Hazards Analysis: SARA Title Ill (EPCRA) and Conducting A Commodity Flow Study

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United States Office of Solid EPA 550-F-93-004

Environmental Protection Waste and Emergency October 1993

Agency Response (OS-120)


etween 1987 and 1989,U.S. In the Emergency Planning and

B Department of Transportation
(DOT) officials reported
almost 60,000 transportation incidents
SARA Title Ill
(EPCRA) and
Community Right-to-Know Act
(EPCRA), Congress recognized the
risk to communities posed by the
transportation of hazardous materials
that resulted in an unintentional release
of hazardous materials. How can you
Conducting a and required that emergency response
assess the transportation risks facing Commodity Flow plans developed by LEPCs identify the
your community? Is your community “routes likely to be used for the
prepared to face these risks’?
Study transportation of substances on the list
of extremely hazardous substances....”
The purpose of this document is to
help you as local planners (e.g., tribal risk that warrant further analysis and One way to approach this requirement.
and state LEPCs, and other planners) study. By doing so, you can assess and and to address all of the hazardous
and responders, develop a method to improve existing strategies to materials being transported through
determine what hazardous materials minimize risk (both public and private) your community, is to conduct a
are being transported through your and the response capabilities within hazardous materials commodity flow
community and the priority areas of your jurisdiction. study (CFS). A CFS is an assessment
of the types and volumes of materials
moving through your community.
For some communities, especially
Mode of Number Associated Associated
those in rural areas, transportation may
Transportation of Incidents Deaths* Injuries*
pose the only hazardous materials risk.
In light of the number of accidents that
Highway 48.907 113 1.762 occur (see chart at left), identifying and
understanding transportation-related
risks are critical components of
Rail 8,620 0 611 emergency preparedness and
prevention. The goal of the CFS is to
use the information collected to
Air 1.177 0 127
increase your preparedness,
prevention, and response capabilities.

Other (includes freight 1.108 1 91 (continued on next page)

forwarders and
water transportation)

TOTAL 59,812 114 2,611

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO)


(continued from previous page) new data on transportation patterns in Identify major hazardous materials
your jurisdiction. Combined with traffic corridors:
What are the objectives. accident histories, geography, and
other local conditions, a CFS will help Characterize types of substances,
A CFS is the hazards identification you characterize hazardous materials shipment frequencies, container
step of transportation hazards analysis, transport, identify locations of risk and types, and container capacities;
described in Technical Guidance for other vulnerable areas, and formulate
Hazards Analysis, an EPA, DOT, emergency planning, prevention. and Specify the location. length, and
FEMA publication (see page 7). A response measures. Some specific nature of priority highways, rail
CFS is the collection of existing and objectives of performing the CFS are:
(continued on next page)

The National Institute for Chemical Studies (NICS) is in the process of conducting a CFS as part of a comprehensive hazards analysis
in the Kanawha Valley region of West Virginia an area with a very high concentration of chemical facilities. NICS is characterizing
hazardous materials transportation and the potential risk it presents in order to improve emergency response plans in the vulnerable areas
of the region. A specific goal of the NICS study is to develop lessons learned for other communities that might conduct a CFS. How
can NICS’ experience help your CFS? Although the study is not yet complete. several helpful suggestions can be made from the work
completed to date. There are several points to keep in mind.

The effort put into a CFS should match the community’s goals and its resources. In some cases, a great deal of detail or expense may
not be needed for useful emergency planning. NICS’ CFS indicates that there are many different types of hazardous materials being
transported through the study area. In othercommunities, hazardous materials transportation may be dominated by a few specific classes
of chemicals, such as flammables or corrosive liquids. In these cases, focused hazards analysis and emergency planning efforts may
be possible by addressing each of these classes, rather than all of the individual chemicals in each class. A CFS, however, could show
that specific hazardous materials, such as spent nuclear rods or military munitions, are transported infrequently through the community,
but pose enough hazard to warrant special attention from emergency planners. Other helpful hints from the NICS study include:

Hazardous materials transportation can vary by the time of day and the day of the week. Be sure to account for this when planning
field surveys.

Questionnaires mailed to facilities will often require follow-up telephone calls for clarification and to improve the rate of response.

A CFS that includes many field observation efforts, such as placard or waybill surveys; can generate large quantities of data -­
computerized data management may be needed or you may wish to scale back the focus of your study.

