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Constructing the electricity–

carbohydrate–hydrogen cycle for
a sustainability revolution
Y.-H. Percival Zhang1,2 and Wei-Dong Huang1,3
Biological Systems Engineering Department, Virginia Tech, 304 Seitz Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA
Gate Fuels Inc., 2200 Kraft Drive, Suite 1200B, Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
Current address: Environmental Division, College of Earth and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, China 230026

In this opinion, we suggest the electricity–carbohydrate– and water electrolysis can convert hydrogen to electricity
hydrogen (ECHo) cycle which bridges primary energies and electricity to hydrogen, respectively. From sugar to
and secondary energies. Carbohydrates are sources of hydrogen, theoretical hydrogen yield (i.e. 12 H2 per glucose
food, feed, liquid biofuels, and renewable materials and unit) has been achieved by a new biotechnological platform;
are a high-density hydrogen carrier and electricity stor- cascade enzyme factories that assemble many enzymes
age compounds (e.g. >3000 Wh/kg). One element of this and/or coenzymes to synthetic pathways for implementing
ECHo cycle can be converted to another reversibly and complicated biological reactions under modest reaction
efficiently depending on resource availability, needs conditions [8–10]. Via this conversion, carbohydrates are
and costs. This cycle not only supplements current proposed to be high-density hydrogen carriers with a gravi-
and future primary energy utilization systems for facili- metric density of 8.33 mass H2% based on sugar/water
tating electricity and hydrogen storage and enhancing slurry [7]. From sugar to electricity, biological fuel cells
secondary energy conversion efficiencies, but also mediated by microbes or synthetic enzymatic pathways
addresses such sustainability challenges as transporta- can convert sugar to electricity directly [10–12]. However,
tion fuel production, CO2 utilization, fresh water con- there is a lack of energy-efficient biological or chemical
servation, and maintenance of a small closed ecosystem approaches that can convert hydrogen or electricity plus
in emergency situations. CO2 to sugar. Biological conversion mediated by living
microorganisms has been reported for producing organic
ECHo cycle matter from electricity or hydrogen [13,14], but they suffer
We propose the construction of the electricity, carbohy- from low energy efficiencies due to cell duplication and low
drate (CH2O, common shorthand) and hydrogen (ECHo) product selectivity. Similarly, intensive research and devel-
cycle (Figure 1) as a means to supplement current and opment efforts are being made to convert CO2 and water
future primary energy utilization systems for efficient plus solar energy to a variety of solar fuels, such as methanol
energy storage, distribution and utilization. In this cycle, and hydrocarbons, through photochemical, electrochemical
electricity is a universal high-quality secondary energy and photoelectrochemical means, rather than sugar [15–
produced from nonrenewable primary energy sources 17]. Arguably, sugar could be a better energy carrier than
(e.g. fossil fuels – coal, oils, natural gas, and nuclear fission other liquid fuels for the transport sector in the future [18].
energy) and renewable primary energy sources (e.g. solar, In this opinion paper, we propose novel, high-energy
wind, biomass, geothermal, tidal, and waves) [1,2]. How- efficiency, biological CO2 fixation pathways to fill the gaps
ever, electricity distributed relatively easily by grids is from electricity and hydrogen to sugar in the ECHo cycle
difficult to store on a large scale [1,3,4]. Hydrogen can (Figure 1). Also, we discuss potential applications of the
be converted to electricity by high-efficiency proton ex- ECHo cycle.
change membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) without the gener-
ation of significant pollutants, but it is difficult and costly Artificial photosynthesis for biological CO2 fixation
to store and distribute [1,5–7]. Carbohydrates (also called CO2 can be biologically fixed by plants, microorganisms
sugar) produced from plants or artificial photosynthesis and animals. All natural biological CO2 fixation pathways
offer an alternative solution. They are storable chemical require 12 mol of the reduced cofactors (e.g. NADPH) and/
compounds so that they can be easily and safely distributed or its equivalents plus 2–18 mol of ATP for the generation
based on available infrastructure [1,7]. of 1 mol of glucose from 6 mol of CO2, where ATP works as
The ECHo cycle consists of six unidirectional high- an extra energy driving force for implementing thermody-
energy-efficiency conversions among three elements namically unfavorable reactions in nature [19]. For plants,
(Figure 1). Between electricity and hydrogen, PEMFCs the synthesis of one glucose requires 12 NADPH and net 18
or 30 ATP for C3 or C4 plants, respectively, due to very low
Corresponding author: Zhang, Y.-H.P. (
Keywords: artificial photosynthesis; biofuels; cascade enzyme factories; CO2
CO2 concentration (e.g. 380 ppm) in the atmosphere. We
utilization; electricity storage; hydrogen carrier. propose a hypothetical high-energy-efficiency CO2 fixation
0167-7799/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2012.02.006 Trends in Biotechnology, June 2012, Vol. 30, No. 6 301
Opinion Trends in Biotechnology June 2012, Vol. 30, No. 6

