DSL-340 MkIII Operators Manual V1.3

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DynOptic Systems Ltd


DSL-340 MkIII – Double Pass Particulate Monitor

Measuring in mg/m³ using DDP

Operators Manual V1.3

DynOptic Systems Ltd – Furlong House, Crowfield, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 5TW United Kingdom

© DynOptic Systems Ltd 2016

All technical details and specifications are subject to change without notice
DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual



Product Overview.............................................................................................4

Installing the Utility Software and Configuring USB .........................................6

Minimum hardware/software specification for host PC.................................6
Installing the USB Driver ..............................................................................6
Installing the Utility Software ........................................................................7
Updating the Utility Software ........................................................................7
Assigning a valid COM Port..........................................................................7

Using the Utility Software .................................................................................9

Connecting a PC to the DSL-340 .................................................................9
The Comms tab ..........................................................................................10
Connect to Instrument.............................................................................11
Connect Through OI ...............................................................................13
Enable Multidrop.....................................................................................13
ID ............................................................................................................14
Bus Comms (RS485) ..............................................................................14
The Readings tab .......................................................................................15
Reading ..................................................................................................15
Reading Override Mode..........................................................................15
Negative Clipping....................................................................................16
Damping .................................................................................................17
Log Reading - Enabled ...........................................................................17
Log Reading – Append to File ................................................................17
Log Reading – Log Q and A ...................................................................17
Log Reading - Interval.............................................................................18
Graph Button ..........................................................................................18
Fault Messages ......................................................................................19
Warning Messages .................................................................................20
The Outputs tab..........................................................................................21
Analogue Output ........................................................................................21
Analogue Low and Analogue High..........................................................22
4-20mA Output .......................................................................................22
Relays ........................................................................................................22
Relay Polarity checkbox..........................................................................22
The Settings tab .........................................................................................24
Signal Strength...........................................................................................25
AGC button .............................................................................................25
Gain ........................................................................................................25
Measure signal .......................................................................................25
Reference signal.....................................................................................25

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Alignment Tool button .............................................................................25

Temperature ...........................................................................................25
Calibration ..................................................................................................26
Path Length ............................................................................................26
DDP Span...............................................................................................26
DDP Zero................................................................................................26
DDP mg/m3 Units....................................................................................26
Enable Opacity .......................................................................................27
Zero Opacity ...........................................................................................28
Calibration Checking ..................................................................................29
Span Check Value ..................................................................................29
Output Function ......................................................................................29
Manual Span Check................................................................................29
Automatic Zero and Span Check ............................................................30
Interval (Hrs) ...........................................................................................30
Zero Drift.................................................................................................31
Span Drift................................................................................................31
The Diagnostics tab....................................................................................32
Instrument Information................................................................................32
Firmware / PCB Serial Number / Compile Time......................................32
Backup to PC..........................................................................................33
Restore from PC .....................................................................................33
Restore Factory Defaults ........................................................................33
Folder Location .......................................................................................34
Direct Comms .........................................................................................34

Using the OI ...................................................................................................35

Keypad / Display Fundamentals.................................................................35
Moving between Pages ..............................................................................37
Page 0 parameters .....................................................................................38
duSt (Reading)........................................................................................38
dAnP (Damping) .....................................................................................38
AnLo & AnHi (Analogue Low & Analogue High) .....................................39
nnA (4-20mA Output)..............................................................................39
ALr (Threshold).......................................................................................39
DLy (Delay).............................................................................................39
rLy (Relay Polarity) .................................................................................40
driF (Zero Drift & Span Drift) ...................................................................40
Page 1 parameters .....................................................................................40
duSt (Reading)........................................................................................41
dEF (Restore Factory Defaults) ..............................................................41
Sig (Measure Signal) ..............................................................................41
rEF (Reference Signal) ...........................................................................41
tEnP (Temperature) ................................................................................42
gAIn (Gain) .............................................................................................42
AgC (AGC)..............................................................................................42

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

PAtH (Path).............................................................................................42
ZErO (DDP Zero)....................................................................................42
SPAn (DDP Span) ..................................................................................42
SAdJ .......................................................................................................43
nEg (Negative Clipping) ..........................................................................43
ccEn (Automatic Zero and Span Check Enabled)...................................43
cchr (Calibration Check Hours)...............................................................43

Set-up, Calibration and Commissioning.........................................................44

Overview ....................................................................................................44
Head Alignment ......................................................................................46
Automatic Gain Correction (AGC)...........................................................49
Defining the Path length..........................................................................51
Calibration of Particle Density.................................................................51
Single Point Calibration (DDP Zero) .......................................................52
Single Point Calibration (DDP Span) ......................................................52
Multi-Point Calibration (DDP Zero and DDP Span).................................53
Configuring the outputs...........................................................................54
Configuring the Automatic Calibration Check .........................................54

Maintenance ..................................................................................................58
Checking the Signal Level ......................................................................58
Cleaning Optical Surfaces ......................................................................59
Checking the Reference Signal ..............................................................59

Fault Messages and Trouble Shooting .........................................................60

Fault Messages ..........................................................................................61
LO REF-VIS (“Lo r”) ................................................................................61
HI REF-VIS (“Hi r”)..................................................................................61
HI MEAS-VIS (“Hi S”)..............................................................................62
OVERRIDE ACTIVE ...............................................................................62
“HEAd” (only displayed on the OI) ..........................................................62
SPAN CHECK ACTIVE (SP.cc) ..............................................................63
ZERO CHECK ACTIVE (Zr.cc) ...............................................................63
Warning Messages.....................................................................................63
ALARM ACTIVE .....................................................................................63
LO MEAS-VIS (“Lo S”)............................................................................63
MEMORY FAULT (“EEch”) .....................................................................64
COMMS CRC FAULT (“CrC”).................................................................65

Revision Control.............................................................................................66

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Product Overview

The DSL-340 Double Pass Particulate Monitor measures dynamic fluctuations

in open path light transmission, using a transceiver (TRX) and reflector
system. It is typically installed on a duct, stack, chimney or flue for the
purpose of monitoring increases in particle density (mg/m3) caused by
suspended particles (dust and smoke) passing through the light path.

The TRX and Reflector are mounted opposite each other across the stack so
that the light beam generated in the TRX passes across the centre of the duct
(through the gas stream) and falls directly onto the Reflector on the other side.
The Reflector then returns the light to the TRX. Particles moving through the
beam will cause fluctuations in the intensity of light received by the TRX.

When calibrated against standard reference measurements, the magnitude of

the signal variation relates directly to the dust, smoke and particulate

A number of checks and measures are employed to maintain continued

accuracy of the instrument, including direct monitoring of the light source
intensity and the internal instrument temperature of the instrument.

The DSL-340 can be supplied for “stand alone” configuration (i.e.

TRX/Reflector heads only – no control unit), in which case command and
control of the instrument is performed using either the Utility software provided
(for use on a laptop PC), or by ModBus serial comms connected to the TRX.
In the stand alone configuration the TRX head has a range of interface
outputs including 4-20mA loop, level and service alarm contacts, ModBus,
and USB, allowing it to be connected into standard industrial monitoring

Alternatively the DSL-340 can be supplied with an Operator Interface (OI),

which is a remote control unit, with 4-digit LED display, 4-button keypad, and
full range of interface abilities. The OI is available in an IP65 rated wall
mounting enclosure for external use, or a small panel mounting enclosure for
installation in a master control panel. The OI has a full range of interface
outputs to match those listed for the TRX head above.

Both TRX and Reflector heads are supplied with air-purge bodies, these not
only provide the physical mounting point for the instrument, but also allow
users to connect a high volume, low pressure air supply to help keep the
optics clean and prolong service intervals.

By default the instrument is a 24VDC powered device, but it can be optionally

supplied with universal input 90-260VAC PSU for AC operation.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

After installing on the stack set-up and the basic calibration involves zeroing
the instrument zero under clear path conditions, and performing an upscale
calibration adjustment based on comparison between instrument readings
and independent gravimetric sample measurements.

The DSL-340 has an automatic zero and span check capability which can be
used to check for any performance drift. This automatic check routine can be
set to run at a regular, pre-defined time interval using the supplied Utility

This manual assumes that the DSL-340 has been properly installed in
accordance with the separate installation manual.

This manual covers the set-up, maintenance, and general operation of a

DSL-340 monitor using either the DSL-340 Utility Software supplied, and/or
the optional OI.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Installing the Utility Software and Configuring USB

Warning: The Utility Software and the USB Driver

connecting the DSL-340 to a PC. Connecting the PC
to a DSL-340 before installing the Utility Software
and the USB Driver will cause problems with
installation and may even cause the installation to

Minimum hardware/software specification for host PC

The Utility Software supplied with the DSL-340 is not a large or particularly
complex program, and therefore has no requirement for a high performance
host PC. Any reasonably modern PC/laptop will be suitable. The only “must
have” requirements are:

 Windows XP, or newer, operating system

 All recent operating system Service Packs and upgrades (visit the
Microsoft website) must have been installed
 At least one free USB slot (assigned to a COM Port between COM1
and COM8 – see later section on Assigning a Valid COM Port).

