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Heroic Roleplaying in the Archaic Age of Greece

A Wild Talents Setting by Paul Mitchener

It is a time of legend. The creatures of myth still exist.

Introduction Medusa, who was killed by the hero Perseus, was just
one of three gorgons, and her sisters are immortal. The
As the old saw says well: every end does not appear Cyclopes obey no law or gods, and eat human flesh.
together with its beginning. (Herodotus) There are tales of a tunnel leading to Hades’ realm,
although no two stories agree where the entrance lies.
Blood of the Gods is set in a fantastic version of Greece
in the middle of the 6th century BC, approximately the There is other magic. Inexplicable things and natural
end of the Archaic Age. Greece at this time is divided disasters are explained as the will of the gods. The
into a large number of independent city states, with oracle at Delphi delivers accurate if enigmatic
Athens and Sparta among the most influential. prophecies. And certain heroes, descendants of the
gods, have powers and abilities that exceed those of
It is a time of progress. Literacy is no longer an esoteric ordinary humans.
skill, and laws are publicly displayed. The Greek people
are beginning to see themselves as citizens of a polis, The player characters are these divine heroes. They are
equal under the law, rather than mere subjects of a the only ones who have a chance against the monsters
monarch or tyrant. Most city states are oligarchies, that still menace civilization. They are the most
being ruled over an aristocratic council rather than a talented individuals of the day in their chosen fields,
hereditary king, and these oligarchs are firsts among and are courted by those who wield political power.
equals rather than absolute sovereigns. The great These divine heroes are in a position to make changes
achievements of the Classical Age of Greece lie in the and shape events throughout Greece.
This supplement for Wild Talents contains rules for
It is a time of change and turmoil. Both Athens and creating divine heroes, details of the gods of ancient
Sparta have undergone drastic legal reforms. The Greece and the divine Gifts they grant to such favored
individual city-states battle for influence and control. mortals. There is information on the Greek world
Greek colonies are spread all around the Mediterranean and its culture, as well as information on some places
and form another battleground, both between and creatures of legend. Finally, we include a sample
different cities, and between democracy and tyranny. adventure and a number of further adventure seeds.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Sense the Divine 16
Monsters 28 Sample Adventure:
Contents Sorcery
Speed of Hermes
16 The Calydonian Boar 28 The Golden
Stamp of Poseidon 16 Centaur 29
Introduction 1 Storm of Blows 16 Cerberus 30 Fleece 40
Strength of Heracles 16 Chimera 30 Vani 40
Stunning Glance 16
Cyclops 31 Gorgias 41
Heroes and Tactical Insight 17
Gorgon 31
Thunderbolt 17 Chalciope 41
Antagonists 3 Unrestricted Passage 17 Griffin 32 1st L abor: The Gift of Gaia 42
Skills 3 Water Breathing 17 Harpy 32 2nd L abor: ‘Bandits’ 43
Riding (Coordination), Way of the L and 17 The Hydra 33 3rd L abor: Promethus and
Boating (Coordination) 3 Wings of Daedalus 18 Manticore 33 the Griffin 44
Healing (Mind) 3 Wrath of Achilles 18 The Minotaur 34 Avoiding Prometheus 45
Philosophy (Mind) 3 The Nemean Lion 34 Treachery 45
Security Systems (Mind) 3 Ancient Greek Pegasus 34 The Fleece and the Dragon 45
Weapons and Armor 3 Serpent (Giant) 35 Aftermath 45
Divine Hero Archetype 4 Culture and Siren 35
Beliefs 19 The Sphinx 36 Adventure Seeds 46
Gods and Divine Heroes 19 The Curse of Hera 46
Religion 5 Greek Culture and the Polis 19 Sample Adventure: The Tyrant 46
Philosophy and Technology 19 Uninvited Guests 46
Hubris 5 Clothing 19 Funeral Games 36 Liberty 46
Contact With the Gods 5 Temples 20 Invitation 36 Descent to the Underworld 46
Gods and Titans 5 Games and Contests 20 Historical Note 36
Olympian Gods & Associates 6 Marriage and Children 20
Major NPCs 37
Aphrodite 6 Slavery 20
Nikos 37
Apollo 6 Theater 20
Merope 37
Ares 6 Women 20
Anchises 37
Artemis 7 Xenia 21
Pelopidas 37
Athena 7 Further Reading 21
Gyges 38
Demeter 8 Recommended Viewing 21
Bandits 38
Dionysus 8
The Banquet and Aftermath 38
Hades 8 Real and Mythical A Confrontation 39
Hecate 8
Hephaestus 9 Places 21 The Games
Foot R aces
Hera 9 Argos 21
Heracles 9 Archery 39
Athens 21 Chariot R ace 39
Hermes 9 Colchis 21
Poseidon 10 Music 39
Corinth 22 Pankration 39
Zeus 10 Delphi 22
The Boar of Plataea 39
Miletus 22
Gifts 10 Mount Atlas 22
Naucratis 22
Adamantine Blade 10
Olympia 22
Aegis of Protection 10
Sparta 22
Artificer 11
Tarterus 23 Written by Paul Mitchener, © 2010; updated 12 May
Asclepian Medicine 11
Thebes 23 2014, © 2014. Illustrated by Todd Shearer, © 2010.
C aptivating Beauty 11
The Underworld 23
Deflection 12 Edited by James Knevitt and Shane Ivey. Page design by
Divine Perfection 12 Jessica Hopkins. The One-Roll Engine is © Greg Stolze.
Dragon’s Teeth 12 Events 24 The Wild Talents rules are © Dennis Detwiller, Kenneth
Favored of Gaia 12 Hite, Shane Ivey and Greg Stolze.
Fearsome Presence of Pan 12
Fire Breathing 12 Example Published by Arc Dream Publishing. Visit us on the web
Fire Resistance 13
Flawless 13 Characters 25 for more about Wild Talents: www.arcdream.com
Flight 13 Atreus 25 Special thanks to our playtesters: Danni Bayn, Simon
Girdle of Aphrodite 14 Danae 25 Beaver, John Becker, Carl Congdon, Neal Dalton, Tim
Godlike Vigor 14 Elpenor 26 Davis, Mark DiPasquale, Sean Dunstan, Steve Dycus,
Helm of Hades 14
Melanion 26 Marjory Frauts, Jez Gray, Jonny Gray, Tim Gray, Fergus
Heroic Inspiration 14
Immunity to Poison 14 Ophion 27 Hadley, Andrew Head, Matthew Hyde, Allin LeBeau,
Impenetrable Skin 14 Theogenes 27 Shai Laric, Christopher Loree, Tony Love, Christopher
Lethal Strike 15 Z agyrus 28 Malone, Jason Marks, Elaine McCourt, Chad Metzger,
Luck of Tyche 15 Dom Mooney, Newt Newport, Andrew Sangar, Fidel
Oracle 15 Santiago, Graham Spearing, Robert Stehwien, John
Petrifying Gaze 15 Tuman, Tom Zunder. Thanks also to the author’s players
Philosophical Insight 15
at the Furnace convention.
Plague of Arrows 16

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Philosophy (Mind)
Heroes and The subject of philosophy includes natural philosophy,
Antagonists moral philosophy, logic, and metaphysics. In this
setting, the philosophy skill consists of all abstract
What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone rather than applied knowledge.
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.
A character needs at least one die in the Philosophy Skill
to be literate.
Characters are created with 215 points. Ten of these
points must be spent on the Divine Hero archetype.
Security Systems (Mind)
The remaining 205 points are spent on Stats, Skills, and
Gifts. A character has 85 points to spend on Stats, and This skill does not exist in the ancient world.
50 points to spend on Skills. As usual, stats cost 5 points
per die, and skills cost 2 points per die. A maximum of
5 dice in a Stat or Skill is allowed. No special dice are
permitted in Stats or Skills at this stage. Weapons and Armor
The remaining 70 points can be spent on Gifts. Any The typical Greek infantry soldier, or hoplite, is a citizen
special dice in Skills are purchased as Gifts. Note that of his city-state and a part-time soldier (although
a maximum of one Hard Die and one Wiggle Die in a Sparta is an exception here). Hoplites fight in a close
Skill is allowed. The Divine Perfection and Flawless Gifts rectangular formation called a phalanx.
grant a single special die in a Skill.
The hoplite is armed with a large shield, a long spear,
Note that if a Gift turns a Skill into a Hyperskill, either by and a short sword. Hoplite armor consists of a bronze
adding a Hard or Wiggle Die, or making a skill do something or leather breastplate, a helmet and greaves. This
miraculous, the character can either buy the cost of armor is LAR1, and is the only type commonly available.
enhancing the skill at this stage, or else have the Hyperskill Exceptionally finely armor can sometimes be obtained;
entirely as a Gift; do whatever is appropriate for the it is LAR2, and likely to be valuable.
character concept, and makes keeping track of points easier.
Lighter, unarmored infantry also exist, though they are
Any points left over after purchasing Stats, Skills small in number compared to the hoplites, and are very
and Gifts can be spent on increasing Base Will and much support troops. Peltasts are javelin throwers,
Willpower, at the usual costs of 3 points per level and 1 and armed with a shield and three javelins. Archers are
point each, respectively. armed with a bow and short sword.

Cavalry also exist in small numbers, and typically do not

wear armor. Cavalry are armed with a sword and either

Skills a spear or javelin. Chariots are not employed by Greek

armies at this time, but are used by the Persians.
We make a few changes made to the Skill list in Wild
Talents Second Edition in order to better reflect
characters in the ancient world. Weapon Damage Notes

Axe Width+1 in Killing

Riding (Coordination), Boating (Coordination) Long Spear Width+1 in Killing
The Riding skill includes riding horses and the control
Sword Width+1 in Killing
of carts and chariots. The Boating skill covers control
of both sailing and oared ships of any size. Riding Short Sword Width in Killing
and Boating are the only variants of the Driving skill
available in Blood of the Gods. Javelin Width+1 in Killing
Thrown weapon.

Bow Width in Killing

Healing (Mind) (Not a compound bow, and so
The First Aid and Medicine skills are combined into a does less damage.)
single Healing skill in Blood of the Gods. Without an
appropriate Gift (Asclepian Medicine) a character with
this skill can only heal Killing damage when the patient
has extensive bed rest. To be precise, a Healing check
can be made once per week to convert Width Killing
into Shock at each hit location. Shock damage can be
cured with rest or first aid according to the usual Wild
Talents rules.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Divine Hero Archetype (10 Points)
S ource : D ivine

P ermissions : P ower Theme (A ncestor god), P ower Theme (Patron G od)

D escription : A divine hero has both a divine ancestor and a patron god . F or e x ample , H er acles
was the son of Z eus , but was aided in his l abors by Athena’s patronage . A divine hero ’s powers ,
which are c alled G ifts , should be appropriate to the spheres of influence or e xcellence of his or
her divine ancestor or patron . M ore information on G ifts c an be found in “G ifts ”.

The patron and ancestor c an be the same god if desired . I n this c ase , the hero gains a +1 bonus
to B ase W ill and +2 points of W illpower , but is more restric ted in his choice of G ifts .

At le ast one of a hero ’ s M otivations must match his divine patron ’ s interests . This M otivation
could be either a loyalt y or a passion . F or e x ample , a char ac ter whose patron is A pollo could
have a M otivation to demonstr ate his superiorit y at the lyre ( a passion ), and a char ac ter whose
patron is H ephaestus could have a motivation to defend the weak ( a loyalt y ).

This D ivine M otivation has gre ater importance than normal ; all
W illpower gains and losses
associated to it are doubled . The M otivations as usual . There
char ac ter is free to choose other
is no need for any M otivations to match a char ac ter ’ s divine ancestor ( if different from his
patron god). E x amples of appropriate D ivine M otivations c an be found in S ec tion Three .

Chang ing P atro n

If desired , a char ac ter c an change patrons in be t ween adventures ; changing patrons requires the
char ac ter to make a signific ant sacrifice to the ne w patron . M echanic ally, the char ac ter must
spend a point of B ase W ill and t wo e xperience points .

The hero keeps G ifts associated to his old patron . H owe ver , any ne w G ifts le arned must reflec t
either his divine ancestor or ne w patron god .

C hanging patrons is a hugely signific ant e vent in a char ac ter ’ s life , and represent a signific ant
change in his beliefs and M otivations . I f the old patron is be tr ayed in the process , the
consequences are the same as for an ac t of hubris ; see S ec tion Three for de tail s .

V ir g in Go dde s se s and D e sce ndant s

A number of goddesses are virgins . S uch goddesses c an still have descendants ; not all
reproduc tion in the my ths was se xual . F or e x ample , Athena spr ang fully - armed from the he ad
of Z eus . O ther deities such as A phrodite , D ionysus , and H ephaestus al so have unusual origins ;
for instance , H ephaestus is H er a’ s parthenogenic son .

I n another story, E rechtheus , a legendary king of Athens , was born from the earth after
H ephaestus attempted to seduce Athena . H e could be vie wed as a son of Athena , and thus his
descendants have the goddess A thena as a divine ancestor .

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
A Gifted character who commits an act of hubris, as
Gods and Religion described above, loses all of his current Willpower. If he
has no Willpower remaining, he instead loses a point of
Look now how mortals are blaming the gods, for they Base Will.
say that evils come from us, but in fact they themselves
have woes beyond their share because of their own There are two exceptions to this rule. The first
follies. (Homer) exception is when a character insults another god who
is a rival of his patron. In that case, his patron will
The Greeks venerate a number of gods, but chief protect him from any ill effects. So for instance one
amongst them are the twelve Olympians. whose patron is Athena can insult Ares with impunity.

Many cities have one patron god who is honored above The second exception comes when the character
the others and who has a special interest in the city’s serves a Motivation by committing a hubristic act. In
welfare. this case, the Willpower reward for the Motivation is
doubled, but the hero is cursed, and will suffer from
Sacrifices are made to the gods at a time of religious some unfortunate or violent event in the future. The
ceremony, at funerals, and when it is feared that a nature of the curse reflects the god most offended.
god is angry (for instance, if there is a plague or an For example, one cursed by Artemis will be attacked
earthquake). Sacrifices are also made to attempt to by wild animals, one cursed by Hades or Hermes might
secure a god’s good will for an endeavor in his domain; suffer financial disaster, and one cursed by Ares will find
for example, making a sacrifice to Poseidon before a sea himself in trouble in battle.
voyage is always a good idea.

The sacrifice usually involves killing an animal

appropriate to the god being honored. The flesh is then
roasted and eaten by the participants in the religious Contact With the Gods
ceremony; the skin and bones are burnt on the altar.
The gods no longer walk the earth, even in disguise.
The gods are natural forces whose good will needs to They do not speak directly to mortals, and not even to
be ensured; they are certainly not paragons of virtue divine heroes. The will of the gods still manifests itself
whose deeds should be emulated. The point of Greek through natural events, disasters, dreams and visions,
religion and mythology is to explain history, traditions, and sometimes the presence of monsters. It is the role
and sometimes natural phenomena. The religion has of priests and oracles to interpret such phenomena.
no formal system of morality; the priests and priestesses
Despite this lack of direct contact, a hero knows who his
are there to perform religious rituals and ensure
divine ancestor and patron are. He knows if his patron
the gods are honored. Some priests act as prophets
is displeased with him, though he might not necessarily
and seers, interpreting omens and oracles, and the
know the reason why. The loss of Willpower from
perceived will of the gods.
going against a Divine Motivation or from an act of
hubris is a concrete signs of a god’s displeasure.

