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June 8, 2016

(cousel for other party)

Dear Atty. _____,

Good day, Sir.

This has reference to your letter dated May 26, 2016 which I received on June 2,
2016 at my office in connection with the transaction of ____ and _______.

Please be informed that the required documents necessary for the transfer of title
of the subject property in favor of your clients are ready and are in my possession. The
same will be turned over to your clients simultaneous with the payment of the remaining
balance of the purchase price.

In this connection, may I respectfully request for a meeting at your office next
week between June 13-17, 2016 or at our convenient time and date for the purpose of
consummating the transaction of our clients.

We await for your favorable response on this matter.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

ATTY. _____________

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