Installing the USB Driver

The USB Driver software is supplied on a CD that is shipped with the

instrument. Alternatively a link to a download file can be provide by DynOptic
Systems on request.

1. Ensure that you are logged onto your PC with Administrative rights, so
that you have the necessary permission to install software.

2. Copy the USB Driver “CDM xxxxx.exe” file from the CD to any suitable
location on the host PC (“My Documents” is a good location).

3. Double click on the .exe file and follow the onscreen installation

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Installing the Utility Software

The DynOptic Systems DSL-340 uses the “DSL-3xx Utility Software” which
can be found on the CD that was shipped with the instrument. A link to a
download file can be provide by DynOptic Systems on request.

1. Ensure that you are logged onto your PC with Administrative rights, so
that you have the necessary permission to install software.

2. Copy the file “DSL-3xx Utility Install xxx.exe” from the CD to any
suitable location on the host PC (“My Documents” is a good location).

3. Double click on the .exe file and follow the onscreen installation

The software should now be installed and should appear in the “All Programs”
list in the folder “DSL-3xx UTILITY”. The software is called “DSL-3xx

Updating the Utility Software

From time to time DynOptic Systems may release updated versions of the
DSL-340 Utility Software. If you receive an updated version, it is essential that
you remove any existing version from your PC before installing the new one.

To remove your existing Utility Software use the Windows “Add or Remove
Hardware” option from the Windows “Control Panel”.

Assigning a valid COM Port

When you first connect the PC to the DSL-340, it is very likely that the PC will
assign the USB connection to a COM Port number outside the acceptable
range of COM1 to COM8, in which case the DSL-340 Utility Software will be
unable to communicate with the instrument.

You can check which COM Port your PC has assigned to the DSL-340 by
opening Windows “Device Manager” before connecting your DSL-340. To
open “Device Manager”:

1. Right click on “My Computer”

2. Click on “Manage”
3. Click on “Device Manager”
4. Scroll down to “Ports (COM & LPT)”, then click the “+” symbol to look at
the list of COM Ports

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Once you can see the list of current COM Ports, connect your PC to a
DSL-340 by plugging the USB cable from your PC into the USB connection on
top of the TRX head (unscrew the weather-proof cap to gain access).

As you connect, your PC should indicate that it has “Found New Hardware”
and a new COM Port number should pop up in the “Ports (COM & LPT)” list.

If the new COM Port is between COM1 and COM8 then your PC has
allocated a valid COM Port and no further action is required.

However, if the COM Port number that was assigned to the connection is
outside the acceptable range then you must change the assigned COM Port
to a number between COM1 and COM8. Follow the procedure below to
assign a valid COM Port:

1. Right click on the COM Port (in the “Ports (COM & LPT)” list) that
appeared when you connected to the DSL-340
2. Click “Properties”
3. Select the “Port Settings” tab
4. Click on the “Advanced” button
5. Click the “COM Port” and select a new “COM Port Number” between
COM1 and COM8 (avoiding any COM Ports which are marked as in
use) from the drop down list

Once you have assigned a valid COM Port number to the DSL-340 USB
connection your PC will remember this COM Port assignment and you should
not need to repeat the process again when connecting your PC to the
instrument, provided that you always use the same PC and you always
connect via the same USB slot in your computer.

Note; If you connect to the DSL-340 from a different computer, you will need
to repeat the process above and assign a valid COM Port.

Note; You should always connect to the DSL-340 using the same USB slot on
your PC. If you use a different USB slot you will need to repeat the process
above and assign a valid COM Port again, because the PC sees each USB
slot as a separate entity.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Using the Utility Software

Warning: The Utility Software and the USB Driver

connecting the PC to a DSL-340. Connecting the
PC to a DSL-340 before installing the Utility
Software and the USB Driver will cause problems
with installation and may even cause the
installation to fail.

Connecting a PC to the DSL-340

Before connecting the PC to the DSL-340 you MUST have installed the USB
Driver, and assigned a valid COM Port – see the previous section on installing

With the driver installed and com port assigned, connect your PC to the
DSL-340 using a standard USB cable (type A to Type B). The USB
connection can be found on the side of the TRX head (under a weather-proof

Alternatively it is possible to connect the PC to the optional operator interface

(OI). The USB connection for the OI can be found on terminal board inside the
terminal compartment. Although this is an indirect connection to the DSL-340,
the functionality allowed is exactly the same as the direct connection to the
TRX head.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The Comms tab

On first running the Utility software you will always arrive at the Comms tab.
(see below).

The Comms tab allows you to establish a connection with the DSL-340. When
you first run the program there will be no connection, so the status bar will be
red (indicating no connection). You will not be able to select any other tab until
a comms connection has been established.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Connect to Instrument
To establish a connection with the DSL-340 click the “Connect to Instrument”
button. The following pop-up window will appear.

Click the ‘Find Instruments’ button. The software will scan all available
computer ports (up to COM 8) for any connected DSL-340 instruments (see

Select the required DSL-340 instrument from the list (there will generally only
be one) and click ‘Connect’, you will then be returned to the Comms tab
where the status indicator bar will now be green (indicating a positive

Note that the function of the ‘Find Instruments’ button can be toggled to ‘Find
Com Ports’ by right clicking. Clicking this button will find all of the available
Com ports on the PC, as illustrated below.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Once a comms connection is established additional settings become available

on the Comms tab and you will be able to select any of the tabs.

Connect Through OI
If you are connected directly to the TRX Head the ‘Connect Through OI’
checkbox will be un-checked. If you are connected to an OI the ‘Connect
Through OI’ checkbox will be checked. This is an automatic checkbox which
you do not need to select or alter.

Enable Multidrop
When connecting to the instrument the Utility will automatically check whether
the instrument is set to be in normal or multidrop (multi-heading) mode. For
advanced users only, please consult DynOptic Systems if you wish to use

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

For use when multi-heading on an RS485 bus. The default ID is always “1”.
For advanced users only, please consult DynOptic Systems if you wish to use

Bus Comms (RS485)

Checking the ‘ModBus Enable’ tick box changes the RS485 communication to
the instrument to be via ModBus. Note that selecting ModBus will prevent any
optional OI from communicating with the instrument. For further information
please contact DynOptic Systems.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The Readings tab

The Readings tab shows the current measurement reading (complete with
units). It allows you to view and alter the damping applied to the measurement
reading and to select negative clipping. It also provides checkboxes for
activating and controlling automatic data logging (which saves log files directly
to the PC hard drive) and shows any current error messages. See the
following screen shot.

The measurement reading is displayed here. This box is read only.

Reading Override Mode

Double clicking on the measurement reading sets the instrument into the
Reading Override Mode.

Note: Entering the Reading Override Mode activates the Data Invalid Alarm.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

When in this mode the measurement reading text box is highlighted and the
text is red (see below), the user can now manually edit the reading. Typing a
value into the measurement reading box and pressing enter forces the
reading to the value entered. This function enables you to check if the outputs
are setup and are responding correctly at the SCADA or data logging system.

To exit the Reading Override Mode double click in the reading box.
Alternatively the instrument will automatically return to normal readings after 5
minutes of inactivity.

Negative Clipping
If this box is UN-CHECKED (default) the instrument will display and output the
true reading, even if that reading is negative. Negative readings are possible
when the instrument is not set-up and calibrated properly or due to noise
fluctuations during operation.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

If this box is CHECKED the instrument will clip the measurement reading and
the output at zero, so positive readings will show as normal, but when the
instrument calculates a negative reading it will hold the display and the
outputs at zero (i.e. 0.0mg/m3).

This value (in seconds) displays the level of Damping applied to the
measurement reading. Entering a new value in this box will change the
Damping applied. The default Damping for this instrument is 10 seconds. The
response time of the instrument to a step change in the reading is
approximately three times the damping.

Log Reading - Enabled

When checked, the measured parameter will be logged in a CSV file. The files
are stored in a folder in the location ‘C:\DynOptic\DSL-340 Utility\READING
LOGS’, you must be logged onto the PC as administrator for the logs to be
stored. The logs will be created at intervals defined by the Interval setting.

The default values logged in the CSV file are the measured reading, the mA
output, the instrument status word and the relay status. Contact DynOptic
Systems to log other parameters.

Log Reading – Append to File

This box is checked by default. When checked the log file created will be a
single file using the electronic serial number of the instrument as a reference
in the filename, and each new log is appended within that file. A new file is
created each day with the date forming part of the filename.

When the ‘Append to file’ box is unchecked, the logging will generate a new
file at each logging interval, using the time, date and electronic serial number
of the DSL-340 as the file name.

The log file(s) can be opened in a text editor or spreadsheet and can be used
for data logging, trend graphing or for diagnostics.