Effective training and supervision of field survey personnel will improve the quality of the observations and data collected.

Shipping papers are often in many different formats. Decide what data you will need and develop a standardized table for entering
the information.

Police and other emergency responders can identify highways and intersections where accidents have occurred in the past to guide
data gathering and hazards analysis efforts.

Incorporate the results of other data gathering efforts. For example, total traffic volume figures developed by transportation
agencies can be used to estimate the percentage of vehicles carrying hazardous materials over a given route. These figures can
help you address planning issues such as the potential exposure to drivers should a hazmat accident occur during peak travel times.

Access existing databases and inventories, such as those developed by railroad companies and district offices of the Army Corps

of Engineers.

A final guidance document based on the NICS study will he developed upon completion. Contact Dr. Jan Taylor or Dr. Paul Hill at (304)

346-6264 for more information.


(continued from previous page) and routes of hazardous materials the types and amounts of hazardous
being transported in and through their materials being transported in and
tracks, and other routes (paying region. You can learn from their through your region.
special attention to those that pass experiences, several of which are
through or along densely discussed throughout this document. Our discussion begins by presenting
populated or sensitive tips for getting organized, looks at
environmental areas); You will see that conducting a CFS methods for gathering the necessary
involves some methods different from data, and then examines the ways in
Characterize any local terminals or those used for hazards identification at which you can apply the results of a
other gathering areas for your fixed facilities. Instead of CFS. Finally, we consider some
hazardous materials transport referring to information on technological and legislative changes
vehicles such as truck stops and conventional facility reports such as that may be of help to your
weigh stations; and Material Safety Data Sheets or Tier II transportation planning efforts.
Reports, you will need to collect data
Compile data on any travel and that may or may not be readily
route restrictions in effect for the available from public or private
region. sources. You must account for
different modes of transportation (e.g.,
Many communities have conducted railways, highways, pipelines,
CFSs that identify the types, amounts, waterways), and develop an estimate of

Getting Organized
Section 17 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) provides
Who needs to be involved?
funds to states to enhance the consideration of transportation-related risks in
current chemical emergency planning efforts, and to support the implementation
of EPCRA. (There is also an HMTA training grants program, available to both As an LEPC, you may wish to form a
states and tribes.) Conducting a commodity flow study is one of the activities separate transportation hazards
identified by Congress as eligible for funding under the HMTA planning grants advisory committee to lead the effort,
program, and could lead to other HMTA activities such as assessing local or the LEPC as a whole may take the
responsecapabilities, improving the comprehensive emergency plans required lead role. Whether or not you are able
under EPCRA, and assessing the need for regional hazmat teams. to form a committee that meets
regularly, the LEPC should identify
LEPCs should contact the agency selected by their Governor as the “designated state and local professionals to assist in
agency” for implementation of the HMTA program to learn more about identifying sources of information and
developing a proposal for receiving grant funds under the new law. Call the to review drafts.
U.S. DOT HMTA Grants Manager at (202) 366-0001 if you are unsure as to
which state agency has been selected to head the effort. Because of HMTA, To cultivate broad-based support, an
the, number of commodity flow studies conducted will increase. Keep an eye advisory committee should reflect local
out for other communities in your area who receive these funds so that you can conditions and include representatives
learn from their experiences as well. from the LEPC, local planning

(continued on next page)


