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Your Counselor: [Ms.

Your Counselor: [Ms. Sicknick Sicknick was able to keep

Timestamp explained the information clearly] my attention]
2/18/2020 10:11:39 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 10:14:13 Strongly agree Neutral
2/18/2020 10:16:59 Agree Agree
2/18/2020 10:52:00 Agree Agree
2/18/2020 10:52:08 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 10:54:20 Agree Agree
2/18/2020 11:38:29 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 11:45:22 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 11:45:28 Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
2/18/2020 11:46:28 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 11:53:51 Agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 12:04:15 Strongly agree Agree
2/18/2020 12:19:26 Strongly agree Agree
2/18/2020 12:20:49 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 12:31:45 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 14:52:27 Agree Agree
2/18/2020 15:34:48 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 15:45:18 Neutral Neutral
2/18/2020 16:20:41 Strongly agree Agree
2/18/2020 17:06:19 Neutral Neutral
2/18/2020 17:45:17 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 17:58:28 Strongly agree Agree
2/18/2020 18:08:24 Agree Agree
2/18/2020 18:33:43 Agree Neutral
2/18/2020 18:45:55 Agree Strongly agree
2/18/2020 20:55:31 Agree Strongly agree
2/19/2020 7:38:39 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/19/2020 19:13:43 Strongly agree Neutral
2/19/2020 19:53:01 Agree Agree
2/20/2020 0:34:22 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/20/2020 8:33:48 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/20/2020 11:55:38 Agree Strongly agree
2/20/2020 17:59:03 Agree Agree
2/20/2020 18:05:46 Strongly agree Agree
2/21/2020 21:37:03 Strongly agree Strongly agree
2/24/2020 18:43:13 Agree Neutral
3/2/2020 9:01:11 Strongly agree Agree
3/2/2020 10:35:02 Agree Agree
3/2/2020 10:35:07 Neutral Strongly disagree
3/2/2020 10:36:59 Agree Agree
3/2/2020 10:56:11 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 11:25:23 Strongly agree Agree
3/2/2020 12:22:57 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 12:29:36 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 15:47:44 Agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 16:33:13 Strongly agree Agree
3/2/2020 16:48:17 Agree Agree
3/2/2020 19:24:33 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 19:37:41 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 21:42:57 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/2/2020 21:44:37 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/3/2020 7:39:07 Agree Agree
3/3/2020 11:00:06 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/3/2020 12:28:56 Agree Strongly agree
3/3/2020 12:30:50 Strongly agree Agree
3/3/2020 15:00:41 Strongly agree Strongly agree
3/3/2020 17:30:45 Strongly agree Agree
3/21/2020 16:11:22 Strongly agree Strongly agree
Your Counselor: [I know The Presentation: [This
where to find Ms. Sicknick Your Counselor: [Ms. presentation will be The Presentation: [The
if I need to ask her a Sicknick is helpful when/if helpful to me for when I presentation kept my
question] I ask questions] choose my HHS classes] attention]
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Neutral Strongly agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral
Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Disagree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Neutral Strongly agree Neutral
Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral Agree
Agree Neutral Agree Neutral
Agree Agree Agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly disagree
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Disagree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Disagree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree
Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
The Presentation: [The
The Presentation: [The The Presentation: [The Google form (where I can
The Presentation: [I topics were relevant to documents Ms. Sicknick ask questions about the
enjoyed the presentation] me] gave me were helpful] presentation) was helpful]
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Neutral Agree Neutral Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Neutral Strongly agree Neutral
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Neutral Agree Agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Neutral
Neutral Neutral Agree Agree
Neutral Agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral
Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral
Neutral Agree Agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
You: [I feel like I learned
new information about the
You: [I feel like I can ask You: [I feel prepared to You: [I feel prepared to high school from this
my counselor for help] choose my electives] talk to my HHS counselor] presentation]
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Neutral Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Strongly agree Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Agree Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Agree
Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly agree
Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Neutral Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Neutral Agree
Disagree Neutral Strongly disagree Neutral
Neutral Neutral Neutral Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Disagree Disagree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Disagree Neutral Agree
Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Neutral Agree Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Take Away [I received a Take Away [I know where Take Away [I know how to
Program of Studies Take Away [I know what to find my graduation read/understand the
packet] an elective is] requirements] course descriptions]
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Agree
Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Neutral Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Disagree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Neutral
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Neutral Neutral
Agree Agree Neutral Agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Agree Agree Agree Neutral
Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
Take Away [I know what What did you wish Ms.
is needed from me to earn Sicknick talked more What did you like about What did you not like
credits] about? the presentation? about the presentation?
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Agree I'm still confused on the sc I liked the visuals.
Agree None The explaination of credits.None
Strongly agree
Strongly agree How to double up It explained the information well
Strongly agree I wish she talked more aboI liked how it was very hel There isn't really that I reall
Strongly disagree She was detailed with her eNothing.
Strongly agree The different types of elec I like how Ms. Sicknick clearly explained everything thoroughly.
Strongly agree the social part of the trans it was clear and easy to fo there were some things she didn't address or
Agree school teams
Agree What to submit with theVotech applications
Agree Nothing Nothing Nothing
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree How you can double up anI liked its creativity. none
Strongly agree I wished she explained elecShe made it easy to ask quIt was still complicated even after the presenta
Strongly agree
Strongly agree sports organized nothing
Strongly agree more about the different s it was very detailed it was somewhat repetitive
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Neutral Credits and how exactly to It kept me focused and I neSometimes it got confusing,
Strongly agree Maybe lang. and which would
She hit did every little deta Liked it
Strongly agree I wish that she talked moreI liked that it was fun and t I didn't like that I felt rea
Agree how to actually do the stuffidk idk
Strongly agree the mandatory electives.
Strongly agree If you get into Vo-Tech howThe way the actual presenta
Strongly agree
Strongly agree
Strongly agree n/a I liked how we could look atn/a
Disagree Credit requirements and amo
It covered lots of topics It was a little brief
Strongly agree what happens when you're Itgo
cleared things up for me Nothing.
Neutral how to get credits up it was good she has never even been to
Agree votch
Strongly agree What to look forward to at tIt was interesting. she is new so she was not
Strongly agree
Strongly agree nothing everything nothing
Strongly agree Maybe votech, but it was fi The slides and pictures Maybe the packet was too
Strongly agree
Strongly agree the counselors and what thhow in depth it was nothing
Strongly agree Informative
Agree I'm not sure I don't remember Everything was good
Strongly agree
Strongly agree nothing It was very informative. nothing
Strongly agree
Strongly agree I feel hat she explained eveIt was engaging and I learned a lot of very important info for HHS.
Agree Nothing. It gave me a lot of informa It was short.
Strongly agree
Agree There was alot of information.
Strongly agree How to prepare to talk to It was engaging nothing
Additional thoughts or any
suggestions for Ms.


Not at the moment.

verything thoroughly.
me things she didn't address or i didn't understand clearly


plicated even after the presentation.


She was very kind and was able to clear up any questions that we had.








important info for HHS.



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