Log Reading – Log Q and A

The logging function uses a “question and answer” system to retrieve data for
the log. In this system the Utility Software sends a question (an ASCII text
string) to the DSL-340, which responds with an answer (usually a number).

When the ‘Log Reading’ checkbox is un-checked, the log file (in whichever
format) only includes the answer, but when this box is checked the log file
includes both the question and answer.

By default the question that is asked relates to the measurement reading and
general status of the instrument only. However, with advice from DynOptic

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Systems, advanced users may modify the question so that the log file records
additional or alternative data; for example relay thresholds or analogue output
scaling values.

In these circumstances it is beneficial to log both the question and the answer,
so that the log file is more easily interpreted.

The file that is edited to modify the question is ‘DSL-340 UTILITY LogMe.txt’.
Left clicking on the filename opens the location folder and allows users to
browse the PC to select a different ‘LogMe’ file. Right clicking on the filename
opens the current file in a text editor. Please seek advice from DynOptic
Systems before making any changes to this file.

Log Reading - Interval

The time interval between the creation/update of log files is determined here.

Graph Button
As well as a log file being created, the data can be viewed using the graphing
feature. While logging click on the ‘Graph Icon’ a new graph window will
appear (see screenshot below).

The default file, ‘DSL-340 Utility LogMe.txt’, only logs the reading (CP?1) and
this appears at the top in red ‘CP?1’. If the ‘DSL-340 Utility LogMe.txt’ file has
been changed to log several parameters the first four lines of results are
displayed on the graph.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

There are two ‘Y’ axis, and by clicking on the coloured text at the top ‘CP?1’,
the axis that this data is plotted against can be changed; Left = Left Y-Axis,
Centre = Not displayed and Right = Right Y-Axis.

The Y-Axis scales are automatic but can be manually changed by checking
the ‘Manual Y Scale’ tick box and then entering the required minimum and
maximum values, as illustrated below.

The number of X coordinates can be changed (between 100 and 3600) by

entering the value in the ‘No Of X Points’ box and pressing enter, as
illustrated below.

The ‘Reset Graph’ button clears the currently displayed data.

To exit the graphing feature, close the window using the cross at the top right
hand corner of the window to return to the main Utility.

Fault Messages
Under normal operation the message that is displayed is ‘Faults Show Here’
in green. However, if the instrument detects a fault, the displayed message
will switch between ‘DATA INVALID’ and a brief description of the fault, in red.
If there is more than one fault then the messages will switch through each
fault description in turn.

Important fault messages will continue to be displayed on this tab until an

operator clicks on the message to acknowledge it. If the fault is no longer
active the message will disappear, but if the fault status is still active the
message will re-appear immediately.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

See the section on ‘Fault Messages and Troubleshooting’ later in this manual
for more information.

Warning Messages
Under normal operation the message that is displayed is ‘Warnings Show
Here’ in green. If the instrument detects a parameter that is close to or out of
range that needs investigating, a brief warning message will be displayed
describing the problem, in red. Important warning message will continue to be
displayed on this tab until an operator clicks on the message to acknowledge
it. If the warning is no longer active the message will disappear, but if the
problem causing the warning is still active the message will re-appear

See the section on ‘Fault Messages and Troubleshooting’ later in this manual
for more information.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The Outputs tab

The Outputs tab allows you to configure electrical interface outputs (such as
the analogue output and alarm relay contacts) and also allows you to see the
effects of those settings. See the following screen shot.

Analogue Output

The Utility allows the DSL-340 to set-up conditions for it’s one (1) analogue

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Analogue Low and Analogue High

These two parameters set the upper and lower scaling points of the 4-20mA
analogue output.

Set the Analogue Low value to the reading at which the analogue output
should generate 4mA (usually 0.0mg/m3).

Set the Analogue High value to the reading at which the analogue output
should generate 20mA.

4-20mA Output
The 4-20mA Output value is a calculated indication of the expected 4-20mA
output; taking into account the Analogue Low and Analogue High settings.

The value shown here is a calculated value only, it is not a measured value
from the actual 4-20mA outputs. There is no direct connection between the
calculated value and the actual output. However, unless there is a fault with
the instrument, the correlation between the calculated value and the real
output should be very good.


The Utility allows the DSL-340 to set-up conditions for the two (2) relays.

The first relay is always the Data Valid (Service) indicator that will go into an
alarm condition in the event that the instrument’s self-checking identifies a

The second relay is the measurement reading alarm. This operates when the
measurement reading exceeds a set Threshold value. The operation of this
alarm can be delayed using the Delay setting.

Relay Polarity checkbox

The relay polarity box is UNCHECKED by default.

With the checkbox UNCHECKED, the Data Valid (Service) relay will show an
open contact (de-energised) when the data is valid. The relay will be closed
(energised) when a fault is detected and the data is invalid. The Alarm relay
will be open (de-energised) when the reading is below the threshold value and
closed (energised) when the reading exceeds the threshold.

With the checkbox CHECKED, the relay polarity is reversed. The relays will
be closed (energised) when there are no faults or the reading is below
threshold condition and open (de-energised) when the data is invalid or the
measured reading is above the threshold value. This condition represents the
recommended failsafe operation.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

This parameter defines the reading at which the level alarm relay is activated.

This value determines the continuous length of time (in seconds) that the
relay is delayed by.

Delaying the activation of the relay can be used to prevent borderline level
changes from “dithering” the relay state. Only genuine, sustained readings in
excess of the threshold will actually trigger the alarm.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The Settings tab

Warning: The Settings tab should only be used by

a trained instrument engineer who has read and
understood the later section on “Setup,
Commissioning and Calibration”, as the settings
and controls on this tab determine the calibration
of the instrument and the measurement reading
that it generates.

The Settings tab has a range of settings and controls for initial setup and
calibration of the instrument.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Signal Strength
AGC button
Clicking this button will perform an Automatic Gain Correction (AGC), which
will adjust the instrument’s Gain value to achieve optimum signal strength.

See the later section on Setup, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on using this feature.

This box displays the Gain value as determined by the AGC routine (above).

This value can be manually changed, but such action should only be
undertaken in certain unusual circumstances, and should only be performed
by a DynOptic trained engineer, who fully understands the consequences of
such action.

See the later section on Set-up, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on using this feature.

Measure signal
This box displays the signal strength from the measurement detector in volts,
and is used as a diagnostic tool.

Reference signal
This box displays the signal strength from the reference detector in volts. The
reference detector is used to determine changes in the main LED source light
output. This value is presented as a diagnostic tool.

Alignment Tool button

Clicking this button will open the Alignment Tool window which will assist in
performing final alignment adjustments of the heads.

See the later section on Setup, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on using this feature.

This box displays the current circuit board temperature inside the TRX Head
and is a diagnostic tool to determine operating conditions.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Path Length
The Path Length box is used to define the distance between the TRX and the
reflector (the Path length) in metres. The Path length should always be
measured “flange-to-flange” i.e. from the face of the flange on the Air-Purge
body of the TRX, to the face of the flange on the Air-Purge body of the
Reflector. It is necessary to enter this value to accuracy of ±0.05m (5cm).

See the later section on Setup, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on defining this value.

DDP Span
This box displays the current DDP span value which is set to 1.0 by default.
This value is manually changed as part of the setup procedure to calibrate the
span against a standard reference method.

See the later section on Setup, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on changing this parameter.

DDP Zero
This box displays the current DDP zero value which is set to 0.0 by default.
This value can be manually changed as part of the setup procedure to
compensate for any clear path offset reading.

See the later section on Setup, Calibration and Commissioning for further
details on changing this parameter.

DDP mg/m3 Units

These tick boxes allows the user to select the particle density reading to be
displayed as milligrams per meter cubed (mg/m3) or milligrams per normalised
meter cubed (mg/Nm3).

If mg/Nm3 is selected some new options appear in the window, as shown

below. These allow the user to select the reference or standard gas
temperature to be used for the normalisation (either 0ºC or 20ºC) and input a
typical value for the actual gas temperature (in degC) in the stack.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Enable Opacity
When this tick box is selected the Utility will display the measured opacity as
well as the particle density. Selecting the tick box changes the settings tab as
shown below.

A box appears on the top row of the settings tab displaying the measured
opacity and below the “Enable Opacity” tick box appears a “Zero Opacity”

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

This box appears in the top row and displays the measured opacity across the
stack. The reading has the same damping as the particle density reading. The
measured opacity is only displayed on the settings page of the Utility, it is not
available as an analogue output or in the OI. However, it can be read out via
the RS485 serial port, contact DynOptic Systems for more information.

Zero Opacity
The “Zero Opacity” button appears underneath “Enable Opacity” tick box. To
have a correct measurement of opacity the reading must be set to zero under
clear path conditions. When the stack is known to be clear click this button
and the opacity reading will be set to 0.0%.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Calibration Checking

This section allows the automatic calibration check to be configured. Note that
some of these setup features are only available using the Utility and are not
available in the OI menu.