Some people see a divine hero as acting on behalf of his

Hubris divine ancestor, and expect the hero to enact the god’s
wishes. In some cases they are even correct.
Hubris is an act overwhelming pride and arrogance.
It is a crime against the gods. Gross forms of moral
transgression are also considered hubris.
The most obvious instance of hubris is insulting or Gods and Titans
challenging the gods, for example by publicly boasting
There are several contradictory accounts of the gods
that one’s skill at the lyre exceeds that of Apollo. Such
and their origins. The following is just one version.
boastful claims are punished by the gods in many
myths. Despicable actions which needlessly humiliate The first gods were Gaia (Earth) and Ouranes (Sky).
the victim are also a form of hubris; the classic example Their first children were the Titans. Then came the one-
is Achilles defiling Hector’s corpse. Finally, boasting eyed Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, the one hundred
about one’s good fortune without sharing it with handed giants. Ouranes was disgusted by the Cyclopes
others or giving proper thanks to the gods could also and Hecatoncheires, and locked them in Tarterus, an
invite divine retribution. abyss far below the earth.
However, the gods are no longer as close to the Gaia, upset at the loss of her children, encouraged the
world as they were in times of legend. A mortal can Titans to rebel against their father. They were led by
blaspheme against the gods and commit gross crimes the youngest Titan, Cronus. Cronus castrated Ouranes,
without facing direct divine retribution, though other ending his rule and leaving the old god powerless.
people and the Gifted will certainly have something to
say about such behavior. The fourteen Titans then ruled, a pair for each day of the
week. However, Cronus left the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires
On the other hand, divine heroes are closer to the gods. in Tarterus, which displeased Gaia. She prophesied that one

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
of Cronus’ children would defeat him. Cronus therefore war, and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most
swallowed each child whole as he or she was born. beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose Aphrodite.
However, Cronus’ wife Rhea hid the sixth child, Zeus.
The most beautiful woman in the world was Helen, wife
When Zeus was an adult, he conspired with Metis, of king Menelaus of Sparta. When Helen ran away with
Titaness of wisdom. Metis tricked Cronus into eating Paris, the Greeks’ expedition to retrieve her led to the
a magical herb, causing him to vomit up his other five Trojan War.
children, who had matured in his stomach. These five
children were Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Favored Skills: Boating, Dodge, Empathy, Persuasion,
Hera. Zeus and his siblings defeated Cronus and cast Performance
him into Tarterus, dividing dominion over the universe Suggested Gifts: Captivating Beauty, Deflection, Girdle
amongst themselves. of Aphrodite, Stunning Glance, Water Breathing
Most of the other Titans, led by Atlas and aided by Gaia, Motivations: Casual romance. Find true love. Help
refused to accept the rule of the young gods. The result lovers be together.
was war. Zeus freed the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires,
and thanks to these powerful allies he was victorious.
The Titans who opposed him were locked in Tarterus or Apollo
suffered other punishments.
Apollo is the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto, and
the twin brother of the goddess Artemis. He is the
Olympian God of music and other arts, archery,
The Olympian Gods & Associates prophecy and medicine. In later accounts, Apollo is also
god of the sun. His symbols are the lyre, the bow, the
For each of the gods in this section, we mention Favored laurel, and the solar disk.
Skills, Suggested Gifts, and Motivations. Favored Skills
are skills at which a hero with that god as a patron or In his youth, Apollo was a lustful and impetuous god,
ancestor often excels. The Gifts of Divine Perfection dangerous when challenged or insulted. However, he
and Flawless can be chosen to provide a Hard Die or a has learned moderation.
Wiggle Die respectively in a favored skill. Apollo is the father of the great musician Orpheus,
Suggested Gifts lists further potential powers for heroes who descended to Hades in an attempt to rescue his
empowered by a deity; these powers are described in lost love, Eurydice, and having failed retreated to
detail in the next section. Note that the Gift Luck of the wilderness and was torn apart by Dionysus’ mad
Tyche is available to any divine hero, regardless of their followers, the Bacchae.
patron and ancestor. Another mortal son, Asclepius, surpassed his father
Finally, Motivations are suggestions for the Divine in his ability at healing, even gaining the ability
Motivation of a character with the deity as a divine patron. to restore the dead to life. The god of the dead,
Hades, complained to Zeus that his subjects were
being taken away from him. Zeus took his brother’s
Aphrodite complaint seriously, and struck down Asclepius with a
thunderbolt. However, Zeus later repented, and raised
Aphrodite was born from the sea foam after Cronus Asclepius to godhood. Ascelpius’ symbol is a staff with
castrated Ouranes and threw the god’s severed genitals into a serpent wound around it.
the sea. Aphrodite is the Olympian goddess of love, beauty,
and desire. Her emblems are the dove and the sparrow. Favored Skills: Healing, Ranged Weapon, Perception,
Performance, Philosophy
Zeus feared that Aphrodite’s beauty would cause
conflict between the gods, so he married her to the Suggested Gifts: Asclepian Medicine, Music of Orpheus,
lame god Hephaestus. Aphrodite was never happy in Oracle, Philosophical Insight, Plague of Arrows, Sense
her marriage, and has had affairs (and offspring) with the Divine
Dionysus, Apollo, and Hermes. However, her most
Motivations: Demonstrate intellectual superiority. Heal
frequent lover is the war god Ares.
all who are in need. Appreciation of art and culture.
When Zeus held a banquet to celebrate the marriage
of Peleus and Thetis, parents of the half-mortal warrior
Achilles, Eris, a minor goddess of discord and Ares’ Ares
sister, threw a golden apple bearing the description “to Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is an Olympian
the fairest”. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite all claimed god, and represents war and frenzy. He is a cruel and
the apple. Zeus refused to choose between them, violent god. Ares and Athena are deadly enemies, and
giving the task instead to the mortal Paris of Troy, who Athena tends to win when they come into conflict; in
was known for his fair judgment. one engagement, she dropped Sicily on Ares’ head. The
All three goddesses tried to bribe Paris. Hera offered only significant cult of Ares is in Sparta.
him an empire, Athena offered him wisdom and skill in Aphrodite is Ares’ lover. When Aphrodite’s husband,

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Hephaestus, discovered she was being unfaithful he
made an invisible net and trapped her naked with
her lover. He then invited the Olympian gods and
goddesses to view the unfortunate pair.

Favored Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Endurance,

Intimidation, Melee Weapon

Suggested Gifts: Dragon’s Teeth, Fearsome Presence of

Pan, Lethal Strike, Storm of Blows, Wrath of Achilles

Motivations: Defeat a particular enemy. The glory of

battle. Needless violence.

Artemis is Apollo’s twin sister, and an Olympian
goddess. She is the virgin goddess of the hunt, archery,
and childbirth. Like her brother, she is also a goddess
of healing, although this is not a major part of her
character. Plagues are seen as being brought down by
the arrows of either Artemis or Apollo. Artemis is also
sometimes seen as goddess of the moon.

In many myths, Artemis is a vengeful goddess. For

example, when Actaeon saw Artemis bathing while out
hunting with his companions, the goddess turned him
into a stag. As a result, Actaeon was hunted down by
his comrades.

In another story, Artemis punished Agamemnon by

becalming the Greek fleet sailing to Troy after he killed
a stag in her sacred grove and boasted that he was
a better hunter than her. However, Artemis is also a
protector of children. When Agamemnon sacrificed his
daughter to appease her, Artemis snatched the child
from the air and left a deer in her place.

Artemis is worshiped in most Greek cities, and is a major

goddess in Asia Minor. The deer and the cypress are
sacred to Artemis. Her symbol is a silver bow and arrow.

Favored Skills: Athletics, Healing, Navigation,

Perception, Stealth, Scrutiny, Survival

Suggested Gifts: Plague of Arrows, Unrestricted

Passage, Way of the Land

Motivations: Avenge past wrong. Hunt dangerous

beasts. Protect the innocent.

Metis, Titan of wisdom, was Zeus’ lover. Gaia warned
Zeus that any son borne by Metis would overthrow
him. Therefore Zeus tricked Metis into turning into a fly
and swallowed her. Some months later, suffering from
terrible headaches, Zeus called upon Hephaestus for
urgent assistance, and the smith god split open Zeus’
head with a hammer. Out sprang Athena, fully grown
and fully armed, and Zeus was none the worse for the

Athena is the virgin Olympian goddess of wisdom,

justice, the crafts, and the defense of cities. She is

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
trusted by father, and wields his arms, the Aegis and the revelation. His followers include satyrs, beings with a
Thunderbolt. Her emblem is the owl. man’s head and torso, but goat-like horns and legs; and
the Bacchae, women inspired by the god into a state of
Athena is a frequent patron of individual heroes in the ecstatic frenzy, lust, and rage. The Bacchae tear animals
myths; favored mortals include Heracles, Odysseus, and (and sometimes men and children) to pieces, devouring
Perseus. In many myths she is at odds with the war god their raw flesh. The great musician Orpheus was killed
Ares, who she despises as a violent idiot. In the Trojan by the Bacchae.
War, Athena aided Diomedes in several battles, even
helping him defeat Ares himself when the war god When Hephaestus imprisoned Hera in a golden throne,
entered a battle disguised as a mortal. Dionysus got the smith god drunk and dragged him
back to Olympus. Dionysus was rewarded by being
Favored Skills: Block, Empathy, Knowledge [Craft], raised to the status of an Olympian god.
Melee Weapon, Philosophy, Research, Tactics
Dionysus’ symbol is the thyrus, an ivy-wrapped staff
Suggested Gifts: Aegis of Protection, Deflection, topped with a pine cone.
Petrifying Gaze, Philosophical Insight, Tactical Insight
Favored Skills: Endurance, Intimidation, Performance,
Motivations: Defend one’s homeland. Justice. Democracy. Stability

Suggested Gifts: Fearsome Presence of Pan, Godlike Vigor,

Demeter Immunity to Poison, Music of Orpheus, Wrath of Achilles
Demeter is Zeus’ older sister. She is the Olympian Motivations: Hedonistic pleasure. Bring joy to others.
Goddess of agriculture, the earth, and the seasons. Demonstrate superior talents as a performer.
When Demeter’s daughter Kore was abducted by
Hades, Demeter plunged the world into winter as Hades
she searched for her. A compromise was eventually
reached. Kore now lives with her mother in the Hades is Zeus’ older brother. He was given the
summer, and with Hades in the winter. When she underworld as his domain after the defeat of the
dwells in the underworld, Kore is known as Persephone. Titans. Hades is the god of death and wealth. His
wife, Persephone, is Demeter’s abducted daughter,
Demeter is the patron of the Eleusian mysteries, in and is known as Kore when not in the underworld.
which certain hidden lore is revealed to any who take It is usually seen as best to avoid attracting Hades’
part. The mysteries are open to all Greeks—men, attention, and he has several euphemistic names,
women, and slaves—but not to those who have including The Unseen One and The Host of Many.
committed murder. Those participating in a sacrifice to propitiate Hades
Favored Skills: Perception, Philosophy, Riding, will bang their hands on the ground to ensure the god
Scrutinize, Survival observes them.

Suggested Gifts: Favored of Gaia, Philosophical Insight, Every hundred years, a competition called the Secular
Sense the Divine, Way of the Land Games is held to honor Hades.

Motivations: Protect civilization from the wild. Find Although Hades seldom leaves his domain, he was
hidden things. fearsome in battle when fighting the Titans, and has a
helmet which allows him to invisible. This helmet has
at times been lent to fellow gods and mortals, most
Dionysus famously to Perseus, slayer of Medusa.

Dionysus’ father was Zeus; his mother was a mortal Favored Skills: Healing, Intimidation, Stability, Stealth
woman, Semele of Thebes. When Hera learned that
Suggested Gifts: Dragon’s Teeth, Fearsome Presence of
Semele was bearing Zeus’ child, she disguised as an
Pan, Helm of Hades, Lethal Strike, Oracle
old woman and befriended Semele, who confided that
Zeus himself was the father of her unborn child. Hera Motivations: Amass great wealth. Do not fear death.
pretended not to believe her, and caused Semele to
doubt Zeus was who he said he was.
Semele demanded that Zeus reveal himself as a god
in his full glory. Zeus begged her not to ask this of Hecate is a goddess associated with boundaries and
him, but eventually consented. The sight of Zeus with magic. She is often portrayed with three animal
undisguised killed Semele. However, Zeus was able to heads: the heads of a dog, horse, and lioness. Hecate’s
rescue the unborn child and bear it to term sewn into symbol is the moon.
his thigh.
She dwells in the underworld, and assisted Demeter
The child was Dionysus, who grew up to be god of wine, in her quest to find her daughter, Kore, when she
theater, and festivals. Thus he is worshiped as a god of was abducted by Hades. Hecate’s origin is obscure;
pleasure, but he is also god of madness and drunken she predates the Olympians, and is not a subject of

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
mainstream worship. However, she is a patron of Suggested Gifts: Captivating Beauty, Girdle of
sorceresses. Aphrodite, Heroic Inspiration, Stunning Glance
Favored Skills: Lie, Healing, Intimidation, Philosophy Motivations: Protect women. Gain temporal power.
Suggested Gifts: Dragon’s Teeth, Helm of Hades,
Oracle, Sense the Divine, Sorcery Heracles
Motivations: Discover occult knowledge. Use magic to Heracles was the mortal son of Zeus, born in the city
dominate others. of Thebes. Hera hated him from birth; indeed, he was
renamed Heracles, meaning glory of Hera in an attempt
to mollify her. It did not work. A few months after
Hephaestus he was born, Hera sent two serpents to kill the boy.
Hephaestus is the Olympian god of the fire and the Heracles was found playing with the limp bodies of the
forge, armorer of the gods, and a master craftsman snakes in his cot as if they were toys.
and artificer. He is Hera’s son; she bore him As an adult, Heracles was driven mad by Hera, and
pathenogenically in order to spite Zeus and punish killed his own children. He was forced to complete
him for his many infidelities and illegitimate offspring. twelve labors set by his enemy King Eurystheus to atone
However, he was born disfigured, and Hera was for his crime. These labors included such great feats as
displeased at the sight of her son. She threw him out of slaying the Nemean lion, which had an impenetrable
heaven, as a result of which he is also lame. hide, and dragging Cerberus alive back from the
In order to avenge himself on his mother, Hephaestus underworld. Athena was Heracles’ mentor in many of
sent to her a golden throne; when Hera sat on the these tasks, and it should be noted that Heracles used
throne, it imprisoned her. The Olympian gods begged intelligence as well as his strength.
Hephaestus to release Hera, but he refused. The god Heracles performed many other great deeds. He was
Dionysus then visited Hephaestus and shared his wine. one of the Argonauts, who went to find the golden
When Hephaestus was intoxicated, Dionysus dragged fleece. He killed the sea monster sent by Poseidon
him back to Olympus slumped over the back of a mule. sent to torment King Laomedon of Troy. He defeated
He only released Hera when he was given Aphrodite as numerous monsters, robbers, and wild beasts, making
a bride, although as it turns out their marriage is not a Greece safe for travelers. Heracles was deeply loyal to
happy one. his friends, but made a terrible foe. He was perhaps the
Favored Skills: Knowledge [Craft], Research, Scrutiny, perfect example of a divine hero.
Streetwise When Heracles died, thanks to his incredible heroics and
Suggested Gifts: Adamantine Blade, Artificer, Fire divine heritage, he was raised to the status of a god.
Breathing, Fire Resistance, Impenetrable Skin, Wings of His symbols are the lion skin (the impenetrable skin of
Daedalus the Nemean lion, which he wore as armor), and the club.

Motivations: Help the lame and weak. Support the Favored Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Block, Endurance,
underdog. Demonstrate utility of fantastic inventions. Melee Weapon

Suggested Gifts: Godlike Vigor, Impenetrable Skin,

Storm of Blows, Strength of Heracles, Wrath of Achilles
Motivations: Slay dangerous monsters. Protect the
Hera is Queen of Olympus, Cronus’ eldest daughter,
weak. Demonstrate superior physical prowess.
and the official consort of Zeus. She is also the
goddess of cattle, marriage and women. Hera is
widely worshiped, and her emblems include the cow, Hermes
the peacock, and the lion.
Hermes is the herald of the Olympians. As well as being
Hera is jealous of Zeus’ many infidelities, and tends to the god of messengers, he is god of athletics, travel,
avenge herself on his lovers and illegitimate offspring. trade, and theft. He is also sometimes seen as a god of
For this reason, she does not come across well in many persuasion and oratory. Hermes is the son of Zeus and
myths. However, Hera supported Jason in his quest for the Titan Maia.
the Golden Fleece, and persuaded Aphrodite to make
the sorceress Medea fall in love with him. On the day he was born Hermes invented the lyre. By
nightfall he had stolen Apollo’s cattle. He explained to
Jason vowed to always love Medea. He lost the favor Apollo that he had stolen the cows because he craved
of Hera and his good fortune when he betrayed milk, and Apollo accepted the lyre as a gift.
Medea by becoming engaged to the daughter of the
king of Corinth. Hermes is renowned as the slayer of the hundred-eyed
giant Argus, who (on Hera’s orders) was guarding the
Favored Skills: Empathy, Intimidation, Leadership, Lie, nymph Io from Zeus.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The god is distinguished by his winged sandals, but his Favored Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Boating, Endurance,
symbol is the caduceus; a staff topped with wings, with Navigation, Riding
twin serpents wrapped around it. This symbol is also
carried by messengers and heralds. Suggested Gifts: Stamp of Poseidon, Unrestricted
Passage, Water Breathing
Favored Skills: Athletics, Brawling, Dodge, Persuasion,
Stealth, Streetwise Motivations: Avenge any slight or insult. Freedom from
slavery and tyranny.
Suggested Gifts: Flight, Helm of Hades, Speed of
Hermes, Unrestricted Passage, Wings of Daedalus
Motivations: Superior athlete. Become rich. The news
must get through. Zeus is King of Olympus, and the god of the sky and
thunder. He is the most powerful of the twelve
Olympian gods. Zeus has fathered many gods and
Poseidon mortal heroes with different women, both mortal and
immortal. His official consort, however, is his oldest
Poseidon is Olympian god of the sea, earthquakes, and sister Hera.
horses. His symbol is the trident. Poseidon is Zeus’
older brother, and received the sea as his domain when The King of Olympus is also the patron of hospitality
Zeus was given Olympus and Hades the underworld. and the enforcer of oaths. In one story, Zeus rewarded
an old couple, Philemon and Baucis, when he visited
King Laomedon of Troy persuaded Poseidon and Apollo them disguised as an old beggar and they killed their
to build massive walls around his city, promising them a last goose to feed him.
great reward. However, when the walls were finished
the king refused to pay the gods and drove them off Zeus’ chief adviser is his daughter Athena. His favorite
with insults. Poseidon avenged himself by sending a sea mortal-born son is Heracles, who was especially hated
monster against the city, and demanding Laomedon’s by Hera. Symbols of Zeus include the thunderbolt,
only daughter, Hesione, as a sacrifice to propitiate him. eagle, bull, and oak.

Poseidon is the father of Theseus, who killed the Favored Skills: Intimidation, Leadership, Lie, Persuasion,
Minotaur and freed Athens from the tyranny of Crete. Tactics
In one legend, Poseidon and Athena competed to be
patron deity of Athens. Athena gave the Athenians Suggested Gifts: Aegis of Protection, Flight, Heroic
the olive tree. Poseidon struck the ground with his Inspiration, Petrifying Gaze, Thunderbolt
trident, and created a spring; however, the water from Motivations: Casual Romance. Be responsible for those
the spring was salty, and Athena’s gift was judged more under one’s command. Seek glory.
useful. Athens bears Athena’s name as a result.

