CCTV Digital Basics Training Workbook: Security Systems

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April 2005

CCTV Digital

Training Workbook

Security Systems
Table of Contents
About this course ..........................................................................5
Course Prerequisites....................................................................5
Course Map ....................................................................................6
Course Objectives .........................................................................7
How to use this book.....................................................................9
Unit 1: Defining Digital ................................................................11
Digital vs. Analog .......................................................................12
What is Digital? ..........................................................................14
Video Imagery ............................................................................15
Digitizing .................................................................................15
Sample rate ............................................................................16
Pixel size ................................................................................16
Pixel bit depth .........................................................................16
Bits and Bytes.........................................................................18
Image File Size ..........................................................................19
Î Review .........................................................................20
Unit 2: Video Compression .........................................................21
Defining Compression................................................................22
Benefits of video compression................................................22
Managing Video File Sizes.........................................................24
Non-compression techniques .................................................24
Video compression techniques...............................................25
Video compression standards ................................................27
Î Review .........................................................................29
Unit 3: Networks ..........................................................................31
Defining Networks ......................................................................32
The CCTV market...................................................................32
Network basics...........................................................................33
Network building blocks..........................................................33
Basic network types................................................................34
Half-duplex vs. Full-duplex communications ..........................34
Converting Bytes to bits..........................................................36
Bandwidth for digital video......................................................36
Network Communications ..........................................................37
Protocol interactions ...............................................................37
Communications handshake ..................................................37
Network protocols ......................................................................38
Ethernet ..................................................................................38
DSL ........................................................................................39

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 3

Network devices.........................................................................40
Hubs and Switches.................................................................40
Routers ...................................................................................41
Gateways ...............................................................................41
Î Review .........................................................................43
Unit 4 – Network Addresses .......................................................47
What are Mac and IP addresses? ..............................................48
IP address standards..............................................................49
Subnets ..................................................................................50
Domain Naming System (DNS)..................................................51
Multicasting ................................................................................51
Firewalls .....................................................................................52
Î Review .........................................................................53
Unit 5 – Network Transmission Medium....................................55
Network Connections .................................................................56
Cabling Specifications................................................................56
Network cabling terminology...................................................56
Categories of twisted pair cabling...........................................58
Fiber Optic ..............................................................................58
Network Interface Card ..............................................................59
Repeaters ..................................................................................59
Î Review .........................................................................60
Unit 6 – Network Pitfalls..............................................................63
Digital CCTV Networks ..............................................................64
Possibilities and Problems......................................................64
Factors for CCTV – Network Integration ....................................65
Bandwidth and storage requirements .....................................65
Connectivity ............................................................................66
Connectivity Tests ..................................................................66
Firewalls .....................................................................................68
Communicating with IT...............................................................68
Appendix ......................................................................................69

4 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

About this course
The CCTV Digital Basics Training course will provide you with a foundation to concepts of digital signals and
network systems, with a focus on CCTV. Included is terminology used within networking environments, and how
data streams are moved and impacted by transmission medium and file size.

Course Prerequisites
This is a foundation course and assumes you are familiar with basic analog video technology. The Bosch Security
Systems provides a CCTV Analog Basics Training course that is recommended as a prerequisite to this CCTV
Digital Basics course.
The material and instructions in this document have been carefully checked for accuracy and are presumed to be
reliable. However, Bosch Security Systems assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies and reserves the right to
modify and revise this document.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 5

Course Map

In this course, you will complete six (6) units. The recommendation is to progress
through each unit in sequential order. There is flexibility in the training order for units 3,
4 and 5, but unit 6 requires all previous units be completed before starting this final
section. It is preferred that you complete each unit before moving on to the remaining
ones. However, your instructor may elect to deliver sections in a different sequence to
accommodate the needs of the students or facilities.

6 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Course Objectives
The following are the course objectives for each unit of training.

Unit 1: Defining Digital

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Describe the components of digital imagery.
• Describe two factors that can impact pixel resolution
• Define a “bit” and how it is used in digital video
• Define a “byte” and how it is used in digital video
• Identify the differences between digital and analog signals.
• Describe at least three advantages of digital vs. analog related to CCTV.

Unit 2: Video Compression

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define video compression.
• Identify the benefits of video compression.
• Identify and describe different video compression techniques.
• Describe the different video file formats and their intended uses.
• Determine the relationships between image capture, compression type, file size and
record time.
• Determine the image capture and compression options for a given need, using a
reference table.

Unit 3: Network Configurations

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define the elements of network traffic.
• Describe how network traffic is controlled and checked.
• Define Bits and Bytes, and their interrelationship.
• Convert Bytes to Bits.
• Describe bandwidth and how it impacts network traffic.
• Calculate network bandwidth requirements.
• Identify and describe the functions of different network components.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 7

Unit 4: Network Addresses
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Define the different types of network addresses.
• Describe how IP addresses are defined and grouped for usage.
• Describe subnets and their function
• Define DNS and its function
• Describe multicasting and how it can be used for CCTV.
• Describe the function of firewalls.

Unit 5: Network Transmission Media

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Identify the different network transmission medium options.
• Describe the characteristics of the different transmission methods.
• Identify transmission limits for different media.

Unit 6: Network Pitfalls

After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Identify at least 3 potential factors that can impact CCTV connectivity to networks.
• Identify at least 3 factors that can impact CCTV bandwidth requirements.
• Identify and describe how different network components can limit network
• Identify and describe 3 computer based tests for network connectivity.

8 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

How to use this book
You can use this book as a learning guide, a review tool, and a reference.

As a learning guide
Each module covers several related topics. Topics are arranged to build upon Check your skills:
previous prerequisite experiences or previous topics. For this reason, you should work
through the topics in sequence. We organized each topic into explanatory concepts. Fill in the blank
questions or complete
the activity to reinforce
As a review tool your understanding.

Any method of instruction is only as effective as the time and effort you are willing to
invest in it. For this reason, we encourage you to spend time reviewing the reference

As a reference Learn more:

Be sure to return to this book as needed to refresh your skills and to locate point-of- Circle the items in the
need information in the field. list that interest you the
most. Ask the instructor
to explain them in
Icons and at-a-glance information detail.
Throughout this book you will find icons that represent certain types of information.
Usually, this information is represented as a small, easy to process segment that
highlights or summarizes a training topic. Sometimes, these icons help you quickly
identify point-of-need information. You can review each type of at-a-glance icon in the
right hand column of this page.

Additional Reference:
Margin locators These notes will direct
Throughout this book you will find in the page margins numbers that correspond to the you to a specific
projected PowerPoint used by your instructor (such as U3-10). These numbers refer documentation
to PowerPoint slide number that show in the lower right corner of each slide. Use resource for more
these markers as your guide to help synchronize the proper workbook page to the information on a topic.
projected visual aid.

Demo or Discussion:
Your instructor will lead
a demonstration or a
classroom discussion
that relates to the topic.
Sometimes, you will be
asked to complete an
exercise that relates to
the topic.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 9


Your instructor:

Your instructor’s contact Information:


Class hours:

Important information about these facilities:





10 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 1: Defining Digital

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Describe the components of digital imagery.
• Describe two factors that can impact pixel resolution
• Define a “bit” and how it is used in digital video
• Define a “byte” and how it is used in digital video
• Identify the differences between digital and analog signals.
• Describe at least three advantages of digital vs. analog related to CCTV.

Topics covered
• Digital signals
• Main components of a CCTV system

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 11

Unit 1
Digital vs. Analog
Analog CCTV systems have been the backbone for meeting the visual needs of
security for many decades. The CCTV camera has always provided an analog signal,
and was usually recorded onto video tape using the analog video signal. CCTV was
often integrated within other analog security system functions, such as intrusion, fire
detection, and access control.
Advances within imaging chip technology, microprocessors, and mass memory have
brought digital benefits to the CCTV markets. Improved image capture quality and
capabilities, increased image manipulation and compression options, higher reliability
in recording, and faster image retrieval are some of the benefits realized. Up to this
point, digital technology has made the greatest inroads in the areas of image capture
(cameras) and recording/archiving (i.e. DVRs).
Even with such advances in digital CCTV, these systems have remained mostly an
analog signal technology platform. The video standards that CCTV is built upon
(NTSC, PAL, SECAM) has confined this visual medium to the analog domain. The
term “digital” is often misunderstood and loosely used when relating to CCTV
In recent years, CCTV systems have begun to transition through a dramatic shift
towards total digital integration. This is occurring because the analog signal backbone
standards (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) is being completely bypassed. In their place MPEG,
Wavelet, JPEG, or some yet to be discovered new digital standard are replacing the
analog video signals. These signals are not required to be sent to a dedicated and
centralized control center, but are available to one or more PCs - anywhere in the
This new digital signal foundation has dramatic impact on CCTV systems. It is
redefining systems as they have been long known: closed dedicated transmission
paths, with centralized control centers. The new generation of digital CCTV systems
use open distribution architecture (IP protocols, multicast), with decentralized and
multiple monitoring and/or control points – potentially wherever a PC exists. These
digital video signals are transmitted over existing computer networks – worldwide. And
the video/audio/control signals remain digital from start to end.
The term IP-CCTV or IP-Surveillance means the transmission of digitized video
streams over wired or wireless Internet Protocol (IP) networks. These include
corporate network systems and the internet. The advantages of an IP based CCTV
system are:
Scalability – Easily scaled from one to thousands of camera in any increment is
possible. It offers any frame rate from any camera at any time.
Cost efficient infrastructure – The ability to use existing wired networks or wireless
transmission, opens new areas of access and cost savings for installation. The option
to piggy back onto a preexisting business network system makes expansion easier
U1-5 and provides for new efficiencies in maintaining and managing the infrastructure.
Remote access & control – Any video source can be accessed and controlled
remotely from anywhere in the world over wire/wireless networks. Intelligence of the
camera functions can be established at the camera location (motion detection, event
handling, output type, time/date, etc.).
Lower cost – An IP CCTV system can easily leverage from existing network systems,
business support resources, and storage capabilities.
This training will introduce you to the world of digital CCTV, from two main
perspectives: digital components within an analog world, and as all digital systems.
The following table summarized some the differences and benefits between digital
and analog CCTV. Also included are the benefits of a total digital CCTV system.

