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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

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On the Interface Between Operations and Human

Resources Management
John Boudreau, Wallace Hopp, John O. McClain, L. Joseph Thomas,

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John Boudreau, Wallace Hopp, John O. McClain, L. Joseph Thomas, (2003) On the Interface Between Operations and
Human Resources Management. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 5(3):179-202.

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Commissioned Paper
On the Interface Between Operations and
Human Resources Management
John Boudreau • Wallace Hopp • John O. McClain • L. Joseph Thomas
ILR Human Resource Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
IEMS Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208
Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 • • •

O perations management (OM) and human resources management (HRM) historically

have been very separate fields. In practice, operations managers and human resource
managers interact primarily on administrative issues regarding payroll and other matters.
In academia, the two subjects are studied by separate communities of scholars publishing
in disjoint sets of journals, drawing on mostly separate disciplinary foundations. Yet, oper-
ations and human resources are intimately related at a fundamental level. Operations are
the context that often explains or moderates the effects of human resource activities such as
pay, training, communications, and staffing. Human responses to OM systems often explain
variations or anomalies that would otherwise be treated as randomness or error variance in
traditional operations research models. In this paper, we probe the interface between oper-
ations and human resources by examining how human considerations affect classical OM
results and how operational considerations affect classical HRM results. We then propose a
unifying framework for identifying new research opportunities at the intersection of the two
(Multidisciplinary; Cross-Training; Work Design; Scheduling; Low Inventory; Behavioral Science;
Motivation; Turnover; Worker Performance; Worker Attitude)

1. Introduction For example, consider the case of a Big Three auto

The fields of operations management (OM) and company power-train facility with a history of poor
human resources management (HRM) have a long budget performance and low efficiency. In spite of a
history of separateness. In industry, it has been high-profile corporate emphasis on lean manufactur-
rare for an operations manager to become a human ing and the best efforts of the company’s lean engi-
resources manager, or vice versa. In academia, the neers and six-sigma black belts, the plant continued to
two subjects have been studied by essentially sepa- underperform until 2001, when a new plant manager
rate communities of scholars who publish in nearly took over. Immediately recognizing that the primary
disjoint sets of journals. Despite this, operations and cost driver was throughput (failure to make produc-
human resources are intimately tied to one another tion quota during regular time required expensive
in virtually all business environments. Recognizing overtime), he zeroed in on the largest source of out-
this fact opens many opportunities for major improve- put loss, blocking and starving in the line (traditional
ments in both research and practice. OM topics). But, because he knew that the majority

1523-4614/03/0503/0179$05.00 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management © 2003 INFORMS

1526-5498 electronic ISSN Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003, pp. 179–202
Operations and Human Resources Management

of stoppages were due to people-induced disruptions, operational context showed how to direct the invest-
the new manager eschewed the traditional OM focus ments in task design, communication, and rewards
on equipment-induced causes and worked instead more precisely to those workers and tasks that made
to involve operators in the problem solving process the biggest operational difference.
(a traditional HRM topic). Interestingly, these results are precisely what psy-
Several months were spent educating the workforce chological research on goal-setting would predict, as
on the drivers of performance (e.g., the importance of decades of behavioral research shows that appropri-
bottlenecks) and setting up mechanisms for formally ately difficult and specific goals produce performance
recognizing people for their successes (in nonmone- superior to more vague and general goals (Locke
tary ways, because this was a union facility). In less 1982, Locke and Latham 1984) and that worker “line
than a year, the plant was transformed into one of of sight” regarding how their actions affect outcomes
the best performers in the company, despite a down enhances performance (Boswell 2000, Lawler 1999,
economy. Vroom 1964). Yet, such research findings seldom find
The lesson from this story is that both human and their way into scholarly discussions of OM, and even
technical considerations can be vital in the success more rarely are they known by operating managers.
of operations improvement programs, and integration By the same token, behavioral scientists, HR mana-
of these two viewpoints is key. By helping workers gers, and industrial psychologists working in organi-
to understand the implications of the OM design for zations rarely incorporate the OM context to reveal
their work and then motivating them to act accord- which particular goals and which particular motiva-
ingly, the plant turned around its performance. tional connections have the largest impact. Although
But simply acknowledging human considerations these links were recognized long ago by such pioneers
such as motivation is not enough. Consider the case as Lillian Gilbreth, whose work specifically addressed
of a circuit-board plant of a large computer manu- the linkage between the workings of the mind and
facturer that was also plagued by low throughput. effective operation in the workplace (Gilbreth 1921),
Recognizing that worker contributions were essential, they remain a source of opportunity in both research
management embarked on a motivational campaign, and practice.
which included shirts, pep talks, and illuminated
signs with slogans such as “I love my job.” Not only The OM/HRM Interface
did these efforts fail to promote higher output, but Our objectives in this article are to call attention to
also the workforce was put off by them and became the value of connecting OM and HRM, to offer an ini-
cynical about improvement efforts in general. tial organizing framework for those connections, and
Eventually, the circuit-board plant adopted an alter- to provide examples of past and future research that
nate approach, which made use of both OM and a illustrate the value of those connections. Fulfilling the
more sophisticated understanding of motivation. It potential of these connections will require scholars
included training the workers to understand key suc- and managers in HR and OM to work together. So,
cess variables of pull systems, investment in addi- we hope to find an audience among those in both
tional capacity that gave work teams more ways to disciplines. Yet, because OM and HRM use the same
share and combine tasks, and installation of new con- terms somewhat differently, it is important that we
trol systems that the workforce understood. Through- use and define them carefully. This introduction will
put was doubled within months; total cycle time was therefore not only describe our organizing framework
slashed by three-quarters in a year. and objectives, but will define several terms that we
The lesson from this story is that a clear operational will use throughout.
focus can be critical to the success of human relations We begin with the “interface” between OM and
initiatives. Only when the workforce was provided HRM, shown in Figure 1. OM models (the left side of
with appropriate knowledge and tools were people the figure) are derived from disciplines such as indus-
really motivated to make changes. Understanding the trial engineering, optimization, and simulation. They

180 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

Operations and Human Resources Management

Figure 1 The Operations Management and Human Resource outcomes. These insights will develop first through
Management Interface “translation,” as each field better understands the
Operations Human Resource other’s paradigms and approaches. Then, “experi-
Management (OM) Interface Management (HRM) mentation” will identify which integrative insights
Industrial Engineering Psychology
Optimization Sociology hold the greatest promise for practical and schol-

Inferential Statistics
… arly significance. Finally, we foresee “integration” as
each field incorporates the most promising and useful
Behavioral Insights Employment / Behavioral
Service / Manufacturing
Process and Outcome Process and Outcome
insights into its own models.
Models Contextual Insights Models We provide richer and more sophisticated exam-
ples in later sections, but an admittedly over-
Production Schedules Rewards / Recognition
Purchasing Rules Staffing / Sourcing
simplified example can help define what we mean
Process Sequencing Learning / Development by the OM-HRM elements, interface, and translation-
Operations Timing
… Translation Organization Structures
… experimentation-integration. Consider a production
Experimentation process that develops a bottleneck, such as a work-
Production Level/Variance Integration Performance
station where in-process work inventory is backing
Inventory Level/Variance Attraction / Retention
Process Bottlenecks

Loyalty / Citizenship
… up. OM models would focus on elements such as
added resources (machines, people, speed) to the bot-
tleneck area, and the effects on costs and total output.
are usually mathematical descriptions of service or OM models often assume that the workers will per-
manufacturing processes, including such elements as form at the same pace and with the same variance
number and types of employees, customer demands, whether the bottleneck exists or not. Ironically, the
production schedules, purchasing rules, process most famous illustration of a bottleneck in the OM lit-
sequences, and operations timing. OM models predict erature is that of a troop of boy scouts whose hiking
and explain outcomes such as production or inven- speed is governed by the pace of Herbie, the fat kid
tory levels and variation, and service and produc- (Goldratt and Cox 1984). Even though the bottleneck
tion bottlenecks. HRM models (the right side of the is a person in this example, OM models almost never
figure) are derived from disciplines such as psychol- endow bottlenecks with any human characteristics.
ogy, sociology, and inferential statistics. They describe In contrast, HRM behavioral models frequently
employment and behavioral processes, and their focus on elements such as individual capabilities and
relationships to such things as rewards/recognition, motivation, and the effects of HRM practices, such as
staffing/sourcing, learning/development, and organi- rewards and training, and their effects on job perfor-
zation structures. HRM models predict and explain mance. Applied to the boy scout example, these mod-
outcomes such as performance, attraction/retention, els would address the factors that affect hiking speed
and loyalty/citizenship. Figure 1 is not intended to (e.g., do motivational speeches increase speed? how
represent a comprehensive inventory of the disci- does Herbie feel to be the slowest?). However, HRM
plines, relationships, or outcomes of the HRM and models often assume that enhanced performance is
OM fields, but rather to convey our concept of the desirable in every job, as long as it exceeds the costs
interface between them. The dots (· · ·) in the boxes of of the practices that induce it. So, without an opera-
Figure 1 convey our belief that there are many addi- tional focus, HRM methods might well be applied to
tional elements. increasing the speed of all the boy scouts instead of
The OM-HRM interface is depicted in the darker concentrating on Herbie, whose speed matters most
areas of Figure 1. OM can provide contextual insights to overall performance.
to significantly enhance the precision and rigor of For the case of a production bottleneck causing
HRM models, processes, and outcomes. HRM can inventory backups, the HRM field can easily see how
provide behavioral insights to significantly enhance to improve the OM assumption that people will work
the precision and rigor of OM models, processes, and at the same pace and variability under all inventory