Non-renewable primary Renewable primary energy

Geo- Tidal/
Coal thermal wave

Oil Solar

Natural gas Wind +


Nuclear 83% 102% + CO2 Biomass

O2 O2
121% 100%
122% 81% Sugar

ECHO cycle
TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure 1. The ECHo cycle for the inter-conversions among the three major secondary energies along with primary energy sources. The dotted red lines present the
hypothetical biological CO2 fixation pathway. The percentage presented here reflects a theoretical energy efficiency from one to another element in the ECHo cycle, where
the reaction is assumed to occur with a 100% stoichiometric efficiency. The practical energy efficiencies are presented in Table 1.

process [Eq. 1] mediated by non-natural cascade enzymes energy forms [1]; (ii) it would utilize high-concentration CO2
from high concentration CO2 from power stations (Figure 2). from power stations rather than capture dilute CO2 from
This process could be scaled up easily because (i) it would not ambient air [20]; and (iii) carbohydrates are storable, trans-
be involved in costly conversions from nonpoint to point portable, stable chemical compounds with a combustion

36 e- 36 e-

Cathode Anode

9 ru5p #3 HPS 9 HCHO 9 H2O
+ CO2
Nafion membrane

+ H2O #8-11 9 NAD+


9 hu6p
2ATP #4 PHI 9 O2
6 f6p 9 f6p 9 HCOOH
#12-18 9 NAD+
3 g3p

#5-7 2 f6p #1 FDH 18H2O

2ADP g3p 9 NADH
2ATP f6p
2ADP 9 CO2

TRENDS in Biotechnology

Figure 2. The in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway for CO2 utilization powered by electricity. The enzymes are #1 formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC; #2 formaldehyde
dehydrogenase (FADH, EC; #3 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS, EC; #4 hexulose phosphate isomerase (HPI, EC; #5 6-phosphofructokinase
(PFK, EC; #6 fructose-bisphophate aldolase (ALD, EC; #7 triosephosphate isomerase (TIM, EC; #8 transketolase (TK, EC; #9 transaldolase (TAL,
EC; #10, ribose 5-phosphate isomerase (RPI, EC; #11 ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase (RuPE, EC; #12 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
(G3PDH, EC; #13 phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK, EC; #14 phosphoglycerate mutase (PGCM, EC; #15 enolase (ENO, EC; #16, pyruvate kinase (PK,
EC; #17 pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC, EC; #18 alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC; #19 phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI, EC; #20
phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC; and #21 starch phosphorylase (aGP, EC The listed compounds and metabolites are Medred, reduced mediator; Medox, oxidized
mediator; HCOOH, formate; HCHO, formaldehyde; ru5p, ribulose-5-phosphate; hu6p, 3-hexulose-6-phosphate; f6p, fructose-6-phosphate; g3p, glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate;
(C6H10O5)n+1 and (C6H10O5)n, linear polysaccharides (e.g., amylose or cellulose) with the degree of polymerization of n+1 and n, respectively; Pi, free inorganic phosphate; and
C2H6O, ethanol. Chemical compounds in the red and green boxes are substrates and products, respectively.

