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I noted that they talked about how some friends use you and then make themselves the victim
once they are caught and how they have nothing or very little to give back or everything to
take. Also being a negative person can maybe put you in a position of power but that will make
you a bad person and a bad friend. It’s important to stop chasing power and start building true
relationships and be a good person in the society whom people can count on and call his friend.
I found that video very helpful since it highlighted the very key aspect of friendships that we
tend to often miss. Sometimes the people we are considering as friends are not actually our
friends. They are merely using us. Therefore, it is important to know the difference between
people who are actually your friends and fake friends because fake friends can hurt you more
than your enemies since you will never see it coming and they’d know everything about you. All
you secrets, everything. You are expecting your enemies or the people who don’t like you to
exploit you or hurt you normally, but, mostly the actually pain comes not from the enemies but
the people whom you considered as friends. And that leaves you with trust issues and what
not. Thus, it is important for us to watch the ones around us, and figure out if we have any toxic
people or fake friends in our circle who do more harm than good and make sure that they are
not part of our lives because we can gain nothing from them but lose everything. Also, having
negative people around you can also make you a negative person. We should be friends with
good people, the ones who inspire use to move forward in life and become the best version of

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