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003 181

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conditions—low inventory systems may provide feed- OM and HRM managers in organizations are con-
back that causes individuals to adjust to their work stantly wrestling with this interface, and often with
situation. Similarly, the OM field can easily see how quite remarkable results. The earlier automotive and
to improve the HRM assumption that enhanced job circuit-board examples were innovations by OM man-
performance is equally valuable wherever it occurs— agers, working with their HRM colleagues. This is
enhancing performance at a bottleneck operation also a common theme in HRM. Somehow, managing
may be several times more valuable than for other people must become an integral part of the job of
processes. “line” managers in manufacturing and service oper-
When these insights are translated so that each field ations, not simply the domain of the HR “staff func-
can understand their implications for their models, tion” (Ulrich 1997). The interface of OM and HRM is a
and the insights are verified through experimentation, key arena for the transformation of HRM from a staff
then both OM and HRM models become richer, more function or professional practice to a decision science
precise, and more effective. Behavioral HRM theories (Boudreau and Ramstad 2002, 2003). We shall return
can predict when workers will adjust so that the pre- to this idea in §4.
dicted OM bottleneck may never occur, while OM For both researchers and practitioners, a framework
models can identify which adjustments matter the can serve as an organizing scheme to identify inter-
most (Schultz et al. 1998). Methods for better incor- esting and important questions. We hope to make a
porating human behavior into OM models will yield start on an organizing framework that will stimulate
more realistic insights. Incorporating operations con- OM researchers/managers to consider HRM issues,
text into HRM theories will make general theories HRM researchers/managers to consider OM issues,
more contextually precise, and will help identify new and at least a few brave researchers to venture into
ways for HR practices to add value. the interface directly. To be sure, both groups are
These examples use particular production or service already wrestling with issues that reflect this inter-
processes and individual-level reactions, responses, face, as our examples will illustrate. Our aim is to sug-
and behaviors. Of course, processes and individual gest a more explicit treatment of these issues that will
responses occur within a larger organizational con- help both groups collaborate more effectively, and to
text that determines formal and informal structures, identify research opportunities that will have a posi-
competitive positioning, and cultural norms, as well tive impact on organizations.
as relationships with key constituents such as govern- Section 2 begins with the “behavioral insights”
ments, labor organizations, and communities. Orga- arrow in Figure 1, describing four fundamental ele-
nizational factors are important to the HRM-OM ments from HRM and behavioral theory, and show-
interface. We recognize them in later sections as part ing how they can inform and enhance OM models
of the “opportunity” for individual behaviors to occur, and applications. Section 3 turns to the “contextual
and also in the broader framework of strategic success. insights” arrow in Figure 1, describing several OM ele-
In this paper, we propose to contribute to “transla- ments and showing how they reveal the operational
tion” by offering an example of an organizing frame- context and business processes that can enhance the
work that uses some basic elements of HRM and OM. impact of HRM theory and applications. Sections 2
To contribute to “experimentation,” we will illustrate and 3 demonstrate the value of research at the inter-
our framework with examples and potential research face by providing specific examples of questions from
questions and studies. Finally, to contribute to “inte- each field that can be improved using elements from
gration,” we will describe how both HRM and OM the other field. Section 4 develops the framework
theories, models, and practices can be and have been further, embedding it within a larger model of the
enhanced by better understanding their respective connection between decisions about talent and the
perspectives. strategic success of organizations. Section 5 provides a
Researchers are not the only beneficiaries of taxonomy describing future research opportunities at
greater communication at the OM-HRM interface. the OM-HRM interface and concluding remarks.

182 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

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2. How Human Resources motivation, while the circuit-board example illustrates

Management Can Inform a case of emphasizing motivation without sufficient
opportunity or understanding. In both cases, the solu-
Operations Management tion involved integrating the COMU elements into the
There is a very large set of elements of human behav-
OM application.
ior at work that might be used to illustrate the HRM-
Simplification is an essential part of all model-
OM interface. Any textbook on HRM, organizational
ing, and OM researchers and managers are aware
behavior, or organizational design contains its own
that their models involve simplified representations of
model or framework of the key elements. We will
human behavior. But they may not always be aware
not try to resolve these models into one consolidated
of the consequences these simplifications can have on
set of behavioral elements. Rather, we will build our
decision making. To gain insight into this issue, we
working framework from four elements that underlie
begin by listing some of the most common assump-
most work behavior models:
tions used to represent people in OM models. We then
(1) Capability: The skills, knowledge and abilities
give a number of examples in which more realistic
necessary to execute an action associated with the
objectives of the organization. consideration of human behavior can have a signifi-
(2) Opportunity: When individuals are provided or cant impact on conclusions. Finally, we discuss previ-
encounter situations in which actions can be executed ous and potential future research.
with the desired effect. The following assumptions are commonly used to
(3) Motivation: The drive to execute those actions, simplify human behavior in OM models.
created by a perception that they are linked to desired (1) People are not a major factor. (Many models
outcomes and rewards. look at machines without people, so the human side
(4) Understanding: Knowledge of how an indi- is omitted entirely.)
vidual’s actions affect the system and overall goal (2) People are deterministic and predictable. People
achievement. have perfect availability (no breaks, absenteeism, etc.).
The first three components are derived from a Task times are deterministic. Mistakes do not hap-
long research tradition suggesting that individual per- pen, or mistakes occur randomly. Workers are iden-
formance is a multiplicative function of ability and tical (work at the same speed, have the same values,
motivation (Vroom 1964, Maier 1955, Cummings and and respond to same incentives).
Schwab 1973), critiques of the simple model (Campbell (3) Workers are independent (not affected by each
and Pritchard 1976) that suggest that the environment other, physically or psychologically).
determines the expression of ability and motivation (4) Workers are “stationary.” No learning, tired-
(Gilbreth 1909, Dachler and Mobley 1973), and recent ness, or other patterns exist. Problem solving is not
work suggesting that situational constraints and considered.
opportunity (e.g., advances in technology and changes (5) Workers are not part of the product or service.
in the political, social, and economic environment) Workers support the “product” (e.g., by making it,
are key to a theory of work performance (Campbell repairing equipment, etc.) but are not considered
1999, Howard 1995, Ilgen and Pulakos 1999). We explicitly as part of the customer experience. The
have added the fourth component—understanding— impact of system structure on how customers interact
to help describe the OM and HRM interface. These with workers is ignored.
and other human issues have the potential to “move (6) Workers are emotionless and unaffected by fac-
the needle,” that is, to materially change the output of tors such as pride, loyalty, and embarrassment.
a process. For brevity, we will use the acronym COMU (7) Work is perfectly observable. Measurement
to refer to the full set of elements. error is ignored. No consideration is given to the
The automotive example (given earlier) illustrates possibility that observation changes performance
a case of emphasizing opportunity without sufficient (Hawthorne effect).

