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Series vs.


Series and Parallel Paths Parallel Paths

Most hydraulic systems, even very basic ones, have more There is more than a single path for
than one flow path. That is to say, once the pump has the fluid to take back to the reservoir
drawn in fluid from the reservoir, there is more than one
potential path through valves and cylinders/motors for fluid flow back to the reservoir.
The flow paths or branches are said to be in parallel with each other.

or or

Figure 1. (De-energized) This system has three parallel paths. This means that there are 3 possible paths for fluid in this sys-
tem; without knowing the resistance of each branch, it’s impossible to determine where fluid will go.

It is also very common for a parallel branch to have Loads In Series

more than one point of restriction. Each restriction
(essentially a load) in series with the next has a cu- When two loads are in series, it means that
mulative effect on the total pressure at the beginning the fluid must overcome the resistance
of the branch. from both to be able to pass.

In the following examples, spring loaded check

valves or adjustable needle valves are used as gener-
ic loads on a hydraulic circuit branch. The check valves or needle valves can just as easily
be replaced by cylinders or motors that have heavy loads to move. (The spring loaded
check valves and the adjustable needle valves are
only used as simple examples for teaching the con-
cepts.) 100 PSI open
200 PSI open
The Path of Least Resistance
300 PSI
Consider a system with three parallel flow paths. Each
path has a simple spring loaded check valve. Each
check valve spring has a different strength expressed
in equivalent PSI. Figure 2. (De-energized) This system has three parallel
paths. Where will the fluid go, and what will the system
pressure be, when energized?

CD Industrial Group Inc. Rev. 10/14 Page 3-1

Series vs. Parallel

 Key Concept: Fluid in a running hydraulic system will always follow the
path of least resistance. In a system with more than one flow path (parallel
paths), the pressure will only rise to the level needed to take the easiest path.

Most hydraulic systems have more than one parallel flow path. The system needs to
build pressure to a certain level to move a loaded actuator, but, because of a malfunc-
tion, an easier, lower pressure flow path develops. Flow will be redirected and motion
will cease at the loaded actuator. Perhaps the ultimate and most obvious example of this
is a ruptured hose. The new flow path to the open atmosphere will be the easiest path
and therefore all flow to other, more heavily restricted paths will cease.

The rod has

The cylinder fallen to the
rod is lifting bottom of
2000 PSI the load 0 PSI the cylinder

Figure 3. There’s only one path here, right? There is until a hose ruptures! Now there are two paths in parallel, and the fluid
will obey the rules of parallel paths by taking the easiest route and escaping to the atmosphere.

 Troubleshooting Tip: Knowing how many parallel flow paths exist, or may
exist during a malfunction, is critical for many troubleshooting scenarios.

Flow Through Multiple Paths is Possible

If you know of a hydraulic system that has more
100 PSI Open than one parallel branch, each with a different load
237 PSI value at the main operating component (cylinder or
200 PSI Open
motor), and yet you are sure that they both operate
and allow flow simultaneously, there is at least one
possible explanation. If the hoses are undersized so
300 PSI that no single branch can handle the full displace-
ment volume of the pump without the hose itself
becoming a noticeable restriction, then two paths
Figure 4. Believe it or not, this still follows the “easi- with different load values at the main operating
est-path” principle. In this poorly-designed system, the component can be passing fluid simultaneously. At
pump is pushing so much fluid through the undersized this point, the spring loaded check valve (or a loaded
hoses that the hoses themselves have become a load; cylinder or motor) is not the only source of resistance
opening two paths builds less pressure than forcing all of to flow on a single branch. The undersized hoses are
that fluid into a single path that includes the extra load now additional loads in series with the main operat-
from the hoses. ing component. CD Industrial Group Inc.
Page 3-2 Rev. 10/14
Series vs. Parallel

If this design seems inefficient, you are correct. It is, however, an approach to system
design that has been used for a long time, even with its
excess heat and energy consumption problems. These Variable Displacement Pump
systems, when used with variable displacement pumps A variable displacement pump can be
and with accumulators, are very responsive to the flow adjusted to put out more or less flow,
requirements on parallel branches that open up as valves while turning at consistent RPMs.
are operated.

Load Sensing Hydraulic Circuits

Load sensing hydraulic circuits that are common in
many mobile machines have a much more energy
efficient method of handling simultaneous parallel
flow paths. These systems are designed to constantly
communicate the load pressure at the working
cylinder or motor to a controller on the side of a
specially designed, variable displacement pump. The
pump changes its displacement in accordance with
the current demand for flow. A specially designed
bank of directional valves is needed to supply flow to
the multiple parallel paths. This design of a hydraulic
system is beyond the scope of this module. Figure 5. Rexroth’s A10 pump is one example of a load
sensing hydraulic pump.