Nevertheless, Poseidon is an important god in Athens,

second in place only to Athena.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Gifts (Hephaestus) (Miracle, 16 per die)
The glorious gifts of the gods are not to be cast aside. In rules terms, this power is identical to the
(Homer) Gadgeteering power in Wild Talents Second Edition.
However, gadgets created using this power must be
The Gifts in this section are examples of powers that
appropriate for the setting.
fit into the Blood of the Gods setting. The most
appropriate divine patrons or ancestors for a Gift are Some of the Gifts described in this section are
written in brackets. It is also noted whether a particular appropriate for devices created using this power;
Gift is a Hyperskill, a Hyperstat, or a Miracle. examples include Adamantine Blade, Fire Breathing (if
built into a device), Impenetrable Skin (taking the form
Other Gifts can be created using the Wild Talents,
of armor), Thunderbolt and Wings of Daedalus.
Second Edition Miracle-creation rules. As a general
rule, Gifts empower a character’s mundane abilities A Focus of a power (whether created using this Gift or
to do miraculous things. Allowing heroes and human not) can be disassembled for Willpower.
antagonists to have Gifts that conjure energy blasts or
create force-fields could ruin the flavor of the game.
The most common Gifts are Divine Perfection and Asclepian Medicine
Flawless, which grant special dice in a Skill. These Gifts (Apollo) (Hyperskill, 5 per die)
are the only way a character can have Hard or Wiggle
Die in a Skill or Hyperskill (as opposed to a miracle). Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Healing) +1.
Further, only one die of each type is allowed.
Useful Power Quality: Useful (instant healing) +2, If/
A few Gifts take the form of items. A character Then (requires medical equipment) –1.
who finds such an item cannot immediately use the
Useful Power Quality: Useful (cure disease and poison)
associated Gift, but can learn to use it with experience
+2, If/Then (requires medical equipment) –1.
points, regardless of his divine ancestor or patron.
Useful Power Quality: Useful (raise the recently dead)
+2, If/Then (requires medical equipment) –1.
Adamantine Blade
(Hephaestus) (5 per die) Asclepian Medicine is an improvement of the Healing
skill. A skill check can be made to perform instant
Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Melee Weapon: Sword) +1, Focus first aid, healing Width in Shock and Killing damage
–1, Penetration +5. from a chosen hit location with a single round of work.
Diseases and poisons can also be cured in a single
The character has an incredibly sharp sword or similar
weapon, capable of cutting through absolutely
anything of mortal manufacture (for example, solid Finally, the character can make a Healing check attempt
stone walls). Attacks made with the blade ignore up to to bring someone back from the dead. The victim must
5 points of armor. have died in the last few minutes, and the following
round the healer must cure the damage that killed the
victim with a single Healing check or else the victim dies
Aegis of Protection again. Because it’s such a powerful effect, raising the
(Athena, Zeus) (8 per die) dead with Asclepian Medicine has a Willpower cost of 1
per die rolled (2 per hard die, and 4 per wiggle die).
Defends Power Quality: Defends +2, Duration +2,
Interference +3, Power Capacity (Range) +2, Willpower A character needs basic medical equipment such as
Investment –1. bandages and perhaps surgical tools or healing herbs
depending on the ailment to use the Healing skill, even
Capacities: Self, Range.
if he has this Gift.
When activated, this Gift protects any character within
range for a scene. It can be used to defend against any
attack, even those that cannot normally be blocked or Captivating Beauty
dodged. (Aphrodite, Hera) (Hyperskill, 2 per die)

The Width of any attack made against the protected Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Persuasion) +2, Duration +2, Slow –2.
character is reduced by the Width of the roll made to
A character with this Gift can use Charm+Persuasion to
use this Miracle. If the Width of an attack is reduced to
make a command that a victim absolutely must obey,
one, it fails entirely.
either until the end of the scene or until the command
Activating the Aegis of Athena has a Willpower cost is carried out, whichever comes first. Commands can
of 1 per die rolled (2 for a hard die, and 4 for a wiggle be as ridiculous as the character wishes, but cannot
die). However, Willpower spent to use the Gift returns be directly suicidal; ordering the target to attack an
at the end of the scene. obviously superior opponent, for example, is permitted.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The target of this Gift is allowed an opposed The character need not use all of the teeth at once.
Command+Stability roll to resist. After the first round, The quality of the Minions depends on the Height of
the target can attempt another roll to shake off the the roll:
effects of this power by spending a point of Willpower.
Roll Minion Quality
With the Slow flaw, Persuasion can only be used this
way every other round in a conflict situation. 1-3 Rabble

4-6 Trained
Deflection 7-8 Professional
(Aphrodite, Athena) (Miracle, 5 per die)
9-10 Elite
Defends Power Quality: Defends +2, Interference +3,
Power Capacity (Range) +2, Willpower Cost –2.
Favored of Gaia
Capacities: Self, Range. (Demeter) (Miracle. 4 per die)
When activated, this Gift deflects all blows from a Useful Power Quality: Permanent +4, Engulf +2, Self
character within range (10 yards per die) for a single Only -3, If/Then -1
round. It can be used to defend against any attack,
even those that cannot normally be blocked or dodged. Capacities: Range

The Width of any attack made against the protected The character automatically heals Width in Shock and
character is reduced by the Width of the roll made to Killing damage from every hit location each round he is
use this miracle. If the Width of an attack is reduced to in contact with the bare earth (but not stone). This Gift
one, it fails entirely. will not bring the character back from the dead.

Deflection has a Willpower cost of 1 per die rolled (2 for

a Hard Die, and 4 for a Wiggle Die). Fearsome Presence of Pan
(Ares, Dionysus, Hades) (Miracle, 4 per die)
Divine Perfection Useful Power Quality: Duration +2, Radius +2
[Skill] (Any) (Hyperskill, 2 points) Attached -2

Hyperskill: Hyperskill (any) +1hd Capacities: Range

The character has a particular Skill where he excels. To use this Gift, a character must make a
Even if he fails at a task using that Skill, the attempt is Command+Intimidate check followed by a check for the
technically perfect. actual Gift. The maximum number of people affected
equals the Height of the Intimidate check. A victim who
In rules terms, the character has a Hard Die in a does not successfully defend against the Gift with a
particular Hyperskill, as well as his normal Skill dice. Command+Stability check will flee in complete panic.
This Skill should be relevant to the interests of a
character’s divine patron or ancestor. A Gifted character or creature can simply spend a point
of Willpower to break free of this effect.
A character can only have one Hard Die in a particular
Skill. However, this Hard Die is in addition to the
maximum of 5 dice allowed for a Skill. This Gift can be Fire Breathing
combined with the Flawless Gift (below). (Hephaestus) (Miracle, 6 per die)
Divine Perfection can be associated to a Hyperskill Attacks Power Quality: Burn +2, Engulf +2, Non-Physical
taken as a Gift as well as to a mundane Skill. In this +2, Slow -2
case, the cost is increased to twice the cost of each die
in the Hyperskill. Capacities: Range

The character can breathe fire. This is a ranged attack

Dragon’s Teeth doing Width in Killing and Shock damage to every hit
(Ares, Hades, Hecate) (Miracle, 1 per die) location. Defenses against physical attacks do not help
the victim. Further, a victim of this attack catches fire,
Useful Power Quality: Permanent +4, Focus -1, One Use -4 taking 1 point of Shock damage to each location apart
from the head every round until the fire is extinguished.
Capacities: Range A Trauma check is needed each round to avoid panic.
A character with this Gift has a number of dragon’s However, this attack can only be used every other round.
teeth equal to the dice pool of this Gift. The types of Fire Breathing is not in general a suitable gift for player
dice do not matter. When these teeth are thrown to characters, though it is useful for NPC monsters; such
the ground, they spring up as skeletal armed Minions, monsters need not be associated to the god Hephaestus.
and are loyal to the character’s commands.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Fire Resistance Flight
(Hephaestus) (Miracle, 3 per die) (Hermes, Zeus) (Miracle, 7 per die)
Identical to the Immunity (fire) power in Wild Talents, Attacks Power Quality: Augment +4, Native Power +1,
Second Edition, page 148. Attached -2, If/Then -1, Locational (wings) -1, Slow -2
Capacities: Self
Flawless Defends Power Quality: Native Power +1, Locational
[Skill] (Any) (Hyperskill, 4 points) (wings) -1
Hyperskill: Hyperskill (any) +1wd Capacities: Self
The character with this Gift will never normally fail tasks Useful Power Quality: Always On -1, Native Power +1,
with the associated skill. In rules terms, he has a Wiggle Permanent +4, Self Only -3
Die in a particular Hyperskill as well as his normal Skill
dice. This Skill should be relevant to the interests of a Capacities: Self
character’s divine patron or ancestor.
Useful Power Quality: Native Power +1, Locational
A character can only have one Wiggle Die in a particular (wings) -1, Self Only -3
Skill. However, this Wiggle Die is in addition to the
maximum of 5 dice allowed for a Skill. This Gift can be Capacities: Speed
combined with the Divine Perfection Gift (above). The character has wings and can fly. Speed is
Flawless can be associated with a Hyperskill taken as a determined by the table in Wild Talents, Second Edition,
Gift as well as to a mundane Skill. In this case, the cost page 111. Having wings means the character has custom
is increased to 4 per die in the Hyperskill. Hit Locations (the first Useful quality), as follows.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Winged Hit Locations Helm of Hades
Roll Location Wound Boxes (Hades, Hecate, Hermes) (Hyperskill, 6 per die)

1 Left Leg 4 Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Stealth)

2 Right Leg 4 Defends Power Quality: Duration +2, No Physical

Change -1
3 Left Arm 4
Useful Power Quality: Duration +2, Self Only -3, No
4 Right Arm 4 Physical Change -1

5 Left Wing 3 Capacities: Self (both qualities)

6 Right Wing 3 This Gift is an enhancement to the Stealth skill; it means

the character can make a Coordination+Stealth check to
7-9 Body 8 become effectively invisible for a scene. This invisibility
10 Head 4 is not quite true invisibility, but the character can
effectively vanish in plain sight, use the Stealth Skill as a
defense, and hide without any cover. The effect ends,
The character can also use this power to boost attacks however, if the character does anything obvious (such
by swooping into combat; he can make a Body+Athletics as attack a target) to make his presence known.
check to add up to Width dice as a bonus to a melee As a variation of this Gift, a character could have an
attack. However, after a swoop attack, the character actual helm which grants such a power. In this case, the
needs to regain altitude over his opponent before he cost of the Gift is reduced to 5 points per die.
can repeat it.

Finally, the character can use this power to defend himself.

Heroic Inspiration
As a cheaper variant, the character cannot use this Gift (Hera, Zeus) (Miracle, 6 per die)
to aid attacks or defend himself. In this case, it costs 4
points per die. Attacks Power Quality: Augment +4, Extra Capacity
(Range) +2, Attached -2, If/Then (not self) -1, If/Then
(before subject’s action) -1, Willpower Bid (-1)
Girdle of Aphrodite Useful Power Quality: Augment +4, Extra Capacity
(Aphrodite, Hera, Apollo) (Hyperstat, 4 per die) (Range) +2, Attached -2, If/Then (not self) -1, If/Then
Hyperstat: Hyperstat (Charm) (before subject’s action) -1, Willpower Bid (-1)

The character is incredibly beautiful. In game Capacities: Ranged (all qualities)

terms, this Gift grants dice in Charm in the form of a The character can make a Command+Leadership check
Hyperstat. These extra dice can bring Charm above the to add dice from this Gift to another character’s action.
usual maximum of 5 dice for a stat. The maximum number of dice that can be added is
As a variation, the character could have an actual belt equal to the Width of the Command+Leadership check.
which grants the Charm bonus. In this case, the cost is A character must use this Gift before the subject takes his
reduced to 3 per die. action. If an action fails despite being boosted by this Gift,
the character with this Gift loses 1 point of Willpower.
Godlike Vigor
(Dionysus, Heracles) (Miracle, 10 per hard die) Immunity to Poison
Useful Power Quality: Engulf +2, Permanent +4, Self (Dionysus) (Miracle, 3 per die)
Only -3 Identical to the Immunity (poison) power in Wild
Capacities: Self Talents, Second Edition, page 148.

The character has a number of extra wound boxes in every

location equal to the number of Hard Dice in this Gift. Impenetrable Skin
(Hephaestus, Heracles) (Miracle, 14 per Hard Die)
Defends Power Quality: Armored Defense -2,
Interference +3, Permanent +4

Capacities: Self

This Gift grants a level of Heavy Armor equal to the

number of Hard Dice in this Gift.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
As a variation, a character could have a Focus (think of Petrifying Gaze
the skin of the Nemean Lion, killed by Heracles, or armor
(Athena, Zeus) (Miracle, 6 per die)
made by the god Hephaestus), which grants this power.
Having a Focus reduces the cost to 12 points per Hard Attacks Power Quality: Petrify +2, Non-Physical +2, Go
Die. If this Gift is granted by Hephaestus and utilizes a First +1, Traumatic +1, If/Then -1, Horrifying -1
Focus, it will be in the form of enchanted armor.
Capacities: Range

Lethal Strike This Gift does Width in Killing and Shock damage to an
opponent. If a hit location is filled with Killing damage,
(Ares, Hades, Heracles) (Hyperskill, 3 per die)
it is turned permanently to stone. If a target is killed by
Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Brawling), Deadly this Gift, the target is entirely petrified.

A character with even 1d in this Gift does Killing rather Further, the attack is a mere gaze, and so has a +1
than Shock damage when fighting using the Brawling bonus to Width for purposes of initiative. Defenses
Skill. If he already does Killing damage (for example against physical attacks do not help the victim. The
due to a high Body score) this Gift means the character attack is horrific; if the attack does any damage, both
does both Killing and Shock damage with unarmed the character and the victim must make a Trauma check.
attacks. If the character already does both Killing and Further, any Charm roll attempted by the character
Shock damage when unarmed, this Gift adds a +1 bonus against someone has seen the attack has a +1 difficulty.
to both types of damage.
This Gift has an important limitation; a potential target
must be looking at the character, although direct eye
Luck of Tyche contact is not needed. Treat someone deliberately
avoiding looking at the character in a combat situation
(Any) (Miracle, 12 per die)
as blinded. The use of a mirror to see reflections halves
Identical to the Aces power in Wild Talents, Second the penalties arising.
Edition, page 140.
Petrifying Gaze is not in general a suitable gift for
player characters, though it is useful for NPC monsters.
Music of Orpheus As a variation of this Gift (and one that is suitable for
(Apollo, Dionysus) (Miracle, 6 per die) player character heroes), a character could have a Focus,
such as the Head of Medusa, which grants this power.
Useful Power Quality: Duration +2, Radius(x2) +4,
In this case, the cost is reduced to 5 per die.
Attached -2

Capacities: Range
Philosophical Insight
To use this Gift, a character must roll (Apollo, Athena, Demeter) (Miracle, 3 per die)
Charm+Performance followed by a roll for the actual
Gift. The music affects all listeners chosen by the Attacks Power Quality: Augment +4, Attached -2, If/
character within a 40’ diameter. As a guideline, the Then (must declare first) -1, Willpower Cost -2
maximum number of people ‘caught’ by the power is
Defends Power Quality: Augment +4, Attached -2,
twice the Height of the Charm+Performance check.
If/Then (must declare first) -1, Willpower Cost -2
Any individual within the area who does not successfully
Useful Power Quality: Augment +4, Attached -2, If/
defend against the Gift with a Command+Stability
Then (must declare first) -1, Willpower Cost -2
check is completely entranced by the character, and
cannot act for as long as the character continues to Capacities: Self (all qualities)
perform. While entranced, a victim is largely oblivious
to other events. In the case of obvious danger, a second The character can make a Mind+Philosophy check to
Command+Stability check is allowed for the character to add dice from this Gift to any other action performed
to break free. by this character. The maximum number of dice
that can be added is equal to the Width of the
A Gifted character or creature can simply spend a point Mind+Philosophy check. Further, there is a Willpower
of Willpower to break free of this effect. cost of 1 per die, 2 per Hard Die, or 4 per Wiggle Die.

A player must declare that this Gift is used before the

Oracle Skill check is made. However, use of Philosophical
(Apollo, Hades, Hecate) (Miracle, 2 per die) Insight does not otherwise count as an extra action,
even in combat.
Identical to the Precognition power in Wild Talents,
Second Edition, page 153.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Plague of Arrows Speed of Hermes
(Apollo, Artemis) (Hyperskill, 3 per die) (Hermes) (Miracle, 2 per die)
Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Ranged Weapon [archery]), Identical to the Multiple Actions power in Wild Talents,
Radius +2, Exhausted -3 Second Edition, page 152.