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While assumptions such as these simplify modeling and thereby reduce idle time caused by blocking and
and mathematics, they can omit important features. starving. The on-the-fly model assumes that work-
For example, consider the situation in 1985, at a plant ers switch tasks at appropriate times and that the
that was a joint venture between Yokogawa Electric new system will make no difference in the qual-
and Hewlett Packard (YHP) where electronic circuit- ity of component placement. From an HRM perspec-
boards were “stuffed” manually with a wide variety tive, such assumptions have significant implications
of components. Although this plant had less automa- for talent. In terms of COMU, workers must have
tion and greater product variety than other HP plants, the opportunity to modify the design of their work
it nevertheless had the highest level of productivity in space and the capability to place the additional com-
its category. The reasons had to do with the workers ponents, understand when to switch tasks, be moti-
and their “talents.” vated to take on the extra work at the appropriate
We use the term “talent” broadly, to refer to the time, and understand how their task-switching deci-
potential for workers to affect organizational pro- sions improve overall throughput and avoid idle
cesses and outcomes. Talent pools are often formally time. Also, the task-sharing approach meant that it
described in job titles, competencies, knowledge, and was very difficult to observe individual contributions
certifications, but many worker talents are less obvi- (point 7 above). Workers must develop loyalty to
ous. For example, a call-center operator’s job descrip- their unit and willingness to cover for each other on
tion may say very little about effectively handing off breaks and for tiredness (points 3, 4, and 6). Even the
work to coworkers, yet this talent may be one of enhanced OM model with task-sharing did not incor-
the most pivotal in enhancing the effectiveness of the porate these effects, nor did it explain how training,
queuing process. selection, and other HRM variables might enhance
Returning to the YHP example, this plant had a the positive results of this system. Hiring practices
simple flow-line design. Each worker was assigned must also recognize that some workers will not thrive
several types of components, which they manually in an environment that requires a high degree of
placed on circuit-boards. Work-in-process inventory responsibility. For example, in a GM training program
(WIP) was (usually) physically limited to two boards (Guilford 2002) many workers dropped out after GM
between successive workers. Given the product vari- used a setting where workers determined task allo-
ety and limited WIP, standard OM models would cations and enforced quality standards. Notably, the
have predicted a large amount of blocking and starv- workers had in large part designed the production
ing (work stoppage while waiting for another worker line in question (Guilford 2001).
to finish). However, workers and managers had come This realization applies to many other situations
up with a scheme that avoided idle time. The key that have long been studied by OM scholars. For
element was task sharing. For example, the first example, OM research on services often addresses
worker always placed components 1–4 and the sec- capacity, availability of servers and scheduling. HRM
ond worker always placed components 7–10, but research has addressed complementary issues such
components 5 and 6 were placed by whichever as how services can be designed to improve perfor-
worker was “ahead.” The OM researchers who stud- mance (Cook et al. 2002, Batt 1999). These are but a
ied this called it “on-the-fly line balancing” because few examples where HR and OM have complemen-
tasks were reassigned in real time to compensate for tary roles and where research at the intersection may
a temporary imbalance that would otherwise cause shed light on innovations that integrate OM and HRM
blocking or starving (Ostolaza et al. 1990, Sox et al. to move the needle.
The mathematical model of on-the-fly line balanc- 2.1. Translating Behavioral Insights into the
ing provides a clear OM explanation of why the new Language of OM Models
operating method should be effective—Worker flexi- OM models frequently use mathematical modeling of
bility was used to smooth out variations in workload production and service settings to identify previously

184 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

Operations and Human Resources Management

unrecognized optimization opportunities. Thus, one on a number of HRM concerns. Do frequent changes
way to translate behavioral insights into the language of tasks interrupt the rhythm of an operation, caus-
of OM is to consider how these mathematical mod- ing workers to slow down? Worker perception of
els might integrate behavioral principles and findings fairness affects whether and how they help one
from HRM. If the OM-recommended policy is either another (Bowen et al. 1999, Rousseau and Shalk
more effective or less effective than predicted by the 2000, Hartman et al. 1998). Does that help or hinder
model, then the question arises of what human fac- system output? Reward systems affect how people
tors might explain the difference. For instance, in the respond to work instructions (Luthans and Davis
previously cited example of a Big Three powertrain 1990, Ichniowski et al. 1997, Ichniowski and Shaw
plant, a standard transfer-line model would predict 1999). How does method of pay affect worksharing
a much higher throughput than was being observed. operations? Workers lose proficiency in skills that are
This would be a clue that important human factors used infrequently (Goldstein 2002, Noe 2002). When
may have been overlooked. skill loss is taken into account, can we identify a limit
Once a feature of human behavior has been recog- on the benefits of cross-training?
nized, incorporating it into the analysis can lead to Ideas for better incorporating HRM issues into OM
better OM models. For example, many classical oper- modeling and practice can come from theory and
ations models assume that people are like machines, experience. We can use HRM theory to refine an OM
effectively identical to one another and exhibiting model by more accurately representing human behav-
only random performance variation (e.g., Hillier and ior, or we can observe the OM concept in practice and
Boling 1967, Conway et al. 1988). Yet, individuals dif- adjust the model according to human responses. In
fer in skills, speed, and many other characteristics; either case, we propose that OM researchers consider
this is the most basic of HRM and industrial psy- refining their mathematical models using behavioral
chology insights. So, it is not surprising that some of elements like these.
these classical models do not match reality. Some OM Unfortunately the required collaboration among
models recognize that people possess different skills OM and HRM researchers will not be easy because
that allow them to be assigned differently to a set of the two fields tend to think in different paradigms.
tasks (e.g., Bartholdi and Eisenstein 1996a, b; Buzacott Translation will be necessary. Most HRM and
2002; Hunter et al. 1990). But these models retain the behavioral principles are not expressed in specific
assumption that within-individual variation is ran- mathematical terms. Nonetheless, the findings from
dom (or perhaps nonexistent), which conflicts with behavioral research often contain a great deal of
the HRM insight that workers observe and respond useful information about direction and magnitude,
to the context of their work in nonrandom ways. OM which provides a starting point for including behav-
models that include such factors could create a link ioral effects into mathematical OM models. Boudreau
between OM and the HRM investments that attract, and Ramstad (2002, 2003) encouraged behavioral
retain, and develop workers and affect their responses researchers to refine their work into the “necessary
to their environment. and sufficient conditions” for such things as learning,
Flexibility has been a hot topic in the OM liter- motivation, etc. Necessary and sufficient conditions
ature. Many of the models focus on cross-training, are a common feature in mathematical OM models,
which enables workers to help each other in a man- but not in HRM.
ner that avoids some of the counterproductive effects
of variability. Examples include analyses of bucket 2.2. Experimental and Field Research Bringing
brigades (Bartholdi and Eisenstein 1996b), dynamic Behavioral Insights into OM
line balancing (Ostolaza et al. 1990), and “workshar- While mathematical modeling is one OM approach to
ing” (Bischak 1996, Zavadlav et al. 1996, McClain predicting and explaining service and manufacturing
et al. 2000). But whether and where cross-training processes, there is also a rich opportunity for experi-
will actually increase productivity in practice depends mentation at the OM-HRM interface. Experimentation

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may also prove useful in suggesting specific enhance- work pace. Reducing ambiguity of feedback enhances
ments to mathematical OM models. Because almost this effect.
all operations systems involve people, the list of spe- Server Pooling. Scheduling and assigning labor
cific OM results that might be affected by human resources has long been a focus of OM research.
behavior is virtually unlimited—A comprehensive list Recent years have seen an increase in the practice of
is not feasible. Instead, we offer the following areas as cross-training workers to cover multiple task types
examples of situations where mainstream OM results (see, e.g., McClain et al. 2000) and on the effects of
may be affected by human considerations. For each, queue length on customers and workers (Taylor and
we note the classic OM insight and a contrasting Fullerton 2000, Zohar et al. 2002, Schneider et al.
HRM observation. These are chosen to address poten- 1996).
tial “unaddressed talent issues,” which might allow OM. Pooling (servers sharing the same source of
or cause workers to move the performance needle, customers) reduces idle time by avoiding the situation
and thus could alter the OM insight. Research already where one server is idle while another has a queue of
exists for some of the topics, but for most the HRM customers or tasks. In a mixed-model assembly line,
effects on the OM result remain conjectures in need pooling may be achieved by cross-training and flex-
of research attention. ible task assignments. A similar effect occurs in call
centers, where cross-training not only provides pool-
Inventory as a Buffer. Use of inventory buffers to
ing but also increases the likelihood that a given cus-
mitigate the impacts of variability is a practice as
tomer’s needs can be met by a single worker, thus
old as manufacturing itself. Indeed, some of the old-
avoiding time loss caused by handing off a task.
est results of the OM field (e.g., base-stock formulas)
HRM. Theories of learning suggest that practice
deal with the problem of setting appropriate inven-
enhances and maintains proficiency, so there is likely
tory levels.
an upper limit to the effectiveness of cross-training
OM. In serial production lines with variable tasks,
(Gill 1997). If too many tasks are trained, lack of regu-
more storage space for WIP reduces blocking and
lar use as well as cognitive limits may cause produc-
starving, and hence increases output. tivity losses as a result of forgetting (Goldstein 2002,
HRM. In some cases, workers speed up when a Noe 2002, Argote and Epple 1990).
queue grows (Edie 1954). WIP provides a signal to Proposed Research. Schultz et al. (2003) studied the
workers. Observing the rise and fall of WIP indicates effects of short work interruptions and found that
“who is getting more work done,” which might induce short work interruptions reduce average work pace,
a change in work pace. Changes in WIP are less obvi- but not for all workers. More work is needed to
ous when inventories are very high. Therefore, work- explore how efficiency is affected by incorporat-
ers are more likely to link their speed of operation to ing occasional tasks in environments that use cross-
“changes in WIP” in a low-inventory system than in training.
an operation that has large amounts of WIP. HRM. Individuals are more motivated when they
Previous Research. perceive they have choice, discretion, and some con-
(1) Doerr et al. (1996) and Schultz et al. (1998) com- trol over their work (Hackman 1978, 2002). Indivi-
pared work pace in low-inventory lines and high- duals tend to choose tasks they do best, that are
inventory lines. This research suggested that average the easiest, most familiar, or most satisfying. Do they
work pace is faster in low-inventory lines, enough so choose the “wrong” task (operationally), rather than
as to compensate for loss because of blocking and the one that does the system the most good?
starving (17%). However, results differed for slow Proposed Research. Study the effect that “allowing
workers and fast workers. choice of task” has on output, especially in situations
(2) Schultz et al. (2003) studied motivational effects when it is optimal to limit choice for OM reasons.
of different forms of visible feedback and con- HRM. Training costs are significant, as are pay dif-
cluded that visible performance feedback increases ferentials to retain cross-trained workers. Opportunity

