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Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 Container Port Development Projects on The Java Sea, Indonesia B. Adhi Priyambodho Department of Civil Engineering, Sultan AgengTirtayasa University (INDONESIA) (0254-395502; adhipriyambodho@ ABSTRACT Port Development Projects have a some positive and constructive conclusions, combined with certain recommendations, but only if am familiar with, and have explored, all kinds of values in port development. I will explain the underpinning a potential problem in more detail and how it can be used, and of value, in world port cities where several common problems occur: particularly ‘matters relating to economic growth, climate change and urbanisation, First, economic growth and development are two of the essentials of the world’s economy. They allow developing countries to trade abroad the commodities of their homeland and raise their economic standards. Fundamentally, the development of an economy and its accompanying population usually goes along with the increasing of quantities and infrastructures of ports 1]. This, commercial advancement potential forms opportunities for port expansion, so allowing the port owner(s) to gain an increased number of benefits. In addition, since the port serves as a backbone of economic growth, it is very important to address this capacity problem in order to enlarge the growth of the national economy. Economic growth has several values over and above economics, such as reputational and societal. Second, climate change is a big challenge to ports, both in developing and developed counties. ‘The threat of flooding is imminent to those countries which are located in low-lying areas and deltas. Climate change engenders several effects, such as increased sea water levels (SWL), river floods, high waves, atmospheric greenhouse gases and tropical cyclone activities; all of which could devastate coastal areas and transportation systems, These effects will increase the number of climate-related risks, causing loss of life, social disruption and decreased economic standards and levels of activity. However, recent research revealed that, at this moment, a few port authorities have started to handle, or at least confront, the issue of climate change [1,2]. Climate change impacts have several dimensions such as safety, sustainability and accessibility Third, the process of urbanisation is very important. This process, in fact, will increase the excess of water surface run off, including maximum and minimum flows. The first indicators have shown that increasing land use is causing a decrease in water infiltration. This influence is crucial to be recognized as it will greatly impact water quality and ecosystems [3-5], urbanisation’s embrace and impact several values such as safety, societal and accessibility In this paper will be on the Indonesia’s port cities, and the potential conflicts arising between the port and city. One of the major challenges now, and in the future, is to balance and reconcile different values, as well as to find innovations which satisfactorily cover more than one value at a time, The aim of this research is to investigate how to effectively balance and reconcile different identified values and the conflicts which arise between port and city. In section 3-6, T will explaining what theory and references are used in this paper. 1. INTRODUCTION cases study are three big ports are located: Generally, problems in ports involve all kinds of pollution, water and land (port development), air quality, sedimentation, traffic congestion and commercial as well as public accessibility. Table 1 mentions several problems on the north coast of Java which Jakarta’s TanjungPriok Port, Sematang’s TanjungEmas Port and Surabaya’s Tanjung Perak Port. TanjungPriok Port as a part of National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) planning (Great Garuda) involves 36 | Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 value conflicts produced by NCICD (Great Garuda). Dr.Victor Coenen explained, in his office, that the masterplan involved the design of the C-Dike which can block the accessibility to certain waterways. Port development, representing economic value, will be in conflict with flood protection from the C Dike (safety value). The main purpose of NCICD (Great Garuda) is to stop flooding in Jakarta’s capital city, especially caused by any sea level rise. In Jakarta, floods were coming from, and were caused by, the sea level rise as well as 13 rivers, heavy rain and groundwater extraction, Hence, sea dike parts A & B (western part of Jakarta) are under construction. If flooding is still an issue by 2030, then sea dike part C will be built (caster part of Jakarta). However, sea dike part C will close the bay, and close the access of ships to Jakarta’s TanjungPriok Port. Such issues represent ‘conflicting values’, between economics and safety. Table 1 : Problems of the North Coast of Java [23,24] Flood Local, from rising sea level Local flood inundation, 5 and river, heavy rain and river flood from upstream region upstream — in south Semarang, sea water tide flood HE [sea level rise IS i7imavyear Land - 7Semiyear on average 2 — 5 emiyear, causing Some arcas are located subsidence - In some parts, even up damaging in below sea level to 17 emyear infrastructure and inundated in some parts of coastal arca a Fae eB re gra wick pac ex eenchig] Ligh] PAGOUtN4S Brercond pet density population growth, hectare [SI] Pollution All kinds of pollution (water, air, & noise) The three of big ports (Jakarta’s These ports will be developed, because of the TanjungPriok Port, Surabaya’s Tanjung container cargo will be increasing until 2030 Perak Port, and Semarang’s TanjungEmas Port) in Java will be assessed and evaluated through the Responsible Innovation model and dealing with conflicting values method. (see figure 4) and these ports are located in north of Java’s sea, an area has a lot of problems (see table 1) 2020 =e] Toa Figure 1Container Traffic Projection in Major Ports in Indonesia, 2009-2030 (MOT) 37 Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 1.L.Indonesia Archipelago[17-20] Generally, 90% of Indonesia’s external trade is transported via sea. The nation is located between two continents and two oceans; hence a sea freight transport system is an important component of Indonesia’s economic growth and competitiveness, as well as of national integrity. Such a vital system has to be efficient and running well, because the costs are high and these outgoings reduce incentives to trade both domestically and intetnationally. Indonesia requires a greatly improved and efficiently run ports’ sector, because the efficiency of international ports has a significant impact on their competitiveness. In tandem, the efficiency of domestic ports has a significant impact on the inter-island trade flows[21] Pionesrng Routes Almost all of the world’s shipping lines pass through Indonesian maritime territory. Unfortunately, no Indonesian port is in the primary international port category that is acknowledged globally as able to serve international mother vessels. With reference to the issue of the nation’s economy, Indonesia does not have a port system that is adequate in terms of performance and service, in the views of its users. In general, ports in Indonesia are lacking deep-water, missing out on private sector participation (investment) and are not competitive. Indonesia has a port system which is organized into a hierarchy system of, approximately 1700 ports, including the 25 main ‘strategic’ ports (see figure 2), Figure 2, Nusantara Ship Route Network. 1.2.Java Island [22] Indonesia has five big islands: Kalimantan, Papua, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, Java island contains 57% percent of the Indonesian population, and is the most populous island on carth (see figure 3). Java is one of the world’s most densely populated areas, The island averages more than 2,600 persons per square mile (1,000 per square km) and has more than half Indonesia's population in only 7 percent of the total land. area of Indonesia. Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is located in western Java, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya are fast growing cities in as measured by economic and population [ITB]. Java island has three big ports: Tanjung Priok in Jakarta, Tanjung Emas in Semarang, and ‘Tanjung Perak in Surabaya 38 |Jurusan Teknik Si Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 GDP development,2010-30 enters peer Blow pct ‘Supp chain challenges in indonesia wi needa be Figure 3. Indonesia maps with spread of pop\ Indonesia has been 5-6 percent during the last few years. The ports, as a gateway, have been facilitating economic growth (see figure 4), Indonesia has grown rapidly, using its ports as gateways to enter / exit of the country; in other words the ports ate most important for the social and economic well-being of the nation. The economic growth of INDON CONTAINER CARGO INDONESIAN CONTAINER THROUGHPUT INCREASING FROM 12 MILLION TEUs IN sou» | 2012 BECOME MORE THAN 40 MILLION TEUs IN 2030 Figure 4 Forecast Indonesian Container Cargo 2012-2030[21] 7" largest country of land and sea relative to any other country in the world(see figure 5), In this paper, the author will be focussing on Indonesian ports[17-19] , especially those in Java, taking into account the following: a. Indonesia is an archipelago and developing country; it has the 4” largest population in the world, 2° longest coastline compared to all of the countries in the world and is the Java island is the most populated island in Indonesia (see figure 2). Such a statistic suggests there would be significant unrest and potential disruption in response to social impact, environmental pollution, etc., ersitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa | 39 Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 if a new port development project were to be planned, constructed and operated in Java, At each phase of an infrastructure project, ie. during planning, construction and operation, the people and especially fishermen, will be considered and taken into account, in order to reduce public resistance. c. The big five ports (see figure 2) in Indonesia, as measured by volume of container cargo are: 1).TanjungPriok, 2). Tanjung Perak, 3). Belawan, 4). TanjungEmas and 5) Makassar. The big ports in Java attract, and will receive, the most attention in this research, because a lot of critical issues will be making themselves felt at the same time: port development (economic), flooding and_ sinking caused by sea level rise (safety and health), pollution (health) and social disruption (housing) 2. WORLD PORT CITIES Jakarta’s TanjungPriok as first case study, have a big ambisius to become a world-class port city; because the biggest port in Indonesia and not only as a transhipment but also as a gateway shipping from all of the world. In broder with Great Garuda plan as a new iconic city in Jakarta, than the ports have to do compromise with the new big capital city ‘Jakarta Great Garuda’. A world-class port city can be determined and conceptualised as a centre in several ways; it is a place where people from different nationalities, with different spiritual and cultural backgrounds, meet. Port cities are a combining of port and city. A port system has a set of subsystems comprising : 1) port infrastructure, 2) economic structure, 3) institutions, 4) environmental which integrate with each other. Commonly, the port stakeholders consist of : 1) internal stakeholders (local & central) and the port authority and 2) external stakeholders (port companies & local community). The four extemal impacts (issues) which most commonly inform and influence port subsystems, there are : society, technology, economy and politics{6]. Almost 85% of world trade distribution relies on sea transportation. For this reason, a world port city has to acknowledge certain values such as social, environmental and economic. An ideal port city would be a hub of logistics and supply chains; as well as a locality at the crossroads of accountability. It would also involve compliance and law enforcement systems such as customs, tax, policy and safety. Investments and capital, as well as manpower, are brought together in global port cities for the purpose of economic growth. Many port cities are where maritime traditions are continued together with plans for future development; therefore it is fair to suggest that port cities are hotspots of both cultural conservation and technological innovation. However, the world’s port cities have lots of problems: on the one hand positive impact, and on the other hand negative impact. They create rather complicated and dramatic situations as both negative and positive values come into conflict with each other. In sub section 3.1., I will cite several world port cities, values relevant to their ports and how to balance actual or potential value conflicts. 