This Gift is an enhancement to the character’s archery

skill. A character with even 1d with this Gift can shoot a Stamp of Poseidon
huge number of arrows exceptionally quickly, affecting (Poseidon) (Miracle, 5 per die)
all within an area 20’ across. As a guideline, the
maximum number of targets equals the Height of the Useful Power Quality: Booster (x2) +2, Daze +1, Radius
Archery check. +2, Backfires -2

All targets take the same damage from a single archery Capacities: Mass
attack. This Gift can only be used once per scene, as the
character can only carry so many arrows. The character can stamp on the ground to cause a small
localized earthquake; doing this causes him to take two
points of Killing damage to the torso.
Sense the Divine All structures or parts of structures within 10 yards
(Apollo, Demeter, Hecate) (Miracle, 3 per die) of the character are demolished, providing the parts
Useful Power Quality: Booster: +1 affected are within 100 times the mass indicated on the
table on page 111 of Wild Talents, Second Edition. This
Capacities: Range is almost always the case. Further, the round after this
Gift is used, all other characters caught within the area
The character with this Gift can sense the presence of of effect have all dice pools reduced by the Width of
others with divine Gifts within the power’s range (which the roll made to activate this Gift.
is ten times the range listed for the number of dice on
page 111 of Wild Talents, Second Edition).

The character with this Gift can also tell whether or not
Storm of Blows
a character or creature he sees possesses divine Gifts, (Ares, Heracles, Zeus) (Hyperskill, 3 per die)
and who his or her divine ancestor is. However, this Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Melee), Spray (+1wd) +4,
sensitivity does not help him tell precisely what divine Exhausted -3
Gifts a character or creature has.
This Gift is an enhancement to a character’s Melee
skill. When used, it grants a bonus Wiggle Die to the
Sorcery character’s attacks, and means that multiple attacks
(Hecate) (Miracle, 16 per die) may be made without penalty.
In rules terms, this power is identical to the However, this Gift is exhausting for the character, and
Gadgeteering power in Wild Talents, Second Edition, may only be used once per scene.
page 145. However, rather than the creation of
gadgets, it is used to model the magic used by
sorceresses such as Circe and Medea in the myths. Strength of Heracles
(Heracles) (Hyperstat, 4 per die)
The magic used by these women took the form of
potions, salves, and other enchanted devices. For The character is incredibly strong. In game terms, this
example, Circe turned Odysseus’ crew into swine after Gift grants dice in Body in the form of a Hyperstat.
they had eaten a meal laced with a magical potion. These extra dice can bring Body above the usual
Medea created a salve to protect Jason from Aetes’ fire- maximum of 5 dice for a stat.
breathing bulls in the Golden Fleece Myth.

Some of the Gifts described in this section, if built Stunning Glance

into a suitable Focus such as a salve or potion, could (Aphrodite, Hades, Hera) (Miracle, 3 per die)
be appropriate for things created using this power.
Examples include Dragon’s Teeth, Girdle of Aphrodite, Useful Power Quality: Daze
Helm of Hades, Impenetrable Skin and Petrifying Gaze.
Capacities: Range
Note that a Focus of a power (whether created using
this Gift or not) can be disassembled for Willpower. The target of this Gift cannot move or otherwise act for
a round. Further, the next round, the target’s dice pool
is reduced by the Width of the roll made to activate this
Gift. Fortunately for the target, he is allowed an opposed
Command+Stability check to resist the effects of this Gift.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
(Zeus) (Hyperskill, 3 per die)
Hyperskill: Hyperskill (Ranged Weapon [throwing]),
Electrocuting +1, Lethal (x2) +2, Non-Physical +2,
Exhausted -3, Focus -1

The character has a thunderbolt which may be thrown

as a weapon at a target. With a successful strike, it
does Width+1 in Killing and Shock damage. The attack
cannot be blocked, and armor is ignored. Further, the
damage inflicted is replicated in every hit location
between the one hit and the ground, ending in one of
the victim’s legs (choose which leg randomly).

Once thrown, the bolt must be retrieved from where it

lands to be used again; in any case, it can only be used
per scene. If a character wishes to have more than one
thunderbolt, he may take this Gift more than once.

Unrestricted Passage
(Artemis, Hermes, Poseidon) (Miracle, 8 points (2 Hard Dice))
Useful Power Quality: Endless +3, Self Only -3.

Capacities: Self

The character can travel through any terrain at the same

speed as over flat level ground.

In the variation of this power granted by Poseidon, the

character must be riding; this is an If/then flaw which
reduces the cost to 4 points.

Water Breathing
(Aphrodite, Poseidon) (Miracle, 8 points (2 hard dice))
Useful Power Quality: Useful Power Quality: Endless
+3, Self Only -3

Capacities: Self

The character can breathe water as easily as he breathes

Tactical Insight air, and suffers no movement or action for being
(Athena) (Miracle, 10 per die) underwater.
Attacks Power Quality: Augment +4, Duration +2,
Attached -2, If/Then (must declare first) -1 Way of the Land
Defends Power Quality: Augment +4, Duration +2, (Artemis, Demeter) (Miracle, 12 points (2 hard dice))
Attached -2, If/Then (must declare first) -1
Useful Power Quality: Duration +2, Radius +2, Attached
Capacities: Self (both qualities) -2, Willpower Bid -1

The character must make a Mind+Tactics check to use Capacities: Range

this Gift. When it is in effect, the character gains a
This Gift is similar to Unrestricted Passage, but lets the
number of this Gift’s dice as a bonus to all attacks and
hero and a group of companions travel over any terrain
defenses for a scene.
as if over flat level ground.
The maximum number of dice that can be added is
The maximum number of people who can travel using
equal to the Width of the Tactics check.
this Gift is equal to the Height of a Mind+Survival
In addition to this Gift, there are two variants which cost check. If the Survival check fails or is inadequate,
5 points per die each. One variant, Offensive Insight, the character can try again at a cost of one point of
only allows the bonus dice to be used on attacks. The Willpower.
other, Defensive Insight, only works for defenses.
Each use of Way of the Land lasts for a single journey.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Wings of Daedalus Wrath of Achilles
(Hephaestus, Hermes) (Miracle, 4 per die) (Ares, Dionysus, Heracles) (Miracle, 6 per die)
Attacks Power Quality: Augment +4, Attached -2, Focus Attacks Power Quality: Attacks +1, Augment +4,
-1, If/Then -1, Slow -2 Duration +2, If/Then (see below) -2, Willpower Cost -2.

Defends Power Quality: Focus -1 Capacities: Self

Useful Power Quality: Focus -1, Self Only -3 When this Gift is activated, the character flies into a
rage. During the rage, the character gains this Gift’s
Capacities: Self (Attacks and Defends qualities), Speed dice as a bonus to any attacks. Further, all attacks do +1
(Useful quality) damage.
The character can fly with the aid of a pair of Entering the rage requires Willpower; the cost is 1 per
mechanical wings. Speed is determined by the table on die in this Gift, 2 per Hard Die, and 4 per Wiggle Die.
Wild Talents, Second Edition, page 111.
When raging, the only action a character may take is
The bearer of this Gift may use this power to boost to attack, although he may choose his target. If no
attacks by swooping into combat; he can make a enemies remain, he is obliged to attack allies.
Body+Athletics check to add up to Width dice from
this Gift as a bonus to a melee attack. However, Emerging from the rage requires a Command+Stability
after a swoop attack, the character needs to regain roll, which may only be attempted once per round.
altitude over his opponent before he can repeat it. The
character can also use this power as a defense.

As a variant, the character cannot use this Gift to aid

attacks or defend himself. In this case, it costs just 1
point per die.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
entirely pejorative but is meant to evoke the babbling
Ancient Greek “bar bar” sounds of foreign tongues. Language is a key
thing which makes one Greek.
Culture and Beliefs An independent city-state is a polis with its own
laws, rulers, and traditions. Although all the gods are
He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need worshipped in a polis, each has its own special patron. A
because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a divine hero whose ancestor or patron is the patron of a
beast or a god. (Aristotle) polis is received especially favourably there.
Society in the Ancient World has features which are
alien to the modern point of view. Incorporating some
of these aspects into a game is one way to make it feel Philosophy and Technology
more historically authentic. Archaic Greece is an iron age society. Metallurgy is
One suggestion is to have just one or two of the following sufficiently developed to produce steel weapons and
cultural elements appear in each adventure, either tools on a fairly large scale. Bronze is used for some
as a minor event or encounter, or as something more tools and for statues. Silver is widely mined and smelted
fundamental. Doing this goes some way to give a game an near Athens, and is the basis for much of the city’s
appropriate feel without any chance of overwhelming wealth.
the players with the details of a different culture. Buildings are usually made of wood and mud brick,
though major public buildings such as temples use stone
and marble. Most people are farmers rather than city
Divine Heroes dwellers. After grains, one of the most important crops
Obviously, divine heroes empowered by the gods are is olives, and olive oil is used for cooking and lighting. In
inspired by mythology rather than history. In some some cities, uprooting an olive tree is a criminal offense.
regards, they are relics of a more primitive time, when Ancient Greece is known for its abstract thought
myths were a more everyday sight, and the gods and development of science and philosophy. Major
themselves walked the earth, albeit usually in disguise. developments include codes of laws, geometry,
Some heroes are part of the ruling classes of their astronomy and cartography, though in the Archaic Age
home; after all, many nobles trace their lineage from many important discoveries are yet to come, and the
a divine ancestor. Others are of more lowly birth but most famous philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle,
will inevitably rise above such circumstances when they are not yet born.
begin to excel. Science is not usually applied to technological
The attitude of society is to see a hero’s divine ancestry developments, certainly not on a wide scale. This is
as more important than their mundane background. partially because the upper classes tend not to concern
The character is honored or feared, depending on his themselves with common crafts. However, ‘not usually’
or her actions. Most people expect a hero to behave does not mean ‘never’, and in the mythological world
and share the interests of his divine ancestor, if known. of the setting there is room for a scientific genius,
Indeed, the more fearful and superstitious almost descended from the gods, to apply their talents to
identify the character with an ancestral god. invention.

Although the patron is more important to a hero’s

motivations, his divine ancestor is more relevant to how Clothing
he is seen by others. For instance, a character whose
ancestor is Hades is unlikely to be trusted, even if his Clothing for both women and men in Ancient Greece
patron is Athena. consists of two layer: a chiton and a himation. Making
clothing is a job for the women in a household.

The chiton is a long wide rectangle of fabric made

Greek Culture and the Polis of light linen, stitched together along the sides. It is
There is no unified Greek nation in the ancient world, wrapped around the body and fastened with a belt and
but rather a multitude of small independent city-states. a shoulder pin. Men’s chitons are shorter than women’s
These city-states are sometimes united in alliances and chitons, with the man’s garment being knee length and
sometimes at odds. Despite the fractious nature of the woman’s reaching to the floor.
Greece, however, there is a unifying notion of Greek The himation is a heavier cloak made of linen or wool,
culture, with comparatively minor differences from often dyed in a bright colour and featuring ornamental
place to place. (The possible exception is Sparta, which embroidery. It is a rectangle of fabric, and worn either
has some significant differences to other cities.) over the shoulders, or draped over just one shoulder.
All cities speak the same language. The word Footwear for both genders is sandals, soft shoes, or
“barbarian” refers to those who are not Greek. It is not boots. At home it is usual to go around bare-footed.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Temples exposure was often picked up as an investment, to be
later sold as a slave.
The most impressive buildings in Ancient Greece are
the temples. They were built to ask statues of the gods Several mythological heroes including Jason, Oedipus
and store offerings. These statues are typically human and Perseus were from royal households, and exposed
sized, but some are far larger. Actual sacrifices made to or exiled as infants for essentially political reasons. A
the gods do not take place in the temple, but are held similar background is suitable for a player character.

As well as celebrating a god, an ornate temple is a Slavery

symbol of political power, and a city’s most impressive
Slavery played a major role in ancient Greece. It was a
temple is inevitably to its divine patron. Temples to a
common fate for someone captured in a war between
city’s patron also appear in its colonies and places it has
city-states to become a slave. Some children were sold
into slavery by poor parents.
In the late Archaic Age, the classical temple supported
Conditions for slaves varied. The life of a mine, ship or
by many stone columns is a new and impressive thing,
brothel slave was brutal. By contrast, a household or
only present where the wealthiest cities want to make
public slave was often fairly well treated, especially in
an impression. Such temples are up to a hundred feet
Athens and nearby cities, and was sometimes allowed
long and 40 feet high. They are designed to appear
to keep a portion of his earnings, potentially eventually
aesthetically pleasing from every direction. These
enough to buy freedom.
temples are made of stone and marble, though older,
smaller, temples incorporate mud bricks and use Slaves in most city-states had some legal rights,
wooden rather than stone columns. although these were fewer than those of citizens.
Temples are not a pristine white in colour, but are
painted red and blue to contrast with the natural white
of the stone.
Theater in ancient Greece consisted of a chorus and
three main actors who played all of the roles. The
Games and Contests actors were always masked, and changed masks to play
different parts. Since all actors were male, the masks
The ancient Greeks were fond of athletic competitions.
also allowed them to portray women.
Such competitions formed part of many religious
ceremonies, and funerary games were held to honor a great There were three types of drama: comedies, tragedies,
person being buried. Prizes were awarded to victorious and the satyr play. The satyr play was a burlesque
athletes. In general, the athletes competed naked. tragicomedy, featuring mythological themes and a
chorus of satyrs.
Popular sporting events included boxing, chariot racing,
the discus, javelin, jumping (similar to the modern long In Athens, the Dionysia was a week-long theatrical
jump, but the athletes had the aid of weights called festival held in honor of the god Dionysus. The first
halteres), pankration (ancient Greek martial arts; a day of the festival featured a procession, carrying a
combination of boxing and wrestling), running (both large wooden statue of Dionysus, followed by a musical
short and long distances) and wrestling. competition. Sacrifices were made to Dionysus and a
feast was held for all citizens.
Mechanics for some games and contests can be found in
the sample adventure ‘Funeral Games.’ On the second day, playwrights announced the titles
of plays to be performed, and judges were selected by
lot. The next three days were devoted to tragic plays,
Marriage and Children where three playwrights performed three tragedies and
Marriages in Ancient Greece (although not in Sparta) one satyr play each. On the sixth day, three comic plays
were almost always arranged. A bride was provided were performed. On the final day there was another
with a dowry by her parents, and she took the dowry procession and celebration, and the winners of the
with her in the case of divorce. tragedy and comedy performances were announced.

Divorce could be initiated by either party. A husband

was expected to divorce his wife if he discovered she Women
was unfaithful. If a man caught his wife, mother,
In the Classical Era, women were certainly second class
daughter, or sister with a lover other than her husband,
citizens, and their freedoms were severely restricted,
he was legally entitled to kill the other man on the spot.
especially in Athens. A woman’s task was running the
It was an accepted practice to expose unwanted infants; home or performing related duties such as going to the
this usually involved leaving the child outside in a market. However, this tendency was not fully developed
shallow pot, often near some public place. If the infant at the end of the Archaic Age, the time the game is set.
was not rescued it would die. Even a child saved from

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
At this time, exceptional women — which certainly
include any descendants of the gods, such as the player
characters — can have a more prominent place in
Real and Mythical
society. Some men will doubt or resent such women.
This should be viewed as an opportunity for role-playing Places
rather than a reason to restrict or exclude female A state arises, as I conceive, out of the needs of
characters. There are certainly mythological examples mankind; no one is self-sufficing, but all of us have
of powerful women, such as Atalanta and Penelope. many wants. (Plato)
Sparta is an exception to the general rule, as in many
other things. Men and women were given roughly
equal education, and Spartan women could (unlike the
men) own property. Argos is one of the oldest city-states of Greece. It is still
ruled by a hereditary king. Argos was the birthplace of
Perseus, and until recently was the most influential city
Xenia in the region. However, now Sparta, a territorial rival, is
Xenia is the custom of hospitality, especially to strangers eclipsing its power.
and travelers. It has three elements. The first element The patron goddess of Argos is Hera. The Heraeum
is that the host should offer an unexpected guest food, temple six miles north of the city is the most significant
drink, a place to sleep, and if required a bath. It is not temple to Hera in existence.
polite for the host to ask questions until he taken care
of the guest’s basic needs. The second element is that
the guest should respect his host, and not abuse his Athens
hospitality. Finally, it is traditional for the host to give
his guest a small parting gift. Athens has been on the way to democracy since the
statesman and poet Solon created a new constitution in
the year 594BC to end civic strife. The new constitution
Further Reading gave all adult male citizens of Athens the right to vote
on major decisions in the Assembly. However, only the
The Oxford History of Greece and the Hellenistic World upper classes can currently hold political office.
(John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray editors,
1991) At present, Solon’s second cousin Peisistratus has seized
power. He and his family occupy all of the major political
The Greek Myths (Robert Graves, 1955) offices, although Solon’s democratic reforms are still in
Persian Fire (Tom Holland, 2005) place. Despite being a tyrant, Peisistratus is a fair and
popular ruler. Under his leadership, Athens is becoming
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society and wealthy, powerful, and a major cultural center.
Culture (Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter
Donlan, Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, 2004) One criticism other Greek cities sometimes make about
Athens is that slaves and citizens are hard to tell apart.
Jason and the Argonauts (Neil Smith author, Jose Daniel This is an exaggeration; for instance the life of a slave
Cabrera Pena illustrator, 2013) in the silver mines near the city is extremely harsh. That
said, in Athens, slaves working as tutors are common,
The Histories (Herodotus, translater Aubrey de and the police force is made up of slaves.
Selincourt, 1963)
The patron goddess of Athens is Athena.
The Iliad (Homer, translator E.V. Rieu 1946)

The Odyssey (Homer, translator E.V. Rieu 1950)

The Voyage of the Argo (Apollonius of Rhodes,
Colchis is a far kingdom on the eastern shores of the
translator E.V. Rieu 1959)
Black Sea. It is famed in mythology as the destination
of the Argonauts and the location of the legendary
Recommended Viewing golden fleece.

