear of God, that noble as well as ignoble per-
thought to be mentally ill were flagellated sons, young and old, even children five years of
from the 17th through 19th centuries on the age, would go naked about the street without

any sense of shame, walking in public, two and impotency in men. The English bordello fee
two, in the manner of a solemn procession. in the lat e 1960's for canin g was I pound
Every one of them held in his hand a scourge, per l ash . One client w rote a letter to a
made of leather thongs, and with tears and Madam b efore his visit detailing the treat-
groans they lashed themselves on their back till ment he d esired as well as the price h e
the blood ran: all the while weeping and giving would pay, thi s b eing regulated b y the
tokens of the same biller affliction, as if they amount of blood t he wo man was able to
had really been spectators of the passion of our draw.
Saviour. Caning became most popular in English
sch ools and as a result sexual flagellation is
By the year 1261 this sect had expa nded
more common in th a t co u ntry th an an y
into Germany and Poland and by the year
oth e r. At o n e time w hip pi n g clubs we re
1349 had spread throughout Europe.
common even among young people. These
P ros elytizing monks, Jesu its, and mis-
included games of forfeit, similar to strip
sionaries would m any times convince female
poker, where articles of clothing were lost
tribal natives of the value of Christian doc-
until eventually the person ended up naked.
trine by beating them until they agreed to
The clothes could only be redeemed b y sub-
convert. In addition, Saint Junipero Sera is
mitting to a set number of strokes with the
said to have held the children of potential
rod. Today there are English diners where
conve rts hostage. Chronique Scandaleuse
sex y waitresses apply th e rod t o wi lling
(quoted from A History of the R od, p . 99)
patrons who do not eat all the food served
documents a n incide n t in 1634 in Africa
on their plates.
when a Jesuit missi onary discovered the
In 16 71 England, a phantom spa nk er
Queen of Matamba and her attendants car-
named "Whipping Tom " was arrested for
rying an idol.
abducting women and carrying them into a
.. .he enforced his arguments against idolatry by dark side street. T here he would pull up
the application of a whip to the body of her their dresses and spank t h em un til th ey
sable majesty! It is astonishing, he says, how screamed for help, at which point h e would
the process of flagellation gradually opened her make his escape.
understanding, till she at length confessed her- People today u se flagellation in sex p la y
self wholly unable to resist such sensible proofs because the pain awakens or focu ses the
of the excellence of his doctrine. mind of a stressed p erson onto their senses
and away from the pressures of a job. T h e
Conversion and obed ie n ce induced by cessation of w hip p ing a l so ca u ses t he
whipping was u sed in Paraguay, M exi co, bottom to feel extremely grateful and even
Africa, and probably other countries as well. more willing to please their partner.
Flagellation has of course been used by F lagella tion or pain can also sensitize a
m ost forms of governmen t and mili ta ry . numb body. People who sustain an injury or
France, until 1756, sometim es punished a suffer emotional p ain seem to release neuro-
prostitute by tying her on a donkey with her transmitters that have an analgesic effect on
buttocks toward the front of the animal, a the body; therefore, in order for this person
st raw hat p laced on he r head, and an to feel anything, the pain or stimulus has to
in scription on her back. The prostitute was b e g r eater than it
then whipped by the crowds as she was would under ordi-
paraded through the towns on h er way to nary circumstances .
prison. This may be the remnant of a more Erotic whip ping is
ancient punishment for adulterous wives in ra r ely ab ru p t. A
whic h th e donke y not onl y carri ed h e r warmup period i s
through town but she was fo rced into sexual com m o n whereby
unio n with i t (Encyclopaedia Sexualis, by the top runs their ha nd over the area, mas-
Victor Robinson, p. 3 7) . sages it, pinches it, and wh en the whip is
Flagellation has been common in b or- used, the intensity is built up slowly. Time
dellos for centuries as a m ethod to reduce is allowed for the person's brain to produce

the neurotransmitters causing analgesic and It is also risky to let the end of a whip or
euphoric states. The bottom's ability to tol- cane wrap around the person's b ody.
erate pain is in direct proportion to the Lashes are aimed so that the end of the
release of these chemicals. This is why most instrum ent lands in the center of the far
people are able to endure buttock or shoulder. Padding is sometimes
more pain as t hey used to protect the abdomen, the most
approach orgasm. Many common types being leather belts designed
prefer to end the flagella- for body builders, pillows, or rolled up
tion after orgasm because towels.
these chemicals wear off As a general rule, the thinner the whip or
almost immediately. cane, the sharper the pain. These may also
P eop le diffe r in their cause cuts in the skin. A paddle, whip, or
preferences and therefore riding crop that is soft and wide a t the end
flagellation mu st be will create less pain and have more of a sen-
negotiated. sual feeling. If the instrument is wide and
There are areas of heavy the impact with be felt deeper in the
th e body that generate muscle tissue, like a thud. People vary in the
mor e erotic re sponses types of sensations they prefer.
than o thers. The most People use bondage for the safety of the
erotic spot is the lower or bottom as it prevents them from acciden-
inner part of th e but- tally moving during a b low. Bondage also
tocks. The close r the draws a person's focus toward the sensa-
sti mul ation is t o t h e tions of their body rather than trying to
cente r, the mo re erotic move or escape.
sensation they create. A Many b ottoms now provide their own
kneeling female may have flagellation equipment due to AIDS and the
her knees apart but for possibility of contamination from anything
safety a male should have that draws blood.
his knees together to pro-
BASTINADO Bastinado is a form of foot
tect his sex organs.
torture that originall y was used on crimi-
CAUTION: The phys-
nals, many of wh om never walked again.
ica l environm e nt for
Feet are sensitive and delicate, and they also
e ro tic flagellation is
have to carry the weight of the individual,
impo rtant as people
which makes any injury dangerous and, in
respond better if the cli-
the ve r y leas t, inconvenient. Only short
mate is warm and the light dim. People who
whips with soft leather are used in sex play
practice erotic flagellation adhere to the fol-
and these are applied with light strokes.
lowing safety g uid e line s fou nd in
Sandmutopia Guardian 5, Fundamentals of BIRCHING Birch rods or bunches of birch
Flagellation, by The Quartermaster (April twigs have long been a common instrument
1989, pp. 28-33): The wrists and ankles, if for flagellation. Birching was not only pop-
bound, are co n- ular in saunas, where people whipped each
stantly moni tore d. other to stimulate their skin, but was also
Imp roperly placed popular for sex play.
stroke s or repeated Birc hing had several advantages ove r
strokes on the same can ing or flogging. Birches ca n be u sed
area can become dis- safely over most of the body (excluding face
tracti n g to th e and neck) and th ey cause only superficial
bottom and ruin the scene. Accidental pain effects. It takes fairly severe use of a birch to
is NOT erotic. It is dangerous to strike a break the skin and cau se bleeding, but the
person on the front or back of the head , wounds are very minor and, once the blood
ne ck, elbows, wais t, h ands, knees, feet, is washed away, only a few scratches are vis-
abdomen, shins, chest, and spine. ible. CAUTION: Birch twigs get th in

toward the tips and may bre ak o ff. the person places a heavy towel or p illow
Trimming them periodically during flagella- over th em to protect against stray strokes
tion helps prevent the tips from causing th at might land o n thei r lower thigh s, or
problems by wrapping around on the sides uppe r or far sid e of t he b u tt ocks. The
of a person. Those birching a partner on the strokes are kept light in order to get the
shoulders have them wear goggles, blind- most strokes out of the practice session. A
folds, hoods, or masks to protect their eyes powerfu l stinging typ e of swing is usually
from tips that can break loose. Once a batch done for punishment and is limited to two
of b irch is used on one partner it cannot be or thre e strokes. Regardless of the position
used safely on others because of possible selected, the strokes will either be parallel or
contamination from the scratches. perpendi cu lar to the fl oor. Stroke s are
applied at inter va ls of about 10 seconds .
CANING Can es are made from rattan or
(The Fine Art of Caning, by N an)
bamboo . The domestic cane is straight and
has a grip at one end, whil e the school cane FLOGGING F logging is u sually done on
has a crooked handle, and the Malacca cane the upper back while in a stand ing position.
has a knob at one e nd. The person, if bound, is posit ioned in a
N o vices begin with the shorte r and less manner that doe s
flexible canes because they are easier to aim not cause th e ir
and control. Each type of cane has a dif- shoulder blades or
ferent effect and feel in addition to the sen- spine to protrud e.
sations caused by the power, rhythm, and Whips with wid e r
location of the stroke. Successful di sci- strips of leather can
plinarians are aware of all their options and h ave th e sa me ef-
are able to apply their lashes in a manner fec t as a good mas-
that brings the most pleasure to the bottom. s age, and m a n y
Training and knowledge of the proper loca- enjoy being flogged
tion to strike and the power of each stroke is because of this. The position is also mo re
essential for caning because without it one macho, depic ting the pirate, p risoner, or
can cause serious m1ury. military style of punishment.
A student begins training by getting the
feel of swinging the rod. They stand in a GENITAL WHIPPING Genital whipping is
room, away from any objects, and swish the usually attempted only by the very adven -
cane through the air with varying degrees of turou s. A much gentler stroke is u sed as
speed, up and d own, sideways, and in an well as a special type of penis whip (6") or
arc . Once the stude nt has t h e feel of the riding c rop . Th ese whip s only require a
swing they work on accuracy of aim by sligh t wri s t action, n o t the fu ll swi n g
u sing a pillow. Different positions are used common with some other types of flagella-
for the pillow, laying it on a bed or binding tion. Intensity is built up by increasing th e
it in a vertical position to a piece of furni- number of strokes in a given period, not by
ture. They replicate any position they may hitting harder. The genitals themselves have
use for the ir partne r, as each height and small areas that are much m ore sensitive
angle requires different strokes. The novice than othe r parts, and these are either pro-
practices until the cane hits the center of the tected with a h and or avoided. T he t hree
pillow and only three-quarters across to the most sensitive areas are the clitoris, testicles,
other side. T he next progressive step is to and glan s penis. Geni tal w hip pi n g i s
be able to apply strokes such that they lay enjoyed more when erotic stroking is a lter-
p ara llel to each ot her and are prope rl y nated with lash es of the whip. The flagel-
spaced. Once these skills are mastered, the l ator sometimes holds th e pal m of th eir
student applies the strokes to their own but- hand 7" opposite to where the wh ip lands
tocks to ad just the power of th e stroke so that on the return swing it sti ngs their
accordingly. palm, thus ensuring awareness of the inten-
T he student next practices on a live vol- sity of the stroke given to the partner's geni-
unteer. Safety precautions are still used and tals.

PADDLING Paddling is a se mi-intimate fetish objects worn also plays an important

form of punishment carried out on the but- role. Some disciplinarians wear latex skirts
tocks of an individual wh o is either bending or pants th at create a slippery sensatio n
over, leaning against a aga inst th e p eni s. Cross-dressing of the
wall, or lying across the truant adds a different d imensi on to this
lap o f th eir partner. game. Men experience what it would have
Am e rican schoo ls been like to have had their dress lifted and
se emed t o pre fe r the panties pull ed down for a spa nking.
use of paddles over the Rubbing, dildos, or the insertion of fingers
English cane. are sometimes u sed to induce orgasm .
There are a va ri e ty Other forms of spanking are done during
of paddles used in this interco urse, in either the missiona ry (the
form of flag e lla ti on. person on bottom
Leather paddles , so me with decorati ve spanks the one on top),
chrome studs on one side, make a h eavy or doggy style (the
thud when the y hit and like the g e nital mounting perso n
whips are manipulated by w rist action spanks the one o n
alone. Slappers are similar but are designed bottom). Less dialogue
t o m ake a n oise. These are formed b y is used for this type of
placi ng two pieces of leather together and spanking and the slap is
leaving them unsewn on the paddle portion. sometimes followed by
Tawses are designed the same as the slapper grab bing the buttock
except they are cut to form fingers. The and gently squeezing or
fourth type is the wooden paddle. Light massaging. Again, sporadic or sharp pain is
weight paddles a re safe r but, as with an y not erotic.
instrument, caution is still exercised. Some
STRAPPING Strapping is d one with a belt
people use woo de n kitc hen spatulas and
or strip of leather . This was t h e typical
spoon s for a pad dling sce ne. CAUTION:
woodshed style of father/son discip line. The
H eavy wood paddles can ca u se physical
same r isks apply with regard to safe aim.
damage. Fraternity paddles are, as a rule,
Shorter straps are used because th ey give
too heavy fo r S/M play.
the b est control. T h e victim is made to
SLAPPING Slapping a partner is d one stand, bend over ( knees together), lean
m ore for arousa l by humiliation than for against an object, or lie down. R eplicating
pain. CAUTION: Slapping a person's face the strap or belt u sed on the victim as a
can be very d angerous. The technique used child makes m ore of a n emotional im pact
for slapping requires one to put their hand (this could be either a positive or negative
on the opposite side of the partner's face, experience).
giving support to their h ead and preventing
WHIPPING Whips are design ed to give
damage to the vertebrae in the neck. The
increased or decreased power to the hand.
slap is aimed to land just below the cheek
Whips made o f feathers, velvet, or rubber
bo n e, NOT o n the jaw a rea or n ea r the
soften th e bl ows . L o ng whip s made o f
eyes. Of course, only wrist acti on is used ,
leather with weights at the end of each strip
never an arm swing.
produce the most pain an d a re u sually
SPANKING Spanking can b e o ne of the reserved for punishment. Today's S/M pun-
most intim ate fo rms of flagellation and is ishment whips a re m ore innocuous versions
done by having the victim lie over the lap of o f the lethal histo ri c cat o' nine tails, the
the d isciplinarian, who then r epeatedly slaps Roman flagellum, and the Russian knout.
the person's buttocks. Different psycholog- However, even the modified version, if not
ical effect s are ac hi eved by the typ e of used properly, can injure the partner. O ne
verbal communication used, and whe ther m ethod of swinging the whip is in a circular
the truant removes a n y of their clot h es m otio n perpendicular to the person's b ut-
before submitting. The type of clothes or tocks. If done correctly, the tips of the whip

graze the lower b u ttoc ks in th e up ward She has a friend wlzo lives much closer to
svveep of the circle. The lighter the strokes her who she has gollen into some things she
giv en , the longer t he game can last. Many enjoys- go lden shower s [see Urophilia] -
no v ices forg e t t h a t the whipping is for which I don'l really do. Therefore, I suspect I
arousal; no t punishment. W hen purchasing will nor be as interesling LO her. B ut, I wrote LO
wh ips consideratio n is give n t o how the her last week and suggested she meet with me
handle fits one's ha nd and that the grip is on a more professional basis and I would pay
p roperly balanced with the rest of the whip. her for each ''.full blown" fart she lets in my
That is, the handle is the same app roximate face while the recorder is ve1y close by.'..
weight as the tail . Riding shops o ffer a goo d
People place personal ad s to assist them in
selection of whi ps, the best quality usually
findi ng consenting p artners. H ere is on e:
coming from England. T here are individ ual
1\11.y mouth is your toilet,
craftsm en that cater to the S/M commu nity
Fart up my nose,
a nd c r eate beaut iful wh ips o f excel le nt
Sit o n my face and let
q uality ("Slave Training," by L ad y Tanith,
me deep sniff your love box,
Backdrop Club lecture, January 26, 199 l ) .
Rim slave, wants master to
fart in my mouth .. .
DI SCIP LINE , DOMINANCE/SUBMISSION, CAUTIO N: Holding a ligh ter to the bu t-
tocks as they release gas is ver y d angerou s
URT ICATION) because t he gas is co mbustible an d ca n
c reate an explosive effect if the flame enters
FLATULENCE (Flatuphilia, E procto- t he anu s, thus se ri o u s ly dama g ing th e
lagn iac an d E p roctop hili a-arousal from rectum.
flatulence) Flatulen ce refers to the p ass ing (See also COCKTA ILS , COPRO PHI L!A,
of intes tinal gas. The Frenc h once had a HUMILI ATION and SHOWERS )
stage act where a performe r attract ed large
pa ying c rowd s merely to watch him pass FOOD/EATING See ANTI-IROPOPHAGY,
gas . Serio us fl atuphiles requ est that thei r
p artn er re lease the intes t in al gas direc tly
into thei r awaiti ng face o r mouth. T he fo l- URO PHIL!A and VAMP!RISM
low ing is an excerpt from a letter submitted
t o me by an a n o n y m o u s fla tu p h ile FOOT BINDING See BIND ING/FEET and
desc ribing one of his session s: l'ODOPHILIA
J\lly audio casseue player was running during
this 1irne-i1 didn'1. record LOo clearly, bu1 you FORMICOPHILIA See ZOO PHILI A/
can hear her say Lhat she had LO fart and then F ORMICOPHILIA
as/~ ~f I was ready.
l answered yes and she blew a huge fart FORNICATORY DOLLS (Dame de
right inw my face! The fa rt itself is ve1y clear voyage, Infl ata bl e do ll s, P ediop hil ia-
on the wpe. aro u sa l from dolls )
I could smell no1hing because her ass pressed Fornica to r y dolls a re th ose
againsl m y nos e and closed it. \,Ve Lried a that a re produced wi th t he
couple of times LO have lter far! while on her specifi c intent of being used
hauds and lmees so I could then pull my face t o accommodate ge nital
back and s111ell her f arls bw tha1 never seemed penetration . There are sev-
to work ow. eral types of sex dolls avail-
AbouL 15 m inutes after her first f art, she ab l e in tod ay's m a rk e t.
announced she had another one and asked F ornicatory dolls are made
again if I was ready, she then ripped another in Asian countries, Africa, E urope, and the
big one righ t in my face! Unite d States. They are abou t half the size

of a human, with pliant breasts or a realistic One would follow women who were
penis. The most common type are the endowed with particularly large buttocks up
inflatable dolls that come equipped with escalators and push his penis against th e
vibrating penises, breasts that can be filled rails to induce orgasm. Another followed
with warm water, and several orifices. The obese women into revolving doors and was
more expensi ve types were once popular aroused by rubbing again st t hem. Of
among European sailors and had pubic hair course, not all frottaphiles are aroused by
and even a clitoris. There is also the inflat- the person they are rubbing. Men with silk
able sheep (Luv Ewe) or pig that is or fabric (hyphephilia) fetishes will only rub
equipped with an opening under the tail. women in silk dresses, and so fo rth. Some
Fornicatory dolls are used as a third podophiles, as well as othe r va ri eties of
person for group sex, the cold partner for a fetishists, engage in frottage almost exclu-
necrophile, same sex partner, and consen- sively. They not only fondle the foo t or shoe
sual partner for spanking, coprophilia, or but some are actually aroused by feigning
S/M where a submissive is commanded to accidentally stepping on a woman's foot in a
have sex with the doll. However, they are crowd. These usually apologize immedi-
most often used as jokes. T he June 21 , 1991 ately.
San Francisco C hronicle carried the story of Men are not the only offenders. For
inflatable dolls being passed around among example, there are women who enj oy such
Red S ox fans at a Fenway Park baseball things as squeezing through men packed
game. Some of the crowd became offended into gay bars and watching them jump as
by the blatant fond li ng of the dolls an d they suddenly realize that a pair of breasts
security guards confiscated them. People have just brushed against their backs.
occasionally use other dolls for sexual pur- (See also AGALMATOPHILIA, OCHLO-
poses as in the June 1991 case of the stolen PHILIA and TOUCH)
Ronald McDonald who, several days after
his abduction, was found in an apartment FURTLING Furtling (furtivus: stolen or
closet dressed in female underwear. hidden) refers to the once popular enter-
It is possible for the inflatable dolls to tainment of manipulating one's hand under-
come loose at the seams and deflate. T he neath a photo that had a small area cut out
plastic can also be ruined by oil based lubri- where the legs, breasts, or ge nitals were
cants. located . Placing one's 7,' ,, _,_ .
(See also AGALMATOPHILIA, GENITAL/ hand behind this · iff·
ANAL INSERTS, PEDIOPHILIA, PENETRA- space gave the illusion
of seeing real life geni-
ta ls or buttocks.
FROTTAGE (Toucheurism, Haptosis-
Burton Silver and
non-consensual touching) Frottage is the
Jeremy Bennett have
act of rubbing one's body against another
written a book th a t
person or object for sexual arousal. Today it
con tains examples of
is highly recommended as a safe sex prac-
this erotic art form
tice in lieu of intercourse. There are two
with a history of its
common manifestations of non-consensual
appeal a nd its demise
frottage, one is when someone rubs against
under Victorian influence. In th eir book
a person in a crowd and when confronted
they cited the following portion of a 19th
apologizes as though it were a n accident.
century physician's address to the West
The usual cu e is the obvious pressure of an
London Scientific Association in defense of
erect or semi-erect penis against the victim's furtling:
buttocks. The other type of frottaphile is the
"goose and run" offender. AS A DOCTOR I cannot speak too highly of
Robert Tralins, in The Sexual Fetish, this book of original engravings, which, by the
gives the case history of several frottaphiles. simple contrivance of holes auspiciously placed,

affords an enlertainmeni most enjoyable and R ediscovered An of Erolic H and 1\tfanipu-

vitalizing. H owever, let me al once warrant lation, by Burton Silver & Jeremy Bennett,
that the purpose of this worh is nol merely w in forward) .
ainuse and en1ena in, but, in so doing, io Th e rea so n the word furtlin g is u sed is
assuage the sorrow of 1he heart, lij1 1he load of bec au se t h e sk e t ches are al l o f n o rm a l
melancholy f rom 1he desponding mind, and p eople ·w ho are unknow ingly or uninten -
reslore LO 1he wounded spiri1 its won1ed elas- tionally exposing themselves to others; such
1ici 1y. I ndeed it has been my pleasure to as a wo man watching a nude male swimmer
demon strate the worliings of this fine booh lO towel dry through a telescope, or a 'Noma n
more than a few patients, and I can assure y ou who just had the front of her skirt b itten out
thal even when a severe prudery was evideni, I by a horse, exposing her genitals. There are
have never experienced a failure. The appro- hands drawn on each previous page giving
priale fervours have always been quicllly insu·uctions on exactly how to hold the fin-
aroused and harmlessly released in a manner gers behind the hole.
mosl therapeutic and becoming (The Naughly ( See a lso KOKI GAM I, SE X GAMES and
Vic to rian H a nd Booh, Funli ng: Th e VOYEURISM)

GANG BANGS A gang bang consists of and d ec ide wh ether t o partic ipate or to
serial sex with m ore than two partners . A leave. Those who stay take turns until the
few claim that this may possibly be the type woman is satisfie d. Waitin g in lin e has many
of se x for which our bodies are p hysiologi- merits according to partic ipants. Men som e-
call y designed. This assumption is based on times find that watching others having sex is
the difference in average time for o rgas m informat ive as well as st imulating . T he ten-
b e t ween m e n a nd wo m e n. Some m e n sio n and anti c ipa ti o n is pro bably muc h
orgasm in two to three minutes and some hig h er than in ordinary group sex where
wo m e n ta ke twent y minut es . A clan of eve ryo ne's atten tio n is eithe r sca ttered or
primal humans could gain many advantages focused on their curre nt partner(s) . (A few
fro m having more than one man inseminate gro up sex h ou ses cater t o t h e wishes of
each wom an. Sex and suspected paternity of women who announce that they would like
man y of the o ffspring bonds m e mbers o f men to line u p fo r a gang bang.)
t h e c lan toge ther and ens u re s sharing o f Peop le similarl y engage in im promptu
food and prote ction when n ecessa ry. It is gang bangs at private parties where o ne
a lso th e type of be ha vior engaged in b y p e r so n s lip s away and h as s e x wit h
some of our closest relatives, the primates. numerous people during the evening.
Gang bangs differ from a Menage a trois A sli ghtly differen t form of gang bang is
(a co uple with an outside lover) , troilism th e " two-minute parkin g lot test. " T his is
( thr ee love r s), candauli s m (o n e p e r so n staged at singles bars a nd is de sig ned to
watc hin g a co up le) and a " M o ngo lia n ensure selection of th e m ost · co mpetent or
C lu ster " (s imul ta neous sex with multiple sexually compatible candi date for tl1e night.
partners). The t erm is freq uently u sed in One woman described her technique as fol-
rape situations where there is more than one lows:
rapist. H owever, it ca n also be organize d
and consensual. Ther e is a group in the San Firsl a po1eniial parlner is screened by dancing.
Francisco area that allows wome n to select A close dance wilh a man gives me a quich
sex partners from a photo album. The c oor- answer to wheiher our bodies fil wgethe1~ 1here
din a t o r th e n cal ls th e m e n se lected a nd is sexual chemisl'ly, compa1ible body rhythms,
invites them to a private party . Th ose wheiher he caresses or gropes, and how easy or
attending are then able to meet the woman difficult it would be 10 gel him aroused. The

dance can also reveal how long he can main- OJ two bodies wgether fends off night.
tain an erection once aroused, and a possible When one is seen walhing it seems that two
estimate of his critical dimensions. Once he Are there. Or perhaps it's the two seem one.
passes the screening and intimates his desire for Two may be seen to rear as if to fight
sex, he is given the opportunity to take the A battle, an old struggle to renew.
"two-minute parking loL Lest." If in LhaL Lime It's the passion, the ritual begun.
he pe1farms well and proves to be sexually com-
-Nelson Graff, 1991
patible he qualifies as a sex candidate for the
rest of the evening. The advantages LO this A predisposition toward homosexuality,
meLhod of selection are that I don't end up bisexuality, and heterosexuality is based on
spending the night with someone who doesn't biological (genetic, hormonal, and neuro-
meet my needs. A commitmenL doesn't have to logical) factors. Gays usually n otice an
be made before sampling more of the merchan- attraction for th e same gender at a very
dise, and my reputation stays intact because no young age, even before they are aware of
one suspects that two people leaving and the physical aspects of sex. The exact
returning to the bar within three io four min- causes of human or animal sexual prefer-
utes have had any form of sex. The rejected ences are still unknown, therefore this text
men are usually content because they received a will not endeavor to explain them. One
consolation prize of two minutes of phenomenal recent development by a scientist at the Salk
sex and left with a great story. The victor gets Institute, Dr. Simon LeVay, is worth men-
an ego boost, and I leave with the best possible tion. Dr. LeVay found evidence of a struc-
sex partner. tural difference in the brain's hypothalamus
region between heterosexual and gay men,
Prearranged gang bangs may have a special
the latter's being more similar in size to het-
theme such as Santa Clauses at Christmas,
erosexual females. The study is still prelimi-
men in diapers or long beards on New
nary and no theories hav e been
Year's Eve, valentine costumes on February
14th, or "bring a sex toy to share" party.
Homosexuality is found among other
Games such as "Little Bo-Peep" or " Hide
species as well. Pigeons, ravens, and dol-
and Seek" add to the intrigue. (See FAN-
phins are known for general acceptance of
TASY PLAY) CAUTION: Safe sex prac-
same sex mates, some taking a mate of each
tices are th e resp o n sibility of eac h
sex. Most primates that become isolated
individual. If a condom happens to break
from the opposite sex mate in captivity will
during penetration, the session end s or is
mate with same sex partners. G.L. Simons
restricted to a different orifice.
states an interesting observation in his book,
TIVALS, GROUP SEX, MENAGE A TROIS, called Sex and Superstition. "The biblical
ORGIES and POLYITEROPHILlA) word for sodomite, a translation of qadesh,
properly denotes a man dedicated to a deity,
GAYS (Commasc ul ation, Gay, and so the early J ewish h osti lity to
Homophilia, Homoeroticism, Iterandria, 'sodomites' may have been nothing more
Invert, Lun g-yang, Sexual in version, th an o ppo sition to a rival cult . T he
Sarombavy, Uranism, Zwischenstufe) Sodomites, it appears, were consecrated to
the mother of gods, the famous D ea Syria,
A RITUAL OF JOINING whose priests or devotees they were consid-
T wo pairs of eyes that burn with feeling, meet ered to be. Sodomitic acts were committed
And measure bodies toned from fight and flight with male and female temple prostitutes"
That tense, aroused, and lift lo reach a height (p. 121 ).
Which threatens each and each allows lo greet Throughout history about 10% of the
Antlers thrusting, meeting antlers, hooves beat total population is believed to have been
Air. And bone caresses bone with crushing might. gay. A few notable gays or bi-sexuals have
H eaving sides glisten b7ight, the source of light included Nero, Tiberius, Juliu s Caesar,
Bursting, twitching, shimmering. And the heat Socrates, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci,

Alexander the Great, Hitler, and very prob- gay couple has potential to be financially
ably, J. Edgar Hoover. more secure than a heterosexual couple
Many people assume that gays are all because they have a double male income
effeminate because this t ype is easiest to and no dependents (the opposite is usually
recognize . H owever, there are many ga ys the case for lesbian couples; however, they
who are homomasculine ("bear s"). These in turn, have an economic advantage over a
cultivate the biker, b ody builder, lumber- single fe male parent). Gay couples rarely
jack, or construction worker images. have a problem understanding the puzzling
Often women will become lesbian for a psychological differences of the opposite
short time after a traumatic experience, par- sex. No t all gay m en engage in sex, but
ticularly rape. Young men who have been those who do a n atomically h ave more
violently raped by another male often options and no menstrual cycles with which
become gay as well. The reason given is that to deal. The male-male relationships can
it is a way to abandon identity with the male last through the decline of passion due to a
race that he co n s iders abusive and h e close bonding and co mp atibili ty, but they
becomes t h e passive " female" during sex seem to fac e more internal pressure for
encounters, sometimes dressing the part. challenge, sexual passio n, and adventure.
Not alt male victims react this way. However, most of the problems gays face in
A co mm on explanation men g iv e for a partnership arise from the prejudice of
their change to same sex partners is that of smaller communiti es, fami lies, or em-
discovering se x with other men is much ployers. There are support groups available
more physical and passionate than with past fo r gays and their families in larger cities
female partners. Likewise, women w ill and a national organization called "Gay and
prefer the gentle nurturing and exte nded Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" that
foreplay other women offer. People who are unites gays in defending themselves against
confined in areas for an extended period of bashing and prejudice. Gays are often
time w ith only a few people may tem- objects of p ersecution. Even today, Iran's
porarily make a switch to whatever sex is government executes gays by beheading,
available. Others simply prefer the common burning, or stoning. A 1990 Soviet survey
interests shared by someone of the same conducted by th e Moscow Ins ti tute of
sex. Many travelers practice hom osexual Sociology reported that 30% of tho se ques-
behavior in other countries, with whatever tioned favored isolation of gays and 33%
the indigenous race, but would not engage fa v ored ext e rmin at io n . The maj ori t y
in it at home. J. A. Rogers, in Sex and Race, opinion in America mo st likely differs.
spoke of li ving in the West Indies, where However, gay bashing still occurs.
pharmacists had to put out an extra supply People w h o participate in sex with a
of lubricants when English sailors ported. sam e sex partner will often deny their gay
A current philosophy or political strategy status by claiming that it is only th e recep-
is that of gays becoming open about their tive partner who is gay, that this is only a
sexual identity . This is designed to force temporary way of getting sex until the right
people into recog nizing the prev alen ce of or perfect heterosexual mate comes along,
gays and by this mass exposure cause them that they were seduced w hile intoxica ted
to respect the rights of gays to live without and th erefo re innocent, or that the person
persecution or di sparagement. Some gays they ar e involved w ith is a ve ry special
are currently forcing others into exposure friend and th ey wouldn't con sider having
by a ploy called "outing. " T his is accom- sex with an y other same sex partner. Others
plished by leaking a prominent gay's name say sex doesn't count if they are not em o-
to the media. tionally involved. Everyone has the preroga-
Gay lifestyles are very similar to those of tive to select a label to express their own
heterosexuals. Those who form live-in rela- sexual identity. A person ' s labe l won't
tionships divide chores according to talents always be consistent with Webster's defini-
and preferences rather than social roles. A tion, but social etiquette dictates that the

term they select be respected. This is also her kimono. She led us into the reception room.
true for transsexuals, transvestites, and bi- There I saw many geisha girls in gay kimonos,
sexua l s. T h ree examples of men who their hair dressed formally and elaborately.
claimed identities that seemed in conflict They crouched in liule groups, chauering as
with their actions were 1) a man who said usual. . . . As if to talk gaily of nothing at all
he was heterosexual but went on to say that was one of the lessons they had learned well at
he does have five or six male friends with school.
whom h e really enjoys having sex, 2) a male The tea ceremony began. It was beautiful)
prostitute who says he is heterosexual but indeed; and a solemn thing, in a way, con-
has only had sex with a woman once while j arming in all its many details of movement lo
on drugs. All of his other sexual encounters a ritual conceived ages ago and by the weight of
were with men while he played the role of those far times still taught as an important part
female, often in female att ire (ot h er of education.
transvestites accept this as heterosexual The movements of the leader were capti-
behavior), and 3) a 40 year old virgin male vating. She was seated on a lacquered stool.
who claims to be gay. Before her was a table, richly decorated. On it
Gays rarely change their sexual prefer- was a bronze stove and this was topped by a
ence through therapy and many therapists water vessel of brass, from which a vapor rose
believe it is more valuable to sim ply help as the fire heated it. As she sat solemnly at her
them adjust to their lifestyle rather than post, two of her assistants, leaving her side with
c h ange it . T h e Masters and J ohnso n identical inclinations of the head and graceful
Institute does, however, offer a "short term liftings of the hands, burned incense. Another
intensive intervention" program for those arranged the flowers in a beautiful vase of
with a stron g desire to change their prefer- porcelain. Each touch of her fingers was a
ence. Some feel that only bi-sexuals are able motion produced by long practice. fl was poetry
to make these changes an d the program is of the hands. I watched eagerly as the flowers
certainly not guaranteed to effect a chan ge . slowly assumed the precise position required by
(Masters and Johnson Institute, St. Louis, custom, one yearning toward the ceiling of the
MO) room as if toward the sky and the sun, another
(See also BI-SEXUAL S, CATAMITES, DRAG turning gently downward, gazing into a pool
QUEENS, HOMOPHOB I A, LESBIANS and that was not there. All this motion-of the
PEDOPHILIA) burning incense, of the flower arranging, and
the solemnity of the presiding officer, flowed
GEISHAS A Japanese geisha is a female into a harmony of action, sound, and color. I t
who is tau gh t to entertain men with con- unfolded itself like a flower under the morning
trived charm. She was a t one time pur- sun.
chased while young from her parents, just as The geisha al the table rinsed the dainty tea
were the Yoshiwara (prostitutes), except cups with boiling water, dried them with a
this girl became educated and later chose piece of red silk, mixed green leaves in the cup
her own sex partners. She began her educa- and slowly poured the hot water over them. She
tion at the age of twelve and for the next six paused, then took a solitary quill and brushed,
years she was taught social etiquette, ancient although my eye could not discern them, specks
dances, songs, rituals, and the precise hand of ashes and tea dust from the shiny table .
a nd body movement enacted during the tea Then there was another moment of rest. Once
and flowe r arranging ceremonies. Hendrik more she poured the precious decoction from
de L eeuw quite e loquently describes the one cup into another until, at last, one cup of
experi ence of being en terta ined by these true tea was prepared. This was offered to me,
professionals in the early l 900's. because I was the guest of honor, and I tasted
A charming hostess greeted us at the door. She it. I must confess that I was not able to tell
was attired in a charming Japanese costume) exactly what subtle delicacy had been added to
and she moved unimpeded by the rich cloth of the drink by the ceremony, but I was quite

willing to sip for a long time if sipping would penises or plugs that are designed to fit into
cause a continuation of the preuy 1ableau. the m outh, vagina, o r anus a nd act as aids
Also I was somehow glad when I looked to m asturbation. They have been made of
aboul into the f reshly painted faces of the leather, stone, clay, wax, ivory, rubber, fruit,
geishas that there was no need for them LO vegetables, plastic, and polyurethane. These
fashion their coiffures for the rude embraces of devices are quite ancient and even the Bible
townsmen and foreigners (Cities of Sin, pp. 37- makes referen ce to artificial penises:
Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my
Th e J apa n ese culture during this pe riod go ld and of my silver, which I have given
placed little em phasis on ro mantic love. A thee, and maddeSl to thyself images of men,
wife was a servant and mother, not someone and didst commit whoredom with them . -
with wh om tO converse or to shower with Ezekiel 16: 1 7
social ly unaccepted disp lays of affection.
ANAL INSERTS Ana l plugs a re specially
Th erefo r e, the Yos h iwara (prostitutes)
designed for anal insertion. They are shaped
serve d men's n eed fo r p assion a nd the
like fingers or in verted cones a n d ca n be
geishas provided feminine conversation and
used alo ne or in conjunctio n with p e nile-
co m panionship . Men, while able to enter
vaginal sex. Males find the plug adds stim-
in t o a sexual relationship with a ge isha,
ulus to his prostate and o n the female it fills
often resisted temptation due to the finan-
in the rectal area which presses aga inst the
cial and social responsibilities invol ved. It
inner vaginal cavity, making it smaller and
was the equi valent of committing tO a mis-
t11ereby giving o ne a fuller sensation . Anal
tress . Male ch ildren born to mistresses/
p lu gs range in length fro m 4 " to 8", a nd
geishas were generally adopted by the father
those lo nger than 4" need to be very pliable
and h is legal wife; daughters were raised by
beyond the 4" point to facilitate the curve in
the geisha. Today geishas ch oose the pro-
the rectum. An a nal insert is available for
fession for themselves, ofte n com ing from
the heterosexual couple that is very small in
working or middle class families. H owever,
diameter and which has a rin g at tl1e base
the majority are daughters of geishas or tea
allowing it to slide over tl1e penis for inter-
hou se owners . Western influence h as low-
course. CAUTION: Butt plugs are designed
ered the srarus of geishas and prostitutes in
with a flange on the bo tto m to prevent these
Japan. Mr. de Leeuw illustrated the polarity
lubricated anal inserts from slipping up into
of moral values between the two cultures
the rec tum. If this does happen and the
w h en he said, " If t h e Jap a n ese can be
person is unable to defeca te or pass the
acc u sed of be in g unmoral and cy ni call y
object ou t w ithin a day a phys ic ian ca n
realistic in th eir official attitude toward sex,
either administer drugs to relax the intestine
th e \'<lest may be said to be outwardly senti-
and facilitate the object's expulsion, or use
menta l and hypocritical. Certainl y to th e
other treatments .
Oc c idental mi nd , and espec iall y t o the
The ancien t Orient is known for having
C h r ist ian , the Yosh iwara is sinful. The
inven ted m any types of artific ia l inserts .
Japanese think oth erwise since morality and
One o f these is th e Ch inese Love Bead,
chastity are, to them, something m ore than
String of Pearls, or Siamese Strings. These
the abandonm ent of all sexual activity. They
consist of a string that has small rubber balls
are aware that a 'chaste' woman, as she is
or pearls attached at 1/2"-l " intervals. They
described in t11e \'<lestern coun tries, may be
are inserted into the anus and pulled out as
the epitome of all t11e established virtues and
the pe r son e jac ul ates. These a r e only
yet be a highl y immoral being. "
intended for use by o n e person. Another
PROSTITUTION) device is the Ben Wa Ball which is mad e of
steel and plated with c hrome or gold. Two
GENITAL/ANAL INSERTS (Bougi- of t hese are inserted into the vagina to pro-
n onia, Butt p lu gs, Dildo s, Go d emic h e, du ce titillation w hil e t he woman goes
Oli sbos, Parapha llus) Dildos ar e artificial through the day. Most women find that Ben

Wa Balls don't produce any type of special that was made from a mold of th e porn film
sensation and, worse yet, can fall out when star Jeff Stryker. Some dildos include vibra-
they walk. Women who leave them inside tors.
the vag ina during Dildos specially mad e for the purpose
intercourse say they may be worn attached to chastity belts, latex
d e rive pleasure t his underwear, harnesses, gags and chin straps.
way. The original o r Anal plugs can be added to chastity belts,
more authentic Ben and double ended dildos can be worn on
Wa Ball s were co n- harnesses. The Japanese have face masks
structed differently, that are worn over the groin, the nose being
w ith one having a ve ry lo ng and shaped like a penis.
hollow center containing mercury that res- Dominatrixes sometime s will have their
onated with m ove m e nt. Oth ers acted as "pets" fetch a dildo and present it to them
bells to add music to the sex act. It is usually in their m o uth as part of a humiliation
difficult for women t o have an orgasm scene.
without any for m of clitoral stimulus, there- Some dildos have flexible
fore it is doubtful the balls are adequate in shafts that rotate to stimu-
themselves. late the G-spot alo ng with
Hawk Metals has invented a similar set of an external clitoral stimu-
toys fo r men known as Ass Weights or Ass lant, suc h as the "Pet
Eggs . They weigh slightly over a pound Turtle." Some are equipped
each and are shaped like eggs. Some have a with su c tion cups on the
small longitudinal hole through the center base , wh ich are used to
that allows one to pass a string through and anchor th e device, attach to a flat headed
attach it to another egg or to use it as a vibrator or, as in the case of strippers in a
handle for removal. The weight of the eggs sex show booth, to a glass window.
makes the m easy to remove with mere The Japanese have designed a type of
gravity. These eggs are worn during any dildo that slip s over the penis and releases
type of ride that bounces the wearer around. fluid at the appointed time. We have dildos
Motorcycles are highly recomm e nd ed in that expel fluid but the y are not as elabo-
advertisements. rate. Other dildos are simple rubber sheaths
that fit over a semi-flaccid or erect penis to
DILDOS Other early records of dildos go
give the effect of a large r penis when the ·
back to Egypt and Greece. French troops
partner is penetrated. CAUTION:
gave them to their wives before marching
Condoms are put onto dildos before use. If
off to war as masturba-
the condom breaks, the dildo is cleaned in
tory aids. Tipu Sahib, a ~ warm soapy water or soaked in a solution of
sultan of India , allowed ..
water and nonoxynol 9 to destroy viruses.
the 600 women in hi s
Only water-based lubricants are safe on the
harem to u se dildos to 0
condom as oil dissolves the rubber. Safety
keep themselves sexually ~
also requires that dildos and plugs have a
satisfied, thu s discour- ~
chain in the center, rather than a dangerous
aging lesbianism and
n onpliabl e metal shaft, t o prevent pieces
adultery. Women al so
from breaking off inside the body.
used a mulierre (special
strip of fabric pulled up against their geni- VIBRATORS Vibrators are mechanical
tals and fastened to a belt by straps) to devices that produce vibrations (small rapid
create stimulati on by rubbing when they jerks) and which are placed against the skin
walked. for a massage effect. Their power comes
Today people purchase their own dildos from either batteries or house current.
which come in a variety of shapes, sizes, Some people use vibrators against the
colors, and textures. One 10" dildo is sold geni t als for sexual arousal and orgasm.

Dildos have been designed to house the bat- Gerontophiles are th ought t o h a ve bee n
tery operated mechanisms so that they may conditioned to respond to older parents or
be safely inserted into the vagina or rectum. relatives b ecause they were kind to them. It
Some electrical vibrators have add-on may also be an attem pt to reconcile a lack of
anachments for penetration or clitoral stim- affection from a parent. Many others simply
ulation. A few vibrators have a cup attach- prefer the compassio n, intelligence, experi-
ment for the glans penis. e nce, a n d cha r m of people who h ave
Vibrators can end years of inability to achieved their life goals an d now live to
orgasm bu t others may find that it desensi- enj oy and sh are life with others.
tizes the area. People respond differently to Special dati ng clubs su ch as Anachron in
different types of vibrators and should not New Y o rk cater t o th e n eeds of ge ron-
assume that because a battery operated hard tophiles as do some bordellos. Magazines
p lastic vibrator does not bring them to such as Over 40 or Over 50 feature photos
orgasm that other types won 't either. of older women and stories of th eir sexual
Small vibrators are also u sed on nipple escapades w ith yo u nger men (s ee Ap-
and clitoral clamps. (Good Vibrations, The pe n d i x) . Th er e is even a video called
Complete Guide to Vibrators by Joani Blank) " Gran dma Does Dallas."
GEN UPHALLATION Genuphallation is
th e act of rubbing the peni s between a
partn er's knees. GOLDEN SHOWERS See SHOWERS
STANDS) is m ost commonly found among pr imates
but humans too, in addition to the n ormal
GERON TOPHILIA (Alphamegamia- grooming one does before a date , u se
ol d er man , An ilil agn ia- older wome n , grooming as foreplay.
Chronophilia-age d iffere nce, Graophilia- Fo r d and Beach found this t o be true
older female, Matronolagnia-older female) among the Siriano, Dusun, Plains Cree, and
Some people have a sexual attraction for Trobrianders. Holmb e rg wrote of t he
peop le who are significan t ly olde r th a n Siriono's of Eastern Bolivia:
themselves. There are even rapists who only
Lov ers also spend hours in grooming one
attack el d e rly wome n (anoraptu s) . Gay
another-extracting lice from their hafr or
gerontophiles are common as indicated by
w ood ticks from their bodies, and eating them;
the number of pers o nal ads requesti ng
removing worms and spines from their skin;
father figures. Personal ads of gays are usu-
gluing feathers into their hair; and covering
ally m ore direct than those of heterosexuals.
their faces with uruku ... paini. This behavior
The following are t ypical::
often leads up to a sexual bout, especially when
30 yr . int o s ha vi ng, rip e crotches conditions for intercourse are favorable (The
looking for Daddy Siriano, by A.R. Holmberg, p . 182).
Boy seeks leather daddy to serve Sex slaves often prefer performing tasks that
involve the grooming of thei r m as ters .
WM wants Daddy Bear for manly ses-
T h ese rituals inclu de bathing, m anicurin g
sion s of safe sex
t h eir p artner 's nails, and shampooing or
Bearded Daddy wanted to teach me styling their hair.
the ropes and serve his needs (See also COURTSHIP, and SLAVES)

GROPING APPARATUS These are GROUP SEX (Orgy, Swinging, Wife

devices that create a barrier between p eople swapping; Bigynist-one male/two females,
but at the same time enables them to have Biviri st-o nc fe male / two males, Marty-
sexual contact by inserting their hand into machlia-arousal from having others watch
s trategi cally pl ace d during sex, Ochlophilia-arousal from being
holes. There are grope in crowds)
su its mad e of latex or Group sex invo lves sex betwee n more
leather wh ere only the t han tw o pe o ple. Humans, like other
genitals or breasts are s pecies , ca n experience a high level o f
exposed and boxes that sexual energy from an environment where
one pers o n stand s in they hear, see, t o uch , and smell others
and other peopl e can engaged in copulation. The opportunity to
rea c h in with their engage in sex without the u su al commit-
hands. An alternate form is the glory hole (a ment or intimacy likewise relieves pressure
w all or box that ha s a hol e only l arge fo r many. Many anci e nt religions u sed
enough for the insertion of a penis) which orgies in the worship of fertility gods. These
allows bo th partners to protect their rituals gave widows, homely virgins, and
a nonymity. These are p opular in X-ra te d spouses of infertile mates the chance to con-
video re ntal stores. The Suaheli of Africa ceive; the offspring of such unions were
were said to use a hole in the fence around considered sacred.
their yard for rendezvous with lovers . Today the N orth American Swing Club
estimates the number of active swingers in
"In the yard, near the fence, there is a gate-like
the United States to be five million. There
board in which there is a hole about a yard
is a diversity of establishments, individuals,
fro m the ground. Early in the morning the
or groups that support this activity. They
negress takes her stand there with her back to
range from sex houses, special group sex
the board and facing her husband, who, though
cruise ship excursions, hot tub parties, S/M
still lying in the hut, can watch her well from
club s, fetish clubs, gay b ath s, nudi st
his bed. H er lover comes to the gate as pre-
colonies, gang bangs, religious rituals, and
arranged, she bends down forward, acts as if
intimacy worksh o ps. Th e m ost comm on
.;he were washing the cooking utensils, and calls
establishment is one run by a couple who
out some chance phrase to her husband, who
open their home as a group sex house one
sus pects nothing, while her lover has her
or more nights a week. The couple u suaL!y
through the hole in the board" (Voodoo-Eros
provides clean s heets, t o wels, lockers,
by Felix Bryk pp. 216-7).
snacks, drinks, condoms, and lubricants . In
Latex suits are available with small rubber return each person donates a sm all amount
fingers or fibers over nipples and genitals. of money to help them cover the expenses.
These create a tickling sensation as the This contribution does not pay for sex, and
person m oves or perspires. just like a singles bar one can leave without
There are similar groping games where having se x. The house will have severa l
one p e r so n walks b e tween two row s of rooms. One is used as a room for people to
people in the dark or while blindfolded. soc ializ e, usu all y clothed early in the
Humans are not the only sp ecies to use evening and semi-clothed later. There is a
groping apparatuses. The female thread- kitchen where people snack and socialize as
worm p okes her vagina through the skin of well. H o t tubs are common and usually
her host vegetable \.Vhen she is ready for sex. on e's first invitation is to undress and soak
The m ales crawl around the surface until in the tub. The next progression of events
they find one of these female occupied holes takes one to either a group sex room or a
(Sex Link, by H y F reedman). semi-private room. The difference between
(See also CHEMlSE CAGOULE and GLORY these are in the distribution of mattresses;
HOLES) group ro oms have them joined together to

\ "

cover the entire floor, whereas semi-private sits on a reclined male's penis and fellates
rooms have them arranged farther apart. In two men, one standing on each side. Daisy
addition, the house rule restricts anyone else Chains are the circles formed by a group of
from joining a couple in this room without people, each performing oral sex on the
their in vitation. The rule for a group sex person in front of them. No one is forced to
area is that people can only join a couple or swap partners and many couples simply go
group with their permission. The re is an to watch others have sex or to ha ve sex
important difference between invitation and themselves while others watch.
permission. The fust requires the couple to Sophisticated group sex establishments
ask another t o join and the latter allows the m ay offe r videos, mirrored ceilings and
couple to be interrupted with requests of walls, grope boxes, see through glass dance
others. Often, being touched or caressed by floor, fashion shows, strip tease classes,
others is used as a subtle substitute for the pubic hair trimming, and massage lessons.
verbal request. Once this inquiry has been A house in Florida requires that both part-
made it is each individual's responsibility to ners attend a sensitivity class prior to being
say no or gently push them away. People allowed into the club.
who refuse to take "no" for an answer or Group sex houses offer women many
who are too aggressive will be asked to leave benefits. They are able to engage in casual
and not asked back. There are house rules sex in an environment where there is little
gove rning the type of sex allowed on the need to be concerned about rape or physical
premises. Often overt sadomasochi sm is abuse. Participants are not r estricted t o
prohibited, and generally m en are not d epending on one partner to satiate their
allowed to engage in genital contact with appetite. Casual sex can help relieve the
each other, although it is often encouraged tension or frustration experienced by those
between women. Once compliance is made who don't have a regular sex partner. It is a
to these rules the type of sex and number of way of accepting responsibility for on e's
participants vary. own physical needs rather than letting an
A visitor to a group sex scene will see a unsympathetic socioreligious system dictate
few who masturbate a lo ne, co uple s deprivation. Establishing control of one's
engaging in oral/genital sex, and groups of own life creates a feeling of empowerment
three or more together u sing an array of and keeps a person from directing frustra-
positions. There are groups of three people tion toward others, or of internalizing these
satisfying each other with a variety of oral, feelings and suffering from depression and
genital, ana l, a nd overall body tactile low self esteem.
stimuli. Mongolian Clusters consist of more In addition to these types of group sex
than three people. These usually have more houses, there are those that cater to special
men than women a nd each woman will have interest groups such as S/M, scat, golden
several men penetrating her or groping from showers, cross dressing, and fetishes. CAU-
the outside of the cluster. Some women u se T ION: Many couples assume swinging will
the anonymity of this environment to exper- save a marriage. However, it m ore often
iment with different forms of same sex inti- destroys a weak relationship. Likewise it is an
macy. These may either engage in mutual activity that has to have the e nthusiasm of
titillation with each other or work together both partners to be suc cessful. Sexually
as a team to provide sex u al variety (one transmittable diseases ar e a major concern
female may not enjoy some sex acts-cun- for many. However, it is often easier to insist
nilingus, fellatio, anal or vaginal penetra- that a casual partner use condoms than it is
tion-and the other will cover for her.) In to ask a steady lover. ("Swingers," Mensa
ad dition to the Mongolian Cluster, other Sexyg Gathering Conference, San Francisco,
positions include the Rainbow, which is a February 17-1 8, 1990; "Are You a Swinging
cluster of people who have different skin Virgin," by Shirley Sez, Lifestyle
colors, and a Row Boat is where a female Conference, August 17-18, 1990; "ABC's of

Swin ging," by J ohn and H one y- b ea r , GYNEMIMETOPHILIA G ynemimet-

Lifestyle Conference, Augu st 17-18, 1990) ophilia (gy ne: fem al e; mi mos: m im e),
(See also ADULTERY, CANDAULISM, FES- coined b y John M oney, refers to those wh o
TIVALS, GANG BANGS, MENAGE A TROIS, a re aroused by a male who is impersonating
ORGIES, POL YITEROPHILIA, SEX CONFER- a fem ale or a male-to-female transsexual.

HANDICAPS Handicaps include ph ys- ring may benefit a partner and a urologist
ical di sabilit ies and, in this text, in cludes can be con sulted if orgasm s do become a
in curabl e se x u ally tran smitted diseases . p ro ble m. Su p p o rt g roup s exist in so m e
P eople suffer from many different handi- areas that assist in working out many other
cap s b ut only a cou ple were selected for dis- concerns.
cussion here. These should give the reader a Support groups an d clubs are availa ble
general concept of the problem and possible for m any categories of special h an dicaps.
recommendations to facili tate adjustment. People wh o are un de r five feet tall have a
Paraplegics cannot feel anything fro m the club called "Little People of America" that
waist d ow n , bu t orgas m s simil a r t o we t sometimes serves as a resou rce for meetin g
dreams d o occur. It is p ossible for the para- others. N ot everyone con siders it necessary
plegic's partner to rub the penis, creating an to restrict their selection of a spouse to those
erectio n t h at will enable the two t o have with similar handicaps .
p enetrative sex . P araplegics becom e arou sed P ersonal ads are excellent fo r people who
fro m t actile st im u la ti on do n e abov e th e live with STD's such as AIDS and herpes,
waist. A sex surrogate is som etimes u sed to or fo r p eople wh o a re d eaf, b lin d , h ave
train th e p erson or couple in adjusting to colos tom y b ags, a r e ampu tees, et c. T he
this condition and there are organizatio ns person placing the ad remains anonym?\u s
that offer resources and support to disabled and does not risk-personal re j ec t i o n . O ~ e
p eople . sho uld n ever think on e is alone in his or her
M en whose genitals h ave been rem oved suffe ring. For instance, 9 1/2 million p eople
are still able to have p leasurable sensations in the U. S . are restricted to wheelch airs, an
b y st im u latin g t h e ne rves in the p ro state estim at ed 4 0 m illion have gen ital herp es
region. An cient e unuc h p ries ts u sed thi s (so m e re p orts h ave indica ted th at from
method of ped erasty to continu e their sex sa m p le scree ning s as m a ny as 5 0 % of
li ves . Me n wh o have lo st testicles after A me ri can s ca r ry t h e v i rus) an d a s o f
p uberty can often h ave an active sex life; D ecemb er 199 1 there was a cu mulative of
however, orgasm is usu ally m ore difficult to 206,392 reported cases of AIDS .
achieve. Anal stimu lation of the prostate can (See also ACROT OMOPHILIA, DISEASES,
be of benefit for them also. A doctor is able D YS FUN CTIONS and DYSMORPHOPHILIA)
to m o ni tor these me n to make su re t h eir
adren al gland is producing en ough testos- HANDKERCHIEF CODES Han dker-
terone t o replace what was once produced chief codes are used by some S/M and gay
by the testicles. If this horm on e is not pre- group s. Colors denote prefere n ce fo r spe-
sent the prostate can atrophy. cific sexual activities and p laci ng the hand-
M ultiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's dis- kerch ief on the left side of the b ody tells
ease are diseases that attack the central ner- p o tential partners the wearer is a top (one
vous system. Sen sation in the genitals m ay wh o d oes this to a noth er). C olors o n the
diminish and make sustained erection and right side of the body signal that the person
orgas m mor e d iffic ult. T he u se of a co ck is a botto m (one who has the act d one to

them). T herefore, people look for matching of the Greek's gynecaeum, where women
colored handkerchiefs on the opposite side stayed at home, having servants shop and
of the prospective partner's body. The fol- do errands. A Greek woman of social status
lowing chart shows the significance of spe- was rarely ever seen on the streets-this was
cific colors: a place for female servants, peasants, slaves,
and prostitutes. T his isolation doomed the
women to social illiteracy, many being con-
Black Heavy SM demned as superstitious and intellectu ally
Blue, dark Anal Sex unfit to rear male children . H arems were
Blue, light Oral Sex outlawed in the early 1900's but some still
Blue, robin's egg Light SM exist. The King of Morocco is report ed to
Brown Coprophilia have over 200 women in his harem.
Gray Bondage Ancient Chinese kings and emperors had
Green Prostitution as many as 121 women in their seragli os.
Lavender Group sex Special "sex secretaries" were employed to
Lemon Catheters keep tally of whose turn it was to have sex
Maroon Vampirism/ with the king and whether she became preg-
M enstruating nant as a result. Finally in "the early eighth
Mustard Food games century, girls who slept with the emperor
Olive Drab Costumes/Military were rubber-stamped afte rw a rd " (Sex in
Orange Anything History, by Reay Tannihill, p. 238).
Pink Breasts/Lactaphilia The Moslem injunction is religious and
Purple Piercing even without the locked doors of a harem
Red Fisti ng the Arab women prior to the 20th century
White Novice would not choose to walk about the streets
White lace Corsets, etc. exposing themselves to strange men. Most
Yellow Urophilia harem s consisted of only one wife and a few
concubines. The Koran limited men to fou r
Codes are not perfectly standard ized, and
wives; however, they were p ermitted addi-
embarrass ing mistakes have occurred. At
tional concubin es. Only the wealthy could
one tim e right a nd left sites h ad op p osite
afford this luxury because in addition to the
meanings for those living on the East and
wives the man had to support the necessary
West Coasts.
servants or slaves needed to care for the
ADS) women and ch ildren . The li v es o f t h e
women were leisurely. They h ad private
gardens, talked, bathed and gossiped. Some
HAREMS (Gy necaeu m , Seraglio) engaged in alternative or illicit sexual adven-
Harems rose from the practice of polygamy. tures and others escaped boredom through
Keeping women sheltered was a way of the use of opium.
guarding wives and concubines from the (See also GE ISHAS , GROUP SEX, HET-
sexual escapades of men in the community AERAE, tv1ARRIAGE and ORGIES)
and possible reciprocation from the women.
The term h arem is used for M oslem HARMATOPHILIA Harmatophilia
seraglios, where the women were kept under (harm ostes: to govern or bring harmony,
lock and key, but its meaning, "that which is tomy: to cut, philia: attachment) refers to
sacred, set apart, or forbidden," alludes to one who is aroused by mistakes or rules
the former religious custom of maintaining being broken . Harmatop h obia refers t o
priestesses for sexual purposes in the tem- those who are frightened of making a m is-
ples. The isolatio n of married women in take. A great majority of men are aroused
harems was consistent with an oriental prac- by their partner having less sexual knowl-
tice of purdah (hiding women behind veils edge or competence than themselves. This
and gowns) that predates Mohammed, and bolsters their self esteem and makes them

feel more sec ure in the relationship. Of c reat ed a lightheaded sen sa ti o n that pro-
cour se, this preference for sexuall y inept duced intense orgasms for her.
fema les can c ause som e wo men to eithe r Th e exact position required that she
feign incompetence or prevent them fro m p osition herself in a head sta nd on so me -
wanting to experiment or learn m ore about thing soft and spread her legs. Her partner
sex . men straddled her between the legs so that
(See also MASOC HI SM, PE CAT T IPHILIA, o ne of his feet was o n each side. Be nding
SADISM. and ZEL OPHILIA) forward he was able to insert hi s penis and
thrust until orgasm .
HARPAXOPHILIA (Ch rema t is to- Oth er sim il ar acti v ity includ es o n ly
philia-arou sa l fr o m being r ob bed) engaging in oral sex with m e partner doing
Harpaxophi li a ( h arpax : robber, p hilia , the headstand or lying o n a bed w ith the
atta chm ent) indicat es sexual arousa l from upper bod y hanging o ver me edge.
robbery. (See also OXYGEN REGULATION and SEX
Certainly there is an adrenalin rush exp e- POSIT IONS)
rienced whil e being robbed.
Consensual se x scenes or fanta sy play HEBEPHILIA H ebephili a refers to the
that utilize th e stimulus produced w h en attractio n of a person to teenagers .
being robbed often consists of ha ving the ( Se e a lso CATAM IT ES , ILLEGAL SEX,
victim retire and INC EST, NE PI OP HI LJA , NYM PHOPHI LIA,
sometim e late r SNUFF FILMS and VIRG INS)
b e ing avvakened
b y a scan til y-
c la d cat burglar HEDONISM Hedonism (he do ne: plea-
crawling through sure) refers to the lifestyle of those w ho plan
meir lives p rimarily for me experienc ing of
the bedroom
pleasu re.
wi nd ovv. The
victim pre tends
to be as l eep
while the burglar
searc h es fo r
HERMAPHRODITES (Ambisexuality,
Interse x u a ls) Th is is a
va luabl es. At so m e point th e re ·.viii b e a
struggle with one person ending up bound. conditio n where an indi-
vidu al has both male and
This pe rson will be interrogated as to where
the jevvels h ave been hidde n a nd th en can female genital character-
expect to be sexu ally m olested. is tics due to th e body
producing irr egu la r
Fan ta sy sce nes o f cat bu rglars seem to
work because we react emotionally when we a mo un t s of male an d
female ho rmo nes du ring
lose something regardl ess of whether or not
it was voluntary . prenatal deve lop m e nt.
T h ey may have a modi -
H YBRI STOP H lLIA, KLEPTOPHILIA, P ARA- fied vagina, ovaries tha t hang in me o uter
P l-IILIA , PE CAT TIP HI LI A, PI-IOBOPHILIA, labia (labia l ectopy) a n enlarged clitoris, a
SACRIFI CE and SYMPHOROPHILIA) small penis with testicles, a developed p enis
wim an empty scrotal sack (crytorchid ism),
HEAD STANDS Couples may enjoy or any n umber of combinations or in ternal
having sex wid1 m e female in a head stand a lteratio n s of the n orm al. A hermaphrodite
position (head a nd hand s formi ng a tripod- w ith funct io ni ng t estic les o r ova ries and
like pose o n m e floor). u terus can parent chil dren with a partn er of
In o n e coup le, th e fema le preferred me appropriate sex. T hese variatio ns often
having orgasms in m is position because me account fo r the cases re p orted o f ve tera n
bl ood that settled in h er upper extremities so ldi e r s gi vi n g birth to chi ldren . Many

anc ient gods were portrayed as herm- more freedom than other women who, after
aphrodites and were thought to be able to marriage, were confined to their gynecaeum
parent children without a partner. or homes.
Hermaphrodites in America were often It was extremely difficult for women to
hired b y circuses and exhibited naked as gain any type of positive recognition in
freaks until the mid 20th century. Chinese Greece but several of th e hetaerae are men-
in the third century were warned that. this tioned by historians. Aspasia became the
was the result of bi-sexual parents. intell ectual and beautiful mistress of
Europeans in the Middle Ages thought that Athenian statesman, Pericles, who ruled
the condition could be cured by having the Athens for many years. The infam ous
hermaphrodite engage in sex with a recently Thais, mistress of Alexander the Great, is
deceased virgin . Today parents in India credited with persuading him to burn t he
have infa nts with this dysfunction castrated city of Persepolis in Persia. Evidence exists
and raised to b e dancers and prostitutes. that some of the hetaerae led campaigns to
Surgery and hormone treatments can often educate other women and to improve their
correct this condition if done while the child status.
is young. (See also ADULTERY, CATAMITES,
There are a few magazines and movies GEISHAS, HAREMS, MARRIAGE and PROSTI-
featuring hermaphrodites engaged in sex. TUTION)
They differ from pre-operative transsexuals
in that the latter still have a similar physique HETEROSEXUALS (Androphilia,
as to when the y were male and they still Heterophilia, Heterosexualism) Heterosex-
have scrotal sacks and testes with no vagina. uality is the preference of a person for a
One movie featured a couple of partner of the opposite sex. It is determined
hermaphrodites who were feminine except by biological factors that include genetic,
for well developed penises'. They performed horm onal, and neurological components.
in various positions including simultane- Our sex preference does not seem to be
ously penetrating each others' vaginas with determined by casual sex experiences. A
their penises and then each withdrawing to large numb er of boys experi enc e h omo-
ejaculate. Such movies are often just farces sexual contact before they settle into a het-
in which females wear glued-on dildos. erosexual life style. Furthermore, many
(See also ANATOMY, DYSFUNCTIONS and ancient or primitive tribes practice active
TRANSSEXUALS) h om osexuality on young boys before mar-
riage. This is socially accepted and after
HETAERAE (Courtesa n s) The Greek their marriage seems not to effect their het-
hetaerae were fema le co mpanions and erosexual role.
entertainers during the 4th and 5th cen- Society does not see m t o be able to
turies BCE (before common era or BC) . manipulate people's sexual preferences, but
They were the highest of the three classes of can influence how people perceive them-
Greek prostitutes. The second class were selves in th eir selected role. Successful
called au letrides. These played musical implementation of husband/wife roles usu-
instruments at feasts and used prostitution ally necessitates a proper role model by par-
as a seco n dary so urce of income. The ents. C hildren reared in single parent h omes
lowest class was the dicteriades, whose pri- often have diffic ulty in determining appro-
mary talents were sexual. Most hetaeraes priate roles or behavior and families por-
were originally slaves; Greek women rarely trayed on television ca n often create
were allowed to pursue intellectual interests. unrealistic expectations for a partner or one-
Hetaerae were comparable to the highest self. While having poor role models rarely
class of European courtesans. These women leads to homosexuality, it can cau se broken
chose to remain single and pursue an educa- marriages or decisions to remain single.
tion. Although often financially supported (See also BI-SEXUALS, GAYS , HOMO-
by their lovers they were still allowed much PHOBIA and LESBIANS)

HIEROPHILIA Hierophilia (hieros: on the ground in mild convulsions that are

sacred or holy; philia: attachment to) refers indistinguishable from some tantra practi-
to those who are aroused by sacred objects. tioners whose bodies go limp during exer-
This may include cises due to sudden orgasmic vibrations that
such things as last ten to twenty minutes. Spiritual arousal
masturbating with at revivals, h owever, was not always limited
crosses or while sit- to God and the individual worshiper. In
ting in the church 1873 D. J. Davis recorded his experience of
pews. Some have old time American camp-meetings.
even broken into
Those who think that a camp-meeting is no
churches at night and had sex on the altar.
place for love-making are very much mistaken.
(Personal communication, Austin Texas,
Wh en passions were aroused and moral
restraints gave way for miles around the camp
Many of the early goddess relig ions
hundreds of couples could be seen prowling
revered sex and included it as part of their
around in search of some cozy spot (H istory of
worshi p. Statues, animals, priests, and
the City of Memphis, p. 173, as quoted in
priestesses were all provided for congre-
S ex and Race, by J.A. Rogers). Rogers con-
gants' sexual gratification at one time or
tinu ed with this explanation: "Since the
camp-meeting was a primitive affair, those
FESTIVALS, PHALLOPHILIA, SEX MAGICK human beings who were nearest lo original
and YON! WORSHIP) Nature, were the leaders, thus the chief stirrers
of the sexio-religious emotions of the whites
were Negroes, most of whom could neither read
HODOPHILIA (Nomavalent,
nor write. Surcharged with primordial feeling,
Ecdemolagnia) H odophilia (hodos: path,
these totally illiterate blacks would whip their
philia: attachment) describes the sexual
white audiences to the heights of frenzy"
arousal people feel while traveling to new or
(33 1).
strange places. Travel often entails anxiety,
pleasure, autonomy, and additional hours In small towns, lacking more sophisticated
for entertainment. People feel more tempted meeting places, th e back rows of te nt
to break out of their normal routine and revivals were popular ' cruising' spots for
experience their new environment to the both gay m en and heterosexual prostitutes
fullest, especially if the country has a legal during the 1950's and 1960's.
red light d istrict. Another group of speakers th at seem to
(See also COITUS A CHEV AL, SIDERODRO- project sexual chemistry are trial attorneys.
MOPHILIA and XENOPHILIA) These people have to deliver intense emo-
tional plea s in defense of clients. This
HOMILOPHILIA (Autagonistophilia- respon sibility and strong emotional display
arousal by being o n stage or on camera) sometimes induces erection in m ale attor-
Homilophilia (homilo: se rmons , philia: neys. They are often warned by their pro-
attachment) refers to feeling sexual arousal f es so rs not to fixate on a fe male juror
while listening to or giving sermons and be ca u se she ca n pick up o n the sexual
speeches. Public speakers are often dynamic energy and feel uncomfortable.
and this combined with adrenalin can pro- The abili ty to emotionally o r sexually
duce sexual arousal for both the speaker and arouse an audience appears to be necessary;
their audience. without it an audience will n ot respond to
Religious services were once designed to the desires of the speaker, whether this is to
arouse devotees sexually in preparation for purchase an object, convert, volunteer, or
the ensuing orgies. Today, tent revivals still change their position on an issue.
appeal to the emotions of those gathered by Speeches that are about sex do not have
promising that God will forgive their sins to condone it. Often the g uilt associated
and love them. Occasionally people will fall with a m inister's admonitions against this

'vile' act can create greater arousal than a for close same sex friendships as do women
lecture discussing its merits. but only a few support groups exist to pro-
(See also ACOUSTICOPHILIA, AGREX- vide a forum for discus sion o f personal
OPHILIA, COPROLALIA and NARRATO- problems, fears, and goals. A person who
PI-IILIA) cannot communicate their frustrations often
releases t h eir tensio n in inappropriate or
HOMOPHOBIA H omophobia is defined unhea lth y ways, therefore it ben efi ts
as the fear of homosexuality and its per- everyone in a family to let others have time
ceived emasculating consequences. A more and p e rmi ss ion t o cu lti va te sam e sex
appropriate word might be "femmephobia" friends.
because this feeling is generally applicable A few men have begun gathering in the
only to th e fear of becoming the p ass ive for m of support groups where they are
partner. To most h eterosexual men being m aking an effort to share their emotions and
gay m ea n s bei n g weak, effeminate , and fears with other men. A goal is to overcome
powerless. It means that if a man takes the th e hom o phobia that ke eps man y from
aggr essive role and approaches them they developing the type of close supportive rela-
lose their powerful masculine status; they tionships that women seem to cultivate.
are being pursued and have to say " no" to (See also GAYS, HETEROSEXUAL S, LES -
sex, something with which most men have BIANS and PHOBIAS)
little experience. A fe eling of helplessness
then is easily transformed into anger and HOMOSEXUALITY See GAYS
After World War II, gays became more HOT WAX H ot wax in sex play is u sed to
open . But Puritan morals argued that any in crease adrenalin and thu s arousal. The
fo rm of sex ot her than penovaginal is most famous ent husiast was St. Pazz i, a
deviant and that those who practice it are 16th century nun wh o would have others
not capab le of any type of ethical behavior. drop hot wax on her body while sh e was
A Senate co mmittee released a r eport in ti ed to a bed post a nd humiliated (Very
December 19 50 that warned that even Peculiar People, by E.J. Dingwall) .
one ... People engaging in hot wax play hold the
candle over a partner and drip wax, som e-
sex pervert in a Government agency tends to
times until a l arge mound i s formed .
have a corrosive influence upon his fellow
Occasionally people will drip wax on their
employees. These perverts will frequen tly
partner's gen-
attempt to entice normal individuals to engage
itals or insert
in perverted practices. This is particularly true
a long candle
in the case of young and impressionable people
into the anus
who might come under the influence of a per-
and l et t h e
vert. . . One homosexual can pollute a
wax run
Government office.
d own t he
"Gays, because of this n ew social stigma, sid es of t h e
were considered a security risk being easy candl e until
targets for blackmail by Communist spies. the anal area
The FBI was given the respons ibility of is obsc u re d. CAUTIO N: Both partners
inves tigating, ex posing a nd di s miss ing ex perime nt with th e wax o n t h e m selves
anyone proven to be homosexual" (Intimate before u sing it in a game. A plain wax
M atters by John D'Emilio and Estelle B. candle, with no scen ts, beeswax, or met al
Freedman, pp. 288-293) . coloring, is u sed . T he temperature is also
Homophobia can have a negative effect regulated by the distance the candle is held
on a man's ability to maintain close friend- above the person, becoming cooler in pro-
ships with others. Men have as much need portion to its h eigh t. Ice is kept on hand for

accidents or simply to alternate the sensa- used with humiliation just as one uses it
t ions. Areas with dense body hair are with flagellation or bondage.
avoided unless depilation is desired. Humiliation is more effective for some
(See also ALGOPHILIA, BODY PAINTING, when they are bound or being forced to do
CIGAR S, ELECTRIC SHOCK, ICE , something menial or embarrassing. It may
MASOCHISM, PYROPHILIA, SAFE SEX, also take a physical form that involves the
use of urine, feces, or shaving. CAUTION:
P eople have personal limits they don 't want
violated. A sample contract may state, " You
HUMILIATION (Astheno lagnia-
aroused by weakness or humility) Verbal can call me anything you want, but don't
humiliation in sex play produces passion for say anything about my mother, the size of
my penis, or my tattoo." T here may be sub-
Humiliation has long been a popular jects from one's child hood tha t ar e too
painful to address, while others use humilia-
form of discipline for governments and reli-
tion to reprogram negative experiences into
gions. It was used as a form of abuse by the
Visitantines, a Catho li c order of nuns a satisfying erotic one. A general guideline
used in humiliation is that of n ot us ing
formed by Francoise Fremoit de Chantal to
replace chastisement with birches.The Rev. insults that one wil l later have trouble
denying. For instance, a person wou ld never
William M. Cooper, B.A. , in A His tory of the
call an obese partner a "pathetic fat-assed
Rod (p. 81), states:
Novices were obliged to wear a fool's cap, Humiliation is like bondage play in that
immense spectacles, or LO Lie heavy pieces of after the game th e part n er ha s to be
wood on themselves, or be laden with stones released . In humiliation this is accomplished
and blocks like an ass. If a novice lay too long by spending time nurturing and reassuring
in bed, she had, as a punishment to carry a t he partner of their value and attributes.
pillow into the refectory; and if a similar fa ult This part of the game is essential, and not
was cormniaed a second Lime, she was obliged taken lightly.
to extend herself on the ground, and say lo the (Refer also to COPROPH ILIA, DEFILE-
nuns, 'Dear sisters, have pity on me, that I am MENT, DEPILATION, DOMINANCE/SUBMIS-
so lazy.' On a third offence, the delinquent was SION, INTERROGATION, SLAVES, TOILET
treated like a little child, wrapped in swaddling TRAINING, UROPHILIA and WORSHIP/GOD-
clothes, and fed with pap, and only as a last
resource would the Mo ther Superior give a
HYBRISTOPHILIA H ybristophilia is
good birching. Some of the nuns thought the
defined by John Money as "a paraphilia of
rules too mild, and left the community for a
the marauding/predatory type in which sex-
more rigid order.
uoerotic arousal and facilitation and attain-
Humiliation was also used by the Scottish ment of orgasm are respons ive to, and
Puritans who som etimes placed the sinner dep endent upon, being with a partner
in an iron collar and fastened the m to the known to have committed an outrage or
wall in front of the congregation to be crime, such as rape, murder, or armed rob-
harangu ed for half an hour every Sunday, bery [from Greek, hybridzein , to commit an
sometimes for up to a year. outrage against someone + -philia] . T h e
Today humiliation is used in almost any partner m ay have served a prison sentence
form of sex play, but is consensual and as a co nvicted criminal, or may be instigated
something a partner can transfer to a sexu al by the hybristophile to commit a crime and
response. There are p eo ple who do n ot so be convicted and sent to pri son"
become sexuall y aroused thi s way, and (LOVEMAPS, pp. 263-4). Dr. Money used
othe r s who enj oy insults when they are Bon nie and Clyde and Charles Manson's
feeling well psychologically, but not when "Family" as examp les of t h is phe-
they are depressed. Therefore, a safeword is nomen on.Men living in prison often have

o ngoing relationships with three or fo ur find it in articles of clothing, or to simply

women. T hese men offer excitement, mys- smell the odors or pheromones these pro-
ter y, and intrigue to wo m en wh o usually duce.
have low self esteem, or a fear of physical H ygrophilia is not limited to the secre-
intimacy. Masters and L ea wrote of a noto- tions of their partners; some have engaged
rious mass murderer named Vacher whose animals or deceased humans for this pur-
tr ial wa s attended by a large number of pose.
women, some of high social standing, who (See also COCKTAILS, CUM ET IQUETT E,
were obviously aroused by the murderer. KLISMAPHlLIA, LACTlPHILIA, SAFE SEX and
Sarne male criminals are attractive, but that
does not explain the phenomenon. Certainly, HYPHEPHILIA Hyph ephilia (hyphe:
Vacher was not a man al whom women would web, a n d philia: attachment to ) refers to
look twice-unless in revulsion-were he not those who are aroused by touching fabrics
glamorized or somehow charged with eroticism or other garments.
by his crimes. Philip Lindsay (The M ainspring (Refer to DORAPHILIA, FETISH, FRO T -
of Murde1) describes hirn as having a pallid TAGE, OCHLOPHlLIA and TOUCH )
countenance, splotched with yellow. Hair strag-
gled down his cheeks, black and matted. He HYPNOSIS H ypnosis is a trance-like state
had a harelip, adding also a speech defect to his that resembles sleep wherein the person is
debilities. And still additionally, as a result of a susceptible to suggestion by the hypnotist.
gunshot wound sustained in a suicide attempt, There are several degrees of hypnotic states:
his right eye was damaged and suppurating; the lethargic state that resembles a coma, the
while the right side of his face was semi-para- major state wherein one is obliviou s of all
lyzed, the consequence of the severing of a nerve outside stimuli except the hypnotist's sug-
(Perverse Crimes in History, pp. 165-6). gestions, and last the minor state wherein the
Women would often p ass suggestive notes person obeys suggestions to a lesser degree.
to the defendant, flirt, and at times create T here are h isto rical r eco rd s of cases
such a disturbance that th ey were asked to where hypnotists were able to use hypnotic
leave the courtroom . sugges t ions t o fac ilitate interco ur se .
Prisoners benefit from these liaisons by Hirschfeld was consulted during a trial
conning the women into smuggling drugs, where an impotent husband filed sexual
cash, and cigarettes into the prison. Visiting assault charges against his wife's physician.
h ours are usua ll y spent fond ling eac h T he doctor confessed that he ordered her to
woman. It is possib le for relationships to "raise her skirt, lie down, spread her legs,
evolve into marriage but most of them end take out his penis, introduce it into her
if the prisoner is released (Prisoners of Love, vagina, then, during the act, p erfor m par-
by R ic h ard Con e; Pacific Northwest, May a ll e l movements unti l m u tual orgasm
1989, pp. 53, 102) . occurred. " Su spicion was aroused when she
(See also ACROTOMOPHILIA, HARPAX- became pregnant and a d etective was then
OPHILIA, PHOBOPHILlA, SAD ISM, SYM- hired by th e husband , who confirmed his
PHOROPHILIA and VICARIOUS AROUSAL) fears (Sexual Anomalies and Perversions, by
Magnus Hirschfeld, p. 378).
HYGROPHILIA Hygrophilia (hygro: wet H ypnotic suggestion is also used by ther-
or moistur e, and philia: attachme nt) refers apists to c r eat e an aversion to particular
to sexual arousal attained from contact with types of sex. A case cited by C.A. Douglas
any type of body secretion. This includes Ringrose was of a young male who devel-
nasolingus (nasal mucous), tears, saliva, oped a sexual attraction for his mother-in-
sa li roph il ia (perspiratio n ), vamp irism la w. He sought co unseling and Quad 'P '
(blood) , ur op hili a (urine) , copro ph ilia therapy was used . This is a "combination of
(feces), semen, and vaginal secretions. self hypnosis, b ehavior modification, bio-
People may derive their p leasure from feedback, perso nal acupressure, a n d auto-
dir ect contact with the secretion s, prefer to genic programming ." The patient was put

in a trance to explore hi s past. Then his this fear and thus can experience orgasms.
" memories were modifi ed to associate Others have u sed autoh ypnotic suggestion
sexual th oughts of the mother-in-law with to induce orgasms for themselves. Cases are
an unpleasant ta ste (castor oil) and an m entioned in the annals of hypnosis that
u npleasant aroma (ammo nia) ... P os t-hyp- describe h ypnotist-induced ha llucinations
notic suggestions were given to associate that are visual, auditory, and tactile. These
any new sexual thoughts of the m other-in- hallucinations are said to b e of sed uctive
law with the aversive stimuli ... During a sub- women who sing, dan ce, and provide the
sequent series of three sessions, a penile tactil e stimulation needed fo r o r gasm
self-sla p was adde d." The patient finally (Perverse Crimes in History, p. 18 1) .
achieved relief from his problems ("Case A Florida h ypnot hera p i st, Mi chael
R eport Quad 'P ' ther apy for rapid relief Stivers, u ses hypnosis to enlarge women's
from Sexual Aberration," by C.A. Douglas breasts and offers a money back guarantee
Ringrose, British Jou rnal of Sexual Medicine, if the patient fails to see resul ts after several
May 1989, p . 194). t rea tm en ts. ( KNTV, Cha n. 1 1 News,
People who ex perience sexual phobias December 30, 1991)
(impotence or frigidity) have sometimes (See also SEX MAGI CK, SUBLIMINAL
been successfully hypno tised to overcome TAPES and SUBPERSONALITY)

ICE Ice is used to enhance tactile stimula- the p enis to become flaccid. A small amount
tion, confuse or surprise the partner, delay of ice is occasionally inserted into the vagina
orgasm, as a catheter, a light form of tor- or rec rum during sex or is placed inside the
rure, or as first aid for mild bums. foreskin and the end is then taped or h eld
A sample S/M ice scene is as follows: shut. Fellatio is used t o speed the melting
process . CAUTION: It is u nsafe t o put
Male: Has waiter of restaurant seat him and
m ore ice into an orifice than will dissolve
his date in a secluded corner. As he whispers
within a couple of minutes. Ice catheteriza-
his desires into her ear he takes the opportunity
~ tion requires a special clean procedure and
to slowly guide his hand discreetly up her dress
can be dangerous if th e ice rod has rough
and along her thigh.
edges or breaks before it melts.
Female: Responds by taking a piece of ice from (See also CAT HETERS, CIGARS, ELECTRIC
her water glass and hands it to him, saying, "If SHOCK, MASOCHISM, PSYCHROCISM and
y ou want to play I make the rules. Take the ice SENSORY ENHANCEMENT)
and run it in circles up my inner leg, pull my
panties aside, and inserL it. If you don't do it ILLEGAL SEX The government o nce
right I'll order the most expensive item on the regulated which days married couples could
menu. " have sex, positions (missionary) they could
Ice c an be run along the b ody a t any use, type of sex (penovaginal, kissing, and
time, but it is especially effective during caressing), and denied them the use of birth
b ondage or massage. A few heavy S/M par- control. Europe ans broke the ti es between
ticipants will blindfold their partner telling religious sanctions and civil law long ago.
them they are going to brand or bum them However, in the United States legislato rs
and instead u se ice. The initial sensations stall ed, fearing that support of changes in
are very similar. T hey also alternate heat the sex statutes would labe l the m as
and cold for added intensity. immoral. Therefore, a country which is pro-
Other uses of ice include placing a few gressive in e very other way ha s kep t its
chips in the mouth as one fellates a partner. archaic civil r egu lati ons on sex between
This will usually d elay orgasm by causing consenting adults until quite recently. The

manufacture and sale of condoms was their hu sbands . One woma n had already
illegal in the United States until December, asked for a divorce. Today most other states
1930. This is an item that has been available permit consensual sex between adults. Sex
in one form or anothe r for 3,000 years. acts most commonly prosecuted as criminal
Condoms purchased before 19 30 wer e are rape, prostitution, child molestat ion,
obtained on the black market and thus were exhibitionism, voyeuri sm , homos e x u al
not subject to qua lit y control. The behavior, and pornography. California's
American Law Institute, in 1955, wrote a legal age of consent (adult) is 18 years .
new code recommending that al l laws Touching a child 13 years and under is con-
imposing fines and imprisonment for sexual sidered molestation and is a felony. If the
activities performed between consenting child is 14-1 8 the charge i s changed t o
adults in private be abolished. Despite the "child annoying" and is a misdemeanor.
fact that in 19 48 Kinsey released data Zoophilia is a misdemeanor. Homosexual
showing that the majority of Americans behavior is legal unless it occurs in a state
engaged in illegal sexual activity, these prison. Incest is illegal regardless of the age
puritan laws continued to be enforced. of the participants . There is als o a law
(Kinsey reported th at 59% of Americans against child pandering which, in addition
engaged in oral-genital sex, 70% used pros- to pimps, includes a father who talks a pros-
titutes, 37% had participated in homosexual titute or fr iend into showing his son the
behavior, and 17% of those raised on fa rms ropes if the son is younger than sixteen.
had engaged in zoophilia.) The new Model California law has m ade provisions for
Penal Code was not accepted by any state anyone who technically breaks a law but one
until Illinois reformed its laws in 1962. In that was obviously not intended for their
1965 a landmark decision was rendered by case. This law permits an attorney to inform
the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of jurists that they can nullify an unfair law if
Griswold v. Connecticut which gave married they feel it is too harsh in a particular case.
couples the right to use birth control devices This is called Jury Nullification and the
without having their privacy invaded by the jurists use it by simply voting " innocent"
imposition of criminal sanction s, but still regardless of the defendant's plea.
arrests continued. In 1967 parents had their Americans are at risk of even greater
co llege stude nt daughter and boyfriend intervention and regulation of sex between
arrested in Illinois for alleged fornication . consenting couples by the government.
The fai:her stated "I'd rather see her in jail Within the last few years, the FBI has used
than debauched." In 1963 a prominent the RICO law, originally designed to confis-
entertainer was arrested on charges of cate all of a drug lord's property, again st
sodomy (fellatio with two consenting video store owners and x-rated movie pro-
females) and spent two years of a ten year ducers. The complainants are usually from
sentence in prison before attorneys were the religious right or originate from traps set
able to get him released. These were only a by FBI investigators. If the investigator s can
few of the many cases where people were get three convictions in a small religious
convicted for having deviant sex with a con- community, they can use the RICO act to
senting adult. At the end of 1990 Idaho, confiscate property from people in other
Utah, Arizona, Oklahoma, Minnesota, states; even when laws in t he other state
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, permit them to produce the material. I n
Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, addition to this type of government c ensor-
Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode ship, Senate Bill 1521 has been in troduced
Island, and the District of Columbia still "which would allow victims of sexual assault
had statutes against heterosexual fella tio, to file a civil suit against p roducers and dis-
cunnilingus, anal sex, and the use of dildos. tr ibut ors of 'obscene' ma t erial."
Adultery is illegal in some states. Recently a (Californians ACT, Vol. VI, N o . 4, by
couple of women were arrested and con- Bobby Lilly, Nov. 14, 1991, p. 2) . T his bill
victed on the mere accu sation of adultery by was introd uced desp ite evidence by the

President's Commission on Obscenity and Censorsh ip ," by Bob b y Lilly , Natio na l

P ornography ( 1970) that pornography, a Sexuality Symposium lecture, February 16-
20th century innovation, does not "cause" 18, 199 1)
sexual violence against women and chi ldren. (See also ADULTERY, ANAL SEX, BOR-
This bill is serious because it could provide DELLOS, PEDOPHILIA, PORNOGRAPHY and
rapists and child mo les ters p oss ible legal PROSTITUTION)
defense for th eir criminal acts a nd make
prosecution even m o re difficult. Ano ther IMPOTENCE ( Asty ph ia, Asy n odia,
tragic effect of this bill would be to poten- Invirility, Pareunasthenia) Impotence is the
tially inc rease the numb er of sex crimes. inability to sustain an
The majo rity of sex offenders d on't take erection long enough
p ersonal r esp on sibility fo r their vio le n ce; for penetration of a
this is .why they repeat th eir acts. A bill that partner, b ut orgasm
would shift responsibility e nab les them to usually remains pos-
continue in their violence without remorse sible with the ri g h t
once they are acquitted or paroled. am ount of stimul a-
A merica is not the only country th at is tion. This condition
becoming more repressive with their laws affect s al m ost 10
against sex. The Canadian Supreme Court milli o n people in th e United States
recent ly ( 1992) ru led that pornography including as many as 40% of me n over 65
could cause violence aga inst women. This years old who are not in good health.
assumption was based u pon lobbyists' argu- Normal erectio n depends on many fac-
ments that withi n the last few years, along tors. It may begin with an increased level of
with the rise in pornography, there has been dopamine and adrenalin in the brain or with
a rise in sexual harassment and rape. This stimulus to the p arasympathetic (involu n-
assumption is not n ecessarily valid. It is tary) n erves of th e penis. These cause the
worth n oti ng that histo ricall y socie tie s smooth inte rn al musc les of the penis to
enduring econ omic d istress experienced an relax, allowing blood to enter through two
increase in sp ouse abuse, ha te crimes, rape, main dilatin g arteries in the penis, filling
theft, and so fo rth. People wh o un de rgo tiny sin u soid veins with blood. As th ese
st ress d u e to loss a of livelihood either expand they create pressu re on the veins
release their anger on the weaker or co m- that control blood flow back into the body.
pensate for their loss with overeating, sex, The penis at this point beco mes erect. After
alcohol, or drugs. It is quite possible that one eventually achieves orgasm, th e two
instead of pornography being the cause of arteries return to no rmal, the m uscle con-
an increase in sex crimes, that an increase in tracts, the pressure on the veins is dimin-
pornography was only one of many symp- ished, and the b lood d rains back into the
toms of a suffering econom y . An o th e r b ody leaving the penis flaccid. A disease,
country, England, recently ( 1992) u sed a injury, or temporary debility of any of these
prior ruling on fights (originall y used to co m ponen ts ca n ca use impotence
prohib it conse n su al but d eadly duels) to (" Im pote n ce" b y P . C hur ch, Harvard
apply to consensu al sex acts. If allowed to lvf. edical School H ealth L etter, September
stand, this law makes illegal in England a ny 1989, pp. 4-6, and October 1989, pp. 3-4).
consensual act that would break or bruise Anxiety and stress can cause temporary
the skin. Technically this includes love bites, im poten ce but d oesn't seem to interfer e
spanking, and many other S/M activities. with ero t ic d esire. On the other h a nd,
("Co ntroversy over court rulin g on sado- depressio n and anger cause a decrease in
m asoc h ism " by Ni ck C oh e n , London sexual arousal without creating actual impo -
I ndependent, February 20, 1992, pp. 1, 3) . tence.
("Sexual Lifestyles and the Criminal," by If a perso n suspects impotence with a
Norma J ea n Al modo var, L i festy le psychological cause, an old fashioned but
Conference, August 17-1 8, 1990; "Sex and simple me thod of testing for this is that of

sticking a row of postage stamps around the po tency occurs-typically to earlier in the
shaft of the penis before retiring. If the per- da y. One patient who reported he could
forations are torn in the morning the person ' barely get an erection on ce the sun went
has experienced n ormal involuntary noc- down,' proved in satia ble at noon."
turnal erections (normally 3-5 a night) and T r eatm e n ts fo r imp o te n ce vary
psychological impotence can be suspected, accord ing to its ca use . Drugs li ke papa-
although not proven. A urologist should b e ve rine ( dil ates th e vessels) a nd prosta-
co nsu lted if ph ys ical impoten ce is su s- g landin EI
pected. T his specialist will be able to test (PGEl ) can
arterial blood flow, condition of sinusoids, be injected to
and possible leakage of veins. The urologist produce erec-
can make an initial diagnosis with an injec- tions that vvill
tion of papave rine. If the male gets a fu ll last about 30
e rection and m ainta ins it his p r oblem is minu tes. T h e
probably psychological. If he only becomes needle is very
semi-erect or it comes on slowly he usually small in di a-
has a problem with a rteries that flow in to m e t er a nd
the penis. If he has an e rection but it d oesn't on ly causes
last very long his problem may be due to the slight pain for most men. There is a risk that
veins leadin g out of the penis not closing. the drug's effects will last too lo n g (4+
All these problems are now treatable wit h hours) and cause further damage. A physi-
surgery and h ave a 50-70% success rate. cian needs to be contacted if this happen s,
The physician may be able to diagnose cer- in order to inject a counteracting drug. A
tai n di seases or ailments that often cause priapism (lo ng term e recti on) that is not
impotence, such as diabetes, nervous system relieved w ithin 6 hours causes p ain, and if
diso rd ers or injury, atheroscle r osis, or a allowed to continue untreated for 24 h ours
deficiency of testosterone (male hormone). can cause gangrene and require surgery. A
Impotence also often occu rs afte r surgical man wanting to relieve erection before the
removal of the prostate, bladder, or part o f normal time has elapsed can take 30mg of
the rectum due to cancer . Sudafed (deconges tant), assuming h e did
In addition to inherent p hysical or emo- not overdose on the amount of his injection .
tional problems a person can suffer impo- Impo te n ce tr eatmen t incurs an a n nual
tence due to drug abuse, or as a side effect expen se of $ 1, 000-5 , 000 . T h e n ewes t
fro m certain prescription medications (beta- approach has been with a mixture o f three
blockers, tranquil izers, and antid epressan ts drugs: papaverine, prostagland in, a nd p hen-
a m o n g other s). Tobacco ha s r ecen tl y to la mine . A la r ge r major ity of m e n
becom e suspect as co n tributing to impo- responded fa vorably in a test; there were no
tence. Studies conducted on dogs that were prolonged erectio ns, n o p ain, no fibrosis,
made to inhale the equivalent of o ne to two an d the cost was only $2 .50 eac h (M en's
cigarettes resulted in temporary impotence. H ealth, " Injections That Cause Erections,"
Alco h o l is a n oth er ca u se of impote n ce . by Mike M cGrath, Vol. 6, #8, August 1990,
Autopsies on the penises of alcoholics h ave pp. 4 - 13). An altern ative injection d evice
revealed tha t many of these men had very h as been in ve nted and is awaiting FDA
few if any of their penile nerves remaining approval in the U nited States. It is a small
("Impoten ce," lecture by Tom Lue, M.D., p lastic tube that is held just inside o f the
Palo Alto, May 30, 1990). urethra and squeezed so that the medication
Some men are imp otent at night but are drains down into its center. T his method is
capable of havi ng sex a t other times. Dr. a n impro vement over n eedle injectio n s
Martin Blinder, in his book Choosing Lovers becau se the needle so metimes causes scar
(p. 2 11), states: " Incidentally, as men age, tissu e to develop over time.
there is a change in the time of day whe n Vacuum devices a re m uch less expensive
their sexual biorhythm and consequent p eak but ca n b e c u mb e r s o m e. The vac uum

device has a cyli nder that is M en suffering from imp otence in other
( p laced over the penis; the air cultures have used alternative methods of
is pumped out, thus pulling achie ving orgasm . Mo st of these inv olve
,/ b lood up into most of the flagellation or some other fo rm of se nsory
penis, Once th e peni s stimul at io n that l e ads to an a ltere d
becomes fairly engorged (3-5 state/orgasm. These techniques are effective
minutes), the vacuum device in inducing orgasm without genital contact;
is re m ove d a nd a ring is therefore erection is irrelevant. P rostitutes
placed around the base of the were often experts in employing flagellation,
p enis to prevent the b lood from flowing and many bordellos specialized in this type
back in to the bod y until after o rgasm. o f remed y. The m a n had an additi o nal
T issu e damage can occu r if the ring is left advantage with these women as he did n ot
on fo r more t h an 15 minutes . A si mi lar have to feel g uilty or e mbarrassed a t not
semi-rigid device produced in England and having an erection to facilitate p enetration
called Correctaid is left on during inter- and h en ce her p leasure, since she d erived
course (British Journal of Sexual M edicine, this from payment. Thomas Gregor d ocu-
June 1990, p . 175). mented cures used today b y primitive tribes
Implant devices vary slightly. The sim- in the Amazon. These include simply rub-
plest, the malleable, consists of two cylin- bing phallic shaped fish, turtles, or p la nts
der s that can be inserted into the shaft of against the penis while chanting o r having
the penis under local a nesthesia. The penis another male b lowing onto the penis as if
will be semirigid and can be bent forward trying to r evive fading embers . The most
for sex and back to ward t h e b ody the unpopular technique was to h ave the p enis
r emainder of time. The penis will n o t scarred, afterward rubbing medicine into
inc rease in size or swell, the wounds (Anxious Pleasures, The Sexual
bu t the rigidit y wi ll Lives of an Amazonian People, p. 140). The
al low pen e tration a nd C hinese acupuncture method was used in
orgas m . A more com - 1989 on a grou p of one hun dred men who
plicated implant co n- fai led to respond to other fo rms of treat-
sists of two inflatable ment. Of t h ese 63 were able to h ave sex
cylinders, a pump, and twice a week and ten could do so o nce a
reservoi r . The pump wee k (Journ al of Traditional Chinese
and reservoir are placed Medicine as qu oted in Sex Over Forty, Sept.
i n the scrotu m. T h e 1990 issue, p . 5) .
pump can b e pressed to There is a self help group called I-Anon
pu sh the fl uid h eld in that is he ad quartered in Maryvi lle,
the reservoir in to the Tennessee for those needing em otional sup-
inflatable tu be s, pro- port.
ducing a more natural erection. The p ump (See also CELIBAC Y, DYSFUNCTIONS,
is pressed again after orgasm to release the FLAGELLATION and HANDICAPS)
fluid from the tubes back into the reservoir.
The se im plan ts can range in cost fro m INCEST
$ 10,000 to $20,000 (Mayo Clinic Healch SLEEPING BEAUTY
Letter, December 1989, pp. 4-5).
Sexologists or other professional health Laid out
ca re worker s are recommend ed for a n y Under the gauzy veil
couple attempting adjustment to the hus- Of sleep,
band's impotence or restoration of sexual I feel the hall light strike
activity. Ren ewed sex ual activity cau ses Me in the chest,
many women to feel jealous of other women And I curl around it,
for the first time and they may need coun - Roll away
s eling a n d s upport in adju sting to this Into dreams,
change. Away