3. LITERATURE STUDY In this section, I want to mention a several major ports (sub section 3.1) in the world as a reference, regarding in their annual report. How are they concem and focusing on their report, how to make sustainable in port, and how to bring together with a several values and solve a concrete 3.1. General characteristics of major ports On this sub section T would explain a several major ports in the world as a reference to this dissertation, concem to explore of their issues, impacts and values. Several big international ports have been developed on the basis of sustainable port development: 3.1.1. The Port of Rotterdam The port of Rotterdam (PoR), through Maasvlakte 2 projects, is working to become the European port that is handles its business operations in a sustainable and socially responsible way. The sustainability of the PoR is about balancing ecological, economic and social issues, demands and values. These dimensions are involved in all 40 | Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 phases of project assessment. In the annual report (Port of Rotterdam, 2008) the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) showed — the environmental impact of the project's infrastructure and operation in fourteen categories : traffic and transport, noise, air, external security, water, light, nature, landscape, recreational combined use, marine safety and accessibility, the coast and the sea, environmental quality, functions and archaeology. The PoR authority committed itself to deal with those impacts using sustainable concepts at every stage, paying particular attention to: design, construction, layout, operation, energy and process industry, transport and dialogue[7,8] The Port of Antwerp The port of Antwerp (PoA), as the second biggest port in Europe, offers many aspects of sustainability; social and economic values are considered as central to the governing sustainability program. This program is designed to attract sustainable investment and involve stakeholders, However, economic development is the big issue of port policy in the 20 century. The PoA will need good ‘management, because the port authority will have to do reduce their port’s environmental impact in order to improve upon the port’s previous operations. considered In order to ensure the port’s future development it is essential to maintain a balance between people, economy (profit) and environment (planet) [7,9] The Port of Los Angeles ‘The port of Los Angeles (PoLA) has been conforming to the Sustainability Assessment and Plan Formulation sitice June 2008, which explained the sustainability program's most important issues. PoLA has recognized the top priority concrete issues related to interactions with stakeholders. Concrete issues were determined by taking into account the following factors: the port's overall mission and competitive strategy; key organizational values, policies, strategies, operational management systems, goals and targets; stakeholder concerns; and topics and future challenges for the port and goods movement industry (PoLA, 2011). Based on those factors, PoLA committed to adhere to responsible port development to mitigate any impacts during construction and operations related to the conerete issues of: public health risk, air quality, energy and climate change, water quality, stakeholder relationships, habitat protection, open space and urban greening, land use, local economic development, environmental justice and green growth{7,10] 3.1.4, The Port of Sidney According tothe —_ annual sustainability report 2010-2011, the port of Sydney (PoS) has committed to be informed by six aspects of sustainability: energy resources, environment, community, people, growth and port operators including its supply chain [PoS. 2011]. The most important issue is to improve understanding of efficient resour use; especially electricity, natural gas, fuel and water usage as basic indicators to allow business to grow and reduce the port’s actual and potential environmental impact. The PoS was active in opening public hearings with local communities andin establishing communication about the new port project.Also the port’s management promised people it would learn more about sustainable concepts and would also develop the port's employees’ skills relating to safety at work[7,11] The fourth of major port which I mention above, that indicate ports in the world has a lot of issues (problem), and values, because of these ports are closed with city or called port cities, stakeholders and Public values are most important, As a commonly, that the people in the city ‘want to live with a clear of air, water and does not want all kind of pollution. The Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa | aL Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 ports. will be produce of these problems, these situation will be lead and arises conflict between port and city. FFS PORT AND CITY between port and city are necessary during and after a port's extension, as a result of the different interests of port and city. The port has a profit oriented priority focused on economic value, whereas the city has a priority relating to health, safety and zero pollution. With reference to case studies of the port cities of Hamburg and Rotterdam: “there is a need for relationships and coalitions between critical actors”[13]. World port cities offer great potential for conilicting values: the Great Garuda plan is one such example, involving both balance sheet and environmental quality. The question, therefore, is how these trade-offs could be best made. In addressing this question, dealing with conflicting values method will be used. In this dissertation, the author will be focussing on the nation of Indonesia, because it is both an archipelago and developing country; it has the 4" largest population in the world, 2™ longest coastline compared to all of the countries in the world and is the 7” largest country of land and sea relative to any other country in the world(see figure 5). 5. PORT INNOVATION 5.1,Ports Ports provide services which enable them to become multimodal nodes, and to connect one node to another. The activities in the ports usually take the form of deriving and distributing those services together, at the same time. As a result, the design of a port has to fulfil the requirement of handling transport economically,as well as becoming more efficient. The expectations of the ports’ infrastructures have to be matched with the increase of economic growth. Throughput will be focused more on a port's infrastructure and container terminals, rather than its capacity. Ports are generally made up of several sections, such as large ‘load centres’, as well as smaller ‘feeder’ and ‘niche’ ports[12]. ‘The port management models (see table 1) consist of four types: there are public service ports, tool ports, landlord ports and private service ports [13] Public port management owns, develops and maintains infrastructure which is leased to private companies. Public port management is usually also responsible for regulatory function, as well as other functions, either private (majority) or public. All types of ports have to consider and be aware of social and environmental issues, because the water, air and noise pollution produced from a port, especially world port cities, has to be managed, a challenge which requires the port and city to be integrated, Table 1. Port Management Models[13] Type Tafa ‘Super | Stevedoring | Other Structure _| Structure | Labour Functions Public Public | Public | Public Mainly Public Service Port Tool Port | Public | Public | Private Mainly Public Landlord | Public | Private | Private Mainly Port Private Private | Private | Private | Private Mainly Service Private Port 5.2. Innovation 14] 5.2.1. Types of Innovation Types of innovation based on definitions are: 1. Innovation is the profitable application of new ideas that generate value and are profit oriented, 2. Innovation is the intersection of design and vision, making a new creation with consideration of social and economic value. 42 | Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 Imovation isthe development of “turning ideas into values and perspectives'[14] 5.2.2. Degrees of Innovation The classifications of degrees of innovation are: 1, Incremental adaptation (also called adaptive or efficiency innovation): concem with the. development that already exists, e.g.the improvement of guidelines for the solutions of current problems. This includes ~ incremental changes such as cost reduction, quality or productivity improvements. It requires small investments and delivers small gains’[14] 2. Evolutionary innovation: ‘mainly handles the existing or new issues using ‘state-of the-art approaches and techniques’ and is designed for new target markets, Feedback from customers, product mergers, new technologies, policy and strategies are becoming the latest. issues to command attention. 3. Revolutionary or _break- through innovation: concerns about extremely new and/or much better ideas. This innovation is usually a result of radical ideas. However, it is often caused as a result of weak solutions to current problems. 6, INNOVATION TRAJECTORIES 6.1. Traditional ‘The use of innovation processes might make it easy to generate training and trials on site, as well as providing new information and technologies so that owners would necessarily spread those innovations. That is why the organisation of “public extension and development" organisation should be arranged to contribute these services{15] 6.2. Innovation Trajectories The impact of various projects, (trajectories) in which different stakeholder organisations such as local and central government, port authorities, users and buyers, will exert influence on the owners to develop the practice of making innovative judgments, needs to be noted. To be specific, it is good for small owners is elaborated in several values[15]. This would imply that a conversation with an individual extension organisation isnot an acceptable or optimal situation for Responsible Innovation to develop or be developed. The producers (owners) and also many other “economic agents”, such as private business companies and housing developers, create their decisions/or master plan in reaction to various conversations that take place, in order to get such information about the value or values of an innovation. Hence, the producersowners would also reduce the risk of failure. In terms of “innovation trajectories” in the case of this Responsible Port Innovation study, we can split the diverse innovation trajectories that allow economic growth and minimise risks. There is: (a) Innovation through local users (domestic shipping); (b) Innovation through international buyers/exporters (international shipping); (c) Innovation through port authorities; (d). Innovation ‘through local and central government and development cooperation; (e) Innovation through fishermen/or private fish companies; (f) Innovation _ through financing institutions (investors) and (g) Innovation through NGOs [15] 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS 7.1. The innovations in port are necessary to address several problems such as : 7.1.1. Economic growth{1]. Because economic growth would happen if the port had to make major extensions, so the port as a gateway would support the export and import of products and/or commodities between countries Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa | 43 Jurnal Fondasi, Volume 5 No 1 | 2016 and islands. Economic growth embraces several values, such as economical, reputational and societal 7.1.2. Urbanisation has also become a major issue regarding the development of port citi 1, involving several values such as safety, societal and accessibility. 7.1.3. Climate change is a big challenge to ports, both in developing and other countries. It will increase the number of climate-related risks, potentially causing loss of life, social disruption and decrased economic standards. In response, as announced by recent research, at this moment a few port authorities have started to face the issue of climate change{ 1,2] Climate change impinges upon certain values such as safety, sustainability and accessibility. While some design requirements are formulated as requirements that can be met or not, others are formulated in terms of goals or values that can never be fully met. Most designs involve trade-offs between different design requirements, If the design requirements are motivated by different values these conflicts amount to value conflicts”[25]. 7.2.Responsible innovation (RI) is becoming more and more important and relevant in relation to the big port extensions and other complex technology projects in Europe. However, in other parts of the world, especially in developing countries, including China and Indonesia, this approach is still very much in its beginning[21] 7.3.Ports, a5 new subject centres, are important as key components in facilitating economic growth, because “the efficiency of intemational and domestic ports has impact on the inter- island trade flows. and ‘competitiveness”[16]. 74.Stakeholder engagement is the most important factor for Responsible Port Innovation, as stakeholders have expanded their involvement in the innovation and _—_its__progress. Furthermore, the engagement requires two-way communication in order to maintain the commitments of the various parties Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia for the financial support and Delft University of Technology to providing some of resources used in this study, I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr.WimRavesteiin (Associate Professor) from Delft University of Technology who supported in a several author’s publication, especially in the subject Port Development and Innovation 8. REFERENCES Thao, N.D., H. Takagi, and M. Esteban, /6 - iconomie Growth and Climate Change Challenges to Vietnamese Ports, in Coastal Disasters and Climate Change in Vietnam, N.D.T-T. Esteban, Editor. 2014, Elsevier: Oxford. p. 339-354. Song, L. and M. van Geenhuizen, Port infrastructure investment and regional economic growth in China: Panel evidence in port regions and provinces. 