Us20040062818a1 Patent 2

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US 2004.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0062818A1
Calderon (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 1, 2004
(76) Inventor: Justo Leonardo Calderon, Bogota Composition of Hypochlorous acid characterized because it
(CO) s has the following chemical composition
Correspondence Address: Hypocnlorous
h ac1id 6.5-7.3 %
Natalie A Remien Hydrochloric acid 27.6-28.5%
Welsh & Katz
22nd Floor Sodium chloride 13.6-14.2%
120 South Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606 (US) Sodium hypochlorite 348-35.4%
Chlorine in Solution 7-6.5%
(21) Appl. No.: 10/467,121
Dissolved oxygen 10.5-8.1%
(22) PCT Filed: Oct. 1, 2001 The composition of hypochlorous acid has medical appli
(86) PCT No.: PCT/IB01/02085 cation in humans and in Veterinary practice, both prophy
lactic and therapeutic. It can also be applied in antisepsis and
Publication Classification Sterilization of foods and in the treatment of water and water
Supply Systems. In flower growing is can be used for the
(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... A61K 33/14 disinfection of crops and the elimination of fusarium and
(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 424/661 Sigatoka negra.
US 2004/0062818 A1 Apr. 1, 2004

COMPOSITION OF HYPOCHLOROUS ACID AND hypochlorous acid produced contains 35-60% of weight
ITS APPLICATIONS dissolved in concentrated chlorine of at least about 2% by
weight and is Substantially free of ions of the alkaline metal
TECHNICAL and chlorine.
0001. This Application for a Patent of Invention refers to 0010 U.S. Pat. No. 5,322,677 “Process for the produc
a Composition of Hypochlorous Acid and its different appli tion of a concentrated Solution of hypochlorous acid”,
cations especially in the field of medicine, Such as prophy owned by Oil Corporation, published on Jun. 21, 1994, a
lactic and therapeutic treatment for control of infections. process which consists of the obtaining of an aqueous
hypochloric acid Solution having an HOCl concentration of
BACKGROUND 50-60% by weight, which comprises making a aqueous
solution of an alkaline metal hydroxide with 50% by weight
0002. After 1915, and as a result of the Great War, more with exceSS of chlorine gas react, making them react at
than 200 bacterial action compounds were Studied, among 80-120 deg. C. to produce a mixture of monoxide, chlorine,
them hypochlorous acid. It was initially detected as an hypochlorous acid vapor and water vapor, Solid particles of
oxidating agent generated by neutrophiles. It was obtained chlorate alkaline metal of at least 10%.
from Seawater.
0011 WO 9514636 “Manufacture of Hypochlorous
0003) There are references of studies by Dakin in 1917 Acid' owned by Joseph Repman, The Dow Chemical Com
with sodium hypochlorite diluted to 0.50% as an irrigation pany Trent and David, L., published Jun. 1, 1995, a process
liquid for the cleaning and disinfection of contaminated which consists of placed in contact the drops of a aqueous
Solution of hypochlorite metal having an intermediate Vol
0004 Later, in 1958, Agnes investigated hypochlorous ume, a diameter of 500 mm with chlorine gas to produce
acid as an immunological Substance and defense mecha hypochlorous acid, vaporization of 20% m of hypochlorous
nisms for granulocytes. acid produced in the preceding Stage, containing chlorine,
0005. In 1989 Stephan J. Weiss in the New England water vapor, hypochlorous acid and dichloride monoxide
within an aqueous phase of acid.
Journal of medicine conducted bacterial Sensitivity Studies
