Junkterrorbill PDF

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Retweet if you can to spread awareness on the situation, these are just some 
of the many tweets!! Please signal boost as much as you can!! 
ceo of 201 ✿ #JunkTerrorBill - NEW PINNED RT PLS on Twitter  

ela ⚡ʲᵗᵇ ᵇˡᵐ on Twitter: "some good free vpns you guys can use! please make sure other 
ppl are using diff. vpns hence why i added alternatives! android/iphone: 
tunnelbear/pandavpn android: openvpn + japan vpn pc/mac: softethervpn/setupvpn go here 
for a tutorial: https://t.co/vfxvnuef9Z… https://t.co/oMEKcc7RBA"​ ​(VPN list) 
catpuke on Twitter: "stay aware of ur rights mga mingming!!!… "  
rice #bIm #junkterrorbiII on Twitter: "with everything that's going on in the philippines right 
now, the most vulnerable are those in the frontlines for covid relief as well as indigenous 
groups continually being displaced by our government. here's a thread of donation drives 
i've come across on twitter:"​ (​ Donation thread) 

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Send Your Emails To:

- pcc@malacanang.gov.ph 
- sysad@senate.gov.ph 
Emails of senators who voted yes: 
- sensonnyangara@yahoo.com 
- binaynancy2013@yahoo.com 
- pia@piacayetano.ph 
- secretariat.batodelarosa@gmail.com 
- os_frankdrilon@yahoo.com 
- email@wingatchalian.com 
- senatorrichardgordon@gmail.com 
- ospml@yahoo.com 
- sen.manuellitolapid@gmail.com 
- senimeemarcos@gmail.com 
- sen.edpacquiao@gmail.com 
- gracepoe2013@gmail.com 
- senbongrevilla2019@gmail.com 
- os_sotto@yahoo.com 
- senatolfrancistolentino@gmail.com 
- sencynthiavillar@gmail.com 
- senmigzzubiri@gmail.com 

All contact info can be found here.​ ​Contact Information

VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION N ​ ote: Please create variations for the 
subject lines. Too many emails with the same subject could be flagged as 
spam. The ones listed above are samples you may base off of. 
Copy and paste any of the following as templates. Feel free to add any 
additional information, or voice out your own concerns if you’d like. 
“We urge the rejection of the ‘Anti-Terror Bill’ to protect the fundamental 
right of Filipinos to freedom of speech.” 
“We urge the rejection of the ‘Anti-Terror Bill’ or Senate Bill No. 1083 as it 
violates Article XI of the 1​ 987 Constitution of the Republic of the 
Section 1 states that:​ ‘Public office is a public trust. Public officers and 
employees must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them 
with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency; act with 
patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives.’ 
To act with patriotism and justice, you must first accept the criticisms the 
people give to you; we ask for a competent government that listens to the 
needs of the people.” 
“We call for the rejection of Senate Bill No. 1083, or the Anti-Terror Bill, for 
its overbroad definition of what terrorism is, and for violating the 1987 
Philippine Constitution. 
Article XIII - Social Justice and Basic Human Rights, Section 1 states, ‘The 
Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures that 
protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity, reduce 
social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities 
by equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common good.’ 
Using political power to silence those who voice out their issues and 
concerns is not using it for the common good, it’s exploitation of the power 
entrusted to them. The bill’s vague definition of what terrorism means 
could easily be misinterpreted and used to suit their own agenda.” 
“We call for the rejection of Senate Bill No. 1083, or the Anti-Terror Bill, for 
its overbroad definition of what terrorism is, and for violating the 1987 
Philippine Constitution. 
It is unfair and inhumane to silence dissent of the government as we 
possess the human right to freedom of speech. Dissent is necessary for 
progress and silencing those who reach out only sets us back.” 
“We are reaching out via email to urge the rejection of Senate Bill No. 1083. 
It denies us of our freedom of speech, and so hinders our country and 
government from progressing.” 
“We urge you to junk Senate Bill No. 1083. The Constitution states in Article 
III, Section 4 that, ‘No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech 
or expression among others.’ 
This bill can be weaponized to violate this section due to its over broad 
definition of terrorism, it is unconstitutional and thus must be rejected.” 
“We request for the rejection of the Anti-Terrorism Bill. This denies the 
people of their right to freedom of speech, and thus infraction of the 1987 
Philippine Constitution. 
The job of a government is to protect and serve the people, not to abuse 
their power and silence them. The bill is too vague and it could be 
potentially misinterpreted, and even biased.” 
“We need action to be taken against Senate Bill No. 1083, which denies 
Filipinos of their basic human right to freedom of speech. The passing of 
this bill would mean merely criticizing or sharing anything speaking against 
the government could be considered “terrorism” which is far from the 
meaning of the term, it’s vagueness could lead to conflict or abuse caused 
by misunderstanding of those in power. 
Activism is not, and will never be terrorism and if their definition stands, the 
EDSA Revolutions would have been considered terrorism. This bill also 
takes away attention from actual acts of terrorism, such as acts intended 
to cause death or serious harm to civilians.​” 
“We are writing this email concerning S ​ enate Bill No. 1083​, or the 
Anti-terrorism bill.   
This bill violates A
​ rticle XIII​, ​Article III, (Section 4​) of the 1987 Constitution 
of the Philippines. Aside from taking away our right to free speech, this 
bill’s definition of what “terrorism” means is too vague, and it could easily 
be misinterpreted by those in position of power, and used for their own 
benefit and political agenda. 
The people should be allowed to voice out their concerns and criticisms to 
the government without having to worry about being detained or arrested. 
We urge you to review Senate Bill No. 1083, as it breaches the 1987 
Constitution of the Philippines.” 
“We urge the review and rejection of the Anti-Terrorism Bill, as it violates 
human rights and the 1987 Philippine Constitution. 
According to the definition of terrorism in the Anti-Terrorism Bill, 
speaking out and raising awareness to current events and criticizing the 
government for their actions could get an individual tagged or detained, 
therefore violating ARTICLE III - Bill of Rights, Section 18 (1) which states 
that, 'No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs 
and aspirations.'" 
"We are calling for the review and rejection of Senate Bill No. 1083, 
Due to it's over broad definitions, the bill is easy to twist and misinterpret 
by those in power, and for breaching the Philippine Constitution. 
ARTICLE X - Accountability of Public Officers, Section 2 which states, 
'The President, the Vice-President, the Members of the Supreme Court, 
the Members of the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman 
may be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of, 
culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and 
corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. All other public 
officers and employees may be removed from office as provided by law, 
but not by impeachment.'" 
Templates to be updated again tomorrow! 

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