Jason and the Argonauts (1963) Although the language of Colchis is a form of Greek,
Persia and Egypt are also major influences on the
Clash of the Titans (1981) kingdom’s culture. In particular, the monarch is an
absolute ruler, something which is unusual in Greek
Troy (2004) city-states of the time.

To the east of the kingdom lie the Caucasus Mountains.

Here the Titan Prometheus is chained to a rock by
unbreakable adamantine chains. Every day, a griffin
descends to eat his liver which regenerates at night so that

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
it may be eaten again the next day. Prometheus’ suffering Around the mountain are the pastures of Apollo’s
is a punishment inflicted upon him by Zeus for the crime thousand herds of sheep and cattle. On the slopes are
of stealing fire from the gods and giving it to man. the gardens of Hesperides, an orchard Gaia gave to
Hera as a wedding present when she married Zeus.

Corinth The orchard’s apples are guarded by a watchful serpent.

Heracles’ eleventh labor was to fetch fruit from a
Corinth is an important naval and trade power, and golden apple tree in the gardens.
rivals Athens and Thebes in wealth. It has established
a number of colonies, including Syracuse, the most
powerful city on Sicily. However, Corinth’s true glory Naucratis
days are over.
Naucratis is the only permanent Greek colony located in
Since the recent death of the tyrant Periander, Corinth Egypt. It acts as a centre for trade between Egypt and
is ruled by an oligarchy, like many others in Greece. The Greece. Naucratis is a cultural crossroads, and is inhabited
oligarchy is currently involved in an ambitious building by a mixture of Greeks, Egyptians, and Phoenicians.
The city was turned over to the Greeks in the year
The patron god of Corinth is Poseidon. The city also 570BC by the Pharaoh Amasis II, partially for trade
has a fabulously rich temple to Aphrodite, with over benefits, and partially to concentrate Greek activities in
a thousand temple slaves. Corinth is famous for its Egypt in one place under his control.
luxurious living standards, and the speed with which
visitors tended to spend money.
Delphi Olympia is a city sacred to Zeus in northern Greece. It
is famed as the site of the greatest athletic event of the
Delphi is believed to be the center of the world. In Greek world, the Olympic Games.
ancient times, it was guarded by the prophetic dragon
Python, who was killed by Apollo. It became a major The Olympic Games are held every four years to honor
center of worship of Apollo, and site of the most Zeus. Even when there are wars between participating
famous oracle in the ancient world, the Pythia. city-states, athletes are allowed to travel to the games
under a special truce.
The Pythia prophecies by sitting over a crack in the
earth in a cavern beneath Delphi. Deep in the crack lies The Games last for five days. On the first day is a
the still-decomposing body of the dragon Python; the religious festival, where 100 oxen are sacrificed to Zeus.
Pythia prophecies by inhaling the vapors, which allow The next three days are the actual competition. On the
Apollo to speak through her. last day, there is a feast; the oxen killed on the first day
are eaten.
The oracle’s statements are always accurate, but are seldom
direct, and often have more than one interpretation. The Olympic Games proper are only open to male citizens
(not women or slaves). However, a series of foot races
for unmarried women are also held to honor Hera.
Miletus is an ancient city in Ionia (what is now western Sparta
Turkey). It was founded as a Greek colony on the site
of ancient ruined city. Miletus is famed for its natural Sparta is different to many of the cities of Archaic
philosophers, chief of whom is Thales, one of the Greece. All Spartan males live in the barracks between
founders of scientific thought. the ages of seven and thirty, and adults are part of
the state army. Spartan men are not allowed to own
Recently, Miletus has been conquered by the growing property or to engage in business, although women are
Persian Empire under the rule of Cyrus the Great; allowed to do both, which is not the case in most of the
Miletus itself is now under the rule of a tyrant installed rest of archaic Greece.
by Cyrus, and its people are subjects of Persia.
The city is ruled by two hereditary kings from different
dynasties. The kings are descendants of Heracles, and
Mount Atlas theoretically have equal authority. The current kings
are Anaxandridas II, who has reigned since 560BC, and
Mount Atlas is a mountain in the far west of the world, Ariston who has just taken the throne.
at a place corresponding to modern day Gibraltar. The
Titan Atlas sided with his brethren in the war against Sparta has a large subject population of people called
the Olympians; it was here that he was sentenced to Helots, who are effectively state-owned slaves. Every
hold the sky upon his shoulders, preventing it from Spartan man is assigned land and helots to work it. All
coming into contact again with the earth. manufacture and agriculture is done by Helots. The
Helots outnumber the actual Spartans by four to one.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Although Sparta has a fairly small population, it is the the ground. They sprung up as armed warriors, who
leading military power of Archaic Greece. The patron fought amongst themselves until only five survived;
goddess of Sparta is Artemis. However, Heracles is also these five were the fathers of Thebes’ ancient nobility.
important, and sacrifices are made by the army to Ares. To propitiate Ares, Cadmus married his daughter by
Aphrodite, Harmonia.

Tarterus At present, Thebes is an oligarchy, and is slowly

expanding in influence and power.
Tarterus is a pit and place of punishment surrounded
by three layers of night. Part of the Underworld,
Tarterus is as far beneath Hades’ realm as the earth is The Underworld
below the heavens.
The souls of the dead migrate to a realm beneath the
Various beings are imprisoned in Tarterus, including the earth, ruled over by the god Hades. The Underworld
Titans who opposed Zeus, and certain monsters created cannot be reached without crossing the deadly
by Gaia to oppose the gods. The Hecatoncheires, or poisonous River Styx, the river of hate. The strongest of
hundred-handed giants, guard the prisoners. all oaths is to swear by the Styx.

Charon, the ferryman of the dead, carries souls across

Thebes the river. It is the usual practice to place a coin in the
mouth of a dead person to pay for his soul’s passage.
Thebes is one of the great cities of Greece, and is a
major rival of Athens. It is also an important city in Across the river, the gates to Hades’ realm are guarded
several myths; Thebes was the birthplace of Dionysus by the giant three-headed dog Cerberus. Cerberus’
and Heracles, and was ruled over by King Oedipus. function is preventing the living from entering Hades’
realm, and the dead from leaving.
In the center of Thebes is a fortress called the Cadmaia,
named after the legendary founder of the city, Cadmus. The Underworld is mainly a misty and gloomy place
Cadmus slew a dragon sacred to Ares, and then without any joy. However, a few especially heroic and
followed Athena’s instructions and sowed the teeth into virtuous souls dwell in a paradise called the Elysian Fields.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
530 BC: Death of Cyrus the Great. Cambyses becomes
Events Great King of Persia.

Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest 528 BC: Death of Peisistratus. His son Hippias becomes
do not happen at all:  the conscientious historian will ruler of Athens. He is a more tyrannical ruler than his father.
correct these defects. (Herodotus) 535 BC: Egypt conquered by Persia.
In this section we list some major occurrences of the 520 BC: Darius seizes power in Persia.
6th century BC. These events are all taken from real
history. They are presented here both for information 510 BC: The tyrant Hippias is exiled from Athens with
and as inspiration for adventures. Note that the actions the assistance of a Spartan force.
of characters as powerful as the player characters can
easily change historical events, or move them in time. 508 BC: Cleisthenes reforms Athens’ constitution into a
The GM should embrace such changes. full participatory democracy.

595-586 BC: The city-state of Kirrha takes advantage

of its location to tax Delphi and rob travelers to the
oracle. It is cursed by Apollo. An alliance of city-states,
including Athens and Thebes, is formed to defend
Delphi. At the end of the war, Kirrha is besieged and
its water supply poisoned. When the city is taken, it is
utterly destroyed.

594 BC: Solon introduces a new legal code and social

and political reforms to Athens.

585 BC: Thales of Miletus predicts a solar eclipse.

583 BC: End of tyranny in Corinth.

560 BC: Peisistratus becomes ruler of Athens.

559 BC: Cyrus the Great comes to power in Babylon,

and begins the conquests that lead to the formation of
the Persian Empire.

559 BC: Peisistratus is exiled from Athens by an alliance

of the other two main aristocratic political parties.

553 BC: The agreement between the two primary

political parties in Athens falls apart. Peisistratus
returns to Athens in a golden chariot accompanied by a
woman he claims to be Athena. He is allowed to return
by one of the party leaders, Megacles, on condition
Peisistratus marries his daughter.
556 BC: Peisistratus is again exiled from Athens.

548 BC: The temple to Apollo at Delphi burns to the


547 BC: Miletus is conquered by Persia, and a tyrant

loyal to Cyrus is installed as governor.

546 BC: Argos and Sparta agree to settle a territorial

dispute in a battle where both sides pit just 300 of their
best men against each other. At the end of the battle
only three men remain and both sides claim victory,
which leads to Argos’ entire army being sent to the area
and being defeated by Sparta.
546 BC: Peisistratus returns to Athens with a mercenary
force, and again seizes power.

540 BC: Greek expansion in the west is checked by the

Etruscans and Phoenicians at the Battle of Alatia.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Example Danae
Danae was the only child of a family from Thebes.
Lacking a son, they trained their daughter to be a
warrior and to win glory. However, she was not allowed
You will certainly not be able to take the lead in all things to serve in the Theban army; she became a wanderer
yourself, for to one man a god has given deeds of war, and and a mercenary. Danae is now a citizen of Athens and
to another the dance, to another lyre and song, and in the city is happy to make use of her special talents.
another wide-sounding Zeus puts a good mind. (Homer)
Body 4d Coordination 4d Mind 3d

Sense 2d Charm 2d Command 2d

Atreus Base Will 4 Willpower 4

Atreus is a celebrity in Athens, his home city. He has Ancestor: Heracles Patron God: Athena
been gifted by the gods with incredible good looks,
charm, and above all else skill as a musician. However, Passion: I am the superior of any man (2)
Atreus has further divine powers he uses less frequently, Loyalty: Protect the weak (2)
and is less shallow than he sometimes appears.
Skills: Athletics 4 (8d), Block 1 (5d), Brawl 3 (7d),
Body 2d Coordination 2d Mind 3d Dodge 1 (5d), Endurance 3 (7d), Leadership 2 (4d),
Sense 3d Charm 4d+1wd Command 3d Melee Weapon (sword) 4d (8+1wd), Perception 2 (4d),
Persuasion 2 (4d), Ranged Weapon (bow) 2 (6d), Ride 1
Base Will 7 Willpower 11 (5d), Stability 2 (4d), Tactics 2 (5d)

Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Dionysus Gifts: Aegis of Protection 2hd, Flawless [Melee Weapon
(Sword)], Godlike Vigor 1hd, Storm of Blows 1wd
Passion: Romantic entanglements make life worthwhile
(3) Weapons and Armour
Loyalty: Defend beauty in all forms (4) Hoplite Armour and Shield (Light Armour 2)
Skills: Brawling 3d (5d+1wd), Empathy 3 (6d), Healing Sword (8d+1wd): Width+1 killing
2 (5d), Intimidation 1+1wd (4d+1wd), Leadership 2 (5d),
Perception 2 (5d), Perform (Lyre) 2 (6d+1wd), Persuasion Bow (6d): Width killing
3 (7d+1wd), Philosophy 1 (4d), Scrutiny 1 (4d), Stability 2
(5d), Stealth 3 (5d) Hit Locations
Gifts: Flawless (Brawling), Girdle of Aphrodite 1wd, Roll Location Wound Boxes
Lethal Strike 3d+1wd, Music of Orpheus 2d, Oracle 5d,
Wrath of Achilles 3d 1 Left Leg 6

2 Right Leg 6
Weapons and Armour
3-4 Left Arm 6
Unarmed (5d+1wd): Width killing
5-6 Right Arm 6
Hit Locations
7-9 Body 11
Roll Location Wound Boxes
10 Head 5
1 Left Leg 5

2 Right Leg 5

3-4 Left Arm 5

5-6 Right Arm 5

7-9 Body 10

10 Head 4

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Elpenor Melanion
Elpenor is a master blacksmith, inventor, and natural Melanion is from a poor background, but became a
philosopher, originally from Corinth. He is now a citizen trusted agent of the tyrant Periander of Corinth. Since
of Athens. Elpenor’s patron Hephaestus has granted the tyrant’s fall, Melanion has served Corinth’s new
him considerable insights, enabling him to come up ruling council, but has made it his business to find
with the miraculous inventions (Adamantine Blade, missions outside of the city. He now lives in Athens,
Wings, and Thunderbolt) noted as Gifts. where he represents Corinthian interests. It would
be wonderful if Melanion could use his Gifts to do
Body 2d Coordination 3d Mind 4d something exceptional for Athens, and so put Athens in
Sense 4d Charm 2d Command 2d Corinth’s debt—and more importantly in his debt.

Base Will 4 Willpower 5 Body 3d Coordination 3d Mind 2d

Ancestor: Zeus Patron God: Hephaestus Sense 4d Charm 4d Command 2d

Passion: My inventions can solve all problems (2) Base Will 6 Willpower 7

Loyalty: Honesty and integrity are always important Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Hermes
(2) Passion: Support the underdog (3)
Skills: Healing 1 (5d), Knowledge: Blacksmith 2+1wd Loyalty: I deserve great wealth and status (3)
(6d+1wd), Melee Weapon (sword) 3 (5d) [adamantine
blade], Perception 2 (6d), Philosophy 4 (8d), Ranged Skills: Athletics 1 (4d+1wd), Brawling 3 (6d+1wd),
Weapon (bow) 1 (4d), Research 2 (6d), Riding 5 (8d), Empathy 2 (6d), Intimidation 2 (4d), Lie 2 (6d),
Scrutiny 2 (6d), Stability 3 (5d) Perception 2 (6d), Persuasion 1 (5d), Ranged Weapon
(Throwing) 2 (5d), Scrutiny 2 (6d), Stability 2 (4d),
Gifts: Adamantine Blade: Can cut through anything of Stealth 0 (7d), Streetwise 2 (4d)
mortal manufacture. See above for combat stats.
Gifts: Flawless [Athletics, Brawling], Helm of Hades 4d,
Wings of Daedalus: Artificial wings that let Elpenor fly. Lethal Strike 3d+1wd, Luck of Tyche 2d, Sense the Divine
Fire Resistant: Ignore fire and smoke damage. 2hd

Thunderbolt: An automatic 3x10 attack. Does 3 killing Weapons and Armour

damage to a victim’s head, body, and legs. Can only be
used once per battle. Unarmed (6d+1wd): Width killing

Thrown dagger (5d): Width killing

Weapons and Armour
Hoplite Armour (Light Armour 1) Hit Locations
Adamantine Blade (5d+WD): Width+1 killing, ignore 3 Roll Location Wound Boxes
armour 1 Left Leg 5
Bow (4d): Width killing 2 Right Leg 5

Hit Locations 3-4 Left Arm 5

Roll Location Wound Boxes 5-6 Right Arm 5

1 Left Leg 5 7-9 Body 10

2 Right Leg 5 10 Head 4

3-4 Left Arm 5

5-6 Right Arm 5

7-9 Body 10

10 Head 4

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Ophion Theogenes
Ophion is a Helot, one of the Spartan slaves. He fled. Theogenes comes from a poor background in Athens—
Thanks to services to the state, he is now a citizen of indeed, he was technically an illegitimate child—but
Athens. Ophion knows how to make a living in the has a profound talent; he is the leading philosopher
wilderness. He is a superb hunter, archer, and athlete. and physician in Athens. He is in fact the mortal son of
However, he is uncomfortable around those he does not Apollo. Theogenes believes he knows how to apply his
know well and often lies about his origin. talents to any problem, whether theoretical or practical.

Body 3 Coordination 4 Mind 3 Body 2d Coordination 2d Mind 5d

Sense 4 Charm 2 Command 1 Sense 3d Charm 2d Command 3d

Base Will 4 Willpower 13 Base Will 6 Willpower 15

Ancestor: Hermes Patron God: Artemis Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Apollo

Passion: Hatred for Sparta (2) Passion: Problem solving through superior intelligence
Loyalty: Freedom from slavery and tyranny (2)
Loyalty: Democracy and freedom (3)
Skills: Athletics 2 (5d), Dodge 1 (5d), Endurance 2 (5d),
Lie 3 (5d), Melee Combat (Spear) 3 (6d), Navigation 2 Skills: Philosophy 4 (9d+1wd), Healing [Asclepian
(5d), Ranged Combat (Bow) 4 (8d+1wd), Stealth 2 (6d), Medicine] (9d+1wd), Melee Weapon [Sword] 3 (5d),
Survival 1 (4d+1wd), Perception 3 (7d), Riding 2 (6d), Block 3 (5d), Perception 2 (5d), Scrutiny 1 (4d), Research
Scrutiny 2 (6d), Stability 4 (5d) 1 (6d), Leadership 2 (5d), Stability 3 (6d), Performance
[Lyre] 2 (4d)
Gifts: Flawless (Ranged Combat [Bow], Survival), Plague
of Arrows 3d+1wd, Speed of Hermes 3wd, Way of the Gifts: Asclepian Medicine (Hyperskill) 4d+1wd, Flawless
Land 2hd [Philosophy], Philosophical Insight 2hd+1wd

Weapons and Armour Hit Locations

Spear (6d): Width+1 killing Roll Location Wound Boxes

Bow (8d+1wd): Width killing 1 Left Leg 5

Hit Locations 2 Right Leg 5

Roll Location Wound Boxes 3-4 Left Arm 5

1 Left Leg 5 5-6 Right Arm 5

2 Right Leg 5 7-9 Body 10

3-4 Left Arm 5 10 Head 4

5-6 Right Arm 5

7-9 Body 10

10 Head 4

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Zagyrus Monsters
Zagyrus is an Athenian aristocrat and second cousin of
the ruler Peisistratus. He is also a military leader and In all things of nature there is something of the
soldier with divinely granted insight. Zagyrus’ older marvelous. (Aristotle)
brother Cleander led the first trip to the oracle at
Delphi following the onset of plague in Athens. He did
not return.

