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The Factions of hinoken

The Factions Of Hinoken (hee-no-ken) are known to be the protectors of Hinoken City. In year 2020,
the humans were in danger of being extinct, so months later the humans finally were able to create the
“Immortality Pill”. This pill helped the humans reproduce more and help the humans live on forever. The
Immortality Pill doesn’t give any super strength, however, six people who took it were given super human
strength, speed, endurance, and elemental powers. The reason why these six people were given special traits is
because the pills they took were new and more advanced, that was originally planned and created by President
and King Sage. In year 5624, the humans all gathered and helped eachother to make the biggest city in the world
“Hinoken City”, which is as big as half of the United States we live in now. A year later when the humans
finished building Hinoken City, new but dangerous creatures arise and these so called creatures are known as
“Demons” because not only they would appear from underground but appearance wise as well, they are demons.
Many have been slain by the Demons but the humans fought back and made the Demons retreat long enough for
the humans to create a gigantic barrier that would surround and protect the whole city. Ten years later (5634),
an old, mysterious, but wise man had risen and helped to protect Hinoken City, and his name is “Shenjo”.

Shenjo ^
Shenjo’s past has not yet been revealed but as for him being part cyborg, he seeks not only revenge for the one
who took his arm, but also world peace. Shenjo has all of the elemental powers: Fire, Ice/Water, Earth, Air, etc.
(except for darkness). He also has been blessed by the six “Spirit Animals”, the spirit animals are ancient gods
that are seeking for worthy hosts so not only they can make their host powerful, but also to protect Hinoken from
Demons and other threats. The six spirit animals are: Chroma The Dragon, Ignis The Phoenix, Domon The
Leviathan, Athrun The Serpent, Ikagen The Tiger, and Karuten The Wolf. With each of them holding individual
elemental powers, they make an unstoppable force, but they cannot protect Hinoken City without a host. Shenjo
then searched for six worthy individuals so he could help the gods protect the city, and luckily, there are six
people in Hinoken that so happen to have special traits and they are worthy. Shenjo then found the six
individuals: Hakumen Kaiyetachi, Zen Kaiyetachi, Oro Kaiyetachi, Ryan Hyabusa, Sanko Tichan, and Kenojo

Hakumen Kaiyetachi (My character with and without armor) ^

Ryan Hyabusa^

Zen Kaiyetachi ^
Kenojo Hiryu^

Oro Kaiyetachi^
Sanko Tichan^
Each of these heroes are destined to be the protectors of Earth, however two of them are much stronger than
expected. Sanko Tichan, a man who is known to master different fighting styles into one was chosen by Domon
The Leviathan. The path of the Leviathan is also known to master different water and ice techniques into one to
make an unpredictable, deadly fighting style. Sanko’s parents live in Hinoken City, however, he was adopted and
his parents now don’t pay much attention to him. His real parents died in the war when Hinoken City was
fighting the demons. Sanko began to question his existence at his teenage years, he was depressed that he
couldn’t find his real parents around that time and he was enraged when he found out that not only he was
adopted, but also the fact that his step father and step mother treated him like they didn’t care at all about him.
He met the other heroes at age twenty, he was happy he met them and they all become good friends, but he knew
that they can’t just celebrate yet, they still have a job to finish.

Kenojo Hiryu, a man all about strength was chosen by Ikagen The Tiger. Kenojo’s past wasn’t like any other, at
age 14, he was able to lift large boulders himself and set them aside for construction working, trained for 4 years
then eventually became the strongest man alive, and became a little popular with the women. Kenojo’s strength
will be useful for the heroes, since they all need people who can do certain things, that also have different traits.
Kenojo is willing to be the shield of the team, protecting the other heroes so they too can get the job done. Kenojo
also tends to be cocky at times when fighting, that is what can shut him down, but when Kenojo is hurt enough to
the point he shows that he’s not joking around, he’ll get really serious and use the “Tiger Fury” ability which is
from Ikagen’s blessing. Kenojo is glad as well to have met the other heroes. In a joking matter, he hopes none of
them are stronger than he is.

Ryan Hyabusa, a man who could deliver the deadliest of flames thanks to Ignis The Phoenix. Ryan can be
arrogant at times when fighting, he likes to make sure his enemies don’t recover from his flames. Judging by his
slightly psychotic personality, he often grins when talking. Ryan is not one to be messed with, even though his
own attitude can bring him down, he doesn’t like being underestimated. Hakumen who is one of the heroes, was
Ryan’s fighting partner at their teenage years. Ryan and Hakumen were an unstoppable duo, one who possesses
the power of flames, and the other who possesses purified flames (white fire) and light. Ryan’s father was in the
war protecting the city against the demons but unfortunately never came back. Before his father left to go to war
however, he gave Ryan a katana forged by him, he wanted Ryan to become stronger and better than him. His
father named the Katana “Yamato” when he forged it. Ryan still carries the Yamato to not only remember his
parents and protect Hinoken City, but to also carry on his father’s legacy.

