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Economics Answers and Explanations October 2018

1. (c) The requirement is to predict the market price 9. (d) The requirement is to describe the effect on
based on an increase in both supply and demand. The demand for a good if a complementary good decreases
correct answer is (c) because without additional in price. If the price of a complementary good
information about the extent of the change, the effect decreases, demand for the joint commodity will
on price is not determinable. Answers (a), (b), and (d) increase. This is due to the fact that the total cost of
are incorrect because the price elasticity of the demand using the two products decreases. If demand for a
or supply function does not provide product increases the demand curve will shift to the
enough information to determine the effect. right. Therefore, answer (d) is correct. Answer (a) is
2. (a) The requirement is to describe the relationship incorrect because a shift in the demand curve to the left
shown by a supply curve. A supply curve illustrates the depicts a decrease in demand. Answers (b) and (c) deal
quantity supplied at varying prices at a point in time. with supply and are not relevant.
Therefore, the correct answer is (a). Answers (b) and 10. (d) The requirement is to identify a characteristic of
(c) are incorrect because they deal with demand. a product with price inelastic demand. The correct
Answer (d) is answer is (d) because price inelasticity means that the
incorrect because it deals with demand-supply quantity demanded does not change much with price
equilibrium. changes. This would be a characteristic of a good with
3. (a) The requirement is to apply the concept of few substitutes. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are
priceelasticity of demand. If demand is inelastic an characteristics of goods that have price elastic demand.
increase in price will increase total revenue. Answer (a) 11. (d) The requirement is to apply the concept of price
is correct because it accurately states this rule. Answer elasticity of demand. If substitutes for a good are readily
(b) is incorrect because if demand is inelastic the available then the demand for the good is more elastic.
quantity demanded will not be affected significantly by a Answer (d) is correct because there are many
change in price. Answer (c) is incorrect because if the substitutes for luxury goods. Answers (a), (b), and (c)
quantity demanded is not significantly affected by an are all considered to be necessities and demand for
increase in price, total revenue will increase. Answer (d) them is less elastic.
is incorrect because an increase in price may, or may 12. (a) The requirement is to identify the relationship
not, increase competition. between two products for which one has increased
4. (c) The requirement is to identify the reason for the demand when the other’s price increases. Answer (a) is
shift in demand. The correct answer is (c) because a correct. Substitute goods are selected by a consumer
shift in demand could result from a change in consumer based on price. When the price of one goes up, demand
tastes. Answer (a) is incorrect because this would result for the other increases. Answer (b) is incorrect because
in movement along the existing demand curve. Answer superior goods are those whose demand is directly
(b) is incorrect because a change in supply would not influenced by income. Answer (c) is incorrect because
affect the demand function. Answer (d) is incorrect complementary goods are used together and when the
because a decrease in price of a substitute would result price of one goes up, demand for the other goes down.
in a shift of the curve to the left. Answer (d) is incorrect because a public good is one for
5. (a) The requirement is to determine the effect of the which it is difficult to restrict use, such as a national
shift in the demand function on the price of the product. park.
The correct answer is (a) because the shift (increase) in 13. (b) The requirement is to calculate the marginal
demand will increase the price of the product. Answer propensity to save. Answer (b) is correct because the
(b) is incorrect because a shift of the demand curve to marginal propensity to save is the change in savings
the left would have to occur to decrease price. Answers divided by the change in income [($700 –
(c) and (d) are incorrect because the effect on price will $500)/($3,500 – $3,000) = .4]. Answer (a) is incorrect
not be to remain the same and it can be determined. because the average propensity to save would be
6. (c) The requirement is to identify the item that has an calculated by dividing the new savings by the new
inverse relationship with the demand for money. The income ($700/$3,500 = .2). Answer (c) is incorrect
correct answer is (c) because as interest rates increase because the marginal propensity to consume is the
the demand for money decreases. Answers (a), (b), and change in spending divided by the change in income
(d) are incorrect because they do not have an inverse [($2,800 – $2,500)/($3,500 – $3,000) = .6]. Answer
relationship with the demand for money. (d) is incorrect because the average propensity to
7. (a) The requirement is to describe the effect of an consume would be calculated by dividing the new
improvement in technology that leads to increased consumption by the new income ($2,800/$3,500 = .8).
worker productivity. If the cost of producing a good 14. (c) The requirement is to describe market conditions
declines, more will be supplied at a given price. in a competitive market when both demand and supply
Therefore, the supply curve will shift to the right and increase. In a competitive market, the market will
answer (a) is correct. Answer (b) is incorrect because a always clear at the equilibrium price. If there is an equal
shift to the left would result in decreased supplies. increase in both demand and supply, the equilibrium
Answer (c) is incorrect because price would not price may increase, decrease, or remain the same.
increase, and answer (d) is incorrect because wages However, there will be more units sold and, therefore,
would not necessarily increase. answer (c) is correct. Answers (a), (b), and (d) are
8. (b) The requirement is to identify the market feature incorrect because the equilibrium price may increase,
that is likely to cause a surplus of a particular product. decrease, or remain the same.
Answer (b) is correct because a price floor, if it is above 15. (d) The requirement is to calculate the marginal
the equilibrium price, will cause excess production and a propensity to consume. Answer (d) is correct because
surplus. Answer (a) is incorrect because a monopoly the marginal propensity to consume is calculated by
market is likely to be characterized by underproduction dividing the change in consumption by the change in
of the product. Answer (c) is disposable income. Therefore, the marginal propensity
incorrect because a price ceiling, if it is below the to consume would be .75 [($44,000 –
equilibrium price, will cause underproduction and $38,000)/($48,000 – $40,000)].
