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rustional IBPSA Conference Eindhoven, Netherlands ‘August 11.14, 2003 DETERMINING THE FEASIBILITY OF COGENERATION USING DOE2.1E FOR THK JODN G, SHEDD AQUARIUM AND OCKANARIUM Chis Waike:? and 9 chael J. Chiraek? Maesackesetts Invstuts of Techno‘ogy, Bui'ding Techao!ogy Progra: Cambridge, Massoc*wsel's 02139, ow ker 20 ited *Baorgy Resouress Contes, Uo.versity of U:aois at Chicago, Tinois 40607, mebimach@uic edu ABSTRACT. ‘The Energy Resources Center a: the University 0° Tiincis at Chicago conducted an exergy acressment of tbe Tobo G. Shedd Aquasitm and Oceaseriur to increase the energy ecficiency at the tility, wa decreasing the operating costs. Part ofthis etlor: included determining the feasibility ot implementing a cogeneration s7stom as par? cf the detailed encrgy astessmert for the facili DOE-2.1E progeem was selected 2¢ tec] to determine the anoval sleetrer(, and esting Jeads for so coupler ¢ facility, aad theo evaluate ‘the sconamuc benefits of iavestiag in 9 cogeneration system TRODUCTION ‘Cogenerction, o- combined heat and power (CHP), i the use of a single fue!, sve as natural gas, 0 simultanzoas!y produce uses: beat and e:scticity and slso Zo: cooling. Cogzneravion isa visble option for Zaciities cha: opersts their slant 24 ours aday, seven days a week, use fue! to provide stesm for heat, aad require substaatial sir condlitioaing ia their operation. The Joa G. Shedd Aguarivim and Oveanarivm (Shedd) w.zets al. of these requirements, bu: furer onalysis was needed 19 determine if be Zacility Cid in act aave « pt Joaé profile in terms of eoiacidental aezds for electrical aod taexa:a, This ia ture. could Encilitate «a dee:sior. by the institution CHP systeu. ‘The Bnergy Resousves Contes, a pon-tescitiag departmect oF the Collage oF Engineering atthe University of Llinois at Chicago, conducted ao io depth energy ossosszneat ofthe Shedd, inciudicg iavertory of all major encegy sing systea:s, with tuading fromthe Llinois Departament of Coxnarecee od Community Afsuirs. Tis aucit becom: the or a baseliae mode] of the Shedd usiag the wo. Wit & single pritcas L pias? currently asec. ‘throughout the Shedd to srovide the wide rungs of climutic corsitioas needed for the voia:s's, aad the planned add:tior. oF syste to suppost sew fexbibits, st 2s deterrined tha maodel oF the Shedd would facilitct: evaluaticn of a0 the building and is system's operstions| eacracterissies could change vith 2¢sates oF approxinately 750 differ: are 01 Civplay at Shedd, Mush of Sis work was sarted by the overwheliaing success 6f'he ‘atest aildtion 19 Shedd Aquarian, the Oceanaritn, completed in (09, bring’ “he tota! square footage 07 the facility 0 195,000 (26,700 v8). Tie layout of the Shedd and the curvilinear Oceaer tan, is sawn ja Fine 2 lity, Ye otiginel ocragn Figure 2: Shedd Fits: Foor Data fas ‘be DO collected daw 2E skuolation saods! was ga rowiliple dey assessmacut othe Shedd favil'y. Iacluded ia the assessaneat were a detailed lighting survey as well a inventory a aappiag af “ae Fecility's e.cchavical sy sexs. Sine there ars ziapy elisaats types that Lave lo 3¢ joule for “be varicty of babitets tha’ the sp sate arson: of space concitioas equi, an ar ws important he Aqwatinas corazlex conains 399,000 square feet of Gooe a:e4 (36,7002), TLe cosuplex consists of tbe orginal Aq sarivza building (225,000 26,900 ue) and the Oezansruun (170,000 PF 19,800 af) with addicons, st Pbilppines Siu and Coca! baild.og “ast w: ja the fall of 2003, 1, Table I, the ‘otal axes dedicsted ‘a suizvels rad support o7animna's is 31 as “ae New Lopes, ofthe buildiag wea, This inclices office spaces, Ibs, velcrisacy se:viees and o'er aia. support Table 1; Shedd Ares Be Syace Aw@) faa) | st (ota 58300 | 5.000 a sono | 7.400 0% sn [7.600 21%, rete [1.000 | 26,000 3%, Teta 395,000 | ¥6,700. 