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Then I heard the voice

of the Lord saying, ‘Whom

shall I send? And who will
go for us?’ Then I said,
‘Here am I, send me!’”
– Isaiah 6:8
“ Our Story”
Thank you for allowing us to share the opportunity we
have to serve the Lord with World Team in France.

T hose who were close to us took it in stride

when we announced our desire to go back into
full-time missions—this time as church planters in
In 2005 we were invited to attend
a prayer conference in Paris…
France with World Team as our sending agency.
In the mid 80’s we were part of Campus Cru-
Be careful what you pray for.
sade for Christ's art department. In 1989 Russell (And especially whom you pray with!)
accepted an offer to join Moody Bible Institute’s
During that conference hosted by World Team we
in-house ad agency as senior designer and staff il-
spent ten days travelling around the Paris area pray-
lustrator. When the department folded we returned
ing with French Christians. While there we learned:
to the freelance life. We continue to work for both
the secular and sacred communities. ◆ French evangelical believers make up only .6%
In addition to graphic design we also produce of the population.
pottery, and for the last ten years taught pottery,
◆ There is only one church for every 33,000
painting and drawing to children and adults out of
people in the country as a whole. In Paris the
our home in Olathe, Kansas.
number climbs to one church for approximately
80,000 people.
Q: Are you artists or missionaries?
◆ 83% of Parisians say they are Catholic. 40% say
A: Yes. they are atheists. 45% of them are Muslim. Those
Carol: I developed a thirst for missions in the Bap- numbers add up to only one thing—they need the
tist church I grew up in through involvement in the Savior.
Girl’s Auxiliary. For the last five years I've served as ◆ There is a generation rising in France that has
Women’s Ministry Program Director at Olathe Bible questions about spirituality and is hungry for
Church. My involvement in women's ministries has truth and fulfillment.
given me the chance to mentor several of the young-
er women there. Russell and I will continue to teach ◆ The believers that do already exist in France have
and mentor wherever God leads us. little to no religious training because there is no
access to the church.
RUSSELl: As a young boy, I struggled to explain my
very real calling as a pastor/missionary/artist to those ◆ More workers are needed. French Christians are
around me. My mother just heard the word "pastor" asking for help.
and was satisfied.
Prayer gets personal. As artists we resonate with the culture and will
I was ordained into the ministry in 1986 by my
seek to be invited into their art community. As fellow Christians we
fellow elders at Bales Baptist Church in Kansas City
resonate with the church planters who have been there for decades.
when we left to join Campus Crusade. Most recently
Now our goal is to be among the number of those we prayed for.
I served on the elder board of Olathe Bible Church
and taught in the Homebuilders young adult class.
Our spiritual gifts are Pastor/Shepherd, Teaching
and Hospitality.

How might we minister?
◆ We will be involved in planting a church within
the Paris metro area, which would include,
developing relationships, serving, sharing the
Gospel, teaching the Word, discipleship and
◆ Our giftedness as artists will be our ticket into
the culture. The French love the arts and can
be reached through them. As artists we will
have credibility and plan on getting involved
in various community arts programs.
◆ World Team is moving it's international head-
quarters to Paris. The professional skills we've
accumulated over the years will be called upon.
Russell will help World Team with graphic design.
◆ Organization and Administration are Carol's
gifts. She will help facilitate events such as prayer
conferences, internships, seminars, etc.
◆ Be open and receptive to any way the Lord
chooses to use us.

France V.I.E.
(Vision d’implantation d’eglises –
Vision for Planting Churches)
1. World Team is part of a larger organization of
evangelicals in France called France V.I.E.
2. Some of France V.I.E.’s goals are:
◆ To be multi-cultural teams
◆ Encourage other evangelical churches to re-
produce and multiply
◆ To see 50 new churches planted in the next
20 years
◆ To seek out new leadership and find 10 new
French church planters
◆ To establish 7 new pioneer works by 2011

“To glorify God by working together to establish reproducing
churches focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.”

Core Values:
◆ The Gospel – is the message we are called to share. It directs and shapes every
aspect of our lives and ministry.

◆ Prayer and Worship – are the expressions of our dedication to God and
our totally dependency upon Him to intervene in our lives and work.

◆ Interdependence – is the essence of our working together within the Body

of Christ expressed in teamwork and partnerships to extend God’s Kingdom.

◆ Developing and Releasing Leaders – is the most effective and

biblical means of preparing national leaders and missionaries for church planting
and church multiplication.

H. Grattan and Fanny Guinness started Regions Beyond Missionary Union -
today called World Team. Grattan offered to join the China Inland Mission founded
by Hudson Taylor in 1865, but took Taylor's advice to continue his work in London
training missionaries.
In March, 1873 they started the famous East London Missionary Training Institute
(also called Harley College) in London. By 1915 the school trained over 1500 mission-
aries for 40 missionary societies of 30 denominations.
Harley College was renamed Hulme Cliff College. Now known as Cliff College it
continues to this day training and equipping Christians for mission and evangelism.
In 1877 Guinness founded the Livingstone Inland Mission. In 1888, the Congo-
Baolo Mission, and in 1898 initiated the Regions Beyond Missionary Union. RBMU
North American branch began in 1947 in the US and Canada to represent the needs
of the British mission until 1977 when it became autonomous. RBMU merged with
Worldteam in 1995 and are now called World Team.
World Team's focus is church planting to unreached areas in 28 countries and 59
people groups around the world.


nd this gospel of the kingdom

will be preached in the whole world

as a testimony to all nations, and

then the end will come.”

– Matthew 24:14

Ways You Can Participate
◆ Pray!
“ …pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers
and request. With this in mind, always be alert and always keep
on praying for all the saints.” – Eph. 6:10

◆ Encourage!
“ We have different gifts according to the grace given us…if it is
encouragement, let him encourage.” – Rom. 12:6-10

◆ Give!
“…for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Cor. 9:7

◆ Go!
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” – Matt. 28:19

Contact US:
Russell & Carol Barr

World Team
1413 Stuckert Rd.
Warrington, PA 18976

Show them how
Tell them how
Allow them to try it
Review the results
Turn them loose

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