shortages. Answer (d) is incorrect because in a perfect 16. (b) The requirement is to determine the item that
market with no intervention demand and supply will be

will cause a shift in the supply curve. A shift in the that is likely to have an income elasticity coefficient of
supply curve may result from (1) changes in production 3.00. Answer (a) is correct because an income elasticity
technology, (2) changes or expected changes in coefficient of 3.00 indicates that demand for the good is
resource prices, (3) changes in the prices of other very sensitive to income levels. This is a characteristic of
goods, (4) changes in taxes or subsidies, (5) changes in a luxury good. Answer (b) is incorrect because while the
the number of sellers in the market, and (6) good may be complementary, it would have to be
expectations about the future price of the product. complementary to a luxury good. Answer (c) is incorrect
Answer (b) is correct because it identifies changes in because an inferior good’s coefficient will be negative.
production taxes, which will alter the supply curve. Answer (d) is incorrect because demand for a necessity
Answer (a) is incorrect because a change in the price of is not sensitive to income levels.24. (c) The requirement
the product involves movement along the existing is to calculate the price elasticity of demand for golf. The
supply curve, not a shift in the supply curve. Answers price elasticity of demand is calculated as the
(c) and (d) are incorrect because they identify changes percentage change in quantity divided by the
that result in a shift in the demand curve. percentage change in price. If the result is greater than
17. (d) The requirement is to identify the effects of one, demand is elastic; if it is less than one, it is
government regulation on a product. Government inelastic; and if it is equal to one, it is unitary elastic.
regulation increases the cost of the product and The regular weekday demand is elastic as calculated
therefore will most likely 180 Module 42: Economics, below.(80 – 70) ÷ [(80 + 70) ÷ 2]= 1.4
Strategy, and Globalizationresult in higher prices. Thus ($11 – $10) ÷ [($11 + $10) ÷ 2]
answer (d) is correct. Answer (a) is incorrect because The weekend demand is inelastic as calculated below.
the regulation has no relationship to consumption. (223 – 221) ÷ [(223 + 221) ÷ 2]
Answer (b) is incorrect because an increase in cost is = .03
not likely to result in a decrease in price. Answer (c) is ($20 – $15) ÷ [($20 + $15) ÷ 2]
incorrect because tax revenue will likely decline due to The senior citizen demand is elastic as calculated below.
the added production costs and reduced sales. (150 – 82) ÷ [(150 + 82) ÷ 2]= 2.05
18. (a) The requirement is to identify which of the ($8 – $6) ÷ [($8 + $6) ÷ 2]
situations indicate inelastic demand. Elasticity of The only statement that correctly defines these
demand is measured by the percentage change in the relationships is answer (c).
quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in 25. (c) The requirement is to identify the factor that
price. If the quotient is greater than one, demand for would cause the demand curve for a product to shift to
product is price elastic, and if it less than one, demand the left. Answer (c) is correct because a shift in the
for the product is price inelastic. A quotient of exactly demand curve to the left would be indicative of a
one indicates unitary elasticity. Answer (a) is correct decrease in demand for the product, and an increase in
because the price elasticity quotient is equal to 0.6 the price of a complementary commodity would cause
(3%/5%). Answer (b) is incorrect because the quotient such a shift. Answers (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect
is 1.5 (6%/4%). Answer (c) is incorrect because the because they would all potentially cause an increase in
quotient is 1 (4%/4%). Answer (d) is incorrect because demand, causing the demand curve to shift to the
the quotient is equal to 1.67 (5%/3%).19. (a) The right.
requirement is to describe the effect of an 26. (c) The requirement is to describe the effect of price
increase in wages on demand for labor. Answer (a) is ceilings. Price ceilings cause the price of a product to be
correct because, like any other good or service, if price artificially low resulting in decreased supply. The price is
is increased for labor, the demand will fall and below the equilibrium price as indicated by answer (c).
employment will fall. Answer (b) is incorrect because Answer (a) is incorrect because government price
setting a maximum wage will not allow workers to support is an example of a price floor. Answer (b) is
increase wages. Answer (c) is incorrect because firms incorrect because price ceilings create prices less than
may or may not change in size. Answer (d) is incorrect equilibrium prices. Answer (d) is incorrect because price
because supply will only decrease if the price of the ceilings create shortages, not surpluses.
product decreases. 27. (b) The requirement is to determine the immediate
20. (a) The requirement is to identify the market effects effect upon one product of an increase in the price of a
of a polluting manufacturer’s actions. Answer (a) is substitute good. The demand and price of substitute
correct because a polluting firm calculates its profits products are directly related. If the price of a good
without considering the costs of environmental damage increases, the demand for its substitute will also
and, as a result, prices its products too low. Answer (b) increase. Answer (b) is correct because it depicts this
is incorrect because the polluting manufacturer is relationship. Answer (a) is incorrect because the price of
producing too much, not too little output. Answer (c) is a product will not increase due to an increase in a
incorrect because the manufacturer reports too much, substitute product’s price. Answer (c) is incorrect
not too little profitability. Answer (d) is incorrect because the quantity supplied will not be impacted by an
because there is no direct relationship between the use increase in price of a substitute product. Answer (d) is
of equity versus debt financing and the externalities incorrect because even though the quantity demanded
involved in the production activities of the firm. will increase with an increase in price of a substitute
21. (b) The requirement is to describe the effects of a product, the price and supply will not be directly
government-mandated maximum price. If the affected.
government mandates a maximum price below the 28. (d) The requirement is to calculate the effect a
equilibrium price, the product will be selling at an decrease in the price of a substitute good has on
artificially low price resulting in shortages. Thus the demand for a good. Answer (d) is correct because if the
correct answer is (b). Answer (a) is incorrect because coefficient of crosselasticity is 2.00, a 5% decrease in
price floors result in surpluses. Answer (c) is incorrect price will result in a 10% (5% × 2.00) decrease in the
because price ceilings would probably result in more demand for Wilson’s product. Answers (a), (b), and (c)
demand. Answer (d) is incorrect because the market are incorrect because they misstate the relationship.
would be affected. 29. (d) The requirement is to calculate the price
22. (b) The requirement is to identify a valid reason for elasticity of demand for a product. Price elasticity using
government intervention in a wholesale market. Answer the arc method is calculated by dividing the percentage
(b) is correct because a valid reason for government change in quantity demanded by the percentage change
intervention is the lack of a competitive market. in price, using the average changes. In this case, price
Answers (a), (c), and (d) are incorrect because they elasticity is calculated below.
provide no indication that the market is not competitive. (150 – 100) ÷ [(150 + 100) ÷ 2]= 3.8
23. (a) The requirement is to identify the type of good ($50 – $45) ÷ [($50 + $45) ÷ 2]
Therefore answer (d) is correct.