00% In order ‘0 evaluate th: favlity for cogeneration, information regarding the electrical, aeatizg anc cooling sequizeanea's for the Skedd was needed, It wes deteraiaod that the most accurate wey 20 predict tb:s was to orcete& thesmaal :oce of the buitding using DOL-2.20. Using the data collected ducing the ssscssarent, as well ay additional ingat trom tae fec‘lity managers. the model was created, I: was necessary’to provide asaccuzate » repzesuntation of Rew tke facili operates as possible. Details suck ay using t ‘ayers comuans. to obtain a more accurate porteuyal ofthe Suildiag exvelope system, aad dividing the occupancy sckedale Zo: visitezsixto Jb due (o the variance of occupancy theeaghout the eur, The facility was broken down into £0 roves based on terrperature contro’, or entation, schedu’es, and type of SLVAC ecuiprert, The Shedd, with its current faci ty equigmess and operations, was modeled as the baseline case, Tre cogeneration case wus created, by changing the plant forthe Shed, and Laer modiied by adjusting he natural gos costs. Schedules eduling was an ierportar: (actor #4 modeling the Shedd. Obtain'ng ar accurate portraya’ of the Visitors schedule was ‘mportan: i the tight clima’e controls required by the ainals, and the added hesmal ‘oads Verving dependé-ng on Tie num ber 0° eaple ins ven space. Tre Shedd has =ecords ef the number 0° visiiors ov a mombty-non'h bas's. Rased 09 that nk and fecTity mavager input, 91 accurate repseseevation of the visitor schedule was created, 1 July and Agus, ant Mara then divided is:0 four groups, to eepeese: tis edd sees the highest percentage of Visiazs iy "ast in Fanvary through vce rsaney schedule Far tie publie was deail Space Tyses noe the Shedd bas niany lupe volume sees ‘wath roultiple story 3, was aNpor wl 0 deluxe Uyese per areas es volwuaes 0° a, elle Vnan a wellow xed space, as wou'd 2e the case 101 were modeled as 0 jolame, Next 0 commands were used 'r order 19 mae more aocurate, particularly for the ‘loo plam that exists at the Shede. hough there axe many di ‘the DOE-2,1F sinulat'on mod were siuplied. ‘There are theee wars space types ddesined Jor the model. Iese inchide the pric fe s9imal creas, and words3zs0rt space fe sypes were er apancy dale and density, lig wing schedule and density, and plug loac:soecle and density. The public ‘ehas specil'c operating toxrs and ten ps of 20°C (T0"F), Tae eximal space bas yeer round Lhedules for cisnate comtzol with ‘exuseratures tsually around 10°C (50‘F), but ‘vatyiag depssidiag on recuiresoente of each species. The work suppor. spaces for staff hav longer daily operating schestles than the gexe:ai pabke spaces, bv: anauntau: femperstores of 2:*C (TE), Samaale operating temperatures for a few of the aamm:al aad public spaces ar provided u: Table 2 The ted based on 0 le 2: Seanple Shedd Opecsting Temperatures Set Point Temperaiures Acc (1) | Weter CCE Dry Holding, 2709) = Dolphins 2170) T2153) Penguins “40 (45) 50 (10) Auazon 22075) Varies People 20-25 (66-77) = Envelope ‘pica! walls enveloping the Acacia, Paiding, ccousist of gypstin: board, kollow clay th preformed mineral boatd insulation, ‘x cing. ‘The wails consis! of heavy weiglt concrete lock, coxprnded polystyrene Soard iosulatiox, and macble facing. ‘he windows throughout 90% of te complex eve boon retrofitted. “she retrofit