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for cross-training may enhance the ability to attract (2) Develop OM models of mixtures of flexible and
workers, but cross-trained workers may also be more inflexible workers. In a serial line, should the inflex-
marketable and prone to leave (Batt and Osterman ible workers be concentrated or dispersed? Will a
1993, Bishop and Kang 1996). Increased behavioral small number of inflexible workers have a dispropor-
costs of compensation, turnover, attraction, and reten- tionate effect?
tion (Cascio 2000) may materially affect the estimated (3) Using the OM investigations (above) as a guide,
returns from cross-training in OM models. OM mod- experimentally study the effects of incorporating tem-
els are generally naive with regard to such costs, porary workers in flexible work environments, and
which may have significant effects on the optimal lev- different ways to accomplish it. Is it possible to mix
els of cross-training. inflexible temps with flexible full-time workers? What
motivational, performance, and retention effects will
Proposed Research. Study the effect of cross-training
on attraction and turnover, and on system output.
Study differences across workers. Estimate the cost Team Build. Recent OM practice has seen a trend
implications of increased rewards, turnover, etc. toward using teams of various types in the work-
place. In contrast to the highly specialized division
Production and Workforce Planning. When de- of labor prevalent in most assembly lines, teams offer
mand varies in a semi-predictable manner, compa- the potential for workers to share labor in a dynamic
nies often plan changes in capacity to avoid excessive fashion, after suitable training (Siekman 2002). An
inventories during slow periods and shortages during extreme version of this practice is that of “team
demand peaks (Thomas and McClain 1993). Work- build,” in which a group of workers collaboratively
force capacity may be increased temporarily by using produce a product from beginning to end. (Volvo’s
overtime or by hiring temporary workers. These mea- experience with this will be discussed later.)
sures have the advantage of being removable when OM. Hand-offs between production stages may
the extra capacity is no longer needed. Permanent hir- cause idle time. When workers collaborate on a job
ing is another alternative, and the resulting workforce and follow it through all production stages, the block-
has different characteristics in terms of performance ing and starving that would otherwise be caused by
and cost. Greater use of temporary workers may, in worker variability can be eliminated, and variation in
some cases, increase the agility of a firm in a mar- task time can be accommodated by flexibility of skills
ket such as commercial aircraft manufacture (Matlack and assignments. Hence, “team build” should outper-
form “specialized work” (Van Oyen et al. 2001). A
and Holmes 2002).
team setting may also allow the most effective worker
OM. There are specific cost trade-offs that deter-
to do a larger fraction of the work (Buzacott 2002).
mine when it is most beneficial to use overtime versus
Many OM authors have written about how best to uti-
temporary hiring, and permanent hiring rather than
lize teams to achieve the desired objectives of speed,
either of the others.
quality and cost (Iravani et al. 2002; Suri 1998, 2001,
HRM. Motivation and/or loyalty may be different
for example).
for temporary versus permanent workers. Temporary HRM. Proficiency varies with skill similarity. Can
workers may not always be available when needed. people get good enough at a wide variety of tasks?
If worker flexibility is an integral part of the opera- A “complete product perspective” requires that work-
tion, it may be difficult to find temps who are inter- ers understand the connection between the complete
ested, qualified, or able to learn the requisite skills operational result and their own individual efforts
and procedures. and rewards.
Proposed Research. Proposed Research.
(1) Develop OM models that reflect limited and (1) Vary skill similarity and/or work variety across
unpredictable availability of temps, reduced quality production tasks. Observe changes in task speed and
of output, recruiting and training delays. the total effect on productivity in a specific context.

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(2) Vary visible completion of a product, working OM. In bucket brigade production, putting the
in teams, and combinations of these factors. Vary or fastest worker last achieves a stable system, often with
measure task identity (Hackman 1978, 2002) and team maximum output (Bartholdi and Eisenstein 1996a).
ability to assign tasks (Brannick et al. 1997, Guzzo and However, if bumping is not allowed (i.e., workers
Salas 1995). must complete an operation before handing a job off
to another worker), the optimal order may change
Customer Contact and Quality. Since the 1980s, (McClain et al. 2000).
the OM field has had a strong focus on quality, both HRM. Processing time is affected by the speed of
internal and external. Many practices were motivated proximal workers. Specifically, the position of fastest
by the desire to improve product and/or service worker may affect the speed of surrounding workers.
quality. Proposed Research. Vary the position of the fastest
OM. Industry examples where “team build” sys- worker in bucket brigade and other work-sharing sys-
tems were adopted, at least partially, to improve tems. Observe the effect on proximal-worker speed
quality of customer contact include Deere and and the implications for system output.
R. R. Donnelley (Van Oyen et al. 2001). Can OM mod-
Low-Inventory Operation and the Toyota Produc-
els help to specify the optimal levels of such qual-
tion System. Since being made famous by Toyota
ity variables, depending on the costs and revenue in the 1970s, pull production has been both widely
effects? Also, the types of errors that lead to service used and intensively studied. A particularly active
failures tend to be predictable, through application of line of research has been on how to implement pro-
knowledge and methods from cognitive psychology duction systems based on the “pull” of demand rather
research (Stewart and Chase 1999). than the “push” of a schedule. Although Toyota actu-
HRM. There are service-quality and time trade-offs ally used a variety of implementations, the version of
in any customer interaction. OM may be able to iden- Kanban originally associated with Toyota rigidly con-
tify the optimum quality level, but can employees trolled each station in a line by not permitting produc-
be trained and motivated to analyze trade-offs accu- tion until consumption of inventory at a downstream
rately? What internal models do employees create station provided authorization. Because Kanban was
to guide their decisions about a service level that is intrinsically restrictive, authors and practitioners have
“good enough”? proposed a variety of more flexible versions of pull
Proposed Research. Create a laboratory situation with systems.
a clear, measurable objective based on service. Vary OM. Fewer constraints improve system perfor-
the training and information available and analyze mance. Kanban systems restrict the amount of inven-
overall performance and the mental models workers tory at each station of a line, whereas CONWIP
use to set their quality standards. Compare to predic- (Spearman et al. 1990) only restricts the total inven-
tions of OM models. tory. Hence, CONWIP should achieve higher levels of
throughput (Spearman and Zazanis 1992, Spearman
Bucket Brigades. A specific form of worker orga- 1992).
nization designed to facilitate work sharing in a serial HRM. Processing times are affected by between-
production line is called “bucket brigade.” In this sys- worker communication. Does the act of “pulling in”
tem, a worker who has finished an operation moves Kanban markers improve communication and prob-
“upstream” and takes over whatever task the next lem resolution?
(i.e., previous) worker is doing. This hand-off often Proposed Research. Implement variations of pull sys-
occurs mid-task and so requires special training to tems in a system with complex and changing task
accomplish without loss or error. Such systems have requirements to measure effect of learning and com-
been described for sewn products (Bartholdi and munication induced by pull activities.
Eisenstein 1996a), warehouse picking (Bartholdi and OM. One of the benefits of low-inventory operation
Eisenstein 1996b), and other environments. has been attributed to better problem solving because