30. (b) The requirement is to calculate the price purpose. The correct answer is (b) because opportunity
elasticity of demand. Answer (b) is correct because the cost is the benefit given up from not using the resource
formula for price elasticity is equal to the percentage for another purpose. Answer (a) is incorrect because
change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage economic efficiency is a comparison among uses of
change in price. In this case, the percentage change in resources. Answers (c) and (d) are incorrect because
price is 0.88 as calculated below. they involve comparisons across countries.
(225 – 200) ÷ [(225 + 200) ÷ 2]= .088 40. (c) The requirement is to calculate the total cost of
($40 – $35) ÷ [($40 + $35) ÷ 2] producing seven units. Total cost is equal to average
31. (b) The requirement is to identify the effect of a total cost multiplied by the number of units produced.
boycott on demand for a good. Answer (b) is correct Therefore, the correct answer is (c) because 7 × $36.86
because a boycott means less people are purchasing the = $258.02.
good. Therefore, demand is decreased. Answer (a) 41. (c) The requirement is to calculate marginal cost.
would not occur because, if anything, a decrease in Marginal cost is the additional cost of producing one
demand would lead to a decrease in price. Answer (c) is additional item. To calculate the marginal cost of
incorrect because demand does not affect supply. producing the ninth unit we take the total cost of
Answer (d) is incorrect because the elasticity of demand producing nine units and deduct the total cost of
for a good is determined by its nature. producing eight units. Thus, the correct
32. (c) The requirement is to identify the factor that is answer is (c) because (9 × $33.75) – (8 × $34.75) =
not likely to affect the supply of a good. Answer (c) is $25.75.
correct because changes in consumer income could 182 Module 42: Economics, Strategy, and Globalization
affect the demand for the good, but not its supply. 42. (a) The requirement is to calculate the average total
Answer (a) is incorrect because government subsidies cost at an output level of 11 units. Answer (a) is correct
reduce the cost of producing a good, and therefore, because the average total cost is calculated by dividing
affect supply. Answer (b) is incorrect because changes total cost by the number of units: [($1,000 fixed cost +
in technology can alter production costs, and therefore, $250 variable cost)/11] = $113.64.
affect supply. Answer (d) is incorrect because changes 43. (c) The requirement is to calculate the marginal
in production costs affect the supply of a good. physical product. The marginal physical product is the
33. (d) The requirement is to identify the effect on total additional output obtained by adding one additional
revenue of a decrease in price of a price-elastic product. worker. When one worker is added to a team of 10, five
Answer (d) is correct because if a product’s demand is (25 – 20) additional units are produced. Therefore, the
price-elastic, a decrease in price will lead to an even correct answer is (c).44. (c) The requirement is to
larger percentage increase in quantity demanded. calculate the marginal revenue per unit. The total
Therefore, total revenue will increase. Answers (a), (b), revenue of adding one additional worker to a team of 11
and (c) are incorrect because they do not describe the is equal to the difference between total revenue
appropriate effect. at 12 workers and total revenue at 11 workers, or $105
34. (a) The requirement is to identify the goods that are [(25 × $49) – (28 × $47.50)]. Answer (c) is correct
notcomplementary goods. Complementary goods are because the marginal revenue per unit is $35 = $105/3.
those that are used together because they enhance each Answer (d) is incorrect because it is the average selling
other’s use. Margarine and butter are substitute goods, price for one unit.45. (c) The requirement is to calculate
not complementary goods. Therefore, (a) is correct. the marginal revenue product when one worker is
Answers (b), (c), and (d) all are pairs of complementary added. The marginal revenue product is the increase in
goods. total revenue received by the addition of one worker.
35. (a) The requirement is to describe the law of The total revenue from adding one additional worker to
diminishing a team of 11 is equal to the difference between total
marginal utility. The law states that marginal utility revenue at 12 workers and total revenue at 11 workers,
declines or $105 [(25 × $49) – (28 × $47.50)]. Therefore
as consumers acquire more of a good. Therefore, answer (c) is correct.46. (d) The requirement is to
answer (a) is correct. Answer (b) is incorrect because define marginal revenue. The correct answer is (d)
total utility will not decline as more of a good is because marginal revenue is the change in total revenue
acquired. Answer (c) is incorrect because the demand associated with the sale of one more unit of output.
curve slopes downward. Answer (a) is incorrect because in a monopolistic
36. (b) The requirement is to identify the price elasticity competitive market, price is greater than marginal cost.
of an essential product with no substitutes. The correct Answer (b) is incorrect because marginal revenue is the
answer is (b). Demand for the product is perfectly increase in revenue associated with the sale of one
inelastic because the diabetic will purchase the product additional product. Answer (c) is incorrect because in a
regardless of the price.37. (c) The requirement is to purely competitive market, marginal revenue is equal to
define the implications of economies of scale. In the price.
long run firms may experience increasing returns 47. (d) The requirement is to identify the distinguishing
because they operate more efficiently. With growth characteristic of long-run supply. Answer (d) is correct
comes specialization of labor and related production because the distinguishing characteristic of the long-run
efficiencies related to the law of diminishing returns. production function is that all costs are variable.
