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Sena English A2.

2 Communication skills-Superlatives & comparatives

Rationale: English communication has proven to be one of the most

important aspects in profesional and personal development, thus
autonomous work is part of a process in order to complete a real learning
experience, in this guide we will focus on wo main aspects: superlatives and

Grammar objective: using comparatives and superlatives in order to

establish comparissons in a trading enviroment

Comparatives: we use comparatives in order to differentiate two objects

focusing in the most.

Superlative: we use superlatives when we describe the upper or lower in

comparisson to other objects.

These are used when making:

 Comparisson
 Analysis
 Descriptions

Using comparatives:

Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).


- My Orchids are healthier than my mom’s Orchids.

-Putin is a better plitician than Donald Trump
-A swedish people are prettier than danish people

Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).


-Colombia is the smallest country between Russia, China and USA

-I always had the deepest conection with my distant cousins
-Clara has the smallest portion of cake
-My boss is the rudest person ever
1. Read the following and underline the use of compaatives and superlatives

Bitcoin vs Gold

Crypto coins are a new trading way to invest, earn and trade between markets,
Bitcoin is the world’s first decentralized digital currency. This novel system for virtual
money was first proposed by software developer Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and
made available to the public in 2009. sequence in the form of a private key that is
kept secret. Miners must verify all bitcoin transactions. But regular economies are
focused on stored gold, usually controled by a central bank, somehow Bitcoins are
trendier investments due to a single fact: are intangible, can be either Exchange
into tangible currency nor converted into other crypto coins.

Gold has been the most important metal for millenia, has better Price than other
metals, and has been part of jewlery since the mida ges, and has a larger
coverage in different countries than Bitcoins, some billionaires consider gold safer
than crypto coins, electronic bank has also been affected by the deeper reach
that crypto coins.

2. Please join a coworker or companion to share your ideas regarding gold vs.
Bitcoins, are you up or against?

3. Let’s make some comparissons between stuff:

Use: happy-deep-pretty-expensive-cheap-health

Internatinal food

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