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of a shorter time lag between incidence of a defect owned by a worker) and implementation of specific
and its discovery. Yet, in a Toyota Motor Manufactur- incentives and performance feedback based on OM
ing case (Mishina 1992), workers did not remember principles of continual improvement.
anything unusual about defective seats, when asked While this list of topics is by no means complete,
several days later. these examples demonstrate that human considera-
HRM. Behavioral research demonstrates that defect tions can have a powerful impact on the conclusions
detection and action are related to HR practices from an OM model, and that there are many oppor-
(Daniel and Reitsperger 1991, Longenecker et al. 1994, tunities to better incorporate HRM insights into OM
Stansfield 1998). This includes worker training (DeFeo research and practice.
2002, Reis and Fahrenbruch 1968, Shammas-Toma
et al. 1996), incentives (Anand 1999, Longnecker et al. 2.3. Integrating COMU into Our Approach to
1997), job and process design (Bhatnager et al. 1985, OM Research
McFarling and Heimstra 1975, Williges and Streeter We have shown how translation and experimenta-
1971), and “zero defect” team culture (Garvin 1986, tion at the OM interface can bring behavioral insights
Hales 2001, Strecker 1996). more clearly into OM research and practice. Looking
Proposed Research. Investigate whether training back over these examples, it is possible to see the
beginnings of areas of integration. We propose some
and/or communications initiatives can improve rec-
examples below. OM scholars are familiar with these
ollection of the sources of defects, and whether there
(and often use them in consulting assignments) but
is a synergy between such initiatives and the lag-
often do not as explicitly incorporate them into their
reducing benefits of low-inventory operation.
mathematical, simulation, and field research.
A recent study (Spear et al. 1999) has shown that
(1) Individual productivity is affected by many
the effectiveness of the Toyota Production System
variables that are directly influenced by the work-
depends strongly on the behavior of individuals.
design elements of OM models.
While production methods are very strictly defined
(a) Incentive systems affect motivation, including
and followed, the system is nevertheless extremely
fatigue, boredom, and retention/turnover.
flexible, with continual measurement against stan-
(b) Workload- and task-sharing affect capabil-
dards and reengineering by the workers themselves. ity through system training costs, learning, and
This sometimes leads to paradoxical results. For forgetting.
example, Toyota does not pool inventories of the same (c) Flexibility and agility affect capability
item that have been created for different purposes. through dynamically changing demands on workers.
If buffer stock is needed against demand variabil- (2) Team structure affects performance of individ-
ity and cycle stock is needed to accommodate setup uals and the overall system.
times, each of these stocks is separately maintained (a) Other workers’ capabilities affect perfor-
and is designated an owner. This provides measures mance either positively (e.g., facilitating learning or
of how well those two sources of variability have increasing motivation) or negatively (e.g., encourag-
been attacked, and how specifically incentives for the ing slacking).
workers are designed to motivate work on reducing (b) A team setting may allow the faster worker
the variability so that the inventories may be reduced to do more than his/her share of the work, thereby
in turn. increasing productivity.
OM. Cycle stock can, to some extent, reduce the (c) A team setting allows increased communica-
need for safety stock. tion, which can increase or reduce productivity in sev-
HRM. Incentives and performance feedback should eral ways.
reflect improvements in cycle stock and safety stock (3) Information is an OM design variable that
separately if continual improvement is to be achieved. affects performance. In the words of our COMU
Proposed Research. Investigate the relationship bet- framework, opportunity and understanding affect
ween visible, physical indicators (such as inventory capability and motivation.

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(a) What people know (understanding) affects 3. How Operations Management

their ability to identify and perform tasks.
Can Inform Human Resources
(b) When and how people are able to get infor-
mation (opportunity) can make a big difference (e.g., Management
quick feedback, in an easily understood format, is The effectiveness of initiatives at the interface of HRM
most effective). and OM, such as cross-training, teams, and group-
(c) Clarity of information and connection to based pay, depend on context. This is widely recog-
organizational goals (understanding) is important to nized in HRM, but knowledge of OM can enhance
ensuring that information is converted into useful the precision of HRM’s contextual relevance and
knowledge. sophistication.
(4) Problem Solving is important to long-term sys- Just as COMU provided a useful convenient start-
tem performance. ing point to illustrate a working framework for the
(a) Cross-training implies more minds to exam- OM-HRM interface, we will focus here on several fun-
ine a process (capability) and therefore can provide damental elements of the OM field and illustrate how
better solutions and flexibility for dealing with uncer- they inform and enhance HRM.
(b) Rotating workers gives them a system-wide 3.1. Translating Behavioral Insights into the
perspective (understanding) that may motivate them Language of OM Models
or enable them to redesign the process. OM models typically use mathematical relationships
(c) Shorter queues may improve the ability to and search for optimum solutions to specific ser-
understand what caused problems. (If the time vice and production situations. Behavioral and HRM
between creation and detection of a defect is long, models often focus on conceptual relationships and
people may forget factors important to determining search for enhanced descriptions and predictions of
the underlying cause of the problem.) employee work behaviors and the effects of HRM
The above examples illustrate positive and negative practices that affect those behaviors. For example,
effects on productivity. We believe the total effect will HRM textbooks in compensation (e.g., Milkovich and
depend on the details of the situation and therefore Newman 2002) provide frameworks that describe the
needs to be established by research targeted at specific elements of pay systems and their parameters (such
environments. The ultimate result of such research as the form of rewards, the level of rewards and
will be OM models that are richer and more realistic the degree to which rewards vary with differences
with regard to how they represent humans and their in performance or capability). These frameworks are
interactions with operating systems. supported by behavioral principles. For example,
We have seen a few examples of OM research compensation relies on principles from expectancy
and practice being enhanced by incorporating pre- theory (Vroom 1964), which proposes that motivation
viously overlooked “human factors” and have sug- (the force to exert effort) is a function of expectancy
gested a number of areas in which additional research (the perceived probability that effort will successfully
might bear fruit. COMU provides a start. Undoubt- produce a behavior), instrumentality (the perceived
edly, future research will integrate additional ele- probability that the behavior will be noticed and will
ments from behavioral theory into mathematical and generate outcomes and rewards), and valence (the
empirical OM models. perceived value of the outcomes and rewards for the
The implications of OM for HRM and behavioral individual). Goal theory (Knight et al. 2001), which
research in organizations are equally profound. In the specifies how performance depends on the difficulty
next section, we will describe examples of how impli- and specificity of goals and how individuals set their
cations for HRM research that reflect and practice internal goals, also figures prominently in this area.
might benefit from contextual insights and integration Similarly, the training and development discipline
with OM. of HRM (e.g., Goldstein 2002, Noe 2002) describes

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the elements of training and development systems as the demand for service approaches capacity. An
and their parameters (such as the identification of example of an approach that has reached the status of
training needs, the structure of training and learning a principle is the use of sensitivity analysis to deter-
experiences, and whether such experiences should be mine the most critical aspects of a system. We use
provided electronically, in the classroom, or through sensitivity analysis extensively in the examples below.
field experiences). Training and development relies HRM Strategy Inside the “Black Box.” HRM writ-
on behavioral principles. For example, learning the- ers today routinely note the value of “getting inside
ory (Noe 2002) proposes that learning and application the black box” between HRM investments/practices
requires that the learner believe he/she is capable of and organization-level outcomes (e.g., Dyer and
learning and performing (self-efficacy), that he/she Shafer 1999, Becker and Gerhart 1996, Chadwick and
be appropriately prepared to participate in the learn- Cappelli 1999, McMahan et al. 1999). Typical stud-
ing experience (readiness), that the learning experi- ies will describe an array of HRM practices, then
ence provides sufficient engagement, feedback, and choose particular individual behaviors or attitudes
relevance, and that the work environment provides (e.g., turnover, job satisfaction, or performance rat-
fertile conditions to apply his/her learning (transfer). ings) and examine if they are affected by the HRM
HRM and behavioral frameworks often focus on practices, and finally examine whether both practices
describing how organizational characteristics and and behaviors/attitudes relate to organizational out-
conditions affect worker responses to HRM prac- comes (e.g., Huselid 1995). To be sure, such studies
tices. They seldom focus on optimization, though illuminate the particular linkages they choose to focus
increasing attention is given to whether the effects of on, but a process context from OM could provide a
practices outweigh their costs. Thus, translating OM more specific logic that would enhance such research.
contextual insights into the language of HRM and Boudreau and Ramstad (2003) have suggested
behavioral science requires identifying what OM ele- replacing the metaphor of a “black box” with a
ments might enhance predictions of employee work “bridge” in which precise linking elements are speci-
behaviors, or descriptions of the effects of HRM prac- fied and tested. A key element of this bridge is using
tices. Behavioral and HRM frameworks strive for gen- business processes to identify which work and work-
eral principles, rather than situation-specific solutions, ers (talent pools) are most pivotal to organizational
so OM insights can often usefully define the service or success. OM provides an untapped reservoir of preci-
production process elements that sets boundary con- sion and insight about core business processes, offer-
ditions on these general predictions. The mathematics ing a significant opportunity for HRM scholars to
of OM must be translated into underlying elements focus beyond the typical array of variables defined
of the situation or workers that can be integrated into solely from the HRM perspective.
HRM and behavioral models. HRM. Organizations that report using certain HRM
practices are more likely to have employees with
3.2. Experimental and Field Research Bringing more positive attitudes or lower turnover, and also to
OM Context into HRM exhibit more positive financial outcomes.
This section provides examples of “experimentation” OM. Financial outcomes are in part a result of
by describing a number of specific research studies to optimization in key processes. Sensitivity analysis
illustrate the power of integrating OM context with can identify processes that are particularly critical to
HRM. For each area, we cite an HRM insight and then delivering on specific strategic success factors.
present an OM perspective that might provide context Proposed Research.
to enrich or alter the original insight. Here we often (1) Group organizations by the core OM processes
use the phrase “OM principles” to mean well-known they most rely on to compete (e.g., low inventory,
and accepted results or approaches to problems. An team-build, server pooling). Determine which pro-
example of a result that has become a principle is that cesses are most enhanced by low turnover, employee
the average waiting time increases ever more rapidly longevity, and learning.

