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Topic: Disaster Capitalism and the “Shock Doctrine” as it relates to COVID-19 in the U.S.


● Private industries profit from large-scale crises

● Political strategy to push through policies that enrich the elite and deepen inequalities
during crises
● “​In moments of crisis, people tend to focus on the daily emergencies of 
surviving that crisis, whatever it is, and tend to put too much trust in those in 
power” - Naomi Klein  
● Original shock doctrine was in response to FDR’s New Deal, shock doctrine was
created to prevent the crisis response of organic progressive policies. Another
example is post-Katrina free-market policies headed by Washington think-tanks.

Current crisis: COVID-19 Pandemic. In my paper, I will analyze the varying policy
responses to this crisis, specifically I want to dissect the stimulus package and find out,
“is this an example of the shock doctrine in action?” I will relate this to past and future


Harvey - political elites

Keynes - gov spending to alleviate effects of crises
Polanyi - society push-back (progressive policies in wake of crises)
Freidman - pro-free market perspective

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