W.H.O. Murdered Africa by Dr. William Campbell Douglas

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W. H .O.

Murdered Africa

by William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

(September 1987 National Health Federation Monrovia, California)

The object of the World Planners is control -- absolute control. Although the desire to
rule the world is not a new ambition, the control sought by this generation of World
Planners is more than government, wealth and resources. They control these already.
What the World Planners want in order to complete their plan is control of population.

Their control of population is in their ability to control the thoughts and behaviour of the
masses. The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute
control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it. It is truly a "tangled web of

Before the World Planners can achieve their goal of "absolute control" of the world's
population, they must first reduce the existing numbers to an optimum controllable level.
The World Planners estimate that planet earth can only sustain a 2.5-billion population by
the year 2000, but "Spaceship Earth", according to the United Nations' figures, already
has in excess of 4.5-billion people. This hypothesis makes it essential for the world
planners not only to bring population growth to a stand still, but it also becomes
necessary for a "roll back" in population (the world is to be depopulated); hence zero
population programs.

In the New World Order, man will become a "throw away". You will be allowed to exist
until you become "surplus to requirements".

"The world has a cancer and the cancer is man", observed one World Planner in the book,
Mankind at a Turning Point.

Having set the optimum population number for planet earth, the World Planners have
also set a date by which to achieve their optimum population number. And that date is the
year 2000. The organisation formed to implement their plan is called GLOBAL 2000.

The following article, "WHO Murdered Africa" is evidence of this plan in action.

The world planners are convinced that what they are doing is for he eventual salvation of
mankind and the planet earth. The greatest strength they possess is that the general public
does not even know hat they exist.

Trust in the Lord with all shine heart; and lean not unto shine own understanding. In all
thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 KJV.


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question.
It's a declarative statement.

WHO, the World Health Organisation, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. That's a
provocative statement isn't it?

The answer to this little mystery, Murder on the WHO express, will be quite clear to you
by the end of my report. You will also understand why the other suspects, the
homosexuals, the green monkey and the Haitians, were only pawns in this virocidal
attack on the non-Communist world.

If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to catch then you are going
to die even sooner than the rest of us. The common cold is a virus. Have you ever had a
cold? How did you catch it? You don't really know, do you? If the cold virus were fatal
how many people would there be left in the world?

Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites. Malaria is a parasite also
carried by mosquitoes. It is many times larger than the AIDS virus (like comparing a
pinhead to a moose head), yet the mosquito easily carries this large organism to man.

The tuberculosis germ, also much larger than the AIDS virus, can be transmitted by
fomites (inanimate objects such as towels). The AIDS virus can live as long as ten days
on a dry plate. So, are you worried about your salad in a restaurant that employs
homosexuals? You'd better be.

You can't understand this murder mystery and you wouldn't believe my conclusions
unless you learn a little virology. I'll make it as painless as possible.

Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans but most of the viruses that
affect animals don't affect humans. There are exceptions, of course, such as yellow fever
and small pox.

There are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer in those animals, but do
not affect man or other animals. The bovine leukaemia virus (BLV), for example, is
lethal to cows but not humans. There is another virus that occurs in sheep called sheep
visna virus which is also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses are "retro viruses"
meaning that they can change the genetic composition of cells that they enter.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

The World Health Organisation in published articles, called for scientists to work with
these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans.
In the bulletin of the World Health Organisation WHO), Volume 47, p.259, 1972, they
said, "An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on
immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the
vims itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the
cell responding to the virus."

That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is "Let's cook up a virus that
selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency."

Why would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the T-cell system of man you destroy
man. Is it even remotely possible that the World Health Organisation would want to
develop a virus that would wipe out the human race?

If their new viruses creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible and fatal
infectious viruses could be made even more terrible and more malignant. Does this strike
you as being a peculiar goal for a health organisation? The thought occurred to me.

Sometimes I believe in conspiracies and sometimes I don't. It depends on the subject.

(Was there a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy? If you don't think so, then you must
be a dumb liberal.) My attitude toward some alleged conspiracies, the Federal Reserve
for instance, depends on what I had for breakfast.

But it doesn't take a bad breakfast to see an amazing concatenation of events involving
Russian and Chinese communist nationals, the World Health Organisation, the National
Cancer Institute and the AIDS pandemic.

But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologists in the world and many of
those directly involved in AIDS research, such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier,
have said that the green monkey may be the culprit. You know the story: A green
monkey bit a native on the ass and, bam -- AIDS all over central Africa.

There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange. Because Gallo, Montagnier and those other
virologists know that the AIDS virus doesn't occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't
occur naturally in any animal.

AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil and Central
Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet pilot?) Examination of the gene structure of the
green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the AIDS virus
from monkeys to man by natural means.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to
man until it has become very concentrated in the body fluids through repeated injections
from person to person, such as drug addicts, and through high multiple partner sexuality
such as takes place in Africa, among homosexuals and among native American Indians.
After repeated transfer it can become a "natural" infection for man, which it has.

