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Justification of Australian Curriculum Links – Science Year 5

Australian Curriculum link/content descriptor Justification

Science Understanding In Ecosystem in a bottle, students learn about
Biological Sciences how to care for living things and the features
Living things have structural features and and adaptions needed to help their plant
adaptations that help them to survive in their survive.
environment The irrigation challenge, is a direct example of a
man-made adaption made so plants can survive
without rain for long periods of time.
Science Inquiry Skills Students can ask the Bundaberg fruit and
Questioning and predicting vegetable growers questions to clarify their
With guidance, pose clarifying questions and understanding and design choices in each
make predictions about scientific investigations design challenge.

Evaluating As students design, they will need to reflect on

Reflect on and suggest improvements to any mistakes they make to improve their
scientific investigations overall product and achieve an effective
irrigation system/ecosystem design.
Communicating In groups, students will communicate their
Communicate ideas, explanations and ideas with one another and after they have
processes using scientific representations in a created their designs, will explain what they
variety of ways, including multi-modal texts have achieved and how they achieved it. The
mini irrigation and ecosystems are scientific
representations of what they have been
learning about.
Science as a Human Endeavor Each design challenge is set up with a problem-
Use and influence of Science based scenario and the students are designing
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems the solution informing their personal
and inform personal and community decisions knowledge and possibly the community
decisions through the experts seeing their
designs and considering them on a larger scale.
Science Inquiry Skills Within each design challenge, students are
Planning and conducting practicing safe use of materials and equipment
Identify, plan and apply the elements of to solve the problems of the given scientific
scientific investigations to answer questions investigations into providing irrigation and a
and solve problems using equipment and sustainable ecosystem.
materials safely and identifying potential risks

Therefore, the STEM event covers each of these relevant year 5 science content descriptors for
students through completing the Irrigation and Ecosystem in a Bottle design challenges. This leads all
students towards achieving the relevant Year 5 Science Achievement standards:

Students analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments.
Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people’s lives, help us solve problems
and how science knowledge develops from many people’s contributions.

(Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2020)

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