This phenomenon is called economies of scale. Answer Answers (a) and (b) are incorrect because price and
(c) is correct because it accurately describes this output are determined by demand and supply. Answer
concept. Answers (a) and (b) are incorrect because they (c) is incorrect because firms can enter or exit the
describe inefficiencies. Answer (d) is incorrect because industry.
total costs do not decline but average costs do.38. (d) 48. (d) The requirement is to identify the main factor
The requirement is to identify the reason for that differentiates the short-run cost function from the
increasing returns. In the long run firms may experience long-runcost function. Answer (d) is correct because in
increasing returns because they operate more the short run firms have fixed and variable costs,
efficiently. With growth comes specialization of labor whereas in the long run all costs are variable. Answer
and related production efficiencies. This phenomenon is (a) is incorrect because all costs are variable in the long
called economies of scale and, therefore, answer (d) is run. Answer (b) is incorrect because the level of
correct. Answer (a) is incorrect because the law of technology will affect short-run and long-run cost
diminishing returns states that at some point firms get functions in a similar manner. Answer (c) is incorrect
too large and diminishing returns occur. Answer (b) is because changes in government subsidies will not affect
incorrect because opportunity cost is the benefit forgone an industry’s cost functions.
by the use of a particular resource. Answer (c) is
incorrect because comparative advantage deals with the
production choices of countries.
39. (b) The requirement is to identify the term used to
describe the benefit lost by using resources for a given
49. (a) The requirement is to describe how a large there is only one producer based on the economics of
required capital outlay affects a market. The correct the industry. Answer (d) is incorrect because an
answer is (a) because a large capital outlay constitutes oligopoly is an industry that has a few large producers
a barrier to entry into the market. Answer (b) is with barriers to entry.
incorrect because minimum efficient scale indicates that 57. (d) The requirement is to identify the item that is
a company must be of sufficient size to compete. This is not characteristic of perfect competition. In a perfectly
not indicated by the scenario. Answer (c) is incorrect competitive market there are a large number of small
because a created barrier is one created by the producers selling a standard product. Answer (d) is
competing firms. Answer (d) is incorrect becausethe correct because all sellers must sell at the industry
production possibility boundary shows the maximum price. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all characteristics of
combination of outputs that can be achieved with a perfect competition.
given number of inputs. 58. (a) The requirement is to describe the reason for the
50. (c) The requirement is to identify the type of kinked demand curve in an oligopolist market. An
economic market. The correct answer is (c) because an oligopolist faces a kinked demand curve because
oligopoly is characterized by a few firms in the industry. competitors will often match price decreases but are
Answer (a) is incorrect because a natural monopoly has hesitant to match price increases.Therefore, answer (a)
only one firm. Answer (b) is incorrect because a cartel is is correct. Answer (b) is incorrect because an oligopolist
a group of firms that have joined together to fix prices. does not face a nonlinear demand for its product.
Answer (d) is incorrect because monopolistic Answer (c) is incorrect because an oligopolist cannot
competition is characterized by a large number of firms sell its product for any price. Answer (d) is incorrect
selling similar but differentiated products. because consumer demand determines the demand
51. (d) The requirement is to identify the distinguishing curve in all markets.
characteristics of oligopolistic markets. The correct 59. (a) The requirement is to identify the impact of
answer is (d) because of the small number of suppliers consumer confidence upon the economy. Answer (a) is
in an oligopolistic market, the actions of one affect the correct because if consumer confidence falls then
others; there is mutual interdependence with regard to consumers will delay spending until the uncertainty is
pricing and output in an oligopolistic market. Answers resolved. The end result is a downturn in the economy.
(a) and (b) are incorrect because they describe Answers (b), (c), and (d) are incorrect because they do
monopolies. Answer (c) is incorrect because oligopolistic not properly state the relationship between consumer
markets typically have barriers to entry. confidence and the economy.
52. (a) The requirement is to identify the characteristic 60. (a) The requirement is to determine the marginal
that is not representative of monopolistic competition. propensity to consume given the multiplier. The
The correct answer is (a) because monopolistic multiplier refers to the fact that an increase in spending
competition is a market that has numerous sellers of has a multiplied effect on GDP. The effect of the
similar but differentiated products. Answers (b), (c), and multiplier can be estimated using the economy’s
(d) are incorrect because they are all characteristic of marginal propensity to consume, or vice versa. In this
monopolistic competition. case, the multiplier is 4 ($80/$20) and the marginal
53. (b) The requirement is to identify the market that is propensity to save is 25% (1.00/4). Therefore, answer
characterized by a few large sellers. Answer (b) is (a) is correct because the marginal propensity to
correct because it is the definition of an oligopoly. consume is one minus the marginal propensity to save,
Answer (a) is incorrect because a monopoly has a single or 75% (100% – 25%).61. (c) The requirement is to
seller of a product or service for which there are no identify a characteristic of the trough of a business
close substitutes. Answer (c) is incorrect because cycle. In the trough of a business cycle, actual output
perfect competition is characterized by many firms and income are below potential output and income.
selling an identical product or service. Answer (d) is Therefore, the correct answer is (c). Answer (a) is
incorrect because monopolistic competition is incorrect because purchasing power is not directly
characterized by many firms selling a differentiated related to business cycles. Answer (b) is incorrect
product or service. because in a recession it is cyclical unemployment that
54. (c) The requirement is to identify the different types is high, not natural unemployment. Answer (d) is
of economic markets. Answer (c) is correct because it is incorrect because potential income will exceed actual
the definition of perfect competition. Answer (a) is income.62. (c) The requirement is to describe the effect
incorrect because a monopoly has a single seller of a of a decrease in government spending on the economy.
product or service for which there are no close The government represents one segment of the
substitutes. Answer (b) is incorrect because an oligopoly economy that demands goods and services. If
is a form of market in which there are few large sellers government spending decreases, aggregate demand
of the product. Answer (d) is incorrect because decreases. Thus, answer (c) is correct. Answer (a) is
monopolistic competition is characterized by many firms incorrect because a decrease in government spending
selling a differentiated product or service. will result in a decrease in aggregate demand. Answers
55. (c) The requirement is to identify the definition of a (b) and (d) are incorrect because a decrease in
natural monopoly. The correct answer is (c) because a government spending will not immediately affect supply.
natural monopoly exists when, because of economic or 63. (d) The requirement is to define aggregate demand.
technical conditions, only one firm can efficiently supply The correct answer is (d) because aggregate demand is
the product. Answer (a) is incorrect because while the total amount of expenditures for consumer goods
owning natural resources may contribute to the and investment for a period of time. It includes
establishment of a natural monopoly, the firm would still purchases by consumers, businesses, government, and
have to be the best possible producer of the product. foreign entities.