Getting Organized Trucking Association, and others may nearby university to obtain qualified
(continued from previous page) have already collected and analyzed volunteers for its study on hazardous
additional data. materials transportation on the
councils, the public works department county’s highways. Following initial
the State Department of Nearby municipalities may have training sessions, a total of 37 students
Transportation, the U.S. Coast Guard, already completed a CFS or may want from the University of Findlay’s
airport and port authorities, industry, to join forces and combine resources. “Hazmat Club” were assigned survey
police and fire departments, and the For example, LEPC representatives times and locations to conduct placard
SERC. from Alexandria. Virginia. serve on a surveys. Their assistance proved to be
multi-jurisdictional task force that is an an important tune saver for the LEPC.
Once the advisory committee has been important forum for addressing
formed, it must formulate a workplan resource-sharing issues and is A prison inmate volunteering for the
for the study itself. In developing this developing a transportation hazards- Butler County, Kansas, health office,
workplan, the advisory committee based emergency response plan. The developed and implemented the
should take the time to determine task force is devising a set of response county’s emergency response plan,
specific objectives. what data are procedures, but is also working to which included identification of the
available, and what data are needed in reduce the amount of hazardous transportation-related hazards in the
order to accomplish the goals of the materials transported through, and the county. He spent over 800 hours
CFS quickly and efficiently. This will number of accidents in, the region. working on the plan and aiding other
give the CFS a clear focus and give the counties in developing their plans. He
committee a better idea of what You can also integrate your CFS data recommends the use not only of
resources will be necessary to collection efforts with other on-going inmates, but also senior citizens, who
complete the study. Throughout this data collection or inspection programs. possess the necessary time and
document different methods are Once again, Alexandria, Virginia, knowledge of the region to assist in
suggested. You should evaluate your provides an example of effective inter­ CFS efforts. Industry is another
needs against available resources, agency coordination in its policy of (perhaps more traditional) potential
and modify your approach using fire department Title III Facility resource - local industry might be
accordingly. Data Sheets to highlight likely persuaded to contribute personnel and
transportation routes for carriers of equipment to the study.
Don't re-invent the wheel! extremely hazardous substances. The
LEPC incorporates this information on
Several agencies at the national and transportation routes and chemicals
state level compile some of the data transported into its emergency
that you will need. The advisory planning process to better respond to
committee should identify these transportation incidents.
agencies and determine what data
already exist. This is why having a Recruiting outside help.
broad-based advisory committee is so
important. Everyone, especially the Using volunteer personnel, students,
state DOT representative, will have and local environmental groups can be
access to different and valuable a great cost and time saver for the
information. Industry associations LEPC. The Hancock County, Ohio,
such as the Chemical Manufacturers LEPC took advantage of an innovative
Association, the Association of program in environmental and
American Railroads, the American hazardous materials management at a

Some areas will experience seasonal hazardous materials shipped from or

changes (e.g., a rural community may received by facilities in the region. It
experience an increased flow of provided valuable information on the
fertilizers and pesticides during a general routes utilized by these
portion of the year) that should be facilities and yielded transportation
evaluated separately from typical data which could be compared to data
flows. Seasonal patterns may be easy obtained by the field surveys. See
to determine for local industry, but page 6 for the specific steps taken by
Gathering the Data keep in mind that such pat terns will be the Taylor County, Wisconsin
extremely difficult to track for LEPC.
What ‘s the big picture ? interstate traffic. You should weigh
the costs and benefits of studying There are transportation depots that
Begin by identifying the major seasonal transportation patterns in your are not necessarily captured under the
hazardous materials transportation area. fixed facility definition in EPCRA, yet
patterns: determine the general types of hazardous materials are channeled
hazardous materials moving Your next step. through them every day. Make sure
throughout the community, how they that your CFS includes truck
are moved, and when they are moved. Reviewing all of your facilities’ Tier terminals, seaports, airports and rail
A CFS doesn’t have to provide a lot II reports and the amount of yards. Such depots may also warrant
of detail to be useful - given budget hazardous chemicals they store, study in the CFS because of the
constraints, collecting exhaustive handle, or use annually will give you potentially diverse types and amounts
data on every chemical and every an idea of the quantity and type of of substances that are distributed from
mode of transportation will be materials transported through your them. Many of these facilities
nearly impossible to accomplish. jurisdiction. A fixed facility voluntarily participate in the planning
Complicated risk analyses using representative may be able to provide efforts of the communities in which
intricate mathematical formulas are you with a rough estimate of the types they are located. If you feel more
probably not necessary. Rough and quantities of materials transported formal mechanisms are needed,
estimates of hazardous materials traffic through these facilities, or you may however, there are provisions of
can provide valuable information in decide to prepare a facility EPCRA that can help.
determining where risk lies. questionnaire.
Section 302(b)(2) of EPCRA
Priority risk areas can be found at the NICS prepared a comprehensive fixed authorizes the Governor and/or the
points of origin or destination of facility survey as a starting point for its SERC to designate “additional
hazardous materials, as well as at hazardous materials transportation facilities which shall be subject to the
intermediate locations. For most areas, survey. NICS asked fixed facilities requirements of [section 302]....”
data for one month, or even one week, about specific trends in the amount of Railyards, sea ports, and airports are
may prove sufficient to project the hazardous chemicals shipped over the examples of transportation depots that
year-round flow of hazardous past few years, the exact mode of can be included under section 302.
materials. You can focus on general transport. and the usual hours and days You should review your state and local
classes of chemicals (e.g., flammables, of the week for shipping and receiving. ordinances for provisions (similar to
corrosives), unless you know that large Facilities were asked to list the major EPCRA section 303(d)(3)) that provide
quantities of specific chemicals are carriers for each chemical and the most access to the information you need to
manufactured or stored in the area. frequent origins and destinations of adequately address the transportation-
loads. This information provided data related risks facing your community.
on the actual amounts and types of
(continued on page 8)