Body 3 Coordination 2 Mind 3

The Calydonian Boar
The Calydonian boar was a giant boar sent by Artemis
Sense 3 Charm 3 Command 3 to ravage the region of Calydon because the king
refused to honour her in rites to the gods.
Base Will 6 Willpower 8
Meleager, prince of Calydon and one of the Argonauts,
Ancestor: Zeus Patron God: Athena
organized a hunt, offering the boar’s tusks and hide as
Passion: My personal honour and glory (3) a prize. Many notable heroes joined the hunt. One of
these heroes was Atalanta; there was some protest at a
Loyalty: Seek truth and justice (3) woman joining the hunt, but Meleager argued that she
could outrun any man in the group.
Skills: Athletics 2 (5d), Block 1 (4d), Endurance 2 (5d),
Leadership 3 (6d+1wd), Melee Combat (spear) 5 (8d), In the actual hunt, Atalanta was the first to wound the
Perception 1 (4d), Persuasion 2 (5d), Philosophy 1 (4d), boar with an arrow. Meleager finished it off with his
Ranged Combat (thrown weapon) 4 (6d), Riding 3 (5d), spear. He awarded the prize to Atalanta.
Stability 2 (5d), Tactics 2 (5d+1wd)
However, Meleager’s uncles were enraged that he had
Gifts: Flawless [Leadership, Tactics], Heroic Inspiration given the prize to a woman, which resulted in a violent
1wd, Tactical Insight 3d argument in which he killed them. Meleager’s mother
then arranged his death in revenge for the deaths of
Weapons and Armour her brothers.
Hoplite Armour and Shield (Light Armour 2) Body 6d Coordination 3d Sense 4d
Spear (8d melee, 6d thrown): Width+1 killing Base Will 4 Willpower 4

Hit Locations Skills: Athletics 2 (8d), Brawling3 (9d), Endurance 4

(10d), Dodge 1 (4d), Stealth 1 (4d), Perception 1 (4d),
Roll Location Wound Boxes Stability 2hd (2hd)
1 Left Leg 5 Gifts: Unrestricted Passage 2hd, Impenetrable Skin 2hd,
Charge (see below)
2 Right Leg 5
Charge: When the boar charges into combat, make a
3-4 Left Arm 5
Body+Athletics check, and add the Width of the result
5-6 Right Arm 5 in bonus dice to the Brawling check made to attack.
Further, the target of a charge attack takes an extra
7-9 Body 10 2 points of Shock damage to every hit location if he is
hit. Armor does not help against this extra damage, nor
10 Head 4
does blocking the attack.

Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes

1 Left Rear Leg 8

2 Right Rear Leg 8

3-4 Left Front Leg 8

5-6 Right Front Leg 8

7-9 Body 20

10 Head 6

Width in Killing+Shock

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Centaur Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes
A centaur has the upper body of a man and the lower
body of a horse. In general, centaurs are brutish 1 Left Rear Leg 6
barbarians, especially when under the influence of
alcohol. 2 Right Rear Leg 6

However, there are more civilized examples of centaurs 3 Left Front Leg 6
in the myths, for example Heracles’ friend Pholus and
4 Right Front Leg 6
Jason’s tutor Cheiron.
5 Left Arm 5
Most centaurs should be treated as Minions (generally
rated as Professional if warriors). More important and 6 Right Arm 5
powerful centaurs are built in the same way as any
other important character; the following statistics are 7-9 Body 12
10 Head 4
Body 5d Coordination 3d Mind 2d
Sense 2d Charm 2d Command 2d
Width in Shock (unarmed)
Base Will 4 Willpower 4
Width in Killing (bow)
Skills: Athletics 5 (10d), Brawling1 (6d), Endurance 3
(8d), Dodge 1 (4d), Perception 2 (4d), Ranged Weapon
[Archery] 3 (6d)

Gifts: Centaurs can run twice as fast as their Body scores

might indicate.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Cerberus Chimera
Cerberus is a huge three-headed dog, and guardian The Chimera has the body of a lioness. It has three
of the Underworld. Cerberus has a poisonous snake heads: the normal lioness head, a tail ending in a
instead of a tail; the snake is long enough to bite those snake’s head, and a goat’s head rising from the center
in front of the dog. of its spine. The goat’s head can breathe fire.

Heracles’ last and most difficult labor was to capture The original Chimera was defeated by Bellerophon with
Cerberus alive. the help of the flying horse Pegasus.

Body 5d Coordination 3d Mind 1d Body 5d Coordination 3d Sense 4d

Sense 3d Base Will 9 Willpower 9 Base Will 6 Willpower 6

Skills: Athletics 2 (7d), Brawling3 (8d), Dodge 1 (4d), Tail Skills: Athletics 2 (7d), Brawling3 (8d), Tail 5 (8d),
5 (8d), Endurance 4 (10d), Perception 2 (4d), Scrutiny 2 Dodge 1 (4d), Perception 2 (4d), Intimidate 5 (5d),
(4d), Intimidate 7+1hd (7d+1hd), Stability 4hd (4hd) Stability 2hd (2hd)

Gifts: Ageless, Three-headed (see below), Snake Tail 8d Gifts: Fire Breathing 7d+1hd (see note below), Snake
(see below) Tail 8d (see below)

Three-headed: Cerberus gains a +2d bonus to attacks Fire Breathing note: The goat head breathes fire; this
for his three heads, and has no penalties for multiple fire-breathing attack is in addition to any others, but
attacks in combat. only takes place every other round.

Snake Tail: Cerberus can use his tail to attack; this attack Snake Tail: The Chimera can use its tail to attack; this
is in addition to the attacks of his heads. A hit does just attack is in addition to ordinary melee attacks and
1 shock damage, but is also poisonous, doing 7 points the fire breathing of the goat head. A hit does just 1
of shock+killing damage to a victim’s torso after a delay Shock damage, but is also poisonous, doing 7 points of
of 7 rounds; the damage will generally take effect after Killing+Shock damage to a victim’s torso after a delay of
any combat is over. The poison damage is reduced by 7 rounds. The damage will generally take effect after
the Width of a Body+Endurance check. any combat is over. The poison damage is reduced by
the Width of a Body+Endurance check.
Hit Locations
Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes
Roll Location Wound Boxes
1 Tail 4
1 Snake-Head Tail 4
2 Left Rear Leg 6
2 Left Rear Leg 6
3 Right Rear Leg 6
3 Right Rear Leg 6
4 Left Front Leg 6
4 Left Front Leg 6
5 Right Front Leg 6
5 Right Front Leg 6
6-7 Body 12
6-8 Body 12
8 Left Head 4
9 Goat Head 4
9 Central Head 4
10 Lioness Head 4
10 Right Head 4
Width in Killing+Shock
Width in Killing+Shock

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Cyclops Gorgon
The Cyclops is a one-eyed giant, twice the size of a There were three gorgons: Medusa and her two
human. The Cyclops described here represents one of immortal sisters, Euryale and Stheno. A gorgon
the lesser Cyclopes encountered by Odysseus, rather resembles a woman with snake-like hair, and has the
than one of the three who were the sons of Gaia and ability to turn one who gazes upon her to stone.
The hero Perseus, a mortal son of Zeus, was sent on a
Body 7d Coordination 2d Mind 1d quest to fetch the head of Medusa by king Polydectes,
who wanted rid of Perseus so that he could marry
Sense 2d Charm 1d Command 3d Perseus’ mother. Perseus, however, was aided in his
Base Will 4 Willpower 4 quest by the gods Hermes and Athena, and succeeded
in killing the gorgon.
Skills: Perception 2 (4d), Brawling 1 (8d), Endurance 1
(8d), Intimidate 2 (5d), Stability 1 (4d) Body 3d Coordination 3d Mind 3d

Gifts: Thunderbolt 6d+1wd. A few Cyclopes have Sense 3d Charm 1d Command 4d

thunderbolts, but this is not the general rule. Base Will 5 Willpower 5

Hit Locations Skills: Perception 4 (7d), Brawling 4 (7d), Scrutiny 5 (8d),

Intimidate 3+1wd (7d+1wd), Melee Weapon (dagger)
Roll Location Wound Boxes 4 (7d), Stability 1+1wd (5d+1wd), Lie 3+1wd (4d+1wd),
1 Left Leg 10 Empathy 4 (7d), Philosophy 2 (5d),

2 Right Leg 10 Gifts: Petrifying Gaze 4hd, Snake Hair (see below),
Prophecy (5d+1wd; the gorgon Euryale only)
3-4 Left Arm 10
Snake Hair: A gorgon can use her hair to attack with a
5-6 Right Arm 10 Body+Brawling check. A hit does just 1 Shock damage,
but is also poisonous, doing 7 points of Killing+Shock
7-9 Body 20 damage to a victim’s torso after a delay of 7 rounds The
10 Head 6 damage will generally take effect after any combat is
over. The poison damage is reduced by the Width of a
Damage Body+Endurance check.

Width in Killing+Shock Hit Locations

Roll Location Wound Boxes

1 Left Leg 5

2 Right Leg 5

3-4 Left Arm 5

5-6 Right Arm 5

7-9 Body 10

10 Head 4

Width in Killing

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Griffin Harpy
The griffin is a mountain-dwelling creature from India Harpies are ugly winged bird-women. They are
with the body of a lion, and head and wings of an ravenous and cruel, known for snatching food and even
eagle. Griffins make their nests out of gold. the occasional live victim.

It is a griffin that is sent to torment and punish the Harpies generally attack as a group; treat harpies as
chained Titan Prometheus by eating his regenerating Trained Minions, who do Width in Killing damage on
liver each day. successful attacks. The abilities of individual harpies, if
they are needed, are as follows.
Body 4d Coordination 4d Sense 4d
Body 2d Coordination 3d Mind 1d
Base Will 2 Willpower 2
Sense 2d Charm 1d Command 1d
Skills: Athletics 3 (7d), Brawling3 (7d), Endurance 2
(7d),Perception 6 (10d) Base Will 2

Gifts: Flight 4d Skills: Athletics 3 (5d), Brawling2 (4d), Endurance 2 (4d),

Perception 3 (5d), Stability 3 (5d)
Hit Locations
Gifts: Flight 5d
Roll Location Wound Boxes
Hit Locations
1 Left Rear Leg 5
Roll Location Wound Boxes
2 Right Rear Leg 5
1 Left Leg 4
3 Left Front Leg 8
2 Right Leg 4
4 ight Front Leg 8
3 Left Arm 4
5 Left Wing 4
4 Right Arm 4
6 Right Wing 4
5 Left Wing 3
7-9 Body 18
6 Right Wing 3
10 Head 5
7-9 Body 8
10 Head 4
Width+1 in Killing
Width in Killing

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Hydra Manticore
The Lernean Hydra was a nine-headed monster who The manticore is a monster from Persia. It has the body
ravaged the country around Argos. Heracles’ second of a red lion, but a horned human-like head with three
labor was to kill it. Rather than acting as an individual rows of sharp shark-like teeth. The manticore also has
(with the appropriate stats), the Hydra acts as a group reptilian wings, and a tail covered in razor sharp spikes
of Professional Minions. Each head counts as 2 Minions. which it can hurl at a victim.

Base Will 4 Body 5d Coordination 3d Sense 4d

Gifts: Regeneration (see below), Poisoned Breath (see Base Will 4

Skills: Athletics 1 (6d), Brawling 3 (8d), Dodge 1 (4d),
Regeneration: The Hydra’s body recovers from all Perception 2 (4d), Intimidate 4 (4d), Stability 2hd (2hd)
damage instantly. A head killed drops off, and two new
heads grow from the stump two rounds later. This can Gifts: Impenetrable Skin 1hd, Tail Spikes 8d (see below),
be prevented by immediately applying fire to the stump Roar 6d (see below)
(which requires a normal attack). Tail Spikes: The Manticore, in addition to its normal
Poisoned Breath: The Hydra’s breath does Area 5 Shock attacks, can hurl its tail spikes at a victim. A tail spike
damage to anyone close to it (which certainly includes a attack does Width+1 in Killing damage, and ignores 1
character in melee). point of armor.

Roar: Once per scene, the Manticore can roar. The roar
Damage affects all living things within 20 yards, and inflicts
Width in Killing+Shock Width Shock damage to every hit location of a victim.

Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes

1 Tail 4

2 Left Rear Leg 6

3 Right Rear Leg 6

4 Left Front Leg 8

5 Right Front Leg 8

6 Left Wing 5

7 Right Wing 5

8-9 Body 18

10 Head 6

Width in Killing+Shock

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Minotaur The Nemean Lion
The original Minotaur has the head of a bull and the The Nemean Lion was a monster with impenetrable
body of a large man. He dwelt at the center of the skin. The first of Heracles’ labors was to slay it and
labyrinth on Crete, and was defeated by the ancient bring back its hide.
king of Athens, Theseus.
The Nemean Lion is a huge cat (Wild Talents, Second
Body 6d Coordination 3d Mind 1d Edition, page 334) with the following adjustments:
Sense 3d Charm 1d Command 2d Base Will 4
Base Will 3 Willpower 3 Gifts: Impenetrable Skin 4hd.
Skills: Athletics 2 (8d), Brawling3 (9d), Endurance 4
(10d), Dodge 1 (4d), Stealth 1 (4d), Perception 1 (4d),
Intimidate 4 (6d), Stability 2hd (2d+2hd)
Gifts: Impenetrable Skin 1hd, Charge (see below)
Pegasus is a winged horse. According to one myth,
Charge: When the Minotaur charges into combat, make he sprang from the blood of Medusa when she was
a Body+Athletics check, and add the Width of the result beheaded by Perseus.
in bonus dice to the Body+Brawling check made to
attack. Further, the target of a charge attack takes an In a later myth, Pegasus was tamed by Bellerophon,
extra 2 points of Shock damage to every hit location where his powers of flight were used to defeat the
if he is hit. Armor does not help against this extra Chimera.
damage, and nor does blocking the attack. Body 5d Coordination 3d Mind 1d

Hit Locations Sense 3d Base Will 3

Roll Location Wound Boxes Skills: Athletics 5 (10d), Brawling 1 (6d), Endurance 3
(8d), Perception 2 (5d), Dodge 1 (4d)
1 Left Leg 7
Gifts: Flight 5d
2 Right Leg 7

3-4 Left Arm 7 Hit Locations

5-6 Right Arm 7 Roll Location Wound Boxes

7-9 Body 13 1 Left Rear Leg 6

10 Head 7 2 Right Rear Leg 6

3 Left Front Leg 6

4 Right Front Leg 6
Width+1 in Killing
5 Left Wing 5

6 Right Wing 5

7-9 Body 12

10 Head 6

Width in Shock

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Serpent (Giant) Siren
There are a number of giant serpents (or dragons; there The sirens are a group of five bird-women who live
is some etymological confusion) in Greek mythology. on an island surrounded by cliffs and rocks. Their
Examples include the guardian of the apples of Hesperides, enchanting singing voices compel sailors to want to
and the guardian of the Golden Fleece. Such guardian come toward them at all costs; in so doing, doom
serpents are always alert, and never need to sleep. themselves on the surrounding rocks. The sirens then
descend to eat the drowned sailors.
Cadmus, founder of Thebes, killed a serpent sacred to
Ares. That serpent’s teeth rose up from the ground as When Odysseus in his voyages sailed past the sirens, he
armed men when they were sown. was forewarned. He had his crew plug their ears and
tie him to the ship’s mast, so he could hear the sirens
Body 6d Coordination 3d Mind 1d singing without being killed.
Sense 3d Base Will 6 Willpower 6 Body 2d Coordination 3d Mind 3d
Skills: Dodge 1 (4d), Brawling 3+1wd (9d+1wd), Sense 3d Charm 5d Command 4d
Endurance 4 (10d), Perception 2+1wd (5d+1wd),
Athletics 1, (7d), Stability 2hd (3d+2hd) Base Will 9 Willpower 9

Gifts: Impenetrable Skin 2hd, Crush (see below) Skills: Perception 4 (7d), Melee 2 (5d), Stability 1+1wd
(5d+1wd), Intimidate 3 (7d), Lie 2+1wd (7d+1wd),
Crush: The serpent can make a brawling attack to crush Performance 4+1wd (9d+1wd), Empathy 3+1wd
an opponent; this can be as well as the bite attack, for (6d+1wd), Philosophy 1 (4d), Persuasion 4+1wd
damage as above, if it takes multiple actions. Armor (9d+1wd)
does not help against this damage, and a crush attack
cannot be blocked. Gifts: Flight (5d), Siren Song (9d+1wd, see below)

The target of a crush attack takes Width in Shock Siren Song: Anyone who hears the song of a siren and
damage each round, and cannot act until he or a fails an opposed Command+Stability check falls into
rescuer makes a brawling or other suitable check that a trance and can do nothing but slowly move toward
beats the serpent’s Body+Brawling attack. One attempt the siren, regardless of obstacles or other dangers. A
per character can be made to break free each round. siren can affect up to Height victims with her song. A
The serpent can only crush one victim at a time. character affected by more than one siren need only
make one opposed check.
Hit Locations
A Gifted character can spend a point of Willpower to
Roll Location Wound Boxes shake off the effect. However, he may be targeted
by more than one siren, in which case he must spend
1-9 Body 30 a point of Willpower per siren in the group. Further,
10 Head 10 the sirens can continue singing, forcing opposed
Command+Stability checks (and possible Willpower
Damage expenditure) each round.