12 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 1
Digital Hybrid CCTV Systems U1-6
Advantages Disadvantages
9 Clear, precise and discrete signal 8 Video signal conversion required:
values, which allows for customized analog-digital-analog
image quality options
8 Digital components sometimes more
9 Ability to manipulate and compress expensive than analog
the signal data for duplication,
transmission and storage flexibility 8 System still requires some dedicated
transmission path
9 The ability to send signals through
non-dedicated transmission media 8 Transmission distance limitations

9 Flexibility in the storage, file transfer, 8 Video storage limited by hard drive
copying and archiving space

9 Simultaneous record and playback 8 System expansion my be limited by

dependent components (i.e. need to
9 Fast and detailed search capabilities buy more switchers)
9 Non-degradation of recorded video 8 More users on system may slow IPS
with use/playback speed.
9 Digital recording can incorporate 8 May not be real time video
9 Low maintenance on digital record
Analog CCTV Systems
Advantages Disadvantages
9 Uses traditional video cameras, 8 Requires dedicated transmission path
transmission methods, and VCR
recording 8 Transmission distance limitations

9 Relatively inexpensive to build a 8 Time consuming video searches

system 8 System expansion my be limited by
9 Simple and familiar to use dependent components

9 Modular configuration to add/replace 8 Video tape and recordings wear

components out/degrade with use

9 Provides real time, full video 8 Higher maintenance of VCR

resolution 8 Bulky storage requirements of tapes
8 Inflexibility in use of recorded video
100% Digital CCTV Systems
Advantages Disadvantages
9 Digital signal throughout system, and 8 Network congestion and bandwidth
all the benefits of a digital signal limitations
9 No dedicated cabling required, uses 8 Expense of components (this cost may
existing computer networks be offset by savings in using existing
network cabling)
9 Easily scalable system
8 Same security concerns as any
9 Non-centralized control centers computer network system
9 “Virtual hard disk” possible 8 Competing proprietary standards
9 System redundancy network provides

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 13

Unit 1
What is Digital?
To put in the simplest terms, Digital is information represented in discrete values of
either ON or OFF bits of information. This on/off format of information is called Binary
U1-9 Code, and is numerically represented as a “1” or “0” (one or zero). These two values
represent the smallest form of digital information, called a Bit. Thus, a Bit is
expressed as either a value of 1 or 0.
Because of this discrete two state mode of operation, digital systems operate very
If we were to digitally precisely. This built-in error detection and correction leads to an inherently higher
controlling low voltage quality process. The rounding up or down of digital processing screens out slight
within a computer, then variations in information. Variations retained within any process can have an
OFF (no voltage) would accumulative effect, resulting in a substantial degrading of the output. Digital
be represented by “0” processing helps counter this accumulative effect.
(zero). The normal
operating low voltages Compare this to Analog information that is represented as continuous or proportional
of the computer, say 12 values. Unlike the discrete values of digital, analog information can contain a wide
volts, would be ON, range of values, along with very small subtle changes. This continuous nature of
represented by “1” analog information makes it by nature more susceptible to unwanted variations.
(one). Any voltage Analog’s continuous
variations would be value representation
digitally rounded to fit of information also
within the ON or OFF gives it the ability to
parameters of 12 volts capture and
or 0 volts. reproduce a great
amount of detail. This
can also create very
large files for storing
U1-10 such information.
The challenge of
digital processing is in
capturing the level of
detail required as
specific digital values.

Digital communications use such discrete terms as: Pulse Code Modulation, data
communications, and video digital signals of Wavelet, AVI, JPEG, and MPEG.
Analog communications use continuous terms such as: AM and FM modulation,
high fidelity, and video analog wave signals of Y/C and composite.

14 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 1

Video Imagery
A digital camera uses the lens to focus the light from a scene onto a Charge Coupled
Device (CCD) within the
camera. The CCD is an imaging
sensor that captures the scene
light values, and converts this
information into an analog signal
of continuous electrical voltage
levels. This voltage level varies
in proportion to the different
levels of light.
There are different sizes
available for CCD imagers.
Common CCTV imager sizes,
called camera formats are:
(inches): 1/3, ¼, ½, 2/3 and 1. The
format of the CCD alone does
not determine the image quality.
Other factors need to be taken into account.

CCD Resolution is
Within the CCD, the area of the video image is broken down into small quadrants in often measured in
grid-like fashion. Each small grid area is called a Pixel. A Pixel is one picture element, megapixels.
and is a sensor that is the smallest component that captures the video image. The Each megapixel = 1
number of pixels (sensors) that are on the CCD surface rates the CCD. A CCD with a million pixels.
greater number of pixels can capture more detailed visual information.
The analog signal that comes from the CCD imager is received by a microprocessor
within the camera, called a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). This microprocessor
converts the analog signal into a digital signal. This Analog-to-Digital (A/D) signal
conversion is called Digitizing.
The quality of the digital image is dependent upon the quality of both the CCD and the
DSP analog-to-digital conversion. Image quality is impacted by three factors:
y Sample Rate
y Pixel Size
y Pixel Bit Depth

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 15

Unit 1

Sample rate
U1-11 How frequently the
analog signal
values are looked at
(sampled) to obtain
a signal
measurement is the
Most CCTV Cameras Sample Rate.
have the following pixel
determines the
sampling rate. This
Normal active pixels: determines the level
of signal resolution.
510 H x 582 V
The higher the
sample rates, the
500 H x 582 V more frequent are
(PAL) the signal capture
readings, which,
increases the ability
High Resolution to capture finer
active pixels: analog signal changes.
768 H x 492 V For video signals, sample rates are usually determined at various Hertz frequency
(NTSC) levels. (Professional digital audio sample rate is 48 KHz. Digital video sample rates
are in the range of 5-60 MHz.)
752 H x 582 V
(PAL) Pixel size
Pixel Size that is on the CCD defines spatial or image resolution. The size of the
pixels are usually counted in pixels/inch or mm. The smaller the pixels, the greater
Analog TV resolution is
level of detail captured.
based upon horizontal
lines of resolution Pixel bit depth
This defines brightness or chroma resolution. It determines how finely the pixels can
break down the levels of light it receives, and these fall within a fixed range of values.
Each level of scale or depth is called a Bit. This is can be referred to as Pixel Bit
Depth or Bit Depth. The higher the Bit Depth value, the higher the image resolution is
for brightness or chroma.


16 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 1

Since digital imagery works on the Binary value system (1 or 0 – on or off), each Bit
must record the light as either a 1 or 0 value. For a simple pixel depth of one Bit, the
assigned light value can only be a value of either a one or a zero. This digitally
translates into image values of white or black. This 1 Bit Pixel Depth creates what is
often called a half-tone image. Even using only black and white dots, an image can be
created that appears to have different shades of grey by varying the placement of
these black or white dots.
For a bit depth of five, the brightness resolution capability becomes 32 different levels
of brightness that can be created. A bit depth of 8 can yield 256 different levels of


To create digital CCTV color, the Primary Colors of Red, Green, and Blue are U1-14
required. Each color requires its own Pixel and Pixel Bit Depth. If each color uses five
bits, then you end up with a 15 Bit color system. This digital brightness resolution
combines to produce 32,768 different possible colors.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 17

Unit 1

For a 15 Bit color system, a pixel represents one of the primary colors (RGB). That
pixel can produce one of 32 discrete variations of that color. When one pixel each of
red, green, and blue are next to each other, they create what is perceived as the final
color seen in that one image area (one of 32,768 colors possible).

Bits and Bytes

U1-15 Just as the alphabet is the building blocks of language, bits represent the foundation
of digital information, and are the smallest form of digital data. Bit values are
expressed in binary code fashion of 1’s or 0’s. When transmitting this digital
information, it is expressed as bits per second (bps). The slowest component in a
network system will determine the speed of data transmission. Large file sizes and a
slow network component (i.e. modem) can create what we all know as a bottleneck.
Video components and medium that transmit this data use bits as their foundation to
express their carrying capacity (bandwidth):
Bandwidth will be
covered further in y Modems: 28.8 Kbps, 33.6 Kbps, 56 Kbps
Unit 3 – Networks
y LAN networks: 10 Mbits/sec., 100 Mbits/sec., 1 Gbits/sec.
The next category of digital data
is called a Byte. It is typically
made up of 8 bits. Video imagery
and the resulting digital files
U1-16 sizes are expressed in Bytes:
y File size: 15 KB, 12 MB
y Hard-drive: 40 GB
When Bytes are used for
expressing transmission rates or
capacity, it is stated as Bytes
per second (Bps).

18 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 1
Image File Size
For digital imagery, the combination of the number of Pixels and Pixel Depth impact U1-17
not only image quality, but also the digital file size.

For each video frame captured, a video file is created. That file size is dependent
upon the following:
y Total number of pixels on CCD based upon its dimension
(ie. 768 x 492 = 377856 pixels)
y Pixel Bit Depth as determined by the Digital Signal Processor (i.e. 8 bit)
Since CCTV video is motion imaging, full multiple images or image files are produced.
The rate of images captured, displayed, or recorded is referred to as Images Per U1-18
Second (IPS).
Thus for every second of video captured, digital data is being created at a very high
rate. The need to reduce this file size becomes obvious when considering signal
transmission and video file storage requirements.
Reducing digital video signal data file size is called Compression. This is the next
topic in this training workbook.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 19

Unit 1

Î Review
Complete the review questions below. When you are done, review your answers with
your facilitator.
Place either an A (for Analog) or a D (for Digital), before each item below, depending
what you think it best represents.
___ 1) Time consuming video searches ___ 11) PAL, NTSC
___ 2) Ability to manipulate & compress signal data ___ 12) DSP
Fill in the blank
questions or complete ___ 3) Recording can incorporate encryption ___ 13) Bit
the activity to reinforce ___ 4) More users may slow IPS ___ 14) VCR
your understanding.
___ 5) Requires dedicated transmission path ___ 15) DVR
___ 6) May not be real time video ___ 16) Hard drive
___ 7) Provides real time video and quality ___ 17) Mbps
___ 8) Recorded video not degraded with playback ___ 18) JPEG, MPEG
___ 9) Flexible and fast search of recorded video ___ 19) Digitize
___ 10) Continuous values ___ 20) Discrete values

Fill in the blanks.

21. On a Charge Coupled Device, this represents the smallest image producing
element. ____________________________

22. The quality of a digital image produced by a DSP is impacted by these three

a. ______________________________________

b. ______________________________________

c. ______________________________________

23. The size of the pixels on a CCD determines _____________ resolution.

24. A Byte is usually made up of ____________.

25. The three primary colors of video are: ___________________

26. A 15 bit color camera can produce this many colors: __________

27. Identify the number of binary possibilities for each of the number of bits below:

1 Bit 2 Bits 3 Bits 4 Bits 5 Bits 6 Bits 7 Bits 8 Bits

____ __4__ ___ _16__ __ __ __ __

28. Pixel Bit Depth determines _______________ resolution.

29. How frequently an analog video signal is measured to get a digital value is the

30. The rate of video image capture is referred to as:


20 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 2: Video Compression

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define video compression.
• Identify the 2 main benefits of video compression.
• Identify and describe different video compression techniques.
• Describe the different video file formats and their intended uses.
• Determine the relationships between image capture, compression type, file size and
record time.
• Determine the image capture and compression options for a given need, using a
reference table.

Topics covered
• Benefits of compression
• Compression types
• Determining video storage needs

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 21

Unit 2
Defining Compression
Understanding the need and method of video compression is an important CCTV
system design consideration. The compression method chosen impacts how the video
U2-3 is effectively used, stored and transmitted. It also impacts the selection of hardware
and software within the CCTV system. In all compression types, the compromise is
between data storage requirements and transmission capacity verses image quality.
Since all digital data information is comprised of binary numbers, computer
microprocessors can analyze and manipulate these numerical values in many ways.
In CCTV, an important need for digital manipulation is for file compression.
Compression takes the digital data and reduces the file size by looking for numerical
repeating patterns or similarities. Compression Engines are tools used to
accomplish the task of compressing digital files. Just as there are a wide variety of
digital files, (video, audio, data, text, etc.), there are a wide variety of compression
engines on the market.
Compression engines use mathematical algorithms, which are specially designed for
calculating and solving repetitive mathematical problems. There are many types of
compression techniques and standards, depending upon the type of files and the
requirements for speed, storage, and quality of the output.
The technology that makes this happen is referred to as codec
(compress/decompress data). This is the generic term for the hardware and software
required to make compression work across multiple platforms and applications.

