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For first grade in the nine year primary education program

School year 2014 /2015

Primary School:”Riste Risteski ”

- S. Dolno Kosovrasti

Course book: English Adventure – starter A

Published by: Pearson Longman

Teacher: Ersana Miftaroska

Principal: Shanija Ajroski
Global planning lessons for English language used for first grade
in the nine year primary education program

Classes of the teaching process

Ordinal Themes






1 My Body 5 4 1 10 IX
First semester

2 My Family 4 2 3 9 IX – X
3 My Classroom 4 1 1 6 XI
4 Animals
4 2 3 9 X - XII
Second semester

5 The Sea 4 2 1 7 I - II
6 Toys 2 4 3 9 II
7 Food 3 3 1 7 III
8 My holiday 2 4 3 9 III - IV
Christmas/ Easter/ Happy Birthday 3 3 / 6

Altogether 31 25 16 72 IX - VI
Ordinal I My Body Realization
1. 1. Presentation. Presentation. S O
2. 2. Singing a song. Hello! Goodbye Presentation. E C
3. 3. .Identifying colours. ИКТ Presentation. P T
4. 4. (My body)Learning parts of the body. ЕКО Presentation. T / O
5. 5. Counting from 1-5. ИКТ Presentation. M E
6. 6. Learning some action verbs ИКТ Exercises B R
7. 7. Singing a song. Exercises E
8. 8. Following a story in English. МЕО Exerices R

-Pupils will be able to greet and take a live in English,
- They are going to follow songs in English, will mime the actions and encourage them to join in
with the words.
- Pupils will be able to identify and say the colors, parts of the body and numbers from 1-5.
- In this theme they are going to play a consolidation game, a ball game, a pairwork game, what
number game, a rubber game and the number art game.

Numbe II My Family Realization

9. 1. Listening to British children. Exercises

10. 2. Revision Unit 1. ИКТ Review O
11. 3. (My family)Learning family members. Presentation. C
12. 4. Identifying family members. Presentation. T
13. 5. Finding the correct stickers to complete a picture Exercises O
14. 6. Singing an action song. Presentation. E
15. 7. Following a story in English. Exercises
16. 8. Listening to real children. Presentation.

- In this theme pupils are going to learn and say family members’ words by using visual
clues-the flashcards and get to repeat them.
- Questions words such as: Who’s this? Who am I? What’s missing est.
Ordinal III My classroom
17. 1. Revision Unit 2. Review
18. 2. Evaluation sheet. Review N
19. 3. Correction. Review O
20. 4. (My classroom)Identifying classroom objects. ИКТ Presentation. V
21. 5. Finding and colouring objects in picture. Presentation. E
22. 6. Identifying size.Singing a song. ИКТ Presentation. B
23. 7. Following a story in English Presentation. E
24. 8. Listening to British children Exercises R

- Pupils will identify and say the classroom objects, counting objects in the picture and will
learn opposite adjectives big/small.
- Follow a story in English and will answer questions related to the story
- A magic game, matching objects game, Yes or No game and a memory game

Ordinal IV Animals Realization

25. 1. Revision Unit 3 ИКТ Review

26. 2. (Animals)Counting up to 10 Presentation. D

27. 3. Learning animal vocabulary Presentation. E
28. 4. Identifying animals colors and numbers ИКТ Presentation. C
29. 5. Singing a song ИКТ Presentation. E
30. 6. Following a story in English Exercises
31. 7. Listening to children talking about their pets МЕО Exercises E
32. 8. Revision Unit 4 ЕКО СТАНДАРДИ R
- Pupils will be able to count up to 10, to learn animal vocabulary and to say the new
words about actions.
- New expressions and new question words such as: Can you (count to 5)? What’s the
magic word? How many dogs can you see? Who’s this? Ect.
- Games: Odd words out, Animal families, Color game, Our pet poster, drawing game,
consolidation game and a pet shop game.

Number V The Sea Realization

33. 1. Evaluation sheet Review J

34. 2. Correction Review N

35. 3. (The Sea)Introduce sea animals ИКТ Presentation. A

36. 4. Listening and following instructions МЕО Presentation. Y

- Pupils will learn new vocabulary about see animals;
- will revise the colors and the opposite adjectives happy/sad.

Ordinal VI The Sea/ VII Toys Realization

37. 1. Listening and completing pictures Presentation. F
38. 2. Singing a song ИКТ Exercises E
39. 3. Following a story in English Presentation. B
40. 4. Listening to British children Exercises
41. 5. Revision Unit 5 Review A
42. 6. (Toys)Learning toy vocabulary ИКТ Presentation. R
43. 7. Learning more toy vocabulary Presentation. Y
44. 8. Listening and identifying correct answers Exercises
- Following a story and guessing what’s happening in the story.
- Games: A drawing game, a counting game, mime game, color sequencing, a guessing
- Songs: What’s this? And we are happy

Number VII Toys/VIII Food Realization

45. 1. Singing a song ИКТ Exercises

46. 2. Following a story in English Exercises
47. 3. Listening to British Children Exercises M
48. 4. Revision Unit 6 Review A
49. 5. Evaluation sheet Review R
50. 6. Correction Review C
51. 7. (Food)Learning food vocabulary ИКТ Presentation. H
52. 8. Learning more food vocabulary ЕКО Presentation.
- Learning toys vocabulary, following and acting a story in English,
-playing a board game with a partner,spotting differences between two pictures,
-completing a pictures with stickers,matching and colouring toys,
Songs: fly high lets fly

Ordinal VIII Food / IX My holiday Realization

53. 1. Talking about food likes and dislikes Presentation.
54. 2. Singing a song ИКТ Exercises
55. 3. Following a story in English Exercises A
56. 4. Listening to British children Exercises P
57. 5. Revision Unit 7 Review R
58. 6. (My holiday)Recycling vocabulary learned in the Presentation.
course ИКТ
59. 7. Recycling vocabulary learned in the course. Exercises
Listening and drawing
60. 8. Completing a picture with stickers? ИКТ Presentation.
- Learning food vocabulary, following and acing a story in English.
- Talk about likes and dislikes.
- Games: Hands up activity, Food bingo, Consolidation game, Food riddles, Healthy food.
- Songs: I like, Do you like chicken?.

Ordinal My holiday/ Christmas Realization

61. 1. Singing a song ИКТ Exercises
62. 2. Following a story in English Exercises
63. 3. Listening to British children Exercises
64. 4. Revision Unit 8 Review M
65. 5. Evaluation sheet Review A
66. 6. Correction Review
67. 7. (Christmas)Learning Christmas vocabulary МЕО Presentation.
68. 8. Making a Christmas card Exercises

Ordinal Easter/ Happy Birthday

Number Realization

69. 1. (Easter)Learning Easter vocabulary МЕО Presentation. J

70. 2. Playing an Easter egg game ИКТ Exercises U
71. 3. (Happy Birthday) Singing a birthday song. ИКТ Presentation. N
72. 4. Making a birthday crown. Exercises E

Work forms: frontal , individual ,pair work ,group work

Teaching methods: Demonstrative, Audio-visual, Communicative, Acting out the roles,
Dialogue, Monologue, Brain storming ideas
Work conditions- pupils book , activity book, stickers, class CD and cassette, songs CD and
cassette, video and DVD, Posters, flashcard, CD-ROM.

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