Taylor County, Wisconsin, is a primarily rural community, with a small city and several villages. There are three state highways,
one railway, one small airport, and two pipelines within the county. The Taylor County, Wisconsin LEPC conducted a CFS and
transporation hazards analysis using the steps outlined below. You might find them useful when setting out to collect data for your
community. As Taylor County learned, conducting a CFS is a time-consuming process, but certainly manageable once priorities
have been set. By working on the project as time allowed, Taylor County was able to keep the total costs down. Over the course
of twelve months, two people worked a total of approximately 450 - 500 man hours. For more information on the Taylor county
study, contact Mr. Donald Albers, Community Emergency Coordinator, at (715) 748-3503.

Identify HAZMAT Routes

1 Taylor County started by pulling out local maps to determine which routes warranted study. You
can use state highway maps, county aeronautical charts, and municipal street maps to name a few.
Remember that pipelines might not appear on a map, but need to be included in your CFS. Taylor County
contacted pipeline companies directly, after obtaining contact information from the County Emergency
Government Office and the State Office for Emergency Preparedness.

Determine What HAZMATs Are Carried on Each of These Routes

2 Taylor County used the following methods to determine hazmat traffic volume and flow.

Route: Method of Determining HAZMATs:

HIGHWAYS Sent questionnaires/surveys to trucking companies, weigh stations, and known hazmat
Determined data collection points (priority/high-risk points); and
Performed traffic counts (placard survey).

RAILROADS Contacted the local representative from railway companies;

Researched waybills and manifests; and
Contacted the District Office of the Federal Railroad Administration in your area.

PIPELINES Contacted local pipeline companies; and

Contacted local utility commission for permitting records and “digsafe” programs.

AIRPORTS Contacted airport managers to determine which airlines carry hazmats; and

Contacted local representatives for each airline identified.

There are no navigable waters within Taylor County. The LEPC suggests, however, that you contact shipping companies
and the district offices of the U.S. Coast Guard and the Army Corps of Engineers to obtain information on the hazardous
materials transported through your jurisdiction via waterways. (Check your phone book for local listings.)

Compile Accident Records

3 Finally, Taylor County examined accident histories to identify any recurring problems or severe
risks in the area. The following agencies can assist you in collecting information on your area’s accident history

State Department of Transportation State Emergency Management Agency

Police Department Public Health Department

Local hospitals and physicians Local industry

News media
HMIS reports can be obtained by contacting DOTs Research and Special Programs Administration (see page 11 for contact information).

The following materials can give you technical information on conducting commodity flow studies and hazards analysis. as well as some
background on transportation issues.

Community Teamwork: Working Together to Promote Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety provides ideas
on how to develop a hazardous materials transportation safety program in the most economical manner.
Examples are presented of how various state and local agencies are sharing the cost of providing personnel, equipment,
and materials. In addition ways in which private industry have supported state/local safety programs are illustrated. Publications and other
sources of information are also identified. Published by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), free copies of Community Teamwork
may be obtained by calling the EPCRA Hotline at (800) 535-0202 / FAX: 703-412-3333. The Hotline is staffed Monday through Friday, 830
a.m. to 7:30 p.m. EST.

The 1990 Emergency Response Guidebook was developed by DOT for use by first responders such as firefighters
The and police officers. It is a guide for initial action when called to handle incidents involving hazardous
materials. Hundreds of chemicals are cross-referenced with the specific hazards they pose to human health. and the steps
to take in case of spills, leaks, fires. or explosions. You can obtain a free copy of the Guidebook by calling (800) PLAN-FOR. In Illinois.
call (800) 367-9592.