Span Check Value

The instrument produces the automatic span reading by electronically
introducing a fixed amount of noise fluctuation onto the measured optical
signal. To cover most practical ranges the DSL-340 allows the user to select
either a Low, Medium or High setting for the automatic span. The absolute
span value associated with each setting is shown in brackets, this value will
depend on the path length and DDP Span value.

Once selected this span setting will be used for the automatic or manual span

Output Function
This drop down menu can be used to set the instrument reading to either
Track or Hold during a zero or span check.

Track is the default setting, with this is selected the outputs and displays from
the instrument will track the readings that occur during the zero and span

If Hold is selected then during the zero and span check the instrument output
will be held at the last reading before the routine started.

Manual Span Check

Clicking the “Start” button will turn on the internal span function, increasing the
particulate density reading by the span setting. When the span is turned on
the button changes to “Stop”, the word “Active” appears underneath and the
instrument will flag a “SPAN CHECK ACTIVE” fault.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

To turn off the manual span check click the “Stop” button.

Automatic Zero and Span Check

This section allows the user to set up the automatic zero and span checking.
Further details are given in the Set-up, Calibration and Commissioning.

Interval (Hrs)
Sets the frequency of the automatic cal checks in hours (1 to 1000), the
default setting is 24 hours. Only change this value when the automatic zero
and span check is disabled.

Note: the accuracy of the internal clock means that the actual time interval
can drift by up to ±10 minutes / year.

Selecting the “Enable” tick box starts the automatic zero and span calibration
check routine. Please make sure you have set the correct time interval before
enabling the calibration check. The first zero and span check will start
immediately and takes around 95 seconds to complete.

At the end of the routine a countdown timer appears showing the time until the
next automatic zero and span check.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Zero Drift
This displays the DDP zero drift, in units of mg/m3, as measured at the most
recent automatic zero check. This measured zero drift will typically be

Span Drift
This displays the DDP span drift as a percentage of the span check value, as
measured at the most recent automatic span check. The measured span drift
will typically be <5%.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The Diagnostics tab

The Diagnostics tab has a number of information only boxes and some
features for backup and restore. See the following screen shot. If the Utility
software is communicating through an OI then information on the OI firmware
and PCB board is also shown.

Instrument Information

There can be two rows of boxes indicating instrument information, the first
relates to the DSL-340 instrument itself (the firmware in the TRX circuit
board), and the second relates to the OI (the firmware in the main OI circuit

Firmware / PCB Serial Number / Compile Time

This shows the serial number and firmware information for the DSL-340 and
for the OI (if connected).

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Backup to PC
Clicking this button will cause the current instrument settings to be saved in a
backup file in the location ‘C\DynOptic\DSL-340 Utility\BACKUP’. The
filename of the backup file will incorporate the date, time and electronic serial
number of the instrument at time of backup.

It is highly recommended that you use this button to take a backup of your
instrument settings after successfully completing your installation, calibration
and commissioning. The backup file can be used to restore the instrument’s
settings, should the live settings ever be lost or become corrupted.

Restore from PC
Clicking this button will allow you to choose a log file from which to restore
your instrument settings.

Alarm points and scaling factors will all be overwritten, so it is essential that
you have confidence in the log file from which you restore.

Warning: It is highly recommended that you take a

backup prior to restoring, so that in the event that
you restore from a bad file or unusable settings,
you can always restore back to a known good point.

Warning: Restoring from a log file will overwrite

ALL settings, parameters and variables, including
those that define the zero point and calibration.
Restoring from a log file could change the
calibration of your instrument.

Restore Factory Defaults

Clicking this button will restore all settings and parameters to default values
as determined at our factory.

Warning: This action will overwrite all existing

settings and parameters with default values, so
your set-up and calibration will be lost, as will any
alarm points, scaling factors, and drift values.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Folder Location
This box shows the location on the PC of the folder that contains all of the
data stored by the Utility. Left clicking on this filename opens the folder to
show three subfolder.

BACKUPS: Is where the instrument backups are stored (see ‘Backup to PC’
on ‘Diagnostics’ tab)

READINGS LOGS: Is where the reading logs are stored (see ‘Log Reading’
on ‘Readings’ tab)

Direct Comms
Selecting the ‘Enable’ box opens up an input box, as shown below, which
provides direct communication access to the instrument. This can be used to
read and edit additional system parameters. This feature should only be used
with help from DynOptic Systems.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Using the OI

Keypad / Display Fundamentals

The OI has a 4 digit LED display, four laminated push-buttons, and two LED
alarm indicators.

The Cycle button cycles you through the available parameters on

the Page. It can also be used to cancel data entry.

The Next button initiates data entry and moves between digits
during data entry.

The Increase button is used to increment a digit or move the

decimal point during data entry.

The Enter button is used to end data entry and store the altered
value. It can also be used to re-display a parameters “name”.

The level alarm LED will illuminate when the threshold of the
level alarm is exceeded.

The service alarm LED will illuminate when the instrument

detects a fault condition that requires attention.

The display will display just one parameter at a time, but the Cycle button can
be used to cycle the display through all the available parameters in turn.

When cycling through parameters the display will initially show the “name” of
the parameter.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

= parameter name

Once cycling is ended, and the display has settled on one parameter for more
than one second, the display will switch to show the “value” of that parameter.

= parameter value

The value of a parameter can be altered by initiating data entry mode, which
is achieved by pressing the Next button. On initiating data entry mode the first
digit of the value will begin to repeatedly flash indicating that the value of that
digit can now be incremented.

Only one digit can be increased in value at any one time, so select a digit by
moving between them with the Next button.

Increase the value of a selected digit using the increase button.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The decimal point can also be selected (if present) by using the Next button

The position of the decimal point can be changed using the increase button.

Once the desired value has been achieved in data entry mode, the Enter
button can be used to accept that new value and store it in memory. At this
point the digits will stop flashing.

It is possible to exit data entry mode without saving an altered value (i.e. to
abandon data entry) by pressing the Cycle button before pressing Enter
during data entry.

Moving between Pages

The parameters available in the display are arranged on two “pages”.

Page 0 is made up of parameters which are more commonly used, such as

output settings, damping, and alarm delays.

Page 1 comprises parameters which are less commonly used or that can be
used to alter the calibration or fundamental setup of the instrument.

Switching between Pages is achieved by selecting the Page parameter and

toggling between 0 and 1. Because Page 1 contains parameters which can
alter the calibration and fundamental setup of the instrument, it is password
protected, so upon choosing Page 1 the message PAS? will show briefly, and

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

the user will then be prompted to enter a 4 digit number (the password) using
the usual data entry method.

The default password is 0000.

If the correct number is entered, the message yES will appear and the display
will move to Page 1. If the wrong password is entered, the message no will
appear and the display will default back to Page 0.

Page 0 parameters

Page 0 contains parameters which are more commonly adjusted and which
can only be used to alter the instruments outputs. This page does not contain
any parameters which can be used to alter the instruments calibration or
fundamental setup, therefore this page is NOT password protected.

The parameters available on Page 0 are listed below by parameter “name”

and in the order they appear in the display. In the list below the corresponding
Utility Software reference is shown in brackets after the parameter name.

duSt (Reading)
This parameter shows the current measurement reading in

This parameter allows you to change between “pages”.
Choose between 0 and 1 (Page 0 and Page 1). Please
note: on choosing Page 1 you will be prompted to enter a
password (PAS?) and should enter the password using the
normal data entry method. The default password is 0000.

dAnP (Damping)
The value entered here (in seconds) determines the level
of damping applied to the reading. The default damping for
this instrument is 10 seconds. The response time of the
instrument to a step change in the reading is approximately
three times the damping.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

AnLo & AnHi (Analogue Low & Analogue High)

These two parameters set the upper and lower scaling
points of the 4-20mA output.

Set the analogue Low value to the reading at which the

analogue output should generate 4mA (usually 0.0mg/m3).

Set the analogue high value to the reading at which the

analogue output should generate 20mA.

nnA (4-20mA Output)

nnA is the best possible representation of “mA” within the
limitations of the LED display. This value is a calculated
indication of the expected 4-20mA output; taking into
account the Analogue Low and Analogue High settings.

The value shown here is a calculated value, it is not a

measured value from the actual 4-20mA outputs. There is
no direct connection between the calculated value and the
actual output. However, unless there is a fault with the
instrument, the correlation between the calculated value
and the real output should be very good.

ALr (Threshold)
This value defines the reading at which the level alarm is

When the level alarm is activated it changes the state of

the associated alarm relay, and it also lights the level alarm
LED on the OI front panel.

The default state of the alarm relay (i.e. energised or de-

energised) can be determined with the relay polarity

DLy (Delay)
This value determines the continuous time (in seconds)
that the relay is delayed by.