seta! framed, with g devole insulated glazing. “I ‘windows ate anetal freraed will, sizale glaring wis in storage or mechanical equipraeut ecins, fla oof en the Aquaria bids is €: ronltip’s leyers of built up r00%iog: “igbtwrsight ‘coaersie and preformed roof insuaion =; The Mla sa0f onsists of but-up roofing, wood deckit, and preforzned roof insul tion cupperted by «massive stee! truss system, yweight cconszets block aad raesbe windows fined non rolrofilled ed The wpesed of ows tha have not been retrofitted ute l by a metal skeletal strrctural syste over ‘ae Ocesanarits LIVAC Systems and Zong, The spaces in ve DOF-2.18 node! characterized sy not only space type, but by Ste ype 0. sysiert thot served the area, Often severa LIVAC wns are required 19 conds:ion sorne of e anne volume spaces to “hetr requited ten pecatures. These were corrzinec, and snodeles. as one large ssysters for that poricular s9ace, ae Shedd facility is conditionee. primatily during occupiec’ and visiting hours, as shown 'n‘Table 4, though cr iracl azeas ave cond tioned io Vie eeqqitec clinate wwerty cour hours acay, seven days a week, Both the general pubtic buileing operating schedule, as we! as the beatixg, ventilation and ait conditioning (LIVAC) ecuizsment scbedtule ‘othe facility are provided. Vas table does not reCect the equines: specafically forth smal areas. Table 3: Shedd Opesatung Sched: Gecer Bulking | Geaersd HVAC Pos Opstatice Seaedele Scheésle Walay | Weed | Waley] Wieod Opens 90.96 | 900 am | 6:30 | 6:30 am Cloies 6:00 pro | 6.00 par [oc pia |_e05 pou Toa hos | 9tocas [LL5 hows]sL 9 bons Conditioning the work spece, exbibit space, end animal space fo the building cana’ necessarily “¢ separcicd, so ‘ae entice “ailing is conditioned daring workiog Aoars Zara 6:30 AM o 6:00 P.M, However, cooling water for ‘ae penguins rnd other ocel fie seppout systems run 24 bouts a dey, 7 daysa week ar needed. During the Rew‘iog season, the building Lollows tke veme sekeduce; with the buliding beating system being “arred on at 6:30 A.M. and stl off et 6 P.M. fa general, be anima spece is alw2y $s conditiones 21 nears a day, 7 days week; the a0:ers:s get the coréitions they require ata! inves A typical primary Eot water cold water loop provides the heating and cooling sor tke {aciliy. ‘Tae thres cbillers defizes in the plant all seeve the chilled water loop. The ebilled water system sores 24 sithandling unite 96 wel. 28 30a" exchangers tused to eaol exAib:e pond water. Hot water it genercted at 90.5 -98.5°C (195-210°R) by :be ‘asta: ed boilers for use in the prinsary aoe -veter Fos the tscondary hat water loop, hat water it ciseuleted tacovgh neat exchangers, and theo pumped througiioa: tre bui.ding co %e used it. the te-handling uts, un: heaiers, ond ¢ Few fin-tube: radiant heaters, Plan Haseline Case he DOE-7.1! model ins! udec. the current plant, which ‘5 nade up of three main ¢ lets, ‘wo of ‘which are run ata tine and four natural fas-sired, hot water boilers Lan Coveneration Case he copenerction play. created ‘n DOE-2.11: fer the Shed! was a shnple configuration, which operates luring energy peak purposes, describes fol ow'ng Keonomies section, During 1net peak periog, Vie ccopeneraticn plant operates 433s snaxioun, outptt, ‘wacking both electrical aad Usernaal vequicenents. [Ax absozption chiller recovers the beat :ejacted by ae pexetators, wile a centriJapal chiler serves > help balaz.ce dhe thermal wata #.ectrcal loads Recovered Leat (rom “ae penerators :s used ‘0: ‘pace beating, will. alot water generator asa apalemental source. “he Shedd provided two years worth