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The Reasons for Taking a Professional Communication Course

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Regardless of business type, communication is one of the key skills that every

professional workforce needs to succeed and promote in his or her job which brings a high level

of development and productivity for the organization. Communication is classified into two

different categories, namely written, oral, and visual. The written form usually encompasses

email, text messages, chat apps, and project management apps, while spoken form includes

phone, video calls, in person, and to name but a few. Visual communication comprises

illustration, drawing, graphic design, etc.

Strong communication skills play a critical role, even in the first job interview before

admitting for a job position. Expressing objectives, ideas, attitudes, characteristics, and work

experience is a bare necessity in order to satisfy and get the attention of the interviewer to hire.

Additionally, interpersonal communication skills are assessed by most employers during the

interview process as a criterion of how well every individual will interact and contact other staff

when place in a team. Virtually the requirement of all job positions is a collaboration that leads

to staff and organization strategies development. Teamwork directly depends on the ability to

communicate with others. In order to accomplish team objectives according to the planned

schedule, every team member must enjoy effective communication skills.

Likewise, after being employed, in a different situation, such as presentation, meeting,

and conferences to share information and technical ideas as well as give reports whether intra-

organizational or inter-organizational. Therefore, there is a real and urgent need for any person to

learn and hone communication skills in a professional manner not only in personal life but also

in occupation.

Employees who can concisely and accurately convey their thought and what they intend

to do often have a great relationship with their managers, colleagues, and customers, which

brings about setting apart from their competitors in the workplace. Developing the art of

communication takes place through related courses in which making outline, planning, various

ways to deliver purpose, formal essays like a report and informal one like a text message, and

spoken communication through both verbal and nonverbal—body language— techniques will be

learned and practiced. Similarly, a manager who is able to explain organizational goal and

mission to his or her employees as well as let each workforce know the importance of their role

in the advancement of a company are far more successful than others. As a result, staff are more

likely to feel satisfied and operative, because they believe the time and energy that consumed is

not pointless.

Professional communicators have one property in common; they are all good listeners as

well. In addition to writing and speaking, listening skills should practice routinely. Many

researchers believe that as long as every individual does not understand what audience means

and interested in, they are not able to contact them precisely. Recognition audiences whether as

general or specific ones are a very important part to establish professional communication, since

the content of the communication is in proportion to the demand of the audience.

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