on E. Coli and toxicity on tissue in guinea-pigs. ADVANTAGES OF THE INVENTION
0006 There are currently several patents of invention 0012. The patent of invention Composition of Hypochlo
related to the production of hypochlorous acid, as mentioned rous Acid and its various applications has the following
below: advantage over others in the State of the art:
0007 U.S. Pat. No. 4,190,638 “Production of hypochlo 0013 The composition of hypochlorous acid is not
rous acid”, owned by PPG Industries Inc., of Feb. 26, 1980 toxic and does not attack the Skin
in which aqueous acid is produced by precipitating the acid
through carbonation in a electrolytic cell where the cathode 0014. The composition is fully biodegradable
is liquid which is placed in contact with a bed fluidized with
a mixture of gaseous chlorine and water vapor where the gas 0015 Disinfection occurs in seconds given the
which is formed from the hypochlorous bed is absorbed by broader disinfection Spectrum
the water.
0016. As a deodorant it destroys organic particles
0008 U.S. Pat. No. 4,908,215 “Hypochlorite composi Since it attackS mercaptaine, methane and hydroSul
tions containing thiosulphate and their use of Mar. 13, phuric gases.
1990, which discloses a process for disinfection, steriliza
tion, bleaching and cleaning of a liquid or a Surface com 0017. It has bacteriostatic powers for up to 24 hours
prised of: (a) producing an aqueous Solution of hypochlorite, 0018. The process if obtaining the composition is
thioSulphate of earthy alkaline metal and a prebuffer in economical, due to its ample dilution.
which the hypochlorite has an initial concentration of about
5 to 5000 ppm of chlorine and a molar ratio of thiosulphate DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION
to hypochlorite between 0.25:1 and 0.75: 1; (b) adjusting the
initial pH of the solution between 9.0 and 11.0 in contact 0019. The concern to find substances which do not cause
with the surface or the liquid with the solution until the reactions in the organism and are highly effective in com
hypochlorite is consumed and the pH of the prebuffer bating microorganisms resistant to antimicrobial agents and
Solution decreases while the hypochlorite is consumed by drugs has led to the Study of hypochlorous acid, a Substance
the thioSulphate at the same time as the hypochlorite begins which as the characteristics of minimizing morbidity and
to depend on the initial pH of the solution. mortality produced by bacterial infections in comparison
0009 U.S. Pat. No. 5,027,627 “Production of Hypochlo with normal Saline Solutions, a Substance mostly used for
rous Acid' published on Aug. 6, 1991, where hypochlorous Washing the abdominal cavity and tissues.
acid is obtained by reaction of an aqueous Solution of an 0020 Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a bactericide oxidant
alkaline metal hydroxide, forming drops with the gaseous known particularly as an aqueous Solution which attacks
chlorine to produce hypochlorous acid in vapor and particles microorganisms in the place where they are produced,
of Solid alkaline metal; a process where the molar ratio of the dependent on 02. In particular, it reacts modifying various
gaseous chlorine to the alkaline metal hydroxide is kept at high-density proteins (aminoacids, lipids) which are first
least 22:1, The process includes the formation of impure found in the plasma or the proteins of the plasmatic mem
chlorate in chlorinated alkaline metal particles. The brane, inhibiting Synthesis.
US 2004/0062818 A1 Apr. 1, 2004

