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Describe one "a-ha moment" you had at the poverty simulation at St. Vincent de Paul.

The "a-ha moment" I had during the poverty simulation at St. Vincent de Paul was when I realised how
difficult it was to accomplish everything on my list while waiting to hear back from the support I was
offered. This was difficult because I felt I could not do anything. After receiving the support, I still could
not accomplish what I needed to because I was not given enough support to complete the task. It was
very challenging and frustrating. I now hold more respect for people living in, or born into, that situation
because it is not easy to get yourself out of it.

What is one connection you made between what you heard from the Gen-1 students and your
experience with your Bearcat Buddies? *

One connection I made between what I heard from the Gen-1 students and my experience with my
Bearcat Buddies was that mentoring is a very powerful thing. I appreciated how the Gen-1 students
spoke very highly of their mentors. It was very clear that they felt they would not be where they
currently are without the people who supported them. Their advice about what to say to students who
may look to college in the future was very helpful. I will remember to advocate the three E's (education,
enlistment and employment) to my Bearcat Buddies. I will also keep in mind how powerful the tutoring
time we have with the students are- especially as a tutor at Hughes High School. I will be sure to talk
about my college experience and offer advice where I can.

What is one question you have right now about our public education system? *

One question I currently have is about why the public education system does not educate on how to fill
out the FAFSA, Common App or about how to apply to college. I was surprised when the Gen-1 students
discussed how little they had heard about the college process, as my high school seemed to talk about it
a lot. It is important for all students, especially those who do not have family support, to learn about
their post high school options and how they may go about the choice they decide to make.

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