Vice Mayor Letter's To Council After June 2 Council Meeting

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Metropolitan Council  

Office of Vice Mayor

Jim Shulman  

June 4, 2020

To: Metropolitan Council Members

Dear Councilmembers,

I have always believed in and fought for government that is open, transparent and accountable
to the people it serves. That is why I am in public service. Part of being accountable is admitting
when you could have done better. I could have done better Tuesday night.

Every single Nashvillian deserves to be heard, and deserves a voice. To those of you who came
down to the courthouse to share concerns with your elected officials, I apologize. I also
apologize to those of you who could not get through on the phone. Let me explain a little more
about what happened Tuesday.

During a budget public hearing, the focus is on the Budget. When speakers deviate from the
focus being discussed at the public hearing, the practice has always been to get the speaker
back to the subject matter at hand. On Tuesday evening, I believe I did this on two occasions.
While I may not like having to do this, it is the practice and has been helpful to keep us focused
on the discussion.

As for my request around 1:00 am to ask people to not relay the same message we had heard
during the first four (4) hours, I did this in hopes that we could open up the lines for citizens
such as senior citizens, teachers and small business owners to have an opportunity to speak
who were not being able to get through on the phones. Council Members had people texting us
indicating they could not get through.

The Mayor’s proposed Metro budget, which includes a property tax increase, will impact
thousands of people across the city who should have had the same opportunity to have their
voices heard. The Council never heard from those senior citizens, teachers and small business
owners or any other groups for that matter about their concerns with the Mayor’s proposed
My attempt to free up the lines did not work. The public hearing lasted around eight (8) hours
and during that time we heard from only a few other concerns. I want every group to feel like
they are heard!

My intention is to set a productive tone that will be sensitive to every Nashvillian’s desire to be
heard on the budget. Our service and leadership matters and this is an opportunity to work
together toward solutions in these challenging times.

I am grateful to serve with you.

Jim Shulman
Vice Mayor

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