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(2) Analyze whether incorporating the key OM these traditional training questions. Training research
processes improves the prediction of strategic and explains how to build knowledge that will be applied,
financial outcomes as a function of HRM practices, and OM explains where knowledge is most effectively
turnover, and attitudes. applied.
(3) Add OM-based process outcomes (e.g., levels of HRM. Training is more effective when individuals
WIP, bottlenecks) to the variables measured in strate- believe they can succeed (self efficacy) and when they
gic HRM research. understand and have the opportunity to apply their
training to the workplace (transfer).
Goal Setting. The effects of goals on performance
OM. Cross-training is a resource that should be
is one of the most robust and widely-researched areas
properly balanced by identifying tasks that bene-
in behavioral research (Knight et al. 2001; Locke 1982,
fit optimally from worker task-sharing. For example,
1984), suggesting that appropriately difficult and spe-
training “in a loop” (each worker is trained on two
cific goals are optimal for motivation, and describing
skills so that each skill is shared by a pair of work-
the processes through which individuals both accept
ers) is the mathematically optimal (least training cost)
externally suggested goals and also how they set their
way to increase the worker’s ability to share tasks.
own internally established goals. Several of the exam- Proposed Research. Compare training-transfer lev-
ples in §2 suggest that different OM designs create els and process effectiveness under traditional HRM
different information and signals from the workplace approaches that aim to enhance general levels of self
or coworkers. efficacy and transfer, to approaches where self effi-
HRM. Hard and specific goals often induce greater cacy and transfer are targeted to the optimum training
individual performance than general “do your best” uses. For example, instruct workers in the optimum
goals. operational conditions to share tasks and examine if
OM. Performance with regard to certain goals mat- this enhances their effectiveness in transferring train-
ters more than others. For example, in a low-WIP sys- ing and in their job performance.
tem, achieving goals for individual production speed HRM. Training costs and benefits are calculated by
may be less important than smoothing production asking managers to estimate the frequency of apply-
variations that may cause bottlenecks. In a pooled- ing the training and the dollar value of improved
server setting, achieving a goal of proficiency on a trained worker performance (Morrow et al. 1997).
particular task may be less important than properly OM. Training has its greatest effect in tasks that
switching tasks when required. occur with great frequency or in situations where
Proposed Research. Compare process performance task sharing is most valuable. For example, call-center
and individual worker behavior under conditions designs frequently allow predicting which task ele-
of appropriately difficult and specific goals, based ments will arise for a given call and when task sharing
on (1) overall group output, versus (2) individual can effectively alleviate bottlenecks.
task performance, versus (3) OM-informed goals that Proposed Research. Incorporate OM predictions of
reflect the key process parameters. Do OM-informed task frequency, task sharing, and the sensitivity of sys-
goals create greater performance enhancements tem performance to them, into estimates of training
because of their precise focus on the critical tasks that return on investment. Compare traditional HRM cost-
most affect total system performance? benefit estimates to those that are informed by more
Training. Traditional training research has re- precise OM elements.
vealed significant insights about necessary conditions Attraction and Retention. Decades of research in
to create learning (e.g., self efficacy), to transfer and HRM and I/O psychology suggests a connection
use learning at work, and the relative effects of differ- between worker attitudes toward their job and their
ent training activities, such as experiential, simulation, likelihood of leaving. For example, Henry Ford expe-
and expository (Goldstein 2002, Noe 2002). OM mod- rienced turnover in excess of 900% during the first
els can suggest specific contextual factors that affect year of operation at Highland Park (Donkin 2001).

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Massive pay increases eventually reduced this exo- “Line of sight,” or accurate perceptions about the
dus. Surveys of “great places to work” (Levering link between actions, performance, and rewards, is a
and Moskowitz 2002) suggest that the opportunity relevant component of motivation and effectiveness
for learning is a key factor in employee satisfaction in these situations. Boswell (2000) suggested that how
and in attracting and retaining employees. Thus, it accurately employees understand how their actions
may be prudent to train workers broadly, as way to link to organizational goals also affects their atti-
attract and retain them. However, OM models can tudes and intentions to stay. A pervasive assump-
show where the probability of any given worker actu- tion in much of the “total quality” and “worker
ally using certain skills may be extremely low. Cross- empowerment” literature is that those closest to the
training on infrequently used skills may engender operation (often the workers carrying out the pro-
more frustration than satisfaction. cess) know the key productivity issues and oppor-
HRM. Workers report being more satisfied and tunities for improvement (Flaherty 2001), and that
attracted to organizations that provide learning oppor- by giving workers the discretion to make decisions,
tunities, so those that provide more training should those improvements can be achieved. For example,
have lower turnover and higher productivity. the former production-line worker who is empow-
OM. Cross-training carried beyond a certain point ered to monitor a computer display depicting the
results in workers trained in skills that OM mod- entire steel production line may now see the same
els predict will be seldom used. At the same time, data on which the OM optimization, design, and diag-
OM models can identify scheduling and labor allo- noses are based (e.g., speed, bottlenecks, variation in
cation options that provide greater variety in work throughput, work-in-process inventory levels). Per-
assignments. haps workers naturally discern where their behavior
Proposed Research. Incorporate OM predictions can make the most difference in overall system per-
about the frequency of skill use into research on formance. A similar effect might occur when workers
the impact of training on employee attraction, sat- who formerly only carried out production tasks are
isfaction, and retention. Are seldom-used skills less now placed on design teams that include operations
effective as inducements and satisfiers? How should engineers, managers, supervisors, and coworkers that
these insights be incorporated into task assignment span the entire production process.
policies? OM models provide a very precise description of
exactly what workers should know or figure out to
High-Performance Work Systems and Line of optimize the process. Do workers indeed generate
Sight. High-performance workplace research (Appel- mental models that accurately reflect OM principles
baum and Batt 1993, Ichniowski and Shaw 1999) sug- simply by working in these systems? Can they be
gests the value of team building, empowerment, and assisted by better understanding of the underlying
other “bundles” of HRM practices, often by mea- OM theories and mathematics? Without such assis-
suring the production-level effects of those interven- tance, do worker-involvement initiatives have their
tions (e.g., scrap, quality, production speed, etc.). It effects mainly because of enhanced (but still some-
is a common finding that teams consisting of pro- times misguided) worker motivation, and could they
duction designers, production workers, and super- be improved using OM principles?
visors are associated with enhanced manufacturing HRM. High-performance work systems are associ-
and operations performance. Perhaps these associa- ated with greater teamwork and empowerment and
tions reflect workers’ increased opportunity to rec- with improvements in production-level process out-
ognize and articulate production issues and act on comes. This may be in part because of enhanced dis-
them (Salem et al. 1992). However, we know little cretion and knowledge among those “closest” to the
about whether workers actually recognize the most process.
pivotal elements of the production process, or if they OM. There are specific process-improvement prin-
understand the principles on which such processes ciples that create the greatest impact on production-
are designed. level outcomes. Workers empowered with knowledge