Delaying the activation of the relay can be used to prevent

borderline changes from “dithering” the relay state. Only a
genuine sustained reading in excess of the threshold will
actually trigger the alarm.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

rLy (Relay Polarity)

Changing this value alters the default state of the relays in
their non-alarm condition.

With the value set to 0, the relays will be de-energised in a

non-alarm condition. In this polarity relays will energise
when an alarm is activated.

With the value set to 1, the relays will all be energised in a

non-alarm condition. In this polarity relays will de-energise
when an alarm is activated.

We strongly recommend that users have this value set to 1

so that the relays are used in a “failsafe” configuration.

driF (Zero Drift & Span Drift)

This parameter is only displayed if the instrument has been
set to perform automatic zero and span calibration
checking. This parameter alternates between displaying
the Zero Drift (Zr.ch) in units of mg/m3, and the Span Drift
(SP.ch) as a %.

These values are the drift values measured during the last
automatic zero and span check.

Page 1 parameters

Warning: Page 1 should only be used by a trained

instrument engineer who has read and understood
the later section on “Setup, Commissioning and
Calibration”, as the parameters and functions on
this page determine the calibration of the instrument
and the measurement reading that it generates.

Page 1 has a range of parameters and functions for initial setup and
calibration of the instrument, and it is therefore password protected. The
default password is 0000.

The parameters available on Page 1 are listed below by parameter “name”

and in the order they appear in the display. In the list below the corresponding
Utility Software reference is shown in brackets after the parameter name.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

duSt (Reading)
This parameter shows the current measurement reading in

This parameter allows you to change between “pages”.
Choose between 0 and 1 (Page 0 and Page 1). Please
note: on choosing Page 1 you will be prompted to enter a
password (PAS?) and should enter the password using the
normal data entry method. The default password is 0000.

This parameter shows the current password. The password
can be altered using the normal data entry process.

dEF (Restore Factory Defaults)

This function can be used to restore factory defaults. To
use this function the operator must initiate data entry by
pressing the Next button, the use then Increase button to
select “yES”, and finally press Enter.

Performing a restore Factory Defaults will restore all

settings and parameters to default values as determined at
our factory.

Warning; This action will overwrite all existing

settings and parameters with default values, so your
complete setup and calibration will be lost, as will
any alarm points, scaling factors, damping values

Sig (Measure Signal)

This parameter displays the signal strength on the
measurement detector in volts, and is used as a diagnostic

rEF (Reference Signal)

This parameter displays the signal strength on the
reference detector in volts. The reference detector is used
to determine changes in the main LED source light output.
This value is presented as a diagnostic tool.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

tEnP (Temperature)
This parameter displays the current circuit board
temperature inside the TRX Head and is a diagnostic tool
to determine operating conditions.

gAIn (Gain)
This parameter displays the Gain value as determined by
the AGC function (below).

This value can be manually changed, but such action

should only be undertaken in certain unusual
circumstances, and should only be performed by a
DynOptic trained engineer, who fully understands the
consequences of such action.

This function enables the operator to perform an Automatic
Gain Correction (AGC), which will adjust the instrument’s
Gain value to achieve optimum signal strengths.

To perform an AGC, first initiate data entry using the Next

button, then select “yES” using the Increase button, then
select Enter.

PAtH (Path)
The Path parameter is used to define the distance between
the TRX and the Reflector (the Path length) in metres. The
Path length should always be measured “flange-to-flange”
i.e. from the face of the flange on the Reflector Air-Purge
body, to the face of the flange on the TRX Air-Purge body.

ZErO (DDP Zero)

This parameter displays the current DDP zero value which
is set to 0.0 by default. This value can be manually
changed as part of the setup procedure to compensate for
any clear path offset reading.

SPAn (DDP Span)

This parameter displays the current DDP span value which
is set to 1.0 by default. This value is manually changed as
part of the setup procedure to calibrate the span against a
standard reference method.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The DDP span adjust function can be used to force the
particulate reading to match the value entered here. This
feature should only be performed by a DynOptic trained
engineer, who fully understands the consequences of such

nEg (Negative Clipping)

If this parameter is set to “no” the instrument will display
and output the true reading, even if that reading is
negative. Negative readings are possible when the
instrument is not set-up and calibrated properly or due to
noise fluctuations during operation.

If this parameter is set to “yES” the instrument will clip the

measurement reading and the output at zero, so positive
readings will show as normal, but when the instrument
calculates a negative reading it will hold the display and the
outputs at zero (i.e. 0.0mg/m3).

ccEn (Automatic Zero and Span Check Enabled)

This function starts the automatic zero and span calibration
check routine. Please make sure you have set the correct
DDP Cal Hours before enabling the cal check.

To enable the automatic cal check feature, first initiate data

entry using the Next button, then select “yES” using the
Increase button, then select Enter

Once the cal check is enabled, the instrument will

immediately perform a zero and span check, this takes
around 95 seconds to complete.

cchr (Calibration Check Hours)

Sets the frequency of the automatic cal checks in hours (1
to 1000), the default setting is 24 hours. Only change this
value when the automatic zero and span check is disabled.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Set-up, Calibration and Commissioning

Warning: It is essential that all components of the

instrument have been properly installed, both
physically and electrically, before proceeding with
set-up, calibration and commissioning. See the
separate DSL-340 Installation Manual for full
details of installation requirements.

Warning: This manual assumes a basic

knowledge of industrial instrumentation and its
associated terminology. It is therefore highly
recommended that only engineers with
instrumentation experiences perform any of the
set-up, calibration, and commissioning routines.

Warning: when fitting or removing the heads, even

for routine maintenance, there is a risk that stack
gas may escape from the mounting flange, or air-
purge body. Stack gas, can be hot, corrosive or
otherwise damaging to health. All necessary
precautions must be taken to prevent injury being
caused by escaping stack gas.


The DSL-340 Particulate Monitor is an in-situ analyser that relies on the local
plant structure to determine both the length and angular alignment of its light
path (the path along which the light beam travels and along which
measurements are made).

The natural variation that can be found between installations, in both length
and alignment of the light path, requires the DSL-340 to be capable of working
with a wide range of signal strengths (high signal on short paths, low signal on
long paths).

This necessity to work with a wide range of signal strengths mean that it is
impossible for the DSL-340 to be supplied pre-calibrated or in any way
readied for a specific installation.

It is therefore necessary to perform a number of basic set-up, commissioning

and calibration routines (after the instrument has been properly installed) to
make allowance for the actual signal strengths achieved in any specific

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

installation. These routines must be performed properly before the instrument

can be considered operational or accurate.

Note; subtle differences between apparently identical installations can

produce very different signal strengths, so it is essential that the set-up,
calibration and commissioning process is performed independently for each
installed instrument.

Set-up, calibration and commissioning involves performing the following

steps, which must be completed in order. The list below is only an overview of
the steps required and their order. See later on in this section for a detailed
description of how to perform each step:

1. Perform a Head Alignment – This optimises the mounting angle of

the TRX and Reflector heads to achieve the largest possible measured

2. Perform an Automatic Gain Correction – This adjusts the gain

applied to the measurement signal to achieve an amplified signal that
is within the required voltage range. An AGC should only be performed
at instrument setup it must not be repeated after the instrument has
been calibrated for particle density.

3. Define the Path length – For readings in Particle Density the

instrument requires knowledge of the distance (flange-to-flange)
between the TRX and the Reflector heads.

4. Calibration of Particle Density - The DSL-340 measures the Particle

Density in the gas stream in mg/m³, but to do so accurately the
instrument must be calibrated to an independent reference
measurement (such as isokinetic sampling). This calibration is done by
way of the DDP Zero and DDP Span parameters. These are manually
adjusted to make the instrument reading match the independent
reference measurement.

5. Configure the outputs – Once the instrument is calibrated the 4-

20mA and Level Alarm outputs can be configured as required for
integration with the wider plant systems.

6. Configure the automatic calibration check – If automatic zero and

span checking is required then this should be configured at the very
end of the set-up procedure.

It is absolutely essential that these steps are performed (in order) before
considering the instrument operational.

Note; if at any stage during the operational life of the instrument there is a
significant change to the DSL-340 or its installation, it is essential that you
repeat the steps above i.e. you must perform the set-up, calibration and

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

commissioning procedures all over again. The DDP Span calibration will not
need to be repeated but the DDP Zero setting will.

Significant changes include: moving the position or alignment of the heads,

changing the path length between the TRX and Reflector, changing out any
functional part of the instrument (especially the circuit boards or heads) and
changing the Gain value.

Head Alignment
The DSL-340 TRX produces a narrow optical beam that is approximately
3 degrees wide. To achieve a measurable signal this beam must overlap with
the aperture of the Reflector head. This means that the angular alignment
between the mounting flanges attached to the duct must be less than
±2 degrees, as defined in the installation manual.

For optimum performance of the DSL-340 the final alignment between the
heads is achieved by adjusting the mounting angle of the heads whilst
monitoring the measured signal level, which can be viewed using the Utility
software or the OI.