From the creased frown C leopatra. Before her return to Egypt, the
And darting, hungry eyes, second brother/husband disappeared eve n
Hoping that this time more mysteriously than the first (The Nile,
The burning incandescence will fade The Life-Story of a River, by Emil Ludwig,
To cool, empty blackness. pp. 464-9).
But when the light dies, Fath er/dau ghter incest is the typ e of
It leaves a stirring in the dark incest that is prosecuted most often in court.
That cleaves to my dreams, Often, the men are religious, p assive, poorly
Breathes into them a rising spinning life, educated, and married to wives wh o are
That smooths the wrinkles, usually u navailable emotionally due to ill -
The eyes unchanged, n ess, a lco h ol, o r dru g add iction. T he
And I wish for a needle, daughter often has to take over the mother's
Immune to kisses, hou sekeepin g responsibiliti es. These, or
To drain me for the last time other problem s, can create an environment
Of cursed wakefulness where both the ch ild and father crave nurtu-
And heat. rance. The fa ther' s m oral values prevent
him from even considering having an affair
- Nelson Graff, 1992
outside the mar ri age, a sin of adultery.
(Fratrilagnia-brother, Matrincest-mother, Therefore, over a period of several years the
Oedipus complex-repressed desire to have father a nd daughter may sit together on a
sex with pa r en t of opposite sex, couch and watch t e levisio n , gradually
Patrolagnia-fath er, Thygatria-father/ becoming m o re physicall y intimate, each
daughter, Sororilagnia-sister) time with the father r eprimanding himself
T he taboo again st incest origina ted for and swearing not to let it happen again. Of
several reasons. Gen etic ·defects in offspring course, both have weak resistance and even-
has been cited most often. H owever, many tu all y e ngage in petting, oral sex, inter -
tribes only restricted marriage between rela- course, and so forth. A key factor involved
tives; not sex. The taboo was used to pro- in) tather/daughter incest is often the father
mote kinship with other tribes, and to avoid whb lacks parent/child bonding d u e to the
sexual disruption or confusion of roles in father n ot having participated in diap ering,
the fa mily unit. S ibling incest was once feedi n g, and caring fo r the c hild as an
thought to produce only female offsp ring. infant.
This belief might h ave been one reason Mot h er/son inces t , t he th ird type o f
patriarchal societies prohibited these mar- inces t, may begin after a divorce when a
riages. toddler is allowed to sleep with the mother
Incan royalty is t hou ght to h ave used a nd a few nigh ts runs into several years;
incestuous m arriage to keep p ower a nd however, actual penetration is rare in this
wealth in the family. The Egyptian royalty situation. Typically, the dangers are greater
used matrilineal descent in choosing succes- when the toddle r or other male child is past
sors because they couldn't prove paternity. puberty and the m other is divorced, wid-
Royal sons could only rule if they married owed, or not receiving an adequate amount
their sisters. Sometimes they were married of affection fro m a husband . T h e yo ung
at birth . Cleopatra was o n e of the most m en r eact in different ways, incl udi ng
notable females who engaged in incestuous h aving deep feelings of guilt. A teenager
marriage. At 14 she was married to her 10 who fee ls guil t for sed u cing h is moth er
year old brother. T hey vied for power until, needs to be reminded that, unless he raped
at about age of 19, her brother mysteriously h er, seduction is impossib le without the
dr owned in th e N ile. Caesar had Cleopatra mother's consent. Teenagers are often trau-
married a few years later to another young matized by sexual advances made by their
brother as a cover, while he lob b ied fo r a mother/gu ardian. It is important for th ese
law permitting polygamy. But then Caesar moth e rs to know that the psychological
was murd e red b efo r e he could wed damage could make it difficult or im possible

fo r their sons to trust or maintain normal ophilia-arousal from playing role of infant)
relationships with women as they grow into Infantilism refers to p eople who prefer to
adults. re main ch il dren an d who often h ave an
Same sex parent/child incest can be the aversion to their adult bodies, facial or gen-
most traumatic for a child beca u se it ital hair, or w earing adult clothing . T h ere
involves breaking two of society's taboos. ar e cases o f sexual and n on-se xual infan-
All individuals need to take responsibility tiles. Infantilism d iffers fro m anaclitism in
for their own sex uality . The adolescent that t h e fo rm er
should say "no" without guilt, find a con- consists of people
senting person their own age, or seek pro- who wan t t o
fessional help before incest occurs. Seeking regress or act out
counsel before an incident is very important the role of a child
because it may p revent incest, and because and the latter is a
counselors are required to report cases of fetish relati ng to
incest, thus making it almost impossible to ob jects o r acts
seek assistance after inc est ha s occurred from childhood.
without the risk of someone b eing arrested . T he re are cases of adults who act out
Too m any parents view incest as limited to their desires alone and without a partner.
the physical act. Incest can have traumatic They may dress as a young boy and sit at
emotional ramifications for the rest o f the home all day looking at themselves in the
child's life. Adults who were either sexually mirror or they may take a break and go to a
abused or engaged in incest as young chil- park and play innocu ous games with chil -
dren often suffer from low self-esteem , dren. Others ke ep their b ody hair shaved,
guilt, shame, impotence, poor interpersonal dress in children's clothing, and p hotograph
relationships, obesity, and suicidal tenden- themselves. One man took extreme pleasu re
cies. in checking into a hotel and urinating in bed
Incest is illegal but not unnatural. If it during the n ight. Infa n tilism was popular
were unn atur al we wouldn't need suc h eno ugh a m ong the genera l pop ulace for
stringen t laws. The strength of the taboo German s to participate in adult baby balls
counteracts th e stren g th of t he de sire. after Lent.
There's no thing wrong with h av ing fan- O ther ad ults find willing partners and
tasies; h owever, as m ention ed previously, create a multitude of scenarios. An infantile
merely touching someone under thirteen in scene can last for man y h ou r s a nd th e
California is a felony and in cest has no length is negotiated ahead of time because
statute on age. Before engaging in incest of this. T h e re spon sibility placed on t he
both the parent and teenager might consider parent of a demanding infant can b e very
the co n sequen ces involved with having a exha ust ing . The adul t is not always a
parent (father or mother) imprisoned, and p arent. H e o r she may be a yo ung male
the en suing isolation and guilt imposed on child bein g bab y-sa t by a teenager who
the child . The law do es not acknowledge tucks them in, reads a bed time sto ry, and
mutual co n sen t between immediat e rela- t ries to se du ce th e bashful b u t aroused
tives; therefore, this defense cannot be used yo ung p e r son. Sce nes a re also acted o ut
in court. wh ere eac h partner dresses and p lays t he
Family rape is very traumatic and a child role of a child. Games of doctor and show
in this predicament may speak to a sch ool m e yours are also u sed.
nurse or coun selor. There are many agen- Infan t ilism is on the increase because
cies whose purpose it is to protect children people are able, for a time, to have burden-
from incest and rape. some adult resp onsibilities taken away, and
(See also ILLEGAL SEX, NYMPHOPHILIA, thus find it possible to " let go" emotionally
PEDOPHILIA and RAPE) (and perhaps sexually) in ways that would
not be permitted the "adult. " They are also
INFANTILISM (Autonepiop h i lia- allowed to demand nurturin g and attention
arou sal from playing role of infan t, Infant- from their surrogate parent. They are now

in total control and can have every whim infibulation was used by European parents
fulfilled without feeling guilt. The act of on their sons to prevent night emissions or
getting by with things that they were pun- masturbation during the 19th century when
ished for as a child creates a sense of t his was thought to be harmful to thei r
empowerment and excitement. In add ition health. The Russian governm ent, d uring a
to the emotional rejuvenation the child actor time when th ey restricted many soldiers
fee ls, a bond of trust and love is built from marriage, had a wire push ed through
between partners. the foreskin of the soldiers and a seal sol-
Infantilism can be therapeutic for people dered onto the ends to prevent unau tho -
who are only able to accept un conditi onal rized removal.
nurturing by reverting to infancy or child- Infibulation, following the cutting of the
hood. Others use this method to make up labia minora, was used on young girls in
for the nurturing they didn't receive from parts of Africa to ensure t h eir virginity at
their parents. marriage. The husband was responsible for
Infantilism does not always involve nur- first opening the scar tissue protecting her
turing . It may be u sed in any S/M scene. hymen. Cultures varied in th eir rituals.
Those trying to induce fear in a partner Some o nly did this once, others closed it
u sually find it easier when the male is made after the woman became pregnant, opened
to cross dress and to play the role of an it in time for h er to give birth, and sewed
innocent young girl. the vagina closed again after sh e b ecame
Professional dominatrixes are often hired pregnant.
to act out adult roles for infantiles and there Today a few people practice a temporary
are magazines and clubs that provide infor- for m of infibulation or lacing in their sex
ma tion and paraphernalia. ("Alterna te play. It is a psychological game of having
Personas," by Sybil Holiday and Wi lliam one's partner impose chastity on them. The
Henkin, Ph.D ., Society of Janus lecture, stitches are placed through either the labia
August 24, 1989) or foreskin and can remain there up to sev-
(See also ANACLITISM, FANTASY PLAY, eral days. Infibulation is only performed by
FETISHES, LACT APHILIA, PARAPHILIAS, people experienced with sterile techniques.
PEDOPHILIA, PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE, and They ma y first shave before cleaning the
genital area with Betadine or Hibiclens . The
skin is pinched up and away from the body,
INFIBULATION (Episioclisia, Labiorr- then a sterile suture (or needle and thread)
haphy and H ymenorrhaphy-surgical clo- is used to pierce the skin and sew the edges
sure of labia) Infibulation (i n: inside, and together. CAUTION: This is a blood sport
fibulate: that which fastens) is the term used and infection can occur if the person fails to
for e ither the sewing or faste ning of th e use sterile procedures.
foreskin over the penis, sewi ng the labia (See al so BLOOD SPORTS, BONDAGE/
majora together, and SUTURING)
or s ewing t h e
scrotum around INSECTS See BEE STINGS, FORMI-
the penis. The COPHILIA and ZOOPHILIA
type of penis
infibulation deter- INSUFFLATION In sufflation, o r
mines w h e th er it blowing air into a person, has been done to
prevents full erec- almost every human orifice. The medical
tion or only pene- profession uses it to revive an asph yxiated
tration. person with m outh to mouth resuscitation
T h e Oetang ring was used as a chas tity and pharmaci sts in 19th century France
device, wh ereas stitching was done to pre- used a form of recta l ins u fflation wi th
vent both coitus a nd masturbation. Penis tobacco smoke to revive or invigorate Ian-

guorous patie n ts a nd drown ing victims. which makes it easier for them to surrender
People have used insu fflation during sex or cooperate without losing their dignity.
play but it is never recomme nded. CAU- (See a lso ABDUCTI ON, D ISCIPLINE and
T ION: Air inadvertently pushed in to the FANT ASY PLAY)
rectum du ring e n e ma s usuall y c aus es
cra mp s and if a large amount of air is INUNCTION (Aliphineur-person using
fo rced into th e rectu m or vagina, it m ay lotion to arouse partner) Inunction (inunc-
rupture a blood vessel. It can also c arry a tion: ac t of rubbing ointment, or lathe r)
bu bble of air (embolism) to the brain or r efers to those w h o
h ea rt, caus ing in s t ant death . (See al so

INTERROGATION Forms of interroga-

tion have been adapted by man y for sex
games of dominance and submission. The
have their body lath-
ered up o r rubb ed
with a n oil and t hen
use a partner or object 8 ·

. · ·
to slide against. Americans during the 60's
would have Mazola parties where all pa rtici-
"prison er," " rapist," " transves tite," "bur- pants wou ld u ndress, rub thei r bodies with
glar y victim," o r "shoplifter" is bound, oil, and wrestle or pla y on a plastic sheet.
humiliated, intimidated, "tortured," and at T here are b a th h ouses in Bangkok,
some point "forced" to perform sex on the Thailand th at offe r a simila r service . A
interrogator. client has the c hoice of lying on a lathered
Some of these scenes have lasted up to air mattress with a lady wriggling on top of
two days without the bottom confessing or him or of being lathered and lying ben:veen
giving in formation. The length of the game two writhing women. The lather alleviates
is usuall y pred etermined in negotiation and fricti on and produces a sensation that is
can be canceled at any time. drastically different from n ormal skin - to-
People speed th e process by setting up skin contact.
the interrogation room with bright lights, a Rubber mitts are somet imes u sed that
cold tempe ratu re, and an unc omfortable have soft pliable nubs to add more sensa-
position for the prisoner. A dripping faucet tion to the application of oil or soap.
or some so rt of distracting n o ise ca n b e (See also COITUS A UNDA, LUBRICANTS
used , but not music . Some me n crossdress; and MASSAGE)

JACTIT A TI ON Jactitation refers to those

J jealousy as an arousal tech nique for group
who become aro u se d or deriv e pleas ure sex.
from b r agg ing abo ut t h e ir own s exu a l Jealousy increases in direct proportion to
exploits . our dependency on our partner and ou r fea r
(See also AGREXOPHILIA, CONFESSIONS, of losing them . Often people who wer e in
COPROGRAPHY, CO PR OLAL I A, ER O- some way aba ndoned du ring th eir c hi ld-
TOG R APHOMAN IA, NARRATO PHIL!A and hood or kept overly dependent on a parent
will suffer more from jealou sy. They uncon -
JEALOUSY ( Oth e ll o' s sy n drome) sciously feel they will d ie or not be able to
J ea lousy i s a fee l ing of envy or anger functio n w itho u t this surrogate parent .
directed toward someone deemed as a rival Many people effectively deal with th is fea r
for a loved one. The fear of a loss actually by building up their independence and self
creat es a stron ger reacti on b ecause t h e esteem, thus taking the burden of creating
pe rson has to act to prevent the loss, where happiness or security off their partner.
a perma ne nt l oss w ill c reate event ual Thi s formula for self es tee m sounds
depression . There are a lso people wh o u se simple, howeve r a person has to be strong to

overcome the critical little voice in side that ment. One type, called
says " you can' t," "you ' re ugl y," "you ' re Sweater Bumpers , fits
stupi d," " I will deal wi th it lat er," and so around th e nipple in tl1e
forth. One mu st learn to ye ll back using same ma nn er that a ring
honest argu m en t s such as " I can," " my sl ides over a finger.
nose is a linle larger than I would like," 'Tm These com e in m a n y
poo r at math b ut I can s p eak three lan- designs and can be pur-
guages ," " I wil l wor k on this project two chased in San F rancisco sex boutiques or
hours every night for a week." piercing salo ns, o r can be o rdered d irect
It is not easy to win this b attle, because from the manufacturer. A d ifferent type is
most people have relied on this vo ice to pro- made from elastic material and joined by a
tect them from failure or e m barrassme n t. decorative chain. These
One is turni ng a former ally into their worst a r e called T it- Ili zers.
e nemy, but w ith courage and persistence Both t ypes of n ip ple
victory is possible. Salesmen, who have to or n aments cau s e the
deal with constant rej ection, have a sim ple nipple to stand erect and
but effec ti ve slogan: "Ask for what yo u fee l more sensitive.
want, you can't lose so mething yo u don't A C lit Clip was
already have." Two people who have mas- des ig ned b y Judy Kirk
tered control over low self-esteem and jeal- which slips over the labia
ousy can live together without either party and clitoris like a paper clip. It holds the cli-
feel ing burdened b y the ot h e r 's ove r - toris out and cuts off enough
wh elming dema nds for so m ething n eithe r c i rc ula tion to keep it en-
has the capability of filling . gorged in a similar manner as
Jeal o usy ca n be h ealth y if it focuses a a cock ring does to the p enis.
stray ing partner's attention back on the ir The clip is dec o r a t ed with
spouse. The couple can use this opportunity c r ysta l s o r b e ll s th a t hang
for hones t d isc ussion of their fears and from small chains.
negotiate any areas of concern. Cock rings are avail able
(See also HEDON ISM, LO VE , P ECA T - fo r men t hat a re deco rative
TIPHILIA, SADISM and ZELOPHILIA) and fit around the bottom of
th e glans. Other m e n wear
JEWELRY Commercial jewelry has been leathe r coc k r ings w it h
specially desig ne d for people 's breasts a nd metallic studs.
genitals. (The jewelry for permanent pierc- (Sec also COCK RIN GS , R INGING and TAT-
ings i s di sc u ssed in th e sect ion o n TOOS)
RINGING.) Nipple rings are used by women
who like the look of pierced jewelry but wh o JUVENILISM, PARAPHILIC See ADO-
don' t want to make a permanent co mm it- LESCENTILISM and INFANTILISM

KABAZZAH (Pompoir, Kegal exercises, becoming proficient. It is a form of tantra
Snapping pussy) Kabazzah is translated as designed to in c re ase a nd e nha n ce ti m e
" h o lder" and refers to the Eas tern tech- spent with a loved o ne. There are still some
nique where the mal e partn er is passive and Eastern prostitutes wh o have this expertise.
the female uses only abdominal a nd vaginal
muscle co ntrac tion s to ' m il k' th e penis. KAREZZA (Ma le contine n ce, Coitu s
Both partners simp ly relax and enjoy the reservatus) Karezza, to caress, was coine d
sensations of tl1e union while she moves her by D r . Alice Bunker Stockham in he r book,
muscles . W o men train for yea r s before Tokology (1883). Stockham not only recom-

mended staying in sexual union fo r an hour that we are carrying o ut a necessary func-
but a lso say ing prayers during th is tim e tion. For instance, when we kiss o u r body
(Sexual Energy Ecstasy, A Practical Guide to thinks we are eating, when o ur nipples are
Lovemak£ng Secrets of the Eas t and IVesl by massaged our body th inks we are nursing,
Da vi d and Ellen Ram s dale , P ea k Ski ll wh e n o ur u rethra is touched our bod y
Publishing, pp. 228-234). t hinks we are urinating, and it rewards us
J o hn H. Noyes, th e foun d er of the with a pleasure sensation each time.
Oneida Community, believed in ka rezza The physical act of kissing takes several
for a different reason. H e fo unded a group forms. Some pucker their lips an d make a
marriage commune in the late 19th century c ursory smacking n oise as they touch them
based on eugen ics. H ere only th e most fit to the other person's lips, cheek, forehead,
m en were a ll owed to impregnate the or hand, each si te often h aving a different
wome n . Other men in t he group c o uld social i mp l ica ti o n. The more t h e kiss
penetrate th e women a nd br i ng the ir lingers, b ecomes repetitive, or intima te the
partner multip le orgasm s but could n ot mor e it is in terpreted as having sex ual
e jaculate t h emselves. · The act re quir ed im p li ca ti ons . The m os t arous ing is the
re laxat ion fo r th e male because t e n sion French kiss where th e kisser probes their
co uld b ring on the desire to e jaculate . partner with their tongue. F or this reason, a
Noyes d iscover ed that practicing kabazza, F re n c h ki ss can m a ke some people feel
in addi tion to accomplishing birth control, unco mfortab le whe n initi ated in pu blic,
imp roved the intimacy and lo ve between without foreplay, or wi th a person who has
h e and his wife. not expressed reciprocal sexu al interest.
(See also BIRTH CONTROL, EUGENICS, Kissing is used to build inte nsit y during
SEX POSITIO NS , SEX SHOWS and SEXER- forep lay and to convey unspo ken desires.
CISE) Females often have a specific limit on what
typ e of foreplay or sex in which they are
KISSING (Basoexia, Osculocentric an d
willin g to engage. F o r inst ance, she may
Philemama nia-craving for kissing) .Kissing
allow kissing and touching on the outside of
is accompl ished by a person placing their
her clothes bu t n ot u nde rneath . Sh e m ay
lips again st an o bject or an other person .
all o w cunn ilingus but not vagin al penetra -
Kissing is a social act between persons of all
tion of an y so r t, etc . Th e rules are not
ages. It is also used during sex as additional
always logical to the partner bu t sho uld still
stimulus in many, but not all, cultures.
be obeyed. Males seem to be differe nt than
Cultures that restricted social contact in
females in thi s respect. They will rarely con-
the form of kissing or shaking hands usually
tinu e dating a pe r son w ith vvho m t hey
did it under t he aus pices of e liminati n g
wo u ld n o t be wi lli ng to engage in sex .
sexual te mptation or d esire. This restriction
Compromises can often be negotiated with
may also have served to prevent tran smis-
partners who are not willing to b e pene-
sion of d isease causing bacteria during epi-
trated, but who want to be sexual. They
demics . may be will ing to experiment with coitus a
Cultures in which kissing is sexual often
mammilla, fellatio, or mu tual masturbation
assume that it is a natural display of affec-
instea d. The fo ll owi ng is a scenario that
tion and method of sexual arousal; however,
uses kissing fo r seductio n.
in the biological sense t his is no t accurate.
Our bodies are designed to produce anxie ty S eduction begins by touching the pal'lner's
o r pain if we ig n ore v ital d uties such as hand followed by strolling their hair or face
eating, sleep ing, u rinating, defecating, and with the back of the hand. The chin is then held
so fo rth. Once we engage in an action at our while gently kissing their fac e and lips (no
body's prompting it produces biochemicals French ing al this poini). If the p al'lner is
that create a pleasu re sensation. Stimulatio n responsive one hand is used 10 cradle the back
of any of these centers can produce p leasu re of their head and when the partner responds by
because our body is fooled in to thinkin g caressing or pulling closer, the fingers of the

hand can be slowly lowered down the outside of KLEPTOPHILIA (Kleptolagnia; Klepto-
the clothes to lightly feel the breasts. The hand mania-compulsion to steal) Kleptophilia
is then gradually brought to cup the full breasts (klep: to steal or hide, and philia: attach-
with more pressure. Kissing may now progress ment to) is the act of becoming sexuall y
to using the tongue to lick the other's lips or to aroused by stealing objects. T his differs
gently suck on them. The partner may now somewhat from the kleptomaniac who usu-
give pe1mission to slide a hand underneath her ally has an uncontrollable urge to steal items
blouse and bra. Kissing and sucking are next they don't need. The word kleptomania was
directed to the neck and ears. If the partner coined in 1838 for several ki ngs wh o had
doesn't remove their clothes, sucking on the the hab it of stea l ing worthless goods .
outside over the nipples may provide encour- Kleptomania was not only practic ed by
agement. Watch for a positive response (faster kings but also by St. Augustine, one of the
heart rate or breathing) before proceeding . founding fathers of the Catholic church. In
When the nipples are uncovered these may be Confessions he states: " Yet I lusted to thieve
kissed and then covered with the mouth in a and d id it compelled by n o hunge r, nor
sucking action alternating w ith the hardened poverty."
tongue probing circles around the nipple or Men and women both have participated
gently flicking back and forth across it. At this in kleptophilia. W illiam Stekel, in Sexual
point one hand may be slowly run down the Aberrations, refers to the case of a woman
w aist or up th e leg toward the genitals, who had a doll fetish. Her husband discov-
allowing time for the partner to adjust to the ered her p laying with them one afternoon
suggestion. If the partner is not ready slow and destroyed her collection. She went into
down and repeat the above procedure. Once a depression and later resorted to stealing
they are receptive to genital stimulation accel- replacement dolls. A man in the late 1800's
erate the intensity of kissing, position their was arrested and sentenced several times for
head so that it is underneath and yours on top. stealing ladies ' used handkerchi efs and
A t this point harden the tongue into the shape spent a total of 7 1/2 years in prison for
of a penis and gently push it into the partner's these crimes. He tried to cover the theft by
mouth while simultaneously adding pressure to buying handkerch iefs and attemp t ing to
their genitals. Voice your desires and continue exchange them without the \.voman's detec-
thrusting your iongue deep in the partner's tion. H e also devised a scheme whereby he
mouth (without the lips parting) . It is best to threw a handkerchief down on the street in
get a verbal agreement at this point even if they front of a pedestrian, hoping she would step
pull you closer. Asking her if she wants you or on it as she passed. This p roducing imme-
if you can take a second to put on a condom diate orgasm for him.
makes your intent clear. Foreplay is then The kleptophile prefers stealing fetish
started with French kissing and pressing the items and will have an orgasm either while
bodies together before penetration is attempted. stealing them or later b y fo nd ling the
The whole seduction process may take any- objects. For instance, a person with a panty
where from 15 minutes to an hour depending fetish will steal ladies' underwear; one with a
on the people. Proper communication is hair fetish may come up behind a woman,
strongly recommended to avoid false expecta- cut her hair and flee. T h is also applies to fur
tions or accusations of rape later. A person or other articles of clothes where a p iece can
who is not held gently or caressed for a few be cut off in a crowd without imm edia te
minutes after sex and asked for another date det ection. Men with shoe fet ishes ha ve
may assume the partner just used them for sex, sometimes accosted women and fled with
thus turning a wonde1ful experience into one of their shoes. One woman only stole pencils,
feeling violated. There are two individual afte rward using them to masturbate while
people, separate morals, and emotions involved she fantasized about "an infanti le penis"
in each sexual venture. (Encyclopaedia Sexualis, by Victor
(See also CUNNILINGUS, FELLATIO and Robinson, M.D., pp. 139). A klepto phile
SEX POSITIONS) doe s not always hav e a parti cu lar fetis h.

They will instead steal intimate items su ch phys ical r es ponses they ha ve during sex.
as tamp ons, m e n s t rual pads, bras, and The theft of a fetish object seems to act as
hygiene sprays. Some are satisfied stealing an aid in turni ng the experience in to that of
from stores and others only want item s that sexual arousal. Also fe tishists who b ecome
have a lre ady bee n worn b y a pers o n. desensitized to their love object may use the
Another kleptophile category is one where extra excitemen t that stealing produces in
men steal a casual sex partner's underwear order to orgasm. Kleptomania may be con-
as a personal souvenir. nected with our primeval drive to gathe r
People suffering from kleptomania may and collect. These activities on ce ensured
not have a direct sexual motive but in case our survival du ring wi nter mo nths. The
studies that include sexual histories there kleptophile may also be trying to compen-
seems to be a co rrelation between sexual sate for a lack of parental love during child -
dysfu n ctions and s tealing . Marcu s J. hood, similar to th e fetishist. CAUTION:
Goldman, M .D. stated this in a research Stealing is illegal and an inconvenience and
paper: "No information was gi ven co n- hardship to those being robbed.
cerning sexual preoccupations, behaviors, (See also FETISHES, PARAPHILIAS, PYRO-
or dysfunction for 17 of the 26 patients in PHILIA and R ELICS)
table 1. In the nine studies reporting such
information, the patients reported experi- KLISMAPHILIA (Enemas) Klismaphilia
ences such as vag inis mu s, n onarou s al, (klisma: ene m as; phi lia: attac hment to)
promiscuity alternating with abstinence, and dates back to the a ncient Egyptia ns and was
a preoccupati o n with ste r ility. Som e also p o pula r with the Fren ch, Gree ks,
reported orgasm or sexu al excitement Romans, and Americans.
during thefts." Goldman continues with a The Egyptians used enemas for relief of
de scription of th ese p eop le. " I t wou ld constipation . They believed th at all sick-
a ppear that the average person suffering nesses we re caused
from kleptomania is a 35-year-old married by a buildup of toxic
woman who has been apprehended for the wastes in t h e body.
theft of objects she could easily afford and H ealers u se d laxa-
d oes not need. H er stealing began at age 20 tives, vomiting, and
and she has been caught several times. A enemas to all eviate
sea r ch of h e r h ouse r e vea ls pi les of this di sorder. The
u nopened packages of stockings and cans of Egyptian's sacred
jam. Her acts of theft bring her great relief bird, the ibis, when
from tension, and she may attempt to force constipated used its
herself to re main indoors for fear that she long beak to remove feces and many of their
will steal.. .She seems to suffer fro m a pow- enema tips were modeled after th is bird.
erfully necessary, pervasive, repetitive, and The 19th century French revived t hi s
ultimately self-destructive act. A personal beli ef and u sed purging as o ften as fou r
history reveals that sh e is unhappily mar- times a da y. Enemas we r e t hough t to
ried, may have sexual difficulties, and has improve the complexion, add vigor to one's
been dysphoric and moody for many years. constitution, and cu re impotence. Charles
She very likely has had a tumultuous and Panati, in his book, Panati's Extraordinary
stressful childhood. Furthermore, she may Endings of Practically E verything and
have a personality disorder" (Kleptomania: Everybody, enlightens us as to the once pop-
M a king Sen se o f t h e No n se n sical, by ular custom s. " Limonadi ers des p os -
Marcus J. Goldman, M.D ., American terieurs," or pharmacists trained for giving
Journal of Psychiatry 148: 8, August 1991 , enemas, would arrive with an assortmen t of
pp. 986-996). herbs and syringes. Herbs were mixed and
Regardless, th e act of stealing, with its one could cho se from exotic clyster tips
inherent risk of detection, naturally triggers such as tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl , or
an adrenalin rus h that gives on e the same gold. T obacco enemas were popular, giving

the per so n a r ush t o w hi ch th ey soon has been fill ed with warm water . T h e
becam e add ic t ed. Th ese e n e m as led to cushion is rubbed with a water based lu bri-
anoth e r fo rm of rec t al medication, the cant and pushed into the anus. T he enema
smoke clyster. The "Limonadier" us ed a bag is n ext slowly raised u ntil the cushion is
specia l pipe wh i c h he in serted in h i s filled .
patient's rectum and blew tobacco smoke. Enemas have been used by rapis ts as
T his b e came a popu lar proced ure in well. T here was one case during the 1960's
reviving fainting women . It is dangerous to of a ma n who would raid a fe m ale college
blow too much air into the recrum because dorm and tie up all the students, strip them,
this could cause a fa tal embolism. administer enemas t o all, and then selecting
Americans have used enemas fo r consti- the one to whom he was the m ost attracted
pation , dieting, before a date as insurance would give h er a seco n d ene ma before
against fla tulence, as preparato ry cleaning leaving.
for anal sex, and for sex itself. Wine enem as
GOLDEN ENEMAS Golden enemas use
and coffee enemas are popular, due to the
urine instead of water. This is accom plished
effects of the alcohol or the caffeine content.
by a man inserting his penis into a partner's
The slow warm stream of wa te r into the
anus or vagina and then u rin ating. This is
rectum, or b y th e prostate, seems to
physically difficult and only a few men are
enhance sex play for some. There are clubs
able to urin ate whi le se m i- e r ect. Some
that cater to this inte rest in t h e Uni ted
people simply fill the enema bag with urine
States. CAUTION: Ene mas can cause
an d administer it instead of water. CAU-
dam age if not done safely. Precautions u sed
TION : Urine ma y contain particles of
fo r enemas:
blood, viruses, or bacteria and because of
Lots of lubricant is used on both the this golden showers are not considered safe
anus an d nozzle. W arm water, soap, sex.
drugs, or alcohol can damage tissue if (See also CATHETERS, COCKTAILS, LAC-
they are not diluted with one quart of TAPHILIA, SAFE SEX, SCROTAL INFUSION,
water for every 1/2 jigger of additive. SHOWERS, TOILET T RAINING, UROPHILIA
T he e nema bag is held no higher than
th e waist . This all ows the water to KNIVES Consensual knife play is u sed in
flow gently. T he sen sual stimulus is sex games to create a feeling of fear, anx-
caused by the stream of water, so the iety , a nd u ltimate tru st . Th ese passio n
flow of water is prolonged as long as games usually consist of cutting underwear
possible. off a partner. Additional threats are not nec-
essary for the majority of people. T here are
L etting water pass t h rough nozzle
a few heavy S/M players who use knives in
before it is inserted avoids getting air
interrogation or pseudo -torrure games, but
into th e recrum, causing cramping and
even th ey rarely cut their partner. Som e will
possible embolisms.
rub tomato catsup on the back edge of the
Preliminar y e nema s are u se d by blade and pull it across th e victim 's flesh
people wh o are emba rrassed about leaving a red line that resembles a cut.
expulsion of feces. The technique used to cu t away cloth es
Proctitis can develop when one depends on the item itself. Clothing over the
engages in this activity too often . b reasts may be cut by pinching the fab ric
lying agai n st t h e n ipple, pulli ng it away
The rubber Who opee Cushion is used in from the body, twisting it, holding it across
enema play for those wh o like ene mas but the edge of the knife, making su re that no
find the purgatory effects to be unpleasant. skin is near, and then cutting the fabric. A
The nozzle of an enema bag is inserted. A fairl y round h ole is left, exposing the breast.
rubber band is used to secure the nozzle in Underwear is cut away by pulling the fab ri c
place and the hose is attached after the bag away from the body, placing the knife under

the fabric with the sharp edge always facing bons, paper is used as a disguise or cos-
away from the skin and slicing th e fabric. tume. T he lovers th en act out their roles
Knife p lay may be perform ed with or based on the typ e of figur e selected. T here
with out a blindfold and bondage, bu t is are geese, fish, squid , and dragons. Busch
negotiated ahead of time with a partner, so and Silver, in their book of Kokigami cut-
as not to cut away an expensive article of outs, suggest t h e following dialogue and
clothing. play for the l atter: "The
Som e men find it extremely stimulating crafty Dragon likes to breathe
to dress in ladies' apparel and then to have his fire into the dark jeweled
their panti es c ut away in a p seudo-rap e cave . Ravaging, vengeful ,
scene. CAUTION: Knife play is a blood sly ... Where are my precious
sport and can be dangerous. Care is taken jewe ls? My treasures? M y
not to let the b lade point or sharp edge tr ophies? Are th ey hidden
make contact with a partner's skin. there in your dark cave? The
(See also ABRASIONS , C!CATRIZATION, Repl y: Come on hot stuff!
CIGARS, ELECTRIC SHOCK, PHOBOPHILIA, Careful the iron gates don't
PYROPHILIA, SAFE SEX and SEX TOYS) snap shut an d sever your burning tongue! ...
W ith arms outstretch ed and fingers curled
KOKIGAMI Kokigami (koki: a clot h like claws, m ove forward wari ly with the
wo rn around the waist by Japanese actors knees bent. T he hips may be fl icked about
and used as a prop, gami: paper) is the art spas modically accompanied by th e low
of wrapping the penis in a paper costume. seductive r oar of a rag ing fu r nace"
The 8th century Japanese aristocrats prac- (Kokigami, The Intimate A rt of the Little
tice d the art of Tsutsumi , or packaging . Paper Costum e, by Heather Bu sc h and
They wrapped their organs with silk and Burton Silver, p. 18).
ribbons in complex and intricate designs T he Jap anese also used samurai face
a nd upon entering th e bed chamber offered m asks over t he gr o in region with a dildo
them as gi ft s to their lovers. H e t h e n protruding as the nose. T hose n ot inter-
enjoyed the physical sensations as she care- ested in artificial phalli cut out the nose and
fu 11 y un w ra pp ed her p r ize. Today the p ut their own penis through it.
au thors Busch and Silver have invented a (See also FANTASY PLAY, MAS KS and SEX
similar fo rm of art. H owever, instead of rib- GAMES)

LACTAPHILIA (Ereti thia; Erotamastia tating nipple. Orgasm during n ursing (tithi-
- masturbatio n playing with own breasts, olagnia) is n o t exclusively a female t rait.
Mastofact -breast fetish, Tithiolagnia- Hirschfeld wrote of a man who experienced
o r gas m w hile nursing, Tithi oscopia- only three orgasms during his life a nd these
arousal from watching infant nurse) all occurred while attemp ting to n urse an
Lactaphilia (lactate: secretion of milk, and infant. People used to won der why males
philia: attachment to) is a term u sed fo r are born with nipples since "most" are not
sexual arousal ca used by lactating breasts. capable of nursing. The natives of ancient
At one time milk from a nursing mother was Gallas (near Ceylon) remedied this d iscrep-
thought to have healing power s. The milk ancy by a m putating the nip ples of male
from both a mother and daughter was used in fants. They feared that this female symbol
as a prophylactic against eye diseases. wou ld create cowards in battle (Sex and
A few nursing mothers will experience Superstition, by G. L. Simons, p. 43, repro-
orgasm during infant feed ing, and any duced with perm ission of Blackie & Son
orgasm will cause milk to spurt from a lac- Ltd.).

Peopl e can be aroused by lactation for but this g irl, Phaon, was unresponsive to
many reaso n s . It ma y be a conditio ned Sappho's a d va n ces. Final ly in despair,
response from having been breast fed as an Sappho drowned hersel f at sea. She left
infant or be viewed as a for m of female ejac- b e hind a ri ch collection of love poems,
ulate. Oth e rs find almost all o f which the Catholic Church later
the scene o f a burned. The Greeks too were intolerant of
woman sucking her lesbian ism bu t iron icall y certain types of
own b r ea st to be male-male relationships were respected.
very erotic. There Lesbians have varying tastes in the type
a re magazines that of p artne r they select. The y ma y prefer
cater to this interest wo men o f a different r ac e, th ose who
with photos of ap pea r masculine ("fla t shoe dykes"), those
women squeez in g wh o are fe m inine (" lip stick dyke s"), or
milk out of one or those who are androgynous in appearance.
both breasts. Some T h e type of pa rt ner selecte d may o r may
have the drops of milk lying on their breasts not match their own appearance.
and others fill glasses for the camera. Some lesbians would say that sex does
A s m e nt io n ed in the section o n SIT- n ot play a m ajo r ro le in th ei r lives a n d
OPH fLIA, a woman can simulate lactation by o thers feel it does . The type of sex they do
pouring cream over her breast. Some men e ngag e in varies. Some ha v e a p h ob ia
prefer wine instead a nd this is referred to as against any type of penetration, wh ile others
oenosugia. prefe r m utual penetration with fingers or
(See also ANACLITISM, COITUS A MAM - dildos. C unnilingus is engaged in by some
lLLA, FETISHES and SHOWERS) lesbians, but not others. A lesbian couple's
sex life, if one exists, can lose intensity after
LAP DANCING Lap d ancing seems to a few years because physical and e motional
be th e m odern creation of the Mitchell s imil a rity de s tr oys pa ss io n fo r man y.
brothers. It began at their O 'Farrell Theatre Lesbians today have one advantage over gay
in San Francisco. While a stripper p erforms males and that is the abili ty to have and rear
on stage others work the aud ience for tips. children in a homosexual marriage. This is
The city ordinance forbids genital co ntact accomplished by either partner choosing to
with a man o r ex p os ure o f his ge n itals, hav e c hi ldren by a rtifi cial in semi n ati on
therefore lap dancing has strict regulations. (often with a turkey baster at hom e), or sex
A stri ppe r dressed in sexy app a r e l will with a male friend.
approach a man in the audience, negotiate a Lesbians have support group s and orga-
price, and then facing h im will put a knee nizations that offer assista nce. L arger cities
on eac h side of his legs and, lean forwa rd have bars that cater to lesbian clientele with
e n o u g h so tha t hi s nose is between her special attractio ns suc h as all fe male strip
cleavage. H e is not allowed to caress her as shows, leather co ntests, and costum e par-
she goes through her pelvic thrusts. ties. Events su ch as the annual SF Lesbian
(Sec al so BE LL Y DANC I NG, C H OR E- a nd Ga y Free d o m D ay P a rade and
OPHILIA, SEX POSITIONS, SEX SHOWS and Celebration support lesbians ·and is usually
STRIPPING) led by a group called "Dykes on Bikes" who
seem rough enough to make even the macho
LESBIANS (Cymbalism, Gynecozygous, " H ell's Angels" yield right-of-way.
H arem effect, Tribadism; H omophilia and (See abo BI-SEXUALI SM, GAYS and HET-
H omosexualism- male or female gays) The EROSEXUALS)
name lesbian is taken from a tragic Greek
account o f a woman named Sappho who LIGHTING Both wom en ' s fertili ty an d
lived aro und 600 B.C. She super vised a men 's virili ty a re influen ced b y circadian
sc ho o l for gir ls o n th e is land of Lesbos. rhythm s (the body's natural metabolic,
Sappho fell in love with o ne of her students g land u lar and s leep rh yt hm cycles).

Research has proven that an absence of light the evening, and timer devices are some-
throws this system off its regular cycles. times strategically set for bedtime.
Eskimo women do not menstruate or ovu- (See also COURTSHIP)
late during the Alaskan winters and men
have a decreased amount of spermatozoa LOVE Love and sexual attrac ti on are
during this time. Bright light is an essential emotional reactions stimulated by the brain.
part of our sex lives, but at the same time Infantile love begins as a survival instinct at
can be uncomfortable to the eyes. For this a time when the child is dependent on par-
reason some prefer to have sex in the dark; ents for all its care. Although a child later
others use blindfolds during the types of sex develops a desire to explore and p lay with
play that require bright lights. peers, the need for love and nurturing at
The type of light selected for romantic this stage is evoked more b y a sense of
foreplay can be important. Ordinary light danger, at which time the child seeks out its
bulbs tend to tinge flesh with tones that are mother. It is natural for both humans and
not flattering, and also seem to expend a animals to gradually teach their young sur-
person's energy at a faster rate. Romantic vival skills and if necessary to " push them
interludes require forethought if one wants out of the nest." If parental love or protec-
their partner to feel comfortable and even- tion is withdrawn too early a child may
tually undress. The following chart com- transfer their love attachment to an inani-
pares an environment that is not conducive mate object and have difficulty late r in
to one that is: trusting a partner in a relationship. If the
detachment is done late a child may remain
Hard chair Soft spacious sofa
too dependent on their parents or others. A
Caffeine drink Wine cooler or high self-esteem results in being able to care
light liquor for one's own needs wher eas love is per-
ceived as a dependence on someone else to
A bright light Dim light or
care for those needs. The two are on a con-
that enhances candles that
tinuum, meaning that a person who doesn't
possible flaws hide flaws
feel th ey can provide themselves with all
Natural back- Soft background their needs will rely more on a love object
ground noises music to mask for survival. A person who is independent
or television d istracting sounds will n ot be as dependent on a love object.
Nature seems to endow normal teenager s
Cool room Warm
with an inflated self esteem. T his probably
gives them the extra courage needed t o
The colo r light one c h ooses can also leave nurturing parents and face the world
enhance one's mood and create specific illu- on their own.
sions. Green can slow down a man's erec- Adult love seems to follow a similar pat-
tion time and red can speed it up, but may tern to that of childhood, with anxiety cre-
also trigger arguments . The combination of ating a perceived need for a love object.
blue and green ca n create the illusion of Several experiments have been co n-
large r breasts and penises. Everyone's ducted to gain insight into love. Julius Fast
favorite; candlelight and fireplaces, seem to and Meredith Bernst ein, i n their book,
enhance the shape and color tone of the Sexual Chemistry, What It Is-How To Use
body and in general add to an erotic mood I t, cite an experiment done by Drs . G .L.
(Sexual Energy Ecslacy, by David Alan White, S. Fishbein, and I. Rutstein where
Ramsdale and Ellen Jo Dorfman). they divided men into four groups . The
People experime nt with light by using a groups then were exposed to one of the fol-
combination of candlelight with colored lowing stimuli: a boring lectu r e on the
glass candle holders. Dimmer switches allow anatomy of frogs, a comic routine, the stor y
p eople to modi fy the light intensity during of a murdered and mutilated missionary, or

just told to run in place. The men "wer e each towards the other. This bonding may
next all shown a videotape of an attractive also be influenced by other factors such as
young woman talking. W hen asked if they'd in securi ty, financial gain/loss, social pres-
like t o date this wo man and ki ss her, the sure, a nd so fo rth .
three groups who had been stressed by exer- An excellent resource for those interested
cising, a comic routine, or a horror story all in rea d ing m o re abou t re lationships and
responded more positively t h an th e m en w h y p eop le ente r t hem is D r. Martin
who h ad sat through the dull lecture on the Blinder's book, entitled Choosing Lovers.
frog." (See also JEALOUSY and LO VE ADD IC-
A similar study was done by a group of TION)
psych ologists who conducted an experiment
o n m e n w h o had ju st walked across a LOVE ADDICTION A love addiction,
swaying bridge. A woman was stationed at or more appropriately, a love compulsion is
the end of the bridge and stopped p eople to an irresistible impulse to fantasize about a
as k qu es ti on s for a survey . She gave h er love object, expec ting it to provide a solu-
phone number under the pretext of making tion to problems. D aydreaming itself seem s
availab le the su rvey results. A large p er- to trigger opiates to numb pain. The com-
centage of men called to request d ates. The p ul sive love r is s imp ly a pe r so n who
me n in this stud y had confused or tra ns- becomes fixated on romance or sex a nd tries
ferred the fear and anxiety response they to avo id lonelin ess, fea r, stress, or other
felt from crossin g the bridge into a feeling of basic unfulfilled needs in this manner. The
attraction fo r the woman. negative as pect of fan t asizi n g is th at it
W hat elem ents then n eed to be present in numbs th e pain everyo ne must exp e rience
order to trigger the love response instead of in d eali n g with life and by do ing thi s a
anger or fea r It seems th at the prim a ry person d estro ys the incentive to work on
facto r is th e sexual attractiveness and recep- real issu es; the anxiety is transferred instead
t iv e n ess of so m eo ne in the imm ed iate to possessi n g a love object . The person
vicinity. The male is generally more suscep- m akes themself more d ep endent on others
tible to love at this point, wh ereas fe m ales and becomes Jess capable of functioning on
tend to sc reen the man for an emotional or a their own. Ironicall y, they become enslaved
financial security p otential. N ext, to bond to t hi s self d es tru c ti ve cycle wh ic h will
the relatio nship, the two partners must have inevitably inclu de pain.
compleme ntary n eeds, or think they do. There are many ways to battle a compul-
This is similar to the concept of power, and sion whe ther it is fo r love, sex, drugs, food,
in a love relation ship it can place the more feti shes, working, gamb ling, etc. T he most
needy partner in a submissive role. M utual common adv ice is to build up one's self
p hysical nurturing is a major n eed for both esteem. T h is mea ns taking co ntrol of life,
individuals. Other needs m ay be for excite- b ecom ing m or e egotistical and self nur -
ment, power, secu rity, personality ch arac- tu ring, im provi ng one's appearan ce (if it
ter is t i cs, beau t y, a n d co mpa ni onsh ip . keeps them from socializing), and avoid ing
Someon e wh o is con stantl y u nde r stress, harsh judgments and restrictions on oneself.
good or bad, is likewise often su sceptible to Pai n is face d and r esolved rathe r th an
falling in love. Recognition of specific needs masked or avoided. When someth ing trau-
that are being gratified by a partner is matic occurs the person tries to first handle
importa nt befo re a com mi tment is made. it alone, a n d no t u se this as an excuse to
Ask whether the n eed s are tem porary a n d fi nd a roma ntic fi x. P ersonal goals are set as
rational. Also, a re there other methods that well as m aintaining a good balance of activi-
could be u sed to satisfy them ? ties. A method used specifically for relation-
Bonding after a marriage is facilitated by ships in volves analyzing the qual ities that
a conti nued matching of needs and gratifi- are u sually present in the people with which
cation s, compatible interests, open commu- one normally falls in love. Once this is done
ni ca ti on , a nd compassion on th e part of a p erso n selec t s o ne o r tw o of these

attributes and works on making th em part the person on which the spell was to be cast.
of themselves. This defu ses some of t h e A love-sick female usually approac h ed a
attraction they feel for lovers and individ- witch seeking assistance in casting a spell on
uals improve their own self-esteem. They the man she wanted to b e her lover. The
become the special person others want t o ritual began with the girl undressing and
date. lying on a b ench. The witch would then
There are support groups that people place a wooden board across the top of the
can attend such as the twelve step program girl's genitals, mix the cookie dough using
called "Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous." ginger, a once popular
Here m embers, if single, are encouraged to aphr o disiac, mold it
give up sex until they gain a proper per- into t he shape of a
spective on love and relationships. It is not man, and place it onto
until sex and fantasies are given up that one a small stove that was
realizes that the urge to do these things is now placed on top of
triggered by something painful in o u r the wooden board.
everyda y lives-things such as having a Th e cookie baked
friend move away or not getting a promo- while the witch chanted and in explicit lan-
tion. The first urge is often for sex. Once a guage told the girl what type of sex she
person says "no" the next urge is to have a could expect from the man. The girl was to
drink, eat, or anything that will distract one intensify her passion until she ach ieved an
from feeling the pain. The more appropriate orgasm, sometimes having to be assisted by
solution for a person is to learn to deal with the witch or a local male. Once the orgasm
pain, grieve, and address the real issue so occurred, the cookie was removed and
that it can be resolved. wrapped. The girl was then instructed to
Not everyone agrees that people can have deliver it to the object of her love and wait
too much sex. The National Organizati on for the spell to take effect.
for Sex Enthusiasts (N.O.S.E.) was founded The ancient witch also used liquid Jove
by Roger Libby, Ph.D. and advocates sex as potions that contained alcohol. Some of
healthy and a natural b ody function. these re cipes are available commercially
(See also JEALOUSY and LOVE) such as Advokaat, Chartreuse, Creme de
Noyaux, Drambuie, Goldwasser, Mezcal,
LOVE POTIONS Love potions are dif- Parfait Amour, Sloe Gin, and Vermouth.
ferent from aphrodisiacs in that a special Spells that used visualizat ion and goal
magic ritual is performed over the concoc- setting were also popular. An example of
tion. These were popular in societies where on e of these i s w h e n one wou ld hang a
spou ses were not monogamous. "Juvenal, a loving bell in an open window facing toward
first-century sa ti ris t, reproved Roman the west. A cha nt was then spoken:
women for dosing their husbands with love
Little bell of Jov e, I hang you to
potion s from Thessaly which only caused
whisper my need fo r l ov e on t h e
premature senility, dizziness and loss of
breezes and winds.
memory" (Sex and Superstition, by G.L.
Simons, p. 67, reproduced with permission L ittle bell of love, speak of m y need
of Blackie & Son Ltd.) . The S i wans of for love to your brothers and sisters.
North Africa believed that if a ma n could
Little b ell of love, I ask you to speak
slip his semen in to the food of a favored
softly and draw to me someone wh o
woman, this woman would fall in love with
hjm (Patterns of Sexual Behavior, by C. Ford
and F. Beach, p. 101). - Earth Power by Scott C u nningham
The book The Satanic Witch, by Anton
LaVey, tells how the gingerbread man was Another meth od mentioned by Cunning-
o n ce used as a po pular Jove potion. The ham was a love binding wh ere one takes a
gingerbread man was made as a replica of small p iece of clothing from one's lover, ties

it together with a p iece of one's own Oil based lubricants are prefer r ed for
clothing, and hides it in a safe place. masturbation, anal sex (without condoms),
(See also APHRODISIACS, CHARMS, FER- and latex gloves (the la t ex o n gloves is
TILITY RITES and RELICS) thicker and can withstand the deterioration
caused by oil b etter than condoms) because
LUBRICANTS Men and women both it doesn't dry out as fast as the water based
secrete a natural lubricant to facilitate inter- type. Petroleum gels and mineral oil are not
course. Male lubricant is in the form of pre- carcinogenic bu t they trap yeast and bac-
ejaculate and the female's is r eleased from teria in the vagina. Glycerine is a safe lubri-
the walls of the vagina during arousal. cant.
Saliva is used most often as a supplement There are moisturizer s specially formu-
for gen ital lubricants and serves to titillate lated for old e r women or those who n o
the breasts, ears, mouth, and body as well. longer produce a satisfying amount of nat-
The longest lasting but least common body ural vaginal lu bricant. One recommended in
lubricant is nasal mucous. This is generally medical journals is REPLENS which lubri-
used during masturbation rather than with a cates for up to thre e days with only one
partner. application. CAUTION: Some people use
Other lubricants may be purchased at sex special ch e mi cal lubricants such as T ige r
video stores, S/M leather outlets, pharma- Balm or Vicks in seriou s sex play to create
cies, and through catalogues. The important intense sensations . These can cause tin gling,
criteri a fo r lubricants is tha t only water burning, or numbness. People use a small
based lubricants are used with rubber prod- portio n on a small area of mucosa! tissue
ucts such as condoms or dildos. This is befo re proceeding to rub over the genital
because oil will deteriorate rubber an d can area. Many of these chemicals can feel plea-
cau se a condom to break,during coitus. surab l e o n o ne person and yet cause
The m ost recom m e nd ed water based extreme burni ng o r i tch ing o n a n o th e r .
lubricant is a polyethylene oxide called People who find the se nsation is too intense
Slippery Stuff which was originally invented often dilute it by mixing the chemical with a
fo r scuba divers to get into their wet su its. plain lubricant until the desired sen sation is
When used without condoms this lubricant obtained. A condom can also confin e these
is so slippery that it reduces vaginal friction effects to the person w ho enjoys them
to the p oint that many men are able to stay (Com munica t ion w ith Wayn e Coo per,
erect fo r a n extended peri od o f tim e. Ph.D.). Soap is som etimes used for lubrica-
Another popular water-based lu bricant is tion but often abrades the deli cate gen ital
Astroglide. It is clear, odorless, and taste- tissue.
less. Probe is a lubricant that was fo rm u- (See also INUNCTION, MASSAGE and SAFE
lated to resemble ou r n a tur al sexual SEX)
lubricants .
Flavored gels such as Joy Jelly are also LUST MURDER (Dacno lagnomania,
popular; it comes in blueberry, strawberry, Erotop h onophilia, Sex u al sadis t kill er;
orange , and lemon-lime. Other gel s are Lagnonector-person who kills in order to
available that a re designed to numb the sen - have sex with corpse) The p rimary cause of
sations of the p enis so that a m an can stay mo st murd e rs is anger and where some
erect longer. H owever, for som e men the wou ld direct it toward the p erson r es pon -
numbing effect causes them to lose the ir sible , o the rs transfer their aggressive
erection. behavior or sadism to a stranger.
Some gels and lotions contain glycerin There are two famous cases of lu s t
which warms up when exposed to the murder. One was of G illes de Rais, born in
carbon dioxide in a partner 's breath . 1404 . H e was the Marshal of France under
Sodium hydroxide is a lye which leaves a King Charles VII and the L ieutenant and
bad taste; it is added t o adj ust the pH bal- protector of Joan of Arc. After an unsuc-
ance of the lo tion . P ropylene glycol also cessful attempt to rescue Joan from torture
adjusts the pH but without the bitter flavor. and burning, he became bitter a nd vengeful

against t h e God who allowed h er death. the John Wayne Gacy case, reveals the fol-
Gilles soon squan dered his fortune and lowing information about a lu st murderer's
elicited aid from alchem ists and magicians victims. " The killer's victims were usually of
in his attempt to convert base m etals to the same sex, in the same age group and
gold. After m any failures , he became shared many similar physical characteristics.
involved with blac k magic, convinced that Theodore Bundy murd ered young college
committi ng gross deeds would enable him wome n with dark hair parted in tl1e middle;
to enter into a pact with the Devil to restore Gacy's victims were you ng men or adoles-
his wealth. Gilles began a reign of terror cents; the Atlan t a m urders all involved
wherein he strangled and slit the throats of young black childr en; the ' Nigh t Stalker' in
nearly 800 boys, performing coitus interfer- Los Angeles focused on occup ants of h omes
m ori s, mu ti lat ion, vam p1nsm , and painted white or yellow and located near a
necrosadism. H e was finally brought to trial freewa y. The existence of this kind of sim i-
in 1440 and sentenced to death by strangu- larit y among victims seems to indicate that
lation. Two hu ndred ye ars late r th e the killer's victim has been in vested with a
Cou ntess Elisabeth Bathory of Hungary personal, intimate-and d elu sio nal-
murdered approximately 600 girls. She kept meaning fo r the murderer. The victim, far
them shackled in a dungeon, bled them, and from b e ing a ra ndom e n cou n t e r fo r t h e
then bathed in their blood in the belief that murd e r e r, seems far closer t o being a n
it would restore her youth . U pon finishing o bj ect of h is compulsi ve desires" ("The
these baths she p referred to have her slaves serial and mass murderer: patterns, d iffer-
lick the b lood fr om h e r body in stead of en ti atio n , p atho l ogy" by Ri chard G.
using a roug h towel (Perverse Crimes in Rapp apo rt, M.D. , American J ournal of
H istory, by R.E.L. Masters and Eduard Lea, Forensic Psychiatry: Vol IX, N o 1, 1988, pp.
pp. 23-30). 39-48).
Lu st murderers sometimes have a partic- Orgas m s achieved by these murderers
ular fetish or ritual they perform. Recently, may occur due to masturbation, frottage, or
a fetish lust murderer was apprehended in can b e sponta n eous. Many of these me n
Orego n. T his man would p ick up young either carry a part of the clothing or body
prostitutes, kill them, chop off their feet, with them or later return to the site of the
and carry o n e foot w ith him. T hi s ritual murder and masturbate.
brought about his convi ction when police Rappaport (cited ab ove) expl ains the
discovered a metal shoe buckle in his wood reason behind this compulsion. " Murder
stove matching the o n e belo n ging to a t h en re presents a compulsive attemp t to
recent victim. solve an internal conflict, the repet ition evi-
Many lust murderers begin torturing ani- dencing that there is no lasting benefit from
mals as children. Eventually these acts lose killing as a method of resolving the internal
their original intensity and the person begins conflict. Some research ers maintain that the
attacking people . Some murder ers pride motivating force involved in these repetitive
themselves on humanely strangling t he ir v i o l ent acts is p l easure. The a u t h o r 's
vic tim b efo re p roceeding with torture or [R appaport's] view is that the quest fo r
mutilation. O thers photograph or tape the relief of pain (the inn er, unre solvable tur-
torture and screaming to use for their own moil) is the essential dynamic which im pels
exc iteme nt lat er . A lust m urd erer also the m ur derer to reenact h is bizarre and
derives sexual release from killing and for furious crimes ."
this reason the victims are generally people There are those who take it upon them-
the murderer finds sexually attractive. Gays selves to pass judgement on gays or prosti-
kill males, pedophiles kill children, and het- tute s and c o n sider it t he ir r eli giou s
erosexuals kill those of the opposite sex. obligation to rid the planet of them. Some
Richard R appaport, the chief psychiatrist in feel that murdering their sex partner exp iates

their sin. In addition, passing judgement on leg and asking women to help him pick up
a victim serves to abate normal guilt. CAU- books he had dropped and carry them to his
TION : People can reduce the ri sk of car. Others have run women off the highway
becoming a victim by avoiding close contact at night or dressed in police uniforms.
with strangers. Some murderers use clever (See also ANTHROPOPHAGY , MASO-
tactics in abducting victim s. Ted Bundy C HISM, M U TILATION , NEC R O PHILI A,
used disguises such as wearing a cast on his PARAPHILIAS and SADISM)

MAIEUSIOPHILIA (Cyesolgnia; Alvin- time of Adam and Eve. A study by C. S.
olagnia-sto mach fetish) Maieus io philia Ford and F . A . Beach re vea led that
(maieu tikos: to bring forth children, as in "monogamy as a compulsory pattern of
midwives, philia: attachment to) refers to mateship . .. occur s in only a minority of
those who a re aroused by women who are human societies-only 16% of 185 societies
going to give birth. studied .. . (Even in that 16%, Jess than one-
Our early ancestors carved innumerable third wholly d isapproved of both premarital
statues of pregnant women and goddesses . and extramarital liaisons)" (Modern Views of
One of the more Human Sexual Behavior, p. 241) . Pol y-
famo u s was the gamous marriages were not banned by th e
Earth Mother of Church until th e 6th cent u ry C.E.
Willendorf that is Consensual monogamy, where individuals
dated at about select their own marriage partner, has only
25,000 B.C .E . existed for the last couple of hundred years
T hese carvings in Europe and the United States. Primal
were worn as man lived in clans and even when marriage
amulets and buried became popular adultery was co mm on.
wi th people when Mo n ogamy was regulated when coup les
they died. Pregnant goddesses brought forth began to live alon e away from the commu-
the world, season s, other gods, and humans. nity. A description of the following types of
Pregnant women evidently must have at one marriage should not only give a historical
time h e ld a highly esteemed positio n in perspective of the evolution marriage has
society. gone through in som e cultures but help in
Today ma n y women feel sexuall y understanding the s mall contingent of
unattractive during th e last few months of people today who still practice m any of
their pregnancy. Howev er, t here are a these marriage forms.
number of men who consider them
ARRANGED Marriages for m ost of the last
extremely titillating-enough to buy maga-
three thou sa nd years we re arranged b y
zines titl ed Milkin' & Poppin' 1, and Milky
fathe rs. Children were betrothed and mar-
ried before they finished puberty, certainly
LACTAPHILIA) before they wer e old enough to demand a
freedom of choice. Marriages were entered
MARRIAGE Marriage is a ve rb al o r into fo r the financial and political advance-
written contract that implies some so rt of ment of the family as a whole and children 's
emotional or financial commitment b etween preferences were not acknowledged. Most
two or more people. Contrary to popular Eu ropeans and Americans have only been
belief, humans have not lived in monoga- able to fre ely select their own marriage
mous marriages ordained by God since the mates since the late eighteenth century.

Arranged m arriages still exist in Ame rica bands, and wrist restraints. These no longer
among so me s m all ethnic or r eligious ser ve a practical purpose, but they have
group s. remained as part of their wedding rituals.
Groomsmen we r e originally fe llow
CAPTURE T his is an ancient form of mar-
tribesmen who assisted in the capture of the
riage and in some cultures has existed until
bride b ecause discovery meant having to
the early 20th century.
fight . The honeym oon was the period of
Primal m e n, who captured their brides
time needed for the bride's fa mily (in some
from other tribes, were given a higher status
cases husbands) to give up their searc h.
due to the courage and strength required in
Brides were not only captured to become a
the feat. C u stom s va ried and wh ere some
sex partner and mother, but were oft en des-
immedia tely raped th e woman, others kept
tined to become only one of several sec-
h er in a separate house hoping she would
ondary wives who were primarily used to
consent. If she didn' t, a tribunal would hear
work the fields.
testimony and mak e a decision as to
The Koryak, a tribe to the so uth of
whether she would be returned to her par-
eastern Siberia, have a marriage ceremony
ents or forced to marry the captor. Other
with a capture symbolism. A groom, after
marriages were temporary, as in the case of
obtaining permission of the bride's parents,
some forest tribes in the Congo where th e
will wait for a n opportunity to capture her.
man would capture a bride, take her into the
The bride must not only resist but, having
forest while he hunted, and return h er to the
been warned, has her friends sew her into a
village after she had given birth to a child
ch astity garment. The groom attacks at the
and weaned it. The husband wou ld then
appropriate time and in a struggle takes a
give the wife half of the game in exchange
knife and cuts enough of the garment loose
for the child.
to reach inside and touch her genitals as a
Bride capture was practiced in England
sym b ol of consummation. The struggle
until the end of the 15th century, in Ireland
ends and they return to her tent as a mar-
as late as the 18th century, in Crete at the
ried couple (Strange Customs of Courtship
end of the 19th century, and until recently
and Marriage, by William J. Fielding) .
in parts of Sou th America. In m ed ieval
France a woman was not safe even when C HILD BETROTHAL Child betrothal has
escorted by a knight because other knights been practiced by many cultures but child
had the right to attack her protector; if vic- marriages have been used by only a few. A
torious they could do as they pleased with female child may be betrothed t o a male
the female. Cultures in north east and cen- child or, as is more common, to an adult
tral India practiced a pretended capture of male. This custom survives for many rea-
the bridegroom. It is speculated that this son s but is usually economic. In parts of
traditio n ste ms from a time w h en fat h ers Afr ica the older hus band is finan cia ll y
captured yo ung m en from other trib es to responsible for the infant bride a nd will pay
provide husbands for a su rplus supply of the child's m other for her care. In o the r
unwed females (Sexual Life of Primitive areas d owries for yo ung er girls are less
People, by H. Fehlinger, p. 34). expensive, and for some financially destitute
There are several wedding rituals that parents a daughter is their only collateral.
have survived from capturing brides : the Other factors include a possible shortage of
carrying of a bride over the threshold, the females in a tribe, the risk of an older unbe-
u se of groo msm en, and the h oneymoon. trothed gi rl e lo p ing with an unde sirable
The captured bride not only had to b e car- m atch, the cultural emphasis placed on vir-
ried but was often bound in some manner to ginity, the existence of mul t iple family
prevent her escape. Symbols of this type of dwellings (a young girl is mor e submissive
bondage could still b e seen in 19th century to the older female in-laws and there fore
African tribes with their use of wide metal preferred), and of course social or religious
bands that fit tightly around the waist, leg pressure.

COERCION P eople som e times, p erhaps m ethod in some cultures and prostit utio n
often , use fo rms of coercion to haste n a was normal in others, including among the
partne r 's commitment. Pregnancy at_ one Natchez of Louisiana.
time had t his effect be cause of societal
ELOPEMENT Couples who marry without
mores. Impregnation could be premedit_ated
parental consent are said t o elope. This "'.as
by either partner. Couples also used this as
often done when a lover did not meet with
a method to gain their parent's consent.
the bride's p arents' approval, was unable to
A few people today have been reported
m eet the amount required fo r a dowry, or
to use untreatable sexu ally transmitted dis-
had been betro thed as a ch ild to anoth er
eases to trap a partner in a relationship .
p erson. Elopements also occurred between
These p eople assume that their d es ired
married women and their suitors.
partner will be t oo traumatized or embar-
rassed to pursue new partners. (Of course, GROUP Group marriages were once
most episodes of transmission are d ue to_a common among m embers of certain tribes.
lack of education about the disease and its M en and women we re both p ermitted t o
contagiou sness, o r because of simple care- have multi p le spo u ses and concubines.
lessness.) Couples often lived in separate quarters
either alone, with pa rents, or in sam e sex
CONCUBINAGE Concubinage began as a
union b etween sold ie rs and women cap-
Today a group m arriage consists of at
tured during battle wh o became servants to
least three people where each has a sex
the soldier and his wife. The soldier often
partner . The sexual p reference of each
had sexual re lati ons with these wome n.
spouse is predetermined to suit the needs _of
Young males used for the same purpose by
the others. A heterosexual m ale may require
a dominant m a le owner were called
that all oth er partners be heterosexual. If
catamites. As part of the master's property
under this arrangement anyone later dis-
concubin es could be distributed to heirs
covers they also enjoy bi-sexuality, they may
upon his death.The Romans, in their effort
be asked to leave, the converse is also true
to keep the blood line pure between them-
of marriages established on bi-sexuality.
selves as conquerors and the defeated, ruled
Sleeping arran gem ents vary according to
that marriages were only official b etween
h ouse rules. People may b e left t o select
free R om a n s. They allowed for a typ e of
their own partners for the night or may have
monogamous concubinage in instances
them assigned. Others, in addition to private
where a R o man male desired to marry a
bedrooms, have a g roup b ed in which
woman of lower status.
anyone so inclined may ret ire . There are
A distinction is still made between wives
several support grou ps in California for
and concubines in M oslem cou ntries. The
pe ople involved i n group marria~es.
Koran permits each man to have fo u r wives
(Expa nd ed F am il y Network me e tmg,
but allows as m an y concubines as he can
February 1989.)
LEVIRATE T his was the Jewish custom
DOWRY Dowries are the gifts given by the
requiring a widow to marry her husband's
bride's family to the groom. The Greeks
brother if the former had not provided her
were expected to give the equivalent of 1/10
with a son . The first born son of this u nion
of their property as a dowry. The Roman s
would then be named after the dead brother
and Arabs also gave d ow r ies . However ,
and co n sidered t o be his son . Surviv ing
th ese wer e protected by law a nd wo uld
broth ers who, for different reasons, did not
revert to the daughter 's ownership if sh e
want to fo llow this tradition were requ ired
became widowed or divorced. Dowries were
to remove their shoe and have it spit on in
often a form of inheritance during a period
public. Today Orthodox Jews sometimes go
when all property was left to the firstborn
through a similar symbolic shoe ritual.
Brides sometimes earned dowries them- MAIL ORDER Mail order brides were the
selves. Belly da n cing was a n acceptable pred ecessors of today's personal ad s for

partners. The commitments, however, were the bride's famil y, sometimes taking their
much m ore serious due to the expense name. Often a woman or her family could
involved and perils of travel. Men often annul the marriage if they became dissatis-
used this method for finding a bride because fied with the husband. A wife could openly
th ey lived in an area that did not have eli- flaunt affairs, but a husband cou ld be
gible women from which to select; if there severely punished by a legal council for th e
were women at all . New settlers or immi- same offense . In some cultures women
grants are generally male. If they brought ruled, worked, and fought, while m en stayed
women with them they often died within a at home weaving and caring for the children
few years. The m en who desired compan- (When God Was a Woman, p. 36). Matri-
ionship then had only a few options; they archal cultures such as some American
could m arry a local female who was not of Indian, African, Asiatic and P o ly nesian
their race or religion, become homosexual, tribes have survived until today. These soci-
or send for a bride from home. His parents eties were agricultural a nd are attributed
or family often acted on his behalf in this with ecological conservation. They are also
case. believed to have been defensive rather than
Today mail order brides are primarily responsible for propagating wars.
used to find a bride who is from a different
MOCK Mock marriages were common in
culture. This is generally a match between
India among Brahman men. They were not
an American male who desires more sub-
allowed to marry until after their older
mission and loyalty from a wife and a for-
brothers took a bride. While this law seems
eign bride who prefers a less dominant and
logical all sorts of complications arose in
more financially secure husband. There are
trying to implement it. A solution was soon
m agazin es to which men can subscribe at a
devised that permitted the older brother to
cost of over $300 a year that display ads and
marry a tree, thereby freeing hi s younger
photos of women from Brazil, England,
brother to marry. A similar form of mock
Scandinavia , the Philip pi nes, and the
marriage was practiced by the Punjab, also
Orient. Some offer a translation service for
of India. Here a superstitious ritual was per-
corr es p o ndence . CAUTION: Marriages
formed to protect the third bride of a wid-
between Americans and foreigners that are
ower. The bride sat nearby while a marriage
entered for mon eta ry com pensation in
ceremony took place between th e groom
exchange for American citizenship are
and a tree or sheep that had been disguised
illegal and carry a heavy penalty .
in women's clothing. It was believed that if
Immigration authorities expect the two
the groom possessed an evil spirit that was
people to have proof that they knew and
killing his wives it would destroy the surro-
spent time together within the previous two
gate bride instead of the human one (The
yea r s. Ad s are not always legitimate.
Sacred Fire, by B. Z. Goldberg).
Women of any country responding to for-
eign ads fo r brides or models face a risk of PATRIARCHAL SOCIETIES Patriarchal
ending up as slaves to a prostitution ring. societies devel oped as people began
Likewise, men can often be defrauded by breeding animals instead of farming, fishing
"confidence games" in which they are asked or hunting game. The care of herds took
to forward money for a bride that does not men away from in-law domination for long
exist. periods of time, breaking down the social
conditioning that required their submission
MATRIARCHAL SOCIETIES Matriarchy to women or family. Men eventually proved
refe rs to domination of a family lineage by they could not only provide food, but could
females. This type of rule preceded our cur- also capture slaves to work the fields. Men
r ent patriarchal system. In matriarchal n ow owned possession s of their own and
primal clans, women did most of the labor, instead of living with the wife's family, men
male infants were sacrificed, girls were edu- began paying their in-laws to take the brides
cated, and mal es moved into the home of to live with them and serve their families.

Wa r- like patriarch al clans soon fo r med, these men justified raping the same women
eventually conquering most of the farming they were supposedly trying to save fro m
matriarchal groups throughout Europe. the a buse of p olygyny. " Seventeenth-cen-
The true paternity of c hildren became tur y Pu eblo I ndians had petitio n ed th e
important under patriarchy. Now instead of Spanish government because sold iers so
the clan providing care for childr en with often fo rced Indian wo men to have sex .
them inheriting the mother's possession s Some Indians also complained aga inst th e
children we r e fed a n d educated b y the Catholic clergy, and at least one priest was
father, later inheriti ng all his property. acc used o f rap ing Indian servants ... the
church opposed polygamy, and friars physi-
POLYANDRY Several cultures permitted
cally punished Pueblos who continued this
wo men to have mu ltiple husband s.
custom ... Whe n white Am erican s became
Polyandry was comm on in Spa rta a mo ng
the co nqueror s in wes tern territories, they
the poor. Here a farm could only be left to
too claimed sexual access to native women
the eldest son and there was no m eans of
and tried to ob litera te Indian and Mexican
s upport avai labl e fo r h is broth e r s.
sex ua l c u sto m s." P olygamist M ormons
Therefore, the eld est son wou ld sometimes
du r ing t h e 19th ce n tur y suffe r e d from
let h is b rothers re main on th e far m and
p eople's wrath, d esp ite the fact th at t hei r
share his wife. Polyandry was also necessary
sex u a l m orals were r igid and fellow
for the survival of wives and children in
Mormo ns fo u nd engag ing in ad u ltery,
areas were there were frequ ent invasions by
zoophilia, or incest were executed (Intimate
other tribes and th e husb a n ds had to be
Mallers, A History of Sexuality in America,
away for extended p e ri ods of time. T h e
pp. 91 , 11 8).
M o ngols permitted on e woman to marry
There a re so me families in Utah that
fo ur brothers, one always remaining behind
practice a form of polygamy and from some
to provide protection . Polyan dry produced
reports the me n a nd women both agree that
fewer children but m ore adult providers. It
it is a p referred life-style. The internal criti-
is still practiced in parts of Nepal and Tibet
cism seems to stem more from "arranged
where land is difficult to cultivate. T h e
marriages" rather than the number of wives.
excess fe males either remain single or leave
Pro-polygamist Mormon women before the
their tribe for the low lands.
W oodruff Manifesto argued that p olygamy
POLYGYNY Polygyny, or polygamy, is a gave them freedom and equality. Utah uni-
ma rri age be tween one mal e and severa l vers ities have bee n op en to wome n sin ce
fe m al es. Wo m e n benefitted fro m th is 1850 a nd almost all the first female doctors
arrang e m e n t when the rat io o f m e n to were M o rm on . The feminist m ovement
women was low. It provided women who joined forces with anti- polygamist Mormons
were widowed or would otherw ise have to and, using condemnations of im m orality,
r e m ai n un ma r ri e d a chance to h ave a wo rk ed up th e se n t im e n ts of r e l ig ious
family. H er d o me sti c b urdens were al so Americans to support them in stopping this
lightened because these were sh a r ed not prac tice. Wh ile Susan B. Anthony a n d
only by other women but by additional chil- Elizabeth Stanton were concerned with
dren. T h e polygynous unit seemed ben efi- equality rather than morals which had only
cial to communities where women worked been a convenient tool, other factions of the
or had a skill while the conver se was true of fe min ist movement were never able to sepa-
those who did not permit the wives to leave rate th e two iss u es and contin ued on a
t h e h ouse o r to educate t h e mse l ves . moral campaign directed at men and their
Problems developed among the men in cul - female victims of vice.
tures where the ratio of females to m ales
was not balanced and only a few men were P URCHASE T he custom of giving a bride
a ble to possess the majority of ava ilab le away at a weddi ng is a ritual th at has su r-
females. vived fo r several thousand years. A form of
Polygyny among Indians was condemned purchase of brides evolved with the capture
by the American colonis ts, yet ironicall y marriage. A gift to the parents of a bride

often kep t peace b e tw een two tribes and among man y primiti ve tr ibes and ha s
reduced the ri sk of the bride being aven ged existed until recently among American, Fiji
or escaping on her own after capture. It was Island, Australian, and African tribes. These
also used during the change from matriar- tribes also o ften required that the eldest
chal to p atriarchal societies . The groom, daughter b e married first. T he man mar -
instead of living with his bride's family and rying the eldest th en had first right o f
serving them, gave her parents some type of refusal on all others as they came of age.
co mpen sa tion in exc hange for thei r The animosity found amo ng multiple wives
daughter. in other cultures was almost nonexistent in
There are tribes that, instead of giving th ese famili es . Likew ise , children fared
money or animals, would exchange brides. better because an aunt made a more consid-
If the father had both a son and a daughter erate stepmoth e r th an did a s tranger.
he wou ld o ften exchange his daughter for M arriage of sisters was n ot always necessary
h is son's bride. The daughter would t hen for th e husbands to enjoy se xual liaisons
become a bride for one of the groom's rela- with his sisters-in-law because many tribes
tives or a secondary wife of the fath er-in- granted these lib erties anyway . The require-
la w (S trange Cusioms of Courtsh ip and ment of marriage seemed to evolve at a later
Marriage, by William J. Fielding). period.
The T o da s of India had a reciproca l
RAPE Rape was u sed by some Australian
group marriage arrangement b etween wives
aborigines to symbolize marriage. Gro oms
and husbands . The paternity o f childre n
stalked neighboring tribes a nd, finding a
was determined b y order of birth, the first
woman, hit he r over the head with a club
born of each wife b elon g ing to the eldes t
and dragged her away. Once she recovered
brother, t h e se con d born of eac h wife
the man forced her to follow him to his tribe
belonging to the second eldest brother, etc.
where he raped her in front of witnesses as
(Strange Customs of Courtship and Marriage,
te stim on y of their n ew bond. This un ion
by William J. Fielding).
was often sho rt lived because attractive
wom en were soon cap tured b y men of other TRIAL Pre- marriage trial p e ri o ds are
tribes and t he sam e rape ritual repeated accep ted i n c ultu res s uch as t h ose o f
(Strange Customs of Courtship and M arriage, Esk im os, American Indian s, Africans ,
by William J. Fielding). Arabs, and Tibetans . T he period of tim e
d iffe r ed; so m e societies exp ected a trial
ROMANTIC It was not until the late eigh-
period of a year before coup les could legally
teenth century that marriages were entered
marry and German communities practiced a
into based on romance. Until this time mar-
trial night whereby the girl and her suitor
riage had been a result of capture, purchase,
could determine their sexual co mpatibility
or barter between p are nts . Romance was
before continuing a romance. An Anglo-
restricted to extramarital affairs. A woman's
Saxon ordina nce in t h e 10th century per-
appeal qu ic kly changed from being ba sed
mitted a seven year trial marriage, and the
on meekness and spirituality to being attrac-
Scottish permitted trial marriages until the
tive, endowed with large breasts, and a small
16th century.
waist. Letters betwee n engaged couples no
Peruvians encouraged trial marriages,
longer discu ssed or n egotiated a division of
taking a dim view of chastity. Sexually inex-
property and wedding arrangements but
p erie nced women whose marriages ended
rather expressed affection. Parents wh o did
were bla med for not having learned enough
not readily sanction a child's marriage could
about sex b efore marriage to pl ease their
often .be coerced with the announcement of
pregnancy .
Indian braves leaving on a long hunting
SORORATE This was the right given to a trip would enter a short term m arriage con-
husband to take as wives all or any of his tract with a woman to accompany the m.
wife's sister s. Sororal marriage was common She helped to cook and was their sex com-

panion. The game was shared at the end of This is an example of extreme religious
the trip and the contract was terminated masochism whic h would rarely, if at all,
(Strange Customs of Courtship and lv!.arriage, exist among sexual masochists toda y . In
by W illiam J. Fielding). fact, the term sadomasochism now refers
(See also HAREMS, LOVE, LOVE ADD IC- primarily to the consensual exchange of
TION, WEDDINGS and WIFE SWAPPING) power between two people whether the
method used to achieve this is psychological
MASKS Masks were popular during the or physical. Rape, lust murder, and spouse
18th century in Europe. Prostitutes origi- abuse for our purposes are not considered
nally u sed them to hide their identity b ut forms of sadomasochism. They are noncon-
later they became pop- sensual a nd therefore will remain in cate-
ular among women of gories of their own. The term masochism
higher social status. was first used in the late 19th century by
These masks provided Krafft-Ebing, th e psychologist, who wrote
anonymity between Psychopathia S exualis. Krafft-Ebing used the
lovers, or from gossips novels of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch to
and spies. Women wore learn about men who gained sexual pleasure
masks to the theatre so from having a woman inflict pain. While the
that others would not see prominent writer was still alive, Krafft-
them blush and in the Ebing labeled his acts as a sickness. One has
gardens so that they to wonder what influence male chauvinism
could flirt in public. Masquerade balls were had on this label because during this same
organized and the tedious requirement of period a child, wife, and se rvant were all
proper social introductions not only became expected to endure a lashing without com-
unnecessary but at many parties it was plaint. The similarity between these cases
mandatory that people not reveal their iden- can be seen in the assumption that if a wife
tity at all. Flirtations and roving hands at didn't submit to corporal p unishment she
these events provided extremely intriguing was being disrespectful and rebellious. She
entertainment for an otherw ise sex ually would also be suspected of not loving her
repressed society. It took more than a hun- husband. A wife who showed total submis-
dred years for these masquerade balls to be sion to a tyrant was respected but a man
suppressed by disap pro v ing religious who wanted to submit to a woman was con-
leaders. sidered sick. However, a few thousand years
(See also BONDAGE/HOODS) earlier the opposite was true. Men living in
a matriarchal society would have found the
MASOCHISM desire to please or submi t to mothers nat-
[A fourteenth century monk] shut himself up in ural.
his cell and stripped himself naked ... took his SM is a consensual and negotiated game
scourge with the sharp spikes, and beat himself between two or m ore people which may be
on the body and on the anns and on the legs, stopped at any time by any partner. The
till blood poured off him as from a man who purpose of the game is t o pu sh the
has been cupped. One of the spikes on the masochist to the same level of e m otional
scourge was bent crooked, like a hook, and and physical ex haustion found in an
whatev er flesh it caught it tore off. He beat extremely passionate love affair. Would th e
himself so hard that the scourge broke into three monk mentioned in the beginning of this
bits and the points flew against the wall. He sectio n have felt as de voted to Jesu s if he
stood there bleeding and gazed at himself. It had not suffered so mu ch because of his
was such a wretched sight that h e was love for humanity? Submission a nd suf-
reminded in many ways of the appearance of fering can both be components of a strong
the beloved Christ. love bond.
- The Pursuit of the Millennium M en and women differ in the way they
by Norman Cohn view the importance of sex in a r elationship

in some cultures, and it is this role that they practmoners, this is what masochism is all
choose to sacrifice in masochistic games. about. The level of pain is chosen according
Men value sex and tend to judge the quality to the desired effect: for example, relax-
of a marriage by whether their sex life is sat- ation, sexual arousal, to clear free fl oating
isfying while a woman will put sex into con- anxiety, or to awaken feelings in a numbed
text with the rest of the relationship and if body . Masochists involved in heavy pain
that seems health y they will not be con- use it to either produce opiates in the brain
cerned. Male masochists willingly give up all for an euphoric effect or to reach altered
their power, masculinity, and demands for states of consciou sness.
sex to prove, by sometim es extreme Masochism plays a role in c reating a
methods , the intensity of their love. feeling of self em powerment or self esteem.
Conversely, female masochists tend to The masochist faces fear, pain, or humilia-
abandon sexu al inhibit ions displaying or tion and not o nl y survives but ha s an
offering t h e ir b odi es willingl y; thus, sex orgasm or receives l ove as a reward.
becomes the sacrifice that proves love for a Scientists discovered that laborato ry rats
partner. The reason people feel a need to took much longer to drown when thrown
convey love in this m anner often lies in their into a vat of water than did their captured
past environmental conditi oning . M any cousins (5 minutes vs . up to 24 hours). The
were neglected or had emotion ally distant reason given for the labor atory rat's survival
parents. Some of these people use was that until then he had always survived,
masochism to win the love of their partner no matter what injury he might have sus-
because, to them, love and nurturing were tained. This gave him stam ina that his
never given freely. In addition, these people country cousin lacked. People are able to
probably only received nurturing from their gain this type of courage themselves by
parents when th ey were injured or ill, there- overcoming fear-producing obstacles . A
fore, they may feel that the only time they person who learns to endure pain and con-
are permitted to receive nurturing is when quer fear will rarely panic or think that all
they are weak or injured . Similar condi- fear and pain end in failure or death.
tioning is now considered a contributing The automasochism or self m u t ilation
factor for people who become se xually that is so often seen in prisons, psychiatric
aroused by piercing and cutting. These fan- wards, hospitals, cult groups, convents, and
tasies were discovered in chi ldre n who m onasteries i s a manifesta t ion of primal
und erwent surgery as infants by Dr. John aggression or fear triggered by anxiety that
Money. has been turned inward rather than acting it
Another dimension of masochism is that out toward another person. Our bodies were
of physical pain. Pain is on a continuum designed to produce reli ef from trauma
that runs from very mild sensations, such as whether we were the aggressor or the victim
tickling, to extreme levels that are produced in a conflict.
in mutilation. People who use pain during There are m any private S/M clubs and
sex often set limits to how much and in these all vary in character. S/M clubs may
what manner the pain is to be administered. be h eterosexual, gay, all female (some will
A simple experiment that often clarifies the allow transvestites in female atti re ), pan-
use of pain to increase sensation is that of sexual, male dominant, or female dominant.
holding one's hands up, taking notice of Most clubs sponsor occasional play parties,
how the y feel, and then clapping them some give educational le ctures, many
together for five seconds. There should be a restrict activities to bondage, a few have a
tingling sensation that most would define as religious undertone, and others are political
pleasurable, especially if spread throughout in nature. Acts that look safe and simple,
their body during sex. Most people would such as bondage, can be very risky and even
n ot normally define this tingling sensation cause a partner's d eath in a very short time.
as pain, or think that clapping their hands Therefore, the primary purpose of clubs is
was a form of self-flagellation. Yet, for most to provide education for novices and a safe

envi r o nm ent in which to p ra ctice and having th em clos e their eyes, place the
acquire the skills needed fo r play. S/M clubs m iddle fingers softly in the center of their
are not group sex houses and many have forehead. T he pressure is slowly increased
regulations again st even a married couple and m assage d w ith
e n gaging in genital penetration during a thumbs toward the tem-
play party. Individuals who sponsor private p les followed by the use
parties set their ow n ru les. CAUTION: of circular motions on
Masoch istic play may not be safe for some them. Next the thumbs
types of peop le . Those who m ay need to are placed one on each
exercise caution include vete rans who were ce nter co rn er of eye-
in active combat, people who were abused brows a nd pushed
as children, and women who were violently toward outs ide edges .
raped. Any of these people can "flip out" if T h e thumbs are t h en
tr igge red by a fa mil iar wor d , piece of rubbed down the sides of th e nose toward
clothing, a certain t ouch, and so forth . t11e n ostril s, then placed on the sides of the
There have occasio nally been cases of nose and pushed outward across the cheek
m asoch i sts who regresse d into what bones . This is followed b y massaging the
appeared to be past li ves involving torture a reas above and below the lips . The chin is
during play an d experie nced emotional then m assaged by running th e fi ngers and
stress because of this. Like others who have thumbs fro m the center along the jaw bone.
surv ived trauma, they may need profes- Last, the outside edges of the ears are gently
sio nal assistance in coping with the memo- held between the thumbs and fo refingers,
ries. In add ition , if these people continue to coveri ng as much area as possi ble with the
play the masochist role, it is their r esponsi- grip.
bility to inform fu ture partners of things
SENSUAL FULL BODY T hose indulging
that set them off, enabling th e partner to
in full body m assages first take precautions
avoid repea ting the same mistake.
to avoid being in terrup ted . Some enjoy a
OCHISM, BONDAGE, DOMINANCE/SUBMIS- warm dark room and others are able to relax
SION, FLAGELLAT ION , HUMILIATION , a n d enjo y t h e experience out of doors.
PARAPHILIAS and SAD ISM) Background music is often ap propriate but
so metimes ta ke s away fro m the personal
MASSAGE (Tripsolagnophilia a n d
intimacy between partners who may prefer
Tripsophili a- arousal from being massaged, to hear soft sighs, moans, or deep breathing .
Tripsolagnia-arousal from having hai r A person does not have to b e trained in
manipulated or shampooed) There are sev- massage if th e pressure used is light or mod-
eral types of massage that will be discussed e rat e . Most peop le p la n ahead so that
in t his section. There are basic massages
everything they n eed is nearby. Movements
t h at are u sed to create intimac y with a a re never h urried, and one han d stays on
partner without expectations of sex. Others the partner at all times, even when reaching
are used in bondage or torture p lay. A mas-
for something. T h ose using vibrators make
sage does not have to cover the entire body sure that the batteries a re fresh and that
or be done while r eclining. P art ial bo d y rubber parts do n ot co m e in contact with
massages of areas such as the head, face, massage oil.
hands, feet, legs, shoulders , neck, chest, Many p eople u se heated vegetable based
buttocks, or genitals can feel wonderful and oil for m assage. Olive oil, ligh t mineral oil,
they lend th emselves more to sp on taneity almond, or sesame seed oil are best for the
and reciprocity. T ime spent on massages skin. Other commo n oils are baby oil and
can vary greatly. co mmercial m assage oils . The imp ortant
FACE The face is often on e part of the information needed when selecting the latter
body that gets ign ored . The procedure fo r a is to know th at th ey a re often scented o r
basic face massage is for one person to posi- have ch emical additives. Scented oils often
ti on th e m se l f behind the partn e r a n d, arouse a partner, therefore some prefer not

to use them if sex is not the ultimate goal. customers a n d chose w h o convince the
An oil that produces chemical heat may be m asse u se that t he y a r e trustworthy can
appropriate for a p artner with sore muscles. ofte n hav e t h e massage fin ished off with
Several groups sp onsor massage parties manua l stimulation of the geni tals . A new
where cou ples br ing a food dish to shar e, customer un certain of the appropriate ges-
towe ls fo r the h o t tub, a n d supplies for tu res o r information to d ivulge usually ask
giving a massage. the woman what he could do to prove he is
n o t affiliate d with t h e po li ce. If the
m asseuse provides a ny type of sexual ser-
prefer pla ying or being tortured d u ring
vice she will then give the client an idea of
bo n dage sub mit to various sensory
what is avai lable and fo r how much. Sex
enhanci ng tech niques such as being tickled
does not automatically come with the basic
with an ostrich feath er or fur m itte n s, o r
pri ce an d masseuses do not perform a wide
being rubbed with lea ther gloves.
variety of sex acts. Etiq uette for men in a
B lin dfoldi n g is u sed in sensory p lay
massage parlo r inc lud es n ot grabb ing o r
because a lighter touch can be used to give
gouging the masseuse and not joking about
the same effects as higher in tensity p lay.
being a policem an . Gentlemen ask permi s-
People wanting stronge r se n sati on s have
sion or attempt con tact by gently stroking
the ir partner nibbl e, sc ratch, ru n ice chips
t h e ma sse u se wit h t h e b ack of a ha n d.
over the body, or use light biting.
These men are much more apt to receive a
FOOT Feet are either massaged with the favo r able response . Un less addi t ional
fingers or can be caressed by the mouth to m oney is received a man is not automati-
stimulate a partner in sex play. This is done cally entitled to feel her body; he has o nly
by sucking or running the tongue in and out p aid for a massage.
through all th e toes; so m e do this to each The women who work in massage par-
other simu ltaneously . lors may be young, ine xperienced, lesbian,
A dom inant partner often d emands that marr ied, or profess io n a l. Some are
their servant soak their feet and give them a masse u ses because they re ally enjoy the
pedicure. A domina n t pa rtne r may also work, others for the excitement, and some
massage a slave's back or genital area while because it's a quick way to make m oney.
wea ring spiked heel shoes. Many bu ild up a regu lar cl iente le wi t h
wh om the y d evelop a good rappo rt, and
GENITAL Genital massages are u sed to
some have even married clients.
b ecome familiar with a partner's genitals
during a time when sex is not the primary PRO STITUTION)
goal. Oils redu ce the friction of the ski n and
provide visible evide n ce of areas not ye t MASTURBATION (Ipsism, O nanism;
explored. Ama tr ipsi s-rubb in g labia t oget h e r ,
(See also ACUPRESSURE, BI N DI NG , J\11anuxorate- m ale usi ng hand, 1\11aricace-
LIGHTI NG, OLFACT ION, Pli C HIN G, fema le alone, Siphnianize-a n al, Syn cri -
SCRATCHING, SENSORY ENHANCEMENT, bate-rubbing t h igh s together, Tribor-
T ICKLING and TOUC H) gasmia- wife who masturb ates h u sband)
M astu rbatio n generally refers to bri nging
MASSAGE PARLORS Massage parlors oneself to orgasm using manual stimulation .
o ffer people \'arious typ es of massage. In If this is accomplished with the assistance o f
addition, some for an ad d ition al fee wi ll a partner it is t hen re fe rred co as m utual
massage the genitals or masturbate a client. m as t u rbation, p e t tin g, o r fo r eplay.
There is usually a basic fee fo r the massage Masturba ti on is considered a " normal" pro-
and time is li mited to a sp ecified number of cess in sexual developmen t and maturity,
minutes .The foremost concern of workers often beginning at a yo ung age. Boys gener-
in these parlors is whether new customers a lly first ejaculate between the ages of 10
are involved with law enforce ment. R egular a nd 13 years. James Weinrich stares that

"experiments in primates show that if this tribes used a simila r for m of torture on their
sexu al rehearsal play is in terfe red with, the capt ives. Even today repeated masturbation
result can be an adu lt who can not or does is used on male rape victims o r in bondage
not function sexually as well as other indi- scenes, but not to the same degree.
vid u als who were p ermit ted suc h p lay" Masturb a ti on is educational, pre p a res
(Sexual Landscapes, p. 244). people fo r sex with partners, and allows
The early 18 t h cent ur y marked the them a safe environment in wh ich to experi-
b eginning of a two h undred year p eriod m ent with method s and sensatio ns that are
where masturbation came to b e viewed in sti mu la ting. The ro le of m asturbation in
Western societies as a form of unhealthy o ne's life can have even more d ramatic psy-
self-ab u se b y t he morally d ege n erate or chologica l benefits. A new fo rm of sex
m en tally ill. The P uritans condemned the therap y h as enabled peop le to r e p lace
p ractice because sex was for procreation. harmfu l substa n ce addict io n s by fo rcing
H oweve r, the Vic tori a ns were co n cerned th emselves to m asturba te daily . This act
mo re because of its perceived health risks. transfers the pleasure stimulus to a n activity
T h ese fears arose fro m books that were that is healthy and on e that ca n lead to an
wri tten warning that almost every sort of ail- in t imate relatio n sh ip wi th o t h ers ( ESQ,
ment could be caused by men wasting their Extended Sexual Orgasm, b y Ala n Brauer,
vita l li fe energy. Physicians e rron eo u sly M.D. and D onna Brauer, p. 48).
assumed th at losing semen created th e same M asturb ation is tolerated by m ost cu l-
effects as seen in castrated men. John Todd tu r es except when it totally rep laces a
wrote several books, wherein he quoted the person's d esire fo r the opposi te sex. It is
sup erinte nd ents of a n insane asyl um as easy for people to become condi tioned or
saying tha t masturbation is not only " the reliant on one method of stimulation . If that
cause of bring ing m any of the ir patien ts method can b e easily m od ified to a ll ow
the re, but an almost insuperable obstacle in orgasm through genital penetration there is
the way o f their recovery" ( The Horrors of n o prob l e m . H owever, if the sti mu lus
the Half-Known Life, M ale Auitudes Toward needed is one that ca nnot b e adapted in this
Women and Sexuality i11 Nineieemh-Century m anne r bo th p eople wi ll su ffe r. T h e fol -
America, b y G . J. Barker-Be nfield, p. 166). lowing c hart ide ntifies a few m astu rbation
This was the start of a p ubli c p hobia that techniques and categorizes them accord ing
led many parents to use painful penis har- to a c riteria for penile-vagina sex.
nesses to preven t erections in their sons.
The case of a young girl was reported in a n PART TER COMPATIBLE:
1894-5 ed itio n of International Medical Thrusting against pillow
M agazine where a doctor in Ohio decided to Rubbing with fingers, towel, heel of foot
eliminate the girl's desire to m asturbate by Use of lubricants, condom, fruit, liver in milk
cauterizing the clitoris. W hen this failed to can on, or rubber genitals
produ ce the des ired results h e infibu lated Ana l stimulation
the area with silve r wire. T h ese sh e tore Ben-wa balls
loose and in a final effort he cut out the cli- '.'Jipple stimulation
toris. Adults were castrated . As late as 1897
a man was d ocum e n t ed to have had his PARTNER INCOMPATIBLE:
penis ampu tated as a c ure fo r masturbation. Vibrators
Masturbation is not usually thought of as Boudoir water spray
a tool for torture, but even this pleasurable Rubbing against photos
ex pe rience has dread ful consequences when Use of fetish object
overdone. Messalina, the wife of the Roman Rushing thro ugh act
emperor C laudius, is said to have ordered Watch ing own genitals in a mirror
men t o be mas tu rbated unti l they e ithe r Douc hes
became permanen tly im potent or d ied . At Urethral stimulation
one time several nomadic Northe rn African Ro ugh handli ng of ge nitals