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Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa | 45 Available online at SciVerse ScienceDirect | Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Procedi Social and Behavioral Sciences 4 (2012) 5287 — 3306 Transport Research Arena— Europe 2012 Intermodal Passengers Terminals: Design standards for better level of service Magda Pitsiava-Latinopoulou’, Panagiotis lordanopoulos “Aristotle University of Pessaloniki,Thessalomhi~ 54124, Greece “UtllnicIneituteof Transport Center for Research and Technology Hellas, 6 kn, Chailou ~ Therm Rd, Thesealonihi— ‘57001, Greece Abstract Intermodality isan integral part of the sustainable mobility and its enbancement is of vital importance particularly, in high congested urban areas. The weak links in the overall Intermodal passenger transport chain are considered o be the Intermodal Terminals, as often inadequate planning leads to the reduction ofthe level of service of the means using th station, thus resulting in partial or total disdsin for is users and the shift of the latte to other transport modes, mostly fo private vehicles. Instead, an integrated design with emphasis on Intermodal Terminals which acts as the inte the different modes not only inereases the proportion of commuters who use urban public transport but also consolidates the overall public transport system of an urban area. 1ce bere Thus the main objective of this paper is fo investigate how the provided level of service of passenger Intermodal xive @ categorization ofthe facilites affects the commuters’ behavior regarding the modal choice. Towards this obj various terminals is attempted, considering their specific characteristics in terms of the means that they serve as well asthe commuters that use them, in order to establish general design rules for each category. In this categorization all ‘urban and suburban Intermodal public transport Terminals as well as Intermodal Terminals between means of public ‘transport and private ears (Park and Ride facilites) were considered, Finally, a ease study was executed based on a kind of @ Revealed Preference Survey for the Intermodal Terminals of the ety of Athens, in order to examine the impact of their operation on the number of interchanges between the various transport modes. The results of this study provide some useful points how a better organization of passenger Intermodal facilities affects the commuters behavior © 2012 Published by Elsevier Lid, Selection andor peer review under esponsibility of the Programme Committee of the “Transport Reseatch Arena 2012 Open acess under CC BY-NC-ND liens Keywords: Intermodalty, Intermodal Terminals, Passenger transport * Corresponding euthor Tel: #30-2510-498443; fax: -50-2510-498269. E-mail ieee: panion@cethg. 1877-0128 © 2012 Published by Eleevier Ld Selection andlor pet review under responsibilty of the Programme Commitee of th Transport Research [Arena 2012 Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. oi 10.1016.bspro 2012.06,1285 298 Magda Pitsiava-Latinopoulou and Panagiotis loranopouls / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297 ~ $308 1. Introduction Until recently, transport policy and planning was based on conventional approaches. These aim to ‘maximize speed and direct access by private vehicles and to minimize travel times, congestion and accidents. In recent years transport planning has been expanded, placing greater emphasis on non- ‘motorized transport modes in an attempt to minimize the environmental impact of motorized transport and to increase the mobility of commuters who are not drivers (Litman, 2009), A sustainable transport system is the one that takes into account the needs of all commuters within an area, trying to provide the best possible travel conditions for all travelers without creating extemal side effects for the rest of society Factors that are related to sustainable mobility are economic (productivity, operational activities, employment, taxation, trade etc.), social (equality, public health, quality of life, cultural and historical values, citizen participation, etc.) as well as environmental (emissions, climate change, biodiversity, natural environment protection, aesthetics, etc.). The concept of Intermodality, as part of sustainable ‘mobility, refers to the door-to-door transfer of people or goods by using several means of transport, including walking or eycling (Jones et. al, 2000). In general, the idea of Intermodality aims to optimize travel conditions reclaiming the advantages of cach mode being used while minimizing the negative impact that each one of them causes. 2. The role and main objectives of Intermodal Terminals The combination of different transport modes for a single trip can reduce the total generalized cost of a trip compared to the one produced by a single mode trip. On the other hand, the use of a single mode on each trip offers greater convenience and flexibility and responses better to the door-to-door service, Therefore, mode transfer is considered as the “weak” link in the chain of a combined transport system and, consequently the role of intermodal stations is of paramount importance for the successful operation of an intermodal transport chain since inadequate planning and design, incorrect choice of location and inefficient way of operational management can be the main reasons for delays and malfunctions in traveling. The main objective of a passenger intermodal terminal is the integrated and efficient transfer of passengers between various routes and different modes of transport. In order to ensure the effectiveness of this essential function, a terminal should provide * reliable and adequate level of service of the means involved in the operation of the terminal satisfactory level of facilites serving the transfer provision of low cost travel (less than or equal to the cost of travel without transfers) adequate accessibility of the site for all users (especially the disabled) reduced travel time compared to that needed for the same trip without transfer direct access between two different platforms for almost all platforms of different modes of the terminal The transfer should be completed in conditions of comfort and safety. “Comfort” requires integrated, hhigh level operation of the intermodal terminal services and of the different mode operators. “Safety” deals with protection of passengers against weather conditions, separation of passengers’ moves and the ‘maneuvering of transport modes and security measures for every individual (Litman, 2009). However it is quite difficult to fulfill the above two requirements due to various factors such as the limited available financial resources for construction and operation, the legal issues regarding the cooperation between different operators, the restrictions related to the available land for the development of the facilities needed, the capacity constraints of the road network in the surrounding area and the design issues considering the type of modes that will be served by the facility (Henry & Marsh, 2008), Magda Pitsava-Latnopoulou and Panosotislordanopoulor /Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 3297-3508 3299 3. Categorization of Intermodal Terminals Intermodal terminals can have different forms depending on the characteristics of the location area, the types of modes they serve and the characteristics of passengers using them, Based on these factors, a terminal can be categorized into one of the following five categories: 1) Intercity terminals, 2) Commuter Transit Centers, 3) Interchanges, 4) Park and Ride Terminals and 5) On street facilities (Arup and Associated Consultants, 2004). 4.1. Specifie design characteristics of intermodal Terminals according to their type Planning from scratch or redesigning a terminal to converse it into intermodal hub should focus on effective and functional use of available space and on maintenance of the level of service for which is designed (Rivasplata, 2001), For this reason the following elements should be defined: ‘© number of modes and type of vehicles that will be served '* time period through which the terminal is expected to be operational maintaining the desirable level of service without the need for extensions or reconstructions ‘© the expected level of activity in terms of number of passengers served, frequencies and passenger ‘waiting times ‘© the variations in demand for transport (seasonal, monthly and daily) Another factor that is important to be taken into consideration in the intermodal operation ofa terminal is the connectivity of the various modes serving it during the same part of the day. The level of ‘connectivity is expressed as the number of terminal's passengers who actually use multiple transportation ‘modes in order to complete their trips. However it should be mentioned here that a specific terminal is mostly served by only one mode whiles the rest transport means provide their service outside the terminal (Goldberg, 2011), Concerning the securing of connectivity among the various public transport modes the following criteria should be fulfilled (Goldberg, 2011): ‘all modes involved, serve the same terminal building, or ‘* serve facilities that are within the same block, or ‘serve facilities in an adjacent block, but within a distance where the traveler does not have to cross a ‘major thoroughfare at an unprotected intersection, or cross some physical barrier, or ‘* are located in buildings that are more than one block apart but are connected by either an enclosed structure or a conveyance operated by either the facility or one of the carriers involved for the sole purpose of facilitating a connection between modes in the two buildings. In the following sections, some basic design requirements are given conceming the location of the terminal as well as elements defining its potential for intermodality. The following design requirements are provided in terms of general principles for each one of the five categories of terminals, mostly extracted from the consideration of the operation of the existing international facilities, as every terminal has its own peculiarities and needs, 3.1.1. Intercity Terminals ‘An Intercity terminal serves, mainly, passengers traveling relatively long distances between cities or countries, Their main characteristics are the long waiting times and the lack of significant traffic fluctuations throughout the day (there are more seasonal than daily variations in the demand for transport). Intercity terminals, based on the mode that provides the intercity connections, are categorized in four subcategories: train stations, bus stations, airports and port terminals, Railway stations are traditionally located in the centre of the urban areas, a fact that has contributed to their development as intermodal terminals or sometimes as the central intermodal hub of a city’s urban transport system. This mainly has been achieved due to use of the existing rail facilities and the adequate 3300 Magda Pitsiava-Latinopoulou and Panagiotis loranopouls / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297 ~ $308 public space available. The design of the rail terminals focuses on the proper operation of the existing infrastructure and especially on internal operational planning (Kandee, n.d.) Intercity Bus Terminals are usually located outside the traffic burdened eity centers in places mainly farther from residential areas, where there is availability of free space for proper planning and development of the platforms of buses and passengers’ buildings. Therefore for their intermodal operation itis vital to create the necessary connections of the terminal with the central distinct of the city and the nearby region by the available transport modes (de Boer & van Rossum, 2009). Regarding airport terminals, the location of the necessary intermodal center depends on their layout design. More specific, when there is an intercity railway station near the airport terminal’s building this station is usually chosen to be developed as an intermodal hub, facilitating thus the movements of airport passengers towards the nearby cities and rural areas. If this cannot happen, the location of the intermodal hub is chosen to be relatively close to the main passengers’ building which can be easily approached by suburban railway or subway. Regarding the securing of interoperability with private transport, adequate parking spaces should be provided to accommodate the high demand for parking taking into account that considerable number of airport passengers approach the air terminal by private car. Sometimes, parking, spaces spread over large areas, a fact that ereates the necessity for their connection to the facilities of the airport via a collective mode of transport (de Neufville & Odoni, 2003). Finally, port terminals, regardless of their type (urban or suburban) and duc to the high cost of their construction and to the difficulty of finding available space next to the sea front of the cities for new infrastructures, are often part of a larger old port, serving mainly freight transport. As a result, there are ‘general difficulties in converting a sea port into a passenger intermodal terminal, the most important one being the low passenger traffic demand and the choice of private car as the main mode to approach the terminal, a fact that results to the extension of the operational port areas (BrinckerhofT, 2002). 