The Successful Practices in Title III Implementation series, published by EPA’s Chemical Emergency Preparedness
and Prevention Office, describes innovative projects undertaken by SERCs and LEPCs across the country.
Issue #8, October 1991, included the first subject index of the series, to which local planners can refer in order to find
projects undertaken on hazards analysis, transportation-related risk, and other important issues. Each profile contains the names of individuals
who may be contacted for more information on the efforts described. Contact the EPCRA Hotline at (800) 535-0202 / FAX: 703-412-3333
to obtain free copies of Successful Practices bulletins.

Transportation Community Awareness & Emergency Response (TRANSCAER® Guidance Manual is part of
an inter-industry program to assist with the planning efforts for transportation emergencies involving hazardous materials.
Integrating industry and LEPC efforts, the manual outlines the processes to evaluate the current status of emergency
planning within a community. Suggestions are provided to further improve the planning process. For more information on the TRANSCAER
Program contact the Chemical Manufacturers Association at 2501 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037, or at (202) 887-1100.

Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis (“Green Book”), published by EPA, DOT, and FEMA, describes
a methodology and provides equations and tables for screening possible airborne releases of extremely
hazardous substances based on accident scenarios developed by local planners. The Green Book is a tool for emergency
preparedness and is not designed for direct use in a “real time” response situation. Contact the EPCRA Hotline at (800) 535-0202 /FAX: 703­
412-3333 to obtain a free copy.

CAMEO™ - Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations is a computer program that has the
capability to manage transportation data, estimate vulnerable zones, and compile risk analysis results. For
more information on CAMEO, contact the EPCRA Hotline at (800) 535-0202 / FAX: 703-412-3333 or your regional
EPA office (see page 11).

The Handbook of Chemical Hazards Analysis Procedures (“Brown Book”), published by FEMA, EPA, and DOT,
addresses hazards analysis and introduces the Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation
(ARCHIE) computer software package. More specifically, chapters 10 and 11 offer extensive information to aid you in
assessing rail, highway, water. and pipeline transportation. The Brown Book tells you who to contact and what to look for. You can obtain
a free copy of the Brown Book by writing the FEMA Publications Office, 500 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20472, or by contacting the
EPCRA Hotline at (800) 535-0202 / FAX: 703-412-3333.

The Institute of Transportation Engineers’ (ITE) Transportation Planning Handbook is a handy reference for
planners involved in the broader issues of transportation planning and traffic engineering. The Handbook
includes guidance concerning: transportation planning studies, environmental and energy considerations, regulatory and
legal considerations, transportation systems management, and several other transportation topics. ITE is located at Suite 410, 525 School
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2797. Call ITE at (202) 554-8050 for more information on ordering the Handbook.

Gathering the Data of release, mode of transportation, and been used in the past by communities
(continued from page 5) other information. The information identifying transportation-related risk.
box on page 11 lists the DOT address These methods can be adapted to local
Other facilities that can generate and telephone number for receiving conditions and specific modes of
substantial highway hazardous information on HMIS reports. transportation. The resources
materials traffic include oil-fired, coal, identified on page 7 can help you
and nuclear power plants; large Addressing Your Additional determine which methods are
manufacturing facilities; agricultural Data Needs appropriate for your study. Whatever
warehouses; waste management method you choose, the advisory
companies: and public facilities. Keep Once you have tracked down existing committee should organize the raw
in mind that the lack of standardized information, how do you obtain the data that have been collected into a
shipping manifests, not to mention data that are missing? Again, form that is conducive to continuing
receiving them in different languages+ assembling the proper team is crucial. analysis.
will complicate your analysis. A data collection team may be
composed of members of the advisory
Your area’s accident history is committee; or, if resources allow, it
another key starting point for might be wise to develop an “outside”
information. Federal and state team. Whether it is made up of private
agencies compile accident data that can organizations, volunteers from
be used to get a sense of what and environmental groups and local
where the priority points are and what universities, or contractors, the data
kind of accidents your community collection team should receive a clear
typically faces. You can use this mission, adequate training, a timetable, What to Do With the
information, along with your and responsibilities from the advisory Results
knowledge of local conditions, to help committee.
identify high-risk areas. Improving response; preventing
Commodity flow studies commonly accidents
The U.S. Department of Transportation involve a road-side placard survey.
Hazardous Materials Information These surveys identify what materials Many communities have conducted
System (HMIS) contains a variety of are being transported and also give you hazards analyses to develop and revise
data regarding the transportation of an idea of the quantity involved. emergency response plans based on the
hazardous materials by air, highway, Usually, these surveys last for a few specific hazards found at fixed
rail, and water. HMIS also contains a days or weeks - observers note the facilities within their jurisdiction. The
data base on shipping routes for high number of trucks that pass by, their hazards analysis process can also be
level radioactive materials that may be placards, the time, and the type of applied to transportation-related risk.
of interest in assessing your container used. Although a great deal The Technical Guidance for Hazards
transportation-related hazards. The of effort may be needed to make such a Analysis (“Green Book”) describes the
HMIS Incident Report Data Base is survey statistically accurate, even a hazards analysis process in detail. It
composed of carrier-reported modest program of field observation can be summarized in three basic steps:
accidental release data from 1971 to can form a solid foundation for
the present, as required by the Code of conducting a transportation hazards Hazards identification pinpoints
Federal Regulations (49 CFR Part analysis. the location, quantity. storage
171). The incident data include the conditions, and the specific
date of incident, chemical(s) involved, The table on page 9 describes this and
quantity, location and land-use, cause other collection methods that have (continued on next page)