Oro Kaiyetachi, youngest brother of the Kaiyetachi family, was chosen by Athrun The Serpent. Out of all of the
heroes Oro tends to be the cockiest one which is understandable judging by the fact that he’s only seventeen. The
path of the Serpent is known to deliver fast attacks, although they cannot take that much punishment. Oro at
times can let his team down due to his attitude, but that is why he is getting support from his master, Shenjo. Oro
wishes to become the strongest although he cannot because his older brothers continue to grow stronger as time
passes by.

Zen Kaiyetachi, the second oldest son of the Kaiyetachi family, was chosen by Karuten The Wolf. Zen specializes
in being stealthy, therefore he can assassinate his foes when they do not notice him. Zen takes his missions
seriously and he’s always there for his teammates. Zen is also useful incase they need him for stealth missions or
infiltrations. Zen can also summon a clone of himself that can follow every move, allowing him to deal twice the
damage he does. Zen is also willing to do whatever is takes to not only protect Hinoken City, but his friends and
brothers as well.

Hakumen Kaiyetachi, the oldest and strongest brother of the Kaiyetachi family, was chosen by Chroma The
Dragon. His father, “Kenji Kaiyetachi” died in the war when fighting the demons to protect Hinoken City.
Hakumen was angered when he found out when his father didn’t make it at age twenty. Hakumen then trained
with Ryan Hyabusa for years, so not only they could bring justice to the ones who killed their parents, but to also
avenge them. Out of all the heroes, Hakumen seems to be the strongest one so far, he is able to make a boulder
explode with a punch, adapt to attacks making him harder to kill, and can regenerate when he’s in a form called
“Dragon Surge”. Hakumen will do whatever it take to avenge his father’s death, and will put his blade right
through the heart of whoever is responsible for his father’s death.

Hakumen’s father’s death was different from others. Kenji was slain by a powerful Demon, a Demon who rules
the Underworld, and his name is Oni.

Oni wasn’t like any other demon, he is the GodKing Of Hell. Oni is capable of killing thousands by himself, he is
also responsible for the death of the heroes parents and also the one who cut of Shenjo’s arm. Shenjo and Oni
had been rivals for centuries. Oni hated everything about Earth and wanted to take over the planet, but Shenjo
and the Heroes still stand in his way, preventing him from doing so. Oni remains in Hell, planning his next move
and waiting for the perfect moment to attack. Oni’s intelligence is not one to be messed with, same goes to his
power, for he is a very dangerous being. Most of the heroes aren’t familiar with Oni but Hakumen. Hakumen
has had a few nightmares about Oni, although he never knew why and never fully understood who Oni is, until
he asked his master, Shenjo.

A year later (5635), Shenjo trained his students and taught them how to use their powers. Ryan and Hakumen
seemed to be the most successful students by far. Shenjo was impressed with each of his student’s performances,
so he continued to train them until he knew that they were ready for battle. Sanko showed that the path of The
Leviathan shows no mercy, Oro showed a speed no one can keep up with, Kenojo showed the strength of a true
tiger, Zen showed his stealth attacks cannot be avoided, Ryan showed that the flames of The Phoenix cannot die,
and Hakumen showed his honor and strength when fighting. Shenjo and his student’s then plan their attack
after their training, they then discuss about how the plan will go in their own dojo and if the plan doesn’t work,
they yet have another plan.

Shenjo: “in order for this to work, Zen, I’ll need you to lure him using your invisibility”

Zen: “understood” he replied with no hesitation.

Kenojo: “wait, how can we lure him? Is there a specific spot Zen needs to go to?”

Shenjo: “yes actually, Zen will need to go infront of the Hinoken barrier, past it” he pointed at a specific
spot on the map of Hinoken City.

Kenojo: “ok, makes sense now” he nodded as he replied.

Sanko: “so… all we really need to do is lure him out, and defeat him…?” he asked a little worried.

Shenjo “precisely… know Oni is not going to be easy to defeat… he even might summon his demon
army as well…” he replied with a little concern as well.

Ryan: “well the sooner we get the job done, the better… the more we wait, the more power Oni might
obtain” he responded seriously.

Hakumen: “how can we know Oni will come out? If anything he’s probably intelligent enough to know
what we’re doing…” he asked curiously.

Shenjo: “it has to work, Hakumen… I’ve been trying to get my revenge for centuries… out of all the
threats I have faced, this… is definitely… the worst…” he replied sounding concerned once more.

