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3. Identify the factors that influence hygiene.

Hygiene is influence by so many factors cosidering tgat it concerns about cleanliness and being free from
disease. This factors are the following (a) Social Practice is one factor since your involvement with your
family, relatives and peers helps shapes your hygiene practices, (b) Personal Preference as we value
provacy we seek to desire our own personal hygiene, (c) Body Image as we ought to be subjective to our
body image this is one factor that influence our hygiene practice, (d) Socioeconomic Status hygiene kits
cost an amount and a person's capacity to provide for this hygiene needs is another influence to
hygiene, (e) Health Beliefs and Motivation our knowledge to hygiene is one to be always on check and
it is important to have as it will affect our hygiene practice, (f) Cultural Variables is another factor since
our cutural backgrounds may influence the way we practice hygiene, (g) Developmental Stages as we
age and our body develop it also requires changes on our hygiene practices that is appropriate for our
body that developed and lastly (h) Physical Condition because a person who is physically incapable to
practice hygiene is another factors to be considered knowing that not all of us capable enough physically

4. Assessment of skin includes

One process to assess skin is through performing physical assessment this includes assessment of skin
color, moisture, temperature, texture, mobility and turgor, and skin lesions.

5. Common skin problems can affect how hygiene is administered. Describe the hygiene provided for
the following:


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6.Identify the characteristics of the following foot and nail problems:


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7. Hallitosis is:
Chronic bad breath – is something that mints, mouthwash or a good brushing can’t solve. Unlike
“morning breath” or a strong smell that lingers after a tuna sandwich, halitosis remains for an extended
amount of time and may be a sign of something more serious.

8. Identify the characteristics of the following hair and scalp problems:


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9. Give examples of patients at risk for the following hygiene problems:


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10.List 5 possible nursing diagnoses that apply to patients in need of hygiene care. (a-e)

Their are many possible diagnosis concerning about a patients hygiene care and some of those are the

a. Activity intolerance

b. Bathing self-care deficit

c. Dressing self-care deficit

d. Impaired oral mucous membrane

e. Impaired physical mobility

11. Identify three expected outcomes for a patient diagnosed with cerebral vascular accident. (a- c).

Any functional or structural abnormality of the brain caused by pathological condition of the cerebral
vessels of the entire cerebrovascular system is person with a cerebral vascular accident and patients
with this condition is expected with the following outcome;
A.Patient will maintain usual/improved level of consciousness, cognition, and motor/sensory function.

B.Patient will demonstrate stable vital signs and absence of signs of increased ICP.

C.Patient will display no further deterioration/recurrence of deficits

12 and 13


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14. State 5 guidelines that nurse needs to follow regardless of the type of bath a-e.

There are guidluines that nurses are oblige to follow in terms of bathing regardless of what type
it is and thus are

(a) Provide Privacy a nurse should always maintain privacy to the patient as they ought to keep
it that way (b) Maintain Safety it is only right to make sure about the patients safety in all sorts (c)
Maintain Warmth its only important that a patient feels at ease in bathing and should not experience
any awkwardness

(d) Promote Independence patients should be taught to keep their independence in bathing

(e)Anticipate Needs its a prioroty to make sure that a patients needs is provided as it maintains their

15.Identify the patients at risk for skin breakdown in the perineal area. (a-b).

perineum is an anatomical region in the pelvis. It is located between the thighs, and represents the most
inferior part of the pelvic outlet. The perineum is separated from the pelvic cavity superiorly by the
pelvic floor.

a. Patients who have indwelling catheters

b. Patients recovering from rectal or genital surgery or childbirth.