U2-4 Benefits of video compression

Without video file compression, the size and volume of the captured video data could
slow or stop signal transmission, and create excessively large requirements for
memory space on storage devices.
A CCTV video signal alone can generate 39,000,000 bytes (39 MB) of image data per
second (at 60 ips). To give you scale to this rate of data creation, a CD (650 MB)
would be able to store only about 16 seconds of video. The steady rate of video data
creation would overwhelm most storage and transmission systems. The need for
video data compression is obvious.
Benefits of video compression are:

U2-5 y Greater storage capabilities – provides more image data in less storage
space. This reduces file storage cost.
y Faster file transfer rates – allows for increased flexibility and speed in
Note: Bandwidth will be sharing and transmitting video data. This reduces transmission bandwidth
covered in more detail requirements.
Unit 3 - Networks. In CCTV, the key challenge of video file compression is in achieving the proper
balance between file size compression and image quality.
File compression is expressed as a ratio:
Original file size – to – New file size
(such as 30:1)
Current common CCTV compression ratios are in the range of 15:1 up to 100:1. The
higher the compression ratio is, the greater the file compression. This usually results
in lower image quality.


22 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 2

Table 2.1 shows different video file sizes resulting from different levels of file compression and image capture
rates. This information is also shows how much recording time is possible based upon these variables and the
memory storage size.

Table 2.1 – File size and recording times

Video File File Size Hours of recoding by hard drive size:
Type (per image) 30 GB 75 GB 150 GB 240 GB 640 GB
No Compression Color Video (460 TVL) = 650,000 Bytes (65 KB)
At 60 IPS 0.21 0.53 1.07 1.71 4.56
(39 MB)
At 20 IPS 0.64 1.60 3.21 5.13 13.68
(13 MB)
At 5 IPS 2.56 6.41 12.82 20.51 54.70
(3.2 MB)
At 1 IPS 12.82 32.05 64.1 102.56 273.50
(65 KB)
Low Ratio Compressed Color Video (High resolution) = 30,000 Bytes (3 KB)
At 60 IPS 4.63 11.57 23.15 37.04 98.77
(1.8 MB)
At 20 IPS 13.89 34.72 69.44 111.11 296.30
(60 KB)
At 5 IPS 55.56 138.89 277.78 444.44 1,185.19
(15 KB)
At 1 IPS 277.78 694.44 1,388.89 2,222.22 5,925.93
(3 KB)
Medium Ratio Compressed Color Video (Standard resolution) = 15,000 Bytes (1.5 KB)
At 60 IPS 9.26 23.15 46.30 74.07 197.53
(90 KB)
At 20 IPS 27.78 69.44 138.89 222.22 592.59
(30 KB)
At 5 IPS 111.11 277.78 555.56 888.89 2,370.37
(7.5 KB)
At 1 IPS 555.56 1,388.89 2,777.78 4,444.44 11,851.85
(1.5 KB)
High Ratio Compressed Color Video (Low resolution) = 7,000 Bytes (0.7 KB)
At 60 IPS 19.84 49.60 99.21 158.73 423.28
(42 KB)
At 20 IPS 59.52 148.81 297.62 476.19 1,269.84
(14 KB)
At 5 IPS 238.10 595.24 1,190.48 1,904.76 5,079.37
(3.5 KB)
At 1 IPS 1,190.48 2,976.19 5,952.38 9,523.81 25,396.83
(0.7 KB)

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 23

Unit 2
Managing Video File Sizes
Non-compression techniques
A number of techniques can be used to reduce the file sizes created by video. Not all
of them involve file compression.
Non-compression techniques to reduce file size include:
y Reduce the Frame Size of the video frame itself. A 320x240 image is ¼ the
digital file size of a 640x480 video image. This requires no file compression

y Reduce the image per second (ips) captured and/or recorded. With 20 ips
you create 1/3 the digital file size that 60 ips generates. No file compression
algorithms are used.

24 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 2

Video compression techniques

To achieve substantial video file size reductions, video compression is required. The U2-7
science of video compression often leverages off our understanding of human
Normal human perception is more sensitive in discriminating differences in brightness
levels (luminance), than we are in discriminating color variations (chrominance). Most Lossy Compression –
compression engines take advantage of this perception characteristic. This is Data compression
accomplished by discarding much of the color information in the picture, and focusing techniques that results
on the subtle changes of brightness variations. In many cases the chrominance bit in some data loss
resolution values can be reduced twice as much as the luminance bit values, with very through the elimination
little perceived impact on image quality. of redundant or
With video imagery, two dimensions of image capture exist: information. Most video
y The image file of each video frame created compression
technologies use this
y The sequence of frames created type of compression.
Video compression engines can perform file compression tasks in the following ways:
y Intra-Frame Compression – Compress the individual video frames (single Lossless
frame compression). Also known as Full Frame Refresh. Compression - Data
y Inter-Frame Compression – Compress the differences between frames in compression in which
succession (multi-frame compression). Also known as Conditional Refresh. no data is lost. For
most types of data, this
y A variation of both techniques technique can reduce
Intra-Frame Compression is where the individual video frames are separately files by only 50% (2:1).
compressed using an algorithm. These types of compression engines usually work by Lossless compression
discarding much of the color information, and/or reoccurring, predictable patterns of is used for
pixel data within the file. (Also know as spatial compression.) compressing raw data
and computer



compression has the
advantage of providing
easily retrievable, high
quality video frames.
One method is to use “blocks” of pixel data (i.e. 8x8 pixel groups), which are
statistically analysed for pixel value similarities or redundancies. These pixel data
similarities are then converted to a new digital value for this block area. For scenes
with broad expanses of similar color/detail (i.e. blue sky), great compression results
are achieved with very little image degrading.
Even in image areas with lots of detail, there are still pixel levels with color or
background redundancies that can be compressed with little loss of image detail. As
compression ratios are increased, this repeated “blocking together” of pixel data for
analysis and compression will eventually negatively impact image quality. This will first
be notice where contrast edge lines exist, and in areas of fine detail

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 25

Unit 2

Inter-Frame Compression accounts to the sequence of video frames. For this multi-
frame compression to work, the data from previous frames is needed. The algorithm
captures periodic “reference frames” (i.e. every 1/2 second) and looks for only the
differences within successive frames, which are then captured and stored. This
compression technique takes advantage of the fact that any given video frame is
U2-10 probably very similar to the frames around it. (Also known as temporal or conditional
Inter-frame refresh compression.)
compression can
obtain 100:1
compression in minimal
motion scenes, such as
in a static warehouse.

The above illustration represents a combination, or two stages of video compression
techniques. Frame 1 is compressed using an Intra-frame algorithm (JPEG). The
succeeding frames use this same compressed data, and check each succeeding
frame to look for image differences. This is the function of the Inter-frame algorithm.
Since only the scene differences between frames are accounted to, the compression
algorithm can produce high compression ratios.
A certain number of frames down the sequence (say 4 frames), a reference frame is
performed to cross check for differences with the previous frames. With this check, it
will estimate the motion and scene to anticipate the compressing of the coming
frames using this “predicted” data. When differences within the scene are detected,
the Intra-frame algorithm will only need to compress the scene differences. Periodic
Intra-frame compression is used (~ every 10-20 frames).
Inter-frame compression has the capacity to dramatically reduce bandwidth and
storage requirements of CCTV video. With stationary camera placements, and scenes
that often have little activity, the video sequences captured will exhibit high degrees of
frame-to-frame correlation. Even video situations that change regularly due to traffic
activity and/or camera pans, this compression technique can still deliver substantial
file reductions. This is due to most algorithms ability to track and detect repeating
patterns of activity – called motion estimation. Thus, Inter-frame compression with its
frame-to-frame conditional refresh characteristics lends itself well to both the CCTV
security monitored environments, and the need to store and archive recorded video
Inter-Frame compression requires more computer memory and processing power
than does Intra-Frame compression. This is because it captures and holds in memory
multiple video frames for cross frame comparisons.

26 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 2

Video compression standards

There are a number of video usage and compression standards. These are U2-12
summarized here:
H.320 – This lossy standard is intended mainly for video conferencing and is
optimized for transmissions on ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network, such as
LAN and WAN) systems. Since it was developed to address two-way video
communications, it is a useful standard for real-time video transmission. H.##
standards are set around mostly fixed telecommunication transmission rates. Because
of this bandwidth constraint, the more users on the system will decrease the images
per second transmission rate, producing a slide show type of image viewing.
CIF – Common
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) created H.320 and its subset Intermediate
standards. It sets standards for components and complete transmission systems, in Format
addition to setting compliance standards for image quality, especially related to signal
This is a part of
transmissions. These standards help maintain compatibility between components of
H.261 video
different manufactures.
H.320 consists of a number of sub-standards: standards.
y H.221 – Sets standards for multiplexing audio, video, data and control CIF formats define
information. the resolutions:
y H.261 – Describes video coding and decoding methods and file compression CIF or Full CIF
techniques. Similar to MPEG compression (not compatible), but it varies in (FCIF) =
that it trades picture quality against motion. Thus, motion images will have 360 x 240
lower quality than static images. This function optimizes bandwidth by having
2CIF = 720 x 240
a constant bit rate encoding (vs. constant quality and variable bit rate
encoding.) The compression will always be in multiples of 64 Kbps (for ISDN) 4CIF = 720 x 480
y H323 – Standards for computer networks (TCP/IP)
y H.324 – Standards for analog modem connections and lines
JPEG – This is an Intra-frame lossy standard, designed for the effective storage of U2-13
individual frame data. Compression ranges of 5:1 to 25:1 will produce little visible loss
in image quality. With greater compression rates (up to 40:1) quantization artifacts
become visible. While JPEG does not include any transmission standards, it is a good
standard for individual frame compression. It produces a compromise between image
quality and storage requirements. JPEG was created by the Joint Photographic Expert
Group and is an ISO industry standard.
M-JPEG – Also called Motion JPEG, this uses the single frame JPEG compression
technique and applies it to the sequence of video frames. M-JEG is widespread in the
security industry because of the ability to access individual frames as needed.
Because MJPEG does not take into account relationships between multiple frames,
the video compression rate is not as great as other standards (i.e. H.320/H.261 and
MPEG). M-JPEG is not internationally standardized. U2-14

MPEG – This term has evolved to represent a family of digital video lossy
compression, which uses both the intra-frame and inter-frame algorithms standards
and file formats. This family of standards includes MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
MPEGs were created by the Moving Pictures Expert Group and are ISO industry
MPEG-1 – This was originally created for the storage of video onto CD-ROM media.
This standard is slightly below the quality of VHS. MPEG-1 not only defines a
compression standard, but also a resolution and transmission standard. Video
standards are a resolution of 352x240 pixels at 30 frames per second (fps), with a
preferred data transmission rate of 1.5 Mbits/s. These were selected because they are
the standards for uncompressed audio and popular MP3 audio files. MPEG-1 is
compressed in non-real time and decompressed in real time. Compression rates of
30:1 are typical, with compression up to 100:1 for low motion video.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 27