0021 Hypochlorous acid is an unstable compound, 0032) Sodium hypochlorite 34.8-35.4%

highly reactive, the Strongest of the hypo halogenated acids
and one of the most powerful oxidating agents among 0033 Chlorine in solution 7-6.5%
chlorate oxacids. It is a weak acid with a dissociation 0034) Dissolved oxygen 10.5-8.1%
constant of 2.9+10-8 at 25 deg. C., it is stable in cold diluted 0035) The stability of the solution depends on:
and pure Solutions. The acid reacts with peroxide and gives
off oxygen. 0036) Chlorine concentration
0022 Half of the protein is highly toxic to cells; it 0037) pH of the solution
deactivates or inhibits Several Systems of the endoplasmatic 0038 Temperature of the solution
reticule carrier (transport of glucose, Several transporters of
amino acids, Na+/K-ATPase.) and generally causes harm to 0039) Exposure to light
Small molecules, making the cell inflate and Subsequently 0040. The spectrum shown by the composition of
causing cell death. hypochlorous acid is as follows:
0023. It can cause the death of highly resistant bacterial 0041) HIV
Spores, all types of Virus, macrobacterium with Serous
capsule (TB), all other vegetative bacteria and fungi in a 0042 Staphylococcus aureus
concentration of 0.2% compared to other high-level micro 0043 Hemolitic Streptococcus
bicide Substances Such as alkaline glutaraldehyde at 2% or
hydrogen peroxide. HOCl can damage isolated DNA, cell 0044) Coagulaze Staphylococcus (-Y+)
death precedes oxidation of DNA in whole cells, and the 0045 Enterobacter aerogenes
Sum of mieloperoxide inhibits induced oxygen peroxide
H2O2 and breaks down the DNA structure. 0046) Salmonella
0024 Chlorine concentrations of 0.25 which are effective 0047 Clostridium
bactericides for many microorganisms except microbacteria, 0048 Aspergillus flavus
which are 500 times more resistant. Organic material in
great part reduces antimicrobial activity of chlorine. 0049 Bacillus SPP
0.025. It is a bactericide agent which attacks microorgan 0050 Pseudomonas
isms at the place where they proliferate, prepared in the 0051 Pulmonary Klebsiella
immune System by nuclear polymorph neutrophiles which
migrate and adhere to the endothelial cells to act as a 0052 Escherichia Coli
mediator in inflammation, increasing the permeability of the 0053. The tissular action of the composition of hypochlo
vascular endothelium for cellular participation and to kill rous acid is particularly notable in three areas:
antigens. This Substance is produced by hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2), a chlorine ion, in reaction with the enzyme mielop 0054) 1. Antiseptic: direct germicidal action, like
eroxidase. any other chlorate. This action is a known and classic
0.026 Mieloperoxidase converts H2O2 into a reasonable
microbicidal agent and HOCl into an excellent one; at the 0055 2. Granulant: through a local increase in the
same time it diverts the genotoxic H2O2 into HOCl which repair cells, Since Studies have shown a local
is highly toxic for the tissue in a free protein System, but increase in fibroblasts.
which is considerably less toxic in vivo. 0056 3. Local increase in immunological activity;
0027. The composition of hypochlorous acid object of when the action of the granulosites is triggered
this patent of invention is a Solution of hypochlorous acid locally. It is well-known that the two principal
with a content of 17 g/l of available chlorine. The physical mechanisms of defense of the neutrophiles and other
properties are as follows: defensive cells are the production of oxidants which
fire off at the aggressor germ: peroxides and
hypochlorous acid.
Appearance Crystalline
Odor Characteristic of chlorine 0057 The composition of hypochlorous acid, object of
Chlorine (g/l) Max 16-18 this application for a patent of invention, in the field of
pH 5-6
Density (g/ml) 0.9-1-05 medicine, has its principal application in:
Solids None
ORP 1250-1450 mw 0.058 1.-Medical
0059) 1.2 Therapy
0028. The chemical composition is: 0060) 1.1.1 For antisepsis and granulation of infected
tissues, abscesses, cellulitis etc. With excellent results for
0029) Hypochlorous acid 6.5-7.3% curing infectious events of Subcutaneous cell tissue, whether
with open or closed tissue or with no wound.
0030) Hydrochloric acid 27.6-28.5%
0061 1.2.1 Ulcers on the lower limbs. The surface should
0031 Sodium chloride 13.6-14.2% remain in contact with the product
US 2004/0062818 A1 Apr. 1, 2004

