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Rhyan Krawczyk

Mrs. Aaker

Period 6

May 22, 2020

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is defending an African

American male named Tom Robinson. In his closing speech during the trial, he uses three types

of rhetorical strategy to prove Tom’s innocence; logos, pathos, and allusion.

At the beginning of his closing statement he shares with the court his logistical thinking

about how the case has gone on for too long. Atticus explains how “this case should have never

come to trial”(1). Atticus is emphasizing how the case is no longer evident because, through

multiple testimonies with no connection, the evidence that was presented to be used against

Tom Robinson is false. Furthermore, he proceeds to tell the court that due to the lack of

accurate evidence, the only rationale that made the trial continue was because it was an African

American against a white family. Which back then was the only justification as to why a lot of

bad happened in society. He continues his speech by accentuating how he feels deeply for the

prosecutor due to how she went against the normality of her world. Atticus illustrates to the court

that, “She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is

unspeakable: she kissed a black man”(6). Mr. Finch points out how what Mayella did was

“unspeakable” appealing to her rank in society as a white woman. Which would be seen as

despicable in the eyes of the town of Maycomb. Further outcasting her and her family as

deviant, making it noticeable that Mayella’s testimony was a cover-up so she wasn’t viewed

differently. Making valuable points to the court Mr.Finch is one step closer to proving Tom

Robinson's innocence.
To wrap up his statement Atticus refers to several historical sayings. He goes on to talk

about how, “Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal, a phrase that the

Yankees and the distaff side of the Executive branch in Washington are fond of hurling at

us”(11). Mr.Finch used the phrase “all men are created equal” to present how the court has

misused and falsified it for many centuries. The use of that phrase helped Atticus because it

showed how in fact, there was still bias based on the color of one's skin. Further adding to Tom

Robinson’s case that, there is not a single reason why Tom should be found guilty because they

are not treating him as equal. The court is ignoring what information is being tossed at them so

they can falsely convict another African American, proving that Tom is being falsely accused

and tried because of his race. Mr. Finch continues by explaining that, “There is one way in this

country which all men are created equal” through a certain institution being, “A court”(12). What

he was implying is that the only way men are treated equally is through the court but this court is

not living up to that expectation. Mr.Finch is justifying that the use of equality should be in effect

because all cases would be looked at differently and it would be fair. Of course, they are in the

South so society had a hard time changing society but they were falsely accusing and punishing

African Americans due to their race. Further confirming that Tom is free of any accusation


As expressed, Atticus Finch proved through many accounts that Tom Robinson was


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