Unit 2

MPEG-2 – This version was created specifically for digital TV. The compression of
video uses both the intra-frame and inter-frame algorithms. MPEG-2 provides a
number of quality options (called profiles and levels), which allows for professional
video transmission rates up to 15 Mbits/s. Video resolution standards of 720x480 and
1280x720 at 60 fps, along with full CD quality audio are specified. MPEG-2 also
provides support for video interlacing, thus meeting standards for broadcast TV,
NTSC, HDTV, and DVD-ROMs. Encoding (compressing) video into MPEG-2 data
requires significant computer processing power. Decoding (decompressing) the
MPEG-2 data stream needs only modest computer processing.
U2-15 MPEG-4 – This algorithm of lossy, inter-frame compression standard is Wavelet
based. It uses object coding, which identifies motion and isolates this from stationary
backgrounds. It is primarily designed for use with: web streaming media, CD
distribution, video conversation (videophone), and broadcast TV. The compressed
files are designed to transmit video mixed with graphics, text, 2-D and 3-D animation
layer over a narrow bandwidth, using low bit rates of 4800 bps to 4 Mbps.
Compression rates of color images is at 20:1 up to 300:1, with grayscale images at
20:1 to 50:1. MPEG-4 is an ISO standard.
Wavelet – Wavelet uses whole frame vs. pixel group compression. Wavelets are the
simple pairing up of input values, comparing the differences, and passing the sum of
U2-16 the different values (coefficients). The distribution of most image data is concentrated
around a small number of coefficients. This results in efficient compression. Because
Wavelet compression works on filtering the overall image, it provides higher
compression ratios than MJPEG, without the blocky artifacts. Compression of color
images is in the range of 20:1 to 300:1, with grayscale images from 10:1 to 50:1. The
trade off of this algorithm is speed. It is slower than MJPEG, thus it may not be the
best choice for real-time 30 frames/sec applications. JPEG 2000 is a wavelet
U2-17 compression.
Table 2.2 - Compression Summary
MPEG 1 MPEG-2 MPEG 4 Wavelet M-JPEG H.320/261

y Wavelet & y Wavelet & y Wavelet & y Wavelet

y Intra-frame y Inter-frame
Compression Inter-frame Inter-frame Inter-frame Intra-frame
Type y Full Frame y Conditional
y Conditional y Conditional y Conditional y Full Frame
Refresh Refresh
Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh
y Lossy y Lossy
y Lossy y Lossy y Lossy y Lossy

Typical 30:1 20:1 20:1 15:1 15:1 20:1

Compression to to to to to to
(same quality) 100:1 100:1 300:1 300:1 25:1 100:1

Bandwidth 20 kbps -
1-3 Mbps 5-15 Mbps 0.5-4 Mbps 1-4 Mbps 10-26 Mbps
2 Mbps

Data storage Data storage Image quality Image quality Data storage
Compression streaming,
& & & & &
video phone &
Transmission Transmission Image retrieval Image retrieval Transmission
data storage

HiQ VideoJet, NetCam2, VideoJet,
Products VideoJet
(MPEG-2) DiBos 8 Divar DiBos

28 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 2

Î Review
Complete the review questions below. When you are done, review your answers with
your facilitator.
Fill-in the blanks for the following statements:
1. The process of taking digital file data and reducing the file size is called:
______________________________________________________________ .

2. __________________________ are used to perform numerical calculations that Fill in the blank
questions or complete
solve repetitive mathematical problems. the activity to reinforce
your understanding.
3. A wide variety of computer software tools exist on the market designed to reduce
the amount of data within files. These are generically called:
______________________________________________________________ .

4. The type of compression most frequently used in video compression, which

results in the loss of some original data is called _______________________ .

5. This is the term used to describe video compression performed on single video
frames only. It is also known as full frame refresh:
_____________________________________________________________ .

6. Identify two methods of reducing digital video file sizes that do not use
compression techniques:
a) ____________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________

7. The term that describes a conditional refresh video compression techniques is

called: ________________________________________________________

8. With any video compression technique, there is always a trade off or compromise
between achieving reduced _______________________________________ ,
and maintaining an acceptable level of _______________________________ .

9. Video compression is expressed in terms of a before and after ____________ .

10. Identify two main benefits of using video compression.

a) ____________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________

Refer to the Table 2.1 on page 23 for the following questions:

11. If the video is not compressed and capturing at 20 ips, how much video can be
stored on a 150 GB hard drive? ____________________________________
12. The file size created every second at 20 ips and at medium compression is:
_____________________________________________________________ .
13. If you have a 150 GB hard drive and 3 video cameras. You need to capture and
retain at least 40 hours (1 work week) of information. At medium compression
what is the fastest IPS the cameras can equally capture at?: ______________ .

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 29

Unit 2

Match the following video compression standards to the descriptions below. Write the
terms in the blank spaces provided.
Video Compression

A video conferencing standard that is optimized for transmission

on ISDN and telecommunication lines. There are a number of
14. _______
sub-standards associated with this that define such issues as
modem connections, interfacing with computer networks, and
video compression techniques. It uses inter-fame algorithms for
video compression.
Both an inter-frame and wavelet compression technique, which
accounts to both the single frame and mult-frame data. This
15. ______
standard also defines a transmission standard of 352x240 pixels
at 30 fps with a preferred data transfer rate of 1.5 Mbps (range
of 1-3 Mbps). It was originally developed for storing video onto
CD-ROM media with image quality close to VHS.
This is an inter-frame standard designed to effectively compress
frame data, which can easily be retrieved and viewed as
16. _______
individual frames. As compression rates increase, visible
quantization become noticeable as blocky artifacts.
A technique the accounts to the whole image frame and not just
groups of pixels for compression. It uses coefficient values that
17. _______
represent digital differences within the image and compresses
this data. It can provide higher compression ratios without the
blocky pixel effects.
An inter-frame (single-frame) compression that is applied
repeatedly to each individual frame of video. It does not account
18. _______
to any relationships between frames for compression purposes.
It is a popular CCTV compression format because individual
video frames can be easily retrieved and used. At the lower
compression rates, quality is very good for content identification.
The inter-frame compression is wavelet based and is designed
to meet the needs of web streaming media, CD production, and
19. _______
the transmission of video mixed with graphics, test, 2-D and 3-D
animation layers. It uses object coding to separate motion from
background information. It is a newer compression tool.
This was designed specifically for digital TV and supports video
interlacing. Standards are specified for video resolution and fps.
20. _______
It uses both intra-frame and inter-frame compression
techniques. This compression requires high computing power.

30 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3: Networks

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define the elements of network traffic.
• Describe how network traffic is controlled and checked.
• Define Bits and Bytes, and their interrelationship.
• Convert Bytes to Bits.
• Describe bandwidth and how it impacts network traffic.
• Calculate network bandwidth requirements.
• Identify and describe the functions of different network components.

Topics covered
• Network traffic and bandwidth
• Network hardware components

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 31

Unit 3
Defining Networks
The CCTV market
In the marketplace of security, CCTV video is rarely the only protection component
within the system. The CCTV camera often supplements other security and safety
functions such as: access control, intrusion detection, fire protection, and intercom
communications. For security/safety management and cost control reasons, most of
these diverse signals are sent to centralized monitoring and control centers.
The great diversity of safety devices and their signals transmitted often creates
Bosch Security obstacles to streamlined, cost effective system integration. Proprietary designs and
Systems provides a the lack of a single standard of such diverse systems usually results in parallel data
total integrated product: transmission links, each with their own receiving components. Customer demand and
Business Integration competition has also expanded this safety net function to include building energy
System (BIS) management tasks, such as HVAC and lighting. IT network infrastructures are
becoming more important in achieving a single integrated, low cost, system that can
incorporate visual and access security, fire safety, and building management
Digital technologies and computer networked system standards represents the most
logical solution to such system diversity. The potential to not only integrate signal
data, but to also decentralize the collection and monitoring locations opens new
opportunities in creating system designs. The impact of digital networked
security/safety/building systems effects component designs, system connectivity,
communications, and even the business model for staffing and managing such
For CCTV to be a part of this industry evolution towards a computer networked
infrastructure, a digital video signal is required. As reviewed in Unit 2, compression of
that video signal is necessary for efficient and practical signal transmission, data
storage, and archiving purposes. This also requires a fundamental understanding of
network systems and their communication protocols.
The evolution of enterprise class security systems allows for interconnection of
multiple facilities worldwide. Video transmission is now possible through telephone
lines (telco), a wide variety of corporate IT network systems, and the internet.
U3-3 A number of factors are to be considered when integrating digital CCTV into any
network system. These include:
y The size of the security network
y The nature of the security system functions that are to be networked
y The design and capacity of the existing network
The opportunities of digital CCTV network systems are tremendous. Created
everyday are systems that offer greater flexibility, with new levels usability and safety.
This also requires new skill sets and knowledge of the infrastructure and terminology
associated with these existing IT network environments. Your participation in this
course is a start on that journey.

32 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3
Network basics
Networks are designed for sharing. With the wide variety of network systems that
exist, some fundamental guidelines must be observed in order to effectively share
information, devices and resources.
Most analog CCTV systems are “Closed Circuit,” having their own dedicated network
system. One way of going beyond this dedicated “closed circuit” video network design
is to integrate it into an existing network system. Digital CCTV systems can make use
of a variety of network systems. These are some basic systems that might be used.
y Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) – Analog telephone networks,
accessed with modem.
y Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) – A digital circuit-switched
network using copper lines. It provides voice/data, analog-to-digital
transitions, and often LAN-to-LAN connectivity. Transmission rate is 128
y Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) – A high speed modulation
system using copper lines that can transmit at 1500Kbps downstream
(receiving) and 640 Kbps upstream (sending).
y Local Area Network (LAN) – Computer systems that may be at single office
site. LANs can have different designs and configurations.
y Wide Area Network (WAN) – Computer systems, which can encompass
multiple buildings or campus type of sites. WANs can have different designs
and configurations.
y Internet (www) – The ultimate and virtual worldwide computer network
system. This is actually a collection of many networks.
Network building blocks
You can design networks in a variety of ways, depending upon the requirements Topology – The
expected of the system, the scale of operation, the volume of data sharing, and cost schematic description
constraints. All networks require some basic building block components to operate of a network design.
with. These include:
y Network Operating System – This consists of a family of software programs that U3-4
run the networked computers. They provide the ability for the computers to share
resources, such as files, printers, and memory space. Servers are computers
configured to share their own resources. This can be the hard drive or their ability
to connect to other network systems. Clients are computers configured to use
the resources of server computers.
y Network Interface Card (NIC) – This circuit board inside computers is designed
for network communications. The digital signals generated by computers are too
low of a voltage for transmitting. The NIC card boosts these signals and properly
“packages” this data for transmission through the network. It also acts as a
gatekeeper to control access to the network cables.
y Network Peripherals – A term that describes devices that are a part of the
network, but are not computers or servers. These can include printers, modems,
memory storage devices, and signal control components. These components
have a special processor that allows them to interface with all serves (or
sometimes clients) on a system. Thus a Macintosh and a PC can both use the
same device.
y Network Cabling – The component that connects everything together for
communications and data transmission. Digital data can be sent in a number of
forms. Transmission can be electrical pulses over cables, light pulses over fiber
optics or through the air, or as radio frequencies to receiving dishes. A single
network may include all of these methods of data transmission.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 33

Unit 3

U3-5 Basic network types

There are three primary types of network models that define the type of computer-
A server can be set up network interactions.
as both a client and a y Client/Server network – Certain computers (or application software running
server. As a client, it on a computer) are designated as Servers. These units are configured to
will have the ability to share resources such as files, printers and memory space. They do this by
use other computer opening their hard drive for file storage/sharing and by their ability to connect
resources. to other network systems. Clients are computers configured to use the
resources of server computers.
y Peer-to-Peer network – Every computer is an equal and can function as a
client and a server. This allows each computer to share its resources with the
network, and access the shared resources of other computers on the network.
Peer-to-peer networks are generally limited to 10-15 computers or less on a
single LAN system.
y Point-to-point
network – The most
basic type of network
design that has a
direct connection
between two
computers only.
These are basic
systems, inexpensive
to install, and provide
full cable capacity.
U3-6 Half-duplex vs. Full-duplex communications
When communications between computers travels in only one direction at a time, this
is called half-duplex communications. Many LAN systems use this mode. A single
coaxial cable has only one conductor and ground, so only half-duplex communications
is possible.
Network systems that allow communications in both directions at the same time is
operating in full-duplex mode. A separate channel link is required for traffic to flow in
two directions at the same time. Twisted pair or fiber optic cable allows for full-duplex

34 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3

Bandwidth can have two different meanings within the CCTV environment. This
depends upon if you are referring to the bandwidth or carrying capacity of a digital
network medium, or the frequency of an analog electronic signal (analog video/audio). U3-7

Bandwidth for digital networks – This Transmission Rate or

refers to the throughput of digital data across Throughput are terms
a network medium. This throughput used most often by the
(bandwidth) refers to the amount of data that IT world, instead of
can be carried from one point to another bandwidth.
within a given time period (i.e. a second).
Bits per second (bps) is the term usually
used to express this capacity.
A cable that has the bandwidth of 120 Kbps
(120,000 bps) has four times the capacity of
a cable with 30 Kbps (30,000 bps).
Factors that can impact either bandwidth capabilities or performance are: network
cabling type, network layout design, hardware and peripheral devices (i.e. modems),
software configurations, and network traffic.
Frequency – the
number of cycle
Bandwidth for analog signals – This measures the difference between the highest changes per second.
and lowest wavelength frequency of an analog electronic signal. Hertz is the This is measured in
measurement used. Hertz. An analog term.

