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1. Identify the Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs that influence a person’s safety.

B. nutrition

2.List the physical hazards in the environment that threaten a person’s safety.

A.Motor vehicle accidents

3.Define the following terms.


4. Identify the individual risk factors that can pose a threat to safety.

D. lack of safety or awareness

5.List the four major risks to patient safety in the health care environment.

a. Diagnostic testing errors

b. Medication Events

c. Patient Falls

d. Security incidents

16. Rationale: Lack of water can cause dehydration and can pose a threat to a persons body as
dehydration is an ambnormal depletulion of body fluids

17.ANSWER: d. Older adulthood


Older adulthood is the developmental stage that carries the highest risk of an injury from a fall
because of the physiological changes that occur during the aging process, which increase the pts. risk for
fall. In addition to that this is also the first step to maturity of the body and at this stage the body is
more vulnerable due to the changes.
18. ANSWER: c. Assist Mrs Field to a safe place


The nurse should use RACE to set priorities in case of fire rescue and remove all pts. in
immediate danger first. And make sure that the patient is in stable condition and is safe from any
dangers of the fire.

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