Dr. Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) in collaboration with the World Health Organisation made the AIDS virus
in their laboratories at Fort Detrick (now NCI). They combined the deadly retroviruses,
bovine leukaemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue
cultures. The result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and
now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those infected.

The momentous plague that we now face was anticipated by the National Academy of
Sciences (NAS), in 1974 when they recommended that "Scientists throughout the world
join the members of this committee in voluntarily deferring experiments (linking) animal

What the NAS is saying in carefully guarded English is: "For God's sake stop this
madness!" Man went over the edge when he started playing God and started growing
human tissue in the laboratory.

We've let the green monkey off the hook. How about the communists! In my original
monograph on AIDS, before Dr. Strecker alerted me to the scientific absurdities being
put on the American people, I said: "After the holocaust has run its course, and we've
buried 10 or 20 million young people, who will protect us? If we are faced with an
invasion from a Communist Mexico, aided by Communist Nicaragua and Cuba, who will
defend the Rio Grande? Wouldn't it be ironic if the godless Russians and other
communist countries, because of their Victorian attitude toward sex and their severe
repression of homosexuality, escaped most of the ravages of the AIDS epidemic and took
us over by simply walking across the Mexican border?"

I wouldn't change a word of that. But it was based on my natural paranoia toward the
Communists, having observed the way they operate for 40 years. Besides, they are saying
that AIDS is a "capitalist plot." That really got me suspicious because, as any student of
the communist conspiracy knows they always blame others for what they are in the
process of doing.

And what they are in the process of doing is conducting germ warfare from Fort Detrick,
Maryland against the free world, especially in the United States, even using foreign
communist agents with the United States Army's germ warfare unit euphemistically
called the Army Infectious Disease Unit.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

You don't believe it? Carlton Gajdusek an NIH big-shot at Detrick admits it: "IN THE

Can you imagine that? A UN-WHO communist Trojan horse in our biological warfare
centre with the full blessings of the Jimmy Carters of this world?

I can assure you that the creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical
scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create
a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. So successful in
fact that most of central Africa may be wiped out, 75,000,000 dead within 3-5 years.

It was not an accident. It was deliberate. In the Federation Proceedings of the United
States in 1972, WHO said: "In relation to the immune response a number of experimental
approaches can be visualised". They suggested that a neat way to do this would be to put
their new killer virus (AIDS) into a vaccination program, sit back and observe the results.
"This would be particularly informative in sibships," they said. That is, give the AIDS
virus to brothers and sisters and see if they die, who dies first and of what, just like using
rats in a laboratory.

They used small pox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical sites chosen in 1972
were Uganda and other African states, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present or recent past
of AIDS epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas.

Dr. Strecker points out that even if the African green monkey could transmit AIDS to
humans, the present known amount of infection in Africa makes it statistically impossible
for a single episode, such as a monkey biting someone on the butt, to have brought this
epidemic to this point. The doubling time of the number of people infected, about every
14 months, when correlated with the first known case and the present known number of
cases, prove beyond a doubt that a large number of people had to have been infected at
the same time. Starting in 1972 with the first case from our mythical monkey and
doubling the number infected from the single source you get only a few thousand cases.
From 1972 to 1987 is 15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number
of cases then there would have been 13 doublings, one then 2, then 4, then 8, etc. In 15
years, from a single source of infection there would be about 8,000 cases in Africa, not
75 million. We are approaching World War II mortality statistics here -- without a shot
being fired.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who unraveled this conundrum, the
greatest murder mystery of all time. He should get the Nobel prize but he'll be lucky not
to get "suicided". ("Prominent California doctor ties his hands behind his back and, hangs
himself, and jumps from the 20th floor. There was no evidence of foul play.")

Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal for Security Pacific
Bank. He was to estimate the cost of the health care for the future. Should they form a
health maintenance organisation? (HMO) was a major issue. After investigating the
current medical market he advised against the HMO because he found that the AIDS
epidemic will in all probability bankrupt the nation's medical system.

He became fascinated with all the peculiar scientific anomalies concerning AIDS that
kept cropping up. Why did the "experts keep talking about green monkeys and
homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that the AIDS virus was a man-made
virus? Why did they say that it was a homosexual and drug-user disease when in Africa it
was obviously a heterosexual disease? If the green monkey did it, then why did AIDS
explode practically simultaneously in Africa, Haiti, Brazil, the United States and southern

Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the AIDS virus was a
combination of two bovine or sheep viruses cultures in human cells in a laboratory, did
they say it was "bad science" when that's exactly what occurred?

As early as 1970 the World Health Organisation was growing these deadly animal viruses
in human tissue cultures. Cedric Mims, in 1981, said in a published article that there was
a bovine virus contaminating the culture media of the WHO. Was this an accident or a
"non-accident"? If it was an accident why did WHO continue to use the vaccine?

This viral and genetic death bomb, AIDS, was finally produced in 1974. It was given to
monkeys and they died of pneumocystis cami, which is typical of AIDS.

Dr. R.J. Biggar said in Lancet: "... The AIDS agent... could not have originated de novo."
That means in plain English that it didn't come out of thin air, AIDS was engineered in a
laboratory by urologists. It couldn't engineer itself. As Doctor Strecker so colourfully
puts it: "If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a tuxedo, how did he
get dressed? Somebody dressed him."

