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1. IVALUAlXOXi Discontinuities and defect* will be indicated by the retention of •agaatli

partial**. All *uoh indication* are not necessarily defect*, *ine*
exclusive surfsue roughness, magnetic permeability variation* (*ueh a*
at the edges of heat effected zone*), under-cut and machining mark* Bar
aleo produce sl«ll«r indleatlon*.
Jay Indication eugpecttd to b« non-relevant i» to be considered relevant
till it if proved othervl**.
Broad area* of particle accumulation vhieh could aaak indication* of
dicoontlnuitie* are unacceptable and thoae area* shall be cleaned and
Relevant indication* are thoae which results from unacceptable •echanioal
diaoontlnultle*. Linear Indications are those indication* in vhieh the
length Is More than three tiowc the width. Sounded indication* are those
indications with length lea* than three tlswss the width.
2. 4CCSPT1NCB The following relevant indications are unacceptablet
a) Any a rack or linear indication.
b) Rounded indication* with dlaenslons greater than 3 BUD for
thickness leas than 16 *n and greater than 5 on for
thickne** 16 on and greater.
a) Four or anre reunded indications inallne *tpar«ted by 1.5 an
or. loss, edga to edge.
d) Ten or more rounded indications in nxv.37-5 SS.CH at curfsoe
with the «s1or dimonsion of that area not to exceed 150 on with
the area taken in aost unfavourable location relative to th»
indication being evaluated.
•) Linear Indications which are ouapected to b* oracks or Ink of
fusion should be raooved by grinding until no further icdlaatlon
appears on retestlng by HPB.

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