Opinion Trends in Biotechnology June 2012, Vol. 30, No. 6

energy density of 17 MJ/kg, which can be distributed by (4) ribulose-5-phosphate regeneration by the eight
available infrastructure [18]. For electricity to sugar, the enzymes in the nonoxidative pentose phosphate and
overall stoichiometric reaction mediated by a synthetic glycolysis pathways (Eq. 5) [8],
enzyme pathway is: 8f 6p þ 2ATP ! 9ru5p þ g3p þ 2ADP [5]
8CO2 ðgÞ þ 8H2 OðlÞðþelectricityÞ ! (5) ethanol production from glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate
C6 H10 O5 ðsÞ þ C2 H6 OðlÞ þ 9O2 ðgÞ [1] (g3p) by the seven enzymes in the glycolysis and
ethanogenesis pathway (Eq. 6), and
where the inputs are CO2, water and electricity; the out-
puts are amylose (linear starch) or insoluble cellulose or g3pþPi þ 2ADP ! C2 H6 O þ CO2 þ H2 O þ 2ATP [6]
their equivalents, ethanol and oxygen. The whole pathway (6) starch (amylose, a linear a-1,4-glucosidic bond starch)
contains six modules: lengthening reaction mediated by starch phospho-
(1) electrochemical NADH regeneration (Eq. 2) for gener- phorylase along with phosphoglucose isomerase and
ation of 18 NADH in cathode and nine dioxygen in phosphoglucomutase (Eq. 7),
anode [21],
f 6p þ ðC6 H10 O5 Þn ! ðC6 H10 O5 Þnþ1 þ Pi [7]

18NADþ þ18H2 O ! 18NADH þ 18Hþ þ9O2 [2] The Gibbs free energy of Eq. 1 without electricity input
(i.e. a reverse starch and ethanol combustion) is
(2) CO2 fixation to formaldehyde (CH2O) mediated by +4216.7 kJ/mol (Table 1), suggesting that this reaction
formate dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydroge- cannot happen. The combination of Eqs 3–7 results in a
nase (Eq. 3) [22,23], stoichiometric reaction of 8CO2 + 18NADH + 18H+ !
(C6H10O5) + C2H5OH + 18NAD+ + 9H2O with a standard
9CO2 þ18NADH þ 18Hþ ! 9CH2 O þ 9H2 O þ 18NADþ Gibbs free energy of –460.4 kJ/mol (Table 1), suggesting
[3] that the above reaction powered by NADH is thermody-
namically feasible. The NADH can be regenerated from
(3) conversion of formaldehyde and ribulose-5-phosphate NAD+ by electricity as in Eq. 2 [21]. Reaction 1 powered by
(ru5p) to fructose-6-phosphate (f6p) by 3-hexulose-6- electricity could be technological feasible because (i) nearly
phosphate synthase and hexulose phosphate isomer- every reaction is reversible, except 6-phosphofructokinase
ase in the ribulose monophosphate pathway (Eq. 4) and pyruvate kinase, which control the overall reaction
[19,24], direction toward the desired products; (ii) each of the
combined equations (2–7) is validated well; and (iii)
9CH2 O þ 9ru5p ! 9f 6p [4] there is a negative Gibbs free energy value for the overall