A typical analog TV broadcast video signal has a bandwidth of 6 MHz. A cable system
bandwidth occupies 50 to 300 MHz.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 35

Unit 3

U3-8 Converting Bytes to bits

Since most data files sizes are expressed in bytes, and transmission capabilities of a
network are expressed in bits, a conversion is needed to identify the impact data files
have in network transmission.

There are 8 bits in every Byte, so multiply the Byte file size by 8.
15,000 Bytes x 8 = 120,000 bits (120K)

Bandwidth will be
covered further in Bandwidth for digital video
Unit 5 – Network
Transmission Medium To determine bandwidth (digital network type) requirements for a video signal, you
need to include the number of images per second (ips) into your bits calculation.


Example: To calculate a video signal compressed to 15 KB digital file size, and the
scene is captured at 30 images per second, the network bandwidth requirements for
this signal is:
15,000 x 8 x 30 = 3,600,000 bits/sec (3.6 Mbps)
Normal network communication traffic will consume some of the available bandwidth
capabilities of a system. Network managers design in a buffer to account for this
ongoing traffic. Approximately 65% of a network specified bandwidth is usually
available for data traffic, such as video transmission.
Use the camera(s) bps value(s) to determine how many CCTV connections can be
put into a given bandwidth of a video only network.
Example using 3.6 Mbps in video output per camera:
100 Mbps network connection x 65% available = 65 Mbps (bandwidth)
(100,000,000 x 0.65 = 65,000,000 bps)
Network bandwidth / camera bit output
65,000,000 / 3,600,000 = 18 camera connections

36 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3
Network Communications
If networks are designed to share, then there must be guidelines for operation.
Network standards are rules that describe how things should be. Usually these are
minimum technical requirements that relate to such things as cable specifications,
transmission requirements, hardware component design, interface requirements, file
structure, and software performance.
Protocol interactions
Protocols are sets of rules or standards that controls or enables the connection,
communication, and data transfer between two computing destinations. How a wide
variety of different computers on a network can communicate with each other requires
that they use a common network language. Computers must follow specific
communication protocols to assure this takes place.
Networks use specific communications techniques to share information. There is
continuous communications on networks for the purpose of diagnosing the status and
health of connections, traffic volume, and availability of devices. Much of the invisible
activity of network communications has very little to do with task of moving data from
one point to another, but with the status check of the system.
Whenever data is transmitted through a network, it needs to be reduced into signals
that are native to the language of that network. The computer sending data uses a
network interface to convert its binary data into the language code of that network (i.e.
Ethernet). The data is broken up into packets for sending. The computer(s) on the
receiving end of this transmission must decode and reassemble the received packets,
putting it back into the correct binary code order that is used by its own operating
system (i.e. Window NT).
Communications handshake
Much of the communications traffic that goes across a network is not the actual data
being shared or passed on. The task of the network operating system software is to
continuously inform other applications and users about network status, routing U3-11
information and system availability. This is the general network traffic that system
administrators have reserve about 35% of the network bandwidth.
When communications is initiated on the network between two computers, an initial
handshake is required. This communications handshake or package header is sharing
this type of information:

Network Handshake Handshake Response

I am IP address
Who are you? (addressing)
(nickname “training room”)
What type of device are you?
I am a client PC
I am in a subnet of network
Were are you located? (routing)
Do you speak my language (protocols) I can communicate in TCP/IP
Are you allowed to talk to me? What is your password?
Am I allowed to talk to you? (security) Password recognized, access allowed

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 37

Unit 3
Network protocols
As you learned earlier, protocols are sets of rules or standards that controls or
enables the connection, communication and data transfer between two computing
destinations. Since there are a wide variety of network types, there also is a wide
U3-13 variety of network communication and design protocols. Some of the more common
network protocols are described below:
This network suite of protocols is one of the most widely installed LAN technology
standards. Ethernet standards apply to the hardware connectivity, software interface
operating system, and transport medium. It is baseband signalling and usually uses
the star network or tree topology.
The transport medium often used is coaxial cable, or specified grades of twisted pair
wire. Wireless LAN systems can also use Ethernet. Devices compete for network
access, sending a frame (like a packet) of data at a time. It uses a collision detection
protocol, which detects when frames collide on the network. When this occurs, new
replacement frames of data are re-sent on a random access time setting.
Ethernet bandwidth is specified at 10 Mbps (called 10BASE-T). A Fast Ethernet
standard exists specified at 1000 Mbps (1000BASE-T) otherwise known as Gigabit
network/Ethernet. This is typically used for the network backbone.
This suite of communications protocols is the most widely used in the world. It is the
communications basis not only for the internet, but also many private corporate
networks and in Extranet systems.
Extranet – A network TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a two layered
system that uses both program. The TCP layer of this protocol manages the assembly of a message into
private and public small packets for transmission. The TCP layer on the receiving side will then open the
networks. There are packets and reassemble the data into its original form, using a complimentary
parts that are open to compatible process. It will also re-request lost data, thus providing a reliable data
the public, and other transfer process between computers.
network components The IP layer is responsible for addressing each packet for transmission. Each
that are secure, computer on the internet has a unique IP address.
encrypted, and
password protected. When data is sent with TCP/IP, it is first broken up into small packets. Each packet
Web banking services gets the sender’s IP address and the receiver’s IP address attached to it. The packet
are on Extranet is first sent to a gateway computer. This computer only sees a small part of the
systems. internet, reads the IP address and starts routing it to other gateway computers that
have some of the same address code. Eventually, the packets reach the gateway
server computer that supports the client computer that is to receive the data. This is
the local domain. The packets may take different routes to get to the same
destination, and they most likely will not be arriving in the proper order. It is the
function of the TCP protocol to gather and reassemble these packets of information.
TCP/IP uses a client/server model of communications. The computer user (client)
request and is provided services by other computers (servers). It is also a baseband,
connectionless protocol. Note that the TCP/IP suite of protocols does not specify any
transmission speeds.

38 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a communications protocol that uses IP and is an UDP is the
option to the TCP protocol. It offers a limited amount of service in that it does not communications
divide the message into packets and reassemble it at the other end (called datagrams protocol use in the
in UDP). Separate computer programs that use UDP must take on the function of Bosch Business
checking that all the data has been received and is in the right order. Since UDP has Integration Systems
less communication rules to follow (no checking of transmissions), it reduces the (BIS) product.
network communications traffic, thus reducing network bandwidth requirements. UDP
is good when communicating very small data packets (like alarm codes).
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a protocol for digital transmission
over the telephone network, often referred to as POTS (Plan Old Telephone Systems)
It uses the existing telephone lines and required no additional wiring to be run. Voice
and data packets are integrated on the lines using different frequencies to transmit
information simultaneously. An adaptor is required on both ends of the transmission
line, and if on a shared network, an ISDN router is needed. The ISDN configuration
can deliver between 128 Kbps to 384 Kbps. (vs. 56 Kbps modem rate). ISDN are
usually used on WAN telephone networks.
ISDN is distance sensitive, a factor that impacts transmission rates. The network
range is up to 18,000 ft or 3 miles (5.5 km) without a repeater in use. Since it is a dial
up service, cost of usage will depend upon connection time. ISDN is good for remote
access use: were ever transmission of circuit data or switching data is needed; or
backing up dedicated private lines or LAN-to-LAN connections in case they fail.
Multiple channels (B & D) are setup for transmission. Two B channels at 64 Kbps
each can be segmented (2 to 30), which are used for data, voice and other services.
The single 16 Kbps D-channel carries the control signal information. This protocol is
loosing popularity where higher speed cable modem and DSL network options exists.
The DSL (Digital Subscription Line) is similar to ISDN service in that it provides
voice, video and data packets in a digital connection over POTS networks. Where it
differs from ISDN is that it is an “always on” service and has higher transmission
rates. There are two basic types available, depending upon the provider: Symmetric
DSL (SDSL) and Asymmetric DSL (ADSL). The SDSL uses upstream and
downstream capacity to carry data in both directions. ADSL delivers higher speed
downstream and slower speed upstream. For video downloading, ADSL will provide
faster transfer rates. These transmission rates range from 128 Kbps (upstream) to
1.54 – 8 Mbps
downstream. This
can enable
continuous video
transmission. DSL
is distance sensitive
(18,000 ft or 3 miles
– 5.5 km, without a
repeater). This can
also be extended by
integrating this local
loop with a fiber
optic network
Since the service is
“always on,” the
usage cost will be

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 39

Unit 3
Network devices
Computer network systems are connected and expanded by using a number of
hardware devices that are used to help control network traffic and route it to the
proper destination(s). These are defined here:
Hubs and Switches

A Hub has a number of ports that

provides connecting points for a
number of nodes on a LAN
network. A Hub will copy and send
the data packet to all the other
nodes connected to that hub.
Passive hubs act as only a conduit
for the data. Intelligent hubs include
additional features that allow for
management and monitoring of the
network traffic.

U3-16 A Switch, like a hub routes data to different nodes. But it does so by reading the
specific IP addresses. The Switch has the capability to read the packet destination IP
address and forward that data only to the correct port(s). The destination IP address
needs to be within the same network group or domain.
Both hubs and switches support any type of packet protocol.

40 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3

These are devices that forward data packet to different networks by reading the U3-17
destination IP addresses (header) of the packet. Routers are connections between at
least two different network systems (i.e. LANs, WANs, internet) and are located with
gateways – the network connection points.
The router uses the header data and programmed tables to identify the best path to
forward the data packet to its destination. They use communication protocols (i.e.
ICMP) to communicate with each other and for configuring the best transmission route
between two hosts. Routers do very little filtering.

These function as nodes on network and act as an entrance point to other networks.
On large enterprise network systems, the gateway often acts as a proxy server and a U3-18
firewall. They also allow different network protocols to interface with each other.
Gateways route the traffic from its own network system to the outside network (i.e.
internet). For home computers, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) performs the
gateway function.
The gateway is associated with both a router, which forwards the data packet
according to header data and forwarding tables, and the switch, which provides the
actual path for the packet in and out of the gateway.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 41

Unit 3

Modem is short for modulator/demodulator. They perform the conversion of analog
signals to digital data and digital data to analog signals. Modems can be an internal
board in a computer, or an external component. If external, it often uses a RS232
At lower data transfer rates, the modem communication protocol to format the data
almost universal. This allows most modems to communicate with each other. At high
transmission rates, more proprietary protocols may exist.
Modems have characteristics that can allow for some configuring options. A
communications software package usually comes with the modem to setup the
following functions:
Bps – This is the data transfer rate. At very slow rates, modems are measured in
baud rates (i.e. 300 baud = ~25cps). At higher rates, they use the bps term. Common
transmission rates are 2.4 Kbps, 2.8 Kbps, 56 Kbps up to about 128 Kbps. The data
transfer rate between modems is only as fast as the slowest modem.
Data compression – Some modems perform compression techniques to increase
data transfer rates. The modem on the receiving end needs to be able to decompress
the data packet using the same compression technique.
Flash memory – This allows for updating the communications protocols. If it doesn’t
have flash memory, then it will be using conventional ROM, which can not be

42 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3

Î Review
Complete the review questions below. When you are done, review your answers with
your facilitator.
Match the network type provided below to the proper description for the following 7
questions. Write the word in the blank provided.
Internet ISDN LAN
Fill in the blank
Client/Server Peer-to-Peer Point-to-Point questions or complete
the activity to reinforce
your understanding.
1. ____________________ A network that consists of two computers connected
directly to each other through a single cross-over cable. This is the most basic
form of computer networking.