There are 9,000 to the fourth power possible AIDS viruses. (There are 9,000 base pairs
on the genome.) So the fun has just begun. Some will cause brain rot similar to the sheep
virus, some leukaemia-like diseases from the cow virus and some that won't do anything.
So the virus will be constantly changing and trying out new esoteric diseases on hapless
man. We're only at the beginning.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

Because of the trillions of possible genetic combinations, there will never be a vaccine.
Even if they could develop a vaccine they would undoubtedly give us something equally
bad as they did with the polio vaccine (cancer of the brain), the swine flu vaccine (a
polio-like disease), the smallpox vaccine (AIDS), and the hepatitis vaccine (AIDS).

There are precedents. This is not the first time the virologists have brought us disaster.
SO-40 virus from monkey cell cultures contaminated polio cultures. Most people in their
40s are now carrying this virus through contaminated polio inoculations given in the
early 60s. It is known to cause brain cancer which explains the increase in this disease
that we have seen in the past ten years.

This is the origin of the green monkey theory. The polio vaccine was grown on green
monkey kidney cells and the geniuses who brought us polio vaccine said: "We got away
with it once so let's use it again." But they didn't get away with it and in spite of the fact
that polio was rapidly disappearing without any medical intervention, 64 million
Americans were vaccinated with SV-40 contaminated vaccine in the 60s. An increase in
cancer of the brain, possibly multiple sclerosis and God only knows what else is the
tragic result. The delay between vaccination and the onset of cancer with this virus is as
long as 20-30 years. 1965 plus 20 equals 1985. Get the picture?

The SV-40 virus gave rise to two more viruses which are very active in AIDS patients.
Most young children and young adults have received the SV-40 inoculation from polio
vaccination. Primary multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), brain rot, has been added to
the burden of homosexuals who certainly had enough to bear having been given AIDS
through hepatitis B vaccine.

The final piece of the puzzle is how AIDS devastated the homosexual population in the
United States. It wasn't from smallpox vaccination as in Africa because we don't do that
any more. There is no smallpox in the United States and so vaccination was discontinued.

Although some AIDS has been brought to the United States from Haiti by homosexuals,
(it used to be one of their favourite "play-grounds"), it would not be enough to explain
the explosion of AIDS that occurred simultaneously with the African and Haitian

The AIDS virus didn't exist in the United States before 1978. You can check back in any
hospital and no stored blood samples were found anywhere that exhibit the AIDS virus
before that date.

What happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate
the homosexual segment of our population? It was the introduction of the hepatitis-B
vaccine which exhibits the exact epidemiology of AIDS.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

A Doctor W. Schmugner, born in Poland and educated in Russia, came to this country in
1969. His immigration to the U.S. was probably the most fateful immigration in our
history. He, by unexplained process, became head of the New York City blood bank.
(How does a Russian trained doctor become head of one of the largest blood banks in the
world? Doesn't that strike you as peculiar?) -- He set up the rules for the hepatitis vaccine
studies. Only males between the ages of 20 and 40, who were not monogamous, would be
allowed to participate in this study. Can you think of any reason, other than the desire to
spread something among the population, for insisting that all experimentees be
promiscuous? Maybe you don't believe in the communist conspiracy theory but give me
some other logical explanation. Schmugner is now dead and his diabolical secret went
with him.

The hepatitis vaccine, unlike the AIDS vaccine, was not grown from human tissue
culture. So accidental contamination didn't occur. The AIDS virus was probably put in
the vaccine deliberately. It was no mistake. The Centre for Disease Control reported in
1981 that four percent of those receiving the hepatitis-vaccine were AIDS-infected. In
1984 they admitted to 60 percent. Now they refuse to give out figures at all because they
don't want to admit that 100 percent of hepatitis vaccine receivers are infected with

Where is the data on the hepatitis vaccine studies? FDA? CDC? No, the U.S. Department
of Justice has it buried where you will never see it.

I have always said, and our forefathers told us this, that the greatest threat to the people is
always government. Not foreign governments, but our own government. What has the
government told us about AIDS?

* It is a homosexual disease -- homosexuals certainly spread it but the primary

responsibility wasn't theirs.
* It's related to anal intercourse only -- wrong.
* Only a small percentage of those testing positive for AIDS would get the disease --
* It came from the African green monkey -- wrong.
* It came from the cytomegalovirus -- wrong.
* It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex -- wrong.
* It was started 400 years ago by the Portuguese -- wrong. (It started 1n 1972).
* You can't get it from mosquitos -- wrong
* The virus can't live outside the body -- wrong.

The head of the Human Leukaemia Research Group at Harvard is a veterinarian. Dr.
Judd, International Agency for Research on Cancer, the agency that requested the
production of the virus in the first place, is also a veterinarian. The leukaemia research he
is conducting is being done under the auspices of a school of veterinary medicine.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

Now there is nothing wrong with being a vet but, as we have pointed out, the AIDS virus
is a human virus. You can't test these viruses in animals and you can't test leukaemia in
them either. It doesn't work. So why would your government give Judd, a veterinarian,
eight and one-half million dollars to study leukaemia in a veterinarian college? As long as
we are being used as experimental animals maybe it's appropriate.