To enable this adjustment, the DSL-340 Air-Purge Bodies must be fixed to the
mounting flanges with the rubber flange gaskets (supplied) in between, as
shown in Figure 1. The angle of the head can then be adjusted by tightening
the fixing nuts and compressing the flange gasket in an uneven manner.

Figure 1: Air-Purge Body mounted to flange with the rubber flange


DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Note; the nuts used to compress the flange gasket should not be over
tightened or too loose. The recommended torque range is 10 to 50Nm. The
flange gasket provides only a small level of adjustment and cannot correct for
angular errors between the flanges of more than the specified ±2 degrees.

The process of adjustment is to set all four nuts to the minimum torque
(10Nm) then individually tighten each one to compress the gasket and hence
change the angle of the mounting. When the final alignment has been
reached always check that all four nuts are sufficiently tight (at least 10Nm),
since strongly adjusting one nut can result in others becoming loose.

The following steps outline the recommended procedure for completing the
alignment of the heads. This process assumes the use of a Laser Alignment
Tool that is available as an optional extra from DynOptic Systems.

1. Attach the Laser Alignment Tool to the Reflector air-purge body and
turn it on. Remove the back of the tool and view through the window of
the instrument to see the red laser spot on the far side of the stack.
The angle of the Reflector purge head can now be adjusted, using the
mounting nuts, to approximately align the laser spot to the centre of the
TRX flange on the far side of the stack.

Remove the laser alignment tool and attach the Reflector head to its
air-purge body.

2. Attach the Laser Alignment Tool to the TRX air-purge body on the
other side of the stack. Repeat the alignment process to align the laser
spot to the centre of the Reflector flange on the far side of the stack.

Remove the laser alignment tool and attach the TRX head to its air-
purge body.

The two heads are now well aligned but to get the optimum alignment it is
necessary to monitor and maximise the measured signal. Power the
instrument and use the Utility software to monitor its performance. In the
Settings tab select the Alignment Tool button. This will bring up the Alignment
Tool window which allows the operator to monitor the measured signal
strength, see the following screenshot. Alternatively the measured signal
strength can be monitored in the OI using the Sig parameter.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Note: The maximum signal can be more than 80%. Always perform an AGC
and re-align for maximum signal.

The alignment tool window has a signal strength bar which increases in height
with increases in the measured signal. If the measured signal goes too high
(or too low) for the gain range currently set, the colour of the bar turns from
green to red. When the bar turns red, click on the AGC button to adjust the
instrument Gain to return the bar to green.

Note: The measured signal is slightly damped so it takes a few seconds for
the signal strength bar to respond to an adjustment in the head alignment.

3. Adjust the angle of the TRX head by using the mounting nuts to
maximise the displayed signal level i.e. to maximise the height of the
bar. If the bar goes too high and turns red, stop adjusting and click the
AGC button to change the Gain setting, then continue adjusting the
angle of the head. Stop adjusting the angle of the head when the
maximum signal strength has been achieved with minimum Gain.
Ensure that all four mounting nuts are tight (at least 10Nm).

4. There is no need to adjust the angle of the Reflector head. The

Reflector head uses corner cube reflectors whose performance is very
insensitive to angle.

It is recommended that the instrument is left powered for at least a further

20minutes to stabilise and warm-up before proceeding with the next stage.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Automatic Gain Correction (AGC)

An AGC alters the instrument’s gain value to achieve the optimum signal
strength of approximately 4V. This must be performed under clear path
conditions, defined as follows:

1. The instrument must be properly and permanently installed as

described in the separate Installation Manual and the heads must be
properly aligned as described above.

2. The instrument must have been powered up and left to settle for a
minimum of 1 hour.

3. The optical surfaces of the instrument must be perfectly clean and free
from dirt, dust, moisture, or oil.

4. The optical path between the TRX and the Reflector must be clear and
free from any obstruction.

5. The duct or stack must be free from any dust, smoke, soot, steam, or
particulate (i.e. the process behind the stack must be shut down).

Once clear path conditions have been achieved the gain correction should be
performed, either by clicking the AGC button on the Settings tab in the Utility
Software, or by selecting the AGC parameter in the OI and toggling to yES.

This will cause the instrument to automatically calculate and store a new gain
value to achieve the optimum signal strength.

Note; the DSL-340 should not be operated with a gain of more than 2000.
The instrument is capable of setting higher gains, but these are for use in
alignment and setup only. If the AGC produces a gain higher than 2000 then
either the path length being used is too long for the particular instrument or
the head optics are dirty of they have not been aligned correctly. Alternatively
there may be an instrument fault which must be reported to a DynOptic
trained engineer or your local distributor.

The achieved signal strength (Measure Signal) and gain setting can be seen
in the Settings page of the Utility software. See the following screen shot.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

The level of gain can also be set manually (by overwriting the value in the
gain box) but this is NOT recommended.

Sometimes manual Gain corrections are used where the plant cannot be shut
down and proper clear path conditions cannot be established. In this instance
it is essential that you have an independent knowledge of the actual dust
levels in the duct, so that a Gain value can be calculated to give a Measure
Signal of approximately 4.0V when the plant is eventually stopped and a clear
path is established.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Warning; Setting a Measure Signal of ~4.0V (using

either automatic or manual Gain correction) without
clear path conditions can cause the Measure Signal
to become saturated when the plant stops and a clear
path is established. This is because as the light path
clears, the Measure Signal will increase. The
maximum possible Measure Signal is 5.0V, but any
voltage above 4.9V is considered unsuitable for
normal operation.

Manual Gain corrections are usually very imprecise (little better than a guess)
and should only ever be considered as a temporary solution in non-critical
situations. They should be replaced by a proper AGC at the earliest possible
opportunity. Please remember that manual Gain corrections are NOT
recommended, and should only be performed by engineers with a full
understanding of the consequences.

Warning; Changing the Gain value (either

automatically or manually) will invalidate any existing
calibration. After a Gain correction of any kind, you
must always go on to repeat the DDP Zero calibration.

Defining the Path length

Measurements for Particle Density require knowledge of the Path length for
use in the calculation.

Path length is defined as the distance in metres between the face of the
flange on the Air-Purge body of the TRX, and the same point on the Air-Purge
body of the Reflector. It is necessary to enter this value to accuracy of ±0.05m

Calibration of Particle Density

The relationship between the measured DDP signal and Particle Density is
approximately linear but the slope (DDP Span) and intercept (DDP Zero) will
vary for each installation, based on the type, shape, size and colour of the
particles in the gas stream.

The DDP Span and DDP Zero values cannot be pre-determined with factory
settings and must instead be determined on site. The DDP Zero can be set by
measuring a clear path. The DDP Span requires comparison of the instrument
readings with an independent reference measurement. Making this
comparison and adjusting the DDP Span value accordingly will complete the
calibration for the instrument

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

There are two basic calibration approaches, the simplest is to measure a clear
path and a single upscale reading and use these to separately determine the
DDP Zero and DDP Span values. The second is to perform several standard
measurements over a range of particle density levels in the stack, find a best
linear fit, and use this to define the optimum DDP Zero and DDP Span

Single Point Calibration (DDP Zero)

Under clear path conditions the instrument should be reading 0.0mg/m3.
However, external noise sources can, under some circumstances, introduce a
small zero offset signal. To remove the effect of external influences on the
signal it is advisable to perform a clear path check. Under clear path
conditions (as defined previously) leave the instrument measuring for at least
10 minutes. If after this time the reading is significantly different from zero
(e.g. more than 1mg/m3) then it is advisable to add a zero offset term.

Using the settings page of the Utility software (or the OI) manually input a
negative DDP Zero value to correct for the measured clear path offset.

Single Point Calibration (DDP Span)

A standard reference measurement must be taken at the same time, and from
a place in the stack very close to the DSL-340 being calibrated, so that the
two measurements can be considered coincident.

When taking the coincident measurements the plant must be operational and
producing a meaningful concentration of particulates in the gas stream at that
instant, ideally close to the maximum expected value.

It is preferable to make coincident measurements when the particle

concentration in the stack is at its highest possible, since this improves the
accuracy of the calibration. Calibrations performed with reference
measurements close to 0mg/m³ are not valid. Note that the DSL-340 is only
suitable for measuring Particle Density on a dry stack, if there is a significant
quantity of condensed water in the gas flow the relationship between the
measured DDP level and reference particle density is no longer valid.

Before proceeding with the calibration measurement it is essential that the

instrument has had a clear path zero check and (if required) the DDP Zero
set, as described in the previous section.

In order to perform a Particle Density calibration the following conditions for

the DSL-340 must be met:

1. The instrument must have been properly and permanently installed, as

described in the separate Installation Manual, and the heads aligned
for optimum signal.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

2. The correct flange-to-flange Path length has been entered in the Path
box on the Settings tab in the Utility software.

