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AIDS Proven To Be A Man-Made Genetically Engineered Disease

AIDS/HIV was proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be a Man-Made Genetically

Engineered Disease and thoroughly documented by Dr. Robert B. Strecker and
his brother, Attorney Theodore A. Strecker. They presented a video titled, “The
Strecker Memorandum”, in addition to a document submitted to FBI, CIA,
Congress, Senate and President of USA titled, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert” on
March 28, 1986, complete with references. The references expose many
government-funded organizations, which were involved in the intent to spread
not only AIDS/HIV, but Cancer and other Diseases as well, through Preventative
Medical Injection Programs.

Dr. Wilbert Jordan, an Epidemiologist at the King Drew Medical Center in Los
Angeles, lectured on how AIDS/HIV was spread in India, where he was working
in a Small Pox Vaccination Program and how small pox vaccines intended for
Africa were picked up, but had already been used in India.

A number of doctors and holistic practitioners’ believed their remedies, or

methods have cured AIDS/HIV and many people did in fact return to work after
regaining weight and health from a number of holistic practitioners.

To understand the actual “Cure”, or “Remedy”, you really have to understand the
man-made disease.

AIDS/HIV requires a “Protein Enzyme” called “Reverse Transcriptase” to

replicate, or reproduce. The AIDS/HIV replicates in 7-14 years in the human
body, depending on the persons health. In Good Health it replicates slower and
people in poor health it replicates faster. Based on the work of Morton Walker
D.P.M., in his book, “Olive Leaf Extract: Nature’s Antibiotic”, a substance in Olive
Leaf Extract called “ Oleurupein” inhibits the “Reverse Transcriptase” and the
AIDS/HIV cannot replicate. So although many remedies as far as diet and fasting
may help the human body repair itself, those remedies do not inhibit the disease,
which means after a period of time the AIDS/HIV can resurface. The use of Olive
Leaf Extract will inhibit the disease and stop it in its tracks.

It’s not likely the pharmaceutical industry would want you to know, Olive Leaf
Extract, is effective against over 90% of viruses and other infections to the human

Note: People who die fast from AIDS/HIV generally have multiple partners and
the disease was designed to copy itself into your DNA, which is how it goes
undetected to the body’s immune system. We each have different DNA and the
type of AIDS/HIV is different in each person because of the DNA and when
people have multiple partners with this disease, they pick up these different
variations and are overcome quicker by the various diseases contracted from the
various partners. This is how it was designed and according to Dr. Robert B.
Strecker, every person who entered the Hepatitis Experiment actually died of
AIDS/HIV, including those who took the placebo shot.

Seek the Truth and you may very well find it.

UMOJA Research, USA

1. This Is A Bio-Attack Alert March 28, 1986, Attorney Theodore Strecker, Dr.
Robert Strecker
2. DVD, AIDS Inc., Gary Null, PhD
3. DVD, The Strecker Memorandum, Video & Reference List, Dr. Robert Strecker
4. Some Call It AIDS I Call It Murder, Dr. Eva Sneed, 1993, ISBN 0922356599
5. AIDS and The Doctors Of Death, Dr. Alan Cantwell Jr.
6. Allison A C Beveridge WIB. Cockburn W C. at al. Virus-Associated
Immunopathology: Animal Models and implications for Human Disease Bulletin
WHO 47:257-263, l972.
7. Amos D B Bodmer W F. Ceppelini R. et al. Biological Significance of
Histocompatibility Antigens. Fogerty International Center Proceedings, No. 15.
Fed Proc 31:1087-1104, 1972.
8. Higginson J The Epidemiological Program of the International Agency for
Research in Cancer. In: Seventh National Cancer conference Proceedings. Los
Angeles: American Cancer Society, Inc. and National Cancer Institute. Pp.679-
684, 1972.
9. Full Disclosure, Dr. Gary L. Glum
10. AIDS Made In The USA, Zears L Miles
11. W.H.O. Murdered Africa, Dr William Campbell Douglass, M.D. (1987 National
Health Federation Monrovia California)
12.Dr. Sebi Los Angeles, Cured AIDS and Jailed, but won his case.
13. Dr. Gaston Naessens, cured AIDS & Cancer (Note: Dr. Naessens
never said he cured AIDS or Cancer, he said his product 714X clears
the lymphatic system and the body heals itself)
14. Olive Leaf Extract: Nature’s Antibiotic, Morton Walker D.P.M.
15. Look Up, Angstrom Mineral Solution Of Copper
16. Look Up, Colloidal Silver Solution
17. Look Up, Master Mineral Solution (MMS)
Many cures, or remedies of diseases have been suppressed for over a hundred
years, because the cost pennies on the dollar and not controlled by the Medical
and Pharmaceuticals Industries. Cancer was cured as early as 1918.


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