Answer (b) is incorrect because a patent establishes a 64. (d) The requirement is to identify an item that would
government-created monopoly. Answer (d) is incorrect be included in GDP. Gross domestic product is the value
because if the government is the only provider, the of all final goods and services produced by the country
market is a government-created monopoly.Module 42: by both domestic and foreign-owned sources. Answer
Economics, Strategy, and Globalization 183 (d) is correct because common stock is not a good or
56. (c) The requirement is to identify the market service; it is an ownership interest in a company.
described as one with low barriers to entry and product Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all incorrect because they
differentiation. The correct answer is (c) because all represent the value of goods or services produced.
monopolistic competition is a market that is 65. (d) The requirement is to identify the indicator of an
characterized by a large number of small producers of a upturn in economic activity. Answer (d) is correct
differentiated product. Answer (a) is incorrect because a because a reduction in the amount of luxury purchases
monopoly has only one producer. Answer (b) is incorrect is an indicator of a downturn in economic activity.
because a natural monopoly is an industry in which Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all indicators of positive
economic changes.

66. (d) The requirement is to identify a leading indicator cause a decrease in money supply. The correct answer
of economic expansion. Answer (d) is correct because is (c) because an increase in the reserve requirement
an increase in weekly hours worked by production will leave financial institutions with less money to lend
workers is a favorable leading indicator. Answer (a) is and therefore decrease the money supply. Answers (a),
incorrect because a falling money supply is an indicator (b), and (d) are incorrect because they would all result
associated with falling GDP. Answer (b) is incorrect in an increase in the money supply.
because a decline in the issuance of building permits 74. (c) The requirement is to identify how the Federal
signals lower expected building activity and a falling Reserve Board mostdirectly influences the decision of
GDP. Answer (c) is incorrect because an increase in the whether or not to issue debt or equity financing. Answer
timeliness of delivery by vendors indicates slacking (c) is correct because the Board sets the discount rate
business demand and potentially falling GDP. at which the Federal Reserve Bank lends money to
67. (d) The requirement is to identify the definition of member banks, which directly influences the rates that
disposable income. Answer (d) is correct because commercial banks charge their customers. Answer (a) is
disposable income equals personal income minus incorrect because the Board does not affect the income
personal taxes. It is the portion of income that can be tax rate. Answers (b) and (d) are incorrect because the
spent by the consumer. Answer (a) is incorrect because Federal Reserve Bank charges member banks the
gross domestic product less the capital cost allowance is discount rate.
net domestic product. Answer (b) is incorrect because 75. (d) The requirement is to identify the effects of a tax
net domestic product minus indirect business taxes plus increase. Answer (d) is correct because a tax increase
net income earned abroad is national income. Answer reduces household income and, therefore, reduces
(c) is incorrect because disposable income is not spending and decreases aggregate demand.
measured by deducting transfer payments from personal 76. (b) The requirement is to describe an expansionary
income. monetary policy. The correct answer is (b) because
68. (c) The requirement is to identify the primary reason purchasing US securities would increase the amount of
for allowing legal immigration into industrial nations. money in the economy. Answer (a) is incorrect because
Answer (c) is correct because immigration will increase raising the reserve requirement would decrease the
the supply of labor and lower its equilibrium price. This amount of money in the economy. Answer (c) is
results in greater domestic and world output and incorrect because raising the discount rate would
increases income in the country to which workers discourage borrowing by banks and therefore reduce the
migrate. Answer (a) is incorrect because the impact on amount of money in the economy. Answer (d) is
trade deficit is less than that on growth. Answers (b) incorrect because both of the actions would tend to
and (d) are incorrect because trade agreements and reduce the money supply.
political agreements are not primary reasons. 77. (a) The requirement is to define the reserve ratio.
69. (a) The requirement is to identify a lagging The reserve ratio is the percentage of total checking
economic indicator. Lagging indicators include (1) deposits that a financial institution must hold on reserve
average duration of unemployment in weeks, (2) the in the central bank. Thus, the correct answer is (a).
change in the index of labor cost per unit of output, (3) Answer (b) is incorrect because it is the description of
the average prime rate charged by banks, (4) the ratio the discount rate.
of manufacturing and trade inventories to sales, (5) 78. (b) The requirement is to identify the most
commercial and industrial loans outstanding, (6) the important way that the money supply is controlled. The
ratio of consumer installment credit outstanding to correct answer is (b). The purchase and sale of
personal income, and (7) the change in the CPI for government securities (open-market operations) is the
services. Answer (a) is correct because chronic most important way that the government controls the
unemployment is a lagging indicator. Answers (b), (c), money supply. Answers (a) and (d) are incorrect
and (d) are incorrect because they are all leading because, while they are instruments of monetary
indicators. policy, they are not the most important ways of
70. (d) The requirement is to identify the true statement controlling money supply. Answer (c) is incorrect
about government borrowing to finance large deficits. because it describes an instrument of fiscal policy.
The correct answer is (d) because increased borrowing 79. (d) The requirement is to define how the
by the government increases the demand for money, government uses fiscal policy to stimulate the economy.
which puts upward pressure on interest rates. Answer To stimulate the economy with fiscal policy, the
(a) is incorrect because government borrowing reduces government would lower taxes and/or increase
the amount of lendable funds; it does not increases spending. Therefore, the correct answer is (d). Answer
them. Answer (b) is incorrect because government (a) is incorrect because raising taxes does not stimulate
borrowing exerts upward pressure on interest rates not the economy. Answer (b) is incorrect because
downward pressure. Answer (c) is incorrect because decreasing government spending does not stimulate the
government borrowing puts upward pressure on economy. Answer (c) is incorrect because increasing the
interest rates. money supply involves monetary policy.