Some would say regular masturbation helps thermostat fo r our emotional wellbei ng, and
one's ability to orgasm by keeping the pubo- can be used accordi ng to a person's needs.
coccygeus (PC) muscle in tone. This is the (See also AGALMATOPHILIA, C HASTITY
muscle that covers the genital region fro m DEVICES, CUNNILINGUS, FELLATIO, GEN-
the mons pubis to the an u s. A physician ITAL/ANAL INSERTS , ORGASMS and SEX
named Arnold Kegel developed an exercise
that improves people's muscle tone th ereby
MATURATION Matura tio n, or ag ing,
intensifying or adding con trol to o rgas m s . has several effects on a person's sexuality.
These are named Kegel exercises. A person T hese are all as normal as any other aging
can exercise this muscle by simply stopping
process and are experienced by everyone to
and restarting the flow of their urine. T he some degree. Many partners find that they
next ste p is to cont inue exercis ing th is
eve n benefit from th e li ngering effects of
muscle from time to time throughout the arousal and orgasm. Disease, boredom, or
day. People grad u all y wo rk up t o two or an u nrecep tive partner c reates many more
three session s of 100 co ntractions a day,
sexual problems than does aging.
trying to hold each one for several seconds. An issue of Sex Over Forry listed most of
The improved strength of the mu scle can be the changes that men encounter as they age.
tested if o ne is a man by hanging a towel T h ese include a longer time before
over an erect penis and try ing to rai se it obtaining erection, the need for more tactile
h ig h er. A woma n can place a penci l or stimulation of the penis, some loss of fi rm-
finger in the vagin a a nd squeeze or push ness in the erection, a prolonged period of
with her PC mu scle. An improve ment of erection before orgasm, and faster detumes-
muscl e to ne should be noticeable within a cence afterward . T he fo rce of the ejaculate
few weeks. ma y not be as stro ng and period of t ime
There is an orga n ize d gr o u p in San b etween erections and the desire to orgasm
Fran cisco th at sponsors Jack and Jill Off often increases. Men also begin foc u sing
pa r ti es. They me et almost mont h l y to more on total body intimacy with a desi re to
engage in mutual m asturbation. Safe sex please the ir partner rather than on ge nital
kits are supplied and m any people add to sensation o nl y. Regular sexual activity is
the festivity by weari n g costu m es. recomme n ded t o prevent mu scles from
Unescorted men and women are permitted losing their tone and to keep tissue healthy
to attend and bi-sexuality is encou raged d ue ("Sexual ch anges in men over forty," by
to the higher ratio of men to women . CAU- S.H . Rosenthal, Ju ne 1982).
TION: There is no un iversa lly accepted ( See also DYSFU CTIO N , GE RON-
theory as to how often one should mastur- TOPH ILIA, IMPOTENCY and MORTALITY)
bate . Some me n regularly masturb ate as
often as six tim es a day wit h n o apparent MEATOTOMY See PENIS MODIFICA-
ha r m . H owev er, men wh o ma st urbate T ION/MEATOTOMY
excessively ma y risk ge tt ing th e ir pe ni s
accu stomed to th e st im ul u s o f t h e h and , MEDICAL S C ENES (latron u dia-
which can be m uch stronger than th e stim- arousal from exposing oneself to p hysician)
ulus in interco u rse. Abstaining fro m mas- M e dica l scenes are a r o u si n g fo r ma ny.
turbation fo r a period o f t ime can restore Ia tron udia refers to those who a re aroused
sensitivity. Excessive masturbation can only by pretending to have a n ailmen t so t ha t
be d ete rm ined indi viduall y, based o n the they can undress in front of a doctor.
number of ski n abrasions, bruises, or the Oth ers set up their ow n vers ion of an
time spent on this ac tivity a nd whethe r it adult sex game of " playing doctor." This
keeps one from engaging in other necessary may involve any type of role play involving
activities. In part, our des ire to masturbate a character from the medical profession an d
invo lves needs that may extend beyond sex a patient. L ess often it might include a dom-
or morality. Masturbation can be seen as a inant and subm issive playing the role of vet-

eri narian and dog. The types of acti vity vary male or two men and a woman, and last by
a nd include simp ly wea ring costumes, one male and two heterosexual females.
taking vital signs , givi ng One's focus is often divided between two
physicals, enema s, cath- people and i f a ma le come s to o rg as m
eteriza tion, sou nd ing, pap before th e female(s), the sex p lay may be
sm ears, cupping, prostate over, if the women are not bi-sexual. There
ex ams (v ery popular at is also th e risk that if one is enjoying a par-
professional S/M hou ses), ticu la r se n sa ti on , so m eo n e strok ing or
bind ings, bondage, ge ni ta l probing ano ther pa rt o f the body becomes
m odifications, m ock cas- distracting. This ofte n happens with two
trati on, cicatrization (scar- people who are excited about experimenting
ring), coprophilia, shaving, with bi-sexuality for the first time. If some-
electric shock, phlebotomy, piercing, lacing, thi ng goes wrong it is be tte r for so m eo ne
scrotal infu sio n, to ilet training, deflora tion , having a poor exp erience to stop immed i-
suturing, or stapli ng. ately; n o o n e is obl igated t o stay in the
Some dunge o n s co me equ ipp ed wit h group until the o ther s are sat isfied .
gurneys o r gynecological tables to assist in Hu sb ands and wives o ften have st rong
making these popular games more realistic. o p in ions ab ou t wh ich types of sex their
Medical games are popular because they partner ca n u se w ith the outside lover.
are connected with the anxiety that many These rul es are b es t di scussed prio r t o
people feel when visiting a physician which approaching the third person , and then dis-
leads t o a natural increase in e nergy in a cussed again with the third perso n so that
sexual experience. CAUTI ON: Sterile pro- their wishes may be taken into consideration
ced ure s are u se d any time t h e skin i s by the co up le as well.
broken, along wi th other precautions. Sexual positions u sed during 3-way sex
(See also BO DAG E, CASTRAT ION , vary accord ing to the type of sex the people
CO PROPHILI A, D EPT LATIO N, GEN ITAL en joy. P eo p le ca n be stimulated wi th the
MODIFICATI ONS , LAC ING , PI ERC ING , tongue, mou th and hand s- some even use
their fee t to ga in co nta ct with the third
TRAINING ) perso n. J essica S tew art, in The Complete
1\1a11ual of Sexual Positions, includes a chapter
with photos of group sex. CAUTION: Safe
MENAGE A TROIS A menage tro is is a sex should be used in all group sex scenes to
a domestic arra nge m ent which is often con - prevent d1e transmission of disease.
fused with a 3-way erotosexual ex perience. (See also ADUL TERY, CANDAULISM, FES-
T hese 3-ways may tech nically b e of any sex T I VALS, GANG BANG S , G R OUP SEX,
o r sexu al prefe r e nc e . If a heterosex u al ORG IES , POLYITEROPI-IILI A and T RO ILI SM)
couple lives in an area where prostitutio n is
legal they ma y simply hire a third perso n. MISCEGENATION (Allo tri orasty) The
Singles o fte n advertise in local swinger word miscegenation was first u sed in the
newspapers for cou p les in terested in a 3 - 1860's and r efe r s t o sex or marr iage
way and couples advertise for singles. Some between two people of different races.
prefer a regular pa rtner who is bi-sexual o r Accordin g t o a sur vey cond u cted by
willing to engage in sex with a th ird pe rson. L ouis Harris in 1971 a n average of o ne in
(A woman who feels like she is be ing used five Americans have dated someone of a dif-
as a pawn or pimp fo r her partner's pleasure fere nt race. M ost inte rraci al relatio nsh ips
ma y re se nt th e relatio n ship .) Unless the were not entered into based on this differ-
couple is gay, ge ne rally it is easier for the ence but rad1er by similar criteria as would
female to appro ach the t h ird p a rty. The apply to anyone of the sa me race. The cou-
domestic arrange ment that has potential for p les who d eliberately select a p a rtne r of
lasting longes t consists of same sex partners, a n oth e r r ace d o so for r easons suc h as
followed by two b i-sex ual women and a sexual novelty or the appeal o f submissive

women from other cultu res. In America it is created prejudices aga inst blacks, white
comm on for some young cau casian girls ro slave owners were sexually attracted to their
seek out black boyfriends as part of a larger black slaves. The legal system u nfortu nately
pattern of breaki ng away from their p arents' supported sex ual harassment and subjuga-
values. T his is especially true if tion of b lac k wome n, n ot on ly during
parents a re both ove rcon trol- slavery, bu t also after their emanc ipa tion.
ling and raciall y prejudiced. One of these laws was passed during the
T he men they choose, who are 17th and I 8th centuries by the Englis h
usually poor and uneducated , colonists wh ic h pronounced mulatto off-
are flatte red by t his and con- spring betwee n slave a n d freeman to be
sider it a m ark of status. T hese slaves . In contrast, th e Span ish colon ies
r ela tions hips, wh en based on gra nt ed ch ildre n of mi xed u n ions their
defiance of parents and social freedom. Wi nth rop J ordon, in his book
~ stri ctures, can involve a lo t of While Over Blacl?, stated " If he [white man]
negative behavior (drugs, tru ancy, prostitt1- co u ld not restrain his sex u al n ature, h e
tion, etc.) to flaunt the rebellion, a nd the could at least reject its fruits and thus solace
relationships seldom work. himself that he had done no harm ... By clas-
Societal bias may influence minority o r sifying the mulatto as a Negro he was in
immigrant sexual ideals with the advertising effec t d e n y ing tha t int erm ixt ure h ad
media. In the United States models, movie occurred at all" (p. 178) .
stars, and d ol ls a re often bl ond or fai r The legal reform s won after th e 1863
skinned. Even e th nic magazines use women Emancipation Proclamation by blacks wer e
with light skin and facial features that could short lived. The right of a black woman to
pass as Anglo. These g roups often develop su e for fi na ncial su pport of her hal f white
anglo criteria for beauty and an aversion to illegitimate children was repealed. Laws that
women who fail to meet that standard. would m ake concubinage illegal and force
Som e m embers of stigmatized minorities whites to marry black women with whom
project anger onto mem bers of their own they lived never passed.
group, as if disparagemen t is the fa ult of the T he 19th centu ry saw a continuation of
victim. When th ese people marry outside of black lync hi ngs. H owever, now ins tead of
their cultural group it is often an attempt to accusi ng black men o f cons piracies, insur-
deny t hei r id entity as a min o ri ty. rectio ns, and plotting the mu rder o f slave
lnte r cu ltural marriage may also be an owners they were charged with rape. This
attempt to increase social status via a spouse. indictment was made against ma les engaged
Americans have disappr oved of m os t in consensual unions because " it was impos-
types of m iscegenation si nce its colon iza- sible fo r a white woman to freely succumb
tio n . Marriage or sex with Indians, Iri sh, to a black m a n." T he acc u sation o f rape
Jews, Catholics, a nd Chinese was discour- served the white men well because it was an
aged. H owever, sex with blacks seemed to act that even th e most liberal supporter of
incite the greate st indignati o n . B lacks, equal rights would not condone.
unlike slaves duri ng other times, were dis- There are disagreem ents as to whether
criminated against because of color. This intermarri age to the point of h omogeny
pheno men on was due in part to would alleviate prejudice among humans. If
Christianity's interpretation of H am 's curse we use examples of amoebas, bacteria,
of his d escenda nts being turned blac k and viruses, o r fe m ale worker bees which are
made to serve as slaves. This misinterpreta- genetica ll y identica l, t h e a n swer is yes.
tion coincide ntally began in America as new F rank Baird, Jr., a professor of science and
labor was desperately needed in the produc- curator in en tomology, explains that "Sex is
ti on of m olasses (the product that was the an antisocial force in evolution. Bonds are
first mainsta y of t he ne w American formed between individuals in spite of sex
eco no m y) . When th e theory of evolution and not because of it. Perfect societies, if we
became popular in the 19th century it also can be so bold as to define them as societies
condemned blacks to a lower status. Des pite that Jack conflict an d possess th e highest


degree of altruism and coordination, are TOONS, CANDAULISM, EUNUCHS , HODO-
most likely to evolve where all of the mem- PHILIA and SLAVES)
bers are genetically identical. When sexual
reproduction is introduced, members of the MISOGYNIST This term is applied to
group become genetically dissimilar. Parents men who hate women. This hate is often
and offspring are separated by at least a based on low self-esteem and a fear of suf-
one-half reduction of th e genes shared focation or abandonment by the wo man-
through common descent and_ mates ?Y hating partner. To prevent abandonment,
even more. The inevitable result 1s a con flict or soothe the fee ling of inferiority, h e
of interest. " Professor Baird goes on to state degrades her, accuses her of cheating or not
that "To diversify is to adapt; sexually loving him, and otherwise tries to reduce
reproducing populations are m ore like~y her level of self-esteem to something lower
than asexual on es to create new genetic than his. W e gain self-esteem by learning to
combinations better adjusted to changed handle our own proble m s and becom ing
con ditions in the envi ro nment. Asexual independent from our parents. When this
forms are permanently committed to their separation is thwarted or a c hil d is aban -
particular combinations and are m_ore likely doned early, a son's confidence in himself
to become extinct when the environment su ffers. He will feel dependent on others,
fluctuates " (Sociobiology, The Abridged fear abandonment, and may b e unable to
Edition, pp. 155-6). handle frustrations. A misogynist resents his
The nature of humanity, so long as we partner, rather than his m ot h er, fo r these
sexu all y repr o duc e, seems to embrac_e feelings.
aggression . Peo ple who live in predomi- Dr. Susan Forward explain s t h e
nantly homogenous societies, where skin dynamics behind misogyny. "Mother is the
color and facial features are similar, direct nurturer and the boy's primary source of
their aggression or prejudice against mem- comfort, while Fath er h elps him to pull
bers of other re li gio n s, caste systems, away from Mothe r so that he doe s not
schools, or companies. The solution, if there become overly dependent on her. H owever,
is one lies in individuals learning to control in the family backgrounds of misogynists,
th eir ~wn aggress ion, to appreciate racial just the opposite occurs .... so that the boy
and cultural variety, and to cultivate com- has no oth er option than to make M oth er
passion for those who are different or weak. the center of h is universe. " Dr. Forward's
People who choose to add racial variety book, Men Who Hate Women & The Women
to their sexual repertoire have dating ser- Who Love Them, offers additional insights
vices such as the Ebony Ivory Society that on this relationship.
cater to their n eed s. One will also find erotic The adult male grows up attributing the
maga zi ne s like Cocoa 'n Creme, Your same power o r need s of his m other to all
National Guide to Interracial Swinging that women. Men will also hate women because
lists personal ads such as the following: of mothers who emasculated them by over-
Hot, white couple, seeking well-hung, protection or humiliation. W eak mo thers
black men to take care of sexy wife's can make sons feel helpless by asking them
needs. See picture of her first gang to take on imp oss ible re sponsibilities of
bang while on vacation ... care, protection and nurturing. A major part
of healing comes from learning to commu-
Do I look like a church secretary to nicate fears o r anger without b laming a
you ? Thank G o d . I live in a small partner. Society condones anger and vio-
town .. .Just dressi ng like a slut makes lence as too ls for masc ulin e power.
me wild with desire .... However, anger stems from fear of being
Bla ck Goddess accep ts TVs, TS s, helpless and most would n ot consider this
females, males, and couples for her manly . (Some people can relieve anger by
slaves .... immediately breathing d eeply a nd asking

themselves why they are feeli ng help less.) MO RTA LITY Th e re is probabl y n o
Each person is resp on sible for their own greater anxiety than t o see or face death.
problems. A partner can lend support but Seeing mutilated or dead b odies stimu-
should not b e blamed or expected to mend lates so m e people. Many people driving
things. A marriage is between two adults, along a highway will slow down t o get a
not a parent a nd small child. For people better look at accidents. Some m e n have
who do not have a clear understanding of reported sexual arousal and even orgasm to
their role and what sh ould be expected of their psychologist because they are con.fused
them Dr. Susan F orward lists a " Personal by this reaction to mutilated bodies.
Bill of Rights" for couples: Some couples, surviving a near miss with
death th emselves, find th e ir pa ssions
1. You have the right to be treated
aroused. Others experience an increased sex
with respect.
drive after losing a close friend and in two
2. You ha ve th e right not t o take cases women who had lost a child became
responsibility for anyone else's prob- nymphom aniacs. The latter pro p e n sity
lems or bad behavior. would certainly contribute to the su rvival of
a species who has historically had a high
3. You have the right to get angry.
infant m ortality rate.
4. You have the right to say no. (See also BULL F IGHTS, EXECUTIONS,
5. You have the right to make mis-
6. You have the right to ha ve your mification
own feelings, opinions, and convic-
tions. MUCOPHAGY Mucophagy, consuming
nasal mucosa, is done as a matter of course
7. You have the right to change your in na solingu s. Others m ay engage in
mind or t o d eci de o n a diffe rent muc o phagy because of the i mp lied self
course of action. degradati o n , or simply the novelty of it.
8. You have the right t o ask for emo- Like consumption of other body secretions,
tional support or help. mucophagy ca n be used to dem on strate
total acceptance and love of a partner.
10 . You hav e the right t o protes t (See also COC KT AILS , COPROPHAGY,
unfair treatment or criticism. UROPHILIA and VAMPlRISM)
These rules a r e for the benefit of b o th
people. If one person doesn ' t feel they can MUTILATION (Colobosis- castration ,
ask them of their partner they may not think Mazoperosis-of breasts, Perogy nia-of
it is fair for the o th er person to make the females) Mutilation refers to inflicting phys-
de mands. The relationship works bette r if ical injury on someone; usually by stabbing,
kept balanced. If one person asks for a favor tearing, or cutting.
the o ther s h o uld request something in Deliberate mutilation was used by leaders
exchange (i.e., if a husband wants to spend and rebels in battles to evoke terror in ene-
Thanksgiving with his family then the wife mies and reinforce their ow n feeling o f
might ask for a n o th er h olida y with her power. H owever, the flaw in this strategy is
family-not a mink coat and a new Jaguar.) that often those wh o had been terrorized
This may seem strange or unromantic in the generally retaliated. Mutilation in battle
beginning but it will stave off a lot of resent- seems inhumane but is tolerated by many
ment and feelings of betrayal in the future. societies as necessary. Mutilation fo r t h e
Equality prevents either person from feeling purpose of sexual arousal concerns people
totally used. much more. Jacobus X, a physician in the
(See also BlASTOPHILIA, LUST MURDER, French army during the late 1800's, related
PHOBIAS , ST. AUGUSTINE and SEXUAL two examples in his book, Crossways of Sex.
HARASSMENT) One was Joseph, a young cook in the Navy,

who would have erections when h e slaugh- man screamed and fought the executioners
tered fowls or rabbits. He would " then cut who we re draggi ng him to the scaffold-
off its testicles and go outside to eat them with a heaving chest and ecstatic groans that
and masturbate. " He was previously dis- sounded almost lustful. As the axe fell the
missed as a goat h erder after he nearly killed woman behaved as though she were passing
a h e-goat for disturbing him whi le h e was through the moment of orgasm" (Sexual
engaging in intercourse with one of th e nan- Anom alies and P erv ersions, by Ma g n us
nies. This man's sexual fantasies included Hirschfeld, p. 313).
performing pederasty on a prisone r o r Mutilators often begin with animals. T his
Chinaman and toward the end cutting off was particula rly true in the past when many
the victim's penis. Jacobus X refers only to people killed their own game or fowl. Case
Joseph's childhood molestation by an older studi es often do n ot include reference to
brother as an explanation for his interest in prior zoophilia in these instances b u t this
mutilating male organs. The next case study may be due to the au tomatic death penalty
was of a d octor who b ecame aroused when most societies imposed and thus the victim 's
performing au topsies which included dis- understandable hesitance in admitting to it.
secting penises. He transferred to a hospital Another facto r is that masturbation gener-
that served sailors and con victs because he ally took place only after mutilation and
detested working on females . This doctor without penetration of the animal, therefore
and his bi-sexual lover fo und it amusing to courts did not view this as falling into their
take th ese di smembered organs an d slip normal definition of zoophilia.
them into the beds of unsuspecting prosti- Men who a re homosexu al will most often
tutes who quite often suffered violent conse- mutilate those of the same sex, heterosex-
quences whe n th ei r ho rrifi e d c lients uals mutilate those of the opposite sex, and
discovered these under the sheets. Jacobus pedophiles mutilate children. H irschfeld
X did not offer an explanation as to what even mentioned men damaging statues but
might have led to this man's strange arousal. did not specify as to whether they had a his-
W hile r are ly performing mu ti lation tory of engaging in agalmatophilia.
themselves, the re are several examples of Severe stress, such as the threat of losin g
wo men who were aroused by v iewing it. a lover or arguments with the family, some-
D uring the 19 19 Sparticis t upri sing in times leads to the person en tering a state of
Berlin, Hirschfeld wrote that he "accompa- mind wh e re reason and compassion are
nied a w o m an to the mo rtuary wh ere, oversh adowed by a blind desire to mutila te.
among hundreds of bodies, some of which In norma l confro ntations on e an imal or
were shocki n gly mut ilated or h ad their human will halt their attack when they see
throats slit, we discovered her son .. .In the submission, pain, or injury in t he sa me
identificati o n h all a n e ndless str eam of sp ecies. This may come in the form of tears,
people, mainly women, were filing past the an expre ss ion of sa dne ss, o r r e m orse.
un identified b odies and an attendant who H owever, for those who either feel justified
knew me called my attention to some girls in severely punishing the victim or wh o are
w h o had for sev era l da ys continu a lly not capab le of th e sensitivity r equired to
rejoined the queue, evidently because they empathize with emotiona l ex pressions of
could n ot tear the mselves away from the pain or surrender, a physical manifestation
sight of the male bodies which lay, entirely of in jury is necessary. T hese people are
stripped, before the m ... The expressio n on ofte n ph ysica ll y abused as c h ildren to a
their faces was similar to that with which I degree that leaves them emotionally numb.
had seen the women of Madr id and Seville Expressions of emotional pain in others do
watch the bull-fighters in the ring." Then not register with them because they cannot
H irschfeld compared this to an execu tion he relate to something they have no m emory
had attended a few years earli er. " N ext to feeling; th ese people only recogn ize pain
me stood the State Attorney's wife, who fol- caused by physical injury. D r. Loren Roth
lowed the horribl e sce ne-the cond emned described several characteristics that violent

pri son ers had in commo n . "The vio le nt corpse, fall into this category also. One case
prisoners ... had missing, alcoholic, crim- involved a male who had been almost blind
inal, or abusive fath ers ... were age 12 or since birth. H e was com pensated fo r his loss
under at fi rst arrest . .. [and] had attempted of sight with enhanced smell and touch. He
s uici de o r se lf- mut il ation" (Cli11ical confessed to wanting to mutilate, wallow in,
Treatment of the Violelll Person, ed ited by and eat a person. H e was only able to fi nd
Loren H . Roth, p. 219) . A person wh o does animals. Atte m pts to co nvince h is g rand-
not learn to feel emoti onal pain cannot feel m other to leave him he r body were un suc-
remorse or guilt for th eir actions. ces s fu I. His m os t co mmon behav ior
(See also ACTOMASOCH ISM, CASTRA- consisted of searching for garbage and
TIO i, EXECUT IO rs, LUST MURDER, eating feces (Perverse Sex Crimes in Hisw1y,
It is possible th at some mysoph ilcs have
MYSOPHILIA M yso philia r efers t o increased sensitivity to ph eromones th at are
becoming aroused by smell ing, chewing, or produced in body excre ments.
rubbing against a foul smelling soiled jock Underwear is occasionally ta ke n off a
strap, pair of panties, menstrual pad, bra, or partner in bondage and used in place of a
other object. The most common secretions gag. Fake excretio n s are safe whe n made
u sed are genita l from things such as peanur butter, mayon-
di sc harg es, me n- naise, or ketchup. These are sm eared on to
s trual b loo d , the underwear or body.
feces, and milk . Feti sh magazines ca r ry ads that offer
L oc ker r oo ms photos, videos, a nd, recen tly, wo rn a nd
provide abund ant unwashed panties. CAUTION: Ingestio n or
odo r s for the exposure to body secretio n s of other p er-
m yso phil e, w ho son s is not considered a safe sex practice.
often pilfers used (Sec nlso COCKTAI LS, COP ROPHAG Y,
jock st raps. Necrophi les who prefer PHE R01v\O NES, SALIROP HILIA, SHOWERS
dec ayi n g fle sh , as opposed t o a fresh and CROPHI LIA)

NARCISSISM (Autoph ilia, Ipserotic) tim es as not only symbolizing self-love, but
Tarcissists derive sexual gratification from abstine nce, morality, m asochism, sadism,
their own bodies or intellect. The term is a fetishism, and the use of dildos.
derivati ve from the m yth o logical Greek N arcissism is considered n ormal in the
character named Narcissu s who was known early development stages of youth, but not
for his beauty. Echo, a nymph, fell in love up on maturity . The types of activi ties in
with Narcissus but because he was so con- which a narcissis t
sumed in admi ring his ow n reflection he may engage include
was unaware of her need fo r him to speak. one o r more of th e
She was onl y able to u se the ech o of his fo ll ow ing : kis si n g
voice to express her love for h im. When she one se lf, pro longed
died of gri ef, Nemesis, the goddess of eq uity u se of a mi rror,
and r etr ib uti o n , ave n ged her death by excessive grooming,
making Narcissus unable to leave the river. masturba t io n , co l-
He finall y drowned by falling into the water lecting trop hies a n d
while t rying to kiss himself. At the point of photos (often of own
death th e goddess turned him into a nower ge n ita ls), exhibi-
by the same name. Philosophers and writers tio n ism , homosex u ality, and attrac tio n to
have si nce interpreted the myth at vari ou s partners becau se of similarity to oneself. A

few Narciss ists h ave gone t o eve n more on the bus, he spotted a young woman who
extreme measures, such as being aroused by had la rge nostrils. Infatuated, he followed
listening to their own stomach noises, passing h er h ome and proposed marriage o n the
gas, pe rfo rmi ng autofellatio, and dr inking spot. She refused and when he continued to
t h e ir own urin e o r se m e n. CAUTION: come to h e r home sh e h ad him a rrested
Narcissism can cause a breakdown in bonds (Sexual Anomalies and P erversions b y
be tween fami ly a nd friends. These bonds Magnus H irschfeld, pp. 411 , 551-2).
give meaning to life, a sense of worth, secu- People sometimes use nasolingus (licking
rity, and love. or sucking nose) as a substitute penis during
(See also LOVE and LOVE ADDICTI01 interco u rse , occasio nall y as ki ng t h eir
partner to blow their nose in simulation of
NARRATOPHILIA (Selgo lalia, Lag- an ejacu lation. C AUTION: This is consid-
nolalia; C unnilalia-talk about female geni- ered an ac tivity t hat exposes a partner to the
ta ls, Gymn ocryptosis-fema les ta lking body secretions of another and is therefore
about sex li fe of h usbands, Medo lali a- not considered a safe sex practice .
abo ut penis , Moriap h ilia-jokes, (See also ANAL SEX, AXILL!SM , LAC-
Phallolalia-talk about penis) Narratophilia TAPI-IILIA, OCULOPHILIA, ODONTOPH IL!A,
(na rrare : narrate; p h ilia: a ttach m ent to) PHALLOPHILIA, TESTICLES and YO I WOR-
refers to those who are aroused by telling
sexual stories or jokes or reading love poems
or novels that include material with a sexual NECROPHILIA (Necrocoitus-penetra-
content to a sex partner. t ion of co r pse, Necroch les is-sex w ith
corpse) Necrophilia (necro: corpse; philia:
COP ROLALIA , HUMILIATI ON, JACT ITA- attachment) is defi ned as an e rotic attra c-
Tl0_1, OBSCENE PI-IONE CALLS and PHONE tion to corpses and is conside red a rare
SEX) paraphilia.
The necrophile ofte n views the corpse as
NASOPHILIA Nasoph ilia (n aso: nose, having a personality which is pure a nd inca-
p hilia: attachment to) refers to arousal from pabl e of hea r t less ac ts (e.g. rejection ).
the sight, touch, act of licking, or su cking a Necrophiles often choose a profession that
partner's nose. The reaso n s peop le are allows them free access to thei r love objects.
enamored with this activity varies. Eskim os A Greek historian, Herod otu s, in writin g
rub noses when greeting o thers a nd Sioux about a ncient Egypt said: "As fa r as co n -
Indians traditionally rub noses to express cerns the noble ladies, their bodies are not
affection; they do this just as other cultures im mediately given to the embal mers, espe-
kiss on the lips. ciall y those who were of great beauty an d
Magnus Hirsch feld rela ted the case of a who attracted great attention during their
young writer who made wax noses and put lifetime, but were given them three or fo ur
them over his own, ad mired h imself in the days aft e r death. T h ese preca u tions a re
mirror, and with a "slight manual manipula- taken because it is feared the embalmers will
tio n he bro u g h t abou t a n ejac ul ation." viola te the corpse ." At one time a fiance in
An other would hire a gay prostitute, take India was required to deflower his future
him home, and having placed a wooden clip bride if she died before the wedd ing. The
on his nose had the prostitute pull on a n g irl could not be crema ted until this ritual
a ttac hed string while saying " I hope th is was carried out in front of the village priest
n ose is going to be so big that everybody ( Perverse Crimes in H istory by R.E.L.
will be surprised at it." This was necessary Masters, p. 174).
to induce orgasm. Another man became fix - During war, co nquering soldiers per-
ated on the size of female nostrils, thinking formed pederasty on their d ead or dying
that if large eno ugh they co uld be pe n e- victims in order to experi ence the victim's
trated . H e drew a nd kept sketch es of h is a nal spasms which occur at death. Soldiers
large nosed feminine ideal. One day, while during the Moroccan campaigns of 1919- 26

and the Russo-Turkish war were violated in used with considerable success in treating
this way on the battlefield (Perverse Crimes other paraph ilias, especially p edophilia, at
in Hist01y, pp. 11 3, 204). the Sexual Diso rders C linic at The Johns
A current case study of a necrophile was H opkins Medical Institutions as well as
submitted at the Eighth World Congress for other clinics. The patient was sta rted on
Sexology in Heidelberg, West Germany weekly 500m g intramuscular injections of
Gune 14-20, 1987) by H. Martin Malin, D epo-P rover a a n d continued to r eceive
Ph.D., FACCS . The patient was brought t o intensive individual psychotherapy. Within
his attention and that of his colleague, Dr. three weeks, he reported that for the first
Jackie Davison, after having been arrested tim e in his entire life he felt t hat he had
for photographing partially n ude children some chance of getting his sexuality under
posing dead in a coffin. Other photos were control, rather than being at its mercy. Our
fou n d w ith model s or corpses "o n treatment plan for him was based upon con-
embalming tables, in caskets, and in shrine- tinuing his D epo-Provera as an adjunct to
like natural settings." Other than children's long-term psychotherapy aimed at helping
books of Snow White and Sleeping B eauty he him make an adjustment towards a more
was unable to find suitabl!:! pornography socially acceptable form of sexual expres-
and had to create his own. H e also visited sion. Unfortunately, our patient is being
funeral pa rl ors and when alon e wo ul d denied the therapeutic b enefits of Depo-
fondle the breasts or genitals of a corpse. P rovera w hi ch h e h as found to be so
The patient seemed to have a sexual interest helpful. He is incarcerated in a State which,
in corpses si nce the age of four. He used despite substantial clinical evidence, con-
" playing dead" as a sex ual game with siders the use of Depo-Provera in the treat-
another boy and in m asturbation fa ntasies ment of paraphilias to be experimental.. ."
when alone. The patient explained his fasci- There are many more p eople who engage
nation with death and corpses thus: only in necrophilic fantasy. Necrophilia may
"I had to find sexual expression I could live be triggered by performance anxiety. B.R.
with since according to my mother real life sex Burg, a sexol ogist, observed that
was so dirty. My four-year old mind had to "[n] ecrophilia involving sex acts with
find some way to do it ... I had to find an corpses, despite Freud's assertio ns to the
escape ... She practically destroyed me .. .! was contrary, seems usually to b e accompanied
afraid of females altogether... so that by envi- by other relatively severe psychological dis-
sioning them as dead, they were totally passive orders. Rejection, alcohol abuse, and object
and there was no condemnation. " loss also seem more than coinc identally
common among both those co mm itting
Dr. Malin wrote, " To my mind, this case
necrophilia! acts a nd those experiencing
vignette bears eloquent testimony to th e
necrophilia! fantasies" ("The Sick a nd the
mechanism of the pathogenesis of at least
D ead: The Development of Psychological
this paraphilia. With a native 'love map'
Theory on Necrophilia from Krafft-Ebing
severely vandalized by the forceful repres-
to the Present," by B. R. Burg, Journal of the
sion of masturbation - an early form of
History of the B ehavioral Sciences, Volume
juvenile sexual rehearsal play - our patient
18, July 1982, p. 242-254) .
was forced to devise a strategy to reclaim his
Types of sex practi ced on corpses
right to be erotic." Drs. Malin and Davison
include kissing, fondling, cunnilingus, fel-
began to treat this patient with a combina-
latio, pederasty, and penile/vaginal inter-
tion of insight oriented psychotherapy and
course. Others are described in the
the antiandrogenic hormone medroxypro-
following text:
gestero ne acetate, also known by its trade
name of Depo - Provera_. Dr. Ma lin FETISHES Necrophiles, similar to the gen-
explained, "While we believe we are the first eral population, often have special fetishes
to use this approach with a patient suffering having to do with hair, breasts, or eating toe
from n ecrop hilia, this regimen has been nails. Some necrophiles masturbate during

funeral sermons or dirges as they sic in a enjoyed being mummified and temporarily
crowd of mourners. The patient in the case buried by his friends (Urban Aboriginals, p.,
reported by Dr. Mali n included the removal 90) .
of a few pubic hair, panties, a n d once a (See also AMAURO PH ILIA, ANTHRO-
tampon as trophies from corpses. POPHAGY, EXECUTIONS, SACR!f'I C ES and
MYSOPHILIA A few necrophiles in gest
body fluids of corpses, particula rly urine. A
NEGOTIATION Negotiation, or discus-
mysophil e may want to roll their body in the
s io n a n d agr ee m e n t, o n acti vities to be
open wounds or secreta of a corpse.
engaged in du ring sex can alleviate the mis-
NECROSADISM Necrosadism involves understandings th at otherwise often occu r
sadistic acts on a corpse such as biting, dis- betwee n partners. Successful negotiatio n
membering, cutting, or stabbing for sexual requires that people be free to discuss the ir
arousal. Those who mutil ate corpses often expecta tion s and limitations witho ut being
cut away the genitals or breasts, as in the judged. The fi rst difficulty many e ncounter
cas e o f Jack the Ripper. O t h ers, such as is one o f embarra ss ment or inhi bi tion . An
Victor Ardisson and Jeffrey D ahmer, have effective techniqu e in overcoming chis shy-
been known to severe the head and keep it ness is that of using a wri tten questionnaire.
with th em until decay makes disposal neces- The form is better if it is specially designed
sary. by the couple for themselves. The co uple
th e n may en ter in to the second s tage of
NOSOPHILIA (Nosolagnia ) N osop hili a
negotiatio n.
refers t o those who are aroused from the
This secon d stage involves loo king at
know ledge that a partner is term ina lly ill.
costumes and experimenting with toys . T he
H irsc h feld wrote of men who fe ll in love
negotiatio n becomes increasingly complex
and married "vomen who were though t to be
in direct relation to the complex ity o f the
terminally ill. T h e sexual relevance became
sex acts and paraphernalia incorporated into
evident when upon the women 's miraculous
recovery t heir husbands became impotent.
Th e initi al questions may sou nd rud i-
CAUTION: True n ecro philia is not legal
m entary fo r "vanilla" practitioners (people
and if relatives of the deceased discovered
w h o o nl y engage in penile/vagi nal sex),
this typ e of sexu al vio latio n it could ma ke
however t hey a r c nec essary fo r sa d o -
their grief even m ore u nbearable.
masochist games . Vanilla sex often lasts 10-
PSEUDONE C ROPHILIA P se ud onecro- 30 minutes, whereas bondage may last fro m
ph il ia (pse ud o: pretended, n ecro: corpse, m inutes to years. A misunderstanding about
philia: a ttac hm e n t to ) refers to sex p lay the a mount of time can create a problem if
where one partner prete nds to be dead. The the p e r so n wh o is put in to a gag and
sce ne is occasionall y en hanced by having restraints for 12 hours only expected to be
the acting partner lay on a covered block of the re for two hours and has p lann ed to
ice o r dusting their body with baby powd er. attend a black tie dinner that evening.
There wqs a case in Oregon of a ma n wh o Experi en ced players have the o ption o f
would call ahead to a bordello an d request u sing a safeword or signal. These are used
that a woman lie still waiting for his arrival rather than a "no" because "no" is used in
and remain motionl ess through intercourse fantasy scenes; therefore, a different word is
un ti l he d e parted. T he client was a local selected such as " red," " uncle," or "pansy."
mortician. The c ri ter ia is that it must be easy to
A case in Texas involved a patient at a remember and pronou n ce. Two more
nurs ing home who raped comatose or para- words may be selected to let the person in
lyzed victim s . T h e man 's justification was con trol kn ow whether to intensify the ga me
that he had often see n it done by the n ight or to slow it down. T he control words, red,
orderlies (Personal communication). Geoff green, and yellow, a re popula r when usi ng
Mai ns spoke of a ma n in California w ho thi s for m u la. Some limi t the n u mber o f


SAFE WORDS ST OP: _ _ _ _ _ CAUTION: _____ _ INTENS I FY: _______









times a bottom can use a safeword because tion of in fa nts by domestic servants. The act
excessive u se means that either the chem- is most often p erform ed ostensibly for the
istry between the two people is not working purpose of stopping the ba by's crying, or
or the fan tasy ch osen is not appropriate. At restlessness, although it seem s obvious that
thi s poi n t the two may eith er switch to the servant often de rives erotic titillation
vanilla sex or end the scene. from h er behavior. Later, t hese same ser-
P hysical limitations and health are impor- vants, or their successors, freque ntly initiate
ta nt for everyone to reveal and discuss. In the male children in to o th er mysteries-
addition to the normal questions about b irth copulatio n, fellatio, and cunnilingus; and,
control and safe sex, people need to know if sometimes, perversions" (Cradle of Erotica,
their partner has any medical conditions of p . 251 ).
whi ch they n eed to be made aware. If so, The an cient Roma ns open ly engaged in
they s h ou ld a lso know t h e m edication nepiophilia. They may h ave been originally
n eeded for the conditi on or t h e name o f influenced by the practice brothels had of
their d octor in case of an emergency. allowing their prostitutes to keep n ursing
T he next decision made involves the type infants o n the pre mi ses. These brothels
of emotion or p assion the individuals desire often kept c hickens and other a nimals for
to achieve and type of play that will fulfill the pleas ur e of their cli ents. The u se of
their goal. Th e samp le que sti o nnaire is infants for sexual purposes or to pass time
di vided into categories that facilitate that while waiting for the infant's mother may
choice. have been a natural progression. T his type
The last stage of negotiatio n entails the of conduct was not restricted to brothels but
selection of cos tumes, perfumes, lighting, found its way to the top of the social hier-
music, the use of paraphernalia such as flag- archy. Tiberius (emperor of Rome) placed
ella ti on tools, sen so ry de vices, di ldo es, infants in his lap and had them suck on his
vibrators, and bondage equipme nt. Any penis.
item that has potential to cause discomfort Asian c hild p o rn o graphy during the
is tried on both partners to d etermine the 1960's included photos such as a n old ma n
degree of pressure or pain that they will use. sucking on the genitals of a n infa nt. CAU-
People select their style of sex in a similar T ION: Nepiophilia is illegal. It can be con-
ma n ner to which they choose food. In the sidered a form of child abuse that may be
same way tha t o ne would not expect a ruin ou s to the fu tur e d evelopment of a ny
person to eat anything that happened to be c hildren invo lve d , s ince th ey are b eing
on a menu, th e questi onnaire is not to be introduced to adult sexuality long b efore
used to persuade a partner into experi- they are ready.
menting with forms of sex that they d on't (See also C OITUS I N T ERFE RMORI S,
find aro u s ing. A part n e r 's selection of INCEST and PEDOPH ILIA)
sexual activity must n ever be taken as a per-
sonal rejection . NIDDAH (Menst rual taboo, Natural
(See also BIRTH CONTROL, HAN DKER- fa mily planning) N iddah is a Jewi sh reli-
CHIEF CODES and SAFE SEX) gious observance that requires married cou-
p les to mai ntain p h ys ical se para ti o n fo r
NEPIOPHILIA (N epiolagnia, Nepiph - approximately 10- 14 days a mon th . The
therosis) Nepiop hilia (Greek, nepios: infant; admonitions in Arulch's Code of J ewish Law
p hilia: attachment to) r efer s to an adult's can so und extre me ly harsh. H oweve r ,
sexual attraction to an infa nt of the opposite Orthodox Jews today who practice niddah
sex. This was more common in t he past do n othing but praise the tradition. Couples
when th e care of infants was often left to who ha ve been married for twenty years
serva nts. describe each sexual encounter as being as
Edward es and Masters wrote that there exciting as t heir honeymoon. Passion an d
"was a rather extensive literature of English desire is rekindled during the period of time
and European complaints about masturba- they do not touch.

This law supposedly came into existence meth od s. Catholics w h o p ractice natural
when Aaron, the compassionate brother of family planning exp erience a sim ilar feeling
Moses, was approached by women of the although Catholic couples are permitted to
tribe with co mplaints o f husbands who touch.
see m ed to take them for gra nted , The discipline tha t niddah requires is dif-
demanding sex and servitu de from the m ficult to follow without the ritual and moral
without showing sensitivity or appreciation inducement that religion bestows.
in return. Aaron was sympathetic to their Niddah is thought by some to have been
needs a nd as a so lution impl emented an adaptation of primiti ve v iews o f a
nidd ah. Periodically doing without some- female 's menses . T hi s tabo o was quite
thing we love often helps us appreciate it common among ancient tribes who feared
more. This >vas not a unique strateg y; that some type of supernatural bei ng was
Judaism has many laws pertaining to food mutilating the insi de of the vagina and if
and behavior that restrict indulgence during the y h ad sex durin g this time they too
designated times. Hence, the sex act became would be injured. William Stephe ns, in a
h oly and mandatory during sp ecific times cross-c ultural study of menstrual taboos,
a n d a d efilement or unclean at o th ers. fou nd " that all but fo urteen of a sample of
Niddah was codified by defining this perio d seventy-one tribal cultures have significant
of unclean time as from the first moment a menstrual taboos . . . . Nearly twe nty- five
spot of menstrual b lood is seen to seven percent of the societies in Stephen's sample
days afte r it ceases. A ritual immersion in went so far as to seclude women in special
water was to follow as a symbol of purit y dwellings for the duration of their menstrual
and sexual availability to her husband. The period " (Anxious Pleasures, The Sexual Lives
punishment imposed on any who had inter- of an Amazonian People, by Thomas Gregor,
course duri n g the forbidden period was p. 141 ).
exclusion from the tribe and those who were Thi s rule applie s to m em bers of th e
found ca r essing during nidd a h were N andi tribe but only for ordinary husbands
flogged. The Code of Jewish Law continues and men. It seems the medicine men are not
with detailed instructions fo r conduct. only exempt but satisfy the sexual lusts of
man y o f the tribal women during their
The husband in that period should not touch
menses. The one striking feature that distin-
her even with his little finger. H e is not allowed
guishes niddah from other menstrual taboos
to hand anything to her, be it even a long is that an extra seven days was added to this
object, nor to receive anything from her.
period of se paration for Jewish couples.
Throwing anything from his hand into her
Therefore, it would seem to have a purpose
hand, or vice versa, is forbidden .... H e is not other than to just allay fears of castration in
allowed lO eat with her at the same table, unless
something separates between his dish and hers . (See also ORGASM, PRISH A, PURDAH and
... They are not allowed lO sleep in the same TOUCH)
bed . .. . they may not sleep facing one another
[in parallel beds], unless there is a big distance
NORMOPHILIA Normophilia, coined
between them . . . . She is forbidden to pour
by John Money, is a condition of being in
waier for him to wash his face and hands, and
sexual conformity with the standard as dic-
bathe his feet, even if the water is cold .... He tated by customary, religiou s, o r legal
is not permitted lO scent her perfume, and lO authority.
hearhersing (Chapter 153, pp. 21 -23).
Irrespective of religious beliefs, psychologi- SEX POS IT IONS)
cally a husband who is not permitted to
touch his wife or have her serve his n eeds is NUDITY (Actirasty-exposure to sun' s
soon reminded of her value. Wives are thus rays, Alloerasty-using nudi ty of another
given a reprieve once a month from being a person to arouse p a rtner, Gymnophilia,
sex object and servant. Couples lea rn to Nudomania and Omolagnia- arousal from
express th ei r affecti on through other nudity)

Nudi ty is take n from the Latin word compare themselves to p rofess ional n ude
nudus, meaning naked or uncl othed. The models or movie stars. Nude resorts rarely,
historical acceptance of nudity can be mea- if ever, permit public sex or overt cruising,
sured to some degree by the liberties a cul- the fear of which woul d make many couples
ture gave to its artists. Mass portrayal of apprehensive of anending nude social func-
nudes engaged in explicit sexua l acts tions.
implied a lax attitude at least among the Professional nudist clubs offer more than
upper classes. Ancient G reeks we re prob- a p lace to hang clothes. They often provide
ably the last European culture that was most tennis courts, hottubs, massage, dances,
comfortable with nudity, even revering it as dini n g, m ovies, and comedy acts. For
sacred. Greeks who participated in athletic example, the Ponderosa Ranch ou tside
games, beauty contests, and dances often Dallas, Texas, has special events such as
performed while in the nude. Depiction of lingerie dances, potluck dinners, mud-
nud es in European art was common until wrestling, and an annua l Mr./ Ms. Nude
about the 2nd century C.E. T he Christian T exas Pageant. The contestants are judged
influence then drove it underground and it on eve nness of suntans, public speaking
remained there until about the 15th century. ability, and their attractiveness. T hey fir st
Christianity demanded that the body be appear on stage naked, next in swi m wear,
covered a n d draped in drab cloth ing for a nd finally in formal wear as an audience of
almost 1,000 yea r s. During the reign of several hundred nudists applaud and scream
Napoleon III, when not even statues could for their favorite contenders. The National
be naked, sculptors rebelled against this law Ms Nude America is hosted every October
by depicting animals, where it was still per- in San Jose, California.
missible to show every anatomical detail. (Sec also EXHIBITIONISM, GROUP SEX,
Parks became filled with statues of tigers, SEX SHOWS and STRIPPING)
lions, horses, a nd wild boars History of
Sexual Customs, by Richard L ewinshohn, NYMPHOMANIA (Andromania,
MD, p. 30 1). Medicine likewise suffered Arrh enothigmophil o u s, Clitoromania,
during the Middle Ages because physicians C o itolimia, Furor uterin us, Hyperphilia,
weren't permitted total freedom in closely Idiosyncrat, Lagnoperissia, Pareunomania,
examining human anatomy; the Church for- Sex add iction)
bade dissection of cadavers. Nymphomania (nympho: female; mania:
Eve n recently, examples of repression abno rmal craving for an act or object) is the
around nudity are rampant. Naiional term used fo r women who have an insa-
Geographic, with its graphic depiction of tiable appetite for sex.
naked tribes, was one of the first sources; Hirschfeld cited the case of a you ng man
mail order catalogues advertising underwear wh o had his marriage annulled after six
was another. Kinsey's 1953 report sh owed weeks due to his wife's insistence that he
that o ne-third of the women born before perform to her satisfaction . " In fact d uring
1900 wore clothes while engagi ng in sex. the six weeks of the ma rriage the husband
Today there is a growing interest and had not more than an hour's sleep per night,
participation in recreational nudity. This as the woman always prevented him from
includes excursions to nude beaches, spas, falling asleep by various sexual manipula-
ocean cruises, clubs, resorts, hot tub parties, tions ... she compelled him to engage in the
and participation in intimacy workshops. sexual act for hours and when this became
Advantages for indulging in group nudity impossible owing to repeated discha rges she
are best explained by nudists themse lves demanded that he should manipulate with
who claim that it is very relaxing, that his fingers for hours, until, as he says, his
without clothes they relate to others in a arms ached" (Sexua l Anomalies and
more egalitarian way; and everyon e feels Perversions, by Magnus Hirschfeld, p. 105).
vulnerability which develops into a mutual Jews tried to guarantee wives sexual satis-
trust. Nudity also reveals everyone else's faction while still taking the husband 's p hys-
fla ws and many feel relief in not having to ical limitations into consideration. The Code

of Jewish Law did this by regu lating sexual Treatment in Medical Practice, pp. 164-5).
performance according to a husband's pro- This warning seems disheartening for men,
fession. " Men of a strong constitution who but fortunatel y the religious vi ndictiveness
enjoy the pleasures of life, having profitable against the female as perpetrator has some-
pursuits at home and are tax exempt, should what diminished in the last hundred years.
perform their marital duty nightly. Laborers At that time men were warned:
who work in the town whe re they re side ,
Chronic conditions of nymphomania are apt to
should perform their marital duty twice
weaken public morality and lead to offenses
weekly; but if they are employed in another
against decency. Woe unto ihe man who falls
town, only once a week. Men who convey
into the meshes of such an insatiable nympho-
freight on ca mel s from distant places ,
maniac, whose sexual app etile is never
should attend to their marital duty once in
appeased. Heavy neurasthenia and impotence
thirty days" (Chapter 150, p. 15).
are the inevitable consequences. These unforiu-
Common male fantasies have always
naie women disseminale ihe spirit of lewdness,
included that of finding a nymphomaniac.
demoralize iheir surroundings, become a
These were often portrayed in a rt as water
danger to boys, and are liable Lo corrupi girls
nymphs who fl o a ted in waves near the
also, for ihere are homosexual nymphomaniacs
sho re, sire n s
as well (Psychopaihia Sexualis, by Krafft-
who sat on
Ebing, pp. 322-3, printed with the permis-
rocks and en-
sion of Scarborough House.)
tic ed sa ilor s
with their
Nymphomania was considered even m ore
dangerous for the woman herself, being on
voices, and
o ccasion p o tentiall y lethal. The m ost
mermaid s
extre m e cases, in vo lvi n g " acu t e deadl y
who swam
nymph o mania" were likew ise cited b y
near boats; all were believed to lure men to
Richard von Krafft-Ebing, a neurologist and
their death. Threats of death no longer loom
psychiatrist who lived during the late 19th
in the mind s of impass ione d men, but
seduction b y a nymphomaniac i s s till
thought to have negative consequences. Dr. Moreau (op. cit. ) . . . A young girl became
Charles Wahl reports the emotional reality suddenly a nymphomaniac when forsaken by
of m e n who have found their real - life her betroilied; she revelled in cynical songs and
n ymp h o mani ac: " Curio u s ly enough, expressions, and lascivious auiwdes and ges-
encounters with the real thing; that is, a true iures. She refused to pui on her gannents, had
nymphomania, do not live up to either lit- to be held down in bed by muscular men {.') and
erary or personal fantasies. On the several furiously demanded coitus. Insom11ia, conges-
occasions when patients have de scribed tion of tile facial nerves, a d?y tongue, and
experiences with so-called nymph oma niacs rapid pulse. W ithin a few days lethal collapse.
and on other occasions when I h ave been
Louyer-Villermay (op. cit.) .. .Miss X., aged
told of suc h experien ces by friends or
thirty; modest and decent, was suddenly seized
acquaintances, th ey have turned out to be
with an attack of nymphomania, unlimited
b oth unpleasant and anxiety-producing for
desire for sexual gratification, obscene delirium.
the m en involved. The inability to gratify
Death from exhaustion within a few days. CJ
such women and th e demands for further
three other cases with de adly result by
experience have mobilized whatever fears
Mares ch, Psychiatr. Centralblau, I 8 71.
and a nxieties these men have had, no matter
h ow latent, regarding the ir sexual ade- These cases are viewed with much skepti-
quacy-and, in the case of patients, severe cism and Krafft-Ebing has been criticized
castration anxiety, not to m ention an for citing cases that offered no proof of
unp leasant state of physical exhaustion" validity as to the women's cause of death
(SEXUAL PROBLEMS Diagnosis and being nymphomania.

M o re co mmo nl y t h e wo rd is u se d by mature in h is sexu al r esp onse as he ages .

m en to describe a woman wh o has m ultiple T his p h en o m en on is often cau sed by the
partn er s or a grea ter sexual app etite than abuser having been abu sed physically, emo-
they t hem selves ca n handle. M ost p eople tionally, or sexually while young. As he ages
only suffe r from this condition pe riodically, h e m ay feel infe ri o r o r h el pless aroun d
and it is rarely considered serious in itself women. A child offers him e motional secu -
H owever, complicatio ns arising from adul- rity a nd a sense o f being in control. T hese
te ry or a n inability to fo rm lasting b on d s offe n ders have t h e same p ro fil es as d is-
with a lover create emotional p roblems that c ussed in the section on incest. James Leslie
lead some to seek therapy. Wide varia nces McCary paraphrases them as: " . . . . inap-
exist in the number of times p eople engage propriate, self-defeating attempts to combat
in sex. T herefore, no quantitative definition feelings of in adequacy; opportunism, care-
can b e give n t o nymp h omani a. F o r less ness, or dru nken n ess; a ge ne ra l crimi-
example, most Ameri can adul ts h ave sex nal ity a nd a callous disregard for the rights
ranging from once to four times a week, bu t of others; mental d u llness or d eficiency, and
wh en we compa re this to other cu ltures we various degrees of mental illness a nd per-
fi nd our sex appetite is low by comparison . so n a li t y d isorde r s" (Sexual Myths and
Dr. Eustace Chesser revealed that p rimitive Fallacies as q u oted in M odern Views of
societies such as th e " Arand a of Australia Human Sexual Behavior, p . 307).
h ave in te rcourse t hree to fi ve ti mes each T h e offende r so m e tim es r es p o n d s to
n igh t. The p o lyga m o u s Ch agga o f th erapy th at ed ucates and readj usts ina p-
Tangan yika do n ot regard it unusual to have p ropriate attitudes about sex or the law. F or
inter cou rse ten times in a n igh t; and t h e instance, they are taught to accep t responsi-
T honga of Mozamb ique copulate with three bi Ii ty for th eir ac tio n s a n d lea rn n ot to
or four wives in a single night" (STRANGE tra nsfer the bla m e o nto th e o t h er party.
L OVES, The H uman A spects of Sexual They are made aware of the harmful effects
Deviation, pp. 18 2-3). the abuse has on a victim, includ ing them-
(See also ORGASMS and SAT YRIASIS) selves if they were m olested as children .
G r oup t h era py wit h o th er sex offend er s
NYMPHOPHILIA (Bla sto lagn i a) o ften provides support and insight into their
N y mph o p hilia ( n y mp h; youn g fe ma l e, b ehavior. Individual counselling for sexual
philia; a ttac hm en t) is the love of a fe male dysfunction s or establishin g social relation-
ad olesce n t b y a n ad u lt . The idea seem s shi ps with adu lts is also used. For som e,
remarkable today, but until the last century addition al therapy such as behavioral condi-
the age of co nsent fo r common law mar- tioning and medication is needed to prevent
riages was between ten and thirteen years of fu ture digression.
age in many countries, including t he United N ymphophiles often accuse the child of
States. H istoricall y, early m arriages cou ld seductio n. W h ile c h ildren are not legally
provid e c hildren with better livin g co ndi - capable of seduction, they do have a primal
tions, and simultaneously relieve their fami- n eed to b e h eld a n d n u rtu red. "Experts
lies of economic b urdens. term this type of sensuality 'psych obiologic'
Early m arriage is n o t p ermitte d to day. (indep endent of any aw ar e n ess or judg-
T h erefore, all sexu al relation ships between m ent) . For example, breast-feed ing p rompts
young pubescents and older p eople are con- physiological ch anges of sexual arousal in
sidered incest, molestation, or statutory rape. infants" (Mayo Clinic Health Letter, "Sexual
C riminal labels given this sex act have Abuse of Children," Au gust 1989, p. 7). A
caused us to scrutinize this propensity in a n boy who is weaned at a year old may several
individu al to a greater degree th an p revi- years later still m anifest extreme a nger at
ou sly. Psychologists have learned that this bei n g r efu sed p e rmissi o n to fon d le hi s
p r efe re nce fo r a n age group is set d uring m other 's br eas ts . Whatever a child's p er-
p ub escent d evelopmen t . H owever, t h e ceived sexual advances are they never justify
ny mp h op h ile often d oes not continue co an adu lt's acquiescence to temp tation.

Molesta ti on creates special concerns for Abnormal aggressive behavior

the young victim as well. It is recommended
Th e Nationa l Center fo r Mis s ing a n d
that a child first be reassured that the inci-
Exploited Children can offer additional
dent was the full responsibility of the other
in fo rmation and m ay be reached at 1-800-
person. The child can then be encouraged,
but n ot forced, t o discuss a n y deta ils or
(See also I NCEST, NEP IO PH lLIA and
question s in order to bring a closure to the PEDOPHILIA)
incident. P rofessional therapy is particularly
ben eficial when the molestation in volved NYMPHOTOMY Nymphotomies are
force or wh en the adult is nowhere near the surgical procedures that cut away tl1e inner
age of the child. labia. The shrinking scar tissue served to
The following symptoms ma y exhibit restrict th e size of the vagi n al ope n ing,
themselves in the case of a sexually abused making sex more pleasurable for some men.
child: This procedu re was done on some African
Sudden increase in sexual behavior gi rl s from four weeks to four years old .
Emotional withdrawal or distancing TOMY and INFIBULATION)

OBSCENE PHONE CALLERS (Tele- time will place periodic calls as a method of
phone scatologia and Telephon-icophilia- aro usal maintenance. T h ey d on't have to
a rou sal from talking about sex o n t he keep th e victim on the phone to be a ble to
phone) An obscene phone call is one that is orgasm, the very act of call ing someone and
made to a nonconsenting victi m for the pur- heari ng their voice is enough of an emo-
pose of sexual arousal. Female callers differ ti onal c harge for so me. H owever, m ost
in that they mo re often use these calls for prefer to orgasm while the other pe rson is
revenge or excitement rather than as an aid on the line.
to masturbation. Obscene callers are normally perceived
Obscene callers may deploy tec hniques as having motives of aggression, dominance,
such as immediately hanging up, breathing seduction of the victim, or riddin g them-
in to the phone until the other party hangs selves of a feeling of inadequacy. It is true
up, conducting a survey that often lead s to that aggression, fear, and a need for power
provocative questions, pretending they know or dominance sometimes colors the motive
the victim, saying they mis-dialed, or simply of a caller. H owever, this is just as true for
begi nni ng with sexually explicit com ments many " normal" sexual e ncounters. In addi-
or threats. Callers often adapt to suit the sit- tion, the caller has both a need for closeness
uation. For instance, if the caller places calls and a fear of intimacy; making anonymous
to public service hotlines tl1at a nswer ques- calls w h ile masturbating resolves this
tions about sexually transmitted diseases he dile mma.
will sta rt by prete nding to be naive. Typical T h e typ e o f therapy that is r eco m-
questions are: "Can you get a disease by mended for those needing to en d the obses-
masturbating)" "No, well then what do you sion is behavioral and psychodynamic
have to do?" The questions continu e until (raising se lf- esteem). I n addition, the
the o p erator becomes wise to the delayed twelve-step program called "Sex and L ove
response time and labored dialogue. Add icts Anonymous" provides an inexpen-
Some callers u se sce narios such as lying sive group support environment and may be
back on their bed with something to drink, the first step in reinforcing social interac-
their favorite selection of music, erotic mag- tion.
azi ncs, videos, and a teleph one list. The Females who receive these calls often feel
caller may take several hours and during this victi mized or sexuall y viola ted. The most

re co mm e nded cou r se of action whe n OCULOPHILIA (Strabismu s) Oculo -

receiving a call is to simply hang up without philia (oculo: eye, philia: attachment to)
sayi ng a n ything that might r einforce the refers to people wh o are sexually arou sed by
caller. If the caller p ersists in redialing the the eyes of a p artner. For instance,
number an d the v ictim has a "call for- D escartes was primarily attracted to women
warding" fea ture on their phone they can who squinted.
temp orarily forw a rd their calls to a male Many p eople r ealize that a perso n 's
friend. pupils will enlarge when they see something
(See als o ACOUSTICOPHILIA, AGREX- or someone to wh om they are attracted. T o
OPH ILIA, COPROLAUA, JACT ITATIO N, capitalize on this European women until not
NARRATOPHILIA, PHONE SEX and SEX HOT- long ago put che m ica ls (o riginally bel-
ladonn a, which m eans " pretty woman") in
th eir eyes to cause them to dil ate so that
OCHLOPHILIA (Gregomulci a-to be
they would appear aroused by their suitors.
fondled in a crowd) Ochlophilia (ochlos: a
Today's advertisers use this to their advan-
mob, p opulace, ph ilia: attachment to) refers
tage when photographing models.
to those who are sexually arou sed by the
T here is one instance of a m ore physical
p rese n ce o f a crowd. This m ay includ e
sex ual displa y and t his see m s to involve
o rgie s w h ere peo ple are surrou nd e d by
novelty rather th an a fetis h or true attraction
others having sex, or large gatherings where
to the eye. A prostitute in the Philippines
performers and revellers are semi-nude and
gained notoriety fo r soliciting men to pene-
pressed against one another. Some fe el
trate her eye socket after removing h er glass
co mp e lled to seize the op p ortun ity tha t eye.
a n o n y mi ty offers in a crowd and gro pe
th ose n ear them. Hirschfeld wrote of t h e OCULOLINCTUS, ODONTOPHILIA, PHAL-
pr o bl em a few pries ts endure d when L OPI-IILIA and TESTICLES)
Londo n first opened the underground train
system (tube) causing the m to uncontrol- ODONTOPHILIA (Go mp hipothi c)
lably ejaculate because they were unaccus- Odontophilia (Odonto, tooth; philia, attach-
tomed to wa rm bodies pressi n g aga in st ment to) refers to sexual arou sal involving
them from all sides. teeth.
(See also GROUP SEX, HOMILOPI-llLIA and M arquis de Sade claimed that his works
POLY!TEROPHILIA) were based on the sex life of others, many of
wh ich wer e documented. One of the sex
OCULOLINCTUS Oculolinctus (oculo: acts he wrote of was tooth extraction . The
eye, a nd linctus: lick) refer s to th e act of passage reads,
licking a partner's eyeball for sexual arousal.
This seem s to b e ra r e [l]he passion of Boniface is also singular. H e
b u t there are seve ral loves pulling oui ihe ieeth of his victims, while
cases incl u di n g o ne fucking ihem and being simultaneously sodom-
repo r te d of a fe m a l e ized. One who becomes the viciim of these gen-
who in order to orgasm tlemen is Fosine, fourteen years old, with a
wo uld have to lick the beautiful form and a rich family. She promises
eyeb all of h er obliging the ideal combination of lust and profit. Both
male lover. CAUTION: Boniface and Chrysostome wish to indulge
Oral herpes (cold sores) themselves with her, and after pulling out her
can be tra n s ferred to thirty-two beautiful teeth, she is subjected to the
the eye. Superio r, who immolates her in his own
(See also ANAL fashion.
LATIO, LACTAPHILI A, NASOP HI LIA and It is very doubtful that anyone today prac-
OCULOPHILIA) ti ces odontophilia in this form; however, it

is p ossible that an occasion al tooth extrac- N egr oes a n d m ixed ra ces again st whi te
tion scene occurred in 179 7 when de Sade folks. Thus it has been reported that to the
wrote his b oo k. Ni tro us oxid e a nd eth er M asa i (an African tribe) every stranger is
were not used to extract teeth u ntil 1840 hateful fro m the start; an d this hatred goes
and Novocain. was not prod u ced until the so far tha t u p on smelling the approaching
begi nning of this century; therefore, people stra nge r such r epugnance is aroused that
duri ng de Sade's lifeti me were accustomed a romatic h erbs must b e held to the nose."
to havin g their teeth rem oved without effec- H e then goes on to qu ote a white French
tive pain killers. physi cian wh o married a Negro woman
The pulling of tee th ma y be aro using from H aiti, "wh o, accordin g to his own
even with the advent of anesthesia as noted exp ression, intoxicated him by her perfume.
in Erich von S troheim 's film Greed. H er e " I cannot understand," he says, " love with a
the beau tiful patient is kissed by her dentist white wo man . Sh e is insipid and odorless"
as the blood still flows fro m her mouth (Sex (p p. 404-405).
and Superstition, by G.L. Simons, pp. 87- T he effec t of odor can b e enhanced by
88, rep rodu ced with permission of Blackie several methods. Fast and Bernstein claim
& Son Ltd.). tha t " the com bination of scent and massage
(See also LACTAPHILI A, NASO PH IL!A, is a heady experience. Stimulating the olfac-
OCULOLINCT US, PHAL LOPHILI A, TEST I- tor y ce n te r und e r t h e erotic stim u lus of
CLES and YON! WORSHIP) touch can evoke an e motional response, free
a p erson to some d egree and allow a natural
OLFACTION (An th olag n ia-aro u sal chemistry to occur ... Masseurs are usually
fr o m smelli n g fl owers, Ba r osmia, aware of this hedonic effect, and to avoid it
O lfactophilia, O sm olagnia, Osphresiolagnia th ey will u se on ly un scented oils dur ing
and Ozolagnia- arousal from strong sm ells, massage. ' Scented oils arouse my patients,
Reni.fluer-arousal from smell of urine) men and women,' a p ro fession al masseu r
O lfaction (olfac to: to sm ell) refe r s to told us. 'I just can 't handle that. I use a very
peop le's abilit y to smell odors. Cer ta in light mineral oil, warmed up, and I don't
molecules dissolve onto hairlike cilia recep - all ow scen ts anywhe r e in m y s t u d io !"'
tors that extend d own fro m the olfactor y (Sexual C h emi stry, b y J u liu s Fast a nd
bulb of the brain and into th e nasal cavity Meredith Bernstein, p . 67).
(Senses and Sensibilities, by Jillyn Smith, p. People engaging in bon dage often fi nd
96). I t would be d iffic u lt to imagine life the use of worn u nderwear stuffed into the
without smell. Astronauts h ave fou nd it so mouth as a gag to be m ore arousing than
disturbing that they carry scented ch emicals t h e u su al p las ti c o r l eath er a ppa r atus.
with them to counteract the n egative effects. Se nso ry deprivatio n such as blindfolding,
Differen ces in od or have sometimes been silence, or a lack of touch also inte nsify the
attributed a p erson 's race [alth ough mo re person's reaction . A p er son with a fetis h
likely it is their diet]. J .A. often prefers the smell of one part of the
Rogers, in his book, Sex body over the other s. If they have a foot
and R ace, qu oted ! wa n fetish, they prefer the od or of feet or shoes,
Block, no ted sexo logist, and men with a breast fetish prefer the odor
"wh o made a s t u d y o f given fro m the areola glands. Other fetish
the sexual attraction a nd odors include feces, urine, leather, hair , etc.
repulsion of the odors of The odor of their love object appears to be
th e vari ou s races," a nd learned along with the image of the object.
wh o said , " I t is t h is It is also possible tha t much of what people
strongly u n p leasant odor attribute to odor is actually the result of ou r
of the black race which is one of th e c hief being a b le to d etect pheromones through
reasons for the antipathy be tween N egroes the vomeronasal organ in our n ose.
and whites .. . . On the other hand, the same
antipathy see ms to be en t e rt ai ned b y (See also PHEROMONES)

OPHIDICISM Ophidicism (o phidi: cloni c a nd does end in ejaculation and

snake) refers to people wh o use repti les. detumescence.
The snake in the form of a circle biting its Normal (or "fusion") orgasms adhere to
own tai l has been a representation of sex the fo llowi ng ph ysiological respon ses for
since early Egyptian civilization. The snake each sex.
represented the male organ and the ring that MALE FEMALE
it formed symbolized the vagina. Tensed muscles, increase Same
Today one finds magazines and movies in heart rate and blood
available of women who insert snakes or eels pressure, nipple erection
tail first into their vaginas and masturbate as Penis becomes erect, Clitoris becomes erect,
the creature wriggl es to get free. S low scrotum elevates; and labia majora testes pulls
moving snakes that don't bite are used for become enlarged away from vagina, labia
this form of sex . Ancient Roman women minora enlarges, lubrica
differ ed only in that tion begins, vagina
they inserted the snakes expands and lengthens,
uterus doubles in size,
head fi rst. CAUTION: breasts enlarge
People can co n trac t
salmon ella from amphi- Muscle tension becomes Same
bians and reptiles. more evident, heart rate,
blood pressure and
(See also BEE STINGS, breathing increases, sex
Corona increases in size, Clitoris shortens, color
ORAL SEX See CUNNILINGUS and FEL- erection becomes more of labia deepens, lubri-
LATIO stable, testicles enlarge cation slows, areola
to three times original (area around nipple)
size and elevate to body, swells
ORGASMS (Acmegenesis) There is no secretions may become
generally accepted operative definition of evident
orgas m . Webster's Third New International
Involuntary muscle Same
Dictionmy defines orgasm as: " ... intense spasms, including anal
or paroxysmal emotional exciteme nt; the sphincter
climax of sexual excitement typically occur-
ring toward t he end of coitu s; usually Seminal fluid is collected Muscle contractions
into urethral bulb then with orgasm including
accompan ied in the male by ejaculation. " expelled with more muscle vagina and uterus
According to t his definition, ejaculation, spasms
which many v iew as the orgasm itself, is
rathe r an accompa nying act of orgas m . A Muscles relax, breathing, Same
heart rate and blood
variety of consensus on orgasm now exists pressure return to normal,
among sexologists. nipples slowly decrease in
Lila V. Powers, Ph .D. and Michael E. size, color and size of
Perry, Ph.D. have studied orgasm physi- genitals return to normal
ology in a laboratory and conducted su rveys ( Handout of the San Francisco Sex Information
for several years. Their studies lead them to Switchboard training program)
believe that there are at least four types of
orgasms: plateau, tonic, clonic, fusion. The Orgasm is attainable throughout most o f
plateau has whole body intensity but does our lives. It has been achieved as early as six
not include ejaculation and detumescence. months old and by the age of five Kinsey
Tonic orgasms are felt in the pelvic muscles reported that 50% of all b oys could reach
and do not include ejaculation or detumes- orgasm. Of course, this is without ejaculate
cence. The sensations for clonic orgasm are because males do not produce sperm until
felt primarily in the genital region, and the they are between the ages of eleven and sev-
fusion orgasm includes p lateau, tonic, and enteen.

Orgasmic se nsations vary according to q u ently with transcendental and a ffective

th e d egree of emotional , bioc h emical, or ones." People who were vic tims of accidents
p sychological inten sity; m ost are within our or sudden ill ness are more ofte n t he ones
power to regu lat e. Dr. Alexa nder L owen wh ose life flas h es before them ("A
d escribed an orgasmic exp erien ce "as the Typology of Near-Death Experiences," by
opening of a dam, with th e release down- Bruce G reyson, M.D., American J ournal of
ward of a flood o f feeling while the b o dy Psychiatry 14 2:8, August 1985, pp. 967-
con vulses as a u ni t in response t o eac h 969).
involuntary forward swing of th e p elvis. People can enter an altered state by many
F eeli ngs of melting and streaming d own- differen t methods. Timoth y L ea ry in a
ward n ow p ervad e the wh ole body. If the Playboy interview claimed that " In a care-
acme is intense e n ough , t h e se nsation o f fu 11 y prepare d , loving LSD sess io n , a
heat increases a nd is per ceived as a glow in woman can have several hundred orgasms."
the pelvis and as an ove rall body sensation In order to create this same trance-like state
o f lu minat ion" (L ove and Orgasm, by there are often (but not always) two stages
Al exander Lowen, M.D., pp. 197-198) . of prepar ation re quire d . The first phase
The fo llowing sections list various cate- generally prepares the mind by u sing such
gories of orgas m s people claim to experi- depri vations as wat er, food, sleep , sex, or
ence al ong with de scri pt ions of the complete inhibition of senses (sight, sound,
associated sensations. touch, smell, and taste). Deprivation alone
can trigger hallucinations or an altered state.
ALTERED STATE ORGASMS An altered People w h o u se sh orter te rm deprivation
state orgasm is believed to occur when the often induce it through p hysical injury or
brain's level of serotonin is exc essively high. flagellation . A similar meth od is u sed b y
The effects of an altered state of conscious- various military offic ials in their torture of
ness or "near-death experien ce" have been captives. Deprivation a nd pain c au ses an
divided into components and a person m ay increase of serotonin and once this chemical
experience all or a combination of these. A reaches an abn ormally h igh level, the pris-
study of 89 near-death experiences was con- oner goes into an altered state of conscious-
duc ted by Bruce Greyson that computed ness.
th e percentages of each of the se compo- P eople ofte n h ave a n orgas m as th ey
n e n ts. " A cogniti ve co mp o n e nt [1 5%), approach the altered state, re ducing their
including time distortion, thought accelera- energy and serotonin level cau sing the expe-
tion, life review, a nd sudden understanding; rien ce to e nd. For this reason some have
an affective component [41 %], comprising learned to negate the orgasm by physically
feelings of peace, joy, and cosmic unjty and altering their penis with stretching or other
an experi en ce of a brillia nt light; a para- methods t o guaran tee a n o rg asm n ever
normal component [?], incl uding enh anced occurs. Shamans gave up their sex lives so
vision or h earing, appare n t ext rasensory that the physical orgasm wouldn't interfere
perception, precognitive vision, and an out- with their ability to obtain an altered state.
of-body experience; and a transcendental T h e Catholic m ystics u sed a diffe rent
component [4 7%], comprising encounte rs d iscipline to reach an a ltere d state. P aul
with an appare ntly unearthly realm, a m ys- Kurtz, a scholar in thi s field, claimed that
tical being, and visible spirits and a barrier religious mystics had t o have two striking
or point of no return that, had the subjects ingredients present. "First, there is repres-
crosse d it , wo uld hav e prec luded their sion and frustration , a sense that p leasures
return to life." G reyson further d iscovered of the flesh , especially sexu al enj oyments,
that " near-death events in wh ic h death are evil and sinful. Second , there is an
might have been anticipated (e.g., suicide apparent form of sublim a ti on and som e
attempts, exacerbation s of chronic illness, or sexual g ratifi ca ti on in t h e m yst ical
complications of surgery) were associated e n counter . .. Ver y f e w, if a n y, of the
rarely with cognitive experiences but fre- prominent m ystics led a normal m arried or

sexu al life: the mystical life in a sense grew en trails; when he drew it out, he seemed to
ou t of pert u rbati o n a n d pe r ve r sion. I t draw them out also and t o leave m e all on
expr essed a p a th ological response to the fire with a great Jove of God . The pain was
need fo r sexual fulfillm ent, by means of a so great that it made me moan; and yet so
d e fl ected disc h a r ge of the libido" (The su rpassing was the sweetness of this exces-
Transcenden tal Temptation, pp. 99- 100, u sed sive p ain that I cou ld not wish to be rid of it.
with permission of Prometheu s Books). The soul is sati sfied now with nothing less
The sexual na ture of this state is fu rther than God " (Mysticism/New York: World/
evident by their use of the Song of Songs Meridian, 1972).
(o r Song of Solomon) as the text for m ys- St. Theresa's sado masochist bent was
tical ascent and union with G od. Pete r de evid e n tly a comm on feature o f m ed ieval
R osa, a Jesuit, explained th at this allowed monastic liter acu re. Rosa mond Gild er, in
"Ch ristia n mystic ism to d r a>v u pon and discussing Hrotsvitha, a nun and playwright
sublimate erotic energies .. . T h e celibate fr om 9 5 0 C.E., says " in two p lays,
male can turn his affection to the person o f H ro tsvi t ha g ives ex pressio n to a vein of
th e Virgin M ary as his ' lady', in order to sadism, which is also associated with certain
repress real sexu ality with women . Spiritual aspects of re pression . She positively r evels
ero ticism is to be directed to t h e higher, in the lurid and suggestive details of her tor-
spiri tual fe min ine that elevated and trans- cure scenes ... nu ns were suckled on tales
fo rmed the soul, rather than to the debasi ng, of tortu re and m artyrdom, a n d the m o re
ca rnal female" (Vicars of Christ p . 14 7). b oiling oil, fier y furn aces, severed lim b s,
\'\!hat d oes one feel or see d uring a mys- and bleeding wounds a tale provided, the
tical altered state? Individua ls experience greater t h e thrill . .. Undoubtedly also,
diffe rent hallucinations, several of which are Hrotsvitha obtained a certain release for her
cited as follows. St Fra n cis o f Sales (died own em otional suppressions by ela borating
1622) d escribed his m ystical experiences by these p ictures of carnal d angers and the pit-
saying they were, " as melted balm that no falls of the flesh" (Enter the Actress, pp. 34-
longer has firmn ess or solid ity, the soul lets 5) .
herself pass or flow into What she loves: she Au tosadism a nd self-flage lla ti on were
does not sp ring ou t of h erself as by a used by religious mystics, as well as by those
su d d en leap, n or d oes sh e cling as b y a simply seeking an altered state of conscious-
joining or union, b ut gen tly glides, as a fluid ness for sexual pleasu re. There were many
a nd liquid thing, into the Divini ty Who m mon ks who fl age llated t hemselves with
she loves. She goes ou t by that sacred out- ca n es o r w h ips. A D o min ica n m on k,
flowing and ho ly liqu efaction, a nd qu its her- H ei nr ic h Su zo (1 30 0-1 366), wrote abo ut
se lf, n ot on l y t o be uni ted to t h e h is ex p er ie n ces in a n auto b iograph y. H e
well- Beloved , b u t to be entirely mi ngled began p r acticing extre m e asceti cism and
with and steeped in H im. T he outflowing of tortu re as a tool in overcoming temptations.
a soul into her God is a true ecstasy, by H e fou nd that " he was able to achieve fre-
which the soul qu ite transcends the limits of qu ent, even daily ecstasies. However, a time
her natural way of existence, being wholly fi nall y arrived when the bleeding saint real-
m ingled with, absorbed a nd engulfed in , he r ized he could not continue in his p ath and
God" (The Transcendemal Temptation, by still live. ' H e was so wasted that the on ly
Paul Kurtz, p. 96, used with permission of c hoice was between dying and giving u p
Prometheus Boo ks) . these practices. ' At this point, he tells u s, h e
Another exam ple of a C hristian mystical threw all of his instruments of torture into a
ex p erie n ce is t h at of St. Theresa. She stream" (The Transcendental Temptation,
describes it as seeing "an angel close by me, 1986. pp. 99-100, used with permission of
on my left side, in bodily form . . . in h is Prom etheus Books).
ha nd a long spear o f gold , a nd at the iron's T oday, m any peo ple w ho prac tice the
point t here seemed to be a li ttle fire. H e m ore 'pain ful' fo rm of S/M do it to induce
appeared to me to be thrusting it at tim es this alte red state and view it as a spiritu al
into m y heart, a n d to pierce m y ve r y connection rather than explicitly sexual.

ASTRAL ORGASMS An astral orgasm pubic bone to the tail bone. A person even-
refers to a person ' s consciousness leaving tually learns to· control muscle contractions
their physical body and traveling in their to attain the results listed above.
astral body. Astral projection is practiced by One of the exercises mentioned in t his
several occult groups. According to these book in volves partial retenti on of se men
people it is p ossible to teach steps one can during orgasm, this giving a man the ability
use to project oneself into an astral plane at to orgasm two to six times during inte r-
will. However, we are referring here to the course. The Brauers call this type of male
unin ten t io n a l experience of traveling multiple orgasm "seminal fluid retention "
through the universe or to distant areas of and describe explicit instructions for accom-
the earth. This experience is caused by plish ing thi s feat. Part of the exercise
extraordinarily intense emotions felt during involves h olding one's breath and squeezing
sex. The reported cases of astral projection the PC muscles until ejaculation is stopped
occurring during orga sm have involved (ESQ - Extended Sexual Orgasm, by Alan
either a ps yc hic or an unsusp ecting sex P . Brauer, M.D., and Donna J. Brauer, pp.
partner of a psychic. [Author's n ote: This 56-7).
phenomenon is not the type that can be ver-
FUSION ORGASMS The "fusion" orgasm
ified by science and for that reason we can
is reached b y stimulating two or more
do nothing m ore than mention that this type
erogenous zones which each create a dif-
o f o rga sm ha s been reported by several
ferent sensation, thereby intensifying the
orgasmic experience.
EXTENDED SEXUAL ORGASMS ( ESO) People learn this technique by manually
Many people have beco me interested in stimulating different parts o f the bod y in
extending the length of their orgasms since various ways. Once a responsive location is
the 1983 publication of the Brauers' book, detected a person works it into their mastur-
titled Extended Sexual Orgasm. bation routine until orgasm can be reached
In their b oo k the Brauers detail the by that stimulation alone. After sever al loca-
rewards they claim awaits those practicing tions have been orgasmically developed they
this discipline. " At the highest level of are stimulated simultaneously. Care is taken
female ESO, which we call Phase II, contin- not to let one site become overstimulated
uous slow waves of push-out contractions of into orgasm b etore the other. The goal of a
the deep pelvic muscles replace the mixed fusion orgasm is to induce orgasm from all
contractions of Phase I. Each contraction areas so that they peak at the same time. For
lasts up to thirty seconds and there are n ot example, if one is stimulating both the
rest perio ds between. Women experience nipple and penis a nd feel s orgas m
this p h ase subjectively as a contin uous approac hin g du e to stimulation on th e
orgasmic increase. . . . At the highest level penis, he will lessen the intensity on the
of male ESO, Phase II, a man finds h imself penis a nd concentrate on the nipples until
in a continu ous state of orgasmic emission they are agai n equ al in intensity (" Living
for thirty m inutes o r more. Clear fluid Up To You r Orgasmic Potential," by Dr.
issu es almost continuously, drop by drop, Herbert Otto, Sex Over Forty, IX, 2, pp. 1-
from his penis. His anal sphincter is relaxed 3, July 1990).
a nd o p en. The e jaculation phase m ay Areas of the bod y that respond well to
involve twenty or more intense contractions stimulation are the prostate, anus, G-spot,
and last twenty seconds or more (ESO- scrotum, ears, armpits, toes, and nipples.
Extended Sexual Orgasm, by Alan P . Brauer, T hese areas are sen sitized even more b y the
M.D ., and D onna J. Brauer, pp. 3-4). use of lotions, heat, and slight abrasion. T he
ESO emphasizes controlled masturbation prostate can b e manipulated a couple of
techniques and sex exercises, particularly ways. It may be stimulated from outside the
d evelopm ent o f the pubococcygeus (PC) body b y pressing rhythmically upward on
muscle that cradles the lower torso from the the space between the anus and the back of

the scrotum. Others insert a finger or spe- car driving, skiing, airplane rides, sitting in
cially design ed dildo t wo to fou r inches into church, urinating, boxing, wres tling, hig h
the anus and massage the prostate that lies dives, b eing scared, near accidents, reciting
to the fo rward side of the body. befo re a cla ss, tests a t school, seeing a
policeman, big fires , anger, marc hing sol-
PSYCHIC ORGASMS (Psychic masturba- d iers, looking over edge of build ing, finding
tio n, P sych o lagn y) P sychic o rgasms are money, watc hi ng exciting ga mes," e tc.
those induced by methods other than genital
(Sexual Behavior in the H uman Male, by
stimulation. Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin, 1948, pp.
The prevalence of psychicall y induced
164- 165).
orgasms can be influenced by certain cul-
Practitioners of H atha Yoga can achieve
tures or religious mores. Masters and Lea
o rgas m w ith out m a nual manipulation.
sp oke of Turks and Arabs as being "esp e-
Hypnotists us e auto-s u ggestion to first
cially prone to psychically induced sponta-
induce excitement and erection and the n
n eo us e missions . . . . Arab ethi cists, for
orgasm . Some use fantasy alone to produce
exa mple, considerin g the signifi cance of
orgasm, man y use tactile stimulation fro m
spo ntaneous e missions, have d ecided that
no ngenital areas of the body, and others
they belong in the same category ethically
o rgasm wh e n e m o ti o nally exc ited . The
with nocturnal pollutions . . . . The Arabs
orgasm itself m ay be less intense than one
explained spontaneous daylight ejac ulations,
exp erienced with a partner and men have
which occurred not unco mm only a t th e
reported them without accompanying emis-
sight of an attractive woman, as a sacrifice
sio ns; conseque n tly, thes e are often mul-
m ade b y th e sys te m in honor of beauty.
tipl e, ending with exhaustion or fin a l
H owever that may be, the p oint is, ethically,
emission . Occasionally, a psychic orgasm
that bo th nocturnal and daylight emissions
can be so intense that it creates prolonged
of this order were held to be beyond the
o rga smi c muscle spasm s or r e nders t h e
individual's control and therefore no moral
person m om entarily unconscious as in the
blame could be assessed" (Perverse Crimes
case of Tant ra.
in His wry, pp. 180-181).
P eople who are able to attain orgasm or SM ORGASMS There a re two basic types
sexual arousal by excitement and nongenital of S/M orgasms and these can be differenti-
stimulation are discussed by several authori- ated between what the b ottom (masochist)
ties. Cauthery and Stanway inform us tha t and top (sadist) experiences.
"women can experience orgasm s over the The person engaging in a pain inducing
phone, by fa ntasy .. . when combing their activity or sensory deprivation may expe ri-
hair, wh en p ass ing water . . . . rope- ence an altered state orgasm. They may also
cli mbing; m ove m e nt o n b u ses, trains or experience intense exaggerated emotions or,
' rid es' in fa ir-gro u nd s; hea rin g a ma n 's if in bondage, a trance like state from which
voice; sitting next to a man on a bus; being they gain ecs tasy. It is described as more
shouted at; being late; listening to music or cathartic than the one experienced wh en
poetry; dancing," etc. (The Complete Guide topping.
to Sexual Fulfillment, by Dr. Philip Cauthery The top (dominant) exp eriences more of
& Dr. Andrew Stanway with Faye Cooper, a psychic or energy charged orgasm from
pp. 44 and 122). According to Kin sey some watching and controlling the erotic response
th ree or four men out of more than 5000 of the b ottom. Some tops demand genital
could ejaculate by deliberately co ncentrating stimulation during play. H owever, orgasm is
on sexual fantasies. H owever, most males, at times reached with a simple tou ch on the
while not orgasming to non-tactile stimulus, surro u nding area. Tops choosing n ot to
do have erections to seemingly odd stimuli. include physical orgasm in a scene still
Activ iti es r es ponsibl e for erect ions in experience a euphoric high. This sensation
younger boys are th ings su ch as "punish - has been described by people as a warmth
ment, electric shock, fast elevator rides, fast in th e sto ma c h t h a t rad ia tes o u tward

th rough th e extremiti es, co m parable to a indulged in during religious festiva ls which

rantric orgasm, and similar to the feeling in were preceded by an abundance o f food and
you r stomach after a fast elevator ride. drink. Examples of these reli gio u s orgie s
were th e Dio n ysian , Baal, Ca rni val, and
TANTRlC ORGASMS Tantra is an Eastern
May Day festivals. .
form o f sex ual yoga. People learn to build
Paul Wirz docu mented the celebrauon of
energy by breathing te chniques and then
a religious orgy of the Ezam Secret Society
direct this energy by body positi o ns and
of New
mental cont r o l. Physical effects va ry
Guinea in
according to the type of breathing engaged
th e early
in by a p e r son. The goal is to e nt e r an
!9 00's.
alte red sta te whe re one merges not only with
H e r e th e
their partner but also the cosmos. The path
m e n and
to this ultimate state abounds with diverse
w ome n
orgas mic experie nces. These hav e been
were seg-
described as having been invaded and filled
re gate d
with wh ite light, or as en ergy wo rking its
du ring
way u p a n d dow n th e spi n e a nd then
which time the men played music on drums
extending from the body through th e head and bullroarers . There wer e intervals
and hovering over it like a cobra.
b etween the chants where ini tiates could
Many books have been written endorsing
enter into the woods with any woman and
a nd d esc ribing num e rous benefits of h a ve s ex. Upon t h e ini t iate's return he
T a n t r a. The Kales wrote th at " t h e pro-
brou ght with him a broken bra nch to sym-
longed sex of Tantra g ives you and your b olize his success. This ritual o f free sex
partner orgas m s that are indescribable in
continued for several days and nights culmi-
their intensity. It also brings you and your
nating with a young woman being led into a
partner so close to each other that both of hut to have sex with several m e n. One of
you will find yourselves wanting to embr~ce th ese m en was selected with out hi s prior
total strangers, becoming sensually recepuve knowledge to be a sacrifice. The other men
to an unbelieva ble degree, and developing
would pu ll d ow n the timbers o f the hu t
an empathy tha t makes yo u on e with the
upon the man and woman while they were
who le of burgeoning, fecunding, striving jo ined i n in ter co ur se . They we re t hen
creation around you" (TANTRA, The Secret
immediately removed , cut into p ieces, and
Power of Sex, b y Arvind and Shanta Kale, p. roasted to pro vid e a fe ast for the tribe
143) . A further recommendation is given by
(Historical Atlas of World My thology, Vol II:
Ramsdale and D orfma n in their book. " ...
The W ay of the Seeded Earth, Part 1: The
[M] en a nd wom en report that wh il e making Sacrifice, by Joseph Campbell, p. 7 1).
love their b od ies see m to co ntract expand
Today, g r o up sex h ou ses in parts of
liquefy shake burn glow melt merge they say Europ e still begin orgies by serving a dinner
th ey feel like they a re fl yi ng th ey fee l two
dur ing wh ic h ti m e peop le beco m e
peo ple become one they see brilliant colors
acquainted. These often end in food fights
they feel like king a nd quee n , noble and
before selecting a sex partner. Group sex
royal they feel really 'high'-naturally som e
houses in the United States typically p ro-
even say they disappear fo r awhile; in other
vide hors d 'oeuvres and punch fo r people to
wo rds, th ey experience that making love casually partake of during the evening.
expands their conscious ness t hese peo p le
were not on d rugs th ey were o n sex . .. " VALS , GAt"JG BANGS, GROUP SEX and WIFE
(Sexual En ergy Ecstasy, b y Da vid A lan SWAPPING)
Ram sdale and Ellen Jo Dorfman).
ulation is used to intensify or delay sexual
ORGIES An orgy is an antiquated term arousal. We normally b reathe about t\¥elve
fo r grou p sex. It o ft e n referr ed t o sex t imes a minute. If we drasticall y alter our

oxygen intake in any way the body panics, Understanding the effect oxygen regula-
increasi ng adrenalin and oth er biochemical tion has on ou r arousal cycle requires an
responses. A m ilder effect can b e triggered examination of the ph ysiology of our lungs.
by quick shallow breathing into the upper Oxygen is vital to our bodies; we use it to
lungs. This produces energy or excitement. burn fuel. Our lu ngs are designed to take in
S lowing down th e rate o f breathing and oxygen for this combustion process which
breathing d eeper has a calming effect. Most in turn generates heat and e n ergy for th e
often the regulation of breath is instinctive functioning of the body.
or controlled by our parasympathetic ner- The rate and rhythm at which we inhale
vous system; however, people have learned c reates different effects in the a mount of
to utilize techniques involving strangulation, energy we generate, thus we can affect the
corsetting, tantric locks, p lastic bags, sili- level of passion and e n e rgy we produce
cone bathing caps, gags, a nd gas masks to duri n g sex. Slow dee p breaths gradu all y
produce sexual excitement. build a nd sustain energy, r apid shall ow
Some of the techniques have potential to panting ge nerates the immediate burst of
be lethal because a person loses conscious- energy n eeded just prior to orgasm , and
ness w ithin three to five minutes if the holding our breath depletes excess energy.
supply of oxygen is cut off and dies imme- Psychological stimulus is needed by some
diately aft erward . It is dangerous not to in addition to the decrease in oxygen. These
monitor a partner at all times. Oxygen play people enjoy adding some dim e nsion of
anempted on anyone over sixty or who su f- panic o r terror. Oxygen regulation alone
fers fro m arrythm ia, asthma, strokes, arte- lacks the same intensity . This may be why
riosclerosis, o r h yperten sio n is extremely many use some for m of bondage as an
dangerous. adjunct to asphyx ia wh en alone; knowing
People who hyp erventila te (exhale too this is dangerous. Othe rs like to play with
much carbon dioxide) have symptoms such control, either givi ng it to a partner or by
as lightheadedness, drowsiness, a nd tingling pushing their own limits. Some people enjoy
in the extremities. They may lose coordina- both panic and control.
tion, become disorie n ted, or even have Breathing techniques may also be used to
muscle spasms. The most common remedy delay ejaculation for men. The bonom posi-
fo r h yp erventilation is to h ave the person tion in m iss io nary sex is ass umed a nd,
breathe in to a pa per b ag until they fee l before thrusting toward the partn er, one
calmed . This brings the balance of oxygen breathes deeply (disten ding the abdom en)
and carbon dioxide back to normal. an d holds his breath while tightening the
The other effect created by oxygen regu - pubococcyge us musc le and pushi n g out
lation is hypoxia, or insufficien t oxygen in with th e anal muscl es. The breath is then
th e lungs. The sy m ptom s of hypoxia released as h e relaxes and p ulls his body
include: drowsiness, dizziness, euphoria, a away from his partner, preparing to repeat
decrease in judgment, memory, alertn ess, th e same cycle. This tec h niq u e has the
and coordination, a greying of vision; fin- opposite effect on women and more often
gernails and lips may turn blue. Hypoxia stimula tes th e m to orgas m . CAUTION :
ca n be caused b y a p e r so n fo rgetting to Many things can go wrong during breath
breathe during sex. This is particularly true control play; the resu lt can be permanent
during S/M play because the same neuro- disab ili ty or death. P eople who in sist on
transminers that produce eup horia seem to engaging in this activity plan ahead for most
depress respiration. It helps for a person just eventualities, how to prevent accidents, and
coming ou t of a breathless state to make a h ow to get help if needed. If th e activity
conscious effort to breathe deep ly. People involves more than one person, the one top-
can sometimes be assis ted into breathing ping must also be willing to face criminal
deeply with a slap on the face or a pinch on charges and/or prison if an accident occurs.
their nipples. However, slapping someone Descrip tions of th e various techniques
who has gone into shock may be dangerous. u sed in sex play fo ll ow. (QSM lec t ure,