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of these principles may direct their discretion and 3.3. Integrating OM Concepts into
knowledge more effectively. HRM Research
Proposed Research. Use OM principles to analyze We have shown how both translation and experi-
the mental models of workers involved in high- mentation at the HRM-OM interface can bring OM
performance work systems. Examine how closely insights more clearly into HRM research and prac-
these mental models reflect OM principles under tice. Just as in §2, it is possible to see the beginnings
conditions of assistance and no assistance. Compare of areas of integration. We propose some examples
empowered teams who are informed about OM prin- below. HRM scholars often encounter these issues in
ciples to those who are not, in terms of their effect on the field, but often do not incorporate them as explic-
production-level outcomes. itly into their HRM practices, behavioral frameworks,
and field research.
Compensation. Compensation research suggests
that providing higher average rewards can enhance Optimization vs. Maximization in HRM. A fun-
retention and attraction, provide a higher-quality damental difference between the approach of OM
workforce, and thus enhance the probability that and HRM is that OM typically strives to develop
when skills are used, they will be applied proficiently frameworks that suggest optimal solutions, while
(Milkovich and Newman 2002). Such research gener- HRM research typically develops frameworks to
ally analyzes compensation in terms of pay levels and explain how to enhance or maximize behaviors.
contingencies in jobs or pay grades, or pay for certain For example, typical research on employee selection
skills and knowledge. OM models may allow more focuses on maximizing correlations between selec-
precise design of optimal compensation premiums for tion system scores and job performance. However,
skills and behaviors, considering the operational situ- some approaches identify optimal combinations of
ations in which they occur. It may be possible to link test validity, applicant pool size, and other factors,
proficiency levels with resulting service and manu- designed to produce a desired number or level of
qualifications among new hires (DeCorte 1998a, b).
facturing outcomes and thus calculate the expected
Undoubtedly, there is great potential for considering
value of compensation incentives directed at certain
optimization in other areas of the HRM field.
capabilities or actions. Such models not only require
OM principles but also must incorporate the effects of HRM Frameworks and Predictions Can Be More
rewards on attraction and turnover, as a function of Complete. A great deal of the variance in behav-
different performance levels (Boudreau et al. 1999). ioral and HRM studies is unexplained, even when
HRM. Pay levels and pay based on specific skills effects are statistically significant. Typical HRM cri-
or behaviors can increase the quality of the work- teria reflect broad individual behaviors, performance
force and the level of skills or behaviors exhibited by ratings, or high-level outcomes such as manufacturing
individuals. or service output or sales (Katzell and Austin 1992,
OM. Because worker knowledge and behaviors Spector 2000). Incorporating OM principles would
occur within production systems, sensitivity analysis produce more precise and granular criteria and per-
can identify the “shadow price” of proficiency differ- haps enhance the predictive power of such research.
ences, in crucial skills or behaviors. For example, workers with greater cognitive ability
Proposed Research. Use OM principles to estimate or conscientiousness seem to receive higher perfor-
the shadow price of pivotal employee behaviors or mance ratings (Bobko 1999, Schmidt 2001), organiza-
skills. Construct compensation and reward contingen- tions that use cognitive ability tests appear to be more
cies that reflect these shadow prices and examine profitable (Terpstra and Rozell 1993), and production
resulting worker behaviors, worker attitudes toward lines that invest in worker training and empowerment
pay equity and effectiveness, and overall system appear to have higher productivity and quality (Batt
performance. 1999, Ichniowski et al. 1997, Ichniowski and Shaw

194 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

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1999). Yet, we know very little about which individ- through those processes. The shift from HRM as pro-
ual behaviors are enhanced by these investments, or gram delivery and evaluation to HRM as decision-
whether those behaviors are the ones that OM mod- based investment requires a logical system to iden-
els have identified as having the greatest effect on tify the talent pivot points. In manufacturing and ser-
the manufacturing or service operations contexts. This vice operations, OM models can help to provide this
applies to most HRM areas, including selection, train- logical system.
ing, goal setting, justice, equity, compensation, and
Thus, HRM research could explain more variance
4. The OM-HRM Interface and
in organizational outcomes by acknowledging these Strategic Organizational
contextual factors and incorporating them into mod- Competitive Advantage
els and empirical studies. Also, there is a vast array The HC BRidge™ framework,1 shown in Figure 2,
of operational measures (e.g., sales, production speed, links human-resource investments, organizational tal-
yield, costs, etc.) available to HRM researchers, and ent, and strategic success (Boudreau and Ramstad
improving information technology continually makes 2002, 2003). This helps in depicting the OM-HRM
even more data available. OM principles can help interface in its larger organizational context. OM typ-
guide the choice of criteria, reducing the tendency to ically focuses near the top of the diagram, on issues
choose them out of context or simply because they are relevant to organizational “resources and processes,”
available. such as low cost, speed, quality, and productivity.
HRM typically operates lower in the diagram on “HR
HRM Evolves from “Program-Delivery” to “De- policies and practices” and their effects on “human
cision-Based Investments.” The OM-HRM interface capacity” such as capability, opportunity, and motiva-
has significant implications for the way HRM pro- tion, and “aligned actions,” such as performance and
grams are chosen, targeted, and evaluated. Tradi- turnover. The OM-HRM interface lies in the middle,
tionally, when HRM managers or researchers wish the boxes labeled “aligned actions,” “talent pools,”
to estimate or demonstrate the value of HRM pro- and “resources and processes.”
grams, they measure the effects of a program in The contextual insights from OM improve the abil-
terms of correlation coefficients, standardized regres- ity of HRM to use business-process principles to
sion weights, or t-values, all of which are in standard- reveal the talent pools that are most pivotal (affect
score units, which cannot readily be weighed against process outcomes the most), and their behaviors that
dollar-valued program costs. These effect sizes must create those process effects (“aligned actions”). In §2,
be translated into dollar values. The translation meth- insights from “talent pools” and “policies and prac-
ods have been debated for decades (Boudreau and tices” were applied to “resources and processes,” ask-
Ramstad 2003), but virtually all of them require a sub- ing what HRM elements might most enhance OM.
jective judgment about the dollar value of differences Section 3 applied insights from “resources and pro-
in these individual attributes (e.g., the dollar value of cesses” to “aligned actions” and “policies and prac-
the difference between a person who performs better tices,” asking what OM context elements might most
than 50% of the workers versus one who performs inform HRM practices and the supporting behavioral
better than only the bottom 15%). Often, this judg- models. Figure 2 shows how important this inter-
ment is obtained from operations managers. There is face is to the organization’s “sustainable strategic
no consensus on an accepted translation approach, success.” We envision that enhancing the OM-HRM
and little evidence of the accuracy of these judg- interface will significantly improve our understand-
ments. The OM-HRM interface of Figure 1 suggests ing and ability to enhance the links between “invest-
a more decision-focused approach that would exam- ments” in HRM policies and practices to “sustainable
ine how individual differences affect key pivotal busi-
ness processes and trace the monetary implications 1
HC BRidge™ is a trademark of the Boudreau-Ramstad Partnership.

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003 195

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Figure 2 The HC BRidge™ Framework to build up the body of knowledge needed to con-
struct a unified understanding. Hence, we conclude
ANCHOR LINKING this paper by identifying the basic classes of research
that are needed and discussing the challenges and
Sustainable Strategic Success
opportunities in each.

Impact Resources and Processes 5.1. Improved OM Models

Talent Pools and Structures
In §2, we provided a list of HR variables that are typ-
ically omitted from OM models. A good start toward
Aligned Actions a more sophisticated generation of OM models would
Human Capacity
be systematic research into how to incorporate these
issues into classical models of operations problems.
Policies and Practices Behaviors such as learning, fatigue, boredom, forget-
Efficiency ting, loyalty, motivation, and many others can, in
Copyright © 1999, 2002 John W. Boudreau & Peter M. Ramstad (PDI). All rights reserved. theory, be included in descriptive, simulation, and
optimization models used to analyze and improve
strategic advantage” supported by key OM processes operating systems. For instance, there is no fundamen-
and resources. tal reason that prevents models of aggregate planning,
facility layout, or scheduling from incorporating the
fact that workers’ speed, quality, and variability are
5. Toward an Integrated affected by various parameters. Although the mathe-
OM/HRM Framework matics of the model might be more complicated, the
In the previous sections, we have offered a host of real research challenge to doing this is in properly
academic and industry examples that illustrate some describing the relevant human behavior.
of the powerful connections between OM and HRM. As an illustration, we consider a discussion one of
At a fundamental level, these two areas of manage- the authors had with a colleague about why pull sys-
ment cannot exist without one another. OM policies tems work. They agreed that a fundamental property
can only be carried out by people, and HRM poli- of pull systems is that they delay releases based on
cies are effective only if they foster people doing system status, but they disagreed on whether delay-
organization-critical tasks. And the connection is not ing releases would necessarily delay completions. A
just theoretical. As many of our industry stories sug- sample-path argument “proves” that later releases
gest, considering HRM in formulating OM policy, and could never lead to earlier completions, but this proof
vice versa, can be good management practice. assumes that process times are unaffected by the pull
But observing philosophical connections or imple- system. In real-world systems, this may be untrue.
mentation synergies is not the same as providing an Shorter queues might facilitate detection of quality
integrated OM/HRM framework. Our review of the problems and lead to less rework. Greater commu-
two fields indicates gaps in our understanding of the nication between stations could help operators elim-
links between them. Some of these are likely to be inate mistakes. The more obvious need for smooth
filled by “research as usual,” but many are not. Only flow in a low-WIP system might lead to more man-
via a conscious effort to explore the OM/HRM inter- ufacturable product designs. These and other behav-
face will we be able to provide a framework to sup- iors that might be induced by use of a pull system
port better, more integrated management policies. are all dependent on how the people involved react.
Research into an integrated OM/HRM framework Far from being minor details, these mechanisms for
will not be simple or linear. We are simply not reshaping a production environment may explain
close enough to such a system to attack the problem some of the most important benefits. Similar issues
directly. Several very different paths must be pursued arise in many settings that have been studied by OM