The London Times should be congratulated for uncovering the smallpox/AIDS

connection. But their expose was very misleading. The article states that the African
AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpox vaccine "triggering" AIDS in those

Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been mixed up in some very strange scientific snafus, supports
this theory. Whether the infection of 75 million Africans was deliberate or accidental can
be debated but there is no room for debate about whether the smallpox shots "awakened
the unsuspected virus infection". There is absolutely no scientific evidence that this
laboratory engineered virus was present in Africa when they descended upon these
hapless people in 1977 with their deadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't
come from Africa. It came from Fort Detrik Maryland, U.S.A.

The situation is extremely desperate and the medical profession is too frightened and
cowed (as usual) to take any action. Dr. Strecker attempted to mobilise the doctors
through some of the most respected medical journals in the world. The prestigious Annals
of Internal Medicine said that his material "appears to be entirely concerned with matters
of virology" and so try some other publication.

In his letter to this medical publication Strecker said, "If correct human experimental
procedures had been followed we would not find half of the world stumbling off on the
wrong path to the cure for AIDS with the other half of the world covering up the
origination of the damned disease. It appears to me that your Annals of Internal medicine
is participating in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated."

I guess they didn't like that so Strecker submitted his sensational and mind-boggling letter
with all of the proper documentation to the British journal Lancet.

Their reply: "Thank you for that interesting letter on AIDS. I am sorry to have to report
that we will not be able to publish it. We have no criticism" but their letter section was
"overcrowded with submissions." They're too crowded to announce the end of western
civilisation and possibly all mankind? I don't think that's reasonable.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086

What can we do?

The first thing that should be done is close down all laboratories in this country that are
dealing with these deadly retro-viruses.

Then we must sort out the insane, irresponsible and traitorous scientists involved in these
experiments and try them for murder. Then maybe, just maybe, we can re-staff the
laboratories with loyal Americans who will work to save a remnant of people to re-
populate and re-civilize the world.



Thank you for requesting this information. We have a story to tell you, a very strange
story, one that affects you, me, and every of the human being on earth. A story that must
be taken seriously by the governments of every nation in the world because there may not
be many humans left to govern by the turn of the century, or shortly thereafter. A story so
bizarre, and so sinister that, if it were not for the fact that it is all true, it would make a
great science fiction thriller. (Interestingly enough, Lorimar Pictures of Hollywood has
purchased the rights to Dr. Strecker's life story.)

The story begins in 1983 with Dr. Robert B. Strecker, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Strecker practises
internal medicine and gastroenterology in Los Angeles. He is a trained pathologist and
also holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology. Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, an attorney, were
preparing a proposal for a health maintenance organisation (HMO) for Security Pacific
Bank of California. They needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring and
treating AIDS patients. In as much as this information was not readily available in 1983,
both brothers began researching the medical literature to learn what they could about this
relatively new disease. The information they uncovered right from the beginning was so
startling to them, so hard to believe, that it would dramatically alter both their lives and
lead them on a five year quest culminating with the creation of "The Strecker
Memorandum," the most controversial video tape of our time, and a remarkable set of
documents called "The Bioattack Alert."

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086


Right there in the medical literature for anyone to read for themselves was, basically,
proof that the AIDS virus and pandemic was actually PREDICTED years ago by a world
famous virologist, among others. They found that top scientists writing in the Bulletin of
the World Health Organisation (WHO) were actually REQUESTING that AIDS -- like
viruses be created to study the effects on humans. In fact, the Streckers unearthed
thousands of documents all supporting the man-made origin of AIDS. Meanwhile, the
government was telling everyone that a green monkey in Africa bit some native and
started AIDS. As their research continued, it became obvious from the documentation
that the virus itself was not only created as requested, but actually DEPLOYED, and now
threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it was designed to do: cause
cancer in humans via a contagious virus. Eventually the Streckers came to realize
everything the government, the so-called AIDS experts and media were telling the public
was not only misleading, but out and out lies. The truth of the matter is: AIDS is a man-
made disease; AIDS is not a homosexual disease; AIDS is not a venereal disease; AIDS
can be carried by mosquitoes; Condoms will not prevent AIDS; There are a least six
different AIDS viruses loose in the world; There will never be a vaccine cure; And on
and on, but...


The most dreaded fear that all Oncologists (cancer doctors), Virologists, and
Immunologists live with is that some day CANCER, in one form or another, will become
a contagious disease, transferable from one person to another. AIDS has now made fear a
reality. If you think you are safe because you are not gay or promiscuous, or because you
are not sexually active, then you must watch "The Strecker very carefully.


