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Act. #5 Choose the correct answer according the statement and instruction.

1.- My parents sent a package to me for Christmas.

(What is the DIRECT object?)

a) A package
b) Me
c) Christmas
d) (no direct object in the sentence.
My question (question: what my parents sent to me for Christmas)

2.- Annie's boyfriend wrote her a song for her birthday.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]

a) birthday
b) song
c) her (after “wrote”)
d) (no indirect object in this sentence)
My question (to whom Annie’s boyfiend wrote her song ¿

3.- Santa Claus gave a present to me.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]

a) Santa Cluase
b) a present
c) me
d) (no indirect object in this sentence)

4.- Greg passed his sister the gravy at dinner last night.
[What is the DIRECT object?]

a) his sister
b) the gravy
c) dinner
d) last night
my question is: what did Greg pass his sister?
5.- The teacher lent us dictionaries.
[What is the INDIRECT object?]

a)The teacher
b) Us
d)no indirect object in this sentence)

.My question is: to whom the teacher let dictionaries?

6.- Mr. and Mrs. Williams left us their furniture when they moved to
[What is the DIRECT object?]

a) us
b) their furniture
c) they
d) Chicago

My question is What Mr. And Mrs Williams left us?

7.- My mother is going to buy me a new coat at the mall tonight.

[What is the INDIRECT object?]

a) me
b) a new coat
c) the mall
d) [no indirect object in this sentence]

My question is: to whom my mother is going to buy a new coat?

8.- Little Billy handed Karen a love note in class yesterday.

[What is the DIRECT object?]

a) Karen
b) A love note
c) Class
d) (no direct object in this sentence)

My question is: what Little Billy handed Karen in class yesterday?

9.- Our bank sends an email to us every month.
[What is the INDIRECT object?]

a) Our bank
b) An email
c) Us
d) Month

My question is: To whom our bank sends an e-mail?

10.- I paid the bill for our meal at the restaurant last night.
[What is the INDIRECT object?]
a) the bill
b) our meal
c) the restaurant
d) (no indirect object in this sentence)

My question is: to whom did I pay the bill at the restaurant?

For whom did I pay the bill at the restaurant?

You can do an INDIRECT object two ways:

I.O. with
I gave - the book to Mary.
I gave Mary the book. -
Dad bought - a gold necklace for Mom.
a gold
Dad bought Mom -

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