3.1.2, Commuter Transit Centers Commuter Transit Centers mainly serve travel to and from an urban center from the surrounding areas, Users are mostly regular travelers who need advanced accessibility and minimum travel time. Their main characteristics are the wide variation in hourly demand during the day and the necessity for quick and convenient transfer between modes. The process of issuing and validating tickets should be relatively short and convenient. Terminal design focuses on facilities related to the protection from weather conditions (shelters etc) and on amenities that improves pedestrian approaching routes (especially signed cr raised crossings between platforms, adequate sidewalk widths). Regarding comfort, seating for waiting must be provided, while walking distances should be relatively short, The location of the Commuter Transit Centers should be around the central area of a city with easy access from the main road network (especially the urban arterials) and in areas with low traffic volumes. Typical terminals are usually placed in or around the area of a suburban railroad station or a city bus station or a small port serving urban sea transport, composed of Park & Ride facilities, bike parking facilities, bus or tram stops or terminals and. direct connections to metro lines or even link to port terminals of urban or suburban routes (Arup and. Associated Consultants, 2004), 3.1.3, Interchanges Interchanges are intermodal facilities established at connection points of different transport modes of a collective urban transport network (or in many cases connection points between different routes of the same mode). These facilities serve predominantly everyday travelers of the network, Through them any ‘origin or destination point served by public transport could be connected with the rest of the public transport network. Supply for private vehicle parking is often limited or absent. Regarding their location, it i essential to be either central districts or commercial centers of urban areas where most of the public transport routes pass through, They should also be easily accessible by foot and bicycle (for the latter there should be available parking space next to the stations or easy access of them in the vehicles if bike Magda Pitssva-Latnopoulow and Panoiotslordanopoulos /Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297-3508 3301 transfer is allowed by the various operators). The design requirements of Interchanges should meet the needs of frequent users with limited time to spend inside the station. Consequently, a systematic organization of the various time schedules of the different modes is of utmost importance. Moreover, the provision of well signed pedestrian routes inside the terminal can contribute to the reduction of transfer times. Regarding other facilities offered to travelers (e.g. elevators, escalators, etc), these should be designed securing the criteria of safety, protection and comfort (Arup and Associated Consultants, 2004). 3.14. Park and Ride (P&R) Park and Ride stations are facilities that provide adequate parking mainly at urban transport terminals. They are mainly located in areas of relatively low density in the outskirts of urban regions and the main users are everyday commuters. The choice of the appropriate location for these terminals is a relatively complicated case, as it has to fulfill both eriteria ic. a low-densely built up area minimizing thus the environmental pressures to local residents and a sufficient level of service by the local road network. However, there are cases that the development of a Park and Ride terminal is determined by the reaction of commuters to the characteristics of the public transport system regardless of the planning and the provision of the necessary facilities in the specific areas', However in general the design of all P&R facilities should meet the following aspects: ) provision of high connectivity of the infrastructure with the surrounding community, ii) easy and safe access to pedestrians and cyclists and ili) securing convenient circulation of public transport vehicles serving the terminal as well as the private vehicles using, it (Spillar, 1997), 3.1.5. On Street Facilities On street facilities are various public transport stops that serve different routes of bus or tram networks or transfers between different modes, ‘They can further strengthen the intermodal role of a transport system when they are equipped (provided that there is adequate space and all safety issues have been considered thoroughly) with bicycle parking facilities and infrastructure dedicated for interoperability between modes (multiple high piers, ramps, etc). Private vehicles are prohibited in this type of intermodal facilities, considering that they arc located in central city arcas and that approaching and stopping of private vehicles next to them can cause not only traffic congestion problems and obstruction for the public transport vehicles but also raise safety issues regarding the transfer and move of passengers around cach facility (Darnell & associates, 2006), 4, Athens Case Study Athens, the capital and largest city of Greece with a total population of over 4 million people, suffers from traffic congestion problems due to the high travel demand. However, in recent years traffic conditions have been significantly improved due to the development of new public transport infrastructures. More specifically, Athens agglomeration is served by a network of three metro lines serving the urban area and major Intercity Terminals (Port, Airport, Railway Station), a tram service connecting the city center to the southem suburbs and a suburban rail service (which, when this study was conducted, was connecting Athens International airport to the city center and the nearby smaller cities). In addition, the bus network has been adapted during these years in order to support metro lines and suburban rail and to promote intermodality (lordanopoulos, 2010). 3302 Magda Pitsiava-Latinopoulou and Panagiotis loranopouls / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297 ~ $308 TThe present case study uses data obtained by a study on urban public transport which was conducted by the Athens Urban Transport Organization in 2006, which was the most recent one, More specific, it elaborates the data of an extensive survey through questionnaires conducted at 32 key transit areas of the capital city and referred to 39.110 travelers boarding to the public transport systems serving the area of terminal. The objective of this study was to investigate the mode used by these public transport passengers in order to approach the area of terminal (including all modes i.e private ca, taxi, foot) and resulted only to quantitative results. It is pointed out that this survey refers to all transfers made among the various modes scrving the surrounding area of the examined intermodal terminal and not only to the passengers of the terminal's main mode (e.g. only the train passengers forthe railway station), ‘As it was mentioned previously, the connectivity of a passenger transportation system can be expressed as the number of passengers who actually use multiple public transport modes in order to complete their trips, which can be achieved through monitoring ticketing services. However, this is not always fruitful as many such systems cannot “capture” the existence of an intermodal trip, while the conduction of revealed preference surveys, at the main nodes of the transport system, has been proved to be very effective for such evaluations (Goldberg, 2009). Thus, for the purpose of the present study it was attempted to make a kind of revealed preference survey by combining the quantitative results obtained by the elaboration of the above study with the results derived from the execution of site observations. The latter concemed the examination of the fulfillment of the physical design criteria forthe different types of intermodal terminals in the transport network of Athens. The elaboration of the above resulted to some interesting conclusions concerning the evaluation of the city’s major intermodal terminals’ efficiency in terms of their operation as a vital part of the passenger transport chain and their accessibility by the various modes of transport as well as how these elements affected passengers’ modal choice. 4.1. Intercity Terminals of the transport network of Athens Athens is a transport hub both at national and international level. The eity can be reached directly from all parts of Greece and by all means of transport. More specifically, in Athens there is International airport, railway station, port and two intercity bus terminals. In recent years, efforts have been placed ‘upon converting these terminals into intermodal hubs for urban public transport, The following table (Table 1) contains the survey’s results conducted at the two intercity Terminals ie. the Intercity Railway station and the port of Piracus. More specifically, it contains the percentage of passengers that are transferred from one transport mode to another, indicating by the mode they used in order to approach the area (In) and by the mode they were boarding an(out) ‘The Railway station is directly connected via a metro network to the city center, via suburban rail to the airport, the port of Piraeus and small cities nearby and via urban bus lines 10 various areas throughout Athens agglomeration. The station area is quite small, considering the passengers volumes that it serves, resulting thus to the provision of insufficient services (concerning the number of ticket decks, the information kiosks, the baggage storage, shops, etc). The results of the survey (Table 1) revealed that the highest degree of intermodality is between the most mass collective means (metro and suburban ail) More specifically, 67,50% of suburban rail boarding passengers reach the station through metro. Regarding the transfer between the intercity train and metro lines the results are also high (26,06% of metro boarding passengers reach the station by Intercity rail). Moreover, the terminal’s pivotal position makes it easily accessible by foot (the percentages of passengers boarding to metro or urban buses approaching on foot are 57.57% and 44.62% respectively). The level of connectivity between urban buses and the rest modes is quite low, due to the lack ofa bus terminal near the building and only the existence ‘of many single bus stops along the road network around the station. This is depicted from the small percentage of metro boarding passengers coming from urban buses and vice versa (1,82% and 12,43% respectively). Maga Pitssva-Latnopoulow and Panoiotislordanopoulos /Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297-3508 $308 Table |, Distribution of Transfers though Athens Railway station and Port of Piraeus Tniecly Railway dation "Stalos Las” _Interrtan Por Finear™ ‘Suburban rail metro.—Urbunbuses metro Urban buses In “aro ine ran bases Suburban ral Car ever carpssnee On foot Intoreity ail Tour buses Tova aT65% 0.2% 0.0 The Passenger Port Terminal of Piracus is one of the largest passenger ports in the area of South East Mediterranean. The port facilities are extensive and the development of a single infrastructure to operate as an intermodal hub for urban passenger transport is quite challenging, More specifically, there is a small bus terminal (to serve the busiest dock) inside the port area, a metro line terminal located outside the port connecting the port with the city center and the northem suburbs and a bus stop in front of this terminal for all the lines serving the port and the whole city of Piraeus, In the metro Terminal building there is sufficient service concerning the waiting area for passengers, the ticket provision and the information provided to travelers. The connectivity to the suburban railway however is significantly low, considering that the rail terminal is more than a block away. The location of the terminal and its easy access by foot is reflected to the high rates of passengers approaching on foot (47,63% of metro boarding passengers and 15,58% of buses boarding passengers approach the terminal on foot). There is also 2 high connectivity between metro and urban buses (60,25% of urban buses boarding passengers coming from metro and 44.23% vice versa). 