What to Do With the Results Risk analysis provides a basis for A commodity flow study is, in effect,
(continued from previous page) LEPCs to rank specific release the hazards identification step of the
scenarios or locations based on the hazards analysis process conducted for
hazards posed by the hazardous likelihood and severity of the transportation-related hazards. Once
chemicals transported, release. The hazards analysis the CFS has been completed, you will
manufactured, stored, processed, method described in the Handbook have a good sense of what major
and used in the community. of Chemical Hazard Analysis categories of hazardous materials are
Procedures (“Brown Book”) transported through your region and
Vulnerability analysis locates separates this step into two steps, what the priority areas are - you will
geographical areas and the people, consequence analysis and risk have identified the transportation
property, services, and natural analysis. The additional step is hazards facing your community.
areas that may be affected by a simply an elaboration of the Plotting the information on a map can
release. process explained in me Green
Book. (continued on next page)


Review and analyze Inexpensive, shows major highway, There is no single source for all
existing data rail, air, and water routes. Good existing data. Allow time for
starting point. integrating various electronic

Provides approximate counts for Limited number of

Placard Survey trucks on major highways and rail roads/rail lines can be covered.
lines at reasonable cost. Can be
combined with existing data to
estimate proportion of trucks with
hazardous materials on major

Photocopy survey Can provide detailed data on volume Shipping papers are not
(Photocopying shipping and nature of hazardous materials standardized; requires a lengthy
manifests of shipped by truck. review process. Cost may be
carriers passing prohibitive.
through toll booths,

Fixed facility survey Good data on routing, volume, and Only covers shipments
nature of hazardous materials. originating or terminating locally.
Allow for lengthy dam review

Good data on routing, volume, and Only covers a portion of

nature of hazardous materials. shipments on selected highways;
must be supplemented to obtain
local shipments.

What to Do With the Results completed, you can then turn to community’s level of preparedness (e.g.,
(continued from previous page) assessing your level of preparedness training, equipment, and on-going
and revising your emergency response planning). Again, it is most important to
provide a picture of where the plan to reflect the highest have general response capabilities. rather
hazardous materials are and which are transportation-related risks. Depending than trying to address every specific
the major routes of concern for on your circumstances, you may not be chemical and/or transport route.
planning purposes. able to tailor your emergency response
plan to focus on specific chemicals or
You can use the vulnerability and risk routes.
analysis steps described in the Green
Book to translate the results of the CFS Just as with fixed facility planning,
into recommendations for revising budget constraints come into play as
your emergency response plan and the number of chemicals and hazards
determining your community’s increase. It is important, however, that
specific preparedness, prevention, and your plan addresses the risks that you
response needs. This evaluation will have identified to the best of your Looking Ahead
help answer important planning ability. For example, if you discovered
questions such as: that the local railroad terminal stores Transportation-related risks are
hazardous materials cars in special continually changing, and to meet the
Just how vulnerable is your holding areas, obtain a map of the challenges that these hazards present, it is
community to these risks? facility, mark the holding areas, and important to look forward. With
attach it to your emergency response construction of new highways, changes in
How can risks be reduced? plan: then work with the railyard to the composition of local industry, and the
reduce the risks. Another example is enactment of new federal, state, and local
How can accidents be prevented? segregating incompatible cargoes and laws, there may be a change in the flow of
establishing buffer zones between hazardous shipments through your
What special populations (e.g.. holding areas and nearby communities. community. The commodity flow study
schools, hospitals) are located should not “sit on a shelf:” it should be
near these priority routes? After developing a realistic picture of updated periodically and the community
the hazards that your community faces, emergency response plan revised
Are any of these routes marked by you can begin to re-evaluate your accordingly.
significant congestion at certain community’s prevention strategies.
times of the day? Are current measures appropriate? It is important to keep abreast of new
Would traffic control on priority routes tools (both technological and legislative)
What is the response time of the make a difference’? Do accident that are being developed and refined to
closest hazardous materials team? records suggest a need for driver safety address many of the problems you may be
training’? Would commodity flow facing. Keeping these and other factors in
How accessible is the area to restrictions during severe weather mind will help you with long-term
emergency vehicles? alerts make sense? Be sure to identify planning and future updates of the CFS
all of your community’s prevention and the overall emergency response plan
What is a realistic scenario, given concerns so you can ask the “right” Let’s look at a couple of these
the risks and probabilities ? questions. innovations and see how they might be
applied to your needs.
Once the remaining steps in the The CFS may also point to a need for
hazards analysis process have been additional resources to increase the (continued on next page)