71. (d) The requirement is to describe the effects of 80. (c) The requirement is to define the federal budget
rising inflation. Answer (d) is correct because rising deficit. The federal budget deficit is the amount by
inflation increases the price level of goods, which means which the government’s expenditures exceed its
that individuals can purchase less. Answer (a) is revenues in a given year. Thus, answer (c) is correct.
incorrect because individuals that receive specific Answer (a) is incorrect because it defines the
amounts of money lose purchasing power. Answer (b) is government debt. Answer (b) is incorrect because state
incorrect because there is an inverse relationship and local government amounts are not included in the
between price level and purchasing power. Answer (c) is federal budget deficit. Answer (d) is incorrect because
incorrect because if the contracts have indexing the deficit does not deal with assets and liabilities of the
provisions, the prices will increase. government.
72. (d) The requirement is to describe the mosteffective 81. (a) The requirement is to identify the tool that would
fiscal policy for reducing demand-pull inflation. serve to control inflation. Answer (a) is correct because
Demandpull inflation is caused by excess demand that selling government securities serves to reduce capital
bids up the cost of labor and other resources. The available for other investments and, therefore, serves to
correct answer is (d) because the most effective contract the economy. Answer (b) is incorrect because
government policy would involve reducing demand that lowering reserve requirements serves to increase the
could be done by taxation and reduced government amount of funds available for investment. Answer (c) is
spending. Answer (a) is incorrect because it involves incorrect because lowering the discount rate serves to
monetary policy. Answers (b) and (c) are incorrect decrease the cost of funds and increase investment.
because increasing government spending would feed Answer (d) is incorrect because encouraging higher tax
demandpull inflation. rates is a fiscal policy.
73. (c) The requirement is to identify an action that will 82. (a) The requirement is to determine the reason for

the importance of the multiplier. The multiplier provides of a deflationary economy. The correct answer is (a)
an indication of the impact of an increase in because businesses are hesitant to make investments
consumption or investment in GDP. An increase in when the prices of assets are declining. Answer (b) is
spending ripples through the economy because incorrect because consumers are hesitant to make
individuals and business save only a portion of the major purchases when prices are declining. Answer (c)
increase in income. Therefore, the correct answer is (a). is incorrect because interest rates are very low in
83. (a) The requirement is to identify the purpose of a periods of deflation. Answer (d) is incorrect because
tax rebate. Answer (a) is correct because increasing the when actual GDP exceeds potential GDP inflation will
amount of funds available to the consumer increases exist.
disposable income that should stimulate economic 90. (a) The requirement is to identify the factor that
activity. Consumers will spend the additional funds and explains the difference between real and nominal
correspondingly expand the economy. Answers (b), (c), interest rates. Real interest rates are in terms of goods;
and (d) are erroneous statements about the effects of they are adjusted for inflation. The difference between
the rebate. real and nominal rates is the inflation premium. Thus,
84. (c) The requirement is to identify the definition of answer (a) is correct. Answers (b) and (c) are incorrect
structural unemployment. Answer (c) is correct because because credit risk and default risk explain the
structural unemployment exists when aggregate difference between the nominal rate and the rate a
demand is sufficient to provide full employment, but the particular borrower receives. Answer (d) is incorrect
distribution of the demand does not correspond because market risk explains the difference between the
precisely to the composition of the labor force. This form nominal rate and the rate paid in a particular market.
of unemployment arises when the required job skills or 91. (c) The requirement is to identify the statement that
the geographic distribution of jobs changes. Answer (a) isnottrue regarding international trade. Answer (c) is
is incorrect because frictional unemployment results correct because absolute advantage is the ability to
from imperfections in the labor market. It occurs when produce a product for less than other nations.
both jobs and workers to fill them are available. Answer Comparative advantage is the ability of one nation to
(b) is incorrect because cyclical unemployment is caused produce at a relatively lower opportunity cost than
by contractions of the economy. Answer (d) is incorrect another nation. Answers (a), (b), and (d) are all
because the full-employment unemployment rate is the incorrect because they are true.
sum of frictional and structural unemployment. 92. (a) The requirement is to describe the effect of an
85. (a) The requirement is to identify the nature of the increase in the interest rate on a currency’s value. The
producer price index. Answer (a) is correct because the correct answer is (a) because if the interest rate is
price index measures the combined price of a selected increased investors will be able to get a larger return on
group of goods and services for a specified period in investment in the country. Therefore, demand for the
comparison with the combined price of the same or currency will increase for investment purposes, and the
similar goods for a base period. The US government’s relative value of the currency will increase.
producer price index (PPI) is an example. It measures 93. (b) The requirement is to identify the group that
the price of a basket of 3,200 commodities at the point would most benefit from a tariff. The correct answer is
of their first sale by producers. Answer (b) is incorrect (b) because a tariff restricts the amount of imports of a
because the export price index measures price changes specific good, and the group most benefiting would be
for all products sold by domestic producers to the domestic producers of that good. Answers (a), (c),
foreigners. Answer (c) is incorrect because the import and (d) are incorrect because these groups would not
price index measures price changes of goods purchased benefit from the tariff.
from other countries. Answer (d) is incorrect because 94. (a) The requirement is to identify the description of
the consumer price index measures the price of a fixed comparative advantage. Answer (a) is correct because
market basket of goods purchased by a typical urban the respective opportunity costs determine which
consumer. country will produce which product. Answer (b) is
86. (a) The requirement is to identify the formula for incorrect because profit margins do not enter into the
calculating a price index. Answer (a) is correct because decision. Answer (c) is incorrect because economic order
the 2013 price index using 2008 as a reference period is quantity determines optimum inventory levels. Answer
the price of the 2013 market basket in 2013 relative to (d) is incorrect because tariffs would 186 Module 42:
the price of the same basket of goods in 2008. The Economics, Strategy, and Globalizationonly come into
correct formula is Price of market basket in a given year play after each country produced its respective
× 100Price of same market basket in base year products.