of natura gas and electcie 9 ity da. which wasused to crate {he sate structure “oc both aera pas aad electricity. An ascerate ste inp was imponta paisalarly Zo evabating the cogenes alin. model asthe naturel pa rales ae roken dows oto bio Shapes, wai eeciilty has peak and off pea. charcee Zoerry C21) pea rs ae fon: #00353 te 10:00 pes on, Week, while thr off peak ='ez anp'y ‘0 hours onside o” peak our, a= well Seeckcods end ho:days. Densand peak hours ate from Sara to 6po. on wcebays, Lie same rate ricture aps as fr energy. tthe cet and actural gas als are presvates below in Table / fodTable ‘Table: Natucal Ges Charges Fre 160 | Nex4900 | Over 5000 forms | terre | terme Noun Ca: _ 30.5807 | go.asn26 | s0.3505 ‘Table $: Hleciric Chasges ak, Olfrak — Deaacd (siwn | awe) (6) Sumner $0.08; $0.07275 16d! Wins __ S005 son273 1285 ANALYSIS Alle: ceauiag Vie motel, tLe followang resus were fobnaiued (rova the Shedd DOK 2.11 anodel, Che ‘ndings are presented "n severa’ sections slasting with an overall energy asage breakdown by end- use, Phen move detalles analysis 0:the eating, cooling, anc elesirical leads, and wikty costs 15 present Enewy Tae Shedd has ev interesting ‘oad profile, which is tun‘ que to this pacticulae lac'lity type, ue to the requitervents of te antnals Vict inhabit the faclity there is a s1s:amtial base Load, particu'2:ly cool ng anc electrical, The veating loa:.-s primar ly dae to space heating, wilt sorte aries. requived t generate ho’ water forthe (acility. In the aturel pas usage breakdown, shown Figure #, the ot sakes up 44% of the total aatural zs oad. Uhis i ¢ sus Wo the *atlzoo:ns, showers anc a smal: nanabe> of tanks thas do require hot wa:er nue ne Lage Figure 3: Saedd Natiwal Gas Usage Profile Tae electrical usage by the Shedd is sepaxcted inte the saps end nses ia Figace 4, The Misc is mds up of varions eyuip:aent loads as defined for “ae spac condition, a8 well as the X These loads ute Za: all plop Joad cquipa.col zequizes to sustain aninoal Lif suppor: process lox For work azeas ai'bio ‘he Shedd, these loads ste ‘guile hip’, wails in the visitor axeas, they are rasually :ouclt lowr. ‘This belps ‘o explain its asp peteevlage 0. the ents electrical cnctpy Butane Sapo few Bios oon Figure 4: Saedd Zlse:ric Vsage Prosile Supplemental cooing is enly recvired ducing the suger riots and financial suppor ia secing thie pro’cet thao completion, throuph ‘ae Chicagoland Arts and 1s Rnorgy Consor'sam (CLASEC) gaat oct in this endeavor, Io Aad las:ly, shark yeu to Gianluca Valewi, Poly’ ech'co ci Milano, who prov-ded addtional insight into cogerevation applicat‘ons for bu'ldings. BLEERENCES, ASURAL 2995, “Hemdbook: Fundsmentals, Chayier 30-Foerpy Estimating and Mode'ing, Methods,” A:'ava, Georia, ASURAE 1999, "Proposed Gu'det Messurement oc Energy and Dew ar nd Savings," Allanta, Garris, Beausol«]-Morrison, lan, “Deve! opment of Dets' ad Descriavions of HVAC Systane Jo ASHRAE TC.47 Carzzy alations, Febreaty 2000, ‘Simplation Peogracas, ca Flo, 110, Commercial Huila Cogenesation Oppor nosis, LBNL, Avgus: 1982, Federa! nergy Manaperaent Program (FEMP), “Measurement aod Verification Gurdekie,” Chapter 25, ses, SID, & TJ. Masel, DOE 2.28 Sepleiner 1986, ‘phan ay Mis (exw choeeplenoe ass) U.S, Departus of Euetgy (20K), 1880, Aucbitec'™: aad Susineer's Guide ‘a Fuety Conseevation in Existing Huilding. DOWIRL 0:830P 14, Wasbixgtos, D.C vot Application Canter, Chicago, Sinai Wally, Janne: ? Computerized Wilding Bocsey Sizaalatica Handbook Ihe Fairmont Press, Ins Lalbjea, Georgia, 1999,

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