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Review of the first class (revisión de la primera clase )

1. Remember that in the first class about TATTOOS, you wrote

on your English notebook two expressions that indicated
negation in present tense (recuerde que en la primera clase
acerca de los tatuajes, usted escribió en su cuaderno de
inglés dos expresiones que indicaban negación en tiempo
2. And that expressions are : do not (don´t ) and does not (doesn,t
) , these two expressions mean “no “ in Spanish ( estas dos
expresiones son do not (don´t )y does not (doesn´t ) , estas dos
expresiones significan “no “ en español.
3. Remember that with I, you, we, they you use the expression
don´t, and you also use don´t with plural names ( recuerde que
con I , you , we, they se usala expression don´t , y usted
también usa don´t con nombres que indican plural ; example
,You don´t eat , the students don´t eat .
4. And you use doesn´t with He, She, It, ; you also use doesn´t
with singular names (y usted usa doesn´t con He, She , It ; y
usted también usa doesn´t con nombres en singular , example
: she doesn´t eat , the student doesn´t eat
5. Now you must devote twenty five minutes to study the
vocabulary of the Reading TATTOOS that the teacher gave you
in the last class(ahora usted debe dedicar 20 minutos a
estudiar el vocabulario de la lectura tatuajes que la profesora
le dió en la clase pasada)
6. After accomplish the above points you have to fill in the
blanks with the below words according o the Reading
TATTOOS (después de cumplir los puntos anteriores usted
tiene que llenar los espacios con las palabras que aparecen
debajo de la lectura


Fill the blanks with the words below according to the

I can not ________1_________ what is happening with Young

people_______2_______days, I see _____3_____ with tattoos on
their ______4_____their ______5________and their necks. These
younger generations ________6_______know that tattoos have
A ________7________effect_________8______dirty needles can
cause Illnesses on their skin

1. a. Besides b. these c. understand

2. a. Because b. these c. arms
3. a. These b. long terms c. them
4. a. Arms b. doesn´t c. besides
5. a. Long terms b. legs c. needles
6. a . Doesn´t b. don´t c. isn´t
7. a . Them b. let c. long term
8. a. Understand b. because c. parents

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