Oro: “well what are we waiting for? I’m ready to kill this guy, and I’m sure he cannot keep up with my
speed…” he said with confidence

Shenjo: “never underestimate Oni, Oro… he maybe slower, but his power is like no one else’s…”

Shenjo and his students finish discussing about their plan minutes later, they then head out of the dojo and move
to Hinoken City. As when Shenjo is leading the way, he still does not know how to feel about the plan, weather to
feel comfortable or not, however he still cannot give up hope just yet. The heroes are now determined and ready
battle, Shenjo then made them spit up while Zen followed Shenjo’s orders to lure Oni out of Hell. Kenojo started
hiding behind a structure while the others did the same but Zen.

Oni, sitting on his throne in Hell, then felt Zen’s presence from above, he would get up and take care of him
himself, but instead he sent his champion, Kenzo. Kenzo is a one man army, he is able to take so much
punishment and still survive, and even if he were to be killed, he could resurrect, but only once. Kenzo also
stands about thirty-six feet in height and eighteen feet in width.

Kenzo ^

Oni: “Kenzo… I’ll leave this one to you…” he said calmly.

Kenzo: “yes my lord… I shall not fail you…” he replied and had risen from the ground, revealing
himself to the heroes.

The plan the heroes made did not come out as expected, they all were in shock when they spotted the thirty-six
foot demon.

Zen: comes out of his invisibility “um… you don’t think that’s-“
Shenjo: he cuts off Zen “Kenzo… the champion of Hell… Oni’s deadliest minion… Zen! Get back in
the barrier, now!!!”

Just as when Zen was about to sprint back, he gets hit by one of Kenzo’s hard hits, sending Zen back into the
barrier with wounds. Zen screamed in pain as he got hit and struggled to get up. Shenjo helped Zen and the
others get in their stance with their weapons ready.

Oni: “take out that pathetic barrier, Kenzo…”

Kenzo: “understood…” he replied and started attacking the barrier relentlessly.

The other heroes are still in their stances ready to fight the giant. Kenzo cracked the barrier with each hit,
eventually breaking through it. Shenjo placed Zen down and started to heal him behind a pillar for cover.

Shnejo: “Everyone! I need some time to regenerate Zen, do what you can! Use everything that you’ve

His students who are still in their stances replied “Yes Sensei!”. Kenojo then charged at Kenzo first, he jumped
towards his upper body getting ready to strike but then he was grabbed by the giant and thrown into a wall.
Kenojo grunted in pain, but still manages to survive the attack, he then got up once more and got in his stance
again, letting the others have their opportunity to attack as well. Eventually, Shenjo successfully healed Zen and
then Zen decided to get up and fight Kenzo with the others. He then puts both of his hands together, using an
ability to buff himself that allows him to move faster and summon his clone that follows his every move.

Zen using his ability^

Zen then charged at Kenzo dodging his incoming attacks then he successfully landed a couple of hits to his head,
making Kenzo stagger back onto the barrier. Oro then took his opportunity to attack, so he performs a move
called a “slash dash” where you dash through your target with a sword attack. He then stunned Kenzo after that
attack. Sanko took his turn and jumped up into the air and covered his katana with ice, he strikes horizontally
making the ice on the katana come off and turning into ice spikes, stabbing Kenzo’s torso. Kenzo grunted as the
ice spikes landed on his upper body, he then prepared to do a vertical strike at Ryan and Hakumen.

Kenojo: jumps infront of Ryan and Hakumen, blocking Kenzo’s attack and clashing his blade with
Kenzo’s, he then shouted “Ryan! Hakumen! Attack while you have the chance!”

Ryan and Hakumen looked at eachother and nodded, they then jumped over Kenojo and ran up Kenzo’s sword
and started attacking him left and right nonstop. Kenzo then eventually staggered once again, leaving him open.
Ryan sheathed his blade and summoned a bow of fire then charged up his arrow and let it loose, making the
arrow explode upon impact on Kenzo. Hakumen then followed up with Ryan’s attack and sheathed his blade as
well, he then jumped into the air and attacked Kenzo with hard punches and kicks, eventually knocking him back
outside the barrier. Kenzo grunted again, but then he became enraged and roared loudly.

Oni: while watching the fight from hell, he told Kenzo “hm… Kenzo… that’s enough… return home…
I know what we are dealing with now…”

Kenzo: he replied while grunting “Very well…” he then retreated back to hell.

Kenojo: “damn… he got away…” he said as he sighed.

Shenjo: “at least we know who is serving beneath Oni…” he replied.