Janu a ry 11 , 1992, " Breath Control and it produces a euphoric and light-headed sen-
Carotid Artery Play" by Michael D ecker) sation. CAUTION: There have reports of
vegal nerve inhibition due to fear or lack of
CORSETTING Co r setting r efers to a
oxygen. A few people are susceptible to this
restric ti on placed aro und the waist, th e
lethal reaction and it is impossible to predict
effec t o f wh ich crea te s difficult y in
just who they are until too late.
breathing deeply. Corsets are used by t op s
in breath co ntrol games by pushi ng in on SUFFOCATION Suffocation refers to any
the bottom's diaphragm and holding it in. form of cutting off the b ody's supply of
(See CORSETS) oxygen. This is done in sex games by
putting a plastic bag over the person's head
GAGS Gags are occas ionall y u sed t o
and making the m breathe their own carbon
induce asphyxiation b y blocking the mouth
dioxide. The top may hold their hand over
while the partner holds the botto m 's nose
the perso n's m outh and nose but this is
clo sed. Gags and tap e across bo th the
more difficult and requires more phys ical
mo uth and nose carry a higher risk factor
strength if the bottom re si sts. One man
than a partner using their hand. Even latex
rigged up a basket with a plastic bag inside
hoods with small holes at the nose can get
that hung from the ceiling. H e then stood
twisted slightly and cut off the bottom's air
unde rneath and held the bag around his
head. If he passed out the bag stayed sus-
GAS MASKS Ga s pended while he fell to the ground, and
masks are u sed ove r nothing would be left to re st rict his
t h e face to r es tr ict breathing . Another m etho d that slows a
oxygen intake. The person's breathing is holding a pillow over
filter system is altered his or her head. Since visual contact is lost
so that a 3/4" hollow this raises the risk level. Latex hoods o r
tube can be inserted swimming caps are used by some couples.
into the region of the Som e prefer "quee ning " (s i tt ing on a
mouth. The mask is person's face in a wa y that cuts off airflow)
tighte n ed a nd whe n and one woman h as her partne r put his
th e top desires , th ey mouth over her vagina and the n locks her
place a finger over the tip to t emporarily legs around the back of his head to prevent
block the air supply. These masks are pur- his pulling away or being able to breathe.
chased at army and navy supply stores. CAUTION: Games using gags, masks,
strangulation, o r suffocati o n can cause
STRANGULATION (Autoerotic asphyx.ia- strokes, heart failure, blindness, brai n
arou sal from asphyxia) Strangling differs damage, and d eath. Safety precaution s for
from oxygen regulat ion in that it involves any of these activities requ ire t ha t the
restricting the flow of blood through the people know CPR, be health y, not have
carotid artery to the brain. This can be done eaten recently, or combine the activity with
with Velcro blood p ressure cuffs that have drugs a nd alcohol. Never do these ac tivities
been folded over and modified with a D -ring alo n e or without making sure that every
attached on th e front edge with a rope going conceivable contingency is pr epared for and
through it that is hung from the ceiling; if made safe. People unwisely engaging in this
the p erso n fails t o d eflate the cuff before activity alone often pad the area on the floor
they become unconscious, the rope pulls the around them. This prevents head injuries if
collar loose as they fall. Thick leather collars the person becomes unconscious and falls.
are also u sed by atta c hing a lightweight (See also AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXI A,
string t o the ceiling, or with the assistance of CORSETS, PH OBOPHILIA, SAFE SEX and
a partner. Some enjoy strangulation b ecause T APHEPrilLIA)
PANDERING A panderer is a person he could not have been acqua inted with the
who procures a prostitute for a th ird person sex habits of animals when using this argu-
or who convinces a person to engage in ment to su pport t h e Ch u rch ' s view on
prostitution by providing a client. " n ormal" heterosexual sex. Animals are not
(See BORDELLOS, ILLEGAL SEX and considered paraphiles, as in the case of
PI1\1PS) humans, but do engage in sim ilar behaviors
such as giving gifts, extended courtships,
PARAPHILIA (Deviance, Divertisse- grooming, missionary style sex, rape, incest,
ment, Perversion, Sexual Aberration, Sexual bondage, necrophilia, group sex, homosexu-
Anomalies) Paraphilia (Para: going beside ality, bisexuality, urophilia, lust murder,
or beyond, amiss; philia: attachment to) is anthropophagy, and sadomasochism (Sex
defined by John M o n ey as "a conditio n Link by Hy Fr eed man) . Proof of St
occurring in men and women of being com- Aquinas' naive te was h is suppo rt of
pulsively r esponsive to and obliga ti vely Aristotle's account of a stallion that threw
dependent upon an u nusual and personally himself off a cliff upon discovering, to his
or socially unacceptable [sexual] stimulus . . horror, that h e had just committed incest by
. In legal terminology, a paraphilia is a per- mating with his own mother.
version or deviancy; and in the vernacular it Social rules impose restrictions on sexual
is kinky or bizarre sex." (Gay Straight and behavior but despite this people still engage
In-Between, by J oh n Money, Oxford in differe n t or unusual forms of sexual
University Press, 1988.) Paraphilic disor- behavior. There are many reasons for this
ders have several common characteristics. variance in behavior.
These are listed in DSM-IIl-R as: recurrent, The first objective is to understand how
fixed, compulsive, sexually motivated, per- people become aroused by a seemingly non-
so nally or socially maladaptive, interferes sexual stimulus, whether or not the person
wi th capaci t y for r eciprocal affec tion. falls into the category of paraphilic. Passion
Sexual acts are only considered paraphilias can be created by emotions such as anger,
if the person's internal experience matches guilt, jealousy,
these criteria. Only the person performing shock, cha ll enge, ~
p·uaphilic acts can be the judge of their l oss, humiliation ,
motivation and whether their compulsion sham e, surrender,
hampers n ormal relations. An important fear, love, a nd pain.
me thod of determining which behavior is These all have one .
considered genetically coded and which is thing in common,
influenced by social pressure or religion is they stimulate the
that of studying animal behavior as well as body to produce
cross-cultural behavior. If a certain behavior adrenalin (epinephrine) which in addition
is fou nd in both these instances, it is consid- leads to the production of other neurotrans-
ered "natural" or genetically coded (i .e. mitters. Our judgment of the circumstances
gays and grooming). This reasoning is not or sex appeal of the other person determines
new. The 13th century church leader, St. how the stimulus is perceived and acted
Thomas Aquinas, said that the sex activities upon. This ch ange in bodychemistry cause
of animals were natural and should be a things such as avoidance behavi or, a n
model of how God intended people to con- increased heart rate, oxygen intake, a nd
duct themselves. Animals, not having been blood pressure; all of the physical responses
corrupted by t he original sin, could only needed to fight, run, or h ave sex. Phrased
exhibit natura l urges and therefore could another way; in addition to love, anything
not be judged as evil or sinful. However that has the power to create fear or anger
intelligent and perceptive St. Aquinas was can be util ized by some people to induce

pass ion an d sexua l arousal. Thus, what intense and more intense. It's like I'm on a
m ight have been reacted to with anger or roller coaster and then it starts getting really
panic is formed into passion. If a hetero- fast. If I tighten up, resist, I lose it; it becomes
sexual male was cornered by each of the no fun. There's nothing there for me if I'm
people in the illustration, all of which were resisting. If I surrender I find myself flying. fl 's
seductively saying " Hello, big bo y," h e release, intensity, a high; it's like a rain of fire
would most likely respond with anger to the and I 'm flying inside" (Sexual Magic, The
weaker male, fear to the stronger male, and SIM Photographs by Mich ael A. Rosen, p.
with arousal to the female. These reactions 58) .
would differ with a cornered gay or female
A second aspect of paraphilia pertains to the
heterosexual, b ut the three emotions would
object to which one is attracted once stimu-
remain fairly standard. People who play sex
lated. Ordinarily the advantages of condi-
games use this knowledge to their advantage
tioning or learned behavior is that we would
by creating strong stimuli and letting their
be sexually attracted to ou r own species,
bodies react. Once a fight, fligh t, or sex
bond to people, or recognize and react to
decision is p resen ted the players opt for sex.
repeated dan ger. When we bond to an inap-
Aggression may have a d iffer ent appeal
propriate sexual object it is referred to as a
as well for some because females of most
fetis h and the item will usu ally be something
species are attracted co males they perceive
th at was around the person wh en young,
as strong enough to fath er h ealthy offspring
such as rubber pants, plastic sheets, fur,
and to protect his family. An immediate and
leather, sh oes, silk, urine, and feces. For
aggressive respon se was needed under
instance, John Money, Professor of Medical
primitive conditions to ward off p redators
P syc h o logy, and Associate Professor of
and to protect food supplies. U nfortuna tely,
Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, dis-
the sam e aggressive reaction is biologically
covered th at some of h is patients wh o had
triggered in tod ay's society. Sometimes this
undergon e early surgery for birth defects
primal aggressive reaction is warranted but were having fantasies about being pierced
most often it is not.
and cut now that they were adults.
SIM p layer s may use a n existing emo-
For so m e m e n t h e pre ference of a n
tional bond or feeling of love to gene rate
u n us u al sex object or p ract ice is d u e to
passion, just as other people often do, only sexual re pression and guilt imposed o n
they express it differently. T h e following
t hem when t hey were young by parents .
description is from Sybil Holiday, a skilled
They select safe objects onto which to direct
top, as interviewed by Mich ael A. Rosen:
t h ei r lust. T his may be in the form of a
The experience that I get from him isn't pain; prostitute because she cannot be violated, or
he takes me somewhere else, and I ride with it. a handicapped person because she appears
I keep opening up and letting go. He's very less likely to abandon the man. Even those
good at what he does-whipping. H e seduces who e ngage in risky activities may be using
you into it. He's not vicious or cruel. H e the h igh er level of fear caused by a risky
doesn't descend on people. He builds up inten- "sex scene" to override the fear and gui lt
sity. He starts out where the touch of the whip they feel for indulging in normal sex. They
is like a caress, a leather caress, and then it may also need to generate more excitement
builds on my body. Usually, I've been on my in order to reach a similar level of intense
back or my stomach in some sort of bondage, emotions as experienced by earlier fears
and I feel ve1)' secure; I can move, but I can 't imposed by parents or religion fo r sinful
go anyplace. And the warmth, the heat, just masturbation.
starts building. It gets hotter and hotter and A third aspect of paraph ilias in volves
then it dawns on me that it's like I'm on a compulsion and it is this aspect that makes
roller coaster and I'm starting to go up and self-control of undesirable behavior diffi-
there 's no turning back and it starts getting cult. The neurotransmitter that stimulates
more intense and it's very dramatic, and more compulsive behavior is glucocorticoid which

is triggered once a person becomes excited. requires preparation or atonement for the
T he purpose of this neurotransmitter is to sin of lust by way of penance and sacrifice
fo rce a person to focus on the stimulus until [lust murder, acrotomophilia] ... The
they conquer it, resolve i t, or are out of marauding/predatory stratagem requires that,
danger. A person who studies for a test at insofar as saintly lovers do n ot consent to
the last minute feels the effect of this chem- the sin of lust, a partner in lust must be
ical. In this case, once the deadline is met, stolen, abducted, or assaultive and violent
the ability to focus diminishes. The sam e paraphilic rape ... The mercantile/venal
phenomenon occurs with love or para- stratagem requires that sinful lust be traded,
philias. As long as some type of excitement bartered, or purchased and paid for, insofar
or ar ousal surrounds the love object or as saintly lovers do not engage consensually
sexual activity the release of glucocorticoid in its free exchange [prostitution, chrema-
increases compulsive behavior and makes a tistophilia] ... The fetishistic /talismanic
return to normal routine very difficult. stratagem spares the saintly lover from the
T he fourth aspect of paraphil ias is sin of lust by substituting a token, fetish, or
related to loss compensation. The brain is talisman instead. Fetishes are predominantly
programmed to create pain and anxiety to either smelly (olfactophilic) or touchy-feely
ensure that we provide our bodies with cer- (hyphephilic), and both are derived from
tain items needed for survival. In return the the smell and feel of parts of the human
brain produces opiates that trigger a plea- body ... The stigmatic/eligibilic strat.agem
sure response. Primal needs are such things requires that the partner in lust be,
as eating, metaphorically, a pagan infidel, disparate in
defe cating, religion, race, color, nationality, social class,
EAT sleeping, or age, from the saintly lovers of one's own
loving, social g r oup [geron to philia, miscegena-
having sex, tion] ... [and the] solicitational/allurative
security, stratagems protect the saint by displacing
energy or lust from the act of copulation in the accep-
sti m ulus, tive phase, to an invitational gesture or
communica- overture of the proceptive phase [exhibi-
tion, gath- tionism and voyeurism]" (Gay, Straight, and
ENERGY COMMUNICA'D e r i n g ' Jn -Between; The Sexology of Erotic
hunting, and Orientation, by Dr. John Money, pp. 136-
using our senses. A problem arises when we 138).
cannot provide ourselves with a balance of In addition to all of the above reasons for
these things as in the case of patients and deviating from regular sex h abi ts, people
prisoners. Our body or mind compensates use sex to meet many other needs, such as
for this loss by doubling up on another to:
need, thereby using it as a source for plea- build self-esteem
su re. In essen ce wh at happen s when this
learn trust for others
person feels pain from not being loved, they
eat (or satisfy one of the other needs). T his improve physical control
is thought to cause the brain to release opi-
improve emotional control
ates and the person temporarily feels grati-
fied. Eventually the person will only feel the sharpen intellect
need to gratify their original need for love
get immediate gratification
with food. Ideally people strive for a balance
in meeting all their needs. reduce stress
Dr. Money divides paraphilias into six
stratagems. These classifications are crucial obtain relief from guilt by acting pun-
in under standing the types that commonly
exist. "The sacrificial/expiatory stratagem relieve physical pain

nurture others or be nurtured needs help us prioritize our goals and make
relevant changes. G uilt can help us become
enhance or awaken senses
more empathetic toward the weaknesses of
obtain revenge on parents or society others making it easier to develop and main-
tain rela tio n ships. Co n versely, guilt can
gain insight into one's sexuality by a
have negative effects when people use it to
gender reversal
judge and inflict emotional or physical pain
reenact traumatic experiences to allow on themselves or others. Some psychologists
victim to gain control believe that guilt is higher among people
who have a more limited awareness of life
convey love and trust for a partner by
and who are stuck in a restrictive or repres-
su rrender or submission
sive lifestyle. A person who imposes guilt on
express and understand their alternate oth ers is pra ct ic in g a fo rm of sadis m
personas because they expect the person to self-inflict
(See also ALGOPHILIA, FETISHES, emotional pain.
PECATTIPHILIA Pecattiphilia (pec-
catum: a sin; and philia: attachment) is the PEDERASTY See ANAL SEX/PEDERASTY
sexual arousal one gets from sinning. This
may also display itself as a feeling of guilt. PEDIOPHILIA Pediophilia refers to the
Religious teenager s sometimes suffer sexual attraction some h ave for do lls.
from a dil e mma when they masturbate William Stekel relayed the case of a woman
because they a re taught that God will who at a young age had been molested by
punish or perhaps kill them for this 'perver- several people, all treating her like a doll.
sion'. A few have grown up with a fascina- She evidently suppressed these memories by
tion for sex play that involves life and death transferring their identity to those of dolls
risks in order to recap ture the same emo- and toys. This ca me to present problems
tional intensity that this fear created. when she married and her husband caught
Another type of 'sinner' may intensify her playing with them. H e at once destroyed
their feelings of guilt by seducing a virgin, a her toys whereupon she grew i ll and
member of the clergy, wearing religious cos- remained depressed. She later became frigid
tumes, listening to hymns during sex, or and developed kleptomania, stealing dolls to
breaking into a church and using the altar to rep lace those he had d estroyed (Sexual
engage in a form of ritual sex. They may Aben-ations, by W illiam Stekel, Vision Press,
also have t heir partner say things to make 1963). H owever, generally men have
them feel shame or guilt. fetishes for small statues or man ikins.
Those suffering from extreme pecat- One California man had a doll fetish. H e
tiphilia may feel an overabundance of guilt shaved the hair from Barbie doll heads and
and try to reduce these feelings by having then swallowed the heads to produce sexual
their partner c hastise or punish them before arousal. X-rays showed six doll heads in his
th ey orgas m . This seems to rel ieve t h eir intestines. Once th ese passed throu g h the
guilt feelings. Some develop a fear of sexu- diges tive tract he would bo il them and
ally transmitted diseases afterward or salve repeat the process. [Personal communica-
their conscience by judging their sex tion.]
partner . In extr eme cases, a p syc hotic (See also AGALMATOPHILIA , ANA -
person will m urder their victim (usu ally a CLITISM, FORN ICATORY DOLLS a n d
prostitute) to expiate both their sins. INFANTILISM)
Guilt can have a positive force in our
lives if it calls attention to conduct that PEDOPHILIA (Eopareunia-sex while
requires more responsible action. Additional young, Nepirasty-arousal from handling
understanding of our behavior, values, and infant felt by childless females, Pathicant-

p ede rast ) P edophi lia (pedo: child; philia: bee11 chose11 by the captors to satisfy their bru-
lust) r efe r s to an adult being sexual ly tality are not carried 011 to the 11ext camp. No,
aroused by a child . The adult may engage in they are put to 1/ze knife. Then the crude meal
this type of sex exclusively, restrict it to of cold rice is gobbled and the wlzips ou1
the ir own childre n, only seek ou t chil dre n amo ng the trai11 of captives, a11d the rifles
when they are u n der stress or have been ta!?en up, there are scores of nal?ed bodies flung
fru strated by an adu lt relatio n ship , whil e by tile blacl? coa.Ls of the soldiers' fires . T hey are
intox icated , or a few m ay be menta lly dead girls. 011e may be sure Lliat they were
retarded. happy w die, so harsh has been their fare.
Child prostituti on is still fou nd in much Their cold, small faces a re bloody, beaten, and
of the world. Societies have always d iffered distorted (Ci1ies of Si11, pp. 97-8) .
in their accepta nce of pedop hili a b ut fo r
L aws against p edophilia certainly helped to
m os t o f the world it has o nly come to be
c urb these types o f atrocities . H owev e r,
prohibited within th e last hundred yea rs.
today so m e laws have become so extreme
Befo re this time a few cultures would use
th at pa re n ts have b ee n p rosecu ted who,
children to kee p di nner guests entertained
with out ap understa nding of the new laws,
from u nderneath t heir tables . The Jap anese
had innocently turned in film o f their chil-
used g irls as young as fi ve to p erform fel-
dren bathing. Pare nts wh o let t heir c hild
latio in the Yoshiwaras and the Chinese had
take a glance at a nude photo of themselves
b o rdellos that sp ecial ized in you n g c hil-
have also been prosecu ted.
dren. Many of these youths were purchased
R epo rts vary as to how many m inors are
fro m parents afte r a droug ht when th e
molested, so me sta tistics are as high as one
fa the r co u ld n ot feed th e fami ly and t h e
in every fo ur females and one in every si x
alte rnati ve was fo r the gi rl and fami ly to
m al es. T h e la ti o nal Center for C hi ld
starve. The sale o f a daughter meant both
Abuse and N eglect estimate in 1982 19% of
survival of the girl a nd her fa mily. O ther
femal es and 9% o f males a re sexua lly
girls were captured by bandits a nd sold at
abused before the age of 12 years. The State
aucti ons to brothel-keepers. H endrik de
of K e n tucky Hu man Re sou r ce Cabinet
Leeuw described the horrors of one of these
received "32,643 complaints of child sexual
abuse during the last fiscal year [1987] ... th e
Jn the Mien 'ch dism:ct, with which the report indi ctm en ts fi led aga in st th ese residents
deals al lenglft, 111ore 1han one thousand v il- includ e allegations by the ch ildren of ac ts
lages were looted, burned, and the younger a llegedly commi tt ed by the ir mot h ers,
female population carried off . . The maj01·ity fathe r s, uncles, g ra ndfathers, and grand-
were transported to slave markets and we re m others. T h ey range fro m child observation
1here sold to procurers sent by 1he groups of of a grandparent sodomizing younger males
capitalists who co11trol, to a large extelll, the to a grandm other perfo rming oral sex on a
brothels of the great cities .... Of course, 111a11y of year-old grandson." This stud y also re\'eals
These children never reach the slave 111arkets. tha t " [m] o th er- so n sexual contact appea rs
Even as they sit tltere, whilnpering in f ea r a nd to be less common but is mor e prevalen t
sorrow, the raiders sial/i among them, drag out than ma ny clinic ia n s may real ize" ("Child
the least -favored aino ng them, and a1iack Sexual Abuse: The Abusing Fam ily in Rural
1/ze111. This bru1ality conlinues throughouJ the Ame rica," b y Tho m as W . Mille r, P h.D.,
nigh t. T he screa111s of the children, ha~f­ A .B.P.P ., and La ne ] . Veltkamp, M.S.W.,
de111e111ed by the horror of butc/1e1y in 1he vii- International Journal of Falllily Psychology,
i.ages and by the embraces of 1hefr captors, ring Vol 9, 1988, No. 3, International University
out i11 the dark11ess .. .. . Mom ing reveals the Press, pp. 259-275) .
true terror of the 11ig lu and lhe true mea11i11g of Men who we r e t h e m se lv es sex u ally
these ch ildish cries. For, si11ce the mar/let fo r abused when young or who come from a
these raped bodies is 1101 good and 1he price for ho me wh e r e t hi s was acceptable d o n o t
a crazy child shows little profit, those who have ahvays develop the normal social aversion to

pedophilia . Young juve niles in d eten tion Yates also recomm ends that a child first be
centers have often experienced molestation " encouraged to give a narrative report of
or abuse b efo re incarcera ti on and m a n y what occurred, t o establish his or her knowl-
older sex offe nd er s began this aggressive edge base, sub sequent answers wo ul d b e
behavior as an adolescent. One report on 63 mo r e ea s il y understood or redefi n ed"
male juven iles revealed that 70% had been ("Should Young Children T estify in Cases
molested or raped prior to incarceration and of Sexual Abuse?" by Alayne Yates, M.D.,
some r ep orts show th at a significant per- American Journal of Psychiatry 144:4, April
centage are sexually assaulted while incar- 1987, pp. 4 76-480). Goodman noted that
cerat ed. Adolescent fe males we re we are unsure whether children can d iffer-
responsible for 58% of the molestations and en ti ate b etwee n t h eir th oug h ts about
Brannon, e t al "suggest there is a population a n other per so n 's actions a n d reality.
of ad olescent fe m ales (i.e. friends of older Children can project their own interpreta-
siblings and babysitters) who actively vic- tion of the event into the intent of the aduit
timize pre-pubescent males" ("The Extent ("C hildren' s testimo n y in histo rical p er-
a nd Origins of Sexual Molestations and spective," by G.S. Goodman, Journal of
Abuse Among Incarcerated Adol esce nt Social Issues, 1984; 40:9-31 ). Some children
Males, " b y James M. B ranno n , Billie are t rauma tized by having to testify and
La r son, Mu r ra y Doggett, Iniernational others are helped b y sharing their horrible
Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative secret. This decision is perplexing; however,
Criminology, Septembe r 1989, Vol 33, No professio n al therapists can b e valuable in
2, pp. 161-1 7 1). making individual determinati ons . In addi-
In additi on, peop le are so m e tim es tion, the American P sychiatric Association
coerced by their partners into having sexual and th e American Academy of Ch ild
con tact with minors. O ne case involved a Psychiatry have recommended procedures
young man whose girlfriend talked him into that serve to protect children from unneces-
taking drugs and having sex with neighbor- sary trauma in the court proceedings.
h ood boys. T hese males ranged in age from Therapy for ped ophiles prosecuted fo r
six to thirteen. The girlfrie nd was able to this type of sex offen se u sually con sists of
coax th e b oys into engaging in fellatio and clarifying the person's own respo n sibility
pederasty with her lover by promising to and culpability, as well as understanding of
have sex with them afterward. M ore often, the harm that is caused to the victim (since
however, women are coerced by adult male most pedop hil es initially consider them -
companions. selves the victim). Sexual dysfunction s are
Another concern r ega rding pedophilia studied, social skills are developed to assist
involves courtroom testim ony of ch ild vic- them in establishing relationships with other
tims; the trauma for the child and accuracy adults, behavioral modification is used to
of their testimony. While victims as young diminish their previou s pedophilic condi-
as three years old have accurately identified ti oni ng, and so metimes pharmacological
their assailant and described the details of treatment is used as well.
the event others have fallen under the influ- A grou p named NAM BLA (Nort h
ence of parents in custody battles and have American Man/Boy Love Association) has
given inaccurate testimony against the other been campaigning against harsh legislation
parent. There are many facto rs to conside r since 1978. T heir purpose is to educate the
in decid ing to accept the tes timony of a public and advocate ch anging laws to both
child. Alayne Yates, a psychiatrist, suggests protect minors from sexual abuse and to
that a " judge must consider whether th e give them the same right to engage in con-
child can distinguish truth from falsehood, se nsual sex ac ts with a p er son of the ir
the child's appreciation of the need to tell choice as others have. The group formed
the truth, and the child's cognitive while trying to defend 24 homosexuals who
capacity." In addition to specially trained we re arrested in 1977 in Revere ,
professionals used to interview the children Massachusetts fo r engaging in consensual

sex with teenage boys. There was often only o nl y water based lubri cants are used
one or t\lvo years difference in age between because oils d estroy rubber material. The
th e felon and the victim, with the victim Sleeve is an open ended lubricated rubber
having admitte d to being the in stigator. cylinder that slides over th e penis . This
Many p otential supporters fo r this group simple devi ce crea tes st rong sensati ons
are often lost b eca use of NAMBLA's con - when manipulated due to the rou ghness
tention that the age of consent be lowered to insid e. It is adaptable for play with partners
prepubescent and their newsletter exhibiting by rolling one end up to facilitate fellatio or
photos of young boys. by inserting it into a partner's vagina .
Recommended reading fo r male victims M ost of these devices can be purchased
of sexual abuse is Victims No Longer, by in sex video stores or through mail order.
Michael L ew. CAUTION: Parents can help (See also FORNICATORY DOLLS, GEN-
reduce the risk of possible molestation by ITAL/ANAL INSERTS and SYBIAN)
educating children about pedophiles, being
wary of adults befrie nding and giving gifts PENILE LIGATION Penile ligation
to their children, screening babysitters, and refers to binding or tying the penis. You ng
giving the c hild a secret code word to pre- Athen ia n men u sed to tie a string arou nd
vent frien ds or strangers from abducting the their fo re skin to protect th e gla ns penis
child from school by telling them the parent during gym nastic events in wh ic h they
sent them. Children should also be taught appeared nud e. M aori s wer e said to keep
their name, address, and how to dial 9 11. their foreskins tied shut o u t o f m o desty .
(See also ANACLITISM, ANISONOGAMIST, Ligation is used in sex games today by gay
CATAMITES, COITUS INTERFERMORIS, men with foreskins. They join them with a
DIPPOLDISM, GE ISHAS, HAREMS, ILLEGAL string to create a form of bondage.
SEX, INCEST, INFANTILISM, MARRIAGE, P enile ligation is not restricted to the sex
RAPHY, PROSTITUTION, SEX RINGS, SNUFF play of two men. A diffe rent version is used
FILMS and VIRGINS) by heterosexual couples wh o are involved in
bondage games. This entails tying on e end
PENETRATION TOYS (M erkin-arti- of the string around
ficial vagina used for sex by men, also a wig the fo reskin and the
for the pubi c area) Penetration toys are other and to a small
mechanical devices that allow penetration of weight, o r a h oo k
an object by the penis for masturbation pur- on the ceiling; thus
poses. There are cylinders that can be filled r es tri ct ing t he
with warm water (Su per movement of a man
Sauna Pu mp ), oth ers who has his hands tied behind his back.
utilize vibrators, o r an Similar bondage techniques are used fo r
air pump that creates a penis rings.
rubbing action along (See also MEATOTOMY, PENIS MODIFICA-
the head and shaft of TIONS and RINGING)
the penis (O ro-
Simulator). They may PENIS MODIFICATION Penis modifi-
be batte ry op erated or cati on refers to a n y permane nt physica l
controlled by a rubber alteration that is d on e to t he penis. T he
pump. Others, such as the artificial rubber practice is anc ie n t a nd spans through
Vaginal Pal, resemble a vagina with shor t reco rd ed history. C ircumcision, the oldest
hair around the labia. The interior is ribbed d oc umented form of penis modification ,
to create extra sensations. This type of toy was found on a prehistoric stone carving. A
is also available with two repositories, the penis pin was discovered on a fourth cen-
ribbed vagina a nd a n anus which has its tury bronze dog, and the insertion of penis
interior wa ll covered with spiked rubb er b ells have been documented as early as the
protrusions. Lubrication is added; however, fo urteenth century.

BIHARI A Bihari modification involves the devised a bronze sheatl1 that fit around the
cutting of the supporting ligament above the existing foreskin and which would eventu-
p enis, causing the penis to drop forward, ally stretch it to a length that covered the
and in effect giving the ill usion of one's glans. Evidently, circumcision at this time
being endowed with an extra inch or two of was n ot r egulated and many mohels were
penile shaft. This is thought to have been an only cu tting off a small portion of the pre-
ancient Chinese p ractice. There are only a puce. Mark Waring, in his book Foreskin
few surgeons that offer this service. One is Restoration (Uncircumcision), states that later
Dr. Long Daouchou, a plastic surgeo n in "Jewish relig ious authorities introduced a
Wuhan China who in 1991 was doing an method of circumcisio n to en sure that it
average of four a week. His procedu re takes would be much more difficult to restore the
about 90 minutes with recovery expected in foreskin. T he elders of the religion were dis-
a month ("One Very Popular Surgeon," by turbed th a t many Jews were abando ning
Lena H . Sun, San Francisco Chronicle, their faith and recreating their foreskins. To
Sunday Punch Section, January 12, 1992, p. make this more difficult they decided that a
5). Another surgeon, Dr. Bihari fro m Cairo, more radical technique of circumcision was
was one of the first to successfully perform requ ire d " (p. 5). This standa rd ization
the surgical procedure and it is thus named unfortunately preceded the last attempted
after him. Dr. Brown, a plastic surgeon, has genocide of the Jews by Hitler's supporters.
also performed a large number of thes e While some attempted su rgery to hide their
operations. He does business in M exico (his heritage, the small remnant of fo res kin
medical license was revoked in the U nited made it very difficult.
States). Dr. Brown gained h is expertise Today some men endure several years of
from doing sex ch ange operations. CAU- discomfort in addition to expense to recon-
TION: This is a delicate operatio n due to struc t their foreskin s. T h e most recom -
the many nerves a nd blood vessels adh ering mend ed metho d is that of grad ually
to the muscle. stretching the skin w hile makin g sure it is
not e n o u gh to produce pain. The slow
C IRCUMCISION Circumcision refers to
method creates undetectable lacerations and
th e surgi cal removal of the foreskin tha t
the body responds by gen erating new skin
covers the glans penis. (Please refer to CIR-
cells t o fill the open ar eas . Thu s afte r a
CUMCISION section fo r additional informa-
period of time, one will have more skin. The
presence of pain is an indication that too
FORESKIN RESTORATION Foreski n much pressure is being applied. This almost
restorations are used to eith e r stretch the always leads to a scarring of the penis tissue
foreskin or to surgically restore this flap and is not recommended.
over the glans penis. Foreskin restoration Mark Waring also describes the skin graft
has been p racticed t h rough out history to surgical method. This consists of cutting me
enable the circumcised male to avoid dis- ring of skin approxima tely an inch below
paragemen t and discrimination. African s, t h e glans penis, pulling th e
who were circumcised when sold as slaves top skin forwa rd so that it
or eu nu chs to the M oslems, would secretly covers the glans, men cutting
hang weights on their foreski n to stretch it, two parallel openings into the
and thus resto re their penis to its appear- scrotum that are perpendic-
ance pri or to mutilation. They did th is ular to the penis. The penis is
despite the fact that if detected this act of then inserted into this open
defiance could cost their life. Jews, during pocket so that me cut area on
the period of the Roman Emperor H adrian, the penis is covered, ye t the
(11 7 -138 C.E.) had a heavy tax imposed tip of the glans still extrudes
upon any circumcised male. The Jews, far enough for urination. The man is sent
fearing a genocide attempt beca use of h is home and after almost a year returns for me
laws prohibiting practice of anything Jewish, second surg ical procedure which consists of

deta ch in g th e skin sur rou nding the penis and, instead of implanting it into the penis,
from the scrotum and securi ng it into place. they m erely inserted it in to th e vagina.
Comp lica t ion s w it h th is t ype o f surg e ry The yakuza (Japanese mafia) still insert
incl ude sca rring , dis figur ing, and possible pearls into the area b etween the outer skin
growth of scrotal hair on the new foreskin. that slides freely over th e in ner core of th e
Ther e is a book ca ll e d Th e Joy of pen is. A small hole is cut an d the p ea rl is
Uncircumcision by Dr. David Bigelow a nd in serte d and ban - \v
an organization named Brothers United for daged until th e ~'~~
Future Fo re ski n s (B UFF) th at p rovi d e wound h e al s . The
essential information and referrals fo r those m e n perform th i s
interested in foreskin restoration. surgery as pa rt of a
tradition wh ere they
IMPLANTS ( Bul lee tu s, Burmese bells,
add o ne p earl to the
Chag au balls, Tinkling balls) Trib es in
penis for eac h yea r
Sou theas t Asia ha ve u se d bells, sto n es,
the y spend in jail. T h e p ea rl s mak e t h e
jewels, ivory, gold, pea rl s, balls, and shells
penis la rge r and gives it a differe nt sensa-
to implant into the penis. " The bells ranged
tion . Women seem to di sagree as to whether
up to the size of a sm all chicke n egg, and
these penises a re m o re sexuall y desirable
apparently were always made of m etal, with
(Mode m Primitives, by V. Vale and A. Ju no,
a 'grain of sa nd ,' 'dried adder 's tongue,' or
p . 156). Koreans a nd some Filipinos also
o th er objec t inside . T he b ett er o nes we re
insert sm all balls under their penile skin. In
'gilded a nd made with great cu n n ing.' As
1984 Dr. S .S . Pareek wrote of a 4 8-year old
man y as a dozen m ight be inserted. Kings
Korea n sea m an who h ad fo ur balls in his
migh t rem ove one of theirs to bestow it on a
p e n is (" Unu s ua l penil e swe llin g-
person deservi ng g rea t honor" (The Penis
bu llee tu s," Brit ish Journal of Sex ua l
I nserts of Sou th easL Asia, b y D o nald E .
M edicine, Oct 1989, pp. 395) .
B rown , Ja mes W. Ed ward s, and Ruth P .
Moore, p. 2). T his was do ne to enlarge the
There are two com mo n types of implants
size of the penis, provide extra tacti le se nsa-
tion for the fe male, and duplicate the penis don e on m en in the United States tod ay.
M en w h o becau se of injur y o r c r yp-
shape o f loca l ani m a ls; s u c h as the
rh in oce ros in Afri ca . Pao lo Mantegazza torchidism (failure of the testicles to drop)
do not have visible testes often have artifi-
wrote about bells h e saw used in I ndia .
cia l testic le s in serte d into t h e empt y
"Through out the cou ntry [Ind ia] are fo u nd
old p rostitutes who sell li ttle bells of gold, scrotu m . T h e purpose is o nly cos m e ti c,
sa ving th e m an from p ossible e m barrass-
sil ver a n d b ronze . The women hold great
store with them for when they are sewn into m ent. Anoth er type of implant is a silicone
tube desig ned to ass ist in providi ng stiffness
the skin of the man 's member they cause a
to a n o therwise flaccid pe nis. (F or add i-
swelling of tremendous length of the e ntire
genital pa rts. H ence they claim their males t ion al info r mati o n refer t o sec tion o n
IMPOTE NCE.) There is also a fatte ni ng
h ave grea te r e nduran ce a nd give them far
greater pleasure than we poor Europ eans. It operation designed to increase th e circum-
fere n ce o f t h e p e ni s. The o p e r at io n i s
is tru e th at when th e re are a nu mb e r o f
d escr ibed as being the opposite of lip osu c-
natives about, the woman will invariably
tion and is performed by plastic surgeons.
choose th e one with a titilla ting m ember. As
soon as th e boys reach puberty they rush to INCIS ION Incisio n o f the penis is a prac-
have the bells sewn into their m embers, and t ice o f sp li tting th e skin down t h e wh o le
con sta n tly ch ange them fo r larger sizes as length of th e p en is. It is d on e on several
they g row up" (Sexual Relations of J\tfanlu"nd, islands in the Western Pacifi c Ocean. T h e
by P . M antegazza ). The C hinese u sed a bell penis appears similar to a circum cised one if
during intercourse but ch anged th e design d one whi le t h e mal e is very yo un g.

" Freque ntl y, h owever, o nly co m p letel y p e r son in wh om th ey are inser te d m ore
mature young men are circumcised; in su ch attractive to the opposite sex (not because
cases th e c u t foreskin h an gs d ow n as a n the n eedl es ph ysically alter appearan ce-
ugly brown flap " (Sexual L ife of Primitive they don 't)" (The Penis Inserts of Southeast
P eople, by H . F e hl in ger, p . 106). Mr. Asia, by D ona ld E. Brown, J a m es W.
Fehlinger continues with a description of Edwards, and Ruth P . M oore, pp. 10- 11 ).
one of these ceremonies among the H amite A convicted Am erican murderer, Albert
tribe of East Africa. F ish ( 1870-1936), was reported to h ave had
so m an y needl es inserte d in to his genital
Waniors visit the hut, and take away all the
region that they were thou ght to have short
boys' clothes and omaments. Then young girls
circuited the voltage from his electric chair.
visit the boys and give them a part of their
Fish was executed for having murdered and
clothing and ornaments. After the boys have
ea ten fifteen child ren.
put these on they inform their relations of the
f orthcoming circumcision .... After sunset they MEATOTOMY M eatoto my refer s t o a n
must listen to the sharpening of the operating incision or tearing done to enla rge the ure-
knife. Warriors are present, and tease the boys. thra. T he practice often evolves from m as-
Later on all undress, and a procession is formed turbation with an instrument that has been
with a moterenic at the head and rear of it. in se rt ed into th e ur et h ra . P eop le u se
Four times they have to crawl through a small in creas ingl y l a r ge r
cage, where warriors are stationed at the implements in the ure-
entrance and exit with nettles and hornets. th r a to te ar tiss u e.
With the former they beat the boys in the face Others c ut one or two
and on the sex organs; the hornet they set on s id es of t he u re th r a
their backs .... The operator kneels before the and pack th e area to
boy, and with a quick cut performs the first k eep t h e sides from
part of the operation; the foreskin is drawn f or- mendi ng t og ether. A
ward and cut off at the tip of the glans penis.... few m en h ave such a
Friends and relatives make merry together, l a rge o p e nin g t hat
while the second part of the operation begins. t h ey we re abl e to
At this only sterile girls may be present, a nd insert the glans penis of an other man in to
also women who have lost several brothers and the tip of their penis. (See SOUNDING fo r
sisters at short intervals. Many boys become additional information.)
unconscious dwing this part of the operation.
NEGATION Negati on, or re nd ering th e
The wounds are only washed with cold water,
penis impote nt, is primarily do ne fo r reli-
and the boys are led back to their huts ... . the
giou s reasons and in volves method s othe r
foreskins are taken out of the ox horn, sacrificed
than castration. Young prepubescent b oys
to their god, and then buried in cowdung at the
in India of the Sadhu class hang weights on
foot of a croton tree (Sexual Life of P1imitive the tip of their penis to stretch it; within a
People, pp. 111-11 2) .
few yea rs som e hang between their kn ees.
INSERTS The use of penile inserts in the T hey also push their penis inside their body
United S tates is normally re fe rred to as and ro ll their scrotum around a rod; after
ringing a nd comprises of piercings of rings som e time they are n o longer able to pull the
or bars that are placed into the glans penis penis from the body. Both techniques m ake
or scrotum at different angles. (Please refer it im poss ibl e for t h e m to h ave sex u a l
to section on RINGING for additional infor- orgasm late r in li fe. T his allows t h em to
mation.) engage in self flagella tion or m asoch istic
Ma l es a nd fe m al es in M a lays ia a n d p r actices w itho u t acc ide n t ly o rgasmi ng,
Singapo r e so m etimes insert p h onogra p h bringing their biochemicals back to normal
needles or metal charms in to the mons pubis and preventing the attainment of an altered
area. " In m odern M alaysia and Singap ore s t a t e o f co n sc io u s n ess.(See ORGASMS/
their co mm onest p urpose is to m a ke the ALTERED ST A TES)

SPLITTING Splitting the penis from the shout, the initiate's female relatives are being
glans toward the base was a ritual p racticed slashed across belly and shoulders by his
by a gro up of Australian aborigines who mother. H e is lifted from the altar, and while
worshipped a totem lizard that had a split he squats over a shield into which the blood
penis. M ost men practiced a flows, one or two of the younger men, who have
less dramatic form of subinci- been subincised before, stand up and volun-
sion. One Anglo man success- tarily undergo a second operation to increase
fully attempted this procedure the length of their incisions. Standing close to
and describes the results as fol- the sacred pole, hands behind their backs and
lows. "My decision to surgi- legs wide apart, they shout, 'Come and slit
cally remodel my genitals was mine to the root!' They are pinioned from
deliberate, of deep satisfaction behind, and the work is done (The Way of
to me, highly exciting, sexually adventurous, Animal Powers, by Joseph Camp bell, p.
and eroticall y exhilarating ... Full erections 144).
are still maintained as p reviously, but now in There is a genital modification club in
two complete, separate halves. The erotic C hicago called INIGMA.
zones o f my penis are still the same, with (See also BEE STINGS, BINDINGS, CAS-
orgasms and ejaculations functioning per- TRATION, CHASTITY DEVICES, CIRCUMCI-
fectly. Entry into the vagina requires a little SION, COCK RINGS , PENILE LIGATION,
extra effort for insertion, but once m y penis and WEIGHT TRAINING)
is inside, its opened effect on the vagina's
in n er lining is m ore pronounced, gi ving
PERSONAL ADS Personal ads are those
better female orgasmic feel ings" (PFIQ #15, placed in magazines or paper s to advertise
by Carl Carroll). His account was accompa- o n e's avai labili t y. This is d one to meet
nied by an actual photo. The splitting sup-
people with anything in mind from dating,
posedly took several years to complete.
exchanging letters and nude photos, swap-
SUBINCISION Subincision refers to the ping partners, or connecting with someone
cutting of part of the glans penis from the wh o shares unusual sex preferences . The
tip toward the base. The length of the cut wording of th ese ads may be censored by
varies according to the custom of the tribes the editor of tl1e magazine in which they are
who engage in this practice. Tribes in New advertised. Sample ads from various publi-
Gu inea used to make an incision in the cations:
glans that was up to abou t 3/4" in length.
Some men in these tribes had two incisions F it, Active Blonde, W/W/F, caring, warm
that laid perpendicular to the shaft. seeking friend and companio n 59+ to share
T h e ce re m ony of a full subincision is some of life's experiences. Enjoy walks, sea-
side, mountains, dining & sightseeing ( Trellis
described as follows: Singles).
H e is lifted and carried feec foremost co the JViALE VIRGINS, Very busy attractive het-
shield, upon which he is placed. The assistant erosexual female. Would like discreet intimate
circumciser immediately grasps the foreskin, fun with you (Swinger's Digesi) .
pulls it out as Jar as possible, and the operator BEEFY RUMP, White Master, seeks slaves
cuts it off. ... One of the men has lain face into spanking, paddling, ball work, wax and
downward on the ground; a second on top of shaving. Take it on your beefy rump and
him. The initiate, conducted from the pole, is tender testicles! (DungeonA1as1er).
placed face upward on this living altar, and STOCKING FEET, I am a Bi Woman of 40
while the company sets up a great shout, a who wishes to share experiences regarding
third man, mounting astride the boy, grasps emasculation of males via repeated masturba-
and holds his penis ready for the knife, at tion and foot fetish. Sperm drawing of h et-
erosexua l, passive male s for pa r enti ng
which moment, a fourth, suddenly appearing, purposes, administering female hormones or
slits the length of it from below. In the women's othe r ideas to assure fema le offspring .. .
camp, meanwhile, at the sound of the men's (Sand11111copia Guardian 5).

ALL BAREFOOT T I CKLERS , S/M it. Power over another person can create an
adorable with extremely ticklish feet seeks inflated ego that leads the top into viewing
females, couples, and singles into prolonged t he servant with contempt or a t least
foot bondage and tickling pleasures. All foot
tickling fantasies are fu lfilled and welcome with ou t compass ion . This is also call ed
... (Fetish Times #19 J). "top 's dis ease." People who play in S/M
roles of dominant and submissive are aware
loves to make VHS videotapes with super-
of this p henomena and work to avoid falling
endowed black bodybuilders. I have many into this m ode of thinking .
VHS tapes. I'm willing to share with others (See al so BLI NDFOL DI NG, BONDAGE,
who share the same hot desires ( Cocoa 'n CH ASTITY DEVICES, DEFILEMENT, DOMI-
and I are interested in getting together with a SIONAL DOMINATR I X, TORTURE and
small group of hot hung men for long safe VICTORIAN LACE)
cocksucking sessions. I am especially inter-
ested in experienced worshippers of u ncut
dicks. I enjoy feeding the hungry (Drummer PERVERSION See PARAPHILIAS
There are many advantages to advertising. PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE (Petticoat
In addition to meeting more eligible people, punishment) Pe tticoat disc ipline refers to
one may lessen the chance of rejection a t a the discipline used on young males whereby
later date by including things su ch as special they are fo rced to wear kilts without the
i nterests, smoking, alcoho l, inabili ty to sporran (purse) by their mother, sister, gov-
parent, herpes, sexual preference, financial e rn ess, o r a un t. Engl ish and Scottish
statu s , professio n, religi o n , race, age, m others both used this method for control-
weight, education, etc. The distribution and ling an unruly boy. This p loy worked b y
ano nymi ty advertising offers can be very h umilia ting a n d embarrassing the boy so
important if one lives in a small town. much that h e was careful not to engage in
Social etiq u ette can be imp ortant in any type of activi ty that would draw atten-
writi ng an ad and in responding to replies tio n to himself, thus making him ea sy to
on the phone or in person. One book avail- control in public.
able to assist people in writing straight ads, Th e degre e of m odificati on in att ire
replying, and arranging meetings is Personal depended on the boy. For some on ly a bow
ADventures, H ow to meet people through per- tie, short p ants, or velvet fabric was suffi-
sonal ads, by Jay Wiseman, published by cient, for o the rs lace, bows on the sh oes,
Gentle Persuasio n Press in San Francisco. shaved legs, and girl's underwear was neces-
Familiarizing oneself with the standard pro- sary.
tocol can alleviate much initial anxiety. Older males were sometimes su bjected to
(See also COMPUTER SEX, DATING SER- this humiliation due to the p ower a widowed
VICES, MARRIA GE/MAIL ORDER and PHO- mother had over their inheri-
TOGRAPHY) tance. An extract from a letter
to The L ondon Times so me-
PERSONAL POWER Person al powe r time during the 19th century
often acts as a catalyst for partners wh en q u oted a woman as saying
engagi ng in sex. Politicians, movie stars, she had "found an effective
m usicians, sports figures, singers, and the cure for my 20 year old son 's
u pper echelon of corpora ti on s have this flirting wi th young ladi es.
p ower b estowed by vir tue of th eir profes- S in ce cors ettin g h im a nd
sion. Some are able to ke ep a balance in putting him into a short kilt
their relationships while others are not. he is unable to look a girl full
Dominatrixes and tops learn to create a in the eyes, let alone ogle her. I heartily rec-
p ower image and control their partner with ommend this form of correction .. . "

Sexual literature often r elates fictional male has by far t h e largest penis-much
stories of fourteen to twenty year old boys larger even than that of a gorilla, a prima te
wh o are humiliated by a female, other than three times a ma n's body bulk. T he width of
their m other. These females add frills to the norma l penis
their shirt, shoes, or underpants. The kilt provides ex treme
may be cut sh ort so that lace underwear will sexual pleasure to
show if the boy bends over. As often is the the fe male . . . It
custom, underpants are not worn with kilts. seems that the large-
Most of the story lines include embarrass- ness of this male
me nt suffered from having others look up anatomical part has
th eir skirt, pull their pa n ts down for a no practical function
spanking, or having females rub aga inst othe r than for sex,
their genitals. and undoubtedly it
Petticoat d iscipline d iffer s from cross- evolved in size long
dressing or transvestism because the intent ago because women lik e m e n with large
is to have the masculinity and identity of the penises" (The Sex Contract, p. 6) . T oday
male remain prominent. The male is n o t the average length of a penis in the U nited
t r ying to pass as female; the change in States is considered to be between five and
gender identity would not hu mi liate him six inches.
nearly as much. The Romans, in their worsh ip of the
(Sec also DOMINANCE/ SUBMISSION, phallus, wore a m ulets of the male gen itals
TRANSVESTITES and VI~TORIAN LACE) much as we wear religious saints, crosses or
sta rs. The phallus was thought to be a
PHALLOPHILIA (Macrogeni talism; charm to protect one against the evil eye
T eratophallic- large penises) and it was worn b y men and women alike.
MALE: It's not the size of the Roman men also had their grave stones
ship that is important, it's the carved with the likeness of only their h ead
motion of the oceai1. and their genitals. Early Christians were
FEMALE: Bui, only a fool would lake a slow in giving up their worship of the
dinghy out on a stormy sea. phallus. Some continued to carry the lingam
in religious processions an d others baked
P hall ophi lia (phallus: swelling of genitals, breads in the sh ape of sex orga ns . The
philia: attachment to) impli es a sex ual Chu rch finally compromised o n the bread
attraction that one has for an erect p en is of by o rd ainin g that these bu ns co uld be
ei t her ex tr aordi nar y dimen s io n s or accepted in Chri stian hol idays by marking
end urance. The Greeks and Romans wor- them with a cross; thus the hot cross buns.
shipped a god by the name of Priapus who T he people had fer tility saints can onized,
was end owed with an exaggerated phallus. such as St. Foutin, St. Guerlichon, St. Gilles
He was thought to be the son of Aphrodite at Co tentin, St. Re n e in Anjou, and St.
and Dionysus with conflicting opinions that Guignole of Landevenec. Their statues
he was sired by Pan, Hermes, or Adonis. often had large penises and some were wor-
Priapus was abandoned by both parents and shipped by pouring wine onto this member.
ra ised by sheph erd s, later becoming the "Men would present their afflicted members
d eity affiliated with flocks , fields, and to the priest to be anointed with oil, and
o r c h a rd s. Other cultures also had th ei r 1,400 flasks of oil were consumed every
phallic gods. yea r for this purpose" (Sex in History, by G .
Women's fascination with large penises is R attray T aylo r, pp. 270-71). Christians
claim ed to have affected our curre nt male became fascinated with the prepuce of Jesus
physiology. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist, and as many as 12 churches claimed to have
co ntends this in her comments, "[b]ut sex it in their possession . T his prepuce was sub-
attractants evolved not only on the female. stituted by th e Church for the statues of
Th rough female choice, the males evolved Priapus, hoping that this would discourage
them too. Of all the primates th e human his religious influe nce.

T oday people still give undue concern to The a phrodisiac effect body odor has on
the size of their penis and its virility. Penis p eople was fairly common knowledge in the
size that matches the length of a partner's past. Krafft-Ebing relates several famous
vagina is of greater value. One that is longer cases from Europe. "The case of Henry III
than the vagina w ill pound against the sh ows that contact with a p erson's perspira-
cervix a nd posterior fornix causing pai n tion may be the exciting cause of passionate
with possible ulcerations for many women. love. At t he betrothal feast of the King of
Vaginas vary in length as much as the penis. Navarre and Margaret of Valois, he acci-
Penises are also easier to manipulate during d entally dried his face with a garment of
oral sex if they are not too large. Maria of Cleves, which was moist with her
There is a dating se r vice called the perspiration. Although sh e was the b ride of
" H ung Jury" that is design ed for size enthu- t he Prince of Conde, H enry conceived
siasts. Me n must measure at least 8" in immediately such a passionate love for her
length (measu red from bottom of shaft). that he could not resist it, and made her, as
Conversely, there is a special club, SMALL, history shows, very unhappy. An analogous
that was begun to offer support for men instance is related of Henry IV, whose pas-
who are not satisfied with the size of their sion for the beautiful Gabriel is said to have
penises; it has also grown to encompass originated at the instant when, at a ball, he
those who are short in stature. wiped his brow w ith her h and kerchief."
(See also AGALMATOPH ILI A, CASTRA - Krafft Ebing also cited the example of a
TION, DOCKING, FERTILITY RITES, FESTI- peasant th at had seduced many virtuous
VALS and PENIS MODIFICATION) women by carrying a handkerchief under
his armp it at dances and once h is partner
PHEROMONES Pheromones, a series of began to perspire using it to wipe her face
sh ort-chain alip h atic acids fo und in pri- (P sychopathia S exualis, p. 20). Napoleon
mates, are chemicals the body releases that also seems to h ave been attuned to the
can sexually excite a partner. These enter a aphrodisiac effect of pheromones present in
person th rough the nostrils and cling to a perspiration and is often attributed with the
re ceptor fou n d in t h e nasal cavity command to Josephine, " D on't wash, I'm
aacobso n 's organ or vomero nasal orga n). coming home."
Unlike molecules that adhere to the olfac- (See also OLFACTION)
tory system and excite the sense of smell,
pheromo nes are diffused directly into the PHLEBOTOMY Phlebotomy (phlebo:
hypothalamus of the brain and have no odor vein; tomy: to cut) is the practice of blood-
of their own. Researc h is c urrently being letting. People once used bloodletting as a
done to determine exactly how this system substitute for the human sacrifices required
functions in humans. for their deities. Bleeding also came to be
A refined ability to detect pheromones is u sed w it h magic to rid a person of evil
more important for finding mates than vision spirits and as their knowledge increased they
or sound in species that do not live in groups. used bleeding on injuries and hematomas.
Marking trails with pheromones left in urine These people und oubtedly noticed that ani-
and feces serves to lure a potential mate. mals gained relief from stress or facilitated
Without t his ability the odds of t h e two he aling of infe ctions by tearin g th e a rea
meeting during the female's estrus would be open and allowing it to b leed. The Greeks
very low. Advantages this has over sou nd or recorded their observations of manics who
a visual cue is that pheromones can linger for became calm and even fell asleep when
days in an area, darkness is ir relevant, and seeing t h eir ow n blood flow out of a cut.
predators usually don't have the ability to En g lish dentists during the 16 th century
detect the pheromone trail of other species. us ed b l ood lettin g o n their pat ients.
Humans, because they evolved in clans, seem Bloodletting remained a common medical
to have developed a primary dependence on practice of barber/surgeons until the 1850's.
vision rather than pheromones. The barbersh op blood and bandage striped

pole with the receptac le bas in served to with fe ar, temporary stre ss, or b y separa-
advertise their profession. tion, overp rotection, or rejection by parents
Bloodlettin g was introduced into reli- when young. People can feel anything from
gious practices when early Catholic monks m ild anxiety when co nfronted w ith the
d iscovered R o m a n medical tex ts th at source of t h eir fear to an extreme pa nic
warned against celibacy because it poison ed a ttack. One traumatic experience or a series
a man 's blood . They th e n took it upon of negative experiences in relationships that
themselves to bleed each other to reduce the produce painful feeli ngs or rejecti on can
risk of toxins in their blood. This practice condition a p er son to automatically react
soon spread to single males in the gene ral with fear in the future. A well known, and
populace as a prophy lactic for c hast ity. still controversial scientist, claims that "even
Females we r e not r e q u ired t o be bled a single exposure to a brief stressful event-
beca use of their me n ses . H owever, so m e be it environmental or pharmacological-
P u ritan women used it as a fo rm of ab or- can induce extremely persistent, cascading
tion. sens itiza ti on to subse quent stressors or
The co nn ec ti o n between bloodletti n g related stimuli which recall the memory of
and sex h as pe r sisted a nd today so m e the original trauma (Antelman et al. 1980,
people still fi nd intense sexual arousal from 1987, 1988; An tel ma n and C hio do 1983;
eithe r seeing blood on a partner or from An tel man 1988). We h ave recently pro-
bleeding th emselves. This fa lls under the posed that such findings may be relevant to
general category of blood sports; however, the devel op m ent of syndromes su ch as
unlike othe r activities where bl oodletting de layed post-traum at ic stress disorder,
may be a by-p roduct, h ere it is the central bulimia and pa n ic (Antelman 1988)."
aspect. People often combine bleeding with (Psychopharmacology, (1989)98:97- 101).
masturbati on, e nj oying the simultaneou s An example of a panic attack is the case
sex ual relief that each offers. Techniqu es of a woman with a phobia of relationships
inclu d e making small cuts o n the skin, who when asked for a second date experi-
pun ct urin g a ve in wit h a h ypo d e rmi c ences classic symp toms such as hea rt palpi-
needle, or piercing of a nipple and placing a tations, c hes t pain, feelings of suffocation,
suction cup from a snake bite kit over the dizzin ess, a n d sweaty palms. Others may
area to draw and collect the blood. exp e ri e n ce a short n ess of breath, h o t
(S ee also BLOOD SPORTS, C I CATRIZA - flashes, cold flashes, feelings o f faintness,
T ION, MASOCHISM and VAMPIRISM) and trembling. The body responds so fran-
tically that even if the person feels a strong
PHOBIAS Sexual phobias are prevalent attraction it beco m es insignificant wh en
and include su ch things as: compa red to the relief felt whe n the rela-
PHOBIA A VERSION TO tionship is e nded.A num ber o f people,
auromysophobia getting dirry about one in 40 in the U nited States, suffer
coirophobia imercourse from obsessive com pulsive disorder. These
erorophobia sexual love are " haunted by disturbing thoughts, usu-
gamophobia marriage ally ab ou t contami n atio n, vio lence and
gymnophobia nakedness sexual issues. " Scientists feel that this di s-
harmarophobia inadequacy
hypengyophobia responsibility order is caused by a lower level of serotonin
maieusiophobia pregnancy in the brain. Those su ffering from obsessive
naphephobia rouch fea rs in vo lving sex u al issues ca n n ow be
parhophobia diseases (STDs) helped by medication. ("Angst," by Claire
scopophobia being looked ar Con way, Stanford Medicine, Spring 1992,
spermarophobia semen loss pp. 26-30) CAUTION: Phobics who are in
vaginismus penetration
relationships often try coping with their fear
A sex oriented p hobia m ay be caused by by numbing it with alcohol or by avoiding
societal guilt, a negative experience with the p roblem .
intimacy, a lack of experience in coping (See also PHOBOPHIUA)

PHOBOPHILIA (Terror Play) Phobo- control. The bottom is not give n time to
philia (phobo: fea r ; philia: attachment) rest, analyze, or p redict be hav ior. CAU-
refers t o peop le who become sexuall y TION: The top (dominant) is responsible
aroused by fear provoking stimuli. This is for the phys ical and emotional safety of
n ot surprising con sidering many people find their partner. A person wh o is being forced
such th ings as carnival rides a n d horror to cope with phobias may react with hys-
movies so entertaining. People who do not teria , sc r e aming, vio l ence, silenc e, o r
perceive an event as involving real or imme- fainting.
diate danger can t ransfer this anx ie ty to (" Terror," by J. C .C., QSM l ecture,
sexual arousal. (Refer to PARAPHILIAS.) November 28, 1990)
Almost any thin g that ca n initiate the (See also ABDUCTION, ACROPHILIA,
figh t/flight response can be transferred to CLAUSTR O PHILI A, HODOPHILIA , JEAL-
sexual arousal. O ur bodies respond to each OUSY and PHYGEPHILIA)
of these by producing adrenalin that speeds
up our hearts, and increasing oxygen intake PHONE SEX (Te lephonicophilia-
to prepare us for a fight, fligh t, or sex. The arousal from discussing sex on telephone)
m ost com mon fo rm of phobophilia is the Phone sex implies a dialogue be tween two
type where a couple h as sex in a public or more consenting ad ults with at least one
place, risking discovery (agoraphilia). person e ngaging in masturbati o n. (No n -
SM scenes are often designed to maxi- consensual phone sex is refer red to as an
m ize the effects of fear. The black leather obscene phone call.)
and chain costumes are made to look evil, Couples who are not able to be together
the whips an d paddles appear more inju- use phon e sex to simulate coitus. Othe rs
rious than in reality, dungeons look cold and find that phone sex o ffe rs more diversity
menacing, and the dialogue makes one feel than they can obtain otherwise. Any sexual
inferior and defenseless. deviation or otl1erwise p hysically impossible
T error is used in S/M scenes to c reate feat becomes a reality in verbal sex. Some of
passion by capitalizing on a person's pho- these fantasies prov e educati o nal with
bias . A person takes the informatio n they regard to what turns a partner on and may
have abou t a partner's fea r and u ses it provide new ideas for inventive p lay. Since
dur ing a scen e. For instance, a person who o n e is absolu tely safe from co ntracting a
is afraid of heights may be forced to climb sexually transmitted disease, pho ne sex is
ladders, if frightened by co nfinement they currently enjoying unpreceden ted popu-
ma y b e locked in a closet, those who get larity.
wea k a t the sight o f n ee dles mig h t be Special n ewspapers or magazi nes adver-
pierced, those that are afraid of losing their tise professio n al pho ne sex services for
temper will be pushed to the edge. The interes ted parties. These ma y co nsist of
games of terror not only produce passion, party lines for n ovices, bulletin board per-
bonding, and trust, but have the benefit of sonal ads, a recording made by a profes-
dese n sitizing a perso n to th eir o riginal sional, or a live professional that will follow
phobia. A person "vho su ccessfull y co mes a person's cue as to the type of fan tasy they
through t h ese experie nces often fee ls want to h ear. The se rvices are staffed by
empowered and b etter able to face other adult heterosexuals, gays and lesbians. Ads
fears with courage. The technique for cre- usually have a provocative photograph and
ating terror in a partner requires quick adverti se such thin gs as: "Biza rre Erotic
unpredictable actio n, follow-through on Fantas ies"; " Dominant Bi tch "; " Y ou r
threats, u sing b lind fo lding with strange Personal Slave"; " Forbidden Games-Foot
sounds, and physical control by the size of a F etishes, Cross-dr essing, G olden Showers,
dominan t partner, u se o f bondage, disci- Enemas," " In fant ili s m"; " Wrestl in g";
pline, or knowledge of pressure points and "B lack Mistre sses"; and " Ultimate
wrestling holds. Dialogue and constant chal- Telephone T orture." The erotic phone lines
lenge is imporrant in reta ining power and in N ew York during 1983 re ceived an

average of "500,000 call s dai ly" (Time This attitude carries over into the crim-
M agazine, 1983). A n ew service has th e inal's con fess io n s once apprehended an d
capability o f the caller seeing the woman o n th ey often use gross details of their mutila-
his television screen as she obeys his special tions to shock the police a nd to arroga ntly
requests display their superio r intelligence because,
(Sec also ACOUSTICOPHILIA, COMPUTER while the police arrested the killer from evi-
SEX, FANTASY PLAY and OBSCENE PHONE dence on one or two cases, he had ki lled
CALLS) many more victims.
from pictures or photography) Many people and VICARIOUS AROUSAL)
photograph their partner o r themse lves
during sex for aro u sal, ofte n viewing th e PIE THROWING P ie throw ing is a n
photos later. Self-developing ca meras make amusing form of defilement. Pies have been
complete confiden tiality possible for cou- thrown at parties, in fi lms and by couples in
ples. private. There is even a gay p ie throwing
Consensual photo sessions of nude males club.
o r females ca n be arousing even without any On e individual,
type of sexual activity or gen ital display. A " Pieface Mike"
few married couples consent to having their (or, the "Pie-
spouses pose nude for others to p hotograph M a n ") began his
as a hobby. "p ie- play" at the
T here are businesses in the sex districts age of 8. At 18, he
of major cities whe re men can either take started to find it
photos of professional women or b e pho- sexually s timu-
tographed with them in an erotic pose. lating, and now
These photos are popular with men who likes to be "pied" during intercourse. A self-
want to take a souvenir of their trip back to proclaimed "pisexual," he has expanded his
their buddies in a small town. pleasure into a performance art.
(Sec also COM P UTER SEX, PERSONAL The PieMan has found a public intrigued
ADS, PORNOGRAPHY and SNUFF F lLiViS) b y "p ie ings ." He approaches peop le in
clubs and art events, inviting women to rub
PHYGEPHILIA Phygep h ilia (ph yge: pies in his face. Most accept, often findi ng a
flight; phil ia: lu st) refers to sexual arou sal release in pieing a willi ng man. Mike enjoys
fe lt from fl ight. The p ublic flock to see the giggling and co m ments they make. As
movies about Bonn ie and Clyde, notorious she slaps him with dessert, a woman might
m ob leaders, and gunfig h te rs of the o ld say " Here's your pie, SIR!"- and then mas-
West, m a n y of vv h o m ma y h ave been sage the PieMan with p ie-cream . H e's been
ph ygephiliacs. p ied by so me 700 wome n be tween 1990
There are ma ny cases where men have a nd 1992.
toyed with the pol ice , even giv ing them Elements of arousal associated \\·ith pie
leads to keep the excitement going. One of throwing include anticipation, vu lnerability
these was an Eng lis hman nam ed Neil and hum iliatio n. Enticement by the pied
Cream, a lust murderer and drug ad di ct partner and an empowerment in the assertive
who su pported h is hab it by performing act of the one who "pies" contribute to a
abortions . Cream preferred to poison his mutual thrill, and they have the opportu ni ty
victims and then retreat to a safe place to to say or do the unexpected during this inti-
visua lize their agony. " [H]e is said to have mate moment. T here are also erotic "messy"
derived further erotic pleasure from being videos and magazines that include scenes of
pursued by t he police- ano ther aspect of women being pied.
criminal sex deviations little appreciated but (See also DEFILEMENT and SITOPIIJLIA)
n ot too uncommon" (Perverse Crimes in
Histo1y, by Masters a nd Lea, p. 165).

PIERCINGS (B elo n ephilia-aro us al hang ornaments from fish hooks, and some
from piercings) A piercing in this text refers remove need les by whipping them out.
to te mp o raril y puncturing the skin. F akir Musafar once gave a demonstration
(P e rmanen t piercings are r eferred to a s wh ere two people were pierced, blindfolded,
ringing.) and joined b y a cord ti ed to each need le.
Piercings were used by many ancient cul- The people were then instructed to move
tures in their rites of passage. The piercings around an d gently tug on the taut cords.
u sed by so me cultures were in fact m u ch Some play d a rts b y fi lling a syringe with
more horrendo us t han the skin piercings wa te r and, pushing ha rd and fas t on the
u sed to d ay. There are Mayan artifacts plunger, to sending t h e ne edle flying
depicting a man pulling a cord with pro- through the air to its destination. Other
truding thorns through his tong ue. Plains areas that are often p ie rced are the nipples.
Indians h ave Su n Dance ceremonies where T he nipple is tougher than other areas and a
th ey pierce the muscle above each breast larger gau ge needle is used. T he needle is
with a stick and, tying cords to the ends, never inserted straight in to the n ipple
hang from a tree until either the stick or the toward the body but always parallel so that
muscle tears loose. Hindu India ns h ave until the tip of the needle is visible on each side
rece ntly used many ritualistic piercings. of the nipple once pierced.
These include hanging by hooks, lying on a The labia is often pierced following the
b ed of nails, sewing fruit to the body, and same guidelines as for nipples.
Kavandi dancing in which a cage of spears T h e glan s penis is pierced but piercing
is suppo rted by th e u pper bod y an d th e the shaft can lead to serious damage of the
ends slowly pen etrate th e skin as the person caverno sa, n erves, and vessels. T he glans
dances or moves. The C hinese have used tends to bleed more than other parts of the
acu punct u re, the insertion of needles, in bod y. The sc r otal sack is pierced m ore
medical prac tice for hu ndreds of years. A often. The needles a re anchored to prevent
different category of user, the drug addict, movement. Som e people u se some thing
sometimes fixates on the needle and addicts similar to a but-
have described its penetration and the terfly board . A
drawing of their blood to be like masturba- sq uare pi ece o f
tion (H oward and Borges, 1971 , as quoted Maso nite is used
in The M any Faces of Suicide, p. 2 71). a nd a styrofoam
Others have derived a more direct form core of the sa me
of a rousal from piercings. Hirsch feld wrote s ize is cut a n d
of a German wh o posed as a physician and placed over the
visited schools and homes to examin~ young b oa rd with two
girls. In full sight of parents and teachers he s heets of paper
wou ld undress the girls an d stick needles glued on top. The
into th em , pa u sing p e riodically to make penis and testicles are pulled up through a
notations. It was soon discovered that he round h ole that has been cut in the middle
was a farm laborer and he was imprisoned. and th e scrotum is then st r etched a nd
The m ost common form of piercin g pinned at the corn ers. Testicles are occa-
fou nd in S/M play is that of simply push ing sionally pierced but there are risks of the
a small 25 to 18 gauge sterile hypodermic needle breaking, moving and teari ng tissue,
n eedle thro ugh a small portion of skin. or introducing pathogens into the testicle.
These needles are not always available so Piercing of the fingernails is very rarely
barbless fish hooks, staples, and sewing n ee- done due to the severe pain. There are a few
dles are often substituted. people who are involved in serious foot tor-
People are inventive with games devised ture, so meti mes n egotia ting to h ave their
to entertain the bottom when pierced. They partner insert needles under their toenails.
may weave patterns with tinsel aroun d the People fascinated with piercing explain
needles, put clothespins over the center of their arousal with th e descriptio n of the
the needles, connect the needles with a cord, uniqu e sensation of feeli ng something cut

through their skin. It is very rarely con sid- PINCHING (Thlip sosis-arousa l from
e red a painful exp e rience yet e ndorphin s pinching) Some peop le a r e arous ed b y
seem t o b e released almost immediate ly. pinching their pa rtn e r du ring sex or b y
CAUTION: P iercing th e ski n is a b lood be ing p in ched them se lves . The mos t
sport a n d therefore is not safe. (R efer to common areas are the nipples, upper thighs,
SAFE SEX) and the back.
("Piercing," by Raelyn Gallina, Outcasts (See also BITING, CUPP fNG,
lecture, September 15, 1989; "Play Piercing SCR AT CHING, SENSORY ENHAN CEMENT
as Art a nd Sensation," by Celeste, QSM and T ICKLING)
lecture, September 17, 1990)
PIMPS ( P a n dere r , P rocu r er; Ja ck-
gagger- if it i s h usband, Leno-ma l e, PODOPHILIA (Foot fetish) Podophilia
Lena-female) Pi mps are people wh o live (podos: foot; philia: attraction to) refers to
off the proceeds gai n ed from sol iciting the sexual arousal certain people experience
clients fo r a prostitute. Th e prostitu tes when exposed to feet. It is only considered a
working with a pimp d o so vo lu ntaril y . fetish when one either favo rs these in lieu of
H oweve r , th e cond it io n s a r e often a human partner or has to foc u s their atten-
deplorable for the women and would seem tion on th e fee t of a partner to achie ve
t o fa ll in to a similar category as that of orgasm.
abu sed wives. A procurer or panderer dif- The C hinese h ave pro babl y had the
fe rs fro m pimps in t hat th ey deceive the longest romance with feet, going t o extreme
victim into working for a bordello for which measures in creating erotic effects. T his cul-
they a re given a commission by the madam ture pra c ticed the
or manager of the house. b inding of g irl 's feet,
P rostitutes g ravitate towa rd p imps fo r and occasionally those
several reasons. T h ese men, unlike most, o f cata mit es ( b oy
accept their lifestyle, under stand their prob- lovers) , fro m the 10th
lems, appea r t o remain perso nally unaf- ce n t ur y unti l the
fected by the woman 's sexu al power, and l 930's. Oth er Asian
create an illusion of self confidence, afflu- co untri es, such a s
en ce, a n d m ac hismo. A prostitute u suall y J apa n, Korea, Tibet,
d erives her self-esteem from he r ability to Indonesia, an d M on-
manipu late me n and earn s mo netary com- golia, sometimes did this but n ever to the
pensation from it. A pimp profits from rein- same degree. A Chinese girl's feet were first
forcing thi s image, encou r ag ing her t o bound at the age of five to seven and con-
conti nue her work and relying on her ability tinued to be bound until they quit growing
to su cceed. Some women receive benefits at age eighteen. This resulted in a foot size
from th eir association with pimps, such as of about 2" wide and 4 " long. The skin on
protection, bail money, a n apartment, and the botto m of the feet remained soft and
eve n a savings accoun t. H oweve r, oth ers supple because walking was restricted. The
find that because a pimp has to remain in feet were perfumed and covered by embroi-
co ntrol at all times he often uses violence to dered sa tin o r silk b ooties with padded
w in an argument. He may u se addic ti ve soles. Women occasionally masturbated by
drugs as a m eans to keep women fr o m rubbing their feet and lesbians would put
leaving and he tears down a woman's self their big t oe into each ot h er's vaginas .
confide nce b y not encou r aging h e r t o Males indulged in such podophilic delights
broaden her base skills and attributes from as engulfing the foot in t heir mouth, biting,
which she achieves self-esteem. li c king , s ucking , t hrusting their penis
(See also BORDELLOS, ILLEGAL SEX and between the bowed arches, b eing m astur-
PROSTITUTION) bated b y t heir partner's feet, washing her

feet in tea and drinking it, trimming her toe- order photos or videos of a barefoot woman
nails, placing almonds between her toes and pumping the accelerator of several cars,
eating them, and performing fellatio on her trying to start the en gine, as well as many
big toe (Chinese Foot Binding, by Howard other poses of the feet. A sample ad for the
S. Levy, 1972). Barefoot Digest Annual reads, "Full-color
A few men cannot resist the impulse to photo sets: TOES, FOOT-BOTTOMS, WRIN-
have sexual contact with feet. The March KLED SOLES, DIRTY SOLES, FOOT-
19, 1992 San Francisco Examiner carried an KISS ING, FOOT-TICKLING ... AND BOND -
Associated Press article that read: AGE." There is also a "Foot Fraternity"
club in Ohio that sells foo t fetish material
for gay males.
St. Louis- A man who allegedly knocked down
girls and young women, took off their shoes and FEET, FETISHES, MASSAGE and TORTURE)
sucked their toes was charged with sexual abuse
Wednesday. "It's kind of a humiliating
POLYITEROPHILIA P olyitero philia
thing- I think emotionally it just degraded
refers to those people who have to have a
them," said Maj. Ronald Henderson, a police
series of co nsecu tive sex p art ners before
commander. [E.J .], 28, was charged with
they can orgasm. John Money refers to this
assault, indecent exposure and sexual abuse in
phenom.e na in Love & Love Sickness:
incidents from January until two weeks ago (p.
A l 4). This is the polyiterative subtype of hyperphilia,
or polyiterophilia. It is fairly well documemed
There are many reasons feet are said to be
in the activities of some homosexual males. Its
arousing. Feet are often the first part of a
definitive characteristic is that a man or
mother or father which a toddler touches.
woman builds up his or her own responsiveness
Likewise, parents often play with toddlers
towards orgasm alone or with a partner by reit-
by pushing them wi th their feet or letting
erating the same activity many times with
them ride one of their feet. Another aspect
many different partners in a limited period of
involved in the sexual attraction of feet is
time ... To illustrate, a homosexual male with
that love objects always have a barrier o r
the syndrome of polyiterophilic fellatio will be
o bstacle to attainmen t and feet are less
able to reach an orgasm with his own partner
available to many partners than the genitals.
only after accu mulating a dozen "blow jobs,"
The feet are also less threatening for those
that is acts of fellatio, on different men at, say,
with coital difficulty because, unlike the
a steam bath or sauna club. (The J o h n
genitals of a partner, they do n o t make
Hopkins University Pre ss, Baltimore /
demands for perfect sexual performance.
London, 1980, pp. 263-4. R ep rinted by
The preferences for types of feet vary
permission of the publisher.)
dramatically. Some like toe nails with a cer-
tain color polish, others focus o nly on the In polyiterophilia the person seems unable
big roe and want it painted dark burgundy t o orgasm with a partner wi th o ut first
with the nail long and filed to a point. engaging in sex with others.
Special clubs and bordellos exist for (See also CANDAULISM, GANG BANGS and
people interested in podophilia. The prosti- GROUP SEX)
tutes engage in acts similar to t hose of the
Chinese men, except that the roles are often PORNOGRAPHY (Ordure; Graphelag-
reversed and men will sometimes insert their nia, Iconolagny and Pictophilia-arousal
big toe into the woman's vagina. There is from pornography) Pornography (porne: a
also a 69 position where instead of h aving prostitute; and graphos: to write) originally
o ral sex the couples suck on each other's referred to writing about prostitutes and
feet. High heels, foot tickling, erotic torture, later came to include any text that is specifi-
and bondage are also available. There are cally designed to elicit sexual desire. A few
foot fetish magazines that have articles, per- feminist groups have recently modified the
sonal ads, and advertisements. One may term to mean erotic material that leads to

violence, rape, and degradation of wome n. Today o rg a ni za ti o n s s u c h as the

Their adherence to this belief a nd resultant "C h rist ian Coa li ti o n " l egisl ate agai n s t
lobbying has led to an a ttack on pornog- homosexuality, abortion, and certain depic-
raph y that indirec tly threatens a rt, m usic, ti ons of sex on television. Thei r goal is evi-
and even medicine. dent from a statement mad e by Ralph Reed,
A few fundam entalists and a majority of their Execut ive D irector. "What Ch ristians
conformists can have a major influence on a have got to do is take back this coun try, one
society. As late as two hundred years ago in p recinc t at a time." Th ese people fai l t o
Engla nd private societi es for th e su ppres- show the sam e magnan imous attitude as our
sion of vice succeed ed in banning " lice n- fo unders. George Washi ngton made it clear
ti ous publica ti o n s" su ch as The Rights of in the Trea t y w it h Tripo li ( 1796), t hat
M an an d Age of R eason by Tom Paine. In " The government of the Uni ted States of
1820 Palme r 's Principles of Nawre, and America is n ot in a n y sense founded o n
Shelley's Oedipus Tyranims were p rosecuted C hristi an religion."
as " seditio us works." Ch ristians were for- Control of the majority by the censorship
bidd e n to a ttend th e th ea tr e o r to r ead o f the few is by no mea ns restri cted to the
novels which were " instru men ts of abomi- ploys of fu ndamentalists or fe m inists. The
nati on a nd ruin." People's vocabulary had Tiananmen Square protest in C hina led to a
to c han ge; words like sweat, pregnant, sex, year o f arrests, martial law and now a crack-
and ac ts of defecati on had to be replaced d own on pornograph y. U nd er th e new laws
wi th m ore delicate and evasi ve wo rd s. t hat became effective in Nove m be r 1990 ,
Wome n bega n desc rib ing the location of m e n a n d women a rr ested for se lling
their pain to their doctors by pointing to a pornography a re b eing given toug h se n-
simil ar sp ot on a d o ll . An y pa r t of their t ences. Sexual morals have noth ing to do
body that was b etween their neck and knees with the reb ellion or demands that the stu-
began to be referred to as the " liver. " Even d en ts made, but laws against sexual expres-
p iano legs had to be cove red w ith baggy sion affect everyone a nd intimidation is the
linen so as to not arouse m en because of the swiftest method a falte ring govern ment has
resem blan ce they had to a wom an's legs. of re-es tablis hi n g co nt ro l. O n the other
T h is was a resurgence of the same type of ha n d, im m e diately upon wi n n ing their
repression found in the 17th centu ry when freedo m t he comm u ni st block co u ntries
Ga lileo and Campanella were tortured and have begun to a llow sex sh ops to operate
Descartes narrowly escaped th e same fate m ore openly . Ka tc ha douri a n and Lunde,
because of censorship b y the Church. S ta n fo rd professors, re late t hi s sta ndard
T he U nited States Congress p assed our p olitical ploy. " The total ita ria n states-
first anti- p ornograph y law in 1873 as the F ascist Italy, azi Germa ny, Spain, Ru ssia,
r es u lt of in ten se lobby in g by A n tho ny a nd C hina-did control, or still d o control,
Coms t ock , Secret a r y of th e "New York the pu ri ty of thei r a rt, fo r reasons whi ch are
Society for the Su ppression of Vice." T his p ol itica l, rather t h an st ri c tl y arti stic or
man was then appoin ted " a special agent of m o ral. F ascis t and Co mmunist dictato r-
the Post Office D epartment and granted the ships alike have insisted that art be uncom-
righ t to open any letter, package, book, or p lica t ed , inoffe n sive, and ideo logica ll y
pamp h let pass in g t h rough t h e ma il s. H e correct. Obscenity, in the ir view, is merely
personall y had the powe r to d ecide wh at one sy mp t o m of a basic decad e n ce. In
was lewd o r obscen e, an d since he was a curing the root e\·il, wh ich is ind ividual
narrow- minded, p ru d ish fa natic, he soo n freed om, these regimes have removed their
established a dictatorial reign of puri tan ical nations from pa rticipatio n in th e mai n-
terror which lasted over 40 years. M any of strea m of twe n tie th-century art and ha ve
his victims were ph ysician s who tried to gran ted th eir peoples a nd their a rti sts the
help their patien ts with b irth control infor- comforts of insularity-untroubled by eroti c
m a ti o n " ( The Sex Alias, b y E rw in J. fanta sies" ( Fundamentals of H uman
H aeberle, pp. 377-8) . Sexuality, p. 354).

People worry that if they are exposed to a cen tage, and stayed down- an effec t not
variety of sex practices they will lose all co n- ac cou n ted for by li beralized societal atti-
trol and indulge in dangerous or repulsive tu des , increased under-rep orting, or less
acts. The facts a r e that pe op le r a r ely diligence on the part of the p olice (all of
deve lop a desi re for so mething they for- which were very carefully checked out in the
merly co nsidered re pulsive sim ply becau se st ud y) .... [A) grea t deal -no t all- o f th e
of exposu re. sexual contacts between adult he terosexual
President Reagan approved the establ ish- men and girls is committed by m en who are
ment of the " Meese Commission" to inves- not tru e pedophiles ... Instead, much of it is
tigate pornog ra phy. Marty Klein , a contact by shy or inept heterosex ual men
p ro minent sexologist, elaborates further. " In who would prefer sex witl1 adult women but
1986, R onald Reaga n created t h e M eese are fr u st ra ted in their a ttempts : men who
C omm issio n wit h th e express purp ose of fo u nd , usua ll y acc identally a t fi rs t, t hat
destroying the pornography industry. It was younger wom en or girls are less com petent
wi dely expected that the commission would in resisting their advan ces ... mu ch hetero-
issue a report linking pornography to sex ual sexual child m olestati on is substiwtional in
violence . . . howeve r , things did not go nature: such men apparen tly can resist con-
exactly as planned. The Meese Commission tac ts with girls if they substitute masturba-
could fi n d n o cau sal link betwee n sexuall y tio n with p ornography d epicting tl1eir main
exp licit materials and sexu ally aggress ive interest, adu lt women" (Sexual Landscapes,
behavior. T o its surprise, the co mmission by James D. W einrich, Ph.D. , pp. 397-8) .
also found that less than one percent of the (Sec also COMPUTER SEX, ILLEGAL SEX
imagery in the most popular p orn maga- and SNUFF FILMS)
zines was of 'fo rce, vio lence, or weapons.'
And yet, desp ite these and other well-kn own POWER TOOLS P ower tools used in sex
findings, a surprisin g number of people- games inclu de drills, hedge clippers, wood
many of them otherwise staunch defenders lath es, weed eate r s, s anders, mi lking
of ou r First Ame nd m e n t rights- w ish to m achines, an d modified electric chain saws.
censor pornography in the interests o f some People who engage in many of these activi-
g reater social good" ("Censorship and the ties are in danger of mutilatin g themselves
F ea r of Sex uality ," T HE H UMANI ST, and cau sing serious injury.
July/August 1990, by M arty Klein , p. 15). D rill s have been adapted for urethral
T ac ti cs e mpl oyed by opponents o f p lay by inserting a long wooden cotton swab
pornography include emphasizing the min- (i.e. t hose u sed for clea ning VCR heads)
imal a mount of "kiddy p orn " and lobbying into the drill 's chuck. T he protruding cotton
against th is, as people will rare ly d efend this tip has a gen e ro u s a m o unt of o il based
type of child abu se. T he " kidd y porn" laws lub ri ca n t rubbed into it. T he drill is then
are then wri tten in a way t h at eliminates turned on and the tip of the cotton swab is
ma ny innocuo u s typ es of p orn ograph y o r inserted just inside the urethra. Some hold
nudity. th e fl at side o f a 10 , 000 rpm fin ishi ng
The repression of true child pornography sander that is attached to an air compressor
see ms to h ave merit; however, the abol ition on their cli toris. O ne m an b rings h imself to
of a ll p orn og raphy in societies has grave orgasm by h olding th e han dle of a weed-
conseque nces that invo lve an even grea ter eate r against hi s ge nitals while tr imming
number o f innoce nt c hildren. Dr. Jam es grass.
\Xleinrich, a prominent scientist and sexolo- D ri lls a re also used with a m o dified
gist, holds the p osition that " [t]here is evi- dildo. T he dildo is designed so th a t a pro-
d en ce ... tha t permitting p ornog raphy ca n jection extends through the base for a ttach-
reduce c hild sexual abuse. In D enmark, fo r ment to t h e drill chuc k. T h e di ldo is
exa mpl e, afte r legali za ti on of hard-core lubri ca ted a n d in serted in an o ri fice and
p o rn og ra ph y in t h e I 960's, child sex ual turned o n . Thi s can be d a nge ro u s if the
abu se went down by a ve ry substantial per- p rojection tears through the rubber cover of

the dildo. Neither of th ese uses for a d rill coital connections" (Masters and Johnson,
are considered safe. W ood lathes have b een H uman Sexual I nadequacy, Bosto n: Little,
adapted for sex b y lining t h e socket end Brown). T h e easiest definition to reme mber
with soft fab ri c and inse rt ing the g lans is that of D . W . H astings, who "su ggests
pen is. Milking machines g ive a d ifferen t considering the man 's subjective judgment
sen sation. T he rubber sleeve unit is placed a n d defi nes as p rem atu re any ejacul ati on
onto the penis and the other end of the cu p th a t t h e ma n d oes ' n ot ye t ' wa nt "
is eithe r left on the teat of the cow or closed ("Co mm on sex u al dysfunction s: I. impo -
off to produce suction. T h e sleeve the n tence, II . ejacula tio praecox, III. lac k of
milks the erect penis. female response." Psychiacr Ann I (4): 10 -
C hain saws a re used as part of a mock 31 ). (-both cited in The Treatment of
castration scene solely for the excitement of Sexual Disorders, Concepts and Techniques of
a partner. A c h ain saw is m o di fied by Couple Therapy by Gerd Are ntewicz and
re m oving t he chain or blad e that ro tates G un ter Sch midt, p . 2 1). P r ima l man i s
around the groove in the protru d ing oblong believed to have had to catch and mate with
m etal plate. T he a female either b efore she broke free or h e
m oc k castratio n was displaced by a dominant male. Kinsey
scene is set u p reported th at 75% of men surveyed ejacu-
b y r estrain ing lated within three minutes of penetra tion .
t h e partner fl a t O ther p rimates take about 15 seconds. This
o n a bed or condition exists in both sexes, but society
against a wall. A see m s co n cern ed o nl y wit h t h e m ale.
blindfold is used Premature ejaculation is comm on and can
a t the beginning stem from many reason s. One is the envi-
of t he scen e to prevent th e p artner fro m ronment wh e re m os t tee n ag e boys learn
detecting the a rtificial natu re of th e props. their sexu ality. H ere masturbation is usually
T he p a rt n er's ge n itals are then sc ru bbed rush ed th rough to avoid de tection, condi -
down with alcohol and tied in a snug (but tioning the person to foc us on the orgasm
n ot ti gh t) tou rniqu et fas h ion aro u n d th e without being able to emotionally relax and
base of the penis. The patient is told that it enjoy intimacy with a partner. O ther causes
is time for the castration and might be given may be a physical disorder that ind uces pain
on e last re qu est. T he c hain saw is started which acts as a stim ul us, fear of intimacy,
and slowly lowered so that the pla te rests the len gth o f time since las t en counter, a
against th e to p of th e genita ls fo r a brief new partner, or u ndeveloped muscle co n-
moment. This type of sex p lay is safe so trol. There are no simple cures, however. If
long as the consenting partner has a healthy a u ro logist a n d t h erap ist have been co n -
cardiovascular system. CAUTION: A chain sul ted withou t p os itive re sults, one m ay
saw without the blade removed is extremely wan t to experim en t with so me of the fol-
dangerous. It may even cause injury without lowin g suggestions:
being turned on . Extreme care is used for all
Discuss anxiety ahead of time with the
other power tools as well.
SEX, SEX TOYS and SYB IAN) Exe rcise the m uscles while u rinating
by stopping the flow several times.
PREMATURE EJACULATION (Ejac- Try not to focus on o rgasm as the pri-
ulati o praecox, P reblysis, Tach orgasmia) mary goal.
Premature is defined in many ways. These
M astu rbate before having sex with a
range from ejaculation before the couple h as
undressed to " wh en the ma n is u nable to
control ejaculation fo r long enough to sat- Use condoms to reduce some of the
isfy his partner in at least 50 p ercent of their sensations.

H ave a glass of wine or beer and avoid Mos le m s, South American trib es, a nd
caffeine. Orthodox Jews. Methods used to facilitate
this sepa rati on i n c lude the use of two
Stop or with draw t h e penis during
rooms, a c urtain o r partition ca ll ed a
intercourse if it becomes too intense.
machetza, or simply a distance between the
Push upward on t h e perineum (1/2 two sexes. Some synagogues provide mixed
way between anu s and scrotum) seating in the middle with segregated sec-
before feeling an imminent orgasm in tions to each side.
order to relieve pressure that is b uilt A Hindu yogi once explained this tradi-
up in the prostate gland. This may tion to surprised Americans by saying it was
first be practiced alone during mastur- as simp le as separating apples and oranges;
bation. the two sexes are merely different. Rabbis
explain prisha by saying people come to the
Pressure or slight pain on the soles of
synagogu e to worshi p and God sh ould be
the feet may inhibit orgasm.
foremost o n th eir mind, n ot r omance.
Tantra training or breath co n trol is Therefore, temporarily removing tem pta-
valuable for some. tion only allows fo r better concentration in
prayer. (Females are n o t und er Biblical
Use a squeeze techni que whe re the
command to pray together in groups as are
thumb is positioned on the frenum
the males.)
with the fi ngers on th e opposite side
along the rim. This is held for about
Men who ove rcome premature ejaculation DOMINATRIX, PROFESSIONAL
and learn to restrain themselves for l ong
periods of time often discover that spouses PROSTITUTION (Harlotry, Foreign
remain inorgasmic. The wife's problem can woman, Scortum, Yoshiwara; Cyprieunia-
often be masked by her blaming the hus- sex with prostitute, Gigolos- male prosti-
band. There are women, who knowing that tute) Prostitute (p ro: before; and statuere:
a man ejaculates in two to three minutes, to cause to sta nd) is the Latin word th at
will rush to orgasm themselves, proving that refers to people who receive monetary com-
timing is not always a probl e m . pensation fo r sex. The Roman s used the
Unfortunately som e women train them- following prerequisites to determine one's
selves to orgasm through masturbation tech- status. A prostitute was one who engaged in
niques that do not adapt well to penetration sex pro pecuria, palam, and sine delecta-that
b y a male. These include using fingers or is for money, for the public, and without
vibrators in a rapid motion. A person that p leasure. Prostitution is practiced by men,
requires prolonged stimulus is said to have women, and children. (See Caution).
d ysorgasmia. The original H ebrew word used for pros-
There are many excellent resource books titute was k'deshah, which meant sacred or
for people wa nting to improve their sex holy. Organized p rostitution was originally
lives . One is titled The Complete Guide to en gaged in by temple priestesses and the
Sexual Fulfillment, Your Questions Answered, money gained used to support the house of
published by Prometheus Books. worsh ip . Aphrodite 's priestesses usually
(See also IMPOTENCE) remained in h er service until th eir death.
Temple prostitution diminish ed with th e
PRISHA ( I scholagny- avo idance of in vasion of patria r chal tribes and late r
fe m ales to p reve nt a rousal) Prisha is the ended with the spread of Christianity.
Hebrew word used to describe the separa- Petrie observed that the "early preva-
tion of the sexes. Several of the ancient reli- lence of mother-right was more favorable to
gions engaged in this practice and it is still the sexu al freedom of women than the later
found in places of worship among Hindus, patriarchal system. Thus in very ea rl y

Egyptian da ys a wom a n coul d give h er in reforming the women, Theodora d id not

favors to any man she chose by sending him ch ange her op inion as to th e best strategy
her garment, even if she were married." In for their reform.
time the growth of the righ ts of m en led to Today men who hire prostitutes may do
this being r egarded as c ri minal, b ut the so after a date without sex, between girl-
p riestesses of Amen, being under divine friends, for sex that they think their partner
protection, retained the privilege to the last. would n ot perform, wanting variety, or for
(Flinders Petrie, Egyptian Tales, pp. 10, 48) sex without commitment or guilt to name
Prostitutes, regardless of social stigma, just a few of the p ossibilities. So me pur-
were u sed by kings, soldier s, cru saders, chase the entire n ight to guarantee tha t the
comm oners, and even the notorious P ope woman will not abandon them after sex, and
Alexander VI who in I SO 1 went down in so me men reason that what they pay the
history as having the most licentious orgy at prostitute is less expensive than a date.
the Vatican. Burchard, a papal histo rian, Women choose to become prostitutes for
te lls h ow, "on e evening in Octobe r 1SO 1, just as ma n y reaso n s. The p ay is grea ter
the Pope ordered fifty prostitutes to be sent than other types of jobs available to women,
to his chambers. After supper, they danced they find it exciting, they need male atten-
with the servitors and others who were pre- tion, and fo r some women without job skills
sent, at first clothed but before long naked. it may be th e only job available. Al most all
Then lighted candles in can dlesticks were of the prostitutes in third world countries
placed on t he floor and c h estnuts were and many in America are mothers who are
thrown among them, and the women were tryi ng to supp ort their fam il y. Charging
ordered to crawl between the candlesticks me n makes so m e fee l in control, others
on their h ands and knees a nd to try to p ick enjoy the variety of sex partners, and some
up the chestnuts. Finally a number of prizes d o it out of revenge for a philandering hus-
were produced, and it was announced that band.
they would be given to those men who, in Many prostitutes learn to become insen-
the opinion of the spectators, 'should have sitive, since she and the client a re e ngaged
carnal knowledge of the greatest number of in exchanging commodities, and this can
the said prostitutes'" (Sex in History, by G. ca u se ei t h e r to f eel used emotiona ll y.
Rattray T aylor p. 141). Prostitutes vary as to what type of sexual
Ancient Rom ans accepted prostitution to services they are willing to offer and adj ust
prevent m en from seducing married women t h eir prices accordingly. Prostitutes who
and thus b reaking u p fam ilies. T hey had a work out of their own homes usually have a
special h oliday set aside on April 23rd as a regular cl ientele with whom they meet.
festival of the goddess of prostitutes, origi- These address books are sold to another
na ll y for males and late r for fe m a les. woman when the prostitute retires and the
Messalina, the insatiable wife of the Roman seller the n contacts all her clients and tells
Emperor Claudius, kept a room at a bor- them sh e would like to introduce them to a
dello where she could retire and satisfy her new person. One of these address books was
curiosity and lust by entertaining a multi- sold in 197S for $40,000. The media usu-
tude of cliencs. ally glamorizes the high priced call girl a nd
Conversely, Theodora, an other Roman stigmatizes the street walker. The profession
empress and an ex-pros titute herse lf, as a who le is wro u gh t with hassles from
decided to reform all h er sister prostitutes. cl ients, pimps, th e pol ice, society, and
She created a monastery for the rehabilita- rapists. Many people assu me that th is peril
tion of SOO street-walkers. There they were is broug ht upon t h e prostitute herself
made to conform to strict religious disci- because of her morals. Priscilla Alexander, a
pline, with the fatal consequ e nce of many fe mini st, disagrees. S h e s tates that the
committing suicide by throwing themselves "countries with the most restrict ive legal
out windows wh ile oth er captives we n t systems, includin g the United S tates and
insane. H owever, despite her obvious failure man y cou ntries in South east Asia, have the

most problems with violence against prosti- sations in this respect, and when I make a
tutes (and wom en perceived to be like pros- drawing of the type with which y ou a re
titutes), thefts associated with p rostituti on, fam iliar, say, a drawing representing a girl
pimping (es pecially brutal p im ping) , and with bare arms and shoulders, and dressed only
the involve m ent of ju veniles. Co nve rsely, in the flimsiest of undies, on the ice in the
the countries with the least restrictive mea- ska1i11g rink, she always regards it as a joke,
su res, incl udi n g the Ne th erlands, West for size naturally does not take seriously the
German y, Sweden and Denmark, have the exaggerations in which my imagination revels.
leas t prob le ms . N o co untry, h owever, is Such fantasies, accompanied by masturbation,
totally safe for prostitutes. The stigma iso- have frequently come to me at times when
lates the wo me n, a n d t he re ma ini ng laws sexual intercourse wit h my wife has been.
still serve to perp etuate tha t st igma, rath er impossible for physiological reasons. These fan-
th an t o dispel it and truly legitimize t h e tasies were confined to a single subject-imma-
women who work as prostitutes" (Sex W'ork, ture girls wearing the lightest clothes in w inter
Writings by \Klome11 in the S ex I ndustry, (Sex ual An omalies a n d P erversions, by
" Prost it uti o n: A D i ffic ult Iss u e for M agnus Hirschfeld, p. 569).
Femi nists" by P riscilla Alexander, Edited by
Some people h ave masturbated by putting a
Frederique D elacoste & Priscilla Alexander,
towel in the freezer and the n laying it on
p. 196). CAUT IO N: Prostituti on is illegal
th eir genitals and others have used icicles,
in all U.S. states with the exception of some
ice packing or frozen food. O n e California
counties in Nevada. Prostitution is also legal
man has reported that on several occasions
in so me states in Australia and in H olland
after swimming in the ocean for 30 minutes
and German y. The client wh o requests a
during the winter he would obtain an erec-
p rostitute (or any woman) who is inexperi-
tion that lasted two t o three hours.
enced or no t t rain ed in a sp ecific t ype o f
Ex posure to intense cold c reates a sharp
sexual activity faces the risk o f her not bei ng
sensation that is similar to o the r types of
aware of the correct safety precautions. This
physical stimulus that produce tension. The
applies particularly to any time an object is
m ind c hanges its focus from intellectu al
inserted into the anus, an activity where th e
pu rsuits to p hysical awa reness. Many S/ M
skin may be broken, consumption of feces
players use cold contact to heighten aware-
or other b ody secretions, serious bondage,
ness of skin sensatio ns. T hey often alternate
electrical sh oc k, oxygen depriva tion, and
cold with heat; such as ice cubes and candle
catheter play.
PSYCHROCISM (Psychrotemiginosity) PUBIC DRE SSING (Pude nda c ure-
Psyc hro cism (p syc hro : cold , or freezin g;
femal e, Medocure-m ale) Pu b ic dressing
cism: act) refers to those who are aroused refers to a rtistic expression s of one's sexu-
by eith e r b e ing cold
ali ty th ro ug h genital h air dying, shavin g,
t hemselves o r b y
waxi ng, body pai nt, glitter, or stickers.
watching someone else
People who dye their pubic h air prepare
who is cold .
it by fir st bleac h ing it
Hirschfeld relayed
with the sa me c r eams
the perso n a l co n fes -
fo und in drug stores fo r
sion of a m ale patient
facial hair, adjusting the
who had a cold fetish:
t im e r equ ir ed fo r
The thought and sight bleachi ng to th e ir own
of chill:y dress or pictorial representations of it, n eed s . The bl eac h ed
i11duce in me considerable erotic pleasure. My p u bic hair is th en dyed
wife naturally has no idea of my abnonnal sen- with ei ther regu lar hair

dyes or with colo red pastes th at co me in cation that I would be willing to wear the veil
little pots. These bright colors are applied met with wide smiles of relief .. all sought at
with toothbrushes. Most other methods of once to show me the proper way to wear the
coloring leave residue of the dye on the skin elbays, an opaque black cape-like material
or any fabric that comes in contact with it. which covers one from head to thigh, with a
T rimming, waxing, or shaving the genital place to tuch your hands.. . .All this was topped
area is don e by people who prefer not to with a lovely square of decorated black chiffon
have pubic hair exposed along the legs of lo cover my eniire head. I could see through
their b ikinis or g-strings. Some women trim this, ihough noi clearly... I was nothing more
the hair a round t h eir la bia to ma tch the than a tall, slim, black blob... Quite a costume
shorter length fo und higher o n th e mons for the 120- we ather of Saudi in July ...
pubis. Complete removal of pubic hair is IVomen are not allowed to go anywhere outside
sometimes done to facilitate body painting the wall unless accompanied by a man . I
and application of stickers. balked at this control but was told, 'You are
CAUTI ON: Shaving creates small cuts much too precious to have to make your way
in the skin and makes it susceptible to infec- alone. We see that you are always protected
tions, including some sexually transmitted and cared for. No one will dare to bother or
diseases. insult you' (Everyday Life in the Harem, by
(See also BODY PAINT ING, PUB IC HA IR Babs Rule, pp. 28-9).
TRICHOPHILIA) Many feminists would feel that this social
repression of women was abho r rent and
PUBIC HAIR SCULPTURING Pubic lacked any advantage for women. The one
hair sculpturing is done b/permane ntly apparent advantage was that the veil, in
removing hair falling on the outside of the some insta n ces, provided anonymity for
patter n a person has chose n. The most prostitutes or adulteresses.
co mmon shapes used in sculpturing are (See also HAREMS, NIDDAH and PRISHA)
hearts and triangles. Shapes are more recog-
nizable on people who have thick pubic hair. PYGMALIONISM See AGALMATO-
Three methods used to accomplish per- PHILIA
manent hair removal are electrolysis, ther-
mo lysis, and b lend modalities whi ch over PYGOPHILIA (Pygophilemani a-kissing
th e pe r iod of o ne buttocks, Pygotripsis- rubbing buttocks)
to two years will Pygophilia (pyge: buttocks; philia: attach-
destroy all t he hair ment to) refers to those who are a roused by
follicles. AIJ are con- fondling, licking, or kissing of the buttock
sidered painfu l and area . Some a re also arou sed by rubb ing
can cost up to their buttocks against those of their parmer.
$60.00 an hour. (See also ANAL SEX, COITUS INTERFER-
T !ON and PUBI C
PYROPHILIA (Ince ndi ar ism mania)
Pyrophilia (pyros: fire, p hilia: attachment
P U RDAH Purdah (pardah: a veil) refers
to) refers to those who are sexually aroused
to hiding the faces of women from stra ngers
by fire. Fire was one o f man 's most signifi-
and is practiced by s ome Hi ndus and
cant discoveries and has since been adapted
for use in energy, medicine, purification rit-
Babs Rule, the mother of a woman who
uals, branding, torture, and sexual gratifica-
married a Saudi Arabian ma n, wrote of her
tion. Fire and hot liquids can cause serious
first experience with purdah.
injury or destruction.
To them a woman with h er hair and face Today the practice that cau ses grea test
exposed is ta11ta111ount to an American woman co n cern is pyrophilia o r p yro man ia.
strolling topless down M ain Street ... My indi- Pyromaniacs are defined according to stan-

dards set forth in D SM-III-R psychological Hirschfeld wrote of a respectable gentleman

tests. These describe "deliberate firesetting in the 19th century who severely burned
on more than o n e occasi on, ten sio n or himself by applying chem icals to his bod y
affective arousal before the act, fascinati on for sexual p leasure. Today c he mical anal-
with fire, pleasure or relief wh en se tting gesic balms su ch as V icks, Be n G ay, or
fires, witnessing o r partici pating in their Tiger Balm are used to create a burning
aftermath, not setting the fire for monetary sensation on the nipp les or gen itals. They
gain, to conceal cri mi nal activi ty, exp ress may also be used o n a Q-tip an d inse rted
vengeance or in response to a delusion." slightly into the tip of the urethra. Irri tants
Most fireseners are male; however, a recent are also sold that are design ed specifically
study involved 13 female delinquents. This for sex. An Asian aphrodisiac, Chinese Red
study indicated t h a t unco n firmed sex ual Powder, ca uses burning of the penis and
abuse was a common factor in most of their irritation of the vagina. The ing redients are
histories. Saunders and Awad found that cinnamon, mustard , pep p er, ginger, and
"there was a high rate of sexual problems: various herbs. There are several varieties of
promiscuity, pros ti tutio n a nd questio n s these p owders. CAUTION: The balm or
about sexual orientati on. This find ing sug- powder is tested before general application
gests that female firesetters ha ve a history of by placing a smal l amou n t o n th e area
sexual problems . H oweve r, it is not clear where it is to be used. A balm that causes
whether or not there is a motivational con- irritation is diluted with Vaseline.
nection between the two, namely that the Males occasionally have the ir genita ls
firesetting behavior is an expression of, or is symbolically fried in o il. The oil is placed
m ot ivated by, sexual problems" in to a large cup and the genitals are lowered
("Adolescent Female F iresetters," by into the oil for a few
Elisabeth B. Saunders, EdD. and George A. seconds. The sensa-
Awad, M.D. , Th e Canadian Journal of tion is simi lar to t h e
Psychiat1y, Vol 36 N o. 6, pp. 401 -404). heat of the water in a
Some pyromaniacs, when setting build- hot tub and the oil is
ings on fire, seem to feel e m powered and said n ot to burn th e
sexually aroused by having been the instru- sk in. The re ma ining
ment of destruction. After se tting a fire, the oil is allowed to coo l
perpetra tors often position themse lves on the genitals to
where they can watch from a distance and serve as a lubricant for
masturbate. Others have been found next to some sex acts. CAUTION: Vegetable short-
the building where they seem to have gone ening h eated over 125 degrees Fahrenheit
into an immediate nympholeptic orgas mi c (u si ng a candy thermometer) can cause
state that left them unconscious (a similar burns. People with penile piercings do not
p h e n o m enon as experienced by some engage in this activity; they a re particularly
necrophi les at grave si tes) . CAUTION: su sc eptible to in jury beca use th e m eta l
Setting fire to buildings or other property is absorbs the heat and can burn the flesh. In
illegal and can cause untold harm, including additi on, oi l can seep into the openin g of
death, to innocent victims. th e piercing and become almost impossible
Other aspects of pyrophilia fall into the to remove.
S/M arena, particularly when fire creates a The Japanese moxibustion medical ritual
sense of danger or excitement. The S/M consists of gluing cone shaped maxis on to a
pyrophile can feel empowered by enduring predetermined spot (usu ally on the back)
its pain or co ntro lli ng its flame s. Sexual a nd lighting them. The patie nt endures as
games include the use of chemicals, 'fr ying' the fire finally burns into their flesh leaving
genital s in hot oi l, hot wax, okyu , peau circular scars, although some have d iscov-
flambe, fire dancing, fire walking, cigarette ered that p lacing a thin slice of garlic or
burns, throwing matches onto pubic ha ir, gi nger root between the moxi and skin
and flagellation (tapping) \.Vith torches. Dr. reduces this risk ("Sca rs of Experience: The

Art of M oxibustio n in Japan ese M edicine L a k e." (" Dancing w it h th e S p iri tual
and S oc iety," b y Margaret M . Loc k, Flames," by C. Rose and E. Sweet, QSM
CulUtre, Medicine and Psychiauy 2 ( 1978) lecture, March 2 1, 199 1) CAUTION: Fire
pp. 151 -175). Moxibustion has been mod i- d a n c in g ha s its own precau ti ons . Th e
fied for sex play by u sing Tibetan incense; alcoho l (70% only) is left sitting in an open
cutting it in to 1/4" sections and gluing it to d ish for a couple of h ou rs to weaken its
the skin wi th a spray adhesive. Several o f strength. The torch must be m ad e without
these are placed on th e person 's leg and lit glue, paint, air pockets, or excess fabric that
at intervals so that the pain is continual. A would create a hotter flame. Excess alcohol
mi l der form co n s is ts o f takin g a small is drain ed to redu ce the risk of ca u sing a
burning incense stick and using it to touch fi re. All clothing a nd hair near skin a reas to
the skin of the partner; this is more fright- be used are removed prior to play. Perfume
ening t han pai n ful. One E aste rn re li gion ca nn o t be worn b y e it h e r p erso n . Areas
u ses a type of b urnin g ri tu al (cones a re burned are moni tored fo r redness. A knowl-
placed o n the naked scalp ) fo r e m otional edge o f first aid a nd fi re safety is required.
self- healing. This recovery technique is also Othe r types of fi re play involve using a
emulated by some in the S/M commun ity. cigarette or match to b urn individual body
This process requires the person to meditate hairs wi th out touching the skin. M atches are
and chann el all their negative feelings and used by som e to throw onto pubic hair. T he
though ts o nto th e sp ot that is b u rning. match ex tinguishes itself after scorching one
W hen th e e mber has burned ou t they visu- or two hairs. The match mus t b e thrown
alize brushing all these thoughts away with accurately so as not to land on ba re skin or
th e ashe s. (" Branding an d Burning, " by bedding. Some use the side of a cigarette to
Fakir Musafar, QSM lecture, November 18, run along a person 's fa ce, chest, or p enis.
1989) This does n ot burn but is frightening. CAU-
Peau flainbe is practiced in several ways. T ION: C igarettes are not u sed to burn the
Some people rub alcoh ol directly onto the skin because they do not create clea n burns
skin a nd light it, others make special torches and as a result easily become infected.
(wood d owel, co tton ce n ter, a Cole m a n Firewalking is not co nsidered sex p lay
mantle, and cloth cover). These are soaked but is used very effectively fo r stimulation.
in 70% alcohol, drain ed of excess alcohol, The burning sen sati on caused by wa lking
and lit. The torch is the n either held under a across flaming embers lasts fo r abo ut two
person 's outs tretch ed a rm , run alo ng th e hours. Therefore, som e prefer to engage in
skin, or used to flagellate (ta p) the back or sex just prior to the even t. Firewalks that
legs. ("Playing with Fi re," by Celeste, QSM take place a t midnight in the woods offe r
lecture, September 15, 1990) t his o pportunity. P eople easily slip away
T here is a female arti st in San Francisco fr o m t h e c ircl e of peop le dan c ing an d
whose rou tine begins as she carries a bowl singing chants around the fire. Firewalking
of flames onto a dark stage placing it on tl1e is being used in the U nited States as a fo rm
floor where she does a dance ri tual around of p syc h o logical hea ling. P eop le's pa st
the bowl of fire then perform s slow mystical traumas are reprogrammed b y a new fright-
gyra tions in th e su bd ued light of the fire. ening event, however th is event is one they
She then reaches into the bowl and removes have conquered, helpi ng them feel elated
blue flam es that sh e ra ises in reverence and e m powe red. (Fi rewa lk Retreat, b y
toward the h eavens. T he dan ce builds to a Catherine Grace , April 22, 1989) CAU-
climax as she uses to rches to paint parts of TIO N: Fi r ewa lk ing ca n ca u se fir st or
her legs, to rso a nd arms with this flame. second degree burns on the soles of the feet.
T he dance culminates in a man ner reminis- (S ee also ELECTRI CAL SHOCK and SAFE
cent of the ending scene in the ballet " Swan SEX)
QUADOUSHKA The Quadoushka that his nose is near
sexual teachings are part of the tradition of h er anus with hi s
t h e American C h erokee Ind ia n s. Qua- eyes covered by h er
doushka seems similar to Eastern sex tantra gen itals. Th e object
in that it emphasizes breathing techniques, of que ening is
energy balance, and whole body orgasms. bondage o r breath
Quadoushka utilizes Cherokee ceremonies control, not c un -
and ritual for exploring one's sexuality. A n i lingus. T h e man
knowledge of Easte rn tantra, yoga, a nd ma y wear s upple - Jtt
chakras are recommended to enhance this mental restraints on the wrists a nd ankles.
training. There do not appear to be many A sligh tly comparable American sex
books written specifically about Quadoshka; scene is where a stripper completely disrobes
however, classes and seminars are taught in and stands over a sitting male with his head
the San Francisco area. tilted back so that h e r genitals are only a
(See a lso BRADYCUBJA, KABAZZA and couple of inches above his face . She stays in
TANTRA) this position moving her pelvis to the music
for about five minutes. The male is not per-
QUEENING The term q ueening refers to mitted to touch her in any ma nner during
the European practice of a dominant female this exhibition.
us ing a man' s head as her throne. The (See als o BONDAGE/THREE LEGGED
woman si ts in one of several positions, BLOOMERS, CAT FlGHTING, OXYGEN REG-
either on the side of the man's h ead or so ULATION and WRESTLING)

RAPE Rape (rapere: to seize) is a term the victim, attack a stranger who resists, or
used to denote coercion of a person to rape a woman in her home seem to be pros-
engage in n onconsens u al sex. Statutory ecuted m ore often. The victims least able to
rape applies to sex with minors wh ether it is convince a jury of rape are prostitutes, mar-
consensual or n ot. ri ed wom en who c h arge thei r husbands,
Governments have used different types single women who are attacked by dates,
of punish ment to discourage rapists. The t h ose who are attacked b y someone they
Assyrians permitted the fathe r of a virgin to meet in a bar, and those who do not sustain
vio late the wife of th e rapist. Th e serious physical injury. Society's vague and
Babylonians punished both the rapist a nd inconsistent definition of rape has resulted
married victims by executing them, and the in false convictions as well as false acquit-
E nglish o nl y puni sh ed th e rapi st if h e tals. Diana Scully, a sociologist who studied
refused to marry the female. The Persians con victed rapis ts, shows th e diversity in
punished men caught in harems by having w hat they believe co nstitutes rap e. One
their male slaves rape them before castra- r ap ist remarked that "[r]ape is when a
tion. To accomplish this they hammered on woman's life is in danger, without a doubt,
a tent spike to force the anal sphincter open or when sh e is beaten unconscious. " At the
(Perverse Crimes in History, pp. 202). other end of the spectrum were comments
A clear understa nding of this word is by those who had changed their interpreta-
critical for many reason s. T here seems to be tion after incarceration. "To d o mi nate
an ambiguity between the definition and the someone to the extent you impose you r will
types of rape that are prosecuted. In gen - when they say 'no', to take without consent,
eral, men who use weapons, seriously injure violently or otherwise, if the victim is scared

into it" (Understanding Sexual Violence, A rapist away would only delay or transfer the
Study of Convicted Rapists, p. 87). evil acts; their answer is to find the person
Rape does not appear to be found in all causing the criminal 's behavior. " A diviner
cultures. Peggy Sanday substantiates this in may ultimately determine that witchcraft is
a study of tribal societies where she found the root of th e problem and, fo r example,
that rape was n onexistent or rare in 44 out direct the supplicant to purchase from a
of 95 groups. She attributes rape as having sorcerer, omonyamasira, retaliative magic, or
evo lved when t he group be ca m e more emesira, designed to eliminate both the witch
dependent on men for su rv iva l than on and his witchcraft. If this, the last resort,
female fertility (The Socio-Cultural Context fails to alleviate the affliction, it is under-
of Rape, by Peggy Reeves Sanday, 1979). stood that the witch 's magic, oborogi, is of
Scully added that other social factors seem some especially resistant sort. Accord ingly,
to encourage violence against women; such the communi ty waits to see who will die
as those " related to cultural attitudes, the first, the victim or the vic t imizer." The
power relationship between women and tribes then tolerate known rapists, as well as
men, the social and economic statu s of other criminals, living among them. Levine,
women relative to the m en of their group, who lived among this tribe, also noted that
and the amount of other forms o f violence rape, "while treated as criminal beh avior by
in the socie t y" (Understanding Sexual the Britis h , the Gusii p eople regarded as
Violence, A Study of Convicted Rapists, p. necessary for the preservation of kin-avoid-
48). ance , chinsoni, and t h e prevention o f
Rape may be interpreted differently by amasangia, death fo ll ow ing adultery"
different cultures. Among certain South ("Cri me or Affliction? Rape in an African
American tribes, women wear only orna- Community," by Sarah L evine, Culture,
mental strings over their genitals. However, Medicine and Psychiatry 4 (1980) pp. 151 -
they are extremely m odest a bout exposing 165, D . Reidel P ublishing C o., Dordrecht,
their inner labia and vagina. They define Holland and Boston, USA).
rape as when a victim is dragged off, laid on Statistics show that up to 25% of hetero-
her back, legs spread for all the men to see sexual men adm it to using force to get the
her shame, and violently raped by all the sex they wa n t . Many da te rapists share
men in her tribe. This is the punishment for common attitudes and beha vior that may
som e religious offen ses. Howeve r, a man serve to alert women . Many disregard their
wh o catches a wom an traveling down a path w ishes, or show uncontrolled anger, have
and forcibly leads her into the woods for sex unreaso n ab le prejudices (a signal of not
in a sitting position is not a rapist. The tribe having compassion for oth ers). T hey may
has as part of their social syste m a strong also make references to other women as
belief in compassion that includes not only b e ing weak or hysterical, and insist on
the need to provide for th ose who are meeting in isolated areas.
h ungry but also tho se in ne ed of sex Diana Scully di scovered tha t, contrary to
(Anxious Pleasures, by T homas Gregor, pp. popular opinion, the majority profile of vio-
I 02-4). Therefore, here it seems that part of lent rapists did n ot include men wh o had
the definiti on of rape hinges on whether it been beaten or molested as ch ildren; 7 1% of
was done as a punishment or out of desire the acts were premeditated, the men tended
and need. African Gusii tribesmen in Kenya to be less aggressive, less independent, most
also differ in their interpretation of rape as a had religious affiliations, disliked their father
crime. Their religious belief system teaches rather than their m other, and had con sen-
that a person who breaks taboos such as sual sexual relations two t o seven times a
rape against relatives is a victim of myste- week at the time of co m mitting rape. In
rious spirit forces. This person or his family addition Scully fo u nd that they had a higher
is either assumed to have angered their dead ratio of physical violence against their lover
ancestors, or they are the victims of the evil th an the gene ra l public b u t lower than
magic of envious n e ighbo rs. Locking a felons who did not rape; were traditional in

their view that "women need male protec- effec t of rape on women is o ften deeply
tion and that they should be more virtuous traumatic . They suffer from nightmares,
than m en, for example, by not telling dirty may relocate, have difficultly in working or
jokes;" match ed traditional rather than studying, or becoming intimate with another
modern masculine role for themselves; were person. A woman who was dragged by the
low in gen eral feelings of hostility toward hair up stairs by her abductor began shaving
women (the study did show that the more her head to ensure that it would never occur
traditional value they placed on women the again. Some victims become lesbian and
more ho s til e fee lings they had against others hav e had to be institutionalized.
them); many believed that in general vio- Many rapists, on the other hand, seem to
lence against women was a man's right; had suffer no emotional trauma or guilt from the
consumed alcohol prior to attack; or used act itself. Others feel extreme remorse and
rape for revenge or punishment against a even b eg for treatment that costs them their
lover that angered or rejected them. If these sex drive.
men think at all about what the victim feels Advice about how women should react
they believe that after her initial resistan ce when attacked varies according to the type
she enjoys the sex. of rapist. There are rapists who say they
The street rapist is often motivated by a would let the woman free if she screamed
period of stress or disagreement with a and phy s ically r es isted, o thers say it
female partne r o r relative. He seems to wouldn 't help her, a nd a few say it would
transfer his anger from the person wh o is make things worse. Therefore, although it
th e so urce of the pain to an emo ti onall y provides no guarantee of safety, the odds
non-threatening target. Anger arises from a seem to favor full r esistance. Many police
feeling of he lplessness. In order for the departments, martial arts clubs, and
rapist to re-establish control h e needs a women's groups offer basic classes in self
target who holds no em otional p ower over d efense.
him. Typically, convicted rapists are reported
A date rapist often does n ot have this to be fro m a lower income group. A man
prior trauma. H e m erely believes, a s do who has control of one's income uses that as
most of his counterparts, that it is accept- hi s weapo n; the man who is not able to
able to use force on a wo man. He justifies seduce and has no control over a victim's
his act by saying women are inferior, she in come uses physical force. A woman who
was teasing him, or she had an immoral has no control over the victim's income and
c haracter. Rape may even be more arousing no physical strength uses seduction. Society
to him than consensual sex because society is tolerant of misuse of sexual power by the
forbids it. affluent, harshest on the poor, and ignores
Some rapists have sex on ce and leave, the female .
others keep th e woman ca ptive until they The initial emotio nal response to homo-
act o ut several scenari os, and a few may sexual rape is shock, humiliation, fear, and
engage on ly in fetish behavior. Some anxiety. The victim may later become reclu-
become sadists who ge t caught up in a sive and feel guilt followed by anger and
euphoria caused by watching fear or pain in depression. Their trauma, as opposed to
the victim and will often continue this until women, often includes confusion over their
she expires. Unlike people who engage in sex ual ide ntity be cause of their natural
S/M they do not lose enthusiasm when they physiological orgasmic response to anal or
realize their partner is not aroused; nor do oral sex. Young men ma y become with-
they have experience in how to keep this drawn, feel emotionally numb, avoid con-
reaction from escalating . While many of ta ct sport s, fear men, develop a quick
these rapists do not ejaculate it is reasonable temper, low self-esteem, and ass ume that
to ass um e that some of th ese do . (Se e they are effeminate. Parents can help reduce
ORGASM) the risk of rape by educating their children
Often males, children, the mentally ill, while they are very young. Books, such as
deaf, and blind are ta rgets of rape. The Alice Doesn't Babysit Anymore, are helpful.

