Event Management System: by D Yogendra Rao & Ankit Kumar

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By D Yogendra Rao & Ankit Kumar

This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Tata Steel to
help users manage various events throughout the year. Event Management
System (EMS) is a software system for managing seminars and meeting rooms
within the Departments. It is also used as a central calendaring system for
events sponsored by the Department and its employee groups. Employees
can use this system to reserve meeting space and specify technical services for
their events. The system is an online application that can be accessed
throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.
Home Page

Contains links to static pages :

• Home
• About
• Gallery
• Contact
• Sitemap
Also contains login options to log
into the EMS
Admin Employee
• Home : Gives a quick guide to EMS. Explains • Home : Gives a quick guide to EMS. Explains
his rights and functions. his rights and functions
• Employee Panel : Gives access to employee • View Events : Displays a calendar of events
• Create Event : Allows to create an event
• CREATE new employee
• Profile : View personal information
• Read Employee data
• Update Employee data
• Delete existing employees
• Notifications : Event notifications
• See new created events awaiting approval
• See approved events of past
• See viewed-unapproved events
Let us login as Admin
Admin - Home
Gives a quick guide to EMS
Admin – Employee Panel – search using personal no
Create Read Update & Delete Employee Information
Admin – Employee Panel – View all employees
Create Read Update & Delete Employee Information

• Unread Notifications – Shows the

newly created events

• Approved – Shows the events

already approved by the Admin in
the past

• Seen but not approved – Shows the

events already seen by the admin
but not approved
Approving Event
Let us login as employee
Employee - Home
Gives a quick guide to EMS
Create New Event

Employee can fill the form

and create a new event
which goes to the Admin’s
unread notifications for
View Events

A fully functional calendar

capable of display events
of any month from any
year. The calendar is very
user friendly and along
with displaying the events
it also allows
creating, updating and
deleting events
View Events – Create Event

Creating Event using the

Event Calendar – select the
week from the left and
click on the time block to
create Event.
View Events – Update Event

Updating Event using the

Event Calendar – Just click
on the existing event to
update the event. Allowed
only if its your event.

Employee’s personal information :

This page displays the Employee’s
personal data like Personal
No, Name, Department, Designati
on, Address, Phone No, Email Id …
Change Password : The page also
allows the employee to change his
Profile - Edit
Employee is allowed to edit and
update his profile partially. He can
only update certain fields like
Address, Phone No, Email Id …
Whereas fields like Personal
No, Name, Department, Designati
on are not editable by the
Remember : The admin has full
rights of editing the employee’s


Event Management System
By D Yogendra Rao & Ankit Kumar

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