2. ____________________ A variety of worldwide computer network systems

interconnected together.

3. ____________________ Computers connected together and each can share

its capabilities with the others, acting as either a client or a server. These are
generally small network systems.

4. ____________________ Computer systems that are usually within a single

office site. There can be a wide variety of network designs used to meet this

5. ____________________ This network system can cover multiple sites and

building locations, but is usually associated with one organization.

6. ____________________ A network designed with a designated main

computer(s) that function as a resource and connection point for the other
computers on the network. The peripheral computers can communicate to each
other through this main computer and use its other resources.

Calculate the following:

7. An 8 bit digital processor produces a digital file that is 30 Kbytes in size. How
many bits is that?

8. A digital camera is capturing images at 20 ips. The 8 bit processor produces a

10 Kbyte file. What is the video bandwidth for this camera?

9. The previous camera bandwidth is connected to a digital network system that has
a total bandwidth of 10 Mbps. Assuming 65% network speed availability. How
many total CCTV cameras can be connected to this network? ______________

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 43

Unit 3

Match the terms provided below to the proper description. Write the word in the blank
Ethernet Handshake Half-duplex
ISDN Hub Full-duplex
UDP Gateway Frequency
TCP/IP Switch Bandwidth
DSL Router Analog
Protocols Modem Digital
bps ips packets

10. When signal transmission between two computers can travel in only one direction
at a time is called: __________________________ communications.

11. The data that is packaged into small units for network transmission is referred to
as data __________________________________________.

12. Digital bandwidth in measured in _________________________________.

13. The number of cycle changes per second and is measured in Hertz refers to the
_______________________ of an analog signal.

14. The ______________________ bandwidth is determined by the difference

between the highest frequency and lowest frequency of a signal.

15. ___ _________________ Sets of standards for network design, connectivity,

and communications.

16. _____ _______________ The information shared between two or more

computers to initiate communications.

17. __ __________________ A suite of network protocols that defines the cabling,

network design, and software interface standards and options. It is one of the
most widely used LAN protocols.

18. ___ _________________ This suite of communications protocols is the most

widely used in the world, such as on the internet and most business networks. A
two layered protocol defines how to assemble data into packets for transmission,
and how those packets are addressed for proper routing.

19. ___ _________________ A protocol for digital transmission over a telephone

network system. It offers high transmission rates and its network connection is
“always on.” One of its transmission options provides for an asynchronous
connection that allows for a good continuous video connection.

44 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 3
20. ____________________ A communications protocol that functions by
packaging small amounts of data into “datagrams.” Since it does not perform
checks for transmission success, transmission of basic data is faster and requires
less bandwidth.

21. ____________________ This device functions as a node on a network system

and is the entrance/exit point to other networks. They route traffic from its own
network to outside networks, and often will incorporate a firewall.

22. ____________________ A network device that is capable of reading the

packet destination IP address and forwarding that data to the correct port(s). The
destination needs to be within the same network group or domain.

23. ____________________ A device that forwards packets to different networks.

It uses programmed tables to identify the best transmission route.

24. ____________________ This uses a number of ports to connect a number of

nodes to a network. It transmits received data to all devices connected to it.

Identify the components in the following illustration. Write the name in the blank line for
the corresponding number.

25. A: _____________ 26. B: ____________ 27. C: ______________

28. D: _______________ 29. E: ____________ 30. F: ______________

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 45

Unit 3
There is no content on this page, except for this sentence.

46 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 4 – Network Addresses

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define the different types of network addresses.
• Describe how IP addresses are defined and grouped for usage.
• Describe subnets and their function
• Define DNS and its function
• Describe multicasting and how it can be used for CCTV.
• Describe the function of firewalls.

Topics covered
• IP and Mac addresses
• Data packets and addressing format
• Routing of data packets
• Subnets
• Multicasting
• Firewalls

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 47

Unit 4
What are Mac and IP addresses?
To get data and information from point-A to point-B in any computer network system,
some method of identification of the different nodes (computers, servers, printers,
DVRs, etc.) is required.
U4-3 Every component that communicates on a network system requires an adaptor board
or Network Interface Card (NIC) to connect to the network. This NIC will have a
unique component number associated with it. This is the Media Access Control
(MAC) address for that component.
The MAC is a unique 12 digit hexadecimal hardware address. These numbers provide
the foundation for basic communication addresses between network devices. The
manufacture assigns these numbers to their components by following strict numbering
protocols. The first 6 value places indicate the manufacturer. An example of a MAC
The prefix 00A0C9 indicates Intel Corporation

Every device that communicates over a network system requires an IP address

(Internet Protocol). The IP address identifies that device and is a unique to that
component. It is specified as a 32 bit address configuration. This is the actual address
that the network uses to identify the various components on the network. It is their
“mailing address.”
The written standard format for IP addresses is called dotted-decimal notation. It
divides the 32 bit address into four, 8-bit fields is called an octet, and each field is
U4-4 separated by the dot. The proper IP address format is expressed as follows:
The IP address functions as the software address, verses the MAC address being a
hardware address. The IP address can change as the network device moves from
one network to another, or randomly assigned when the device logs-on the network.
The IP address was The MAC address is usually fixed to that particular network device. A mapping
first standardized in process is used to correlate the MAC addresses to the IP addresses on network
1981. systems.
The 32 bit IP address standard provides the communications address for all
components on any network. IP addresses are assignment in one of two ways:
y Static – Assigned by the network administrator and is fixed to that device.
y Dynamic – Assigned a new IP
address each time the component
logs onto the network. The LAN
server or Internet Service Provider
(ISP) does this automatically.
Static IP addresses are setup and assigned
by the network administrator or an
experienced user by manually typing in the IP
address. This IP address remains fixed to
that device, as long as the device remains
within the original local network system.
Small to medium sized LAN systems typically
use this type of IP address assignment.

48 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 4

Dynamic IP addresses are usually used for

LAN and WAN system designs. A bank of IP U4-6
addresses reside within the organization or
Internet Service Provider (ISP for the internet,
like AOL). The IP address is randomly
assigned to that user’s node when they log
onto the network. When the user logs off, the
IP address is returned to the network bank for
use by others as needed.

IP address standards
IP addressing specifications (protocols)
require that each system attached to an IP-
based network be assigned a unique 32 bit U4-7
address value. This address is a two level
hierarchy system for identification. The first part of the internet address value identifies
the network. The second part of the IP address identifies the specific machine (host)
on that stated network.
The dividing point
Two Level IP Address Hierarchy between the two
Network Number or Prefix Host (Machine) Number hierarchy levels of the
IP address is different
for each class.
The table below shows a configuration example of an IP address.
Dotted Decimal Notation
10010001 . 00001010 . 00100010 . 00000011
Binary values
(146) (10) (34) (3) >
IP address values

There are five basic classes for IP address values. They reflect the type and size of
the network. The first octet values of the IP address identify the network class. These
IP classes are:
Class Class address
Network Types
Type range U4-8
Addresses for large networks with many
devices. The first octet value identifies the 1 – 126 First octet
Class A network; the remaining octets identify the values
hosts. This class represents 50% of all
available IP address values.
Addresses for medium-sized networks. The 128 – 191 First octet
first two octets identify the network, the values U4-9
Class B
balance the hosts. This class represents 25%
of all available IP address values

Addresses for small networks (fewer than 254 192 – 223 First octet
devices). The first three octets identify the values U4-10
Class C
network. This class represents 12.5% of all
available IP address values.

224 – 239 First octet

Class D Addresses for multicasting.
240 – 247 First octet
Class E Addresses for reserved for experimental use.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 49

Unit 4

There are groups of “special” IP address classes specified for internal private use
only. These address standards are NOT routable on the internet.
y Class A: to
y Class B: to
y Class C: to
The following are reserved IP addresses used for the stated purposes:
y For loop-back addresses used for testing:
y For broadcast to all networks or all hosts (all 1’s):

U4-11 As the use of both the internet and corporate networks grew, the existing two-level IP
addressing hierarchy became strained in meeting the diverse needs efficiently.
Without subnets, if an organization that had multiple sites or internal networks, it
would be required to have multiple connections to the internet. Each corporate site
network (LAN) would require its own internet IP address.
Subnets were introduced in 1985 to address these shortcomings. This added another
level of hierarchy to the IP addressing structure to the three IP classes (A, B, C). The
standard host number was divided into two parts: a new subnet number, and the host
number on that subnet.
2 Level
Network Number or Prefix Host Number
3 Level
Network Number or Prefix Subnet Number Host Number

The subnet structure is not visible outside an organization’s private network. From the
outside (internet side), the
U4-12 prefix numbers are the same
for that organization. But with
the internal subnets, an
organization can have
different routers to support
different business needs.
This allows them to add a
new level of complexity to
their private IP address. With
subnetting, an organization is
free to deploy additional
subnets (LANs) to their
network without obtaining a
new network number from
the internet.
The subnet mask is part of
the IP address for that
subnet number. It is a series
of numbers (1 and 0) that
tells the organization’s
gateway server which numbers to look at underneath the mask. This will provide the
routing address for the company’s internal subnet (LAN routing). Subnet masks are
designated by the IP class:
y Class A:
y Class B:
y Class C:

50 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 4
Domain Naming System (DNS) U4-13

Domain names identify different nodes on the public internet, just as the binary
number IP address does. Humans prefer remembering names of sites rather than an
number IP address. The Domain Naming System (DNS) system allows the user to
use either type of identifier for domains.
Domains are structured in a hierarchical tree like fashion. The root represents the top-
level domains. This includes: com, org, edu, gov and numerous country ones like ca
(Canada), fi (Finland).
Below this is the second level of domain naming structure. These are registered
names like, or Beyond this are local domains that are defined
and administered by the overall domain owner. (such as: Each domain
level is separated by a period.
The Domain Naming System is a name resolution system that lets users locate
computers on a network by using the domain name. The DNS works in a client/server
fashion. DNS servers respond to requests from DNS clients (called resolvers).
Internet Service Providers (ISP) are organizations provide up local DNS resolvers and
servers. The DNS servers maintain databases for domain names (host names) and
their corresponding IP addresses. An inquiry to a DNS server with a domain name
(such as, would return an IP address of (example
This database of host names is distributed among multiple servers. The use of DNS
would be helpful to a CCTV installer as they integrate their system into an existing
computer network system. Identifying specific nodes (IP addresses) for
interconnectivity will be required. U4-14
In analog CCTV systems, a video signal could be connected to more than one The difference between
receiver. Typically the camera is connected to a monitor for viewing, and in parallel, to a “webcam” and a
a DVR/VCR for recording. The video could also be fed into a matrix or a transmitting CCTV internet camera
unit. If the signal requires a larger distribution, then amplifiers are used. is the IP address
association. Webcams
Digital networking allows for different distribution methods of the data packets. These
require a computer to
include: Multicast, Unicast, Broadcast, and Multi-unicast. These are briefly explained
operate through, and
the computer owns the
Multicast – The data IP address. A CCTV
packets are copied and internet camera has its
those single copies are sent own IP address and
to specific nodes on the does not use a
network using a multicast computer to send its
(Class D) IP address. The signal out.
single copies of data
packets are replicated on
the network on an as- U4-15
needed basis. Only those
nodes that need the data
will receive it. This is helps
maintain network efficiency.
The number of viewers has
no impact on the camera
nor network bit rate
There are network requirements to implement multicasting. A Level 3 network switch
on the network and the IT network administrator is required to setup the Class D IP
multicast address and know all the IP addresses that are to be included in the
transmission of data.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 51