Width in Killing+Shock Hit Locations

Roll Location Wound Boxes

1 Left Leg 5

2 Right Leg 5

3-4 Left Arm 5

5-6 Right Arm 5

7-9 Body 10

10 Head 4

Width in Killing

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Sphinx Funeral Games
The Sphinx is a huge lion-like monster with the head of
a woman and the wings of an eagle.
An Adventure for ‘Blood of the Gods’
In mythology, the Sphinx guarded the entrance to
Thebes, asking any she met a riddle; those failing to Just because you do not take an interest in politics
answer the riddle were devoured. does not mean politics won’t take an interest in you.
Body 7d Coordination 2d Mind 4d
“Funeral Games” takes place in Plataea, a small but
Sense 4d Charm 2d Command 3d independent city state located between Thebes and
Athens. Plataea is ruled by a hereditary monarch. The
Base Will 5 Willpower 5
monarch is assisted by a council of nobles.
Skills: Athletics 1 (8d), Brawling3 (10d), Philosophy 1
It is not necessary for the player characters to know
(5d), Perception 2 (6d), Intimidate 2 (5d), Persuasion 1
each other before beginning this adventure. Indeed,
(3d), Stability 2hd (3+2hd), Empathy 1 (5d)
this adventure can be used to bring the group together
Gifts: Flight (3d), Impenetrable Skin 2hd at the start of a campaign.

Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes Invitation
1 Left Rear Leg 10 The old king, Demetrios, has died in a hunting accident.
2 Right Rear Leg 10 He and most of his party were annihilated by a giant
boar that was even tougher than it first appeared.
3 Left Front Leg 10 Demetrios’ sole heir, Nikos, is just fifteen years old.
Nikos is holding unusually lavish funeral games in praise
4 Right Front Leg 10 of his father. His plan — or rather that of some of his
5 Left Wing 8 advisers, chiefly his mother — is to attract prominent
people to Plataea. One reason for this is that the boar is
6 Right Wing 8 currently rampaging across the countryside, destroying
crops and livestock, and the citizens of Plataea have
7-9 Body 20 largely taken shelter behind the city walls.
10 Head 6 The player characters have been invited to the games.
City-states in the region — Athens, Thebes, and Corinth
Damage — have also sent representatives; perhaps the player
Width in Killing+Shock characters amongst them.

Historical Note
Plataea was a real place, although all of the details and
characters in the adventure are fictional. In the second
half of the 6th century BC, Plataea wished to avoid
coming under Theban domination, and asked Sparta
for protection. Sparta refused, and in order to cause
trouble between then-allies Thebes and Athens, advised
the Plataeans to ask Athens for help. The Spartan plan
ultimately worked; Plataea formed an alliance with
Athens. When the Thebans learned this, they sent an
army against Plataea, but were met with an Athenian

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Anchises is Nikos’ chief counselor, and a descendant of
Apollo. He has several divine Gifts: oracular visions, the
ability to sense the presence of others with divine Gifts,
and incredible powers of persuasion.

The counselor sees himself as a progressive, and wishes

to liberate Plataea from its primitive and weak form of
government by hereditary kings. Anchises organized
the hunt that killed the old king, but is not under
suspicion. However, he knew the boar that killed
Demetrios was no common beast.

Anchises now plans to arrange an accident for Nikos,

leaving the council (and him) in charge of Plataea.

Body 2d Coordination 2d Mind 3d

Sense 4d Charm 4d Command 3d

Base Will 7 Willpower 14

Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Hera

Skills: Persuasion 4+1hd+1wd (8d+1hd+1wd), Melee

Weapon (spear) 2 (4d), Ranged Weapon (throwing) 2
(5d), Philosophy 3 (6d), Perception 1 (5d), Leadership
4 (7d), Lie 4 (8d), Empathy 5 (9d), Stability 4 (7d),
Major NPCs Performance 1 (5d)

Gifts: Dragon’s Teeth (x10), Oracle 4hd

The new king of Plataea is determined to prove Pelopidas
himself worthy of his kingship. He is fond of grand Pelopidas is a highly skilled (but not Gifted) athlete and
and dramatic gestures. He wants to act decisively in major competitor in the games. He is also the head of
whatever he does, but has strong inward doubts. the delegation from Thebes present for the old king’s
Body 3d Coordination 2d Mind 2d funeral. Pelopidas is a boastful man who likes to take
big risks. He also honestly believes that Plataea would
Sense 2d Charm 3d Command 3d be better off if ruled by Thebes, and that the city lies
within Thebes’ natural territory.
Base Will 6 Willpower 6
Body 4d Coordination 3d Mind 3d
Skills: Athletics 2 (5d), Melee Weapon (spear) 1 (4d),
Melee Weapon (sword) 1 (4d), Ranged Weapon Sense 2d Charm 2d Command 3d
(throwing) 1 (3d), Brawling 1 (4d), Persuasion 1 (4d),
Perception 2 (4d), Stability 2 (5d), Leadership 1 (4d), Skills: Athletics 5 (9d), Bow 2 (5d), Ride 3 (6d), Block
Philosophy 1 (3d) 3 (7d), Sword 2 (5d), Melee Weapon [Spear] 3 (6d),
Perception 2 (4d), Stability 2 (5d), Leadership 3 (6d),
Philosophy 1 (5d)
Merope is Nikos’ mother and Demetrios’ grieving
widow. She is still attractive, and very perceptive.
Merope is the only one who suspects Anchises’ motives.
Merope is part of her son’s ruling council; an unusual
role for a woman. She was also responsible for the
invitation of the player characters to the games.

Body 2d Coordination 2d Mind 3d

Sense 4d Charm 3d Command 2d

Skills: Empathy 3 (7d), Perception 2 (6d), Scrutiny 2

(6d), Research 2 (6d), Persuasion 3 (6d), Stability 1 (3d),
Philosophy 1 (4d)

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Gyges The Banquet and Aftermath
Gyges is a distant relative of King Ariston of Sparta and
The day before the games, the king performs a sacrifice
a descendant of Heracles, with much of his ancestor’s
to Demeter, the patron goddess of Plataea. After the
legendary strength. However, Gyges’ divine patron is
sacrifice is a banquet. This banquet is an opportunity to
Ares and he revels in brutality and violence. Gyges is a
introduce some of the major NPCs to the heroes.
brute, seven feet tall with matching bulk and leather-
hard skin. He is one of the major competitors to beat At some point in the banquet, Merope will arrange
in the games. Gyges works as a mercenary and travels to meet one of the heroes privately. This is perhaps
all over Greece. He is out to grab as much power for suspicious behavior, but what she wants is a promise that
himself as possible. He is presently being paid by Sparta the character will protect the king, Nikos, at Anchises’
to observe events and to stir up trouble but is not the urging, is determined to participate in the pankration,
city’s official representative. and some of the competition looks to be dangerous.
Body 5d (8d) Coordination 4d Mind 1d One of the characters may notice that Anchises and
Gyges are talking at some length. Anchises has
Sense 2d Charm 2d Command 3d
arranged for Gyges to be the king’s opponent in the
Base Will 5 Willpower 7 pankration, and is paying Gyges to ‘accidentally’ kill
the king. Anchises is too canny for more than snippets
Ancestor: Heracles Patron God: Ares of this plan to be overheard. Confronting Anchises
without evidence is not a good idea, he will of course
Skills: Melee Weapon [spear] 1+1wd (9d+1wd), Athletics
deny everything, and the king and the rest of the
1 (9d), Brawling 2 (10d), Block 1 (9d), Endurance 2 (10d),
council will support him.
Ranged Weapon [archery] 4 (8d), Perception 2 (4d),
Survival 4 (5d), Intimidation 4 (7d), Stability 4 (7d)

Gifts: Flawless [Melee], Strength of Heracles [Hyperstat]

+3d, Wrath of Achilles 3d, Impenetrable Skin 1hd,
Godlike Vigor 2hd

Hit Locations
Roll Location Wound Boxes

1 Left Leg 7

2 Right Leg 7

3-4 Left Arm 6

5-6 Right Arm 6

7-9 Body 12

10 Head 6

If the heroes do not know each other, they meet on the
same road into Plataea. They may notice that all is not well;
the countryside seems abandoned, and the farms are empty.

A group of bandits is taking advantage of the desolation

to rob distinguished visitors to the games. Unfortunately
for them, their first potential victims are the heroes!

The bandits are trained minions; allow five bandits

per player character. The bandit leader, Myron, is
a Hardened Criminal (Wild Talents, Second Edition,
page 330), but with 3 extra dice each in the Melee and
Ranged Weapon skills.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
A Confrontation Difficulty 3. The next obstacle is a very sharp turn, and
has Difficulty 6. The last obstacle is a sudden drop of a
Early the next morning, the king visits the hero who few feet, and has Difficulty 9.
spoke to Merope. The king has a drawn sword and A character who fails his Ride check at an obstacle (rather
plans to kill the hero. He is convinced that his mother than merely failing to get sufficient Height) is out of the race.
has been dishonored before his father’s funeral games
have even taken place. The winner of the chariot race is awarded a fine stallion
(which grants a +1d bonus to Ride checks).
Anchises persuaded the king to take this course of
action. A player character must beat the result of
Anchises’ Charm+Persuasion check with a relevant skill Music
to convince the king not to attack him. Convincing
Nikos to act more rationally will be easier when he has Between the rest of the games and pankration is a
calmed down (add a +2d bonus to the relevant roll), but musical contest. This is resolved quite simply; the
this will involve either escaping or constraining the king. Charm+Performance check with the best Height wins,
with ties settled by Width. A Mind+Philosophy check
can be made before the contest to compose something
especially appropriate, and adds Width bonus dice to
The Games the Charm+Performance check.

Anchises is responsible for organizing the contest. The prize for the music competition is a lyre, with part
There are several games and prizes. The heroes are of the frame made of silver. It grants no bonuses, but is
probably the main competitors in the games; choose a work of art in its construction.
events where they have the chance to shine. Example
events follow.
The last event to take place is the pankration, a
Foot Races combination of boxing and wrestling that is resolved
The winner of the short distance foot race is the first to using the usual combat rules. In the second match of
accumulate a total Width of 10 in an extended contest the competition, Gyges faces Nikos. If the heroes do not
using the Athletics Skill, as described on page 30 of Wild intervene, Gyges kills Nikos with a single blow to the
Talents, Second Edition. The prize for the short distance head. Everyone is, at least on the surface, very sorry.
race is an apple, reputed to be the apple Heracles The death of the king probably ends the games. If the
brought back from the gardens of the Hesperides competition does proceed more smoothly, the prize
(which is, startlingly enough, genuine). is awarded. The prize is a very fine suit of armor; it is
The winner of the long distance foot race is the first to allegedly the armor made by Heracles for Achilles. It is
accumulate a total Width of 10 in an extended contest not, but is still exceptionally good, granting LAR 2.
using the Endurance Skill. The prize is a silver bowl,
engraved with a design of competing runners.

The Boar of Plataea

Archery The boar is a monster and a menace, and is both too
The archery contest consists of firing at a target. Each canny and too tough for mundane hunters.
competitor fires three times; make a roll for each shot.
The total of the Heights obtained for any successful This stage of the adventure (perhaps in contrast to the
shots provides the entrant’s score. The winner is the above) is fairly simple; it is the heroes’ job to hunt the
character with the highest score. boar down. Its tusks and hide are offered as a prize to
its killer, as well as glory and the gratitude of the people
If there is a draw (which is possible with more than one of the city. One complication is that King Nikos (if he still
entrant having Gifts involving archery), each person tied lives) would dearly love to have that honor himself, and
in first place gets another shot. The best Height of this insists on leading the hunt. Perhaps he was put up to it
last shot wins, with ties being settled by Width. by Anchises. If Gyges is still active, he will join the hunt,
and attempt to find an opportunity to kill the young king.
The prize for the archery competition is a two-handed
cup of solid gold. The Boar of Plataea has the same attributes as the
Calydonian boar in the monsters section, but also has
the Fire Breathing Gift, with 2 Hard Dice. The monster
Chariot Race will attempt to flee across swampy ground (using its
Unrestricted Passage Gift) if attacked by too many
The chariot race is an extended contest using the heroes at once, but will turn and attack smaller groups.
Ride Skill. However, on the second, fourth, and sixth
Coordination+Ride checks, there are obstacles. The first
obstacle is a patch of muddy slippery ground, and has

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Golden Fleece Vani
The heroes arrive at King Gorgias’ capital and palace-
city, Vani. They have little other choice. Although they
An Adventure for ‘Blood of the Gods’ know the Golden Fleece is in Colchis, they do not know
precisely where. Vani is a walled town by the river
Centuries ago, the god Poseidon sired a winged golden
ram. The ram, whose fleece was literally made of gold,
carried the prince Phrixus to safety in Colchis when The town seems rich, with numerous bronze sculptures
his safety was threatened by his wicked stepmother. of athletes and warriors. Most citizens wear at least
Phrixus sacrificed the ram to Poseidon, effectively one item of gold jewelery; the richer folk wear many.
returning the beast to its father, and hung the Golden
Fleece in a grove sacred to Ares. Unless the heroes do something really clever, they
will be noted as foreigners: their arrival in a strange
The Golden Fleece is a symbol of kingship and hubris. ship observed along with their lack of jewelery and
The hero Jason and his band of argonauts braved many their foreign accents. If the heroes attempt to pass as
dangers to retrieve the fleece in a quest for Jason to natives, it takes a Lie test as long as some work is one to
claim his throne. Though Jason’s story ultimately ended mount a guise; typically the test has a Difficulty of 6.
in tragedy, nobody knows what happened to the
Golden Fleece. The guards at the gate are excessively curious, inquiring
into the heroes’ names, occupations, reasons for being
Now a new Golden Fleece has appeared in the kingdom there, everything else that comes up. Use this as a way
of Colchis, in the forgotten place off the grove. As to introduce the party if needed. But make it clear
the old fleece was, it is guarded by a dragon. Nobody to the players that this is a breach of Greek customs.
knows how the fleece got there, and so far few even The needs of guests should be considered before such
know it exists. It is an omen, heralding a new age for questions are asked.
Greece. The new age is destined to be a golden age,
and the city which possesses the fleece will lead it. Like Most likely, the guards take the heroes to King Gorgias’
the old fleece, the new fleece is a symbol of authority. palace. The king orders his slaves to find rooms for his
guests and to fetch food and wine. Then, and only then,
The heroes come to Colchis from the city of Athens. he asks for himself what brings the visitors to Colchis.
Athens is suffering from a plague, and the priests and Note that depending on their Motivations, some heroes
oracles of Athens have revealed to them the existence may receive Willpower for being honest here.
of the new Golden Fleece in the kingdom of Colchis,
and that the plague can be lifted by bringing it back What happens next is up to the heroes. The most direct
to Athens. Great glory and honor await the heroes if method is to talk openly about the Golden Fleece.
they retrieve the Fleece—not to mention averting the Gorgias is surprised. He believed only he knew about
disease that ravages the noblest city in Greece. it. He at first denies the Fleece’s existence. He certainly
refuses to part with it for nothing. Eventually, he
This adventure is set in Colchis itself, after the agrees to let them seek it if the heroes first complete
heroes have arrived. It can be lengthened by adding three labors for him. More about those shortly.
encounters and dangers as were found in the original
tale of the Golden Fleece. Gorgias’ daughter, Chalciope, may complicate things.
And she may help the heroes find the fleece.