Table 1. Calculation of thermodynamics and energy efficiency for six unidirectional conversions in the ECHo cycle and natural
Conversion (technology) Reaction DGo (kJ/mol) h theoretical a Ref. h practicala Ref.
Electricity ! H2 (electrolysis) H2O (l) ! H2 (g) + 1/2 O2 (g) +237.1 120.5% b [39] 60–85% [29]
H2 ! electricity (PEMFC) H2 (g) + 1/2 O2 (g) ! H2O (l) –237.1 83.0% c [39] 40–70% [39]
Carbohydrate ! H2 (reverse C6H10O5 (aq) + 7 H2O (g) ! –44.9 121.7% [7,8] 120% h [1]
artificial photosynthesis) 6 CO2 (g) + 12 H2 (g)
H2 ! carbohydrate + EtOH 8 CO2 (g) + 18 H2 (g) ! –54.5 81.4% calculated e 80% h estimated
(artificial photosynthesis, Eq 9) (C6H10O5) (s) + C2H6O (l) +
10 H2O (l)
Carbohydrate ! electricity C6H12O6 (aq) + 6 O2 (g) ! –2873.4 102.3% calculated f 10–83% i [11]
(biofuel cell) 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l)
Electricity ! carbohydrate + EtOH 8 CO2 (g) + 8 H2O (l) ! +4216.7 99.5% calculated g 68% [22]
(artificial photosynthesis, Eq 1) (C6H10O5) (s) + C2H6O (l) +
9 O2 (g) –460.4
8 CO2 + 18 NADH + 18H+ !
(C6H10O5) + C2H5OH +
18 NAD+ + 9 H2O
Solar energy ! carbohydrate 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) ! +2873.4 4.6–6.0% d [40] 0.2–1.0% d [19]
(natural photosynthesis) glucose (aq) + 6 O2 (g)
Energy efficiency.
Electrolysis that happens at the ideal standard potential (1.23 V) [25].
Ideal hydrogen fuel cell that generates electricity at a standard potential (1.23 V) [25].
Relative to the whole wavelength range of solar radiation.
Based on the standard thermodynamics data [25].
Ideal open-circuit biofuel cell that generates electricity from carbohydrates at the standard potential [25].
Artificial photosynthesis process that consumes electricity to generate carbohydrates and ethanol at the ideal standard potential (1.24 V).
99% chemical conversion efficiency for cell-free synthetic enzyme biotransformation, where 1% energy losses are used for separation of the gas product hydrogen or
water-insoluble starch and for enzyme synthesis [1].
Coulombic efficiency.

Opinion Trends in Biotechnology June 2012, Vol. 30, No. 6

reaction (8CO2 + 18NADH + 18H+ ! (C6H10O5) + C2H5OH conserving fresh water compared to natural plant photo-
+ 18NAD+ + 9H2O) [19]. To promote further the proceed- synthesis; and (iv) constructing a sustainable ecosystem
ing of the reaction toward the desired products, this for space travel or in emergency situations.
process would be operated by: (i) using high-concentra- One of the most important conversions in this ECHo
tion and high-pressure CO2 plus carbonic anhydrase; (ii) cycle is the release of high-purity hydrogen from carbohy-
precipitating water-insoluble amylose in the presence of drates for powering hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (Figure 3a)
ethanol; and (iii) in situ stripping of ethanol from the [1,7]. Another promising small-energy flux but high-value
aqueous phase, according to the principles of shifting market is powering portable electronics, such as cellular
chemical equilibrium of reversible chemical reactions phones and MP3 players, through enzymatic fuel cells
[25]. It should be noted that many synthetic and natural (Figure 3b) [10,28].
pathways can be designed to fix CO2 and convert it to Carbon-neutral electricity generation is becoming in-
carbohydrates. However, the above pathway could have creasingly important, but most of it, such as wind and solar
the highest energy conversion efficiency, requiring 12 electricity, suffers from large output variations [2–4].
NADH only, whereas microorganisms and plants must Therefore, it is important to find high-efficiency, low-cost,
spend additional ATP plus 12 NADH or its equivalents scalable electricity storage approaches [1,3,4]. Hydrogen
reducing power for the synthesis of 1 mol of glucose from can be converted to electricity through high-efficiency
CO2 [26]. PEMFCs, and water electrolysis with practical efficiencies
Similar to the above pathway design, hydrogen can re- of 60–85% has been suggested for storing electricity [29].
place electricity for NADH regeneration by using an NADP- However, low-cost, high-density hydrogen storage
dependent hydrogenase, in the presence of transhydrogen- approaches are not available; compressing hydrogen con-
ase or through redox enzyme engineering that can change sumes too much energy; and reconstruction of mass gas-
the coenzyme preference of redox enzymes (Eq. 8) eous hydrogen distribution infrastructure is more costly
than that needed for distributing carbohydrates [7]. To
18NADþ þ18H2 ! 18NADH þ 18Hþ [8]
solve the large-scale storage challenge of wind/solar elec-
The combination of Eqs 3–8 leads to Eq. 9. The standard tricity, especially off-peak electricity or surplus electricity,
Gibbs free energy of Eq 9 is –54.5 kJ/mol (Table 1), sug- we suggest the storage of low-cost or potentially free
gesting that the reaction is thermodynamically feasible. electricity in the form of carbohydrates (Figure 3c), by
Increasing the gas pressure in bioreactors drives the reac- fixing CO2 mediated by the enzyme mixtures (Figure 2).
tion forward to the desired products. The overall efficiency of converting electricity to the chem-
ical energy is estimated to be 68% [85%, water electrol-
8CO2 ðgÞ þ 18H2 ðgÞ ! C6 H10 O5 ðsÞ þ C2 H6 OðlÞ þ 10H2 OðlÞ ysis [29] and 80%, biological CO2 fixation (Table 1)]. This
[9] electricity-to-sugar efficiency could be higher than that of
methanol and hydrocarbons syntheses from H2 and CO2 or
The above pathways can be slightly modified for differ-
syngas through chemical catalysis [30,31], because bioca-
ent outputs, such as lactic acid, acetic acid, glucose-6-
talysis features modest reaction conditions, low energy
phosphate, and sorbitol. For example, the co-product etha-
nol in Eqs. 1 and 9 can be consumed to regenerate NADPH
and its equivalents (Eq. 10) through the eight-enzyme
tricarboxylic acid cycle, along with another five enzymes (a) (b)
(i.e. aldehyde dehydrogenase, S-acetyl CoA synthetase, E E
nucleoside-diphosphate kinase, NAD transhydrogenase,
and flavin reductase) [27].