4.2. Commuter Transit Centers of the transport network of Athens The Athens Metro network has some stations that meet all the requirements to be classified as Commuter Transit Centers. Examples of such metro stations are “D. Plakendias”, “Sigrou — Fix” “Chalandri”, and “Katehaki”, In all four stations there is direct access to a bus terminal and to P&R facilities, while the "D. Plakendias” and the “Sigrou - Fix” stations are connected with suburban rail and ‘tram respectively (Table2). Concerning the P&R facilities, there is a three level underground parking station at “Sigrou — Fix” with direct access to platforms and outdoor P&R areas at the other three stations. The high rates of transfer from metro to bus lines highlight the importance and effectiveness of the well established bus terminals. The location of the station “D. Plakendias” is quite successful for a Commuter Transit Center taking into account that there is direct access from the urban arterial network and a low housing density in the nearby area. Foot access varies from 4,4% to 24,9% depending on the boarding mode, while the high rates of car access (27,2% as drivers and 7,7% as car passengers) of the metro boarding passengers, despite the limited supply of parking space, indicate the effect of its location on the travelers’ decision to use the car. On the contrary, the cases of "Chalandri” and “Katechaki” stations attract lower percentage of car users despite the development of P&R facilities, due to their vicinity to residential areas, This fact is even more intense in the case of “Sigrou ~ Fix” station, which is located near the city center and thus the use of the P&R is particularly limited (from 0,0% for tram boarding passengers t0 just 4.0% for metro boarding passengers), despite the large supply of parking slots and the high design standards of the site. 308 Magda Pitsiava-Latinopoulou and Panagiotis loranopouls / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 48 (2012) 5297 ~ $308 Table 2. Distribution of Transfers through Athens Commuter Transit Centers DP Smosh Siaion San Station “D. Plakenias Staton “Sigroa— oa eee gy Seba ORs UB a nc UR cy URE lo ral buses buses mM s buses ‘Meoline a —_ Urban buses 294% 66% 132 15 (Car diver 8% 29% Car pass 15.6% 22 Tax 49m Sam on foot 46.3% 21 Sub. Rail ‘Tram Sub. Buses ome 02 Tour buses 0% 03 Tt 0.0% ore 4.3, Interchanges of the transport network of Athens Representative terminals of the category of Interchanges are the four principal stations in the historie center of the city (“Sintagma”, “Omonia”, “Monastiraki” and “Atiki”), which provide access through transfers to all stations along the three metro lines of the metro network. These Interchanges constitute the largest metro stations in terms of passenger traffic and number of transfers for the entite ety. In particular the first three stations which are centrally located are the busiest of Athens metro network providing all the necessary facilities. Modes of transport with high connectivity for each station are shown in Table 3. From the results prevented, it becomes apparent that the majority of transfers takes place among the metro lines, while the particularly high rates (80.3%) between metro and bus transfers observed at the “Atiki” Interchange are due to station’s location. Moreover, the high rates of on foot access to all Interchanges indicate their central location and the efficient level of service provided to pedestrians. Finally, the complete absence of parking spaces at the terminals results to the low use of private cars (the highest level of access by car is the 1,7% of the metro line 2 boarding passengers at the “Atiki” station). Table Distribution of raaste through Athens Inerchanges Taahange asa Interchange “Omonia” Interchange “Sintagma” —_—_Inercange “Ati Tian buses Titan ian buses 8.2% 239,251 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Val. 01, No, 01, 2017 | 66 ~ 73 BSC as Public Hospital Type C Pekan Labuhan Audina Muhvira"’, Nelson M. Siahaan! "Department of Architecture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia Abstract. The rapid cconomic growth in Modan Labuhandistrict has an impact on improving living standards and population growth, This is also in line with the availability of public facilities and infrastructure because the higher the level of one's life, the higher the quality of facilities. Furthermore it is needed a container to ful fill the need for medical services both medical and non medical are realized through the design of "Public Hospital ‘Type C Pekan Labuhan” with the aim as a container that provides health services and conduct activities related to health and supported by the facilities within it to achieve that goal. Public Hospital Type C Pekan Labuhan is designed by applying neo vemacular architectural themes so that it can align this building in surrounding buildings and able to support the existence of heritage conservation area activities in this region, Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan as one of the hospitals certified Class C Hospital is expected to function by the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Keyword: neo-vernacular, design, public, hospital 1, Introduction Healthy is the biggest investment that is very important for a nation, Not only as a human right, but also an obligation for every citizen by is stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 1992 Chapter 1, Article 1, point 4, which reads: "Health advice is the place used to conduct health efforts." The hospital is an organization with an organized medical professional as well as a permanent medical facility in administering medical services, continuous nursing care, diagnosis, and treatment suffered by patients [1]. Medan Labuhan district is one of the areas that began to develop. This resulted in a relatively high population growth which will affect the people's one of the needs for health facilities. Health living needs for adequate facilities and faciliti facilities for Medan Labuhan area are still very limited. This can be seen from the at least health facilities available in this area, especially in Pekan Labuhan village. *Corresponding author at:Depanment of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Perpustakaan Gedung JO7, Medan 20155, Indonesia, E-mail address: audina.muhvira31 Copyright © 2017 Published by Talenta Publisher Journal Homepage: hitps:/ idan International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 o 2, Literature Review The design of public hospital Pekan Labuhan is designing Public Hospital Type C which includes architectural design, structural design, circulation design, utility design, and development master plan based on function, shape, user activity, and related government regulation. This discussion is based on analyzes derived from literature studies and comparative studies, In the modern era today there are many new technologies that are endless, not least in the field of architecture. This technology is not only about the new material but also about how to build, the purpose of building so that over time the original architecture of an area abandoned for various reasons. There are some views that traditional buildings are outdated or out of date. Along with the development of science knowledge and various paradigms then in some existing references, the vernacular term is more for the contentrelationship with locality [2] ‘Neo-Vernacular architecture grows from the customs of society and progresses through the configuration stage stages of various cultures so that it has external power. In the other hand, the community already has a strong regional cultural tradition that has been recognized by the community for decades. In this case, the location of the design surrounded by historic areas that will be preserved sustainability. To conserve the heritage area then the architecture adopted is the colonial architecture. 3. Methodology The design of research used in the design of Public Hospital Type C Pekan Labuhan is a qualitative research method, the research method used to examine the condition of natural objects as opposed to the experiment. Qualitative research is a study for understanding social reality, that is seeing the world from what it is, not the world that should be, then a qualitative researcher must be people who have the nature of open-minded In this quantitative research there are several methods that carried out short of field survey, participant observation, literature studies and case studies. ‘The design site selection reference based on the Building and Environmental Management Plan of Chinatown Medan Labuhan Area. Based on the Plan of Building and Environment, the designing location is intended for several functions, namely services and trade, transportation services, and health services. 4, Result and Discussion Location of Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan is in District of Medan-Labuhan, Medan-Labuhan ‘Sub-district is one of the districts located in Medan City which has an area of about 36.67 km? or 13.83% of the total area of Medan. The location of the design is on the road Yos Sudarso, International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 os Kecamatan Medan Labuhan, Kelurahan Pekan Labuhan, which has a land area of 20.000 m* Figure 1), Precisely in Chinatown area which is a heritage area. This area according to the base of space territory system in Medan City is the center of services and trade, transportation services, and health services. The land in this project is a residential area of 2 Ha land with the land use as the center of health service activities. The primary arterial road is 26 meters, has KDH 15-40% and KDB 60-80%, Figure 1. Map of the existing location (Source: http.// Conditions at the current design site consist of vacant land, and residents’ homes. The location area is located on the edge of the main road Yos Sudarso and is in the middle of the settlement with a time of one hour from Medan city center using public transportation or private vehicle. The location is close to the railway station. Medan Labuhan. The location is also close to the port of Belawan with a travel time of 15 minutes using a private vehicle. Chinatown area the area designated as the allocation of social facilities and public facilities of the planning area in the analysis of land use, the circumstances surrounding the location surrounded the settlement of citizens and there is also an old market called by residents with crooked old markets, there are some schools and also places of worship. Hospitals must plan with the proper grouping of space will support the effectiveness and efficiency of activities that take place within and between spaces. Appropriate grouping will also give the proximity of space that requires each other, and to separate the space that binds the separator. The outer zone is a zone that should be sily ace ible to the wider community, such as emergency service placement, outpatient services, and general administrative services. The second zone is the zone that receives the workload from the outer zone including laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology. The deepest zone is a zone that requires a certain level of stability that provides, services, such as surgical services, childbirth, and intensive care. Last is the service zone, which provides services on hospital activities, such as kitchens, laundry, IPRS, vehicle pools, and mortuary [3] International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 oo The analysis of implementation theme on the design Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan is more to adjust to the existing in the local area as well as the implementation of the utility system, which is a form of contribution to environmental conservation. Adjustment of the facade to the local building that is with colonial facade by Chinatown area where there is a heritage area that located very close to the location of the project. As is known, the colonial architecture is very sensitive in responding to the direction of the sun, for it follows a solution that will be applied to the ssign of Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan by applying a double skin face system to respond to the eastern and western sides, applying landscape design by the needs of space open green, natural daylight sourced from sunlight, applying environmentally friendly material to the inner chamber thereby, creating the thermal comfort needed by building users. There are 7 aspects that must be considered to make a concept of physical and non-physical development planning an area that has cultural and historical value, 7 aspects are: Land Use And Tenure, Land Use Regulation, Property Value, Public Infrastructure, Building And Neighborhood Character, Historie Resources, and. ‘ory Perception [4]. An important feature of both Vernacular and Neo-Vernacular architecture is the ecologically responsive value of the environment and always refers to local potential, capability and skills, practical knowledge and traditional techniques. Neo-Vernacular architecture has agreements that respond positively to climate. This architecture also provides the principles and symbols of the past to be transformed into a new form that will be beneficial to the changing changes in the present social order. The colonial architecture is very sensitive to the tropical climate. The colonial architecture looks very well with the ventilation and daylighting of nature in a mixture of early European and traditional European architecture, Colonial architecture has implemented a passive system by relying on natural conditions in humid tropics. One of the dominant problems in the humid tropics is the amount of solar radiation that affects the condition of the inner chamber of the building. In this case, the role of structures and roof of the building becomes important to handle the education of solar radiation (Figure 2). Figure 2. Natural Light and Air Application Location of design with an area of + 20,000 m? located on Yos Sudarso Medan Labuhan has a building border line of seven meters from the main road. There are three zoning in the building International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 ” that is a mass of the main building, mechanical building with the base coefficient of building 60%-80% or + 16,000 m2 and open space 15%-40% from land or + 4,000 m2 (Figure 3), Caption ME sin baiting landscape building border line Hi cxising Yos Sudarso Figure 3. Zoning Of Site Outside spatial arrangement on the site-oriented on the tread processing around the main mass which functioned as parking area and park. The parking area arranged on all four sides of the building. This is because the hospital parking needs to serve certain functions. At the entrance there are parks, drop off areas, fountain, and circulation in and out of vehicles (Figure 4) tion: iin building garden service building [lI drop off car park Di vehicte ambulance park circulation tmotoroyete park Ml existing Figure 4. Outdoor Space Zoning The mass of the building overlooks the main street of Yos Sudarso. Therefore the building faces east. Buildings that have an eastward direction get more sunlight in the morning which is certainly good for health. But the heat of the sun is needed in a building, but should not be excessive, This will reduce the comfort in the building (Figure 5). fe? oP ae Ps ee) _——_ Figure 5. Mass composition International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 n However, sunlight is needed to help save electricity use during the day in the building. Direction to face the house can actually to handle by processing the right form of the building, Suppose the building is rectangular, orientation to the sun is more decisive when compared with square buildings, Then mass on the building of Pekan Labuhan General Hospital designed square length to get comfort for its users. In the design of the site, there are three entrance vehicles but has an exit, To enter the main entrance is on the way Syahbudin Yatim. That is adjacent to the exit of the vehicle, On the same road but the opposite side there is a special entrance for service, And on the street Yos Sudarso, there is an ambulance entrance. ‘The ambulance path is made on Yos Sudarso road to make it easier for emergency patients who need quick handling. Planning design of the parking area by the concept of circulation that surrounds the building, ‘This is because the parking needs of a hospital that must serve certain functions, such as a hearse, ambulance bay and staff should have their parking area, This is related to the case of access and separation between private and public channels (Figure 6) ambulane service lane ambulance park Figure 6, Circulation of Achievement The hierarchy of space on the design site begins with Syahbudin Yatim road is the main entrance to the designing tread. The separator between the public spaces and the designing treads handled by the fence boundary design concept, so it is clear the physical boundary between the public space and the design site. Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan there is 3 zone section that is service area, supporting area, and administration and management. The service areas include outpatient installations, emergency room installations, inpatient installations, intensive care installations, surgical installations, medicinal and obstetric diseases, medical rehab installations and radiological installations. ‘Supporting and operational areas divided into two parts: medical and nonmedical supporters. International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 n Medical support consists of pharmaceutical chambers, radiodiagnostic chambers, laboratories and body mazes. Non-medical support consists of sterilization center, kitchen/ nutrition, laundry, sanitation room and maintenance room. ‘The administrative and management arca is part of the hospital management office. Zoning of Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan there are four parts of the outer zone, the second zone, the deepest zone, and the service zone. Outermost zones such as emergency service deployments, outpatient services, and general administration, The Second zone such as laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology. And the deepest zone is like surgical service, childbirth, and intensive care. Service zones such as kitchen, laundry, and mortuary, Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan uses two types of circulation, namely horizontal circulation in the form of corridors and vertical in the form of stairs and elevators. In some areas, the service has a requirement that the circulation flow must close from the public sphere, such as the circulation of the corpse either from the corpse or other space. ‘The structural system used in the design of a public hospital at harbor week is the rigid frame system, where the structure focuses more on the grid system that supports the function of the spaces within it, The combination of cores and columns to form a structure that can support the load that is above it, And also use the structure, in general, such as; sloof, column, beam, beam ring and dilation, The main building column uses a 60 cm x 60cm column. This building uses boor pile foundation (Figure 7). @) by © @ Figure 7. (a) Tiang Pancang, (b) Dilatation, (c) Grid, (d) Core. 5. Conclusion Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan is located in a very potential location to be developed into a metropolitan area because the site location is very close to the port and is also a development area as a facility that must realize in the area. Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan designed with the classification of C with the number of floors four and five floors. Public Hospital Pekan Labuhan is designed on site with planned road plans into the arterial road so that the intensity of activity in the hospital will increase. The building is themed Neo Vernacular Architecture, a built environment in which local forms of reference drawn by taking existing architectural elements into modern forms with the aim of preserving the local elements that have been empirically established by a tradition without International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol 01, No.0 1, 2017 n overriding the values of local tradition. In this case, Public Hospital Type C Pekan Labuhan took the theme of colonial architecture on the concept of its application. Acknowledgment This research is part of the requirement to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Architecture Departement Universitas Sumatera Utara, REFERENCES [I] A. F, Handbook. American society of heating, reftigerating and air-conditioning engineers, Inc,: Atlanta, GA, USA, 2009. [2] 1. Mentayani and A. Tkaputra, Menggali Makna Arsitektur Vernakular: Ranah, Unsur, dan Aspek-Aspek Vernakularitas. LANTING Journal of Architecture, I(2), 68-82, 2012. [3] A. U. Hatmoko, Arsitektur Rumah Sakit. PT. Global Rancang Selaras, 2011 [4] J. A. LaGro Jr. Site analysis: A contextual approach to sustainable land planning and site design. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 2, No, 01, 2018 |85 ~ 98, BSC as Huta Tomok Tourism Pier as Samosir Tourism Gate Nurlisa Ginting!’, Yuda Juliandi! "Department of Architecture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia Abstract, Samosir is one of the famous tourist attraction for the beautiful view of nature of Lake Toba and some traditional cultural sites. Samosir began to start independent and has they have managing system for every area, and one of them is a tourist attraction. This area haas the infrastructure that should be available very well, the most important thing in tourist attraction context in Samosir Island is the water crossing terminal because water transportation is the main part of tourist attractions life in Samosir Island, Tomok Village's dock is one of the main doors that very busy with so many visits from the passenger. To provide a decent service, this dock is still far from expectations, Can be seen from the limit, ‘of the passengers this dock can afford, with the increasing intensity of passengers However, this region nceds to redevelopment using every single available potential. In the end, the dockyard should be attractive and give a great experience of Batak Toba culture The designer will ereate the cultural experience through the display of the buildings. The designer hopes to facilitate passengers to cross the lake to Samosir island using Tomok village's dockyard. Keyword: dockyard, facility, public space, culture 1. Introduction Tourism is one of the fastest global industry and the major contributor to the gross domestic product of many countries, The growth of tourism is the result of globalization process which is visible in various activities and from [2]. Pangururan is the capital of Samosir in North Sumatra. This region is one of the tourist attraction that already has its fame on local tourist or even international because of its beautifull nature of Lake Toba and some Batak traditional cultural sites. Since the divisions of Toba Samosir in 2003, this region began their independencies and had their area managing system in every sector and tourist is attraction one of them. Proper management of tourism development becomes one of the industries that will ereate prosperity through the development of transportation because the waters of Lake Toba functioned as water transportation infrastructure that connects between the District in Lake Toba one of them through Tomok Village pier. “Corresponding author at: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Perpustakaan Gedung J07, Medan 20155, Indonesia, E-mail addres: Copyright © 2018 Published by Talenta Publisher Journal Homepage: hips:/talenta.usu.acid/ijau International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 86 Tomok Village Dockyard as one of the main entrance that very busy with their many visitors. To give proper service, Tomok Village Dockyard is still far from expectations. Can be seen from the limit of the passengers this dock can afford, with the increasing intensity of passengers. Less optimal accessibility in passengers embarkation and debarkation time made the problem much worst, dock’s material made from the pile of dirt and stones that influence passengers security. Lacks facilities development such as the lamp, vegetations, benches, garbages, and shades take parts in aesthetical value and passengers pleasure in docks. After s Village Dockyard’ ing Tomok conditions, Samosir has their important role to connect human and commodity that will come and leave from Samosir to the lands of Sumatera or otherwise, Thus, this region needs to be redevelopment using every potential resource to be a commercial resource. In the end, Tomok Village Dockyard should be attractive and give a great experience of Batak Toba culture. 2, Literature Review 2.1 Dockyard The dock is a building on the edge of the sea (river, lake) that serves to serve the ship, in loading/unloading of goods and raising/lowering passengers [1]. The jetty can be divided into two types: wharf and jetty or pier or bridge. Wharf is a parallel dock with a beach and usually coincides with the coastline. Jetty or pier is a jetty that juts into the sea [7]. The function of the dock in the tourism area is to inc e the passengers of both tourists and the public, transporting and unloading cargo related to the goods needs of tourists and the community, connecting transport from and to the land or vice versa to facilitate the activities of tourists and the public. Docked, tethered and unleashes ships carrying tourists and the public, and is a facility related to land traffic. The benefits of the dock in the area of tourism are to provide facilities and infrastructure for tourism and then increase tourist arrivals to the tourism area and increase economic activity in the Tourism area. 2.2 Neo-Vernacular Neo-Vernacular is a form and style born from the branches of modern architecture (emerged in the late XIX and XX centuries). Vernacular architecture is the development of a folk architecture that has ecological, natural and architectural value because it refers to the natural conditions, environment, and culture of the community [5] In Neo-Vernacular architecture, not only apply the physical elements applied in modern form but also non-physical elements such as culture, mindset, belief, layout, religion, and others. The Neo-Vernacular architecture is intended to keep preserving local elements with modernization layers. In Neo-Vernacular architecture found many forms that are very modern, but in its application still use the old, concept of the local area that is packed in a modem form. This Neo- International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 87 Vernacular architecture shows a modern form but still has an image of the local area although the material used in modern materials such as glass and metal. In neo-vetnacular architecture, the idea of forms is taken from the original vernacular developed in the form. The characteristics of Neo-Vernacular Architecture as follows: (1) Always use the roof (2) Bricks (in this case is elements of local construction) (3) Restoring traditional forms (4) Unity between open interiors through modern elements with open space outside buildings (5) Strong and contrasting colors (3 Innovative cultivation has contributed much to the movement of architectural modernization in Indonesia towards the goal of modem National identity. The Vernacular Architectural Style contributes to the dey opment of the modern Post architecture in the form of NeoVernacular architecture. An Architectural display that does not fully apply the rules of vernacular rules, but tries to display visual expressions such as Vernacular buildings. "Noe-Vernacular architecture is a strand of post-modernism marked by a deliberate return to traditional, especially local models. Bringing back the detailing, but seldom the construction method [6]. The appearance of the "Neo-Vernacular" architecture varies greatly, for example, Darbourne & Darke in England, reproducing bricks as a traditional material used to build houses in Lillington, providing a different community atmosphere. In other countries, the use of "neo vernacular" such as Sukarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia. Huta Tomok Tourism Pier which will be designed with ethnicity / thick feel with cultural rmuances that are visually packed modern but still able to preserve cultural image in accordance with the culture, which is intended to give a different visual impression of vernacular formation, so neo vernacular very appropriately applied in design approach Huta Tomok Tourism Pier is physically applied vernacular building principles that are packaged in modern so different from. the visual vernacular, to support the creation of cultural nuance is then applied non-physical elements such as culture, mindset, beliefs, layout, religion, and others so nuances custom can be felt visitors Huta Tomok Tourism Pier. 3. Methodology Conditions from a location of design is a function of crossing docks from Ajibata to Tomok and otherwise. The location includes sales retail dan empty sites. Site width is 12.459 m2. There are several potentials that strongly support this site to serve as the site "Huta Tomok Tourism Pier.” Some of these factors include achievement or good accessibility, both from the lake and the land. Due to being on the national road, JIn Pulau Samosir (Figure 1). International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 88 Figure 1, Environment Sites (Source: http/ To obtain concrete data in field research, the research design in this seminar, the researcher uses qualitative descriptive research. The notion of a qualitative method as proposed by Kirk and Miller concluded by Lexy J. Moleong is a certain tradition in social science fundamentally dependent on human observations in its region, and relates to such persons, its discussion, and terminology [4]. Qualitative research is research conveyed on people or object to receive descriptive data, Researcher's planning to apply research methods such as (1) Documentation (2) Observation (3) Data Analysis (4) Analytical Methods (5) Layer Analysis (6) Building Analysis (7) Physical Elements Analysis (8) Utility Analysis. 