Another recent book, titled Broken RELICS (Thesauromania-arousal from

Boys/Mending Men, R ecove1y from Childhood collecting articles belonging to women) A
Sexual Abuse, by Stephen Grubman-Black, relic (relike: remains) refers to a n object that
was wr itten for others w h o have been serves to remind one of the past. A relic can
abused. be a body part or an object
People sometimes unjustly accuse others associated with a saint that is
of rape for personal reasons. These have kept and used in memorial
been listed as "assault during or after volun- services. Relics of loved ones
tary coitus, blackmail, jealousy, fear of preg- were often used before pho-
nancy or venereal disease, or revenge." tographs were common.
They also include claim s made by children So ldiers often carried such
beca u se of "an unwelc omed stepfather, things as shoe laces, rings, a
avoiding parental punishment for returning bracelet of hair, feather, or
home beyond the curfew hour, and false gar ter. Men wore these in
accusation by a known p rostitute for failure their hats, on arm bands, or ove r their
to receive payment for h er services" ("False hearts, often pausing during the day to kiss
Accusations of Rape," by J. H. MacDonald, the object that once belonged to their lover.
Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, Vol. 7, Other men, according to historical records
No. 5, May 1973, pp. 170-194). q uoted by Havelock Ellis, wore these relics
Arthur Schiff, a physician working at a around their genitals. "A captain told me
Rape Treatment Center in Miami, wrote of that when they were rifling the dead bodies
several such cases. In one a girl was " jilted of the French gentlemen after the first inva-
by her steady boyfriend for a new girl in the sion they found that many of them had their
neighborhood. When the new girl moved mistresses' favors tied about their genito-
shortly afterwards to a distant city, the boy ries." Ellis continues with the accounts of
returned to hi s former g irl friend. At a women who had their husband's genitals cut
sc hool dance, sh e seduced him and had off upon their death and kept them in small
sexual intercourse with him in the p lay- silver and gold caskets, and a man who kept
ground. She reported that she had been the skull of his dead mistress on his desk.
raped. After several hours spent untangling Lust murderers often collect memorabilia
the various threads, it was finally learned from their victims. These are sometimes
that she had not been raped, but had given used later during masturbation.
her consent. She had wanted 'to teach him a (See also CHARMS and LOVE POT IONS)
lesson' for abandoning her in favor of the
new girl." Schiff also listed an 8 year old girl RHABDOPHILIA (Flagellation fetish)
who reported a false rape hoping to be taken Rha bdop hilia (r habd os: a rod, ph ilia:
from her home and custody given to her attachment to) refers to people who are
grandparents, a 16 year old who afraid of aroused by being caned, or flagellated. T he
being pregnant invented a rape story to pro- caning is often combined with humiliation
tect h er reputation, and of a 41 year old or fear in a fantasy sce nario. In order fo r
news reporter who falsely claimed to have pain or injur y to produce the desired
been raped to get an inside story of how e uph oric effects it must be anticipated,
rape victi ms were handled inside the Rape threatening, or part of a scene that includes
Treatment Center ("An Unusual Case of a person to whom they are sexually
Pseud o Rape, " by A.F. Schiff, M.D ., attracted. Some people engage in self-flagel-
Journal of Forensic Sciences Vol 20, No. 4 , lation to produce a cathartic effect withou t a
October 1975, pp. 637- 641 ). It is as inhu- sexual partner.
mane to falsely charge another of rape as it (See also ALGOPHLLIA, BED OF NAILS and
is to rape. FLAGELLATION)
ILLEGAL SEX, LUST MURDER, SADISM and RINGING Ringing is a term used to
SEXUAL HARASSMENT) describe permanent piercings. T hese are

ornamented with jewelry and can be on any c h ooses to use discre tion . If a piercing
part of the body where the flesh protrudes: becomes infected it is recommended tha t
ears, nose, nipples, penis, scrotum, labia, or the jewelry be replaced with wire filament
navel. because it keeps the wound from closing
Erotic piercings have been used for hun- and allows pus an escap e route. People are
dreds of years by many diverse cultures: individual as to the type of metal their body
Roman soldier s, Victorian aristo crats, accepts or rejects.
natives of Southeast Asia, and even Egyptian
royalty at one time wore navel rings. CLITORIS Clitoral piercings are
People are attracted to piercings for rare due to the initial pain and
many reasons. It may be a commitment to a risk of severing essen tial nerves
leather lifestyle, purely aes thetic, practical although one woman did re p ort
for S/M play, to make a statement about constant intense arousal from this
one's sexuality, to increase sensitivity to type of piercing. C li toral hood
touch, or as a way to protest the shame or (the equivalent of the male fore-
stigma society has placed on the genitals by skin) piercings are very attractive
enhancing them with jewelry. Today man y and if the ball of the ring hangs
Europeans use genital piercings as a symbol over the clitoral area it can pro-
of marriage. A gold ring on the genitals of a vide extra stimulation.
partner seems to convey more of a sexual
LABIA Labia rings do not create
commitment than a ring on the finger. an erotic sensation themselves.
Many in the San Francisco area think that
H oweve r , some wo men have
only gays have pierced nipples. This mis-
hung strings or chains with
conception may be due to th e fact tha t
weights on the ends and gone
women do not walk down Castro Street top-
dancing without underpants. The
less. CAUTION: There are several factors swinging weights cause the lab ia to rub
involved in ringing and only an experienced
against each other. The la bia rings, if
perso n is recommended to perform this pierced symmetrically, can be used to pull
procedure. Th e exact location of the the labia apart for cunnilingus or can be tied
piercing ca n be critical and ste rile tech-
together for a m ock infibulation. Women
niques are necessary just as in temporary who have stretched the size of the piercing
piercings. Anesthetics are made available by have been able to place a heart-shaped lock
some but not all piercers. Pain has not pre-
through both labia.
vented many from having areas such as the
nipples a nd glans penis pierced. Surgical NIPPLE N ipple rings were at
stainless steel, 14k gold, platinum, and nio- one time worn by Roman cen-
bium are used for jewelry. People react dif- turions who us ed them as a
ferently to metals; some cannot tolerate the symbol of their courage and
nickel content of stainless steel, or react some used them to anchor the
badly to copper in gold alloys. Substitution corners of their capes.
of other metals often clears up the problem. Victorian women wo re nipple
The needle is one size larger than the ring ring s to increa se the size of
or bar. A piercing may take anywhere from the ir nipples and make them
two weeks to thre e months t o heal more noticeable. Today men
depending on the area pierced. The labia and women wear them for
heals fast while nipples take longer . A new ornamental purposes, S/ M
piercing has to be washed with surgical soap play, or to make a serious state-
or salt water for about five da ys while ment about their se xual it y. Diamond
rotating the jewelry. A piercing shou ld studded gold rings and gold shi elds ar e
always ha ve something in it to prevent it avai lable at piercing salons and by mail
from closing. Fishing line is used because it order. (" Nipple Piercing," by Jim Ward,
o ffe r s partial concealmen t when one QSM lecture, September 23, 1989)

PENIS There are many the glans. Distinguished men may, in addition,
t ype s of ri ngs t h a t are wear a ring round the penis, which is cut from
worn through th e p enis the scales of the pangolin, and studded with
a nd each offers a d i f - blunt points (Sexual Life of Prirnit.ive People,

ferent benefit. b y H . Fehlinger, pp. 107-8).
The Prince Albert was
T h ese bars m ay be fur-
o rigin all y us ed by
ther o rnamented. In t h e
Victori an men as a w ay
so u t h ern P hilippin es a
to keep their penis pulled ring is used that goes
fla t so as not to protrude
"comple tely arou n d th e
wh en wearing t h e tig ht '
penis but held in p lace by
pants that were p op ula r _ _.) • . ~'' a pin or bar rowel-shaped
at tha t time . Th e men . .
... T h ese inserts are also
sl ipped a sash through
said to make introm ission d ifficu lt. One
the ring a nd anchored it along their inseam.
report states that a person with the insert
T his piercing is de signed so that the ring
cannot deflower a woman, so se rva n ts ,
enters the urethra and comes out the bottom
w ithout th e inserts, mus t und ertake this
of the fre nulum. It is claimed th at Prince
task" (The Penis Inserts of Southeast Asia, b y
Albert wore one to hold back th e fores kin
Donald E. Brown, James W . Edwards, and
on his uncircumcised penis, making it easier
Ruth P. Moore, p. 3).
to keep clea n . This r ing put s p r essur e
T he apad ravya is a bar placed through
aga ins t the fre nulu m a nd urethra during
the glans penis vertically, being inserted just
penetration an d creates stronger sensations
fo r men and their partners. For this reason abo ve the corona a nd extendi n g dow n
through the fre nulum . The
it is r eco mmended by men who use co n-
irregu lar movement during
inter course causes some-
Th e Ampalla n g was o nce found i n
what of a vibrating sensa-
ancient South East Asia, chiefly among the
tion fo r the woman.
Dayaks. It is a b a r o r rod t h at pierces
The dydoe is a bar or
through the glans horizontally an d above the
urethra giving more of a feeling of firmness ring t h at pierces through

the up per a nd lower edge
to the glans penis during pene tration. The
of the corona and is used
procedure for this ancient custom has been

described as follows. to revive part of the sensa-
tion that is lost due to cir-
At first the glans is made bloodless by pressing
it between the two arms of a bent strip of T he frenum ring serves
a sim il ar purp ose. This
bamboo. At each of these arms there are open-
ings al the required position opposite each rin g r uns t hrough the
frenulum and either hangs
other, through which a sharp pointed copper
pin is pressed after the glans has become less down to perhaps be tugged
on during sex or is flipped
sensitive. Formerly a pointed bamboo chip was
used for this purpose. The bamboo clamp is over t h e glans and used to stimula te th e
removed, and the pin, fastened by a cord, is frenulum area and base o~ corona, or some
kept in the opening until the canal has healed use it as a cock ring to sensitize the tip of
the penis.
up. Later on the copper pin (oetang) is replaced
by another one, generally of tin, which is worn SCROTUM Pi erc ing th e s id e o f the
constantly. Only during hard work or at scrotum is an ancient Arab tradition done at
exhausting enterprises is the metal pin replaced puberty to "keep th e testicles fro m ever
by a wooden one. Exceptionally brave men rising back int o the b ody." The ha fad a
have the privilege, together with the chief, of piercing is ornamental and some add expen-
boring a second canal, crossing the first, into s ive jewe ls fo r enhancem ent. Another

p iercing is the guiche, which is placed chasuble about the waist, which was lifted
slightly beneath the posterior of the scrotum from time to time in complete exp osu re of
along what looks like a seam running to the himself. The altar boys were nude and so
anus. This ring is common in the South were some of the women worshipp ers. At a
Pacific and is said to prolong and intensify certain part of th e ce r emony one of the
orgasms when gently pulled upon. The cor- wome n offered herself to the priest, the rest
rect placement is crucial for th e desired of the congregation following his example.
effect. The sexual excitement created an a tmo-
Many people worry that a physician m ay sphere in which the worshippe rs felt them-
be critical or refuse health care to someone selves lifted on high and saw their fondest
who is wearing sexual jewelry. However, hopes being fulfilled." Black Masses have
most are professional and will not let their been staged in some European brothels for
personal opinions keep them from giving the benefit of curious clients (Sex and Race
any patient adequate care. Airport security in the New World, by J.A. Rogers, p. 330).
ala rm s are rare ly set to th e sensitiv ity One of the most notorious sex rituals was
needed to detect a few metal rings. ("Male one practiced by a Christian sect that began
Piercing, " by Jim Ward, QSM lecture, in Russia during the late 18th century. T he
November 4, 1989) Skopzis, who referred to themselves as the
(See also JEWELRY and PIERCING) " White Doves, " believed that Jesus was sent
to cas trate men thereby making it impos-
RITUAL SEX Rituals are procedures or sible for th em to sin. However, he failed and
ceremonies that are prescribed and carried died as a marty r instead. Jesus was then
out at specified times. " The word ritual replaced by their savior Szelivanov, who,
comes fro m rtA, Sanskrit for men ses. like Joseph Smith, wrote his own holy scrip-
Menses, literally month, is from the Latin, tures called t h e "Book of the Dove" that
directly translated into English to denote the t akes precedence over the Bible.
periods of the yearly calendar. The earliest Szevlivanov recommended a literal interpre-
ri tuals were connected to the women's tation of p assages that spoke of ampu tating
monthly bleeding" (The Once & Future body parts that cause one to sin; therefore,
Goddess, by Elin or W. Gadon, p. 2). because the original si n in their eyes was
Religious rituals have included some very sex, it was only appropriate t o castrate
unusual sex practices throughout history. themselves. Szevlivanov castrated himself
T he American Indian H opi tribes observed by baptism w ith a red-hot iron and con-
a snake dance ritual where cross-dressing, vinced many others to be baptized in a si m-
zoophili a, and switching partners were ilar fashion. Female converts who could no
co m mon. The Roman emperor H e lio- longer be sexually satisfied b y the ir hus-
gabalu s performed rituals to his god that bands were allowed to engage in prostitu -
included exotic dan ces, dressing in the garb ti on; the proceeds went into the c hurch 's
of a priestess, the slaughter and sacrifice of treasury. Some of the male converts failed
numerous a n ima ls and humans, a n d in their atte m pt at castrati on by fire a nd
throwing the castrated me mbers of young were relegated to a lowe r position of th e
boys into a sacrificial fire. Rituals of the Lesser Seal. Soo n orgies and sa do-
May Games and Feast of Fools included masochism became part of religious ser-
orgies, transvestism, and th e s linging of vices. T his was en couraged by those who
excrement. had been su ccessful in castration because
Satanic Black Masses were celebrated as they still retained sexual passion a nd were
a farce in direct opposition to religious rit- not only excited by watching others indulge
uals that were being forced on people. One but were able to obtain sexual release by
Black Mass was described in J.A. Roger's dan ce and sa doma soc h istic activities .
writings. " In the genuine Black Mass, the During th ese rituals a virgin was brought
priest officiated at a regular altar with bread, into the orgy to be impregna ted with the
wine, and missal. H e was n ude save for a savior.

She was then undressed and immersed in a tub Just as sex was often part of ritu als that
of warm waler. That her p ain mighl be were associated with oth er aspects of our
relieved, she was given an image of the Holy lives, rituals are used today in sex. One type
Ghost to hold while the old women amputated o f ritual is used in training sex slaves. Lady
her left breast. The bleeding virgin was then Tanith, a professional d ominatrix, describes
placed upon an altar, and an almost inhuman its importance. " The do mina n t is also
orgy followed. The amputaied breast was expected to don a special costume and to
hacked into iiny pieces and grabbed by the treat t he submissive in a highly ritualized
worshippers to be eaten while siill warm ... man n er. Enforci ng ce rtain r itu als is also
Almost invariably the "God Mother " was h elpful to a submissive in internalizing h is
impregnated in the course of this orgy .. . On slavery. T he effect of ritual behavior on the
the eighth day of the child's life, his left side human p syche is age-old and well-docu -
was lanced by a finely pointed speai~ and the mented, arousing emotions that tend to be
warm blood that flowed from the wound in the r eli gious in nature ... Whe n a slave is p er-
inf ant body was dntnk in the communion ser- for ming a series of regular, required behav-
vice. The body itself was dried and pounded iors, he is completely encapsu la ted in th e
into a powder ... to be offered the worshippers context of the ritual. H e is entirely isolated
on the first day of the Easter season (The from his 'normal' environment. H e literally
Sacred Fire, by B.Z. Go ldbe rg , pp. 259- loses himself and his sense of separate iden-
262). tity, submerging himself totally into his role.
H e does n ot think; he performs ...the ritual
Rituals temporarily separate the participant
begins the transition between 'normal' and
from his normal identity, replacing h is inter-
'slave-Master/Mistress' mode" (A Tangled
pretation of events and response with pre-
Web: The Art of Slave1y, A Training Manual
scribed behavior. Ri tuals dictate behavior,
for Mistresses, Masters and Slaves, Version
co n t r o l thou g h ts , e m otio n s, an d w h en
1. 1, by Lady Tanith, p. 5).
engaged in often can restrict t h e amo unt
and clarity of information received. These RIFICES, SAT AN WORSHIP, SEX MAGICK and
happen to be the four components neces- SLAVES)
sa r y for any t y pe of mind con tr ol as
reported by Dr. Steve H assan, a forme r
membe r of the M oonies ( Combatting Cult ROBOTISM Sec ANDR OIDI SM and COM-
Mind Control, p . 59). PUTER SEX

LEOPOLD VON SACHER-MASOCH along with nympho mania, fetishes, hom o-
Sacher-Masoch (1836-1 905) was an aristo- sexuality, and mastu rbation.
cratic Austrian novelist who wro te sexual Krafft-Ebing's decisio n to use the term
tales of men being dominated, h umiliated, m asoch ism wa s di s turbin g t o Sacher-
and disciplined by beautiful wo me n . His M asoch who was only one of many through
book Venus in Furs gave him the most noto- hi sto ry wh o wrote of this typ e o f sexual
riety. proclivity.
Sacher-M asoch courted many women ( See also DOM INANCE/SUBMISSI O N ,
and was able to persuade several to oblige H UMILIATION, MASOCHISM, PARAPHILIAS
him b y acting ou t his fantasies. The noto- and MARQUIS DE SADE)
riety he received for his novels gained h im
the attention of Richa rd van Krafft-Ebing, a SACOFRICOSIS Sacofricosis refers to
n eu rologist and psychologist, wh o decided the practice a few men have of c utting a
to label his p opula r passion as a disease; hole in the bottom of their front pant pocket

and t h en sticking their h a nd thro u gh to ( P erverse Crimes in H istory, by R.E. L.

masturbate. This allows men to be able to Mast ers and Eduard Lea, p . 203).
masturbate in public places with less ri sk of The Aztecs fla yed the skin from a vic tim
detection. which a priest then wore duri ng the ensuing
(Sec also DOCKING and EXHIBITIONISM) cerem onial. The victi m's remains were later
served as the main course of their rel
SACRIFICES (Sphagia, Thusiai) Sacri- feast.
fice (sacer: sac red and facere: to make) is T he female worshippers of the fire god
the act o f makin g an obje ct sacre d , by M oloch sacrificed their infants to bu ild pas-
offering it to a god. The term is also used to sion fo r lesbian orgies. Goldberg describes
refer to the volun tary forfeiture of so m e- these ri tes. " Thu s wome n , too, came to
thing valuable. se rve M o loch . T h ey had their priestesses,
P eople m ake sacrifices in re lations hips who pros tituted themselves to the women
for similar reason s as they used to d o in reli- worshippe rs . .. When the women came to
gious worship. It may be done as a sign of offe r their sacrifices, the y cas t into th e
reverence, sub mission, a tribute, atonem ent devouring bell y of M oloch whatever there
fo r sins, a price to purchase happiness, an was upon them or within their arms ... In
exch ange of present p ain fo r futu re b liss, or the hea t of her ever-increasing passion, she
a form of masochism. brou g h t t h e greatest sacrifi ce a m o th er
Th e meth o d o logy o f hum an sac ri fice cou ld o ffer. It was then that Mo loch first
va ried according t o c ul ture . C.W. Jung tasted th e fle sh a nd blood of the in fa nts
related a n example of a lege nd from the 5th thrown within him by m oth e rs gone mad
century of a city near Rome where maidens with desire" (The Sacred Fire, by B.Z.
were taken to " a ce rtain ca ve rn in whi ch G oldberg, pp. 150-1 5 1) . It m ust be rem em-
could b e seen a frightful a nd terrible dragon b e r ed that in fa nti cid e was a commo n
of marvelous size, a m echanical contrivance method of population control for ma ny cul-
that brandished a sword in its m ou th a nd tures and the opportunity to sa nctify this act
had shining red jewels for eyes. Every year was welco med by m any. This civi lization
girls we re consec rated an d ado rn ed with eventually encountered the problem of over-
flowers, and then given to the dragon in sac- populati on and m odifi ed th ei r sacrificia l
rifice. For, as they descended with their offerings accordingly.
gifts , t hey unwittingly touched the step to Nom ina l hum an a nd a ni m al sac r ifice
wh ich this devilish m echanism of a dragon e xi sts to day am o n g a few Satanic cults.
was attac hed, an d were instan tl y pierced 1\1ost of these a re individuals who attribute
through wi th the sword tha t sprang out, so th eir lust for m urde r to their affiliation in a
t h at i n nocent blood was sh ed" (The small cult. These people are responsible for
Collected Works of C. G. Jung, (Bo llinge n an es tim ated 12 human deaths a year. An
Series XX) 20 vo ls., 5, par. 574, quoted in example of a c ult sac rifice was fo und in a
Rape a11d R iwal, p. 11 7). January 1986 Penzhouse article by Dr. Joel
M a les we re also sacrificed. In India Norris and Jerry Allen Potter. They relayed
fem a le devo tees o f Kali th e Goddess of the court testim ony of a woman involved in
Death " hunted men in packs. L ike thugs a cult sacrifi ce in Massachusetts. " \Xfhile
and assassins, their aim was to spring upon t elli ng the court abou t the killing, Murph y
the un wary traveler and sacrifice him to the explained h ow t h e gro u p h ad str u c k
Black M other of D estruction. T orture and Marsden in the head with rocks, cut off her
sexual abuse were the usual preliminaries to fingers to remove her rings, stri pped her, slit
a death involving ge nital di sm emb erment, her throat, and severed her head a nd kicked
di semb owe lme nt, an d decapitati on. A it around . Drew t h e n had sex wi th th e
comm on method of to rm ent emp loyed b y d ecapitated bod y, and carved an X on the
the singhistriyan (tiger women) was that of victim's chest while sp eaking 'a strange lan-
slowl y and persistently masturbating their guage'. He then put his thumb in the dead
vic tim to th e point of se n se less n ess" M arsden 's blood a nd m ade an X mark on

Murphy's forehead, telling her that she was N K activity may be the byproduct of increased
now initiated into the group." sympathetic activation, or ii may be an adap-
(See also FERTILITY RITES, FESTIVALS tive response in the face of possible physical
and RITUAL SEX) insult. Although the nature of the cues remains
to be determined, these daia do indicate that
SADISM (T yr annism; Leptosadi sm- the environmental context in which a stressor is
mild form of sadism, Mastix-female sadist applied may be an important determinant of
and Sapphosadism-lesbian sadism) Sadism the immunological consequences of stress expo-
is the name given to the sexual practices of sure. Stressor Associated Cues Influence
those who derive pleasure from d ominating Immune Function, by J. Irwin, S. Livnat, and
or inflicting emotional and physical pain on R . Ader, Quee n 's Unive rs ity, Kingsto n ,
others. The word sadism was formulated Cana da , K 7 L 3N6 and U n ive r s ity o f
after the release of writings b y Marquis de R ochester, R ochester, N.Y., 14642
Sade to characterize that type of sexual cru- In sadism it appears that peo pl e are
elty. Unfortunately the term was extended capable of achievin g relief of free-floating
to encompass consensual sex play between anxiety by transferring their figh t-flight-sex
adults, thus causing muc h prejudice a nd respon se onto another person or object. For
misunderstanding during the next two cen- instance, a man who is angry at a sp ouse is
turies. able to humiliate, rape or mutilate another
Consensual S/M and sadism are as dif- p erson and relieve their stress due to the
ferent as normal sex co mpared to rape. signals of d efeat in th eir victim. Th e fact
Tru e sad is ts are not co n cerned with that the sadi st d oes not know or care for his
wheth e r the v ictim has a pl eas urab le victim makes it easier for him to carry the
response; people who p lay consensual S/M attack further than he normall y would. A
are extremely concerned. p erson who does attack their lover may use
Sadi stic tenden ci es are inh ere nt in even greater violence because a love object
humans and animals alike. Sadism is linked creates a higher level of anxiety. P eop le who
to our aggressive resp onse in protecting reach these ex tremes of ten sion may lose
ourselves and yet still preserving the group. their ability to think or b ehave rationally,
Injuries are physical signals that alert us to th eir minds ma y become blank o r replay
the resolution of a conflict or the surrender other incidents, and they may beat or muti-
of an opponent. For instance, two dogs will late their partner until they regain a con-
fight over a bone until one of them submits, sciou s state. D r. Seymour Antelman et. al.
as evident by a vulnerable pose or visible have studied the results of repeated expo-
wound. At this point both the victor and the sures to stress in animals and stated the fol-
loser w ill experi ence e uphoria du e to t h e lowing:
release of b- endorphin s. In addition, the
E ven a single exposu re to a brief stressful
victor will experience a sense of power and
event- be it environmental or phannacolog-
enhanced self-esteem. T here appears to be
ical-can induce extremely persistent, cas-
n ew evide n ce that the immun e system is
also stimulated w h e n o ne is ex posed to
cading sensitization to subsequent stressors or
related stimuli which recall the mem01y of the
others suffering. Drs . Irwin , Livnat, and
original trauma (Antelman et al. 1980, 198 7,
Ader address this in the following quote:
1988; Ante/man and Chiodo 1983; Ante/man
Consistent with the earlier results, only those 1988). We have recently proposed that such
animals exposed to the environment in which findings may be relevant to the development of
animals were being shocked (No Shock With) syndromes such as delayed p ost-traumatic
exhibited an increase in splenic NK [Natural stress disorder, bulimia and panic (A nte/man
Killer] activity ... lt may be speculated that in 1988) . (Persis tent sensitization of clonidine-
anticipation of such a threat, physiological · induced hypokinesia following one exposure to
cha nges occur which would prepare the a stressor: possible relevance to panic disorder
organism to respond to the environmental chal- and its treatment, by Seymour M . Antelman,
lenge. Consequently, the enhancement noted in Steven Knopf, Donna Kocan, and David J.

Edwards, Departm e nt of Psychiatry, As intelligent humans we are able to find

Western Psychia tric I n stitute and C linic, alternative solutions to how we achieve clo-
Univers it y of Pi ttsb urgh Scho o l of sure or release of anxiety. We do not need
J'v\edicine, 38 11 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, to argue or abuse our adversary or lover to
PA 152 13 , USA a nd Dep art m ent of the point where they display extreme
Physiology Pharmacology, U n iversity of remorse, p ain , o r suffe ring. T oday, thera-
Pittsb urgh Schoo l of Dental Medicine, pists are able to recommend treatments for
Pittsburgh, P A 15213, USA as prinled in controlling ou r own anxiety su c h as bio-
Psyclwpliarmacology . Springer-Verlag 1989, feedback, group therapy, support groups,
98:97) laughter, exercise, and diet change.
There seem s to be a fea r amo ng S/M practi- P I-IILI A, AUTOMASOC I-II SM, C ICATRIZA -
tioners of losing control of anger in consen- T ION , DACRYLAGN IA, HYBR!STOPHILIA,
sual sex games although there has never LUST MURDER , MASOCHISM , M ISOGY-
been any documentation of this occurring. NIST, MUTILATlON, RAPE , SYMPHORO-
Most injuries are accidental. War veterans PH!LIA and TORTURE)
may flash back to personal experiences of
SAFE SEX Each type of sex practice
being t o rtu red. It is re co mm ended that
requires its own special p recau tions. We
anyone who knows they may expe rience this
begin by learning our partner's spec ial
effect a\'Oid situations that trigger it. Others
needs wit h a di scussion of their general
who feel them selves beco ming over stimu-
health. A disclosure of the types of m edica-
lated m ay find it b e n eficial to focu s on
tion one takes and its purpose is essential. A
solving math, logistic, or ve rbal problems
predisposition to h eart disease, diabetes,
wh ile they si m ulta n eo u sly take slow deep
phobias, strokes, fainting, and hyperventil a-
( i n t o the abdomen) breath s . An ot h e r
tion should be discussed. Instructions need
m ethod, if pracliced before the level of am.:-
to be given for action to be taken in case of
iety ri ses too high, is to visualize physical
an a ttack and who is to be notified. A reg-
defeat or even an open wound on an anony-
ular partner, as opposed to a stran ger, is
mous person. This reinforces the fact that
preferred when engaging in the more
one can be responsible for their own actions
unusual forms of sex . Most novices will say
by proving th e ir abi li ty to re lease a n ger
they know how to tie a partner to t he bed
wit h o ut resorting t o physical v iolence.
but their experience comes from watch ing
Similar mechani sm s work for those who
movies. A lack of credible knowledge or
when faced wi th an xiety feel the need to
expe ri e n ce on th e part of a partner can
mutila te themselves; h oweve r, instead of
potentially cost another's life in a matter of
,·isualizing inj ury on another person it may
be done \.vhile looking at o ne 's own h and.
Some sadists see themselves as compas- ANAL PLAY Anal play is considered a high
sio nate beca u se they believe in killin g the risk activity for contracting th e AIDS vi rus.
victim before they begin the mutil atio n of Anal play includes licking the anus or pene-
th e ir body. Tho se t h at a r e emotionally tration with the penis, dildos, fingers, fist, or
nu mb may only be able to elicit an cmo- enema. There are several additional dangers
Lio n al r esponse throug h t h e s ight of a inherent in anal play. Feces contains many
wound. Their pleasure comes from this and ty p es of li ve bacteria and is a ca rri er of
not the fea r, humiliatio n, o r torture they pathogens . The danger to a person being
in fli ct o n th e victim . Others pre y on th e p enetrated is of tea ri ng the rectal t iss ue.
victim 's emotional reaction to their power, Symptoms of this injury are fever, pain in
perhaps because th eir anger co m es fro m the abdominal o r rectal area, and a wors-
others having p sychologically abused them ening ill ness the next day resulting in pos-
in a similar m anner and they wan t to see sible d eath within days. There is not always
their pain mirrored in the victim's face. This a discharge of blood to indicate ti ss ue
is their tool for revenge. damag e. Waler based lu brica n ts used

in conjunction with condoms, latex gloves, they would asphyxiate, or strain their mus-
finger cots, veterinarian 's calving gloves, cles. Many of the bondage scenes in maga-
and Saran Wrap should be used as a barrier zines a re fantasy or based on real torture,
between the object of penetration and the t h ey are not design ed for consensu al sex
anus of t h e p a rtner. Dildos and other play.
objects should have a flange th at prevents
BRANDING People use fabrica ted strips of
the anal sphincter from sucking the object
galvanized sheet metal, copper, or tin as a
into th e rectum . brand. T he skin is was hed with soap and
BLOOD SPORTS Blood sports include any water (alcohol is combustible) ; sterilization
activity that breaks the skin, ranging from is .not necessary because of the h eat . The
abrasions, burning, biting, shaving, cup- p erson to be branded is put in a reclining
pi n g, an d can ing to cuttin g, s ta pl ing, position and the exact location for the brand
suturing, lacing, impalement, and piercing. is marke d off wi th a pen. Some practi ce
All objects touching a wound m ust be sterile w ith the cold brand until they a nd the ir
or clean and needles that pierce the skin partner are both comfortable with the pro-
must be sterile and should be thrown away cedure. T he brander then heats the metal to
after only one use. Other instruments must a cherry red a nd the partn er is bra n ded.
be sterilized before being used on anyone The stroke is quick a n d even, lasting n o
else (see following section on sterilization longer than a second. Afterward, the burn is
techniques). Blood sports can pose a high covered with an antibiotic ointment a nd a
risk for the transmission of AIDS and hep- non-stick dressing.
BURNING Burning with fire o r hot objects
BONDAGE T h e g r eatest dangers in can easily damage the skin. If precautions to
bondage include suffocation, strangulation, preven t bu rn s fail and a first o r seco nd
and blocked circulati on. A person can die degree burn (redness, pain, or blistering)
with in three to fo ur minutes without oxygen occurs, th e area sh ould be submerged in
to the brain. Therefore, it is wise to never cold water until the pain becomes tolerable.
leave the partner alone and to constantl y A clean bandage may then be placed over
monitor the extremities fo r circulation, tem- the wound o r bli stered area . The blister
perature, color, and sensation. The circula- itself should no t be broken; it will slowly
tory system comes closest to the surface at diminish ove r th e next few days . T hi rd
the joints and pressure or knots that lay degree burns will be white, gray, or charred,
against areas such as the elbows, underarm, the skin burned away, and painless. These
neck, knees, and wrists should be avoided. burns have to be attended by a physician,
Ten minutes of pressure in the wrong place therefore the burned area should be covered
can easily create p roblems for three to six by a clean dressing and the person immedi-
months, i f not fo r eve r . The first sign of ately transported to an emergency facility.
danger is a tingling or numb se nsa ti on; Oils or butter must never be used on burns
however , these sensations are not always as these tend to hold heat and pathogens on
perceived by the person unless they move th e ski n , caus ing further comp lications .
the affected limb. For safety, rope is dou- People with piercings do not engage in any
bled with the knots p laced on the back side activity that would allow hot oil into the area
of joints. Padding or leather mitts beneath of the piercing.
cords o r handcuffs are beneficial fo r bo th
comfort and safety. Position s that look ELECTRICITY P eople have died from mis-
uncomfortable usually are and if o ne of calculati n g vo ltage and time res tri ctions
these is chosen it is never recommended for while ma sturbating alone. A m ode rate ly
more than a few minutes. These positions high elec tric current fl owing through th e
may also be risky if t h ey are de signed in body wi ll cause tissue damage a nd bu rn s.
su ch a way tha t if t he person weakens or This type of burn resembles sunburn in that
falls their arms would break, joints d islocate, there is a period of time required before one

realizes the seriousness and potential pain of Wrap, an d latex gloves. These are barriers
the injury. The p erso n may not feel any- to b oth pregnancy and th e transmissio n of
thing but warmth during the game, but the bacteria, and viruses. The purpose of latex
next day the injury will be obvious from the is to create a physical barrier be t ween
intensified pain. T herefore, electric shock infected skin and bod y secretions. It may be
cannot be regulated by the amount o f pain necessary to provide extra protection o f the
th e bottom feels. Precau tions h ave to b e genital area by using underwea r that has a
taken not to use high currents at all or low slit in the crotch in addition to a condom to
ones for too extended a period of time. prevent contact of the testicles with the
An even greater safety facto r in volves the vaginal region. People who have a conta-
effect electric c u r rent has on the hea rt. gious lesion on a different p art of the body
E lectricity can interfe re with or stop the may cover it w ith an adh es ive bandage.
heart from beating. Those who desire addi tional pro tection
Lower currents can be safe as long as against viruses use a spermic ide that con-
there are no malfunctions of the equipment tains the ingredien t nonoxynol 9 w ith th e
or human errors, and as long as the person condom. However, some women are allergic
receiving the electric cu rrent doesn't have a tO this chemical. Those practicing anal sex
heart con dit ion . (Sec also EL E CTR ICAL sometimes use two condoms due tO the fact
SHOCK) th at there is a h igher risk of the latex tearing
during this activity. The primary complaint
FLAGELLATION A bru ise or hemato ma
involving latex is due to the lack of sensi-
may be ea sed by elevating the area a nd
tivity. Some of this can be restored by using
applying an ice pack. All leather and latex
a small amount of water based lubricants
whips that break skin sh ould b e cleaned and
(never oil because it causes rubber to deteri-
dried before using on a different person. It
orate) u nderneath the cond om near the tip
is best if each person has their own supply of the penis. There are also condoms that
of whips. have an adhesive near the base to prevent it
HYGROPHILIA Some type of latex barrier from slipping off during sex. M en who tend
must be used bet\veen any body secretion to l ose condoms can oft en ma ke them
and t h e partner as protection from AIDS secu re a nd increase sensation by putting a
and oth er pathogens . Those desiring to rubb er cockring over the condo m at the
smear their own feces on their bodies should base of th e pe n is. Condoms may also be
avoid cuts in the skin. Ingestion is not rec- used over d ildos or other sex toys to prevent
omm en ded because feces can c reate prob- con tam ination and general deterioration of
lems if introduced into the upper digestive the rubber when washed with soap.
PIERCING There are many safety precau-
tions taken wh e n p layi ng with piercing.
frottage, voyeurism, and obscene phone L atex gloves are worn by the partner who
calls are ill egal whe n do n e in public, to
inserts th e needles, the skin is cleaned with
minors, or to a nonconsenting adu lt. The an alcohol swab (iod ine o n labia) , Neo-
best precau tio n is to find a consenting
sporin is sometimes used on the n eedle to
partner with which to engage in these activi-
make it easier to slide throu gh the skin, the
ties, to patronize massage parlors, join a sex
skin to be p ierced is p inched up between the
club where nudity is acceptable, or find a finger and thumb, and the sterile needle is
co mp ete nt sex therapist w h o ca n h elp
inserted at an angle (never straight in on
peop le understand their motives and substi- a ny part of the body) so that the round
tute them with ones that do not have a puni-
hollow tip faces away from the skin. There
tive risk. may be some bleeding from a p iercing and
LATEX BARRIERS The possibility of care is taken to avoid obvious blood vessels.
transmitting sexual diseases can be reduced A box of Kleenex or gauze is kept close by
by the use of condoms, dental dams, Saran to dab up the excess blood. Some bleeding

may be minimized by leaving t h e n eedle well as making certain the person's clothes
inside for an extended p eriod. Muscle tissue are loose enough to breathe comfortably.
is n eve r pierced because a m uscle ca n Di sruptio ns and crowds should be mini-
spasm, causing the needle to break. If for mized. A physician should be consulted if
any reason a needle does break off in the the p erso n fails to impro ve within a few
skin the p erson is taken to the emergency minutes.
room of a hospital immediately. If symp-
SOUNDING The urethra has a sphincter at
toms of shock develop in the partner (i.e.
the entrance of the bladder and because of
fee li ng fa int o r nauseo us, p e r spiring, or
this a fla nge or cross bar is put on the end
coldness) they must lie down immediately
of a sound or object to pr event items from
with their legs raised above the level of the
being pulled down the urethra and into the
heart and be kept warm (not hot). If they do
bladder. Another precaution people take is
not improve within a few minutes o n e
to make sure that anything going into the
sh ould consult a physician. Needles are dis-
urethra is free of microscop ic nicks or
posed of in a glass jar with a lid.
roughness t hat might abrade the deli ca te
PRIAPISM: A penis that is swollen due to tissue of the canal. And last, anything put
priapism or a cock ring ( preventing the into the urethra is sterilized to prevent
blood from flowing out of the cavernosa and infection. Once a person is ready to insert
back into the body) can often be reduced by the sound , s t eri le lubri c ation s uch as
wrapping an Ace bandage around the penis. Surgilub is put onto the instrum ent. The
This starts with t h e glans and is worked hand le is ne ve r released because, once
downward toward the pubic area. Wrapping in serted, dropping th e h eavy so und can
t h e penis with an i ce bag o r inducing cause internal injury and so can using force
orgas m can also lead to detumescence. If to get the sound into th e desi red positio n;
this does n ot work, a physician should be the sound is merely allowed to sink.
consulted immediately. Permanent damage
can occur within only a few hours.
the skin is brok en, abraded, or burned all
SHOCK Shock is caused by reduced circu- instruments are sterilized. Instruments that
lation in the cardiovascular system brought are reusable are sterilized by placing them in
on by injury or extreme emotional trauma. an autoclave. If one does not h ave access to
This physiological reaction keeps us from this type of medical device the items may be
b leed ing to deat h if we are wou n ded. p laced in a pressure cooker for 1/2 hour or
However, because our body h as no way of on aluminum foil in a conventional oven
discerning the severity of th e injury , it that is set at 300 degrees for 1/2 hour. Metal
so m etimes ove rreacts . The symptoms of objects, pans, and scissors may be heated in
shock vary according to the individual b ut a conventional ove n. The me tal for these
normall y includ e a feeling of weakness , devices should b e unplated stainless or sur-
nausea, thirst, dizzin ess, and coolness. gical steel.
These may manifest themselves as restless- The 'surgeon ' first washes their hands
ness, trembling, a weak and rapid pulse, twice with soap , then dries them with a
analgesia, shallow breathing, dilated pupils freshly bleached and laundered towel. The
and pale cool or moist skin. 'patient's' skin is prepped by using p repack-
A person exhibiting any of these symp- aged rubbing alc ohol swabs or Betadine
toms should be calmed, laid down so that with clean cotton swabs over t he area to be
their feet are elevated above their heart (if cut. The swab is firmly rubbed over the skin
conscious, the per so n sh ould be ab le to in such a ma nner that it does not wipe over
detect an improvement as soon as the legs the same area twice. The alcohol does n ot
are raised high enough), a blanket may be sterilize the surface skin, rather it sim ply
used to cover th e person but o nly if they removes dirt and oil and kills a few viruses.
feel cool- do not make them uncomfortably Betadine does sterilize the area. The pack-
warm. Access to fres h air is importa nt as aged equipment is laid onto a fresh towel

and care is taken not to let anything sterile their day because of their endorsement of
touch fabric or other things that may be celibacy, man y Church leade rs supp orted
contaminated. Care is also taken not to con- their effort. T his gave Christianity a social
taminate needle tips that project through the respectability which to d1is point had been
skin becau se they will at so me point be lacking.
pulled back through an open wound. St. Augustine was a prolific writer. In his
autobiograph y, Confessions, he revealed his
URETH RAL PLAY Inserting a catheter or
struggle with love, lust, and passion for the
sounding devices into the urethra require
Roman arena. As a Manichaean h e led a
medical knowledge and use of sterile tech-
normal life with a mistress and fathered his
niques. (Please refer to these sections for
beloved so n A d eoda tu s (di e d at 18) .
H owever, after thirteen years his mother
ZIPPER ACC IDENTS Scrotal or penis persuaded him to send his mistress back to
tissue often gets stuck in between the teeth Africa an d to marry a girl of higher social
of zippers. It is advisable to keep a pair of stan ding . This he did at a great emotio nal
dikes (small wire cutters) in the tool chest. cost. H e rela ys in h is own wo rd s "The
These are used to clip the front guide por- wo man with who m I was in the habit of
tion tha t se parates the teeth as they pass slee ping was tor n from m y si d e o n th e
through the zipper. This one small section ground of being an impedim ent to my mar-
h olds th e top and bottom of the zippe r riage, and my heart, which clung to her, was
togethe r and when it is cut the zipper falls wounded and brok en and dripping
apart and the teeth ca n easily b e pulled blood ... Nor was the wound healed which
apart. ("Ask the D oc tor," by F . Gordon, had been made by the cutting off o f my p re-
lecture September 19, 1990) vious mistress. It burned, it hurt intensely,
(Please refer to ind iv idu al section s for and then it fes tered , and if me pain became
addition al discussion.) duller, it became more despera te." His mis-
tress left vowing neve r to gi ve he rself to
ST. AU GUSTINE St. Au gustine (354- another man and it is co nceivable that St.
430 C.E.) was a No rth African fr o m Augustine's later vow o f celibacy was made
Tagaste (Alger ia ). H e, al o ng w ith St. easy by h is d evotion a nd possible guilt over
Jerome and St. Gregory (the Great), formu- a b andoning h e r. Chris ti an celi b acy gave
lated th e d octrines of the early Catholic him an excuse not to betray he r by marrying
Church. The Church's position on b irth another woman. The new marriage never
control, papal celibacy, divorce, and their took p lace because while he was waiting for
loathing of women was due to their inter- the girl to mature he converted to a chaste
pretati on of the original sin as having bee n Neo-platonist sect of C hristianity.
the act of sex. They won despite a heated H e never co n quered his des ir e fo r
debate with many n ota ble church leaders women and even forbade his sister, a n un,
who presented arguments to the contrary. to speak to him without witnesses present.
S t. Augusti ne had a strong passion for The more his body d esired the female touch
women but due to the influence of the po p- the more he condemned sex as evil.
ular sex- n egative r e ligio n s like Mani- (Sec also CELIBACY, EUNUCHS, ILLEGAL
cheanism, Stoicism, and Neo-P latonism he SEX, KLEPTOPHILIA and VICT ORIAN LSM)
decided that his sex ual lust was ev il.
Pleasure was to be spiritual, not p hysical. ST. VALENTINE St. Valentine's day is
St. Augustine was an intellectual and lived celebrated on February l 4m and is the feast
during the time that great philosophers put day of two martyrs na med Valentine; one of
a value on one's ability to control their pas- R ome and the other of Terni. Both these
sions . Christians and Jews were criticized m en di ed in abo ut 269 CE (Com m o n
due to their more natural view of sex . Era/A.D.). The date was on ly one da y
Therefore, when St. Augustine and others before Lupercalia, an ancient Roman fer-
gained credibility among intellectuals of tility festival mat h onored Juno (goddess of

women and marriage) and P an (god of This reversed the spell and caused the man
nature). One of the rituals involved in this to feel hate toward tl1e enchantress.
festival included priests who walked through (See also COCKTAILS, KLISMAPHILIA ,
town striking all the women with goat skin LACTAPHILIA, SHOWERS, UROPHI LI A and
thongs, to ensu re fertility. February 14th is VAMPIRISM)
thought to be the first day that birds begin
their mating season and t h erefore love rs SATAN WORSHIP Satan worship as we
during the M iddle Ages used this occasion know it today did not exist until after
to send love notes. They were origin ally Christianity adopted the philosophy of the
h and made by the man doing the courting separat ion o f good and evil fro m
and left on his lady's door step. Technology Zoroastri a nis m (628-551 B.C.E. ) and
advanced and by the mid 19th century elab- Manichaeanism (250 - 1200 C.E.). Th e
orate cards were being purchased and sent larter was the former religion of one of the
by mail. Su ito r s we re then re li eved of Catholi c C hu rch's fou n ding fat h ers and
having to write poetry and decorate cards. proponent of t his t h eory, St. Augustine.
T he Europeans not only sent cards to Satan worship became an escape by which
those they were trying to impress but it was persecuted Christians and othe rs vented
acceptable to send vulgar and insulting ones tl1eir hostility toward the Church.
to the handicapped and old maids. One The confu sion created between Satan
such card read as follows: wors hip and witchc raft (Wicca) seems to
have been in the blending of Christian and
If th e devil step'd, old lady, from his pagan rituals. The new Satanists used their
regions just below, own Christian rituals and belief of what
He couldn't find a picture like the one Satan r epresented but in a manner that
before me now: d efiled and slandered the Church. Wicca
had its own loose autonomous rituals, ones
No doubt you know the gentleman, a t h a t existed thousa n ds of years prior to
sable on e is he, orga nized third centu ry religions.
And he's said to be Papa of all the lies The recognition of Satan is attributed to
that yet might be. the Jews; however, the only mention of an
angel named Satan representing evil is in
Your eyes are false, your nose is false, the book of Job .
and falser still your tongue, I nc idently , Job
You r breast is false, your heart is false, wa s n ot a J ew,
as ever poet sung; but his story was
included in the
And if disgust did not prevail, upon N'veeim (To r -
m y present will, ah). The Lucifer
I could speak of something villainous, of Genesis was a
and yet more filthy still. light g iver, the 'r'------'4
(Sec also FESTIVALS) morning st ar,
and foremost the
SALIROPHILIA (ldrophrodisia) Saliro- bea rer of knowl-
philia (salinus: salty, philia: attachment to) edge to h um ans. He o p e n ed their con-
refers to people who are aroused by tasting sciousness to good and e v il and as
salty body fluid s s u ch as perspiration. punishmen t God cast h im from heaven.
P erspiration at one time wa s thought to T hi s event is simil ar to that told of t he
have magical qualities and was used in a Greek's he ro ic god, Prome th e us whos e
potion to co unteract love spells. The male name means forethought or before learning.
wore out a pair of new shoes by walking and T his god stole fire from Zeus and gave it to
then drank wine from the right shoe which ma nkin d. Ze us as pun ish ment cast h im
naturall y mixed with sweat from his foo t. from heaven and chained h im to a rock on

earth where vultures da ily ate at his liver. of D eath. These were unsuccessful but the
Zeus also in retribution created the first King soon became aware of a p lot against
woman, Pandora, who opened a box to let him and upon an investigation discovered
evil out among man. 74 cons pirato r s, many of w h om w ere
The most popular Satanic ritual was that Catholic priests.
o f the " Black Mass." Many early C hristians B lack Ma sses aga in beca m e p op ular
believed in the supernatural powers of ritual during the 18th century in Hellfir e Clubs.
a nd th e C hristian Mass was conducted by a These were actually sex clubs where women
priest who supposedl y became a p er sonal dresse d in nun's habits, naked f e males
mediator or liaison to God. The rationale of p osed as altars, lv1asses were performed, the
the congregants was that if God granted this nuns u sed sex toys disguised as stick horses,
priest's supplications for the church then and once everyone was sufficiently aroused
they could hire the priest to use his p ower to the orgy bega n . These grou p s los t the ir
petiti on God for p e rso n al favors . Good popularity until the early 20th century when
requ ests co u ld b eco me evil by s impl y rep orts of Black Masses again surfaced.
in ve rting or chang ing part of th e ritual. The H ermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Early priests began conducting a Mass of spawned the father of today's cults, Aleister
the D ead in which they beseeched God to Crowley. Mr. Crowley broke away from the
cause the death of certain enemies of paying Golden Dawn and eventually joined another
paris hi o ners, o th e r s e nded ritual s with cult, the Ordo Templi Orientis of Germany
sexual orgies and in fant sacrifices . Priests and embellished it with sex acts, drugs, and
that were discovered conducting these type animal sacrifice. C rowley died in 1947 but
o f r itua ls were excommunicated b y the left behind several cult books on magick and
C hurch. Black Masses becam e p opula r and a legacy of followe r s. One OTO m e m ber
these defrocked priests were hired to read was Ja ck Parsons ( 1915-52), a prominent
the missal backward or substitute key words scientist in Pasadena, California, who was
such as Satan or evil when appropriate, the known for h osting ritual orgies including
altar was simply a naked vi rgin, the room H ollywood stars. Parsons became involved
was b lack as were the robes and ca ndles. with a sc he me to incarnate the " Whore of
The H ost was made o f feces a nd the conse- Babalon " into the womb of a female. T he
crated wine of urine or blood, or sometimes spell failed. Parsons died in an explosion at
defiled by having a prostitute insert it into the age of 3 7 while conducting a che mical
her vagina or urinate on it. There were sev- experiment in his basem en t (Satan Wants
eral n otable figures who u sed these rituals You, by Arthur L yon s, pp . 44-83).
for the ir own ga in. G illes de Rais, who origi- There are o nl y two l arge orga n ized
nall y acted as a Marshal of F r a n ce and Satanic Churches recognized by tl1e govern-
escort of Joan of Arc, had rituals conducted ment in exis tence in the United States
to help him regain his lost wealth. In addi- t o day; The C h urc h of Satan and t h e
tion to Masses with b lack candles and other Temple of Set.
Satani c parap herna lia he began moles ting The C hurch of Satan was founded in
and sacrificing young boys, eventually being 1966 by Anton LaVey. Mr. LaVey a t one
reported to the authorities by his wife. T he time worked in circuses an d not only gain ed
Marquise d e Montespan, a mistress of King insight into the abnormal and people's fasci-
L oui s XIV, u sed M asses to guarantee the nati on with it, b u t gained proficie n cy in
K ing's continued sexual attracti on to her. promoting and choreographing the unusual.
S he was herse lf u sed as the altar and an He was an avid reader of the occult and this
infant sacrificed an d its blood drained to combined with his earlier career contributed
m ake into a wafer th a t was given to the to the establishment of the Church of Satan
King. After 12 years h e began to look fo r a and the direction it took. LaVey promoted
younger mistress and the marquise turned his church by writing books on Satan wor-
vengeful and engaged in a series of Masses ship and using advertising campaigns that

in cluded p h o tos of a nude woman o n an the statu es were destroyed after this period.
altar. This Ch ur ch h as nine c r ee ds or This religion emphasizes an intellectual self
Satanic Statements that describe its goals: determinism and personal responsibility for
life as opposed to the more common nature
1. Satan represents indulgence instead wor shi ppers who maintained sec urity by
of abstinence.
insi s ting o n o b ed ience t o r itual s a nd
2. Satan represen ts v ital ex iste nce thou ght. Membership for the Temple of Set
instead of spiritual pipe dreams. is r es tricted to t h ose willi ng to dedicate
much of their efforts to study.
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom
T o da y there a r e m any sma ll c ul ts
instead of h ypocritical self-deceit.
throughout the United States an d Europe
4. Satan represents kindness to those that are auton omous, consi sting of one
who deserve it instead of love wasted leader a nd a few friends who u se rituals seen
on ingrates. in movies. The m ost notorious was one led
b y Cha rles Manson during t he 19 60's .
5. Satan represents vengean ce instead
Manson led his me m bers in blood rituals,
of turning the other cheek.
tau ght them " knife throwing, throat slitting
6. Satan re presents res ponsibility to and skull boiling. " His " famil y" also partici-
the respon sible instead of concern for p ated in filming human sacrifices of young
psychic vampires. g irl s (Rape and R itual, A Psychological
Study, by Bradley A. Te Paske, p. 60).
7. Satan r e prese nts m a n as just
Satanic c ults are very rarely involved in
anoth e r a nimal-somet imes b etter,
human sacrifice and those that do engage in
more often worse than those that walk
this are often sm all autonomous cults led by
o n all- fo ur s- who, because of his
an individual.
" divine spiritual an d intellectual devel-
opment," has become the m ost vicious SEX MAGICK)
animal of all.
8 . Satan represents a ll of the so-called SATYRIASIS (Coitolimia, Co mpulsive
si ns, as t hey a ll l ead t o physical, cruis ing, Gy n ecomania, H ype rph ilia,
mental, or emotional gratification. ldiosy n crat, Pa re un o mani a, Tragolimia)
Satyrs are n otorious half-goat and h alf-men
9. Satan has been the best friend the Greek myt h o l ogical character:; who
Church has ever had, as he has kept it attended the god Bacchus and were known
in business all these years. for their lechery a nd hedonism. Satyriasis is
© Anton Szandor L a Vey, 1966 c.e. th e male equivalent of fe m ale n y mph o -
mania .
T he Temple of Set was fo rmed in 1975 by There is n o predeterm ined numbe r of
m o re co n se rvati v e members from th e times that a person is exp ected to engage in
Ch urc h of Satan. T his group revived the sexual activ ity; t h erefo re, a definit ion o f
worship of the Egyp tian god Set. Set and satyriasis that specifies a numerical compo-
H o ru s were originally brothers who were n ent is invalid. Cultures as well as individ-
friendly to the dead. Horus the E lder repre- u als differ dramatica lly in sexu al activity.
se n ted th e day a nd Se t t h e ni g ht. Th e Rather for a definition we m ight use similar
Egyp tian s la ter cha nge d their philosoph y criteria as for addictions: namely, if th e
and attributed all that was evil to Set and all activi ty is compul sive to the degree that it
that was good to H orus. Set was d epicted as interferes with the person's ability to func-
an anim al with a head that is not possible to tion in society and to support themselves it
clearly identify. It has been guessed to b e is a problem. A person who finds that their
th a t of a ca m e l , sna ke , or crocodil e. sexual n eeds fa r exceeds the ability of one
Egyptologists call it the " Set b east. " The partner to provide, sometimes sacrifices the
exact image is unconfirmed because most of affection an d bonding possible with them

fo r poli te sex with a mu ltitude of temporary during height o f passion) Scratching has
partners. been d o n e d u ring fo repl ay and sex
A satyrist may have problems with being th rough out history. The Karna-Sutra rec-
able to experience normal emotions so that ommended that people use th is method to
when the temporary excitement of the chase leave p ermanent love marks:
and conq uest wea rs off they, unlike others,
Generally speaking 1narks made with the 11ails
are unaware of residual feelings of intimacy,
should be i111primed on the armpits, the th roat,
and m ove on to the n ext person. A child
the breasts, the lips, the jagdana or midriff, and
who is not shown consistent love and nu r-
the thighs. The 11ails can be used to make eiglu
turing may also be unable to trust or expect
marks, by scrarching or pressing: sounding,
this fro m others as an adult. Bonding then
half-nzoo11, the circle, the lines, the tiger's nail
d oes not occur with o ne person, instead
or claw mark, 1he peacocl?'s foot, the !tare's
nurturing and security is restricted to the act
leap and the bltte lotus leaf. Tlte arr of
of sex itself. Other sa tyrists m ay simply
imp1·inting the marlu of love is familiar to all.
enjoy the chase and conquest more than sex
Nail mar/?s 111ay not be made on married
with a stable.partner.
women; however ir is per111iued IO make special
There ma y be a h o r mona l imb alance
marks 011 the hidden pans of their bodies, as a
where the body produces an abnor m al
fond memory a11d in order to heighten one's
amoun t of testosterone, d opamine, or other
love. Even when they are old and have al111ost
chemical that wou ld increase the person's
been effaced, nail lllarl?s remind a wo111a11 of
de sire for sex.
previous 1nornents of love and revive her pas-
sion, which might otherwise be simply lost. A
young woman 011 whose breasis such marlls are
to be seen can impress eve11 a stranger who sees
her from a dista11ce. A man who bears nail and
SCARRING Sec CICAT RIZATION teeth mar/is 011 his body is successful with
women, even those who resist love.
Most people today are generally more cau-
SCOPOPHILIA (M ixoscopia, Scopto- tious about leaving marks on their partner
1agnia; Allopellia- h av ing orgasm from without consent.
watching others engage in sex) Scopophilia (See also BITING, CICATRIZATION, FLAG-
(skopein: looking a certa in d irection, and ELLAT IO and PINCHING)
phil ia: attachment t o) refe r s to sex ual
aro usal gai ned from looking at people or S C ROTAL INFUSION (Bal loo nin g,
events. This would include voyeurism, but Scrotal inflation) Scrotal infusion is the pro-
is broader in that the people bei ng watched cess by which a solution is injected into the
may also consent, i.e. candaulism or group scrotal sack. It is also refe rred to as bal-
sex. looning or scrotal inflation, although these
A leading te levision evangelist rece ntl y terms m ight be taken to mean expan sion by
ga ined notoriety for engaging in scopophilia air or gas and for safety reasons that im pres-
w ith prostitu tes wh o wou ld ma sturbate sion is best avoided by using the word infu-
while he watched. sion which den otes expansion by fluid .
T h e scopop hil e may be aroused by T he visual effect of the scrotal infusion
watching an activiry that involves a fetish or resemb les a wa t er balloo n . Me n do not
sex object. J\ll.en may watch women u rinate, report any pai n from th is procedure and
try on shoes, browse through erotic sections claim that one advantage is fou nd the next
of a magazin e rack, o r ride Syb ian (the mo rning when the solution filters into the
mechanical dildo). p enis causing it to swell to the size of a beer
(See also VOYEURISM) can . M en claim exclusive license to this type
of sex play. T here is no sealed part of the
SCRATCHING (Dermographism; Amy- fema le anatomy that has a h ol low sack
ch es is- fe m a le who sc r atc h es partner which lends itself to expa nsion.

Paraphernalia used for thi s procedure v isually se t their genitals apart from all
were scissors, first aid tape, a 20 gauge others.
angiocath or hypodermic needle, a one liter The saline in the scrotal sack absorbs
p lastic bag of into the b ody within about three days. Some
..-...i~~::;:i;·-~ sali ne solution , people inject more saline than the scro tal
a n I V pol e o r sack can accommodate and this will imme-
h oo k on the diately overflow through a small ope ning
ceiling , p last ic into the abdomen. CAUTION: T hi s is a
t ub i ng, latex blood sport that requires proper sterilization
gloves and pack- procedures a nd is therefore not considered a
aged alco h o l safe sex practice. Improper placeme nt of the
prep pads. needle may also damage local n erves.
The saline solution was warmed to b ody ("Scrotal Inflation and Other Geni tal
temperature ahea d o f time. The bag was Modifications," by J. B. , QSM lecture,
then held against th e inside wrist to deter- D ecember I , 1990)
m ine a comfortable tempe r ature. (See also BONDAGE/LACING , PIERCING,
Incidentally, the temperature is n ot for the SAFE SE X/SC ROTAL INFUSION a nd
comfort of the patie nt bu t rather to prevent SUTURING )
the scrotal sack from shrinking as it n or-
mally does when exposed to cold water or SENSORY COMPENSATION Sensory
ic e . Thi s s h rinking wou l d hamper the compensation is the body's natural mecha-
expansion process that is essen tial for infu- nism by which we regu late the amount of
sion. outside stimulus to a manageable level. Our
T h e b ag wa s hung fro m a h ook and bra in divides our atten tion be tween all the
spiked with the tubi n g w hi c h was then input avai lable, and with this information
pinched closed not contaminating any o f the interprets the environmental cues. We do
e nd s. T he scrotal area was swabbed with the not need all five senses fo r the brain to pro-
alcohol prep pa d , and the n eedle was cess or in terpret external cues; we can do
inserted about one inch directly below the this with only on e sensory aid. Of all our
base of the peni s in t h e mid dle of the senses our strongest or most distracting is
scrotum. T he partner waited for a moment that of sight. Sound is the second most dis -
to make certain that he had not p ierced a tracting sense a nd smell the third . M ost
vein (evident by blood backing up into the people are aware of a similar compensation
needle), th e n eedle or angiocath was t h en effect with the blind wh ereby they d evelo p
taped flat and upright agai nst the top of the or become more focused on their remaini ng
scrotum. The tubing was then opened an d senses. This compensation does not require
adjusted so that it drained at a rate of about a long p eriod of time, rather it can be artifi-
60-90 cc's a minute. cially achieved in only a matter of minutes.
T he male stood because gravity helps to Sen sory co m pe n sa tion is used in sex
facilitate the expans ion. However, fainting is games by isolating the desired sense to be
a natural response and the person was m on- enhanced, fo r instance touch, and depriving
itored closely and had a bed or table behind the perso n of their ability to use the o ther
him on which to lie if necessary. four sen ses. The person is p laced in a com-
Scrotal infusion is an activity that is diffi- fortable room that is void of odors or sound
cult for most observers to un derstand. The a nd n ot given a n yth ing to eat or h old in
men who experim ent with this form of body their m outh . T h ey are then either blind-
modification have explained th ei r va riou s folded or the room is made dark, depend ing
m otives or d esire to experience differe nt on whether the game entails activities that
feelings, to be unique, for the shock valu e, n ecessitate ligh t. T h is depriva ti on of all
to prove th a t th ese are t h eir genitals and senses but one results in the person
they will d o with them as they please, and to becomin g focused on tactile stimulation. A

feat h er stroked across the b ody becomes Sen so ry deprivation may be isola ted to
m ore in ten se as does d irect contact with only part of the b ody such as the nipples or
their n ipples or genitals. Their sensitivity to genitals. This is d one with a num bing lotion
pain will also inc rease; th er efor e, care is or encasement. ("Sensory D ep rivation and
taken to avoid strong stimulus. Bondage," by Adashi, Society of Janu s lec-
Sensory com pen sation may be u sed to ture, May 24, 1990)
e nhance a n y of t he five sen ses, achieving (See also SENSORY ENHANCEMENT, SEN-
variou s effects. SORY OVERLOAD and SUSPENSION)
LOAD) t h a t e nh a n ce o u r sen s es ar e l iste d
t hroug h out this book and includ e t ec h-
SENSORY DEPRIVATION S enso r y n iques that range from the u se of simp le
deprivation differ s from sensory compensa- lubricants a nd massage to the m ore p ainful
tio n in th at one t ries t o eliminate all fi ve fo rm of cock and ball torture.
senses. Dep ri vation m ay include ac tivities T h e n at ur al d esi r e to i n c r ease th e
su ch as se n sory d e p r ivat io n chamb e r s, amount of stimuli fo r sex is found in some
samadhi tanks, or su spension. young children when they first learn to mas-
Ta nks, wh erein people defy gravity by tu rbate. One young girl would, during the
floating or are suspended in water, can be sum mer, lay naked on burning patio b ricks
very disorienting. Suspension is not as dra- because it enhanced m astu rbation . In a sim -
matic but has also produced results such as ilar fas hion a young boy put pieces of cloth
vertigo, h alluci n ation s, and confusio n . A in a freeze r a nd then removing on e would
safeword that acts to signal the p artner to lay it over his penis to facilitate masturba-
e n d t h e depr iva ti on is esse ntial for thi s tio n . These m e thods probably intensifi ed
activity. their sexual response because pain triggers
Long term d epriva tion often p rodu ces t h e body's d efe n se mech an is m s by p ro-
h all ucinations a nd altered states of con - du cing ad renalin. T his m ay be of particular
sci ousness. H allucina tio n s a re a ri sk for importan ce for youth who often do not h ave
almos t a nyon e who becomes isolated ; fo r the sexual experience to build arousal by the
instan ce, those in sensory deprivation cham- u se of sexu al fantasies. Even those children
b e r s, sailo r s wh o repo rted hearin g a nd w h o d o use fan tasy w hen m as turb at ing
seeing fe male sirens, a nd those who get lost don't use visions of what we con sider r eg-
in jungles. Tribesmen in South Ame rica ular or norm al copulation. One very young
have legend s of m en becoming victims of girl described the th oughts sh e u sed wh ile
"J apujaneju," a n evil fe m ale spi r it, wh o playing with herself. She visualized a mon-
often appears to them as their consort luring ster, on e seen in a m ovie, e ngagi n g in a
them deeper into the fo rest. People sent into bizarre fo r m of u rination fro m h is m ou th .
space or just for a winter in Antarctica are O ne would guess that this girl used fear as a
o ften required to take psychological tests in stimulant for arousal instead of p ain as in
advance. t h e former cases. [P ersonal co mmun ica-
A more pertin ent a nd dramatic sexual tion s.]
effect of sen sory d eprivation is that ofte n Regardless of the method a person u ses it
after only one-half hour a mere touch to the is important to underst and that people have
body or genitals can produce orgasm. Also, d iffere nt pain toleran ces; th erefo re, wh at
the fi rst visu al impression experienced after looks like it would cau se pain to on e person
one is released from sensory deprivation can may in rea lity feel pleasu rable to oth ers.
be very intense and long lasting. M any part- People w h o are u n d er st ress or who are
ners u se this opportu nity to express ten der - " type A per sonalities" are thought t o h ave a
n ess a n d love, or oth erwise presen t higher pain threshold than others .
them selves in a mann er in which they would (See also ABRASIONS, ACOUSTICOPHILIA,
like to be remembered. ACUPRESSURE, BATH S, BED OF NAILS, BEE

ST I NGS, BITING , CLAM PS , CUPP I NG, Awareness of the dynamics involved in

DEPILATION, I NUNCTION, MASSAGE, all cases of controlled sensory overload by a
MYSOPHILIA, PINCHING, SCRATCHING and second party is important. There are occa-
sions when this type of bonding a nd influ-
ence fro m the partner is advantageous and
also instances when it is inappropriate. An
load occurs when there is more information
obvious case is that of spouse abuse where
prod uced from an enviro nment than a
o ne partner co nstantly criticizes the oth er
p erson can assimilate. This does not neces-
cau sing t hem to feel unsure of t h eir own
sarily mean that more things are occurring
decisions, inferior, and unable to function
s imu ltaneously but rather that the y are
without the abuser.
unfami liar o r confusing. D isorien tation
occurs b eca use the brai n can not readily SENSORY ENHAN CEMENT, SENSORY COM-
process this typ e of information. PENSATION, SUSPENSION and VERTIGO)
Deliberate sensory overload is used by
cults to accomplish a similar effect on their
converts. Steven Ha ssa n, once a high SERENADES Serenades were popular in
ran king officer in the Moonie move me nt, Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.
and now an exit co unselo r and leading Y o ung m e n p layed
expert on destructive cults and their indoc- their violins an d sang
trinat ion techniques, spoke of t he risks of on the streets be neath
sensory overload in h is recent book: the windows of t h ei r
lover. The Engl ish
Pul a person in a sensory deprivation chamber, were quick to fo llow
and within hours he will s£arl lo hallucinate th e romantic Italians'
and become i ncredibly suggestible. Likewise, example b u t with dif-
pul a person into a siiuaiion where his senses fe rent results. E nglish
are overloaded wilh noncohereru information, men drank until mid-
and the mind will go "numb" as a protective night to get up their nerve, and then d idn 't
mechanism. It gets confused and overwhelmed, quit singing until near dawn. Of course, th is
and rritical faculties no longer work properly. may well have been the quickest way to per-
It is in weakened state that people become suade a father to consent to his daughter's
very suggestible to others. The mind needs marriage simply to get her suitor to stop.
frames of reference in order to structure reality. (See also COURTSHIP and EROTOGRAPH-
(Comballing Cult Mind Control, p. 47. OMANIA)
An example of this in a sex scene is that of a
perso n who is not experienced with S/M S E X ALMANACS T h ere are several
walking into a play parry where various sorts maga zines an d books t h at provide up to
of bondage, humiliation, a nd flagellation are da te information on international activities
being engaged in by people. This can create that are of interest to sexu ally active people.
m a nifesta tions that a re best described as The Safer Sex Maniac's Bible is a compre-
having a fog over most of the room, tunnel hensive p ocket sized guide that is published
v is io n , vert igo , and m ini m al focus. in London annuall y by M iss Tuppy Owens.
Advantages of sensory overload in sex play Tim Woodward's magazine, Skin II, pro-
is that it makes t h e person become m o re vides a current world listing of clubs, activi-
submiss ive and r elian t on thei r partner ties, pub li cati o n s, a n d shop s, and San
because it strips them of the ability to sort Francisco has several magazines with infor-
out ideas on their own. Confusion also cre- matio n about upcoming events: Spectator,
ates t h is effect a n d is acco m p li sh ed by Drummer, Sandmutopia Guardian &
giving a partn er double-bi n d commands, Dungeon Journal, and Dungeon Master. Sex
those that contradict each other so that no clubs or organizations often keep up to date
matter what they do they can be criticized. on local social functions.

(See also SEX CLUBS, SEX CONFERENCES, throughout the interior and exterior. Their
SEX HOTELS and SEX SHOWS) interest in se x was n o t restricted to th e
carnal e nj oyment o f art; they also h ad a
SEX BOUTIQUES There are several sex library that contained a comprehensive col-
boutiques in t h e U n ited States, mos t of lec tion o f erotic litera tu re. T h e me m bers
vvhich a re owned by women. Inside, they entered the abbey dressed as friars and their
resemble a fine lingerie store that carries sex lady guests dressed as nuns. The G rand
toys, fur mitts, erotic videos, boo ks, and M aster began club services at an altar with a
bod y lotio ns. San Francisco's Romantasy cursory sacramen t being offered to the ir
Boutique, owned by Ann Grogan, also has baboon deity. T his was followed by other
drawings and work by local artists, bondage simple rituals. The food was elaborate a nd
equ ipm ent fo r n ovices, night classes in libations abu ndant. Once members satisfied
stripp ing for your lover, beginning bondage, their initial hunger they selected a nun with
and many other topics. San Francisco is also w h o m to co nsum mate the revelr y. This
the home of Joani Blank's popular book and brotherh ood met twice a year and su rvived
vibrator store, Good Vibrations. Constance almost 20 years.
Ent. is the oldest and largest fantasy bou- Today we have several hundred diverse
tiqu e. Constance also sponsors the Annual clubs around the world. International adver-
Fall Fantasy Ball near New Jersey. tising is fairly inexpensive and computerized
(See also SEX T OYS) printing of newsletters has made it simpler
to form club s. People with feti s hes as
SEX CLUBS Sex cl u bs th at spo n sor
obscure as la rge pe ni ses, b ig balls, h airy
social activities for th ose w ith u n usual bodies, m ud wrestlers, shaving, cigars, used
sexual proclivities seem to h ave become
condo m s, ge nital mo difi ca ti o n , a nd
m ore prevalent in modern times. Ancien t throwing pies h ave been able to find others
worshippers of fertility religions engaged in
with similar interests willing to fo rm clubs.
their favo rite ' perversions' openly without Some of the la rger clubs include New York's
being criticized by others. Of course, most Eule nsp iegel Society, the Chicago Hellfi re
of these societies did not condone the same
Club, and Los Angeles' Thresh old. T he San
condu ct between holida ys, altho ugh there Francisco area may have as many as a hu n-
may have been secret organizations that did. dred clubs but the most prominen t a re the
C lubs were formed in opposition to the
Back Drop, Outca s ts, ETV C, Mother
Church's condemnation of pagan festivals
Goose C lub, and the Society of Janus.
in 16th century France. Two of these orga-
nizations, the Society Joyuse and the Society BACK DROP CLUB The Back Drop is a
of Dijon, rescued th e Feast of Fools, under fetis h a nd fantasy club that was founded in
th e guise of its being a social activity. P eople 196 6. 1t probably has the largest mem ber-
were thus ab le to continue this observance ship and sponsors the most events. Their
for a wh ile. The F eas t of Fools itself was p rivate clubhouse is open to members from
offensive to the Church because it included noon u ntil l O:OOp m, seve n days a week.
cross-dressing, comp lete m oc k ery of C lasses include in fo rm atio n on wrestli ng,
Chu rch rituals, flagellation, wearing masks, p h otograph y, leathe r fa brica ti on, slave
and the t hrowing of black pudding (some training, cross dressing, spanking, and water
say feces) into the crowds. sports. The club sponsors many interesting
In the 18th century an E n gl is h man social eve nts as we ll. T h ere are Ro m an
n amed Sir Francis Da s hwood began a H olidays \.vith gladiators, slaves, costumes, a
brotherhood o f Medmenh am. H e p urchased Ro man feast, partie s fo r tra nsvestites, a
and re modeled an abbey in Medmenham weekly slave auction , video nights, fash ion
for this purpose. In 1760 this group began sh ows, a nd a flea ma rket once a mon th
holding t heir meetings there and the once where members can exchange or sell their
stoic abbey n ow disp layed sexua l statues sex equipment.
a n d painti n gs wi t h l ewd in sc riptio n s

ETVC The ETVC is a club for transvestites, SOCIETY OF JANUS The Society of Janus
transgenderists, transsexuals, their spouses, was founded in 1974 by Cynthia Slater and
and therapists. The club has over 400 mem- has grown to have approximately 450 mem-
bers to which it provides regular social func- ber s. Similar to o ther S / M c l ubs they
tio ns, sup port groups, outreach program s, sp onsor play parties th at have themes su ch
and a library. ETYC offers its mem bers the as S lave Auctio ns, H alloween Pa rties,
opportunity to dress up for the evening and Bondage and Beau ty Pageants, Beat Your
socialize with others. Their social eve nts Vale ntine, a nd Costumes. One sees a variety
include an annual beauty pagean t, outings, of activities at these parties such as bi nd-
lingerie shows, poker games, casino nights, ings, fo replay, bondage, mummifications,
and m ore. T hey also offer classes on the suspension, spankings, whippings, and use
finer arts of passing as female. of sex toys. Rul es and activities va r y
according to orga ni zation b ut th ey d is-
co urag e gen ita l penetration , fi st ing,
Jack and Jill Off masturbation parties are
urophilia, coprophilia, and other more spe-
sponsored by the Mother G oose Club. H ere
cialized interests. A description o f what one
p eople must follow simple rules pertaining
wo uld see at Janus' Bo n dage and Beauty
to safe sex (penetration is not allowed) and
Pageant is as follows:
the use of condoms, latex gloves, and dental
dams. Social rules requ ire that a person asks
Upon enl1J1 through a locked door one pays
for permission before touching an other and
iheir cover charge and receives a ballot. The
respond politely to anyone w ho says no.
social room is filled with figures clad with black
P eople must either dress in costume or wear
leather, jea11s, and a few business siiits. Their
nothi n g at all. The parti es are ope n to
faces show expressions ranging from sober, anx-
p eople of an y sexual p reference. Unlike
ious, and preoccupied, to warm, ji-iendly and
group sex houses, bi-sexuality is permitted
fesii ve . Voices and rustling can be heard
and men are not required to bring a female
through a doorway thac opens co a large dun-
in order to attend. The club provides hors
geon where people are busy placing their part-
d'oeuvres but some people b ring whipped
ners in bondage for the contest. People know
cream, chocolate syrup, or kama sutra oils
one another and there seems lo be a friendly
to e nha nce their sex p lay. Some people
exchange of humor, advice and assistance. A
e ngage in light bondage or S/M but most
woman brushes by and you turn to see her
people are novices without prior group sex
leading a naked man by a leash attached only
experience. There are usually about a hun-
to his genitals. By this time many of the other
d red m em bers at the p arties and the age of
participants are in different stages of dress. A
the people is slightly younger than what is
beautiful young woman wearing a wedding
found at group sex houses. T here also seem
dress is in one corner, her bodice is pulled down
to be more wet spots on the linen s by the
and on her nipples are rings that support small
end of th e evening . The same Mother
weights, and her feel are apart; being held in
Goose C lub sponsors Jack O ff parties for
place with spreader bars. The front of her dress
me n and Jill Off parties fo r females .
has been raised to expose her genitals from
OUTCASTS The Outcasts is a female S/M which another weight hangs from a chain and
o rganization that sponso rs theme p arties ball chat has been inserted inco her vagina. On
and a monthly lecture that may be anything the floor co their right is a man in black latex
from discussing the politics of being a black who has his arms and legs bound with belts, his
lesbian sadomasochist to piercing and lacing genitals protrude, and have a paper plate sur-
dem on strations. Th is group sponsors a rounding them. Spaghetti is being sensually
booth at the SF Lesbian and Gay Freedom eaten off the plate by his consort. Two women
Day Parade and often catches the attentio n are standing near the center, one encasing her
of spectator s when they, th e Dy kes on naked partner in elaborate rnacrarne. On stage
Bikes, lead the parade or when they demon- are two people who have been bound in a
strate whippings a t their booth. s1anding position and their hoods auached to

ihe ceiling wilh chains. A woman is standing A ssoc iation for Sexolog y, The Ann ua l
near ihem wilh her hands cuffed behind her Na tional C onferen ce o n Sexua l Com -
back. She is bare-chested and held in position pulsivity/Addiction, National Organization
by chains that are snapped to her nipple rings. of Circumcision, the I ntern at io nal
Along ihe side wall is a woman who has been Conferen ce on AIDS, Mensa Sexyg, and
placed in a cage wearing only a slave collar. th e International W orld Sex Conference.
Near her is a naked man who has been cuffed M ost of these are designed for medical pro-
onto a rape rack and his mistress is gently tor- fessiona ls o r people with an academic
turing his exposed scrotum with a riding crop. in te res t in sexology. There is informal
A crowd has now gathered around a woman entertainment and som e sponsor erotic cos-
who has been blindfolded and tied onto a chair, tume balls or dances. Special interest groups
her a rms are pulled back and her legs are su ch as bi-sexuals, in fa ntilists, leathermen,
spread lO the sides. H er master displays a exte n ded fami li es or po lyg a m is ts, and
rather large butcher lmife and reaching down swingers also sponsor annu al conferences.
slices two holes in the front of her sweater to
LIFESTYLES Lifestyles is an orga nization
expose her n aked breasts. There are about
that hosts confere nc es for couples either
twenty entries in all and one must vote for the
contemplating or living in open marriages.
best eniry in each category. Ballors are handed
It was fo unded in 1974 by Bob McGinley,
in and about ten winners with a best of show
Ph.D., a psychologist who felt it was impor -
are announced and broughl onto the stage to
tant to organize a fo rum where people could
receive their awards.
exchange accurate kno wledge a bou t
swinging and find emotional sup port in
European sadomasochis t grou ps include
co p ing wit h oth er's res is ta nce to their
Club Do m a in th e N e th e rl ands, Club
chosen lifestyle. This group has several con -
S u nri se in Sweden, DSS M in England,
ferences a year bu t its prim ary confere nce is
Papillo n in Canada, and SMil in Denmark
often h eld during the summer in L as Vegas.
and Norway. S/M support groups such as Couples have the opportunity to attend out-
the New York group called the L esbian Sex
standing lectures by prom inent psycholo-
Mafia have formed as well.
gi sts, h ypnotists, writers, and wor ksh op
Anti-censorship groups exist to protect
leaders. At night they ar e entertained b y
people's ability to engage in safe and con-
banquets, erotic costume balls, and lingerie
sensual se xual b e havi o r . Some o f th es e discos. Private orgies and wife swap p ing are
include Californians Against Censorship informal and a rranged by some individuals.
T ogether, Co mmit tee to Pre serve Our
The vendor booths acquaint couples with
Sexual & Civil Liberties, England 's
the newest on-line computer programs for
Cam paign Against Public Mor als, France's swinging, m agazine s, swi n ger vaca tion
Centre du Christ L iberateur pour Sexual
packages, toys, sex je welry, personalized
Min orities and, the Dutch S o ciety for
stationery, lingerie, and S/M paraphernalia.
Sexual Reform. Other organizations exist
Ma ny couples outside the swinging commu-
that support all personal freedom s. These
nity attend th ese co n fe rences because of
are t h e American Civil Liberti es Union,
their e n tertai n i n g programs and the
National Coalition Against Censorship, and
refreshing sex- posi tive attitude shared by
America's Libertarian political party.
conference attendees.
The National Sexuality Symposi um was
SEX C ONFERENCE S T here are several fou n ded by K atheryn Roberts in 1990 and
sex conferences, conventions, and sympo- co-sponsored by Lifestyles, the Institute for
siums held each year. These are sponsored Huma n Sexuality, and the San Francisco
by organizations s uch as th e National Sex Information Switchboard. In addition
Sexuality Symposium, t he Society for the to the conference, M s. Roberts publishes a
Scien tific Study of Sex, th e Wo rl d quarterly magazine and sponsors a monthly

lecture and dance in the San Francisco area. began in 1974 and have been held in Paris,
The agenda and entertainment are similar to Montreal, Rome, Mexico C ity, Jerusalem,
those of the Lifestyles conferences but there Washington , New Delhi, Heidelbe r g,
are more counselors a nd singles who attend Caracas, and in 1991 was held in
with much less emphasis being placed on Amsterdam. The 1993 congress is sched-
private parties . Lectures in 199 l included uled for Rio de Jan eiro and the 1995 for
topics such as "Alternate Personas" by Osaka. Profess ional s in sex thera py and
Willi am Henkin, Ph.D. and Sybil Holiday, ed u catio n atten d these conferen ces but
"Communication is the Best Lubrication" o thers are also welcomed. The lectures are
by I sa dora Alman, MFCC, "Sex a nd designed to provide atten dees with a broad
D rugs" by David Co le m a n , "C reating var iety of information. Top ics in 199 1
Successful Relationships" b y Stan Dale, included "Psychosexual devel o pment",
"Feminist Erotica" by N ina Hartley, " Sex " Plasticity of primate sexual and reproduc-
and Censo rship " by Bobby L illy, "S ex tive strategies", "Thcrapeu tical approaches
Games for Couples" by Walter Shelburne, towards victims of sexual torture, " Sex and
Ph.D., "Erotic Massage" by Kenneth Ray aging'', "Therapy of erectile dysfunction ",
Stubbs, Ph .D., a nd "Erotic Film Maki ng for "Sexuality and chronic kidn ey disorders'',
Fun and Profit," by Janet Taylor. and so forth.
STUDY OF SEX This society was orga- RANTS and SEX SHOWS)
nized in 1957 for sexologists a n d profes-
sio n als such as psychologists, professors,
ph ysicia ns, students, or people who have SEX GAMES A game is defined by
Webster's as "any specific amusement or
made a major contribution to the study of
sex. Applications by new members a re sport involving physical or mental competi-
tion und er specific rule s . " Sex games
reviewed by the Board. In addition to con-
include board games where people use dice,
ferences, SSSS publishes a quarterly journal
pawns, and a deck of cards; eac h g iving
of sex research and a newsletter. T hey have
explicit sex instructions. People can create
also created a Foundation to fund scientific
their own sex games by making the prize a
resear~h in this field. The organization was
founded by Hugo Beige!, Harry Benjamin, fantasy fulfillm ent fo r th e wi nn er of any
ordinary game. Others formulate their own
Albert Ellis, H enry Guze, H ans Lehfeldt,
and Robert Sherwin. Prominent past presi- game as in t he case of Adult April F ool's
d ents include Warde ll Pomeroy, Richard
Adult April Fool's parties are organized
Green, and John Money.
so that each participant draws their assign -
The lectures are clinical but anyone with
ment fo r the evening from a hat. Samples of
a sincere interest in human sexuality could
these assign ments incl ude having to make
easily become engrossed with the wealth of
informatio n provid ed. P ast lectures have a n obscene pho ne call to someone a t the
party fro m another room, asking o ne 's date
included " Is it limerance or is it lust" by
James Weinrich, Ph.D., " L esbian erotic if they mind you signing the waiting list for
the midnight orgy, organizing a striptease
archetypes" by J oAnn Loulan, M.A.,
"Gambling and sexual behaviors of older show from volunteers at the parry, offering
a dolla r to five different people to spend a
people" by Adele Zorn, Ph.D. , and "Erotic
Wars: What happe ned to the sexual revolu- minute alone with you in a dark bedroom,
tion?" by L illian Rubin, Ph.D. propositioning three people, pretending to
be Dracula and hav ing t o nibble th r ee
WORLD CONGRESS FO R SEXOLOGY people on the neck, kissing three strangers,
The World Congress fo r Sexology is spon- announcing t hat you are recently engaged
sored once every two years by the Worl d and then propositioning a guest, convincing
Association for Sexology. These congresses someone other t han your date to take a
are five-day interna tional events. They showe r w it h yo u , a nd finally , talking

someone of the opposite sex into letting you requires the players to draw a picture of
borrow their underwear for a few minutes. word s o r phras es suc h as l ust and the
Alternatively, everyone has to write out pla yers who guess co rrectly get points.
either their most bizarre, their favorite, or Sexual Lotto . is in the format of bingo
their fantasy sex scene without signing the except instead of numbers people match
paper. All of these are placed in a hat and sexual instructions. Getting to Know You . .
drawn ou t at midnight and read aloud. If .Better, is designed to give one insight into
people are willing they may also be called on their partners b y the way they answer the
individually at this time to read their original questions o n eac h card. A slightly more
assignment to the group and relay their pro vocative game is Sexual Secrets . by
experience. TDC Games in which players draw a card
Many sex games are simply mod ifica- and complete sentences such as " The first
tions of more common o nes. The child's time I touched a naked woman I.. ., or "The
game of Spin the Bottle is modified this way thought of making love to t\¥0 me n at the
so that instead of only receiving a kiss, the same t im e reall y makes me ... " An
person who has the bottle point at them gets Enchanted Evening, is a board game that
to request a sexual favor of an yone else in lists simple questions or acts for pla yers to
t he circle. A circus game called the Ring comply with in order to finish th e game and
Toss was also adapted into a sex game. This have their secret fantasy fulfilled. The latter
involves having men lie in a row and one by is written on paper by each player preceding
one the women throw a spo nge ring onto the game. One of the games involving actual
the erect penis of the man they want. The sex is called The Fantasy R ole-Playing Card
owner of t he penis a nd the winner then Game For Couples, by American Playtime.
engage in sex. Strip Poker is probably the In this game the cards assign and describe
most common game. Teenagers often play roles to the players such as school teacher,
it with the modifi catio n that everyone can nurse, prostitute, novice, and dominatrix.
st op when they get to underwear. Strip The instructions suggest that the players
poker has also been modified for sex play by have the following props on hand before
letting the winne r of each hand select the beginning the game: "blind fold , body
person of their choice to engage in sex for p owder, feather, h oney or whipping c ream,
five minutes; they then return to the table to music for dancing, oil or lotion, soft ropes,
play another hand. sheet or cover." A slightl y similar game is
There are numerous sex games on the Dirty Dare, by Baron/Scott where the object
market. Chippendal e' s has a two sided is for a player re> complete two dares in cate-
jigsaw puzzle of their young male strippers. gories su ch as physical, messy, entertaining,
There is a game called Dirty Words. where and hot to the sa tisfaction of th e oth er
players gain points players in order to win. The props sug-
by the number of geste d for this game are: " i ce cubes,
se ntences they can whipped cream, eggs, oil, ketchup, mustard,
make with the 23 peanut butter, banan as, pickles, p owder,
cubes co nt a inin g flour, and honey."
words such as "ear, Computer board game programs such as
touch, b ite, l ove, Intersextion. are available through some of
moist, lips, burn, the adults only networks.
moan, cream , (See also AUCTIONS , COMPUTER SEX,
c rotch " , and so DOMINANCE/SUBMISSION and FA NTASY
fort h . Forum Novel ti es makes a ga m e, PLAY)
Private P arts., that is similar to P in-the-
Tail-On-th e-Donkey, exce pt the los t SEX HOTELS Sex hotels permit
appendage is a penis. T here is a similar ver- swinging although most don't actively sup-
sion for those who prefer to play with a port it. Nudist resorts sometimes have pri-
female poster. Dirty P ictures. is a game that vate cabins and coupl es are permitted to

discreetly approach others; however, some with ten single men without having a female
nudist resorts will ask people to leave if they partner for himself.
are caught soliciting. Brochures with park There are several S/M hotels throughout
rules often inform new members of the ir Europe and Japan wh ere the hotel has a
preference. dungeon available for use by its guests.
A west coast ho tel that supports nudity Swinging may not be condoned by the man-
and provides an atmosphere conducive to agers. Some SIM hotels are private chalets
swinging is California's Edgewater West that have equipped dun geons (usually
Adult Resort. H ereare 80 rooms opening designed for only one couple).
onto a private tropical setting with jacuzzis, (Sec also SEX CONFE R ENCES and SEX
swimming pools, fish ponds, and its own CLUBS)
night club. The management also provides
exciting e ntertainment for holidays . For SEX HOTLINES Sex ho tlines are sup-
example, t he entertainment for July 4th, ported by charities, government, or private
1991 consisted of a Roman toga dinner spon so rship. Hotli nes provide answers to
party. Fruit was served by wenches (some- questions people have about sexuality and
times from on top of their breasts), followed act as a referral service to therapists or spe-
by a banquet including breads in the form cial interest organizations. They are no t
of penises and breasts. Entertainment" there to entertain obscene phone callers. In
included a belly dancer and a male stripper fact, the operators (most are volunteer) are
who removed everything but the baby oil instructed to hang up or end any conversa-
rubbed onto his body by a mob of ravishing tion wh ere they suspect the caller is trying
women. D essert was served from a roll ing to masturbate or become verbally abusive.
cart upon which was a beautiful nude One of the more general purpose sex
female covered with fruit and whipped hotlines is The Sa n Fran cisco Sex
cream for dipping. The hotel rules con- Information switchboard. The ty pes of
cerning swinging are that when couples are questions volunteers are permi t ted to
in their rooms they close their drapes fo r answer a re more diverse because it is sup-
privacy, leave them open if they want others ported by pri vate donations, fund raising
to watch from o utside, and leave their parties, and training fees. Volunteers are not
sliding glass doo r and drapes open as an usually qualified therapists. The refore they
invitation for otl1ers to join them. Couples are r eq uired to complete 50 h o urs of
who enjoy nudity but who are not interested training on subj ects that range from homo-
in swi n g ing themselves stay at the hotel sexuali ty, diseases, S/M, zoophilia, incest,
because they find the relaxed and friendly relationship counseling, surrogate work, and
environment refreshing. transsexuality before staffing th e switch-
Sa n J ose California once had a small board. Once on-line the volunteers cannot
motel swingers frequented. Here they would counsel individuals. T hey are r estricted to
leave their doors slightly ajar and place a listening, relaying information, and making
photo of themselves on t h e outside as a referrals.
courtesy. This practice is sometimes seen at Callers typically ask questions about anal
swinger conventions when the whole hotel is sex, S/M, cross dressing, fetishes, disease,
reserved for th eir use. Other sex h otels birth control, incest, and relationship prob-
include Beck's Inn in Fayetteville, North lems. The switchboard has a large catalog
Carolina, Eden Patio, and the Club Amour with hundreds of referrals fo r callers in ter-
in France. Rio d e Janeiro h as several sex es ted in special sex clu bs or sex rela ted
motels as does Japan. The Japan ese cater to entertainment. The h otline does not make
fantasy and on e may select from one of a referrals for dates, escorts, or prostitutes.
number of scenes. The switchboard can only recommend that
People are en couraged to bring their own the person attend social functions or answer
partner to sex hotels because a husband personal ads.A few of San F rancisco's other
does not enjoy paying to share their wife hotlines are Men O vercoming Violence in

Their Relationships, Men Who are Violent per son is able to visualize the app le and the
to Women, and the AIDS Hotline. There energy flow they are the n able to visualize
are also hotlines for gays, bi-sexuals, rape their fanta sy god and the di vine p owers
victims, and diseases. which are u sed to enhance the sex act.
(See also DISEASES and PHONE SEX) Two basic typ es of breathing are used
during sex magick. Deep slow breathing has
SEX MAGICK Sex magick combine s a calming effect on th e body, it prolongs
witc hcraft rituals, visualization, breath con- aro u sal b y creati n g and storing e n ergy
trol, and tantra for an ultimate sexual expe- rather than burning it u p. Rap id and
rience. Wiccans who practice sex magick shallow breathi ng gene rates a nd burns
are rare and it is difficult to gain entry into energy. This type of breathing is done just
the coven . prior to t h e s ex act for a m ore intense
Covens are o ften formed according to o rgasm. (Refer to OXYGEN REGULATION)
sexual preference; gay, bisexual, or hetero- Ritual items used in sex magick include a
sexual. Some me mb ers have sex with a chalice, an athame (two-edged knife), a red
partner and others masturbate. T he rituals candle, a bell, a censer (an enclosed incense
and chants differ from coven to coven; how- b urner that swings by chains), and cauldron
ever, their basis in repetition tends to be a (incense pot) .
common thread. Rituals enhance emotions The sex magick ritual begins with each
by conditioning. The mind anticipates the person showering with warm water. This
climax of the event and causes the body to prepares a person physically by relaxing the
automatically respond. M ost of the rituals m uscles and helpin g one focus on the subtle
u sed in sex magick are based on Wicca and pleasure sen sations of their body.
can be found in books su ch as The Spiral The incense in the censer is lit and 3
Dance, by Starhawk or many of the others tablespoons of rock salt is dissolved into the
on witch craft or Western tantra. water filled chalice. T he group sits together
Sex m agick requires a proficiency in visu- in a circle and does a series of deep breath
alization skills. One must be able to visualize meditations. The priestess brings the chalice
assorted colors, to c r eate smells, tastes, to the center and each p erson places their
sou nds , or m oods fingers on the rim visualizing and perhaps
and to change them verbalizing the casting of their personal list
at will. One popular of pains a nd sorrows into the salty water. As
exercise for novices this is accomplished the water symbolically
is that of visualizing turns dark and murky. T he priestess then
an apple with its takes the chalice, stands, holds it above h er
colors, s hape s, head and calls on the goddess of the moon
smells, and tastes; to change the water of their afflictions into
then eating it until pure crystal clear water. Everyone then joins
only the core is left. in the c ha nt:
Another impo rtant
She changes all she touches and all she
visualization techniqu e, the tre e of life,
touches she changes, she changes all
tea c hes the stude n t h ow to create and
she touch es and a ll she touches she
channel energy. The person sits in a com-
changes ... c hange is, touch is, touch
fortable position and visualizes being con-
us , change u s, change is, to uch is,
nected to the floor. N ext they grow roots
touch us, change us ...
that slowly sink into the earth, penetrating
deeper an d deeper until they pass the water The priestess proceeds b y declaring that the
table, the rock, and int o t he core of the water is pure as a bright white light. T h e
earth. Here they feel the h eat and pull this goddess is asked t o bless the water and is
energy back into their body, the genitals, then offered the first libation (a drop is
through the spine, p ast the heart, into the spilled). Each person takes a sip stating that
neck, and out the top of the head. When a they accept this change in their lives.