Unit 4

The efficiencies of multicasting allow for new possibilities in digital CCTV network
system designs. By proper selection and use of video compression techniques,
coupled with multicasting signal distribution, the access of video on most digital
network systems becomes feasible
U4-16 Unicast – Individual data packets are distributed to each node within a designated
group. For small groups this is easy to implement, but has significant restrictions as
the receiving group grows. Since each node gets its own data packet, the network is
required to carry the packets times the number of receiving nodes. This quickly uses
up bandwidth for the same information.
Broadcast – The data packets are copied and those single copies are sent to all
U4-17 nodes on the network system by use of a broadcast IP address. The single copies of
the data packets go out to all nodes on the network system – even those not
needing/requiring the information. This can create unneeded network traffic,
especially if only a small number of users actually need the information.
Multi-unicast – This is similar to multicasting, but uses one connection. It functions as
multiple, single users receiving data. I does not require special network equipment
and is limited to the number of users that can be connected to (~5).
A firewall is both hardware and software with the function of providing controlled
access into or out of a network system. On the network is a designated gateway
server that acts as an entrance point to a private network. A software program is
installed on the server, which acts as a screening tool for network communications in
and/or out of that network.
The function of the firewall is to protect the private network from “outside” users and
other networks. It can also control what outside resources and data the internal users
have access to.
Firewalls are the first point of contact into a private network from other networks. This
gateway server and firewall represents the domain IP address for that network. The
server receives the data packets and reads the header information. The server,
working with the network switcher, will forward the incoming data packets to the
appropriate computer node on the network.
There are a number of screening methods that firewalls can employ to limit or restrict
network access, either in or out. Simple tools can use acceptable domain names
(previously approved IP addresses) for access. Other techniques are to skim the data
packets for virus content. Another method of control is by setting threshold levels for
data transfers. Firewalls not only control network access, but can also log network
usage, and provide alarm signals for network overloads or virus attacks.
The gateway server provides a set number of access communication ports in and out
of the private network environment. The level of access through these ports can be
customized. Some ports may allow only password access or allow for only encrypted
data. Other ports may only allow one way data flows (i.e. out from, but not into the
U4-19 network).
Firewalls are essential tools in maintaining the integrity and reliability of a network
system. For a CCTV provider working within a network environment, the awareness of
a firewall is important. Interface early with the IT administrator to understand the level
of access through any firewalls and the bandwidth limitations of both this gateway
server and the network system in general.

52 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 4

Î Review
Complete the review questions below. When you are done, review your answers with
your facilitator.
Match the network terms provided below to the proper description. Write the word in
the blank provided.
Subnet mask Muliticast Network number
DNS Dynamic IP address Host number Fill in the blank
questions or complete
Gateway server IP address Domains
the activity to reinforce
Firewall Subnets MAC address your understanding.
Class A Class C Broadcast
1. ____________________ Every component has a unique 12 digit hexadecimal
number that identifies it. This number is referred to as the hardware address
when connected to a network.

2. ____________________ A network software address that is assigned to and

used by a node when it logs onto a network. This address is returned to the
database to be used again when the node logs off the network.

3. ____________________ The first part of a two level IP address. This identifies

the domain.

4. ____________________ The 32 bit software address used on a network

system. This identifies the domain and host.

5. ____________________ A class type for an IP address, which is designated

for small networks (<254 devices). The first three octets of the address identify
the network and the assigned decimal ranges are 192 – 223.

6. ____________________ A class type for an IP address, which is designated

for large networks. The first octet of the address identifies the network. This class
represents the largest percentage of IP addresses available.

7. ____________________ These are used to create private internal IP

addresses within organizations. They are not seen outside the local network.

8. ____________________ A series of servers on a WAN that provide the ability

to lookup and identify domains by either the IP address or the domain name.

9. ____________________ The distribution of data packets to specific nodes on

networks. For video data packets, they are replicated as needed by the network
and the number of viewers do not impact the bandwidth needs nor camera ips.

10. __ _________________ The second part of a two level IP address, which

identifies the specific device on the network.

11. ____________________ An IP address that acts as a screening subset to a

main domain IP address. This allows LANs to route data to internal IP addresses

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 53

Unit 4
12. ___ _________________ The distribution of data packets to all nodes on the
network, whether they need to receive the data or not. For video data packets,
they are replicated as needed by the network and the number of viewers does not
impact the bandwidth needs or camera ips.

13. _____ _______________ These names identify an organization or entity on the

internet. They are structured in hierarchy fashion.

14. __ __________________ Both hardware and software with the function of

providing controlled access into or out of a network system.

15. ___ _________________ A hardware device on the network that acts as the
entrance point to another network.

54 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 5 – Network Transmission Medium

After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Identify the different network transmission options.
• Describe the characteristics of the different transmission methods.
• Identify transmission limits for different medium.

Topics covered
• Network medium types
• Transmission characteristics

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 55

Unit 5
Network Connections
By definition, the type of network establishes the foundation of protocols (standards)
to be met for defining that network. This establishes the type of communications
language used, the network topology, and the requirements for the interconnectivity of
all components (cables, connectors, termination, bandwidth, etc.)
The integration of CCTV into other existing network systems means that the video
signals will no longer be traveling down their own exclusive, dedicated cable systems.
CCTV signals will be sharing bandwidth and resources with other network traffic.
Understanding the capabilities and limitations of different network mediums is critical
for the CCTV service provider. It is important that the CCTV support person effectively
interfaces and
communicates with
those supporting this IT
network infrastructure.
In most companies, this
will be someone within
the IT department.
In early network
designs, most business
environments were
wired with Bus topology,
using what is called
thinwire or thickwire
Ethernet. Devices were connected using coaxial cables and a BNC style T-pieces. All
devices shared the same bandwidth. If a connection was broken, then all devices
connected to that same trunk went down. This design used 10Base2 cabling.
Bus topology is rarely used today, with preference for efficiency, speed and
connection design redundancy going for star topology, 10Base T, or 100BaseTX
Ethernet protocols.
Cabling Specifications
Network cabling terminology
Ethernet cables are designed to support Ethernet communications and protocols for
computers connected together on LAN systems. 10Base-T is the most popular type of
Ethernet cable, which uses four sets of unshielded twisted pairs (UTP) wire (8 wires
Ethernet protocols allow for a wide variety of cable types and connector types. The
different types of cable options include: CAT 2, CAT 3, CAT 5, CAT 5E, CAT 6,
coaxial, fiber optic, RG6/11, triaxial, Type 1, and twisted pair. Ethernet can carry a
wide variety of data, including video, audio, network data, and telecommunications.
Ethernet cabling is specified by bandwidth, carrying distance or specifications, and
material type. The cable description follows this format:

56 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 5

The following table represents the Ethernet cable types and their specifications.

Ethernet Cable Types U5-4

Cable Transmission Carrying Material
Type Rate Distance Type
670 ft RG58 thin Coaxial
10Base2 10 Mbps
185 M BNC (ThinNet)
1640 ft. Thick Coaxial
10Base5 10 Mbps
500 M BNC (ThickNet)
328 ft. UTP (4 pair), CAT 3
10BaseT 10 Mbps
100 M RJ45 jack
6000 ft.
10Base-F 10 Mbps Fiber Optic
2 KM
1640 ft.
10BaseFL 10 Mbps Fiber Optic Link
500 M
328 ft. UTP CAT 4,5,6
100BaseT 100 Mbps
100 M 4 pairs, RJ45 jack
328 ft.
100BaseTX 100 Mbps (2pairs)
100 M
(Fast Ethernet)
6000 ft. Fiber Optic – 2 strands
100BaseFX 100 Mbps
2 KM (Fast Ethernet)
328 ft.
1000Base-T 1 Giga bps UTP CAT 5 – 4 pairs
100 M
6560 ft. Fiber Optic
1000Base-LX 1 Giga bps
2000 M (1300 nm wavelength)
Fiber Optic
1000Base-SX 1 Giga bps
(850 nm wavelength)

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 57

Unit 5

Categories of twisted pair cabling

Cabling standards that specify categories of twisted pair wiring is often referred to as
as a “CAT” number. The CAT twisted pair wiring consist of four pairs of unshielded
twisted cable (8 wires), 24 AWG data grade cable. The CAT number specifies the
maximum sustainable data rate (bps), and the maximum tested bandwidth (MHz).
CAT cables are similar to typical telephone cable, but wire
pairs are more tightly twisted. The two most widely installed
categories are CAT 3 and CAT 5. Although the cables look
alike, CAT 3 cabling is tested to a lower set of specifications.
Newer class CAT 6 is designed to provide gigabit transfer
rates over copper wire, provides less data loss and crosstalk
within the cable, and is more immune to interference from
U5-5 outside sources.
While fiber optic cable can offer faster and longer transmission performance levels,
CAT 5 and 5E cables are more prevalent within most business network systems.

Category Data Rate & Usual Application
Frequency tested
CAT 2 4 Mbps IBM cabling for token ring networks
16 Mbps
CAT 3 Ethernet 10Base-T voice & data
10 MHz
20 Mbps
CAT 4 Some 16 Mbps token ring networks
20 MHz
100 Mbps
100 Mbps TPDDI, 155 Mbps ATM
CAT 5 1000 Mbps (4 pair)
No longer supported, replaced by 5E
100 MHz
1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet, better near-end cross
100 MHz talk resistance then CAT 5
Super fast broadband applications, Most
CAT 6 250 MHz
popular cabling for new installs
10 Gbps Support for 10 Gigabit Ethernet
625 MHz (10GBase-T)
Full motion video. Govt. and mfg.
CAT 7 600 MHz environments, shielded cable pairs and
overall cable.

Fiber Optic
U5-7 Fiber optic cabling consists of a center glass core, surrounded by several layers of
protective materials. It transmits pulsating light beams verses the electrical signals
sent through copper wire. Because this transmits light, it is immune to electrical and
U5-8 RF interference.
Fiber optic has the ability to transmit more data, at faster speeds and over greater
U5-9 distances than either coaxial or twisted pair cabling. The cost of fiber optic cable has
come down in recent years, making it competitive to copper wire. It is more fragile and
requires special skills and tools to modify and install.

58 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 5
Network Interface Card
Any component that is connected to a
network system (LAN or WAN) needs
a computer circuit board designed to
provide network communications. This
board is generically called the
Network Interface Card (NIC). They
come in various designs and
functional capabilities. Some are
integrated into the mother board of the
computer; some are optional cards
that slide into the computer’s
communications or USB port.