Kenzo came back to hell with a few scratches, Oni however is bothered by the fact that Hinoken has heroes now,
defending the city. Oni then started to think of a new plan on how he will conquer the city. Meanwhile the heroes
go back to their dojo and train once more while Shenjo comes up with new plans. Shenjo tried and tried again to
make a new affective plan, but he is struggling to know how the plan should work out. In the training room,
Hakumen and Ryan are training together doing a sparring match while the others watch. Both Ryan and
Hakumen show great power, that is why both of them are mostly important to Shenjo.

A month later the heroes went out together on an investigation on Demon activity. They pass the Hinoken
barrier, Leading them to “No Man’s Land”.

What No Man’s Land looks like:

No Man’s Land is a land full of wonderous creatures such as stone giants, mammoth spiders, magma golems,
and much more bigger creatures. No Man’s is also where the war between Hinoken and the Demons took place,
but not only that, No Man’s is also the place where the Stone Giant King lives. Legends say that the Stone Giant
King is not only as big as the 9/11 twin towers, but he is also known to be the protector of Earth itself. The Stone
Giant King can command other stone giants, making them work together in large numbers. However, the Stone
Giants are becoming extinct and the Demons have taken down many, converting them stone giants into Demonic
Giants. Before the war between Humans and Demons, the stone giants also went to war with the demons as well,
far away from Hinoken City. The Stone Giant King leaded his own kind and they won the war against the
Demons, but the demons took some of his kind and turned them into the Demonic Giants, making Oni’s army
grow once more.

The heroes then found evidence of Demon activity such as markings, ash piles, slash marks, and footprints along
the way. Their main objective is to encounter the Stone Giant King, and see if they could persuade it so they can
be allies and fight against the Demons together. While the heroes press on, they then hear strange noises in the
forest, like scratching and screeching.
Sanko: “something tells me that sound isn’t friendly…” he said.

Kenojo: “yea… I’ve got a bad feelin’ about this…” he replied.

Oro: “I know we’re in No Man’s Land but I am not fond with when it comes to giant creatures…” he
said sounding worried.

Zen: “oh really…? We fought Kenzo, and he was like what… thirty something feet?” he mentioned to

Oro: “well ok you see that’s a different stor-“ he gets cut off by Shenjo.

Shenjo: “Quiet… someone… or something…. knows that we’re here and they don’t seem to enjoy our
presence…” he whispered a bit loudly to everyone.

Ryan: “ what do you think they could be?” he asked Shenjo, whispering.

Shenjo: “I can only imagine… Mammoth Spiders… they’re the biggest and deadliest spiders in the
world right now… and they do make loud screeches just like that…”

Hakumen: “I will not die by a creature who’s bigger than me, if we have to fight them, so be it…” he
said seriously.

A Mammoth Spider then sneaked up behind them and prepared to attack without them knowing besides Shenjo,
since he has a sixth sense.

Mammoth Spider ^
Shenjo then immediately turned around and slashed the Mammoth Spider with his pike that was behind them,
cutting off both of it’s front legs making it screech then it jumps back and it calls for the other Mammoth
Spiders. The other spiders then come out of the darkness rushing towards the heroes.

Shenjo: “Run!!!” he shouted.

The heroes then started sprinting away from the Spiders, trying their best to avoid them, but some of them get cut
off by the Mammoth Spiders, forcing them to fight them so they could get through.
Shenjo: “as much as I hate to say it, it seems we’re forced to fight if we want to get out.”

Kenojo: “fine by me…” he said confidently clenching his fists.

Ryan: “Hakumen, remember how we trained as kids…?” he asked Hakumen that question as if he’s
planning something.

Hakumen: “oh… yea, I know exactly what you’re talking about…” he replied as he looked at Ryan.

Hakumen and Ryan performed a technique they did as kids, Ryan running towards one of the spiders and
Hakumen following behind him. Ryan then lands a hard strike on a spider cutting off some of it’s legs then
Hakumen jumps over Ryan landing infront of him and finishes off the spider doing a kick to it’s face then
stabbing it. Shenjo used his powers and stomped the ground, making a wave of fire burn and pushing back the
spiders that’s blocking their path to their next objective, they now have an opening,

Shenjo: “quick! This way! This is our chance to escape!” he shouted as the others.

The students then sprinted away following Shenjo, they then eventually escape the Mammoth Spiders. Later, they
found more Demon evidence, the then continue to move on to the Stone Giant King. A regular Stone Giant
however, can actually be seen from a distance due to it’s massive size. It is currently sitting and looking at a piece
of structure it picked up.