Answer (b) is incorrect because the 2008 market basket 95. (c) The requirement is to identify the scenario that
is used. Answer (c) is incorrect because it uses two would result in appreciation in the value of a country’s
different market baskets. Answer (d) is incorrect currency. The correct answer is (c) because the lag in
because it uses the 2008 prices in the numerator and imports in relation to exports means that there will be
the denominator and different market baskets. more demand for the currency from other countries to
87. (d) The requirement is to describe the discount rate. pay for the country’s exported goods. Answer (a) is
The correct answer is (d) because the discount rate is incorrect because if the country is importing goods this
the rate the central bank charges commercial banks for will increase demand for other currencies and cause the
loans. Answer (a) is not correct because it describes the country’s currency to decline in relative value. Answer
reserve requirement. (b) is incorrect because a higher rate of inflation
88. (c) The requirement is to identify which of the depresses a country’s currency. Answer (d) is incorrect
statements is true about deflation. Answer (c) is correct because lower interest rates means there will be less
because deflation results in very low interest rates. They demand for the currency for investment.96. (c) The
could even turn negative. Answer (a) is incorrect requirement is to identify the effect of a decline in the
because consumers are not motivated to borrow money US dollar. The correct answer is (c) because US goods
because they will be paying back the debt with money will be cheaper in foreign countries and, therefore, US
that has greater purchasing power. Answer (b) is exports will increase. Answer (a) is incorrect because
incorrect because businesses are hesitant to make foreign currencies will appreciate if the dollar
investments because prices for capital goods are depreciates. Answer (b) is incorrect because the US
declining. Answer (d) is incorrect because deflation balance of payments should improve due to the increase
typically stalls the economy. in exports. Answer (d) is incorrect because US imports
89. (a) The requirement is to identify the characteristics will decline because of the increase in cost of foreign
goods in dollars.

97. (c) The requirement is to describe how exchange 107. (c) The requirement is to compute the foreign
rates are determined. The correct answer is (c) because exchange loss or gain. The correct answer is (c) because
exchange rates are determined in the same way price is before the decline in value, the receivable had a value of
determined for other goods, based on demand and $18,000 (10,000 × $1.80), and after the decline in
supply. Answers (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect because value, the receivable had a value of $17,500 (10,000 ×
while they can have a temporary influence on exchange $1.75). Therefore, the loss is equal to $500. Answers
rates, supply and demand is the major determining (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect because they inaccurately
factor. calculate the loss.
98. (b) The requirement is to determine the effect of 108. (c) The requirement is to identify the appropriate
changes in exchange rates. Answer (b) is correct hedging strategy. The correct answer is (c) because by
because the dollar’s value has declined against the mark selling euros in the futures market, the firm has locked
and therefore German goods become more expensive. in the exchange rate today. Answer (a) is incorrect
Answer (a) is incorrect because the German mark has because lending euros puts the company at greater risk
appreciated against the dollar. Answer (c) is incorrect for changes in value of the euro. It would need to
because the dollar will buy less in Germany. Answer (d) borrow euros to lock in the exchange rate. Answer (b) is
is incorrect because US exports to Germany should incorrect because it involves the purchase of euros; the
increase because they are less expensive in German appropriate strategy would involve the sale of euros.
marks. Answer (d) is incorrect because the purchase of euros
99. (c) The requirement is to identify the most on the spot market would put the firm more at risk to
restrictive barrier to an exporting country. The correct losses from decline in the value of the euro.
answer is (c) because an embargo is a total ban on 109. (b)The requirement is to identify hedging
certain types of imports. Answer (a) is incorrect because strategies that are notappropriate for political risk.
a tariff is merely a tax on imports. Answer (b) is Political risk is the risk related to actions by a foreign
incorrect because quotas are merely restrictions on the government, such as enacting legislation that prevents
amounts of imports. Answer (d) is incorrect because the repatriation of a foreign subsidiary’s profits or
exchange controls are limits of the amount of foreign seizing a firm’s assets. Answer (b) is correct because
exchange that can be transacted or exchange rates. purchasing or selling futures contracts is designed to
100. (d)The requirement is to identify the item that does hedge transaction risks relating to foreign exchange
notdescribe a foreign exchange control. Answer (d) is rates. Answer (a) is incorrect because a firm can
correct because requiring a market-driven (floating) purchase insurance to mitigate political risk. Answer (c)
exchange rate involves no controls on the market. All is incorrect because if the firm finances the investment
others describe ways of controlling foreign exchange. with local-country capital, it may not be forced to repay
101. (b)The requirement is to identify the item that the loans if assets are seized by the government.
describes a dumping pricing policy. Answer (b) is correct Answer (d) is incorrect because by entering into joint
because a dumping pricing policy involves sales of goods ventures with local-countryfirms, the firm can reduce
by a company of one country in another country at a the risk of seizure of the investment by the government.
price that is lower than its cost or significantly lower 110. (c) The requirement is to describe how patents
than the price charged in the company’s country. affect markets. The correct answer is (c) because a
102. (a)The requirement is to identify the item that patent prevents another firm from coming into a market
describes an appropriate response by importing country and selling the same or a very similar product.
to export subsidies. Answer (a) is correct because Therefore, it is a barrier to entry into the market.
countervailing subsidies is an appropriate response, as Answer (a) is incorrect because vertical integration
they serve to offset the export subsidies. refers to expansion into another phase of producing the
103. (c) The requirement is to identify the item that same product. Answer (b) is incorrect because market
describes a pegged exchange rate. Answer (c) is correct concentration refers to how many firms compete in the
because a pegged exchange rate is one that is kept from market. Answer (d) is incorrect because collusion refers
deviating far from a range or value by the central bank. to firms acting collectively to control the market.
104. (a)The requirement is to calculate the forward 111. (c) The requirement is to estimate the short-term
premium or discount on the euro. Answer (a) is correct and long-term effects of an increase in demand in a
because the premium or discount is calculated as perfectly competitive market. Answer (c) is correct
follows:PremiumorDiscount=Forward rate – because in the short term the price of the product will
Spot rate increase but in the long term it will return to the
× equilibrium price for the market. Answers (a), (b), and
Months (or days) in (d) are incorrect because the long-term price will not
year likely increase.
