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Candidate's Name: Gender Class



Monday: 6th August, 2017. Duration: 2hours


 Read the instruction carefully at the beginning of each section

Section A [15 marks] Make a cross on the answer of your choice
1. Which of the following apparatus can be used to measure and deliver a fixed volume of a liquid accurately?
A. Burette C. Measuring cylinder
B. Pipette D. Volumetric flask

2. Which of the following is not the basic unit of matter?

A. Atom C. Nucleus
B. Ion D. Molecule

3. Diffusion occurs more quickly in gases than in liquids because…….

A. molecules in a gas have more frequent collisions than those in a liquid
B. gas molecules are larger
C. molecules in a liquid have more frequent collisions than those in a gas
D. on average molecules in a gas are further apart than those in a liquid

4. The following are the factors that affect the rate of diffusion except……..
A. temperature C. movement
B. concentration D. particle size

5. The nucleus of atoms contains…

A. Protons only C. Neutrons and electrons
B. Neutrons only D. Protons and neutrons

6. An atom of argon has 18 electrons. Which of the following ions does not have 18 electrons?_________

A. Cl- C. K +¿¿
B. Ca 2+¿ ¿ D. O 2−¿¿

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7. An isotope of element X has 17 protons and 20 neutrons in its nucleus. Which symbol is correct for the ion
of X?

8. Which arrangement of electrons shows the configuration of argon?

A. 2
B. 18
C. 2,8,8
D. 2,8,8
9. The table below gives the atomic structure of four particles


protons 17 17 20 20

neutrons 20 18 20 21

electron 17 18 18 20

Which particles are present together in the same ionic state?

A. W and X
B. W and Y
C. X and Y
D. X and Z

10. In the periodic table hydrogen (H) is not placed in any of the groups. Which of the following is the best
explanation for its position? It…..
A. it has no neutrons
B. is the lightest of all elements

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C. has the properties of both group I and group VII elements
D. has only one electron in its only single energy level

11. Which one of the following contains a covalent bond?

A. NaF
B. CH4
C. AlCl3
D. K2O
12. A bond that is formed between sodium and fluorine is called…………
A. covalent bond
B. sodium fluoride bond
C. ionic bond
D. metallic bond

13. Which of the following shows the correct information about an element with the nuclide notation, 13 Y3+?
A. 13 13 13
B. 13 14 27
C. 13 13 16
D. 13 14 10

14. A cation can best be described as………..

A. A positively charged compound of an atom
B. A positively charged atom of an element
C. A negatively charged atom of an element
D. A neutral atom of an element
15. Atoms of elements get charged in order for them to…..
A. Lose the electrons in the outermost energy level
B. Gain electrons to fill the outermost shell
C. Gain stability as the outermost shell remains fully filled
D. None of the above
Section B [31 marks] write the answers in the spaces available for each question
1. Define the following terms:
(a) Element

(b) Atom

(c) Compound

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(d) Isotopes
[Total: 4marks]

2. The diagram shows the atomic structure of an atom of element X.

(a) Complete the table. [3]

Sub-atomic particle Relative charge Relative mass Number of particles
electron -1
neutron 6
proton 1

(b) Write the symbol for an atom of element X. [1]

(c) Draw a diagram to show the atomic structure of another isotope of element X. [2]

[Total: 6marks]
3. An atom of calcium Ca40
20 , forms a calcium ion Ca 2+
. The ion contains protons, neutrons and electrons
Complete the table to describe the particles in the calcium ion [4]
number in one electrical
particle Ca2+ ion charge

Proton 20

neutron no charge

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[Total: 4marks]

4. (a) Name the three types of bonds which can be formed by the element atoms. [3]
[Total: 3marks]
5. Element A has the atomic number 11 and Element B has 17.
(a) Use the periodic table to identify the elements A and B.
(i) A:
(ii) B: [2]

(b) Draw the cross and dot diagrams to show the bond formation between A and B. [3]

[Total: 5marks]

6. An element Mbamwabwian, symbol Mb was predicted to be discovered soon. It will be put in period
3 and group I.
(i) How many shells will this element have? [1]
(ii) Suggest the number of electrons in its outermost shell. [1]
(iii) Predict the chemical formula of the compound formed between Mbamwabwian and Sulphur.
[Total: 3marks]

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7. Two miscible liquids, alcohol and water with boiling points of 78˚ and 100˚ respectively were accidentally mixed. The
diagram below shows the method of separation used.

a) Which separation technique is shown in the diagram? [1]

b) Why should there be constant supply of water through tube P?
c) Give one industrial application of the above separation technique.
d) What is the function of the following in the experiment?
(i) Thermometer [1]
(ii) Glass beads [1]
[Total: 6 marks]

Section C [10 marks] This section has only one question, write your answers in the spaces provided
1. (a) Study the diagram of the compound below and answer the questions that follow .

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(i) Identify the compound shown above. [1]
(ii) Write the chemical formula of the compound. [1]

(iii)Deduce three properties of the compound. [3]


(b) Atom A can make another bond with a hydrogen atom.

(i) Draw the bond between atom A and hydrogen atom. [2]

(ii) Identify the type of a bond you have drawn above. [1]

(iii) Distinguish two properties of the bond you have formed with the one drawn above. [2]

[Total: 10marks]

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