3. The instrument must have been properly and recently setup (as
described earlier in this section of the manual).

4. The instrument has been powered up and left to settle for a minimum
of 1 hour.

5. The plant is running and the particulate concentration in the stack is at

a high level.

The DSL-340 will show a Particle Density measurement in units of mg/m3, (or
mg/Nm3). This reading can be scaled by changing the DDP Span value
displayed in the box on the Settings tab of the Utility software (the default
DDP Span value is 1.0).

The sampling probe for the reference measurement must be inserted into the
duct close to, but not actually in, the optical path of the DSL-340, in this way it
will be sampling a very similar gas stream.

During the time period over which the reference sample is taken (typically
30mins) the average Particle Density displayed by the DSL-340 instrument
should be recorded (PDI).

The particle density measured by the standard reference method (PDREF) is

then compared to that displayed by the DSL-340 (PDI). A new DDP Span
value is calculated to correct for any differences, using the expression below.
This new value should then be entered into the DDP Span box in the Utility

 PD REF 
SPAN  SPAN 0  
 PD I 
SPAN = the new DDP Span value
SPAN0 = the original DDP Span Value
PDREF = the Particle Density (mg/m3) from the standard reference method
PDI = the Particle Density (mg/m3) from the DSL-340 instrument

Multi-Point Calibration (DDP Zero and DDP Span)

A more precise linear calibration can be achieved by performing the
previously described coincident measurement over a range of different
particle densities, from very low to close to maximum. The usual requirement
is at least 5 different particle density levels, approximately equally distributed
across the required measurement range. To simplify the analysis the default
instrument settings should be used during the calibration (i.e. DDP Zero=0.0
and DDP Span= 1.0).

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

From the measured set of coincident readings a best fit linear relationship can
be derived between the instrument readings and the result of the standard
reference measurement. This linear fit will produce the new DDP Zero and
DDP Span values that can be entered into the instrument using the Settings
Page of the UTILITY. An example of this is illustrated below.


y = 1.8x - 0.7
Standard Reference Measurement (mg/m3)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
DSL-340 Reading (mg/m3)

Figure 1: Example of Best Fit Linear Analysis

(DDP Zero=-0.7, DDP Span=1.8)

Warning: After the instrument has been fully

calibrated do not adjust the instrument gain. The
calibrated DDP Zero value is dependent on the gain.
If the gain is adjusted then the DDP Zero calibration
must be repeated.

Configuring the outputs

For information on setting up the outputs, refer to the ‘Outputs Tab’ section.

Configuring the Automatic Calibration Check

The instrument contains a built in electronic calibration check procedure which
can be used to confirm that the instrument is still operating within its design
parameters. During an automatic calibration check the instrument first

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

performs a zero check and then a span check. The whole procedure takes
about 95 seconds during which the data invalid flag will be enabled.

For the zero check the instrument turns off the LED source and measures the
no light condition displaying the resulting zero drift as the measured zero level
particle density (mg/m3).

For the span check the instrument produces a controlled intensity fluctuation
on the LED light to simulate a high level of particulate or dust. The effect of
actual particulates in the stack during the span measurement will add to the
reading and so it is removed. The resulting measured span is compared to the
span level the instrument expects for the given level of intensity fluctuation
and any difference is reported as a percentage drift.

These calibration checks can be operated whilst the instrument is measuring

particulates in the stack, and so there is no need to ensure clear path
conditions. However, please note that if the stack reading is very high during
a calibration check this can introduce larger than normal span drift readings.

To set the instrument up for automatic calibration checking the first step is to
set the required span level. Three levels of intensity fluctuation are available
(Low, Medium and High). The corresponding span reading depend on the
path length and DDP Span settings. For the default settings of 1m path and
DDP Span=1 the levels are:

Low = 100mg/m3
Medium = 400mg/m3
High = 1600mg/m3

A span level that is close to the maximum measurement range should be

selected. The span level is set using the “Span Check Value” drop down
menu in the Settings page of the Utility.

During the automatic zero and span check the instrument will flag a fault
(Data Invalid) and so any control PC (e.g. SCADA) will know to ignore the
readings. However, it is also possible to set the instrument readings to freeze
(or Hold) during the zero and span check. This will hold the reading at the
value measured just before the start of the automatic zero and span check

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

routine. This feature is set by using the “Output Functions” drop down menu
and selecting “Hold”.

Before enabling the automatic zero and span checking routine it is necessary
to set the repeat interval for the automatic checking. This is manually set in
the “Intervals” box and can be anywhere from 1 to 1000 hours. The default
setting is 24 hours. Note that this time interval can drift by up to ±10min/year.
This time interval can also be read and manually set in the OI using the cchr

The automatic zero and span calibration is now configured. To enable the
function either select the “Enable” box on the settings page of the Utility or set
the OI parameter ccEn to “yES”.

The first calibration check will occur as soon as the function has been
enabled. If it is required for the automatic zero and span check to happen at a
particular time of day then the function must be enabled at the correct time.
The timing of the automatic zero and span check is controlled within the
instrument and should drift by less than ±10 minutes per year. If at any time
the power to the instrument is turned off the timer will restart from the
beginning when power is restored, therefore changing the time of day at
which the automatic zero and span check will take place.

Each automatic check takes about 95 seconds. During the routine the
instrument reading will either track the zero and span checking or will be
frozen at the last measured reading (user selected). The data invalid will be
triggered producing the faults “ZERO CHECK ACTIVE” and then “SPAN

When the routine has finished the settings page of the utility will display a
countdown timer showing when the next automatic zero and span check will
take place. Note if the instrument is power cycled this countdown timer will be
reset to maximum when the power is restored.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

After each automatic zero and span check the measured zero and span drift
readings are updated and can be read using the Utility or the OI.

Typical zero drifts will be <2mg/m3 and span drifts will be <10%. However,
under some conditions they may be greater than these values. One cause of
a high apparent span drift is if there is a very high level of particulate in the
stack at the time if the span check. The span check routine compensates for
the actual stack reading, but this is not perfect and large errors can occur
when the actual stack reading is very high and fluctuating.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual


Warning: When fitting or removing the heads,

even for routine maintenance, there is a risk that
stack gas may escape from the mounting flange,
or air-purge body. Stack gas, can be hot, corrosive
or otherwise damaging to health. All necessary
precautions must be taken to prevent injury being
caused by escaping stack gas.

Warning: After the instrument has been fully

calibrated do not adjust the instrument gain. The
calibrated DDP Zero and value is dependent on the
gain. If the gain needs to be adjusted then the DDP
Zero calibration must be repeated.

The DSL-340 requires very little maintenance because it has no moving parts,
no perishable components and is intolerant to changes in the optical signal

Checking the Signal Level

The main maintenance consideration is to check the measured signal level.
This can drop from the ideal setup value of 4.0V for several reasons, such as
dirt build up on the optics, movement of the TRX head, blockages in the
flange tubes, or reductions in the brightness of the LED. To a first order
changes in the measured signal level have negligible effect on the measured
DDP reading. However, if this signal drops by more than 50% from the setup
level (e.g. <2.0V) then excess noise and measurement drift can start to
degrade the instrument performance.

It is recommended that the measured signal level should be periodically

checked either using the Sig parameter in the OI or the “Measure Signal” on
the settings page of the Utility, to confirm that it is still above 2.0V. If the signal
level has dropped do not perform an AGC as this can affect the calibrated
DDP Zero settings.

If the measured signal level has dropped below 2.0V and the reference signal
is still high then this suggests that either the optical surfaces are dirty or the
TRX head alignment has drifted. Either way access to the heads will be
required to solve the problem.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Cleaning Optical Surfaces

In order to clean the optical surfaces, first remove the TRX Head from the Air-
Purge body by releasing the two latches. Inspect the lenses and remove any
heavy dirt deposition with a blast of clean dry air from a clean air canister.
Remove any stubborn particles or grit with a camera lens brush. Repeat the
process for the Reflector Head.

Once the heavy particles and grit have been removed the optical surfaces can
be wiped over with a spectacle cleaning solution and dried with a clean lint
free cloth. It is essential that all grit has been removed before wiping over with
any cloth. If the lenses are wiped over whilst grit is still present the lenses will
be scratched and a permanent signal losses will be introduced.

Checking the Reference Signal

The LED light source in the TRX head is a long life component that should
maintain normal operation for at least 5 years, however eventually its light
output is likely to diminish to a level where it should be replaced.

The light output of the LED is continuously monitored by an independent

photocell located alongside the LED in the TRX head. This photocell
generates a signal that is displayed in volts in the reference signal parameter
on the Settings tab of the Utility Software or in the rEF parameter in the OI. As
the light output falls, so does the reference signal.

The DSL-340 monitors the Reference Signal and will activate the fault alarm
when this signal falls below a 1.5V. Ideally operators would also monitor the
Reference Signal and consider replacing the TRX head if the signal
consistently fell below 2V.