The most common misconception being foisted upon us right now concerns sexually
active Americans. We are told that if a man uses a condom the transference of the deadly
virus is virtually eliminated. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of the body fluids
that the AIDS virus is found in, semen is the least. As a matter of fact, in every single
study ever published on the subject, no one has found a significant amount in anyone's
semen. It just isn't there in huge numbers. There is usually only about one virus per
millilitre, a statistically irrelevant amount. One copious ejaculation might produce only
one or two viruses. This is substantiated in the medical literature. But, just for argument's
sake, let's say all the medical studies are wrong. Let's pretend that there are countless
millions of AIDS viruses in the ejaculation. Are you aware that condoms are riddled with
microscopic or larger holes? Studies show that even the smallest holes found in condoms
are two to ten times larger than the AIDS virus. It's like shooting a golf ball through a
basketball hoop. Condoms have not, will not, and cannot prevent AIDS.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086


Fifty thousand Americans have already died because they didn't know the truth about
AIDS. Between twelve and fifteen million Americans have already been infected. One in
60 babies born in New York City is infected; one in 300 college students in America is
infected; one in 20 aliens applying for amnesty is infected, including men, women and
children. These are just some of the facts you are not likely to hear about from the media.


One of the first things the Streckers did was to try and tell their medical and legal
colleagues what they were finding in literature. Some were interested; most were not.
Certainly no one was prepared to risk their professional standing by making waves within
the establishment. Ted Strecker compiled some of the most damaging documents into a
report he called "The Bioalert Attack" and sent it to every Governor of every state, the
President, the VICE-PRESIDENT (now President), the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and
selected members of Congress. He got a grand total of three replies from three governors;
nothing from the government. Both he and Dr. Strecker were laughed at and ridiculed at
every turn. As an example, Dr. Strecker told the government in 1985 that virtually every
person testing positive for AIDS would die prematurely and painfully. The government
said that was nonsense. Their figures showed that maybe ten percent at most would die
from the disease. In 1986, the government said maybe 50 percept of those infected would
die, in 1987 they said maybe 75 percent, in 1988 they finally agreed with Dr. Strecker
that AIDS is virtually 100 percent fatal. We could go on with facts Dr. Strecker unearthed
that the "experts" said were wrong and now accepted as the truth. Dr. Strecker, like a
good scientist, submitted paper after paper with his findings to all the prestigious medical
journals in America. They were refused. He then tried having his findings published in
Europe. Again, closed doors. What to do? Dr. Strecker did not feel he could take the time
from his practice and his research to write a book. On the other hand, everyone has a TV
and now most households have a video cassette recorder (VCR). The time involved to
make a video is nothing compared to writing a book, and so the video "The Strecker
Memorandum" was created. It is 96 minutes of the most startling, controversial, and
information packed video you will ever see. It disputes virtually everything the American
public is being told by the government, the so-called AIDS experts and the media. In fact,
after seeing it YOU will know more about AIDS than 99 percent of all doctors in

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086


With the video made, it seemed a simple matter to advertise it and the world would now
become aware of what it was facing, right? WRONG! The fact that you are even reading
about "The Strecker Memorandum" now is a minor miracle by itself, in as much as TV
stations have refused to advertise it. TV and radio time brokers that sell blocks of
commercial time have refused to sell us time. TV station managers have refused to even
air programs containing interviews with Dr. Strecker. A national radio network did an
interview with a famous talk show host and Dr. Strecker and then refused to run it.
Virtually every big name network television magazine show and all the syndicated TV
interviewers and talk show hosts have said NO to Dr. Strecker. Big city newspapers will
not take any print ads telling about it, and so it goes...WHY? What is in "The Strecker
Memorandum" that sends a cold chill down the spine of most media executives?


The excuse that we hear over and over is that it is too controversial. TOO
CONTROVERSIAL? They say that this information, if widely disseminated, will cause
the public to panic. If someone had poisoned your water supply and you and your family
could die, wouldn't you want to know about it? Would you panic? Or would you more
likely be outraged and try to find out who did it and punish them? We feel the only
persons who might panic are those scientists who willingly or otherwise created AIDS
and are now promoting misinformation by covering it up. After all, if you made AIDS
would you tell anyone about it?



The number of AIDS infected people is doubling approximately every 14 months, and in
some areas even sooner. With twelve to fifteen million Americans carrying the virus, you
don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how long we have here in the U.S. Africa has,
conservatively, 75 million infected; some estimates double that. Brazil as a country is in
serious jeopardy because all through the 1970's they were buying their blood supply from
Africa. On top of that, the World Health Organisation (WHO) conducted a large scale
small pox vaccination program there in the 1970's (for the full implications of that see
"The Strecker Memorandum"). Southern Japan has about 30 percent infected with HTLV
I, the leukaemia causing virus (although you will never hear about that on TV). Russia is
now reporting AIDS as a problem and no one can enter Russia permanently without a
current negative blood test for AIDS. Cuba has already set up concentration camps for
AIDS infected and they are full (you won't see that on TV either). Haiti of course is
ravaged by AIDS; more than 15 percent of the people infected and getting worse every
day. And so it goes. Virtually every nation on earth with few exceptions (Iran is one) is
reporting a growing problem. It's on every continent, every subcontinent, and every
island chain, Atlantic and Pacific. So why won't the media or government tell you these
things? Is it too controversial for you to handle? Are you going to panic?