Spot rate Months (or days) in 112. (d) The requirement is to identify the ultimate
forward period purpose of competitor analysis. Answer (d) is correct
= because the ultimate purpose of competitor analysis is
$1.367 – $1.364 to understand and predict the behavior of a major
× competitor. Answer (a) is not a part of competitor
12 analysis. Answers (b) and (c) are part of competitor
$1.364 3 analysis but not the ultimate purpose.
= 0.88% premium 113. (c) The requirement is to identify the item that
105. (a)The requirement is to identify the effect of is not an important aspect of supply chain management.
negative net exports. Answer (a) is correct because Supply chain management is primarily designed to
when a country has negative net exports, it imports manage the firm’s relationships with suppliers by
more than it exports. Therefore, it results in a net flow sharing key information all along the supply chain. The
of goods from firms in foreign countries to the domestic correct answer is (c) because the area of customer
country.106. (d)The requirement is to identify the factor relations is not a primary focus of supply chain
that is leastlikely to affect a country’s currency foreign management. Answer (a) is incorrect because
exchange rate. Answer (d) is correct because the information technology is used extensively to share
country’s tax rate is least likely to affect the country’s information electronically. Answer (b) is incorrect
currency exchange rate. Answers because accurate forecasts are essential to effective
(a), (b), and (c) are incorrect because they are all supply chain management. Answer (d) is incorrect
factors that affect the value of the country’s currency. because communication is the basis for supply chain
114. (d) The requirement is to identify the type of

organization that would mostlikely engage in public because objective setting involves establishing short-
relationstype advertising. Firms that have monopolies termgoals.
are more likely to engage in public relations-type 124. (c) The requirement is to identify the least
advertising to forestall additional regulation. Therefore, important measure of unemployment in predicting the
the correct answer is (d).115. (b) The requirement is to future state of the economy. Answer (c) is the correct
identify target market analysis. The correct answer is answer because frictional unemployment measures the
(b) because target market analysis involves obtaining a temporary unemployment that always exists as workers
thorough understanding of the market in which the firm change jobs or new workers enter the workforce.
sells or plans to sell its product or services. Answer (a) is incorrect because structural
116. (c) The requirement is to identify an unlikely unemployment measures the workforce that is
market unemployed due to a mismatch in job skills. Significant
segmentation dimension for business customers. Answer amounts of structural unemployment can drag down the
(c) economy. Answer (b) is incorrect because cyclical
is correct because lifestyle is a possible individual unemployment measures the workforce that is
customer market segmentation dimension for unemployed due to economic conditions. Answer (d) is
individuals, not businesses. Answers (a), (b), and (d) incorrect because overall unemployment includes the
are incorrect because they all represent possible workforce that is unemployed for all reasons.
dimensions for business customer segmentation. 125. (a) The requirement is to identify the steps
117. (b) The requirement is to identify the percentage of involved in performing competitor analysis. Answer (a)
variance in quantity demanded explained by price. is correct because competitor analysis is designed to
Answer (b) is correct because the adjusted R squared predict the behavior of major competitors. Answers (b)
(.72458) measures the percent of the variance in the and (c) are incorrect because they describe aspects of
dependent variable explained by the independent industry analysis. Answer (d) is incorrect because it
variable. Answer (a) is incorrect because it is the describes aspects of general environment and industry
Multiple R that is the coefficient of correlation. Answer analyses.
(c) is incorrect because it is the intercept that is used in 126. (d) The requirement is to identify the item that is
the equation to predict quantity. Answer (d) is incorrect not a way in which companies in developed countries
because it is the standard error that measures the can generally compete with companies in developing
standard deviation of the estimate of quantity. countries. Answer (d) is correct because developing
118. (a) The requirement is to calculate the predicted countries typically have low-costresources. Answers (a),
quantity demanded. The correct answer is (a) because (b) and (c) are incorrect because they all represent
the ways that a company in a developed country may
formula is compete with companies from developing countries.
Quantity demanded =a+ bx
= 56,400.50 + (7.00 x– 4,598.2)
= 24,213.
119. (d) The requirement is to identify the item that is
notone of the forces in Porter’s model for industry
analysis. The correct answer is (d) because
consideration of general economic conditions is not part
of industry analysis. Answers (a), (b), and (c) are
incorrect because the five forces include the threat of
new entrants, the bargaining power of customers,
the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of
substitute products or services, and the rivalry of the
firms in the market.
120. (a) The requirement is to identify the defining
characteristic of supply chain management. The correct
answer is (a) because a key aspect of supply chain
management is the sharing of key information from the
point of sale to the consumer back to the manufacturer,
the manufacturer’s suppliers, and the supplier’s
suppliers. Answer (b) is incorrect because it is the focus
of process reengineering. Answer (c) is incorrect
because it is the focus of total quality management.
Answer (d) is incorrect because strategic alliances
involve joint ventures and partnerships.
121. (d) The requirement is to identify an unlikely
strategy for a firm in a purely competitive market. The
correct answer is (d) because in a purely competitive
market firms compete based on price, and developing a
brand name is a product differentiation strategy.
Answers (a), (b), and (c) are all cost leadership
strategies and appropriate for a firm in a purely
competitive market.
122. (c) The requirement is to identify the purpose of a
response profile. The correct answer is (c) because a
response profile is a description of possible actions that
may be taken by a competitor in varying circumstances.
Answers (a), (b), and (d) all involve aspects of industry
123. (b) The requirement is to define the process of
dividing all potential consumers into smaller groups of
buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors.
Answer (b) is correct because this describes market
segmentation. Answer (a) is incorrect because strategic
planning involves deciding on the appropriate strategic
initiatives for a period. Answer (c) is incorrect because
product positioning involves deciding on a strategy for a
particular product. Answer (d) is incorrect

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