It is therefore recommended that the Reference Signal is checked on a 6

month interval.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Fault Messages and Trouble Shooting

Fault and Warning messages can appear either on the Readings tab of the
Utility software, or on the display of the OI.

Important fault or warning messages that appear in the Utility Software will
remain permanently displayed on the Readings tab until the fault or warning
has been cleared and the operator has clicked on the message. This means
that even if a fault occurs only temporarily and has been resolved before the
operator views the Utility Software, the fault message will remain visible until
the operator has clicked on the text to acknowledge it. Fault message text can
only be cleared if the fault has been resolved.

Where messages appear on the OI they will flash intermittently on the display.
This means that the operator can still navigate and use the OI, but will be
constantly reminded of the fault by the flashing message. Flashing messages
will automatically disappear when the fault is resolved.

Fault messages indicate there is a fault with the instrument and that the
readings are not valid. Warning messages indicate that there may be a
problem and the warning should be investigated.

The DSL-340 TRX Head is the intelligent centre of the instrument, and all
measurements, calculations, and data storage is done in the TRX Head. The
OI is a terminal which presents data from the TRX and provides an interface
through which the operator can alter settings and parameters in the TRX

The Utility software runs on a PC or laptop which can be connected via USB
to either the DSL-340 TRX Head, or to the OI. If a PC is connected to the OI,
instead of the TRX, the OI simply becomes a conduit through which data is
passed between the PC and the TRX. In this scenario, if there is a fault with
the OI, or if the OI loses communications with the TRX, or if the OI loses
power, the Utility software will be unable to retrieve the required data from the
TRX, and the Utility Software will disconnect.

The following section describes each fault and warning message, outlines
potential causes and highlights actions that can be taken to try and resolve
the issue. If the actions described do not solve the problem then further
advice should be sought from your DynOptic Systems representative.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Fault Messages

LO REF-VIS (“Lo r”)

This fault indicates that the Reference Signal has fallen below 1.5V. The
Reference Signal is a measure of the LED brightness, made by a photocell
within the TRX head. This error is usually caused by a dim (or failed) LED in
the TRX head.

However, it can also be triggered by a failure of the LED drive circuit, a low
power supply voltage to the DSL-340 (should be 24VDC), or a failure of the
Reference Signal measurement circuit.

Check the 24Vdc power supply to the TRX head and check the Reference
Signal value on the Settings tab in the Utility Software. If 24Vdc is correct and
the reference signal is <1.5V then there is a problem with the circuit board or
LED within the TRX head. The TRX head should be swapped out and
returned to DynOptic Systems for repair.

In the event that the TRX is swapped out it will be necessary to complete the
full setup, calibration and commissioning process, as described in the earlier
section in this manual, using the replacement TRX head.

HI REF-VIS (“Hi r”)

This fault indicates that the Reference Signal has risen above 4.9V. The
Reference Signal is a measure of the LED brightness, made by a photocell
within the TRX head. The DSL-340 electronics can only measure a maximum
signal of 5.0V, so any voltages above this level will saturate the measurement

This fault can be caused by a failure of the reference signal measurement

circuit, or by increased brightness of the LED.

In some instances it may be possible to adjust the Reference Signal back to

4.0V using the potentiometer marked VR1 on the TRX circuit board. This
potentiometer is used to adjust the Reference Signal voltage during test at our
factory. After adjustment it is sealed with a red varnish. Before attempting
such adjustments you should contact DynOptic Systems for further advice,
which will vary depending on the age of the instrument and other faults that
may be present.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual


This fault indicates that the Measure Signal has risen above 4.9V. The
Measure Signal is the main signal used to generate the instruments
measurement reading. The Measure Signal is a voltage generated by light
returned from the Reflector head falling on the main photocell in the TRX

The DSL-340 electronics can only measure a maximum signal of 5.0V, so any
signal above this voltage will cause saturation, so this fault message serves to
warn of saturation in the measurement circuit.

Saturation of the measurement circuits will frequently occur during the

installation, calibration and commissioning phase and will normally be
resolved during the alignment and AGC process.

If this fault occurs during normal operation it may indicate that the original
alignment or setup was not performed correctly or there has been an
electronics failure.

If the message appears during normal operation the following actions should
be considered in order:

 Repeat the setup, calibration and commissioning procedure (i.e. AGC

and DDP Zero adjust)

 Seek further assistance

During set-up and commissioning of the instrument it is possible to manually
set the DSL-340 into reading override mode. This mode is used to confirm the
correct operation of the SCADA or data logging system. When in this mode
the fault relay is triggered and this fault message is displayed. The message
disappears when the unit returns to normal reading mode.

If this message appears during normal operation then the instrument has
been accidentally switched into reading override mode. It should turn itself off
after 5 minutes.

“HEAd” (only displayed on the OI)

This message is specific to the OI. This message indicates that the OI has
lost communications with the DSL-340 TRX Head.

This fault is usually caused by a problem with the cable between the OI and
the TRX Head. Check that the wiring connections have been made in the
correct order (consult the Installation Manual), and that all the connections are
sound. Ensure that all two part terminals have been pushed in properly and in

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

the correct orientation. Check that the cable is intact and has not been
severed or damaged.

This problem can also be caused by having an incorrect combination of

negative and positive bias applied to the RS485 signals in the interconnecting
cable, or by missing termination links. Check that the RS485 bias links and
termination link (marked as POS BIAS, NEG BIAS, and TERMINATION) are
properly fitted on the main OI circuit board (up underneath the front panel).
Also check that the termination link (marked as LAST HEAD) is fitted on the
circuit board in the TRX Head.

This message will also appear if the TRX Head loses power. Check that the
TRX has power (use a DVM or open the TRX Head and look for flashing
LEDs on the TRX circuit board).

Warning: When a HEAD fault is activated the OI

freezes all readings, values, and settings at the
last known levels. This includes the measurement
reading, analogue output levels, and Level Alarm
status, with the exception of the Service Alarm
which will activate to indicate the fault.


This fault message is displayed only when the instrument is performing a
span check.


This fault message is displayed only when the instrument is performing a zero

Warning Messages

This warning indicates that an alarm threshold has been passed.


This fault indicates that the Opacity reading measured by the instrument, has
fallen below 50%. DDP works independently of Opacity, but if Opacity has
fallen below 50% it indicates that the DDP signal is likely to be degraded.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Usually this message is caused by dirty optics, a misaligned TRX head or

something blocking the beam. The first action should be to clean the windows
and check the head alignment.

If this does not solve the problem then the instrument could be setup again
from the beginning, including a new AGC and DDP Zero setting.


The DSL-340 employs CRC checking on the EEPROM memory. Each time
the instrument is powered up the CRC checking compares the state of
EEPROM that it last knew, against the state of the EEPROM memory on
power up.

If the instrument finds a discrepancy between the two EEPROM memory

states, a memory fault is registered.

On registering the memory fault the instrument performs a self-checking

routine which analyses each byte of memory and ensures that the values
stored there are within an acceptable range. Values outside the acceptable
range are considered to be corrupted values and the memory byte is replaced
with a default value form FLASH memory. Essentially the instrument heals

Memory corruption is rare, but can occur in certain circumstances, for

example if the instrument suffers a power loss whilst writing to its EEPROM

Discrepancies can also be caused by a software upgrade (in the TRX head or
the OI, not the Utility software), so they can be an expected result of such

On encountering a memory fault operators should always power cycle the

instrument, i.e. switch it off, then on again. This action should clear the fault
because self-healing process will have installed a new value in the corrupted
memory byte, and the compared states of the power off memory and the
power on memory should now match.

If a power cycle does not clear the fault it is likely that there is a more serious
problem and you should contact DynOptic Systems or your distributor for
further assistance.

Note: that when the instrument self-heals by replacing corrupted data with
default data from FLASH memory, some operational settings and values may
have been overwritten. It is therefore essential that all parameters, settings,
and values are checked for validity by the operator immediately after resolving
a MEMORY fault.

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual


When the TRX head is connected to an OI it sends a check signal (CRC) to
test the quality of the communication line. This error message appears if the
communication check fails.

This message may indicate one of the following:-

 The communications line is too noisy, this may be due to the close
proximity of high power or AC voltage cables.

 There is a problem with the set-up of the TRX to OI communication

cable (e.g. poor grounding, bad connection).

DSL-340 MkIII Double Pass Particulate Monitor (mg/m3) - Operators Manual

Revision Control

Version Date Revision Details Author
V1.0 11/02/2014 Original (as per V1.7 of MkII manual). Dominic Sheedy
V1.1 07/04/2014 Added Cal Check features & updated screenshots. Dominic Sheedy
V1.2 03/03/2015 Added opacity display to the Utility settings page Colin Edge
V1.3 09/02/2016 Updated to use new DSL-3xx UTILITY (V3.0.0) Colin Edge

All technical details and specifications are subject to change without notice.

© All content copyright of DynOptic Systems Ltd 2016.


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