If the heroes do not wish to deal with Gorgias or

Chalciope, a hero with a high Philosophy score
could have the idea of consulting the chained titan
Prometheus, who is in this kingdom. See page 44.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Gorgias Chalciope
Gorgias is a middle-aged man with a black beard. He Chalciope approaches the heroes, ideally focusing on
is king of Colchis and one of the Gifted: a descendant a different character to whoever deals with the king,
of Apollo with Ares as his patron. Gorgias believes the to learn more about their goals and motivations. She
Golden Fleece is a sign of Ares’ divine favour in the is very interested in foreign lands and is just as curious
kingdom of Colchis. He will not willingly give it up. as her father to know what the heroes are doing in
However, once he sees the heroes have some power, Colchis. What’s more, she is eager to leave Colchis and
he uses them to humble his rival Machares and to deal gain power and wealth for herself in the broader world.
with the harpies that plague him. At first he is willing
to give up the Fleece once the heroes help him with Chalciope shares her father’s prophetic gift and knows
these problems—after all, if they can do that, they of the Golden Fleece. Her father is unaware of this.
have power. But Gorgias does not really expect them to Treated well, Chalciope is an asset to the heroes. In
succeed. When they have completed the first two tasks, the end she might provide an alternative route to the
the king changes his mind, realising he has no intention Golden Fleece, although she will not reveal it unless the
whatsoever of allowing the heroes to take the Fleece heroes have already proved themselves on the first two
away. labors and she has a personal incentive.
The King’s Oracle gift means he knows about the Despite her divine Gifts, Chalciope is quite naive and is
Golden Fleece and Athens’ current difficulties. likely to believe whatever lies and promises the heroes
tell her—just as she once did those of her father. She
is curious about foreign lands and believes Colchis to
Gorgias be quite primitive. Chalciope is not particularly loyal
Body 3 Coordination 3 Mind 2 to her father. She wants to see other places, but more
than that she wants power in her own right—not as the
Sense 3 Charm 3 Command 4 wife of a powerful husband, which is what her father
hopes to arrange. She knows she won’t get either of
Base Will 7 Willpower 7
her desires by following her father’s wishes. Chalciope’s
Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Ares Oracle gift means she knows about the Golden Fleece
and has some idea of the hidden dangers in the labors
Passion: No man may challenge my authority without set by the King.
consequences (3)

Loyalty: I am king of Colchis and I will make my Chalciope

kingdom mighty (4)
Body 1 Coordination 2 Mind 4
Skills: Leadership 3 (7d), Lie 4 (7d), Melee (sword) 3+1wd
(6d+wd), Perception 4 (7d), Persuasion 3 (6d), Philosophy Sense 3 Charm 4 Command 3
2 (4d), Stability 3 (7d)
Base Will 7 Willpower 9
Gifts: Dragon’s Teeth 10d, Flawless (Sword) 1wd, Oracle
3d, Sense the Divine 2hd Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Hecate

Passions: I want power in my own right, not just as

Damage someone’s wife (3); Curious to see new interesting
Sword (6d+1wd): Width in killing people and places (2)

Loyalty: Respect for learning and wisdom (2)

Skills: Empathy 1 (4d), Leadership 2 (5d), Lie 1 (5d),

Perception 2 (5d), Persuasion 3 (7d), Philosophy 4 (8d),
Scrutiny 3 (6d), Stealth 3 (5d)

Gifts: Oracle 4d, Sorcery 4hd

Potions (each grants a power to the drinker for a single

scene and can be used once): Fire Resistance 2hd,
Impenetrable Skin 2hd

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The First Labor: Gorgias and his men in the aftermath, after the heroes
have stolen the Fleece.

The Gift of Gaia On the other hand, if the player characters treat him
well, and if they appeal to Machares’ vanity as well as
The first labour is simple: Defeat the warrior Machares giving him something he wants (such as promising to
in single combat. Machares is one of Gorgias’ nobles help him court Chalciope) he could become an ally of
and is present in Vani. A second cousin of the king, his the heroes in the rest of this scenario.
open demonstrations of divine prowess make him quite
popular, and he is a rallying point for those dissatisfied
with decisions Gorgias has made. Worse, Machares is Machares
pursuing the king’s daughter, Chalciope, for marriage.
Body 5 Coordination 3 Mind 2
So far Chalciope has rejected Machares as she wants to
forge her own destiny and is not attracted to Machares’ Sense 2 Charm 2 Command 3
brand of brawny heroism, seeing him as little more than
a powerful bully. Base Will 5 Willpower 5

Gorgias sees Machares as someone who is already Divine Ancestor: Apollo Patron God: Gaia
challenging his authority, and who will be even more
Passion: Might makes right 2
dangerous in the future. The king would like to see
Machares either dead or publically humiliated. An Loyalty: The adulation and respect of the crowd 3
unknown hero from outside of Colchis who defeats
Machares in his chosen field of public single combat will Skills: Athletics 3 (8d), Brawl 4 (9d), Endurance 3
accomplish one of these goals—or even both at once. (8d), Intimidation 3 (6d), Melee Combat [axe] 5 (10d),
Perception 2 (4d), Ranged Combat [bow] 3 (6d), Stability
Machares happily accepts battles from a series of 3 (6d)
heroes, but he insists on a fight to the death in an
outdoor arena. He is happy to accept an unarmed battle Gifts: Favored of Gaia 3hd, Godlike Vigor 1hd
or to wield his trusty axe. Even in armed conflicts, he
does not wear armor. Instead he covers himself with Damage
earth before any combat.
Axe (10d): Width+1 killing
Machares is large (over six feet tall) but not a giant. He
Bow (6d): Width+1 killing
is, however, one of the Gifted, having the favor of the
earth goddess Gaia, and he heals damage as long as he Brawling (9d): Width shock
lives and has firm contact with the earth.

There are ways to avoid a death match with Machares.

One way is to charm the crowd which gathers to watch
the match. The people of Vani are somewhat bored
with watching Machares tear enemies apart. The crowd
can be swayed by suitable social skill tests, meaning a
change of arena or even a different form of contest.
Machares, though he does not like it, craves public
adulation, and goes along with the will of the crowd.

Machares’ power can also be nullified. His power will

not work if he takes too much lethal damage at once, or
if he is forced off the arena’s brown earth to the hard
stone around it where the spectators sit. Somehow
washing the earth from Machares’ body will also stop
his Gift. Machares surrenders if he can see his Gift is no
longer working, such as when he takes a blow that does
not immediately heal.

Attempts to avoid a direct, deadly fight or to nullify

Machares’ Gift should have a good chance of success.
Machares is exceptionally dangerous if a hero takes him
on without doing something clever.

Machares’ reaction after defeat depends on how the

player characters treat him—if they left him alive. Most
likely he goes away and sulks, taking no further part
in this scenario. However, if he is treated badly by the
player characters, he may appear again as an ally of

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Second Labor:
The second labor is dealing with “bandits” at a
mountain pass to the east of Vali. Gorgias tells the
characters only that the bandits are badly armed and
disorganised but are skilled at eluding his soldiers.

Gorgias, after the defeat of Machares, is already having

doubts, and deliberately makes the test slightly harder
for the heroes by misleading them—though they can
of course easily discover the truth by asking around.
Chalciope, for example, might tell the characters the
“bandits” are in fact a flock of harpies.

The harpies are tormenting local farmers, stealing food

and attacking animals. Gorgias’ soldiers have previously
been sent to the region to solve the problem, but the
harpies simply flew away, and the soldiers did not find a
way to pursue them. The soldiers returned and reported
the problem unsolvable. This was a combination
of incompetence and fear of fighting supernatural
beasts—what god or goddess could be behind a plague
of harpies?

The people in the region are only poor farmers. King

Gorgias has not bothered to send more or better-
trained soldiers to deal with the problem, and it has

There are several possible methods for the player

characters to fight the harpies. One is to lay a trap: set
out a sumptuous feast and then withdraw, waiting
for the creatures to descend to feed when they smell
the food. The other way is to track the creatures back
to their lair, a nearby cave on a hill. A Perception or
Survival skill test at difficulty 4 can do this if the player
characters first spot the harpies or gather evidence of
their activities and watch where they fly. A suitable
divine Gift could also find the lair easily.

See page 32 for details about harpies. The harpies are

numerous; there are are seven harpies per hero.

The harpies attack those they outnumber but flee if

outmatched in a fight. Only by trapping them in their
lair can the heroes deal with them permanently.

F rom “H arpies in the F orest of S uicides ,” G ustave D oré

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
The Third Labor: wisdom those he likes, in exchange only for a promise
to visit again and talk.

Prometheus and the Griffin The titan certainly knows that the Golden Fleece can be
found in the Grove of Ares, and will give directions. He
Gorgias is surprised if the heroes succeed at the second also warns that it is guarded by a giant fire-breathing
labor. He means the third labor to be a deathtrap. serpent.
High in the Caucasus mountains to the north of Vali, the As for the griffin, it is slightly tougher than a normal
titan Prometheus is bound to a rock with unbreakable griffin, as described on page 32. It has LAR 1. It can
chains. Each dawn, a griffin comes to peck out his liver. do extra damage by swooping into combat. When
Each day his body heals anew. swooping, the griffin makes a Body+Athletics check
and adds the Width of the result in bonus dice to its
The heroes’ task sounds simple: kill the griffin that Brawling attack roll. Further, the target of a swoop
torments Prometheus and bring bring back its head. attack takes an extra 2 points of shock damage to every
The danger here is twofold. The griffin itself is vicious, hit location if struck. Neither armor nor blocking helps
of course. But what’s more, attempting to kill it and against this extra damage. The griffin may swoop no
aid Prometheus is an act of gross hubris. Prometheus more than once every other round.
was chained, and the griffin sent, by Zeus himself. (See Further, the heroes’ footing is precarious unless they
“Hubris,” page 5.) Any hero who attempts to kill the take precautions. On a successful attack by the griffin,
griffin or free Prometheus loses all current Willpower the victim must make an Athletics test or fall for 2
unless directly serving a Passion or Loyalty. If serving killing damage to every location. A fall puts the victim
a Passion or Loyalty, the hero is protected from the out of melee range. Climbing up to close again with the
Willpower loss but is instead cursed by Zeus to suffer griffin takes a round and requires an Athletics test. Of
some unfortunate or violent event in the future. course, the griffin could choose to fly over and attack
If the heroes decide to perform the task, the first (and be attacked by) a victim of a fall instead of the
obstacle is reaching the place in the mountains where other heroes.
Prometheus is chained. The climb requires a Difficulty 6
Athletics test, or the use of some other appropriate skill
or power. To make this challenge more epic you could
require a series of checks to suit different obstacles—
Athletics for climbing, Survival for pacing oneself
properly, Endurance to keep going, and so on—with
penalties for failure such as damage from falling or

When the heroes arrive, they find the titan Prometheus

as the legends told. He is a titanic figure, at least
three times as tall as a mortal human. At the top of
a mountain, he is wrapped in adamantine chains and
shackled to the bare mountain rock. Emaciated, he is
naked apart from a loincloth, and has a vast scar, not
quite fully healed, where the griffin eats his liver each
day. Despite his obvious suffering, Prometheus is quietly

The titan’s physical suffering is obvious but his mental

suffering is even more acute. Not only must he wait for
the pain from the griffin each dawn, but he is helpless,
lonely and bored. It is absolutely impossible for the
heroes to free him.

Prometheus is conscious and may speak to the heroes,

though only if they intrigue him or help him. Killing or
driving off the griffin certainly qualifies; although he
informs them ruefully that even if the heroes kill the
griffin, another will come in a few days.

Speaking in a deep voice, the titan is sophisticated “P rome theus B ound ,” P e ter Paul R ubens
and witty, fond of philosophical puzzles and deep
conversation, such as one might find at a good
symposium. He knows many mysteries of the universe,
and many secrets. He is still a god and knows much
of what passes in the world. He may favour with his

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Avoiding Prometheus
Q uite possibly the heroes , fearing hubris , will refuse to seek P rome theus and will find another
way to ge t the F leece . A ll that is needed to find the fleece I s to loc ate the G rove of A res .
C halciope knows where it is . A hero with a G ift involving divination or prophec y could al so
find it at this stage . At earlier stages , prophecies about the G rove should be too murk y for the
pl ayer char ac ters , but by now the y have proven their c apabilities .

In this c ase , G orgias is arguably entitled to be cross with them and demand its re turn .

Treachery Aftermath
If the heroes bring back the head of the griffin, Gorgias After they claim the Golden Fleece, the heroes may face
reluctantly tells them the location of the Grove of Ares, further problems. If Gorgias knows they know of the
where the Golden Fleece hangs. He does not warn them grove of Ares and has the time, he pursues them and
of the dragon. However, he makes sure that and his waits to intercept them on the road with five soldiers
soldiers are waiting for them after the task, as in the per hero. These troops are trained minions, armed
aftermath below. Gorgias promised to tell the heroes with spear and javelin; all attacks do Width in killing
where the Fleece was, and kept his word. He did not damage. Gorgias and his men will not let the heroes
promise to let them keep it. leave with the fleece. Depending on how they treated
him in the first task, Machares may also be present as
Player characters who are skilled at social skills or Gorgias’ ally.
have relevant Gifts may now realise that Gorgias plans
treachery. If the result of this is violence, he has five The troops flee if Gorgias is killed or captured or if he
soldiers per player character immediately available, surrenders. Gorgias attempts to flee or surrender if
and twice as many again who will come at the sound half of his troops are killed or if he is badly wounded.
of violence or the king’s call. These troops are trained Chalciope, if present, will not help the heroes fight her
minions, armed with spear and javelin; all attacks do father and his men, but neither will she help her father
Width in killing damage. in a fight.

If Gorgias surrenders or is otherwise at the heroes’

mercy, Chalciope pleads for the king’s life. Gorgias is too
The Fleece and the Dragon proud to plea himself.

If the heroes return to Athens with the Golden Fleece,

The Golden Fleece can be found in the grove of Ares,
its presence does indeed lift the plague—and great
a fertile field in a nook in largely barren mountains,
glory and rewards await the heroes who saved the city.
about about half a mile across.
A successful outcome to this scenario is a big thing for
In the middle of the field is an apple tree. On the tree
both the heroes and Athens. All of them gain a bonus
hangs the Golden Fleece. The Fleece comes from a new
point of Base Will as well as the usual XP rewards for a
winged ram, a descendant of the first who attained
game. Their characters will also be feted by the wealthy
his ancestor’s divine gifts. A shepherd by the name
and powerful of the city, and will be invited to all the
of Eusebius saw the ram as a divine sign, caught it,
best parties, and perhaps given lavish gifts—at least
and sacrificed it to Poseidon. Eusebius then prayed
until the novelty of their achievement wears off. This
for power and wealth. Poseidon heard the shepherd’s
could all lead to further adventures.
prayer and transformed him into a dragon.

The dragon lurks near the apple tree. A vast fire-

breathing serpent, it is no longer a reasonable being. It
rushes forward to attack intruders but will not pursue
beyond the grove of Ares. It can certainly be tricked
and is easily distracted by music or food. If wounded,
it pursues the one who hurt it and potentially ignores
other distractions, such as someone sneaking in to steal
the Golden Fleece.

A direct fight is tougher. The giant serpent’s stats are as

described on page 35.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)
Uninvited Guests
Adventure Seeds At the time of a feast — perhaps celebrating a victory, a
Great things are won by great dangers. (Herodotus) wedding, or a religious festival — a group of strangers
turn up: thirty centaurs. Wine is flowing freely, and it is
all but impossible to stop the centaurs taking advantage.
The Curse of Hera When they are drunk, a riot is virtually inevitable. The
PCs need to stop or contain the riot. Speaking to the
The Boar was just the beginning of Plataea’s problems.
centaurs, the characters will discover they are new to the
Other monsters are sent to plague it, including a vast
area, and if clever will find out they have been driven out
lion and a flock of harpies. The reason for the curse
of their old home by the arrival of a group of cyclopes.
is that Hera needs the apple of the Hesperides to be
If the cyclopes are dealt with, the centaurs might return
returned to the garden. If the heroes took the apple in
to their old home, and celebrations can once more take
the last adventure, they are pursued by the monsters
place without being disrupted by riots.
rather than Plataea being cursed. A visit to an oracle at
Delphi will reveal this curse, and what the heroes need
to do. One complication is that even the oracle does Liberty
not know where the Gardens of the Hesperides are;
they are advised to consult the gorgon Euryale (who The heroes are contacted by a messenger from the
dwells in a cave far away) to discover this vital piece of city of Miletus. It seems that city is being threatened
information. But what could possibly convince Euryale by a chimera, and needs the help of heroes. When the
that she should cooperate? heroes arrive, they find the tyrant has just a skeleton
force of troops that he does not want to risk; the bulk of
his troops are away fighting for Cyrus. The city is indeed
The Tyrant menaced by a chimera. But what those who sent for the
heroes really want — moreso even than the defeat of
It is the time of the Dionysia in Athens and there are
the monster — is freedom from the tyrant, and freedom
a number of important visitors to the city to take part
from Persia. If the heroes choose to help, there will
in or observe the theatrical festival. Culturally inclined
certainly be wide scale political repercussions; once the
player characters may very well be amongst them. One
city is freed from Persia, how will it stay free?
of Athens’ main stars in the festival is the orator and
playwright Megacles. Megacles is a Gifted descendant
of Dionysus, and his efforts have united the two main Descent to the Underworld
political parties of the city. He uses the introduction of
his tragic play as an excuse to denounce the arbitrary A young noble of the heroes’ acquaintance (perhaps
rule of the tyrant Peisistratus. The play itself is a Nikos, the young king of Plataea) was goaded in public,
criticism of tyranny, and can be viewed as a thinly veiled and made an oath to Zeus that he would bring the three
attack on Peisistratus’ rule. heads of Cerberus back to the surface world. He now
has cause to regret such a hubristic boast, and needs the
After the play is over, an attempt is made to assassinate help of the heroes to do what he has promised. If the
Megacles. It fails, thanks perhaps to the PCs’ efforts. heroes agree to help, the first step is to find an entrance
Interrogation of the assassins leads Megacles to declare to the underworld. This means consulting an oracle
in the forum that the assassins were sent by Peisistratus or a character with an appropriate Gift. A further
to silence him. He denounces the tyrant in public, complication is that the entrance to the underworld is
promises to lead Athens to democracy, and calls upon within a swamp where the Hydra dwells. Even if the
the free citizens of Athens to drive Peisistratus from the character succeeds, there remains the problem of what
city. His speech raises an angry mob. Hades will do afterward.
No divine hero can remain neutral in this conflict;
both Peisistratus and Megacles will attempt to recruit
the PCs. Peisistratus denies sending out assassins. His
rule is tyrannical, but Peisistratus has been good for
Athens and the people have prospered. And what does
Megacles really want? Whichever side they take, they
will find other Gifted characters, including visitors from
other cities, opposing them. Perhaps this opposition
includes some old enemies.

Camilo Navarrete (Order #25095592)

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