Although that stone giant is not their target, but they knew that they were getting closer to the Stone Giant King.
They then continued to move forward and sight many other stone giants doing different things such as walking,
sitting, picking up pieces of abandoned structures, and fighting.
Kenojo: “wow, I’d never thought I get to see many of these stone giants with my own eyes…”

Shenjo: “they are also known as The Rulers Of The Land, there used to be hundreds of them roaming
the Earth, but their numbers have decreased drastically, because of the Demons.”

Zen: “so this Stone Giant King, how old is he really?”

Shenjo: “ I cannot be too sure but according to the book of the ancient times he’s almost as old as the
Earth… and Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years of age…”

Sanko: “really now? That’s fascinating…”

Shenjo: “indeed, according to some of our scientists back at Hinoken City, the older the Stone Giant
King gets, the harder his material will harden, almost making him unbreakable…”

Hakumen: “that’s ridiculous… well I am sure glad that he’s not bad at all…”

Ryan: “same… otherwise I’m sure we’d be screwed then…”

Half of a mile later they see the Stone Giant King, they are only 500ft away from him.

Stone Giant King ^

The heroes then went up a mountain to get closer to the king.

Kenojo: “man… you weren’t kidding about his size…”

Shenjo: “indeed, I have to phrase my words carefully… or he’ll think that we’re a threat…”

Shenjo and the others then stop at the edge of the mountain, close enough to where the Stone Giant King can be
able to hear them.
Shenjo: “O’ Ancient one! Let us speak to one another!” he said loudly to the King so he can hear him.

The Stone Giant King then turned to look at Shenjo, he then made a groaning noise as if that he’s curious, he
then said slowly “Who… goes… there…?” he asked Shenjo.

Shenjo: “I am Shenjo! Grandmaster of the elements! I ask for your aid in a battle we are currently
struggling in!”

The Stone Giant King then said “Shenjo… why… do you… need my… help…?”

Shenjo: “many lives are in danger! Hinoken City is going to be attacked by the one named Oni!”

The Stone Giant King groaned as he pondered for a bit about what Shenjo said then he replied “Oni… that…
demon…?” he asked.

Shenjo: “Yes! He is going to declare war on our city! So I ask for your help, and we will avenge your
fallen brothers!”

The Stone Giant King then said “Then prove to me…. That you… are worthy!” he then raised his right fist and
gets ready to attack the heroes.

Shenjo: “GET OUT OF THE WAY! ALL OF YOU!” he signaled his students then they all jumped out
of the way avoiding the attack from the king.

Kenojo: “do you really expect us to win against this thing!?” he exclaimed as he jumped out of the way.

Shenjo: “No! but what I do expect… is to show him your strength! Give him everything you have!”

The others looked at eachother and nodded then jumped onto the King’s arm and started attacking while Shenjo
blocked his attack and kept his position. Ryan summoned a bow of fire and shot explosive arrows at the king’s
head to stun him a little. After Ryan’s attack, Sanko took his chance to attack so he enchanted his katana with
the ice element and performed a few horizontal strikes, each strike made ice spikes scatter from the blade of the
katana then onto the king, stunning him some more. Oro then threw dozens of explosives ninja stars on the
king’s face, making him unable to see. Zen went to the top of the king’s head and started slashing rapidly so he’ll
be forced to focus on Zen. Kenojo then jumped off of the king’s arm and landed his hardest punch on the king’s
face, actually making him stagger and his face crack a little. Hakumen then finished it off with a hard vertical
slash that left a trail of white flames, making an explosion upon the King’s head, slightly knocking him back.9o

Shenjo: “that should be enough! Get back!” he shouted at the heroes and they fall back next to Shenjo.

Kenojo: “are you sure it’s enough?” he asked.

Sanko: “I can only hope so…”

Shenjo: “I’m certain… let’s see what he has to say now…”

The Stone Giant King grunted then turned to look at them and said “You… have proven yourself… worthy… we
will now… help you… with your fight”

Kenojo: “did he say we?”

Shenjo: “I believe so…”

The Stone Giant King replied “yes… we…” then the other stone giants had risen behind him, looking at the
heroes. The stone giants then started heading towards Hinoken City to defend it from Oni. The Stone Giant King
then said “Today… Oni… will fall…”

Shenjo: “Yes he shall, once and for all…” he replied to the Stone Giant King.
Kenojo: “so… this is it…”

Shenjo: “yes… I pray that it will be enough…”

Sanko: “well there is only one way to truly find out…”

Shenjo then leaded the way back to Hinoken City, following the Stone Giant King. Back at Hell, Oni and his
minions including Kenzo then discussed about their plan.

Kenzo: “my lord… it seems we have the stone giants now defending Hinoken City”

Oni: “I see… very well then… we’ll just fight with our giants as well then… I will not lose this war…”

Oni then commanded his army to get in position while the demonic giants rise from Hell and prepare themselves
for the war.