Loads Connected in Series

In the following examples, the same three spring ____ PSI ____ PSI ____ PSI ____ PSI
loaded check valves from the preceding parallel sys-
tem teaching will be used. Each check valve has now 300 PSI 200 PSI 100 PSI
been connected to the next in series in such a way
that only one flow path through the system exists.
The hoses have been oversized and are therefore not
adding to the system pressure.

? If fluid passes through one load

such as a spring loaded check
valve and then directly into another
Figure 6. (De-energized) What will each gauge read
when this system is energized?

spring loaded check valve, what is

the system pressure?

The pressure is the sum of the resistances of all

of the check valves.

Examine the system shown. It has three check valves each featuring a spring with a dif-
ferent rating. Analyze the circuit and determine the values for each gauge.

CD Industrial Group Inc. Rev. 10/14 Page 3-3

Series vs. Parallel

600 PSI 300 PSI 100 PSI 0 PSI

System 300 PSI 200 PSI 100 PSI


Figure 8.  (Energized) Were your answers correct?

It is fairly common for a new student of hydraulic systems to think

that the system pressure in the above example will be 300 PSI.
The usual reasoning given from this new student is, “If the pump
can make enough pressure to open the first check valve (300 PSI),
300 PSI then that pressure is more than enough for the remaining two
check valves (the 200 PSI and 100 PSI check valve).”

The critical error in the above reasoning is that somehow, the

pump determines the system pressure value. Yes the pump does
200 PSI have to be running in order to push fluid into the system where
the spring loaded check valves are located. But the actual value
(the exact number) that shows up on the system pressure gauge
is determined by what resistances are present in the system. The
“system” is generally thought to be all of the components down-
100 PSI
stream from the pump. If the hose from the pump to system was
cut right after that first system pressure gauge, the system pres-
sure would then be zero.

600 PSI
Key Concept: Pressure in a hydraulic
system is the sum of all of the resistanc-
es in series of the active flow path.

The only way the system pressure gauge (the first gauge) could
Figure 7. The system pressure is always
read 300 PSI in this example is if the second gauge reads zero PSI.
the sum of the resistances.
It is, of course, not possible for the second gauge to read zero un-
less the 200 PSI and the 100 PSI springs have broken or disappeared, or if the system has
sprung a large leak right after that first check valve.

The pressure that is present in the system after each spring loaded check valve, is the
sum of all of the remaining springs in the system. Again, remember that these spring
loaded check valves are just simple, generic representations of hydraulic system loading.
Each of the check valves might turn out to be a hydraulic motor, or a flow control valve,
or even a filter in an actual system that you work with. CD Industrial Group Inc.

Page 3-4 Rev. 10/14
Series vs. Parallel

Now let’s rearrange the order of the check valves. Again, determine the gauge values to
the best of your ability.

____ PSI ____ PSI ____ PSI ____ PSI

100 PSI 200 PSI 300 PSI

Figure 9.  (De-energized) What will the gauges read?

It should be clear now that when loads are connected in series, the system pressure is
the sum of all of the pressures required to operate each load. It should also be clear that
the order of the loads does not affect the total system pressure. Each load, whether it is a
greater or lesser load than the one before it, imposes a restriction on flow and therefore
contributes to the total system pressure reading.

600 PSI 500 PSI 300 PSI 0 PSI

100 PSI 200 PSI 300 PSI

Figure 10.  (Energized) Were your answers correct?

CD Industrial Group Inc. Rev. 10/14 Page 3-5

Series vs. Parallel

Series & Parallel Together

Most hydraulic systems combine both series and parallel circuit elements. The system
below again uses generic loads in the form of spring loaded check valves. The hoses
have been oversized and are therefore not adding to the system pressure. There are also
some shut off valves to isolate various paths. Observe the position of the shut off valves
and use all of your series and parallel pressure knowledge to this point to determine the
system pressure in the system below.

100 PSI 300 PSI 200 PSI

100 PSI

Reservoir 100 PSI


Figure 11.  (De-energized) What path will the fluid take through this system?

If you decided the system pressure would be 500 PSI, you’re correct! The easiest path
through the system looks like this:

100 PSI 300 PSI 200 PSI


500 PSI
100 PSI

Reservoir 100 PSI


Figure 12.  (Energized) The easiest available path through this system uses the 100, 300 and 100 PSI check valves, to add to a
total system pressure of 500 PSI. CD Industrial Group Inc.

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