Yes and no. NO, if you are waiting for the government to create a magic bullet. As you
will see in "The Strecker Memorandum," part of the problem is that all the various AIDS
viruses are "recombinant retroviruses." Very simply, that means they have the ability to
recombine with the genes of any cell they enter and the offspring or new viruses they
form are different from the parent viruses. HTLV III alone (that's the most common
American AIDS virus) has the mathematical ability to change itself
9,000x9,000x9,000x9000 times (which is 9,000 to the fourth power). The common cold
recombines much less frequently and we haven't found a cure for it after a hundred years.
Besides, does it make much sense to entrust the cure for AIDS to the same people that
may have created it? YES, there is hope if Dr. Strecker and a growing number of realistic
scientists are correct in looking at alternative, nonallopathic, non drug modalities based
on Raman spectroscopy. In fact many experiments are going on now that offer great
promise. Unfortunately, our government takes a dim view of any type of treatment for
any type of disease let alone AIDS that does not conform to its rigid rules for acceptance,
registration, and legalisation. of course the FDA would definitely like to see an allopathic
drug treatment or cure presented by an ethical drug company or university. Well, we
don't think that's going to happen. Because of this attitude, much experimentation in
America must go underground, underfunded, or out of the country entirely. Again, this is
explained further in "The Strecker Memorandum."



An ominous personal aspect of this story has been the sudden and unexpected deaths of
two of the key players. First, Dr. Strecker's brother, Ted Strecker, was found shot to death
in his home in Springfield, Missouri, an apparent suicide, on August 11, 1988. Was Ted
Strecker suicidal?

Perhaps. In the past he suffered from depression and monumental frustration at the
relative lack of interest in his findings. Dr. Strecker spoke with him the night before his
death. Ted was cheerful, in good spirits, and looking forward to certain new
developments that promised progress. The next day he was found dead, his 22 calibre
rifle next to him. No note, no message, no goodbyes to anyone. Very untypical of him.
officially a suicide. Next, Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff of Chicago was
found alone in his home, dead from an apparent overdose of cocaine and heroin, on
September 22, 1988. Representative Huff did everything in his power to make the Illinois
State Legislature and the people of Chicago aware of Dr. Strecker's work. He was very
vocal, gave many press interviews, was constantly on television and radio urging people
to wake up to the cover-up concerning AIDS. Did Representative Huff use drugs?
Perhaps yes, but only occasionally and recreationally. Was he an addict? No. Would he
have known how dangerous a massive overdose off cocaine and heroin was? Yes, of
course. Cause of death: officially a stroke. Dr. Strecker has serious doubts that his brother
killed himself. Representative Huff's associates doubt he died accidentally, and yet they
are gone. Who's next?


We all know it is easier for a king to have a lie believed than a beggar to spread the truth.
Well, we are spreading the truth about AIDS. Unfortunately, it isn't pretty. But the fact is
you are not being told the truth by the government or the so-called AIDS experts. The
media, for reasons of their own, will not present information contradicting the official
propaganda. So you can choose to go along with the same people who gave us brain
cancer (SV-40 virus) as a result of their contaminated polio vaccines in the early 1960's; a
polio like disease from their contaminated Swine Flu vaccine in the 1970's; and AIDS
from their smallpox and hepatitis B vaccines; or, you can at least make yourself a ware of
the clear and present dangers that we all face by watching "The Strecker Memorandum."
The cost of the tape is nominal, but we submit that remaining ignorant can cost infinitely


STOP PRESS: At an International Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland

on HIV, medical experts were told that women were now being infected
with HIV at the world-wide rate of two a minute as the AIDS epidemic
gathers pace. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Director said,
"AIDS was still in its early stages. By the year 2000 they expected that
more than 13 million women will have been infected of which a third, by
then, would have died". (Source: Sydney Daily Telegraph Mirror,


See also:
Aids as A Weapon of War
Duesberg on AIDS
AIDS: A Doctor's Note on the Man-Made Theory
THE "GAY" EXPERIMENT The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot
Whistleblowers on AIDS
Drugs NEVER Cure Disease!
AIDS Timeline, AIDS Flow Chart

Changing LINKS


by Tom Curtis
Rolling Stone, Issue 626, 19 March 1992, pp. 54-59, 61, 106, 108, omitting photos and
This article is part of a collection of material on

Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS

which in turn is part of Brian Martin's website on suppression of dissent.

A partial list of publications relevant to

the idea that AIDS originated from polio
vaccination campaigns, compiled by
Brian Martin.
Last updated 27 July 2000

This list is part of a collection of material on

Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS

which in turn is part of Brian Martin's website on suppression of dissent.

email: bmartin@uow.edu.au

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086


Edward Hooper, The River: A Journey Back to the Source of HIV and AIDS
(Harmondsworth: Penguin; Boston: Little, Brown, 1999; revised edition, Penguin, 2000).

Omar Bagasra, HIV and Molecular Immunity: Prospects for the AIDS Vaccine (Natick,
MA: Biotechniques Books, 1999).