Some circ les follow w ith a second censer) and we call you. Awake, awake oh
cleansing meditation. A crystal, pentagram, center (ring bell).
or earth piece is held and used to ground All now join in a chant of:
what wasn' t ca ught the first time. Each
Isis, Astarte, Diana,
person lies on their b ack with their palms to Hegate, Demeter, Kali,
the earth, holding on to the selected earthly Inana,
medium, visualizi ng that they are floating
down into the earth like mud wh en the rain Repeat four times.
hits it, down so deep into the earth that th ey
Osiris, H oris, Merlin,
reach the core, then bringing that warmth
M onanin, Helios, Shiva,
slowly back up into the body, re-energizing,
Horned One
and vitalizing it. Each person feels the
power rise through the body, lighting it u p Repeat four times.
like a neon sign.
The circle next banishes evil spirits that Coven members now lie naked o n the floor
may be present in the room. The priestess wi th each of their bodies in the shape of a
enters the center of the circle wit h an pentagram for the god identity meditation.
athame and calls to the spirits of evil to be H ere each person takes on the form of a sex
gone. All the members then respond with divinity. In this position each point of the
" We banish you, we banish you, we banish pentagram (head, left hand, left foot, right
you, begone." foo t, and right hand) is identified as a part
The priestess will then cast the circle by of life's cycles: sex, self, pa ss ion, pride,
pointing to the sky with h er athame and power. T hese words are rep ea ted as each
saying "Oh noon sky a b ove, and earth person visualizes each of these processes. A
below I salute you" while she draws a penta- second meditation is done wit h love,
gram with the athame. She or an ass ista nt wisdom, knowledge, law, and power. The
t h en takes the salt water chalice, dipping last meditation consists of each person visu-
t heir fingers in and flinging drops toward alizing the life cycle: birth, initiation, con-
the Eas t say ing: "With salt a nd water I summation, repose, an d dea th . Each person
purify the East." The censer is swung back experiences the power and energy of being a
and forth before th e East as th e perso n god or goddess and each proceeds through
rec ites : "With fire a nd air I in vo ke and d1e sex ritual in this new identity.
charge the East. Oh guardians of the watch- One p e r so n n ow lies down and their
tower of the East, powers of air we invoke partner moves their hands over their body
and call you, be here now, (a ritual bell is but with out touching it. This pushes old
rung) awake, awake oh spirits of the East." energy o ut of the body and is done by run-
The priestess next takes her athame and ning the hand from waist up past the h ead
joins the East to the South. The same ritual and from waist down the legs; the waist line
with salt water, cen ser, and the bell is per- is never crossed. The old e nergy is now
formed fo r th e powers of fire (afterward replaced with positive new energy from the
lighting the incense in the cauldron on the consort by slowly blowing onto the goddess
altar). The p riestess continues in the same along the same lines which the energy was
manner to the West for the powers of water released. The partner must be able to feel
and then the North for the powers of the the breath move up and down their body
earth. The priestess steps once again to the because this is the initial stimulation that
center of the circle and raises her adrnme as causes sexual arousal.
she chants "The circle is cast, we are The couples exchange places and repeat
be tween the worlds beyond the bounds of the perfo rm ance on their consort. Once
time where night and day, birth and death, accompl ished, the energy is again
joy and sorrow meet as one. Blessed be. Oh exchanged, b ut this time with a va mpire
center above and center below we purify suck. The coupl e takes turns kissing and
you. We invoke you with fire and air (swing sucking at the neck while visualizing a flow

of white e n ergy entering into th ei r bod y traying vari ou s sex acts. T here are also
through their mouth. After each person is numerous private collections that are occa-
satisfied, the vampire sucking is done to sionally exhibited to the p u blic, such as the
each nipple and then to the genitals. Robert Mapplethorpe photo exhibit a n d
T he two now join in the sacred sex act as Frederick's of H ollywood's collection of lin-
they continue to visualize the life cycles of gerie worn by movie stars.
the earth a n d th eir connection with it as Alth ough not a museum, the famous
div in e entities. The lover s remain joined Konarak temple near the southeastern shore
until both return to a centered or relaxed of India is a p opular tourist attraction. It
state. There may be a tingling or throbbing was built by King Narashima D eva around
sensation throughout the body caused by 1250 C.E. and carved on its walls are many
the excess generation of energy. sex scen es presumed to have been taken
The circle is finally opened as people in from the Kama Sutra. Sex was sacred to
the group h old hands and say "The circle is In d ian s as on e of their H in du scriptures
open, but unbroken, blessed be ." A kiss is suggests, " It is n ot so important to know
then passed around the circle in a clockwise thyself as to be thyself; self-abandonment to
dir ec tion. (Sex magick lessons from des ire begets freedom from t h e sam e."
Karaqua, 1991, San Francisco) Indians celebrate the festival of Shanipuja at
Adding ritual to an act creates a mystique this temple on ce a year. Women who sur-
and heightens the in tensity of arousal. This vived illnesses during the previous year lie
is true even fo r those without p artners. An garlands of flowers on a stone penis which
individual form of sex magick is practiced symbolizes generative power.
by an organization called the Temple o f (See also SEX BOUTfQUES)
Psychic Youth (TOPY) which operates by
ma il. Its members perform individ ual sex SEX POSITIONS People are begin ning
rituals known as the 23 ritual. This ritual is to experiment with various sex pos1t10ns
d one on the 2 3rd of e ach month at without the shame or guilt tha t h as b een
11 :23pm. The member lights a candle, impos ed since the Ca t holic C h urch
focuses on a favorite sexual fantasy, has an accepted the laws of the Stoics who in 100
orgasm, and then puts some of the ejaculate B.C.E. declared t hat couples could o nl y
or vaginal secretions on a piece of paper. have sex in a supine position with the male
Spit is t h en added alo ng with a drop of on top. These patriarchal laws led to 2,000
blood and a pubic hair. These are attached yea rs of inabi li ty to orgasm fo r m any
to the p aper an d then mailed back to the women and sexual repression in general.
h eadquarters of the organization. Today sexu al positions are en gaged in to
(See also RITUAL SEX, SATAN WORSHIP facilitate deeper penetration, allow access to
and VISUALIZATION) different par ts of a partner's body, and to
regulate pressure on the penis or clitoris.
SEX MUSEUMS There are several A ma n who ejaculates quicker than he
museums th at have a collectio n of sexual would like can use a missi onary positio n
artifacts or paraphernalia on display. The with the woman on top or any other posi-
Venus Temple in Amsterdam has in its col- tion that offers the least pressure and fric-
lection a mannequin of Marilyn M onroe in tion (in addition to using extra lubrication
the famous pose from her movie The Seven or a condom). Conversely, a pe rson who
Year Itch . It is rigged so that w h en one takes lo nger to ejaculate may select positions
pushes a button a burst of air causes h er that increase stimulation such as from
skirt to blow upward exposing her legs and behind, missionary with the woman's legs
undergarments. They also have a collection raised over his buttocks, a scissor position
of old photographs and two phone booths where the penis hits the side of the vagina or
where on e can listen to a recording of a typ - where the woman 's legs are h eld together.
ical fantasy hotline. P osi ti o n s that facil itate orgasm for
A Peruvian museum has an adults only women who prefer clitoral stimulation are
section that di splays ancient pottery por- those with th e man lying (spoon position)

o r stand ing behind while simultaneously caned by the waitresses if they don't finis h
reaching arou nd to stimulate h er clitoris their vegetables.
with his fingers. C litoral stimulation can be (See also SEX HOTELS, SEX SHOWS and
accomplished in the missionary position as SEX MUSEUMS)
well. This is d one b y withdrawing the penis
a couple of inches so that the tip remains in SEX RINGS A sex ring refers to pedo-
the vagina and the base rests against the cli- p hilia involving several childre n and one or
tori s. The penis is then rotated in circles or m ore adults. T here are several types of sex
thrust up an d down or back and forth, but rings. "A solo ring consists of on e adult who
always remaining in contact with the cli- is sexually involved with small groups o f
toris. children. There is no transfer of the children
The use of chairs, p illows, swi ngs, day or of photographs to other adults. A syndi-
beds, and counters can help one create new cated ring includes several adults who fo rm
sex positions. a w ell -stru ctured organizatio n for t h e
Gay sex positions often include the 69 recruitment of children, the production of
p osi tion for oral sex, the spoon for anal p o rnography, the delivery of direct sexual
entry with one reaching around with their services, and the establishment of an exten -
hand fo r manual stim u lation, a nd mis- sive network of customers. In a transitional
sionary wh ere the botto m partner's legs are ring there may be more than one adult with
wrapped arou n d the buttocks of the top several children, but the orga nizationa l
mal e. Lesbians use the 69 p osition , some- aspect of the syndicated ring is m issing. T he
ti mes with their legs wrapped around each tran sitional rings may be moving toward tl1e
other in a positio n that resembles a ball. organizational status of the syndicated ring;
Those who use strap on d ildos are able to for exam ple, the photographs may be sold"
use many of the same position s engaged in ("Res pon se Patterns in Chi ldren a nd
by others. Adolescents Exploited Through Sex Rings
J essica Stewart compiled an excelle n t and Po rn og r ap h y'', by An n Wo lbe rt
book on this subject entitled The Complete Burgess, R.N., D.N.Sc., Carol R. H artman,
Manual of Sexual Positions. It has over 200 R. N ., D.N .Sc., Mauree n P. McCausland,
p h otographs a nd includes positi o n s for R. N ., M.S. and Patric ia Powers, R.N.,
grou p sex as well. M.S., American J ournal of Psychiatry, 14 1:5,
(See also AXILLJSM, CO ITUS A C HEV AL, May 1984, pp. 656-662) . T he a uthors point
COITUS A iVtAMMILLA, COITUS INTERFER- out that bo ys were preferred most often,
M 0 RIS , GENUPHALLATION and HEAD and in a study of 66 children 7 5% of the
STANDS) "victims demonstrated patterns of n egative
p syc hological and social adjustment after
SEX RESTAURANTS There are several th e rings were exposed." Activity in o ne
types of sex restaurants. Some, such as the ring inclu ded as many as I 7 boys going to a
Hj a rlt er Dam , a Swiss r es t aura nt, all ow coac h's h ome after school where ilie boys
dominant women to anchor their slaves to a sat " in a circle drinking bee r and smoking
table or chair leg. Many American restau - marijuana'', then the man dre ssed in a
rants and bars during the 70's allowed other samu rai outfit and signaled t h e boys to
discreet fo rms of sex p lay such as fellatio begin their sex ritual. After the orgy, which
under the table or toe jobs at the table. ilie coach photographed, "on e boy would be
The Japanese have coffee shops called designated to have sex with ilie man."
the No Pan K issa th at are equipped with C hildren are less likely to report iliis type
mirrored tiles on th e fl oor to assist c u s- of sexual abuse because their friends and
tomers who may want to look up the dresses siblings are also involved; making it appear
of their waitress. Incidently, the waitresses' more normal. Financial rewards also serves
u niforms d o n ot include underwear. to provid e additiona l enticeme n t. CAU-
London, the home of whipping enthusi- TION: Any sexual activity between adults
asts, has School D inners where patrons are and children, including sex rings, is illegal.

The psychological injury sustain ed by these Bangkok probably has the most variety.
children and their parents is profound , and One club h as a wo m an pulling a 25 foot
the punishment fo r the perpetrator is severe. kn otted co rd out of her vagina. Others
The temp o rary excitem ent and finan cial insert cigarenes, blow sm oke rings, and pull
gain is not worthwhile. Children should also out a string of double edged razor blades-
be forewa rned about such adult activities. one by one. This is accomplished by placing
(See also INCEST, PEDOPHILIA, PORNOG- th e grou p of blades togeth er with p aper
RAPHY, PROSTITUTION and RAPE) around them as they are inserted. Their
removal requires the skill of an older per-
SEX SHOWS (Autagonistophilia-person former who slowly pulls on the string and
performing) Sex sh ows vary according to makes sure that the pressure is on the side
the laws of the hosting country, expertise of protected by the paper. Other women are
the participa nts, creativity of the owners, trained to shoot baskets with boiled eggs or
and amount of money they are willing to to insert a whole peeled banana and drop
spend for special effects. chunks into a cup. Some have learned to
Sex shows in Amsterdam consist mostly break balloons by inserting a dart gun into
of erotic dancing where several solo females their vagina and shooting darts with their
perform followed by the finale with a h et- vaginal muscles. The b ottle dance, where a
erosexual couple thrusting in time with the woman squats and lowers herself onto the
music. W hile the sex act is sen sual, one is n eck of a bottle, also h as a long history
left w it h the impressio n th at they were am ong prostitutes.
watching a da nce T h e Ph ili ppine s has sex shows near
rou tine. Other Clark Air Force Base wh ere women p ick up
clubs have women a stack of coin s two to three inches h igh
from the audience with their vagina and then release the coins
come onto th e one by o n e. Others shoot ping po ng balls
stage to fellate the across the room from their vaginas, o r act
male p erfo rmers. out fake stabbing scenes with realistic props.
A sister city, Den O n e sh ow at the Thunder Dome has two
Haag, features sex naked women in a pool of water fighting as
shows at Cl ub though one will drown the other.
DOMA , a posh T he Gargoyle club in London once had
private S/M club. An audience of attractive an act where a man threw bowie knives at a
couples a n d a few older men sit in b lack naked wom an who was bound to a wheel.
leather booths watc hing a stage p erfor- A Vietnamese club had a woman sin ing
mance of light bondage and S/M. These are on a swing th at was attached to a pulley.
mostly women who bring each other to This allowed a man to lie on the floor below
climax throughout the different segments of the opening cut in the swing and raise and
the show. Occasionally a volunteer from the lower the female onto his penis.
audience is brought on stage to assist in the San Francisco is the home of the interna-
production. tionally renowned O 'Farrell Theatre. The
Dallas, Texas has a private couples only fe m ales a re college age and all rese m ble
club that has sex shows provided by a n bea ut y co nt es tan t s. P erfo rm ances are
elected couple each week. These two part- restri cted to females using dildos o r per-
ners th en go through their routine for the forming cunnilingus on each other due to a
entertainment of the others. city ordinance prohibiting sex with men on
Pa ris has a restaurant called Les Deux stage. T h e theatre has regularly scheduled
Boules where couples lie in n ets and engage performances through out the d ay in each of
in sex above the tables of customers wh o its rooms. The m ain theatre h as a st age
dine below. Germany's Mon Cheri club pro- wh ere there are continual strip shows and
vides a bubble bath for customers to relax in lap dancers to entertain the audience. The
with the female performers. Cine Stage has two female body builders

that do Jazzercise and weight workouts to surrogates over an 11 year period. Of these
music and then end the show with a dildo men 32 recovered from their problems
routin e. The stage, Behind the Green Door, (Masters WH, Jo hnson VE, 1970 , Human
has showers where females stand in front of Sexual Inadequacy, L o nd on: J and A
th e water and dan ce; soo n all but two Churchill, London).
dancers leave the stage to lie on the cus- The u se of sex su rrogates fl o urished
tomer's tables giving private shows to those during the 19 70's but thereafter sharpl y
who tip . The Kop en hage n R oo m ha s declined. Benefits obtained from this type of
couches along the walls on which customers personal therapy can be substantial. People
sit in the dark and watch a couple of strip- suffering from psychological impotence,
pers have sex in the center of the room. All premature or retarded ejaculations, acci-
are provided with flash lights to shin e on d ents, disfigurements, and those with penis
parts of the body they find th e most implants are trained to deal with the compli-
intriguin g. The Ultra Room is rather cation, and the y often improve when
unique . Here two dancers working with surrogates. Many problems
perform sex in a room sur- are related to emotional bonding and the
rounded by private booths client is also taught to work through ordi-
with windows and a small nary dating relationships with the surrogate.
space through which to slide Unlike a d ating relationship the person is
tips. Above the windows are not permitted to drop the surrogate when
meta l handles that t h e they feel uncomfortable or prefer someone
wo m en use to hold them- new. The client's therapist encourages them
selves up with while putting to work through their conflicts so that they
a foot on each sid e o f t h e can survive in a normal relationship. Many
booth's window. A dildo with a suction cup clients never experience genital pen etration
is stuck to the glass and the woman then with their surrogate. Those who do have
mounts it in su ch a way that the person in intercourse with the surrogate do it toward
th e booth sees h er open vagina thrusting up the end of the treatment program. Once the
and down on a large rubber penis. She may client is able to have intercourse t hey are
also fellate the dildo afterward or have the ofte n considered cured and n o lo nger in
other dancer join her for a special fisting need of a surrogate.
show. A different sex th eater during the late Surrogates are average looking males and
1970's had a n additio nal feat u re. The females who often work with either sex.
dancer s inside the room slipped silk cords Average looks discourage abuses such as
through the small slot below th e window those who might fabricate sexual problems
(normally used fo r tips), the man tied one to be able to work with attractive partners.
end aroun d his penis, and the dancer tugged Another reason th erap ists prefer average
at the other end until the man ejaculated. looking surrogates is that this is a more real-
(See also EROTIC BALLS, SEX CLUBS, SEX istic aspect of life. Middle aged me n a re
CONFERENCES and SEX MUSEUMS) encouraged to give up their fantasies of only
wanting to have sex with 20 year old gor-
SEX SU RROGAT ES Sex surrogates are geous blonds. A surrogate teaches them to
trained to work with p syc h o l ogists in value a person fo r more m ean in gfu l
helping clients overcome sexual problems. attributes.
The surr ogate norm all y pa ys $ 1, 000 to Surrogates come from a variety of back-
attend a 12-week training program where grounds. Some are from sex related fields but
they learn anatomy, human sexual response, for whatever reason, prostitutes do not seem
communicati on, and other subj ects perti- attracted to this profession. Each surrogate is
n e n t to s urr ogate work. Ma sters and expected to have a personal relationship of
Johnson first reported r esults of treatment their own. This is desigr;ied to help prevent
for sexual dysfunctions with sex surrogates. the surrogate from unintentionally using the
The study included 4 1 men and 13 different client for their own emotional support.

The normal duration of treatment is once SE XOLOGY There are many physicians
a week for 7 to 14 wee ks alth ough so me a n d psychologists who are r enowned fo r
older clients take 20-40 weeks. A surrogate their understanding of and contributions to
may see from one to 10 clients a week and the science of sex. The followin g is only a
will charge approximately $200 for a two- samp ling.
hour session. The surrogate rarely has sex
with more th an one or two of these clients a
IWAN BLOC H Dr. Bloch (1 872- 1922)'
author of Psychopathia Sexualis, Sexual Life
week. ("Sex Surrogates", by C. Cohen and
of Our time, and Vita Sexualis, made a major
J. Robin so n, Men sa Sexyg Gathering contribution to sexology. His early resear ch
Conference, February 17-18, 1990) on syphilis led him to conclude that sexual
problem s could not be und erstood based
SEX TOYS See ABRASIONS, BONDAGE, exclusively on theo logy, medicine, law, or
CLAMPS, COCKR INGS, CU PPIN G, EL EC - anthropology. H e felt that "the two fu n da-
TRI C SHOCK, FORNICATORY DOLLS, mental p illars of sexual in vestigation-bio-
GENITAL/ANAL li'ISERTS, GROPING APPAR- logic observation an d cultural research
ATUS, ICE, JEWELRY , KLISMAPHILIA, -demand ed a restricted, independent rig-
KNIVES , KOKIGAM I, MEDICAL SCENES, orous science that wou ld unite all the var-
TOYS, POWER TOOLS, SEX GAMES , STA- i ous methods of obs er va t ion in one"
PLING, SWINGS, and SYBTAN (Strange Sexual Practices by Iwan Bloch,
Introduction by Dr. Victor Robinson).
SEXERC ISE Sexercise is a name for HAVE LOCK ELLIS Ellis (1859- 1939) was
exe rcises engaged in during intercou rse a n English physician, son of a sea-captain
and/or those that tone muscles used for sex. who took hi m as a you ng boy aboa rd his
Sexercise includes such exercises as 30 or ship to Australia and Peru. T his early expo-
40 deep sucking movements up and d own sure to different cultures later instilled in
the penis during fellatio which is excellent Ellis a tolerant attitude regarding individual
for keeping facial muscles toned. Sexercise sexual choices. Adolescence again saw him
can also be in the fo rm of push-ups o r in Australia and it was h ere that he studied
pelvic th rusts d uring coitus or keep ing the m edicin e. H is r enow n ed seven vo lu m e
buttoc k muscles sq ueezed togeth e r fo r as book, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, gained
long as poss ib le. W o men can practice world -wid e attention. Sex was o nly o ne of
squ eez ing their pubococcygeus mu scle the subjects that caught his in ter est. H e
around the penis. This is the same muscle wrote 17 books on politics and medical sci-
that is used to stop the flow of u rine. Once ence within 44 years. Ellis led a quiet revo-
develop ed, a woman can massage the penis 1u tio n to free peop le of the ir prejudice
wi th th ese vaginal mus cles. Thi s is also against those whose sex lives were d ifferent.
referred to by some as the "snapping pussy"
or kystapaza th a t has made some Asian SIGMU ND FRE UD Freud (1856-1939)
prostitutes famous. M e n are abl e to do b egan as a neu ro logist in Vienn a and
something similar by raising and lowering became the father of psychoa nalysis. H is
the penis. Leg m uscles can be exercised by clinical work with patients who had experi-
one partner squatting over the face or geni- enced sexual trau ma duri ng child hood led
tals of the other. him to develop theories regarding the effect
Partners can be creative with sexercise, sexua l deve lopmen t has o n b e h avi or.
even using special music as an accompani- Although not p opular among his colleagues,
ment. P enetration is not always necessary. A Freud gained a following. H is books were
n aked co up le ma y m e r ely dec ide to go soon bu rn ed in Na z i Germa n y which
th rough regular exe r cises togeth er that banned them as representative of a "Jewish
require body contact. scien ce." H e died of cancer in England a
(See also KABAZZAH and MASTURBA- year after the Nazi invasion of Austria. His
TION) contribution to sexology was his having the

courage to take sex serio usl y during a discovering how little scientific knowledge
period when oth ers evaded serious research was avai la ble about hu ma n sex ua lity,
or d iscussion of the subject ( The Sex Atlas, decided to laun ch a systematic study. In
by Erwin J. H aeberle, pp. 488-489). 19 48 h e astounded the pu b lic with the
releas e of his findings from 16,000 inter-
views in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.
( 1868-1 935) , like his father, was a physi-
His method o f gathering info rmatio n has
cian, although his first studies were in phi-
been criticized by some. But considering the
losophy. While traveling in Africa he saw
almost impossible challenge of gathering
civilizations that were tolerant and accepting
random samplings from peo ple w h o are
of sexual d eviances. This made him more
willing to be honest about thei r sex life, he
tolerant and helped co nvince him that puri-
accomp lished an enormous feat.
tanica l Europea n societ y had inflic te d
unnecessary sexual mores on people. H e RICHARD VON KRAFFT-EBING Krafft-
later began a move m en t to peti tion th e Ebing (1840-1 902) was a psychiatrist and
Reich stag to remove a law in the C riminal neurologist. H e became interested in sexual
Codes against homosexuals. Soon he cre- deviancy while staying with his grandfather
ated the Institute for Sexual Science. At the in Heidelberg, Germany. This grandfather
Institute th e clinic offered fre e m edi cal was an attorney wh o d efended peop le
adv ice, th e university section had lectures charged with sex offenses in a P u ritanical
that were open to the public; there was also society. Krafft-Ebing studied and gained an
a marriage counseling center, and a library expertise in "hypnosis, h ysteria, criminal
that was availa ble fo r anyon e's u se. psychopathy, geriatrics, epilepsy, menstrual
Hirschfeld wrote books such as Sappho and psychoses, migraine, and masochism." H e is
Socrates, Naiural Laws of L ove, Ho mo- known p rimarily for h is book Psychopathia
sexuality, and his 3,000 page Sexual Sexualis (which was the first comprehensive
Pathology. H e was compa ss ionate and listi ng of sexual aberrations), fo r em pha -
foug ht in cou rt as a medical expert to sizing "the importance of clitoral orgasm,"
defe nd p eople charged with sexu al offenses. and bringing the scien tific discussio n of
H e was also responsible for the initial dis- ho mosexuality into the op en ( Psychopathia
covery that hormones played a role in sexual Sexualis, Introduction by Franklin S. Klaf).
behavior, and t hat "sexu al anomali es are
WILLIAM H. MASTERS Masters (1915-)
caused by irregularities in development." At
is a medical researcher who con ce ntrated
the end of his life he fo und himself exiled,
his studies on hormon e replacement therapy
h is Institute d estroyed, his books publicly
fo r p ostmen opausal women during an era
burned, a nd his colleagues imprisoned
when major discoveries were being made in
(Sexual Anomalies and P erversion s,
this field. H e is better known, however, for
Publisher's P reface, pp . 17-25).
his research in cou ple sex therapy. In 1971
VIRGINIA E . JOHNSON Johnson ( 1925-) he m arried his research partner Virginia
mar ri ed William M as te r s and wo rk e d Johnson. (See Virginia E. Johnson.)
together with him to gather data from labo-
JOHN MONEY Money ( 1921 -) has written
ratory testing of coup les engagin g in sex.
several popular books: Straight, Gay and Jn-
Volu nteers were hooked up to instruments
Between, Lovemaps, Love & Love Sickness,
to monitor their physiological responses as
The Destroying Angel, Traumatic Abuse and
they engaged in sex. Johnson and Masters
Neglect of Children at H ome, an d Venuses
also filmed many of these couples. The data
Penuses. He "is internationally known for his
collected was pub lis h ed in their book ,
clinical and research work in the new and
Human Sexual Response. The information
growing science of developmental sexology.
they gathered also provided the basis of a
In sexology he first form ulated and defined
treatment program they offered to cou ples.
the concept of gender role and identity. H is
(See also W illiam H . M asters.)
clinical co ntributions include hormonal
ALFRED KINSEY Ki nsey (1894-1956) treatment fo r male sex offenders, sex reas-
was an entomologist who, appalled upon signme nt in transsexualism, and the psy-

choendocrinology of birth defects of the sex l 930's he escaped under threa t of death .
organ s" (Lovemaps jacket cover). M on ey Even in America h e was subject to m uch
has also coined many new words, giving us harassm e n t. His books were banned and
the tools to co mmunicate more precisely b urned, and his laborato ry was vandalized .
regarding complex ge n der changes and The Fo o d and Drug Adminis t ration
paraphilias. (For reference purposes, a com- obtained an injunction to prevent Reich and
plete list of these terms follows: his followers from using the word "orgone"
Acrotomophilia, Adolescentilism (p araphilic), and Reich was later arrested on "a technical
Androgynophilia, Andromimesis, Apotemnophilia, vio la ti on of a n in jun cti on , a n d died in
Asphyxiophilia, Autagonistophilia, Autassass in- prison." Books such as The Mass Psychology
ophilia, Autonepiophilia, Autophilia, Biastophilia,
Catheterophilia, C hrematistophilia, C hronophilia,
of Fascism, The Function of the Orgasm, The
Displace m e nt Paraphilia, Eph eboph ilia, Sexual R evolution, and Listen, Little Man
Erotophonophili a, Exige n cy t heor y, F etishistic/ survived. There are also institutes such as
Ta li sm anic P arap hilia , Form icophi li a, G- I/R the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, in El
(gender-identity/ role), Gender codi ng, Ge nder Cerri to, Californi a t hat con t i n ue hi s
crosscoding, Gendermap, Gender Role, Gender research on orgone energy (Natural Energy
tra n sposit ion, Gerontalism-pa raphilic, Geron-
t op h ilia , Gynemimesis , Gynemi m etoph ilia,
Works catalog, p. 2). His theo ries on orgone
Hybristophilia, Hypophilia, Infantilism- paraphilic, are n ot generally accepted in the scientific
I nfantoph ilia , Incl u sion P araphilia, Juvenilism- community but his works on sexuality and
paraphilic, Kleprophili a, Marauding/ Predatory the effects of a sexually repressive govern-
P arap hilia, Mer ca ntil e/Ve n a l Para philia, ment o n human h ealth a r e o nce aga i n
Morphophil ia, Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, receiving a ttention. (Pe rsonal communica-
Na rratophili a, N ep iophi lia, N o rmophi lia,
Ol factop hilia, Palcodigms, Peodeiktophilia, Phylism,
tion with Rob e rt Moore and D on
Picro philia , Raptophil ia, Sacrificial/ Expia t ory Eckerstrom of the Healing D ynamic Center,
Paraphilia, Sex adjunctive, Sex adven titious, Sex in Arizona.)
derivative, Sex irreducible, Se xosop hy, Skoptic
Syndrom e, Solici tational/Allura tive Paraphil ia, There are many m ore physicians, psychia-
Somnophilia, Stigma tic/El ig iblic pa r ap hilia, trists, researchers, anth rop o logists, and
Stigmatoph ilia, Subrogation/understud y paraphilia, writers who have made major contributions
Symphorophilia, Telephonicophilia , Transvest- to our understanding of sexuality but whose
ophilia, an d Vandalized lovemaps. F or definitions of individual contrib utions, fo r space consider-
some of these ter ms see Gay, Straight, and Jn-
Between, Oxford University Press, 1988) ations, cannot be mentioned. T oday coun-
selors and researchers can obtain a degree in
WILHELM REICH Reich ( 1897-1 957) was sexology. One su ch d octorate program is
a psychoanalyst who studied under Freud. offered at the Institute fo r the Advan ced
He brought about much of his later misfor- Study of Human Sexuality ( 1523 Franklin
tune by mixing sex a nd politics. H e co m- Street, San Francisco, California 94 109).
piled vo lumes of research o n human They may be contacted for referrals to qual-
sexualit y and was t he fi rs t to ana lyze ified sexologists in o ne's local a rea.
orgasms and divided them into four phases. (See also BIRTH CONTROL, CELIBACY and
S everal of hi s stud ents went on to make ST. AUGUSTINE)
great contributions as well. One developed
Ges ta lt th era p y and a n o th e r founded SEXUAL HARASSMENT Section 703
Esalen. H e was also a scientist who discov- of Title VII of the C ivil Rights Act of 1964
ered, among other natural phenomena, the reads " Unwelc o m e sexual advances,
"bion and T bacilli, which are microscopic requests for sexu al favors, and other verbal
forms that originate from the disintegration or physical conduct of a sexual nature con-
of organic or ino rganic mate rials, a nd which stitute sexual harassmen t when ( 1) submis-
lie at the border between the living and non- s io n to s uch con du ct is m a de eith e r
1i v i ng world s. " Hi s wo rks , in Nazi exp licitly or implicitly a term or condition of
Germany, soon brought about his expulsion an individual's employment, (2) submission
from the Communist P arty and in the mid- to or rejecti on of such conduct by an indi-

vidual is used as the basis for employment male friends. These men reali ze that they
decisions affecting such individual, or (3) are being insulting but are exhibiting acts of
such conduct has the p urpose or effect of 'bravery'. The same type o f bravery is
unreasonably interfering with an indi- observed in primitive tribes w h e r e one
vidual's work performance or creating an hunter would run ahead of a group to attack
intimidating, hostile, or offe nsive working a large animal or enemy.
e n vironment .... The victim as well as th e Females are not usually taught to over-
harasser may be a woman or a man. The come or work through their fears. It is con-
victim does not have to be of the opposite sidered culturall y acce pta b le in man y
sex." societies fo r them to be victims, depending
One difficulty in understanding sexual on a fath e r figure to so lve problems.
harassment is that similar sexual 'communi- Women ofte n compete with peers using
cation' made to 10 separate people elicits 10 appearance, wardrobe, or seduction tec h-
different reactions ranging from anger and niques that are also part of courtship rituals
rejection to a favorable response. Deeper designed to attract male sexual attention.
understanding requires that we look at why Women grow up p hysically weaker than
sexual harassment occurs and why harassees men. This creates an importan t psycholog-
feel victim ized. Almost all 'recognized' and ical handicap. Females worry about possible
reported sexual harassment is of women by rape or assault any time they walk down a
men. However, females employed in upper dark street alone. Some women experience
management have b ecome more aggressive similar fear in their own homes. Few men
and some intimidate their subordinate male can comprehend such concerns but it helps
workers similarly. Females lacki n g thi s to understand because it ca n affect a
power use more covert forms of harass- woman's emotions when a man approaches
ment. (See RAPE) her. She implicitly r ealizes that he could
Developing males typically learn to over- overpower her at any moment. And yet, the
come fear. They face co ntinual pressure, male is usually oblivious to her concern.
such as defeat by unscrupulous competitors. Sexual harassment involves a 'political'
They must submit to the rage of superiors. power ga m e b e t ween men and wo m en
They must often fight to get what they want (power is defined here as the control of
or deserve. They learn by experience that somethi n g someone else wants) . So a
the stronger male takes what he wants, then woman has power, provided she says "no"
fights to keep it. Some men have difficulty to sexual advances, and a man can usurp
chan ging from competing in their daily lives that power only if he gets a favorable sexual
to vying for the attention of women. response or takes w hat he wa nts by
There are various types of sexual harass- unsc rupulous tactics such as threatening h er
ment of women by men. Some m en are with dismissal (his power ploy).
merely egalitarian- they tell jokes a nd dis- This subtle power struggle makes sexual
cuss sex w ith wo m e n just as th ey would harassment an important issue among femi-
with men. They do not expect to be p hysi- nists attempting to keep the scales balanced.
cally intimate wi th the woman and may not Another concern about sexual harassment
want such intimacy. Other men need flat- n oted by the he terosexual majority is the
tery or special attention; they seek the love inclusion of opinions regarding male sexu-
and nu rtu rance that sex implies and are ality from lesbian leaders of the feminist
m ore pro n e to d evelopi ng rel ati on ships . movement. While lesbians may be th e first
W h en such a man is rejected, h e often to notice female repression and job d iscrim-
becomes angry a nd may seek reve nge to ination, the lesbian view of male sexuality is
assuage h is pain. If he is unscrupulous, he different from th e attitude of heterosexual
may threaten the woman or try to harm h er women. Sexual harassment between hetero-
reputation or career. Other men are inse- sex u a l men and wo m e n is dampened ,
cure about whether their friends like them because in an y relationship a partner is
and will only harass women in front of su ch judged on over-all performance, attributes

weighed against fau lts. Heterosexual women Women who merely spoke up in church
involved in close, loving relationships with or agains t m ale a u t h ority were p u t in to
men can make this adjustment, but lesbians "Branks" or "Sco l d's Brid les" ( m etal
typically cannot. This is particularly true of masks) and staked in public squares where
lesbian feminists wh o have been raped by their felJow church members smeared them
men. Heterose>..'Ual women are more willing ;vith feces or mutilated their breasts and
to accept me n 's desires, for exa mple genitals sadistically. People who refused to
'raunchy ' magazines, a nd their lust for attend church on Sunday regula rly despite
women. Lesbians are much less likely to feel warnings, would also be tortured for heresy.
this compassion, or benefit from the power Medical science panicked people by next
heterosexual men bestow on women they reporting that loss of semen, for example in
find attractive. In this context, simila r sepa- masturbation, caused insanity a nd created
ration of the sexes led single male clergy to t h e same abnormalities as castrat io n .
supp ort burni ng thousands of witches Parents began having their children's geni-
between t h e 13th a nd l 7th ce n turies . tals infibulated or b listered to prevent them
Because they didn't have relationships with from this fate.
women, they were unable to regard them as It is against this backdrop that many
human. people of today's generation respond to dis-
Women also differ from men in being cussions of sex with fear and apprehension.
less sexu ally attracted to men as a group. A This typ e of unfounded, superstitious fea r
female in love with one man often finds the promotes ignorance, sexual repression and
touch of any other male offensive, whereas harsh judgments against th o se trying to
m o n ogamous me n do not seem to be as develop a more matu re and rational opinion
threatened by flirting, sexual co nversation of sexual variance. This is the foundation of
and casual touching. the second fea r that affects man y people's
In addition to the physical fear of rape, definition of sexual harassment-the social
another major fear influencing women in fear of engaging in so-called ' devia nt'
their reactions to sexual harassment is social behavior.
fear of engaging in so- called 'deviant' In dealing co nstructively with sexual
b ehavior. ha rassment, the harassee's di scomfort or
Social disapproval and repression of sex fear must be communicated explicitly to the
is deep seated in many cultures. Society has harasser who must reply in a way showing
imposed harsh judgments against those that he or she understands the objection
d efying the narrow confines of 'normal' sex. before the communication is ended.
This has endured for so many generations Some women assume incorrectly that a
that people in most cultures are no longer d isgusted facia l expression conveys disap-
aware of the basis of these beliefs n or of proval. T h ey are enraged that a man con-
their origins. tinues in the face of such a warning. This is
Considering conditions in 17th through the thinking of a 'trained' victim afraid to
19th century Europe we can see the origins communicate feelings to another p erson. On
of many of our negative a ttitudes about sex. the other hand no ha rasser should be held
During this time some of our ancestors were responsible fo r suc h conduct unless the
shackled to the front walls of churc hes and offended party clearly comm unicates disap-
humi liated by people in their communities proval. This disapproval sh ou ld also be
for minor sex offenses. Women who taught valid. People are not obliged to avoid sexual
b irth control or became pregnant out of discussions an y more than d iscussions on
wedlock were accused of heresy. As punish- religion or politics, wh ich will also inevitably
ment their breasts were pinched off by a h ot offend some people.
"Breast Ripper," or their vaginas ripped out People who find th eir working e nviron-
by the "Oral, Rectal , and Vaginal Pear." ment intolerable have a better case when
The latter was used on the rectum of gays, they document occurrences of harassment,
who also faced the possibility of being sawn obtain witn esses, and show that they com-
in half for their 'sin' while still alive. municated their feelings to the offender and

to management. Charges of sexual harass- Brown showers refer to partners who

ment are reported to field offices of the U.S. defecate on one another. This may also be
Equal Employme nt Opportunity Com- done using enemas, some of wh ich may
mission. consist of diluted wi n e or food. ( Refer to
T he Roman shower, or emetophilia, is
SHAVING See DEPILATION rare. In such cases people typically drink
wine or urine and then
SHOWERS (Mysophilia-arousal from vomit these co ntents
soiled cl othing or fo u l decaying od o r s) onto a partner or into
Sexual showers refer to the expulsion of a bowl. One form is
natural fluids onto a partner's body for called a chocolate
arousal. A golden shower is comprised of m ousse and consists
urine, a milk shower of milk, a spit shower of a combination of a
of saliva, a brown shower from feces, semen Roman and brown shower . The person
from semen , and R oman showers from swallows wh ipped c r eam and then t he ir
vomit. partner gives them an enema with chocolate
Semen shower s are the most common pudding. Once prepared the person defe-
and certainly the most accepted. These are cates the pudding onto the partner and then
done between the breasts, abdomen, but- vomits the whipped cream on top. This cre-
tocks, o r on the face. Some are 'forced' to ates a dessert for one or both.
ejaculate o n their own face as a form of Some may be tempted to ma ke judg-
humiliatio n in S/M games. America n porn ments about those who e ngag e in this
actors almost always ejaculate on the but- behavior. However, among practitioners are
tocks or abdomen of their partners. Some several Christian ecstatics who were later
showers are staged with the assistance of a canonized . Alacoque and la ter Madame
mechanical penis that ejects an egg white Guyon both spoke of irresistible desires to
mixture. clean up the vomit of sick patients with only
Milk sh owe r s consist of a lactating their tongue and St. John of the Cross found
woman squeezing her milk onto a partner, a pleasure in sucking on the sores of lepers.
non-lactating partner using commercial mi lk CAUTION : The exchange of body fluids is
to rub over their own breasts, or someone not considered a safe sex practice.
pouring it onto the p a rtner. (See also LAC-
Spitting is most often used as a lubricant mophil ia (siderodromo: trains; philia:
but is also done in S/M games involv ing attachment to ) refers to tho se who are
humiliation. (See SPITTING) aroused by train s. Co upl es someti me s
Go lden sh owers are comm on during reserve a cabin and will have sex standing in
adolescence with th e 'shooting' of insects, front of th e window as th e trai n passes
animal s, a nd friend s. Some w rite t he ir through a town or a station. Others squeeze
names in the snow and others compete for into bathrooms or sn eak quickies in corners.
who can shoot the longest distance. A large Trains provide more privacy and opportu-
percentage of men questioned as to whether nity to socialize than airplanes or buses.
they had urinated on partners in the shower (See also COITUS A CHEVAL, DOGGING,
indicated that they had , some d o ing it HODOPHILIA and TUNNEL OF LOVE)
without their partner's knowledge. Golden
showers are sprayed on the face, body, geni- SIN See PECATTrPHIUA
tals, or mouth of a partner. Some consider
this to be a form of humiliation but others SITOPHILIA (Botulinoni a- sex with
love the warm sensation , closen ess, and sausage) S itoph ili a (s ito: foo d ; philia:
tru st it provides. ( Refer to ch apter on attachment to) refers to those who use food
UROPHIL!A.) for sexual purposes. Masturbation aids are

found in the form of corn cobs, squ ash, oped a game where the wife, after dismissing
c u c umb e r s, bananas , sau sages, warm herself during a formal dinne r to go to the
melons, liver in a milk carton, or a jar of woman's restroom, upon returning would
honey. dip h er finger in so m e fo od and put her
One gas t ronomic ga me is used in finger to her husband's lips asking him to try
b ondage scenes. The male partner is first it. People at the table, if they noticed at all,
immobilized , a pap er plate is cut so that a thought he was only tasting food, while in
2 " dia m ete r hole is fact she had first dipped her finger in urine.
m ade off-center. The The same is done with vaginal secretions.
plate is held over the P eop l e aroused by lacta ting br easts
m a l e genitals and sometimes drop cream onto a partner's nip-
these ar e pull e d ples and then lick it off. Sex surrogates use
throug h so that the food to get some clients back in touch with
genitals n ow loo k as their body. The surrogate ge ts the client
though they are being excited and salivating by slowly rubbing
se r ve d on a p latte r. thei r favorite food on their body. This
Luke warm spaghetti rec on ditions their bodies to respo nd to
and meatballs are served onto the plate and, touch. Food orgy parties are organized by
with fork in hand, a helpless male is told h e indiv iduals where fri ends bring either an
is about to be fed his own balls. It doesn' t erotic arrangement of food on a dish to
matte r w ho eats the m ea tballs but eac h sh are, or food that fee ls sen su ous when
strand of spaghetti is sensu ously wrapped rubbed onto a partner and licked off; after-
around the p en is and su cked through the ward everyone soaks in a h ot tub. There are
lips before being eaten. all-male games such as "Shoot the Cookie"
Another use of food is that of taking a where males stand in a circle around a
plum tha t is slightly slit, pitted, and pushed cookie and masturbate. The rule dictates
onto an erect glans penis. Once secure this th at the last o n e who ejaculates on the
ca n be inserted into a partner's vagina, cookie has to eat it.
adding volume and pressure for both part- Food can be used for a form of flagella-
ners. Banana carving contests are used as tion . A regular client of a n Oregon bordello
erotic teases at adult parties. A row of con - during the 1940's would pay to have two
testants a re lined up, given a banana, and prosti tutes watch him strip naked , put on
then told to compete w ith each other for high h eels, get into a tub of bath water, and
who can carve the most realistic penis with walk back a nd fo rth. His only request was
on ly their t eet h. Som e strip pe rs u se a that they throw oranges at his buttocks as he
c u cumber in a pse u do-cas tr a ti on scene paced. He would then get out, p ick up the
where they have a man hold a c u cumber ora nges, replace t h e m in his paper bag,
between hi s u pper thighs and then proceed dress, and leave. (Personal communication.)
to fellate the green erection. As the audience (See also COCKTAILS, LACTAPHILIA, PIE
becomes enthralled the stripper bites off the THROWING and STUFFING)
tip of the cu cumber. People sometimes su ck
on a lime befo re oral cunnilingu s to make SLAPPING See FLAGELLATION
their taste buds swell, creating more texture
when rubbed against sensitive genital tissue. SLAVES (Famulus) There is great variety
There are sp ecial caterers that design cakes in how people use sex slavery. The most
and pastries with a sexual theme. famous sex slave was t he Biblical Samson
Peop le also stuff objects like grapes, wh o was captured by the Phi listines an d ,
sm all tomatoes, peeled and cooled h ard according to the Talmud, used to insemi-
boiled eggs, a nd sm all pieces of ice into the nate their wives in order to produce a race
rectum for erotic p leasure. (Refer ro section on of superhumans. They blinded him so that
ANAL SEX.) this task would be easier.
Another use of food consists of combining M ost do not live as slaves 24 hours a day
it with body secreti ons. One couple devel- but rather practice it for a few h ours once a

month or so. Slaves may serve one master she sees herself in relation to other people: is she
exclu sively or ma y be passed from o ne a leader or a follower? The third set relates to
master to another. One m aster wrapped his pain: does she seek to experience it, or inflict it?
sex slave in a sh eet and drove her t o a (In this instance, pain may be defined as phys-
friend's hom e t o be ical and/or psychological, and many people are
u sed for his pleasure. fairly neutral on this scale).
Slaves may cook and The first catego1y of slave is the captive. She
serve guests at a sp ecial finds it exciting to have volition removed by
dinner or acco mpan y another. If she has guilt feelings about sex, the
their m aster to a party loss of control may enable her to let go and
and care for their needs enjoy 'forbidden' pleasures. She 111ust be con-
...- · -.. there. The s lave may vinced, however,_that her freedom has indeed
sleep in the bed w ith been taken away, and will frequently test the
.- their master or on a rug control of the dominant. She might even require
n e xt to t h e bed, in a that she be physically captured and subdued,
box, or cage. 'Captive' and only respond to the J\IIaster when she's sure
slaves may have to be bound at night. Slaves he's in total command. In chis kind of relation-
u sually prefer providing perso n al service ship, restriction and ritual play an important
such as bathing, bru shing hair, p olishing part, and contracts may be negotiated in
nails, shaving, massage, and holding a d ildo advance.
or vibrator. ("Slave Fa ntasies", Society of The second category is the passive slave.
Janus lecture, July 27, 1989) This is a person who doern 't want to cake
Slaves n eed a reminder of the status that responsibility for his/her actions, and seeks
renders them d ifferent from others. Sex someone to take that responsibility away. This
slaves identify themselves by wearing slave kind of slave will seek out a full-time domi-
collars, an "o" finger ring, a brand, a special nant, rath er than occasional or contractual
necklace, or chastity belt. play. Sfhe is frequently a passive-aggressive
K. C. Rourke, a professional d omina trix person who forces others to make decisions so
and personal slave, describes the nuances of that s/he is free to blame them when things
these relationships: don't turn out to his/her liking. ("I don't know
exactly wha t I want, but I /mow this isn't it
In order to understand the nature of Master/ and it's your fault!") This can be ve1:y draining
slave relationships, it is importanL to realize to a dorninanL, because the so-called slave is
that this slavery is imposed neither by law nor actually running the show and putting a great
by social custom; even a slave who is defiant is deal of pressure on him.
a slave by personal choice. However, the nature The third category is sometimes called a
of that choice and its implementation vary; sex SAM (Smart-Ass Masochist}. This person has
slaves may be categorized according to why learned early in life that the only way to get
they chose their slavery, and how they see attention is to do something bad and gel pun-
themselves and their masters. ished. The alternative, in their minds, is to be
In examining this question, it is helpful to ignored completely. In many cases they were
look at three pairs of personality characteris- even told by their parents that they were being
tics: passive/aggressive, dominant/submissive, punished "because I care about you ... " and
sadistic/masochistic. Each pair forms a scale; have come to confuse punishment with parental
every personality can be rated somewhere on and other love. Their only goal in a Master-
each scale. The scales are independent of one s/ave relationship is to misbehave and earn
another; a person can be, for instance, aggres- punishment. They, too, can be exhausting for a
sive, submissive and masochistic. Master unless he is a committed sadist with a
The first pair relates to how a person sees strong need to hurt or humihate others.
(him)herself in relation to her environment: The fourth catego1y of slave can be referred
does she prefer to make things happen or let to as the seeker or apprentice. This is a person
things happen? The second pair relates to how who feels a strong need for guidance or direc-

tion. S/he will see!~ out a Master or Mistress Slaves are som etimes taught to perform
s/he respects and admires, giving up authority in the sa me m anner as trained dogs. Hand
in exchange for the guidance (training) s/he signals are used to co mm and a slave to
desires. S/he will go to great lengzhs to win the stand, sit, speak, kneel, fetch, or kiss their
approval of zhe Master, and show him what master's feet. (A Tangled Web: The Art of
s/he can do. If the Masler disciplines such a Slavery, by Lady Tanith)
slave, ii is a loving affirmation of his authority Lady Tanith, a professional dominatrix,
and his acceptance of their service. If he wishes also has a clientele of slaves that correspond
to punish them, he need only express disap- b y mail. A sa m p le of one of th e letters
pointment with them. In many cases this type written to her by a slave is as follows:
of slave is an aggressive and energetic person
You are Queen Satanja, Queen of all the land.
who lacks confidence and self-esteem, and needs
I have been captured by your female warriors
encouragement, instruction and/or permission
who have selected me to be your pleasure for the
from a respected person. Many are highly intel-
evening. M y name is Tarus, General of the
ligent and imaginative, and are more n.eedful of
forces you have just defeated. J\.1y other war-
validation than of actual training; others,
riors who have lived have been sent to the
through the training they receive, develop the
House of P leasure where they will sexually
confidence they need to function better indepen-
please your best will relate this
dently. This kind of slave gradually becomes a
to me. As I am broughz in, you will be on your
great asset to a Master or Niistress.
throne. You have no men in your empire... only
The general guidelines for fu ll time slave the most beautiful women but those men you
training include things like getting a written have captured in battle are your servants
contract in which the slave agrees to give up have a harem of men, that are at your beck and
(store) all personal possessions and live with call for all sorts of sordid sexual orgies ....
the maste r, servin g him or her completely In t.his session you will teach me how to
for a specified period o f time. The slave's please you and your favored warriors
contact with the outside world is often will take every liberty with me that you
restricted or fo rbidden during this time. A will:
slave needs to be made to feel that th ey a re -constaritly curse at me ... calling me all sorts of
isolated wi th n o one to rescue them, making evil names
them totally dependent on their new master -seduce me as you tease and tantalize me and
regardless of their character. Slaves are not make me the captured animal of your royal
allowed to make any decisions for them- court
selves. The master provides clothes (some -spit upon me
go nude) , food and water, and controls the -continually zell me how I will be pleasing all of
times a t which the slave may use the bath- your female slave sluts at the orgies as you sit
room. These necessities are often used as on the throne and watch
rewards when getting the sla ve to submit to - make me worship your royal and beautiful
something in which they wouldn't ordinarily body.. within your royal limits ... / will worship
engage. Slaves generally pass through emo- any part you wish including feet
tional phases of consensual role playing to -blindfold me for a portion of the session as you
irritation, defiance, anger, and submission, bring in your other female slave sluts to please
before they finall y revere and bond to their you while I can. only hear the moans of pleasure
master. This process is similar to spou sal and lust .... catl them by name and tell them
abuse or the Stockholm syndrome where what lo do to you.
priso n ers, su ch as Patty H earst, bond to - Eventually your seductive powers overcome
their cap tors. Ritual, a form of psycholog- 1ne.
ical bondage, causes a slave t o lose t h eir
own identity and become a willing receptor B ottom's disease refers to a slave wh ose
of someone else's desires. Special forms of self-esteem is so low that they consent to
address are used for the top such as Lord, servitude because they p refer not to assert
Goddess, Mistress, a nd Master. Bottoms are t hemselves. Mos t slaves, however, fi nd a
called worm, Fido, slave, whore, or baby. te mporary period of service to be cathartic,

similar to that of returning to childhood the wall behind and her bloody head caved
without the pressures of the busin ess world. in with the impact. (Sp ecial effects artists in
At the end of a couple of months or a year t h e m ovi e indu st r y co nsulted b y law
they are ready to face life's challenges again. e nforcement agencies have confirmed that
Others fee l it is a m ethod b y which to a ny mutilations can be d uplicated with spe-
express their u ncondition al love and devo- cial effects techniques.)
tio n to a partner a nd to have a partner People who purchase these movies prob-
r eturn that l ove to them as individ uals ably do so out of curiosity or because this
rather than because of th eir job status or has long been a fantasy. For some it seems
what they own. ("Slave Training '', by Lady to bolster their own sense of power. Those
Tani th, Back D rop lecture, J an u ary 2 6 , who actually murder most ofte n take their
199 1) own p hotos or video of the event. (Interview
(See also DOMINANCE/SUBMISSION, FAN- with Detective J ames Rodriquez.) CAU-
TASY PLAY, HUMILIATION, PARAPHI LIAS TION: The greatest harm buyers of these
and RITUAL SEX) fil ms do is to provide incentive for pro-
ducers to continue having innocent victims
SNUFF FILMS Actors in these films kill murdered.
you ng vic tim s durin g sex scen es. S nuff (See also LUST MURDER, MUT ILATION,
films are illegal and only sold underground; PEDOPHILIA and SEX RINGS)
therefore, information on this subject is dif-
ficult to obtain. SOMNOPHILIA (Sleeping princess syn-
One snuff film was briefly mentioned in drome) Somnoph il ia (so mnus: to slee p;
the January 198 6 issue of Penthouse in an p hi lia: attachment to) refers to th ose who
article abou t Satan ism by D r. Joel Norri s a re sex u ally stim u la t ed b y fond ling or
and Jerry Allen Potter in which they tell o f a having sex with a sleeping partner.
woman who u nco ve r ed a snuff film of a Many case studies of somnophiles show
c hild being torn apart by its abductors. childhood histori es of having covert sex
Today, most are filmed in Hong K ong a nd with a sibling that was either asleep or pre-
these also fea ture dismemberment. te nding . Th ey conditio n themselves to
An account of an American sn uff film become aroused b y a sleeping partner a nd
was given by a man working for an X-rated w h e n the circum s tan ce changes they
video comp any in England. In a perso nal become imp ote n t or i n effective.
intervi ew he spoke of sever al snuff films P rofess ional therapy is often effective in
see n in Germa n y durin g the ea rly ?O's. h elping a couple overcome this barrier to
Mos t dep icted stra ngulatio n and for that inti macy . CAUTION: T hi s ac ti vi t y
reason he could not guarantee that what he becomes un ethi cal when d o n e o n minors
saw was authentic. H owever, one movie did sleepi ng in the sa me bed or with a partner
have a scene that would have been difficult who would not ordinarily consent.
t o stage. T his m ovie was film ed in the (See also AMAUROPHILIA, FROTTAGE and
Southern United States and was of a group NECROPHILIA)
of men d riving along highways picking up
female h itchhikers. They then bound their SOUNDING (Urethral self- instrumenta-
victim s and took th e m to a sm all mo tel. tion) Sounding (subondare: to submerge) is
Here the men would blindfold , gan g bang, the me dical term fo r a metal rod u sed to
a nd perform sadistic acts such as ramming a find an d dilate strictures in the urethra or
b room handle up thei r vaginas before finally other body cavities. Gono rrhea often left
strangling them. T he last female was treated sca r tissu e that h ad to be removed in this
m uch the same. They placed different items manne r. The so und instru ment is slowly
in her mouth to fellate; the final one being a inser ted down th e urethra stretching open
hand gun with a silencer on the end, and as any scar tissu e that is in its path . These
she sucked o n thi s, th e ma n pulled th e instruments are p u rchased from med ical
trigger. H e r naked body slammed against supply houses.

P eop le use so u nding in S/ M play fo r SPECTROPHILIA (Incubus, Succubus)

b o th in c r ease d se nsatio n a nd to transfe r Spectro philia (spectral : p ha ntom o r ghos t;
power to the hands of the dominant. Other ph ilia: attac h m e n t to) refers to se x u a l
people use things such as rubber fish ing arousal by intercourse with spi rits, ghosts,
worms, cotton swabs, o r ice. angels, or gods.
The rubber fishing worms have At one time many believed that nocturnal
a sm oo th su rface, are flexi b le, e m iss ions were ca u sed b y spi ri ts . T he
and can b e sterilized in a p res- medieval E uropeans named the male spirit
sure cooker. T hose who use ice Incubus. H e was believed t0 cause night-
freez e sterile wa t e r in paper mares and to lie on top of women, seducing
straws and, once removed from or ra ping them. T his was a d elusion that
the freeze r fo r a few minute s, was co m mon among fe m ales w itho ut sex
0 slide it ou t o f th e con ta iner. lee partn e r s, pa rti c u la r ly in convents .
is mu c h m o r e da n gero u s Conversely, the Succubu s was thought to be
beca use of the ri sk o f accidental brea kage a female demo n that wo uld lie underneath
inside the urethra before it melts. and seduce men, draining them of se men at
Ph ys icians h ave fo und objects such as night. The Babylo nian L ilith was even more
ha irp ins, p lastic t ubes, a nd even a sm all c ru el, d e manding sac rifices o f the ma le
snake in people's bladders. organ and sometimes a ma n's life.
T he m ost com mon type of sound used is M ost accounts of spectroph ilia were doc-
the Van Buren which is cu rved at o ne end umen ted d uring th e witch tr ials from the
and ranges from .20 to .28" in diameter (the forced co nfessio n s of innocen t v ictim s .
equivalent of the French sound sizes o f 16 Noctu rnal e missions, impotency, and every
to 22). This is po pular because once placed other sort of sexual problem was bla med on
into positi on the e nd p resses in the vicinity in te rcourse with evil spirits.
o f th e prostate gla n d w hic h can t h en be Sexu al h yst eria also b ecame co m m on
gently stimulated . during the Inquisitio n and men accused
A different variety of sou ndin g consists women of casting a gla m our or spell on
of usi ng 1/4" diameter stainless steel balls. them causi ng them to lose their penis. The
T hese are counted, push ed into the u rethra, m en suffe ring fro m hysteria could not see
a nd left there as the man masturbates. U pon their own organs. Two Dominicans, Kramer
ejaculation the se minal fluids push the balls and Sprenge r, wrote o f o ne of these cases
out in a way that rese mbl es a machine gun . warning p eop le that "s u ch m embe rs a re
The steel balls are aga in counted to veri fy [not) really torn right away from the body
that none remain in th e urethra. l;iut that they are hidden by the that
A p seudo type of soundin g involves th e they can be neither seen nor felt":
practice of a partner pushing small amounts
of warm water, champagne, or chips of ice A certai11 young 111a11 had had a11 i1urig11e with
into the very tip of the penis du ring fellatio. a girl. Wishing to leave her, he losl his lllember:
CAUTIO : Sounding ca n cause se rious that is lo say, so111e gla111our [spell} was cast
inj ury. Signs of damage tO the urethra are a over it so tha1 he could see or touch nothing but
change in the frequen cy one urina tes, orange his slllooth body. In his worry over this he went
or brown urine, or pus. A doctor should be lo a tavern 10 dri11h wiue; and after he had sat
consulted if any o f these sym ptoms occur. there for a while he got into conversatio11 with
Even if n·eated, however, minary tract infec- another wolllan who was there, and told her the
tions can lead to kidney infections , kidney cause of his sadness, explaining eve1ythi11g and
failu re, and som eti mes death . demo11strating i11 his body that it was so. The
(See also CATHETERS, lv1EATOTOMY and woman was shrewd and asked if he suspected
The man did and the woman suggested that
SPANKING See FLAGELLATION he ask the girl to remove the spell. H e left the

tavern and upon finding the girl made his from God's mouth through a tube which led
demands. She refused saying she was innocent under her skirts (Sex and Superstition, p. 103,
but when he began strangling her she wisely reproduced with permission of Blackie &
agreed to remove the spell saying, "Now you Son Ltd.).
have what y ou desire." H e then touched his
T h e n umber of repo rted I n c u bi a n d
penis and found it to be restored.
Succubi and other for m s of n eurosis
T his fear was experienced by Thai men increased during the 12th century after the
during the Vietnam war. It was referred to Church imp osed harsh restrictions against
as the "Thai Shrinking Penis Syndrome." sexual activity.
These men felt that their penises were get- (See also CHOREOPl!ILIA, FANTASY, FER-
ting smaller and would tie a string around TILITY R ITES , H IEROPHILIA, ORGASMS,
them to prevent their penises from disap- SEX MAG ICK and SEX RITUALS)
p ea ri ng inside thei r abdomens. A T h ai
SPERM BANKS Sperm banks are facili-
phys ician logged t he penis sizes of T h ai
ties where sp erm is deposited for future use
men and later wrote a paper on the subject.
in fertilization of a woman. The first infa nt
Thi s hysteria recently surfaced in 1991
was born using this technology in 1953. In
a m ong people in N igeria w h o be lieved
1989 there were about 40 sperm b anks or
p eople were casting spells on th em and a
human semen cryobanks affiliated with the
simple handshake could cost their genitals
American Assoc iation of Tissue Banks.
or breasts. An article in the London Observer
Men who a re considering a vasectomy or
th ose who must undergo chemotherapy o r
One of the first incidents took place in the lobby radiation therap y have a need for this ser-
of the Central Bank, when a visiting man vice. A donor's semen is fi rst checked for
declared thal his iesticles had been snatched. fitn ess a nd then frozen in liquid nitrogen
Although he stripped naked, there are co n- tanks. The cost fo r freezing sperm is around
flicting reports as to whether he was able to $250.00 and a five year storage fee in 1989
prove his loss. What is certain is that was $650.00.
bystanders fled. Police have arrested more than Cryobank s also provide services such as
150 people for spreading rumors of stolen iesti- infertility profil es, sex selectio n, sperm
cles, and at least three lynchings are reported to washing, cervical mucus penetration assays,
have occurred when hysterical crowds have and an ti-sperm antibody testing.
taken alleged culprits to task .... Testicles are Some sperm banks provide sperm to be
reported to fe tch a high price in the fetish u sed by wome n fo r imp regna tion. Male
market-up to Sl,000- and are in high donors qualify b y filling out a survey fo rm
demand at present. and, once approved, provide sperm fo r use
by anonymous recipients. T his screening is
The most fa mous instances of sp ectrophilia,
important not only for genetic consideration
however, a re those o f the Virgin Mary and
but because many sexually transmitted dis-
G od. G . L. Simons wrote of this in his book:
eases ca n be transferred in this manne r :
Some writers, finding it difficult to believe that "Neisse ria, gonorrhea, my co plasma
even God could impregnate ihe Virgin Mary hominis, Ureapla sma u realyticum, chla-
without her losing her virginity, developed the mydia trachomatous, trichomon as vaginalis,
idea that she was impregnated through the ear HIV, and hepatitis B virus" ("Micro-organ-
by the archangel Gabriel, or by God ism s Present in D onor Seme n, Screening
himself. .. l n some early paintings the Holy and Detecti on," by DJL Pa lmer, J .
Ghost is seen descending as a dove with the Cuthbert, J. Mukoyogo, MS Obhrai, and JR
divine sperm in its bill; in other pictures the Newton, British Journal of Sexual M edicine,
seminal words are seen passing through a lily, April 1990, p. 114). Religions vary on their
on their way from Gab·,-iel's mouth to Ma1y's interpretation of whether t his procedure is
ear.. .In one early carving the spenn come direci morally acceptable.

Nor all women use sperm banks to secure honor what to expect in his new role as a
semen. So m e spouses agr ee to h avi ng a husband.
friend or acquaintance inseminate their wife This is also the occasion for pranks and a
while others, including some lesbians, have few grooms have found themselves dropped
the male ejaculate in a jar and use a turkey off alone in a desolate area with only a few
baster for insertion. Women who are unable ho urs left before the we dd ing. One man
to carry a n infant co term sometimes use a actually awoke from a drunke n stup or to
surrogate mother who is impregnated by the find that h is friends had put hi m on a cargo
husband. 1 here are many more emotional ship that had embarked fo r Alaska during
and legal complications involved with this the night.
method and courts mos t often uphold the F emales ha ve begun having their own
birth mother's wish to k eep her ch ild stag parties, to whi ch male strippers some-
rega rdless of previous financ ial ar range- times provide ente rtainment. Gay partners
ments or contracts. both attend bachelor parties and they also
A listing of banks can be obtain ed fro m occasionally engage same sex strippers.
the American Association of Tissue Banks, (See also SEX SHOWS and STRfPPERS)
1350 Beverly Road, Suite 220A, McLean,
VA 22 101. STAPLING Stapling is
(See also EUGENICS) don e in S/ M scenes as a I
form o f co ntr o l over a
SPITTING Spitting is used during sex partner's genitals. Surgical
games both as a form of humiliation and as skin staplers with an auto-
a fetish . Spit itself once h ad magical quali- release are preferred bu t a
ties. Kirghis tribes living on the bord er of few people have used the
China and the USSR o n ce believe d th ey standard office type (this
could heal the diseased by whipping them
until they bled and then spitting in their
is n ot advised du e to the
staples not being sterile .
face . They are also longer an d
Spit is often used during sex as a conve- more painful) . The prongs of the surgical
nien r lub ricant fo r ki ss in g, fellatio, and staples are a b o u t 1/8 " long and curved
vaginal or a nal penetrati on. in wa rd so that they s tay in place u n til
A spit fetish ist is sexuall y aroused by removed. A special surgical remover is
having their partner dribble spit into their required for this procedure.
mouth or on their body. T h ere have also During S/M play people may staple the
been vvomen who were specifically attracted edges of the scrotal skin to the thighs, the
to certain me n b ecause of t h e m asc ulin e outer skin of the penis to the abdomen, the
manner in which they could spit. oute r labia together, the buttocks together
(See a lso FET ISHES , HYGROPH!LIA, (painful unl ess there is a lot of loose skin),
HUMILIATION and SHOWERS) and a few ha ve stap led th e lips of the
mouth. All of the genital staplings are con-
STAG PARTIES Stag or bachelor parties sidered a form of site specific bondage (i.e.
ar e give n by males in hono r of a frie nd's the mouth stapling would take the place of a
marriage and they var y acco rding to the gag) or a c h as tity dev ice . The stapler is
morals of those in volved. The tradition of oper ated a t a qui ck snap wh ic h redu ces
the sta g party may be a holdover of the some of the pain as the staple enters the skin
an cien t puberty rituals that preceded mass ("Surgical Suturing and Stapling," b y A.
wedd ings. Kra us, QSM l ectur e, August 4 , 1990) .
Typical entertainmen t includes a stripper CAUTION: Staple play is cons idered a
or sex video and a few wi ll rel ocate their blood sport and therefore u nsafe sex.
party to a bordello. Others h ave hired pro- (See also BO NDAGE/LACING, TNFIBULA-
fessional dominatrixes to teach the guest of TION, SAFE SEX and SUTURING)

STA TIO NERY Custom stationery is impote n ce), or

available for people of any sexual preference labia. This process
interested in erotic expression. Illustrations takes several years
range from romantic scenes of two clothed to accomplish. The
peop le in an embrace to group o rgies. skin is not stretched
People use this stationery to send to lovers, e nough to create
as announcements of an address c hange, pain because thi s
invitations to sex parties, thank you cards, cau ses lac e rations
or calling cards. Personalized cards may be that fill in with sea;
ordered by sendi ng photographs of oneself. tissue . Skin that is
Tho s e desiri n g a n i mpr ove m e nt in gently s tretc h e d
p hysiqu e, such as adding a few inches to the develops micro-
size of the penis or breasts, may request scopic tears that fill in with normal tissu e;
those changes. eventually exte nding th e lengt h of th e
desired body part. Those using an insert
STIGMATOPHILIA Stig matophilia, a such as a bar or ring gradually p ull on it to
term coined by John Money, (stigma: mark, lengthen the appendage. Those interested in
philia: attachment to) refers to those who increasing the size of a hole increase the size
are arou sed if the ir partn er h as a tattoo, of the insert over time until the hole gets to
pierced jewelry, body modification, or scar- the de sired d ia meter. This is s imilar to
ring on t h eir bodies or genitals . (See also people in African tribes who stretched their
CATION, RINGING and TATTOOS) Th e African Baganda, Bagi s hu , a nd
Suaheli tribes once stretched their inner
STRANGLING See OXYGEN REGULA- labia so that they would hang at least two
TION inch es below the vagina. This was called the
Hotten tot apron o r mfuli and supposedly
STRETCHING (Catatasis-pe nis, had its origin
K olpeuryntoma n ia-vagina) Stretchings fr o m girl s who
may be permanent or temporary. Both types mast u rbated so
of stretching are done to modify the appear- ofte n ch at the
ance of t h e genitals or nipples and may labia became
cause some discomfort. extended. I t is
Tes ti cles tend to r ise when one ne ars said t h at men,
orgasm and forcing them to stay toward the preferri n g wives
bottom of th e sac wit h high sex
delays ejaculation. drive s, s elected
Orgasm itself is pro- these women first.
longed and intensified Soo n other wome n h ad to co m pete by
when it doe s occ ur. stretching their labia. Men discovered that
Weights or othe r spe- they also enjoyed th e ext ra se n sation of
cial devices are used to having the labia engul f the penis during
accomplish temporary penetration. These preferences resul ted in
stretching. Metal rings men refusing to marry women who had not
or leath er band s fit h ad t h is lab i a m od i fication. Young
around the top of the scrotal sac to squeeze Hottentot girls used two different methods
the testicle s d o wnward. CAUTION: for elongation. Some took a weed and used
Excessive p ressure ca n cause small b lood that to rub and pull on the labia until it had
vessels to break and too much pressure on stretched to the desired length. Others tied
the testicles themselves is dangerous. the labia together with a string and hung a
Some people have chosen to permanently rock on the end. The effect of this was evi-
stretch their foreskin, nipples, penis (causes dently less aesthetic than the fo rmer and

was desc ri bed by so m e as r esemb ling the Th e b o d y is sear c he d an d p roced u re

crop of a rurkey. requires th at every body opening is checked
There are also m en who have a com pul- (bacteria collected fro m an anus shou ld not
sion to stretch a female's vagina during pen- be transferred to a vagina). O nce the pris-
etration. T hey may also use sheaths for th is oner is found to be completely clea n h e or
p urpose . The st retc h ing needs to induce she is released , seduced, or reloca ted to a
d isco m fort o r pai n before t he m an wi th p rison cell .
such a compul sion is satisfied. (See also HUM ILIATION and INTERROGA-
(Refer also to WEIGHT T RAINING) T ION)

STRIP POKER The re are many versions STRIPPING (Ecd yosis-arou sal from
of strip poker, the card game based on the removing cloth es in fro nt of others, Gyno -
rules of regular poker. Som e players write nudom ani a- compulsion to rip clothes off
out the sexu al acti vities they are willi ng to othe rs) Strippers are people who voluntaril y
p erfo rm and for what price before playing t a k e off thei r clothes fo r an a ud ie n ce.
p oke r . Fake o r p lay m o n ey i s di v id e d Stri p p e r s m ay b e male, femal e, h e tero-
equally and used during the gam e. Clothes sexu al, bi or gay. Private strippers advertise
may be bartered if one runs out of money. in loca l magaz ines in Las Vegas and w ill
O nce the game is over people add up their come to hotel rooms to perform . Most pro-
winnings a n d buy the sexual activity they fessional stri pp ers work in clubs with a few
can afford from the other players. becoming celebrities who travel across th e
The most common form of strip poke r is country to a p pea r at p ri vate cl ubs. Male
simply playing for a rticles o f clothing instead strippe r s, s u ch as th e Chi pp endales of
of money and more advenrurous players will sout h e rn Ca liforn ia , p erfo rm in cl ub s,
p lay for specific types of sex acts. If the re others work fo r stripping telegram com pa-
are more than t\vo players the winners may nies, private pa rties, or for gay theat ers.
be given their choice of sex partners for fi ve There are certain general rules that strip-
minu tes after each round of poker. pers use when undressing. T hese begin with
C h eat ing m a k es th e g am e m ore sel ecting mu sic co ndu cive to dan ce a nd
intriguing but one must be willing to face wear ing easy-to-re m ove cloth es; ones in
the conseque nces if caug ht by their partner . whi ch th ey feel attractive and sexy. The toes
Erotic decks of ca rds may be used but fo r are kept pointed throughout the routine and
t h ose n ot te mp ted to sh ow o th ers th e ir any part of the body that is being u nve iled is
ha nds. p rotru d ed to1,vard th e aud ie nce; with t h e
(Sec also C01\llPUTER SEX and SEX GAMES) exception of some teasing m ove ments. T he
r emoval of p an ts, s ki rts, or underwear
STRIP SEARCH Strip searches are used requires that the stripper bend s over a nd
in S/ M sce n es si mu la ti ng police arres ts, slowly p u ll s th e a rti cle of clo t hi ng dow n
p rison riots, customs sea rches, prisoners of across the buttocks, letting it drop to the
wa r, or alien abductions. floor. H ands a re run along the contou rs of
T he general p rocedure requires the cap- the body to accentuate a nd tease. There arc
tive to face a wall with their hands in th e ai r. m a n y othe r guidelines u sed by su ccessfu l
Their pa rtn e r the n pats them dow n with strippers. An excell ent educa tional video
their hands on the outside of their clothes. was don e by Gio, titled H ow to Strip /01·
Next th e prisoner is asked to e mpty the con- Your 1\lfan.
tents of the ir purse or pockets onto a table (Sec also C HOREOPH ILIA and SEX SH OWS)
for inspection, followed by all their clothing.
Everythin g is closely inspected for drugs, STUFFING Stuffing refers to the inse r-
m icrofilm, bugging devices, weapons, or sex tion of objects into the vagina or anus. T his
toys. The prisoner stands naked wi th their usua ll y in vo lves food o r b everages when
hands be hin d the ir head durin g th is time. d on e in co n se n sual sex pla y . P eople u se

cherry tomatoes, boiled eggs that have been ally on the tapes. Yet a different study indi-
peeled, strawberries, bananas, cu cumbers, cated that some people feel a higher level of
whipped cream, o r whatever other food is security or self-esteem after receiving sub-
favored b y the partner. li minal messages. N othing, however, reveals
A famous court case of a 1920's come- that a person would ever kill o r commit sui-
dian known as Fatty Arbuckle involved tes- cide because of a subli minal message as was
timony that he had stuffed ice and then a suggested in the trial of Judas Priest, a rock
champagne bottle up a starlet's vagina. She band, concerning a su bliminal message in
later died of comp lications from the lacera- their album that said " Do it."
tions, but he was acquitted after the third An S/ M audio tape, th e refo re, would
trial. only help a slave adjust to the idea of servi-
Killers and rapists sometimes stuff the tude or might h elp a shy or anxio us slave
vagina of their murde r victim with items over co m e their initial appreh en sion. S/M
lying around the room. One man shoved a tapes are made by the slave's master or by a
victim's false teeth into her vagina without h ypnotist. The tape itself gives messages
her knowledge. They wer e discove red a about b e in g submi ss ive and r eceivi n g
month later when she requested a standa rd rewards for this type of behavior.
se xually tran smitted disease test. Th e Sex therapy tapes a re also available that
awareness of his actions was complicated by are sup p osed to help people relax a nd
the fact that when he assaulted her he broke improve their sex life.
her jaw ("Unusual Vaginal Foreign Body," (See also HYPNOSIS and VISUALIZATION)
by P eter Watson, B ritish J ournal of Sexual
M edicine, September 1988, p. 294). SUBMISSION See DOMINANCE/SUBMIS-
N ot all stuffing is done by a partner. One SION
woman in se rted a ru b ber ball into h er
vagina at a pa rt y where s he had been SUBPERSONALITY S u bpersonalities
drinking. It was n ot d iscovered until 20 are similar to multiple personality disorders
years later ("Vaginal Foreign Body of Very except that the personality ch ange is only
Long Duration," by Be nja min Piura, British temporary and awareness is never lost. The
Journal of Sexual Medicine, Nov. 1986, p. regular personality seems to be su ppressed
308) . CAUTION: The vaginal cavity is e n ough fo r it to be difficul t to r es p o nd
sensitive to foreign ch emicals. appropria tely. Mul tiple p er sonali ty diso r-
(See also BONDAGE/ SPE CULUM and ders seem to be caused by repetitive or ritu-
SITOPHILIA) alized abuse that is in contrast with the rest
of the child's life; suc h as molestation by a
SUBLIMINAL TAPES Subliminal refers parent. Subpersonalities are based on either
to the part of the mind tha t is just beneath a single in sta nce, or constant trauma and
the conscious mind, and which is suscep- stress. Subperso n alities seem to surface
tible to repetitive stimuli. Many listen to when a p erson recalls this period of time.
ta p es desig n ed to h elp them overco m e This o ften occu r s during therapy o r for
smoking, overeating, low self-esteem, stress, others during sex.
fear, and for slave training in the S/M com- T h erapists so metimes deliberately use
munity. childhood subperso n alities wh en working
While scie ntists seem to agree that a with a patient's proble m. It seems that whe n
person may perceive subliminal messages, a person remembers t he pain or trauma,
there is little evidence that commercial tapes their consciousn ess shifts and the therap ist
of this sort effect c ha nge in a p e r son 's is able to co mm un ica te direc tly with the
beha vior. Dr. Anthony Gree nwald of the child. While they are in this state the the ra-
University of Washington did studies where pist gives th em the comfort, nurturing, or
he mixed the labels on tapes given to volun- explanations not received as a child.
teers and discovered that the subj ect on the This consciousness d oes not have to be
label had more impact than what was actu- the child personality, it can also be an angry

adul t. This was true for on e woman who violen tly, incest survivors, gamblers, child
so metimes experienced su bpersonali ti es mole sters , celiba tes, sex ual en thusiasts ,
d uring sex. She was trau matized by seri ou s wome n w h o love too mu ch, prostitll tes,
physical abuse begi nnin g in infa ncy. Sex pol yga mi sts, sp ouses w h o are abu sed ,
pa rtn ers w h o brought up s ubj ec ts t h at a busi ng spou ses, a lesbian 's paga n group,
reminded her of the abuse or her fa th er a nd many more.
caused her to shift into one of two charac- Twelve-step programs begin their meet-
ters. The first was a yo ung chi ld who ings with an introduction, and a short pre-
became sexua ll y frigid, wa nted to be held, sen tati on, next opening the floor to anyone
and was unable to say anything except " no" who wou ld like to share their thoughts witl1
without great effort. T he oth er c h aracter the group. Large groups sometimes impose
was an angry adult male rapist who pinned a time limitation so that as man y people as
down the partners and sex ually assaulted possible will have the opportunity to share.
them. (Personal commu nication. ) T he typical opening co mment is: " Hi, I'm
A partner who n;gresses into a child may Bill and I am a sex addict" (or whatever is
show signs of going ph ysicall y lim p, weak, appropria te). Others reply with " Hi, Bill"
withdrawing, and not being able to verbalize and Bill then continues to tell about events
th e cause for this sudden response. If th is or feelings that came up since hi s last visit.
occu rs during sex th eir partn er helps by People are not allowed to offer advice, ask
simply holding a nd nurturing them as th ey ques tions, or criticize anyone else in the
would a child. Questions that are complex group. Anonym ity is respected and all take
or that require m ore than a simple answer an oath not to repeat anything said in the
ca u se fru stra tion in the partner suffering meeting to otl1ers.
from this regression . T his is a temporary Wome n 's pagan support gr oups differ
condi tion which passes as soon as the old slightly from other twelve-step programs in
memor ies fade. If this occ urs often and t h at t h e women sit in a circle, open the
affects a couple's norma l sex life a profes- meeting with a grounding ritual to mentally
sional therapist may be of assistance. detach themselves from the o u ts ide world
(See also FETISHES and PARAPHILI AS) and tO foc u s on th e meeting. People speak
onl y when t hey fee l ready to share thei r
SUPPORT GROUPS Support grou ps problems and a re restricted to a fe w min-
have recently become popular. These seem utes. The forum is much more flexible than
to have taken the place of cl ose extended other group s because their bond is a reli-
fami lies as Americans have relocated for gious one rather tha n a specific addictio n.
co llege an d better job oppo rtuniti es. O n ce everyone has had an opportun ity to
S up port gro up s diffe r from p rofessional speak, they join h ands and sing chants
therapy in thar no o ne person offers guid- before breaking the circle. The add ed ritual
ance. Everyone is th ere because they iden- creates more o f a cathartic effect tha n the
tify with the same problem. typical twel ve-step closing remarks of " It
Most gro up s spawned off a su ccessful works, keep coming back. "
Alcoholics Anonymous program sta rted in Therapists o ften encourage patients to
1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smi th . attend one or two support group meetin gs
These men proved that association and sup- between v isits. This sometimes speeds
port from a fellow sufferer was more thera- recovery and reduces the cost o f therapy.
peutic and successful than the vast range o f (Sec also SEX C LUBS)
existing methods. Al-Anon, the n ext large
support grou p, was started by Lois W ilson SUSPENSION Suspensio n refe r s to
in 195 1 for partners of alcoholics. hanging someone in the air from an overhead
Today there a re support groups for supp ort which a llows for so me movement.
ove reaters, rransvestites, drug addicts, sex Semi-suspension is when only a portion of
addicts, gays, bi-sexuals, shoppers, worka- the person's weight is o ff the grou nd.
h olics, parents of sex offende rs, bereave- The most cruel form of suspension was
me nt , pare n ts of c h ildren who died recorded duri n g the Inquisition whe re

people were tortured by hanging them by with her husband. T his is though t to have
their genitals. Today's S/M community uses begun over 3,000 years ago among northern
suspension for pleasure. Aryan tribes. One could escape this socially
One man is said to have masturbated by imposed suicide if a man took hold of the
hanging upside down and banging his penis widow's hand as she lay on he r dead hus-
against a door. Some use boot cover devices band's funeral pyre. This gave her status as
that fit around a person's own boots and the seco nd man 's wife and she could li ve.
hang from a hoist by an eye bolt mounted in Suttee was first justified in poor villages
the bottom of the boot cover. The person's where if a fami ly lost its bread wi nn er it
arm s are left free until afte r they are in a could not su rvive. Thus, it was considered
hanging position. This allows them to help merciful to have the wife, who often could
manipulate their body as it is being raised not remarry anyway, commit suicide. This
off the floor. Likewise, the arms are freed freed h e r c hildre n for adoption by other
before lowering the person back onto the families. T he practice continued even once
floor. the se trib es became more stable. S u ttee
Another method of suspension involves came to be encouraged in the upper levels
placing padded leather cuffs on a person 's of society by the Brahmans who ofte n
wrists and ankles and a leather belt around received the couple's wealth after the wife's
their waist. These are attached to c hains death. It was these priests that objected the
hanging from a h o ist or other object. A most when in 1829 Lord William Bentinck
parachute harness is often used in this type forbade the practice of suttee. Some widows
of suspensio n instead of the leather belt. still felt compelled to join their husbands in
CAUTION: Safety requires all suspension death and to prevent this they were some-
equipment and chains to be ch ecked before times tied to a stake a t a distance during the
hanging a person on them. Welded chain is burial.
the safest and metal pulleys make the lifting Today Indian hu sband s who wish to
easier. Panic snaps are also used o n the lines marry someone else or to be free of their
in case the person needs to be released wives arrange an acc identa l fire in the
imm ediately. A person is not left in an kitchen. The wife is sometimes bound or
upside-down position for more than a few h eld by in-laws to accomp lish th is feat.
minutes. Additional caution is also exercised Others, trying to capitalize on d owries, will
with people who are near sighted because first request more money from their father-
there is a potential ri sk of retinal detach- in-law. If he doesn 't pay, his daughter gets
ment due to the oblong shape of their eye- burned alive in the kitchen, leaving the hus-
ball and the extra pressure caused by the band free to marry someone else a nd collect
accumulation of blood. Anyone seeing light her dowry .
flashes should immediately see an ophthal- (See also MARRIAGE)
A person bound or suspended with their SUTURING Suturing (sutura: to sew) is
arm s above th eir h ead may faint. This is done in S/M play as a form of pseudocastra-
comm on. They are laid down and wi ll tion, bondage, or infibulation of the genitals.
revive without assistance within a few min- Sterile techniques are always used for this
ute s. Th ose who become nauseous or procedure (see SAFE SEX).
deve lop headac hes are released a t o n ce. The couple decides the type of suturing
Mummification used with suspension has a scene in which they wish to engage a nd then
calming effect but can also cause disorienta- gathers the items n eeded for the procedure.
tion . ("Suspension," by T. DeBlase, QSM The preferred typ e of su tur e is non-
lecture, March 23, 1990) absorbable silk because it is the easiest to
(See also BONDAGE and SENSORY DEPRI- tie. The needles used are cutting needles in
VATION) either size 00 or 000. People without access
to medical supply ho u ses use ste ril ized
SUTTEE Su ttee (virtuous woman) is the stainless s teel n eed le s a nd pre packaged
East Indian practice of burning a w idow white polyester thread. A sterilized thimble

is also u sed due to the toughness of the skin P ermanent disab ility can result from acci-
and the force needed to push the needle. de n tly su t uring one of these st ructu res .
A button is sometimes used to keep the ("Surgical Suturing and Stapling," by A.K.,
suture threads from pulling through the skin QSM lecture, August 4, 1990)
or just for decoration, particularly on the (See also BONDAGE/LACING, INFIBULA-
end of the penis. TION, PIERCING and RINGING)
A purse string stitch is used around the
front of a breast or the scrotum . It is the SWINGING See GROUP SEX and WIFE
same as a straigh t stitch but it forms a circle SWAPPING
which is then pulled tight with the pro-
truding en ds of th e sutu r e a n d tied. This SWINGS (Slings) Swings are made of
fabric, leather, or wood and provide support
holds the flesh in a puckered position until
the suture is cut. for those suspended from the ceiling. Sex
A Parker-Kerr stitch is used to hold an sw ings appea r to be an a n cient E ast ern
object such as a penis or dildo underneath invention des ign e d for ultimate sensual
the su t ures. These
A partner lies back in a semi-reclining
stitches are done by
ancho rin g t h e fi rst position with their legs spread and raised in
the air. This position offers direct access to
' ': , stitch a n d then
ly ing t he object the genitals and the swing is at a height that
(dildos are covered allows easy penetration. This arrangement
offers a feeling of control for one partner
with a con dom) o n
an d a feeling of nurturance and surrender to
the area. T he suture
is pulle d over th e the one in the swing. Swings are also pop-
object and the next stitch is put into the skin ul ar for massage because a ll parts of the
body are accessible.
on that side. Next the suture is pulled over
to the other side of the object a nd anchored SYBIAN and TANTRA)
into the ski n. T h e distance between the
stitches on each side is determ ined by the SWITCHES The term switch is used by
length and weight of the object. t hose in th e S/ M commun ity for t h ose
Mos t stitches u se square kn o ts. p eople who alternate t he ro le o f a
Con tinuous stitches are used in sutu ring bottom/submissive and top/dominant. This
two breasts together is usually done out of necessity because
down the fr ont there are m any more bot toms than tops,
inseam or sewing the others si mpl y enjoy the role change. It is
labia together. Single al so often t he case that people refuse to
kn ots are u se d in su bmit to a top who has n ot learned the
pseud o castration empathy a nd S/M techniques gained from
where the penis is first being a bottom.
tucked down and the (See also BOTTOM, DOMINANCE/SUBMIS-
scrotum ski n is pulled up around the penis. SION, HUMILIATION and TOPS)
Su tures are then p laced alo ng the top to
close t h e seam. T his type of castration i s SYBIAN Sybian is the name given to a
only p ossible with men who have loose or $1,395.00 mechanical dildo d evice that is in
large scrotal sacs. The outer skin o n th e a class of its own. The d evice is housed in a
penis is sometimes pinched up and sutured, half cylind er shaped saddle that a person
but it is dangerous to go very deep because rides to orgasm , after orgasm, after orgasm.
the del icate tissue beneath can be damaged. T he Syb ian differs from other dildoes in
CAUTION: P lease be aware that there are that it not only vibrates at different speeds
vital structures, such as nerves, arteries, and intensity but it rotates as well. These
veins, tendons, bones, and joint spaces are controlled by two regulator dials on a
immediaiely beneath the skin in some areas. control box. The Sybian was test marketed

at swinger conventions and modified for the Dusseldorf Murderer. He was unlike
best resu lts before it was released to the most other sociopaths in that he varied his
public. Riders were given buttons that read attacks, vveapons, a nd victims. It did n ot
"Sybian Test Pilot." matter w h eth er th ey were female, male,
Some seem to become addicted to oper- child or animal. The following poem written
ating the control box fo r women. Females b y Kurten will show this clearly:
orgasm at different
freq u e n c ies. Men In the case of Ohliger, I also sucked blood from
quickly learn which the wound on her temple, and from Scheerfrorn
o nes are mos t the stab in the neck. From the girl Schulte I
intense for t h e only licked the blood from her hands. It was the
woman they are same with the swan in the Hofganen. I used Lo
with and gain stroll at night through the H ofgarten veiy often,
immense p leasu re and in the spring of 1930 I noticed a swan
in controlling how many orgasms she expe- sleeping al the edge of the lake. I cut its throat.
riences and when . M en have found the The blood spurted up and I drank f rom the
device just as stimulating when they replace stump and ejaculated.
the dildo attachment with a butt plug. Some
bars have replaced their mechanical bronco Kurten admitted to 79 crimes of his own as
rides with the Sybian. well as finding int e nse p leasure in wit-
(See also GEN ITAL/ ANA L IN SERTS and nessing catastrop hes or accidents. He fi nally
SEX TOYS) confessed to his unsuspecting wife, having
her tum him in to the police for the reward
SYMPHOROPHILIA Symphorophilia offered on the Dusseldorf Murderer. His
(symthoma: casualty; phoro n : producer; confession was prompted by fea r of his fan-
philia: attachment), coined by John Money, tasies to burn down a n orphan age.
refers to one who experiences sexual arousal It may be impossible to kn ow but one
from creating casualties b y, fo r exam ple, wonders if politicians like Hitler, who began
burning down apartme nts, h ospita ls, or wa rs or exterminations of groups, found
orphanages. This is done for the pleasure of sexual pleasure in doing so. Hitler did have
causing death and catastroph e rather than the exterminations in con cen tra tion camps
just watching the flames. filmed.
On e famous case between 1899 and (See also HYBRI STOPHILIA a n d L U ST
1930 was of P eter Ku rten, also known as MURDER)

TANTRA Tan tra refe rs to the Ved ic a nd wi th thei r pa r t ner. M ed itatio n and
H indu doctrine that is designed to extend breathing techniques are used to control
sexual unity and bonding. Couples find this and exte nd the arousal period so that th e
brings more ecstatic pleasure than a quick p eni s stays functio nal for nearly an hour.
orgasm . Hindus at one time only used this The couple has many positions with whic h
technique under the guidance of a guru or they c an r egu late the flow of ene r gy
other couple to ensure that the correct pro- between them. Eye contact and matching
cedures were foll owed . There were sex breaths is an integral part of the exercises as
te chniques similar to tantra among the well. Proficiency takes time and discipline;
American Cherokee Indians, Chinese, some the refor e, this is n ot a technique tha t lends
African tribes, and sex magick, although the itself to casual sex b etween strangers.
ritual and goals are often different. There are many books and several orga-
Tantric students fine tune their sen ses so nizations tha t teach tantra to couples. Peak
that each becomes one with th e universe Skill Publishing offe rs books such as Sexual

Energy Ecstasy by David Alan Ramsdale, Tattooing was brought back to Europe
MA and Ellen Jo Ramsdale and Intimacy & by sailors who had become fascinated with
Sexual Ecstasy by Jonathan Robinson, MA this art form. People paid to hear sailors tell
as well as videos and other tantric products of their travels and see their tattoos.
(See Bibliography). ("A Taste of Tantra," T attooing sometimes h ad sexual signifi-
by Co l eman and M cC u sker, Lifestyl e cance. There were tribal chieftains who had
Conference, August 17- 18, 1990) vulvas tattooed on their chests. The
(See also KABAZZAH , KA REZ ZA, SEX Haitians, Berads, and Basivis women wore
MAGICK and SEX MUSEUMS) penis tattoos and others tattooed their faces
as a charm against sterility.
T APHEPHILIA Taphephilia (taphe:
People also tattoo thei r geni tals. Helen
burial; philia: attachment to) refers to those
Fisher, in her book The Sex Contract, tells of
w h o are aroused by being buried al ive.
"U lithian women of the western Pacific
Geoffrey Mains , in his bo ok Urban
[who] tattoo the inner lips of their vulvas to
Aboriginals, mentions one Los Angeles man
enhance their beauty." Men have also been
who had his friends mummify him in rubber
tattooed on their genitals and at least one
or leather and temporarily bury him (p. 90).
inside th e urethra t h at had bee n opened
LATION) with a subincision .
Havelock Ellis wrote of a man who had a
TATTOOING T attooing involves punc- tattoo fetish. The man relates his experience
turing the skin with n eedles and injecting as "when I got a tattooist to place the figure
indelible dyes to permanently color the skin. of a butterfly on the upper side of my penis,
The two oldest verified color I experienced a few m inutes after leaving
tattoo s were found on a the shop, the phenomena of erection and
5,300 year o ld Stone Age ejaculation accompanied b y a feeling of
man who was discovered pre- physical exaltation so great that it almos t
served in an Italian glacier prostrated me afterwards" (Studies in the
a n d on a 4,200 year old Psychology of Sex, by Havelock Ellis).
Egyptian priestess of the god- Tattoo machines operate on a 12 volt
dess Hathor. It ha s been battery with one to three needles being used
practiced by light skinned in the sleeve of a hand gun. These needles,
Egyptians, Greeks, Native like those of a small sewing machine, move
American Indians, South Pacific tribes, and up and down at a very fast speed depositing
Japanese, among others. O ur early ancestors ink as they pierce the skin to a depth of less
stuck need les dipped than o n e millimeter. The ta ttooed ar ea is
in pigment into the rubbed with an anti-bacterial or antibiotic
skin , or el se soa k ed ointment and covered with a sterile ban-
thread in carbon and dage. This is remo ved one or two hours
pulled it through the later when the area is washed with lukewarm
s kin. They also water. The client is told to prevent the ink
applied soot or pig- from dissipating by avoiding h eat on the
ments directly to the area (i.e. h ot tubs, baths, saunas, sun
s kin and punctured bathing, and swimming) fo r tl1e next couple
the area with needles. of weeks. Tattoos on the shaft of the penis
The designs of early tattoos consisted of are n ot difficult or particularly painful but
patterns o f dots and si m p le lin es. The those on the glans are harder to get the ink
Indonesians began using bolder geometric t o s ti c k in place because of frequen t
design s and the Japanese, after u sing it as bleeding and are m ore painful. The labia is
punishment on criminals between the 7th not very painful but, because it is a m ucous
and 16th centuries, c hanged it to the col- membrane, lines tend to lose their sharpness
orful, elaborate, and artistic work that is and blur; therefore, simple line drawings are
seen today. prefe rred.

