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I think that it’s right to say that almost everyone has at least one social network, there exist

many, but most of the people use “Facebook”, because it’s easier and popular than other ones
(although this depends on the country). People usually tend to use Facebook as their main way
to get the news, chat with others, post memes, and even sell things. Facebook has surely made
its own way to be an important part of our lives. But’s just like everything, it’s has some good
and bad sides, that sometimes can pass unnoticed to us.

There are many “good” things that Facebook has done to us, like find that old friend which we
haven’t kept in touch since elementary school, or being able to view many different and
important events in a “live” transmission, thanks to the own users. There are more of course,
but these “benefits” or “advantages” depends on the age of the person, teens and young
adults usually tend to chat for many hours with their friends, lovers o whoever they want, they
don’t need to be in front of each other anymore, they just need a mobile or a laptop that has
Facebook in it. Now for the adults and the elderly people (who manage to understand how
Facebook works) they tend to post their old and new photos about their families and trips that
they have made along their lives. Facebook doesn’t have a limit about how many photos and
videos you can upload, so they will have a lot of time to choose and upload all the memories
that they have. This activity seems fun and entertaining. But as I wrote before, all these
“advantages” have also a dark side.

It’s true that thanks to the social networks, now we can contact with almost everyone in the
world, but it’s because of this that it’s also dangerous. Let me explain why, Facebook doesn’t
have a system to recognize if you are the person that you said you were, for example, you can
create an account saying that you are other person, and the system will accept it. This method
of “faking” and identity is used by “bad” persons who try to contact with teens or children’s,
maybe to rob their houses or even abduct them. Another bad thing it’s the world spread of our
info (photos, videos, personal information, etc) to anyone who visit our profiles or adds us as a
friend. If someone is trying to gather information about us, maybe to do some shady business,
is quite easy for them to do that job (since Facebook doesn’t really have a lock about our info).
Because of that, we have to be really careful with that we upload and which person we add,
unfortunately, there still exist other kind of voids that can be exploited by some people to
obtain what they want

In summary, Facebook is a tool that can help us meet new people and preserve our memories,
but at the same time, that tool can also convert in a menace to our privacy or even worse, our
security, let’s try to always keep an eye on our accounts and let’s try to help our youngers and
elderlies to be safe from those one who want’s to steal our info. If we all unite, we can made
of Facebook a safe and completely useful tool

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