Julian Cribb, The White Death (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1996).


Billi Goldberg and Raphael B. Stricker, "Bridging the gap: human diploid cell strains and
the origin of AIDS", Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 204, 2000, pp. 497-503.

Brian Martin, "Political refutation of a scientific theory: the case of polio vaccines and
the origin of AIDS", Health Care Analysis, Vol. 6, 1998, pp. 175-179.

V. Reinhardt and A. Roberts, "The African polio vaccine-acquired immune deficiency

syndrome connection," Medical Hypotheses, Vol. 48, 1997, pp. 367-374.

Julian Cribb, "Monkey business: the AIDS theory no one will listen to," Weekend
Australian, 24-25 August 1996, Review 4.

Robin Weiss, "AIDS: out of Africa?" Science & Public Affairs, Summer 1996, pp. 18-21.

Brian Martin, "Sticking a needle into science: the case of polio vaccines and the origin of
AIDS," Social Studies of Science, Vol. 26, No. 2, May 1996, pp. 245-276.

Michael Kent Curtis, "Monkey trials: science, defamation, and the suppression of
dissent," William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, Winter 1995, pp. 507-

Steve Connor, "World's first Aids case was false," The Independent, 24 March 1995, p. 1;
"How scientists discovered false evidence on the world's 'first Aids victim'," ibid., pp. 2-
3; "Rethink begins into how the virus originated," ibid., p. 3.

Blaine F. Elswood and Raphael B. Stricker, "Polio vaccines and the origins of AIDS,"
Medical Hypotheses, vol. 42, 1994, pp. 347-354; Correspondence, vol. 44, 1995, p. 226.

W. D. Hamilton, letter, 1994 [reply to Koprowski, Science], rejected by Science;

published in Julian Cribb, The White Death (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1996), pp.

Robin Weiss, "Of myths and mischief," Discover, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 1994, pp.

Maria Luisa Bozzi, "Un vaccino causò l'Aids?" La Stampa, 28 September 1994, p. 4.

Louis Pascal, "Carelessness with human lives: errors in Hilary Koprowski's letter to
Science concerning the origin of AIDS and the refusal of Science to correct them," 19
September 1994 [unpublished].

Gordon Moran, "Animal experimentation and the origin of the AIDS epidemic: the
contaminated polio vaccine theory," Civis International Foundation Report, vol. 16,
Spring-Summer 1994, p. 7.

Brian Martin, "Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS: the career of a threatening idea,"
Townsend Letter for Doctors, #126, January 1994, pp. 97-100.

Julian Cribb, "Research fails to nail AIDS virus," Australian, 22 December 1993, p. 16.

"'Origin of AIDS' update," Rolling Stone, 9 December 1993, p. 39.

Bruce Tomaso, "Story about AIDS theory raises questions on press," Dallas Morning
News, 4 December 1993, pp. 1A, 22A.

"Rolling Stone rolls over for Koprowski," Science, vol. 262, 26 November 1993, p. 1369.
[comment on Rolling Stone, 9 December 1993]

Henk Hanssen, "Hebben artsen AIDS veroorzaakt?" Panorama, 11-18 November 1993,
pp. 42-44.

Brian Martin, "Peer review and the origin of AIDS--a case study in rejected ideas,"
BioScience, vol. 43, no. 9, October 1993, pp. 624-627.

Louis Pascal, "Preliminary notes concerning shortcomings of a correspondence by Y.

Ohta, et al., entitled 'No evidence for the contamination of live oral poliomyelitis
vaccines with simian immunodeficiency virus,' published in AIDS, 3: 183-4, 1989," 8
May 1993 [unpublished].

Blaine F. Elswood and Raphael B. Stricker, "Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS"
[letter], Research in Virology, vol. 144, March/April 1993, pp. 175-177.

Tom Curtis, letter, Science, vol. 259, 1 January 1993, p. 14. [comment on Wistar Institute
panel report]

Gordon Moran, letter, Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 18, 1992, pp. 160-161. [comment
on peer review]

Phyllida Brown, "Polio vaccine 'did not cause AIDS epidemic,'" New Scientist, vol. 136,
31 October 1992, p. 8. [comment on Wistar Institute panel report]

Gina Kolata, "Theory tying AIDS to polio vaccine is discounted," New York Times, 23
October 1992, p. A16. [comment on Wistar Institute panel report]

Tom Curtis, letter, 30 September 1992 [reply to Koprowski, Science], rejected by

Science; published in Julian Cribb, The White Death (Sydney: Angus & Robertson,
1996), pp. 258-262.

Jared Diamond, "The mysterious origin of AIDS," Natural History, No. 9, September
1992, pp. 24, 26-29.

Andrew Tyler, "Monkey business?" Independent Magazine, 19 September 1992, pp. 24-

Hilary Koprowski, "AIDS and the polio vaccine" (letter), Science, vol. 257, 21 August
1992, pp. 1024, 1026-1027. [response to Curtis]

Cecil H. Fox, letter, Science, vol. 256, 29 May 1992, pp. 1259-1260. [response to
Cohen]; Tom Curtis, letter, Science, vol. 256, 29 May 1992, p.1260. [response to Cohen];
Jon Cohen, Science, vol. 256, 29 May 1992, pp. 1259-1260. [response to Fox and Curtis]

Julian Cribb, "Was this science's biggest blunder?" Weekend Australian, 25-26 April
1992, Review 1-2.