Tattooi n g is also used to color in the cavity and this is why abnormal pressure or
areola on the breasts of wo me n who have trauma induces such extreme nauseating
had mastectomies and nipple reconstruction. pain. One is usually larger than the other
Because of AIDS, tattoo artis ts hav e and they botl1 ri se when exposed to cold or
begun using fresh needJes for each customer. when nearing orgasm.
(S ee also PENIS MODIFICATIONS and The testicles were once so sacred that
RINGING) oaths we re given while someone h eld th e
testicles of the man swearing in their hand,
TEASING (Tantalolagnia-arousal from thus th e t er m s t es timon y a nd t estify.
teasing) Teasing is done to sexually excite a Women once assisted th eir husbands in
p erson b u t with out the intent of fulfilling quarrels by grabbing the oppon ent by his
their desires o nce aroused . It is an overt testicles and squ eezing. Legislation soo n
form of flirting. Thi s m ay be d on e with passed that penalized women by cutting off
words, sounds, promises, provocative attire, the offending hand.
gestures, or ca resses. Creating a desir e for T esticles are often used in S/M games.
something begins a process in the brain that They are squeezed in cock and ball torture,
creates tension until it is either obtained or have weights hung on them, are separated
substituted by something else. with straps, a nd h eld in th e mouth an d
Teasing may be used to increase passion gently rotated. Rarely, they are pierced.
during sex by refusing to be penetrated or An organization called the Ball Club was
by threatening to withdraw if t he partner founded for those who ha ve a spec ia l
doesn't orgasm within the time it takes to interest in testicles. A quarterly newsletter
count down from ten. A gentle push against allows m e mbers to run perso nal ads or ·
the groin as the count approaches two or submit articles, erotic stories, photos, and
three can in te n sify their response.CAU- artwork. N ot all the ads are from men. The
TION: T easing stra ngers or people w ith following is extraord inary even for this
whom one has no intention o f engaging in newsletter.
sex is inhumane, if not dangerous.
(See also COURTSH IP and SEXUAL Sadistic butch bi-female a nd lover/
HARASSMENT) slave into severe ball torture and the
tears and suffering it can cause. Long,
TELEGONY Telego ny was the b elief tl1at hard sessions of ball crushing, beating,
the first man to inseminate a woman would burning, needles and knives ...
automatically be the fathe r of any child she (See also TORTURE and WEIGHTS)
bore afterward. This was an advantage as
far as adulte ry was concerned because hus- THALPOTENTIGINY Thalpotentiginy
bands did not worry about bastard children. re fers to t h ose people who find h eat or
However, telegony c re ated a tremendous warm weather sexually arousing.
problem for widows a nd divorcees. Men (See also PSYCJ-IROC ISM )
refused to marry these women because they
felt the children born would not be theirs TICKLING (K nismolagnia and Titil-
but that of her first husband. lag nia-arous al from ticklin g) Tickling
(See also ADULTERY, CUCKOLDRY and in volves light touching of the vuln erable
MARRIAGE) areas of our body's defense system causing
us to want to retreat. Tickling used during
TESTICLES (Ge m e ll us, Gonads) foreplay will cause increased stimulation in
Testicles are the male organs that hang in a partner; however, this has to be t ra ns-
the scrotal sac and produce spe rmatozoa. ferred to sexual arousal before it is of ben-
They are the equ iva lent to th e fe m a le efit. Women of th e Baganda tribe became
ovaries a nd begin life in the abdomi n al adept at sedu cing their husbands by tickling
cavity before dropping to the scrotal sac. their armpits. Tickling was also used in reli-
Testicles are part of the visceral or intestinal gious worship. Goldberg, in The Sacred Fire,

wrote of a Ru ssian sect called the T icklers art of coprophagy or uroph ilia. T he toilet
whose religious service consisted of the men slave may be made to lick a toilet clean, lie
tickling the women until they passed ou t. on their back as their partner squats above
T ickling is often used with bo ndage in their face, or to lick their
SIM games. T he stimulus may at first seem genitals clean after th ey
pleasurable but over a long p eriod of time relieve them selves. Some
can becom e unbearable. The p er son may use the portab le co m-
also become d ese nsitized to tickli ng after m odes or shower chair s
repeated stimulation. Instruments used fo r available for rent a t med-
tickli ng are fi n gers, rab b it fu r , ostrich ical r e n ta l stores. One
feathers, and soft b ristled brushes. p a rtner sits in the ch air
People advertise in personal ads fo r part- and the other lies beneath
ners willing to e ngage in this form of sex and carries out wh a tever order s they are
play. Videos are avai lable by mail, such as gi ve n . Some p eo ple u se these c h airs fo r
"Torme nto r's D elight" which has a nude cu n nilingus because of the way the edges of
woman tied with her hands above her head the commode spread and expose the geni-
a n d tickl ed by a hooded m onk, an d tals.
"Tickling Senorita" that shows a coed tied A person wh o has a strong d esire to be a
to a bed and tormented with a feather by a toilet slave, but who is not yet accustomed
cl assma te. CAUTI ON: Pas sing beyo nd to consuming human wastes, is o ften started
some people's limits can result in choking, with a substitute such as warm beer or chili.
vomiting, or incontinence. These are inserted into the vagina or anus
(See also BONDAGE and SENSORY and the person learns to consume these sub-
ENHANCEMENT ) stitutes before gradua ting to real secretions.
A few p rofession al dominatrixes will train
TIMOPHILIA Timophilia (time: worth; toilet slaves. T he following quote is from a
philia: attachment to) refers to those who letter written to a dominatrix by a slave after
are sexually aroused by wealth or status. their firs t session:
The Roman emperor Caligula, known for
his carnal lusts, en tertained himself by wal- Toilet Slave John smiled back at his Lady as
lowing in piles of gold. he quickly removed his clothes and fell to his
Some people take treasured objects to knees before her. H e was m omentarily over-
bed with them. Jim i Hendrix was said to whelmed with feelings of gratitude that he had
have slept with his guitar and some women found her. He had not served a Mistress for a
will take a new fur coat, d ress, diamond long time, but the other two Mistresses whose
ring, or other prize to bed with them and Total Toilet he had become some years before,
tou ch it throughout the night. It is said to and with whom he had developed almost loving
produ ce a simila r feeling of com fort a nd M istress-Slave relationships, had taught him
possession that a lover would give. that for a Toilet Slave to be completely suc-
It is often d iffic ult to discern where the cessful in his duties, there must be an intangible
des ire fo r t h e powe r that m on ey brings "X" factor present which enabled him to not
en ds, and the erotic exci te m ent begins. only worship, love, and adore his Mistress, but
Wealthy men quickly learn the a phrodisiac to worship, love and adore her shit. H e must
qualities money has for seducing the woman glory in, and make love to, her shit. He must
of their choice. T his desire is n ot restricted desire her shit above all else, knowing that
to one sex because there have also been because in a very real sense eating her shit was
ma ny personal ads appearing throughout the ultimate act of degradation, it there/ore
the last hund red years from men wanting to became the ultimate act of love, giving his
m arry wealthy wom en. M istress u lt imate feelings of pleasure and
(See also FETISHES, MASTURBATION and power.
PARAPHILIAS) As he looked up at her, Toilet Slave John
felt that "X" factor with the Lady to a degree
TOILET TRAINING Toilet training is he had not felt in years. For a minute they just
the term used for submissives learn ing the smiled at each other, and there was that feeling

of beginning a long journey together, and then innoce n ce . Nei th e r torture nor trial b y
she said, crisply, "Okay, now, little Toilet ordeal was totally successful for getting at
Slave, let's get it going!" She began worlling a the truth. The concept that a person who is
number of globs of tissue-burning ointment and tortured will divulge all the informa tion the
other substances on cotton swabs as far as she enemy desires with accuracy is erroneous.
could -in and out, in and out, in and out- The captors sometimes are able to scruti-
inio Toilet Slave J ohn's miserable toilet-flusher nize information better wh en th ey capture
worm of a cock. She called it "cock-fucking." several prisoners a nd compa re their stories
Then after a quick round with her whip, she o r interrogate prisoners on several occasions
inserted two i1·ritant-soaked cotton swabs into and watch for discrepancies in their state-
his toilet flusher, leaving them there as she tied ments. The Europeans became so calloused
a leash around the base of his miserable worm to torture during the witch burnings and tl1e
and balls and led him crawling through the Inquisition that it was used for punishment
house for the amusement of her Mistress associ- for those sentenced to death. King Charles I
ates before dragging him into the bathroom himself was on e of these vic tims. Judges
pronounced the following death sentence on
Toilet tra ini ng is not fo r everyone but for
some it brings intense pleasure and satisfac-
tion. CAUTION: Eating feces can spread You shall go Jrorn hence to the place fro m
many serious diseases, including hepatitis, whence you ca111e, and from that place shall be
shigella, amoebic dysentery, cholera, and drawn upon a hurdle to the place of execution,
various parasitic worm s. It may be the most and there shall hang by the necll till you are
dangerous kind of unsafe sex . half dead, and shall be cut down alive, and
(See also CO PROPH AGY, COPROPHJLIA your privy 1nernbers cut off before y our face and
and SHOWERS) thrown into the fire, y our belly ripped up and
y our bowels burnt, your head to be severed
TOPS The term top is used by those in from your body, your body shall be divided
the S/M community for those who choreo- into four quarters, and disposed as His Majesty
graph or direct sex pla y with a partner. shall think fit.
They are the authority figure. Thi s is a
much b roader term tha n sad ist which Other c ul t ure s used th ings such as the
implie s a r o u sal fro m see in g a partn er American Indian torture of slowly mastur-
injured or in pain. A top may simply require bating a man to death, the French torture of
that their partner atte nd a dinner function inserting a glass tube in a prisoner 's urethra
without underwear . and breaking it with a hammer, or the Afrid i
More specific titles may be used during a women's torture of prying a man's mouth
fa n tasy g a m e s uch as teac h er, reve re nd open with wood and u rinating in it unti l he
father, mistress, and goddess. d rown ed. T he use of torture to obtain infor-
(See also BOTTOM, MASOCHIST, SAD ISM mation is now against national policy and a
and SWIT C H) group called Amnesty Interna tional works to
obliterate it in the rest of the world.
TORTURE Torture r efers to infli cting Many of th e torture games used among
pain to extract information from a noncoop- S/M enthusiasts include techniques used by
e rative p erson. The defin ition has recently different governments. A fanta sy to rture
broadened to include the infliction of p ai n scene can be based on Romans, Inquisitors,
without the explicit intent to gathe r infor- J a pane se, America n Indian , Militar y,
mation or a confession. German SS, fe male Amazon warriors, and
Governments have employed torture for so forth.
their purposes for t h ousa nds of years. Genital torture techniques are the most
Those c ultures not using torture r elied on popular. P eople p ut tes ticles in small vise
divine in tervention. H ere a suspect that was grips, do ball crushing (twisting the sac 90.
accu sed o f a wrongd o ing had to endure a and squeezing the testicles together with the
trial b y ordeal; passing the test proved his hand until the person submits), whippi ng

the gen itals, using an irritant on the m ucous varying from two millimeters to seven cen-
membran es, rubbing the area with Drago n timeters in distance and run along the sur-
Skin p aper (similar to a p lastic sandpaper), fa ce o f th e s kin . T h e ob jective is to
attaching clamps or clothespins, using alter- determine at which p oint on e can feel the
nate heat and cold, impaling t h e geni tals sensation of two pin tips in stead of one. The
with needles or a small nail, using electrical closer the two po ints ca n be recogn ized
cock rin gs or an elastrator clam p to put a together the more sensitive the area is to
rubber band on scrotum (used for castration tou ch. The following chart is an examp le of
of animals by veterinarians- it is not left on the variances:
for more than 5 minutes for a hu man). T he
d iffere n ce between S/M torture a n d the BODY S ECTION # OF
political type is tha t the victim can end the MILLIMETERS
g a me at any time a n d serious da mage is Tip of tongue 1-2 mm
avoided at all costs. CAUTION : C h emicals Clitoris 3-4 mm
can burn ski n, and torture devices can cause Glans Penis:
damage. ("Male T it and Gen itorture I and pretumescent 5-9 mm
II," by Tony D eBlase, QSM lectures, Ju ne tumescence 9-15 mm
1 and 8, 1990; "Private Pleasures, Intimate posttumescent 3-4 mm
Pain; An E xplorati on of the Subtle Art of Anus 4-5 mm
Cunt T orture,'' by V.A., QSM lecture, June Nipples 8-10 mm
1990) Lips 4-5 mm
(See also ALGOP HILIA, CICATR IZATTON, Neck 50-60mm
WEIGHT TRAIN ING) T he sense receptors seem to be abu ndant in
the areas that center on body functions nec-
TOUCH (To uc h e u rism- arousal fro m essary for survival. O ur bodies are designed
to u c h ; Sarm assop h i li a-a r o u sal fr o m to trigger a production of en dorph ins which
kneading flesh) T ouching a p erson creates a in turn create a p leasure response in ou r
sensation from pressure placed on the skin. brain each time we engage in one of these
(Sensual arousal from tactile stimu lus may activities (i.e. eating, n u rsing, coitu s, and
in clu de pain fo r som e people. T his is d is- d efeca tion) . T h e brain assumes we are
cussed under the heading ALGOPHILIA) . eating each time there is p ressure applied to
Touch a ll ows us to simul taneous ly the lips o r tongue, that we are nursing when
receive and transmit feelings. It is the only it is applied to the n ipples, and so forth. It is
sense t h a t ca n b e sh a r ed b e t wee n tw o because of this natural mechanism that we
p eople. The skin has, b en eath its surface, are able to enha nce the sex act by applyin g
various receptors or n erve endings that react tou ch an d pressu re to ar eas of our bo dies
to specific types of tou ch. For instance, the other than the genitals.
Merkel 's Disk a n d Meissner 's Corp uscle T he desire to touch is a primal need and
detect light touch, the end bulbs of Krause is genetically transmitted. One social func-
nerves sense cold, R uffini E n d ings de tect tio n of touc h was to keep people in g roup
heat, free ne rve end ings feel p ain, and the fo rmations. The desire for this was termed
P acin ia n Co rpu scle senses deep p r ess ur e, centripetal m ovement. C la ns se rved m an y
and seems to override all other sen sations. function s in en a bling humans to su rvive .
These r ecep tors are more d ense in cer tain They decreased the n umber of times people
areas than others and because of this these would en counter a predator, increased the
locations p rovide more pleasure when stim- power of the cla n throug h intimidation of
ulated . There is a simple "two- point dis - numbers, and took advantage of the exper-
cri m in at io n " test that one d oes wit h a tise of those best knowledgeable at hu ntin g
ha irp in an d ruler to d etermine th e most o r gath ering foo d . Grou ps also increased
erogenous zones on ou r bodies. T he tips of the chances of fertility a nd survival of the
the hair pin are spread w i t h t h e poi nts you n g. The discovery of agriculture and

breeding animals all eviated this need and plish the same type of orgasm othe rs have
made it m o re advantageous for man to wi th penis/vagin a sex. In fact, group S/M
s pread out into much s mall e r u nits club play parties often have a rul e that geni-
(Sociobiology, by Henry 0 . Wilson, pp. 26- ta ls m ay n ot be ha nd led and ye t ma n y
27). Touch i s cruc i al fo r i nfants and ach ieve orgasms.
remains important throughout our lives. (See al so ACU PRESSU RE, AXILLI SM,
J il ly n Smith sp eaks o f th is in h er book, BIND ING , BITIN G , CORSETS, CU PPI NG,
S enses & Sensibilities: PI N C HI NG , SC RATCHI 1 G , SENSO RY
W ithout wuch, children die. A s la te as the
second decade of this cemmy, 1he death rate in TOURNIQUETS T ourniquets are used
U. S. foundling i11stitu1io11s for infanls w ider to stop the flow of blood from an arte ry.
one year old was nearly 100 percem. Dr. Fritz There are six main arterial pressure points
Talbo1 of Boswn brough1 1he idea of /.ender but only the brachia! and femo ral are used
loving care b a cl~ wi1h him from Germany in in sex play . People who p lay with tou rni-
the 1940s.... lntroduction of "mothering" regi- quets d o it p ri marily because they enjoy Lhe
mens in i11stilutions dramatically reduced the ti n gl ing sensa t ions p rod u ced once t he
morlality rates of children. Recent studies have tourniquet is removed.
shown that premature infams who were mas- Tourniquets are applied by firs t elevating
saged for 15 minutes 1hree 1imes a day gained the arm or leg, placi ng a p adding directly
weiglu 45 percelll faster than 01hers who were over one of these major arteries, wrapping
left alone i 11 their incubawrs. The massaged 2" w id t h fabr ic
infants did not eat more than the others. Thefr around the arm or
weight gain seemed to be related to effects of leg, t y in g t h e
touch on their 111etabolism (p. 199). e nds , in se rting a
Children as th ey become older seek to pencil or stick into
replace the nurturing once received from the knot and
parents with security objects, fetishes, pets, twisting it like a
and peer contact. M ales ofte n deve lop a clock hand with
socialized misconception that touch should just enough pressure to stop the pulse. The
on ly precede coitus. Men will ofte n either exac t tim e is written down so th a t the
not engage in touching unless they feel they tou rnique t can be loosened wi th in 5 min-
can follow through with sex or will instigate utes. CAUTION: T ou rn iquets ma y cause
sex more often than their pa rtner would like perman e n t ne r ve d a m age o r arte ri a l
when hugging or caressing would suffice . embolizatio n of a n atheromatous plaq u e
There are people wh o are able to orgasm (\.vhich can cause loss of a limbo r d eath). It
solely by being touched in areas other than can be extremely dangerous.
the gen icals. A recent iss ue of S ex Over (See also BINDI NG, BO NDAGE, CLAMPS
Forty cited the personal experi ence of a psy- and CORSETS)
chologist who un ex pectedly had an orgasm
when her lover caressed her ha nd while she TRANSSEXUALS (G ender crosscoding,
was reading a magazine. T h e article goes on Gender dysphoria-pe rson whose behavior
to sta te that " Medical research on touch has matches the opposite sex, Gender transposi-
shown that it improves many situations by: ti o n ~the c h a nging o f b ehavior betwee n
lessening anxiety, calming fears, dec reasing sexes) A tr anssexual is defined as a perso n
pain, lowering blood pressure, reduc ing who has had an overwhelming desire to be
stress, soothing the sick and alleviating lone- the opposite sex. As children they are ofte n
li ness" ("How tou ch affects intimacy," by confused abo ut th eir true sexual identity. fl
E.D . Whiteh ead and S . Zuss m a n , is not un til a t abou t the age of five or six
Sept ember, 1990 issue o f Sex Over f<orty). th ey are faced with the p hysical evidence o f
People involved in sad omasochism u se be ing di ffe rent. For ma ny t h is means
mild to intense tactile stimulation to accom - growing u p depressed over the fact that

their genitals do not match the mental pic- resemble an ordinary vagina in texture. The
ture of themselves. Once a transsexual goes scrotum is then used to fo rm the labia and a
through a sex ch ange they are then referred piece of the penis and erectile tissue used to
to only as male or female. form the clitoris.
The vocabu lary used to differentiate The su rgery for female to m ale costs
among this group is not adequate. A trans- from $ 10,000-20,000 and has n ot advanced
genderist is said to refer to those who begin to the point where a constructed penis is
the process of a sex c ha nge, usually breast full y fun c tional. The scrotum is formed
implants and sometimes ingestion of hor- from the labia and synthetic testes inserted
mones, but who has no desire to complete to resemble the male organs. Many prefer to
the castration portion of the surgery. T hey live with the elongated clitoris which is as
prefer to be a ble to pass as either male or sexually functio nal as before. Others opt for
fema le without making a co mmitment to a phalloplasty that has a prosthetic device
either. enabling him to insert his new penis into a
In 1952 Christine Jorgensen had the first vag ina and orgasm himself because the
su ccessful sex change surgery in Denmark other end of the device puts pressure on the
and since that time about 6,000 Americans clitoris. The third op tion is for a phallo-
have followed suit. plasty w hi c h use s skin grafts to form a
In order for a transsexual to qualify for flaccid penis that can be used for urination
surgery they have to have spent t hree but often a patie n t finds t h ey ha ve a
months under the supervision of a therapist problem with urinary infections and urine
who recommends the procedure , begin a leaking out of the wrong area. Ejaculation is
year's hormone treatment, and during this impossible despite the alternative selected.
time the person must live as their new sex A support network is available for trans-
24 hours a day. T he hormones change the sex uals and others called E.T.V.C. CAU-
bone mass slightly, cause the growth of new T ION: The sex change does not solve all of
hair and in some femal e-to-males their hair- a person's problems; it often creates addi-
lines may begin to recede. Men m ay find tional ones. Families and friends may ostra-
that they become less ten se and females cize the person and they may even lose their
more aggressive. Electrolysis is used to get job. Ex-men find they lose social status and
rid of unwanted hair. For some this can be that new jobs as a female often pay less.
the most expensive portion of the sex (See also CASTRATION, DRAG QUEENS,
change. If a person takes the hormone treat- HERMAPHRODITE and TRANSVESTITES)
ment for a year and then changes their mind
about the sex ch a nge before surger y the TRANSVESTITES (Acault-Burmese,
effects of hormones will n o t comple tely Berdaches-male who performs role of wife
reverse themselves. in so me tribes, Eonism, Gynephonia-
The surgery from male to female costs effeminate voice, Transvestophilia-arousal
anywhere from $5,000-15,000 not including from transvestism , Virimi mism-adoption
therapy, voice lessons, hormones, and elec- of masculinity)
trolys i s . Some surge ons have b eco me Transvestites are people who find erotic
experts in this pro cedure and most pleas u re in crossdre ssi ng. This does not
untrained eyes cannot detect a d ifference in include women in history who have passed
their patient's genitalia from that of a nat- as men simply to obtain better paying jobs
ural female. During a typical surgical proce- or a higher social status. Nor does it include
dure the scrotal sac is cut open and th e drag queens, female impersonators, or those
te sticles thrown away. The p enis is sliced involved in petticoat or victorian lace disci-
open and its contents are discarded as well. pline. In other words, crossdressers who are
T he surgeon then inserts his fingers into the not sexually aroused by cr ossdressing are
vaginal area and opens a cavity in which the n ot transvestites.
penile shell is turned inside out and pushed Crossdressing was practiced in many
inside to create a vagina. In time th e dry societies. Balboa was appalled by it among
penile t issue wi ll become mu cosa) and "Chiefs at Quarequa in Panama. Here h e

said, was ' the most abhominal and unnat- Transvestites primarily wear opposite-
u ra l l ec h ery,' practiced by 'the Kynges sex cl othes for t h e p urp oses of sex u al
bro ther a n d man y o ther yo u nger m en in aro usal. F or this reason they tend to c hoose
women apparel!, smoth and effemin ately items they associate with sexy women, such
dec ked, w hich by th e re port of such as as lingerie, stilleto high heels, and bikinis.
dwelte abowte hym, he abused with prepos- Male crossdressers often h ave the atti-
terous venus.' Balb oa delt summarily with tud e that women are pampered . When these
the offenders, throwing forty of them to his men crossdress they ar e able to forge t t h e
dogs" (Sex in H istory, by Reay Tannahill, p . stresses from the office and to relax. Their
293 , citing An gle riu s' Opera . . . Oceani rigid male persona does not normally allow
decas, pp. 89-90). for this type o f pampering. Transvestites
Crossdressing so metimes had religious frequently exaggerate sex-role stereotypes
significance . An American Indian tribe by assuming very masculine ro les (t ruck
believed that if a man dreamed of the moon drive rs or constructio n workers) in th eir
goddess he must dress like a woman, per- careers. One transvestite was not able to be
form those duties, and have sex with men. sexually submissive to a female partner in
In other tribes the medicine men had to his male persona but insisted on being sub-
crossdress as a condition of this office. missive in his female role. He chose to go
One of the more notoriou s transvestites without sex rather than submit to a whip-
was a Ro m a n n amed Heli ogaba lus who p ing in h is male character; a wh ip p ing that
wou ld dress as a woman and evict prosti- he asked for in his female role.
tutes from their bordellos, taking over their A transvestite seems like the perfect date
clientelc. He eventually fell in love with a for a bi-sexual fe male. H oweve r, seve ral
slave and at the wedding dressed in a gown, who have attempted dating tran svestites
afterward going through a defloration scene. have stated that while their date looked and
H elioga balus was assassinated by h is sol- acted like a female they still had strong male
diers upon discovering his plot to abdicate energy. Therefo re, instead of becoming
and ma k e his husband t he e mpe r o r , aroused b y being wi th a female (or male)
declaring himself empress of Rome. Others the sexual response became confusing and
includ ed the harem o f the 17th ce ntury dissipated because one felt mo re like they
Queen Z ingua of Angola Africa who kept were with a man wh o was dressed li ke a
her husbands dresse d in female attire . wo man. T here are man y wives of
Catalina de Erau so was a 17th ce ntury transvestites who adjust to the crossdressin g
Spanish nun who left the convent dressed as in their sex lives; however, similar to fetishes
a man , became a soldi e r, and foug ht in a partner can ofte n feel they do not rank in
South America before being discovered. A first place.
century later two fe ma le c r os sd re ssers The tra nsvestite's selection of female
fought on a pirate ship until they were cap- attire can become strange at times as in the
tured by the Jamaican government and sen- following case cited by Robert T ralins:
tenced to death in 1720 ( The M ysteries of
One evening I became very blue and I decided
Sex, W omen Who Posed as M en and Men
that perhaps it would've been the time of the
Who Imp erso nated Women, by C .J. S.
month for me, so I went down to the pharmacy
T hompso n).
and purchased a box of sanita?y napkins and a
European men dressed in elaborate cos-
sanita1y belt. I even stained the napkin with a
tu mes, bright colors, and wore wigs and
dot of blood from my penis and then I went out
makeup until the end o f the 18th century,
again.. .. ! wondered how it would feel if I also
when they adopted du ll colors and simple
bought a tampon and inserted it in my rectum
styles. Crossdressing allows men to at least
(The Sexual Fetish, Case H istories of Bizarre
tempo rarily b reak with this tradit ion and
Erotic Hangups, p . 148).
experience some pleasure in t heir appear-
ance. T his is referred to by some as fashion Magazines, videos, n ewspape rs with per-
envy. sonal ads, and businesses cater to this pref-

ere n ce. (ETVC Anniversary Party a n d and ma stu rba te into the ir hair. Krafft-
Lingerie Show, May 25, 1989) CAUTION: Ebbing told of a man who had been married
Transvestism is illegal in America if one is to a famo us bearded lady and upon her
found loitering or soliciting. There are sup- death searched until he found another. Lust
port groups for transvestites such as ETVC murderers sometimes scalp the pubic area
in San Francisco that provide social oppor- (gynelophism) of their victim to keep as a
tunities fo r those desiring to crossdress away trop h y. Gays a lso h ave hair fetishes.
from h ome . Mo st of the S/M bars a nd Hirschfeld cited one in a collection of his
bondage clubs also welcome crossdressers. work c alled Sexua l Anomalies and
(See also ADOLESCENTILISM, ANDROID- Perversions:
DRAG QUEENS, FEMALE IMPERSONATORS, W'hen the patient (a highly placed civil servant
PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE, T R ANSSEXUALS now aged 50) was seven years old, it happened
and VICTORIAN LACE) one night that when he was already in bed the
maid-servant, who was leaving, came up to
TRICHOPHILIA ( H irsutophilia- him and embraced him. The patient still
arousal from armpit h air, Gynelophilous remembers quite clearly how he pushed his fin-
and Pubeph ilia- pubic h air fetish, Tripso- gers through her hair. AL the age of puberty he
lagnia-a rousal from having hair manipu- begun to experience sexual excitement whenever
lated or shampooed) Trich ophilia (tricho: he saw or touched nicely dressed hair. Bue from
h air; philia: attachment to) refers to hair then on, excitement was only induced by the
fetishes. Children often fixate on hair of men; the hair of women exercised no
h air at an early age, some devel- effect whatever on him, and even in men he
oping a strong prefere n ce o r was only interested in sleek, dark brown hair,
fetish for a certain style, length, which had to be brushed right back ... H e derives
or color. particular pleasure and sexual excitement from
Female pubic hair can vary dressing other people's hair. H e executes this
greatly from woman to woman. operation in the following manner: H e stands
The Illustrated Book of Sexual behind the other man, applies hair oil, which,
Records cites an example of a together with combs, he always carries with
woman whose pubic hai r hung him, then he combs the hair back. As the comb
to her knees and another whose reaches the top of the head, ejaculation takes
hair was so prolific that locks of it rose in p lace ... the patient, whose behavior has fre-
the front to near the navel and behind up quently attracted attention, is known by the
several inche s on the buttocks. Other nickname of "The Hairdresser" (pp. 548-9).
women are endowed with very little. A r ece nt articl e in T IME magazine
Females seem to notice chest hair, some r eferred to a judge wh o was arrested by
developing an intense attraction to it. There state trooper s. It appea r s t h at the judge
have been women who could only orgasm if offered a "defendant lenien cy if he let the
their partner had a hairy chest; and those judge shampoo his hair. Further, suggested
who could only orgasm if he didn't. His H onor, the young ma n could get even
Men with hair fetishes sometime resort to more leniency if he brought in friends for a
stealing hair. Many cases exist of men who wash and ri n se as well. .. L ast week the
hav e been arre sted for s nipping off a magistrate apologized and pleaded guilty to
st r anger's hair for th eir collection . official oppression, or misusin g his office.
Hirschfel d wrote of one man who had H e the n re signed." ("Miscellany, Hair
labelled each of the 31 pigtails in his collec- Justice," TIME, May 18, 1992, p. 26)
tion with the hour a nd date h e h ad taken A small world-wide group of long hair
them. The man was repulsed by the idea of enthusiasts exists whose members exchange
having sex with a woman and needed to photos, videos, and letters .
separate the hair from the individual. Men (See also DEPILATION, FETISHES, PUBIC
will also hire prostitutes to let them fondle DRESSING and PUBIC HAIR SCULPTURING)

TROILISM Troi1ism (trois: three) refers funds . During the adaptation, songs began to
to three people having sex. This may be two take on th e flavor of roman ce, unrequited,
men and o ne wo man , three men , t wo and immortal love. These were n ow dedi-
women and one man, or three women. cated to the wife of the feudal lord, who per-
(See also CANDAULISM , GANG BANGS, haps for the first time had a man bestow this
GROUP SEX, ORGIES and MENAGE A TROIS) type of attention upon her, and she rewarded
him wel l. I t is doubtful th at too man y
TROUBADOURS Troubad ours lived troubad ours ever consummated a liaison.
during th e 11th to 13th ce nturies at which However, their philosophy of romance and
time many were killed for heresy by th e courtship filtered into the upper classes who
Church. These men taught birth control, that had the free time to indulge in contempla-
sex should be enjoyed , and that love should tions of titillating or torrid affairs.
be considered in selecting a marriage partner. (See also COURTSHIP and SERENADES)
Troubadours turned the hearts of many away
from stoic tradition with their romantic bal- TUNNEL OF LOVE Am usement parks
lads. Singing minstrels were not novel, these up until the 1960's often had th ree to four
men had lo ng roam e d t hrou gh villages minute boat rides that passed through a
singing poems to impress wealthy men. In dark tunnel. Couples often took this oppor-
return they received food or lodging. The tunity to sneak kisses. These tunnels of love
Inquisitio n brought a n important change lost their popularity when contraceptive pills
because now the land owners left on cam - became available and pre marital sex became
paign s and minstrels soon discovered that socially acceptable.
their previous songs were of little interest to (See also C HAPERONS, COITUS A CHEVAL
the lord 's w ife, who now contro lled th e and COURTS HIP)

URINE Sec UROPHILIA recorded a case in the late 19th century of a
young lady who n ot only masturbated by
UROPHILIA (Golden showers, Water h olding a bottle of men's u rine under her
sports, Und inism, U rolagni a, Ondinism e, n ose but hung around men's rooms so she
Renifleurism) Urophilia (uro: urine; philia: co uld s m e ll th e urine and masturbate
attachment to) r efers to openly as she watched men leave. Men
thos e wh o d erive sex u al secrete a ndrosterone, a sex h ormo n e, in
pleasure fro m acts involving their urin e, and there is a possibility that
urine. For some their gratifi- this could have caused h er attraction. It at
cation stems from engaging least wo rks fo r t h e male guinea pig wh o
in an activity their mother sometimes seduces uncoopera tive lovers by
condemned. Boys who were urinating on them.
n ot allowed to fond le their Urine at one time was thought by many
penis were usuall y granted to have magical p owers. Captain Edwa rd
permission to hold it while Moor in 1810 referred to an odd supersti-
urinating. Boys also discovered that urina- tion in his book, H indu Pantheon:
tion could be a powerful weapon, one that
cou ld cau se almost any target to retrea t. The greatest, or, at any rate the most conve-
This combination of rebellion, power, and nient of all purifiers is the urine of a cow.
sensuality became a p otent aphrodisiac dif- Images are sprinkled with it. No man of any
ficult for some to resist. pretensions to piety or cleanliness would pass a
A few women also found erotic pleasure cow in the act of staling witholll receiving the
in urine. A sexologist named M e rzb ac h holy stream in his hand and sipping a few

drops ... If the a nimal be releniive, a pious mastered thi s technique . CAUTION: Urine
expectant will i111patie111/y apply his finger, a11d may contain bacteria and viruses a nd is not
by judicious tickling excite the grateful flow. considered safe sex. ("Water Sports,"
Society of Jan us lecture, June 8, 1989)
The American Zu nis d anced over a bowl of
urine and wou ld occasionally ingest it as a KLISMAPH ILIA, SHOWERS and SITOPH ILI A)
remedy for stomach problems. The African
Na nd is washed their hands in uri n e and
then rinsed with water. They believe that if URTICATION Urtication (urtica: nettle)
only water were u sed it would kill their hus - refers to those who u se stinging nettles to
bands. Germans too believed in the magic stimulate the skin . This was done to the
properties of this liquid. Sometimes young limbs of the paralyzed to bring sensation to
brides would add a little to their husband 's the person.
coffee to cast a love spell on h im . Others People have m o d ified this practice for
used hu m an ur ine to c ure jaundic e, sex games. Nettles are favored because of
anorexia, gout, toothache, colic, fevers, and several natural qualities. The active ingredi -
insomnia. An Am e ri can woman in T exas en t s do not sp rea d to
during th e I 950's used th is ho me remedy ot h e r areas but are
on her husband to c ure the sore eye. The restrict ed to th e site at
account indi cated that he wasn't as con- which the plant comes
vinced as his wife because she had to hold int o contact. 1 ett les
h im d own wh ile ur i nating in hi s face. ha ve tiny hai r-like pro-
Ghandhi drank his ow n urin e to reabsorb jec ti o n s rather tha n
nutrients back in to his body. tho rns wh ich can b reak
Urophiles engage in such activities as uri- and stick in the sk in .
nating on a partner's body, genitals, face, or The skin also becomes
in their mouth. It may be used for humilia- se n sitized without the injury that certai n
tion, punishment, or reward, depending on types of flagellation can produce.
how the bottom feels about urine. Urine is Skin exposed to nettles will redden and
n o t safe if the person has an infection , in a short time produce small bumps. The
th erefore some partners substit ute wa rm p erson will feel a sharp hot sting tha t fades
apple juice. to a warm tingling glow which may last sev-
Bladder control is often used as a form of eral hours.
torture. Emperor Tiberius devised a method Nettl es may be applied in various ways.
whe reby he served his victims their fill of Some lie the stems down and press the hairs
wine and then before they could urinate he into the skin, others hold them in a cluster
had a cord tied around their penis to close and tap it aga inst the chosen area, or put
off the urethra. them into a bottom's underwear. Men who
Sex games m ay also include m ixing the wea r condoms have found t h at b r iefly
liqu id vvith food as portrayed in the movie applying nettles to the penis before putting
ca ll ed " Yell ow J el lo" whe re th e ac t ress on th e condom can compensate for the sen-
mixes her urine with jello, stirs it, eats, and sation lost by the latex barrier . CAUTION:
then rubs it on her body. People using nettles should check each time
Finally there is a "golden enema" which for allergic reactions and if flagellating the
is accomplished by inserting the penis into person with a clus te r avoid the neck and
the vagina, waiting for it to become flaccid, face area.
and then, urinating. Only a very few have (See also BEE STINGS and PYROPHILIA)
VAMPIRISM (Blood sports-sex play into a b owl wou ld have less avers ion to
involving blood , Hemotigolagnia-fetish for using a modified version of this in their sex
sanitary pads, MenophiJist-fetish fo r men- play. The c anin g that was popu lar in
struating women) England ma y ha ve b een indirec tl y con-
Vampirism refer s to drinking blood. n ected to this desire as well. Even today
Folklor e is filled with odd tales of the living there are those that get more of a pleasur e
d ead that drain others of their blood. Blood, from a caning if blood is drawn. T he same
similar to uri ne, is thought to have magical is true fo r piercing or other blood sports.
qualities and has been used in many reli- Today's sex vampires sometimes seduce
gio u s ceremoni es. Faus tina, th e w ife o f drunk men in bars and talk them into letting
emperor Marcus An ton inu s, drank t h e them make a cut on their skin du ring sex. It
blood of dyi ng gladiators to ensu re fertility is more diffi cult for a male vampi re to find
and epile p tics believed that drinking th e women w illing to b e cut th an it is fo r
blood from a decapitated c riminal would females to find willi ng males. The magazine
cure them. EXPOSED featured a n in ter view by Bill
There may be a health b en efit to self- Reynolds with a member of a New York
vampirism. Animals respond to wounds by vampire society. This g roup makes small
licking them. T hey have a hormone in their c uts o n eac h other befo r e i n d u lgi n g in
saliva t h at promotes the reg eneration of orgies. One scene was described as starting
d estroye d ce lls. Humans al so have an wit h two sisters being cut, an d then p er-
enzyme that destroys some viruses and the fo rming cunnilingus in front of the group as
urge some have to lick bloody wounds may blood covered their bodies. T his scene was
be natural. followed by a group orgy. Another official
Vampirism varies and may include cun- va mpire group is headqua r ter e d in
nilingus during a woman's menstru al cycle, Stockton, Californi a, an d there are several
biting that draws blood, making a small c ut ind ividual practitioners in San Francisco.
in one's skin, or using a hypodermic to col- So m e peopl e h ave become sex u a lly
1ect b l ood from a ve in. A r ece nt case intrigued with this practice a n d formed
involved an Argentinean who was captured cl ubs, dati n g services, computer bulletin
after attacking fi fteen women in their beds boards, and com m ercial 900 telephone
and sucking blood from their necks in the party lines. CAUTION: Vampirism is a
period of only on e week. Many vampires, blood sport and, as such, is consid ered
lacking a cooperative partn er d raw t h eir unsafe sex .
own blood, some doing this once, adding an (See a lso BLOOD SP ORTS and PHLEBO-
anti-coagulant, and storing it in the refriger- TOMY)
ator for th e next few tim es th ey want to
masturbate. Some even date p artners with VERTIGO Vertigo refers to d izziness or
large ve in s because looking at these is disorientation. Children often twirl in circles
arousing. to be able to experience this unusual sensa-
Drug addicts sometimes develop a sexual tion. H umans as well as animals take advan-
respon se to drawing blood back into th e tage of thi s pecu lia r effec t in t heir sex
hypodermic syringe, some having described games. The African clawed frog often grabs
the experience as similar to o rgasm. It is a female during coitus, spins her aro und
possible that the past generations fou nd leg- until she becomes dizzy, a nd as she weakens
e nds of va m pires particularly exciting he a ga in m o unts h er a nd co p ula tes.
because of their exposure to phlebotomy, or Humans u se similar tactics but ad d a blind-
bloodletting. A culture that tho ught nothing fold to speed the process. They also use
of having a barber surgeon drain their blood swings or suspension d evices. The latter

creates a m o re complete disorie n tat io n. to women; male transvestites also wear this
CAUTION: Vertigo can cause na u sea in type of clothing.
some people. Victoria n lace is u sed in S/M games to
(See also OXYGEN REGULAT ION and SEN- evoke a strong negative reaction from some
SORY OVERLOAD) m a les a n d le sbia n s. These peop le feel
humiliated and submissive when forced to
VICARIOUS AROUSAL (Vicarphilia- wear sexy lace and frills. Femin ine lace in
arou sal from ex p osu r e to b e h avi or o f this society takes away the power one may
others) Vicariou s arousal (vicis: substitute) ordinarily enjoy by dressing in leather or
refers to o n e w h o acts i n t h e place of busin ess suits. Therefore a p er so n who
another, o r in this case on e who receives wears this symbol of subservience not only
vicar ious arou sal from th e action s of submits to a partner but to the prejudices of
another. a soc iety . For some it can b e more
Some men d e ri ve sex ual satisfaction d em ea ning than wearing a d og collar and
fr om ins isting th at their lover dre ss in drinking out of a doggy bowl.
provocative and revealing clothes when they (See also CORSETS, DRAG QUEENS,
go o u t into public. Others a r e o ft en INFANT ILISM and PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE)
attracted to influential people, celeb rities,
those who engage in dangerou s sp orts, or VICTORIANISM Victorianism is the
anyone who leads an exciting life. C riminals term used to describe the sexual r epression
who h ave to serve prison sente n ces often and prudery that sprang up during the last
find they have a waiting list of women wh o h alf of the I 9th century. It was named such
want to write to a nd som etimes marry them . b ecause Queen V icto ri a ( 1837-1 901 )
Adrenalin is produced by our bodies when reigned during this period. U nlike Puritans,
we become excited or frig hten ed. This in the Victorian s lacked a religious fou ndation
turn causes the release of sex hormones in for their fear of sex. Many became unduly
both males and females. Some p eople con- concerned ab o ut their child re n mastur-
fuse the meaning o f this type of response bating because o f medical r eason s.
toward a person's activities as sexual attrac- Ph ys icians su ch as Dr. Boerhaave had
ti o n. T h is r eac tion ca n occ ur with eac h begun writing about the physical maladies ·
episode a nd after a w hile a p erso n ma y attributed to masturbation as early as 1708 .
think t h ey are in love with th e partner. H e said that " the rash expenditure of semen
CAUTI ON: Mistakes can b e avoided in brings on a lassitude, a feebleness, a weak-
love affairs if an effort is made to learn more e ning o f m otion , fits, wasting, dryness,
about their partner and to ask th em selves fevers, aching of the cerebral m e mbranes,
whether they would still be infatuated if this o b scuring of the sense and above a ll th e
p erson l acked the thin g that on e fou nd eyes, a d ecay of the spinal chord, a fatuity."
exciting. Other physician s concurred w ith th is
(See also EROTOMAN IA and HYBRISTO- opinion but it was not a top ic tha t co n-
PHILIA) cerned the majority until when in 1835 Dr.
John Todd made a monumental impact on
VICTORIAN LACE Victo ri a n lace is read ers wh en referring to in terviews with
feminine lingerie th at is often made of silk sup e rin tende nts of two insa n e asylums,
and lace. Some males find this style of lin- w riting tha t they supp orted his personal
gerie is erotic and would prefer to have their views on masturbation. T hey " will say, not
sex partner wear this ra ther than pantyhose. only that this is the cau se of bringing many
Women who h ave top management jobs of their patients there b ut a n almost insu-
often wear lace undergarm ents to compen- pe rable obstacle in t h e way of the ir
sate for th e othe rwise sterile exte ri or . The recover y." P a re nts panicked a nd began
idea that they are wearing som ething sexy engaging in all sorts of horrendous preven-
ma kes th em feel more attracti ve a n d self- tative tactics. These included infibulation ,
confident. This p reference is not exclusive burning the genitals of the child, circumci-

sion, castration, chastity belts, and cages for gods (phallus), kings, slave owners, father-
the penis. in-laws, or feudal lords. This was called the
Soon any type of sex came to be blamed right of the first night, jus primae noctis, and
for behavior that fell outside th eir conserva- is still forced onto the Untouchables in parts
tive social mores. Clitoridectomies were of India. There were oth er cultures where
done to young children as well as women the bride was deflowered by someone other
whose husbands decided that they were than her husband because of the supe rsti-
oversexed . In the middle 1800's an tious belief that evil would befall him. Allen
America n doctor named Marion Sims, Edwa rdes and R.E.L. M asters described a
known for developing gynecological surgical typ ical deflorati on scen e following a
tools, performed many of these. H e needed Northern African Arab wedding:
females to develop and test these inventions
In the evening of the betrothal or actual wed-
and because he did not use anesthesia he
ding, the liule girl (ranging in age from three to
found very few volunteers. He b egan exper-
nine) is led by her father-in-law into an empty
imen ti ng o n slave women and for those
bedroom, where he strips her nalud ... mos l
whose owners were s keptical, h e simply
seigneurs are gentle and careful. Seating her on
purchased th e wom a n to use in surgery.
their knees, they will kiss the child and fondle
Once he had perfected h is tools he moved
her body-especially her liule vulva, until "it
from his home in Alabama where he had
starts to tickle." The man will say to the girl:
built his own private "hospital," and per-
"Let me feel the Liule turtle you have inside
formed surgery, to open the first Women's
your legs." The 'alemah is reassured and does
Hospital in New York (The H orrors of the
not resist; only haste and cruelty cause the child
Half-Known Life, by G.J . Barker-Benfield, p.
101). to cry and struggle to get away. Freeing his
erect organ from his clothes, the considerate
Sex conti nued but it was not discussed in
seigneur will then straddle the girl over his
public. People became ashamed of not
thighs, which he opens so that her own Legs are
being ab le to control a na tural function.
forced or stretched as wide apart as possible. So
Those who did manage to suppress th eir
doing, he slowly Lowers her upon his glans
desires often became intolera nt and judg-
penis, which he works between the labia and
mental of those not suppressing their lusts.
round and round the little orifice by holding the
(See also ILLEGAL SEX)
child by the waist and swaying her to and fro
and from side to side ... (The Cradle of Erotica,
VIRGINS (Aphallata, Parthenity; Hymen-
p. 132).
oclasis- s u rg ical defloration, H yme n or-
rhexis- d eflo ration of hymen, Stu pprator Virg ini ty became important whe n me n
-man who prefers virgins) The word virgin began paying dowries, some demanding
refers to those people who have n ot engaged that th eir merchandise be undamaged.
in penetration. In females There may have been a legitimate reason for
the presence of a hymen is this other than morality. Marriages arranged
the determining factor. between a father a nd b rid egroo m migh t
Females who engaged in have e n coun tered problems if the young
only fella tio or anal sex tech- woman had a lover befo re the marriage.
nically reta ined the ir v ir- These lovers could assist her in escaping,
ginity. The hymen covers become antagonistic, or continue the affair
the vaginal opening but after the wedding. An unconsummated love
almost always has some sort would be less of a threat.
of small h ole in it large Sex w it h a virgin is avoided by some
enough to insert a finger. This membrane is people while others find it novel, feel hon-
torn with the penetration of a penis or oth er ored, enjoy the feeling of power in defiling a
object and will remain this diameter until virgin, are relieved that they can not be com-
stretched by childbirth. pared with anyone else, or have a religious
Some ancient trad itions required that ethic that would create prejudice against a
virgin brides give themselves first to stone parmer who was not virgin.

Women remain virgins due to reason s P eople som etimes visualize having sex
such as warnings of parents, the absen ce of with a different person than the one in their
a serious lover, fear of pregnan cy and sexu- arms. This is often d one in the case of fe tish
ally transmitted di seases, o r the lack of objects because without this substitute some
interest in sex. Religion too had a strong are unable to keep an erection.
influence. During the Middle Ages young (See a lso FANTASY, FANTAS Y PLAY,
virgins under the influence of Church pro- RITUAL SEX and SEX MAGICK)
paganda committed suici de ra ther tha n
marry and lose their sacred virginity. VOMIT See EMETOPHILIA and SHOWERS
Bordellos often catered to men who paid
extra for v irgi ns. Bordello owners discov- VOYEURISM (Allopellia, Cryptoscop-
ered that they could soak alum in a piece of o ph ili a, ln s p ectio ni s m, Mixoscop ia,
cloth and insert it into a girl's vagina for a Parascopi sm , Peeping Tom) V oye u r ism
few h ours and b e able to pass her off as involves the act of watching other people for
virgin several times. Some sex shops carry a the purpose of sex ual a rousal. Often th e
fo rmula call ed "Chi na Shrink Cream" voyeur sta ti ons himself outside a person's
which is supposed to work within five min- h o me and watches throu gh a window.
utes. One early surgical procedure was the Teenagers sometimes engage in this activity
suturing of torn hymen s of prostitutes in out of frustration before they become sexu-
bordellos, so they could be " re-virginized." all y active themselves. Watch ing people
(S ee also BORDELLOS, GEISHAS, PEDO - h av in g sex wh ile b e ing afra id of be ing
PHILIA and SEX RINGS) cau ght is m ore arousing t han lookin g a t
photos in maga zines. This becomes a
problem for men when it becomes their pri-
VISUALIZATION Visualization is t h e mary sexual ou tlet or when they are arrested.
ability to see an event, object, or person in This activity is n ot limited to males. One
one's mind and is used in almost any type of woman would slip into her backyard every
sex. night so that she could watch through the
Sex magicians u se visualiza tion to see windows of a male n eighbor. This man had
energy flow, thoughts, divinities o f air, fire, the habit of wearing at-shirt without under-
water, earth, and heaven as well as personal wear as he prepared dinn er and relaxed for
sex divinities. A person is able to increase the evening.
the intensity of a trance (or divine identi ty) V oye urism seems to su rface in many
by visualization skills. The objective of sex p eople when it invo lves a celebrity and a
magick is to vis u alize oneself and on e's photographer who catches them in revealing
partner as gods that have come d own to join attir e. This was particul arl y true with
in a fertility ritual. Well developed visualiza- Jacqueline Onassis who was stalked by pho-
tion skills allow on e to identify with the god tographer s waiting for a bikini shot when
of c h o ice so that the sex experience sh e thought she was sunbathing in privacy.
becomes a sacred and much more powerful The same is true today of Princess D iana of
experience. England. R ecently a pho tographer who
Tantra utilizes visualization to see and managed to get a ph o tograph of the
direct the e nergy flow, breath, and to see princess in a bathing suit on a private yacht
themselves and partners as sacred. sold it for $ 135,000. This amount indicates
Visualiza ti o n is u sed in S/ M p lay b y that there are thousands of pseudo-voyeurs
placing a person in a blindfold or dark room who find pleasure in getting a glimpse of the
and then making strange n oises or threats forbidden or the innocent. The embarrass-
wh ich cause the person to visualize scenes m ent or outrage of the victim makes it all
that fr ighten or aro u se them. Fantasies the m ore appealing.
become more vivid and more intense under (See also EXHIBITION ISM, ILLEGAL SEX
these circumstances. and SCOPOPHILIA)
WEDDINGS Weddings, as we know ( The Mothers, by R. Briffault, MacMillan
them, have evolved in the last few hundred Publishing) .
years. Marriage be twee n two parties was According to Reader's Digest's Stories
generally carried out with a simpl e vow. Behind Everyday Things the wearing of
The eventual involvement of a priest seems white weddin g gowns originally sig nified
to ha ve a rise n from th e prac tice of t h e joy, not chastity, and for brides am ong other
couple going to church to say a Bride Mass cultures colors such as red, green, or black
after their vows. The couple often waited in are co mm o n . The wedding rings were a
front of th e church for th eir friends , said symbol of purchase for some cultures. The
their vows, and then entered the church. G. designati on of t h e third finger "probably
Rattray Taylor explained that " [i]t was only comes from the ancient Greeks. Their first,
in the tenth century that the priest took to faulty dissections of the huma n body led
supervising the m arriage at the door, and them to believe that a particular vein, the
not until the sixteenth that it became obliga- vena amoris, ran from that finger straight to
tory to conduct the whole of the ceremony the heart" (pp. 216-21 7).
inside the church" (Sex in History, p. 28 as lvlost of our other customs such as car-
quoted fro m A H istory of Matrimonial rying a bride over the threshold, the honey-
Institut ions by G .E. H oward) . Marriage moon period, throwing thi ngs at the bride
without th e participatio n of a pries t was and groom, are remnants of bride capture,
later condemned as illegal by the Churc h. which existed in some parts of Europe until
Taylor described a sample European wed- the early 20th century.
ding: Many people today h ave arranged wed-
dings that were more intriguing than normal
The bridal procession would set out from the
c hurch we d di n gs, in co rp ora ti n g th e ir
house of the bride's father: first, the bride,
favorite sport or activity into the ceremony.
accompanied perhaps by two pages, ... Next
Couples take their vows while skydiving or
would come the musicians, fiddling and
in helicopters. T hose in the S/M commun ity
blowing, then a group of maidens. These would
have weddings where the partner who is to
all be dressed in the same way as the bride, in
be su bmissive d isplays this by enduring a
order to confuse any demons . . . some of the
whipping or performing some other servile
bridesmaids would be carrying . . . wh eat
act. T hey m ay both have genital piercings
sheaves on their heads-symbols offertility and
d one to signify their bond to each oth er.
memories of Ceres ... At nightfall there would
One male couple threw an S/M p lay p arty
be a banquet and dancing at the house of the
dur in g which t hey gat h ered t he grou p
bride's father . . . The married couple retire
around and took t h eir vows. T h ey were
with their fi'iends . .. Next comes the ceremony
both dressed in American Indian fa n tasy
of throwing the stocking. .. Now appears the
wear, and as a sy mb ol of their bond the
priest, and the benediction posset ... blesses the
dominant cu t the ponytail off his partner to
bed, sprinkling holy water on the couple and
keep as a memento in his medici ne bag.
censing the room, to dispel the demons who will
A different couple of which one was a
undoubtedly be attracted by the performance of
female bi-sexual and the other a post-sur-
the sexual act (Sex in History by G. Rattray
gical male transsexual decided to have two
Taylor, pp. 29-30).
ce remo ni es. In the first o n e t h e groo m
Other cultu res dictated that the b ride had dressed according to custom and the bride
sex with someone else prior to the husband. wore a gown . The second cerem o n y was
(See section on Virgins) The Nasamonian condu cted with both of them dressed in
custom even required that all the wedd ing wedding gowns.
guests take their turn deflowering the bride (See also MARRIAGE)

WEIGHT TRAINING Weight training chest with a stick and hung by strings from
refers to sex games where weights are hung a tree li mb until the st ick breaks). CAU-
from the nipples, genitals, or a piercing. T ION: S terilization techniques are used any
An e ig hteenth centu r y writer , And re time the skin is b roken in weigh t training.
Andrea d e Nercia t, in his b ook Aphrodite, Too muc h weight on the t es ticles can do
wrote of a male character being tested by serious damage.
having a 150 pound weight hung upon his (See also BINDING, BONDAGE, STRETCH-
tum escent organ "which he easily carried ING and TORT URE)
for three minutes. " This seems an unlikely
feat and if Nerciat based t his on reality it WHITE SLAVERY White slavery refers
was probably from torture techniques con- to the enticement o r abduction of white
ducted in prison s or during the Inquisition wo m e n to wo rk as prosti tu tes in foreign
which d id include hanging people by their countries. Today the term is also used for
genitals from the ceiling. women of any race tha t are transported to
Small weights hung on the glans are used ot h e r co u ntr ie s ( includ i ng t h e United
today b y some Eastern mystics to n egate the States) under false pretenses and used for
fun ction of the ir p e nis . Some ha ve been pro stituti o n . The se u su ally go through a
stretched to hang between the knees and are training or breaking period wh ere they are
worn rolled u p against the body. taught fellatio, anal sex or other sexual vari-
Clamp s are often attached to each nipple ations which will earn a h igher fee. Those
and small weights are g radually added to wh o refused to cooperate were sometimes
increase the sen sation . This will b e more starved to death . F oreign women were pre-
painful than merely using the clamps alone. fe rred b y procurers beca u se these were
Those wh o engage in this activity put the easier to exploit since the girl s rarely sp oke
clamps and weights on themselves before the lang u age of th e co untry and had n o
using them on o thers. frie nds or m oney with which to escape.
Labia, penis, or scrotal weights are used A late 19th century ra cket run b y a
in th e same manner as tho se on nipples. madame from China involved hiring young
Weights are u sed to pull the fe m ale ac tresses and singers, particula rly
testicles d own as a m ethod those who had discreetly supplemented their
t o delay orgasm. Others use income with pan-time prostitutio n . Several
them as a test of endurance. women would be offered the chance to tour
The C hicago H ell Fire C lub other countries with a musical com pany and
had a national contest to see even went through rehearsals and a couple
who co uld h o ld th e m ost of e ngageme nts in othe r countries before
weight hung on the testicles. being left stranded without money in China.
Five pound we igh ts were Th e m a d ame, wh o was o r igina lly fr om
ad ded at i nte r va l s as th e America , would accid e n t ly happen upon
men bent their knees to have them applied. t h e m in t h eir h otel and befrie n d them.
T h ree m e n tied fo r first place wit h 85 Eventu ally, as a favor sh e would offer them
pounds each; none were willing to become a temporary job in her establishment to earn
sole champ io n b y allowing th e la st fi ve m oney with which to buy a return tic ket.
pounds to be added. Most were stricken with syphilis before they
We igh ts ar e also hung from piercings . could make it home and died in China.
This is done both from permanent p iercings W o m en were eas ie r to get in t o oth er
that have jewelry inserted and from tem po- countri es by deceit b ecau se if t hey knew
rary piercings where the weight is attached their fate it was difficult to keep them quiet
to a suture, a fish h ook, or the n eedle itself. whi le aboard ships or throu gh c u stom s. A
T hi s type of weigh t p lay would includ e girl who thought she was to have a better
lac ing, bell da n cing, o r Sun d an ci ng (an life was much more willing to coop erate by
Ameri can Ind ian ri tu al w here a ma n is ly ing to governm e nt age nts o r sneaking
p ie rced through the muscles of th e upp er th rough barriers. Women, even after real-

izing their fate , did not all submit. Some promising them husbands or jobs a nd leave
where tortured to death because of this. One them at a secured bordello without h ope of
of the more recent cases of b rutalit y rescue. C AUTION: If one can't succeed at
occurred in 1964 in M exico, where three modeling, performing arts, or finding a hus-
sisters were convicted of running a sex slave band in one's own country it is not reason -
service. " Girls were abduc ted-and then able to think that the re is a better chance in
branded on the thigh or the breast with a a country where one doesn't speak the lan-
red-hot iron; then they were locked up for g uag e, d oesn' t h ave business contacts ,
m onths in tiny cells to break their spirits. friends, or the money to support on eself. Of
When th e girls were thoug h t ready- course, many job offers are legitimate but
t hrough starvation , beating , and gros s without a backup pla n there is always the
sexual exploitation- to satisfy any brothel p ossibility of being victimized.
frequenter, they were sold to establishments (See also AUCTIONS, PROSTITUTION and
in Mexi co o r else\.vhere. Some girls were SLAV ES)
beaten to d eath; one was burned alive; some
were buried or tied to a bed by means of WIFE SWAPPING (Swinging) Wife
barbed wire" (The Illusiraied B ook of Sexual swapping is an ancient custom in several cul-
R ecords, by G. L. Simons, p. 102) . tures. Eskimo men le ft their wives with a
The other type of white slave ry took neigh b or when they ventured on hunting
place during the 19th century in America. trips and du ring this tim e she pe rfo rmed
African slaves had been so interbred with wifely duties for the neighbor. This was an
white blood that many had red or blond hair essential custom in a country where a woman
and blue eyes. An instance of two of these and children might not survive wee ks of
was cited by J. A. Rogers: harsh cold alone. T he Chinese, not too long
ago, had a custom of renting out their wives
Tower describes ihe sale of a slave who was when the husband had to be away for several
"whiter than many, nay, than most of the months. If she got pregnant and delivered a
Anglo -S axon ladies, of medium size, well- child while being rented it belonged to the
developed, beautiful black hair, black and man who was renting her. The Chukchee of
sparkling eyes. The auctioneer cries, 'W'hy gen- N o r t h As ia pra cticed a wife swap p ing
tlemen, she is fair enough lo become ihe sweet- arrangement where if one of the men in a
heart of a govern01~ ' then rudely drawing the group had to travel or had some other reason
covering from her neck and shoulders, he exhib- fo r visiting, the husband would fix h im a bed
ited a busl as plump and purely while as the and offer him his wife . These favors were of
snow-tinged image of Venus" . . . Rev. Calvin course later recipro cated and single men
Fairbank describes ihe sale of a slave-girl in were rarely permitted this hospitality. Other
M ontgomery County, K entucky, thus: "He cultures engaging in formalized wife-swap-
turned his victim's profile lO ihai excited crowd ping included certain African tribes, natives
and lifting her skirts laid bare the beautiful of Hawaii, and Tibet. M an y ancient cultures
symmetrical body from her.feet lO her waist and had religious holidays where wife swapping
with his brutal sacrilegious hand smote the o r prom iscuity were one of t h e featured
white flesh, exclaiming, 'Ah, gentlemen, who is attractions for the devoted worshippers.
going lO be the winner of this prize?' The girl American soldiers in World War II just
was one-sixty-fourth Negro" (Slavery after the siege on Germany are reported to
Un masked by P. Tower, p. 307( 1856) and have p layed a g ame o f musical beds wi th
How the W ay was Prepared by C. Fairbank, local women who exchanged sex for foo d.
p. 30 ( 1890); cited in Sex and Race, pp. 205- Each soldier started with a woman and then
206). upon cue the women would change beds in
Many of th ese women wer e sold to bor- the dark and after a while the lights would
dellos to work as prostitutes in the South. come back on so that co uples could see with
The United States as well as other coun - whom they were having sex.
tries are still hosts for sex slaves. Procurers Today wif e swappe r s have severa l
get these women into different countries b y op tions available to make the ex p eri ence

mo re e nj oyable. Swingers have sail boats feces on a wafer a nd offer it for him to eat.
and yachts that are c h artered for private Those interested in safe sex substitute apple
parties. Groups reserve blocks of rooms on juice and peanut butter for body fluids.
re gu lar cruise ships. Of course , h e r e, CAUTION: The use of body fluids is not
clothing and discretion is n o lo ng e r considered a safe sex practice.
optional. Couples lacking their own friends (See also DOM I NANCE/SUBMIS SION ,
with whom to swap are able to attend con- HUMILIATION and MASOCHISM)
ventions such as Lifestyles t hat provide
opportunities for couples to travel to vaca- WRESTLING (Cratolagnia-arousal
tion resorts a nd meet others with the same fro m strength, Sthenolagnia-arousal from
interest. displaying strength or muscles)
(See also CANDAULISM and GROUP SEX) Wres tlin g is
arousing for both
WORKSHOPS There are many sex, inti- th ose who prefer
macy, or relationsh ip workshops available. to engage in it
Esalen Fields in Big Sur teaches people to th emse lves and
accept themselves and others without judg- th ose who watch
ments as do the Stan Dale's Human oth er people per-
Awareness Institute workshops in the San form.
Francisco area. The Human Awa r e ne ss P ersonal wrestling is similar to o th er
Institute workshops also help p eople work physical exe r cis ing in that it produces
on sexual intimacy and sexual biases. People adrenalin and creates a more intense level of
attend several levels and have to be pre- pleasure. Hirschfeld cited the case study of
pared to become more and more intimate as a 40 year old Hungarian art deal er whose
they continue the training. sol e method of ind ucing orgasm was to
Karen Mendelsohn, the fou nder of San exercise:
Francisco's QSM, sponsors workshops on I had my first pollution on a train journey at
various S/M practices. These workshops the age of 12 or 13, and I was puzzled and
include training for bondage, whipping, anxious. Soon after I developed the horizontal
piercing, and such forms of psychological bar mania, and I made exercises on it until
play as humiliation and interrogation. QSM violent orgasm and ejaculation were
o ffers a multi-part " Introduction to S/ M " induced... between the twentieth and thirtieth
series to give novices a n overview of all exercise, without manual contact.. .! did this on
forms of S/M play. average every three days ... ! attribute my pow-
There are many other workshops such as erful biceps and chest muscles LO this peculiar
tantra, sex magick, group sex, and so forth. method of masturbation (Sexual Anomalies
(See also SEX CLUBS, SEX CONFERENCES and Perversions, by Magnus H irschfeld, p.
131 ).
WORSHIP Sex or body worship is more Most gays and some heterosexuals are able
profound than a slave master relationship. to wrestle with their partners. Those who
T he devotee must perform ritualized acts of can't sometimes hire a prostitute or a pro-
worship to their god or goddess. This may fessional dominatrix.
be as simple as kneeling and describing the Videos such as Amazon Dancers, Amazon
partner's beauty, complimen ting th em o n Women and Deadly Amazons feature female
their selection of clothes, or idolizing their body builders and are available for those
b od y, their breasts, and genitals. Worship who wa nt to watch women in differen t
can become more complicated when mixed arrays of dress wrestle men. Male wrestlers
with ancient rituals. In these scen es an altar can be found on televisio n or a t p ub lic
is prepared that has a goblet, knife, string, matches. Bars sometimes have female mud
incense, and red candle. The id olater is to wrestlers that becam e popular during the
kiss the goddess and drink of h er urine from 1970s throughout portions of the world.
the goblet. She may also smear blood or (See also BONDAGE and CAT FIGHTING)
XEN OPHILIA (Xenolimia, Xeno- aroused from their own jealousy are reacting
dynamic-only p otent with strangers ) to the fear of loss and the adrenalin it pro-
Xenophilia (xeno: stranger; philia: attach - duc es . Some of these people take their
ment to) refers to someone who is sexually lovers to a group sex house or otherwise put
arou sed by strangers. Xenophiles may feel them in situations that will solici t attention
inc r eased passion when m eeting new from rivals thereby deriving intense sexual
acquaintances and if they are able to seduce arousal from watc h ing their lover
this person they quickly lose interest, i.e. a approached or succumb to coitus.
one-night stand. Others may frequent bor- (See also HEDONlSM, JEALOUSY, LOVE and
dellos always asking for a different woman PECATTIPHILIA)
or wanting to try women of various nation-
alities. Some, otherwise heterosexual men, ZOOPHILIA Zoop hi lia involves sex
will take the opportunity that anonymity between hu mans and animals and generally
offers when they travel to experiment with rake s many m o re forms than does sex
men or c hildren. J.A. Rogers, a writer who between humans. Some of our ancestors felt
lived for a while in the West Indies said, "so that sex with a nimals held a magic power
fon d were the English sailors of black boys and their gods were able to create offspring
that whenever the fleet came on its annu al by these sacred unions. H erodotus mentions
visit, the local pharmacists had to lie [sic) in an anci ent Egy pti a n temple at Mendes
an extra supply of unguents [lubricants) where goats were trained to have sex with
(Sex and Race, p. 129). both sexes as part of their fertility rituals .
The use of costumes or wigs in sex p lay Ancient Egyptians also used coitus with
provides excitement for many people; how- female crocodiles to increase male virility.
ever, not everyone is comfortable having sex Certain folk-lore taught that zoophilia was a
incognito and partners sh ou ld never be cu re for venereal disea ses and it w as
coerced into participating. engaged in for this reason by some.
(See also PARAPHILIAS and PHOBOPHILIA) It was assumed throughout most of his-
tory th at offspring could b e produced b y
YONI WORSHIP The female yoni (geni- these unions and many cultures prohibited
tals) preceded the phallus in being revered t h e ac t for thi s reaso n. Severa l male s
because of its power to give life. Stone carv- defended themselv es after having been
ings of vaginas were discovered to be as caug h t during the 19th century by
a n cie nt as 35,000 B.C.E . T h e yoni h ad announcing that they practiced coitus inter-
magical qu alities and a woman could heal ru ptus to prevent impregnating th e beas t.
the sick or scare away storms and devils by The incidence o f zoophilia between young
simp ly exposing her genitals. boys, cows, and sheep became so prevalent
The yoni was usually carved in a round during the I 7th century that the Catholic
stone with three line indentations. Later it C hurch tri ed to ban the employment of
took also the form of a horseshoe that was male h erdsmen. Zoophilia often carried with
t h ought to bring good luck wh en na iled it the penalty of death for both participants;
upside down above one's doorway. howeve r, one except ion to this rule was
(See also CHARMS and PHALLOPHil..IA) cited by Inge and Sten Hegeler in their book
An ABZ of Love. " In 1750, Jacques Ferron
ZE LOPHILIA Zelophilia (zelosus: zeal was hanged for having had interco urse with
or jealousy; philia: attachment to) refers to a female donkey. Several respectab le citi-
one who becomes aroused by jealousy. This zens ( includ ing the abb o t of the l ocal
arou sal may be triggered by eith er partner m onastery) a ppeared as wit n esses and
becoming jealous. Zelophiles who become declared that th ey had know n the donkey

for many years and that it had always I was ravished with the fierce thrill and the
behaved itself virtuou sly and a s a good slallion's gushing spe1m. It foun d no room in
do nkey sho uld. The co u rt then acquitted my distended orifice and spurted out of ii again
the donkey, declaring that it obviou sly must like a founlain descending over my belly and
have been raped" (p. 23). ihighs. Luckily for me, lhe distance between his
Lite rature and art include portrayals of loins and mine was sufficient to prevent any-
zoophilia. Michelangelo painted a scene of thing bui the end of his shaft from enlering.
Leda and the Swan (Zeus), and Agostino Oiherwise I know not bu.i ihat it would have
Carracchi did an engraving titled Satyr and been driven ihrough ihe length of my body and
Nymph in 1590 of a half man/goat havi ng come oul my mouth.
explicit intercourse with a woman . In litera- As it was I scrambled out from under him
ture, A Night in a Moorish Harem by Lord with my lust compleiely quenched. From my
George H erbert includes a poetic account of waisl lO my knees I was dripping with the stal-
a girl's sexual encounter with a stallion : lion's lhicli milky sperm. I hastened lo wash ii
off and to baihe and cool my smarting shealh
Mohammed was my favorile stallion. H e was
in ihe pool. For a long time I had to keep
more fleet than the wind, and so gentle that he
Mohammed away from me with a switch, but I
obeyed my slightest word. He was of a bright
did not strike him hard. I could not bear lO
wine color and his sltape was perfeci. H is ltead
hurl him for ihe consequences of my own folly.
was small and gracefully sel on his arching
back. His brown eyes had almosl human intel- Regardless of the relationship of religious or
ligence. His limbs were slender, and he walked civil laws so me people have a preference fo r
so proud that he seemed to spurn the ground. animal sex partners. Kinsey reported that as
H e came up to me, and after I had fed him many as 17% of boys raised on fa rms have
from my hand, I spent some time braiding his had at least on e sexual encounter with a n
mane. Then, for want of so1nething else to do, I animal. The percentage for zoophilia in the
thought I would ialw a baih. A pool where ihe general p opulation was reported as 8% for
water gathered from a spring which fed the males and 3% for females.
oasis made a fine bath. it was shaded by palm O ne San Francisco prostitute who p ub-
trees from the suluy heat which glowed on the licly perfor med coitus with a Newfoundland
surrounding sands. After bathing I threw dog o n stage stated that any wo man who
myself al length on the shorl gras s and had experienced sex with a dog would never
slretched myself laz ily on my back at. fu ll again be satisfied with a man. (The sexual
length. preference for a dog is called cynophilia.)
Mohammed came and stood over me as if A sheepherder in South Africa evidently
for company in our loneliness. I amused myself became so proficient that he devised a tech-
by making him stand wiih his forefeet on either niqu e whereby he cut t wo h oles a t th e
side of my chesl. Nothing could have induced bottom of his jacket in which to insert the
him to slep on me, nol even if a gun had been hind legs of sheep to anchor them in place
suddenly fired. B ui ihere was nolhing to starlle for coitus. H e q uite willingly offered this
him. We were entirely alone. advice to anyone at the local town tavern.
Preuy soon- as stallions will when slanding The other popular sex position with sheep
in pe1fect repose-his shaft hung dangling oul. was to place each of the sh eep's hind feet
Jn a spirit of mischief I pui up bolh my feet and into the man's boot. Tru e animal lover s will
took it between ihem and began rubbing ii tell you that pigs are preferred over sheep
gently. It gradually stiffened, and its crest hung because th ey a re much more willing part-
down between my thighs and pressed against ners.
the lips there. H e pul his head down and Mexican border towns were once fa mous
touched my bosoms wiih his velvety noslrils. I for their donkey sh ows. A prostitute would
still continued to rub up and down his shaft. It allow a donkey to p enetrate h er vagina while
suddenly shot out, and, stretching my sheath to on stage and a red ribbon was then placed
its greatest tension, penetraled me to my loins. on the penis m arking the length she was

able to take in. Other prostitutes would then wrapping gerbils with duct tape and pene-
take their turn to see if they could break the t rating t hem a n ally. CAUTI ON: An imals
recor d. used for this p ur pose te nd to be em bar-
The act of zoophilia usu ally involves a rassing as they lack discretion as to who or
person manually masturbating th e an imal, when they mount.
having mouth to genital (zoofellatio), penis
to anus , or penis t o AVISODOMY Avisodomy (Avis: bird,
GOll~:r CAT
. A .~
vag ina con ta ct. The
animals used are gener-
ally dogs, h orses, don-
sodomy: anal sex) is the ancient practice of
having sex with a bird. As the man is about
to o rgasm h e breaks the n eck of th e bird
. ,. · keys, cows, deer, sheep, causi ng the bird's cloaca sphi ncter to con -
,... pigs, ge rbi ls, sn akes, strict and sp asm, thus creating pleasurable
<1~~: ~ "'"~ turkeys, chickens, and sensa ti ons for the man. The anc ient
t.w \f'(
m $N
~ geese. Snails or insects
'41JJllt!! are u sed for se nso r y
C hinese used geese for this purpose and the
Parisian brothels provided turkeys fo r their
enhance m ent in either clients. Chickens are used on farms by a few
masturbation or bondage games. The gen- young men today in the United States fo r
ital a natomy of some of these a nimals a re this purpose. A portion of the stimuli fo r a
depicted in the following drawings: few may be due to the fe eli ng of power
The various types of zoophilia have been derived when killi ng the b ird.
divided into the following categories:
BESTIALSADISM Bestialsadism includes
ANDROZOONS Androzoons are male ani- people who derive sexual pleasure from tor-
mals that are trained for sex with humans. turing or mutilating animals. For example,
Animals trai n ed for men are gyn ezoon s. o n e San Franci sco ma n shot a wild pig
Many are only trained for oral sex (zoolinc- while hunting, chased away the dogs, and
tion ) and t hi s is done by putting t heir h ad sex wi th the dead an imal. He then
favorite food on a person's genitals. There returned to his ca m psite with the an imal
are also professionals who train a ndrozoons and repeated the performance for two of the
for other individuals. women in the group while they took photos.
T wo thousand years ago androzoons were (Personal communication .) Many lust mur-
used in the Constantinople Amphitheater to derers a nd anthrophagists, some at a young
rape a nd so m etim es kill vi ctims for the age, begin torturing a nimals before moving
a mu se m e nt of the c rowds. The most on to human victims. The animal is hurt or
common were apes, bulls, c heetahs, dogs, mutilated while the person masturbates o r
giraffes, wild boars, a nd zebras. Theodora, has intercourse with it. Others do not harm
the daughter of one of these trainers, married a nimals themselves but orgasm when they
the Roman Emperor Justinian. She evidently witn ess fowls being killed by cooks or by
trained som e of h er own animals as she was coachmen lashing their horses. There were
notorious for a stage performance in which also men wh o once hired prostitutes to tor-
she laid on her back with her legs raised and ture and kill animals while they watch ed.
her genitals facing the audience. T heodora's Professional cou nseling by a therapist is
assistants would then drop kernels or grain important if this occurs during childhood.
into h er open vagina. Her trained geese were Young children can transfer the a nger they
then allowed to come onto the stage and pick feel to animals, just as their fear of parents
the kernels out with their beaks (Perverse can manifest itself as a p h obia of insects,
Crimes in History, p. 49). heights, animals, etc. The common mishan-
Sex with animals is not always consen- dling of animals by inexperienced children
su al. One En glishman was convicted of shou ld not be co nfu sed with d eliberate
sodomy and indecent assault because h e infliction of pain, injury, or d eath. Nor is
repeatedly fo rced his wife into coitus with avisodomy to b e included as b estialsadism,
his dog . There are also rum ors of men the reason being that the killing of the bird

was not out of anger, but rather for sexual California at D avis.) T hese animals are said
p leasure. to h ave been p laced in to a p lastic bag or
Sexual arousal is caused by the release of condom a nd inse rted in to the an us afte r it
specific che m icals in th e brain . T hese a re has been stretched. The bagged gerb il is put
already he ighte ned d u e to th e a nger th at in to a lubrica ted toi let p ap er roll wh ich is
trigge rs th e ac t, and inte nsified even more pu sh ed into t he rec t u m and a t th e rig ht
fr om reven ge, fear o f being cau ght , and m oment th e em pty roll is yanked out leaving
vicar io u s anxiety from seeing pain, b lood, the gerbil and bag inside. (Personal co mmu-
or death. T his com bi n ation creates sex ual n icat io n .) CAUT I ON: Thi s form o f
arousal fo r many people. Refer to the sec- felching is extremely dangerous. The rectal
t io n s t it led M a soc h is m , S a d is m , an d wall is very thin and can tear easily. It may
Paraphilias fo r a mo re comple te discussio n lead to peritonitis a nd death .
of th is phe nomeno n.
FORMICOPH ILIA (E ntom ocism-i nsects)
EROTICA Bestial erotica is used by those Formi coph ilia (Formica: ant; philia: attach -
who beco me sex ually aro used by the sight m e n t to) refe r s to th e u se of insec ts for
of m ating an imals. The person may actllally sexu al p urposes. Ants, fl ies, or insects are
be rep ul sed by t h e sight bu t late r w ill used to crawl over th e genitals or other por-
becom e a roused to the point of mastu rba- tion of the body.
tion . One suc h case was a nun wh o became P eop le u se insects to tic kl e, to in d u ce
so aro used by the sight of t\vo flies in sexual fea r, infl ic t p ain , or to create a sens u ous
un ion that each time she felt com pelled to feeling. Bugs are ei th er attracted to a spe-
mas tu rb ate. She estima ted this as h av ing cific area by the use of honey or are p laced
hap pe n ed ove r 4 00 t im es (Studies in the in a jar and held over a certain pa rt of the
Psychology of Sex, by H avelock Ellis, 1900, body.
Vol. I, p. 73). C leopa tra is said to have had a small box
Some child ren or people becom e fasc i- th at could be fi lled with b ees a nd p laced
nated at the sight of a male anima l ejacu- aga inst her geni tals for a stimulation similar
lating and will som etimes take a n active role to that of vib rators. A few you ng men have
by mastu rbating th e a n im al t h e mselves. been known to rem ove the wings o f a fly,
These peop le gen era lly have no intention o f su bm e rge t h e mselves in bath wa te r , a nd
having coitus with the animal them selves. then a llowing their p enis to stick out o f the
Bestial ero tica a nd fan tasies that incl ude wa ter, p u t th e fl y on it to c raw l arou nd.
animals are common and have no apparent (Personal communi cation).
ha rm ful effects. Peo p le who use fear select th e type of
i n sect th at fr ig htens or disgus ts t h eir
FELC HING F elc hi ng (fella h : to p low or pa rtn e r. T h is in sect is allowed m ere ly to
fell: fierce, c ru el, ca u sing d eath, a ni mal's crawl over the victim's body which ca uses a
hide) is the act of inserting a live ani mal into ru sh of adrenal in that is later transferred to
t h e a n u s o r vag in a fo r the p ur pose of sexual passion fo r Lheir partner.
rece iving sexua l pleasu re fro m the ir body Others a re only in terested in the stinging
movements. Felching is done with gerb ils, o r pain t ha t ca n be in fl icted by insec ts.
rodents, or fis h. American Ind ians, As ians, and others used
Some of the Po nape men of the Croli ne in sects in torturing cap ti ves. T od ay so m e
Isla nds insert a fish into a woman's vagina govern m e nts st ill advoca te inte rrogatio n
and then slowly lick it out as a for m of fo re- t ha t inc lu des insect to rture. O n e suc h
play. (Patte rns of Sexual Behavior, by C. m ethod is th e strip p ing of a priso ner and
Ford and F. Beach , p. 5 1) sta king him to the ground where hund reds
R e m ain s of s m a ll ro de n ts h a ve bee n of ants will bite him . Another is ro p ut a nts,
fo und in the lower intes tin es and rectums of mosquitos, biting flies, wasp s, or bees in a
cadavers during autops ies. (Perso nal co m- ja r and hold the open e nd against his n ip-
m un ication with student at the Uni versity of pl es, ar mp it s, a nd ge ni ta ls (Physical

Interrogation Technique s by Richa r d W. ma ls and then attacked the geni ta ls of

Krousher, p. 88). A slightly different torture peo ple wh o had been bound to stakes.
technique is called the " Bath of Flies" and Tiberius had young boys trained to swim
requires the prisoner to be blindfolded and after him and come up underwater to suck
bound with t heir wrists above their h ead an d nibble at his geni tals. He called them
and t h eir fee t tog e th e r. They are next his " minn ows." H e also had an island where
rubbed with honey or other sweet smelli ng he kept young men and women who roamed
liquid with special attention being given the the woods and pretended to be nymphs and
mouth, armpits, ears, genitals, a nd anus. sa tyrs. A n Egyp tian, Ali G oher, p layed a
This attracts fl ying insects and will suppos- game where his frie nd s would squat, cackle,
edly cause insanity if done for over a couple and lay eggs by sleight of hand. He would
of hours. A few use stinging insects for sex then yell, " Hello hens, h ere's your cock" as
p lay. One man would lie on the grass in his h e began h is o rgy o f anal sex ( Perverse
back yard du ring tl1e summer and have a nts Crimes in History, p. 196) .
crawl over h is body beco mi n g sexua ll y Coitus a cheval is p layed by having one
aroused as they b egan to bite. Another cap- partner p retend to be a horse, dress up and
tu res bees in a glass jar, puts each on his have th e o ther ride them. (See COITUS A
penis just below the glans, a nd holds th em CHEVAL) Sex slaves sometin1es take the role
there until they sting. (See BEE STINGS) of a pet dog and are made to wear a leash,
eat an d drink out o f dog dish es, fetch news-
NECROB ES TIALISM Necrobestia lism papers, lick genitals, be toilet trained (house
(Nec ro: death, bestial: an ima ls, act of) broken), etc.
refers t o th ose peop le w h o are sexu all y Som e people make animal noises du ring
aroused by having sex with dead animals. sex, and others wear a mask or sometimes
T his may include the bestialsadist who kills use a partner they fi nd unattractive and pre-
the animal before or during the torture, as ten d they are a n a n imal. Stuffed a ni mals,
well as those who choose to have sex with masks, and puppets are likewise used for
animals they already find dead. The Suaheli fellatio or masturbation in sex games. One
and Arabian fisherman along the coast of of San Francisco's leather bars has an event
Africa until a hundred years ago believed called the S/M Circus where p eople dress as
that unless they had anal sex with the sea- d ifferent exotic animals and are ta ught to
cows that they netted or that h ad washed up perform th e sa me as their animal counter-
dead they would be dragged out to sea the parts. One lion tamer was brave enough to
next day and drowned by the seacow's dead put his head in the mouth of his large cats.
sister. Many locals would therefo re make The audience didn't get to see the actual
these fisherme n swear by th e K o ran t h at event because he turned his back to th em
they did n ot have sex with the seacow they and spread his cape around the two squat-
were selling at the local market. ting beasts . CAUTION: There a re in fec-
tions o r di seases that one must consider
OPHIDIC ISM Op h idicism (o p hi d i: ser-
in cluding rabies (ra re), certa in t ypes of
pent; ism: ac t ) refe r s to th ose who use
blood poisoning, parasites, bites, and fleas.
snakes for sex u al p leas u re. S n akes were
Some androzoons sc ra tch their partne r 's
u se d by women t h rougho u t h is to r y as
back which could lead to infection. Anomer
sexual companions and vaginal inserts. (See
risk worth co nsidering for m en is that a
separate section on OPHIDI CISM .)
female d og's vagina will constrict and lock
P S EUDOZOOPHILI A Pseudozoo philia the penis in p ositio n du ring coitus. One
(P seudo: preten d ed, zoo: anima l, philia: man was reported as havi ng gone to a n
attachment to) r efers to s exua l fanta sy emergency room , with dog intact, to have
games where a partner plays the role of an t h e staff in ject the dog wi th a m u sc le
animal. relaxant so that he cou ld withdraw his penis.
The Roman emperor Nero would p lay a One boy in Nebraska, while having a dog
game where h e dressed in skins of wild ani- engage in rectal entry, was injured enough

during withdrawal to need stitches (Omaha room and startled the dog, causing it to tear
Clinic, March 1893). A donkey caused the the vaginal vault trying to free himself. Sex
death of his female partner in Chicago by with a partner that has little intelligence,
falling on her , and other women have supe rior strength, and who panics easily is
received vagina l lacerations from being risky (Studies in the Psychology of Sex, by
un ab le to free themselves of th e dog ' s Havelock Ellis).
swollen penis. One woman died from hem - (See also BEE STINGS, FORMICOPHILIA
o rrhaging after someo n e wa lked into th e and OPHIDICISM)
Abduction: to kidnap or carry a person away by Analingus: rimming or pe netration of anus with
force, also used in sex play tongue
Abrasions: scratching or rubbing off skin Anasteemaphilia: attraction to taller or shorter part-
Abstinence: celibacy ners
Acmegenesis: orgasm Androgyny: having both male & female characteris-
Acomoclitic: preference for hairless genitals tics
Acousticophilia: arousal from sounds Androgynophilia: bi-sexual
Acrophilia: arousal from heights or high altitudes Androidism: arousal fro m robots with human fea -
Acrotomophilia: sexual preference for amputees Andromania: nymphomania
Actirasty: arousal from exposure to sun's rays Androm inetophilia: arousal from female partner
Acucullophallia: circumcision who dresses like male
Acupressure: pressure points on body that indu ce Androsodomy: anal sex with a male partner
certain responses, some sexual
An ililagnia: a rousal from older female sex partner
Adolescentilism: cross-dressing or playing the role
of an adolescent Anisonogamist: arrraction to eithe r older or younger
Adultery: having sex outside a marriage Anocratism: anal sex
Agalmatophilia: arousal from statues or manikins; Amomaxia: sex in parked car
also called pygmalionism
Agenobiosis: ma rried couple who consent to live Anomeatia: anal sex with a female partner
together without sex Anophelorastia: arousal from defiling or ravaging a
Agonophilia: person who is aroused by partner pre- partner
tending to struggle Anophilem ia: kissing anus
Agoraphilia: arousal from open spaces or having sex Anoraptus: rapist who only attacks elderly women
in public Antholagnia: arousal from smelling Oowers
Agrexophilia: arousal from others knowing you are Anthropomorphism: attributing human characteris-
having sex tics to hal f-human half-animal characters
Albutophilia: arousal from water Anthropophagolagnia: rape with cannibalism
Algophilia: arousal from experiencing pain Anthr opophagy: cannibalism
Aliphineur: person using lotion to arouse partner Apellous: circumcision
Alloerasty: u se o f nudi ty of anoth e r pe rson to Aphallatia: celibacy
arouse partner Aphrodisiacs: drugs stimulating a sexual response
Allopellia: ha ving o rgasm fro m watching others Apistia: adultery
engaging in sex
Apotemnophilia: person who has sexual fantasies
Allorgasmia: ar o u sa l from fantasizing abo ut about loosing a limb
someone other than one's partner
Arachncphilia: arou sal fro m spiders
Allotriorasty: arousal fro m partners of other nations
or races Arrhenothigmophilous: nymphomania
Alphamegamia: arousa l from partner of different Arsometry: anal sex
age group Artific ial insemination: deposit of sperm into the
Altocalciphilia: high heel fetish vagina by methods other than male penetration of
the vagina
Alvin olagnia: stom ach fetish
Asceticism: religious self- denial often including
Amatripsis: masturbation by rubbing labia together celibacy
Amaurophilia: preference fo r a blind or blindfolded Asphyxiaphilia: arousal from lack of oxygen
sex partner
Asthenolagnia: arousal from weakness o r bei ng
Amomaxia: sex in a parked car humiliated
Ambisexual: bi-sexual Astyphia: impotence
Amelotasis: attraction to absence of limb Asynodia: celibacy particularly due to impotence
Amelotation: loss of a limb Auctions: public sale with item or sex slave going to
Amokoscisia: arousal or sexual fre nzy with desire to highest bidder
slash or mutilate women Au tagonistoph ilia: exhibitionism, arousal from
Amphisexual: bi-sexual exposing naked body or genitals to strangers while
Amychesis: act of scratching partner during sexual on stage or while being photographed
passion Autassassinophilia: arousal from orchestrating one's
Anaclitism: arousal from items used as infant own death by the hands of another
Analinctus: licking anus Autoerotic Asphyxia: arousal from oxygen depriva-
tion and sometimes risk of dying

Autogynephilia: arousal from crossdressing Buggery: anal sex

Automasochism: arousal from inflicting intense sen- Bundling: partners sleeping together clothed and
sations or pain on one's own body without sex
Autoerotica: self induced arousal (i.e. fantasies or Bushie Mall: agoraphilia; sex in an open area
other aids) Bute plugs: anal inserts used for masturbation
Automysophilia: arousal from being dirty or defiled Candaulism: spouse who watches partner having sex
Autonepiophilia: infantilism; arousal from d ressing with someone else
or being treated like infant Caning: whipping that uses a switch or cane to dis-
Autopederasty: person inserting their own penis cipline partner
inro their anus Capnolagnia: arousal from watching others smoke
Autophagy: self-cannibalism or eating own flesh Castrat ion: removal of the scrotum, testicles,
Autosadism: infliction of pain or injury on oneself ovaries, or penis
Avisodomy: breaking neck of bird while penetrating Cat Fighting: women fighting without rules and
it for sex often tearing off each other's clothing
Axillism: penis penetrating an arm p it Catamites: young gay male lovers
Ball danc ing: bell dancing; self nagell ation by Cataphilist: male submitting to female
hanging fruit from hooks in skin Catatasis: stretching of the penis
Ba rdajes: young gay male lover Catheters: insertion of plastic rube inro urethra
Barosmia: arousal from smell Catheterophilia: arousal fr om use of catheters
Basocxia: arousal fro m kissing Celibacy: abstinence from sex
Bath house: commercial baths, some of which allow Chaperon: person who escorts a young couple to
sex on premises ensure they don't engage in sex
Bed of Nails: lying on a bed of nails for sensory Charms: objects used to bring good luck and ward
enhancemenr off evil
Bee stings: the use of bees, such as to sting genitals Chastity: sexual abstinence
Bell dancing: self-flagellation with bells· or other Chastity Belts: leather or metal belts used to prevent
ornaments hanging the skin genital penetration
Belonephilia: arousal from use of needles Chemise Cagoule: long heavy night shirt with hole
Bestiality: zoophilia; sex with animals fo r penis
Bcstialsadism: cruelty or mutilation of animals Chezolagnia: masturbating while defecating
Bi-Sexuality: people wid1 sexual attraction for both Chipil: Couvade syndrome
sexes Choreophilia: dancing to orgasmic release
Biastophilia: those preferring to violendy rape their Chrematistophilia: person aroused by having to pay
victims fo r sex or having sex partner steal from them (see
Bigynist: sex between one male and two females also harpaxophilia)
Bihari surgery: cutting ligament above penis to Chronophilia: arousal from passage of time; arousal
make it appear longer from older partner
Bindings: wrapping feet or genitals with string or Chubby Chasers: people who are aroused by obe-
lace sity in partner
Bivirist: sex between one female and two males Cicatrization: scarring
Blastolagnia: person aroused by young females Circumcision: the removal of foreskin on genitals
Blindfolding: covering the eyes Clamps: metal, plastic, or wood fasteners used on
Blood Sports: sex games which involve blood nipples or genitals
Borderline self-mutilator: automasochism Claustrophilia: arousal from being confined in small
Body Painting: temporary designs drawn on body space
Body Worship: sex game where parmer is made to Clitoridectomy: surgical removal of the clitoris
adore another's body CliLorilingus: licking a clitoris
Bondage: physical or mental restriction of partner Clitoromania: nymphomania
Bordellos: houses of prostitution Cock Rings: rings placed around the base of the
male genitals to main tain erections
Bottom: passive partner who experiences stimuli
during sex games, masochist, slave, submissive Cocktails: drinking of body secretions from a glass
Borulinonia: using a sausage as a dildo Coitobalnism: sex in a bathtub
Bouginonia: fema le masturbation fr om the use of Coitolimia: tremendous sexual drive
objects such as dildos that stretch open d1e vagina Coitophobia: fear of sexual intercourse
Brachioprotic eroticism: a deep form of fisti ng CoiLus: sexual penetration with orgasm
where the arm enters the anus Coitus analis: anal sex
Bradycubia: slow movement during penetration Coirus a Cheval: couple having sex on the back of
Branding: burning patterns or initials into flesh an animal or one acting out role of horse

Coitus a Mammilla: penetration of penis berween Cynophilia: arousal from sex with dogs
breasts Cyprieunia: sex with a prostitute
Coitus a U nda: sex or sex games in water D'Eon, Chevalier: French cross-dresser from whom
Coitus Intrafermoris: penetration between legs the term "Eonism" is derived
Coitus reservatus: birth control method where male Dacnolagnomania: lust murder
withdraws penis befor e ejaculation Dacrylagnia: arousal from seeing tears in the eyes of
Colobosis: mutilation or castration of penis a partner
Condoms: latex or animal intestine used as shield to Dacryphilia: person who is aroused by seeing their
g uard against skin-to-skin contact with partner's partner cry
genitals Dame de voyage: dolls designed for genital penetra-
Constrictions: bondage using rows of strings tion, often used by sailors
Compulsive cruisi ng : compulsive search for sex Danse du ventre: erotic or fertility d ancing; belly
partners dance
Computer sex: the use of computers for sex games, Dating services: agencies arranging for strangers to
communication, and erotic photography meet each other, usually fo r a fee
Commasculation: homosexuality D ay belts: chastity device used for short day excur-
Con cubinage: use of female slaves as sex partners; sions
living with sex partner without being married De Clcrambault's syndrome: erotomania
Confessions: admi tting a sin; in some cases ro Defecolagnia: arousal from defecation
arouse potential partner Defilement: arousal from partner or self becoming
Coprograph y: writing obscene words or phrases, dirty or wet
usually in public toilets Deliber ate self-harm syndrome: automasochism
Coprolagnia: arousal from feces Dendrophilia: arousal from tree or fertility worship
Coprolalia: arousal from using obscene language or of them
writing Depilation: shaving, waxing, or other type of hair
Coprophagy: the consumption of feces removal
Coprophilia: arousal from playing with feces, also Dermagraphism: marks left on the skin of a partner
called scat by biting, scratching or suckin g
Coproscopist: arousal from watching a person defe- D ermaphilia: doraphilia; sexual stimulus from skin
cate Deviance: paraphilia; practice that deviates from
Corephallism: anal sex with young girl the m ajority of society
Corsetting: body modification or oxygen restriction D ildos and Plugs: instruments used for genital pen-
from using corsets etration
Corvus: fellatio Dippoldism: sexual arousal from abusing children
Costumes: the use of costumes in sexual fantasy Discipline: punishment and control of a partner in
play sex play
Courtesans: the m istress of a king or nobleman Diseases (STD or VD): sexually transmitted dis-
Courtsh ip: the p eri od before m arriage wher e a eases, also called venereal diseases
person tries to entice the other into a commitment Divertissement: paraphilia
Couvade: custom where male m im ics child birth or D ocking: slip ping one partner's foreskin over the
is confined at time of wife's delivery glans pen is of another
Couvade syndrome: a male who experiences symp- D ogging: couples who en gage in sex in their car
toms of pregnancy in sympathy for wife while others watch from outsid e
Cratolagnia: arousal from strength of partner D oleros: algophilia; arousal from pain
Cross dressing: a person who wears the ap parel of Dominance/Submission: power exchange between
the opposite sex partners
Crurofact: leg fetish Doraphilia: arousal from animal fur, leather, or skin
Cryptoscopophilia: desire to see behavior of others Douches: rinsing our the anus or vagina with liquids
in privacy of their home, not necessarily sexual Dowry: sum of money or goods paid to parents of
Cuckoldry: a man whose wife has sex or becomes future husband or wife
impregnated by a man other than himself D rag queens: gay men who dress in fema le attire
Cunnilalia: to talk about female genitals Dungeons: rooms that arc decorated for SM play
Cunnilingus: oral sex on a woman D ysfu nctions: physical disorders relating to sex
Cupping: drawing blood to the surface of skin by D ysmorphophiJja: arousal from deformed or physi-
placing heated glass jars onto the skin cally impaired partners
Cutting: cicarrization, or scarring of skin for sexual Ecdemolagnia: arousal from traveling or being away
purposes from home
Cyesolagnia: pregnant woman feti sh Ecdyosis: arousal from removing clothes in front of
Cymbalism: lesbianism others