0.062 1.3.1 Exposed surfaces and open cuts, in infected arterial/venous origin, Surgical wounds, prophylactic and
cavities Such as peritonitis and empyema therapeutic amputations, it being recommended that the
0.063 1.4.1 In infectious sinusitis and rhinitis affected Zone be kept damp with the liquid, for local use
0.064 1.5.1 Intra-articular for treatment of septic arthritis. 0082 Specific studies were performed on patients with
Use in orthopedic-OSSeous infectious events more prolonged use for kidney, liver and modular functions,
0065) 1.2 Prophlaxis without finding any alteration in these organs.
0066) a) Washing of clean and contaminated Surgical 0083. In addition there were toxicology studies, and no
wounds levels of hypochlorous acid were found in urine or blood.
0067 b) Local cleaning of the peritoneal cavity for 0084 Biopsies were evaluated by pathology, showing the
appendicitis and colecystitis, in rdumentary form effected described previously by other authors, of a local
0068 c) Antisepsis of Surfaces and elements increase in fibroblasts in comparison to patients not using
the composition.
0069 2. Non Medical 0085. The results were:
0070) 1. Antisepsis and sterilization of food 0086. As with the abdominal pathology, it is difficult
0.071) 2. Treatment of water and water supply systems. to Standardize on the basis of Size, depth, origin and
State of the ulcerations. Consideration was given to:
0087 Excellent/very good: 88%, where there was
0072) Abdominal Surgery full cure of the ulcers including refractory lesions
0.073 300 trials of the composition of hypochlorous acid from all prior treatment, infected wounds, trau
matic necrosis and ischaemias.
at 5000 ppm have been effected in the systematic washing of
Surgical wounds and of the peritoneal cavity, local or gen 0088 Fair: 12%, given by the appearance of
eralized. granulation tissue and reduction of the ulcerated
0.074 Wounds were evaluated, along with evolution by area, but without full closure or cure.
Swan's table of classification of infection of Surgical 0089. There were reactions considered adverse by
wounds. erythema of the skin of bronchial spasm in 1.5% but these
0075) The results were: ceased when use was Suspended in the first case.
0076 An average of 4 washes was required with 0090 Cultures and tests of inhibition for staphylococcus
only the hypochlorous acid composition, a laparo aureus, E. Coli and pseudomona were conducted and there
tomy closing was achieved with an average of 5-15 was full inhibition in the growth of all three bacteria when
washes adding hypochlorous acid to the culture agar and in the Petri
box, inhibition haloes.
0077 Cultures were negativized with the third wash
and 4 E Coli and 2 Pseudonomes were obtained. 1. Composition of Hypochlorous acid characterized
Neither re-laparotomy nor abscesses were necessary because it has the following chemical composition
0078. The index of infection of the Surgical wound Hypochlorous acid 6.5-7.3%
fell to 1.0% (10%-25% in different series) for appen
dicectomy in different Studies. Hydrochloric acid 27.6-28.5%
007.9 The results are detailed in the chart below: Sodium chloride 13.6-14.2%
Sodium hypochlorite 348-35.4%
Chlorine in Solution 7-6.5%
Without Localized Generalized
peritonitis peritonitis peritonitis Laparostomy Dissolved oxygen 10.5-8.1%
Edematose 60 2. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1 because
appendicitis it ahs the following physical properties:
Suppurative 92 58
Perforated 38 22 4
appendicitis pH 5-6
Perforated colon 3 Densitv (g/ml) 0.9-1-05
diverticulus Solids None
Multiple wound 1O 1O ORP 1250-1450 mw
Septic uterine 1.
perforation 3. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1 charac
terized because the amount of chlorine varies from 16 g/l to
0080 Vascular Pathology of Lower Limits 4. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1 charac
0081. Over 2090 cases were handled. The hypochlorous terized because Said Composition has medical application in
acid composition was used at 5% un ulcerous lesions of human beings, in therapy:
US 2004/0062818 A1 Apr. 1, 2004

a) For antisepsis and granulation of infected tissues, 7. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1 charac
abscesses, cellulitis etc. terized because Said composition has prophylactic uses in
Veterinary practice for:
b) Ulcers on the lower limbs
c) Exposed Surfaces and open cuts infected cavities Such a) Washing of clean and contaminated Surgical wounds
as peritonitis and empyema b) Antisepsis of Surfaces and elements.
d) In infectious sinusitis and rhinitis 8. Composition of hypochlorous acid in claim 1 charac
terized because Said composition has veterinary application
e) Intra-articular for treatment of Septic arthritis. in therapy:
5. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1 charac
terized because Said composition has medical application in a) for antisepsis and granulation of infected tissues,
humans, in prophylaxis: abscesses etc.
a) Washing of clean and contaminated Surgical wounds b) Ulcerations of all types.
b) Local cleaning of the peritoneal cavity for appendicitis 9. Composition of Hypochlorous acid in claim 1 charac
and cholecystitis, in rudimentary form terized because Said composition has applications in flower
c) Antisepsis of Surfaces and elements.
6. Composition of hypochlorous acid of claim 1, charac a) to disinfect crops
terized because the composition has applications in:
b) to eliminate fusarium and Sigatoka negra.
a. Antisepsis and Sterilization of food
b. Treatment of water and water Supply Systems.

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