Demonic Stone Giant ^

As the demonic stone giants came out of the ground they let out an intimidating loud roar, able to be heard from
a mile away. The president/king of Hinoken city was alerted about what’s to come, he then shouted at his troops
to pass the Hinoken barrier so they could get ready for war.
President And King Sage ^

Sage: “Battle stations! Get to your battle stations now!” he commanded all of his troops to exit the base
inside Hinoken City then pass the Hinoken Barrier so they can prepare for war on No Man’s Land.

The stone giants move away from the barrier a little so Sage’s troops can get through and stay in their battle
positions. The heroes then arrive just in time to into battle with Sage himself. They get their weapons ready as
they see the Demonic Stone Giants walking towards the city.

Sage: “I’m glad you all made it in time…”

Shenjo: “indeed… it is an honor to fight by your side your highness…”

Sage: “and I am glad as well to fight along with the city’s best heroes…”

Shenjo: “how much time do we have until he arrives…?” he asked.

Sage: “well I can only assume that judging by the Demonic Giants heading this way right now… our
target Oni will show up as soon as the Demonic Giants get here”

Kenojo: “so… this is it…”

Sanko: “that’s right… it’s all or nothing…”

Ryan: “we will show no mercy!”

Hakumen: “today… is the day we avenge our families!”

The troops and the heroes are determined now due to the heroes exclaiming their statements.
Back at The Underworld, Oni prepares his army as well…

Oni: “Kenzo… it’s time…”

Kenzo: “Yes my lord….”

Oni then pounded the right arm rest on his throne with his right fist and commanded the demon samurai army to
rise and move to the portal to Earth.

Demonic Samurais^
The Demonic Samurais stand exactly 6ft tall. Hundreds of them gather around and rows of 50 go into the portal
at a time. The Demonic Stone Giants stop as there are only a thousand feet away from Hinoken’s forces. The
Heroes stand and watch till all of the enemy forces stop showing up. Kenzo however, rises from the ground
infront of the demons, this means Kenzo will be leading the demon army while Sage leads Hinoken’s forces.

Sage: “Is that him…?”

Shenjo: “Oni? No… That’s Kenzo… Oni’s Champion…”

Sage: “I see… well… this war is going to change history forever…”

Shenjo: “Indeed… only the strongest will survive this fight…”

Kenzo: “It is time that these worthless heroes know who will rule this world… attack!!!” he commands
the demon army to charge towards Hinoken City.

Sage: “give them everything you have!!!” he pointed towards the demon army and commanded
everyone on his side to attack the demon army as he shouted.
All the heroes and troops charged towards the demon army as they screamed with motivation. Everyone was
doing their own move against the demons such as Sage using offensive magic spells, Shenjo using elemental
techniques, Zen going invisible and assassinating the demons from behind, Kenojo using brute force and taking
out the demons with hard punches and kicks, Sanko using ice and water techniques such as sending out waves of
water and shooting ice spikes out of his left hand, Oro using his speed and dashing through the demons with fast
slashes, Ryan using his flames and burning down the demons, and Hakumen using all his strength combined
with everything he learned in training.

Zen: “so about that Kenzo demon… is he leading this whole army!?” he yelled when he asked as the
battle is loud.

Shenjo: “yes! It seems Oni is making him lead the army and if we get rid of him… then Oni himself will
show up!” he responded

Oro: “just like old times eh fellas!?” he gets cocky during the battle.

Sanko: “don’t get too cocky Oro! That can lead to your death!”

Kenojo: “as long as we stay together we should be just fine!” he said while fighting.

Ryan: “right… let’s hope we can finish this war!” he responded to Kenojo.

Hakumen: “never give up! Give it your all!” he exclaimed while fighting in front of the other heroes.

Kenzo: “let them come! Charge forth!” he commanded the demon army to attack the heroes then he
proceeded to follow behind them.

Kenzo commanding the Demon Army^

Most of the Demons are now focused on the Heroes, charging at them after Kenzo’s command. Kenzo then
continues to press on, getting closer to the heroes.

Shenjo: breathing heavily “how is everyone holding up?!” he asked starting to get tired in combat

Kenojo: “just fine! I can keep going!” he responded while landing his hard hits on the Demons.
Sanko: “I am doing alright… although it seems like Kenzo is getting closer to us!” he exclaimed

Shenjo: “keep fighting! We cannot afford to lose just yet!”

Ryan: “We will never give up Master!” he yelled while he kept on fighting

Hakumen: “we will not fail you Sensei!”

The heroes kept on fighting until the demons around them are no more and Kenzo is left standing but there are
still demons around fighting the Hinoken troops. Kenzo then got into his stance and prepared to fight.