Looking Ahead MPOs represent a potentially Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems

(continued from previous page) invaluable resource for your LEPC (IVHS)
when preparing a CFS. They will
Metropolitan Planning have data and expertise that will make IVHS are a family of technologies that
Organizations (MPOs) your task easier, and they may even are presently being developed to
be able to provide access to improve transportation safety and
Section 134 of the Intermodal Surface equipment and techniques, such as efficiency. By bringing high-tech
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 transportation-specific Geographic solutions in the form of advanced
(ISTEA) calls for me designation of an Information Systems (GIS), that will computers, sensors, and communication
MPO for each urbanized area of simplify the work and enhance the systems to some of the complex
greater than 50,000 people. The form of your final product. Keep in transportation problems that confront
primary responsibility of these MPOs mind that the MPOs will be working us, IVHS holds the promise of
is to conduct the transportation closely with state and local mitigating congestion, enhancing
planning process for the area that it transportation authorities, so that they safety, promoting economic
covers. This process will include will likely have information for your productivity, and minimizing
developing transportation plans and area. environmental hazards.
programs to promote comprehensive
solutions to regional problems. (continued on next page)

General Information
EPA - Region 1
EPA - Region 6

Research and Special Programs

Allied Bank Tower
New England Regional Lab
Administration (RSPA)
60 Westview Street 1445 Ross Avenue
400 7th Street, SW
Lexington, MA 02173 Dallas, TX 75202-2733

Washington, DC 20590
617-860-4301 214-655-2270
(202) 366-4474

EPA - Region 2
EPA - Region 7

HMIS Reports
2890 Woodbridge Avenue ARTX/TOPE/TSCS
Information Systems Manager
726 Minnesota Avenue
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Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 730 p.m. EST


Looking Ahead materials transport. Remember that In this document, we have:

(continued from previous page) transportation planning is an evolving
discipline, and that new tools are Outlined the steps necessary to
“Great,” you might say, “but how will constantly being developed to help you conduct a comprehensive
this sci-fi stuff help me?” In the near safeguard your community. commodity flow study:
future, trucks and trains traveling Explained how each of these steps
through your community could be relate to the emergency planning
carrying electronic equipment that process:
identifies the cargo, keeps track of the Pointed out some resources you may
vehicle’s location, and even projects want to tap once you have decided
the intended route through your to go ahead with a CFS; and
district. Shipments of hazardous Examined the technologies and
materials could be tracked in “real­ issues that will play a role in
time” by a traffic control center, and In Summary... identifying transportation hazards in
sensors on the vehicle itself will be the future.
Even though the transportation of
constantly monitoring the condition of
hazardous materials presents substantial
the cargo. Use this information as a guideline, but
risks, these risks may seem difficult to remember that there is no one right way
quantify. The commodity flow study
Currently, there are over 20 operational of doing this job. The particulars of your
process should be tailored to meet your community will ultimately determine
programs in the U.S. testing various
needs and available resources as you
elements of IVHS, including those your best course of action.
identify and address the particular
directly applicable to hazardous
hazards facing your community.


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