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Piano solo Academy @PiancSotcChannel Gee ol 9 HE oly Fgeel jf cold! adder UT 51e> sghatiod Ab IF Sia 99, sign GTGE PUI SUS pllavan 252 SIS A Sable y polio 18 yh JS cle 3 29 ye laos IS poke Penbiall 2% adil Ady acta IF ed OF Giles bls 5 labels jo lp Apel pl Ae geen eS gale bs Kal ice Slaw UTE WS 2 pt alee Aieb seSld Jy pe tye fbr Sad bajo SG alye ay 0 S3 Lata poles (Sl gis Ae cabot D359 HL fole Se Ole 4 So 1p) le eh age WS iylo ay eyes 1 932 39.4 5 Kish 92 jd EMS poke S le pp tary Me gyi LB lh S Sp fi tle S Ute ea asa sel Ci pe 5 Sager ye Oa 99 Ie Ol pe alan sp ela peg IS en Ged Coed yl bya cla IU tle Sts ne ole gabe IS Gnd Bilog gai s Sp aphe Soghesy tybae aby plex ol ye oj age ge ol ke bie ley Gaels ibs JS2 Wea oul da 45 OF we pete Sala age a giles Oise y phe S329 SS pole 3 5 HI png ls Ube aa ge I) alot Gels Cubs gop ses lb JS Ul 5H (Phrase). be (Section) 2p (Moti) «is ys poe I SUS Sedat eye cegulibey thamony) gyste saa a by oiler as bes clase gle (heme)igs hee gb gst gla IU 5 eal 12, SUS VL slp L (orchestration) eS vr Basle apes wl Ss cm y sUT (concerto). iS (symphonie) , 3 sia. (sonate) FI, 9 Sey Eye pln Ey ALE by hy SUT eile alal S WS dpi alenl playgle ale Ogg WS ginny pole Wy JK aS dhe prey, cof SI galbsibial, ool 59.29 OSES Gags Cele tl cage lie gad Sal Sn Si pens Bs AS ge hi Le sla i sS $3 pal) dine ge oad Ble Shs, yb be tye leat ont Uo Gye Ob bel SUSE OL ayy OT jt eal LoS Lal (lactoriote) JL ¥5U & (pemmutation)e = 2S tebe Sg obeey 9 Cae aad oye S be abe jl le dpe aygf ed eh SLL E Dee Olio AeygF aed ay dey ae JSP Coney dhe OLS ig nhl ay 2 SL PIS pp ONE Gee deg 92 Gy L)0, 6,8, A Gy > 51 erbinel Landes JEL ge (1S Ss) Sib y Colt aad lee tah Aad AVM ag ge hole 5 5 cpl ibis SS lhe 9 ee eS be MCS gle Fe ea Oy ag eh Ve ee ee VN at ce Vea pe IM eh pe 9 2 VM 8 ae VN Ve ge ge wt ND egg VAM 3 pe EWE Ye ye pe ge ge Ye gM B= ee NY eee st Ng Ye yng IVY G9 ye pee IP go Ye na NF ot BEY. 92 oy We Ye eM ee Yet Slat jf asl 5 Sil pal OSL IB gr US ep S CS Ogg ty Vo ee > (Structure) ojo Hiyy 59 SUS aylye ple GUS 32 ihe gs 5 pT Cakes gles act (ont) 5b, 9 paki CEL (Sab j de Gy vaya abeal OSES Alyad Gee ayd gj Kal BEI ae Og UT SA Sys eV pane ple alias (Style) oj ¢ sgie WT ODS pA IS ops te Teale bye SS ways & ale cli ay pe agin ay line iI Gals Cage eee eae ptige GUblaays ol Olan ales & OIjbe Seal jb rl oS let a ol oder po Keble coke eSle algeg al el 2S be gle 30 UTS ae lel y iles S aentis De Oly atias CLI Sade SUF alt ISS 4 UBT cyl y BIE! y 3 OT tly Sat pal ool Gow 3 gle 4 AVOF WAN) gy ah ail 3b Seal (Mozart) 135 y+ 4 (Musicalcice games) 6 glimnye slasily | (Musikalsches Wifelspiel)oly.2 EI ganesh LS Gale aye 1) Yledlte GLa Wl: Baad ayes Opie lt de ye aah Sas ole asda prre JIL Cpl g So St pe OS LID Spat dasem UT GIS aS 53 gb Geo SNF gates UT gles ab, 22 UT TN Sethe ane og oy thes Soy ede fale Sal Le egbea (Wars AW) bb 95 95 Kgogh las 4 SCA VOI Syl ye UT Cg’ Ae YET 32S Coal eo jh gata (mati) Spl yo Jal BI oul cles JAS Bae 3 02g: Spear See IS UL 90 32 AS Cel line Cae SLE thee Gd pae te LaF pole WS CNdoe) «pony GaelLT gle ated sg gules OLS 23h) eld ge os ULI AID WE GS sldel dom 39 (A ot WS, ghow ya (Measure) Oper WF 5105 (code) aS sly shel ou alg ge Cob oT gla gee lan D5 LK ples ROT jo Sa De dad jlo boat WOAYVTYAPTAVYA sles Cate Oly a o25le 33 ooo jl gl ealized b tal eUGIE gee SAL Kal tal ages eboljer oul HHL CA gabled gpl ily Acts ll abbel oye Oh Sib bpd a ba rsl ig oer pe 08 Olin ty Sle side UG 1 Sway opt yd lane JS aL 2 Ghats Gabby be Gk hin rll GS dle 4 glassl p95! 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