4, Result and Discussion The background of water transportation infrastructure in Tomok Village with a small site and lack of conditioning, this sites needs to remodel by changing crossing sites that used to be crossing sites only with no attractions change to be crossing facility that has another function expectations by users, Building shape mass follows a topographical pattern and existing sites conditions (Figure 2). ’ 4 oo t é iz i il. Figure 2. Shape-Mass International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 89 (Source: Author, 2018) Dividing the mass to three parts to separate function and giving the solar enlightenment to the building, then the directions of building mass pointing to all points if the insides give a welcoming experience from all points either. Designers hope the design as the beginning of tourism in Toba Lake and Samosir Island, Neo-vernacular architectural design approach used to rise and introduce it to the worldwide about the Batak Toba culture (Figure 3). Figure 3. Building Visual Mass Shape Divisions of functions are needed to manage to build mass in designing proces: This activity system will divide activities according to zones used to do any activities. These zones divide into a general zone, passengers only zones, manager's only zones, services zones, and parking zones (Table 1), Table 1: Zone Division General Zones | Passengers | Manager's Services Parking Only Zones | Only Zones Zones Zones + Arrival + Arrival! Managers | «Pumping | Visitors Corridor Departure Room Room Parking + Departure Lobby Office Room | + Pane! Room Corridor * Arrival! ‘© Secretary © Generator * Departure + Departure Hatt | Departure Room Room Parking © General Hall Corridor © Administratio | * Warchouse + Staff Parking Information | * Waiting 1 Room + Toilet Center dan Room + Meeting Gallery + Loading Room + Support dock Facilities Outer Room Concept: Vehicle circulation divide into two parts such as vehicle circulation for passengers and pedestrians made circling the sites so visitors can access the whole sites (Figure 4). International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 Pvt cine SD Vemetee > naicsamp Figure 4, Outer Room Concept Inside Room Concept: Spatial in the site will be tailored to the needs where all indoor space activities are in one lifetime of the building with the circulation of interconnected. Applied to concepts on buildings, visitors and passengers will be directed to main hall or arrival/departure hall, on the same elevation, there are food court and services, the parts of this building used as parking sites too, Beneficial concepts of a lower room based on contour sites conditions, with decreasing contour to the lake uses as rooms that can be used better, at the bottom, it is focused on the public space (Figure 5). Figure 5. Ground Plan Activity Zones Concept On the higher level, this building connected with circulations with Arrival/Departure hall centered on the main hall. The main hall is a gathering point for all activities and circled with several functions (Figure 6). By using a typical roof of a hobo house with a 60-degree slope, then there is space leftover that can be used. In this case, space is used as a space for the restaurant (Figure 6). International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 om ° 8 Big 29:32 > Figure 6. Activity Zones Concept The mass and building of the building took from the theme of Neo-Vernacular Traditional House of Batak Toba, Where the traditional house of Batak Toba separates the function according to the user who is divided into three namely the cattle - humans - the god of trust, then on the concept of Huta Tomok Tourism Pier period will use the principle of segregation of functions based on the user. In this design, the principle of division of mass by function, where the period is divided into three parts, namely the function of departure, arrival function and the function of public facilities. These three parts have their building masses with the same roof formation but have different magnitudes. Then these three masses are connected by the fourth mass, this mass consists of one main roof with two left and right wings using a roof with no concrete (Figure 7). International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 2 a ( Figure 7. Mass and building In addition to the separation of mass by function, the formation of the entrance of the custom house of Batak will be a detail that will be used in buildings where the entrance house of Batak Toba custom has a philosophy of respecting the homeowner by way of entering the house a little lowered to deliver beam across the head so as not to collide . To apply the philosophy of respecting these residents will be used on the corridors and access to this building, The building will feature typical Toba Batak ornaments. The decoration used in traditional Batak Toba architecture is the art of carving and painting. This shows that beauty is one of the very closely related things in human life, In addition to the beauty, the decoration that existed in the traditional Batak Toba house also has a very important value in determining the identity of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, in addition to the form of the house, ormaments are also a pride and appreciation given to show the inhabitants of the house. With the decoration of the traditional Batak Toba house, it can be used as a specific value owned by a house as a personal building, not just a traditional building. Then the use of Toba Batak ornament will be adjusted to the function of this building (Figure 8). Figure 8, Mass and building Building structures use to post and beam systems as floor structures. The roof structure uses truss structure that also serves as a wall covering. In general, the column grids on the building are linear. The foundation structure uses a reinforced concrete pile foundation with different size considering the number of different roofs (Figure 9). International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 02, No.0 1, 2018 93 Figure 9, Section building 5. Conclusion Tomok Village Dockyard development in Samosir designed with Neo Vernacular concept with site 1.5 Ha, The shape of the building based on essentials from “Rumah Adat Batak Toba” building and combining modern elements to receive improvement value. For the organization of form and placement of building footprint and orientation obtained from the analysis of the site which is contoured land but has added value to the right edge of Lake Toba which ultimately adds the aesthetic value of the building. This building is function as the center of crossing from Samosir Island or otherwise to provide the needs of locals in transportations that keep increasing, because of Samosir Island tourism improvements. Acknowledgment This journal is made as a requirement to get a degree from the Architecture Department Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara REFERENCES [1] Asiyanto, Metode Konstruksi Bangunan Pelabuhan. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, 2008. [2] N. Ginting, N. V. Rahman, and A, D. Nasution, Increasing Tourism in Karo District, Indonesia Based on Place Identity. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 25), 177-184. 2017. [3] C, Jencks. A Post-Modem Architecture, Rhétorique et image: textes en hommage a A. Kibédi Varga, (98), 35. 1995. [4] L. Moleong. The notion of qualitative methods such as those proposed. 2003. [5] V. Papanek, The Lesson of Vernacular Architecture, in Green Imperative. The Thames in Hudson, New York. 1995, [6] L. Peel. Architecture, Chartwell Books, New Jersey,. pp-125. 1989. [7] B. Triatmodjo. Perencanaan Pelabuhan. Yogyakarta: Beta Offset. 2009. International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Vol. 03, No. 03, 2019| 252261 INTERNATIONAL ca PARRA BARE Dr ARCHITECTURE —— {tents e daw UR eanish & talenta The Design Karo Cultural Centre with Neo- Vernacular Architecture Approach Wahyuni Zahrah', Muhammad Yusuf Rahmadani"™ » Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia Abstract, Culture in North Sumatra is a very scant appreciation from the public. In particular, the community's enthusiastic Karo Ground against art objects tend to be low and. continues to decline; it is also affected by the impact of the modemization of Wester culture. It is required for a container or a place that is used to introduce, studying, preserving culture Karo, addressed to the community, domestic and foreign, the purpose is to make many parties better understand or know about the culture that exists in the land of Karo. Neo vernacular Karo was chosen as the theme of the design so as not to eliminate the side of culture Karo as well as local wisdom applied physical and nonphysical. The theme is used in the concept of building mass Si Walu Jabu into the project by taking the basic shapes in Karo, as well as custom homes, apply flexibility in floor plan traditional house Karo on every space in the cultural center. Design of area designated as Tahura with consideration of its strategic footprint and also as the gateway tour in the land of Karo, Expected with the existence of this cultural center, domestic and foreign, and especially the ‘community can engage in its own agenda in the preservation, experience, recognition, and can enjoy Karo culture itself comfortably Keyword cultural, neo vernacular 1. Introduction ‘As we know, Indonesia is a country with a wide range of tribes and cultures. From Sabang to Merauke lies the Islands are inside are a variety of cultural and Tribal Nation Indonesia. Karo is a tribal tribe who inhabit the plateau of Karo. Batak Karo community itself resides in the area northwest of Lake Toba which covers an area of approximately 5,000 square kilometers of astronomically lies roughly between 3 ° and 3 ° 30” North latitude and 98 ® and 98 ° 30" East longitude. Cultural heritage in the land of Karo can we see from the start the potential natural environment, customs, rites, sacred and secular, historical relies, traditional knowledge systems, conventional weapons, historical places, as well as art and culture all of which it is the capital and resources "Corresponding author at: Departement of Architecture, faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jalan Perpustakaan, Building J07, Medan 20155, Indonesia E-mail address: muhammady758@gmail com Copyright © 2019 Published by Talenta Publisher, Printed ISSN: 2622-0008, online ISSN: 2622-1640 Journal Homepage: hips:/ idan International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 253 to development efforts, increased utilization, and optimally to various interests, one of which is tourism. ‘The utilization of cultural heritage as capital must be carried out optimally through the holding of tourism were kind, smart and independent, which generally aims to increase people's income or economic agenda in particular. About culture, it is not only preserved but should be studied with the plunge of the practice to get the "typical experience” in each person who reviews it. Without culture, there will be no human diversity and lifestyle. Religion in North Sumatra is a very scant appreciation from the public. In particular, the community's enthusiastic Karo Ground against art objects tend to be low and continuing to decline also affected by the impact of the modernization of Western culture. Then there is the public perception that it is not essential which needs, A container or a place that is less good also gained contributes to this issue. This is evident in the number of visitors in museums on the ground such as Karo, the museum of Lingga (Phallus), the museum of JaminGinting (Tigapanah) and Karo heritage museum (Berastagi) very few numbers of visitors, Many assume that a community museum is place that is boring. This is due to the building ot container provided less attractive coupled with bad management, regarding the control of the exhibition, collection, hygiene, and others. For it takes a container