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researchers, including crew scheduling, military oper- HRM programs and investments that are more clearly
ations, and various staffing problems. linked to the production pivot points.
If we knew the direction and magnitude of these These new HRM outputs would provide OM man-
behavioral impacts it would be relatively straightfor- agers with data to deal explicitly with formerly hidden
ward to determine whether the pull system would issues such as the cost function for worker fungibility,
improve or degrade on-time delivery performance. process-design trade-offs in facilitating hand-offs, pro-
But OM modeling often does not include behav- cess designs that allow workers to link their behaviors
ioral impacts, and thereby may overlook fundamental to the ultimate objective, process designs that allow
insights. For this situation to improve, it is not only workers to translate customer pacing information into
critical for OM researchers to be open to the idea of good decisions, and the cost-productivity trade-offs
modeling complex human behavior; they must also that are associated with all these design elements.
have access to the types of behavioral and empirical
research we discuss below.
5.3. Behavioral Research
As we noted above, a serious impediment to includ-
5.2. Improved HRM Frameworks
ing human behavior in OM models is the simple fact
We believe that for HRM research to refine OM mod-
that we do not know how humans behave in spe-
els and practices, an extended HRM model should
cific operating environments. When do long queues
consider questions that are focused on operational
motivate faster work? When does low WIP promote
issues. For example, in the case of worker flexibility,
better problem solving? When does broader product
HRM needs to consider more than the proficiency of
responsibility lead to higher quality levels? The list of
each individual worker and the proportion of work-
unanswered questions that are central to the choice of
ers who can do all the tasks involved. Rather, HRM
effective OM policies is long. Indeed, because research
should consider questions such as the costs of adding
into behavioral issues that underlie modeling of oper-
worker fungibility, the likely motivation of workers to
ations systems is just getting started, we do not even
make efficient and effective hand-offs, and the design
of the work and production process as it either facili- have a comprehensive list of the questions.
tates or constrains the pivotal behavior—handing off In §§2 and 3, we suggested research to address
work at low cost and with high quality. specific areas where human issues are likely to be deci-
Within such a framework, OM and HRM managers sive in understanding the performance of OM policies.
could consider together the cost function involved in Although this list is still preliminary, it gives a sense of
building optimal levels of fungibility, including not the style of research that is needed. Among the issues
only skills but also any changes in reward systems, that might benefit from additional behavioral research
communications, and process design needed to affect are factors that affect (a) worker speed, (b) worker
capability, opportunity, motivation, and understand- memory, (c) turnover, (d) ability to learn new tasks,
ing. Integrating these costs into standard OM models (e) quality of work, (f) communication between work-
will enhance the ability to find an optimum design ers, and (g) problem solving by workers.
and more clearly account for the talent issues. The above examples suggest areas where insights
As the processes are implemented, the approach into human behavior can directly inform OM models.
we propose suggests a very different role for HRM. A complementary set of questions reflects how atten-
Rather than simply delivering training or compensa- tion to OM principles can inform HRM research, as
tion programs, the HR manager would now assess we have noted.
worker effectiveness at making hand-offs, their over- • What specific behavioral issues make the most
all understanding of how their individual actions difference to key organizational processes?
relate to the outcome, their reactions and decisions • What are the “mental models” that workers and
based on customer pacing input, etc. The result is their supervisors use to make decisions about where
likely to be a more integrated or “bundled” set of to direct their efforts? Do those mental models reflect

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the OM principles that actually describe process opti- 5.4. Integration Research
mization? How are they affected by HRM prac- Finally, a style of research that could promote the
tices such as training, performance assessment and type of integrated framework we are proposing here
rewards? is research into integration itself. This paper could
• Is “more is better” always true when it comes to be regarded as a preliminary example of this kind
HRM investments, or are there optimal levels of those of research. By surveying and classifying the OM
investments that reflect the operational context? and HRM fields, we have identified gaps and mis-
Behavioral research may be the key to achieving an matches that keep some of the insights of the two
OM/HRM framework. OM researchers may incorpo- fields separate. But to go further than mere identifica-
rate better representations of humans in their models. tion of impediments, it is likely that future integration
Researchers in HRM may enhance their paradigms research will have to focus more narrowly on how to
with more specificity of operating context. But behav- bring the ideas from OM and HRM to bear on specific
ioral research directed at improving models of OM problems or environments.
situations is a scholarly path with little precedent. For example, consider recent OM research results
Much of this behavioral research can be done on collaborative work environments (Van Oyen et al.
in experimental settings. However, validating an 2001). They studied a serial production system in
OM/HRM framework also requires empirical study which they assumed that (a) workers are identical,
(b) workers can collaborate on tasks, (c) process times
of the behavior of actual system performance at a
are inversely proportional to the number of people
macro-level. Controlled behavioral experiments are
assigned to the task, and (d) there is no cost or
essential to provide building blocks. But real-world
time delay to switch between tasks. They showed
systems are always more complex than experiments.
that average WIP and cycle time are minimized if
So, to find out how policies really perform, we need
all workers collaborate as a team, taking jobs succes-
to evaluate their performance in industrial settings.
sively from the queue at the front of the line and pro-
Do teams enhance performance in terms of both
cessing them through the entire line.
quality and productivity? What kind of teams? (Some
One might be tempted to conclude from this result
excellent research has been done to date, e.g., Bailey
that environments in which collaboration is efficient
1998, Banker et al. 1996, and Banker et al. 2001.) Are
(e.g., workers do not get in each other’s way when
pull systems profitable? Does cross-training reduce
working simultaneously on a task) are good candi-
or increase turnover? Under what conditions? Has dates for team-build strategies. Indeed, sometimes
the lean manufacturing movement had a demonstra- they are. For example, Van Oyen et al. (2001) cite their
ble impact on the American economy? Questions like experience with Elgin Digital Colorgraphics (EDCG),
these can only be addressed via careful empirical a premedia printing process of R. R. Donnelley and
analysis of large-scale systems. Sons. In this system, most operations are conducted
Empirical research is more prevalent than behav- on workstations, and jobs can be divided among
ioral research in the OM literature, but we believe workers by assigning pages to individuals. Teams of
more should be done. Part of the difficulty is that workers followed jobs through almost the entire pro-
conclusions based on statistical analysis of noisy cess. In addition to realizing the efficiency benefits
data are necessarily less crisp than those based on predicted by the model, this protocol also ensured
detailed mathematical models. As a result, model- that the customer would have a single point of contact
ing researchers are prone to regarding such research for a job throughout the system, facilitating changes
as less than rigorous. But this need not be the case. and helping to ensure quality.
Given carefully constructed experiments and careful But this kind of team-build strategy does not always
analysis, such research can yield important insights work. Most famously, Volvo opened its Uddevalla
into some of the biggest questions associated with the plant in 1988 with a widely touted autonomous team
OM/HRM interface. approach for assembling an automobile. Intended to

198 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

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“humanize” assembly line work in order to improve There are many options in between. OM models
motivation and reduce absenteeism and turnover, the could provide insight into where to look for the
plant never achieved productivity levels comparable “pivot points” that may be affected by talent. HRM
to traditional plants. It was closed in 1993 (Moore 1992, could offer insights into what factors affect devel-
Prokesch 1991, Rehder 1992, Sandberg 1993). opment of the appropriate talent and the extent to
In a more recent case, one of the authors observed which satisfaction among workers affects retention
two plants owned by Federal Signal. One produced and performance. But only by truly bringing the two
sewer-cleaning trucks using a team assembly system; perspectives together will we be able to design hybrid
the other produced street-sweeping trucks on a pro- systems that combine the motivational benefits of
gressive assembly line. The team-assembly system team-build with the efficiency of progressive-build.
had been adopted to facilitate flexibility—the firm Researchers are just beginning to address issues
would make almost anything the customer asked for. like these presented by complex operations systems
But because trucks were built in bays, there was lit- involving people. We take this as a very hopeful sign
tle pacing pressure. Moreover, because of the wide that we are on the verge of a new era of OM/HRM
range of tasks involved, workers spent considerable integration. We have given an (admittedly incom-
time figuring out how to do things. As a result, even plete) set of research opportunities for addressing this
though the two products were similar in complexity interface. The one thing that is clear from our review
and customization, the progressive assembly line had is that there are a great many research challenges that
much higher productivity, better quality and superior need to be addressed before the synergies of these
customer service. It did not take long for a new man-
fields, in research and practice, are realized.
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Received: September 24, 2002; days with authors: 97; revisions: 3; average review cycle time: 31 days; Senior Editor: Leroy B. Schwarz.

202 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management/Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 2003

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