Pronouns To Be Greeting Quesions

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Greetings (Saludos)

Pronouns (Pronombres)

Verb To Be (Verbo Ser/Estar

Greetings (Saludos)

Hi! bye”
Hello. phrases: Good-bye.
Good morning. Bye-Bye
Good afternoon. See you later.
Good evening.

How are you?

See you tomorrow.
Have a nice day.
I’m fine.
Good night.
Not bad.

Personal pronouns (Pronombres personales)

Pronoun Possessive
(English / Spanish) pronoun
•I (*) – yo •MY – mi •My name is Amanda.
Mi nombre es Amanda.
•YOU – vos / tú •YOUR– tu •Your name is John.
Su/tu nombre es Juan.
•HE – él •HIS – su (de él) •His name is Tim.
Su nombre es Tim. (El nombre
de él)
•SHE – ella •HER – su (de ella) •Her name is Mary
Su nombre es María. (El
•IT (**) – eso •ITS – su (de eso) nombre de ella)
•Its capital is Buenos Aires.
•WE – nosotros •OUR - nuestro Su capital es Buenos Aires.
•Our virtual classroom
•YOU – ustedes •YOUR – suyo Nuestra aula virtual.
•Your tutor…
•THEY – ellos/ellas •THEIR – de ellos Su tutor/tutora…
•Their language is French
Su idioma es el francés.

(*) The pronoun “I” is always capitalized. (Siempre en MAYÜSCULA)

(**) For a complete definition and examples of the pronoun “it”, check:

The verb To Be (El verbo Ser o Estar)

Affirmative sentences

Pronoun Verb To Be Contraction Example

•I •AM •‘M •I’m Amanda.
(Yo) Soy Amanda.
•YOU •ARE •‘RE •You’re a student.
(Tú) Eres un estudiante.
•He’s a man.
•HE •IS •‘S (Él) es un hombre.
•She’s a woman.
•SHE •IS •‘S (Ella) es una mujer.
Pronoun Verb To Be Contraction Example
•It’s a classroom.
•IT •IS •‘S (Esta) es un aula.
•We’re in Argentina.
•WE •ARE •‘RE (Nosotros) Estamos en Argentina.
•You’re at home.
•YOU •ARE •‘RE (Ustedes) están en su casa.
•They’re managers.
•THEY •ARE •‘RE (Ellos) son gerentes.

Negative Sentences

Pronoun Verb To Be Contraction Example

•I •AM NOT • I‘M NOT •I’m not Marina.
(Yo) no soy Marina.
•YOU •ARE NOT • AREN’T •You aren’t a tutor.
(Tú) no eres un tutor.
•He isn’t a woman.
•HE •IS NOT • ISN’T (Él) no es una mujer.
•She isn’t a man.
•SHE •IS NOT • ISN’T (Ella) no es un hombre.

•IS NOT •It isn’t a classroom.

•IT • ISN’T (Esta) no es un aula.
•ARE NOT •We aren’t in Austria.
•WE • AREN’T (nosotros) no estamos en Austria.
•You aren’t at the university.
•YOU •ARE NOT • AREN’T (Ustedes) no están en la universidad.
•They aren’t managers.
•THEY •ARE NOT • AREN’T (Ellos) no son gerentes.

Interrogative sentences

Verb To Be Pronoun Example / Answer

• AM •I? • Am I right? ¿Estoy en lo correcto?
Yes, I am. / No, I´m not.
• ARE • YOU ? • Are you a tutor? ¿Eres un/a tutor/a?
Yes, you are. / No, you’re not.
• IS • HE ? • Is he your classmate? ¿Es él tu compañero de clase?
Yes, he is. / No, he’s not.
• IS • SHE ? • Is she your co-worker? ¿Es ella tu compañera de trabajo?
Yes, she is. / No, she’s not.

• IT ? • Is it a classroom? ¿Es esta un aula?

• IS Yes, it is. / No, it’s not.
• WE ? • Are we in Austria? ¿Estamos en Austria?
• ARE Yes, we are. / No, we’re not.
• Are you at the university? ¿Están en la Universidad?
• ARE • YOU ? Yes, you are. / No, you’re not.
• Are they managers? ¿Son (ellos) gerentes?
• ARE • THEY ? Yes, they are. / No, they’re not.

Interrogative pronouns

WHAT? • What is your name? My name is

WHERE? • Where are y ou from? I am from Salta

WHEN? • What time is it? It is one thirty --five.

WHO? • Who is she? She is my teacher

HOW? • How are you today? I’m great!

HOW OLD? • How old are you? I’m forty years old (*)
(*) Note that in English, we ARE our age; we do not possess - “have”- years:

Correct: The building IS twenty years old. Wrong: It has twenty years X

Correct: They ARE very old. Wrong: They have very old. X

To use interrogative form, we use Question Words; they are interrogative pronouns:
What, Where, Why, When, Which, How, and Who.

They always appear at the beginning of a question and indicate that the person who is
speaking is expecting information for an answer.
E.g.: What is your name?
My name is Amanda. (the answer contains data, or information).

Other questions do not start with an interrogative pronoun, but with an auxiliary verb,
the verb To Be.
E.g.: Is Buenos Aires in Argentina?
Yes, it is. (the only two possible answers are: Yes, or No)

For practice, go to: (para más práctica, ir a:)

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