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In our new generation today, do we know what heroism is? Can we still
remember who the people beyond our freedom are today? What can we do to
make or call us a hero? Is it sacrificing your life for others and for your country
or helping others who really needs you? How can you say you are a true hero?

Based on what I had read, hero is really hard to know but a true heroism
is when someone is brave, intelligent and selfless. Heroism involves someone
who is brave at the same time intelligence. It doesn’t need any weapon to be a
hero. Likewise, what Rizal had done, he doesn’t use any guns and bolo to be a
true hero but just a pen who wrote novels that change Filipinos insight and
awakened them to have a rebellion. However, there is a replacement in that,
Rizal got prisoned and was killed by the Spaniards because of what he had
done. But even he was killed he has been our national hero because of his
bravery and even his intelligence that awakened the Filipino for rebellion. A
true hero doesn’t always need to be violent to be a hero, sometimes we just
need to be intelligent to do what could help the people and our country.

Aside from being brave, heroism also defines when someone is also
courageous, charitable and understanding of others. Being courageous is when
someone is voluntarily helping others without any compensation. Another
example is Mahatma Gandhi, a peaceful Indian protestor stood up for the
Indians when they are rebelling against caste system. He had been arrested by
the officers because he found out that caste system is unfair. However, even he
has criminal record he showed courage and stood up for what he believes in.
This is one quality of a true hero. Like Gandhi, I also remember Mother Teresa
who has been called a hero for helping the poor and made their homes. To be
charitable, you have room in your heart others in need. Being charitable is one
of the most important aspect of heroism.

Now, could you define what heroism is? Based on the examples, heroism
involves someone who is intelligent, brave, selfless, charitable, courage and
understanding to others. Whatever heroism defines to you and your
understanding in it, a true hero is someone who really has the qualities and
extraneous characteristics that would give inspiration and values to other

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