Kenzo approaching the Heroes^

Kenzo: “today will be the day that you all die…”

Shenjo: “Everyone! Stances… now!”

Ryan: he nodded then got into his stance “let’s go…”

Sanko: “Kenzo is nothing but a demonic pest who serves under Oni’s feet…” he got into his stance as

Hakumen: “No mercy…” He unsheathed his blade then got into his stance.
Hakumen getting into his stance^
Kenojo: “let’s hope what we learned is going to be worth…”

Oro: “agreed…”

Kenzo then charged at them and stopped right infrony of them then immediately takes a swing with his gigantic
fire sword.

Kenzo: “DIE!!!” he exclaimed as he tries to hit them all with his fire sword.

Kenzo attacking ^
Shenjo: “get out of the way!” he warned his allies.

Kenojo tries blocking the attack with his own blade but gets knocked back hard making him fall on his back
grunting, Oro dodges the attack in time luckily since he specializes in speed, Sanko jumps over the attack and
strikes Kenzo with his nodachi blade hard, Ryan ducks under the attack and slashes Kenzo a few times then
jumps back, Hakumen then slides under Kenzo and slashes vertically underneath him which is his weak spot.
Kenzo then grunted and staggered a little.

Hakumen attacking Kenzo^

Sanko jumping over the attack then attacking back^

Kenzo: grunted as he got hit by the three then he chuckles “Is that all…?”

Kenojo: he gets up from being attacked “man… that barely did anything…”

Ryan: “well we are fighting the champion of hell for crying out loud…” he replied to Kenojo.
Shenjo: gets in his stance “everyone get ready, now is not the time to fool around!”

Hakumen: preparing to attack again “Sensei is right! Come one let’s give it our all!”

Ryan: “yea! Right with you Hakumen!” he shouted and stood next to Hakumen.

Hakumen then puts his blade in front of himself preparing for Kenzo’s next move.

Hakumen preparing ^
Kenzo then looked at Hakumen and Ryan and this time, he tries to thrust his blade towards the two.

Ryan: “Hakumen!” he shouted letting him know to do something.

Hakumen: he replied “On it!”

Hakumen then stood in front of Ryan and summoned a magical shield to block Kenzo’s stabbing attack.

Hakumen attempting to block the attack^

Kenzo’s blade stops when it hits Hakumen’s shield, Hakumen is currently trying his best to push back the
gigantic demon Kenzo. Kenzo then continues to pressure his blade onto the shield making it crack bit by bit,
Hakumen then signaled Ryan to attack while he has the chance. Ryan then got into his stance and jumped over
Hakumen and ran up Kenzo’s arm and slashed him 5 times to the head really hard.

Ryan getting into his stance before attacking^

Kenzo then staggered back from Ryan’s attack and finally starts to feel real pain, he then became angered as if
he cannot lose just yet.

Kenzo: “you will suffer from the flames of hell!”

Kenzo then charged at Ryan and Hakumen preparing to strike hard then Hakumen and Ryan started charging
towards Kenzo as well.

Hakumen Sprinting with Ryan^

Ryan then jumped and tried to attack Kenzo again but Kenzo knew what Ryan was going to do so he caught him
in midair then threw him away. Hakumen then slid under Kenzo once more and as he’s sliding, he landed a hard
vertical slash underneath Kenzo.
Hakumen: “TAKE THIS!” he shouted.

Hakumen Sliding under Kenzo ^

Hakumen then laned a hark kick on his left back leg behind Kenzo after he slid under him.

Hakumen Kicking Kenzo’s Leg^

Kenzo then grunted in pain as he staggers more and loses more of his balance from Hakumen’s attack.
Hakumen then jumped back and waited to attack again so he won’t get too carried away.
Hakumen jumping back after his attack^
Hakumen: “I bet you didn’t like that now did you!?”

Kenzo: grunts as he’s recovering from the pain “You… are going to pay for that!”

Kenzo then turned around as quick as he could then swings his sword as fast as he could horizontally, hitting
Hakumen midair. Hakumen then yelled in pain and gets sent flying 30 meters away.

Shenjo: “Hakumen!” he shouted as he saw Hakumen get hit.

Kenojo: “oh no… is he alright!?” he asked loudly.

Ryan: “I hope so… I’ll go check!” he shouted then ran towards where Hakumen was sent flying.

Kenzo then turned back to face the others then starts moving quickly to where Kenojo ad Sanko are.

Kenojo: “Sanko! Heads up!” he warned him.

Sanko: “Right!” he responded.