Ecorchement: flagellation Female impersonators: men who dress in women's

Ecouteurism: listening ro others having sex without clothing, o ften for pay
consent Fetishes: an ob ject that replaces people as primary
Edcracinism: to rear out sex organs by the roots as object of love
in a frenzy or to punish o neself for sexual cravings Fib ula : bar that runs through fo reskin of male and
Ejaculatio praecox : premature ejaculation attaches to semi-circle device, used by Romans to
prevent intercourse
ElccLric Shock: us ing e lectric shock for sensory
enhancement Ficaro: bordello
Electrophilia: arousal from electrical stimulus Fisting: inserting a fist or hand into the vagina or
Electrolysis: a n electrical method of removing hair
Flagellation: striking a person with an object
Elopement: hasty and clandestine marriage without
consent of family members Flatulence: passing gas from bowels
Emetophilia : Roman shower; arousal from vomit Flatuphilia: arousal from hm·ing partner pass gas
Endytolagnia: arousal only fro m pa rtners wh o are Flining: p retending to have affection for another
clothed person
Endytophilia: arousal o nly fro m partners who a rc F loating hog ranches: boats used to transport pros-
clothed titutes to the Western U.S. and from which they
conducted business in route
Enema: the insertion and expulsion of fluid s in to
the anus Florentine girdle: chastity belt
Enema cocktail: drinking purged contents of enema Flower boats: Chinese boats used for prostitution
Entomocism: the use of insects f-'oo t b indi ng: the wrapping of feet , done b y
C hinese and others
Entomophilia: arousal from insects or using them in
sex play Foot fetish: podophilia
Eonism: crossdressing Formicophi lia: zoophi lia; sex play with ants (see
also Entomophilia)
Eopareunia: engaging in sex while young
Fo rnicatory Dolls: plastic blow up, rubber, or
Ephebophilia : anractio n to adolescent sex partner mechanical dolls used for penetration
Episioclisia: suturing of the labia majora; infibula- Fratrilagnia: arousal from having sex with one's
tio n brother
Eproctolagniac: person aroused by flatulence F rottage: rubbing body against partner or object fo r
Eproctophilia: arousal fro m flatulence arousal
Erotica: sexual literature and photos Furo r uterinus: nympho mania
Erotographomania: arousal from w r i ting love Furtling: the use of fingers underneath cut-outs in
poems or len e rs genital areas of photos for arousal
Erotomania: people who develop an unreasonable Ga late ism: agal matophilia; sexual attraction to
love of a stranger or person not interested in them statues
Erotophobia: fear o f sexual love Gamahucheur: cunnilingus
Erotophonophilia: lust murder Gamophobia : fear of marriage
Essayeurs: men who were hired by bordellos to Gang Bangs: sex with a series o f waiting partners
become sexua l with women so that timid cl ients Gay: person who prefers same sex lover
would fo llow their lead
Geishas: Japanese women used as social compan-
Eugenics: belief that o nly the fittest shou ld impreg- ions
nate women
Gemellus: testicles
Eunuchs: castrated men
Gcndermap: "A developmental representation or
Executions: a legal death sentence, some people template synchronous ly in the mind and brain
become aroused by watching executions depicting the details of one's G-1/R. It includes the
Exhibitionism : exposing body ro inappropriate and love map but is large r , insofa r a s it incorporates
nonconsenting people fo r arousal whatever is gender coded vocatio nally, education -
Exmuliebrate: castration ally, recreationally, sartorially, and legally as well as
Exophilia: neophilia ; fetish for the unusual o r in maners of etiquette, grooming, body language,
b izarre and vocal intonation. " Uohn Money)
Fainting: passing out o r losing consciousness Genitals: sex organs of either male or fe male ( penis,
testicles, scrotum, clito ris, vagina, G-spor, cervix,
Famulus: slaves, family etc.)
Fantasy: mental image or illusion, sometim es sexual Gendoloma: the use of sexual fantas ies to hasten
f-'antasy Play: acting out sexual fa ntasies orgasm
Fclching: sucking semen out or vagina or anus; o r Genofact: genital fetish
inserting animals into anus o r vagina Genupha llation: in se rtion of penis betwee n the
Fellatio: oral sex on a male knees of a partner

Gerontophilia: attraction to a partner whose age is Harmatophilia: arousal from sexual incompetence
that of different generation or mistakes, usually in female partner
Girdle of Venus: chastity belt Harnesses: body harnesses used in suspension or
G lory holes: a h ole in a partition that allows a penis restriction
person on the other side to engage in sexual activity Harpaxophilia: arousal from being robbed or bur-
Goddess Worship: a toilet scen e using Witchcraft glarized
rituals Hebephilia: men aroused by teenage boys
Godemiche: dildo in the shape of a penis with Hedonism: act of indulging in pleasure
scrotum used for masturbation Hedonophilia: sexual arousal from engaging in
Golden enemas and Douches: urine deposited into pleasurable activity
anus or vagina Hedralingus: licking anus
Golden showers: urinating onto a partner's body Hemerotism: daydreaming or fantasizing about sex
Gomphipothic: arousal by the sight of teeth or nudity
Gonads: testicles Hemotigolagnia: arousal from bloody sanitary pads
Graophilia: arousal from older female partner Hermaphrodite: person who has both part fema le
Graffiti : drawing or inscription on publ ic walls, and male genitalia
sometimes sexual; coprography Hetaerae: th e highest class Greek prostitute or
Graphelagnia: arousal from photographs of nudity female companion
or sex Heterophilia: arousal from members of the opposite
G reen bower: motels or establishments that catered sex
to sh ort-term rentals of rooms by couples to be used Heterosexu alism: ar ousal from members of the
for sex opposite sex
Gregomulcia: arousal from being fondled in a Hierophilia: arousal from sacred objects
crowd Hirsutophilia: arousal from armpit hair
Groping: feeling of unknown or unidentified person Hodophilia: arousal from traveling
in boxes, suits, etc.
Homilophilia: sexual arousal from hearing or giving
Group Sex: sex with more than one partner or in sermons
close proximity of others
Homoeroticism: sexual arousal from person of same
Groupies: erotomania; people who are devoted to sex
or who follow celebrities
Homophilia: sexual arousal from p erson of sam e
Gymnocryptosis: fema les talking about sex life of sex
Homophobia: fear of same gender sex partner
Gymnophilia: arousal from nudity
Homosexuality: arousal by partners of the same sex
Gynandromorphous: hermaphrodite
Hot Wax: sex game where hot wax is melted onto
Gynecaeum: area where Greeks kept wives at home partner
and separated from other men
Humiliation: degrading partner to establish sexual
Gynecomania: compulsive desire fo r fema le sex power
H ybristophilia: love of someone who has committed
Gynecozygous: lesbians an outrage
Gynelophilous: arousal from pubic hair Hygrophilia: arousal from body fluid s or moisture
Gynelophism: scalping hair on pubic area, usually Hymenoclasis: surgical defloration of virgin
done by lust murders
H ymenorrhaphy: suturing of the hymen; infibula-
Gynemimesis: male-to-female cross dressing tion
Gynemimetoph il ia: person aroused b y a male Hymenorrhexis: deflorati on of hymen
impersonating a female
HyperphiJia: compulsive desire for sex
Gynephonia: effeminate voice
Hyphephilia: arousal fr om touching skin, hair,
Gynonudom ani c: compulsion to rip clothes off leather, fur or fabric
Hypnosis: act that induces a level of sleep
-gyny: female or having female organs
Iantronudia: arousal from exposing oneself to a
Handker chief Codes: color codes to identify sexual physician, usually by faking an ailment
-iasis: pathological condition
Haptosis: n on-consensual sexual touching
Iconolagny: arousal from pictures or sratues of nude
Harem: area where Arabs kept wives at home and people
separated from others
Idiosyncrar: compulsive desire for sex
Harem effect: lesbianism
ldrophrodisia: arousal from the odor of perspira-
Harlotry: prostitution tion, especially from the genitals
Harmatophobia: fear of sexual incompetence or Impotence: the inability to achieve enough tumes-
making a mistake cence to penetrate a partner with one's penis

Incest: sex with close family member Latex: rubber or plastic suits worn by people with
Incubus: a spirit who was thought to lie on top of this fetish
women and have sex while they slept Lectamia: bundling
Infanticide: the practice of killing a newborn child Lena: female panderer or procurer for prostitute
Infantilism: cross-dressing as a young child for sex Leno: m ale panderer or pimp for prostitute
play Le ptosadism: mild form of sadism
lnfi bulation: closi ng p enis/vagina with su ture or Lesbian : woman who prefers female lover
ring Levirate marriage: marriage of widow without a son
In flatable dolls: plastic dolls that are designed for to d eceased husband's brother
genital penetration -lin gus: suffix meaning with the tongue
ln spectionism : voyeurism Love: anachm em, fond ness, and devotion
Insufnation: blowing air into a body cavity L ove addiction: irresistible compu lsion to fa ntasize
In tergenerational: sex between partners with 20+ about or to be with a partner
years age difference Love map: "A developmental re presentation or
Interrogation: to ask questions, som etimes under template in the mind and in the brain depicting the
duress idealized lover and the idealized program of sexuo-
lnu nction: anointing or rubbing person with oil or erotic activity pro jected in im ager y or actually
lather engaged in with that lover." Gohn Money)
Invert: arousal from person of same sex Love potions: potions that are thought to increase a
Invirility: impotence person 's sexual desire
lpserotic: Narcissism Lubricants: a substance that reduces friction, often
used to facilitate penetration
lrrumation: fellatio
L ung-yang: arousal from person of same sex
Ischolagny: avoidance of women to prevent arousal
Lust Mu rder: murdering a person one feels a sexual
-ism: act or abnormal cond ition classified by prefix attraction toward
(i. e., transvestism )
L ygerastia: ten dency to only be aroused in darkness
- ist: person expert in field or adherent of p refi x
(i.e., sadist) Macrogenitalism: arousal from large genitals
Iterandria: arousal from person of same sex Maieusiophilia: arousal from pregnan t women
Jack gagger: a hu sband that procures men to pay for Mamrnagymnophilia: arousal from female breasts
sex with his wife -m ania: suffix indicating an abnorm al p reoccupa-
Jactitation: a fa lse boast that causes har m to others, tion , compulsion, or craving for an act or ob ject
sometimes sexual Man uxorate: male using his hand to masturbate
Juvenilism: dressing or acting out role of a juvenile, Maritate: female masturbating alone
sometimes sexual Martymachlia: group sex
K abbazah Sex: tantra sex, male passive, fe male Maschalophilous: arousal from armpits
active Masochism: ability to transfer emotions caused by
Karezza Sex: coitus reservatus pain to erotic feelings or as median in which to an a-
Kegel exercises: exercise of the pelvic m uscles that lyze weaknesses and strengths
control orgasm Massage: rubbing of the body to increase circula-
Kleptolagnia: arousal fr om stealing tion
K leptomania: compulsion to steal Massage Parlors: a business establishment that spe-
Kleptophi]ja: arousal from stealing cializes in m assage
Klismaphilia: arousal from enemas Mastigothymia: flagellation
Knism olagnia: arousal from tickling Mastix: female sadist
K okigam i: the wrapping of the penis in a paper cos- M astofact: b reast fe tish
tume M asturb ation: orgasm not involving penetration of
Kolpeuryntomania: stretching of the vagina partner
Labiorrhaphy: suturing of the labia Matrincest: sex with one's mother
Lacing: suturing body parts to another ob ject fo r M atronolagnia : arousal from older fema le partner
bondage M aturation: the process of aging including sexu al
Lactaph ilia: arousal from lactating breasts changes
-lagnia: Just, arousal Mazoperosis: mutilation of breasts
Lagnocolysis: celibacy Mazophallate: rubbing penis between breasts
L agn olalia: discussion of sexual subjects Meatotom y: dilating urethra with a medical dilating
d evice, the urethra is stretched to eventually facili-
Lagnonector: person who kills in order to have sex tate a finger or a penis
with corpse
Medical scenes: sex play that involves using medical
Lagnoperissia: nymphom ania in strumen ts or settings as props
Lap dancing: squatting above a sitting person and Medocure: the clipping or perfum ing of the penis
ru bbing again st them to create arousal without
touching genitals Medolalia: talking about the penis

Melolagnia: arousal from music Nosolagnia: arousal from kn owing parnter has ter-
Menage a trois: a husband and wife having sex with minal illness
a third party Nosophilia: arousal fro m knowing partner has ter-
Menophilist: arousal from menstruating women minal illness
M enstrual taboo: sep aration o f spou ses d u ring Nudity (Recreatio nal) : nudity in group setti ngs,
female's m enstrual cycle beaches, nudist camps, etc.
Merinthophilia: arousal from being bound Nudomania: arousal from nudity
Merlin: an artificial vagina used for penetration Nymph: young woman or nature goddesses
Miscegenation: sex between races Nympholepsy: trance state induced by erotic fa n-
Misogynist: a man who hates women tasies
Misogyn y: hatred of wom en by either sex Nym phomania: uncontrollable desire of woman for
Mixoscop ia: orgasm dependent on watching others
having sex Nym p hophilia: adult males who are attracted to
young fe males
Moriaphilia: arousal from telling sexual jokes
Nym photomy: removal of the inner labia
Morphophilia: arousal from person with a different
physique O bsce n e Ph one Ca ll e rs: p e ople wh o b eco m e
aroused by maki ng ph one calls, using vulgar lan-
Mortality: inevitable death guage, or trying to elicit a reaction from the other
Mucophagy: consuming m ucou s secretions as in party
nasolingus Ochlop hilia: arousal from being in a crowd
M umm ific atio n : w r appin g th e fu ll bod y in a Oculolinctus: licking partner's eyeball
manner that prevents movement
Oculophilia: eye fetish
Munchausen's syndrome: arousal from reopening a
wound Odaxelagnia: arousal fro m biting
Mutilation: tearing the skin or otherwise deform ing Odontophilia: arou sal from tooth extraction s o r
a person's body tooth fetish
Mysophilia : arousal from soiled clothi ng or fo ul Oedipus complex: repressed desire to have sex with
decaying odors pa rent of opposite sex
Nanophilia: sexual attraction to a short partner Old maid's insanity: erotomania
Naphephi lia: arou sal fro m touch ing or be ing Olisbos: d ildos
touched Olfaction: the sense of smell
Narcissism: self love Olfactophilia: arousal from odors
N arratophilia: person who is aroused by discussing Omolagnia: arousal from n udity
sex with others Onanism: m asturbation or withdrawing penis from
Nasolingus: arousal fro m sucking nose of partner vagina before ejaculation
Nasophilia: nose fetish Ondinism e: arousal from urine
N atural family planning: birth con trol by rhythm Oneiropornism: dreaming a bout prostitutes or sex
method Open marriage: adultery
Necrochlcsis: sex with a female corpse Ophidicism: use of snakes, sometimes fo r sexual
Necrocoitus: penetration of corpses purposes
Necrophagia: can nibalism of corpses Ophidiophilia: arousal from snakes
Necrophilia: sex with corpses Oral sex: contact between the mouth and genitals;
Necrosadism: sad ism or mutilation of corpses use of the mouth in sex play
Negotiation: arranging transactio ns for condu ct Ordune: arousal from photographs of nudes or sex
with sex partner O r ga sm s: climax o f sexual ex citem e nt, ofte n
Neophilia: arousal from novelty or change accompanying ejaculation
Nepiolagnia: arousal by infants of opposite sex Organofact: fetish fo r some part of the body
Nepiophilia: arousal by infants of opposite sex Orgies: group sex
Nepiphtherosis: attempted sex with an infant Osculocentric: arousal from kissing
Nepirasty: arousal from handling infant often expe- Osmolagnia: arousal from odors
rienced by childless females Osmophilia: arousal from odors
N iddah : a b stai n ing fro m sex 1/3 o f the time to Osphresiolagnia: arousal fro m odors
create arousal during rest of m onth Othello's syndrome: jealousy
Nomavalent: arousal from traveling or new places, Oxygen regulation: regulating intake of oxygen for
usually impotent at home sexual enhancement
Nonm onogamy: multiple sex partners Ozolagnia: arousal from odors
Normop hilia: those only aroused by acts considered Pageism: male submining to female
normal by their religion or society Panderer: a procurer or go-between for prostitutes
and clients

P araphallus: dildos Play: the consensual acting out of a role or game,

Paraphil ia: sexual arousal to unusual o r socially sometimes sexual
unacceptable object or act Play room : room equipped with sex paraphernalia
Parascopism: voyeurism, especially through bed- and used primarily for sex play
room windows Podophilia : arousal from feet
Pareunasthenia: impotence Polyandry: one wife with multiple husbands
Pareunomania: compulsive desire for sex Polygamy: one person with multiple marriage part-
Parthenity: virgin ners
Parthenophagy: cannibalism of young girls Polygyny: one person with multiple wives
Panhenophilia: sexual desire for virgins Polyiterophilia: arousal only after having sex with a
series of partners
P arthenos: virgin
Polym orphous: having several form s of ar ousa l
P assivism: submission techniques
Pathicus: passive recipient in gay anal sex; catamite Pompoir: vaginal muscle control that masturbates
Pathicant: a minor who engages in anal sex with an penis when inserted
adult Pornography: depictions of sex that are considered
Path op hob ia: phobia of contracting a sexuall y unacceptable by one's society
transmined disease Posthetom y: circum cision
Patrolagnia: sex with one's own fa ther Power tools: electric or banery operated tools that
Pecattiphilia: arousal from sinning or possibly guilt can be used in sex play, although this was not their
Pederasty: anal sex original function
Pediophilia: arousal from d olls Preblysis: premature ejaculation
Pedophilia: sex with minors Prisha: religious separation of males and females
Peeping Tom: voyeur Proctophallism: anal sex
P enetration toys: devices used fo r penis insertion Proctotitillia: tickling anus
during masturbation Procurer: a person who solicits or provides prosti-
Penis ligation: the tying of the fo reskin of a penis tutes for clients
Penis modification: physical alteration of penis Professional dominatrix: woman hired to functi on
Penosugia: fellatio as a top or sadist
Peodeiktophilia: exhibitionism Prostitution: sex performed for financial gain
Peritomy: circumcision Pseudo: pretended act
Perogynia: mu tilation of females P sychol agn y: orgasm induced from psyc h ic or
m ental stimulation
Personal ads: ad vertisements designed to anract sex
partners Psychopathic: person who indulges in own pleasure
without regard for hurting others
Perversion: sexual acts that differ from the majority;
paraphilia P sychose passionelle: erotomania
Petticoat discipline: the use of cross dressing ado- Psychrophilia: arousal from being cold or watching
lescent boys by their m others as a form of control others freeze
-phagy: practice of eating object specified by prefLx Psychrotentigin ous: arousal from cold weather
Phallolalia: talking about penises Pubephilia: arousal from pubic hair
Phallophilia: large penis fetish or preference Pubic d ressing: coloring or adding ornaments to
pubic hair
Pheromo nes: natural chemicals or hormones that
induce sexual response P ubic Hair sculpturing: removing pubic hair so that
the remainder forms a panem (i.e. a heart)
Philemanmania: com pulsion to kiss
Pudendacure: pubic dressing for female
-philia: suffix that in d icates an abnormal sexual
attachment to what is specified by acronym Purd ah: veil used on women to hide their face
Phlebotomy: arousal from bloodlening Puritans: a pro testant group that became exces-
sively strict regarding morals
Phobias: an irration al fear of an object or situation
Pygm alionism: aga lmatophilia; sta tue fetishi sm
Phobophilia: arousal from fear or hate where person rubs their body against statue
Phone Sex: verbal sex between partners on a phone Pygophilemania: arousal from kissing bu nocks
Phygephilia: sexual arousal from being a fugitive Pygophilia: arousal from contact with bunocks
P ictophilia: arousal from pictures, video or movies Pygotripsis: arousal from rubbing buttocks
with a sexual subject
Pyrophilia: arousal from fire or of its use in sex play
Pie throwing: arousal from being hit with a pie
Quadoshka: American Indian form of tantric sex
Piercing: inserting needles into skin for arousal
Queening: sitting on the side of a person's face as a
P imps: procurer for sexual partners that pay form of bondage

R ape: n onconse n su al sex invo lv ing coercion, Serenades: musical performance during courtship
empowerment or anger given outdoors at night
Rape rack: bondage device which leaves victim's Sergeism: infliction o f injury to suppress ar ousal,
genitals exposed for sex or rape auto ma sochism , ba se d o n sto r y of Sergiu s by
Raptophilia: arousal only from raping a victim Tolstoy
Red light district: area with b ordellos and perhaps Sex addiction: compulsion to have sex
street prostitutes Sex Magick: the use of witchcraft rituals for sexual
Relics : an object that has h istori ca l or sp eci al purposes
interest Sex rings: organized groups of children being sexu-
Renifleur: person aroused the smell of urine or by ally exploited by one or more adulrs
sniffing underwear Sex surrogates: people wh o are trained to help
Retifism: shoe fetish people overcome sexual dysfunctions
Rhabdophilia: arousal from being flagellated Sex toys: mechanical objects used to assist in mas-
Rimming: penetration of anus with tongue turbation or sex play
Ringing: insertion of permanent jewelry into a body Sexautism: tendency to be preoccupied with sexual
piercing thoughts
Ritual Sex: sex perfo rmed with specific rules of Sexercise: exercises designed to improve muscles
conduct (i.e., Wicca, weddings, slave training) used for sex
Robotism: attraction to or the use of robots in sex Sexologists: people who study the science of sex
play Sexoschizia: bi-sexual
Roman Showers: vom iting on partner, usually after Sexual aberration: paraphilia
drinking urine or wine Sexual anomalies: paraphilias
Sacofricosis: cutting a hole in pant pocket to fa cili- Sexual inversion: arousal from person of same sex
tate masturbation in public Sexual sadist killer: lust murderer
Sadism: em powerment and arousal d erived from Shaving: removing the hair with a razor of a partner
injuring others or oneself for arousal
Sadomasochism by proxy: arousal from watching Showers: depositing bod y fluids onto a partner's
others disciplined; Dippoldism body
Salirophilia: person ingesting human sweat or saliva Shunammitism : bundling
(fluids with a salt content)
Siderodromophilia: arousal from trains
Sapphosadism: lesbian sadism
Siphnianize: anal masturbation
Sarmassophilia: arousal from kneading flesh
Sitophilia: arousal from food
Satan worship: religious rituals performed to Satan
as a god Slapping: slapping partner for arousal
Satyriasis: men who have an uncontrollable desire Slaves: person who contracts to be sex slave
for sex Sleepin g princess syndrome: those ar o used by
Scarfing : the use of a scarf in strangulation for partner who appears to be asleep
sexual arousal Slings: swings or other forms of support for suspen-
Scat: arousal from using feces in sex play sion from which a person may engage in sex
Scopophilia: arousal from being stared at on eself Smegma: secretions from gland u nder foreskin of
penis or clicoris
Scoptolagnia: arousal from seeing the genitals of the
opposite sex Snapping pussy: constrictions of muscles used for
orgasm; sexer cise
Scoptophilia: arousal fro m looking at sexually stim-
ulating scenes Snuff fi lms: fi lms that portray the actual murder
and mutilation of one of the accors
Scortum: prostitution
Sod omy: oral or anal intercourse involving penetra-
Scrotal infusion: infu sion of saline into the scrotal tion with male, femal e, or animal
sack so that it enlarges
Somnophilia: fo ndling stranger in their sleep
Selgolalia: telling stories that include sex
Sororate marriage: right of spouse to engage in sex
Sensory compensation: our b ody's regulation of with sisters-in-law or sometimes brothers-in-law
incoming stimulus to a tolerable level
Sororilagnia: sex with one's own sister
Sensory deprivation: using lack of sen sations to
create desire Sotadism: an al sex
Se n so r y e nhan ce m ent : in cr easi n g aro u s al by Sounding: insertion o f an object into the urethra
increased body sensations Spanking: using hand to slap partner's burrocks fo r
Sensory overload: inability of our body to absorb sensory enhancement and arousal
and comprehend incoming stimulus Spay: castration
Seraglio: the Chi nese practice o f keeping wives Spectrophilia: either coitus with spirits or arousal
secluded at home fro m other men from image in mirrors


Speculum: dilating device used by physicians when Sybian: a vibrating dildo that sits on top of an
doing pelvic exams and in SM medical scenes object that resembles a saddle
Spermatophobia: fear of semen loss Symphorophilia: arousal from arrangin g a disaster,
Sphagia: a sacrifice used to placate the gods, the crash, or explosion
whole offering was completely burned Syntribate: rubbing thighs together to masturbate
Sphincter: anal or urethral muscle that closes to T achorgasmia: premature ejaculation
prevent passage of urine or feces T alisman: charm, sometimes used in love spells
Splitting: splitting the penis from the glans toward Tantalolagnia: arousal from teasing
the base Tantra: yoga type sexual discipline
Stabbing: insenion of a sharp object into flesh Taphephilia: arousal from being buried alive
Stag parties: private parties where only men and Tattooing: tattooing for arousal and marking
possibly a female stripper or entertainer are per-
mitted Tea Room: slang term for restrooms used for hus-
tling and fellatio
Stapling: insening a U-shaped wire into skin during
sex play Teasing: to excite sexually but without fulfilling
implied message
Statuophilia: agalmatophilia; sexual attraction to
statues Teledildonics: arousal from computer sex gam es
St henolagn ia: arousal from d e m o n stration of Telegony: belief that first man impregnating woman
strength or muscles will be the father of any subsequent children
Stigmatophilia: arousal from partner who is stigma- Telephone scatophilia: arousal from obscene phone
tized (i.e., tattoos, p iercings, scars) calls
Strabismus: arousal from eyes of partner Telephonicophilia: arousal from using phone calls
for sexual conversations
Strangu lation : controll ing oxygen by restricting
windpipe or blood vessels in neck T eratophallic: large penises
Stretching: stretching body or genitals for arousal Terror play: sex play using terror or fear for arousal
String bondage: constrictions; wrapp ing string T halpotentiginy: arousal from heat
around body at cer tain intervals for arousal T helectize: clitoridectomy
Strip poker: card game where the losers remove Thesauromania: compu lsion to collect objects or
articles of clothing clothing belonging to females
Strip sea r ch: interrogat ion process where sex Thlipsosis: arousal from pinching others
partner is stripped and searched Three-legged bloomers: bondage underwear gar-
Stripping: removal of clothes, sometimes performed ment that has sleeve for head that opens to genitals
on stage in an erotic manner of partner
Stuffing: insertion of objects into vagina or anus Thusiai: a sacrifice of food cooked on an altar and
Stupprator: man who is aroused by virgins eaten later by priests or worshippers
Subincision: cutting part of the glans penis fro m the Thygatria: sex between father and daughter
tip toward the base Tickling: light tou ch that sometimes cau ses a
Sub limin al tapes: audiotapes that give messages laughter response
intended to alter habits Timophilia: when a person's primary arousal comes
Submission: surrender to and trust of a partner from gold or wealth
Subpersonality: a temporary personality or char- -tion: suffix indicating a state of being
acter change but one where the per son does not lose Titillagnia: arousal from tickling
all consciou sness with their current surroundings, T ithiolagnia: having an orgasm while nursing
they are often from childhood Toi let Training: urin ating or d e fec ating on a
Succubus: a female spirit who was thought to lie partner as a form of slave training
underneath men and have sex with them while they Top: term u sed for partner who controls stimuli
slept during sex games
Support groups: groups of people that find solace Torture: inflicting pain to get information or for
in discussing a common problem revenge, also used in sex play
Suspension: suspen ding body for sen sory depriva- Tourniquets: a device that compresses blood vessels
tion and bondage to control bleeding, sometimes sexual
Suttee: religious practice of killing wife upon hus- T oucheurism: touching a stranger for arousal
band's death and burial
Tragolimia: compulsive d esire for sex regardless of
Suturing: stitching fle sh together attraction of partner
Swinging: group sex or wife swapping T ranssexual: person who are in the process of phys-
Swing: an object that allows a person to be su s- ically changing sexes
pended and move back and forth Transvestite: person who is ar oused by cross-
Switch: people who play either the top or bottom dressing
role (sadist or masochist) Transvestophilia: arousal from crossdressing

Traumaphilia: arousal from wounds or trauma; Vincilagnia: arousal fro m bondage

automasochism Virgin: person not having experienced penetrative
Trial marriage: couple who lives together for a sex with another person
period to determ ine compatibility for marriage Virirnimism: adoption of masculinity
Tribadism : lesbianism; sex by rubbing Visualization: an image formed by the mind, some-
Triborgasmia: wife who masturbates husband times used in sex rituals and often in sexual fantasy
Trichophilia: hair fetish Voye urism: arousal by watching o thers without
Tripsolagnia: arousal from having hair shampooed their consent
Tripsolagnophilia: arousal from massage Water sports: the use of urine for arousal; urophilia
T ripsophilia: arousal from massage Waxing: removal of body hair by a sticky substance
Troilism: arousal by being third party in sex scene applied to a strip laid against hair and pulled off
Troubadours: 11th - 13th century musician p oets Weddings: marriage ceremonies
that popularized love and chivalry Weight training: the use of hanging weights on gen-
Tunnel o f love: ca rnival b oa t r ide that pass ed itals or hooks for arousal
through a dark tunnel allowing couples a momenc of Whipping: striking or flagellating a partner for sen-
privacy sory enhancement
T yrannism: cruelty; sadism White slavery: the sale of one race to another fo r
Undinism: arousal from water purposes of prostitu tion
Uranism: arousal from person of same sex Whore house: bordello
Urelhral self-instrumentation: sounding; inserting Wife swapping: exchanging spouses with another
object into urethra fo r arousal couple for sexual purposes
Urolagnia: arousal from urine Worship: reverence of an object or person
Urophilia: arousal from urine Wrestling: a physical struggle between two or more
people, used as sexual arousal by som e
Urtication: the use of nenles to create extra sensa-
tion Xeno dynamic: person who is only poten t with
Vampirism: consuming blood of partner for arousal
Xenolimia: arousal from strangers
Vertigo: dizziness, sometimes used to enhance sex
acts Xenophilia: arousal from strangers
Vertugadin: large hooped skins that also acted as Yoni worship: worship of the female genitals
chastity devices Yoshiwara: Japanese prostitutes
Vibrators: tools that are inserted and which vibrate Zelophilia: arousal from jealousy
Vicarphilia: arousa l from other people's exciting Zooerasty: arousal from animals
experiences Zoophilia: arousal from animals
Victorian lace: sexual discipline using crossdr essing Zwischenstufe: arousal from person of same sex
as punishment
Victorianism: a 19th century English society that
was n otor ious fo r bigotry and restri ctive about
T he fo llowing businesses /Jody Play Magazine n1e Lesbian S /1\11 Safety Passionate Living
and clubs have assisted in by Fakir Musafar Ma 1111al (magazine)
providi ng valuable infor- PO Box 42 1668 by Pat Califia P O Box 620123
mation. Many have been San Francisco, CA Alyson Publications Woodside, CA 94062
previously referenced in 94142-1 668 40 Plympton Sr.
this book. Please include Boston, MA 02118 Platinum
a stamped self-addressed Clit Clamps (film s)
envelope if requesting lit- (jewelry) Libido 4501 Van N uys Blvd.
era tu re. c/o Judy Kirk (quarterly magazine) Suite 2 15
13428 Maxella Ave. PO Box 14672 1 Sherman Oaks, CA
ART: #314C Chicago, IL 606 14 91403
i\ larina Del Rey, CA 312/27 5-0842
Fine Art Depictions of SM 90292 Screw
by Michael Rosen Lifestyle Produces (magazine)
Shaynew Press Cocoa ' n Creme, Your (sex toys) 11 6 West 14th St.
P.O. Box 11 7 19 National Guide to PO Box 4022 New York, NY 1001 1
San Francisco, Interracial Swinging Hopkins, MN 55343
C A 941 0 1 PO Box 8 1121 8 612/443-2689 Skin II
Chicago, IL (laeex fashions)
Phoebe G loeckner 60681- 12 18 Messy Fun 23 Grand Union Centre
Illustrator (videos of women cov- Kensal Road
PO Box 31682 Dcsmodus, Inc. erect with pies, food, L ondon WIO SAX
San Francisco, (S/M magazines) mud, paint, and wee ENGL AND
CA 94 13 1 PO Box 4 103 90 c!Olhes) 8 1-968-9692
San Francisco, CA 94 14 1 Dept. E-S
Mad Dog T artoo PO Box 18 1030 SIM IOI
(body art) Femme Dist. Inc. Austin, TX 78718- 1030 by Joseph Bean
43A j uniper Street (erotic films by C. Haworth Press
San Francisco, C A Royalle) M ilky 10 Alice Sr.
4 15/552-1 297 588 Broadway (Lactating women) Binghampton, NY
Suite l 110 Parliament N ews, Inc. 1000 1-3813
No! No! Greetings (per- Ne\\· York, N Y 10012 P.O. Box 3959
sonal erotic drawings and North Hollywood, CA Specrawr
stationery) Fetish Times 91609 (magazine)
PO Box 22 1 (newspaper) Box l 984
Norco, CA 91 760 B& D Company Mistress Jacqueline Berkeley, CA 9470 1
P.O. Box 7109 (dom. books, video etc.) 5 10/849- 1615
BOOKS, FILMS & Van Nuys, CA 9 1409 709 5 Hollywood Blvd .
MAGAZINES: Suite 350 Squish Productions Club
Gio Hollywood, CA 90028 (videos of women who
Adam & Eve Books & (" How to Strip for Your step on bugs or tiny men)
Videos Man" video tape) M ulti-Focu s Inc. PO Box 946
(catalog available) PO Box Box 349 (educational sex videos) Bellflower, CA
PHE, Inc. Orchard Hill, GA 30266 1523 Franklin St. 90707-0946
PO Box 400 San f'rancisco, CA 94 l 09
Carboro, NC 275 10 Katharsis 4 15/673-5 100 Sweater Bumpers
(Gladiators, torture, evil (jewelry)
Adam Film World women, aliens, crud- Over40 PO Box 1854
(monthly review of XXX fix ion) (40 to 60 year old nudes Los Lunas, NM 8703 1
films) P.O. Box 2266 magazine)
8060 Melrose Ave. L os Daytona Beach, FL Leisure Plus U ncircumcising Info
Angeles, C A 90046 320 15-2266 Publications, Inc. D r. Jim Bigelow
4th Floor PO Box 521 38
A nal Pleasures Lady Tanith New York, NY 10013 Pacific Grove, CA 93950
by Jack Morin, Ph.D . (books on slave training 408/375-4326
Down There P ress and S/M )
PO Box 2086-AP PO Box 7925
Burlingame, CA 940 I I Berkeley, CA


\V.E.S. Foot Fetish & Fantasy Small, E tc.. Good Vibrations

(We Enjoy Shaving mag- Society PO Box 294 (store)
azine) PO Box 24866 Bayside, NY 11361 121 0 Valencia St.
PO Box 63 16 Cleveland, OH San Francisco, CA
Reno. NV 89513 44 l 24Girth & Mirth Society of Janus 4 15/974-8980
(obese partner referrals) (S/M) (mail order)
HOTLINES, CLUBS l 76-B Page St. PO Box 6794 938 Howard St., # 101
San Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco, CA 94101 San Francisco, CA 94 103
Back Drop Club 41 5-552-1143 415/985-7 117
(fetish & fantasy) Romantasy
PO Box 1369 Hot Ash T antra Workshops (also catalog orders
El Cerrito, CA (cigar sex club) c/o S. Wadel & D. and corsets)
94530- 1369 PO Box 20147 Coleman 199 Moulton St.
London T errace Station 14 70 DeHaro Street San Francisco, CA 94123
Ball Club New York, NY 1001 1 San Francisco, CA 94107 Ph: 415-673-3 137
(large testicles)
PO Box 150 1 Human Awareness PIERCING Transvestite
Pomona, CA 9 1769 Institute STUDIOS: Transformations
(Stan Dale intimacy by Sybil Holiday
Californians Against workshops) Fakir Musafar 4 15/558-9531
Censorship Together 1720 S. Amphlett Blvd. , (also branding,
1800 Market Street #128 cupping, and seminars) UNIVERSITIES &
Suite 1000 San Mateo, CA 94402 Insight Institute INSTITUTES:
San Francisco, CA 94102 PO Box 421668
41 5/548-3695 Hung Jury San Francisco CA American Assn. of Sex
(dating service for men 94 14 2-1 668 Educators, Counselors
Center for Support with 8" + ) 41 5/324-0543 and Therapists
(parents of pedophiles) PO Box 417 435 N . M ichigan Ave.
PO Box 4 60 126 Los Angeles, CA 90078 Raelyn Gallina Suite 1717
San Francisco, CA PO Box 20034 Chicago, IL 606 I 1-406 7
94 146 Lifestyles Oakland, CA 94620 312/644-0828
(swing organization with 5 10/655-285 5
Club Ecstasy national events) Institute for the
(hotline and sex club for 264 1 \YI. La Palma The Gauntlet Advanced Study of
females) Suite A 2377 M arket Street Human Sexuality
2336 Market St. , # 128 Anaheim, CA 9280 1 San Francisco, CA 9411 1 1523 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94114 4 15/43 1-3133 San Francisco, CA 94109
415/267-69 15 National Sexuality 4 15/928-1133
Symposium SEX STORES, ETC.
Club Mud PO Box 620 123 Kinsey Institute
(catalog is S3) Woodside, CA 94062 Constance Ent. Indiana University
Box 277 415/851-4751 590 Valley Road Morrison Hall
Rio Nido, CA 95471 Upper Montclair, NJ 3rd floor
New Friends 07043 Bloomington, IN 47405
Diaper Pail Friends Dating Service 201 /746-5466 812/855-7686
(adults who dress as (for people with herpes)
babies club) PO Box 1235 D esmodus, Inc. Masters and Johnson
38 Miller Ave. Capitola, CA 95010 (SIM leather) Institute
Suite 127 P O Box 11314 2 South Kings Highway
Mill Valley, CA 9494 1 QSM San F rancisco, CA 94101 St. Louis, MO 63108
(S/M lectures 415/252-1195 314/361-2377
ETVC and classes)
(transvestites & PO Box 882242 Edgewater West SIECUS Library
transsexuals) San Francisco, CA (nudist hotel) 130 \YI. 42nd St., #2500
PO Box 6486 94188-2242 10 H egenberger Road New York, NY 10036
San Francisco, CA 941 0 1 415/550-7776 Oakland, CA 21 2/819-9770
5 10/632-6262
Fantasy Makers San Francisco Sex Info. Society for tl1e Scientific
(fetish & fantasy play P.O. Box 640054 Frenchy's Study of Sex
house) S.F., CA 94164-0054 1020 Geary St. PO Box 208
Richmond, C A Ph: 415/62 1-7300 San Francisco, CA 941 09 M ount Vernon, IA 52314
510/234-7887 4 15/776-5940 3 19/895-8407
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T ICAL SEX MAGIC . D orset England: Prism
Abduction, 1, 37, 53, 103, 119, 131, 145, 211 , 295, Auctions, 19-20, 46, 60, 200, 248, 251, 296, 304
304 Autagonistophilia, 20-21, 133, 257, 261, 304
Abrasions, 1, 36, 118, 151, 169, 236, 245, 259, 304 Autassassinophilia, 261, 304
Acousticophilia, 1-2, 7 1, 93, 134, 179, 186, 212, Autoerotic Asphyxia, 21-22, 4 1, 195, 304
245,304 Automasochism, 9, 22-23, 62, 64, l 01 , 165, 175,
Acrophilia, 2, 7, 179, 2 1 1, 304 235, 305-306, 3 12, 314
Acrotomophilia, 2-3, 9, 13, 18, 23, 29, 61 , 93, 129, Axillism, 4, 23,67-68, 126, 176, 179,256,284,305
136, 198, 2 15, 235, 261, 304 Baths, 24, 68, 83, 92, 127, 157, 179, 245, 279, 305
Acupressure, 3-4, 136, 167, 179, 245, 284, 304 Bed of Nails, 22, 24-26, 101, 118, 213, 228, 245,
Adolescentilism, 4, 76, 146, 26 1, 287, 304 305
Adultery, 4-6, 9, 76, 121, 125, 129, 132, 138- 139, Bee Stin gs, 25, 87, 11 8, 144, 188, 206, 289, 302-
142, 158, 162, 170, 184, 226, 280, 304, 310 303, 305
Agalmatophilia, 6-7, 14, 61 , 119, 169, 174, 199, Bell Dancing, 22, 25-26, 60, 295, 3057
209,304,307,3 11,3 13 Belly Dancing, 26-28, 60, 152, 160
Agonophilia, 7, 304 Bestiality, 28, 305
Agoraphilia, 2, 7, 100, 21 1, 304-305 Bi- Sexualism, 28, l 52
Agrexophilia, 2, 7, 70, 100, 134, 145, 176, 186, 304 Biastophilia, 28, 173, 228, 261 , 305
Algophilia, 8-9, 23-26, 85, 88, 94, 118, 135, 166, Bindings:
199,228,235,283,304,306 Breasts, 3, 20, 23, 28-29, 36, 43 -44, 47-49, 60,
Allorgasmia, 9, 102, 304 63, 67, 74, 77, 92, 107- 109, 113, 119, 127, 130,
Amaurophilia, 7, 9, 36, 61, 178, 268, 304 137, 146, 148, 150-1 53, 156, 163, 173, 177-178,
Anaelitism, 4, 9-10, 143-144, 152, 199, 202, 304 184, 188, 243, 249, 252, 263-265, 270, 272, 277,
Anal Sex: 280,297,306,309
Anolinctus, 1 l Face, 11, 25, 28, 32, 37, 45, 53, 62, 66, 73, 75,
77-78, 97, 102, 11 5, 117- 118, 122, 125, 136, 147,
Anolingus, 1 1
151 , 153, 161, 166, 173, 181, 194-195, 205-20 6,
Autopederasry, 11 , 305 209, 211 -21 2, 222, 224-225, 234-235, 259, 262 -
Fellching, 11 , 106, 30 I, 307 264, 268, 271 , 273, 28 1-282, 289, 3 11
F isting, 11, 95, 111-1 13, 130, 248, 258, 305, 307 Feet, 2-3, 10, 28-30, 37, 39, 4 5, 69-70, 72, 8 1,
Pederasty, 11 , 52, 8 1, 129, 174, 176-177, 199, 92-93, 95, 101, 104-105, 10 9, 11 5, 118, 129, 131,
20 1, 3 11 157, 166-167, 170, 18 1, 187, 206 -207, 21 4-215,
Anasteemaphilia, 12- 13, 61 , 304 219,238,248,267,296, 299,302,305,307,31 1
Anatomy, 13, 53, 132, 153, 182, 243, 258, 300 Mummification, 28- 30, 173, 276, 310
Androidism, 7, 14, 61 , 67, 69, 76, 232, 287, 304 Penis, 0-1, 4, 7, 10-13, 17, 22-23, 25, 28, 30-32,
Andromimetophilia, 14, 287 35, 39-41, 4 7' 49-5 1, 53, 56, 58-59, 62-68, 77, 79,
81-82, 87, 91-92, 94, 96, 98, 103-108, 11 1- 112,
Anisonogamist, 14, 126, 202, 304
11 6-117, 11 9, 124- 129, 13 1, 135- 137, 139- 141,
Anthropomorphic 144, 146, 148, 150-1 51, 156, 168-169, 174, 176,
Cartoons, 14, 7 1, 172 180, 188-189, 19 1, 202-206, 208-209 , 213- 214,
Anthropophagy: 2 18-219, 223-224, 229-230, 235, 237-239, 243 -
Autophagy, 15, 305 24 5, 25 I, 255-259, 264- 265, 269 -272, 27 6-280,
Necrophagy, 1S 283-286, 288-289, 292, 295 , 299-303, 305- 3 13,
Parthenophagy, 15, 311
Birth Control:
Abortion, 10, 30-3 1, 34, 96, 210, 216
Dietary, 16
Anal Sex, I 0-12, 31 -32, 52, 68, 73-74, I 06, 113,
Drugs, 16-18, 26, 45, 64, 89, 92, 123-124, 136,
126, 128, 130, 138- 139, 150, 156, 176, 179, 186,
139- 140, 1so, 154, 171, 193, 195, 201, 214, 241,
199, 222, 237, 252, 265, 292, 295, 300, 302, 304-
306, 311-3 12
Apotemnophilia, 3, 9, 18, 26 1, 304
Cervical Cap, 30-31
Arachnephilia, 19, 304
Coitus Lnterruprus, 30-31, 298


Condom, 12, 32, 55, 63, 69, 72, 8 7, 105- 106, Bordellos, 19, 4S -46, 73, 93, 96, 114, 124, 126,
121 , 12S, 148, 1S6, 168, 237, 2SS, 277, 289, 301 139, 14 1, 167, 196, 200, 214-21S, 22 1, 286, 293,
D iaphragm, 31-33, 19S 296,298, 30S,307, 312
Douch, 33 Bottoms, 38-42, 46, 84, 11S, 267, 277
IUD , 33, 90, Bradycubia, 46, 22S, 30S
Pill, 30, 34-3S Branding, 36, 47, SO, 79, 83, 101 , 11 1, 222, 224,
Rhythm Method, 33-34, 3 10 236, 30S, 316, 323
Spermicide, 30, 32-33, 3S, 237 Breast Shaping:
Steroid, 3S Augmentation, 4 7-48
Injection, 34, 140, Reduction,48,S l, 172
Tubal Ligation, 3S Breasts, 3, 20, 23, 28-29, 36, 43-44, 47-49, 60, 63,
67, 74, 77, 92, 107-109, 113, 119, 127, 130, 137,
Vasectomy, 3S, 270 146, 148, 1S0-1 S3, 1S6, 163, 173, 177-178, 184,
Biting, 1, 4, 8, 10, 3S-36, S2, 79, 118, 167, 178- 188, 243, 249, 2S2, 263-26S, 270, 272, 277, 280,
179, 188, 2 14, 236, 243, 246, 284, 290, 301, 306, 297' 306, 309
31 0 Bull Fighting, 49
Blindfolding, 9, 36, 8S, 88, 167, 179, 187, 207, 211, Bundling, 49-SO, 76, 30S, 309, 312
246, 30S
Burning, 22, 36, 47, SO, 62, 8 1, 86, 122- 123, 142,
Blood Sports, 1, 36, 100, 144, 2 10, 21 4, 236, 290,
I S 1, 1S6, 22 3-224, 236, 24S, 2S3, 263, 276, 278,
30S 280,30S
Body P ainting, 36-37, 47, 62, 83, 100, 13S, 179,
Butt Plugs, SO, 124, 30S
222, 30S
Candaulism, 6, SO, 87, 93, 96, 100, 120-121, 129,
Bondage: 170, 172, 21 S, 243, 288, 297, 30S
Bars, 38-40, 4S, 67, 7S, 80, 90, 119- 120, 1S2, Cannibalism, 14- 15, SO, 304, 310-311
179,20S,230,248,2S6, 278,287,290,297,302
Castration :
Cages, 39, 64, 292
Eunuchs, 5 1, S3, S6-S8, 63, 92, 96-97, 108, 172,
Chains, 38-40, 42, 91, 128, 146, 229, 249, 2S3,
203,239, 307
Medical, 15, 21 , 25-26, 34, 36, 43, 48, 50-S2, S5-
Collars, 38-39, 88, 19S, 266, S6, 63, 7 1-72, 91, 94, 100, 139, 144, 156, 168-1 70,
Crucifixion, 38-39, 41, 31 S 177, 180, 183, 197, 203, 209-2 10, 213, 223, 228,
Cuffs, 38-40, 19S, 276 238-239, 249, 259-260, 263 , 268, 276, 280-28 1,
Encasement, 40, 24S 284, 291, 309, 313
Gags, 38, 40-4 1, 12S, 179, 194-19S Political, 4 7, SO, S2, 59, 7 1, 81 , 93, 97, 122, 158,
Handcuffs, 1, 41 , 236 165,2 16,249, 262, 283
Hanging, 2, 2S, 39, 41 , 47, S7, 91, 97, 10 1- 102, Pseudocastration, 52, 276
131, 169, 18S, 213, 27S-276, 29S, 30S, 3 14 Psychological, 5, 7, 9, 34, 40-41 , 43, 48, 50, 52,
Harnesses, 29-30, 40-41, 12S, 168, 308 56, 83, 91 , 11 7, 122, 139- 140, 142, 144, 164, 168,
Hoods, 28, 38,40-41, 111, 116, 164, 19S,248 177, 189, 194, 22 3-224, 242, 24 5, 256-258, 262,
266-267, 297
Impaling, 38, 41 , 283
Religious, 5, 9, 15, 22, 24, 26, 39, 47, 50, 52, 55-
Lacing, 38, 42, 144, 170, 236, 244, 248 , 27 1,
56, 59, 62, 72, 75, 89, 97-98, 111 , 113, 127, 130,
133, 137- 138, 142, 157, 159, 162, 164- 165, 180-
Mittens, 42, 167 181, 183, 189-190, 192-193, 199, 203, 205, 208,
Padlocks, 40, 42 210, 220, 226, 23 1-233, 275, 280-281, 286, 290-
Rape Racks, 42, 179 292, 296, 299, 304, 31 1-3 13
Ropes, 22, 38-39, 42-43, 66, 126, 138, 2S 1, 32S Sexual Arousal, 1, 8-9, 17-18, 23-24, 36, 38, 49,
Shackles, 4 3 53, 65, 71, 83-84, 93, 119, 125, 131, 133, 136, 139,
Speculum, 43, 274, 313 147, 149, 151, 165, 173, 178, 184- 186, 192-193,
197, 199, 210-212, 214, 243, 254, 269, 278, 280,
Stocks, 44, 91
286, 293, 298, 301, 306, 308, 311-312, 314
Straight Jackets, 44 Cat Fighting, 53, 67, 225, 297, 305
Symbolic, 37, 44, S2, S8, 62, 66, 72, 76, 103 ,
Catamites, 14, 54, 123, 131 - 132, 160, 202, 214,
107, 160 30 5
Three Legged Bloomers, 44, 179, 22S, 313
Catheters, 54-S5, 126, 130, 137, 150, 269, 289, 305

Celibacy, 53, 55-56, 58, 97, 11 1, 14 1, 2 10, 239, Coprography, 70-73, 82, 95, 145, 306, 308
261, 304-305, 309 Coprolalia, 2, 70-7 1, 93, 134, 145, 176, 186, 306
Chape ro n~ 56-57, 76, 288 Coprophagy, 15, 66, 71-74, 103, 173, 175, 281 -
Charms, 18, 57- 58, 107, 133, 156, 205, 228, 298, 282, 306
305 Coprophilia, 9, 11- 12, 45-46, 66, 73-74, 82, 103,
Chastity Devices: 113, 118- 11 9 , 130, 135- 136, 170, 2 12, 243, 248,
Belts, 2, 58, 82-83, 89, 115, 125, 248 , 292, 305- 264, 282, 306
306 Corsets, 4, 26, 57, 74, 76, 90, 130, 167, 179, 195,
Oecang, 144, 230 284, 29 1, 306, 316
Spiked cage Costum es, 1-2, 36, 41 , 67, 74-76, 88-91 , 94-95,
Vertugadin, 58, 3 14 103, 108, 11 1, 121 , 130, 169- 170, 178- 180, 199,
21 1, 247-248, 286-287, 298, 306,315
C hevalier d'Eon, 59
Courtship , 16, 53, 57, 75-76, 80, 95, 99, 126, 153,
Chemise Cagoule, 59, 94, 126- 127, 305
159, 163-164, 246,262, 280, 288,306, 3 12,3 19
Choreophilia, 26, 28, 56, 59, 152, 270, 273 , 305
Cou vade, 3, 76,305-306
Chrematistophilia, 60, 198, 261 , 305
Couvade Syndrome, 3, 76, 305-306
Chubby C hasers, 13, 60-6 1, 305
Cross D ress ing, 59, 76, 89, 128, 179, 24 7, 252,
Cicatrization, 9, 23, 36-37, 47, 6 1-62, 79, 151 , 170, 306, 308, 31 1
2 10,235,243, 272, 283,305-306
Cuckold ry, 6, 76, 96, 280, 306
Cigars, 62, 135, 137, 15 1, 247 Cum Etiquette, 66, 73-74, 76-77, 79, 104, 106, 136
Circu mcision, 10, 53, 62-63, 65, 87, 185, 202-203, Cunnilingus, 11 , 56, 77-79, 103-1 04, 112-113, 128,
205 -206, 230, 249, 304-305, 31 1
138, 147- 148, 152, 169, 177, 179-180, 186, 188,
Clamp s, 4 , 36, 63-64, 118, 126, 167 , 246 , 259, 225, 229,257,265, 28 1, 290,306-307
283-284,295, 305, 316
Cupping, I , 4, 23, 36, 61, 79, 167, 170, 179, 21 4,
Claustrophilia, 7, 64-65 , 21 1, 305 236, 246, 259, 284,306,3 16
Clitoridecromy, 53, 63, 65 , 185, 305, 3 13 Cutting, 15, 22-23, 29, 36, 43 , 48, 6 1-62, 79, 81-
Cock Rings, 65-66, 146, 206, 283, 305 83, 108-109, 144, 150, 165, 173- 174 , 178, 195,
Cocktails: 203, 206, 224, 232, 236, 239, 276, 280, 305-306,
Blood & Semen, 0-2, 9, 11-12, 15-1 8, 25-26, 36, 312-3 13, 319
39,42, 54, 56, 5~62 -64, 66 , 71, 77, 79,83, 85, 90, D acryphilia, 28, 79, 228, 306
92, 96, 100, 102, 105-108, 112, 11 4- 11 5, 13 1, 136, D ating Services, 69, 79-80, 172, 207, 290, 306
139-1 41 , 144-1 45, 150- 151 , 155, 157, 160, 164, de Sade, Marquis
168, 175- 176, 18 1, 187-188, 19 1, 195- 196, 203,
Defil ement, 53, 74 , 8 1-82 , 85 , 88, 98, 11 8, 135,
206, 209-210, 213- 214 , 232-233, 235-239 , 24 1- 1 7~ 1 8 1 ,207,2 1 ~306
242, 244, 255, 263-264, 269-272, 276, 278, 284,
286, 290-291 , 296-29 7, 30 1-302, 305-307, 313- 314 Dendrophilia, 82, 108, 306
Enema, 66, 73, 307 D epilation, I, 36, 82-83, 135, 170, 222, 246, 264,
Golden, 66, 90, 118, 126, 128, 150, 2 11, 241 ,
264, 288-289, 308-328 D ildos, 7 , 21 , 40, 83-84 , 95, 11 7, 124-126, 132,
138, 152, 156, 175, 235-237, 256-257, 277, 305-
Coitus a Ch eval, 66-67, 7 5, 88, 10 3, 133, 256, 264,
306, 310-3 1 1
Dippoldism, 84, 202, 306, 312
Coitus a Mammilla, 23, 49, 67-68, 126, 147, 256,
306 D iscip line, 44 , 75, 84-85, 88- 89, I 06, 113, 117-
118, 129, 135, 144- 145, 181 , 189, 191 , 207-208,
Coitus a Unda, 24, 67-68, 145, 306 211 , 220, 278, 285, 287, 29 1, 305-306, 311, 313-
Coitus Interfermoris, 45, 67-68, 126, 157, 180, 202, 314, 3!9
222,256 Diseases, 6, 11 , 15, 25, 32-33, 46, 63 , 7 1, 73, 79,
Computer Sex, 68- 69 , 207, 2 12, 2 17, 232, 25 1, 85-87, 92, 128-129, 140, 151, 160, 185, 199, 210,
273, 306, 313 222, 235 , 237, 252- 253, 270, 282, 293, 298, 302,
Anthony Comstock, 30-31 , 69, 216 306
Condoms, 12, 32, 35, 69, 87, 109, 125, 127-1 28, Docking, 87, 106, 209, 233, 306
138, 156, 218, 230, 236-237, 247-248, 289, 306 Dogging, 7, 87, I 00, 264, 306
Confessions, 2, 69-7 1, 84, 145, 148, 176, 2 12, 239, Dominance/Submission, 87, 88
Constrictions, 30, 70, 306, 3 12-3 13

Dominatrix: Enemas, 9, 12, 67, 90, 94, 145, 149-150, 170, 211 ,
Professional, 23, 45-48, 5 1, 53, 61 -62, 83, 85, 88- 264, 308-309
89, 91, 99-100, 102, 118, 141, 143-144, 166-167, Erotic Balls, 94-95, 100, 250, 258
170, 182, 185, 187, 201 , 207, 211 -212, 219, 23 1- Erotica, 7, 26, 68, 77, 95, 180, 250, 292, 301, 307
232, 266-268,271,273, 275, 281 , 297,300,31 1 Erotographomania, 71, 95 , 100, 145, 246, 307
Doraphilia, 89-90, 111 , 136, 306 Eroto mania , 7, 95-96, 129, 291, 306-308, 31 0-311
Douches: Essayeurs, 96, l 00, 307
Anal, 4, 10- 12, 18, 21, 31-32, 50, 52, 55-56, 64- Eugenics, 76, 96, 147, 27 1, 307
66, 68, 72-74, 84 , 89- 91, 94, 104- 106, 111-113,
Eunuchs, 5 1, 53, 56-58, 63, 92, 96-97, l 08, 172,
1 19, 124-126, 128-130, 134, 138-139, 150, 156,
203,239, 307
167-169, 176, 179, 186, 188, 191, 194, 199, 202,
2 18, 222, 225, 227, 235-237, 252, 256, 259, 265, Executions, 49, 97-98, 102, 173, 175, 178, 307
27 1,278,292,295,300,302,304-306,3 11- 313 Exhibitionism, 7, 10, 21 , 87, 98-100, 130, 138, 175,
Golden, 66, 90, 118, 126, 128, 150, 211 , 24 1, 182, 198, 233, 23 7, 293 , 304, 307, 311
264, 288-289,308-3 16 Fainting, 64, 100-10 1, 150, 2 11 , 235, 244, 307
Vaginal, 11-12, 32, 35, 62, 65, 68, 76, 79, 87, 90, Fakir Musafar, 25-26, 40, 47, 79, 101 , 213, 224,
112-1 13, 124, 128, 136, 146-147, 156, 177- 178, 316
185, 202, 237, 255, 257, 259, 263, 265, 271, 274, Fans, 76, IOI , 119, 316
285, 292, 302-303, 311 Fantasy, 0-2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 27, 39, 43 , 46, 52, 58, 67,
Drag Queens, 75- 76, 90-9 1, I 00, I 03, I 06, 123, 75-76, 88, 91, 95, 99, 101 - 103, 121 , 131 , 144-145,
129,285,287,291 , 306 151 , 177-180, 192, 211-212, 228, 236, 245, 247,
Dungeons, 46, 91, 170, 21 1, 25 2, 306 250-253, 255, 268, 27 0, 282, 293-294 , 302, 306-
Dysfunctions: 307, 314-3 15
Azoospermia, 91 Fantasy Play, 1-2, 7, 9, 52, 58, 67, 75-76, 88, 9 1,
102- 103, 121 , 131 , 144- 145, 15 1, 212, 251 , 268,
Cryptorchidism, 91 , 204
293, 306- 307
Epispadias, 91
Feces, 12, 44, 66, 70-74, 103 , 112, 135- 136, 149-
Filariasis, 9 1 150, 175, 187, 197, 209, 22 1, 235, 237, 241, 247,
Gynecomastia, 92 263 -264, 282, 297, 306, 312-313, 316
Retrograde, 92 Felching, 11, 106, 301, 307
Ejaculation, 4, 21 , 27, 32, 36, 54, 71, 77, 90, 92, Fellatio, 7, 45, 56, 67 -68 , 72 , 77- 79, 90, 94 -95,
105, 176, 188, 191, 194, 218-219, 269, 272, 279, 103- 106 , 112, 128, 137- 138, 147-148, 169, 177,
285 , 287, 297,306- 307, 3 10-3 11 ,3 13- 316 179-1 80, 186, 188, 200-202, 215, 256, 259, 269,
Penis, 0-1, 4, 7, 10- 13, 17, 22-23, 25, 28, 30-32, 27 1, 292,295,302, 306-307, 309, 3 11 , 313
35, 39-41, 47 , 49-51 , 53, 56, 58-5 9, 62-68, 77, 79, Female Impersonators, 7 5-76, I 06, 285, 287, 307
8 1-82, 87, 91-92, 94, 96, 98, 103-108, 11 1- 112, Fertility Rites, 18, 58, 98, 107, 109, 1 13, 156, 158,
11 6- 11 7, 11 9 , 124 -1 29, 131 , 135-137, 139-141 , 209, 232, 234, 270
144, 146, 148, 150- 151, 156, 168- 169, 174, 176,
180, 188-189, 191, 202-206, 208-209, 213 -214,
218-219, 223-224, 229-230, 235, 237-239, 243 - Aphrodite, 6, 16, 4 7, 96, 107- 108, 113, 208, 219,
245, 25 1, 255-259, 264-265, 269-272, 276-280, 295
283- 286, 288 -289, 292, 295 , 299-303, 305-31 3, Baal, 39, 108, 193
315 Carnival, 59, 95, 108, 193, 211 , 3 14
D eviation, 92, 184, 21 1 Dionysia, 59
Priapism, 92, 140, 238 May Day, 59, 82, 108, 193
Siamese, 92, 124 Moloch, I 08-109, 233
Deformities, 92 Saturnalia, 59, I09
Sperm Defects, 92 Fetishes:
Dysmorphophilia, 3, 13, 29, 61, 92-93, 126, 129, Boots/Shoes, 1 1O
306 Furs, 110, 232
Ecouteurism, 2, 7, 93, 307 Gods, 24, 37, 52, 59, 61-62, 70, 98, 104, 107 -
Electric Shock, 23, 93-94, 111 , 126, 135, 137, 15 1, 108, 111 , 1 13, 121, 127 , 132, 158, 208, 269, 292-
170, 192 ,237,25 ~30 7 293, 298, 3 13
Emetophilia, 94, 264, 293, 307 Latex/Rubber, 111
Endytophilia, 59, 94, 100, 307

Leather, 7, 20, 25, 28, 30, 32, 36, 38-42, 44, 64- Geishas, 46, 123- 124, 130, 132, 202, 221, 293, 307
67, 75, 88-90, 95, 109, 111 , 114-117, 124, 126- 127, Genital/Anal nserts, 12, SO, S4-55, 66, 84, 91, 94,
146, 152, 156, 167, 187, 195, 197, 211, 229, 236- 112-113, 119, 124-126, 169, 202, 204-20S, 218,
237, 247 -248, 257, 272, 276-277, 279, 291 , 302, 230, 237,259, 278, 28S,302,305
305-306, 308, 316 Genuphallation, 23, 67, 126, 256, 307
Underwear, 83, 95, 99, 109, 11 1, 119, 125, 148- G erontophilia, 4 , 13- 14, 6 1, 126, 169, 198, 26 1,
ISO, 17S, 182, 187, 207-208, 237, 2Sl , 256, 273, 308
282, 289, 293, 312-3 13 Glory Holes, S9, 126-127, 308
Fire, 39, 4 7, 107, 109, 111 , 123, 151 , 161 , 190, Golden Showers, 1 18, 126, 128, 1 SO, 211, 264, 288,
197, 222-224, 23 1-233 , 236, 240, 2S4, 276, 280, 308
282, 293, 29S, 311
Grooming, 67, 126, 17S, 196, 307
Groping Appararus, 4S, 126-127, 259
Anal, 4, 10-12, 18, 21 , 31 -32, 50, 52, 55-S6, 64-
66, 68, 72- 74, 84, 89-91 , 94, 104-1 06, 111 -113, Group Sex, 1, 6-7, 24, 28, 36, 45-46, SO, 7S, 87, 93,
100, 11 9- 121 , 127- 130, 14S, 166, 170, 182, 186,
1 19, 124- 126, 128- 130, 134, 138- 139, 150, 156,
193, 196, 2 1S, 24 3, 248, 2S6, 277, 288, 297- 298,
167-169, 176, 179, 186, 188, 19 1, 194, 199, 202,
218, 222, 225 , 227, 23 S-237, 252, 256, 2S9, 265, 308-310, 313
271 ) 278, 292, 295, 300, 302, 304-306, 3 11-313 Grou pies, 9S , 129, 308
Auto!isting Gynemimetophilia, 76, 129, 261, 308
Vaginal, 11-12, 32, 3S, 62, 65, 68, 76, 79, 87, 90, H andicaps, 37, 87, 92, 129, 14 1
112- 11 3, 124, 128, 136 , 14 6- 147 , 156, 177- 178, H an dkerchief Codes, 100, 129- 130, 180, 308
185, 202, 237, 255, 257, 259, 263, 26~ 271 , 274, Har ems, 6, 4S-46, SI , 6S, 97, 130, 132, 164, 202,
285, 292, 302- 303, 3 11 219, 222, 22S
Flagellation: Harmatophilia, 3, 130- 131, 308
Bastinado, 11 5 H arpaxophilia, 7, 21, 60, 13 1, 136, 179, 212, 30S,
Birching, l lS- 116, 135, 2 14 308
Caning, 36, 84, 114- 116, 228, 236, 290, 305, 323 Head Stands, 23, 126, 131, 2S6
Flogging, 115-116 Hebephilia, 131 , 308
Genital, 4, 12- 13, 19, 43, SO-S2, 5S, 62, 66, 77- Hedonism, 13 1, 146, 242, 298, 308
79, 84-87, 9 1, 94, 98, 10 1, 113, 116- 119, 124-1 26, H erm aphrodite, S2, 93, 104, 107, 13 1- 132, 285,
128- 129, 131, 141 , 143-144, 148, 1S2, 1S6, 166- 308
170, 17S, 188, 192, 202, 204-206, 212, 218, 22 1- H etaerae, 6, 46, S4, 124, 130, 132, 308
222, 229, 233, 237, 244, 247-248, 2S8-2S9, 26S, Heterosexuals, 9 1, 122, 126 , 132, 134, 1S2, 1S7,
271 , 278,282,294,300, 30S-307,309 174, 211, 297
Paddling, 117, 206 Hierophilia, 70, 133, 179, 18 1, 199, 270, 308
Slapping, 23,67, 117, 194, 26S, 3 12 H odophilia, 7, 131, 133, 172, 211, 264, 308
Spanking, 20, 117, 119, 139, 206, 208, 247, 269, Homilophilia, 133-134, 186, 308
H omophobia, 28, 123 , 132, 134, 308
Strapping, 117
H ot Wax, 62-63, 134-13S, 223, 308
Whipping, 84, 9S, 113-114, 116-118, 197, 213,
H umiliation, 10, 23, 40, 44, 52, 74, 83, 85, 88-89,
2Sl,2S6, 27 1,282, 286,294,297,30S,314
117- 118, 12S, 13S, 165-1 66, 172, 176, 179, 196,
Flatulen ce, 12, 66, 73-74, 118, ISO, 307 207, 2 12, 227-228, 232, 23S, 24 6, 264, 268, 27 1,
Food/Eating, I S, 66, 11 8, IS0- 152, 173, 212, 288, 273,277,289,297,308
290, 30S, 311 , Hybristophilia, 21, 60, 13 1, 13S-136, 235, 261, 278,
Foot Binding, 29, 118, 2 1S, 307 291, 308
Formicophilia, 19, 25, 118, 144, 188, 261 , 30 1, 303, Hygrophilia, 66, 73, 136, 237, 271, 308
307 Hyphephilia, 89, 119, 136, 308
Fornicatory Dolls, 7, 118-119, 199, 202, 259, 307 H ypnosis, 2, 136-137, 260, 274, 308
Fronage, 7, 67, 119, 136, 1S7, 237, 268, 307 Ice, 17, 62-63 , 103, lOS- 106, 134-135, 137, 167,
Furtling, 119-120, 307 178- 179, 22 1, 237-238, 244, 2Sl , 2S9, 26S, 269,
Gang Bangs, 50, 120- 12 1, 127, 129, 170, 193, 21S, 274
288, 307 Illegal Sex, 6, 3S, 46, 69, 131, 137 -139, 143, 196,
Gays, 7, 24, 28, S4, S7, 68, 90-9 1, 121- 123, 126, 199, 202, 21 4, 217,22 1,228,239, 2S6, 292-293
132, 134, 1S2, 1S7, 196, 2 11, 229, 2S3, 263, 275, Impotence, 17- 18, 92, 109, 137, 139-1 41, 143, 149,
287, 297 183, 204, 218 -2 19, 2S8 -2 S9, 272, 304, 308- 309,

Incest, 84, 131, 138, 141- 143, 162, 180, 184-185, Concubinage, 160, 171, 306
196,20~ 252,257, 275,309,3 19 Dowry, 53, 160, 276, 306
Infantilism, 4, 10, 46, 61, 68, 75-76, 83, 106, 126, Elopement, 160, 307
143-1 44, 146, 179, 199, 202, 211, 261, 291, 305, G roup, 1-2, 6-8, 14, 24, 28, 36, 45-46, SO, 56, 64,
309 66, 7S, 87, 90, 93, 98, 100-1 01, 103, 119-121, 127-
Infibulation, 56, 58, 65, 144, 185, 229, 27 1, 276- 130, 133, 141, 14S, 147, IS2, I S4, IS7, 160, 163,
277, 291, 307-309 166, 169-1 72, 182, 184-186, 193, 196, 198, 201 -
Insects, 2S, S3, 6S, 144, 264, 300-302, 307 202, 206- 207' 2 1s, 226-227, 233-235 , 242-243,
Insufflation, 144-145, 309 24 7-249, 2S I, 2S3, 255-257, 262-26 3, 268, 272,
Interrogation, I, 39, 53, 85, 88, 94, I 05, 135, 145, 27S, 277, 282-285, 287-288, 290, 294, 296-298,
30~304,308-3 1 1 ,3 1 3
150,207,273,297,301- 302,309,313
Inunction, 68, 145, 156, 246, 309 Levirate, 160, 309
Jactitation, 2, 7, 71, 93, 95, 100, 145, 176, 186, 309 Mail Order, 53, 160-161, 182, 202, 207, 229
Jealousy, 145-146, 154-155, 196, 211, 228, 298, Matriarchy, 161
310, 314 Mock, I , S2, 82, 102, 16 1, 170, 2 18, 229
Jewelry, 42, 64, 10 1, 107, 146, 229, 231 , 249, 2S9, Patriarchy, 162
272, 295, 312, 3 16 Polyandry, 162, 3 11
Juvenilism, 146, 261, 309 Polygyny, 162, 3 11
Kabazzah, 146, 2S9, 279 Purchase, 1, 41, 4S, S4, 99, 12S, 133, 162-163,
Karezza, 146- 147, 279, 309 220,226,233,268,294
Kissing, 11 , 46, 66, 7S, 77, 87, 137, 147-1 48, l 7S, Rape, I , 4, 7, 14-15, 28, 42, 44, S2, S8, 66, 91 ,
177, 222, 250, 2S4,27 1,304-30S, 3 10-3 11 97, 103, 120, 122, 128, 13S, 138-139, 143, 148,
Kleptophilia, 131, 148-149, 239, 26 1, 309 163-164, 168, 171, 179, 184, 196, 198, 216, 22S-
Klismaphilia, 10, 12, 5S, 66, 73- 74, 90, 94, 113, 228, 233-235, 242, 249, 2S3, 2S7, 262-26~ 30~
304-305, 312
136, 145, 149- 1so, 240, 259, 289, 309
Romantic, 9, 42, 4S, 49, 7S-76, 96, 124, 1S3-1 54,
Knives, 4S, 49, 62, 91, lSO- IS l , 2S7, 2S9, 280
163, 246, 272, 288
Kokigami, 120, IS I, 2S9, 309, 315
Sororate, 163, 312
Lactaphilia, 10, 66, 118, 130, 144, 1SO-!S2, IS8,
176, 186-1 87, 240, 264-26S, 309 Trial, 11, 8 1, 133, 136, 1S7, 163, 274, 282, 314
Masks, 40, 101 , 108, 116, 12S, ISi, 164, 194-195,
Lap Dancing, 60, 9S, 1S2, 309
247, 263, 302
Lesbians, 9, 4S, S7, 74, 96, 123, 132, 134, 1S2, 21 1,
Masochism, 3, 9, 19, 21, 23-24, 26, 29, 62, 72, 79,
214, 2S6, 262-263,27 1, 291,308
8 1, 131, 13S, 137, 164-166, 175, 199, 2 10, 232-
Lighting, 4, 36, 47, 1S2-153, 167, 180, 223, 254 23~ 23~ 26~ 283,297,301, 309
Love, 0-2, S-7, 9, 16, 18, 22, 27-28, 37, 49, SS- S6, Massage:
58, 60-61 , 66, 71-73, 75-76, 78, 80-81, 8S, 88-89,
93, 9S-96, 98, 100, 103, 107-109, 111 , 113, 118, Face, 11, 2S, 28, 32, 37, 4S, S3, 62, 66, 73, 7S,
77-78, 97, 102, I IS, 11 7- 118, 122, 12S, 136, 147,
124, 133, 136, 139, 144, 146-1 47, 149, I S2-156,
164- 16S , 172- 173, 17S-1 78, 181, 184-18S, 187, 151, 1S3, 161, 166, 173, 181 , 194-19S, 205- 206,
209, 21 1-2 12, 222, 224-22S, 234-23S, 2S9, 262-
189-190, 193, 196-199, 201, 209-2 10, 2 15, 228,
234, 239-240, 24 2-243, 245, 247, 2Sl, 254, 260, 264, 268, 27 1, 273, 281-282, 289, 31 1
262-264, 266, 268, 275, 281, 286, 288-289, 291 - Full Body, 37, 166, 310
292, 298, 307-310, 313-314 Bondage and, 2 1-22, 30, 36-37, 44, 89, 100, 167,
Love Addiction, 76, 154- 1S5, 164, 176, 309 17S, 197, 207,247-248,257, 276,279,28 1, 297
Love Potions, 2, 6, 18, 58, 107, IS5- IS6, 228, 309 Torture, I, 9, 38, 40-41, S2, 66, 69, 7 1, 80-81,
Lubricants, 32, 90, 11 2, 119, 122, 125, 127, 145, 85, 88, 91, 93-94, 103, I IS, 137, ! S6-IS7, 166-1 68,
156, 168, 202 , 23S, 237, 24S, 298, 309 189- 190, 207, 21 1, 213, 215, 222, 233, 23S- 236,
245, 2SO, 280, 282-283, 289, 29S, 300-302, 313,
Lust Murder, 15, 28, 98, 156-1 S8, 164, 173, 175, 31S
1 9~ 1 9~228,2 3~26~278, 306-30~309
Foot, 2, 12, 29, 44, 53, 57, t I0-111 , I IS, 118-
Maieusiophilia, 158, 309 119, 157, 167- 168, 187, 205-207, 211, 213- 21S,
Marriage: 240,243, 254,2S7-2S8,307
Arranged, S, SS, 80-81 , 99, 123, 128, 158-IS9, Genital, 4, 12-13, 19, 43, SO- S2, SS, 62, 66, 77-
162, 249, 292, 294 79, 84-87, 91, 94, 98, 101, 11 3, 116-119, 124-126,
Capture, I, 66, I 03, 159, 161 - 163, 282, 294 128-129, 13 1, 141, 143- 144, 148, 1S2, 156, 166-
Child Betrothal, 159 170, 17S, 188, 192, 202, 204-206, 212, 218, 221-
Coercion, 160, 22S, 312 222, 229, 233, 237, 244, 247- 248, 2S8-259, 26S,
271,278,282, 294,300,305-307,309

Massage Parlors, 167, 237, 309 Orgasms:

Masturbation, 1, 4, 10, 21 , 52-53, 56, 58, 63, 65, Altered State, 17, 22, 24, 26, 40, 56, 141 , 189-
67-68, 82, 87, 93, 96, 98, 102, 124, 144, 147, 151, 190, 192- 193, 205
156- 157, 167-169, 174- 175, 177, 180, 185, 191- Astral, 191
193, 197, 202, 205-206, 210-211 , 213 , 217-2 19, Extended (ES0),191
221 , 228, 232, 245, 248, 259, 263- 264, 281, 291,
Fusion, 188, 191
297, 300-302, 304-305, 308-312
Psychic, 52, 98, 19 1-192, 242, 255, 31 1
Maturation, 126, 169, 309
SM, 130, 164, 192, 211, 306, 313, 315
Meatotomy, 55, 169, 202, 205 , 269, 309
Tantric, 193- 194, 278-279, 31 1
Medical Scenes, 91, 169-170, 259, 309, 313
Orgies, 15, 49-50, 97, 107, 109, 11 3, 12 1, 127, 129-
Menage a trois, 310 130, 133, 170, 186, 193, 231 -233, 241, 249, 267,
Miscegenation, 170- 172, 198, 310 272, 288, 290, 310
Misogynist, 172-173, 235, 310 Oxygen
Mortality, 98, 169, 173, 284, 3 10 Regulation:, 22, 41, 74, 131, 138, 193-195, 225,
Mucophagy, 73, 118, 173, 310 253,259,272, 279,291 , 310,3 12
Mummification, 28-30, 173, 276, 310 Corsetting, 22, 74, 101, 194-195, 207, 306
Mutilation, 15, 19, 22-23, 49, 53, 62, 79, 97, 157- Gags, 38, 40-41 , 125, 179, 194-19 5
158, 165 , 17 3-175, 203, 235, 268, 305-306, 309- Gas Masks, 194- 195
312 Strangulation , 2 1-22, 157, 194-195, 236, 268,
Mysophilia, 9, 66, 74, 81-82, 175, 178, 246, 264, 312-313
310 Suffocation, 21-22, 38, 40, 172, 195, 2 10, 236
Narcissism, 175- 176, 309-310 Pandering, 138, 196
Narratophilia, 2, 70-7 1, 145, 176, r&6, 261, 310 Paraphilias, 9, 12, 2 1, 62, 84, 93, 96, 98, 102, 118,
Nasophilia, 176, 186-1 87, 310 144, 149, 158, 166, 175, 177, 196- 198, 207, 211,
Necrophilia: 232, 261 , 268, 275,281 , 298,301,312
Fetishes, 3, 7, 9-10, 13, 62, 73, 82, 90, 94-96, Pecattiphilia, 131, 146, 199, 264, 298, 311
109-111 , 119, 128, 144, 148- 149, 152, 154, 158, Pederasty, 11, 52, 8 1, 129, 174, 176- 177, 199, 201,
177, 179, 198-199, 211 , 215, 221-222, 232, 247, 311
252,271 , 275,281, 284,286-287, 307 Pediophilia, 4, 7, 118-1 19, 199, 311
Mysophilia, 9, 66, 74, 81-82, 175, 178, 246, 264, Pedophilia, 12, 20, 84, 123, 13 1, 139, 143-1 44, 177,
310 180, 185, 199-202, 256-257, 268, 293, 3 11
Necrosadism, 157, 178, 3 10 Penetration Toys, 119, 126, 202, 259, 3 11
Nosophilia, 178, 310 Penile Ligation, 87, 202, 206
Pseudonecrophilia, 178 Penis Modification:
Negotiation, 20, 29, 59, 67, 71, 84, 145, 178- 180, Bihari, 203, 305
Circumcision, 10, 53, 62-63, 65, 87, 185, 202-
Nepiophilia, 131, 180, 185, 202, 261, 310 203, 205-206, 230, 249, 304-305, 311
Niddah, 180-181, 219, 222, 310 Foreskin, 32, 62-63, 77-78, 87, 107, 137, 144,
Normophilia, 59, 18 1, 261 , 3 10 202-206 , 229-230, 272, 305-307, 311 - 312, 315,
N udity, 9- 10, 24, 68, 87, 99- 10 1, 18 1- 182, 2 17, 326
237, 252,304,308, 310 Restoration, 63, 141, 203-204, 315, 326
Nymphomania, 182-1 84, 232, 242-243, 304-305, Implants, 47-48, 52, 141 , 204, 258, 285, 32 1
307, 309-3 10 Incision, 35, 48, 204- 206
Nymphophilia, 4, 14, 131, 143, 184-185, 202, 310 Inserts, 12, 50, 54- 55, 66, 84, 91 , 94, 112-113,
Nymphotomy, 63, 65, 185, 310 11 9, 124-126, 169, 202, 204-205, 218, 230, 237,
Obscene Phone Calls, 2, 7 1, 95, 145, 176, 212, 237, 259, 278, 285, 302,305
313 M eatotomy, 55, 169, 202, 205, 269, 309
Ochlophilia, 127, 136, 186, 310 Negation, 40, 205
Oculolinctus, 66, 73-74, 186-187, 310 Splitting, 204, 206, 313
Oculophilia, 176, 186, 310 Subincision, 206, 279, 313
Odontophilia, 176, 186- 187, 3 10 Personal Ads, 60, 68, 76, 80, 99, 109, 118, 126,
Olfaction, 167, 187, 209, 310 129- 130, 160, 172, 206-207 , 211-212, 215, 252,
Ophidicism, 106, 188, 302-303, 310 280-28 1, 311

Personal Power, 38, 61 , 207 Labia, 1, 13, 63-64, 78, 131, 144, 146, 167, 185,
Petticoat Discipline, 75, 85, 88, 106, 129, 144, 207- 188, 202, 213, 222, 226, 229, 237, 27 1-272, 277,
208, 287, 291, 311 279, 285, 292, 295, 304, 307, 309-310
Phallophilia, 7, 55, 58, 87, 106-107, 133, 176, 186- Nipple, 28, 64, 73, 79, 112, 126, 146, 148, 150-
187, 206, 208-209, 298, 3 11 15 1, 168, 188, 191, 210, 213, 229, 249, 255, 280,
Pheromones, 136, 175, 187, 209, 311 295
Phlebotomy, 1, 36, 6 1, 79, 170, 209-210, 290, 31 1 Penis, 0-1, 4, 7, 10-13, 17, 22-23, 25, 28, 30-32,
Phobias,61, 134, 137, 173,210-211,3 11 35, 39-41 , 47, 49-51, 53, 56, 58-59, 62-68, 77, 79,
8 1-8 2, 87, 91 -92, 94, 96, 98, 103-108, 111-112,
Phobophilia, 2, 22, 53, 65, 131, 136, 15 1, 181, 195, 11 6-117, 119, 124- 129, 131 , 135-137, 139- 141,
19~207,2 10-212 ,298,3 1 1
144, 146, 148, 150- 151 , 156, 168-169, 174, 176,
Phone Sex, 2, 71, 89, 95, 103, 176, 186, 2 11-212, 180, 188-189, 191, 202- 206, 208-209, 213-2 14,
253, 3 11 218- 219, 223-224 , 229-230, 235, 237-239, 243-
Photography, 95, 100, 179, 207, 212, 247, 306 245, 25 1, 255-259, 264-265, 269-272, 276-280,
Phygephilia, 211-212, 31 1 283-286, 288-289, 29.2, 295, 299-303, 305-313 ,
Pie Throwing, 82, 11 8, 212, 265, 3 11 315
Piercing, 22, 24, 36, 42, 47, 52, 58, 79, 83, 101, Ritual Sex, 15, 107, 109, 199, 231-232, 234, 242,
130, 146, 165, 170, 210, 213-214, 223, 229-231, 255,268,293,3 12
236-237, 244, 248, 277, 290, 295, 297, 311-312, Robotism, 232, 312
316, 320, 326 Sacher-Masoch,
Pimps, 46, 96, 138, 196, 214, 220, 311 Leopold von, 164, 232
Pinching, 4, 36, 64, IOI , 118, 150, 167, 214, 243, Sacofricosis, 100, 206, 232-233, 312
246, 284, 313 Sacrifices, 14, 35, 102, I 09, 178, 209, 232-234,
Plants, 82, 141, 21 4 24 1-24 2, 269
Podophilia, 29, 46, 93, 1 10, 1 18, 214-21 5, 307, 311 Sadism, 3, 9, 14-15, 23, 28-29, 79, 84, 131, 136,
Polyiterophilia, 121, 129, 170, 186, 215, 3 11 146, 156, 158, 166, 173, 175, 190, 199, 228, 234-
Pornography, 7, 69, 95, 13 1, 138-139, 177, 180, 235, 282-283, 30 1, 309-3 10, 312, 314, 325
20~ 212,215 - 2 1 7,256-25~3 1 1 Safe Sex:
Power T ools, 62, 94, 126, 2 17-218, 259, 31 1 Anal Play, 11-12, 89, 104- 105, 235
Premature Ejaculation, 77, 2 18-219, 307, 311, 313 Blood Sports, I, 36, 100, 144, 210, 2 14, 236, 290,
Prisha, 18 1, 219, 222, 3 11 305
Prostitution, 5-6, 19-20, 45, 96, 124, 130, 132, 138- Bondage, 1-2, 9-10, 21-22, 28- 30, 36-45, 55, 58,
139, 160-1 61, 167, 170-17 1, 196, 198, 200, 202, 64, 66, 70, 74, 83, 85, 88-89, 91, 100, 102, 105,
214, 219-221, 223, 23 1, 257, 295- 296, 305, 307- 115, 130, 135, 137, 144, 151, 159, 164-168, 170,
308, 31 1-31 2, 3 14 175, 178-1 80, 187, 192, 194, 196- 197, 202, 207,
Psychrocism, 3, 137, 22 1, 280 211, 215, 221, 225, 236, 244-248, 257, 259, 265,
267, 27 1, 274, 276-277, 279, 281, 284, 287, 295,
Pubic Dressing, 221 -222, 287, 3 11 297, 300, 305-306, 309, 3 11 -314
Pubic Hair Sculpturing, 222, 287, 311 Burning, 22, 36, 47, 50, 62, 8 1, 86, 122- 123, 142,
Purdah, 130, 181 , 219, 222, 311 151, 156, 223 -224, 236, 245, 253, 263, 276, 278,
Pygmalionism, 222, 304, 3 11 280, 305
Pygophilia, 23, 222, 31 1 Electricity, 66, 93, 236-237
Pyrophilia, 1, 4 7, 62, 79, 111, 135, 151, 222-224, Flagellation, 9, 17, 22, 26, 36, 44, 56, 60, 67, 81,
289, 31 1 84, 91, 101, 113-1 18, 135, 141, 166, 180, 189, 205,
Quadoshka, 225, 3 11 207, 2 14, 223, 228, 237, 243, 246-247, 265, 269,
Queening, 195, 225, 31 1 289,305,307,309
Rape, 1, 4, 7, 14-15, 28, 42, 44, 52, 58, 66, 9 1, 97, Hygrophilia, 66, 73, 136, 237, 27 1, 308
103, 120, 122, 128, 135, 138- 139, 143, 148, 163- Illegal Acts
164, 168, 171, 179, 184, 196, 198, 216, 225-228, Latex Barriers, 237
233-235, 242, 249, 253, 2 57, 262-264, 300 , 304- Priapism, 92, 140, 238
305, 312 Shock, 20, 23, 25, 93-94, 98- 101, 111, 126, 135,
Relics, 18, 58, 74, 149, 156, 228, 312 137, 151, 170, 192, 194, 196, 212, 22 1, 224, 227,
Rhabdophilia, 113, 1 18, 228, 312 234, 237-238, 244, 259, 307
Ringing: Sterlization T echniques, I , 22, 42-43, 63, 83, 10 1,
Clitoris, 13, 50, 62, 65, 77-79, 11 6, 11 9, 131, 146, 103- 104, 141 , 144, 167-168, 185, 191 , 193-194,
168, 188, 217, 229, 255-256, 283, 285, 305, 307, 202, 20 5, 2 10, 218-2 19, 225, 229, 236, 238-239,
312 245-246,262,268,276-278,282,295,302,311
335 I NDEX

Transvestism, 5, 21, 83, 208, 231, 285, 287, 309 Siderodromophilia, 133, 264, 312
Urethral Play, 21 7, 239 Sin, 24, 35, 70, 109, 124, 142, 158, 196, 198-200,
Zipper Accidents, 239 231,239,263-264, 306, 319
St Augustine, 35, 56, 59, 69, 148, 173, 239-240, Sitophilia, 15, 66, 73, 152, 179, 212, 214, 246, 264-
265, 274, 289, 312
St Valentine, 76, 239-240 Slapping, 23, 67, 11 7, 194, 265, 312
Slaves, l , 11, 19-20, 23, 31, 39, 44, 46-47, 52, 58,
Salirophilia, 66, 73- 74, 136, 175, 240, 312
72, 75, 97, 102-1 03, 109, 126, 130, 132, 135, 157,
Satan Worship, 232, 240-242, 255, 312 161, 17 1- 172, 203, 206, 221, 225, 232, 247, 256,
Satyriasis, 184, 242-243, 312 265-268,281 ,296,302,306-307, 312
Scarring, 47, 61 , 170, 203-204, 243, 272, 305-306 Snuff Films, 131, 202, 212, 21 7, 268, 3 12
Scopophilia, 243, 293 , 312 Somnophilia, 9, 178, 261 , 268, 312
Scratching, 1, 4, 36, 135, 167, 214, 243, 246, 284 Sounding, 55, 170, 205, 238-239, 243, 268 - 269
304, 306 , 312, 314 '
Scrotal Infusion, 55, 126, 150, 170, 243-244, 312 Spanking, 20, 11 7, 119, 139, 206, 208, 24 7 269
Sensory Compensation, 9, 244-246, 312 312 ' '
Sensory Deprivation, 40, 187, 192, 245-246, 276 , Spectrophilia, 269-270, 312
312-313 Sperm Banks, 96, 270-27 1
Sensory Enhancement, I , 4, 64, 94, 118, 135, 137, Spitting, 179, 264, 27 1
167, 214, 245-246, 281, 284, 300, 305, 307, 3 12 Stag Parties, 271, 313
314 ,
Stapling, 45, 53, 58, 144, 170, 236, 259, 27 1 277
Sensory Overload, 245-246, 291, 312 313 , ,
Serenades, 2, 76, 246, 288, 312 Stationery, 7 1, 249, 272, 3 15
Sex Almanacs, 246, 249 Stigmatophilia, 261 , 272, 313
Sex Boutiques, 247, 255 Strangling, 2 1, 157, 195, 268, 270, 272
Sex Clubs, 87, 95 , 241, 246-250, 252, 258 275 Stretching, 52, 63-64, 112, 189, 203, 268, 272-273,
297 , ,
Sex Conferences, 95, 129, 247, 249- 250, 252, 258, Strip Poker, 114, 251 , 273, 3 13
Strip Search, 273, 313
Sex Games, 38, 46, 66, 77, 90, 120, 145, 150- 151,
Stripping, 1, 28, 100, 152, 182, 247, 249, 273, 301
179, 195, 197, 202, 217, 235, 244, 250-25 1, 259, 313 ,
271,273,289-290, 295 , 302, 305-306,313
Stuffing, 32, 90, 106, 118, 145, 179, 265, 273 -274
Sex Hotels, 95, 247, 250-25 3, 256, 316
313 '
Sex H otlines, 186, 252
Subliminal Tapes, 137, 274, 313
Sex Magick, 9, 107, 133, 137, 232, 242, 253- 255,
Submission, 2, 10-11, 22, 42, 44, 67, 72, 83, 85, 87-
270, 278-279, 293, 297, 312, 315
89, 11 8, 135, 145, 161 , 164, 166, 174, 199, 207-
Sex Museums, 250, 255-256, 258, 279 208, 232-233, 251, 26 1, 267-268, 274, 277, 297 ,
Sex Positions, 46, 59, 67, 131, 137, 147-148, 152, 306, 311, 313
179, 181,255-256,277 Subpersonality, 137, 274-275, 313
Sex Restaurants, 250, 256 Support Groups, 34, 56, 122, 129, 134, 152, 155,
Sex Rings, 13 1, 202, 256-257, 268, 293, 312 160, 235, 248-249, 275, 287, 297, 313
Sex Shows, 28, 95, 100, 147, 152, 182, 247, 250, Suspension , 2, 39, 41 , 9 1, I 00, 245-246, 248, 275-
256-258, 271 , 273, 277 276, 290, 308, 3 12-3 13
Sex Surrogates, 258-259, 265, 312 Suttee, 276, 313
Sex Toys, 29, 39, 68, 151, 169, 2 18, 237, 241 , 247- Suturing, 42, 45, 53, 58, 144, 170, 236, 244, 271 ,
248, 259, 273, 278, 312, 316 276-277,293, 307-309,3 13
Sexercise, 147, 25 9, 3 12 Swinging, 116-11 7, 127 -129, 172, 229, 249, 251-
Sexology, 177, 198, 249-250, 259-261, 322 252, 277, 296, 3 13, 315
Sexual H arassment, 139, 17 1, 173, 228, 261-264 Swings, 26, 67, 9 1, 253, 256, 259, 277, 290, 312
280 , Switches, 2, 46, 153, 277
Shaving, 21, 23, 36, 82-83, 108, 126, 135, 170, 179, Sybian, 67, 119, 126, 202, 2 18, 243, 259, 277-278
206, 221-222, 227, 236, 247, 264, 266, 306, 312 313 '
Showers, 12, 24, 55, 68, 74, 77, 82, 94, 103, 118, Syrnphorophilia, 131 , 136, 212, 235, 26 1, 278, 313
126, 128, ISO, 152, 17 5, 211, 240, 258, 264, 271 ,
282,288-289,293,308, 312

Tantra, 46, 133, 146, 179, 192-193, 219, 225, 253, Urtication, 1, 118, 214, 289, 314
277-279,293,297,309,313, 316, 321 Vamp irism, 15, 36, 118, 130, 136, 150, 157, 173,
Taphephilia, 45, 195, 279, 313 210, 240, 290, 314
T attooing, 22, 37, 47, 61, 71, I OI, 279-280, 313 Vertigo, 2, 72, 245-246, 290-291 , 3 14
Teasing, 2, 40, 99-100, 104, 179, 227, 273, 280, Vibrators, 30, 58, 125-126, 166, 168, 180, 202, 219,
31 3 301, 314
Telegony, 280, 313 Vicarious Arousal, 3, 49, 60, 136, 212, 291
T esticles, 8, 11, 13, 50-53, 57, 64-66, 87, 91, 96, Victorian Lace, 76, 85, 88, I 06, 129, 207-208, 285,
104-106, 112, 116, 129, 131 , 174, 176, 186-188, 287, 291, 314
204, 206, 213, 230, 237, 270, 272, 280, 282-283, Victorianism, 30, 56, 59, 239, 291-292, 314
285, 295, 305, 307-308 Virgins, 7, 15, 45, 49, 107, 127, 131 , 202, 206, 292-
T halpotentiginy, 221, 280, 313 294, 3 11 , 313
Tickling, 1,4, 11,36, 105, 110-111, 118, 127, 165, Visualization, 155, 253, 255, 274, 293, 3 14
167, 179, 207, 214-215, 280-28 1, 284, 289, 309, Vomit, 40, 72, 94, 264, 293, 307
311 , 313
Voyeurism, 87, 93, 120, 138, 198, 237, 243, 293,
Timophilia, 281, 313 309,3 11, 314
T o ilet Training, 9, 66, 73-74, 8 2, 135- 136, 150, Weddings, 164, 271, 294, 312, 3 14
170, 281-282, 313
Weight Training, 87, 206, 273, 283, 295, 3 14
Tops, 28, 39, 46, 94, 192, 195, 207, 277, 282
White Slavery, 295-296, 314
Torture, I , 9, 38, 40-41, 52, 66, 69, 71, 80-8 1, 85,
Wife Swapp ing, 6, 127, 129, 164, 193, 249, 277,
88, 91 , 93 -94, 103, 115, 137, 156- 157, 166- 168,
296-297, 313-314
189-190, 207, 211 , 21 3, 215, 222, 233, 235-236,
245, 250, 280, 282-283, 289, 295, 300-302, 3 13, Workshops, 10 1, 127, 182, 297, 316
315 Worship, 24, 58-59, 66-67, 73-74, 83, 89, 98, I 07-
T ouch, I, 9-10, 35-36, 40, 50, 56, 61, 73, 94, 104- 108, 127, 133, 135, 176, 187, 208, 219, 232-233,
105, 107, 109- 11 0, 119, 123, 127, 136, 147, 159, 240- 242, 255, 267, 280 -28 1, 297-298, 305-306,
166- 167, 175- 176, 180-18 1, 187, 189, 192, 197, 308, 312, 314
210, 224-225, 229, 239, 244-245, 25 1, 253, 263, Wrestling, 7, 53, 82, 192, 2 11 , 225, 247, 297, 314
265,269,281, 283-284,3 13 Xenophilia, 133, 298, 314
Tourniquets, 45, 284, 313 Yoni Worship, 133, 176, 187, 298, 314
Tran ssexu als, 14, 48, 76, 93, 106, 123, 132, 248, Zelophilia, 131, 146, 199, 298, 31 4
284-285 , 287, 315 Zoophilia:
Transvestites, 4, 14, 19, 28, 48, 59, 74, 76, 91, 94, Androzoons,300,302
103, 106, 111 , 123, 129, 144, 165, 208, 247-248, Avisodomy, 4 5, 300, 305
275,285-287, 29 1,315
Bestialsadism, 15, 300, 305
T richophilia, 222, 287, 314
Formicophilia, 19, 25, 118, 144, 188, 261, 301 ,
T roilism, 50, 120, 170, 288, 314 303, 307
Troubadours, 7 5-76, 288, 314 Erotica, 7, 26, 68, 77, 95, 180, 250, 292, 301, 307
T unnel of Love, 264, 288, 314 Fellching, 11, 106, 301, 307
Urine, 31, 33, 40, 51, 54-55, 65-67, 77, 82, 94, 135- N ecrobestialism, 302
136, 150, 169, 176, 178, 187, 197, 209, 24 1, 259,
264- 265, 269, 285, 288-290, 297, 308, 310, 312- Ophidicism, I 06, 188, 302-303, 310
3 14 P seudobestiality
Urophilia, 9, 46, 66, 74 , 82, 11 8, 130, 13 5-136,
150, 173, 175, 196, 240, 248, 264, 281, 288-289,

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