16. Identify the benefits of back rub. (a-d).

Massage therapy is becoming more widely accepted in the medical community as a credible treatment
for many types of back pain and/or as an adjunct to other medical treatments one exampla for that is
back rub that has lots of benefits;

a.A backrub promotes relaxation, relieves muscular tension, and decreases

perception of pain.

b. Increased blood flow and circulation, which brings needed nutrition to

muscles and tissues.

c. Decreased tension in the muscles.

d. Increased endorphin levels the “feel good” chemicals in the brain

17. List the guidelines in a routine foot and nail care program. (a-g).

a. Inspect feet daily

b. Wash feet daily in lukewarm water by doing so the bacteria and fungi won't be staying into
your feet.

c. Wear well-fitting shoes and clean dry socks, never go barfoot to avoid dirts and stepping into
something that might causes an injury

d. Keep skin soft and smooth with emollient lotion it is to secire that it will always stay nourished
and not dry.

e. Trim toenails straight across and file edges smooth

f. Elevate feet and wiggle toes to exercise the muscle of your feet

g. Protect feet from hot and cold it may cause uneccessary smell if not.

18. Briefly explain the benefits of the following in relation to oral hygiene.

a. Brushing- Maintaining atleast three to two times a day of thorough brushing helps us to make our
teeth clean and safe from decays and cavities

b. Flossing- removes plaque and tartar between the teeth.

c. Denture care- Dentures need to be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid gingival infection and irritation
and to make sure our teeth is healthy enough.

19. Briefly describe the rationale for the following interventions.

a. Brushing and combing- Brushing and combing help keep the hair clean and distribute oil evenly along
hair shaft; they also prevent hair from tangling and it keeps the hair to look more beautiful and shiny.

b. Shampooing- Shampooing frequency depends on a person's daily routines and the condition of the
hair it is in consideration of the needs of the hair.

c. Mustache and beard beard care- Mustache and beard require daily grooming because of food
particles and mucus that collect on the hair.

20. Explain how shaving should be performed and provide a rationale.

Shave facial hair after the bath or shampoo; to avoid causing discomfort, gently pull the skin
taut and use short, firm razor strokes in the direction the hair grows. Being clean shaven may give the
male patients feeling dignified and identified.

21. Describe basic eye care for a patient.

The eyes have a vital role in helping us carry out our daily activities safely (Shaw, 2014). Light entering
the eye is converted into nerve impulses that are transmitted to the occipital region of the brain, where
they are converted into the images we see. Patients may present to hospital with pre-existing eye
conditions or need help to care for their eyes during a period of illness. Cleansing the eyes involves
simply washing with a clean washcloth moistened in water. Never apply direct pressure over the
eyeball because it causes serious injury. When cleansing the patient's eyes, obtain a clean
washcloth and cleanse from the inner canthus to the outer canthus. Use a different section of the
washcloth for each eye.
22. Describe each of the following techniques necessary in caring for an artificial eye.


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23. Describe the procedure of removing an impacted cerumen.

Before beginning the cerumen removal, ensure that the microscope and operator are optimally
positioned. The microscope should be positioned to provide the optimal view of the ear canal, and the
operator should be sitting comfortably and with a straight back

If space permits, use an instrument to remove the wax. A ring probe (Jobson Horne curette) may be
used to scoop the wax out; experienced practitioners may prefer to use a wax hook. If the cerumen is of
a harder consistency, attempt to push the wax away from the ear canal walls toward the middle and
then pull it out with a crocodile forceps.

If the wax is occlusive, use the large-bore suction (16 or 18 ga) device to remove the wax piecemeal. As
soon as the hair-bearing skin is passed, downsize the suction device to 20 ga or larger. As experience
grows, one develops a sense of the depth of the tympanic membrane, which allows for safe use of the
large-bore sucker closer to the tympanic membrane. But suctioning on the tympanic membrane with a
large-bore risks causing a perforation and significant discomfort to the patient and should be avoided.

Once the cerumen is cleared, reposition the microscope. This may reveal additional cerumen or
pathology, especially in the anterior recess or the attic area or if a mastoid cavity is present.

If the patient reports discomfort during the procedure, postpone the cerumen removal for 2 or more
weeks and encourage the patient to instill ear drops such as sodium bicarbonate (5%) ear drops twice
daily. Such drops soften the cerumen and make it easier to remove
24-26. Describe the following types of hearing aid:


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27. All of the ff will help maintain skin integrity in older adults except:

a Environmental air that is cold and dry

b. Use of warm water and mild cleansing agents for bathing

c. Bathing every other day

d. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day

Answer: a. Environmental air that is cold

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