Raanan Gillon, "A startling 19,000-word thesis on the origin of AIDS: should the JME
have published it?" Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 18, nos. 3-4, 1992, pp. 3-4. [comment
on Pascal]

Robert Steinbrook, "A deadly virus hides its past," Los Angeles Times, 7 April 1992, pp.
A1, A22. [comment on Curtis, Rolling Stone]

Tom Curtis, "Did a polio vaccine experiment unleash AIDS in Africa?" and Malcolm
Gladwell, "It's possible, but not likely," Washington Post, 5 April 1992.

Phyllida Brown, "US rethinks link between polio vaccine and HIV," New Scientist, 4
April 1992, p. 10. [comment on Curtis, Rolling Stone]

Jon Cohen, "Debate on AIDS origin: Rolling Stone weighs in," Science, 20 March 1992,
p. 1505. [comment on Curtis, Rolling Stone]

Tom Curtis, "Herpes treatment may have started U.S. AIDS epidemic," Houston Post, 15
March 1992, pp. A-1, A-25; Tom Curtis, "'Easy test' for theory on AIDS," Houston Post,
16 March 1992, pp. A-1, A-9; Tom Curtis, "Vaccines not tested for HIV?" Houston Post,
18 March 1992, pp. A-1, A-12; Tom Curtis, "Expert says test vaccine," Houston Post, 22
March 1992, pp. A-1, A-21; Tom Curtis and Patricia Manson, "Polio experts support
vaccine tests for HIV," Houston Post, 26 March 1992, pp. A-1, A-18; Tom Curtis and
Patricia Manson, "Discovery too grave to imagine," Houston Post, 5 April 1992, pp. A-1,

A-32; Tom Curtis and Patricia Manson, "Scientist's polio fears unheeded," Houston Post,
17 April 1992, pp. A-1, A-12; Tom Curtis and Patricia Manson, "Do cold, hard AIDS
facts lie in freezer?" Houston Post, 8 May 1992, pp. A-1, A-15; Tom Curtis and Patricia
Manson, "Scientists urge screening of polio vaccine for HIV," Houston Post, 17 July
1992, pp. A-1, A-18; Tom Curtis and Patricia Manson, "Doctor wants Houston researcher
to test polio vaccines for AIDS link," Houston Post, 18 July 1992, p. A-9; Tom Curtis,
"New evidence of AIDS-monkey link," Houston Post, 25 July 1992, pp. A-1, A-20; Tom
Curtis, "3rd case of human testing positive for AIDS-causing monkey virus," Houston
Post, 1 August 1992, p. A-26; Tom Curtis, "Monkey may offer 'missing link' to induction
of AIDS virus," Houston Post, 2 August 1992, pp. A-1, A-20; Tom Curtis, "Officials
continue to ignore signs of AIDS-vaccine link," Houston Post, 19 August 1992, pp. A-1,
A-14; Tom Curtis and Patricia Manson, "Scientists urge major changes in how polio
vaccines made," Houston Post, 23 October 1992, p. A-16.

Anonymous, "In the beginning: was there a link between polio vaccines and HIV?"
Economist, 14 March 1992, pp. 123-124. [comment on Curtis, Rolling Stone]

Tom Curtis interviewed by David Theis, "Tracking the century's deadliest plague,"
Houston Press, 12-18 March 1992, pp. 31-37, 60.

Walter S. Kyle, "Simian retroviruses, poliovaccine, and origin of AIDS," Lancet, vol.
339, 7 March 1992, pp. 600-601; several responses, Lancet, vol. 339, 4 April 1992, pp.

Ruth SoRelle, "Scientist frustrated in bid to test AIDS origin theory," Houston Chronicle,
6 March 1992; Ruth SoRelle, "Committee to study AIDS origin theory," Houston
Chronicle, 7 March 1992; Ruth SoRelle, "'Guerrilla researcher' digs in for AIDS fight,"
Houston Chronicle, 6 April 1992, pp. 1A, 4A.

Tom Curtis, "The origin of AIDS," Rolling Stone, issue 626, 19 March 1992 [published
28 February 1992], pp. 54-59, 61, 106, 108.

Louis Pascal, "What happens when science goes bad. The corruption of science and the
origin of AIDS: a study in spontaneous generation," Science and Technology Analysis
Research Programme Working Paper No. 9, Department of Science and Technology
Studies, University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia, December 1991.

G. Lecatsas and J. J. Alexander, "Safe testing of poliovirus vaccine and the origin of HIV
infection in man," South African Medical Journal, vol. 76, 21 October 1989, p. 451.

Herbert Ratner, "Monkey viruses, AIDS and the Salk vaccine," Child & Family, vol. 20,
no. 2, 1988, pp. 134-138.

UMOJA Research, P.O. BOX 86131, Los Angeles, CA 90086


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