Network protocols define the network standards and capabilities. While cables have
limits in
transmission Attenuation – The loss
distances, a device of signal strength,
called a repeater usually due to the
allows the network distance a signal has
transmission to travelled. This loss Is
expand beyond usually referred to in
these medium decibels (dB).
Repeaters in digital For analog signal
communications are transmissions,
a device that amplifiers are used to
receive the digital restrengthen signals.
signal, removes Unfortunately, they also
unwanted noise, amplify noise as well as
and regenerates the the information.
signal so it can be sent further on the network system. For electromagnetic binary
data, this is in the form of a voltage being present or absent (on or off). For fiber
optics, this would be in the form of light impulses. U5-11
Digital signals dependency on the presence or absence of voltage, results in the
signals dissipating more quickly, compared to analog signals. Analog signal amplifiers
are typically spaced at 60,000 ft (18,000 meter) intervals. Digital signal repeaters are
required at 328 to 20,000 ft (100 to 6,000 M) intervals, depending upon the cable.
In fiber optics, repeaters consist of a photocell, an amplifier, and a light-emitting diode
(LED) or infrared-emitting diode (IRED) for each light signal amplified.
On different cable Ethernet systems the protocols specify the distance and number of
repeaters allowed.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 59

Unit 5

Î Review
Complete the review questions below. When you are done, review your answers with
your facilitator.
Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer.
1. With digital CCTV signals, you can send the signals using this medium:
a) CCTV coaxial cable on a closed, d) Through RF or microwave
dedicated CCTV system transmission
Fill in the blank
questions or complete b) On the internet e) On an Ethernet network
the activity to reinforce c) On a private IT network system f) All items are correct
your understanding.
2. Ethernet networks are specified for the following type of cabling:
a) 10Base2 d) 10Base5
b) Fiber optic e) Cat 5E
c) Coaxial f) All items are correct

3. 100BaseT cable characteristics are:

a) Coaxial cable with 100 Mbps d) 1000 Mbps UTP CAT 6E with
certified speed with T connectors 400 MHz certified bandwidth
b) 100 Mbps fiber optic link e) The same as 100Base FX cable
c) 100 Mbps UTP CAT 5 & 6 f) All items are correct

4. CAT specified wire has these characteristics:

a) Double shielded coaxial cable d) 4 pairs of STP, 24 AWG, tested cable
b) 8 pairs of UTP, twisted clockwise e) The same as 100Base FX cable
c) 4 pairs of UTP, 24 AWG, f) 4 wires of UTP, 12 AWG, tensile tested
frequency tested cable with RJ45 jack

5. Required for any device connecting to a LAN or WAN network system:

a) A repeater d) T-piece
b) BNC connector e) Patience
c) Modem f) Network interface card

6. CAT 5E cabling has these specifications:

a) Double shielded coaxial cable d) 4 wires of UTP, 12 AWG
b) 1000 Mbps, 100 MHz tested, e) 100 Mbps, 100 MHz tested, UTP,
UTP, distance to 328 ft (100M) distance to 328 ft (100M)
c) 8 pairs of UTP, twisted clockwise f) None of these items

7. A network device that extends the transmission range of a signal over cable:
a) Modem d) Switch
b) Repeater e) Gateway server
c) Router f) NIC

8. The transmission distance limit for 1000Base-LX Fiber Optic cable is:
a) No limit with Infrared diode d) 1 Giga bps
b) 328 ft. (100 M) e) 6560 ft. (2000 M)
c) 5000 ft with 4 repeaters f) 1300 nm

60 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 5

9. For a 10BaseT network system, the maximum transmission distance with the
use of repeaters is:
a) 1640 ft. (500 M) d) 500 ft. (152 M)
b) 328 ft. (100 M) e) No limit when using an LED signal
c) 984 ft (300M) f) None of these items

10. The loss of signal strenght due to transmission distance is called:

a) Drop off d) Cross talk
b) Interference e) Attenuation
c) Resistance f) weak signal

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 61

Unit 5

There is no content on this page, except for this sentence.

62 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 6

Unit 6 – Network Pitfalls

After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Identify at least 3 potential factors that can impact CCTV connectivity to networks.
• Identify at least 3 factors that can impact CCTV bandwidth requirements.
• Identify and describe how different network components can limit network
• Identify and describe 3 computer based tests for network connectivity.

Topics covered
• Network communications and connectivity problems
• Testing network connections and basic troubleshooting
• Network qualifying considerations for CCTV

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 63

Unit 6
Digital CCTV Networks
Possibilities and Problems
As you have learned, the migration of digital CCTV onto existing network systems
opens up tremendous business opportunities. New possibilities now exist for higher
levels of visual security, operations monitoring, and event recording. These new
CCTV network systems offer many advantages over the traditional dedicated analog
CCTV systems.
Some of the advantages of a digital CCTV networked system are:

9 Easy scalability of system design, on a worldwide level

9 Cost efficient integrating into existing network systems

9 Expanded infrastructure business support resources, and storage capabilities

9 Flexibility of camera operation with remote access & control

9 Lower storage/archiving cost by custom scaling of images captured and used

9 Decentralized and flexible system monitoring and management

While there are great advantages and possibilities for digital CCTV systems, there are
also issues to be aware of that can prevent the realization of such advantages.
Problems that can arise usually fall within one or more of the following categories:
8 Poor understanding of customer needs and expectations

8 Poor communications with those responsible for the network system(s) that
CCTV is to integrate into

8 Lack of proper financial budgeting

8 Improper product specifications

8 Network bandwidth and traffic levels

8 Firewall restrictions

8 Network addressing

8 Network connectivity

8 System compatibility
Preventing many of the pitfalls associated with digital CCTV network systems starts
with the planning phase of such a project. Understanding the needs of the customer
and the realities of their expectations is critical for system design considerations.
Since digital CCTV components will probably be integrated into existing network
systems, the designer and/or installer will be interfacing with those responsible for
managing and maintaining such systems.
CCTV integration success hinges around good communications and mutual
understanding by all parties involved for such issues as: network specifications and
capabilities, CCTV component requirements, and video performance expectations.
Much of this shared technology may be new to the parties on both sides of the
equation. For company IT departments, the terminology, and requirements of a CCTV
system on “their” network will be foreign to them. For a CCTV provider, the technology
and “lingo” of IT networks may be new to them also.
This Basic training program is the first step in closing that communications gap.

64 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 6
Factors for CCTV – Network Integration
Bandwidth and storage requirements
The video job requirements, the intended purpose of the video images, and the scale IT departments usually
of operation will impact the network system requirements in two key areas: refer to network
capacity as
y Bandwidth requirements of the transmission medium
“transmission rates”
y Image storage needs for digital memory space rather than” bandwidth”
This is usually the starting point for “pre-qualifying” a network system’s compatibility to
absorb CCTV signals.
Digital video bandwidth is calculated as follows:

video file size (bytes) x # bits x IPS captured = BPS bandwidth

(per camera)

Factors that need consideration for determining transmission rates (bandwidth)

requirements include:
y How many cameras, including fixed vs remote control needs (PTZ) U6-5
y Level of scene activity (busy, medium, quiet, cyclical)
y Image resolution required
y Video compression options The topic of image
storage requirements
y Alarm activating/monitoring options was briefly covered in
this training program
(see Table 2.1 in
Factors that will impact the need for digital storage memory space include: Unit2).
y The number of cameras
y The frame rate of capture (ips)
y Compression options
y The image resolution requirements
y Amount of recorded data to be saved/archived
y Type of recording durations (continuous, event or alarm driven)

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 65

Unit 6

U6-6 The type of network determines the protocols and requirements for cabling, system
capacity, type of network communication, network hardware, and node addresses.
Integrating CCTV cameras and monitoring/control stations requires setting up proper
component addresses on the network. Effective collaboration with the network IT
department is required.
Factors that impact CCTV connectivity include:
y Obtaining nodes and IP addresses for the various components
y Understanding any routing or subnet masking issues
y Type of signal transmission required (i.e. unicast or multicast)
y Type of transmission medium used (i.e. Ethernet or RF)
y Type of communications protocol used (i.e. TCP or UDP)
y Network gateway/firewall issues

U6-7 Connectivity Tests

There are software tools that assist and verify network connectivity issues. The
following tests are performed from the DOS or COMMAND prompt screen.
To use these tools: Click Start, than Run. Type cmd and click OK.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a lookup table system for associating IP
addresses to MAC addresses. This allows one to associate a temporary IP/MAC
address relationship for the purpose of permanently assigning an IP address to a
component (node). The ARP tables are part of the software driver within most NICs.
The PC you are working from needs to be on the same subnet as the node you send
the ARP request to.

66 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

Unit 6

Internet Protocol
Configuration is a
tool used to find
and renew IP
addresses to a
computer, router or
other address
sensitive network
device. Sometimes
when installing a
new component
(node) onto a
network, that
device may be
“blind” to the
network. The use
of a few DOS
commands can be helpful in setting up a node onto a network.
Type: ipconfig /all – This provides all the settings of your node and information on
the network you are connected to. U6-8
Type: ipconfig /release – This releases the assigned IP address for the computer
you are on.
Type: ipconfig /renew – The computer you are on will be assigned a new IP
By “pinging” an
IP address,
you are
checking for
between two
nodes. (The
one you are
sending from,
and the one
the ping is sent
to.) You can
perform a ping test to anything that has an IP address anywhere in the world.
Computers have a time frame to receiving communication responses (default is
usually about 5 seconds). This communications response timeout is programmable.
A number of factors can cause not receiving a response to a ping test:
y Bad network connection
y The node sending to could be down or off
y A firewall blocking issue
y The ping message is being filtered out
y The communications timeout is too short
The command for sending a ping test is: ping IP address here

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 67

Unit 6
U6-11 Firewalls are can be hardware (i.e. Sonic Wall), a software application (i.e. ISA) or a
combination of both. The purpose of a firewall is to restrict network communications in
and/or out of a network system, usually a LAN. This is done for the purposes of
network security from virus attacks, for information or corporate security reasons, to
monitor/control the types and levels of network traffic, or to totally isolate a private
network system for others.
Several types of firewall techniques can be used to prevent unauthorized
communications. These include:
packet filtering is the most common firewall tool. It monitors each data packet by
looking at the header component of the packet. This contains the source and
destination IP addresses. It uses a programmable access rules list that can filter out
or block message packets based upon certain IP addresses.
Application gateway uses a mechanism that screens specific applications. This can
be from such components as FTP or Telnet servers.
Circuit-level gateway applies the screening for all communications except for a
specific type of connection, such as for TCP or UDP connections. Once these are
made, then the communications is free to flow without further checking.
Proxy server is used to hide a true network address from the open network. The
proxy server intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network, effectively
screening communications and hiding the true network gateway from outside

U6-12 Firewalls security techniques are effective defenses from unauthorized network
communications. They are usually the first line of defense. Additional security can be
achieved by encrypting data

U6-13 Communicating with IT

When a CCTV project involves integrating video transmission and control through an
IT network system, a collaborative effort is required. Effective communications starts
with understanding the needs and capabilities of both systems to be integrated.
Below is a starting point for issues to discuss:
y What is the network type? (i.e. Ethernet 10BaseT)
y Type of communications used? (i.e. TCP/IP)
y What is the transmission rate (bandwidth) of the network and ports
y What is the required transmission rate of the CCTV system?
y What is the network architecture? (hubs, switches, routers)
y Are the CCTV cameras within network range of the hub (328 ft., 100M)?
y Any firewall restrictions?
y What are the IP addresses and port numbers for each camera?
y What is the level network traffic and any usage patterns?

68 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

The following resources were researched and information from these sources may have been “leveraged” from in
writing of this training manual. Efforts were made to make this an all inclusive list, but information researched from
other non-listed sources may have also been reviewed.
y Array Microsystems, Inc.

Bosch Security Systems CCTV Digital Basics Training 69

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70 CCTV Digital Basics Training Bosch Security Systems

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