that can change public perception about matters related to culture, it is not essential, a place that is tedious and also the artists that got less appreciation can be given a chance to exist back in an adequate container that is a cultural center. The cultural center is a container o place intended to introduce, studying, preserving culture Karo, addressed to the community, domestic and foreign tourists to better understand or know about the culture. There is in the land of Karo, 2, Literature Study The location of the Project is in Tahura, JL. JaminGinting, excl, Dolatrakyat Karo Regency, North Sumatra, Bordering the North (Deli Serdang), South (Tigapanah), Western (Berastagi), East (Barusjahe). Tahura as an area of design with consideration of a strategic site and also as the gateway tour in the land of Karo. Expected with the existence of this cultural center, domestic and foreign, and mainly the community has survived, could own Karo enjoy comfortably and to get better to know what kind of culture Karo itself, Preview Theme, The themes raised at the Design Center of culture Karo is an "Architectural Vernacular Neo. Vernacular Architecture is familiar from the post-modern Architecture that was born as a response and critique of modernism that prioritizes the values of rationalism and functionalism influenced the development of technology industries, Neo-Vernacular Architecture is the architecture concept in principle considering the norms, normative role, the International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 254 cosmological as well as local culture in public life as well as the harmony between the building, nature, and the environment [1] Comparative Study, Buildings this Indonesia cultural center was completed in the wake of the 2015, through the process of a competition held by the IAI and won by the KarimuddinTedjo and his team, Located in Dili, East Timor as a form of cultural cooperation between the two countries, which are the population of East Timor is still in touch with Indonesia (Figure 1). Figure 1. Indonesia culture center Source: indonesia ‘The design of the building takes the form of a formal reflecting Indonesia 2015 with the abstract character of the ship on the entire structure; the describe Indonesia as a thalassocraey. While the facade adopted the visual pattern of Batik Indonesia. And this building consists of 4 floors and one basement, Activity in this building is: (1) The presence of learning activities or construction in good with the learning spaces. (2) The existence of a cultural exhibition activities-a place for cultural performances or art, (3) Amphitheater, activity meetings were supported with an on-site ‘Auditorium, (5) Reading in the library and Aliyey cultural center. Cultural Center Aliyev, This building is the center of the Azerbaijan culture produced through a competitive process in WINS by Zaha Hadid, ten May 2012 in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan (Figure 2). onstruction with 57.500 m2 was completed on International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 255 Figure 2. Perspective Aliyev Source:,com/=perspectivetaliyev The building has three main structures of Museum functions, conference room, library. Zaha Hadid approaches on Organic Architecture (adjust against nature). That is where the building is like a giant curve mutually connect; the pattern curve shaped as the field of aerodynamics to resist strong wind gusts in the city of Baku. ‘This is also the solution design against the building. The Philippine Pavilion represents the Progress Philippines and all its institutions. With the theme "progression towards harmonization of cultural diversity,” this exhibition showed the Philippines in the context of the community and the aspirations, activities, and accomplishments of theirs (Figure 3), Figure 3. Exterior building Philippine Pavilion of Progress, of EXPO of EXPO 70.” Source: Philippine+Pavilion Dramatic elections caused the roof from the ground to the sky as the Philippines is meant to look ahead. The message architecture is through the Philippines is a young and growing country, they have the determination to develop. Another vernacular side can be seen from its typical Philippine hardwood material, and other local materials are used entirely at the Pavilion, Exhibition in the pavilion is in the form of recording the history of the country of the Philippines. Sockarno-Hatta International Airport is the main airport serving Jakarta, Java, International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 256 Indonesia. Located in the suburban city of Jakarta with a capacity of 9 million people. Designed by Paul Andreu of France. (Figure 4) Figure 4, Soekamo Hatta perspective ‘Source:https:/www. Hatta Most of the units of the pillars and beams of Jogja (steel pipes) are exposed. Units in the terminal are connected with the very open lobby of tropical so that visitors feel the natural air and sunlight, The group uses the architecture lounge Joglo in large dimensions, but the shape and construction of the system not unlike the Sopo teachers and Usuk, Dudur, Takir and other construction elements of Java such as in the picture (Figure 5) Figure 5. Interior Sockarno Hatta airport Source:https://www. Hatta On the use of the image material, modern interior but has the look of a hardwood such as applied on the columns waiting gives the impression that modern yet natural, The use of advanced materials but has a look like wood is applied to the columns in the waiting room gave the idea of a modern yet natural. Soekarno-Hatta Airport is a building of Neo-Vernacular very clearly shows the original concept of vernacular as at the use of Joglo roof forms and roof’- gable (folding) that is widely used in traditional structure Indonesia. International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 287 3. Methodology ‘The method of data collection is done with the selection of primary data through a process of the comparative study of secondary data and field through the review of literature study & appeal. The design approach used in the design of Culture Center Karo, Field Studies at site b: environmental footprint and Approach, i.c., analysis concerning the status of the site i.e,, analyze physical conditions around the site, the potential, limits that existed and the best solution, User Approach, i.c., review of buildings to meet the needs of education and recreation facilities d. Study of literature related to the title and theme and the theories that support the idea of design and the analysis was done based on the results of the study the study literature related actors, activities and spaces, and environmental footprint in order to search for the principles, concepts, and characteristics suitable for the design of Culture Center project Karo. 4, Result of Discussion For the application of the basic concept on building cultural centers Karo with through the natural neo theme approach, will be carried out by taking the idea of the traditional House of Karo in a way intangible and tangible. ‘Traditional House Karo (Si Walu Jabu), home of the Pumpkin Jabu is intended for the eight families (Jabu) who has a family connection to each other, The arrangement of space for each family is set by the position and function of each family (Figure 6). Figure 6, Traditional home Karo Source:https:/;www. Rumah Tradisional Karo The flexibility of the use of space is a trait can potentially use a space for various properties and activities and maybe making the conversion arrangement of areas to suit your needs without changing the structure of the building [2] International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 258 A flexible Movement, with the made movement spaces which can be wherever comfortable or versatile (Figure 7). Figure 7. Sky bridge concept Build The Base, The central mass of the building at the Centre of culture Karo took the form of a traditional house roofs Karo (Si Walu Jabu). Can be seen in (Figure 8) the silhouette from the roof through the Pumpkin becomes transform and then in Jabu some form. Figure 8. Building concept You can see from the image above through some process of transformation of a traditional house roof until it becomes @ mass. The building, which is a representation of the traditional structure Si Walu Jabu (Figure 8). On building made to look more contemporary form of the bed base. On the front facade can be seen in (Figure 9), There is a vertical garden in glass-glass buildings. It was created as a solution design to minimize solar heat from the light on because dealing directly towards the East and the West. International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 259 Figure 9. Facade ‘A picture of the four sides of the main building seems the result of processes of representation (Figure 10). Figure 10. Main building As for the structure of the workshop also to the concept of building a studio. The mass of the building comes from the silhouette of the traditional house Karo (Figure 11), International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 260 Take the elements of the traditional house form Karo as wall roof and pillars. The primary way of all of the above use into the workshop building. And the results for pictures of the workshop building (Figure 12). Figure 12. Workshop For buildings workshop also adopted some form of creations-custom homes Karo and took his philosophy-philosophy to apply to ancillary buildings. Like using true or terraces in the area as a place to disable workshop. And others. Can be seen in (Figure 13). Figure 13.Workshop For the final design looks at the picture of which 14 between the main building and workshops connected via the sky bridge (Figure 14). Figure 14. Site International Journal of Avchitectureand Urbanism Vol, 03, No.03, 2019 261 5. Conclusion The cultural center is a container or place intended to introduce, studying, preserving culture Karo, addressed to the community, domestic and foreign tourists to better understand or know about the culture, There is in the land of Karo, Culture should be preserved and studied. Not only preserved but should be reviewed with the plunge of the practice to get the "typical experience" in each person who consider it, Without culture, there will be no human diversity and lifestyle. Application of vernacular neo theme at design seen from the Karo applied custom homes that include aspects of physical and nonphysical. Acknowledgment This research is dedicated to the community to educate insights into Karo culture. Also to local governments to increase tourists in Karo District. REFERENCES [1] M. Wehelmina, "Re-Design Taman Budaya Sulawesi Utara di Manado Neo- Vernacular Architecture," p. 35, 2015. [2] M. P. IrM.Nawawiy locbis, RAIBNYA PARA DEWA KAJIAN ARSITEKTUR KARO, MEDAN: Bina Teknik Press, 2004, [3] C. Jencks, Late Moder Architecture and Other Essays, New York: Rizzoli, 1980. \OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering PAPER - OPEN ACCESS The assessment and management of cruise port for tourism destination development in Bali island ‘To ole this arco: NB R Mandi 2019 JOP Cont. Ser. Mater. Sol. Eng. 673 012031 ‘iow the article online for updates and enhancements This content was downloaded from IP address 182.1 7.82 on 18/08/2020 at 14:48 Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019 (BEST2019) JOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 673 (2019) 012031 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/673/1/012031 The assessment and management of cruise port for tourism destination development in Bali island NBR Mandi Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung 80361, Bali, Indonesia E-mail: Abstract, Bali island has several ports, and three of them are used for ships” layover. Those ports are: Benoa port in the southern of the island, Celukan Bawang port in the northern part, and Padangbai/Tanah Ampo port in the eastern part; with most of tourism activities are concentrated in the southern part. Disadvantagcous management and competition between those ports raised the question and challenge for the cruise port and its nearest vicinity. A cooperation is required to enable those ports to compete more effectively, in attracting tourists and supporting the island's tourism destination development, This study employed a set of semi-structured interviews (SSI) and the spot field observation in assessing the port’s management for tourism eIe4 YN 39 ApueSone 10 ‘s8upunouns soy UKE Uy 3,uop sBuIpIIN Uayo Oo], yxeIH0D [E90 [PM & Woy ¥se) UBsep © Tupeoidde sof HAW s1wapese pure yeanseid sey YoRoxd soouonyus LoUD}X9 WON Pay9UUODSIP JOU Ing Juspuodaput “KroIsIY UE SUONIPUOS 20) Uaisop pe Aroisiy Jo wonesojdxa ue sem yy “sapAis axoIsHY Jo suononposdas pue Jo sosuodsar onwapeae Bunsixe axojdxe 01 puanuy rou pip roaford sy “Apmas Arewo UL aunoouyaie pue suey ueqin 1X9 auf JO WoHENIeA UP apnjaut past spoy 2]q3ssod st uopseuuo> yeuonouny pu 241 HO “a|qenAUE jou st yMoZOTeM SHE WHOXT HONEUATTE s,toyToNAT eM oIeNsKoUWAP su Teupuusy diys osm Aweiodwoyuos mau e Jo usisap oy) 10} 1X9 TUOD oyeIPaULO}UL Jo ra}oeIeYD URGIN pu SMIeEU ouOSIY axp SAMpaysouyoR ue|d soISeUE ay, ~TuONOTEA otp 203 wey sayseus v Suraaryep “Uatsep Aq yoreasas ayy J0¥ siseq v papraord uoNeTTsa: “Aypuosag “sonsst uBisop ueqan yuazms sHf pue MorfonKT Jo ArostY oxy pareBHIsoAUT Ast {uy uonemOD wosyZoTEM oHONSTY amp SupOIsar woYANA'T Jo d1aqN UeqIN xp UE suONDAKT -01 seq oaford SILL, “portop AyBuIsearouy Bur9q st ssagae oy|gnd ‘Mord or sonumTOD 4 sit woy parsouuoasip awooaq sey ‘suluuraq aun. 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