This ECHo cycle could supplement current and future
Transportation Portable electronics
primary energy utilization systems and bridge between
primary and secondary energies because energy fluxes
among electricity, carbohydrate and hydrogen are smaller (c) (d)
than fluxes of primary energies utilized by human beings E E
[2]. Each element of this cycle can be converted to another
reversibly and efficiently, depending on resource avail-
ability, needs and costs. The two major roles of the ECHo
cycle are the storage of a fraction of difficult-to-store H C H C
electricity or hydrogen that is generated from various
Electricity storage Space travel
primary energy sources in the form of carbohydrates
CO2 fixation Emergency
through new artificial photosynthesis (here) and the pro- Food production
duction of high-purity hydrogen for hydrogen fuel cell Water conservtion
vehicles [1,7]. In addition, this cycle could have other TRENDS in Biotechnology
accessory functions: (i) fixing CO2 for partial mitigation
Figure 3. Inter-conversions among the three secondary energy carriers (i.e., E,
of greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) producing feed and food electricity; C, carbohydrate; and H, hydrogen) in the ECHo cycle for different
from CO2 and water by artificial photosynthesis; (iii) applications.

Opinion Trends in Biotechnology June 2012, Vol. 30, No. 6

input, high energy efficiency, low-cost bioreactors, and generation from renewable primary energies, this ECHo
good chemical selectivity. In addition, the combined effi- cycle could link air, water, food and energy for a sustain-
ciency of sugar-to-hydrogen, hydrogen-to-electricity, and ability revolution.
an electric motor (Figure 3a) could be much higher than
those of methanol and hydrocarbons through prime Conflict of interest
movers, which can transform storable energy forms to YPZ has financial interests in the synthetic pathways pertaining to sugar-
to-hydrogen and biological CO2 fixation, both of which are covered under
mechanical energy. High-energy efficiencies are mainly
provisional patent disclosures.
due to (i) higher energy efficiencies for PEMFCs compared
to those of direct methanol fuel cells and internal combus- Acknowledgments
tion engines; and (ii) 22% combustion energy gain in the This work cannot be finished without support of the Biological Systems
sugar-to-hydrogen biotransformation process [8,9,18]. Engineering Department of Virginia Tech. The author YPZ was partially
Therefore, the storage of electricity in the form of carbohy- supported by VT CALS Bioprocessing and Biodesign Center. WH as a
visiting scholar was partially supported by the China Scholarship
drates may be better than methanol and hydrocarbons
based on energy efficiency analysis.
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