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NCP Step 2: Nutrition
Nutrition Diagnosis is a nutrition and dietetics practitioner’s identification and labeling of an existing nutrition problem(s) that the practitioner is
responsible for treating. Nutrition diagnoses (eg, inconsistent carbohydrate intake) are different from medical diagnoses (eg, diabetes).

Determining a Nutrition Diagnosis:

Nutrition and dietetics practitioners use standard nutrition diagnostic terminology to label the client’s nutrition diagnosis(es) through organized
nutrition assessment data that are clustered for comparison with defining characteristics list on the reference sheets. The eNCPT provides a
reference sheet for each nutrition diagnosis that includes its definition, possible etiology/causes, and common signs or symptoms identified in the
Nutrition Assessment step.

Terminology for Nutrition Diagnosis is organized in three domains (categories):

Intake Clinical Behavioral-Environmental

Too much or too little of a food or Nutrition problems that relate to medical or Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, physical
Nutrition Diagnosis is a nutrition and dietetics practitioner’s identification and labeling of an existing nutrition problem(s) that the practitioner is
nutrient compared to actual or estimated physical conditions environment, access to food, or food safety
needs for treating. Nutrition diagnoses (eg, inconsistent carbohydrate intake) are different from medical diagnoses (eg, diabetes).

Purpose: a Nutrition Diagnosis:
Nutrition anddietetics
use standard nutrition diagnostic
a PES (Problem, terminology
Etiology, Signs to label the
and Symptoms) client’sto
statement nutrition
describediagnosis(es) through
each problem, organized
the root causes,
and assessment
the assessment data
data that
that are clustered
provide forfor
evidence comparison with
the nutrition defining characteristics list on the reference sheets. The eNCPT provides a
reference sheet for each nutrition diagnosis that includes its definition, possible etiology/causes, and common signs or symptoms identified in the
Nutrition Assessment step.
The format for each PES statement is “[Nutrition diagnosis term (problem)] related to [etiology] as evidenced by [signs/symptoms].”
Determining a Nutrition Diagnosis:
(P) Problem or Nutrition Diagnosis Term (E) Etiology Snapshot (S) Signs/Symptoms

Intake alterations in the client’s nutritional Cause/Contributing
Clinical Risk Factors Data or indicators used to determine the client's
status. nutrition diagnosis.
Linked to the nutrition diagnosis term by the
Too much or too little of a food or Nutrition problems
to.” that relate to medical or Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, physical
NCP Step 2: Nutrition
words “related Linked to the etiology by the words “as evidenced by.”
nutrient compared to actual or estimated physical conditions
Terminology for Nutrition Diagnosis is organized in three domains (categories): environment, access to food, or food safety
No nutrition diagnosis at this time (NO-1.1) may be documented if the assessment indicates that no nutrition problem exists to justify a nutrition
Nutrition and dietetics practitioners write a PES (Problem, Etiology, Signs and Symptoms) statement to describe each problem, the root causes,
and for Writing
the assessment data thataprovide
Clear evidence
PES Statement:
for the nutrition diagnosis(es).
When writing the PES statement, nutrition and dietetics practitioners can ask a series of questions that help clarify the nutrition diagnosis(es).
The format for each PES statement is “[Nutrition diagnosis term (problem)] related to [etiology] as evidenced by [signs/symptoms].”
Critical thinkinga Nutrition
skills: Diagnosis:
(P) Problem or Nutrition Diagnosis Term (E) Etiology (S) Signs/Symptoms
P – Can thenutrition and dietetics practitioner resolve or improve the client's nutrition diagnosis? When all things are equal and there is a
choice between
Describes stating
alterations a PES
in the statement
client’s using twoCause/Contributing
nutritional nutrition diagnoses from
Risk different domains, consider
Factors Data orthe Intake nutrition
indicators diagnosis
used to determine the as the's one
more specific to the role of the RD/RDN.
status. nutrition diagnosis.
Linked to the nutrition diagnosis term by the
words “related to.”
E – Evaluate whether the etiology for each problem is the specific “root cause” that can be addressed Linked to the etiology by the words “as evidenced by.”
with a nutrition intervention. If
addressing the etiology cannot resolve the problem, can the RD/RDN intervention at least lessen the signs and symptoms?
No nutrition diagnosis at this time (NO-1.1) may be documented if the assessment indicates that no nutrition problem exists to justify a nutrition
S – Will measuring the signs and symptoms indicate if the problem is resolved or improved? Are the signs and symptoms specific enough
to monitor (measure/evaluate changes) and communicate resolution or improvement of a nutrition diagnosis?

PES Overall – Do the nutrition assessment data support the nutrition diagnosis, etiology, and signs and symptoms?
When writing the PES statement, nutrition and dietetics practitioners can ask a series of questions that help clarify the nutrition diagnosis(es).
Critical Thinking Skills
• Finding patterns and relationships among the data and possible causes
• Making inferences
P – Can for
Guidelines Writingand
thenutrition a Clear PES
dietetics Statement:
• Stating each problem clearly and singularly
resolve or improve the client's nutrition diagnosis? When all things are equal and there is a
choice between
• Ruling stating
in or ruling aout
PES statement
specific using two nutrition diagnoses from different domains, consider the Intake nutrition diagnosis as the one
more • specific to the
Identifying role of for
an etiology theeach
problem that may be resolved, lessened, or managed by the intervention(s)
• Identifying
Critical thinking
signs and symptoms that are measurable or their change may be tracked
E –• Evaluate identified
the etiology for each problem is the specific “root cause” that can be addressed with a nutrition intervention. If
addressing the refers to individuals,
etiology cannot groups,
resolvepopulations, family
the problem, can members,
the RD/RDN and/orintervention
caregivers. at least lessen©2018 Academy
the signs of Nutrition and Dietetics. All rights reserved.
and symptoms?

S – Will measuring the signs and symptoms indicate if the problem is resolved or improved? Are the signs and symptoms specific enough
to monitor (measure/evaluate changes) and communicate resolution or improvement of a nutrition diagnosis?

PES Overall – Do the nutrition assessment data support the nutrition diagnosis, etiology, and signs and symptoms?

Critical Thinking Skills

Finding patterns and relationships among the data and possible causes
Making inferences
Stating each problem clearly and singularly
• Ruling in or ruling out specific diagnoses
• Identifying an etiology for each problem that may be resolved, lessened, or managed by the intervention(s)
• Identifying signs and symptoms that are measurable or their change may be tracked
• Prioritizing identified problems

*Patient/client refers to individuals, groups, populations, family members, and/or caregivers. ©2018 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. All rights reserved. 23/10/2019, 9:52 AM

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