Y9 Unit 2 Zhang Yimou Crit. B

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Y9 MYP Film Elective

Criterion B Task 2
A Zhang Yimou Film
Name __________________________________ Due date_________________________

Task Description
• Students will create a film inspired by the work of the director, Zhang Yimou. The film must
address the key concepts previously addressed in class, in particular the use of cinematography as
well as the themes, characteristics and social issues raised in Zhang Yimou’s work. Students will
be marked individually based on their contribution to the task. The grade is a culmination of their
involvement throughout the entire production process from planning to shooting, editing and

Criterion B : Application (Maximum 10)

Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge and understanding of the concepts previously studied in class. Assessment will be based
on how well their music video demonstrates :
- Application of the understanding of what makes Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style unique;
- Application of how to use appropriate cinematography techniques in visual storytelling;
- Application of appropriate themes, characteristics and social context in Zhang’s work.
- Thorough and effective planning and pre-production skills;
- Thorough and effective time management;
- Creativity and resourcefulness in filming on location;
- Creativity and resourcefulness in applying special effects in post production if appropriate;
An ability to work well alone and as part of a team
Level of Achievement Task Specific Descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below

- The student has little or no understanding of Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style;
- The student shows little or no understanding of how cinematography can be used in storytelling;
- The student shows little or no understanding of the themes, characteristics or social context;
- The student shows poor planning and time management and shows no contribution in the group’s
- The student shows little or no attempt to solve problems creatively;
- The student plays a superficial role in the task.

- The student has a basic understanding of Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style but is has difficulty applying
this knowledge;
- The student understands how cinematography can be used in storytelling but has difficulty applying the
various techniques, even with support;
- The student has a basic understanding of Zhang Yimou’s themes, characteristics and social context but is has
difficulty applying this knowledge;
- The student shows ineffective planning and time management;
- The student shows ineffective attempts to solve problems creatively;
- The student plays a minor role in the task.

- The student applies a good general understanding of Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style;
- The student understands how cinematography can be used in storytelling and can apply the various techniques
effectively in obvious situations;
- The student applies a good general understanding of Zhang Yimou’s themes, characteristics and social
- The student shows moderate planning and time management;
- The student shows moderate attempt to solve problems creatively;
The student plays an active role in the task.
- The student applies a thorough understanding of Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style;
- The student shows a thorough understanding of how cinematography can be used in storytelling and can
apply the various techniques effectively in a variety of situations;
- The student applies a thorough understanding of Zhang Yimou’s themes, characteristics and social context;
- The student shows effective planning and time management;
- The student almost always attempts to solve problems creatively;
- The student plays a committed role in the task.

- The student applies a consistent and outstanding understanding of Zhang Yimou’s cinematographic style;
- The student shows a consistent and outstanding understanding of how cinematography can be used in
storytelling and can apply the various techniques almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations;
- The student applies a consistent and outstanding understanding of Zhang Yimou’s themes, characteristics
and social context.
- The student shows thorough and effective planning and time management;
- The student consistently attempts to solve problems creatively;
- The student plays an irreplaceable role in the task.
Student Grade & Evaluation Teacher Grade & Evaluation

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