Contesta Las Preguntas Acerca de Tu Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Ilustra Cada Sección Con Una Fotografía o Imagen Que Represente Esa Etapa de Tu Vida.

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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador. My biography

Proyecto integrador:

a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future. Illustrate each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.
(Contesta las preguntas acerca de tu pasado, presente y futuro. Ilustra cada sección con una
fotografía o imagen que represente esa etapa de tu vida.)
My past

Where were you born? I was born in city Serdan Puebla

Where did you live? I live in Tehuacan Puebla.

What were you doing before Before starting Prepa Online-SEP, I worked in a cyber.
starting Prepa en Línea-SEP?

My achievements

What were the three most My three most important achievements of my life were,
important achievements in your have formed a family, to have traveled to Cancun and its
life? surroundings, and to have learned to swim.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Write about an experience in When I was little I remember being afraid of heights. My
which you have overcome some fear began whenProyecto
I once got into a game called the Wheel
difficulty. of Fortune.
Now I am old lost my fear and now I like to climb on the
roofs of tall buildings or get into extreme games.

My present and what I want to accomplish

Describe your school and work First I get up at 10.00 in the morning and give milk to my
routine. baby.
Then I get ready and see my baby.
After that, I prepare breakfast and have breakfast at
10:30 in the morning.
Then I clean the house. Later I enter the Prepa platform
online sep to do my activities at 11:30 in the morning.

What do you do in your free In my free time I play with my baby and listen to music.

What new skills or challenges A new skill is that I am already speaking English better.
are you trying to overcome? A challenge I am trying to overcome is, to continue
practicing English.

Write about any difficulties in Now my parents are separated and it's hard for me to
this moment of your life. see my dad a little down, I don't like to see him like that
and in one way it affects me emotionally.

What are you doing to overcome

those difficulties? I try not to be thinking about the separation of my parents
and on the other hand I am supporting my father so that
he does not feel alone.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

My future and my goals and plans Proyecto integrador:

What are your plans after I am going to study college and study a career in
completing Prepa en Línea- nutrition.

Would you like to study for a Yes, I would like to study for a degree and it would be a
degree? Which one? Which degree in nutrition, and the university I want to study is
university? the buap.

What would you like to work on? I would like to work for a nutritionist.

What is your greatest goal? My biggest goal is to finish with a good high school
average and be ready to continue a career.

What challenges will you have to To achieve my goal, I will have to put aside distractions
face to achieve your goal? such as having less time on social networks, I will have
to work hard, as well as study every day and have
discipline and motivation.

b) Write a half-page reflection on what you learned during the modules "Mi mundo en otra lengua"
and "Mi vida en otra lengua" and how they contributed to your formation.
(Redacta una reflexión de media cuartilla sobre lo que aprendiste durante los módulos “Mi
mundo en otra lengua” y “Mi vida en otra lengua” y cómo contribuyeron a tu formación.)
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

During the module "my world in another language" I learned

Proyecto many things: I learned more
about the verb being, I also learned more about the pronouns, the prepositions to indicate
objects, moments and give temporal references. I also learned about demonstrative
adjectives which are used to indicate the closeness or Germany of an object. I also learned
how to communicate through grammatical notions to give directions to locate personal
places or objects, as well as follow instructions on how to get to a plaice; sharing
information, describing and presenting yourself or others; as well as describe the usual
activities, likes or dislikes, skills or hobbies of mine or others.

In the module "my life in another language" I learned about simple past and continuous past,
as well as simple present and continuous present. I also learned how to compare qualities
between two objects or people. I also learned that through grammatical structures I can
describe situations both past, present and future, as well as request information from others
and their activities; I also learned about the verb being in the past. I also learned about how
some question is properly formed whether it's about the past, present or future. And on the
other hand, improve my pronunciation more.

Both modules contributed in a way that i get closer to English, since before I did not have
the pleasure of learning the language well, now I know that it is important because I know
that by learning English well I can get to have a better job, until I go to study abroad. And I
know that anyone can learn it and more if you have the motivation. I also realized that if I
practice English every day, I do not know it will make it difficult for me to drain it and when I
speak it; now that in these two months I have been English I understand the basics and if I
continue to practice it, one day I will be able to successfully communicate with an English

c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the reflection (point
b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space. Remember do not exceed over
than 2 minutes.
(Graba las preguntas y respuestas de tu biografía (inciso a), así como la reflexión (inciso b).
Guarda tu audio en una nube y comparte la liga en este espacio. Recuerda no exceder más de
2 minutos.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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