Kenzo then tried to slam his gigantic sword on Kenojo and luckily, since Kenojo’s specialty is strength, he blocks
and clashes with Kenzo trying his best to push him back but Kenzo is too big.

Kenojo: “Sanko! Give me a hand will you!?” he yelled.

Sanko: “yea I know!” he responded.

Sanko then jumped over Kenojo then ran across Kenzo’s sword and performed a slash dash on Kenzo’s face.
Kenzo felt that hard hit and he grunted and the clash between him and Kenojo was broken. Sanko then took
another opportunity to attack so he jumped again then dived down and did a hard vertical slash on Kenzo’s tail,
cutting it off. Kenzo then roared in pain as that was the most damage they dealt to him, then Kenzo turned to
Sanko and punched him, making him get away from himself.

Kenojo: “Sanko!” he shouted

Kenzo: “I will not be defeated so easily!!!” he shouted in anger.

Ryan then stopped next to Hakumen as he is laying on the floor injured.

Ryan: “Hakumen! Are you alright!?” he asked as he helped him up.

Hakumen: grunting in pain “y-yea… thanks… although that hit I took really hurt…”

Ryan: “yea I know… I saw… look, we should stick together from now…”

Hakumen: “I know… but… I have something I’ve been meaning to do…”

Ryan: “what do you mean…?” he lets go of Hakumen.

Hakumen: “you’ll see…”

Hakumen then stood once again with strength he had left then he unsheathed his blade slowly and with focus.
He then gained an aura around his body as he’s breathing heavily then suddenly, he went into a different form…
called “Dragon Surge” since the path he chose is Dragon.

Hakumen’s Dragon Surge Transformation ^

Ryan: says with a surprised expression on his face “whoa…”

Hakumen: “I will end this fight… with my own hands!” he said and his voice sounding a bit more deep
and distorted as he’s in dragon Surge.

Kenzo: “What… is this…?” he turned to look at Hakumen.

Hakumen: “what you’re looking at… is the last thing you’ll ever see before your death…” he

Kenzo: “then come! Let us see if you’re strong enough to survive the mighty champion of hell!” he
roared then charged towards Hakumen.

Hakumen then runs towards Kenzo and jumps then punches Kenzo in the face really hard, his attacks and
defense are much stronger than before. Kenzo then took the hit and he fell to the ground and grunted loudly in
pain, he then stood back up tried to slam his sword onto Hakumen.

Hakumen: “Not so fast…” he said to himself.

Hakumen then dodged the attack and landed a hard high kick on Kenzo, knocking him down again and the kick
managed to make him bleed.

Hakumen kicking Kenzo and making him lose blood^

Kenzo then grunted in pain as he got knocked down again and he gets weaker then he desperately tries to grab
his sword since he dropped it, Hakumen’s Dragon Surge vanishes after the attack. Oni then watches from hell,
looking at an orb than can see what everyone is doing above and he sees Hakumen.

Oni: “who is that… how can he best my champion…?” he said slightly concerned about the situation.

Hakumen then jumped into air and dived down with his blade in front preparing to stab towards Kenzo.
Hakumen jumping into the air and preparing to dive down to stab Kenzo^
Hakumen: “This ends now…” he said while growling a little

Kenzo: “how… can I lose… NO!!!”

Hakumen then successfully landed the stab to Kenzo’s head, killing him. Kenzos body then started to turn into
ash as that is how all demons die. Hakumen then sheathed his blade as he exhaled after his attack.

Hakumen Sheathing his blade^

Hakumen’s allies then went back to him.

Shenjo: “well done… although we still have a war to finish…”

Hakumen: “Yes Sensei…” he responded.

Kenojo: “I almost thought I was a goner for sure…”

Sanko: “As long as we stick together Kenojo, we cannot be stopped…” he tried to comfort Kenojo.

Oni then slammed his fist on the right arm rest of his throne with anger.

Oni: “HOW!? THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! No matter… I’ll kill them all mysef then…”

Oni then had risen from the ground in front of the heroes only standing about fifty feet away from them. He then
started walking towards them slowly and menacingly with his demonic blade in his right hand dripping blood.

Shenjo: “It’s time… let us finish this… ONCE AND FOR ALL!”

Hakumen then unsheathed his blade and lifted up into the air.

Hakumen: “I… am Hakumen Kaiyetachi! Leader of the Dragon Faction! Let evil come, for we show
you no mercy!!!” he exclaimed.

His allies are now fired up from Hakumen’s words, making them more focused and determined to fight.

Hakumen lifting up his blade^

Hakumen then went into his stance and prepares for battle.
Hakumen getting into his stance ^
Oni then growled like how a demon would as he saw Hakumen.

Oni: “you shall regret you existence… after I kill your allies then you…”

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